Pregnant women can take citramon in the 1st trimester. Citramon during pregnancy: when an old friend is no better. Photo gallery: commercial varieties of Citramon

Today we have a burning topic - citramon during pregnancy: you can or cannot use it. Unexpected, right? From the article we will find out how safe citramon is for the unborn baby, in what cases taking the drug can be justified, and when it is strictly prohibited, and what can replace it if you feel unwell.
Almost all women take it, often without thinking whether it can be done or not. Many people consider citramone tablets to be absolutely harmless.

Jpg" alt=" Citramon during pregnancy" width="500" height="334" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C200&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1"> Головные боли, тошнота, отеки и другие недомогания сопровождают беременность большинства женщин. Для нормализации физического состояния будущие мамы принимают лекарства.!}
One of the most popular drugs is citramon. Are these pills safe, what consequences can result from taking them at the beginning of pregnancy, in the second and third trimesters, when its use may be justified - we will consider all these points below.

A drug that copes well with most types of pain, and is practically safe for health, and even costs a penny, is the choice of the majority of our fellow citizens. Indeed, citramon is used to get rid of any type of pain:

  • head
  • dental
  • muscular
  • menstrual

People suffering from pressure changes, as well as weather-dependent people, take citramon to improve their overall well-being and get rid of drowsiness. This drug is in almost every first aid kit, but Is it possible to use citramon during pregnancy?? After all, this is still a medicine, and during the period of fetal formation, any external influence can negatively affect it.
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If a woman did not yet know that she would soon become a mother and took these pills, there is no need to panic and imagine the terrible consequences in her mind. But as soon as the “interesting” situation becomes known, it is better to stop using not only citramon, but also any other medications.

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When registering for pregnancy, do not forget to tell your doctor about all the medications and vitamins you took previously.

There is no big difference in use between these drugs - the main one is to relieve pain in any part of the body.

The only difference between the drugs is the composition. If regular citramon consists of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), paracitamol and caffeine, then in citramon P cocoa and citric acid are added to the listed ingredients.

Both of them are undesirable during pregnancy.
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Indications and contraindications

Citramon can be used during pregnancy only as directed by a doctor and strictly following the dosage. Otherwise, it can cause serious harm to the health of the expectant mother and the unborn baby.

When is citramon prescribed:

  • for headaches caused by low blood pressure
  • for colds and ARVI
  • during gestosis (late toxicosis)

You should not self-medicate. The components of the drug that help cope with pain are almost always not suitable for a pregnant woman.

Acetylsalicylic acid, or, as it is more often called, aspirin, is characterized by a blood-thinning effect. This effect may cause miscarriage - especially in the early stages, or cause premature birth, if we are talking about the third trimester.

Caffeine excites, increases heart rate, and tachycardia quite often accompanies pregnancy, which can lead to negative consequences, primarily for the fetus.

Paracetamol has no contraindications for the “interesting” position, but its effect in the drug in question is ensured by the work of other components, which means contraindications during pregnancy it still has it in combination with others.

How to use citramon in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester

It has long been proven that citramon penetrates the placenta to the fetus. Consequently, we can talk about the advisability of its use only based on the process of formation of the body of the future baby.

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We have already said above that a woman taking citramon, having learned that she did it in the early stages, should not panic. In any case, nothing can be changed, but worries will only aggravate the situation.

Citramon: 1st trimester

During the period when the “foundation” of the whole body is being laid (up to 12 weeks), taking any medications, nutritional supplements and even vitamins can lead to physical deformities.

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Speaking about citramone, this is most often "cleft palate" and "cleft lip".
Other appearance flaws are also noted, such as a disproportionate physique and a distorted face shape.

Taking citramon in the early stages may cause miscarriage , since the changes it causes in the developing fetus are incompatible with its future life.

Citramon: 2nd trimester

If doctors prescribe this medicine to expectant mothers, this most often happens in the middle of the gestation period - in the second trimester.

