Depression - types, symptoms, treatment. Signs of depression in girls What are the symptoms of depression

Mental disorders, characterized primarily by decreased mood, motor retardation and disruption of thinking, are a serious and dangerous disease called depression. Many people believe that depression is not a disease and, moreover, does not pose any particular danger, which they are deeply mistaken about. Depression is a rather dangerous type of disease, caused by a person’s passivity and depression.

This disease is characterized by signs of low self-esteem, indifference to one’s life, and loss of taste for it. Very often, a person with symptoms of depression finds salvation in alcohol or, worse, psychotropic substances. These substances, of course, help get rid of the signs and symptoms of the disease, but this does not resolve the issue of the cause of depression. In addition, the use of harmful substances worsens the situation and leads to complete loss of the person.

Let’s take a closer look at what depression is and what main types of this disease exist.


Depression is a human mental disorder that is most common in women and less common in men. The age of people who fall under the influence of the disease ranges from 18 to 55 years, but the occurrence of the disease at earlier and later ages cannot be ruled out, but only in rare cases.

Depending on the reasons that provoke the appearance of depression in a person, this disease is divided into types. These types are called:

  1. Chronic depression or dysthymia occurs over a long period of time (up to 2-3 years).
  2. Acute or clinical depression- the most complex form of the disease, which is characterized by pronounced symptoms. Clinical depression is characterized by a short duration of course, but is complex in nature. Every adult is familiar with the symptoms of the acute form of this disease.
  3. Reactive depression characterized by spontaneity of occurrence against the background of the emergence of serious stressful situations.
  4. Neurotic depression arises through emotional disorders in which neuroses occupy the dominant link.
  5. - actually this type of malaise, through which a person is deprived of drinking alcoholic beverages. This may occur due to coding or identification of another disease in which a person is prohibited from drinking alcohol.
  6. Prolonged depression characterized by a long-term accumulation of negative factors, which are ultimately localized into malaise.
  7. Masked depression is caused by pain symptoms that indicate somatic forms of disease.
  8. - occurs, accordingly, after the birth of a child.
  9. Bipolar or manic depression- characterized by the predominance of emotional lability (unstable mood) in the human psyche.

Each of the above types has its own reasons why one or another form of illness actually occurs. Let's look at what these reasons are in more detail.

Causes of mental disorders

The occurrence of a mental disorder in both women and men is determined primarily by negative changes in their lives. This is the main factor or sign that plays a major role in the initiation of the disease. But in addition to negative changes, there are a number of other reasons that influence the appearance of depressive disorder. If you know these reasons, then in some situations it is possible to independently avoid the occurrence of a psychological illness.

The main reasons include the following factors:

  1. Conflict situations that arise between relatives, friends and loved ones. As a consequence of such conflicts, this unpleasant situation is deposited in the human brain. Constant worries and thoughts about only one thing lead to depression.
  2. The loss of a loved one or friend also leads to the fact that a person cannot withstand psychological trauma and withdraws into himself. Most people experience reactive depression, which disappears after a certain time. But for some people, especially women, the loss leads to complete psychological disorder, that is, neurotic depression. If you do not take therapeutic measures, this can lead to mental insanity.
  3. Violence. For women, the sign of sexual violence is no less significant than the loss of a loved one. Apart from sexual, abuse can also be emotional or physical. The last two types of violence in most cases are not capable of leaving psychological trauma for life.
  4. Genetic predisposition. Cases of depression in ancestors can cause depression in descendants.
  5. Problems. The presence of problems directly affects the occurrence of depressive symptoms. Moreover, problems can be both personal and business in nature. A problem of a social nature cannot be ruled out.
  6. Disease. Having learned about a fatal disease, a corresponding reaction occurs in the form of a decadent mood.
  7. Alcohol addiction. A person suffering from bad habits also has the characteristic feature of depression. Such people have two types of disease: chronic and alcoholic. The first occurs against the background of some event, leading to the fact that a person finds pain relief in alcohol or drugs. And the second type arises due to the prohibition of drinking alcoholic beverages, which actually leads a person to confusion. Alcoholic depression was previously found exclusively in males, but nowadays this type of disease is often diagnosed in women.
  8. Medicines. Taking medications can cause depressive disorders in some cases. These disorders occur under the influence of medications taken that have side effects on a person.

Thus, depression can occur not only in women. This disease is widespread among people of all genders, ages and nationalities. Mental disorders are diagnosed among ordinary middle class people, as well as among the rich and even famous. This is explained by the fact that modern values ​​have a direct negative impact on a person and his condition. Each person has his own specific goal, but when he realizes that he is unable to achieve it, then a feeling of despair, isolation and uncertainty sets in. This is where the first sign of depression arises, which, if you do not try to cure it, can lead to much more serious diseases, such as the development of cancerous tumors of the cerebral cortex, etc.

Only in some cases, depression can occur in the absence of problems, but there are reasons for this, because, most likely, it is caused by a person’s genetic subconscious.


People often ask the following question: “What is depression, and how to deal with it?” It is already known that depression is a complex and serious disease that manifests itself due to the predominance of psychological trauma. When considering how to combat the disease, it is necessary to first pay attention to the symptoms of depression, since it is the first sign of the disease that makes it clear about the localization of a particular type of ailment in a person.

Symptoms of depression are quite varied and manifest themselves differently in everyone, depending on the type of predominant ailment. The main signs of the symptoms of the disease are:

  • anxious feelings;
  • feelings of guilt or despair;
  • decreased self-esteem;
  • self-isolation.

Symptoms in women appear more clearly than in men, which is associated with the physiological characteristics of the brain. A man can be depressed for many years and hide it. In women, the picture of symptoms is visible quite clearly, so if the first signs of localization of the disease are detected, then it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately.

For your information! Depression is a serious illness that requires medical intervention. It is possible to treat the disorder on your own, but in most cases this treatment for depression is null and void.

Symptoms of the disease also manifest themselves in the form of constant fatigue and lack of interest in life. The patient is no longer interested in what previously brought him joy and pleasure. Symptoms of the disease even affect sexual life, contributing to the development of impotence in men and infertility in women.

The disease is also observed by a change in a person’s behavior: he becomes inattentive, loses the ability to take purposeful actions, and cannot concentrate his attention. Often the sick person begins to avoid his family and friends, he becomes lonely and withdrawn. People often find salvation from such symptoms in alcohol-containing drinks or psychotropic, and even worse, narcotic substances.

A depressed person's thoughts become negative, negative, and self-directed. It is common for a person to fixate on the denial of himself; he considers himself unnecessary, worthless, and a burden to his family and friends. He is characterized by difficulty in making any decisions.

Symptoms of the disease affect not only the emotional sphere, they also manifest themselves in the form of sleep disturbances and insomnia. During the day, the patient can sleep through the night, but the dreams are short and filled with frequent awakenings and phobias. On the nutrition side, the picture can develop according to two scenarios:

  1. The patient may lose his appetite completely, and the body begins to quickly become exhausted, which leads to weight loss.
  2. Appetite may increase, and at the same time the patient begins to overeat, eat at night and actively gain weight.

As the disease progresses, physical pain appears in the area of ​​the heart, abdomen, and sternum. Depression often leads to constipation. Against the background of a decrease in energy reserves, the body quickly becomes overtired during both physical and mental stress. The first sign that is characteristic of the emergence of psychological and emotional malaise is a problem in sexual life, which the sexual partner will understand on the very first day.

