Treatment of prostatitis and adenoma. Prostatitis fir oil Fir oil for the treatment of chronic prostatitis

Fir tree extract is used in official medicine to combat colds and inflammation, disorders in the functioning of internal organs. The healing effect is associated with the content of essential resins, micronutrients and vitamins in the chemical composition.

Fir oil for prostatitis and prostate adenoma is recommended before prescribing other auxiliary agents to the main drug therapy. The oil quickly relieves inflammation, alleviates the unpleasant manifestations of pathologies, and also strengthens the man’s immune system.

Fir oil for prostate inflammation

Folk remedies cannot completely cure the disease, but they can actually achieve an improvement in well-being. Unofficial medicine offers many recipes that help eliminate inflammation and achieve stable remission of the disease.

Urologists themselves often advise using fir oil for prostatitis, basing their recommendations on the following beneficial properties of the composition:

  • Antiseptic- the extract inhibits the development and negatively affects the activity of most infections and pathogens. Taking the drug is mandatory for bacterial lesions of the gland.
  • Stimulating - fir oil helps with inflammation of the prostate by increasing blood flow in the glandular tissues, eliminating congestion, the main source of pathological disorders. At the same time, the man’s immune system is stimulated to fight the disease.
  • Anti-inflammatory- tocopherol, tannins and bornyl acetate eliminate tissue irritation and promote accelerated wound healing.
Fir suppositories quickly relieve symptoms of the disease: urination disorders, pain. Drops are added to aroma lamps, as well as to water while taking a bath. In addition to therapy, the composition is used as a preventive measure. Prevention of prostatitis is carried out by strengthening the immune system and eliminating blood stagnation in the pelvic area.

The use of fir oil in the treatment of prostatitis is completely justified. The positive healing effect of extract and suppositories based on pine needle extract has been clinically proven. Microenemas are also used in therapy. If desired, you can make rectal suppositories yourself.

Fir oil for prostate adenoma

In case of hyperplasia, it is necessary to stop the proliferation of tissues and eliminate the complications that arise as a result of the acute period. Official medicine uses medications with conservative effects. Advanced adenoma leads to surgical intervention. At later stages, fir is ineffective in treating the prostate.

The beneficial properties of the oil are especially obvious in the early stages of hyperplasia. The essential substances included in the chemical composition dilate the vessels of the prostate gland and restore their structure at the cellular level. At the same time, adjacent internal organs are affected. Suppositories help with hemorrhoids, proctitis and colitis.

There are several ways to use oil made from fir for prostate adenoma:

  • Candles - you can use pharmaceutical products made from cocoa extract as a base. Add 10-12 drops of ether to the suppositories. Store in waxed paper. The course of treatment lasts 5-6 days.
  • Rubbing in oil helps with severe pain and swelling. With adenoma, the patient complains of discomfort in the lower abdomen and lower back. The intensity of the sensation can be compared to radiculitis.
    You can quickly eliminate symptoms by gently massaging your thighs and limbs with oil. Using a rub helps relieve acute pain. As a rule, the patient feels relief almost instantly.
    Warming compresses can be applied, provided that the condition is not accompanied by elevated body temperature.
Home treatment carries potential dangers. Prostate diseases are difficult to treat. Errors lead to an exacerbation of the condition and provoke accelerated progression of the pathology. Before using any method of therapy, you should consult a urologist.

How to use fir oil

To begin with, it is worth considering that the product has several contraindications. It is not recommended to use the squeeze for men suffering from asthma, diseases of the cardiovascular system, seizures and epilepsy. Any type of alcohol is prohibited. Alcoholic drinks can be consumed 2 days after finishing taking fir oil. The composition has a laxative effect.

The daily dose for oral use, in enemas and suppositories is no more than 5-10 drops per day, for external use up to 10 grams.

Fir oil, used against inflammation of the prostate gland, is added to various medicinal formulations. A mixture of sea buckthorn pomace, pine needles and bee products showed good results. Gauze is soaked in the resulting composition and inserted rectally before defecation.

You can take a bath with fir oil, but you must comply with several requirements:

  • The volume of water should not cover the human body higher than 2 cm.
  • The temperature is not higher than +38-40°.
  • During an exacerbation, a bath is taken with extreme caution.
Fir can relieve inflammation and accelerate tissue regeneration, strengthen the human immune system. There are restrictions and contraindications.

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland. In acute prostatitis, high fever, various kidney complications, and painful urination are possible. But most often the disease occurs in a chronic form. It often seems that the illness has already subsided, but then you catch a little cold, and again the same symptoms...

The main cause is a bacterial infection, the pathogens of which penetrate the prostate gland from the urethra or through the blood and lymph flow during inflammatory diseases of other organs. Risk factors include: hereditary predisposition, sedentary lifestyle, promiscuity, damage to the urinary tract during medical research, impaired blood and lymph circulation in the pelvic organs, hormonal changes, infectious diseases of internal organs (in this case, pathogens are carried into the prostate by the bloodstream or lymph). Most often, the disease affects young and middle-aged men.

The onset of the disease occurs in a latent form, without any special symptoms, without causing concern to the person. About a quarter of patients do not express any complaints at all, as a result of which men rarely turn to a urologist, which leads to the development of a large number of complications.

The initial signs of the disease include pain or discomfort that appears from time to time in the perineum, lower abdomen, testicles, sacrum, urethra (light discharge from the urethra is an indicator most characteristic of chronic prostatitis), frequent urination and at the same time a feeling of incompleteness. emptying the bladder, in the morning a burning sensation, pain, itching in the urethra; weak erection or premature ejaculation.

The chronic inflammatory process of the prostate gland is characterized by periodic exacerbations, followed by periods of relative well-being.

Some doctors, and indeed patients, consider chronic prostatitis incurable. I am sure that this is not so. By combining the methods of traditional and folk medicine, under the guidance of an experienced doctor, you can get rid of this scourge. Of course, for a complete recovery you will need a lot of patience and determination, because the treatment may drag on, perhaps for more than one year. But you must agree that the result - a full and healthy life - is worth the effort.

The main reason for the development of prostatitis is infection in the prostate gland, which is greatly facilitated by its anatomical location in the pelvis. The infection can enter the prostate gland from the bladder, urethra, rectum, and through the blood and lymphatic vessels of the pelvis.

But infection in itself in the prostate does not necessarily lead to disease. Moreover, one can even say that for the prostate, located in such a “unfavorable” place, various infections are a common occurrence, which most often goes completely unnoticed for a man.

For the development of prostatitis with all its unpleasant clinical features, predisposing factors are also needed. These factors include:

* general hypothermia of the body (you can fall into an ice hole, travel for two hours in a frost-covered train, rest on a cold stone, or your home is poorly heated - and the “soil” for the development of the disease is ready);

* frequent constipation: the disease can cause not episodic constipation, but regular stool disorders;

* sedentary lifestyle, work in a sedentary position (primarily drivers, computer operators and all those who sit all day and do not have the opportunity to get up and warm up are at risk);

Prolonged sexual abstinence or, conversely, excessive sexual activity (both are equally harmful to the body, but primarily negatively affect the condition of the prostate);

Chronic inflammatory diseases of the body (for example, chronic bronchitis) and chronic foci of infection in the body (for example, tonsillitis, advanced caries);

Past venereal and urological diseases (gonorrhea, urethritis);

Lack of certain microelements in the body (especially zinc);

Conditions that contribute to the suppression of the body's immune system (for example, excessive physical activity, regular lack of sleep, poor and irregular nutrition, chronic stress).

All these factors either make it easier for microbes to penetrate the prostate gland, or lead to a deterioration in the blood supply to the pelvic organs, which contributes to the proliferation of microorganisms and the development of the inflammatory process.

The cause of prostatitis is not always an infection: there is also the so-called abacterial prostatitis. It is named so because all the signs of the disease are there, but there are no bacteria, that is, infection. This disease threatens those who spend long periods of time on business trips and do not receive female affection - military personnel, long-distance sailors.

Prostatitis can develop suddenly, as an acute inflammatory disease with all the corresponding symptoms. In this case, the patient will experience fever, fever, body temperature 38-39 "C, acute pain in the perineum, groin, behind the pubis, in the anus, painful urination and defecation.

However, much more often prostatitis develops in a chronic form, without disturbing the man too much. In this case, all of the listed symptoms will be present to a much lesser extent, sometimes without attracting attention at all. Body temperature occasionally rises to 37 "C, periodically there is pain or discomfort in the perineum, discomfort during urination and defecation, during which slight discharge from the urethra may be noted (this is one of the most characteristic symptoms of chronic prostatitis).

Manifestations of chronic prostatitis are very diverse. Each patient may experience this disease differently. The complaints that the patient presents, at first glance, do not represent anything specific (itching or burning in the urethra, sensations of pressure, heaviness in the perineum, pain of varying intensity in the perineum, rectum, etc.).

Quite often, such patients haunt the thresholds of clinics for years, tormenting therapists with endless complaints about “back pain,” “fatigue,” and “pain in the heart.” The result of such walks is usually the usual diagnoses: radiculitis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurosis, and the true cause - prostatitis - remains unidentified. There is only one way out: tell the doctor about everything that worries you, without hiding anything, and directly declaring your suspicions! Prostatitis is one of those diseases that is much easier to prevent than to get rid of.

Stone oil treatment

Stone oil has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antitumor effect; it contains zinc, which is necessary in the treatment of prostatitis. In addition, taking a solution of stone oil significantly improves immunity, which is very important for inflammatory diseases. By the way, there is evidence that the indigenous people of Siberia use stone oil as a means to increase potency.

Oral solution: dissolve 3 g in 3 liters of water, drink 1 glass 3 times a day.

Application solution

Prepare a solution of 3 g of stone oil and 1 cup of warm boiled water. Soak the gauze folded several times in this solution, squeeze it out and place it on the perineal area. To prevent the pad from falling off, you can wear swimming trunks. Usually the overlay is kept for 1 hour. It is recommended to do 10-15 such procedures.

Do not give up traditional medicine: if the disease is advanced, you cannot do without them. Stone oil can be an adjuvant treatment. It will allow you to reduce the dose of synthetic drugs and prevent the development of side effects.

If the disease is at the initial stage of development, you can limit yourself only to stone oil and herbal medicine, but for this, again, you need to consult a urologist.

