Why is the skin on my hands very dry? What to do if your hands have dry skin: causes. #4 Myths About Dry Skin

Dry, rough, cracked skin on the hands is the most common cosmetic problem faced by women. The reason is a lack of hydration, leading to roughness and dryness of the epidermis, and the appearance of cracks on it. The hands are most susceptible to the influence of various external factors. Internal problems related to diseases, as well as genetic predisposition, also play a significant role here. However, quite often no means can help cope with this.

Dry hands may appear not only in women prone to this, but also in everyone else, when it comes to cold weather and temperature fluctuations.

But it should be said that this problem is far from a death sentence if you start using methods to care for it. So, what to do if the skin on your hands is dry, how to moisturize it and what products to use.

Causes and treatment of dry hand skin

The hands have a very thin epidermis with low moisture content. It has virtually no sebaceous glands, unlike, for example, facial skin. To find out why dry hand skin and what reasons lead to such problems, you need to consider the risk factors:

External and internal factors can lead to dehydration of the epidermis. External ones include:

To internal factors related to health status include:

Why is it important to understand the causes of dry hands? If the provoking factor is not eliminated, treatment will usually be futile. In this case, the use of any means will not bring any benefit.

Increased dryness

Severe dry skin most often causes diseases of internal organs. Treatment for such problems begins with a visit to the doctor. Such violations are associated with:

In children

In the case of children There can be many reasons for the upper layer of the epidermis to dry out. Some examples can be highlighted: increased water hardness, poor nutrition of the mother during pregnancy, gastrointestinal diseases, etc.

Children have a thinner and more sensitive surface layer of the epidermis. Because of this, he reacts to almost any irritation. Absolutely any substance, even ordinary talc, can dry out children's skin. In addition, the child's sebaceous glands are not yet sufficiently developed.

What to do with the hypersensitive skin of babies' hands? Most often, over time, the glands return to normal functioning and the skin surface returns to normal without any intervention. If this does not happen, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Treatment of dry hand skin

So what to do if the skin of your hands is dry, flaky or has microtraumas? As already mentioned, such problems can be a consequence of both processes that arise within the body itself and external factors. In case of illness, local care alone is not enough; appropriate treatment is necessary. And for this, first of all, we look for the main culprit (factor) provoking this problem.

How to get rid of dry skin at home

What to do if your hands have dry skin? How can I help her myself? To moisturize your hands at home, you need to provide them with nutrients and emollients every day. Natural recipes available to everyone will help solve an unpleasant problem.

Baths against dry hands

One of the most effective and simplest methods is hand baths. They help saturate the epidermis with the necessary components. Having a water base, the baths have a long-lasting effect, are able to penetrate deeply into the epidermis and normalize the functioning of the glands. In addition, herbal tinctures will help heal flaky and cracked areas.

The following recipes are suitable for home cooking:

  • Add three tablespoons of oatmeal to half a liter of boiling water. After this, the composition is stirred and cooled to room temperature. Then hands are placed in the bath for 20 minutes.
  • One teaspoon of any vegetable oil is mixed with two raw yolks, and the resulting mixture is added to 0.5 liters of kefir. Hands are held for 20 minutes.

Hand masks against cracks

For maximum effect, before lubricating your hands with the following compounds, you need to rinse them thoroughly and dry them with a towel. It is recommended to carry out such procedures at least twice a week.

Moisturizing cream

Homemade creams are a natural and, in most cases, harmless remedy. But they do not last long (no more than two weeks), and in some people they can cause an allergic reaction. If cracks appear on your hands, it is recommended to apply this cream at night. This will help prevent new wounds from appearing and effectively moisturize your brushes.

  • 100 g of crushed smooth hernia are mixed with two tablespoons of almond or olive oil. The resulting cream is infused for a week.
  • Grind half a glass of dry calendula into powder and mix with a glass of pre-melted lard. Then the resulting composition is heated in a water bath, mixed and cooled. The ointment is stored in the refrigerator.
  • Pork lard is mixed with ground homemade rose petals. The mixture is infused for several days.

