What diet with one kidney. Nutrition rules after kidney removal surgery: grocery lists and menus. Recipes for various dishes

What should be the diet for kidney cancer? If such a diagnosis is made, a healthy and balanced diet is necessary so that nothing irritates the parenchyma of the affected organ or interferes with its functions.

Principles of nutrition

The diet recommended for kidney cancer is aimed at supporting the preserved organ. Since partial or complete resection or nephrectomy is indicated for cancer of this paired anatomical structure, only one normally functioning kidney remains in the human body. It is she who will have to take on a double burden and face complications of carcinoma, such as intoxication with tumor decay products and metabolic disorders.

To fight cancer and maintain homeostasis processes, the body needs energy. A balanced and healthy diet recommended for kidney cancer helps improve defenses, resist infectious factors and resume regenerative processes in damaged tissues. If you ignore the principles of a therapeutic diet, a person sharply loses weight, experiences cachexia or exhaustion, and the therapeutic measures taken cease to be effective.

Nutrition for kidney cancer should limit substances that directly irritate the organ parenchyma and interfere with the elimination of waste and toxins. The diet must be varied, including fermented milk products, lean meat, cereals, fruits and vegetables. All dishes are served fresh or steamed or baked. Salt, which is recommended to be replaced with lemon or cranberry juice, is prohibited. Meals should be frequent - at least 6 times a day in small portions. You should drink enough water daily.

In addition to organizing proper nutrition, it is important to give up existing bad habits: tobacco and alcohol addiction. It is necessary to minimize the load on the kidneys and avoid complications.

List of permitted and prohibited products

As mentioned above, the menu for a person who has been diagnosed with kidney carcinoma and undergone surgery should be varied and contain a maximum of useful microelements and vitamins.

The diet is based on fresh vegetables and fruits, which are natural antioxidants and normalize metabolic processes in the body.

The list of permitted products includes:

  • lean sea fish;
  • omelette, boiled eggs - no more than one per day;
  • dietary meat - chicken, turkey, rabbit - no earlier than a month after removal of the cancerous tumor;
  • bread with bran, lean cookies without added salt;
  • fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs;
  • low-fat fermented milk products - a passion for fatty acids for people with renal failure is fraught with serious complications in the form of nephrosis, urolithiasis, etc.;
  • melons - watermelon, melon, pumpkin;
  • pasta;
  • porridges and cereal casseroles;
  • unsalted cheeses, preferably homemade.

To eliminate constipation, you need to eat dried fruits and drink compotes based on them.

  • confectionery, baked goods;
  • soups with meat and mushroom broths;
  • sausages, frankfurters, smoked meats, kebabs;
  • any preserved food, vinegar, etc.

Mineral water, strong tea, coffee and cocoa are unsafe for the health of a person with this diagnosis. You can't drink alcohol. All this provokes urolithiasis and leads to renal dysfunction.

Fluid consumption regimen

Recommendations for drinking regimen depend on the method of surgical intervention used (laparoscopic or classic abdominal), and the volume of the surgical field. If we are talking about the early stage of a malignant lesion, organ-sparing nephrectomy is used, that is, the doctor removes only the tumor focus, partially leaving the kidney; there is no need to limit fluid intake to prevent painful dehydration.

The daily norm when drinking is 2.5 liters. In addition to purified water, it is allowed to consume decoctions of chamomile and rose hips, sour fruit drinks from cranberries and lingonberries, and weak tea.

If the kidney is completely removed by the oncologist, the volume of daily fluid must be reduced to 1 liter. This will help prevent swelling, the development of vascular and heart failure, and reduce the load on the remaining organ.

Nutrition at different stages of the disease

In the following table, we look at what dietary recommendations look like at different stages of kidney cancer.

Stages Recommendations
I At the early stage of the disease, the clinical manifestations of the pathology are weakly expressed, but the body is already beginning to fight damaged tissues, in the renewal of which protein is actively involved. Poultry and fish are the best sources of protein at this stage; antioxidants - fruits and vegetables, which enhance the functioning of the immune system and prevent the rapid malignancy of healthy cellular structures - will help supplement its functions.
II At this stage the disease is most often diagnosed. The growing tumor causes problems with metabolism and urination. During this period, it is important to follow the oncologist’s recommendations, in particular, follow the drinking regime and dietary principles, avoid salt and other prohibited foods.
III At the third stage, the symptoms of oncology become more pronounced, exhaustion of the body increases, and serious problems arise with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, including intestinal obstruction. The basis of the diet during this period is easily digestible healthy food and a sufficient amount of liquid. The meals are fractional and varied, mainly in the form of products of natural origin.
IV At the fourth stage of kidney cancer, metastases are diagnosed in any part of the body. This aggravates the clinical picture of the disease and leads to complications such as exhaustion, sudden weight loss, lack of appetite and aversion to many foods. At this stage, the person is considered inoperable and palliative treatment is indicated. Since many patients refuse to eat, drip and special formula-based nutrition is recommended for cancer patients.

Nutrition during chemotherapy

During chemotherapy, a person’s immune system suffers, all physiological processes in the body deteriorate, he complains of nausea, vomiting and severe weakness. Lack of fluid during chemotherapy can aggravate these symptoms, so people undergoing this treatment are recommended to drink up to 10 glasses of water and tea per day.

If vomiting or diarrhea occurs, which is not uncommon during this period, it is important to take into account the amount of fluid lost and be sure to replace it with additional fluids to prevent dehydration. Experts recommend drinking green tea during chemotherapy, which contains epigallocatechin gallate, which has antitumor and detoxification properties. In this case, the daily food ration along with liquid should not exceed 3 liters.