Dear men, if something is bothering you, do not put off visiting a doctor! The sooner you seek help, the easier the treatment procedures will be and the treatment will take less time.

For mild prostatitis, the following recipes will help you:

Take 2 teaspoons of flaxseed oil.

There are fresh onions.

Take 25 pieces of unroasted pumpkin seeds in the morning and evening.

Garlic tincture is also very effective.

Garlic tincture

Grind the garlic into a paste. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of gruel 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew, covered, for 6-8 hours, then strain. Take 50 ml per day 30-40 minutes before meals. This recipe will help not only get rid of prostatitis, but also restore potency. To avoid an unpleasant odor, you need to chew a coffee bean or a sprig of parsley.

The help of medicinal plants is especially invaluable in the initial stages of prostate adenoma, including when it is combined with chronic prostatitis. That is why in recent years complexes of herbal preparations have been created that are in great demand.

Pumpkin seeds are especially effective in the presence of prostate adenoma.

Today, two main active ingredients of pumpkin seeds are known to prevent the development of prostate adenoma: glutamic acid and arginine. The amino acid arginine is involved in metabolism in men; its maximum concentration is noted in the liver. Its value lies in the fact that it prevents swelling of the prostate gland. Glutamic acid is an essential fatty amino acid and plays a significant role in metabolism and the functioning of the central nervous system. It is found in body proteins, including male reproductive cells. Glutamic acid promotes the development of processes in the prostate that prevent tumor growth. Pumpkin seeds are a natural source of zinc and linoleic acid - substances that are very important for the “ventilation” of internal organs, relieving the load on the prostate gland and reducing the amount of residual urine.

It is considered useful to drink pumpkin juice 1/2 - 1 glass 2-3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals for 2-3 months, as well as pumpkin seeds - 30-40 pieces 3 times a day. Fresh juices are recommended, especially carrot, beet and cucumber, in equal proportions (1/2 cup each) before meals, eating spicy herbs, especially parsley, celery, lovage, raw onions and green onions (up to one whole onion per day); It is recommended to take pumpkinol (pharmacy form), milk thistle oil (dietary supplement).

In addition to vitamin E, which is so important for men, parsley contains proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, provitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, C, and phytoncides.

Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of parsley root 1/2 cup of boiling water, leave overnight (about 10 hours). In the morning, strain, drink 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day half an hour before meals. In winter, harvested and finely chopped parsley root is prepared a little differently: 4 teaspoons of the raw material are poured into 1/2 cup of boiling water for 8 hours in a thermos. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon half an hour before meals.

Pour 1/2 teaspoon of angustifolia fireweed herb into 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Drink during the day.

You can prepare a tincture using the generally accepted method, consisting of peony root - 8 g, walnut (or hazel) fruit - 8 g, horsetail herb - 4 g. Infuse the collection with 100 g of vodka and drink 10-15 drops 3-5 once a day, diluted in water, between meals.

Aloe vera leaves help improve prostate function. It is recommended to eat 2-2.5 cm of leaf daily. The duration of the course is 1 month.

For prostatitis, drink tea from the above-ground part of the heather: brew 2 teaspoons of the herb with 2 cups of boiling water and, after steeping, drink a sip throughout the day.

A tincture (prepared according to the generally accepted method) has a good effect, consisting of anise seeds - 10 g, male orchis root - 10 g, common ash leaves - 8 g, lovage root - 6 g and ginseng root - 6 g. Take 3 -5 times a day, 5-10 drops, diluted in water, half an hour before meals.

Chop two onions, pour 0.6 liters of boiling water, leave, covered, for 2 hours, strain. Drink 50 g every hour.

Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of common pear flowers 1 liter of boiling water, leave, wrapped, for 10 minutes. Drink 5 glasses a day.

For bacterial, fungal or trichomonas infections, it is recommended to additionally take grapefruit extract (citrosept) 20 drops 3 times a day. You can add the drug to the herbal remedies used for 1-2 months.

For chronic prostatitis, a decoction of common thyme herb (15 g per 200 ml of water), an infusion of marshmallow root (20 g per 200 ml of water), a decoction (infusion) of fragrant woodruff herb (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) has a good effect. . These decoctions and infusions are taken 1/2 cup 3 times a day. An infusion of bedstraw herb is useful (2 tablespoons per 2 cups of boiling water, infused for 6-8 hours, filtered and drunk 100 ml 3 times a day 20-30 minutes after meals), an infusion of agrimony herb (10-30 g of herb poured into 1 l of boiling water and leave for 2 hours, drink 1 tbsp 3-5 times a day), 5-10% decoction of thin-leaved istoda (drink 1 tbsp 4-5 times a day), infusion of common hops ( 2 teaspoons of cones are infused for 4 hours in 1 glass of boiling water and drunk 100 ml 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals).

A decoction of the rhizome of sandy sedge is useful (boil 20 g of raw material in 4 glasses of water in a sealed container to half the volume, leave for 2-3 hours, strain and drink 50 ml 4 times a day) or a decoction of dandelion root (1 tbsp. crushed raw material pour a glass of water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for half an hour and drink 1/2 glass in the morning and evening).

Pour 30 g of thuja needles into 1 liter of water, cook in a sealed container over low heat for 10 minutes, cool, strain, drink 5 glasses a day.

Brew burdock roots (dry and fresh, crushed) - 2 tbsp. spoons per 0.5 liters of water. Boil for 10 minutes, leave for 1 hour and drink 100 g warm 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.

Pour 2 tbsp. spoons of licorice roots (dry and crushed) 0.5 liters of water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 1 hour. Drink 100 g warm 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.

Pour 30 g of crushed Canadian small petal herb into 1 liter of boiling water, cook in a sealed container for 15 minutes, cool, strain, drink 5 glasses a day.

An infusion of the larkspur herb is somewhat milder, but quite effective - 200 g per 1 liter of water. It is infused in a thermos for 8-12 hours. Drink 100 ml warm 3-4 times a day after meals.

Good results have been noted with the use of Kalanchoe tincture, which eliminates the main symptoms of prostatitis. Holly-leaved Kalanchoe with “teeth” is used. The plant should be finely chopped, poured into a glass bottle (about 1/4 of the volume) and filled with vodka to the full volume. Leave at room temperature in the light. For long-term illness, drink 1 tbsp. spoon a day 15-20 minutes before breakfast. You can do it in the evening before bed (2 hours after eating). The amount of tincture taken is regulated independently depending on the results. If there is a noticeable improvement, the dose can be reduced. You can store the tincture anywhere until completely used. You can drink the tincture with water in a small amount.

Mix the roots of Soapwort officinalis, the roots of elderberry, the herb of smooth herb, the flowers of meadowsweet - 1 teaspoon each. Mixture in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons are boiled for 10 minutes in 0.8 liters of water. Cool, drink 1/2 glass 3 times a day after meals for a month.

Mix horsetail herb, chamomile flowers - 1 teaspoon each. The decoction (1 tablespoon of the mixture per 1 glass of water) is drunk hot 3 times a day, 1/2 glass, 15-20 minutes before meals for a month.

Mix chamomile flowers, marigold flowers, field steelhead root, common hazel root, common corn silk - 2 tbsp. spoons; 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of the crushed mixture into 2 cups of boiling water and, after boiling for 3 minutes, leave for 20 minutes. Take 1/4 cup of decoction 6 times a day 15 minutes before and 30 minutes after meals.

Lungwort herb - 1 tbsp. spoon, black poplar buds - 1 tsp. spoon, ivy bud grass - 1/2 tsp. spoons. Drink 1/4 cup of the decoction 3-4 times a day.

Mix common juniper berries, tricolor violet herb, lovage root - 1 teaspoon each. Boil the mixture (2 tablespoons per 2 glasses of water) for 15 minutes. Drink the decoction a day.

Mix lingonberry leaves, St. John's wort herb, black elderberry flowers, chamomile flowers, black poplar buds - 1 tbsp. spoon. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon the mixture with 3 glasses of water, boil for half an hour, strain. Drink 1/2 glass 4-6 times a day for 10-12 days.

Mix chamomile leaves and pear leaves - 1 tbsp. spoon, peppermint leaves and black poplar buds - 1 teaspoon each. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon the mixture with 2 glasses of water, leave for 3-4 hours, strain. Drink 1/2 glass 4-5 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.

Mix elderberry root, bearberry leaves, white birch buds, blue cornflower flowers - 1 tbsp. spoon, corn stigmas, smooth herb, horsetail herb - 1 teaspoon each. Pour 4 tbsp. spoons of the mixture 1 liter of raw water and leave overnight, boil for 5-7 minutes in the morning. Drink 1 glass 4 times a day.

Mix white birch leaves, hazelnut leaves, horsetail grass - 1 tbsp. spoon. Pour 4 tbsp. spoons of the mixture with 3 glasses of water, cook over low heat in a sealed container for 5-7 minutes, leave, wrapped, for 2 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day for 1-1.5 months.

Mix the rhizome of creeping wheatgrass - 40 g, wild strawberry leaves - 20 g, centaury grass - 20 g. Pour in 4 tbsp. spoons of the mixture 0.6 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day before meals.

Mix real cardamom, elecampane, Manchurian elderberry, yellowish sophora, Baikal skullcap - 1 part each. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of crushed collection with 1 glass of water, boil over low heat for 7-10 minutes, cool, strain. Drink the entire portion between 17:00 and 19:00. Course - 21 days.

Grind orchis (root) in a coffee grinder. Pour 1 teaspoon of raw material into 1/2 cup of water, boil until a slurry forms, add 1/4 - 1/2 cup of milk, boil for another 2 minutes, cool slightly, drink at one time from 17 to 19 hours. Course - 21 days.

For posterior urethritis, in addition to the indicated remedies, an infusion (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water) of the tricolor violet herb, which is taken 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

It is also advisable to combine the herb tricolor violet and smooth herb with the leaves of the common pear (in equal parts). The decoction is taken 100-150 ml 3 times a day.

Preparations made from the roots of knotweed, black poplar buds, sow thistle grass, and comfrey roots have strong analgesic, antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Extract from the root of snakeweed: 15 g of raw material is evaporated in 1 glass of water to half the volume and taken 20-30 drops 3 times a day after meals. Treatment is carried out for 15-20 days and after a two-week break is repeated again.

For prostatitis accompanied by severe pain, an infusion of thistle thistle brings relief (1 tablespoon of the herb is infused for 1 hour in 100 ml of boiling water). Drink 100 ml warm 3 times a day 10-15 minutes before meals.

