If your head doesn't work. The head is not thinking, lost himself. How to use the pleasure principle

What to do when your head doesn't work well. According to statistics, in recent years, every third patient has been diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia syndrome (VSD).

Apathy, drowsiness, depression, headaches and dizziness, nausea, decreased memory and attention - all these are symptoms of VSD.
Another terrible manifestation is a violation of cerebral circulation, leading to such a serious disease as stroke, which ranks second among the causes of death in Russians.
In the fall, VSD worsens, like all chronic diseases. This is due to the fact that the body of even a healthy person reacts negatively to temperature changes, shortened daylight hours, changes in atmospheric pressure, and disturbances in the Earth’s magnetic field, which become more frequent at this time of year. The population of large cities suffers the most with their frantic rhythm, incessant noise, poor ecology... A provoking factor is also an increase in workload, stress at work or study. Therefore, office employees have a particularly difficult time with VSD due to psychological disadaptation after the holiday season: it is difficult to get involved in work. As a result, symptoms become more pronounced, health worsens, memory and vitality decrease.
Doctor's comment
Psychotherapist at the Asteri-Med clinic, Gennady Nikolaevich Mironychev, comments on the problem of VSD: “Currently, the term “vegetative-vascular dystonia” is not generally accepted, although at one time it was very popular. In the international classification of diseases (ICD-10), adopted in Russia, for dysfunction of the autonomic system there is the term “somatoform autonomic dysfunction”, which can be localized in any functional system of the body and any human organ, therefore seasonal exacerbation means an increase in the queue to doctors almost all specialties. But most often they go to neurologists, since most complaints are about pain in the head and decreased mental performance. The statistics are frightening: up to 80% of the world's population suffers from one or another manifestation of VSD, and almost a third of them need qualified medical care. It is noteworthy that women are more susceptible to the disease than men. Of course, there are many risk factors in our difficult times... Competition in all spheres of life, strict deadlines, constant haste, multitasking - all this causes neuroses and stress, which provide fertile ground for the emergence of various diseases in humans. We can say that VSD is a disease of civilization, the scourge of modern humanity, the price to pay for the mind, career and material benefits that are so difficult for us to obtain. The seriousness of this insidious disease cannot be underestimated: with age, fluctuations in blood pressure will be more pronounced, occur for minor reasons, fainting will become a common occurrence - in short, the illness will be more severe and painful.”
Eliminating symptoms
How to stay healthy? What to do during periods of exacerbation? How to avoid problems at work, at university or school, so that your head does not fail you at the most crucial moment? A reasonable daily routine and healthy eight-hour sleep will help to minimize or completely eliminate the symptoms of VSD. Lack of sleep is strictly contraindicated. Proper nutrition, rich in macro/microelements, vitamins, fiber and other beneficial substances, provides a supply of strength and energy: with VSD, any diet is prohibited. Don't underestimate the importance of exercise, whether it's jogging, cycling or just walking the dog. After all, it is a sedentary lifestyle (sedentary work, watching TV, “hanging out” on social networks) that can provoke cerebrovascular accidents and aggravate the disease. There is no need to explain the need to give up bad habits. It is important to remember that people with this disease must be observed by a neurologist, who will prescribe special medications to normalize blood circulation and metabolic processes in the brain. As a rule, doctors recommend Vasobral as an effective and time-tested remedy. The drug improves metabolism in the brain, emotional state, memory and concentration, has a vasodilating effect without affecting blood pressure, which is important for hypertensive patients, and has anti-asthenic and mild antidepressant properties.
We do special exercises
In addition to drug therapy, doctors recommend conducting a set of special exercises for the whole family in order to eliminate the symptoms of VSD. The exercise is performed from a sitting position, you need to cross your legs and take a deep breath for 1-2 seconds. This is followed by bending the torso forward and pressing on the knees. Initial position. Take a deep breath again and hold your breath, then bend back as far as possible. This exercise should be repeated 10 times in each direction.
And the most important thing…
Vegetative-vascular dystonia is not a death sentence, but a reason to change your lifestyle, reconsider your attitude towards yourself and your health. And remember, the common expression “all diseases are from nerves” in this case is 100% justified.
Based on materials: direct-press.ru