Nutrition before and after treatment (surgery)

Prior to nephrectomy, adherence to the general dietary principles listed above is recommended. 24 hours before surgery, the daily diet is reduced to a minimum, but these restrictions are not imposed on the drinking regime.

After a nephrectomy (removal of a kidney), the patient will have to reconsider not only his diet, but also his lifestyle. Following the recommendations of the attending physician, the patient begins to recover relatively soon.

In the first 72 hours after surgery, the remaining and partially preserved kidneys (subject to incomplete resection) face a double load and require the most careful treatment. The recovery period ranges from 10 to 30 days, and the total duration of rehabilitation is up to one year. During this time, the renal system must be rebuilt to carry out full anatomical functions.

In the first 24 hours after nephrectomy, the patient is offered liquid food in a daily volume of no more than 1 liter. If necessary, nutrients are introduced into the patient's body by drip. From the second day, the patient’s diet expands - porridge and soups are carefully introduced into the diet.

The main restrictions are water and salt. Excess fluid will put a strain on the kidneys, as a result of which the organ may simply fail and require hemodialysis. But if there is not enough drinking, dehydration will begin, which will also worsen the patient’s condition. Food is taken up to 6 times a day in small portions.

In addition to diet, an organized routine is also important. Healthy sleep, moderate physical activity, and supporting the immune system will bring positive results in the near future. A normal weight will allow the preserved kidney to cope with its functions.

Features of the diet for adults, children, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly

After an oncological diagnosis is made, intensive treatment of the disease in a hospital begins. Before surgery and in the first days after it, a fasting diet is recommended. The child is offered 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day in the form of purified water, weak tea, freshly squeezed juices and decoctions of berries and fruits. After 72 hours, low-fat fish, chicken, cottage cheese and eggs are introduced into the little patient’s diet. Fats include butter and vegetable oil. It is also recommended to create a menu of any vegetables, cereals and fruits. Excluded are products that to a certain extent irritate the renal epithelium: broths, caffeine, garlic, fried, spicy and salty foods, as well as salt itself. It is recommended that the child eat 6 times a day in small portions. Food should only be freshly prepared and warm. This diet must be followed for the next year.

The diet for adenocarcinoma and kidney cancer in pregnant and lactating women, as well as the elderly, is built on the same principles. A weakened body needs a sufficient supply of nutrients and maintaining water balance. If he lacks energy resources, the condition of patients worsens, exhaustion and cachexia develop. If you are underweight, any treatment ceases to be effective. If the weight loss is 40% or more, the situation ends in death.

Menu for the week

In the following table, we will look at what a diet for one week looks like for a person with kidney cancer.

Days of the week Approximate menu
MONDAY After waking up: rosehip decoction.
Breakfast: pumpkin porridge.
Lunch: tea with milk, cookies.
Lunch: cabbage soup, salad, stewed chicken fillet.
Afternoon snack: berry jelly.
Dinner: rice porridge, yogurt, tea.
TUESDAY After waking up: cranberry juice.
Breakfast: muesli with milk.
Lunch: jelly, bran bread.
Lunch: borscht, steamed fish cutlets, cauliflower puree.
Afternoon snack: grapes, watermelon.
Dinner: cheesecakes, tea.
WEDNESDAY After waking up: milk.
Breakfast: carrot soufflé.
Lunch: toast with butter, compote.
Lunch: noodle soup, salad, turkey with potatoes.
Afternoon snack: avocado.
Dinner: sea fish, rice.
THURSDAY After waking up: dried apricot decoction.
Breakfast: cottage cheese, tea.
Lunch: cookies, jam.
Lunch: chicken soup, cabbage rolls.
Afternoon snack: baked pears and apples.
Dinner: stewed eggplant with turkey.
FRIDAY After waking up: kefir.
Breakfast: yogurt, tea.
Lunch: cookies, fruit drink.
Lunch: zucchini soup, salad, cheesecakes.
Afternoon snack: berry soufflé.
Dinner: chicken cutlets with vegetables.
SATURDAY After waking up: orange juice.
Breakfast: pancakes with buckwheat flour, tea.
Lunch: watermelon.
Lunch: cabbage soup, salad, stuffed pepper.
Afternoon snack: cranberries in sugar.
Dinner: barley porridge, milk.
SUNDAY After waking up: yogurt.
Breakfast: melon, tea.
Lunch: bran bread, jelly.
Lunch: noodle soup, salad, rabbit with vegetables.
Afternoon snack: banana.
Dinner: stewed cabbage, cottage cheese, tea.

Recipes for various dishes

To prevent complications and restore weight lost during illness, nutrition after removal of a kidney with a tumor should be varied and balanced. This is the only way to support a weakened body and avoid urolithiasis.

The vinaigrette. Boil 3 potatoes, 1 carrot and 1 beet. Cool the prepared vegetables, peel and cut into small cubes. Add fresh or thawed peas (not canned). Season the salad with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Cut the fresh tomato into rings, peel the bell pepper from the stalk and seeds and chop into strips. Sauté vegetables for 2 minutes. At this time, beat 2 eggs with 2 glasses of milk, pour the mixture into the vegetables, season with herbs. Simmer the omelette, covered, over low heat until cooked.

