Sesame vitamin D. Sesame seed: chemical composition, benefits and contraindications. Swollen and sore gums

Sesame seed can be called a unique product that is obtained by peeling the pods of the sesame plant. In Russia, sesame seeds became widespread thanks to the ancient science of creating harmony in life, which is called Ayurveda. Absolutely all knowledge about the use of sesame came to our country from the East.

Despite this, sesame, as well as products based on it, can be used with great success in Russia for medicinal purposes, as well as for organizing a healthy diet.

First of all, it is worth noting that sesame has a rather pleasant taste, which will be even more pronounced if the seeds are slightly fried in a frying pan. During frying, phytic acid decomposes, which prevents the human body from absorbing useful material in sesame. Sesame seeds contain a huge amount of fat, about 60%. In addition, sesame contains rich fatty acid, which are enriched with the following antioxidants:

15% of the total composition of sesame is carbohydrates, 20% is vegetable protein, 5% is fiber.

The natural product is very rich in calcium. 100 g of sesame contains 975 mg of this microelement.

Beneficial features

The main unique property of sesame seeds is its ability to activate the work of liver enzymes, which are responsible for the breakdown of saturated fatty acids and transform them into energy. Also, the benefits of regular consumption of sesame are as follows:

  • The craving for eating sweets is reduced due to the saturation of the body with trace elements of calcium.
  • Polyphenols can reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Eating sesame reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases by optimizing the ratio of low- and high-density lipoproteins in the body.
  • When a woman consumes sesame seeds, her PMS symptoms are mitigated, and during menopause, her emotional state is normalized due to the synthesis of the phytoestrogen enterolactone in the intestines.
  • In the intestine, the compound enterodiol is formed from lignans, which has high anticancer activity.

Please note that that enterodiol and enterolactone are especially effective in the prevention of malignant tumors of the colon and breast.

This product is also used in alternative medicine to treat various diseases. For example, for conjunctivitis, one drop of sesame oil is placed in the corners of the eyes. The oil is also effective against diseases respiratory system. In this case, it must be mixed with honey. For existing skin diseases, the oil must be applied to the affected areas of the body. It has a regenerating effect, so cuts and wounds heal quickly.

Based on the point of view of Ayurveda, it is not recommended to consume sesame seeds during pregnancy, as they are a hot product and can cause miscarriage. However, modern medicine does not agree with this opinion, so sesame was included in the list of 7 products that are necessary for a pregnant woman. This can be explained as follows:

But despite this, some doctors still do not recommend eating sesame during the first trimester of pregnancy in order to prevent the development of allergies in the expectant mother.

Sesame seeds are especially useful during lactation, as they can enhance milk production, improve its fat content and taste, and facilitate pumping. And also the use of this product acts as a prevention of mastopathy.

During the feeding period, women are contraindicated in taking medications containing calcium, as they provoke premature closure of the fontanel. That is why, in this case, sesame seeds are an excellent alternative containing this microelement, the use of which will not cause any side effects.

Sesame for children

Children over 1 year old are already allowed to give sesame milk. This should not be done before because there is a risk of developing allergies.

You can make your own sesame milk at home. This is done quite simply:

  1. You need to take 20 g of sesame seeds, pour 150 ml of seeds hot water, let it brew for one night.
  2. In the morning, the resulting swollen mass must be ground using a blender and strained.

If the child likes the taste of such a drink, then porridge can be prepared based on sesame milk. If you leave sesame milk in a warm place for about 10 hours, it will make kefir that is healthy for your baby.

Older children are allowed to give whole grains in the amount of one teaspoon per day.

In addition, tahini halva, paste, and other sweets made from sesame seeds are quite useful for children.

It is worth noting that regular use of this product prevents the development of caries and rickets in children. In addition, the seeds contribute to the formation of strong nervous system thanks to what they contain a large number of amino acids tryptophan, methionine, histidine and others.

