Erosive gastritis: nutritional recommendations. Erosive gastritis: nutritional recommendations Erosive gastritis nutrition recipes

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Gastritis is one of the most common pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, which has many varieties and forms. Diet for erosive gastritis of the stomach is the basis of the entire treatment course. The rate of recovery and the likelihood of relapse depend on how the patient eats.

General characteristics of the diet

Depending on the form in which gastritis occurs, the diet may vary greatly. So, during an outbreak of acute inflammation of the mucous membrane, the patient is prescribed a strict diet, but as the disease recedes, food restrictions are gradually eased.

In any case, the menu for erosive gastritis should exclude alcoholic beverages, fried, spicy and fatty foods. In addition, the patient must stop smoking, since smoke also has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

The diet can vary greatly depending on the acidic environment of the gastrointestinal tract. If there is gastric juice, then the diet should be aimed at reducing the level of acidity, and with atrophy of the secretory glands, food should, on the contrary, provoke their activation.

With erosive gastritis you need to exclude:

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  1. Products that stimulate the production of gastric juice. Such products include alcohol, carbonated drinks, sour juice, strong coffee, cabbage, smoked foods, legumes, white bread.
  2. Food that can aggravate inflammation of the mucous membrane (heavy meat or fish dishes, radishes, various mushrooms).
  3. Food that is too hot or cold. You should eat food slightly warm or at room temperature.
  4. Food fried in oil.
  5. Spicy, hot, salty seasonings. With erosive damage to the gastric wall, even ordinary salt or pepper can cause severe irritation.

What can you eat with this form of the disease:

  1. Steamed meat dishes.
  2. Dietary types of fish.
  3. Boiled and vegetables. It is better to eat them in the form of puree or cream soup.
  4. Various cereals. It is allowed to add finely chopped vegetables or fruits to them.
  5. Non-acidic fruit compotes, jelly, jelly.
  6. Milk and low-fat fermented milk products.

If acidity is increased, then 40 minutes before meals it is advisable to drink a glass of sodium bicarbonate mineral still water. It is necessary to eat little to avoid excessive filling of the stomach. At the same time, the patient should not feel hungry, so he needs to eat often enough (4-8 meals per day). A person should adhere to such a diet for 3-4 months, even if the symptoms no longer make themselves felt. In addition, the patient is advised to rest and should avoid stressful situations.

Menu for erosive gastritis in the acute stage

The diet for acute erosive gastritis is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory processes of gastric tissue. On the first day of manifestation of the disease, doctors insist on complete abstinence from eating food. On the second day, you can already start eating well-boiled porridge, jelly, and boiled eggs.

Every day, as the manifestations of the disease decrease, the diet should expand, including more and more new dishes.

Meals should be small, at least 5 times a day. The volume of food consumed at one time should correspond to the size of an adult’s fist. All dishes must be boiled or steamed. Food - chopped, ground or pureed as finely as possible. A couple of days after the patient’s condition has normalized, his diet can include biscuits, omelettes, low-sour cottage cheese, vegetable soup, lean meat, weak tea, and milk.

The principles of dietary nutrition for acute erosive gastritis are based on eliminating inflammation in the tissues of the stomach.

On the first day of an exacerbation, it is recommended to stop eating altogether. From the second day, it is allowed to gradually introduce semi-liquid well-cooked porridge, natural jelly, and boiled eggs into the menu. This is a fairly strict diet, which will gradually soften as the acute process subsides.

You should eat meals in small portions, 5-6 times daily. Dishes should be cooked primarily by steaming, and food should be chopped and pureed as much as possible. For several days after the inflammatory process has normalized, biscuits, steamed omelettes, non-acidic and low-fat cottage cheese, vegetable soup, dietary white meat, and weak tea with added milk can be added to the menu.

For acute erosive gastritis, a strict diet lasts 15-25 days. After the inflammatory reaction is removed, the diet can be expanded somewhat, but you cannot abandon the diet altogether. As we said above, to consolidate the results, the diet must be followed for at least 3 months. When acidity increases, it is allowed to gradually include vegetable oils in the menu; when low - broths, a small amount of salt, lemon juice.

Spicy foods, bread and buns, fatty and fried foods, sauces and marinades, lard and sausages remain prohibited throughout the diet.

Diet for chronic erosive gastritis

Nutrition and diet for chronic erosive gastritis depends on the stage of the disease. During the period of exacerbation, a strict diet is prescribed, the same as for acute erosive gastritis. During the period of remission, the diet expands slightly, but meals still remain fractional, with small portions of food, about 6 times a day.

It is recommended to start every morning with a glass of clean, not cold water. Food should be as gentle as possible: spicy, pickled, smoked, dishes with salt and preservatives should be avoided. Fruits must be eaten without peeling.

Avoid butter, replace it with any vegetable oil.

Forget about buns, creams and alcohol.

  • skimmed milk;
  • white bread croutons;
  • dishes from liver, tongue, white meat;
  • low-fat fish;
  • boiled eggs;
  • stewed or boiled vegetables;
  • vegetable soup or puree;

  • pureed side dishes from cereals (preferably rice, oatmeal or semolina);
  • freshly squeezed non-acidic juices, diluted in half with boiled water.
  • broths, soups;
  • fermented milk products;
  • boiled and stewed vegetables;
  • low-fat meat, fish;
  • side dishes made from cereals without adding milk and butter (vegetable oil can be added);
  • homemade jam, natural honey, dried apricots, figs, raisins (instead of dessert);
  • fruit and vegetable salads;
  • strong brewed tea, or herbal tea (chamomile, St. John's wort, lemon balm);
  • dried dark bread or crackers (not made from white flour).