Baked fish. Defrost cod or tilapia fillets, rinse, pat dry with a napkin and place on a baking sheet. Place a layer of grated carrots, sesame seeds and a few slices of lemon on the fish. Bake in a hot oven for about 20 minutes.

Is fasting effective?

Fasting treatment is not safe. There is an opinion that a 40-55-day fast from food helps eliminate cancer, but this is not confirmed by science and should not be used in practice without the consent of a doctor. Moreover, experts are confident that fasting during liver and kidney failure is not only dangerous, but also completely pointless. Such actions can only weaken the body more, but do not affect oncology.

Nutrition after treatment for kidney cancer during the rehabilitation period involves using the recommendations and rules listed above. Since this organ is extremely sensitive to various irritants, salt, alcohol and spices are strictly prohibited. Food should not only be nutritious, but also light.

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Healthy kidneys are one of the important aspects of the normal functioning of the body. Unfortunately, sometimes severe damage can only be dealt with through surgery. In this case, one of the paired urinary organs has to be surgically removed, and twice as much work is assigned to the remaining kidney, and the risk of developing pathological changes in it increases significantly. How to protect the urinary system, and what should be the diet after kidney removal: let's figure it out.

Goals of nutritional therapy

The reasons why a patient has to remove the main organ of the urinary system are very diverse. The operation is indicated for tumor processes, and for developmental anomalies incompatible with the normal functioning of the body, and for chronic diseases. At the same time, life without a kidney is practically no different from the life of a healthy person, but the prevention of kidney damage becomes much more important.

Therapeutic nutrition after surgery to remove a kidney (nephrectomy) has the following goals:

  1. Reducing the load on the urinary organs.
  2. Reducing the intake of harmful substances into the body, as well as accelerating their elimination.
  3. Prevention of the formation of stones in the pelvicalyceal apparatus and the development of urolithiasis.
  4. Prevention of the development of infectious processes in the kidney.
  5. Prevention of the formation of chronic renal failure and organ failure.
  6. Acceleration of the process of adaptation of a single kidney to increased loads.

General principles

The diet after kidney removal should be balanced and rational. Among its basic principles, experts highlight the following:

  1. Limiting the volume of incoming liquid to 1-1.2 liters.
  2. Reducing the amount of salt consumed to 3-5 g (it is recommended to add a little salt to already prepared food).
  3. Reducing the proportion of proteins in the diet to 70-80 g/day.
  4. Maintaining sufficient energy value (2800-3000 kcal).
  5. Small meals with several snacks.
  6. The preferred methods of cooking are boiling, baking, stewing.

Do's and Don'ts for Patients with a Single Kidney

Authorized Products

  • bran and protein-free dietary bread;
  • vegetable broth soups;
  • steam cutlets, meatballs, meatballs from veal, turkey, chicken or rabbit (not earlier than 2-3 weeks after nephrectomy);
  • low-fat fish varieties - pollock, hake, blue whiting;
  • chicken or quail eggs – 1-2 times a day;
  • seasonal vegetables - beets, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, cauliflower (in the form of fresh salads or baked);
  • any fruits and berries;
  • any porridge (buckwheat and oatmeal are especially useful).

Thus, the daily diet should include mainly plant (vegetables, fruits, cereals, cereals) and fermented milk products, fish. Patients on a diet are recommended to eat lean meat (chicken breast, veal, rabbit) 2-3 times a week in the amount of 100-120 g.

For drinks, preference should be given to pure still water, weak green tea, decoctions of rose hips and other medicinal plants, compotes, fruit and vegetable juices half diluted with water.

Prohibited Products

Prohibited foods for patients with a removed kidney include:

  • rich fish and meat broths;
  • tough meat with a lot of tendons and fascia;
  • fatty meat (lamb, pork, poultry with skin);
  • fried foods;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • smoked meats;
  • fast food and semi-finished products;
  • legumes (peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils);
  • salted and pickled vegetables;
  • mushrooms and other hard-to-digest foods;
  • vegetables with a high content of esters (garlic, onions, radishes, spinach, sorrel, celery);
  • hot sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise.

For patients with a single kidney, strong tea and coffee, alcohol, undiluted natural juices and highly mineralized waters are strictly prohibited. These drinks increase the load on the urinary system and significantly increase the risk of developing nephrolithiasis.

Approximate nutrition plan for patients after kidney removal

Breakfast. Oatmeal with fruit, vinaigrette, crackers (no added salt or sugar), tea. Snack. Two-egg omelette, rosehip decoction. Dinner. Buckwheat soup with vegetables, mashed potatoes with steamed pollock cutlets, carrot and beet salad, dried fruit compote. Snack. Baked apple with honey and raisins. Dinner. Buckwheat, stewed cabbage, tea with milk. Before bedtime. A glass of yogurt without additives.

Living with one kidney is not a death sentence, but only a reason to be more attentive to your health. To ensure normal functioning of the digestive organs, it is important to avoid hypothermia, undergo regular medical examinations and follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle. And, of course, an equally important method of preventing problems with the urinary system is proper nutrition after kidney removal.