Hello! On December 27, I was exposed to a disease I did not understand. The main symptoms: severe memory deterioration, decreased intellectual abilities, increased muscle weakness, which was not so strong before, dulling of emotions, loss of sense of humor. When I try to “stir up” my brain by actively thinking, a heaviness appears in the front of my head. It's like there's a stone in the front of my head that I can't move. Because of this, I can’t think through something and I do everything intuitively. This happened after a long period of stress. I went to a neurologist. She examined me (tapped my knees with a hammer and measured my blood pressure) and diagnosed me with panic-phobic disorder. But in my opinion, the diagnosis was incorrect because there was no panic, and I came out of the state of stress because a more serious problem appeared (brains). She insisted on him, prescribing antidepressants (atarax) and injections (Cortexin 50 mg/ml - 2 ml, Mexidol 50 mg/ml - 2 ml). I took 5 injections (of both medications) and they didn't help me. After that I stopped injecting them because of their inaction. I also stopped taking the medicine because I was no longer in a state of depression and I no longer needed it. All this time the pressure was normal. Temperature is normal. For about 10 days I arrived in a terrible state. I was like a dummy, it was difficult for me to talk to people. But then things started to improve and my condition improved. I already thought that everything had turned out all right, but that was not the case. Just today “this” happened to me again. Again the same symptoms as before, but most importantly, besides this, I “lost myself.” When the first “attack” happened, my head still contained my value system, worldview and attitude towards the world. And now I just forgot about it. I am a very complex person in life and I had a lot of “troubles”, good and bad, not the point they made up my own character, which has now disappeared. I lost my sense of humor and the things that previously made me happy stopped making me happy. I became irritable, although before that I could suppress any emotions. I lost the ability to correctly evaluate my actions and think through a plan for something. It was as if I had degenerated greatly. I think intuitively like a small child. Plus, the same symptoms as before, my head stopped thinking, my memory is worse, my performance is disgusting (and now school has started), it has become difficult to talk with people. For example, the best friend with whom we were always inseparable and could always talk incessantly, as if he were a stranger. I don’t want to talk to him or other people. I want to sit in the corner and be silent. Perhaps all this is due to the displacement of the cervical vertebrae, which I have had for quite some time. As a result, cerebral circulation was disrupted. Symptoms have been noticed before. For example, he could read a book, thinking about something completely different and not perceiving the information. When talking to people, I could think about completely different things, as a result of which I could lose the thread of the story. There was quite often muscle weakness and chronic fatigue (I could walk around sluggish and with bags under my eyes all day). But it wasn't all bad. What could this be and what is the reason for what was described (I don’t ask you to take responsibility for me, just answer the question at least approximately, so that in further research of yourself you have something to build on). 1. At the request of the moderator, I changed the question by adding more facts, specifically posing the question and removing questions in the spirit of “what should I do?”, “What do you advise?”, “What should I do?” 2. At the request of the moderator, I wrote what dosage of the drugs I took and for how long. I highlighted the symptoms separately.

If you neglect the principles that should help your brain work actively, then do not doubt that it will definitely take revenge on you and simply refuse to work. Sometimes we forget words, sometimes we can’t get our act together, sometimes there are simply no thoughts in our heads. How can you improve your thought process? Everyone knows that the brain requires oxygen to function, but how else can we wake up a relaxed brain to get down to business?

So, your brain will not work if:

1. You don't get enough sleep

In addition to the fact that chronic lack of sleep can cause a host of health problems, it seriously impairs concentration and brain function. Most people need at least 8 hours of sleep every day, but this figure varies from person to person. In addition to the duration of sleep, its quality is important - it must be continuous. The stage in which we dream (rapid eye movement or REM sleep) has a strong impact on how we feel during our waking hours. If sleep is interrupted frequently, the brain spends less time in this phase, causing us to feel sluggish and have difficulty with memory and concentration.

Read also:

2. You don't know how to cope with stress.

There are many ways to manage stress, including meditation, journaling, counseling, yoga, breathing practices, tai chi, etc. They all have their benefits in terms of helping the brain function. ()

3. You don't move enough

Physical activity increases blood flow, and at the same time, the flow of oxygen and nutrients to all tissues of the body. Regular physical activity stimulates the production of substances that help connect and even form nerve cells.

If you have a sedentary job, periodically get distracted and stretch your neck - bend to the sides. Alternate any mental activity with physical activity. If you sit at the computer, sit down 10 times or walk along the corridors and stairs.