This diet should be followed for several months until stable remission.

Diet for erosive reflux gastritis

Erosive reflux gastritis occurs with the contents of the duodenum entering the stomach cavity. As a result, erosions appear on the gastric mucosa, which are not easy to cure. The reasons for this are the abuse of unhealthy foods, drinks, and overeating.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to prepare the stomach: for this, fasting is prescribed for 1-2 days. During these days, you are allowed to drink only still mineral waters and lightly brewed tea without sugar. During these two days, the stomach will be able to recover and rest.

Further diet for erosive reflux gastritis will consist of frequent and small portions of food. These will be only boiled or steamed dishes, mainly vegetables, a variety of cereals and slimy soups, ground white meat.

The duration of treatment for the disease is about 1 month.

It is imperative to exclude strong drinks (alcohol, beer, strongly brewed tea and coffee), as well as salt, spices, animal fat, fried foods, marinades, vinegar, dyes, soda and sauces. Under no circumstances should overeating be allowed.

Diet for antral erosive gastritis

Antral erosive gastritis is a type of reflux gastritis. The name “antral” indicates that there is damage to a greater extent to the same section of the stomach.

The diet for antral erosive gastritis excludes the consumption of fatty meats (such meat is very difficult for the stomach), as well as sour foods, including sour cottage cheese and sour milk.

In the acute period, fractional meals are prescribed, about 6 times a day. It is more advisable to eat food in very small quantities and in a lying position.

Prohibited: coffee, beer, alcoholic drinks, smoking, rough and spicy foods, processed foods, smoked foods and soda. Excluded are salt, spices, sweets (flour, ice cream and creams), onions, garlic, horseradish and mustard, as well as mayonnaise and ketchup.

The main goal of such a diet is to stimulate stable production of gastric enzymes and relieve the stomach walls from the mechanical effects of food.

In general, nutrition for lesions of the antrum of the stomach is not much different from the diet for erosive reflux gastritis.

Diet for erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis

Erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis occurs with periodic bleeding, which is associated with damage to the vascular walls in the gastric mucosa. The difficulty of treating this form of erosive gastritis is that the erosive surfaces can bleed until the erosion is completely healed. But even after this, not in all cases we can say with confidence that the disease has been cured.

Drug treatment of erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis will not be effective unless you change your lifestyle and reconsider your diet.

Diet for erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis is the basis for a speedy recovery. The patient should completely avoid fried, canned or pickled foods, as well as spices, salt and smoked foods. Sweets, baked goods, white bread, cocoa, coffee, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, sour varieties of fruits and berries are prohibited.

What does the diet consist of? The menu should include light dishes that do not burden the stomach:

  • vegetable soup;
  • oatmeal, as well as buckwheat, rice and pearl barley;

  • vegetable puree with vegetable oil;
  • stew of vegetables and herbs;
  • fresh fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese, kefir).

Steamed or boiled fish or eggs are perfect for protein foods. As for eggs, you can eat them raw, boil them soft-boiled, or make a steamed omelet from them.

Great attention is paid to the daily routine and food intake. You need to eat 6 times a day in small portions. Products should be crushed as much as possible, and while eating, chew well, so as not to damage the mucous membrane of the diseased stomach with unchewed pieces.

Diet menu for erosive gastritis

We present to your attention an approximate diet menu for erosive gastritis for seven days.


  • Breakfast. 2 soft-boiled eggs, a cup of weakly brewed tea with breadcrumbs.
  • Snack. Banana.
  • Dinner. Celery puree soup, steamed meatballs, rosehip tea, crackers.
  • Afternoon snack. Berry-fruit mousse.
  • Dinner. Sea fish fillet from a steamer with potatoes.
  • A glass of kefir at night.
  • Breakfast. A plate of oatmeal with honey, chamomile tea.
  • Snack. Biscuits, jelly.
  • Dinner. A bowl of cereal soup, fish cutlets, a cup of fruit compote, crackers.
  • Afternoon snack. Berry soufflé.
  • Dinner. A plate of meat stew.
  • At night - yogurt.
  • Breakfast. Steamed cottage cheese, a cup of compote.
  • Snack. Sweet pear.
  • Dinner. Vegetarian beetroot soup, chicken fillet with vegetables, toasted bread, herbal tea.
  • Afternoon snack. Baked apple.
  • Dinner. Buckwheat side dish with liver, tea.
  • At night - a glass of tea with milk.
  • Breakfast. Steamed omelette, plum jelly.
  • Snack. A handful of dried apricots.
  • Dinner. A serving of rice and potato soup, fish and vegetable casserole, crackers, weak tea.
  • Afternoon snack. A glass of compote with dry cookies.
  • Dinner. Vegetarian pilaf, a piece of dried bread, herbal tea.
  • Before bed – a glass of fermented baked milk.
  • Breakfast. Curd and berry casserole with jam, tea.
  • Snack. Berry mix with yogurt.
  • Dinner. A plate of tomato soup, a steamed cutlet with barley, a glass of prune compote, a piece of dried bread.
  • Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese with low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner. A piece of boiled fish with vegetables, crackers.
  • Before bed - a glass of kefir.
  • Breakfast. Lazy dumplings with low-fat yogurt, a cup of weak tea.
  • Snack. Fruit soufflé.
  • Dinner. Barley soup, carrot-beet cutlets with boiled fish, a glass of compote, crackers.
  • Afternoon snack. A handful of any dry fruit.
  • Dinner. Fish and vegetable casserole, weak tea, a piece of dried bread.
  • At night - yogurt.