Older people will also benefit from sesame seeds due to their high calcium content in a more digestible form. If you consume kefir or sesame milk or just raw seeds daily, this will serve as an excellent prevention of osteoporosis, as well as the following diseases:

But if a person has a tendency to be overweight, then it is recommended that he avoid tahini halva and other sweets containing sesame, as they contain a lot of calories.

Contraindications and harm

It is worth noting that many people experience unpeeled sesame seeds quite often. allergic reaction. First of all, this is due to the fact that the husk contains oxalates of organic acids. But if we talk about the purified product, then allergies to it are much less common. The use of seeds is strictly contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • Varicose veins.
  • Increased blood clotting.
  • Tendency to form blood clots.
  • Wilson's disease, which is associated with a large amount of copper in the liver.

If you do not have individual intolerances or contraindications, then sesame seeds can be consumed, but in reasonable quantities. People who are prone to obesity should limit their consumption of this product to 20 g of seeds per day. This is due to the fact that they are very high in calories, 600 kilocalories per 100 g of product. In addition, it is not recommended to consume sesame on an empty stomach, as the seeds can cause heartburn and nausea.

  1. Heat the seeds in a frying pan for 3 minutes.
  2. Pour boiling water to prepare milk or kefir.

Under influence high temperature Phytic acid begins to break down, which only interferes with the absorption of microelements and amino acids, including calcium.

After lightly roasting the seeds, you can make a healthy, tasty paste from them. It is done as follows:

The resulting paste can be consumed either separately or spread on bread. It is recommended to be consumed by older people, as well as pregnant women at night, but in strictly limited quantities, no more than one teaspoon. Calcium is best absorbed during sleep.

Pregnant women, as well as during lactation, should limit the consumption of whole raw sesame seeds to 10 grams per day to avoid the development of allergies.

Please note that sesame seeds come in white, golden, beige, yellow, brown and black. But the color of the seeds does not affect the properties at all, so beneficial features and the contraindications of black sesame will be no different from, for example, golden sesame. It is noted that the same plant can produce seeds of different colors in one harvest. However, consumers prefer to purchase a product in one color. That is why, after harvesting, producers sort the seeds using special machines that can distinguish color. This operation affects the price of the product, but not its quality.

Application in cosmetology

As you know, sesame oil has a strong moisturizing, regenerating and rejuvenating effect on the skin. Most often in cosmetology, oil is used to massage the body and face, as well as the scalp. Sesame oil can protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

In addition, you can make milk from sesame seeds at home, which you need to wipe your face with daily. This procedure will be especially useful for oily skin. The resulting tonic perfectly moisturizes the skin, cleanses it and whitens it.

If, while preparing milk, sesame seeds are poured with a hot decoction of herbs, then you can get a tonic with the appropriate direction, for example, if you use sage herb, the resulting tonic will have an anti-inflammatory effect, while chamomile has a cleansing and soothing effect.

Dietary supplement

Sesame seeds are quite useful to introduce into the diet when on low-calorie diets. This product can help break down fats, normalize stools and improve intestinal flora.

But when following a diet, you must remember that the daily dose of sesame should not exceed 20 g. After all, as mentioned earlier, sesame is considered a fairly high-calorie product.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that sesame seeds are quite useful for absolutely all categories of people. The product is also attractive because it can be perfectly combined with absolutely all other products. The only condition for consuming sesame is that you must take into account the calorie content of the seeds, contraindications, as well as individual characteristics and susceptibility to allergies.

Attention, TODAY only!

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Sesame (Indian sesame, simsim, sesame) - herbaceous annual plant of the family Pedal and its fruits. Sesame began to be grown several thousand years BC in Persia and India, where it was considered the spice of immortality. Small flat sesame seeds are drop-shaped, have a specific smell and a delicate nutty taste. There are several types of sesame based on color - yellow, reddish, and traditional sesame that is almost white. Light sesame seeds are hulled black sesame seeds.