The cause may be headaches, toothaches, and toxicosis. If your doctor recommends it and you trust him, drink safely, but do not exceed the dosage.

Citramon: 3rd trimester

Before childbirth, the danger for the baby in terms of taking medications does not decrease, but rather increases. As statistics show, most women, habitually feeling the movement of the fetus and being confident in its complete safety, relax and begin to treat their situation less responsibly than at the beginning of the term.

Pregnant women are encouraged to take the pill by headache, fatigue, and chronic weakness, but citramon in the third trimester of pregnancy can lead not only to physical deformities, but even to fetal death.

The fact is that aspirin, which is one of the main active ingredients, negatively affects for the production of hormones stimulating uterine activity. The result is general underdevelopment of the fetus or miscarriage. Now you know for sure whether you can drink citramon during pregnancy.
Think, first of all, about the health and life of your baby.

How to replace citramon

The listed side effects from taking citramone do not at all mean that you have to endure the illness.

If you have a headache, it may be caused by nervous tension, overwork or lack of oxygen. In the first two cases, the problem can be solved taking valerian or motherwort extract, in the second the usual one will help walk in the fresh air.

You can relieve the temperature with the help of folk remedies, for example vinegar rubdowns, and if this does not help, it is quite acceptable to take paracetamol.

Painful sensations, especially if they concern the lower abdomen, are well relieved by no-spa.
An obstetrician-gynecologist is a woman’s best friend during pregnancy and you should consult him even on small things.

Watch the video on how you can relieve headaches during pregnancy with massage:

To the question “is it possible to use citramon in the first trimester of pregnancy?” In the instructions included with this drug, the answer is clear - no. This is strictly prohibited. And even if the patient’s condition requires medical intervention, other, safer drugs must be used for this.
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can be used in the second trimester. But only on the condition that this risk (and it still remains) is justified and there are no other options to cope with the problem.

Sometimes doctors recommend citramon in the second trimester of pregnancy women suffering from low blood pressure and associated headaches, as well as in the complex treatment of toxicosis. Of course, you need to trust your doctor, but it won’t hurt to ask him a couple of questions about the advisability of using this drug and the possibility of replacing it with another that is safer for the developing fetus.

Is it possible to take citramon in the last weeks of pregnancy? Yes, it is possible, but only if it is justified by serious reasons, which cannot be overcome without the help of this drug. The doctor decides this, and he also prescribes a regimen and instructions for using the drug. It is advisable not to use it for longer than 3-5 days.

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The main conclusion of this entire article is citramon during pregnancy It’s better to put it away, and it won’t hurt to forget about it while breastfeeding.

Citramon during pregnancy. Reviews

Katerina, 32 years old, Omsk:

I didn’t know if it was possible to drink citramon during pregnancy, although, to be honest, I didn’t even think about this topic. Thank God that taking the pills did not affect my baby. My husband and I want another boy, but now I’ll be smarter and won’t take risks. Thanks for the advice.

Natalya Nikolaevna, 56 years old, Odessa:

During pregnancy, my daughter-in-law constantly suffered from low blood pressure, and the doctor advised her to take these pills. Is it possible to use citramon during pregnancy? We didn’t think then, and strictly followed all the advice. If we had known before what this “safe” medicine would lead to, we would never have experimented. At the grandson's cleft palate and the reason may well be in taking these pills.

Alena, 23 years old, Bratsk:

All my friends who drank citramon during pregnancy there were no side effects, but I won't risk it. Moreover, it can be replaced with safer drugs. I hope that I will feel great during pregnancy and will not need any pills.

Those taking citramon during early pregnancy leave mostly positive reviews. The girls say that this is an effective and safe drug, but before taking it you need to think about whether it is worth relieving pain at the expense of possible problems with the baby’s health.

Don’t risk your health and the health of your baby, try to do without it.

Today we learned how safe citramon is during pregnancy for the unborn baby, in which cases taking the drug can be justified and when it is strictly prohibited, and what can be used to replace it if you feel unwell.