Symptoms by type

Depending on the type of predominance of the disease, the characteristic symptoms of manifestation vary. It is important to know the symptoms in order to notice them in time and seek help. If the picture of symptoms is unclear, then in this case the medical diagnosis of the disease cannot be postponed.

Symptoms for each type of disease manifest themselves as:

Clinical depression characterized by a feeling of oppression and uselessness. The patient has delusional thoughts about feelings of guilt and the meaninglessness of existence. In this case, the patient experiences disturbances in sleep, appetite, and pain in the stomach. This type often causes migraines and skin diseases. Constant irritability leads to disorders of the genital organs.

Reactive depression It is characterized by both short-term symptoms, which typically last no more than a month, and prolonged ones - up to two years.

Characteristic symptoms are the emergence of feelings of deep despair, thoughts of suicide, the emergence of fears and phobias. Headaches and fatigue occur, appetite and night sleep are disturbed. All these signs indicate the predominance of a mental disorder - reactive depression. Sometimes reactive depression leads to suicide attempts, especially common among women. If the first signs of such tendencies are noticed, then it is necessary to constantly monitor the patient.

Neurotic depression has the following symptoms: a feeling of lethargy, fatigue, weakness, which are accompanied by prevailing headaches. Neurotic depression often leads to the appearance of nervous diseases. Symptoms of this type are not persistent and lead to successful recovery if appropriate measures are taken. The patient is characterized by exciting experiences with which he constantly struggles, tries to influence the psycho-emotional situation, while maintaining self-awareness. Neurotic depression also, together with neurosis, leads to mental attacks and hysteria.

Caused by the manifestation of disturbances in the functioning of the digestive and nervous systems, as well as the functioning of the liver. The first signs of an alcoholic type of disease are characterized by the appearance of vomiting.

Alcoholic depression is expressed in a deterioration in well-being, the occurrence of lethargy and the appearance of thoughts of suicide. This type of disease is most common among older men, so suicide attempts occur specifically with alcoholic depression. The main symptoms include:

  • slowness when moving;
  • general lethargy;
  • facial expressions correspond to a sad mood;
  • insomnia;
  • feeling of constant anxiety.

Alcohol-related depression can occur a week after an unwanted cessation of alcohol and last up to 2 years.

Lingering look characterized by the following symptoms:

  • apathy;
  • increased anxiety and despair;
  • distrust of others;
  • low self-esteem;
  • tearfulness;
  • isolation and craving for solitude.

Masked depression manifests itself as the following picture of symptoms:

  • headaches and migraines;
  • skin itching;
  • sexual disorders;
  • pain when inhaling;
  • the appearance of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Masked depression is also called hidden depression, which indicates the difficulty of diagnosis. The most characteristic sign of this type of illness is the lack of improvement even with medical intervention. Against this background, in order to try to get rid of the malaise, the patient finds other alternative ways to get rid of the symptoms. Masked depression often leads to a shortened life, so even during treatment, patient supervision is required.

Manic depression manifests itself in the form of the following signs of illness:

  • irritability to objects, society and any activities;
  • feelings of helplessness and guilt;
  • inhibition: physical, mental and speech;
  • melancholy, anxiety, sadness;
  • lack of appetite and sleep.

In addition to emotional disorders, manic depression causes disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, arrhythmia, tachycardia, and bradycardia appear. Constipation occurs, the patient gradually goes into a frozen state, manifested in the form of refusal to eat and lack of response to people around him.

Chronic depression is determined by a change in a person’s behavior: he loses the ability to take purposeful actions, concentration of attention is impaired. He withdraws into himself, does not want to have long emotional conversations, loneliness becomes his usual habitat. The patient finds friends such as alcohol and drugs. Constant thoughts only about bad things, low self-esteem, complete apathy towards the world around you. During alcohol intoxication, frequent suicidal relapses occur.

All of the above symptoms indicate the predominance of mental disorders in a person. The sooner the first signs of the disease are detected, the correspondingly greater the chances of complete relief from the disease. Treatment for depression begins with an accurate diagnosis.


“I was “attacked” by depression, what should I do?” is a question that is widespread among young people. Yes, most people themselves can already identify the presence of depression and are trying to find ways to get rid of it. But is being overwhelmed really depression? In order to find out whether a person really suffers from depression, it is necessary to undergo a diagnostic course.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by an experienced doctor, who, at the first complaints, begins with simple questions about the patient’s mood and thoughts. Next, they move on to tests, based on which the doctor knows the picture of the disease. If, nevertheless, the doctor detects a suspicion of depression, then a series of procedures are carried out to examine the patient, which make it possible to exclude other similar diseases.

So, diagnostics includes:

  1. Physical condition check: weight, height, blood pressure and pulse.
  2. Laboratory tests: It is necessary to donate blood for analysis to identify abnormalities.
  3. Psychological study: a visit to a psychotherapist who conducts a conversation about symptoms and finding out the cause of the disease. Also, based on this, the doctor determines the presence of thoughts of suicidal tendencies, which is important in diagnosing depression.

Once the appropriate diagnosis has been made, it is necessary to immediately move on to treatment for depression.


Treatment of depression begins, first of all, with a correct diagnosis and determination of the form of exacerbation in which the disease is located. If depression is treated correctly and in a timely manner, the result can be a complete recovery. Most people do not want to visit a doctor, since determining the diagnosis is fraught with negative consequences for the patient: the introduction of social restrictions, registration, a ban on driving vehicles and traveling abroad. In most cases, the patient believes that everything will pass after a certain time, but, unfortunately, this will only worsen the situation. Thus, if a mental disorder is not treated, the patient will end up with either a suicidal relapse due to an emotional breakdown, or the appearance of a fatal disease.

The disease tends to localize due to stressful situations, which leads to somatic ailments of the following systems:

  • cardiovascular;
  • endocrine;
  • gastrointestinal.

Depression in such situations tends to become more complicated, but if it is treated in a timely manner, you can achieve complete relief from the ailment.

If a person has mental disorders, then it is necessary to understand that it is not worth treating this disease on your own, since it will have practically no effect. Treatment of depression consists of the following complex techniques:

  • Biological therapy, which is divided into drug and non-drug treatment for depression.
  • Psychological therapy.

Treatment of depression through biological therapy using medication involves the use of special medications. These drugs include tricyclic antidepressants:

  • Melipramine;
  • Amitriptyline;
  • Paroxetine;
  • Tianeptine.

Treatment of the disease with these antidepressants is not only effective, but also safe. For each patient, a specific dose is prescribed individually. It is worth noting that the effectiveness of these drugs lies in the duration, so there is no need to count on a positive effect in the first weeks. In addition, antidepressants do not cause dependence or addiction, so their use is prescribed in the first place.

Depression is treated by using benzodiazepine tranquilizers, which have a positive effect in the first month of use. But unlike tricyclics, benzodiazepines are addictive, so their use is strictly controlled. Benzodiazepine drugs include:

  • Phenazepam;
  • Tazepam;
  • Elenium;
  • Corvalol;
  • Valocordin.

Treatment with psychological therapy

Treatment of depression according to the method of using psychotherapy consists of three types:

  • cognitive;
  • psychodynamic;
  • behavioral therapy.

The main purpose of therapy is to identify the conflict and resolve it constructively.

Treatment of depression with cognitive therapy is the most effective, since it is based not only on identifying conflict, but also on changing the way of thinking to a more acceptable one, that is, optimistic.

Behavioral therapy treats depression by eliminating behavioral symptoms. These symptoms include: refusal of entertainment and pleasure, leading a monotonous lifestyle, etc.