Calorie content of sesame

The calorie content of sesame is 565 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Sesame contains fiber, which has a beneficial effect on digestive processes and improves intestinal motility. Phytosterol, which is a plant analogue of cholesterol, does not lead to the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Sesame contains vitamins and minerals, including: , . Phytoestrogens, analogues of female sex hormones, which prevent the occurrence of malignant tumors, especially in the mammary gland, are found in sesame. Daily consumption of raw sesame should not exceed 2-3 teaspoons.

Harm of sesame

Sesame, for all its benefits, contains axalates, which contribute to the formation of kidney stones, so excessive consumption of this product is not recommended for those who have a predisposition to urolithiasis. Allergy to sesame is quite common.

Selection and storage of sesame

Sesame is a perishable product, therefore, when purchasing it in sealed packaging, you should carefully study the date of manufacture and the expected expiration date (calorizator). When buying loose sesame, you should give preference to dry seeds, without signs of sticking, caking, and without the smell of mold or rancidity.

It is better to store sesame seeds in ceramic or glass containers with a sealed lid, in a cool place out of direct sunlight. You can store sesame seeds in the refrigerator.

Sesame in cooking

Sesame is produced from sesame, which is aromatic, tasty and very healthy. In the East, sesame is the main ingredient included in and. Sesame seeds are sprinkled on flatbreads, buns and pastries. To fully develop the taste and aroma of sesame, you need to heat it in a dry frying pan for several minutes until the seeds begin to bounce. Dried sesame is added to vegetable salads, cold appetizers, and sprinkled on desserts, cottage cheese and yogurt.

For more information about sesame, watch the video “Sesame” in the TV show “Live Healthy!”

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Sesame is one of the oldest plants. To add flavor, it is added to food. Sesame seeds contain many micronutrients and are so rich in dietary fiber that they should be included in your diet. But first you should learn about the harm this plant can cause.

Composition of sesame

Sesame seeds have an amazing composition. First of all, these are oils. Their number in sesame reaches sixty percent.

The composition of sesame oil is very rich: glycerol esters, organic and fatty acids. What makes these seeds more unique is the sesamin content in them. Also, they are rich in minerals and vitamins. Sesame is a natural source of copper, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, sodium, potassium, selenium, manganese.

The leader among the vitamins contained in this plant is thiamine. In 100g. of these seeds – 0.25 mg. This is more than 20% daily norm. Also includes nicotine and folic acid, riboflavin, vitamin K.

Contains phytin - a substance that can maintain the balance of minerals, and beta-sitosterol - it reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. Vitamin E predominates in sesame oil, obtained from seeds, and vitamin A is not found at all, but it is stored for quite a long time.

Harm of sesame

There are no products in the world that provide only one benefit. Before including a product in your diet, you need to understand side effects. After all, sesame also has its own.

People suffering from thrombosis should not eat it, since sesame is beneficial for improving blood clotting;

You cannot eat sesame on an empty stomach - it will cause nausea and vomiting;

People prone to allergies should be more careful when using this product. People who are already allergic to nuts and other foods are especially susceptible to it;

It contains a huge amount of fat. Therefore, it is better not to use it for those who are on diets, as it will add excess weight;

It is strictly forbidden to take sesame oil together with aspirin, any derivatives of oxalic acid and estrogens. This intake leads to the formation of insoluble compounds in the kidneys;

People whose bodies contain large amounts of calcium should treat sesame with caution. An excess of this mineral component will only worsen a person’s general condition.

Regular consumption of small amounts of sesame seeds and oil has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

"Sea buckthorn - the pantry of the Sun" is a health library that contains best recipes traditional medicine, healing properties are described medicinal herbs and medicinal plants, the secrets of medicinal folk remedies and the recipe for herbal preparations and mixtures is given. A separate section of the library is dedicated. It describes the symptoms of major diseases and ailments, provides recommendations from experts on herbal treatment of various diseases and diseases, and systematizes extensive knowledge of traditional medicine, herbal medicine and herbal medicine. The most popular medicinal plants, as well as a description of vitamins, vital micro- and macroelements are highlighted in a separate section. In addition, the site contains materials used both in traditional medicine and those used in homeopathic practice. Additionally, you will be able to read on-line or on traditional and alternative medicine, reference literature about useful and healing properties medicinal plants, medical encyclopedic publications, advice from traditional healers, herbalists. Due to numerous requests from our readers, a section has been opened and the opportunity to rate it has been given.