Have a healthy baby!

The question of whether it is possible to drink citramon during pregnancy arises quite often among expectant mothers. This is a very common drug that is present in the medicine cabinet in almost every home. It quickly relieves headaches, even the most severe ones, as well as pain in muscles, teeth, and other human organs, reduces inflammation, lowers temperature, and this is what explains its popularity. Women often use it during menstrual bleeding to improve their condition, not knowing that it has blood-thinning properties and can cause bleeding. So during pregnancy, as soon as the expectant mother begins to have a headache, she automatically reaches for this medicine. However, is it as harmless as many people think?

What is the danger of citramon

Experts have long established that uncontrolled use of citramone is unacceptable. This can lead to serious health consequences: stomach and intestinal ulcers, abnormal blood count, deafness, problems with the central nervous system, and various types of hemorrhages. Knowing about such consequences, the question of whether it is possible to take citramon during pregnancy disappears. The use of this drug during pregnancy threatens the development of serious health problems for both the mother and her unborn child.

Composition of the drug

This drug is based on three basic components:

  • aspirin,
  • caffeine,
  • paracetamol.

The manufacturer may also include citric acid and some other additives. Let's take a closer look at the effect on the body of each of the listed components.

Aspirin acts on blood vessels, constricting them, which reduces pressure on the brain and relieves headaches. However, this drug has a teratogenic effect - it negatively affects the condition of the fetus and causes disturbances in its development, the appearance of defects and anomalies. In large quantities, aspirin can harm the mother herself: its most common consequences are stomach or intestinal ulcers. This usually manifests itself in the form of nausea and vomiting, which a pregnant woman may mistake for toxicosis common in this situation. Citramon during pregnancy also leads to such consequences as acquired deafness, disruption of the liver and kidneys, disorders in the central nervous system and other vital organs.

Paracetamol is a relatively harmless drug. It does not pose a danger to the developing fetus, so doctors confidently recommend it to women expecting a baby. However, it is ineffective for headaches: moreover, it usually does not act in this direction. For mild headaches, the effect may be noticeable, as caffeine enhances the effect of paracetamol.

Many people know about the properties and dangers of caffeine. It stimulates the heart, excites the nervous system, and tones. But you should know that the energy for these processes is taken from the human body itself, that is, the expectant mother who drinks coffee steals her own vitality. This is why some doctors advise pregnant women to give up coffee. But since coffee can sometimes relieve a headache, the same experts consider drinking a cup less evil than taking medications. One important fact should be noted: caffeine enhances the effects of aspirin, making the latter even more dangerous for the expectant mother.

Citramon in the first trimester

Headaches appear very often in early pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the expectant mother is experiencing strong hormonal changes in the body. The blood vessels increase their work, the brain senses this, responding with pain in the head. Citramon is extremely undesirable during early pregnancy, let's look at why.

During the first 12 weeks of fetal development, doctors categorically prohibit taking citramon. Aspirin, entering the blood, changes its composition and reduces blood pressure. This composition, penetrating the fetus, causes malformations. The nature of the pathologies received by the fetus depends on the formation of which organs and systems occurred at the moment aspirin entered the blood. Thus, during the formation of skeletal bones under the influence of this drug, their underdevelopment occurs. Due to the caffeine included in the drug, the fetus may slow down its development and develop arrhythmia. There is such a deviation as cleft palate - this pathology can only be treated surgically. A frequent complication of such developmental defects is early miscarriage, since many defects are incompatible with life.

Citramon in the second trimester

At this time, the likelihood that citramon may be needed during pregnancy decreases: the 2nd trimester is characterized by a retreat of headaches, and the development of the main organs of the fetus ends, and this is the main reason why this drug is prohibited. However, experts advise refraining from using it if a headache does appear. No specialist can say with certainty when exactly the formation of organs in the fetus ends. This process may take a little longer, so it’s not worth the risk.