Vegetable oils

Vegetable oils are also natural remedies that help with the problems under consideration. By adding fats to your daily food, you can achieve the desired balance of essential components in the epidermis. They are used both in pure form and as part of various ointments. The most useful include:

  • Cocoa butter. Suitable for use in melted or solid form.
  • Coconut oil.
  • Shea Butter.

Nutritional composition:

  1. Take the following oils: almond, avocado, apricot, grape seed, orange and olive.
  2. Mix and heat.
  3. Apply to the most problematic areas of the hands.

Pharmacy products

Well-groomed hands are the main feature of a beautiful, self-respecting woman. They tell others that the lady takes care of herself, her health and beauty. The most difficult thing to care for is very dry hand skin. Treatment requires a special approach, since such skin is more sensitive to various irritants and quickly becomes covered with various types of wrinkles and age spots. It requires special care for treatment, especially in winter.

There can be many reasons why the skin on your hands is very dry. But in order to effectively combat this problem and take measures to treat dry hands, you need to understand which factor affects you. So, the skin can become dry due to factors such as:

  • physiological characteristics;
  • dehydration;
  • deficiency of vitamins and microelements;
  • aggressive effects of chemicals;
  • reaction to cold;
  • insufficient or improper care;

Each of these causes of dry hand skin needs to be dealt with individually.

It is important to take vitamins regularly, choose the right hand care, wear gloves in the cold season, etc.

Read more about it here, and in this article we will discuss in more detail the topic of caring for dry hands at home. It won't take much time and will give great results.

To prevent dry hands: start treatment with hygiene!

When it comes to treating and caring for dry hand skin, hygiene comes first. Since it is the hands that come into closest contact with the outside world, the maximum amount of dirt, germs and viruses accumulates on them. Try to wash your hands thoroughly. It is better to give preference to liquid soaps with moisturizing ingredients.

The ideal composition of hand soap looks like this: water, glycerin, betaine and several types of natural oils. Of course, this option will cost a little more, but the result will be much better than its budget counterparts. In addition, you can make such soap yourself. After your hands have been thoroughly cleaned, apply a good nourishing cream to them.

When cleaning, do not forget about protection. Rubber gloves will protect delicate skin from exposure to chemicals and excessive drying of the skin.

Simple remedies for very dry hands

Caring for very dry hand skin with folk remedies is simple and effective, unless there are any serious diseases involved. Homemade baths, scrubs, masks - clean and moisturize well. Regular use of such products guarantees you beautiful, well-groomed, soft hands for many years.

Peeling is the first step in caring for dry skin.

Let's start our review of dry hands treatment with peeling. This procedure not only cleanses the skin. It promotes blood flow, accelerates skin renewal processes, enhances the effect of masks, baths and creams. For peeling, you can use both ready-made formulations and home-made cosmetics. Here are a few options for such homemade scrubs:

  • Honey. Mix a tablespoon of honey with a spoonful of sugar and a few drops of vegetable oil.
  • Coffee. For this scrub you need to mix coffee grounds and liquid soap in a 1:1 ratio. For extra hydration, you can add a few drops of your favorite oil.
  • Solyanoy. This type of cleansing is not suitable for those who have damage to their hands. Salt will irritate the wounds. To prepare this peeling you will need sea salt and vegetable oil. Mix the ingredients and immediately do the procedure.

Please note that the more solid particles (coffee, sugar, salt) in the composition, the harsher and rougher the procedure will be. Don't overdo it with these ingredients. Don't forget that our task is to delicately cleanse the skin of your hands and nothing more.

The second stage of treating very dry hand skin with folk remedies: baths

These are special solutions that contain nutrients for dry hand skin. The temperature of such baths should be several degrees higher than room temperature. Our task is to steam the skin of your hands, allowing the nutrients to be absorbed. The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes. At this time, you just need to relax and wait.