Basic principles of diet

For each patient, the doctor develops an individual diet after kidney surgery. In this case, all the characteristics of the person, his chronic diseases and existing kidney problems are taken into account. However, despite minor differences in the dietary table of each patient, the following basic principles are observed:

  1. A diet with one kidney should be balanced. It is important not to overdo it with protein foods. In addition, the daily diet should contain a complex of minerals and vitamins necessary for the body.
  2. It is better to eat quickly digestible foods.
  3. You need to eat food in fractional portions, but often (about 5-6 meals a day).
  4. You should also try to chew your food well, since this determines how well it will be absorbed.
  5. You can drink no more than 1 liter of free liquid per day. It is important to understand that both a lack of fluid and its excess will have a negative impact on the body.
  6. The amount of table salt should be kept to a minimum (no more than 6 g per day). Even better, stop using it altogether. Food cannot be salted during cooking; you can add salt to the food immediately before consumption, and then within the daily norm. Since meat and fish contain a small amount of salt, it is better to boil them before cooking.
  7. It is better to steam, boil or bake food. It is better to avoid frying altogether.
  8. For people with one kidney, it is important to watch your weight. Extra pounds can negatively affect the performance of a single organ.
  9. A strict diet after kidney removal is followed for the time specified by the doctor, after which you can begin to expand your diet. This can be done gradually and only with the permission of a specialist.

  10. It is important to limit your intake of protein foods. Lean fish and meat can be approximately 50-60 g per day. It is better to avoid eating legumes altogether at first.
  11. Bread should also be chosen without added salt. Wheat-bran rolls and protein-free bread are ideal. You can buy diet bread and cookies without salt. The norm of bakery products per day is no more than 400 g.
  12. Meals after kidney removal due to cancer must include vegetarian soups. You can add cereals and pasta to them.
  13. To season dishes, you can use vegetable oil, unsalted butter and kefir.

A diet for kidney cancer after kidney removal involves a complete abstinence from meat during the first two weeks after surgery. Then, with your doctor’s permission, you can begin to introduce lean meat into your diet. Veal, turkey, chicken and rabbit are ideal. But you can eat no more than 100 g of meat per day. Instead of meat, you can eat lean fish. Moreover, fish does not put so much strain on the only healthy kidney, so a couple of weeks after the operation you can begin to expand your diet from it.

The diet after kidney resection does not exclude eggs from the diet, but you can eat no more than a couple of chicken eggs a week or two quail eggs a day. It is better to cook eggs from eggs or add them to salads and other dishes. It is better to avoid fried eggs completely. For a person with a tumor who has just undergone nephrectomy, it is important to stop drinking whole milk. It is better to give preference to fermented milk products. Kefir, curdled milk and yogurt restore strength well, normalize intestinal microflora, and strengthen the immune system.

You can make all kinds of casseroles and puddings from cottage cheese. If a person has any kidney pathologies, then you should not consume too much dairy products and other foods rich in calcium, as this can lead to the deposition of stones in the only healthy kidney.

Main permitted products

Nutrition for kidney cancer after surgery should include a full range of vitamins and minerals, so the bulk of food should be vegetables and fruits. Below we provide a list of the main permitted products:

  • Fruits and vegetables should be present in the daily menu in large quantities. They nourish the blood, improve the functioning of the digestive system and do not overload the body. They can be consumed fresh, frozen and dried. Vegetables can be boiled and baked, and fruits can be used to make compotes, jelly, jam and jam. In summer you need to eat watermelons and melons. You can prepare fruit and vegetable salads.
  • It's good to eat cereals. Moreover, you can cook porridge from them, add them to soup or make casseroles. The diet should also include pasta made from durum wheat.
  • Very often you can find a recommendation that for kidney cancer it is useful to drink aloe vera juice with the addition of iron. Before doing this, it is better to consult a doctor. You are allowed to drink weak tea (black or green), rosehip decoction, compotes, jelly, juices diluted with water and herbal teas. Wine and other alcoholic drinks are contraindicated.

  • It is better to replace white bread with grain or black bread. It is advisable to eat salt-free bread, and it is better to avoid eating baked goods altogether.
  • As for dairy products, sour cream and cream can be added to vegetable salads and soups as a dressing. You can eat a small amount of fermented milk products with the addition of a spoon of honey.
  • Since it is better not to add salt to food, you can add lemon juice or cranberry sauce to improve the taste. It is very useful to take clean water in the morning on an empty stomach with the addition of grains of sea salt and soda. This water is saturated with minerals, iodine and beneficial trace elements and is similar in composition to blood plasma.

Forbidden food

After nephrectomy surgery, you should avoid eating the following foods:

  • sweet baked goods;
  • White bread;
  • black salty bread;
  • broths with fish, meat or mushrooms;
  • fatty varieties of fish and meat;
  • smoked meats;
  • sausages;
  • salted cheese;
  • salty fish;
  • marinades and homemade pickles;
  • vegetables and herbs high in oxalic acid (celery, spinach, radishes, parsley, garlic and onions);
  • chocolate and cocoa;
  • sodium chloride mineral water;
  • all carbonated drinks;
  • strong coffee and tea.

Calorie content and ratio of products

The daily calorie intake and its composition after surgery should be as follows:

  1. Calorie content – ​​2.8-3 thousand kcal.
  2. The amount of protein is no more than 15% of the daily diet.
  3. Carbohydrates should take up a third.
  4. The share of plant foods accounts for about 60%.

You can consume no more than 75-81 g of fats and proteins per day. If the patient has signs of renal failure, then their amount should be reduced to 20-26 g per day. As for carbohydrates, you can consume about 0.4-0.5 kg per day. Based on the percentage, it turns out that the daily volume of plant food is 2.4 kg.

Attention: the total amount of food per day should not exceed three kilograms, and water 0.8-1 liters.

Do not combine protein foods with carbohydrates, but you can eat protein with plant foods. It is better to consume vegetables 10 minutes before eating carbohydrate or protein foods.