Citramon in the third trimester

To answer the question whether pregnant women can take citramon during this period, you need to know what processes are occurring at this moment. The time is approaching childbirth and the circulatory system of the expectant mother is subject to serious stress. Pain in the head returns as blood flow increases, and with it pressure in the brain area. The hand again reaches for the citramone tablet. However, we must remember: this is the time that is very dangerous for the fetus and this medicine can greatly harm the baby.

The fact is that another property of aspirin is to reduce the amount of prostaglandins. This is a group of hormones that stimulates uterine activity. If they are deficient, pregnancy can be delayed. It becomes clear whether citramon can be taken during pregnancy at a time approaching childbirth: under no circumstances. A frozen pregnancy is something you wouldn’t wish on anyone: you lose confidence in whether the baby will be born at all and, if born, whether its health will remain. To avoid getting into this situation, it is better to endure the headache for a while, or find an alternative to pills.

The lack of prostaglandins has another big disadvantage - it greatly complicates labor. The number and strength of uterine contractions decreases and it becomes very difficult for the mother to push the baby into the world. The pregnancy period also increases, which leads to post-term pregnancy, which also has a very negative effect on the baby.

So, what conclusion should be drawn from the above? Citramon is extremely undesirable for pregnant and nursing mothers. A particularly dangerous period for its use is the first and last trimesters. The danger of citramone in the first trimester is explained by its teratogenic properties. In the third trimester, aspirin can cause bleeding and weaken labor. Some experts do not recommend that their patients take this drug during these periods, but many advise completely abstaining from its use. Citramon can be replaced with drugs that do not pose such a threat to the fetus, for example, no-shpa.

Most chemical medications are not recommended during pregnancy or require a special dosage regimen taking into account the likely side effects and consequences for the fetus. These include Citramon, an effective anti-inflammatory drug in standard situations with a pronounced analgesic and antipyretic effect, which a pregnant woman should avoid.

What do the instructions for taking citramon say?

A combined drug with a broad spectrum of action “citramon” is indicated for pathological conditions:

  • pain syndromes of varying nature and intensity (muscle, menstrual, neurological, toothache);
  • high temperature caused by inflammatory processes or active viral infections.

Citramon is a potent analgesic drug with a large list of side effects and contraindications. Due to acetylsalicylic acid in its composition, it is not recommended for pregnant women, especially in early and late pregnancy.

In the first trimester, when the embryo begins to develop, long-term use of a chemical drug can provoke the development of abnormal pathologies, in particular, cleft palate in the fetus. In the last months of pregnancy, Citramon is prohibited due to its property of reducing blood clotting and increasing blood circulation. This can cause severe bleeding in a woman in labor against the background of sluggish labor, and also contribute to the occurrence of pathologies in the fetus such as pulmonary vascular hyperplasia and changes in the blood map.

Also, when using Citramon, side effects may occur:

  • allergic reactions;
  • pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting;
  • , weakness;
  • decreased vision and hearing functions, deafness;
  • liver and kidney damage.

At the slightest manifestation of these pathological conditions, the drug must be discontinued and for further use or search for alternative solutions, consult a doctor.

Components of citramon and their effect on the body

The main components of the drug "Citramon" are acetylsalicylic acid, caffeine and paracetamol. Some manufacturers add citric acid and other additives to the drug in small quantities.

Acetylsalicylic acid it relieves headaches in a short time due to its effect on the vascular system, but the drug has side effects that inhibit the health of the expectant mother and the development of the fetus. Taking aspirin during pregnancy is fraught with congenital pathologies of the central nervous system, hearing organs, liver and kidneys for the baby.

Is something bothering you? Illness or life situation?

Caffeine promotes accelerated functioning of the cardiac system, has a tonic effect, forcing a pregnant woman to consume her own energy, which is necessary for the development and growth of the fetus. Doctors do not recommend consuming caffeine during pregnancy, be it medications or coffee, so as not to provoke an unnecessary release of energy and create a deficiency in the unborn baby. In Citramon, caffeine increases the effect of acetylsalicylic acid, which increases the danger of taking Citramon for a pregnant woman.