Here are some effective bath recipes for caring for dry hand skin at home in winter:

  1. Oatmeal bath. Cook the oatmeal thoroughly. Drain the liquid into a separate bowl, add vegetable oil to it. Place your hands in the broth for 15 minutes
  2. Potato. Boil the potatoes. Drain the water. Add a few drops of your favorite oil to the resulting broth. We lower our hands for 10 minutes. If the skin is too dry, you can increase the duration of the procedure to 20 minutes.
  3. Soap bath prepare from a concentrated soap solution with the addition of soda.

After completing the procedure, do not rush to wash your hands. Wait until the composition dries completely and the skin absorbs all its beneficial properties.

The third stage of caring for dry hand skin is applying a mask.

As for the face, such masks are kept on the hands for 10-30 minutes. This time is enough for the skin to receive all the nutrients and revive.

  • Egg based. Add honey and vegetable oil to the egg yolk. Apply the mixture to your hands for 20 minutes
  • Carrot. Grate fresh carrots on a fine grater, add olive oil and a spoonful of rich sour cream
  • Oily. For this mask you need to mix several of your favorite types of oils. This can be coconut oil, olive oil, etc. If your hands have cracks and damage, add pharmaceutical oil with vitamin E. It softens well and promotes rapid healing of wounds.

In addition to home remedies, there are many ready-made formulations on the market. They are also great for home care. All these products perfectly soften, moisturize and nourish the skin of the hands. To enhance the effect, apply a mask and put on plastic gloves and warm mittens on top. This way, the beneficial substances will penetrate the skin better, and the effect will be amazing.

After the mask, hands should be washed with warm water or herbal decoction, dried with a towel and spread with hand cream. This will be the final stage in care.

A good cream works wonders: complete care for dry hand skin is provided!

Hand cream should be in the cosmetic bag of every self-respecting woman. For summer, use moisturizers; in winter, it is better to give preference to nourishing and protective formulations. You should use the cream after each hand washing and before going outside.

Many women spend huge amounts of money on face creams and serums and save on their hands. Unfortunately, this is not always correct. Budget brands, as a rule, give a temporary and not lasting effect. It is much better to buy one, high-quality hand cream. Especially in winter. Its task is not only to moisturize dry skin, but also to serve as protection against frost, restore water balance, and promote the healing of minor skin damage.

Prevention of dry hand skin

To prevent dry hands and save yourself from a lot of discomfort, as well as the need for treatment, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Take vitamins. This is especially true in the spring and winter periods, when the body especially urgently needs additional protection.
  2. Be careful when choosing household chemicals, or better yet, use protective gloves for housework. This will protect your hands not only from exposure to chemicals, but also from unwanted damage.
  3. Don't ignore gloves during the cold season. Remember that cold not only damages the delicate skin of your hands, but also contributes to its premature aging.

Remember that hands are the calling card of any woman. Following these simple recommendations will help keep your hands looking youthful for many years.

Taking care of your face and body takes a sufficient amount of time and money, but they are not the only ones who need high-quality and regular care. Well-groomed hands are the calling card of a successful person: not only women, but also men. In the modern world with deteriorating ecology, weather conditions and an aggressive environment, it is important to promptly prevent weathering, the appearance of cracks and irritation, which have an unattractive appearance and limit performance. Dry hand skin treatment at home. Can dry hand skin be treated at home? Quite. But first, it’s worth identifying the factors that provoke the appearance of dryness, and then starting to eliminate the consequences.

Most often, it is the delicate skin of the hands that is exposed to unfriendly factors. Unpleasant consequences can occur even as a result of gloves being forgotten once. From the list of factors that provoke dry skin, first of all, you should pay attention to weather conditions. During the cold winter period, the epidermis is stressed, thickens and hardens, and the hot sun accelerates the aging process and promotes dehydration.

Daily use of detergents and household chemicals without proper protection gradually destroys the top layer of the skin, stimulating the development of allergic reactions, irritation, inflammation and cracking.

Incorrectly selected care products or their complete absence have a negative impact on the skin of your hands. The condition is influenced by nutrition, maintaining water balance and taking vitamins.

Attention! Dry skin may be a consequence of a hereditary predisposition. With this option, the selection of care products must be approached with special care.