4. You're not drinking enough water

Our body is approximately 60% water, and the brain contains even more water - 80%. Without water, the brain malfunctions - dizziness, hallucinations, and fainting begin from dehydration. If you don't drink enough water, you will become irritable and even aggressive, and your ability to make good decisions will decrease. Can you imagine how important water is for the mind? Often, a constant desire to sleep, fatigue, and fog in the head are associated precisely with the fact that we do not drink enough. That is, we can drink a lot - soda, coffee, sweet teas, . But many of these drinks, on the contrary, only deprive the body's cells of fluid, leading to dehydration. Especially drinks containing caffeine (tea, coffee, Coca-Cola). As in the joke, “we drink more and more, but we feel worse.” So what you need to drink is water – drinking water. But you shouldn’t “pour” water into yourself either. Just drink as needed. May you always have drinking water at hand. Try to drink at least half a glass of warm water every hour throughout the day. read in.

5. You're not consuming enough glucose.

For us, food is both salad greens and harmless chicken breast. But for the brain all this is not food at all. Give your brain glucose! And the main suppliers of glucose are carbohydrates. Chicken with vegetables will not let you faint from hunger, but coming up with something ingenious... this diet dinner will not be enough. You need bread, sweets, (ideal). A person who needs mental activity is by no means suitable for a carbohydrate-free diet. A piece of dark chocolate or dried fruit is perfect for work.


Carbohydrates are also different - simple and complex. Ordinary sugar (simple carbohydrate), although it is glucose, will not add much “mind”. It quickly breaks down, causing first a sharp rise in glucose, and then a sharp drop, without having time to “feed” the nerve cells. But complex carbohydrates - grain bread, cereals, vegetables (yes, they also have a lot of sugar), pasta - are broken down slowly and provide the body with energy for a long time. On the road and for a snack, the ideal option for complex carbohydrates is a banana! You should eat pasta if your next meal is not soon.

6. You don't have enough healthy fats in your diet.

Avoid processed, hydrogenated fats, called trans fats, at all costs, and minimize your intake of saturated animal fats. Reducing your trans fat intake is not that difficult if you remember a few rules. First of all, you need to eliminate margarines from your life - they all contain a lot of trans fats. Be sure to check the labels on baked goods (cookies, cakes, etc.), as well as chips, mayonnaise and other foods containing fat. Unfortunately, Russian manufacturers do not yet indicate the content of trans fats on product packaging. If any hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil is listed as an ingredient, the product contains trans fats.

But polyunsaturated fats - Omega-3 and Omega-6 - are essential fatty acids. You can only get these fats through food. They improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation in the body and are very beneficial for the brain. Found in salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines and trout, as well as sunflower seeds, tofu and walnuts.

Monounsaturated fats are also healthy. Monounsaturated fats lower cholesterol levels. They are found in many nuts, olive oil and avocado oil.

7. Your brain doesn't get enough oxygen.

The brain can survive without oxygen for about 10 minutes. And even when nothing prevents us from breathing, the brain may not have enough oxygen. In winter, there are radiators and heaters all around, they consume oxygen, crowds of people and rooms where there are a lot of people also deprive us of the necessary amount of oxygen. A cold, a stuffy nose - we seem to be breathing, but it turns out that it’s not good! In all these cases, have you noticed that you are starting to feel sleepy? This is how lack of oxygen affects the brain.

What to do? Ventilate the rooms, open the windows, and be sure to take a walk.

8. You're not training your brain.

Learning new subjects and languages, acquiring additional skills, and intellectual hobbies help preserve and increase brain resources. Constant "training" ensures that he will perform at the highest level throughout his life.

Let's figure out what prevents us from keeping our main tool - the brain - in good shape all the time. What are the reasons for lack of concentration when you have the ability to do so? What ways are there to use the potential we are given to 100%?

Your work is connected with intellectual activity, so your brain is your main capital. But bad luck - it happens that he doesn’t want to turn on. You just can't make the mental effort. Let's see how different people describe these conditions.

“I haven’t been able to concentrate on anything for over a month now. And vitamins don't help. As soon as I sit down at the computer and tune in, something immediately distracts me - my husband turns on the TV, and I listen, or my child watches cartoons, and I begin to remember what will happen next. Then I’ll hang out on the forum instead of doing work.”