Paracetamol is the most harmless substance in Citramon for pregnant women. It effectively relieves fever and has a moderate analgesic effect. In its pure form, it is one of the few medications prescribed to pregnant women for headaches and fever.

So to drink or not to drink citramon during pregnancy?

The medical opinion about Citramon as a painkiller for pregnant women is divided. Some experts do not recommend the drug, like most other chemicals, due to its possible harmful effects on the fetus. Other gynecologists allow Citramon to be taken during pregnancy, based on the following arguments:

  • Side effects and consequences for intrauterine development can only appear with prolonged and uncontrolled use of the chemical drug, while a single dose does not pose any threat.
  • Despite the contraindications of the drug in the 1st and 3rd trimester, taking it in the middle of pregnancy does not harm the development of the fetus and the health of the expectant mother, therefore, during this period, pregnant women can take citramon for headaches in the dosages established by the gynecologist.
  • A pregnant woman cannot endure pain, as it is transmitted to the baby, affects his nervous system and thereby causes more harm than a chemical drug.

The decision to take Citramon during pregnancy remains with the woman and the gynecologist who is managing the pregnancy. A safe dosage in this case for an intense pain attack is considered to be ½ tablet of the drug.

Alternative to citramon

To eliminate the risks associated with taking Citramon, it is better to use alternative means of relieving headache attacks during pregnancy. So, a gynecologist can prescribe safer medications:

  • – to reduce pain and fever;
  • – to relieve spastic headaches.

Taking medications is allowed in prescribed dosages and only in acute situations when the attack cannot be relieved with the help of non-drug medications.

To relieve a moderate pain attack, you can use simple but effective non-drug methods:

  • go for a walk in the fresh air;
  • lie down in a quiet room and put a cool compress on the front of your head;
  • Rub the “Star” balm into the temple area with light movements;
  • drink tea with chamomile or lemon balm;
  • light an aroma lamp with grapefruit, mint, lavender or rosemary oil, but do not overdo it with the concentration of aromas.

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These measures will not harm the baby and will help get rid of a headache attack if it is caused by external irritants and not by severe pathologies. In the latter case, a pregnant woman should immediately contact a gynecologist, who, depending on her condition, will prescribe adequate and safe treatment.

Before taking Citramon during pregnancy, you should definitely consult your doctor, since thoughtless self-medication can seriously threaten your baby.

Gynecologists needed
If you have a head massage during pregnancy, consult a doctor.
Treatment Mouthwash Depressed state

According to statistics, about 80% of women suffer from headaches, but not all of them immediately make an appointment with a therapist. Pharmacists offer us a wide range of painkillers, so many people prefer to just buy something “for the head.”

It is absolutely forbidden to do this while expecting a child. Even one tablet of citramone taken during pregnancy without consulting a doctor can have negative consequences. This medicine is attractive due to its price and ability to relieve discomfort in the shortest possible time. However, you should think twice before taking citramon yourself during pregnancy, since most medications are contraindicated at this time.

Doctor's advice

This drug has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic effect and can improve blood flow. There are several reasons why citramon is prescribed even during pregnancy.

  1. Headache.
  2. Pain in teeth.
  3. Muscle pain.
  4. Heat.
  5. Neuralgia.
  6. Astralgia.
  7. Infectious and inflammatory pathologies.

If you are still prescribed citramon during pregnancy, be sure to read the instructions for use. The maximum permissible dose is half a tablet of 250 mcg. The drug is best taken when the pain is completely unbearable.

What does the medicine consist of?

If during pregnancy you consult a doctor about whether you can drink the painkiller citramon, it would not hurt to also clarify its composition. One tablet contains:

  • 0.03 g caffeine;
  • 0.24 gr. aspirin;
  • 0.24 gr. paracetamol.

Paracetamol enhances the therapeutic effect of caffeine and aspirin. It is paracetamol that gives the drug its analgesic and antipyretic effect. During pregnancy, although you can take citramon, you need to think twice. It may be better to choose another medicine.