What to do if the skin on your hands is dry?

The cells of the epidermis of the hands contain a small amount of moisture and a small number of sebaceous glands, which is why the skin is prone to dryness and requires regular moisturizing.

The main care task will be to keep your palms clean and wipe them dry: the remaining water, for example between the fingers, has the unpleasant property of evaporating, taking the skin’s own moisture and drying it out. Hand washing should only be done with gentle soap or lotion.

In addition to the cream, which must contain shea or almond butter, it is worth adding nourishing masks to your daily care. It is better to avoid products with glycerin, since after a short moisturizing and smoothing of peeling, it can only worsen the situation.

Before using household chemicals or during prolonged contact with water, you must wear rubber or vinyl gloves.

In cold weather, you should keep your hands warm and do not forget about protection from snow and wind. In summer, to avoid the unfriendly influence of the sun, you need to apply sunscreen to your skin.

Attention! Cosmetologists advise using the cream after any contact with water and various antibacterial agents.

Lack of which vitamin affects skin condition?

Vitamin deficiency or lack of vitamins causes both health problems and affects appearance. The condition of hair, nails, and skin depends on the presence of certain substances and microelements in the body. Dry hands can be caused by a deficiency of vitamins A, E and C.

Natural hydration of the skin, its rejuvenation and thickness are regulated by vitamin A. Its lack contributes to the appearance of peeling and loss of elasticity. Regeneration and healing of the skin depend on the amount of vitamin E. If there is a deficiency, redness appears around the nails, and the nails themselves begin to split. The skin of the hands loses its elasticity, wrinkles appear, and cracks do not heal for a long time.

Vitamins of group C are responsible for the production of collagen, with a lack of which signs of aging appear early, the skin becomes flabby and less strong, and sensitivity to ultraviolet increases.

Diseases that cause dry skin

Dry skin on the palms may be a sign of a systematic or emerging disease. This is considered a symptom with a long-term manifestation, localization and frequency of occurrence. Dehydration leads to general dryness of the skin, to avoid this you need to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day.

Hypervitaminosis or vitamin deficiency are equally dangerous and lead to unpleasant consequences. Peeling can occur due to prolonged use of medications, endocrine imbalance, fever and fungal infections.
Problems are caused by skin diseases, which include:

  • allergy;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • dermatitis.

Attention! Only a doctor can confirm the diagnosis and presence of the disease. Dry areas that appear once on the body do not indicate the presence of a disease, but can only indicate improper care.

Where to start treatment

If the case is not particularly advanced, dryness can be eliminated by changing your diet and drinking the daily amount of water. You should include foods rich in vitamins and microelements in your diet, as well as take a course of a vitamin complex. If you suspect the presence of various types of dermatitis, you first need to treat the root cause, and then deal with the consequences.

External signs - peeling, tightness, redness and irritation - can be corrected with cosmetics. You need to use the cream 2-3 times a day. Special nourishing masks and baths will help, the action of which will not only eliminate the manifestations of xerosis, but also strengthen the nails.

Treatment of dry hand skin at home with pharmaceutical products

The procedure for getting rid of dry skin can be carried out using wound-healing and softening creams sold in pharmacies. The composition should contain vitamin E, D-panthenol and various oils. Such products restore natural protection and trigger skin regeneration, heal microcracks and prevent their re-formation.

Wheat germ oil, almond oil, avocado oil and sea buckthorn oil are useful for preparing masks and baths; they can also be applied alone. In addition, you can purchase vitamin E and A in liquid form.

Attention! Any pharmaceutical product is not only cosmetic in nature, but also medicinal. The choice should be approached carefully, taking into account the composition and age category.

Recipes for folk remedies for treating dry skin on hands

In addition to creams and lotions, to prevent the progress and development of xerosis, it is necessary to make compresses and wraps. Simple procedures can help and reduce treatment time several times.

Oil wrap

Vegetable, flaxseed, almond or wheat germ oil should be heated in a water bath and, after soaking 2-3 layers of gauze, apply to dry areas. It is better to wear cotton gloves on top for convenience.