Remember! Medicinal plants are not an alternative to drugs and medicines. They are often classified as dietary supplements and sold through herbal pharmacies. Do not self-medicate; before using medicinal plants, be sure to consult your doctor!


Sesame is an annual herbaceous plant with a height of 80 cm to 2 m, part of the sesame family (“sesame” is one of its names, derived from the Latin sesamum). The genus includes more than 30 species distributed throughout the globe. Sesame flowers are large, up to 4 cm long, pink, purple or white, located 1-4 in the axils of the leaves on short stalks. Self-pollinator, but cross-pollination by insects is also possible. The corolla falls off in the evening on the day of opening. The fruits are capsules 3-5 cm long. The number of capsules on the plant is up to 100-130, each containing about 80 seeds. The seeds are flat, ovoid, 3-3.5 mm long, white, yellow, brown or black. 1000 seeds weigh 2-5 g, their ripening occurs in August-September. The plant blooms in June-July. The plant is southern, light-loving and heat-loving, drought-resistant and heat-tolerant, does not tolerate sudden cold snaps. The optimal temperature for growth and development is about 25°C.

Currently, the main areas occupied by sesame are located in the countries of South-West Asia, India, China and Japan. Sesame is also grown in the Transcaucasian countries and is also cultivated in the southern regions of Ukraine.

Three varieties are cultivated - with pearl-white, golden and black seeds. In terms of nutritional properties, these seeds are almost the same, and only slightly differ in taste. However, the most popular is black sesame, which has a stronger nutty flavor. It is preferable to germinate it.

The seeds of the plant are used to extract oil, which is used directly for food, in the confectionery, canning, margarine industries, in medicine and for technical purposes. Cake is a valuable feed for livestock. Sesame seeds can also be used directly as food, and their flavor is enhanced by roasting.

Sesame is a fabulous plant. There is a fairly well-known eastern spell: “Open Sesame!” Sesame is the second, ancient name for sesame. This spell is possibly connected with the fact that ripe sesame boxes crack and burst with a loud click at the slightest touch, releasing the seeds hidden in them.

The use of sesame seeds, its oil and sprouts relieves many health problems, opening the way to an active lifestyle.

Chemical composition

The composition of sesame seeds includes fatty oil (up to 65%), proteins (up to 25%), carbohydrates (up to 16%). The amount of fiber increases during germination from 10.5% to 28.8%. Sesame seeds are rich in various macro- and microelements - potassium (497 mg/100 g), phosphorus (616 mg/100 g), magnesium (540 mg/100 g), iron (10.5 mg/100 g), and are a source of manganese and zinc. But the main thing that distinguishes sesame seeds from all other seeds is the huge amount of calcium. Sesame seeds contain calcium (according to various sources) from 1160 to 1474 mg/100 g, which puts it in first place among all other products on this basis. It is precisely because of the record amount of calcium that sesame seedlings should be included in the diet of pregnant women and nursing mothers, since calcium helps strengthen bone tissue. The baby's skeletal tissues will form correctly, and the mother will retain her teeth. Products containing large amounts of calcium should be regularly included in the diet of children and adolescents, because it is at this age that bone mass increases and the final formation of the skeleton occurs. This will prevent loss bone tissue in old age and will save you from many problems in the future. However, in the body of older people, it is possible to stop the destruction caused by a lack of calcium, and sesame sprouts will help with this.