For chronic prostatitis combined with prostate adenoma, it is useful to use a condensed aqueous extract from the peel of ripe horse chestnut fruits. Method of preparation: 40 g of peeled kernels and dried peels, pour 0.6 liters of boiling water and leave for 12 hours. Without straining, evaporate the liquid to a third of the volume, strain and drink 30-40 drops 3 times a day after meals.

The juice from the leaves and cuttings of burdock during the first year of life is useful. Take 25-30 cuttings 25-30 cm long, wash them, pass them through a meat grinder, and squeeze through gauze. The juice is diluted with water in a ratio of 2: 1. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Infusion of black elderberry flowers (1 tablespoon of raw material per 1 glass of hot milk) drink 1/2 glass several times a day between meals.

When prostatitis and prostate adenoma are combined, it is recommended to use a decoction of hazel (hazelnut) bark and leaves. Used both as a microenema at night and for internal use.

Pour 2 tbsp. spoons of hazel leaves and bark (mixed in a ratio of 1: 1) with 2 glasses of water, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. After cooling, filter and pour into a jar. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day before meals. To enhance efficiency, you can add pine or spruce needles to the composition by adding 2 tbsp to the collection. spoons of pine needles. Usually the course of treatment is long, with interruptions.

Preparations made from horse chestnut have long proven themselves to be effective and are used in the treatment of a wide variety of vascular diseases. They use the prickly green shell that covers the chestnut seed, which is collected during fruiting from September to October. Their purpose for normalizing blood circulation in the prostate gland is justified. You can use both pharmaceutical preparations and those prepared independently.

In an enamel pan 3 tbsp. Add 3 cups of cold water to spoons of horse chestnut peels. Place on low heat and simmer covered for 1 hour. Remove from heat, let steep for 30 minutes, strain, divide into 3 parts and take one hour before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. Then repeat prophylactically every 1-3 months.

Water used for therapeutic purposes, mainly as a dosed temperature irritant, which can act both locally and reflexively, causing a response from the nervous system and the necessary restructuring of the body. This allows you to apply both cold (lotions) and heat. In the treatment of prostatitis, microenemas, baths, showers, and instillations with medicinal plant preparations are actively used. They improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, promote better liquefaction of thickened secretions and their removal, enhance metabolic and recovery processes, relieve pain and spasms.

Microclysters. The therapeutic effects of microenemas are based on thermal and medicinal effects. For this purpose, many plants with various healing properties, as well as well-known medications, are used. By bringing them directly to the pathological organ, the maximum positive effect is achieved. Microclysters are prepared both on a water and oil basis. The optimal temperature for the prepared composition is 40 C. The volume of aqueous microenema should not exceed 100 ml to avoid defecation. For an oil microenema, 20-30 ml of the composition is quite enough. It is advisable that the rectal ampulla be free before manipulation. The procedure is usually carried out at night using a rubber bulb, the tip of which is lubricated with Vaseline.

Microenemas are prescribed at any stage of treatment and prevention, and experienced patients know well how effective they are, especially for mild pain in the perineum. The course of treatment is usually 10-15 procedures. Experts note a pronounced effect when using infusions of chamomile, string, sage and other plants with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and other effects. Some experts recommend microenemas with various medications (analgin, Shostakovsky balm, ichthyol, etc.).

Infusions can be prepared on various bases. Water can be acidic, alkaline, sulfide, magnetized, infused with silver, shungite, etc., which to a certain extent determines the effect of the microenema. For example, sulfide water normalizes metabolism and frees the body of toxins. It also actively fights inflammatory processes, providing a resolving and analgesic effect. Its use is especially indicated for patients with significant circulatory disorders in the pelvic area. Silver water has disinfecting properties.

Quite often, microenemas with chamomile infusion are used to reduce the inflammatory process. Take 15-20 g of chamomile flowers and steam them in 120 ml of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours, cool to 40-42 C and inject 80-100 ml into the rectum before bed. The amount of liquid used should not be increased to avoid unwanted laxative effects. For microenemas, you can also use ready-made dosage forms - romazulan, rotokan, recutan. In these cases, add 1 teaspoon of an alcohol solution of the drug to 100 ml of warm water. It is advisable to add 1.0 g of antipyrine and 10 drops of iodine tincture to the finished infusion. In principle, you can use chamomile tea bags.

Microenemas from infusions of the herb yarrow (5-8 g per 200 ml of boiling water), leaves of sage (10-15 g per 200 ml of boiling water), decoction of flaxseed (1 part flaxseed to 30 parts water), decoction of the mixture give good results peppermint, chamomile flowers, St. John's wort herb and 20 drops of liquid belladonna extract.

It is advisable to prescribe microenemas from a collection of medicinal herbs: common hop cones - 15 g, cinquefoil rhizomes - 5 g. The mixture (10 g per 100 ml of boiling water) is infused for about an hour and administered before bedtime.

For chronic prostatitis accompanied by sexual disorders, microenemas with 10-30% propolis content in sea buckthorn, rose hip or sunflower, peach, eucalyptus, castor oil are prescribed. In 100 ml of oil, brought to a boil and cooled to 50-60 ° C, add 10-20 g of softened propolis and heat to 80 ° C, stirring continuously. The hot mixture is filtered through cheesecloth, cooled and stored in a closed container in a dry place.

As is known, propolis has pronounced bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal, analgesic and other beneficial properties, and the oils used allow the use of their anti-inflammatory and stimulating restoration of damaged tissue properties.

There is a well-known recipe for preparing microenemas, which has proven itself both for prostatitis and hemorrhoids. Boil 1 teaspoon of flaxseeds in 1 glass of water for 10 minutes. The mixture is then filtered, cooled to such a temperature that you can hold your finger in it for 10 seconds and finally squeezed out. Add 1/4 teaspoon of lavender oil (natural, not synthetic) to the resulting slimy, oily liquid and shake in a tightly sealed container. Before starting the procedure, the mixture is shaken.

A good effect was noted when using the following collection for the procedure: chamomile flowers - 10 g, sage herb - 10 g, marsh cudweed herb - 20 g, cordate linden flowers - 10 g, celandine herb - 15 g. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of herbal mixture 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain and administer warm in microenemas of 50-100 ml daily or every other day. The course of treatment is up to 20 microenemas. Note that the same composition is recommended for baths.

Microenemas from infusions of common hop cones (10 g per 100 ml of water), leaves of herbaceous periwinkle (5 g per 100 ml), and larkspur root (15 g per 100 ml) provide an analgesic effect.

For the treatment of prostate adenoma, chronic prostatitis and sexual disorders fir water and fir oil.

Method one. Take 40-50 ml of fir water into a syringe and place it in a water bath. After heating to 38-40 °C (check by dropping a few drops on the back of the hand) and squeezing out excess air, the syringe is inserted into the rectum. Then lie on your stomach for 7-10 minutes. Microclysters are done after a stool or cleansing enema. Duration of treatment is 40-50 days. It is advisable to repeat the course after 3-4 months. Along with microenemas, it is recommended to rub pure fir oil into the perineum, but given its irritating effect, you should not touch the scrotum and anus.

Method two. Fir oil is added to a syringe with fir water. Start with 5 drops and, if there are no unpleasant sensations, increase the dose every 2-3 days, bringing the amount to 10-12 drops. The course of treatment is 25-30 days, repetition is possible after 2-3 months.

Method three. Instead of fir water for the microenemas described above, you can use an infusion of chamomile.

Method four. Fir oil is mixed with sea buckthorn, peach or sunflower oil in a 1:1 ratio. Shake the mixture, moisten a small piece of bandage or cotton wool and squeeze so that it does not drip. They insert it into the rectum (using the index finger with a rubber fingertip on it) and leave the tampon there until the next bowel movement.

Method five. At the pharmacy, upon request, you can prepare candles with fir oil (at least 10 drops per candle). Their shelf life in the refrigerator is no more than a week (due to the volatile properties of fir oil). After a course of treatment (25-30 days), pain disappears and potency improves.

Method six. Good results are obtained by massage of the prostate gland using fir oil (8-10 drops per procedure). The massage is performed by a doctor.

To avoid damage to the rectal mucosa, microenemas should be done every other day, alternating them with suppositories and instillations.

Candles. In the practice of treating chronic prostatitis, the need for the use of suppositories has long been proven. Along with the previously described medications, plant-based suppositories are widely used, which it is usually advisable to alternate with microenemas. The literature describes a number of candle recipes, for the preparation of which various frozen oils or fat are used. However, the complexity of their preparation reduces practical interest to a minimum. It is more understandable to prepare pharmaceutical candles with various healing ingredients based on cocoa butter. Candles should be stored in the refrigerator. They are inserted into the rectum overnight.

To reduce swelling of the prostate gland and pain, rectal suppositories (with propolis, celandine, hemlock or pollen) are recommended - 1 suppository per night for 20 days. It is advisable to administer propolis suppositories with cocoa butter rectally, adding, if possible, comfrey powder or oil extract from black poplar buds

In folk medicine, there are several simple recipes for using candles made from raw potatoes, beets, and other fresh root vegetables.

You can make a candle 5 cm long and as thick as the patient’s middle finger from a raw potato. This suppository is inserted into the rectum every day for 3 weeks for 2-3 hours before bedtime. Then it is recommended to repeat the three-week course, but using beet candles.

Baths. As you know, the symptoms of prostatitis are very diverse. Very often there is increased irritability, short temper, lethargy, fatigue, loss of appetite, anxiety, sleep disturbance, decreased performance and creative activity. In such cases, along with the previously mentioned herbal preparations, you can successfully use general baths with a water temperature of 33 to 36 ° C, which are the most natural sedative. Immersion in a bath (preferably with the addition of decoctions or infusions of medicinal plants) up to the neck for 15-25 minutes allows you to relax well and restore your strength. It is advisable to place a towel or a special pillow under your head. It is advisable to take the procedure before bedtime.

When overworked, bay leaf baths are a good way to relieve stress. Pour 150 g of laurel leaves and chamomile inflorescences

2 liters of boiling water, infuse in a boiling water bath in a sealed container for 15 minutes, filter. At the same time, prepare a cold infusion of laurel leaves - 200 g of leaves are infused in a sealed container in 2 liters of cold water for 12 hours. Both liquids are poured into a bath, which should be taken in the evening before bed. Water temperature - 35 °C, duration - up to half an hour.