Sour cream compress

Mix 1 cup sour cream, egg yolk and lemon juice. Soak gauze in the resulting mixture and apply it to the area of ​​peeling, cover with film or a bag and wrap in a towel. After 20 minutes, gently wipe off the residue with a cotton pad.

Peeling with honey

This product effectively combats flaking and moisturizes at the same time. To use, you just need to dilute honey with water and rub it into the skin with a massage. After this, you should rinse your brushes, dry them and use cream.

Coffee peeling

To combat flaking, use coffee grounds or ground coffee. After diluting them with oil and massaging your hands with a scrub, rinse and apply a moisturizer.

Baths for the treatment of peeling and dry hands and feet

Baths are designed to soften and moisturize the skin. The composition may vary, but the steps afterwards are the same: wipe your palms and apply cream to consolidate the effect.

Potato broth

The water in which potatoes were boiled is extremely beneficial. After waiting for it to cool, just put your hands or feet in it for 15-20 minutes.

Glycerin bath

  • add a tablespoon of glycerin and the same amount of ammonia to warm water;
  • keep the brushes in the resulting mixture for no more than 15 minutes.

Celery decoction

Boil the celery root and put your hands in the cooled broth for 20 minutes.

Bran decoction

  • pour half a glass of bran or bread crusts with two liters of boiling water in a small bowl;
  • wait until the broth cools down and dip your hands in it for 20 minutes.

Chamomile decoction

The bath will have a calming effect on irritations and cracks and will promote their healing. To do this, you need to steep a tablespoon of chamomile flowers in a liter of boiling water for 15 minutes. The brushes should be kept in this decoction for 20 minutes.

Sage bath

A bath of sage infusion, which lasts 15-20 minutes, has a calming effect. Brew 2 tablespoons of leaves in 400 ml of boiling water, strain through a sieve and, after waiting for it to cool, lower your palms into the bath. In the same way, you can prepare an elixir from plantain, which has similar properties.

SPA procedure

Add clove, bergamot, grapefruit, orange or basil oils into warm water and soak the brushes for a quarter of an hour. After this, use a mild scrub and do an oil wrap.

Masks to treat and prevent dry hands

Dry hand skin is prone to sensitivity and allergic reactions, so store-bought and pharmacy ready-made masks may not be suitable for moisturizing them due to their composition. To avoid irritation due to intolerance to components, you should use homemade masks, the preparation of which can be controlled.

Potato mask

Boil the potatoes until tender, crush and add 2 tablespoons of milk to the mixture. Apply the mixture to the skin of your hands and leave for 20 minutes.

Mask with honey

Mix the egg yolk with 20 grams of honey and 40 mg of oil. After applying for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Aloe mask

Aloe juice is an excellent disinfectant and soothing agent. Leaving it on the hands for 15 minutes can significantly reduce the healing time of cracks and reduce the inflammatory process.

Sour cream mask

Mix three tablespoons of sour cream with 20 grams of honey and apply to dry skin of your hands. Wait a quarter of an hour and wash off.

Nourishing mask

Dilute a mixture of honey, oatmeal and glycerin (one tablespoon of each ingredient) with 2 tablespoons of boiled water. After application, rinse off after 25 minutes. This mask can be left on overnight, after wearing cotton gloves.

Attention! Masks and baths eliminate only external defects and are used for prophylaxis, preventing the occurrence of a serious disease. They need to be used 1-2 times a week.

Paraffin therapy at home

Paraffin therapy involves transferring the heat of heated wax to the skin and accelerating metabolic processes, oxygen saturation and improving vascular tone.

Wax for the procedure can be purchased at a pharmacy or a specialized manicure store. Old Soviet candles will also work.