At the same time, treatment for depression should rely not only on the attending physician, but also on the people around the patient. It is important that all the patient’s actions are perceived without aggression; it is necessary to constantly support him, speak only on optimistic topics and set the patient up for positive aspects. In the end, you need to distract him from your thoughts, give him a smile and joy, and the more often you observe these manifestations on his face, the faster he will recover from depression.

Depression threatens modern society. This disappointing forecast is shown by annual disease statistics. Depressive disorders occupy an honorable second place among ailments, second only to cardiovascular pathologies. How to treat depression, which affects more than 30% of the world's population?

Few people know about the typical signs of impending trouble. Most seek help when depressive disorder becomes protracted and dangerous. According to WHO, 50-60% of all suicides are committed by people who are depressed. To avoid facing a serious situation, you need to learn everything about depression.

Depressive disorder is the No. 1 threat in modern life

Classification of depressive disorders

Depression is a mental disorder perceived by most people as a manifestation of selfishness, laziness and pessimism. But a pathological situation is not just an indicator of a bad mood. This is a serious somatic disease that requires competent and timely treatment.

Women, due to their innate emotionality and sensitivity, are susceptible to depression much more often than the stronger sex.

Russian psychiatry divides the manifestation of depression and the disease itself into two large groups. They are divided into simple and complex.

Simple depression

Doctors characterize simple depressive disorders as level I depression. These include the following types of pathology:

Adynamic. This type of depressive disorder manifests itself as general weakness and loss of interest in life. The patient has no desires, pronounced indifference to others. During the day, drowsiness predominates, and at night a person suffers from insomnia.

The term “adynamia” means a sudden, severe loss of strength, accompanied by muscle weakness.

Adynamic depression is manifested by physical and emotional inhibition. The patient develops feelings of worthlessness, self-pity and feelings of inferiority.

Main symptoms of depressive disorders

Agitated. This type of disorder is accompanied by increased arousal, accompanied by constant feelings of anxiety and fear. Patients are tormented by feelings of guilt, desire punishment, and reproach themselves for any actions.

Dysphoric. It manifests itself as eternal dissatisfaction with everything that surrounds the patient. The disorder provokes outbreaks of irritability, dissatisfaction and deep melancholy. Aggressive manifestations towards others may occur, sometimes reaching the point of uncontrollable rage.

Ironic. The patient, faced with this type of pathology, does not pay attention to internal anxiety. The main sign of ironic depression is a deliberate demonstration of a good mood. The patient begins to be ironic, joke, smile, make jokes, hiding true feelings.

Modern depression is rapidly getting younger

Stuporous. A depressive disorder of this type is accompanied by motor inhibition, sometimes reaching partial or complete immobility and mutism (prostration). The patient falls into a deep depressive affect. He refuses food, all reactions are inhibited.

Alarming. This common type of depressive disorder occurs against a background of depression, anxiety, and a sense of danger. The patient experiences sudden mood swings and the emergence of various phobias: darkness, strangers, streets, cars, animals.

Patients show increased agitation: they talk a lot and often, their thinking is confused and accelerated. The disorder occurs with the development of suicidal feelings and dark thoughts.

Melancholic. Characterized by the manifestation of oppressive melancholy, tearfulness, and a deep drop in mood. This type of depressive disorder often develops in middle-aged people. The patient complains of a feeling of severe mental pain (it is also called “vital melancholy”), accompanied by pain in the cardiac region.

Complex depression

Depressive disorders classified as level II. Pathologies of this type combine more complex symptoms and psychopathological syndromes. Complex depression includes the following types of disorders:

Asthenic. Depression of this type brings with it the manifestation of inadequate perception of any impressions. A person loses the ability to respond to external stimuli, his emotional reaction disappears. Patients complain of a feeling of emptiness, an inability to perceive and express feelings.

Mechanism of development of depression

People become painfully impressionable, suspicious, and insecure. There is a sharp decline in working capacity, increased fatigue and irritability.

Hysterical. A type of depression in which patients demonstrate vivid affective states. They are characterized by expressive behavior, an exaggerated attitude towards all events, tearfulness, reaching the point of hysteria.

Hypochondriacal. Such patients experience a combination of a feeling of depression with the development of any overvalued ideas close to a delusional state. According to observations, this type of depression develops more often in lean, slender women.

Interesting facts about depression

Psychasthenic. It occurs against the background of a persistent decrease in mood and complete lethargy. A person develops a feeling of self-doubt, indecisiveness and timidity.

Additional types of depression

Depressive disorders are also classified according to the reasons that caused the pathology and the nuances of the course of the disorder. Depression is divided into the following additional types:

  1. Chronic. It is diagnosed if the symptoms of classical depressive disorder are observed for a long time (up to 2-2.5 years).
  2. Clinical (or acute). One of the most complex types of pathology. Such depression is characterized by a number of pronounced symptoms. Clinical depression is usually short-lived. This type of disorder is common and most people are familiar with it.
  3. Reactive. This type of depressive disorder develops against the background of prolonged, severe stressful situations.
  4. Neurotic. The trigger in the development of neurotic depression is emotional disorders of varying degrees and neurotic states.
  5. Alcoholic. People who have begun to struggle with drunkenness experience this. Such depression develops as a result of coding or identification of dangerous diseases for which the consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
  6. Lingering. It develops due to the long-term accumulation of any negative factors, which at one point result in a depressive disorder.
  7. Masked. It appears due to various pain symptoms that accompany various forms of somatic diseases.
  8. Postpartum. This type of depression is caused by sudden hormonal changes in women after childbirth.
  9. Manic (or bipolar). This depression is caused by the innate nuances of a person’s character (when emotional lability predominates in the mental makeup of the individual).

Depressive disorders are rich in manifestations and varieties. Each of the numerous types of pathology has its own symptoms.

Symptoms of depression

Depressive manifestations are variable, their severity depends on the personality type, the presence of additional somatic disorders, the cause and type of depression. Doctors have grouped the main signs of the disorder into four separate classes:

View Symptoms
Emotional Melancholy, despair, depressed mood, constant anxiety, feeling of danger, irritability, mood swings, loss of self-esteem, feelings of inferiority, dissatisfaction with oneself, loss of interest in favorite activities, detachment from others, loss of the ability to empathize.
Physiological (somatic) Sleep problems (insomnia/drowsiness), the appearance of bulimia or vice versa, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal disorders (constipation, diarrhea, flatulence), decreased libido, physical weakness, decreased intellectual abilities, painful manifestations in the stomach, heart, joints, muscles .
Behavioral Development of passivity, fear of social activities, tendency to loneliness, reluctance to communicate, loss of interest in friends and family, tendency to abuse alcohol, refusal of any type of entertainment.
Thinking Difficulty concentrating, fear of making decisions, gloomy mood, thoughts of death, suicidal talk, lack of a sense of humor, feelings of worthlessness and uselessness, severe pessimism.

Regardless of what symptoms of depression appear, any type of anxiety disorder is accompanied by a fear of large numbers of people and a panicky fear of public speaking. Sometimes people are afraid to even go outside.

Depressive disorders are often accompanied by thoughts about the possibility of contracting an incurable disease.

To diagnose a depressive disorder, it is enough for a psychiatrist to have at least 3 signs present in the clinical symptoms. And manifestations of pathology were observed for 1.5-2 weeks continuously.

How the disorder develops

The development of all depressive conditions is based on disturbances in the normal production of hormones responsible for biorhythms and emotional background. Predisposing biochemical factors under the influence of any external causes give rise to depressive symptoms.