Sitz baths. A type of hydrotherapy is sitz baths, which are distinguished by their simplicity and accessibility. They are especially effective for severe pain in the perineum. Typically, patients with prostatitis are prescribed sitz baths with a gradual increase in temperature from 36-37 ° C to 40-42 ° C over 15-20-30 minutes. The course of treatment includes 6-10 procedures, which are carried out every other day. Naturally, an individual treatment regimen is selected in consultation with the doctor. Most often, the patient takes a bath in a sitting position, immersed waist-deep in warm water. Before taking baths, you should consult your doctor to avoid worsening the condition, especially for older people. To avoid a rush of blood to your head, you can wrap it with a damp towel. The heart area should always be above the surface of the water.

Usually, decoctions of herbs (pepper mint, chamomile, yarrow, etc.) are added to baths.

Experimental and clinical studies have shown that when using baths with herbal preparations and infusions, essential oils and minerals penetrate the skin into the body, providing a healing effect.

The following recipes give a good effect for prostatitis:

Oat straw bath (soothing effect). Pour 100-150 g of finely chopped (chopped) raw material into 3-5 liters of water, bring to a boil, cook for up to 20 minutes, filter. The extract is poured into a bath whose water temperature is 35-38 °C. Duration - 10-15 minutes. After the bath you need to rest.

Bath with meadow grass hay (soothing, analgesic, antispasmodic effect). Pour 300-500 g of raw material into 5 liters of water, bring to a boil, cook for about 15 minutes, filter. The extract is poured into the bath. The duration of the procedure and water regime are as in the previous recipe.

Bath with chamomile (spasmolytic, sedative, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect). For 1 liter of bath water you need 1 tbsp. spoon of chamomile flowers. The raw materials are poured with 2-5 liters of boiling water, left for 15 minutes, filtered, and poured into a bath of water. Taking a bath is the same.

Bath with lavender officinalis flowers (anti-inflammatory, calming effect). Pour 60-70 g of raw material into 5 liters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, filter, pour into the bath. Taking a bath is the same.

Bath with yarrow herb (anti-inflammatory, soothing, antispasmodic effect). Preparation and use as in the previous recipe.

Bath with horsetail herb (same effect). Soak 100-150 g of raw material for an hour in 2-3 liters of hot water, boil, filter and add to a bath of water. The usage is the same.

Foot baths. It has been noticed that even foot baths help increase the body's defenses, preventing the development of inflammatory diseases, including the prostate gland.

First, place the feet in a bath (container) with water, the temperature of which is 37 ° C. Hot water is gradually added. After 10-15 minutes, finish the procedure, wipe your feet dry, and put on woolen socks. You can add medicinal herbs to the bath. For this, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of raw material are boiled for 2-3 minutes in 1 liter of water, filtered and added to the foot bath.

Turpentine baths. In 1904, Professor Zalmanov, based on data on the role of capillaries in the human body, created recipes for emulsified turpentine, which could dissolve in water, which made it possible to use it in hydrotherapy practice for many diseases. In 2006, among the variety of emulsions and solutions, specialists from the Research Institute of Natural Therapy selected Skipofit solutions based on purified pine resin as the safest and most effective. The main active compound of turpentine oil (turpentine) is alpha- and beta-pinene (the content in Skipofit solutions is 85-90%), which stimulates metabolic processes in the body and normalizes regenerative processes. It has been noted that in case of chronic prostatitis, turpentine baths, in addition to the above, have an analgesic effect and have a positive effect on the formation and maturation of sperm.

Treatment with turpentine baths should begin with very small concentrations of turpentine emulsion, followed by a gradual increase from 20 to 60 ml per 200 liters of water. The temperature of the turpentine bath is 37 °C, the duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. The course of treatment consists of 10 procedures. Nowadays, components for turpentine baths are sold in pharmacies, so it is easy to prepare these baths at home.

General hydrogen sulfide baths. Such procedures are usually carried out in specialized hydropathic clinics or resorts. They are carried out every other day at a hydrogen sulfide concentration of 50, 100 and 150 mg/l. The water temperature should be 35-37 °C. The duration of the procedure is 8-12 minutes, the course of treatment is 12-14 baths. Local hydrogen sulfide baths are prescribed daily or every other day, the duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes. Course - 12-20 baths.

Cold and hot shower It is recommended primarily for patients with chronic prostatitis who have severe general manifestations of the disease. And it’s not surprising: this procedure perfectly tones the body, saturating it with energy, helps normalize blood circulation, stimulates metabolism, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, calms the nervous system, relieves depression, fatigue and normalizes sleep. It consists of an alternation of warm water that warms the body, and a short but sharp cooling. It is this effect of heat and cold that causes blood vessels to either expand from warm water or contract from cold water. It is recommended to stand under a warm shower (38-43 °C) for 3 minutes, then suddenly switch to cold water (15-20 °C) for 2-5 seconds (but no more). Then turn on warm water for 1-2 minutes, and again contrast cold. Such switches can be made from 5 to 10, completing the procedure with cold water, after which the body should be vigorously rubbed.

Rising crotch shower helps improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Usually a warm rising shower is used (water temperature is about 35-37 ° C) with moderately strong jets (it is advisable to support the scrotum with your hand). The jets massage the perineum, and warm water warms it up. This combination gives a very good therapeutic and prophylactic result. Procedures lasting 3-5-7 minutes are carried out daily for 15-20-30 days.

Hot compresses used in the treatment of chronic prostatitis outside the period of exacerbation. A small towel is soaked in very hot water, lightly wrung out, folded several times, applied to the lower abdomen and left to cool. Cover yourself with a blanket to prevent the compress from cooling prematurely.

Lotions. Lotions made of cotton or woolen fabric soaked in a medicinal solution are applied to the perineal area (between the scrotum and anus) so that the medicinal substances, absorbed through the skin, have a local effect on nearby tissues and organs.

For inflammation of the prostate gland, a decoction of green horse chestnut peels is recommended, applied as a compress to the perineum. Pour 50 g of green horse chestnut peels into 1 liter of water, bring to a boil, evaporate for 10 minutes over low heat. Dampen a cotton cloth and apply to the perineal area. Keep the compress for half an hour.

In the same way, you can make compresses with other medicinal herbs, for example, from a decoction of lemon balm with salt and the addition of ginger, a decoction of violet, crushed mint or lemon balm leaves, or coltsfoot.

Good help flax seeds. Place crushed flaxseeds into a flax bag, filling 2/3 of its capacity, tie it and place it in boiling water for 10 minutes. Remove and cool to 40°C. Then apply (preferably in bed) the bag to the area of ​​the bladder or perineum, cover with a dry linen towel and wrap the pelvis and thighs with a woolen blanket on top. The procedure can be performed daily.

There is also an old method cold treatment: Place 400-500 g of finely chopped ice in a linen bag (or gauze folded 8 times) and apply one by one to the back of the head, ribs in the heart area, scrotum - hold in each place for exactly 1 minute. This procedure is carried out 4 times a day: before sunrise, at noon, after sunset and before bedtime. The course of treatment is 1 week. This procedure should not be used for cardiac and acute inflammatory diseases.

Moisten a piece of bandage with camphor alcohol and apply a compress to the previously shaved pubis and perineum (from the anus to the middle of the scrotum). Feet should be kept together. In this position (lying or sitting), despite the pronounced burning sensation, it is advisable to stay as long as possible.

Known method use of contrast dressings, which has a remarkable anti-inflammatory effect in prostatitis. Cold (pieces of ice wrapped in a bag) and hot bandages are applied to the prostate area (between the scrotum and anus): hot bandage for 4-8 minutes, cold bandage for 1-2 minutes, changing them 2-3 times. Several such procedures can be performed during the day. However, you should not expect a quick effect.

Mud therapy. The use of silt and peat mud is based on their high heat capacity and biological activity due to the content of salts, gases and living microorganisms. Therapeutic mud enhances the production of hormones necessary for the body, increases the content of adrenaline and a number of other important substances in the blood, and also activates the reticuloendothelial system, the cells of which digest bacteria and various foreign or toxic particles, participate in the production of antibodies, as well as in metabolism. These procedures stimulate hematopoiesis and tissue regeneration processes. Usually the area from the stomach to the knees is covered with healing mud (at a temperature of 40-42 ° C). It should be used for 15-20 minutes every two days. The course is 10-18 procedures.

For rectal mud procedures, a special syringe is used. First, you need to completely empty your bladder and cleanse your intestines. After introducing a mud tampon - in the proportion of 200 g of therapeutic mud, heated to 38-40 ° C, per one tampon - the patient must be laid on his stomach and covered with a blanket. After 10 minutes, he is turned over on his left side. The mud tampon should remain in the rectum for 20 to 60 minutes. The administration is repeated every other day, the course is 12-15 procedures.

It is useful to use peloidin extract from medicinal mud, which acts as a biogenic stimulant. It is injected into the rectum in an amount of 50 ml at a temperature of 40 ° C for 30 minutes after a cleansing enema. The course of treatment is 10-12 microenemas.

Other types of heat therapy. In addition to water, substances that accumulate heat well and retain heat for a long time are used to heat individual parts of the body. Typically, water or electric heating pads, stones, as well as clean sand (sea or river), and table salt are used for these purposes. It is advisable to use special substances with high heat capacity and low thermal conductivity, such as, for example, paraffin, ozokerite.

Paraffin is a mixture of solid hydrocarbons of the methane series, which is obtained during the distillation of oil. It has a warming and analgesic effect, promotes the resorption of foci of inflammation in the prostate gland.

Ozokerite has more pronounced heat-absorbing and heat-transmitting properties than paraffin. Its therapeutic effect is also due to the chemical effects of the oils and resins it contains. It, like paraffin, helps relieve pain and resolve inflammation in the prostate gland.

For chronic prostatitis, paraffin and ozokerite are used in the form of a compress, for the preparation of which you need to soak a gauze pad folded in 6-8 layers with molten ozokerite. Then it should be squeezed out, cooled to a temperature of 50 ° C and applied to the lower abdomen. Usually the compress consists of two pads, located one above the other and covered with wax paper or oilcloth, on top of which the patient is wrapped in a blanket or warm woolen shawl.

Ozokerite or paraffin, heated to 45 ° C, can be applied directly to the skin of the perineum and genitals for half an hour. It is recommended to do this daily, preferably at the same time. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.