“The session is coming, I have to write my coursework, prepare for exams, but I just can’t concentrate. Something strange is happening to the brain. Insomnia at night, all sorts of thoughts creep in. I think maybe I chose the wrong specialty? Maybe you should have studied to become a director or study music? How can we get out of this state of doing nothing and pathological laziness?”

“I can’t concentrate during working hours - then someone will come in, then I’ll think, my thoughts will fly away somewhere. Any noise is distracting. But in the evening, when everyone has left, work begins. Or it also happens that you don’t have a clear thought, you wander around all day, killing time. And as soon as I caught the idea, I immediately turned on, I even forgot to eat.”

“I can’t get my brain to work all the time. That is, it works for 15-20 minutes without interruption, then it turns off - I stop understanding the most basic things. After this, you need to be distracted by something else. How to make your brain work constantly?

Let's figure out what prevents us from keeping our main tool - the brain - in good shape all the time. What are the reasons for lack of concentration when you have the ability to do so? What ways are there to use the potential we are given to 100%? And the knowledge about the human psyche that Yuri Burlan’s training “System-vector psychology” provides will help us with this.

Important Terms

At the training we learn that thinking, concentrating thoughts is the main purpose and main pleasure of a person with. That is why, if he suddenly loses this ability, it causes deep anxiety and even fear in him. It's scary when your head doesn't work.

If the professional activity of a sound engineer is related to intellectual work, then he is in the right place. And if for some reason he cannot use his head, then these reasons can be eliminated and this ability can be restored.

Of course, both physical condition and the conditions in which a person works are important. It's important to get enough sleep. After all, mental work is extremely energy-consuming. It's much harder than digging the ground. Therefore, it is important to keep your head clear and rested.

But what if everything is fine and it still doesn’t work out? So there are other reasons. The best concentration of thought can only be achieved in silence and solitude, when no one distracts from the deeply internal process of comprehending something. Often our working conditions do not correspond to the task at hand.

If your work requires significant mental effort, demand from your superiors that you have a separate office, or at least an office in which there will be sound engineers just like you, immersed in their tasks. It is an illusion that you can do complex intellectual work in a crowded place. The sound artist was created precisely by an introvert in order to give birth to thought forms in silence and solitude.

If you work from home, it is better to have your own room, preferably with a door to block out distracting sounds. The fact is that the ear of the owner of the sound vector is the most sensitive organ and reacts very strongly to noise stimuli. Some are able to isolate themselves from the outside world with headphones and music and work with such a background, but not all. Many people need complete silence to create - write computer programs, articles, novels, scientific dissertations. And study as well.

If the situation with the conditions is completely hopeless, then you can try using earplugs. But, as a rule, you can always find a way to organize a suitable workplace for yourself.

Motivation - idea

Many people realize that to turn on their brain they need motivation - interest in what they are doing. This is true. And we begin to understand the mechanism of this phenomenon well at the System-Vector Psychology training.

The fact is that a person is, figuratively speaking, a desire for pleasure. And desire is an emptiness that requires filling. While this desire is there, a person does something in an effort to fill this emptiness and get pleasure. As soon as the emptiness is filled, the desire passes, and it is much more difficult for a person to force himself to do anything.

This can be compared to the fact that while a person is hungry, he moves and does something to get food. And as soon as he was full, he immediately lay down on the sofa and wants to rest. A person becomes lazy, and in order to cheer himself up, he needs to get hungry again.

For a sound artist, pleasure is the process of thinking, and the desired result is the birth of an idea, a thought form. If he is captivated by an idea, he can work for hours, forgetting about sleep and food. But as soon as the idea is realized, a state of emasculation may arise, when a new lack, a new desire must accumulate, so that one again wants to concentrate the thought.

To ensure that the process of creativity and involved work does not stop, it is possible and necessary to use the shortcomings of other people. Our own desire is finite and ceases to be felt as soon as we fill it. Therefore, the pleasure of realizing only your desires is rather fleeting. When we do something for others, we are constantly fed with inspiration. Therefore, as soon as you feel a loss of concentration, go out of your solitude into the world to watch people, catch up on the news - in general, bring your mind to focus on those around you. To create something, you need to have an application point, to do it for someone. And these are always other people. In them you will see something that will spur your mind to work further.