To carry out paraffin therapy at home, you will need instructions:

  1. Melt 2 kg of wax in a water bath until liquid. At this stage, you can add a couple of drops of aromatic oil.
  2. To protect against burns, the skin should be covered with cream.
  3. Dip your hands into a container of wax, hold for 3-5 seconds and remove.
  4. Repeat immersions 5-6 times to thicken the paraffin layer.
  5. As soon as the wax dries a little, you need to put on plastic gloves first, and then woolen ones to retain heat and achieve maximum benefit. Leave for 30 minutes.
  6. After removing the paraffin, use a nourishing cream.

There are no restrictions on the frequency of paraffin therapy. The procedure does not have an aggressive effect and only brings benefits. In winter, it can be done 2 or 3 times a week and enjoy the look of well-groomed and velvety hands.

Attention! The frequency of the procedure does not matter, but there are a number of contraindications associated with the presence of wounds on the hands. It is worth considering that aroma oils can cause allergic reactions, so it is better to test them before adding them to wax.

Paraffin therapy cannot be performed if:

  • open wounds, scratches, cuts;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • irritations and allergic reactions.

The best creams for dry hands

The range of products available to combat dry skin is amazing. To select the right product, you should follow certain rules that make the choice much easier.

First of all, you need to proceed from your own needs and characteristics, not paying attention to advertising. Having studied the condition of the skin and determined the tasks that the cream should perform, the choice will become easier and more thoughtful. It wouldn't hurt to look at the reviews.

You should look for various oils, D-panthenol, plant extracts, water or hyaluronic acid in the cream. It is better to avoid silicones and parabens: they leave behind a sticky film, preventing the skin from breathing, and are not completely absorbed.

Attention! An illiterately selected product will worsen the condition of the skin and can cause serious problems.

Cracked fingers due to dry skin: causes and how to treat

Cracks in the fingers and palms are tears in the skin that have varying depths and widths. In addition to their unattractive appearance, they are painful and, without intervention, become provocateurs of infections.

Most often, the bends of the fingers are susceptible to cracking, since the layer of epidermis there is quite thin and very mobile. Causing noticeable discomfort, the cracks limit hand movements, impede motor skills and make it difficult to perform usual actions. In its chronic manifestation, such a problem requires abandoning most household work.

Causes of cracks:

  • chemical exposure;
  • lack of hand care;
  • the presence of contact dermatitis (both acute and chronic forms);
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • fungal infections.

In addition, dry eczema can provoke cracks: it is characterized by severe itching, soreness, the presence of crusts and large areas of peeling. Small and abundant areas of cracking indicate psoriasis, in which the skin in the affected area becomes dry and dense, similar to calluses. Cracks often appear with diabetes, dysfunction of the thyroid gland and ichthyosis.

Even in the presence of these factors, the epidermis is not always susceptible to cracking. They are provoked by special risk factors. Due to the weak functioning of the sebaceous glands, dry skin is present in children. In middle-aged women, due to changes in hormonal levels, the epidermis becomes thin and prone to irritation.

Dry skin is a common phenomenon that many take lightly. However, there can be many culprits for this problem: from unsuitable climate to various diseases. Therefore, you need to find out the reasons if the skin on your hands is dry. This should be done at the first symptoms in order to decide on treatment as soon as possible.

Causes of the problem

The causes of dry skin on the hands and feet can be different. For example, washing your hands in too hot water. This is especially true when aggressive sulfate-based detergents are used for this purpose. Dryness can also be caused by poorly chosen bathing gel or regular liquid soap. In this case, after washing you need to use a special moisturizer.

Adverse weather conditions can also cause dryness. Due to strong wind or frost, your face and hands can easily become chapped. In this case, the surface of the hands becomes dry and rough not only on the back, but also on the palms.

A moisturizer will help protect you from bad weather, but you shouldn’t think that the more expensive it is, the better its effect. It is not always so. The main thing is that it is suitable specifically for your skin type. Often, products at quite affordable prices do an excellent job of the task. Also, the reasons why the skin on your hands dries out can be some diseases. These include:

Relief from dry skin

The causes and treatment of dry hand skin can vary. But you can also soften the skin of your hands at home, since the arsenal of traditional medicine contains many remedies that allow you to solve this difficult problem. It is advisable to always have a moisturizer with you so that you can apply it as needed.