When using paraffin and ozokerite, in addition to the appearance of burns from careless execution of the procedure, your health may temporarily worsen, but by the third or fourth procedure you will feel much better.

Clay treatment. Such a natural remedy as clay has been used for a long time. The possibilities of its use in the treatment of prostatitis are also known. Research has shown that the healing properties of clay are largely due to the content of radium in it, a radioactive element that can accumulate solar energy and is rarely found in nature. The human body accepts radium in the amount it needs. It has been proven that pathogenic microorganisms do not tolerate its effects and die, which makes clay a very important element in the treatment of all types of prostatitis. In addition, clay strengthens the immune system, renews cells and fills them with new strength. It is capable of transmitting the mineral salts and trace elements present in it to the body in optimal proportions and combinations, while at the same time absorbing harmful compounds and removing them from the body,

The best option is to use clay purchased at a pharmacy. This eliminates the possibility of the presence of harmful impurities in it and significantly speeds up the process of preparing it for medical procedures, after which the skin should be rinsed with warm water and wiped dry.

According to the recommendations of traditional Tibetan medicine, in case of sexual dysfunction, warming of the lower back, lower abdomen and feet, where the beginning of the kidney meridian is located, is used. Before the procedure, you need to do a 5-10-minute massage of the heated area to increase blood flow. Procedures for warming the lower back with stones or dry heat are performed daily for 9-11 days, duration - 30-40 minutes.

For many centuries, people have used heated sand to relieve pain, which has the ability to absorb heat well, but at the same time gives it away poorly. Treatment with heated sand has an excellent anti-inflammatory, decongestant and analgesic effect. The procedure is easy to carry out at home, and it does not lead to overheating or burns. Heat the sand in the oven and pour it into a linen bag (preferably a wool sock). The resulting compress is applied to the lower abdomen or perineum. It is better to carry out the procedure while lying down, covered with a blanket.

The same procedure can be carried out with table salt, cereal in a canvas bag or flat stones.

The simplest method of warming up the perineum is a heating pad (water or electric). It is used in courses of 15-20 procedures for 20-30 minutes a day.

There was an improvement in erectile dysfunction when using a sauna with apple cider vinegar and diaphoretic teas.

Contraindications or restrictions to the use of heat therapy for chronic prostatitis are:

Purulent processes in the pelvic organs, including acute bacterial prostatitis;


Fever with high temperature;

Acute heart disease;

High blood pressure;

Benign and malignant neoplasms;

Blood diseases;

Chronic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;

Severe liver diseases;

Recently, doctors are increasingly stating the fact that diseases of the male genital area have become significantly “younger”.

If earlier “male” ailments lay in wait for the stronger half of humanity in old age, today often forty-year-old men seek help with problems of the genital organs. And often doctors diagnose “prostatitis”. And if a person has crossed the threshold of fifty years of age, then it is possible that he may develop symptoms of prostate adenoma.

Timely seeking medical help will help you get rid of troubles and prevent the progression of the disease through the use of traditional treatment methods and folk remedies. Fir oil has proven itself to be the most effective healing potion among natural products - its use for prostatitis gives excellent results.

Using fir oil for prostatitis gives excellent results

The healing properties of a unique natural product

Essential fir oil is produced from the needles and young shoots of fir trees growing in environmentally friendly areas. When using the latest vitamin-preserving production methods by cold pressing, it is possible to preserve all useful components in fir oil. The finished product has powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties and is the number one natural remedy among essential oils in the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma. Fir essential oil is effective against pathogens, stimulates blood circulation in the area of ​​the prostate gland (prostate), and increases the body's protective functions. Due to its healing properties, the use of this product is effective in treating the male genital area.

Essential fir oil is produced from the needles and young shoots of fir trees growing in environmentally friendly areas

Today, every second man has suffered from prostatitis at least once in his life, and about a quarter of patients who go to the doctor with complaints of anxiety in the reproductive or urinary system are affected by this disease. Doctors call the prostate gland the second heart of a man, because it, together with the testicles, is responsible for reproductive function. The general name prostatitis refers to inflammation of the prostate.

In old age, the prostate increases in size due to natural tissue proliferation; this disease is called prostate adenoma. Sometimes it is difficult to diagnose a disease and begin timely correct treatment due to the similarity of symptoms with other diseases. A correct diagnosis and timely treatment of an adenoma protects against the occurrence of kidney problems and prevents the development of a benign neoplasm into a malignant one.

The general name prostatitis refers to inflammation of the prostate.

Causes of problems

There are several reasons for the appearance of this unpleasant disease, but the main one is considered to be the presence of a bacterial infection. Bacteria enter the prostate gland from the urinary system or other inflamed organs through the blood vessels and lymphatic system. In this case, treatment using fir oil as an additional therapeutic agent is very effective.

The causes of the disease are also a hereditary factor, stagnation of blood in the pelvis due to a sedentary lifestyle, damage to the genitourinary organs as a result of medical examinations, infectious inflammation of the genital organs and other parts of the body, irregular sex life and promiscuous sexual relationships, problems in the form of hormonal disorders , excessive drinking and smoking.

Factors that cause prostatitis include general hypothermia, regular constipation, lack of vitamins and microelements, sexually transmitted diseases, excessive physical activity, stress, and lack of sleep.

Effective treatment is determined by establishing a reliable, correct cause of the disease.

It is very important to determine the reliable and correct cause of the disease

Signs of prostate inflammation

If you control your physical condition, you can detect unpleasant symptoms of the disease at an early stage, then treating the disease will be much easier, and the process itself will take much less time. Timely treatment is the key to successfully getting rid of the problem.

At the initial stage of the disease, pain in the lower abdomen, testicles, sacrum, urethra, and scanty discharge from the urinary canal are disturbing. With prostatitis, the erection weakens, premature ejaculation appears, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent, and the bladder does not empty completely.

At the initial stage and with acute manifestations of the disease, temperature jumps up to 39 degrees are possible. When the disease becomes chronic, acute stages alternate with periods of remission. There are noticeable jumps in subfebrile temperature in the evenings from 37.2 to 37.6 degrees.

If these symptoms are detected, it is necessary to contact a urologist to make a correct diagnosis and begin treatment.

At the initial stage of the disease, pain in the lower abdomen may occur.

It has long been known that folk remedies can be taken to treat various pathologies of the body. Many of them are able to speed up recovery and restore damaged organ functions. A special place in folk medicine is the treatment of prostate adenoma, prostatitis, and specifically with folk remedies.

Prostate structure

There is a lot of speculation and prejudice regarding these two pathologies. Often these diseases are confused with each other and even put an equal sign between them. However, it is necessary to clearly understand what can cause the development of these pathologies in order to understand the prescribed course of treatment.

In acute and chronic prostatitis, the main cause most often plays an infectious agent. This may be of bacterial etiology or infections transmitted through sexual contact. If the disease is not treated, it progresses quite quickly and becomes chronic.

With prostate adenoma, the main reason for the formation of organ damage is hormonal changes, which, as a rule, occur in the bodies of men after the age of 45 years. It is this factor that is considered to be the main and decisive one. It is also worth noting that prostatitis cannot lead to the development of adenoma.

A long chronic course is also typical for prostate adenoma. It gradually passes from stage to stage and, if left untreated, can lead to surgical intervention as a result of the formation of sometimes severe complications and consequences.

Signs of disease

Problems with prostatitis

Despite the undeniable difference in the origin and development of these diseases, the signs and symptoms that appear in them are quite similar.

With prostate adenoma, the main complaints in men will be difficulty urinating, incomplete emptying, a feeling of pressure in the genital area, as well as increased visits to the toilet to empty the bladder, mainly at night.

What is typical for prostatitis in this case?

In acute and chronic prostatitis, to all of the above signs of adenoma, it is necessary to add pain, burning after and during urination, increased temperature and deterioration in the patient’s well-being.

For prostatitis, when it is chronic, it should be noted that there are alternating periods of exacerbation and active manifestation of all symptoms with episodes of remission.

With prostate adenoma, the process is permanent. It can occur quickly, causing a lot of inconvenience, or it can last for a long time, only slightly intensifying over time.

It should be remembered: no matter what type of disease is identified in the patient, all treatment methods must certainly be agreed upon with the doctor. Treatment options for signs of prostatitis, like adenomas, using only folk remedies are incorrect and dangerous.

Fir in the treatment of prostate adenoma

Fir oil has been used for prostate adenoma for a long time. It is recommended to be prescribed not only internally, but also externally, for treatment by introducing prepared solutions into the rectal area. It is good to combine fir oil and its water.

Recipe for solution for administration: you need to take 50.0 fir water and heat it to 40 ° C, then pour 5 drops of a solution such as fir oil. The resulting composition should be taken into a prepared syringe, lying down, and injected into the rectum for 10 minutes. This treatment of prostate adenoma will be more effective if you gradually increase the number of drops by two, bringing it to 12 per procedure.

The course of treatment with fir water and oil is 30 procedures performed every day. Therapy for prostate adenoma in this way can be repeated after 2 months

You can use the same method using only fir water. The fir water solution must also be heated, filled into a syringe and injected into the rectum for 10 minutes. The total duration of treatment is 50 days and after that it is advisable to repeat it after 2 months. At the same time, rub fir oil into the perineum.

For prostate adenoma, it is good to use suppositories that are prepared in a pharmacy (12 drops of fir tree oil are used for one suppository). They should be injected into the rectal area every day for 1 month.

A good effect is obtained by mixing a product such as fir oil and sea buckthorn oil in equal proportions and placing tampons in the rectal area for 30 days.

Fir for prostatitis

Fir for prostatitis and prostate adenoma

Fir oil is unique due to its ability to have not only a bactericidal effect, but also an analgesic and warming effect. Since ancient times, it has been used for general health of the body, for problems with joints (fir oil removes salts from them), and also to speed up the process of dissolving stones.

For the treatment of prostatitis, very similar recipes are used as for adenoma.

You can douche with heated fir water every day for no more than 50 days. It is recommended to add 5 drops of fir oil to this solution with a gradual increase in the number of drops to 12 per session. The duration of this treatment for prostatitis is about 1 month, and after a break of 60 days it can be repeated.

Useful tampons are used in the rectal area, which are prepared, as for prostate adenoma, by mixing fir oil and other types of oils, for example, peach.