What nutrition is prescribed immediately after surgery?

For the first time in the postoperative period, eating is prohibited. The patient's viability is maintained for several days by administering nutrients intravenously through a drip.

Allowed after 2-3 days fractional meals.

Its essence is to take only freshly prepared food in compliance with a clear regimen - feeding in moderate portions with frequent intervals between them.

Resection or removal of the urinary system organ means eliminating the habit of eating dry food.

The dietary menu includes the use of foods rich in beneficial microelements and vitamins. Fermented milk products with a low fat content, steamed vegetables, and boiled fish are recommended. Fresh honey is beneficial.

You can’t suddenly switch from a protein diet for plant-based or dairy foods. Any changes are made smoothly so as not to cause damage to the weakened body.

Spicy and salty foods and canned foods are contraindicated. It is undesirable to drink mineral water. It contains excess salts, which can cause urolithiasis. Improves well-being complete abstinence from salt and reducing the amount of fluids consumed.

The maximum allowable amount of salt per day is up to 3-5 g, if it is impossible to abandon it completely.

Then the food is salted immediately before eating it, and not during the cooking process.

Diet features

The dietary menu is aimed at restoration of body resources and maintaining normal functioning of the urinary system. In the postoperative period, the load on the remaining kidney increases, which is forced to do double work, compensating for the lack of a paired organ.

The rehabilitation process takes 1-1.5 years. At this time, the kidney hypertrophies, increasing its size. Its ability to process harmful substances increases. Thanks to this, the balance of the internal environment is ensured.

A balanced diet plays an important role in this. His goal is make your work easier the only organ, speed up its adaptation to the current conditions.

The diet includes the following features:

  • Strictly regulated amount of liquid per day – up to 1 liter. A larger volume is contraindicated; the kidney cannot cope with it.
  • Control the consumption of salt and spices - up to 3 g per day.
  • Reducing the amount of protein consumed – within 70-80 g.
  • The temperature of the food served is average, it cannot be too hot.
  • The daily intake of carbohydrates is 0.4-0.5 kg, and fats – 80-90 g.
  • The total calorie content of meals per day is 2800-3000 units.
  • Priority is given to easily digestible products of natural origin and high quality, which do not contain dyes or preservatives.
  • Splitting the daily norm into 5-6 doses.

After a diagnosis of kidney cancer and its removal, the consumption of baked goods is reduced up to 0.4 kg per day. It is advisable that they be unsalted. Whole grain breads are a good alternative.

The main emphasis is on soups and vegetable broths with cereals and pasta. Kefir, sunflower or butter are added to food. The duration of dietary nutrition depends on the speed of adaptation of the body. Upon completion of this stage, the menu gradually includes familiar dishes in agreement with the attending physician.

How to eat, what you can eat and what you can’t?

Postoperative menu for a patient who has undergone kidney resection or nephrectomy, must be varied and contain vitamins and beneficial microelements in the required quantities.

To improve the taste of prepared dishes, it is permissible to add cinnamon, citric acid, and cumin.

The basis of the menu is fresh fruits and vegetables, which help maintain normal metabolic processes in the body. Animal fats can be consumed in quantities no more than 100 g per day.

Add to list prohibited products includes:

  • baked goods and sweets;
  • soups with meat and mushrooms;
  • smoked meats, sausage, frankfurters, small sausages;
  • canned fish, stew;

Strong tea or coffee, cocoa, and mineral water are harmful. Alcohol is also prohibited. All of them provoke urolithiasis. It is undesirable to eat dishes with the addition of spinach, parsley, garlic, and onions.

Sample menu for the day

An approximate daily diet will help you figure out what and at what intervals you can eat after kidney removal during the recovery period. The menu looks like this:

First breakfast– 8.00. Breakfast is allowed with vinaigrette, unsalted bread with a piece of butter and berry compote.

Lunch– 12.00. You can eat porridge with low-fat milk or make an omelet. As a drink - rosehip infusion.

Dinner– 16.00. Soup with vegetable broth for the first course, and for the second - steamed vegetable stew, a piece of baked low-fat fish. An apple and weak tea with cream or milk.

Dinner No. 1– oatmeal with water, steamed zucchini or cabbage cutlets. For dessert - berry jelly.

Dinner No. 2– herbal tea with unsalted cookies.

This maintains a healthy interval between meals, and the body is saturated with essential vitamins and nutrients.

Dish recipes

In order not to disrupt metabolism and restore lost weight due to kidney cancer, food should be nutritious, but do not contribute to the formation of stones. Sample recipes will help you maintain a balanced diet and put your weakened body in order.

The vinaigrette

To prepare it you will need:

All vegetables are boiled. Peels are removed from potatoes, beets and carrots. They are cut into cubes and peas are added. The vinaigrette is mixed and seasoned with sunflower oil.

Omelette with vegetables

Required ingredients:

  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • milk – 0.5 l;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp;
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • tomato – 2 pcs.;
  • dill – 20 g.

Washed peppers and tomatoes are cleared of stalks and seeds. Peppers are cut into rings, and tomatoes into slices.

Beat the eggs, pour milk into them. Sauté the vegetables in oil for 1-2 minutes and pour the milk-egg mixture over them. Simmer over low heat until done. At the end, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Baked fish

To prepare it, you need to take a low-fat variety of fish.


  • pangasius fillet – 100 g;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • lemon – 2 slices;
  • sesame – 5 g;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.

Thaw the fish fillet, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Grease a baking sheet with oil, place the fish, sprinkle with carrots and sesame seeds. Place lemon slices on top. Bake for 10-15 minutes in the oven.