  • Breakfast. Rice pudding, compote.
  • Snack. Sweet apple.
  • Dinner. Beetroot soup, steamed chicken cutlets, boiled potatoes, weak tea, crackers.
  • Afternoon snack. Galette cookies.
  • Dinner. A portion of vegetable side dish, boiled fish, a piece of dried bread, a cup of herbal tea.
  • Before bed – tea with milk.

Diet recipes for erosive gastritis

Here are a few recipes to diversify the weekly menu outlined above.

  • Apple pudding for breakfast

We will need: half a glass of apple juice, 5 yolks, 300 ml of milk, 100 g of sugar, 25 g of gelatin.

Add gelatin to apple juice and leave for half an hour. Meanwhile, beat the yolks, put the milk on the stove, and bring to a boil. Add sugar and mix. After this, add the juice with gelatin to the milk, and finally the yolks. Stirring continuously, cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Turn off the heat, pour the mixture into molds and place in the refrigerator to harden for 8 hours. If you prepare the pudding in the evening, then by morning you will have an unusual and healthy breakfast ready.

  • Meatballs with milk sauce

We will need: 0.5 kg of minced chicken, an onion, 3 slices of bread, 200 ml of milk, 2 tablespoons of flour, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, herbs.

Grind a small onion and bread into minced meat.

Prepare the sauce separately: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of flour into a frying pan, add vegetable oil, mix, pour in milk, cook for about 10 minutes.

We make meatballs from the minced meat and put them in the sauce, simmer until cooked (~35 minutes). When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

  • Vegetable couscous

We will need: 3 tablespoons sunflower oil, 200 g pumpkin pulp, one sweet bell pepper, 1 small zucchini, 250 ml water, 150 g couscous, 1 small onion.

Wash the zucchini, pepper and pumpkin pulp, peel the pepper in the middle. Chop the vegetables and onions into small cubes and simmer over low heat. In a separate pan, boil 250 ml of water, pour boiling water over the couscous, add tbsp. a spoonful of sunflower oil and let it swell for about 5 minutes. After that, combine the couscous and vegetables. Simple and delicious.


The main reason for the development of gastritis is considered to be poor nutrition and the predominance of junk food in the diet. That is why, for erosive gastritis, diet is one of the key components of therapy. How to eat during acute and chronic forms of the disease, what foods should be completely excluded from the menu for people suffering from erosive gastritis, read the article.

What to eat?

At different stages of erosive gastritis, the diet will be different. The acute form of the disease requires adherence to a strict diet that limits the consumption of many foods and drinks. As the patient's condition improves and normalizes, the list of permitted products expands. However, many restrictions remain the same.

Important: regardless of the form of the disease, the patient needs to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Be sure to exclude everything spicy, fried and fatty.

If the disease is in an acute stage...

In the acute stage of gastritis, the dietary diet helps to relieve the inflammatory process in the tissues of the stomach. On the first day of illness, you need to completely exclude any food from the diet, leaving only clean water without carbon and weak tea without sugar. This will take the load off the stomach and speed up the recovery process of the organ.

From the second day, it is allowed to introduce liquid porridges with water from round rice, semolina or buckwheat into the diet. The cereal in the porridge must be well cooked; salt should not be added during cooking. You can eat boiled chicken or quail eggs, you can drink water, tea with a little sugar, natural jelly made from berry compote and starch (not concentrate from the store!).

From the third day you need to eat, following certain rules:

  • you need to eat often, making up to 6 meals;
  • the volume of food consumed at a time should be 2-3 times less than that of healthy people;
  • Daily meals should be taken at the same time, for example, breakfast at 8 am every day, second breakfast at 11 am, lunch at 1 pm, snack at 4 pm, and dinner at 6 pm. 00 pm;
  • the intervals between meals should not be made too long; ideally, you should eat every 2-3 hours;
  • The last meal should not be eaten later than 2 hours before going to bed;
  • you need to eat slowly, chew food thoroughly;
  • the temperature of food and drinks should be about 38-39 degrees - not scalding, but not too cold;
  • all dishes that can cause irritation of the mucous membrane are excluded from the diet during the acute stage of erosive gastritis; this includes fried, spicy, hot, too salty, sour, sweet, pickled;
  • the best way to heat treat food is stewing, boiling, you can bake in the oven, but only until the food is lightly browned, or cook in a double boiler;
  • food should have a soft consistency, it is better if it is ground and pureed.