If the problem worsens in the winter-spring period, then the cause of the problem should be sought in vitamin deficiency. In this case, you need to take a vitamin complex (for example, Complivit).

Home Recipes

To get rid of dry skin, you don’t need to buy expensive cosmetics. Traditional medicine recipes will help you do this quickly and without special financial costs:

Pharmacy remedies should be used when cracks and small bleeding wounds form. You can use panthenol-containing drugs. These products can not only relieve dryness, but also quickly heal damaged areas.

Winter is just coming into its own, but the cold and windy weather has already covered the skin of my hands with a rough crust, popularly called chicks. But if earlier they took me, as they say, by surprise, then over the past two years I have learned to easily cope with this problem.

Now I know why the skin on my hands dries out in winter and pimples appear.

Delicate hand skin, especially in the cold season, often it becomes scalded, reddens, quickly loses its elasticity and becomes covered with small cracks. Hands look unkempt and unattractive. Why is this happening?

There are several reasons for the appearance of chicks:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • exposure to detergents;
  • being outside in frosty weather without gloves.

From my own bitter experience, I was convinced that, regardless of the reason, this problem should not be taken lightly. For example, I haven’t worn gloves, much less mittens, for a long time. Why are they needed if my hands don’t get cold? And no chicks tormented me. This continued until the child was born. I don’t know what happened to the body (whether there weren’t enough vitamins or the hormonal levels changed). The main thing is that In the first winter after giving birth, the skin of my hands began to become covered with unpleasant and painful cracks.

I, like many, mistakenly believed that pimples would quickly disappear if you regularly used any moisturizing hand cream. I smeared my hands 7–8 times a day, but the result remained disastrous. What to do? Well, why not go to the doctor with this problem? I decided to act on my own. I’ll say right away that after a month the skin on my hands again became tender and soft, and there was no trace of the pimples left. How did I do this? I'll tell you more about this.

What helped me with dry hands and chicks in the winter season, and what didn’t?

First of all, I decided to find out if there are special creams for treating chicks. Imagine my surprise when it turned out that Indeed, such funds exist, and their prices vary from 30 to 2000 rubles. I’m not a rich girl, so I immediately refused to buy expensive creams, especially since I was convinced long ago that expensive does not mean effective.

When choosing the right cream, I used my favorite trial and error method. This is what I ended up with.

  • Universal cream “Florena” (with chamomile)

Country of origin: Germany. I bought this cream because its blue metal jar resembled my mother's favorite Nivea. I liked the pleasant smell of chamomile and thick consistency. The cream is intended for very dry skin, softens, moisturizes and soothes it.

The only drawback: it should be used regularly, all winter. Once you stop for a while, the skin becomes covered with pimples again after some time. I conclude: it softens, but does not heal.

  • Cream from the famous Russian manufacturer “GREEN MAMA” with grape seed

I have used cosmetics from this company more than once, but apparently some of their products are more successful, and some not so much. Protective cream with grape seed clearly failed: the texture is rough, viscous and sticky. You smear it on your hands and it feels as if it’s not even a cream, but some kind of plasticine. I tried it only twice and realized that the only place for it was in the trash can.

  • Neutrogena cream “Norwegian formula” (France)

Price 200 rub. for 50 ml. The cream moisturizes well, is quickly absorbed, soothes the skin and heals small cracks.

But what I didn’t like at all was the protective film that forms on the skin. The cream has no smell at all, which is why my husband, who has allergies, really liked it. The product is not cheap, but I continue to buy it exclusively for my husband.

  • Velvet hands. Winter care (Russia)

Despite the “frivolous” price (only 30 rubles), the cream effectively eliminates dryness and removes the feeling of tightness. The reason is its remarkable composition: almond oil and provitamin B5, better known as panthenol. The cream provides reliable protection in frosty and windy weather. Tested by me!