Steam cutlets

They include:

Vegetables are peeled, washed and grated on a coarse grater. Add sour cream and egg to them and mix well. Pour bran in there and mix again. Form cutlets with wet hands, place them in a steamer and cook for 20 minutes.

What is your lifestyle after kidney removal?

During resection of a kidney with a tumor, diet alone is not enough to normalize your health.

We need an integrated approach - a revision of the daily routine and lifestyle.

  • Get adequate sleep, lasting at least 8 hours.
  • Additional rest, breaks from work.
  • Elimination of heavy physical labor. You cannot work with irregular, daily schedules or in chemical production.
  • Avoid hypothermia, keep your feet dry and warm.
  • Avoid contact with carriers of viral infections, so as not to weaken the immune system.
  • Take walks in the morning and evening for half an hour.
  • Do physical therapy exercises in consultation with your doctor.
  • Keep skin clean. You can visit the bathhouse once a week.

These activities, together with dietary nutrition, will bring your health back to normal and will allow you to

If it becomes necessary to remove one kidney, the remaining organ takes on double the load. The diet after kidney removal is designed to facilitate the functioning of the urinary system and speed up the recovery process.

The diet prescribed after kidney removal is based on the consumption of easily digestible food. The fluid rate is strictly controlled - there should be neither a deficiency nor an excess supply. Water helps the kidneys remove toxins and waste, but after surgery one kidney simply cannot cope with its large volume (the daily fluid intake is limited to 1 liter per day). The diet also imposes restrictions on salt (the permissible amount is 3-5 g per day). The protein norm is somewhat reduced, but the amount of carbohydrates and fats fully corresponds to physiological needs.

Throughout the day you are supposed to eat 5-6 servings of food. Food should provide the body with a supply of vitamins and minerals - this is necessary to maintain metabolic processes. Products can be boiled in water or steamed, baked, stewed. The temperature for serving food is comfortably warm.

Salt-free, protein-free, bran bread, unsalted cookies
Vegetarian soups with vegetables, pasta, cereals and herbs (vegetable or butter is used for dressing)
Chicken or turkey fillet, veal, rabbit meat - up to 100 g per day (it can be added to the menu 2-3 weeks after surgery)
Low-fat varieties of fish (it can be stewed, boiled, baked, prepared from minced fish)
Boiled eggs or as an omelet – up to 2 pcs. in a day
Low-fat dairy products (consumed in limited quantities - high calcium concentrations can lead to sand formation in the kidney)
Vegetables (priority potatoes, beets, tomatoes, carrots, cauliflower, lettuce, cucumbers)
Fruit and berry mousses, jams, preserves, jellies
Melons (melons, watermelons)
Cereals (you can prepare casseroles, porridges, etc.)
Protein-free pasta
Low-fat, mild, unsalted cheeses
Refined vegetable oils
Unsalted butter
Sauces based on fruits, vegetables, sour cream
Herbal decoctions, weakly brewed tea, compotes, juices diluted with water

Chemical composition and calorie content:
The energy value of the diet is 2800-3000 kcal
Content of fats and proteins – 70-80 g per day
Carbohydrate content - 400-500 g per day

Prohibited Products

The following are subject to exception:
Wheat and black bread
Butter pastries
Pickles, marinades, smoked meats, canned food, semi-finished products, sausages
Fish, meat, mushroom broths
Fatty meats, poultry, fish
Salted, fatty, smoked fish
Salty and spicy cheeses
Radishes, celery, mushrooms, parsley, sorrel, spinach, garlic, legumes, fresh onions
Coffee, strong tea, cocoa, chocolate
Mineral water with carbonation and high sodium content

The first question that doctors hear from patients who have undergone a nephrectomy (surgery to remove a kidney): will their lives be full again? Rehabilitation of the body lasts about six months. During this period, the remaining kidney will adapt to functioning with double the load, and a person is simply obliged to take care of his health.

After kidney removal, a strict diet is always prescribed. This is vital during the recovery period, and after rehabilitation it will help you get back into action faster.

The success of recovery depends on following the recommendations: eating right and controlling the amount of fluid consumed. The new diet recommended by doctors will have to be followed for the rest of your life.

After the operation, therapeutic nutrition is prescribed. Its principles allow:

  • reduce the load on organs;
  • reduce the possibility of harmful substances entering the body;
  • minimize the risk of renal failure;
  • prevent the formation of sand and stones;
  • ensure compensatory adaptation of a healthy kidney: improve its cleansing and excretory function.

In the first days after surgery to remove a kidney, only liquid nutrition is allowed: in small portions, no more than one spoon. Sometimes the patient’s condition does not allow him to eat even this way, especially during the first postoperative day. Then the nutrients are administered intravenously to the person.

In the first month after kidney removal, the diet allows liquid porridges and light soups. You need to eat often, at least six times a day.

It is important to limit the consumption of salt and water during this period. The drinking regime must be strictly observed: if there is a deficiency of fluid, the body will experience dehydration, and if there is an excess, it will be very difficult for the kidney to cope with the load.

The diet prescribed for kidney removal requires strict adherence to the following recommendations:

  • the amount of liquid should be limited;
  • it is important to avoid salty foods;
  • It is better to completely exclude spices;
  • control the daily intake of proteins, fats, carbohydrates;
  • caloric intake should not exceed 2500 kcal/day;
  • avoid fried and fatty foods;
  • limit milk consumption;
  • replace bread and rolls with whole grain bread;
  • eat natural and easy-to-digest foods.