Safe and dangerous products

The list of dangerous foods on a diet for acute erosive gastritis is too extensive. Therefore, it is worth highlighting what is allowed to be eaten without fear. This includes:

  • stale white bread;
  • drying biscuits;
  • porridge with semolina, rolled oats, buckwheat and rice (the grains should be well boiled, preferably ground), cooked in milk or water;
  • cow's milk;
  • cottage cheese, low-calorie yogurt;
  • vegetable oil (add small quantities to dishes);
  • chicken eggs;
  • butter and cream;
  • bananas;
  • boiled vegetables (as a side dish, in soups, main courses, appetizers): cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, beet;
  • jelly;
  • weak black tea.

You need to remove from the daily menu everything that is not included in the above list. Be sure to exclude fresh baked goods and sweets. Fatty meat, any sauces, marinades, and spices are removed from the diet. Eating some cereals, for example barley, corn, barley and millet cereals, will also be unsafe. Any semi-finished products or fast food should be completely excluded from the diet. As for drinks, it is prohibited to consume strong tea, coffee, cocoa, hot chocolate, any alcohol, vegetable, fruit and berry juices (especially sour ones).

If chronic gastritis is diagnosed...

In the stage of chronic exacerbations, you need to follow the diet recommended for the acute form of the disease. The following recommendations apply only to the remission stage, when acute symptoms subside and the patient’s condition normalizes.

Following a diet for chronic erosive gastritis will prevent the development of exacerbations and increase the effectiveness of treatment of the disease. Patients are advised to eat small meals, up to 6 times a day, with short intervals between meals. It is important that you do not feel hungry, and that after eating you do not feel a distended stomach. You will have to give up or at least minimize the consumption of the following foods and drinks:

  • , pies made from wheat and rye flour;
  • sweets, pastries, ice cream, cakes;
  • beans (peas, lentils, chickpeas, beans, peanuts);
  • fish with a high percentage of fat (chum salmon, salmon, butterfish, eel, saury);
  • mushrooms;
  • various seasonings (including salt);
  • smoked products (meat, fish, cheese);
  • pork, lamb;
  • sausages, ready-made pates, canned food;
  • sour berries and fresh fruits (cranberries, gooseberries, cherries, lingonberries, kiwi, citrus fruits);
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • fresh juices, juices, smoothies made from berries and fruits, as well as sour vegetables (tomatoes);
  • unprocessed thermally processed vegetables with strong flavors (white cabbage, onions, garlic, bell peppers, tomatoes, radishes, ginger);
  • carbonated drinks.

Important! Tomatoes and tomato juice should be excluded from the diet even with chronic gastritis in remission. Tomatoes contain organic acids that irritate the walls of the stomach and increase the symptoms of gastritis.

The list of products that can be used for preparing dishes during diet therapy is significantly expanded in comparison with the list of products that are allowed to be consumed during the acute form of the disease. Safe ones include:

  • low-fat fish: blue whiting, cod, hake, pollock, perch, haddock;
  • lean meat: chicken breast, turkey, quail, veal, rabbit;
  • some offal: chicken liver, rabbit liver, beef tongue;
  • milk, cream with a low percentage of fat;
  • sour cream, cottage cheese (with minimal fat content);
  • unleavened cheeses with a low percentage of fat;
  • butter;
  • fruits: grapes (not sour), bananas (ripe), melon, figs, persimmons, pears, apricots;
  • berries: watermelon, ripe blueberries, strawberries;
  • vegetables: potatoes, eggplants, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • dried fruits: dried apricots, dates, prunes;
  • Among sweets, honey, marmalade, marshmallows, and marshmallows (in small quantities) are allowed.

Note: before eating fruits, you need to peel them. It is better to eat fruits and berries in thermally processed form - in compotes, baked goods, as part of main courses and desserts.

Interesting fact: orange vegetables contain beta-carotene in their chemical composition. This substance protects the gastric mucosa from the formation of erosions and prevents the development of erosive gastritis. Therefore, it is very useful to include persimmons, apricots, pumpkins and carrots in your diet.

Making a sample menu

The menu for erosive gastritis in chronic form cannot be called too bland and monotonous. From safe ingredients you can prepare delicious, balanced dishes that do not have a negative effect on the stomach. A sample daily menu can be seen below.

Option 1:

  • breakfast: steam omelette with low-fat cheese, waffle bread;
  • second breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with banana and honey;
  • lunch: soup with chicken meatballs and rice, a piece of stale bread;
  • snack: pumpkin baked with dried apricots;
  • dinner: steamed fish, mashed zucchini and potatoes.

Option 2:

  • breakfast: milk rice porridge with raisins;
  • second breakfast: baked apple stuffed with cottage cheese;
  • lunch: creamy pumpkin soup with cream, sprinkled with croutons;
  • snack: chicken liver pate on mashed potato flatbread;
  • dinner: turkey quenelles with a side dish of boiled carrots and pumpkin.

Erosive gastritis is one of the most common ailments encountered in gastroenterological practice.

It is characterized by the formation of small defects on the lining of the stomach that do not reach the muscle layer. At the same time, an inflammatory process develops on the rest of the mucous membrane.

The disease can have an acute or chronic course. In the latter case, periods of remission alternate with exacerbations.

Diet for erosive gastritis of the stomach is the key to successful treatment of the disease.

Dietitians are involved in developing proper nutrition. The diet is formed taking into account the individual characteristics of the sick person’s body and the characteristics of the course of inflammation.