Sesame seeds contain vitamins B1 (0.98 mg/100 g), B2 (0.25 mg/100 g), B3 (5.4 mg/100 g), B5. The amount of vitamin C increases during germination by 16 times - from 2.15 mg/100 g in dry seeds to 34.67 mg/100 g by the fifth day of germination. Vitamin E is found in sesame seeds and oil not only in the form of tocopherols, but also in the form of tocotrienols, which are rarely found in vegetable oils. It is believed that the antioxidant activity of tocotrienols exceeds the antioxidant activity of tocopherols by 40-60 times. According to some data obtained by researchers, tocotrienols have a beneficial effect on the condition of the walls of blood vessels and are able to regulate the process of cholesterol synthesis in the liver.

Sesame oil contains glycerides of linoleic, oleic, linolenic, palmitic, stearic and a number of other fatty acids. The proportion of linoleic acid can reach up to 52%, the amount of oleic acid can be 40%, as well as about 6% stearic, 8% palmitic, 0.1% myristic, up to 1% arachidic, up to 0.5% hexadecenoic acids.

The oil obtained by cold pressing retains its characteristic aroma and pleasant taste for a long time. The preservation of the organoleptic qualities of sesame oil for a long time became possible due to the presence of sesamol, an ester that has a preservative effect on fatty acids.

Sesame seed proteins include important amino acids. P-sitosterol, lecithin, phytin, choline, and fiber were also found in the grains.

Useful properties and applications

Seeds (including in powder form), fresh leaves, leaf juice, stems, sprouted seeds, and sesame oil have a healing effect on the human body.

Official medicine uses oil obtained from sesame seeds as a basis for the preparation of fat-soluble drugs administered by injection. The oil is also used by pharmaceutical companies in the manufacture of oil emulsions, ointments, and patches that are beneficial for a wide variety of diseases.

Scientists have found that the seeds of this plant contain substances that regulate oxygen metabolism in the human body, inhibit the aging process, and promote cell renewal. Sesame accelerates the process of recovery of the body after stress and great physical activity, reduces cholesterol in the blood. Has high antioxidant activity. When taken orally, it helps to increase the number of platelets and normalizes the structure of their membranes. Accelerates blood clotting. IN folk medicine used for increased bleeding and hemorrhagic diathesis, has a laxative and anthelmintic effect.


Sesame seeds and sprouts are contraindicated in cases of increased blood clotting, a tendency to blood clots and varicose veins.

Bronchial asthma, skin inflammation with itching

Squeeze juice from aloe leaves and grape fruits. Mix equal amounts of juices. Then mix one part of the prepared mixture with one part of sesame oil. It is used externally to lubricate itchy skin with dermatitis, and is also used internally, 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

Diseases associated with impaired blood clotting (Werlhof's disease, hemorrhagic diathesis, thrombopenic purpura, essential thrombopenia)

It was already noted above that sesame oil is unique in its chemical composition and has a beneficial effect on patients with pathological abnormalities in the function of blood clotting. A health measure would be to take 1 tablespoon of the product obtained from the seeds of the plant before meals. During the day, oil in this dosage is taken three times. The therapeutic effect is determined by an increase in the number of platelets, the deficiency of which leads to the development of painful conditions.

Joint diseases

If pain and swelling appears in the joints of the arms and legs, chop the sesame stems along with the seeds (fresh) and apply the resulting plant mass to the sore spots. The product is secured to the body using a bandage. The procedure is performed daily (preferably in the evening) until you feel better.

Ear pain

If pain occurs in the ear, drop a few drops of sesame oil into the ear canal. Before use, the medicinal product is heated in a water bath.

Inflammatory processes on the skin and mucous membranes

Recipe No. 1

The anti-inflammatory effect is ensured by treating damaged areas with sesame oil. Lubrication is done several times a day. Additionally, at least once a day you need to take 0.5-1 tablespoon of oil orally.

Recipe No. 2

Grind freshly picked sesame leaves. Apply the resulting paste in the form of an application to the body in those places where inflammation has occurred. Repeat application until results are obtained.