Dishes for a person with one kidney during the postoperative period should not be too hot.

Dietary food should:

  1. Help the second kidney adapt to the loss of its paired organ.
  2. Reduce the load on the body, help normalize metabolism and help cope with the consequences of intoxication.

Diet features

For tumor diseases, not only nephrectomy can be performed, but also organ resection, provided that it can be preserved. The operated organ continues to partially function, but the healthy kidney has to experience double the load. Therefore, it cannot be said that when removing a kidney cancer tumor, you can ignore the dietary pattern.

The diet after removal of a kidney tumor is similar to that prescribed after nephrectomy. Necessary:

  • follow the principles of proper nutrition;
  • count carbohydrates, proteins and fats;
  • control the amount of water you drink.

The diet for kidney resection prescribed for the rehabilitation period includes the following rules:

  1. Protein foods are allowed to be consumed approximately every other day, preferably lean meat (chicken, beef, rabbit) and fish. The content of proteins and fats must be controlled and not exceed the norm.
  2. Carbohydrates in the diet are predominantly complex (cereal porridges with water and milk, soups and casseroles made from noodles and pasta).
  3. It is better to obtain fats from vegetable oil, preferably cold pressed.
  4. A significant part of the correct diet for a person after the removal of one of the kidneys or resection of part of an organ should consist of fresh and boiled vegetables and fruits. In addition to the high content of vitamins, such food helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. It is advisable to steam or boil dishes.

Now it is clear that the nutritional requirements after kidney removal and nutrition during organ resection for cancer are very similar. Following a diet promotes rapid recovery and restoration of a person.

The diet prescribed for kidney removal, despite its strictness, is quite varied. Let's see what foods you can eat after kidney removal.

The diet menu may contain:

  1. Lean meat. You can boil it, stew it, bake it, make meatballs and steamed cutlets. Portions are small. It is better to include meat products in the menu 3 weeks after surgery.
  2. Bran bread with low salt content.
  3. Soups based on light meat and vegetable broths. For this diet, a rule has been established: it is better not to add salt to the dish during the cooking process, but to add salt already during the meal.
  4. Lean fish. Method of preparation: boil, bake, stew. Steamed fish cutlets are allowed. If you choose between meat or fish protein, fish is still preferable for the health of the urinary system.
  5. Eggs, but no more than 2 per day. It is useful to eat quail eggs.
  6. Kefir, yogurt, ayran. Milk should be limited.
  7. Vegetables in any form.
  8. Cereal dishes - porridges and casseroles. The most useful are buckwheat and oatmeal.
  9. Unsalted cheese is allowed occasionally.
  10. Dressings made from vegetable oil or sour cream. Mayonnaise should not be used.
  11. All drinks are allowed, with the exception of alcohol and strong coffee and tea. Freshly squeezed juices are best diluted.

After kidney removal, you can eat any fruits and berries you like. Both fresh and in the form of various dishes are allowed. Baked apples are very useful.

Required for use

It is necessary to include healthy products in the menu:

  • watermelon is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements;
  • pumpkin, which helps quickly remove toxins and cleanse the body;
  • melon is a record holder for the content of folic acid, iron, vitamin C, which are necessary for kidney function;
  • cranberry is a natural antiseptic that eliminates infections and inflammation in the kidneys;
  • rosehip, which helps dissolve sand and stones, is rich in vitamin C;
  • blueberries, used to remove sand and prevent its formation;
  • carrots, cabbage, dill, containing large amounts of vitamins A and C, so necessary for the normal functioning of the urinary system.

I would like to say separately about the benefits of such a cereal as oats. Iron and vitamin B6 have a beneficial effect on the body and prevent the formation of stones and sand. Oats improve blood circulation and cleanse the kidneys. It is best to prepare a milk decoction from oats.

What can you eat after kidney surgery? It turns out that almost all products. At the same time, permitted food will be beneficial and help improve the health of the entire body.

Fully or partially limited products

The diet recommended for resection of part of the kidney or nephrectomy belongs to the dietary category. This is a necessary measure to maintain the functioning of the organ. In order not to increase the load on the only healthy kidney, the consumption of alcohol, strong tea, coffee, fatty, fried and pickled foods is completely prohibited.

The following foods are prohibited: mushrooms, radishes, onions, spinach, celery and garlic, rich meat broths.

You need to limit: fresh baked goods, sweets, beans and peas.

It is better to replace fresh milk with kefir, fermented baked milk, ayran (fermented milk products).

After kidney resection for cancer, you should follow the diet prescribed for people after kidney surgery.

Sample menu

After any kidney surgery, you must follow a strict diet. However, you are allowed to eat quite a lot of foods, so the menu will be varied and tasty.

The basis of the diet after kidney nephrectomy consists of vegetables and fruits.

If the doctor insists on reducing protein intake, the diet must include dishes containing slow carbohydrates: porridge from various cereals, pasta. Instead of sugar, it is better to use natural honey.

The first breakfast should be early enough, no later than 8 o'clock.

Second breakfast - around noon. It is better to have lunch at 16-17 hours. The afternoon snack is usually quite light. It will allow you to wait for dinner without feeling hungry.

Dinner can be scheduled for 8 pm. You should choose lighter foods that are quickly digested and absorbed by the body.

Before going to bed, you can drink yogurt, herbal tea or treat yourself to some fruit.