By the way, For many sound engineers, the most productive time of work is at night. And this factor can also be used in work.

Just don’t listen to the smart guys who say that if your mind is tired of concentrating, you need to reduce the load on your head. This is really bad advice, because for a sound engineer, concentration is vital - and the more, the better. This develops it, renews it, and allows you to maintain vitality. If you like, this is even good for his health, because pleasure prolongs our life. And for a sound engineer, coming up with an idea, the formulation of a law of physics, a mathematical formula, a musical or literary work, developing a computer program or solving a mathematical problem is always a real pleasure. But the greatest pleasure lies in focusing on the human psyche, in realizing its hidden laws.

How to use the pleasure principle

If a person does not like what he is doing, he will find a thousand and one reasons not to do it.

So, you will never be able to force yourself to study if you do not like the work that you intend to do. And vice versa, if you like your future job, if you were led to it by real and not fictitious interest, then you will easily concentrate on the learning process, trying to learn as much as possible on the issue that interests you.

This is why choosing the right business is so important. And System-Vector Psychology training helps us easily cope with this choice. By opening our psyche and defining our vectors, we gain an understanding of our desires and properties, which allows us to accurately determine the choice of business that we will do with pleasure. This means there will be no .

The potential of collective intelligence

“It’s impossible to be so passionate about ideas all the time that you forget about sleep and food,”- you object. And you'll be right. Although, of course, there are individuals whose strength of sound desire is such that one idea inspires them throughout their lives. But not all people are like that. In any business there is a routine. And inspiration may dry up. But only if the creative process is limited only by you.

Reaching a new level is possible if you work make the most of the potential of collective intelligence. Here's how those who understand it write about it:

“For me, for example, freelance exchanges are a universal motivator from the first day of registration. I feel like I’m part of this large team of people, among them there are always many who are actively working, and this is a great stimulation.”

Yes this is true. Your creative potential is limited by your personal capabilities, and the potential of a group of like-minded people is exactly as many times greater as the number of participants in the project. That is why brainstorming has long been used in intellectual work, which allows you to see a problem in volume, from many points of view, collect ideas and quickly find a solution.

The general enthusiasm for the idea is contagious. Joint discussion gives inspiration, which must be immediately carried into work, implemented immediately and without delay. And this source of inspiration will never end, because there are many people. They are all different with different experiences, values, properties. Everyone sees the world differently. By uniting our views under the auspices of one idea, we get a product unprecedented in volume and quality.

Such experience was widely used in the early Soviet Union, where scientific workers not only created together, but also spent their free time together without interruption from the intellectual process. For Russia, such an experience is mentally acceptable, because we are collectivists, we like to do everything together.

But the leading corporations of Western countries, with their individualistic skin mentality, have already seen today that the future of intellectual work lies in teams. For example, Steve Jobs is considered the inventor of the iPhone, but in fact it is the fruit of the work of a huge number of Apple specialists.

So if you want to keep your brain sharp, look for a team that is close to you in spirit and the values ​​it brings to this world.

Getting to know yourself

Concentration of thought is the most important condition of life for the owner of the sound vector. However, in our time it is no longer enough for him to solve the problems of the material world. The next step in its development is the recognition of the human psyche, during which the meaning of life is revealed - a key sound need. Without this, now even the most realized sound artist can feel that he is missing something in his life. Lack of understanding of yourself, your Self -. In such states it is certainly impossible to concentrate on work. Why concentrate if everything is meaningless?

If nothing helps you, the only remedy left is. As deep as possible. This can be done at the training of Yuri Burlan System-vector psychology. Only here can you find out what your potential is, what your purpose in life is, what its true meaning is. And experiencing this meaning will never allow you to lose interest in life. Which means your intellect will always be on alert. Register for a free introductory online training by Yuri Burlan.

“I came to the training in a terrible state. Depressed and tormented by fears. I was tormented by insomnia. I felt like I was at the bottom of a deep hole that I couldn’t get out of... Thanks to the knowledge I gained during the training, I realized the reason why I didn’t allow myself to live. It was as if I had crawled out of a cramped barrel in which I had been sitting for many years... My interest in work awoke. Efficiency increased, and, as a result, I began to earn more. There was a desire to learn something new. Much less time was spent sleeping. I get enough sleep in 5-7 hours and feel rested. It has become easier to concentrate and keep attention, and if I fly away into my thoughts, I quickly bring myself back to earth...”