Consequences of depression

Psychiatrists distinguish the following stages in the development of depression. They are basic. Know them in order to recognize impending danger in time:

First stage (development of hypotemia)

Doctors call hypothemia a persistent drop in mood. A decrease in emotional background does not recover after proper rest and is fundamentally different from the annoyance, boredom or sadness that everyone is accustomed to.

What previously brought pleasure now causes disgust and apathy. The emotional connotation of hypotension can vary - from a feeling of blues to pronounced self-flagellation.

The patient reproaches himself for any reason, exaggerating problems and fantasizing about their gloomy development. Gradually, a person moves away from any manifestation of social activity, withdraws into himself and falls into an apathetic state.

Second stage (manifestation of bradypsychia)

This term in medicine refers to retardation (motor and mental). The patient begins to feel a gradual increase in a certain lethargy. The former liveliness, optimism, and cheerfulness disappear.

Main signs of depressive disorder

Efficiency suffers, the person does not want to do anything. Life ceases to bring the same satisfaction. A favorite hobby is pushed into the background, a person stops taking care of himself. Now, even to make the necessary phone call, you have to force yourself to go to the phone and dial the number.

All the usual routine things are now done with obvious effort, on “autopilot”. Human movements become mechanical and stereotypical. The body gradually depletes itself.

With bradypsychia, the intellectual abilities of the individual suffer to a greater extent. Physical performance remains at the same level. That is, a person is able to carry heavy bags home, but is not able to comprehend what needs to be bought, forgetting about the essentials.

Third stage (occurrence of hypobulia)

Or a significant decrease in instinctive and volitional human impulses. The patient loses interest in the opposite sex, tasty food, and desire for night rest. The person cannot sleep and often wakes up. Chronic lack of sleep further exacerbates hypobulia.

Hypobulia often begins before classic symptoms of depression appear. A person can feel these signs long before they completely go into a state of psychomotor retardation.

At this stage, a person already understands that something wrong is happening to him and looks for the reasons for his illness. Visits to doctors and diagnostic centers begin. Of course, there are additional somatic diseases. Treatment is started that does not in any way affect the real cause, which leads to a worsening of the disorder.

What to do if you are depressed

Often people do not turn to a psychotherapist, even knowing what depression is and how it manifests itself. The usual prejudice dictates their will:

  • what my colleagues and friends will think of me if they find out that I am being treated by a psychiatrist;
  • I don’t want to turn into a slobbering vegetable, because I will have to take heavy medications;
  • What if they forbid me to drive a car, register me, or offer me to go to a mental hospital.

A person, fearing public reproach, attributes the symptoms of depression to ordinary fatigue. He spends money and time on treating the somatic illnesses accompanying depressive disorder, driving himself to complete exhaustion and severe neurotic conditions, which are actually being treated in a hospital.

Is this development of events better than timely seeking help from a psychologist or psychotherapist? After all, the sooner a depressive disorder is diagnosed, the easier and faster it will be to get rid of it and live a full life again.

Depression is a disease known since ancient times. People suffering from it have always had a hard time living - not only because of their own melancholy, but also because of society’s attitude towards the problem: if before the patient was suspected of being possessed by the devil, in our times depression is often considered a manifestation of laziness and weakness. Scientists, fortunately, think differently and, moreover, successfully treat this disease. T&P explain how real depression differs from the usual blues and what to do if someone close to you suffers from it.

Poor people

“Depression” is a relatively new term, it appeared only in the 19th century. However, the disease itself has existed for more than the first millennium. It is mentioned in ancient texts from Mesopotamia, Babylon, Egypt and China. In those days, the cause of depression (as well as other mental disorders) was considered to be human possession by demons. The treatment, accordingly, was exorcism sessions: the patients were beaten, tied up, and starved.

In Ancient Greece during the time of Hippocrates, healers, following the legendary doctor himself, were sure that melancholy (as depression was previously called) was caused by an excess of “black bile” - one of the main body fluids. To treat this condition, Hippocrates recommended the use of bloodletting, baths, exercise and diet.

The next important step forward was taken during the time of Plato: philosophers of that time came to the conclusion that the cause of mental illness could be childhood experiences and problems in the family. However, it was not possible to advance further than this idea in those days - after another half a millennium, the dark ages came, which did not promise anything good for the mentally ill.

St. Augustine, who lived at the very beginning of the Dark Ages, stated that despondency and depression are punishment for sins, and symptoms of severe clinical depression are signs of demonic possession (yes, again). They were treated for “demons” in much the same way as in ancient times - with the help of punishments with which patients were supposed to atone for their sins. But the gradual decrease in the influence of the church by the 17th–18th centuries did not bring anything good to patients with depression: the era of reason and rationalism explained the disease “progressively” - as a lack of self-discipline and indulgence in laziness. However, this does not mean at all that medicine condoned “laziness” - depression was treated with torture, designed to distract patients from their harmful lack of concentration.

By the middle of the 19th century, a fashion for hysteria began in Europe - it was explained by many diseases in women, from depression to sexual dysfunction. The popularity of hysteria has led to the emergence of a huge number of different methods of treating it - from hypnosis and water procedures to quite medieval practices such as burning the skin with acid to distract the patient from the disease. In the 20th century, depression began to increasingly appear as a separate diagnosis in medical practice, but even today the attitude towards it is ambivalent - the myth that it is not a disease at all, but a lack of motivation, connivance and laziness, is still alive.

What is depression

Today it is common to call depression anything, even endless sadness about the absence of your favorite type of tea in a cafe. Doctors, however, have their own opinion on this matter. Depression in its classic form (also called clinical depression or major depressive disorder) has four main symptoms, and none of them are at all similar to what people normally feel when separated from their favorite drink.

1) Decreased mood. This is not just sadness, but a feeling of melancholy and hopelessness that is literally physically felt. If depression is caused by events in the outside world (then it is called reactive), it is basically impossible to escape from depressing thoughts, despite all the cheerful advice from friends “not to get hung up on.” If depression is endogenous (that is, caused not by external factors or other diseases) and there seems to be no reason for sadness, then life simply ceases to be enjoyable entirely, completely.

2) Impaired cognitive function - simply put, problems with thinking. Firstly, thoughts become very slow and clumsy, and secondly, it is noticeably harder to think than before - they either scatter or get confused, and it is impossible to put them together. And finally, thirdly, thoughts always revolve around one thing. Either around the cause of reactive depression, or, with endogenous depression, around one’s own sins, shortcomings, mistakes, character flaws. One way or another, quite often depressed people come to the conclusion that they are to blame for all their (and sometimes other people’s) troubles, and things won’t get any better, which means life no longer has meaning. This is why depression is such a dangerous risk for suicide.

3) Motor retardation. It becomes as difficult to move as it is to think, even one expression often freezes on the face - according to friends, people with depression seem to age several years at once.

4) Disturbances in the functioning of various body systems. Symptoms of depression also include loss of appetite, insomnia, weight loss (even if there are no problems with appetite), general weakness and constant fatigue, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, decreased libido and menstrual irregularities in women.

In addition to clinical, “major” depression, there is also “minor” depression - when the patient has at least two of the listed symptoms, but their number or severity does not reach full clinical depression. It happens that this condition lasts for several years - in this case, the doctor diagnoses “dysthymic depression”. Its cause is often some traumatic event in the past, already half forgotten, but still pressing.