Sometimes it's really necessary

Previously, back in Soviet times, in addition to the above components, pharmacists added phenacetin, citric acid and cocoa. Currently, there is no product with such a composition.

Many companies that produce medicines produce drugs with a different composition, but similar in action. They always contain paracetamol, caffeine and aspirin.

Sometimes citramon is really necessary during pregnancy. But most often, mild headache pain can be relieved with less dangerous drugs.

Contraindications to the use of the product

During pregnancy, there are several contraindications to the use of citramon. You should definitely tell your doctor if you suffer from:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • hemophilia;
  • sleep disorders;
  • increased excitability;
  • glaucoma;
  • severe arterial hypertension;
  • renal failure;
  • portal hypertension;
  • hypoprothrombinemia;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, the instructions clearly indicate that during early pregnancy and in the 3rd trimester, taking citramon is strictly prohibited. But many gynecologists are categorically against taking this drug during the entire period of bearing a child.

Many gynecologists are categorically against

If you have a severe headache during pregnancy, you can take citramon, but do not exceed the dosage, even if the remedy has always helped, but now it doesn’t. However, the consequences can be unpredictable. More on this below.

It is best not to prescribe medicine for yourself, following the advice of your girlfriends, but to immediately call your doctor. The doctor will choose the most harmless medicine for you. The table provides summarized information about the reasons for prescribing the drug and contraindications.

When can you take the medicine?

During pregnancy in the 1st trimester, taking citramon is prohibited. Serious hormonal changes occur in the female body, which affect the functioning of major systems and organs. As a result, blood vessels work harder, causing changes in blood pressure, which leads to severe headaches.

Prohibited in the first two trimesters

Usually in the early stages of pregnancy, the doctor talks about exactly how citramon affects the baby. It is worth knowing that it can provoke congenital pathologies: “cleft palate” (hard upper palate) and “cleft lip” (cleft upper lip). It is possible to get rid of these defects, but this will require surgical operations.

If during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester taking a small amount of citramone is allowed, then in the 3rd trimester treatment with this medication is contraindicated, since this period is considered critical.

As we have already found out, citramon is made on the basis of acetylsalicylic acid, and its use at this time can lead to irreparable consequences. Aspirin passes through the placenta and can cause closure of the aortic duct.

Moreover, taking the medication can lead to the development of Reille's syndrome "dead finger effect". This pathology leads to poor circulation, resulting in one or more fingers going numb. The disease manifests itself either as prolonged immobility of the fingers or short spasms. Sometimes the baby's entire foot or palm becomes numb. The worst thing is that gangrene can occur due to poor circulation. Also, aspirin in the product sometimes causes an allergic reaction. It manifests itself as urticaria, erythema, and anaphylactic shock.

Therefore, even if you asked your doctor whether you can take citramon during a singleton pregnancy, and he said yes, think several times. Recent medical studies have revealed the possible development of severe complications after taking the drug.

The medication can cause.

  1. Slow development of fetal hearing.
  2. Pathologies of the development of the central nervous system in a baby.
  3. Chronic internal hemorrhages.
  4. Violation of blood composition in the fetus and mother.
  5. Stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer in a woman.

Considering all of the above, we can come to the conclusion that taking the drug is dangerous. Of course, there are doctors who prescribe it in any trimester.

Moreover, there are reviews on the Internet of girls who, out of habit, took citramon during pregnancy, but this had no effect on the health and development of the fetus. However, it is not a fact that you will be as lucky. If you feel a headache, toothache, or anything else, just call your doctor, even if you have been treated only with this drug all your life.

Tamara Uryadova:

I was treated for toothache in the second trimester of my first pregnancy with the help of citramon. I drank it without consulting a doctor, having read reviews on the Internet. The doctor found out about this and swore strongly. It turned out that taking this drug is very dangerous. I was scared, of course. But everything worked out. Fortunately, my irresponsibility did not affect the baby.

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