“I think the most important result is that I came out of the state of “in myself and in my thoughts.” I was so deep in my thoughts that even my memory indirectly became worse from this, I didn’t seem to notice what was happening and, accordingly, I didn’t remember anything, and I couldn’t concentrate where I needed to concentrate...”

Proofreader: Natalya Konovalova

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

Another terrible manifestation is a violation of cerebral circulation, leading to such a serious disease as stroke, which ranks second among the causes of death in Russians.

In the fall, VSD worsens, like all chronic diseases. This is due to the fact that the body of even a healthy person reacts negatively to temperature changes, shortened daylight hours, changes in atmospheric pressure, and disturbances in the Earth’s magnetic field, which become more frequent at this time of year. The population of large cities suffers the most with their frantic rhythm, incessant noise, poor ecology... A provoking factor is also an increase in workload, stress at work or study. Therefore, office employees have a particularly difficult time with VSD due to psychological disadaptation after the holiday season: it is difficult to get involved in work. As a result, symptoms become more pronounced, health worsens, memory and vitality decrease.

Doctor's comment

Psychotherapist at the Asteri-Med clinic, Gennady Nikolaevich Mironychev, comments on the problem of VSD: “Currently, the term “vegetative-vascular dystonia” is not generally accepted, although at one time it was very popular. In the international classification of diseases (ICD-10), adopted in Russia, for dysfunction of the autonomic system there is the term “somatoform autonomic dysfunction”, which can be localized in any functional system of the body and any human organ, therefore seasonal exacerbation means an increase in the queue to doctors almost all specialties. But most often they go to neurologists, since most complaints are about pain in the head and decreased mental performance. The statistics are frightening: up to 80% of the world's population suffers from one or another manifestation of VSD, and almost a third of them need qualified medical care. It is noteworthy that women are more susceptible to the disease than men. Of course, there are many risk factors in our difficult times... Competition in all spheres of life, strict deadlines, constant rush, multitasking - all this causes neuroses and stress, which provide fertile ground for the emergence of various diseases in humans. We can say that VSD is a disease of civilization, the scourge of modern humanity, the price to pay for the mind, career and material benefits that are so difficult for us to obtain. The seriousness of this insidious disease cannot be underestimated: with age, fluctuations in blood pressure will be more pronounced, occur for minor reasons, fainting will become a common occurrence - in short, the illness will be more severe and painful. It is important to remember that people with this disease must be observed by a neurologist, who prescribes special drugs to normalize blood circulation and metabolic processes in the brain, such as, for example, Vasobral. Such drugs improve brain metabolism, emotional state, memory and concentration, have a vasodilating effect without affecting blood pressure, which is important for hypertensive patients, and have antiasthenic and mild antidepressant properties.”

Eliminating symptoms

How to stay healthy? What to do during periods of exacerbation? How to avoid problems at work, at university or school, so that your head does not fail you at the most crucial moment? A reasonable daily routine and healthy eight-hour sleep will help to minimize or completely eliminate the symptoms of VSD. Lack of sleep is strictly contraindicated. Proper nutrition, rich in macro/microelements, vitamins, fiber and other beneficial substances, provides a supply of strength and energy: with VSD, any diet is prohibited. Don't underestimate the importance of exercise, whether it's jogging, cycling or just walking the dog. After all, it is a sedentary lifestyle (sedentary work, watching TV, “hanging out” on social networks) that can provoke cerebrovascular accidents and aggravate the disease. There is no need to explain the need to give up bad habits.

We do special exercises

In addition to drug therapy, doctors recommend conducting a set of special exercises for the whole family in order to eliminate the symptoms of VSD. The exercise is performed from a sitting position, you need to cross your legs and take a deep breath for 1-2 seconds. This is followed by bending the torso forward and pressing on the knees. Initial position. Take a deep breath again and hold your breath, then bend back as far as possible. This exercise should be repeated 10 times in each direction.

And the most important thing…

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is not a death sentence, but a reason to change your lifestyle, reconsider your attitude towards yourself and your health. And remember, the common expression “all diseases are from nerves” in this case is 100% justified.