During diagnostic procedures, the amount of acid in gastric juice is determined. This indicator is essential when drawing up a treatment plan and diet. Proper nutrition not only speeds up the restoration of the gastric lining, but also prevents its re-inflammation.

Nutritional Features

During the period of greatest severity of symptoms, the patient is prescribed a strict diet for the first 4–5 days. In the future, the diet expands. Nutrition for erosive gastritis involves eating small portions of food every 2-3 hours. You need to eat 200–250 g of food at a time.

You need to eat food at least 5 times a day. You can eat your last meal no later than 2 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, the food bolus will not have time to be processed in the stomach and push into the intestines, which will lead to aggravation of the situation.

Food must be chewed thoroughly. The smaller the pieces, the easier it is for the stomach to process them. In the first few days, it is even recommended to eat ground foods.

Food must be heated before consumption. Cold food will stagnate in the stomach, putting excessive stress on it. Hot food will irritate the mucous membrane.

All dishes must be boiled, steamed, stewed or baked.

Successful therapy for the erosive form of gastritis involves following a diet for 3–5 months. All products consumed must be fresh and contain a minimum amount of preservatives and other chemicals.

Approximate list of dishes for a week for erosive gastritis

Sample menu for the week:

  • 1st day. You can have breakfast with milk porridge based on rice, buckwheat or oatmeal. In addition, you can drink weak black tea by adding a little milk to it. After 2.5–3 hours, eat about 200 grams of pureed soup, which contains pearl barley and carrots. For your next meal, you can take 2-3 small meatballs cooked in a double boiler and noodles. Cocoa is suitable as a liquid. You can have dinner with semolina porridge cooked in water or milk. At night, drink a glass of warm milk with crackers.
  • 2nd day. Have breakfast with cheese curd and black tea. For lunch, cook milk noodles, steamed meat chop and some mashed potatoes. For an afternoon snack, light tea with crackers or savory cookies is suitable. You can have dinner with boiled rice and milk. Drink a glass of milk 2 hours before bedtime.
  • 3rd day. The first meal is pollock fillet cooked in a steamer, mashed potatoes and cocoa. After 2–3 hours - cream soup with rice and carrots, baked meat, baked apple. You can have a potato casserole with minced meat for dinner. Light black tea with sugar is suitable as a liquid.
  • 4th day. Breakfast dishes - buckwheat flakes with butter, light tea. For lunch there will be pureed soup made from milk and buckwheat, steamed cutlets, and some sweet fruit. Dinner - boiled noodles with meat gravy. Before going to bed, you can drink milk, and if you are very hungry, eat a steamed cutlet and some mashed potatoes.
  • 5th day. You can have breakfast with cottage cheese with homemade sour cream and black tea. For lunch, prepare light soup with semolina, schnitzel in a double boiler, and rice porridge. Dine with millet pudding and milk. Before bed - light tea.
  • 6th day. Breakfast - boiled egg and cocoa. Lunch - soup with buckwheat, stewed meat, mashed potatoes. For dessert - a banana or an oven-baked apple. You can have dinner with a potato and meat roll and drink tea. Before going to bed, eat 50–100 grams of unsweetened cookies.
  • 7th day. Have breakfast with noodles with butter and light tea. Have lunch with rice soup, meatballs and mashed potatoes. As a dessert - cherry jelly. Have a cereal with sour cream for dinner, drink milk. 2 hours before bedtime, eat a piece of steamed meat and some mashed potatoes.

Cooking for erosive gastritis

Let's look at some recipes for dishes with erosions in the stomach.

Semolina porridge with banana

To prepare, you will need some semolina and 1 banana. The cereal is poured into boiling water and cooked over low heat for 1 hour. Then you need to strain it through a sieve. The banana is mashed with a fork or in a blender and added to the finished porridge. To cook cereals, you can use milk instead of water.

Boiled cabbage with eggs

Ingredients for the dish: 200 g of broccoli and 2 eggs. Broccoli is boiled for 40–50 minutes over low heat, then poured in eggs and stirred. The mixture is put back on the fire and kept until ready.

Steam cutlets

To prepare, you will need an electric or regular (stovetop) steamer. Minced meat is made from chicken or pork, after which a raw egg and a little salt are added. Form cutlets, place in a double boiler and cook for 50–60 minutes.

Fish meatballs

Pass pollock or hake fillet through a meat grinder, add a little dry bread and salt. Place in a steamer and do not remove until done.

Potato and fish casserole

Pass the fish through a meat grinder, and cook mashed potatoes. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, add 1 egg, add salt and bake on a baking sheet in the oven until cooked.

Diet omelette

To 2 eggs add 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream, a little flour and beat. Cook in a double boiler.

Features of nutrition in acute forms of the disease

Acute or worsened erosive gastritis is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the upper abdominal cavity, nausea, diarrhea, and pain in the left side of the abdomen. Proper nutrition can significantly reduce these symptoms and improve the patient’s well-being.

The diet for erosive gastritis in the acute stage involves excluding from the diet such foods as:

  • fresh bakery;
  • bread made from rye flour;
  • meat with a lot of fatty layers;
  • smoked meat products;
  • conservation;
  • beans, peas;
  • seasonings;
  • tomato paste, mustard, hot sauces;
  • chocolate products;
  • sparkling mineral water;
  • mushroom dishes.