You can take sitz baths using fir water. It just needs to be heated to 40°C. The duration of taking a bath based on fir water is no more than 20 minutes for 30 days in a row.

Fir oil is good for prostate massage. This procedure must be performed by a doctor.

Other recipes

Let's consider the most common recipes, called folk remedies, used for such a process as the treatment of prostate adenoma.

The herb fireweed is widely known. Brew three spoons of tea plants with 500 ml of only boiling water, and the drink is ready. You should drink it three times, but before meals.

The effect of taking burdock root for prostate adenoma is known. You need to brew two teaspoons of it with 500 ml of boiling water, you can let it sit for an hour and then drink half a glass a day only four times.

Infusion for prostate adenoma: take 30 g of lingonberry leaves, 35 g of horsetail and nettle. Pour two spoons of our mixture into 500 ml of boiling water. It's important to insist. Take 1/2 cup three times and only before meals.

For the treatment of the prostate with folk remedies, the following collection is recommended: 20 g of rose hips (fruit), birch and plantain leaves, 40 g of motherwort (herb). Pour a third of a glass of this mixture into 500 ml of hot water and leave for three hours. Take three times with honey before meals.

A recipe for the treatment of acute prostatitis also helps: take 35 g of St. John's wort and chamomile, as well as 15 g of linden flowers, celandine herb, then pour in 500 ml of water, it is important to infuse and drink for the treatment of the disease after meals, only half of one glass in the morning and In the evening.

Know: effective treatment of prostate adenoma cannot be achieved only with folk remedies. Treatment of prostate adenoma, like any disease, is a complex process. It is important to take all recommended medications and combine oils, infusions and herbs with them. This is necessary for the effective treatment of each disease.

Recently, doctors are increasingly stating the fact that diseases of the male genital area have become significantly “younger”.

If earlier “male” ailments lay in wait for the stronger half of humanity in old age, today often forty-year-old men seek help with problems of the genital organs. And often doctors diagnose “prostatitis”. And if a person has crossed the threshold of fifty years of age, then it is possible that he may develop symptoms of prostate adenoma.

Timely seeking medical help will help you get rid of troubles and prevent the progression of the disease through the use of traditional treatment methods and folk remedies. Fir oil has proven itself to be the most effective healing potion among natural products - its use for prostatitis gives excellent results.

Using fir oil for prostatitis gives excellent results

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The healing properties of a unique natural product

Essential fir oil is produced from the needles and young shoots of fir trees growing in environmentally friendly areas. When using the latest vitamin-preserving production methods by cold pressing, it is possible to preserve all useful components in fir oil. The finished product has powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties and is the number one natural remedy among essential oils in the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma. Fir essential oil is effective against pathogens, stimulates blood circulation in the area of ​​the prostate gland (prostate), and increases the body's protective functions. Due to its healing properties, the use of this product is effective in treating the male genital area.

Essential fir oil is produced from the needles and young shoots of fir trees growing in environmentally friendly areas

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The essence of the disease

Today, every second man has suffered from prostatitis at least once in his life, and about a quarter of patients who go to the doctor with complaints of anxiety in the reproductive or urinary system are affected by this disease. Doctors call the prostate gland the second heart of a man, because it, together with the testicles, is responsible for reproductive function. The general name prostatitis refers to inflammation of the prostate.

In old age, the prostate increases in size due to natural tissue proliferation; this disease is called prostate adenoma. Sometimes it is difficult to diagnose a disease and begin timely correct treatment due to the similarity of symptoms with other diseases. A correct diagnosis and timely treatment of an adenoma protects against the occurrence of kidney problems and prevents the development of a benign neoplasm into a malignant one.

The general name prostatitis refers to inflammation of the prostate.

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Causes of problems

There are several reasons for the appearance of this unpleasant disease, but the main one is considered to be the presence of a bacterial infection. Bacteria enter the prostate gland from the urinary system or other inflamed organs through the blood vessels and lymphatic system. In this case, treatment using fir oil as an additional therapeutic agent is very effective.

The causes of the disease are also a hereditary factor, stagnation of blood in the pelvis due to a sedentary lifestyle, damage to the genitourinary organs as a result of medical examinations, infectious inflammation of the genital organs and other parts of the body, irregular sex life and promiscuous sexual relationships, problems in the form of hormonal disorders , excessive drinking and smoking.

Factors that cause prostatitis include general hypothermia, regular constipation, lack of vitamins and microelements, sexually transmitted diseases, excessive physical activity, stress, and lack of sleep.

Effective treatment is determined by establishing a reliable, correct cause of the disease.

It is very important to determine the reliable and correct cause of the disease

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Signs of prostate inflammation

If you control your physical condition, you can detect unpleasant symptoms of the disease at an early stage, then treating the disease will be much easier, and the process itself will take much less time. Timely treatment is the key to successfully getting rid of the problem.

At the initial stage of the disease, pain in the lower abdomen, testicles, sacrum, urethra, and scanty discharge from the urinary canal are disturbing. With prostatitis, the erection weakens, premature ejaculation appears, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent, and the bladder does not empty completely.

At the initial stage and with acute manifestations of the disease, temperature jumps up to 39 degrees are possible. When the disease becomes chronic, acute stages alternate with periods of remission. There are noticeable jumps in subfebrile temperature in the evenings from 37.2 to 37.6 degrees.

If these symptoms are detected, it is necessary to contact a urologist to make a correct diagnosis and begin treatment.

At the initial stage of the disease, pain in the lower abdomen may occur.

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Healing with folk remedies

The use of natural essential oils in the treatment of prostatitis has been practiced for a long time. Fir oil has a positive effect on the diseased organ, helps in curing illness, acting as a means of additional therapy. Treatment of the disease primarily involves eliminating inflammation of the prostate gland caused by bacteria and microbes. Fir oil, as an independent remedy and as part of homemade potions, has a detrimental effect on pathogenic organisms, penetrating deeply into cell membranes and destroying infectious agents. The use of not only fir oil, but also fir water and fir bark is effective in the treatment of prostatitis.

Treatment of the prostate gland with fir oil involves several methods. All of them, when used for a long time and all conditions of use are observed, are quite effective.

  • To solve the problem, it is recommended to do microenemas with fir oil (after a cleansing enema). To do this, add 5 drops of fir oil to a syringe with boiled water, after two days the dose is increased, bringing the number of drops to 12. The course is carried out for 30 days, after which a break is taken for 2 months. To enhance the bactericidal effect, you can replace ordinary water with chamomile infusion.
  • To eliminate pain and increase potency, make special candles with essential fir oil. Their inconvenience is that due to the high volatility of the oil, they are stored in the refrigerator for six days and for a course lasting 30 days you need to order new ones from the pharmacy.
  • The prepared mixture of fir, sea buckthorn and peach oil is also very effective. Mix the ingredients of the product in a ratio of 1:1:1, shake, moisten a tampon made from a bandage into the drug and insert it into the anus, leaving it until the next bowel movement. The treatment period is 30 days.
  • A massage with fir oil for prostatitis is quite effective. The procedure must be performed by an experienced doctor.
  • It is also recommended to prepare a mixture based on any cream with the addition of fir essential oil and rub it into the perineum before bed for 5 minutes, being careful not to touch the scrotum and anus to avoid irritation.
  • Treatment using a decoction of fir bark is also useful. Boil 2 teaspoons of bark in a glass of water for five minutes. Infuse, strain and consume 1/3 cup three times a day 30 minutes before meals for 20 days.

Treatment using a decoction of fir bark is useful

Inflammation of the prostate gland and prostate adenoma are not a death sentence if you pay attention to the symptoms of malaise in time, consult a doctor and begin comprehensive treatment using traditional methods using folk remedies. Fir oil will play an important role in the process of healing from illness.

Esters - oils for prostatitis - pros and cons

Plant oils (esters) are produced using special cold-pressing methods, the main advantage of each such ether is its natural origin, quality without additional components that are not always beneficial.

Its structure is gentle and does not cause discomfort when used externally.

Reference: Some oils can be taken orally to treat or prevent prostatitis; due to the small amount required, it also does not cause discomfort.

The next plus is the aroma. Natural flavoring will have a beneficial effect on the human body - relaxation, increased immunity, reduced inflammation.

Reference: For the treatment of prostatitis (except acute), warming baths are well used; adding approved ether to the water will bring even more benefits.

One of the disadvantages is to take into account individual intolerance to any oil.

IMPORTANT! Before starting treatment with oils, you should undergo a tolerance test - drop a drop of the product on your hand, evaluate the result after half an hour, and if the condition worsens at the slightest, exclude this treatment.

Some oily preparations can increase or decrease blood pressure, soothe or, conversely, act as a stimulant - this should be taken into account by those suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia, insomnia, etc.

Which ones are suitable?

Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate gland, the causes are bacteria or internal processes of lowering the immune system.

This means you should choose oils with the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • calming;
  • healing;
  • strengthening and restoring immunity;
  • improves blood circulation.

Typically used:

  • stone;
  • tea tree ether;
  • from grapefruit seeds;
  • sandalwood;
  • fir;
  • juniper;
  • ginger;
  • rosemary.

Stone oil

Treatment of prostatitis with stone oil: What substances does it contain? How does it affect the treatment of prostatitis?

Rock oil or "geomaline"- an interesting rock phenomenon, a mineral mined in high mountain regions.

Contains almost all the elements of Mendeleev’s periodic table:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • silver;
  • gold;
  • iodine, etc.

It also contains a large amount of zinc, which is necessary for men's health - reproductive function.

It is a yellowish powder with a tongue astringent effect.

This substance has long been known throughout the world for its healing functions and has antibacterial properties. Suitable for the treatment of almost all serious diseases (diabetes, oncology).

For prostatitis, the drug will restore prostate tissue, reduce or completely eliminate inflammation, and strengthen the entire body.

For what type of prostatitis should it be used?

Experts advise using it for preventive action, for any type of prostatitis, for any complication.

Suitable for increasing potency and regulating the onset of ejaculation.


  • problems with choleretic function (obstructive jaundice);
  • intolerance to the drug.

How to apply it correctly?

For prevention use a solution geomalin - 3 g per 3 liters of water, drink a glass three times a day.

ATTENTION! The substance does not dissolve in alcohol.

For the treatment of prostatitis use compresses(to the perineum) - dissolve 3 g in a glass of boiling water. drug, moisten the bandage, apply for 60 minutes. The procedure should be repeated for 2 weeks.