Gastritis (chronic form), ulcerative colitis

You should take 0.5-1 tablespoon of sesame oil orally 1-3 times during the day. To enhance the therapeutic effect, in parallel with the oil, you can drink infusions of other medicinal plants, usually prescribed for diseases gastrointestinal tract.


Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped sesame into 0.5 liters of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes. Insulate the container and leave the contents until cooled. The decoction prepared in this way is used for daily washing of the anus. During treatment procedures, drink 1 tablespoon of sesame or sunflower oil every morning on an empty stomach.

Demineralization of the body, hypovitaminosis

Sesame grains are a source of vitamins A, C, E. Significant amounts of B vitamins are also found in the seeds of the plant. Sesame has more modest capabilities when it comes to the need to restore the natural balance of macro- and microelements in the body. In this case, sea salt, which contains more than 60 different compounds, will come to the rescue. A mixture of these two components (seeds and salt), when taken internally, will provide the human physical body with vital vitamins and deliver the required building material in the form of minerals, without which the normal operation of the entire biosystem as a whole is impossible.

A week's supply of the healing remedy can be prepared from one tablespoon of sea salt and 5-8 tablespoons of sesame grains. Previously, each of the components is individually fried in a frying pan. When heat treating seeds, make sure that they do not char. Flat sesame seeds, unlike sunflower seeds, are not protected by a dense shell and with slight overheating can turn into ash. Taking this into account, the heat supply should be low, and the raw material should be constantly stirred.

The roasted ingredients are mixed in the selected ratio and thoroughly ground in a mortar. The resulting powder is poured into glass jar with a tight-fitting lid and is used daily as a salt substitute. After a week, the next portion of the mixture is prepared.

Dystrophy, constipation, hypertension

For these diseases, sesame oil is used. Patients take 0.5-1 tablespoon of the product per day. For severe chronic constipation, the prescribed dose can be doubled. Possessing high nutritional value, the oil helps restore strength during dystrophy.


Sesame oil can have an analgesic effect. To reduce or eliminate toothache, oil is rubbed into the gums adjacent to the carious tooth.


Mix onion seeds, wild carrots, stinging nettle, white poppy, sesame, hemp, sugar in a ratio of 2:3:4:4:5:6:6. The dose per dose is 6 g of the medicinal mixture. Take in crushed form, stirring in a small amount of dessert wine.

Intensification of capillary blood circulation in case of its insufficiency

Shredded fresh ginger(you can use grated) combine in a 1:1 ratio with sesame oil. After mixing the components into the resulting mixture, dip a cotton napkin or a bandage folded in several layers and rub the prepared product into the area of ​​the body where it is necessary to activate life processes by increasing the intensity of blood flow through the capillaries.

Intestinal colic

The oil obtained from sesame seeds has therapeutic effect for outdoor use. A small amount of oil is rubbed into the stomach until almost completely absorbed by the skin.

Colic, gout

Grind the sesame leaves and pour boiling water over them. When the green plant mass has steamed well, it is removed from the liquid and applied in the form of a poultice to the abdominal area for intestinal diseases or to sore joints for gout.

Internal bleeding, colic (gastric and intestinal), helminthic infestations

Once a day (preferably in the morning) take 15-30 g of sesame oil orally. Drink without interruption until positive changes in your well-being occur.


Toast a portion of sesame seeds over low heat, then place in a mortar and grind to a powder. Stir the crushed mass in vegetable oil and apply to areas of inflammation of the mammary gland.


When pain occurs in the lower back and limbs caused by tissue inflammation nerve fibers, the following remedy helps.

Preparation of the mixture: fry sesame seeds in a frying pan. If a characteristic odor occurs, the heat treatment should be stopped and the grains should be ground into a fine powder. Take orally 1 time during the day. A single dose of sesame is no more than 1 tablespoon of powder, which is taken with the same amount of bee honey. The mixture is washed down warm boiled water, in which a little ginger juice is dissolved.