During this period, nutrition should be as gentle as possible. You should only eat pureed foods when they are warm. Food should be boiled or steamed. Broths can only be cooked with cereals.

Fresh fruits you can eat include bananas and persimmons. They are rich in fiber and accelerate the regeneration of the gastric lining. All other fruits can only be consumed in heat-treated form.

The diet for exacerbations includes avoiding irritating drinks. During this period, only light black tea, homemade milk and water cocoa are allowed. It is not recommended to drink green tea, coffee and sparkling water.

How to eat with a chronic form of erosive gastritis

During exacerbation of chronic gastritis, you should follow the same diet as during an acute process. During the absence of symptoms, the diet can be significantly expanded, but some restrictions still remain. By following a diet, the risk of exacerbations is reduced.

  • fresh baked goods;
  • dishes containing peas or beans;
  • meat with a lot of fat;
  • seasonings;
  • fresh cabbage, onions and cucumbers;
  • low sugar fruits;
  • coffee;
  • green tea;
  • sparkling water.

If chronic gastritis is accompanied by excessive production of hydrochloric acid, fatty and protein foods should be excluded from the diet.

Sample menu for the day:

  • have breakfast with buckwheat flakes with butter, drink weak tea;
  • after 2-3 hours, eat a couple of slices of yesterday’s bread with cheese;
  • dine on mashed potatoes with steamed meat and compote;
  • for an afternoon snack, eat some savory cookies;
  • have dinner with cottage cheese casserole, weak black tea and crackers.

This diet is also used for preventive purposes.

What foods should you absolutely not eat if you have stomach erosions?

Regardless of the form of the disease, the menu for erosive gastritis should not contain:

  • meat with a high percentage of fat;
  • broths cooked with meat;
  • fried and smoked foods;
  • sauces;
  • conservation;
  • baked goods made from rye flour;
  • baked goods;
  • hard-boiled eggs;
  • spices;
  • soda and kvass;
  • strong black and green tea;
  • coffee;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Nutritional features depending on the acidity of gastric juice

For erosive gastritis with high acidity (hyperacid), you need to eat foods that neutralize stomach acid. When creating a menu, the following rules should be observed:

  • in the diet, reduce the amount of foods containing a lot of fiber;
  • Use fermented milk products with caution, as they stimulate the production of acid in the stomach;
  • Meat broths should not be used for preparing first courses;
  • exclude oranges, lemons, grapefruits and tangerines from the diet.

Of the dairy products, kefir stimulates acid production the most. It can be replaced with homemade milk. It contains the same beneficial substances as kefir, but does not irritate the gastric lining and does not increase acidity.

For erosive gastritis, which is accompanied by excessive production of hydrochloric acid, the following products can be included in the diet:

  • chicken;
  • pollock or hake fillet;
  • oatmeal and buckwheat flakes cooked in water or milk, seasoned with butter;
  • small pasta;
  • homemade milk;
  • sweet fruits.

We should not forget that with high acidity of gastric juice, the patient experiences pain of varying intensity, therefore, in order to alleviate it, the diet must be followed in full.

Erosive gastritis with low acidity (hypoacid) is characterized by the production of too little hydrochloric acid, which is necessary for normal digestion of food. Therefore, you need to include foods that enhance its formation in your diet.

A patient with this type of gastritis needs to learn to perceive food positively. He must often think about delicious dishes. This will stimulate the production of acid in the stomach.

The diet of a patient suffering from hypoacid erosive gastritis can include the same dishes that are recommended for high acidity, plus kefir.

It stimulates the synthesis of chlorous acid, as a result of which the patient’s nausea decreases and digestion improves.

You can also increase acid production in the stomach with the help of fruits. In this case, they should be eaten fresh as a main dish. Citrus fruits, strawberries and raspberries stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid best. Carbonated water will help improve digestion.

Traditional recipes for stomach erosions

Folk remedies will help speed up the healing of defects with erosive gastritis. Some products are used for treatment. Not every one of them is suitable for everyone, so when choosing such a product you need to pay attention to the sensations.

Cabbage juice

To treat the erosive form of gastritis, only fresh cabbage juice is used. The duration of treatment is 1 month. For the first 7 days you need to drink 100 ml of juice, diluted with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio, once a day before meals. Each subsequent week the dosage should be doubled.

Potato juice

Potatoes need to be grated on a fine grater, squeezed out the juice and taken before breakfast. Duration of therapy is 1–1.5 months.

Celery and carrot juice mixture

Squeeze the juice out of both vegetables and mix in a ratio of 1:4. Drink half a glass before breakfast and dinner.

Carrot and spinach juice mixture

Spinach juice reduces pain, and carrot juice speeds up the restoration of damaged stomach lining. Mix the juices in a ratio of 1:4 and drink every morning.

Flax infusion

Flax has an enveloping property, protecting the lining of the stomach from damage by irritating substances. To prepare the infusion, pour 1 tablespoon of flax seeds with hot water, cover and leave for 12 hours. Drink 1 glass daily before breakfast for 4 weeks.

Oak bark decoction

Has an anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare, you will need 1 handful of oak bark and 1 liter of water. The mixture should be simmered over low heat for 10 minutes, then allowed to brew. Take 100 ml before meals.