In the initial stages of prostatitis or any disease of the genitourinary system, you can only get by with stone oil. For the treatment of acute and chronic forms, this drug is used as an addition to antibiotics.

Herbal decoctions have a good effect with this oil - 3g. oil, half a glass of lungwort, a glass of nettle, pour 3 liters. boiling water, leave for a couple of hours and drink half a glass before meals.

Microclysters relieves pain and inflammation well - 3g. per liter of water.

ATTENTION! When treating with any oils, you should not use alcoholic, caffeinated drinks, fatty and spicy foods, or fruits with high acidity.

The effect occurs after just a few uses - the pain subsides, swelling decreases, and the function of the urinary system is restored. You need to complete the entire course - 2 weeks, repeat if necessary.


Treatment of prostatitis with fir oil

Fir oil is obtained from fir needles and young shoots.

Acts as an antibacterial agent, improves pelvic microcirculation, and increases the level of the immune system.

Mainly, it treats bacterial prostatitis well. Suitable for disease prevention. Good, quickly relieves pain in the perineum and lower abdomen.


  • allergy to coniferous trees;
  • drug intolerance;
  • gastrointestinal diseases.


  1. Microclysters with fir ether is used for about a month - 5 drops per average enema volume, then increase the amount of ether daily.
  2. Can be rubbed in Apply this product into the perineum, alone or with baby cream.
  3. Prostate massage with the drug it will be more effective.

ATTENTION! In case of acute manifestation of the disease, rectal massages should not be performed!

The use of several esters (sea buckthorn, fir) improves the effect.

A few drops of oil can be added to tea.

The effect of the drug occurs almost immediately, but you must complete the entire course of treatment - 30 days.


Composition, action

This drug contains many useful substances - amino acids, minerals, vitamins.

It has antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Treatment of prostatitis with flaxseed oil is suitable for any stage of prostatitis; it treats the bacterial type of the disease very well.


  • gallstone diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • allergy.

Treatment regimen:

The main advantage of this oil is that it can be used for seasoning regular dishes. You need to take a tablespoon in the morning and evening for 2 months.

Also use the following composition: a few g of flaxseed oil + crushed eggshells + lemon juice.

Do microenemas with this drug.

Flax oil is mixed with chamomile, marigold and tansy extract to make compresses to the perineum.

The effect of treatment will occur no earlier than after 2 months.

Black cumin

Black cumin oil contains a lot of useful substances (zinc, phosphorus, other vitamins).

This product improves metabolism in the body, has an anti-inflammatory effect, fights bacteria without harming the microflora of the stomach.

Suitable for prevention, treatment of prostatitis with black cumin oil is possible in all stages.


  • cardiac ischemia;
  • thrombosis.

Application, combination, effect:

  1. Use internally 2 tsp each per day.
  2. Rubbed in the crotch,
  3. used for rectal massages.
  4. Decoction chamomile mixed with a spoon of honey and a tablespoon of black cumin - anti-inflammatory effect, strengthening the immune system.

The effect occurs after a week or 2 with daily use, it is better to combine internal and external use.


Pumpkin has long been known as a useful product for the treatment of prostatitis; not only the oil is used, but also the seeds and the pulp itself.

Pumpkin oil has a stimulating effect and has a beneficial effect on the entire male body.


The main thing in choosing treatment is to do no harm. The naturalness of essential oils is undeniable, which does not aggravate the microflora of internal organs, but you should remember about allergic reactions and some contraindications.

Traditional medicine has the right to exist, however, after consultation with a qualified specialist. Be healthy!

Useful video

How to use stone oil in the treatment of prostatitis - watch the following video:

How to properly treat prostatitis with pine baths

Have you been struggling with PROSTATITIS and POTENTITY for many years without success?

Head of the Institute: “You will be amazed at how easy it is to cure prostatitis by taking it every day...

  • Baths and prostatitis – is there any effect?
  • The benefits of pine baths
  • How to prepare pine bath concentrate
  • How to take a bath with pine needles for prostatitis
  • Contraindications to the use of pine baths for prostatitis

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland that occurs due to the penetration of pathogenic microflora into its tissue, due to congestion or hypothermia of the body. The disease is accompanied by pain and swelling of the prostate tissue, urinary retention, changes in hormonal levels and deterioration of erectile function. If left untreated, prostatitis becomes chronic, which in turn can lead to adenoma or the formation of malignant tumors of this glandular unpaired organ.

To improve potency, our readers successfully use M-16. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
Read more here...

Baths and prostatitis – is there any effect?

Treatment of prostatitis involves a whole range of therapeutic measures, including long-term medication, physiotherapy and exercise therapy, as well as surgical treatment. An equally common way to eliminate inflammation in the gland is traditional medicine, which suggests using baths for prostatitis with a variety of medicinal herbs, salts, conifers or turpentine.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! The only remedy for increasing potency, recommended by doctors! ...

The essence of this therapeutic effect is simple - the man’s body is uniformly heated, as a result of which metabolic processes in the prostate tissues proceed faster and blood flow increases. The result of the action of medicinal baths on the prostate gland that has undergone pathological changes is:

  • reduction of swelling and pain;
  • normalization of tissue nutrition;
  • active removal of toxins from the prostate;
  • restoration of the number of healthy cells (regeneration of damaged ones);
  • normalization of the secretory function of the prostate gland;
  • stimulation of local immunity.

The peculiarity of this treatment method is the ability to use it at any stage and for any form of prostate inflammation. Among the shortcomings, experts mention only a possible allergy to the herbal ingredients used in baths.

The benefits of pine baths

A particularly strong effect is obtained by using pine needle baths for prostatitis. They, unlike herbal ones, have many unique properties that have a positive effect on the body as a whole, and in particular on the prostate. This is due to the chemical composition of the needles:

  • essential oils have a powerful antimicrobial, antispasmodic and bactericidal effect;
  • tannins – a powerful anti-inflammatory and astringent effect;
  • vitamins and minerals – immunomodulatory, regeneration-stimulating effect.

Important! The healing effect is provided only by natural pine extracts, which can be prepared at home or purchased in pharmacies.

How to prepare pine bath concentrate

For baths, prepare a strong decoction of pine needles (you can use cedar or spruce needles if possible). To do this, take a glass of fresh pine needles and 3 liters of water, place these components in a saucepan with a thick bottom and place on low heat for 2-3 hours. Boiling slowly, the water will absorb all the beneficial substances from the pine needles, and as the water gradually boils away, the broth will turn into an extract.

There is another way to prepare pine extract. To prepare it, take 3 liters of boiling water and 300 g of fresh pine needles. Mix the ingredients and wrap them to cool slowly. Then the resulting infusion, without filtering, is boiled until half of the initial volume remains. After this, the extract can be cooled, again slowly, and then strained and poured into a dark glass container.

The consumption rate of pine extract per bath (at least 50 liters of water) is no more than 200 ml. Similar proportions apply to liquid extracts and to pine needle concentrate in tablets and powder (solid extracts are added to the bath at the rate of 80 g per full bath of water).

How to take a bath with pine needles for prostatitis

Official medicine, along with folk medicine, considers baths with pine needles effective for inflammation of the prostate. However, urologists note that to achieve positive dynamics, several rules must be followed:

  1. The water temperature in the bathroom should not exceed 39-40 degrees.
  2. The water level should reach the middle of the chest. It is possible lower, but higher – in no case is it possible.
  3. Duration of stay in the bathroom is no more than 15 minutes.
  4. If dizziness occurs, you should stop taking a bath.
  5. It is not recommended to take a pine bath earlier than an hour after eating.
  6. After taking a bath, it is recommended to immediately go to bed.
  7. The duration of treatment with pine baths is up to 2 weeks (if the procedure is taken daily).
  8. It is allowed to take pine baths once every 2 days. In this case, the duration of treatment is doubled.
  9. It is recommended to relax as much as possible while taking a bath.

If the above rules are followed, the man will notice the appearance of hyperemia on the skin, and will also feel a slight tingling of the skin. These symptoms indicate increased blood flow to the skin. After a few minutes, a feeling of heat may appear in parts of the body that are not immersed in the bath.

Important! Redness of the skin should not normally be accompanied by swelling or severe rash. If such signs appear during a bath or within 24 hours afterward, treatment with this method is contraindicated for a man, since he is allergic to pine needles.

Contraindications to the use of pine baths for prostatitis

Despite the high effectiveness of pine baths, their treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland is contraindicated in a number of cases, which include:

  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • arterial hypertension in the acute stage;
  • oncological diseases.

It is also not recommended to use this method of treatment during exacerbation of chronic diseases, especially if they are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. In this case, it is worth temporarily replacing the procedure with sitz baths with pine extract. Even in the absence of visible contraindications, you should not use this method without consulting your doctor.

What methods are allowed to treat prostatitis - you can find out more about this below:

Inflammation of the prostate gland is a disease that requires complex treatment, it includes drug therapy, physiotherapy, prostate massage, therapeutic exercises and other methods. One of the auxiliary techniques used to eliminate the symptoms of the disease are microenemas for prostatitis.

In fact, a microenema is no different from a regular one, but the name speaks for itself - the volumes of liquid used during the procedure are much smaller (from 50 to 100 ml). Like any other method of therapeutic action on an inflamed prostate, microenemas require prior consultation with your doctor. Today we will talk about the rules of the procedure and the composition of microenemas for prostatitis, which can be used in treatment.


Inflammation of the prostate gland rarely occurs in isolation, without involving other organs located in the pelvis in the pathological process. Often, through an ascending route, the infection spreads to the genitourinary system - pathogenic microbes settle in the cavity of the bladder, urethral canal and even the kidneys (if the sphincters fail and portions of urine are thrown back into the organ).

Also, prostatitis is often complicated by problems with the intestines - due to frequent constipation, dysbiosis develops, beneficial microflora dies, and the risk of developing intestinal infections increases. In this regard, the advantages of preparing microenemas for prostatitis come down to the following:

  • assistance in the restoration of damaged tissues;
  • accelerated regeneration of mucous epithelium;
  • reducing the level of inflammatory processes;
  • relieving swelling of the prostate and facilitating the outflow of urine;
  • purgation;
  • cleaning from toxins, harmful decay products and waste;
  • leading to normal functioning of the pelvic organs;
  • penetration of active substances directly to the tissues of the gland;
  • solving problems with constipation thanks to the antiseptic effect of microenemas and softening of hard feces;
  • prevention of prostate adenoma;
  • quick effect - the active components enter the bloodstream within 30 minutes after the solution is introduced into the intestines.