Neuritis, paralysis of limbs

Take 12-24 g of sesame oil daily orally. For paralysis, taking the oil is combined with other methods of rehabilitation of patients.

Swollen and sore gums

Grind sesame seeds or their mixture with plant leaves (ratio 1:1). Pour 2 tablespoons of prepared raw materials into an enamel bowl, add 0.5-0.7 liters of water and boil over low heat for 3-5 minutes. Remove the dishes from the heat and leave the contents until cooled. Strain the broth and use warm for rinsing. oral cavity. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times throughout the day.

ARVI, cough, runny nose, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, cholecystitis, cholangitis

A sick body can be helped by taking sesame oil internally - 0.5-1 tablespoon 1-3 times a day. If the remedy is taken only once a day, then it is advisable to reserve the morning hours for this.

Cleansing the body of toxins, decreased vitality

The seeds of the plant are taken for cleansing and healing purposes. The powder prepared from them is consumed orally with water 3 times a day before meals. Dose per dose – 15-20 g of seed mass. Sesame oil also has the ability to neutralize toxins. The minimum daily amount of oil required to provide an antitoxic and tonic effect is 25-30 ml.

Diarrhea in children

Dissolve 1 teaspoon of bee honey in 150-200 ml of boiled, cooled water. Grind the sesame seeds, take 1-2 teaspoons of the prepared mixture and also stir in the honey solution. Give the child drinks in small portions until the diarrhea stops.


Heat sesame oil in a water bath to a temperature of 36-38°C. Before going to bed, rub the oil into the skin of the patient’s chest, then chest insulate and put the person who has a cold to bed.

Erysipelas, body pain and itching

Sesame oil is used externally to apply to painful areas of the skin. If necessary, to provide a prolonged effect, wipes soaked in oil are applied to the body.

Dry seborrhea

Squeeze the juice from the freshly cut above-ground part of the plant (leaves and stem). Use to lubricate the scalp.

Sesame seed sprouts

In terms of health properties, sesame seeds and oil are inferior to sprouts, since the latter are enriched with vitamin C and fiber during the germination process, and their antioxidant activity increases. Sesame sprouts are necessary for the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system, strengthen the skeleton, teeth and nails. Regular use helps restore tooth enamel. Recommended for acute and chronic arthritis and arthrosis, spinal osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, especially in women over 45 years of age. Indicated in the treatment of fractures and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. It is advisable to use them in complex treatment intestinal dysbiosis and chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract. Absolutely necessary for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, for children during the period of changing teeth and intensive growth.

Seed sprouts are obtained after a short preliminary stay in water. Soaking, which lasts only 5-6 hours, is quite enough for the sesame seeds to sprout happily. However, no more than three days should be allowed for germination - otherwise bitterness develops and the seeds become unsuitable for internal consumption.

Recipe for sprouting sesame seeds

Sesame seedlings are obtained in the usual way, using the jar method. When sorting dry seeds before soaking, it is necessary to remove all small impurities from them, including grains of sand, otherwise they, along with the sprouts, may end up on your plate. The seeds hatch 48 hours after the start of soaking. The sprouts should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 8-10°C. They are slightly bitter; if desired, they can be mixed with honey or jam.

Black sesame sprouts are not only extremely healthy, but also incredibly beautiful. From a small, coal-black, matte seed, a snow-white root peeks out in the shape of a comma. Sesame seedlings do not stick together like flax seedlings.

Sesame sprouts as food additives put in first and second courses, snacks, mixed with fermented milk products. You can sprinkle them on salads before serving, add them to desserts, decorate cottage cheese dishes, whipped cream and ice cream.

A source of information

  1. "The healing properties of grains and cereals" Anastasia Semenova, Olga Shuvalova,
  2. Magazine "Your Doctor: Healing Harvest", Special Issue October 2008,
  3. "Healing vegetable oils" Nikolaychuk L.V., Nikolaychuk E.V., Goloveyko O.N.,
  4. “Nut is food for everyone” Apled V.V.