We examined all the features of the diet for erosive gastritis. Following the above tips and taking medications recommended by your doctor will help you get rid of the disease in a short time.

Erosive inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) not only disrupts the digestion process, but also causes a number of unpleasant symptoms that interfere with normal life. The patient suffers from abdominal pain, heartburn, constipation, and lack of appetite. Often the disease is accompanied by increased acidity, which is an additional burden on the affected body. To alleviate symptoms and prevent complications, a special diet is prescribed for erosive gastritis of the stomach; the menu is compiled taking into account the characteristics of the pathology.

If erosive gastritis is detected, the patient is transferred to a gentle diet

What is the disease

A distinctive manifestation of this type of gastritis is the formation of erosions on the lining of the stomach. The color of the tissue becomes bright red, and an inflammatory process develops. In its acute form, the disease indicates poor nutrition, lifestyle, or intoxication. Chronic pathology leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the entire digestive system.

Alcohol is considered a common culprit for such gastritis. Regular consumption of alcohol corrodes the gastric mucosa and leads to poisoning and the formation of ulcers. This diagnosis is more common among men who prefer strong drinks.

Types of erosive inflammation

The wounds formed on the mucous membrane differ in size, number and location. Depending on the stage of the disease and what features it has, the following types of gastritis are distinguished:

Erosive bulbitis develops in the duodenum

A frequent companion to erosive gastritis is pancreatitis. It occurs after the exacerbation has become chronic and the pathology has continued to progress. There is a deterioration in the processing of food entering the stomach. As a result, the intestine, which is overcrowded with poorly digested masses, and the pancreas, which secretes an excessive amount of enzymes, suffers.

Depending on the type of erosive gastritis and its complications, the treatment table menu and the timing of its observance are adjusted by the gastroenterologist.

General rules of nutrition for erosive gastritis

The diagnosis is widespread and the disease cannot be managed without diet. Therefore, doctors have highlighted useful tips to facilitate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Basic recommendations for proper nutrition:

  • Heat treatment includes boiling, stewing, baking or steam cooking. Frying in oil is prohibited.

  • Porridges are cooked longer than usual, they are brought to a semi-viscous state.
  • The first courses are prepared on a vegetable basis with the addition of ground cereal. It is allowed to add herbs, a piece of butter or thoroughly chopped meat.
  • Vegetables are boiled, thinly sliced ​​or pureed. There is no strict ban on their fresh consumption, but the quantity is limited.
  • Eliminate foods that can increase acidity from your diet.
  • During an acute form of the disease, you should go on a one-day fast. It is allowed to drink liquid if it does not affect your well-being.
  • When purchasing milk or milk-based products, you need to pay attention to the fat content. Preference should be given to products with a low indicator of this parameter.

You should buy low fat milk

  • Of the fruits, there are only ripe fruits, since they lack sourness.
  • Fish and meat are prepared by removing the skin or skin; it is also recommended to exclude fatty layers. It is better to make dishes from minced meat, since the already ground product is easier to digest.

If with this type of gastritis the acidity level is exceeded, medicinal mineral water can reduce the level. Before choosing a brand, examine the pH value indicated on the label. For alkaline liquids it exceeds seven. If the concentration of gastric juice is low, Essentuki No. 17 is recommended. In both cases, drink two hundred milliliters of mineral water before meals.

Benefits of diet

Special nutrition prescribed for erosive gastritis affects the affected body as follows:

  • stops the inflammatory process;

Diet helps normalize digestion

  • reduces the concentration of gastric juice;
  • has an enveloping effect, soothing irritated tissues;
  • restores motor functions of the organ;
  • facilitates the digestion process;
  • relieves attacks of pain.

Authorized Products

The diet in each specific situation is agreed upon with a specialist. Before creating a menu, the form of gastritis, the presence of complications and concomitant diseases are taken into account.

An approximate list of products approved for use for erosive inflammation:

  • in the preparation of porridges and first courses, such cereals as white unparboiled rice, semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat are acceptable;

Buckwheat is one of the permitted grains for gastritis

  • Meat products include chicken, rabbit, beef, and turkey; better prepare dietary portions;
  • recommended fish - tuna, flounder, pollock, halibut, sea bass;
  • it is allowed to add greens to dishes, for example, parsley or dill;
  • sweet fruits and berries are acceptable - bananas, peaches, apricots, wild strawberries, strawberries, etc.;
  • among vegetables, zucchini, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, and beets are considered useful;
  • white bread must be yesterday's bread, you can eat crackers, bagels, unleavened cookies;
  • Among pasta, preference is given to noodles;
  • it is permissible to consume milk, cottage cheese, low-fat kefir, as well as cheeses without a spicy aftertaste;

Patients can prepare homemade noodles

  • boiled sausages of high quality are allowed within reasonable limits;
  • sweets are limited in consumption, but you are allowed to treat yourself to a small amount of marshmallows or marshmallows, jellies and homemade puddings; you can add a little sugar, honey or jam to your food;
  • freshly squeezed juices, compotes, jelly, decoctions, green and herbal teas.