Once in the intestinal cavity, the warm solution creates two effects at once - warming and healing. Administration of drugs rectally ensures that the active substances immediately enter the systemic circulation, since the intestinal walls are literally penetrated by many capillaries, and the inferior vena cava also passes there. Unlike tablets, which, when taken internally, must pass through the stomach and small intestine, the composition of microenemas does not undergo changes and is absorbed into the blood in its original form.

Also, when using injectable and tablet drugs, the load on the liver increases, and during treatment for prostatitis, a man has to drink NSAIDs to relieve inflammation and take antibiotics. This has an adverse effect not only on the liver, but also on many other organs and systems. In the case of microenemas, this side effect is completely absent, which makes the technique safe.

Indications and contraindications

It is recommended to do microenemas for prostatitis, concomitant infections of the genitourinary system, for example, cystitis or urethritis, as well as for constipation and hemorrhoids that are not complicated by the formation of nodes. Microenemas are contraindicated for patients with the following problems:

  • sharp pain in the abdominal area of ​​unknown origin;
  • inflammatory processes in the rectum and colon;
  • acute inflammation of the prostate, accompanied by signs of intoxication and the risk of formation of a purulent abscess;
  • increased body temperature;
  • the presence of malignant and benign intestinal tumors.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment of bacterial prostatitis, while taking antibiotic drugs, it is recommended to do microenemas with disinfecting and bactericidal solutions. You can choose a composition that will have an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, relieve spasms of the smooth muscles of the pelvic organs and accelerate healing.

Composition of microenemas

The main requirement here is to follow several rules, which will be discussed a little later. It is necessary to observe the correct proportions when preparing medicinal solutions so as not to cause a burn to the mucous membrane and not harm your health.

You can do enemas with the following compositions:

  • decoctions of medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory, enveloping, analgesic, healing effects;
  • medicines;
  • oils;
  • alternative compositions.

Before carrying out the procedures, it is necessary to notify the attending physician and undergo diagnostic testing to ensure that there are no contraindications to such treatment. If the condition worsens, it is better to refuse microenemas; most likely, the negative sensations arose due to a violation of the technique of preparing the compositions or performing the enema.

Anti-inflammatory herbs

Probably the most common plant used in anti-inflammatory therapy is chamomile. This flower has the properties to heal and soothe damaged mucous tissues, dilate blood vessels, disinfect and disinfect. Therefore, chamomile infusions are even used to treat chronic prostatitis. To enhance the healing effect of the plant, dry chamomile raw materials are combined with other herbs that have a similar effect.

Microenemas based on this flower also give a good effect for calculous prostatitis (a type of disease in which calcifications, the so-called stones, form in the cavity of the prostate gland). To prepare an enema solution, you need to take 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers (prepare them yourself or purchase ready-made raw materials at the pharmacy), place them in a glass container and pour a glass of boiling water.

You need to let the composition stand for half an hour, then strain it and use it for enemas. The second method of preparing the decoction involves boiling the composition in a water bath for 15 minutes, the proportions of raw materials and water remain the same. After the composition has been removed from the heat and cooled, it is filtered and topped up to the original volume with boiled water.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, the herbs yarrow, calendula, sage, mint, St. John's wort, and plantain are added to chamomile raw materials. All of them have anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, which is important during the treatment of prostatitis. A contraindication to the use of these plants is the individual sensitivity of the body.

An allergic reaction may manifest itself in the form of redness of the skin, itching and a slight burning sensation. It should be clarified that side effects from the use of anti-inflammatory herbs are extremely rare, but if they occur, it is better to stop using allergy-provoking plants.


Not many medications are used to treat prostatitis, since rectal administration of solutions must be carried out extremely carefully and not cause complications. Here are several options for medications that are used in the treatment of prostate inflammation:

  • Dimexide (Dimethyl sulfoxide). A drug with pronounced anti-inflammatory properties that easily penetrates cell membranes and delivers active substances deep into the tissues. The scope of its application is wide; for prostatitis, enemas with Dimexide are also considered an effective and indispensable remedy. It reduces the level of inflammation, accelerates the healing of affected tissues, stimulates the genitourinary system to recover and normalizes blood flow in the area of ​​the inflammatory process. Add 2 ml of Dimexide to the prepared chamomile decoction - the composition for microenemas is ready.
  • Furacilin. This cheap and common pharmaceutical product is widely known for its antiseptic and healing properties. It is also suitable for the treatment of prostatitis. To prepare the composition for microenemas, you need to boil 1 tablet of Furacilin in 100 ml of water, then cool and inject it into the rectum.
  • Antipyrine. The drug belongs to the group of anti-inflammatory non-steroids, has an anesthetic effect, relaxes smooth muscles, relieves fever and malaise. For one enema procedure, 1 g of product is enough.
  • Iodine solution. Add 10 drops of alcohol tincture of iodine to the prepared warm liquid, after which I do an enema. This composition has a pronounced antiseptic effect.

The attending physician will tell you which microenemas are suitable for a particular patient, and he will also warn about possible undesirable effects of rectal use of drugs. The doctor will advise the correct dosage and monitor the patient’s condition during home treatment.

Oils and alternative formulations

Oil added to the microenemas helps relieve pain, soften and heal the mucous epithelium, improve blood supply to internal organs and remove gases. Also, microenemas with oils solve problems with constipation and facilitate bowel movements. The following oils can be used:

  • sunflower;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • eucalyptus;
  • castor;
  • peach;
  • fir.

It must be remembered that the amount of oil in the composition should not exceed 30 ml of the total amount of liquid. Fir oil is irritating and should be used with caution. Oil mixed with water is heated in a water bath to 38–40 oC, then injected into the rectum, after which the patient is recommended to spend 10 minutes in a position lying on his stomach.

For preparing microenemas, the ASD 2 (creolin) fraction is more suitable - it can be used not only for rectal administration, but also for oral administration. So, 5 drops are diluted in a glass of water and drunk three times a day. The composition has a beneficial effect on the prostate, bladder, urethra and the general condition of the pelvis.

Rules for conducting procedures

In order for the effect of microenemas to be positive and sustainable, it is necessary to perform the procedures correctly, following a simple algorithm:

  • the solution temperature should not exceed 40 °C;
  • before insertion into the rectum, the tip of the syringe is lubricated with Vaseline or oil;
  • liquid is injected into the rectum in a volume of no more than 100 ml, so as not to provoke the urge to defecate;
  • the patient should lie on his side with his legs tucked to his stomach, and after administering the medicinal solution, roll over onto his stomach for 5–10 minutes;
  • It is better to do a microenema at night, so that you can immediately lie down under the covers and not go to the toilet, but allow the medications to be absorbed into the mucous membrane for a long time;
  • When preparing an enema with a drug, the correct dosage must be observed.

The course of microenemas should last at least 5–7 days in a row, during this period the man should closely monitor his well-being and report all changes to the treating doctor. As it became clear, microenemas are a simple, affordable and effective way to cope with the symptoms of prostatitis.

Thanks to the undeniable advantages of this treatment method, the process of tissue regeneration and restoration is accelerated, the functions of the genitourinary system are normalized, and an antiseptic effect is achieved. Greater success in the treatment of prostatitis can be achieved by using complex methods - taking medications, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises and diet.

If we talk about potency problems, we can note that they have become significantly “younger”. And if older people used to go to the doctor with complaints, today young people also face this problem. Most people of any age try to solve the problem on their own, avoiding medical help.

Folk remedies for potency are very good, but they do not always get rid of the disease itself.
Today we will talk about prostatitis, which brings a lot of inconvenience to a man and causes disorders in the sexual sphere. We will not delve into the symptoms and causes of this disease. After all, most males are probably already interested in this information and clearly know how to recognize the “enemy.” Let's move straight to the methods and means that will help solve the problem.

Increasingly, “grandmother’s recipes” are used to treat this or that ailment. This dynamic is not surprising, since in an age of poor environmental conditions, we want something natural. But medications do not always meet this requirement. Often, after taking folk remedies for potency, men feel a significant improvement almost immediately. But given the fact that folk remedies have a gentler effect on the body, treatment is usually long-term.

Many remedies are used to solve men's problems. In this article we will talk about fir, or more precisely about fir oil, which is a gift from this beautiful tree.

Fir - what kind of tree?
Fir is a coniferous plant that belongs to the pine family. Evergreen cone-shaped crown, densely covered with pine needles, wonderful aroma. Externally, fir resembles spruce, which is why it is sometimes preferred to be placed in the house for the New Year holidays. After all, pine needles have the property of not falling off, even if the branch has dried up. There are many species of this plant, but Siberian fir is mainly used for medicinal purposes. In folk medicine, the bark, buds, and needles of the tree are used.

Valuable fir product
A decoction of fir bark, which you should drink a third of a glass three times a day, has a good effect in the treatment of prostatitis. Preparing the product is quite simple: to do this, you need to boil a tablespoon of bark for five minutes in a glass of water.

Fir oil is mainly used to increase potency and treat prostate diseases. Surely many, if not all, have heard of him. This is an indispensable remedy for colds and as a strengthening agent for a weakened body during the cold season, as well as for the relief and treatment of many other diseases.

How to use oil for prostatitis?

There are several ways to treat prostatitis with fir oil.
1. Microclysters, the basis of which are boiled water or chamomile decoction and fir oil. You need to start with five drops of oil, gradually increasing to 12. But such douching should be done only after a cleansing traditional enema, otherwise you should not expect any effect from them.

2. At the pharmacy you can order suppositories with fir oil, which will eliminate pain and increase potency. However, the shelf life of fir oil is no more than a week.

3. A mixture of oils (fir, peach, sea buckthorn) gives a good effect if you take them in equal quantities, soak a tampon with this mixture and insert it into the anus. The course of treatment is a month.

4. It is possible to use the oil as a basis for prostate massage, as well as to enrich a cream that is rubbed into the perineum. It is advisable to carry out this procedure before bedtime. As for massage, entrust this matter to a specialist.
In some cases, folk remedies for potency help well, but there are situations when drug treatment is still better. To make an accurate diagnosis and eliminate unwanted side effects of self-medication, start solving problems at the doctor’s office.