Correctly diagnosing depression is not always easy, because in addition to cases “just like in the textbook,” there are also patients who do not have any characteristic signs of depression at all, for example, there is no depression or sadness. But instead of it (or some other symptom), other disorders are added. Such depressions are called atypical. Simple atypical depressions include those that include grumpiness (the term “grumpy depression” actually exists in medical reference books), anger, a tendency to be ironic, cry, etc. But if, in addition to the characteristic features of depression, the patient also has hallucinations or delusions , doctors talk about complex atypical depression (also called psychotic).

And finally, in addition to unipolar depression, when the patient’s mood is more or less consistently bad or not at all, there is also (previously called manic-depressive psychosis), in which periods of depression are replaced by episodes of impressive elation.

And why all?

If we talk about exogenous depression, then the reasons for their occurrence (at least the first-order reasons) include all sorts of traumatic events that happened to the patient, various diseases (primarily neurological, such as epilepsy and dementia, and endocrine, for example, diabetes) , traumatic brain injuries, taking certain medications, lack of sunlight, severe stress.

The situation is more complicated with endogenous, “causeless” depression. There is no clear answer to the question of what goes wrong at the moment when a person becomes depressed. But there are hypotheses about this. The leading theory today is the monoamine theory. According to it, depression begins due to a deficiency in the body of two substances - serotonin and (or) norepinephrine (they are precisely monoamines). The first of them, among other things, is responsible for the feeling of joy, the second is called the “mediator of wakefulness”; it is actively produced during stressful reactions and in situations where it is necessary to gather oneself and act.

The problem may be not only in the actual lack of these substances, but also in disturbances in their transmission from neuron to neuron. The development of Prozac and some other popular antidepressants is based precisely on this theory - their work comes down to increasing the amount of monoamines or correcting problems with their transmission. However, not everything is smooth here. Critics of the monoamine theory say that if depression depended only on serotonin levels, then antidepressants would help immediately after taking them, and not after a month of treatment, as is actually the case. In addition, research suggests that when serotonin levels decrease, not everyone develops depression. From these premises a separate “stress theory” grew. According to her, the effect of antidepressants is not due to their influence on the level of serotonin in the body, but to the stimulation of neurogenesis - the birth of new nerve cells. These processes in certain areas of the brain continue throughout life, and stress can disrupt them. A couple of weeks of taking antidepressants corrects the situation, and thus depression can be overcome. The “stress theory” today is no longer considered an explanation of the origin of depression, but as a hypothesis about the mechanism of action of some antidepressants, it is taken quite seriously.

Happy pill

Of course, a conversation about the treatment of depression should begin with a story about antidepressants. They are divided into two large groups - stimulating and sedative. The former are used when symptoms of lethargy and fatigue predominate, the latter - for depression accompanied by anxiety. Choosing the right antidepressant is a complex task, since it is necessary to take into account the type of depression, its severity, the patient's expected response to a particular drug, as well as the potential for the development of mania in patients with bipolar disorder. The wrong choice of drug can result not only in aggravation of the condition, but also in suicide - stimulant antidepressants can give the patient exactly the strength that he lacked to end his hateful life. Actually, this is why it is better not to conduct personal experiments with these drugs.

Patients with depression are often recommended to undergo a course of psychotherapy - however, soul-saving conversations mainly show their effectiveness in reactive depression. They treat endogenous drugs, according to studies, in much the same way as placebos.

In general, the range of remedies recommended for mild forms of depression is quite wide: physical activity, light therapy, acupuncture, hypnosis, meditation, art therapy, etc. Most of these methods have no evidence base at all, but some (including physical activity and light therapy) do. Unfortunately, with severe endogenous depression, all this does not work. However, there is treatment for such cases too.

Electroconvulsive therapy shows the best results (much better than antidepressants, for example). This is not at all a continuation of the centuries-old history of treating depression with torture: the patient is given anesthesia and a drug to relax the muscles, after which controlled convulsions are induced using an electric current. As a result, chemical changes occur in the brain that lead to improved mood and well-being. After approximately 5–10 sessions, 90% of patients experience significant improvements (antidepressants help in approximately 60% of cases).

Everyone is sad

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses. According to WHO statistics, more than 350 million people suffer from it worldwide. This means that it is very likely that someone you know may have this disorder. It is with them that you can show all your delicacy and sensitivity, because proper treatment of a patient with depression is very important.

The very first rule is that you should not be embarrassed to be a reinsurer. If someone talks about plans to commit suicide, it is better to first call the emergency psychiatric service, and only then figure out whether it was a beautiful phrase or an expression of intention.

Depressed people are rarely good communicators—few people can be when life seems unbearable. Therefore, when communicating with someone who is depressed, you should not take too harsh answers or their complete absence personally - this is only a consequence of the disease. There is no need to reduce the conversation to platitudes like “everyone goes through this” and “I understand how you feel.” Firstly, your own feelings are always perceived as unique, and secondly, you really most likely have no idea what exactly a person is going through at the moment. It can be much more helpful to admit that you don't know what your friend or relative is feeling right now, and are willing to listen to them if they want to tell you about it.

People with depression often feel lonely and isolated from others, so telling them that they are not alone and that you are ready to support them and help them can be very helpful. But you shouldn’t say how hard it is for you because of their poor health - the feeling of guilt will only grow, and the person will most likely not be able to correct the situation, even if they try.

There is no need to try to help with feigned optimism - most likely, “cheerleading” will only worsen the condition. Trying to “order” people to come to their senses and pull themselves together is another great way to ruin communication a little more than completely, just like unprofessional advice on treating depression, regardless of what Wikipedia writes about these specific recommendations. Simply letting your loved one know that you are here and ready to help them is the best medicine you can offer.

Depression is a mental disorder characterized by loss of the ability to feel joy, decreased mood, and suffering. In recent years, the world has seen a catastrophic number of people experiencing symptoms of this disease. The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that the patient does not realize that he is caught in the web of depression, and therefore cannot overcome the depressive state on his own. A special differential diagnostic technique, which is successfully used in modern medicine, allows us to determine the type and characteristics of the disease.

Causes of depressive disorder

The exact causes of depression are still unknown. They often appear under the influence of several factors at once. The risk group for depression (ICD code 10) includes people with low self-esteem, pessimists and adolescents. In psychiatry, there are a number of reasons why a person develops anxiety-depressive personality disorder:

  • taking drugs, psychostimulants;
  • taking antidepressants;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • childbirth, pregnancy;
  • avitaminosis;
  • neurological, oncological, endocrine pathologies;
  • uncontrolled or long-term use of antipsychotics;
  • stress;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • low amount of sunlight consumed;
  • side effects of medications;
  • lack of dopamine and serotonin in the blood;
  • experiences (separation or death of a loved one, loss of money, job, change in social status and other negative factors).

Why is depression dangerous?

If you cannot get out of a depressive state on your own, you must definitely contact a specialist, otherwise over time this can lead to disastrous results. Consequences of mental disorder:

  1. Problems with loved ones. The person becomes withdrawn and alienated. It is difficult to be around someone like this all the time, especially if depression occurs in women.
  2. Deterioration in appearance. A patient who cannot overcome the symptoms of depression becomes indifferent and stops taking care of himself. Motivation disappears, hair loses its shine, splits, nails break, skin turns pale and peels.
  3. Decreased quality of life. A person loses energy, activity, and a feeling of uselessness appears. In severe cases of the disease, there is a risk of suicide.
  4. Cardiovascular diseases. If the help of a specialist does not arrive in time, then, against the background of constant worries, a person experiences physical pain in the heart, head, and abdomen. If the depressive state is not relieved in time, chronic heart disease may occur, and the likelihood of seizures and even death is high.
  5. Diabetes. The risk of obesity is increased by 58%. Bad mood, mild anxiety or regular sadness causes a person to “eat up” problems, which contributes to the development of diabetes.
  6. Tobacco, drug, alcohol addiction. When it is impossible to get rid of a depressive state for a long time, people try to free themselves by taking psychotropic substances. However, their side effects only aggravate the problem, reducing the functional characteristics of the brain.