What to exclude from the menu

Dietary nutrition with such a diagnosis requires complete abstinence from the following foods:

  • any canned and salted preparations, marinades;
  • semi-finished products, fast food;

Convenience foods and fast food should be completely excluded from the diet

  • sour fruits (pineapple, pomegranate, plum grapes), citrus fruits, berries (currants, cranberries, lingonberries);
  • among vegetables you cannot eat radishes, tomatoes, radishes, onions, garlic, legumes;
  • meat or fish with high fat content;
  • green onions, sorrel, spinach;
  • hard-to-digest cereals, such as pearl barley, barley, millet, and coarse pasta;
  • hot seasonings, soy sauce, mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup;
  • fresh, rich pastries, rye bread;
  • all varieties of mushrooms;
  • chocolate-based sweets, cakes;
  • alcoholic, carbonated, energy drinks, kvass, strong coffee and tea.

If you have erosive gastritis, you will have to give up sweets

Restrictions during exacerbation

During the period when the symptoms of gastritis become very disturbing, the diet should be reviewed and additional prohibitions should be introduced. After the first day of the hunger strike, the doctor prescribes table No. 1A, which must be followed for seven to ten days. You should eat only liquid, viscous and mushy foods. Many dishes are prohibited because they stimulate gastric secretion.

Eating cereals, soft-boiled eggs, fruit drinks, and milk is considered beneficial. The latter has regenerative properties and suppresses acid secretion.

Dish recipes

You can eat deliciously even with a limited diet, the main thing is that the menu is balanced. You can prepare delicious and healthy dishes using the following recipes.

For breakfast you can prepare semolina with honey

Two tablespoons of cereal and a glass of fresh cow's milk are placed in a saucepan and put on fire. Stir constantly to avoid the formation of lumps. After four minutes, remove from the stove.

Beat one egg yolk with twenty grams of liquid honey (preferably with a mixer) and add to the cooked porridge. The dish is ready, eat with a piece of butter.

Pour three glasses of milk into a saucepan (mass fraction of fat content no more than 2.5%), bring to a boil. Gradually add a couple of tablespoons of semolina and, without removing from the heat, stir for ten minutes.

The pumpkin is cleaned, cut and boiled in a separate bowl. Then puree until smooth and transfer to the resulting porridge. Stir, add a pinch of salt, a little sugar, and boil again.

Pumpkin puree soup gently envelops the gastric mucosa

Fruit compote

Take approximately two hundred grams of sweet apples and the same amount of ripe cherries, prepare for cooking (wash, cut into slices, remove seeds).

Pour one liter of clean water into the pan and boil. Add apples and a few tablespoons of sugar (depending on taste preferences) and leave for five minutes. Then add cherries and continue cooking for a quarter of an hour. The finished drink is settled and filtered.

Menu for erosive gastritis

Despite strict restrictions, you should not eat the same thing every day. You can diversify your diet for erosive gastritis. Sample menu for the week in table form:

Eating, recommended time in hoursName of dishes
Breakfast 8-9crushed buckwheat porridge with milk, a slice of bread with butter;
Snack 10-11one banana, drinking yogurt;
Lunch 13-14soup with pasta and pureed chicken fillet, boiled beet salad;
Afternoon tea 16-17homemade fruit jelly;
Dinner 19-20vegetable side dish with stewed veal;
Breakfast 8-9boiled oatmeal in water with a banana, a decoction of rose hips;
Snack 10-11wheat bun with butter and a slice of lightly salted cheese;
Lunch 13-14vegetarian pilaf, chicken zrazy;
Afternoon tea 16-17pear dessert with honey;
Dinner 19-20macaroni and cheese with vinaigrette;
Breakfast 8-9omelette, weak coffee with milk;
Snack 10-11one ripe peach;
Lunch 13-14vermicelli soup with veal meatballs;
Afternoon tea 16-17fruit pudding;
Dinner 19-20steamed potato pancakes;
Breakfast 8-9a soft-boiled egg, a piece of stale bread with butter, chicory tea;
Snack 10-11a bottle of drinking yoghurt;
Lunch 13-14vegetable broth, cod fillet with white bread;
Afternoon tea 16-17juice with marshmallows;
Dinner 19-20zucchini puree, steamed turkey cutlet, fruit and berry compote;
Breakfast 8-9low-fat cottage cheese pancakes, baked in the oven, green tea;
Snack 10-11a couple of small bananas;
Lunch 13-14pumpkin soup, carrot salad;
Afternoon tea 16-17several unleavened cookies and a glass of non-sour kefir;
Dinner 19-20potatoes with chicken, baked in pots;
Breakfast 8-9oatmeal from ground flakes with milk, white bread with butter;
Snack 10-11fruit salad;
Lunch 13-14steamed vegetables, stewed rabbit fillet;
Afternoon tea 16-17bagels with apple compote;
Dinner 19-20lazy dumplings with low-fat sour cream;
Breakfast 8-9hard-boiled egg, chamomile tea, two cookies;
Snack 10-11raspberry jelly;
Lunch 13-14soup with rice and vegetables, steamed veal;
Afternoon tea 16-17sweet apple, freshly squeezed juice;
Dinner 19-20mashed potatoes with boiled beets and fish cutlet.

Treatment of erosive gastritis is a rather lengthy process and requires an integrated approach. Dietary nutrition greatly alleviates the patient’s condition, suppresses aggravated symptoms, and prevents relapses. The diet developed by gastroenterologists allows the body to receive the maximum amount of nutrients.