Below is an approximate weekly dietary menu for a person with one kidney who is following a diet during the rehabilitation period.

Menu by day of the week


Breakfast (B) Semolina , steamed meatballs, herbal tea
Second breakfast (BZ) Zucchini casserole, green tea
Lunch (O) Vegetable rice soup, chicken baked in foil, jelly
Afternoon snack (P) Steamed fish cutlet, sweet buckwheat porridge, compote
Dinner (U) Kefir


Z Pearl barley porridge, vegetable cutlets, tea with milk
VZ Steamed cheesecakes with sour cream
ABOUT Borscht with light broth, boiled veal, beet salad, oatmeal jelly
P Fruit salad
U Curdled milk


Z Omelet, baked veal, juice
VZ Fish rice soup, meat and vegetable stew, compote
ABOUT Grilled fish, boiled carrots
P Sweet cottage cheese
U Dried fruits


Z Boiled eggs, eggplant caviar, cheese, tea
VZ Fruits
ABOUT Chicken rice soup , boiled meat (chicken or rabbit), grilled vegetables
P Casserole
U Bran bread, jelly


Z Sweet buckwheat porridge
VZ Mashed potatoes, boiled cod with white sauce
ABOUT Rice soup with vegetables, porridge with pumpkin, herbal tea
P Watermelon
U Steamed chicken cutlets


Z Milk porridge , eggs, herbal tea
VZ Curd and carrot cheesecakes
ABOUT Vegetable soup, fish meatballs, blueberry compote
P Boiled chicken, stewed vegetables
U Kefir


Z Hercules porridge with dried fruits, cottage cheese, green tea
VZ Pasta casserole with sauce
ABOUT Milk soup, mashed potatoes, baked pollock, jelly
P Fruits
U Cottage cheese, sweet tea

The diet is quite varied and balanced, and according to many patients, it is quite easy to follow. The exception is the first months: getting used to a new diet, abandoning established habits. The most unpleasant moment is that you will have to significantly reduce your salt intake. The diet will become familiar after a while.

Lifestyle after kidney removal

To summarize and generalize recommendations for patients with one kidney, I would like to say about the most important things.

After kidney removal, diet should become a way of life. The rules of nutrition and drinking regime must be observed every day and not come up with various excuses for yourself. Drinking alcohol after resection of a part of the kidney or its removal is strictly prohibited! It is important to remember this information once and for all.

Your diet may not remain the same after major surgery. It is a fact. And a diet will help a healthy organ tolerate increased stress much more effectively than all expensive medications.

Radical removal of that part of the kidney that is affected by the tumor within the boundaries of healthy tissue is partial nephrectomy. Nutrition after removal of part of the kidney must be correct.

Most importantly, after kidney resection, you should only eat freshly prepared meals from fresh ingredients. It is also important to store food correctly. For example, vegetable oil cannot be stored in metal containers. Also, oil does not like light - it is better to store it in a dark glass container.

The next rule is to adhere to the diet. You cannot eat dry food. Also, products must be selected in such a way as to minimize the load on the liver and kidneys. The food taken by the patient should be rich in vitamins and microelements and easily digestible.

Nutrition after surgery should be balanced. It is recommended to include honey, vegetables, cream, sour cream, and eggs in the menu. Meat and fish should only be consumed boiled. It is also not recommended to suddenly change your usual diet after kidney resection. For example, switching from a protein diet to a plant-based dairy diet.

Rehabilitation after kidney resection should be as smooth as possible. It is not recommended to eat salty, spicy, smoked foods. You should not take foods with preservatives.

It is also not recommended to consume mineral waters in large quantities, since they contain a fairly large amount of salts. Fried foods should not be included in the patient’s diet. At first, after kidney resection, the patient will have pain. It is not recommended for the patient to use painkillers. To reduce pain, experts recommend drinking kidney tea, horsetail decoction, lingonberry or cranberry juice. Smooth muscle spasm will thus be reduced, and a diuretic and antibacterial effect will also occur.

The average daily requirement of a person for fat is 90 grams. This number should include 30 grams of vegetable fats. It is not recommended to use these 30 grams for frying foods (toxic substances are formed in the oil during heat treatment). The remaining 60 grams of fat comes from cottage cheese, sour cream, meat and butter.

It is advisable to choose lean pork, beef, sea fish, cottage cheese and eggs, and soy as protein sources. You should not overuse proteins, as they create additional stress on the kidneys.

The patient needs food rich in carbohydrates. The human body needs about 350 grams of starch, pectin, and fiber per day. Of the cereals after kidney resection, preference should be given to oatmeal and buckwheat. From flour products - bread with bran (if there are no contraindications - gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer).

It is recommended that patients eat more fruits and vegetables after surgery - they perfectly help the body recover, as they are rich in nutrients. They contain a lot of fiber, which stimulates the activity of the intestines and gall bladder. These products contain natural antioxidants - beta-carotene, vitamin C. In addition, yellow and red vegetables and fruits contain bioflavonoids - they help liver cells recover.

Also, after kidney resection, it is recommended to include fatty fish and fish oil in the patient’s menu, which contain useful substances for restoring the body. It is advisable to eat raisins and dried apricots, seaweed. It is very important not to overeat after surgery so that the load on the kidneys is not too great.

You should take antibiotics prescribed by your doctor with caution so that the bacterial flora is not changed, otherwise the risk of an inflammatory process increases. It is the doctor who must give recommendations on the use of medications, since they have an individual effect for each patient. It is recommended to systematically take a decoction of dandelion or bearberry.