Classification of the disease - types

There are two types of depressive states: exogenous, when the disorder is provoked by an external stimulus (stressful situation) and endogenous, when depression is caused by internal experiences, often inexplicable to the patient himself. Until quite recently, it was believed in medicine that the first type does not pose a particular danger to humans, that the condition is transitory.

The endogenous species was considered a complex disease leading to serious neurotic pathologies. Now doctors are sure that it is an external stimulus that provokes a severe disorder, and endogenous depression is characterized as a mild depressive episode.

Symptoms and signs

It is rare when a person can lift himself out of a depressed state. Basically, the disease only develops without the intervention of a specialist. Men and women tend to experience the same symptoms of depression. Conventionally, they are divided into 4 groups: mental, behavioral, physiological, emotional.

People feel a sense of sadness, low self-esteem, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, lack of activity, and a negative outlook on the future. When a profound degree of depression develops, especially in older people, adolescents or women during pregnancy, characteristic signs of the disorder can be observed:

  • lethargy;
  • loss of libido;
  • autonomic dysfunction;
  • deterioration of self-care skills;
  • idea of ​​guilt;
  • somatic distress;
  • suicidal tendencies;
  • hallucinatory syndrome;
  • difficulty communicating;
  • obsessive fears.


The most important factor in the treatment of depression is its diagnosis. It is very difficult to get out of depression on your own, and a person, entangled in depressive psychosis, does not know what to do. During the interview, the specialist must take into account many factors in order to prescribe adequate treatment. The defining mechanisms of psychological diagnosis are the identification of the characteristics and causes of the disease.

After determining the cause, the doctor refers the patient to biochemical diagnostics, which is based on identifying the levels of norepinephrine and serotonin. This will allow us to determine which mediator is not enough to select the right series of antidepressants. To diagnose depression, there are special questionnaires that are considered psychodiagnostic scientific tools. The most popular methods:

  • Beck scale.
  • Methods of differential diagnosis using the Zung scale.
  • Self-rating depression scale.
  • Questionnaire of Depressive States (DSI).
  • Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS).


Based on the results of tests and biochemical diagnostics, the doctor prescribes individual psychotherapy and/or drug treatment. Doctors are confident that latent depressive syndrome (latent depression) of any stage is curable. The most effective therapy is achieved by combining medications, psychotherapy, therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy. Mild depression can be treated at home. If the patient is predisposed to an acute form of mental disorder, he may be admitted to a hospital.

A person's lack of ability to cope with depression on their own requires help in the form of antidepressants. Their essence is to force the human body to produce nerve impulses that are responsible for activity, behavior, and mood. What medications do you need to take for this:

  1. Tricyclic structure (Imipramine, Amitriptyline). Block the reuptake of neurotransmitters. Very strong effect and many side effects. Prescribed only on an outpatient basis for the most severe form of depression.
  2. Second generation with tricyclic action (Pyrazidol, Befol), which already affects other receptors. Fewer side effects, have a sedative effect, but do not cope with severe forms of depression.
  3. Third generation antidepressants (Fluoxetine, Citalopram). Affects serotonin metabolism. Corrects phobias and panic attacks. Convenient one-time use.
  4. Fourth generation antidepressants (Milnacipran, Duloxetine). Selectively affect serotonin and norepinephrine without affecting other mediators.

Which doctor treats you?

Psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, and neurologists help fight depression. The first ones work with the client’s thoughts and emotional experiences. Using available tools, they ask questions about how the person is feeling and provide moral support. Psychotherapists also rely on the power of words, but they work with the expansion of consciousness, teach how to overcome depression, change attitudes towards oneself, help find strength in overcoming everyday difficulties, and in rehabilitation after depression. These specialists, unlike psychologists, have the right to treat depression with antidepressants or tranquilizers.

A psychiatrist helps you get rid of moderate and most severe forms of depressive disorder. Specializes in mentally ill people. He will not conduct intimate conversations and will not require the patient to describe his condition. The work of a psychiatrist is a tough position towards the patient, who is treated mainly on an outpatient basis with the permission of the patient or his family. Neurologists deal with depressive cases that lead to neurological diseases - Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia and others.

Correction methods for children and adolescents

Depressive symptoms in children are a constant apathetic state, rebellious behavior, a difficult character, insomnia, and a tired general condition. The most problematic disorders occur between the ages of 14 and 19 years. During this period, suicidal tendencies are observed; adolescents are often in a drug-induced state or after drinking alcohol. Depression does not go away on its own for everyone.

Parents have to turn to professionals for help. In medical practice, the correction of depressive disorder in adolescents is carried out through consultation or medication. As for medications, sedative tablets are prescribed (Novo-passit, Persen). If the condition worsens, the same therapy is carried out as for adults.

How to get out of depression on your own

In psychology, there are several tips for self-relieving stress. The first and main step is proper nutrition. It is necessary to introduce foods that improve your mood into your diet: chocolate, fatty fish, brightly colored vegetables and fruits, seaweed, bananas, nuts, cheese. The second step to getting out of a depressive state on your own is proper sleep. Having 7-8 hours of sleep will strengthen the nervous system.

Physical activity helps overcome depression. Even if a woman is on maternity leave in the last weeks of pregnancy, she can still spend 15-20 minutes daily for stretching or yoga. People who do not know how to think positively are susceptible to stress. It is advisable to find literature that will help you understand how to learn not to react negatively to stimuli and pay attention only to the beauty of life, and look for interests in the world around you.


Depression is not a human weakness, but a disease that requires specialist intervention. In order not to bring yourself to visit a psychiatrist, at the first symptoms of a depressive state you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Light. Depression and apathy occur mainly in the off-season, when there is little light outside. For this reason, you need to have a lot of lighting fixtures in your home. During the day, try to walk in the fresh air more often, and trying to get a depressed family member out for a walk will add to his health.
  2. Movement. Motor functions release endorphins into the blood. Spend a few minutes a day doing gymnastics, and symptoms of depression will not affect you.
  3. Cheerfulness. No one will diagnose you with a nervous disorder if you are always in good shape. Stimulating the body with natural remedies will help with this: rosehip decoction, herbal balms, teas, ginger.
  4. beauty. Pay attention to everything beautiful, buy only bright things, keep order in your home and workplace. Take care of your body. Try to fill every moment of your life with beautiful images.
  5. Future plans. Try to plan your future correctly and set your priorities. Find a hobby, new friends with similar interests. May your wishes be fulfilled!

Depression is spreading more and more. She's getting younger. Effective methods based on the use of basic principles of physiology and biochemistry will help you get rid of depression.

What is depression?

Depression is an illness, a mental and somatic disorder. The main signs of depression are depression and bad mood. Along with them, inhibition of motor skills and brain activity is observed. When examining the brains of people suffering from the disease, multiple areas of reduced activity are identified.

Other somatic manifestations are possible as a result of a decrease in the overall energy of the body. This:

  • headache;
  • digestive disorders;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • joint pain;
  • heart pain;
  • sexual disorders.

At the biochemical level, depression is associated with disturbances in the functioning of the brain. This is a reduced production of monoamines or good mood hormones. They are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses between neurons. If there is a lack of serotonin, dopamine or norepinephrine, the brain cannot function normally.