  • Protective cream “Mitten”

Manufacturer Organic Shop (Russia). I liked the cream for its ideal combination of price (80 rubles per 100 ml) and quality. Pleasant sweetish smell of ginger and delicate structure. This cream, like soft mittens, reliably protects the skin of your hands from chapping. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seemed to me that the cream also has a warming effect.

It turns out that at the moment, there are two creams that really save me. I stopped looking for something else. Why, if both the price and the result obtained completely suit me.

Folk recipes that helped me get rid of chicks on my arms

Not only a well-chosen cream, but also traditional medicine helped me cure problem skin. At home I made special baths and nourishing masks. I liked it, because with a minimum of costs I got an excellent result.

  • To prepare a healing decoction pour into a saucepan according to the tablespoon. a spoonful of chamomile, calendula, plantain. Pour a liter of boiling water over the dry mixture, cover with a lid and let sit for at least an hour. Add tbsp to the decoction. spoon of glycerin and put your hands there for 15 minutes. Then wash and dry them with a towel, lubricate them with cream .
  • In 100 gr. add 50 grams of sunflower oil. vitamin A, mix and rub this mixture into the skin of your hands three times a day.
  • Mix tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil, the yolk of one egg and banana pulp. Spread this mixture on your hands and put on gloves. After 15 minutes, remove the gloves and wipe the skin with a cotton pad.
  • 2 medium potatoes, boiled in their jackets and peeled , mash together with two teaspoons of cucumber juice. Spread the resulting puree onto problem areas of the skin and wrap it with cellophane on top. After 20 minutes, rinse the puree with warm water, dry your hands, and apply any fatty cream to the skin.

I still went to the doctor. Yes, after using creams and traditional medicine, the skin on my hands has improved significantly. But here’s the problem: small cracks appeared between the fingers, which hurt and itched constantly. Then I finally realized that it’s not just the habit of not wearing mittens in winter. Apparently something is happening inside my body.

The dermatologist reassured me, saying that nothing bad had happened, it was just that my body was signaling to me that it lacked vitamins. It is necessary to increase the proportion of vegetables and fruits in your diet and be sure to take multivitamin complexes.

The doctor recommended me several medications

  • Mineral and vitamin complex “Vitrum Beauty”. The complex contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals, amino acids. It should be taken one tablet twice a day after meals. This pleasure is not cheap, a pack of 60 tablets costs about 850 rubles, but I still bought it and have no regrets. I took them regularly for a month. The condition of the skin on my hands has noticeably improved, in addition my nails have become stronger, and my hair has stopped falling out.
  • Multivitamin complex "Supradin Rosh" promotes rapid restoration of health and beauty of hand skin. Take one vitamin a day for a month. I read reviews for this drug. There are a lot of positive ones, but I can’t say my opinion about it because I haven’t tried it. I was not satisfied with the price of the complex - almost 800 rubles for 30 pieces. Expensive!
  • "Alphabet of cosmetics" replenishes the deficiency of microelements in the body, strengthens the immune system, improves skin condition and gives shine to hair. A package of 60 tablets costs approximately 400 rubles. You need to take one tablet 3 times a day. I’ll be honest: I liked this complex the most. I was satisfied with both its price and the result that I received after the first month of taking it. The skin on my hands became soft again, painful cracks disappeared completely, and my once weak and brittle nails became stronger and began to grow much faster. I have now decided to take Alphabet Cosmetics regularly.

Preventive measures against dry hand skin

In winter, any person can develop pimples, regardless of their age.

To avoid this, you must adhere to simple but effective rules:

  • Never go out into the cold with wet hands.
  • Be sure to wear mittens (gloves).
  • Make sure your hand clothes remain dry.
  • Use the cream regularly: moisturizing in the morning, nourishing in the evening.
  • In winter, for the sake of prevention, take baths.
  • Before each time you go outside, lubricate your skin with any cream containing glycerin or lanolin, which will create a thin protective film on your hands.

Remember that if you do not take care of the skin of your hands, it quickly becomes thinner, dries out and loses its elasticity. Therefore, take care of your hands at any time of the year and be sure to wear gloves when doing any work around the house that involves the use of chemicals.