This fact shows that the disease has a mental and material background.

Types of depression

In psychiatry, depression is distinguished according to two principles. The disease is caused by three categories of causes:

  • somatogenic;
  • psychogenic;
  • endogenous.

With different genesis, the manifestation of the same symptoms of depression is possible. Therefore, it is advisable to distinguish the nature of the course of the disease. Unipolar and bipolar depression are possible. The first is characterized by a permanent depressed state that does not change for months and years. The second type is part of an affective disorder. Periodically it gives way to a manic, active stage.

Unipolar forms are divided into:

  • clinical;
  • small;
  • atypical;
  • postnatal;
  • recurrent;
  • dysthymia.

With such a gradation, the boundaries of states are not clear, the classification remains imperfect. At Stanford University, depression was divided according to how it manifests itself:

  • voltage;
  • anxious arousal;
  • generalized anxiety;
  • anhedonia;
  • melancholy.

Conditions vary in severity. They require different treatments.

Anxiety-depressive disorder

This is a neurotic condition in which depression and despondency are aggravated by anxiety and anxiety. The subjective feeling of fear is unreasonable. Against the background of habitual obsessive fear, frequent panic attacks occur. The result is nervous exhaustion and breakdowns.

The patient feels apathy, fatigue, irritation. Under such conditions, somatic reactions begin:

  • diarrhea;
  • dyspnea;
  • chills;
  • insomnia;
  • tachycardia;
  • headache;
  • muscle blocks.

In severe cases, nausea, fainting, and panic attacks are added. An adult does not suspect that he needs treatment for depression. He goes to the therapist with complaints about his health. It is important for a doctor to quickly distinguish the latent course of the disease from secondary symptoms in order to refer the patient to a psychiatrist.

Women are more susceptible to anxiety disorders. This is the influence of unstable hormonal levels and natural emotionality.

Depression in spring

Spring depressed mental states are of an endogenous nature, but do not fall under the definition of severe medical pathologies. They talk about asthenic syndrome, which manifests itself as:

  • avitaminosis;
  • drowsiness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • causeless sadness;
  • feeling of hopelessness;
  • prostration.

A prolonged period of cold weather and short daylight hours help weaken the production of hormones, including neurotransmitters. Oxygen starvation, climatic, astronomical factors, physical inactivity are the prerequisites for a decrease in vitality in the spring. Both men and women are susceptible to it. But they can cope with depression on their own.

Proper nutrition, exercise, fresh air are well-known folk methods.

Sleep and wakefulness, music, aromatherapy, a week's vacation will become an effective medicine. Experiencing joyful moments in life works better than pills.

Postpartum depression

Pregnancy and childbirth mobilize the vital resources of the female body. During the postpartum period, functional disruptions in the functioning of the digestive, nervous, and endocrine systems are common. Transient depression occurs in the first week after birth and lasts 2-3 days. 80% of women are able to get out of depression on their own. But 20% of young mothers have a history of:

  • hereditary predisposition to the disease;
  • major life stressors;
  • unsuccessful pregnancies.

These are risk factors. Together with hormonal changes, they provoke severe postpartum depression. The symptoms are similar to the classic ones, but add:

  • fear or hostility towards the child;
  • suicidal thoughts;
  • anxiety;
  • tearfulness;
  • attacks of anger;
  • delusions or hallucinations.

Without treatment, postpartum depression goes away on its own over time or develops into psychosis.

The child's father, along with other relatives, also become sources of irritation. The disease is treated with antidepressants, supported by psychotherapy and physiotherapy.

Protracted condition

Making this diagnosis is extremely difficult due to the vagueness of the symptoms. Often a prolonged depressive state (depressive neurosis, neurasthenia) accompanies a person from childhood or adolescence. Therefore, manifestations of the disease are considered character traits. This leads to decreased self-esteem, isolation, and distrust of the world. A person suffers from misunderstanding and loses interest in life. Markers of the disease in young girls are bad habits and unkempt appearance.

The danger of prolonged depression is that it becomes habitual. The patient himself considers it normal and refuses to recognize it as a disease. In this case, there is no chance of cure.

The patient must do homework. You should contact one of the following specialists:

  • psychologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • psychotherapist;
  • neurologist.

He will prescribe auxiliary medications.


In the International Classification of Diseases, dysthymia is coded F34. Clinical manifestations are similar to a depressive episode (code F32).

Prolonged depression is often called dysthymic conditions. The clinical manifestations of both diseases are similar. In ICD-11, the term “dysthymia” is replaced by “dysthymic disorder”.

The principles of diagnosis and treatment are common to all types of disease. Dysthymia is a common cause of pathological weight gain, loneliness, lack of prospects and goals. But it does not interfere with leading a normal lifestyle and going to work. This is where the difficulty of diagnosis lies.

In the early stages of the disease, self-cure is possible.

The difficulty is that diagnosis is difficult due to unclear symptoms. Prevention after traumatic factors prevents the development of depression. These include:

  • divorce;
  • parting;
  • death of loved ones;
  • treason;
  • difficulties with money;
  • conflicts at home;
  • menopause in women.

Preventive measures - pharmacological in combination with psychotherapeutic ones.

Features of depression in men

Depression is the most common mental disorder. Women suffer from it more often. 25% of women are familiar with this disease. The percentage of sick men is 15-20%. But male depression is more severe and more often ends tragically.

Men are susceptible to depression of an exogenous nature. Their hormonal levels are stable. Social pressure leads to breakdowns. Heredity and childhood impressions are the basis for the development of mental disorders and neuroses.

Manifestations in men have their own characteristics. Often this is:

  • aggressive behavior;
  • tendency to take unnecessary risks;
  • alcoholism;
  • uncontrollable outbursts of anger;
  • sexual promiscuity and perversion.

These signs are mistakenly taken for manifestations of male nature, the influence of testosterone or adrenaline. Men tend to hide depressive feelings and emotions.

This behavior aggravates the patient's condition.

Depression in children

Symptoms of the disease in children are mistaken for whims. This:

  • poor appetite;
  • lethargy;
  • sleep disorders;
  • disobedience.

Previously, it was believed that depression occurs only in mature individuals after 30 years of age. Later they started talking about depression in children and adolescents. Now you can hear about depression in infants due to improper weaning.

Depression is a biochemical malfunction in the body. It is possible at any age.

Parents need to pay attention to:

  • speed of reactions, motor skills of the child;
  • interest in communicating with peers;
  • sleep, appetite;
  • mood.

If a child is depressed and loses weight for no apparent reason, then this is a signal of problems.

Children are prone to anxiety. They can develop into full-blown depression or destructive disorder.

10% of children are genetically predisposed to depression. They have insufficient production of neurotransmitter hormones. The addition of external factors gives a typical clinical picture of a mental disorder.

What causes the disease

Depression has internal causes related to the biochemistry of the body.

The first of them is a lack of neurotransmitters norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. It is associated with insufficient synthesis of these hormones or with an excess of the enzyme that breaks them down. MAO (monoamine oxidase) is sometimes produced in large quantities. It destroys three enzymes responsible for the synaptic interaction of brain neurons. This is the second possible cause of the disease.

The theory of suppression of the functions of brain synapses underlies the action of currently used antidepressants.

It is unknown what is primary for the onset of the disease - external circumstances or internal hormonal imbalances. Cases of drug-free treatment for depression prove the inverse relationship between external and internal factors.

Signs and symptoms

Mood changes and functional disorders are normal in healthy people. They do not mean illness or mental disorder. But if the symptoms do not go away within 2 weeks, then something needs to be done about them.

Action should be taken if:

  • chronic fatigue appeared;
  • haunted by anxiety, causeless fear;
  • attacks of irritation and anger become more frequent;
  • bad mood does not go away;
  • suicidal thoughts arise;
  • It became difficult to concentrate.

The physical body responds to the suffering of the soul with pain in the heart, solar plexus, joints, and head. In advanced cases, psychosomatics is expressed in skin diseases, stomach ulcers, and arterial hypertension.

The patient is unable to interact with society and is forced to live in isolation. Chronic protracted cases are not so noticeable, but bring grief and suffering to the person and his relatives.

What are the consequences of this condition?

Negative thinking in depression cultivates feelings of guilt and inferiority. This destroys the patient's personality.

Apathy is expressed in indifference to others, an inability to experience feelings. Over time, a person loses loved ones, family, and friends. This closes the vicious circle of loneliness and aggravates the manifestations of the disease.

Due to the inability to concentrate, mental work has to be eliminated. This essentially means the patient is mentally disabled. If you let the course of the disease take its course, it can lead to suicide.

History knows cases of suicide of great artists, poets, and writers. They suffered from chronic depression for years. Marina Tsvetaeva, Ernst Hemingway, Stefan Zweig, Fyodor Dostoevsky are famous suicides. Their lives took a tragic turn, giving food to neurotic tendencies. They did not even try to fight depression, considering it a part of their life. They left, unable to withstand the pressure of circumstances. But from the point of view of psychiatry, this is a natural result of advanced depression.

In older people, metabolic processes slow down and hormone production is reduced. Hence the senile strengthening of character traits and age-related depression.


Only a psychiatrist or psychotherapist can make a diagnosis of depression. To be sure, you will need a consultation of the following specialists:

  • psychiatrist;
  • therapist;
  • neurologist;
  • clinical psychologist.

The opinion of these doctors is important for determining hidden depression and identifying the cause of concomitant somatic disorders.

The psychiatrist examines the patient and draws up a clinical picture of the disease. For rapid diagnosis of the severity of depressive disorder, testing according to Zung or Beck is used.

Zung scale - 20 questions with answer options “never”, “sometimes”, “often”, “all the time”. Despite the apparent simplicity of the method, it accurately determines four degrees of severity of the patient’s condition:

  • norm;
  • light;
  • moderate;
  • severe depression.

The patient can test himself. This is important when subjective sensations do not allow one to assess the condition or track the dynamics of treatment.

How is depression treated?

People suffered from mental disorders thousands of years ago, today the disease is progressing and getting younger. The term "depression" appeared in the 19th century. Before this, the disease was called melancholy, spleen or obsession.

Ancient methods and treatment in the Middle Ages were similar to brutal physical therapy. Doctors used:

  • bloodletting;
  • emetic, laxative powders;
  • ice baths;
  • starvation;
  • sleep deprivation.

It is not known how deprivation helps patients heal. But it is an effective treatment. Modern doctors use radical methods such as electroshock therapy.

Until the mid-20th century, the official cures for depression and stress were opium and marijuana. And ladies at the beginning of the last century snorted cocaine for migraines.

The disease in its early stages is curable using physiological methods without the use of drugs. Recommend:

  • physical activity;
  • socialization (communication);
  • balanced diet;
  • 7-9 hours of sleep daily;
  • psychotherapy.

Gentle methods include deep hypnosis. It has a strong effect, but requires a large number of sessions. In severe cases of bipolar disorder and psychosis, treatment is carried out in a hospital with the use of antidepressants.

The problem with treating depressive disorders is that 2/3 of patients turn to therapists and neurologists, rather than psychiatrists. After going to the doctor, people do not receive adequate treatment. Therefore, 50% of cases of disability are associated with advanced depression.

Medicines and vitamins for depression

Non-drug therapies are successful as long as the patient is stable. Therefore, in severe cases and conditions of moderate severity, drug treatment cannot be avoided. Antidepressants, hormones, and lithium salts are used. The mechanism of action of the latter is unknown.

It is important to note that drugs with neurometabolic action are not psychostimulants. In healthy people they do not improve mood. The mechanism of action affects the synaptic interactions of hormones with neurons. Antidepressants are divided into MAO inhibitors and tricyclics.

Clinical practice has shown the positive effect of antidepressants on concomitant somatic diseases.

Their effect on the disease is noticeable after 2 weeks of use. First of all, appetite and sleep improve, and anxiety decreases. Sometimes a sedative effect is observed.

When choosing funds, the following are taken into account:

  • patient's age;
  • his gender;
  • severity of symptoms;
  • medications taken.

Antidepressants have side effects. If they are very pronounced, then you need to choose another drug. Vitamins C, D, group B and zinc salts are recommended.


50% of specialists consider psychotherapy a more effective method than pharmacological one. Taking pills is difficult due to patients' paranoia. They experience side effects even when taking a placebo.

Cases of treatment-resistant depression have been described when medications do not work. This occurs in 30% of patients with unipolar depression.

In such cases, psychotherapy is the last hope for recovery. There are such types of it:

  • psychoanalysis;
  • cognitive;
  • existential;
  • interpersonal;
  • relaxation.

Complex treatment combines pharmacology with psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is not an alternative to medications, but an additional treatment.

Studies have proven the same clinical effectiveness of antidepressants and cognitive psychotherapy.

The latter reduces the likelihood of relapses compared to drug treatment.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment?

An indicator of the effectiveness of disease treatment is the patient’s well-being and absence of symptoms. It happens that at an intermediate stage of treatment it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the drug. To understand the dynamics of the recovery process, the same Zung scale is used.

To quantitatively measure the effectiveness of treatment, readings of the electrical activity of the brain are used. Depressive states are characterized by a loss of interest in once-loved activities, food, and people. Using an electroencephalogram, you can measure the brain's potential when receiving a reward. Then you need to repeat the study after a course of treatment with drugs or psychotherapy. The dynamics of potential changes will show the effectiveness of the treatment.

How to get out of depression on your own?

To get rid of depression, a person must admit that he is sick. This means taking responsibility for your own health, declaring your intention to heal.

It is necessary to exclude contacts with negativity:

  • horror and thriller films;
  • television news;
  • "toxic" communication.

The patient should be surrounded by friendly, positive people. Friendly support is very important: going to fun concerts and meetings. You need to learn to accept the help of others. Alcohol, drugs, cigarettes should be excluded.

You need to gradually achieve a full night's sleep. If you cannot fall asleep at first, then you need to lie in bed with your eyes closed, without moving. The body will perceive this as complete rest. In time, sleep will come.

Physical activity until fatigue is required. Running, aerobics, and swimming are recommended. Water generally has a positive effect on energy.

You need to learn to relax. Meditation, music, massage help well with this. Aromatherapy with lavender, lemon balm, and rosemary oils complements meditation.

You need to give vent to emotions - positive and negative, without identifying yourself with them.

What should you not do?

You should not prescribe pills yourself. Only a doctor can select an antidepressant.

Only the initial forms of the disease can be cured on your own. You can determine the stage of the disease yourself using the Zung scale. If testing shows a moderate or severe form of the disease, then self-medication is contraindicated.

For mild forms of the disease, aggressive treatment methods cannot be used. These are antidepressants and electric shock intended for the treatment of severe stages.

There is no need to fall into despair or blame yourself. The feeling of hopelessness is just a symptom. He will go away along with the disease.

Modern medicine cures many forms of mental disorders. Timely access to a doctor and the patient’s desire to be healthy are a guarantee of successful treatment.