He left and did not return: how to look for people in the forest with a chainsaw. High technology will help you find those lost in the forest. Comb the forest in search of

He left and did not return: how to look for people in the forest with a chainsaw

Since the beginning of September, rescuers have found almost forty people in the forest, although a little more than half a month has passed. Most of them go there to pick mushrooms and berries in full confidence that nothing will happen to them. Although, as statistics show, such self-confidence often plays a cruel joke on lovers of “silent hunting.”

Together with the Agency for the Protection of Population and Territory Kemerovo region“We figured out how to look for lost people, how to prepare for such outings, and what to do if you realize that you are completely lost.

Quiet in the forest

On Friday morning, Olga Sidinina left with her husband to pick mushrooms - and did not return. The loss was discovered only in the evening, their children somehow got through to them, and it turned out that the parents were simply lost. A day earlier, two pensioners, Marina Tsyplakova and Nina Laletina, got lost not far from here; they also went on a “silent hunt.” At the same time, rescuers brought eleven more people out of the forest, because now is not only the season for mushroom pickers, but also for “lost people.”

Olga says that after several hours of wandering through the windfall, she went through the worst options in her head, and her husband felt sick - due to health problems, it was difficult for him to walk. But not even a couple of hours had passed before they heard screams in the distance that were rapidly approaching. After some time, rescuers found them: the woman recalls that they seemed to appear out of nowhere, like in a movie, and led them out of the seemingly endless forest.

We couldn’t go, my husband was tired, and it was already past midnight. The rescuers walked to us for almost two hours, constantly shouting and turning on a chainsaw so that we could hear them. They carried us back almost in their arms, they even took all our things. Sensitive and reliable guys, I have the deepest respect for them. There were no reproaches, only support - moral and physical. But now I have no desire to go mushroom picking at all,” he recalls the situation with a laugh. Olga Sidinina.

It's all because of mushrooms

But “search engines” are not amused at such moments. First class lifeguard Alexey Sorokin says that such a case is quite simple and ordinary, and it was not difficult to find a married couple. They saw a car parked on the side of the road, assessed the situation, roughly estimated where the would-be mushroom pickers might be, and went to look for them. The assumption turned out to be correct, and it was all over in a couple of hours. But sometimes things happen differently.

Of course, it happens that we search all night. Somehow we established sound contact, shouted, people responded, but it took about five hours to get to them. It turned out that we were on different sides of the ravine at a distance of eight kilometers. And on the contrary, they left us, almost running after us. And I always wonder if it was worth going there for these mushrooms? Maybe it's easier to buy them.

Alexey Sorokin recommends taking a more responsible approach to forays into the forest and be sure to have water, some food supply, matches, a compass, know the approximate area where to go, and a charged phone. The latter, by the way, makes the task of rescuers easier: when there is at least an intermittent connection, the search becomes much easier.

Marina Tsyplakova And Nina Laletina- a living example of this. They went into the forest early in the morning, and by evening they realized that they were completely lost. If it were not for cellular communications, no one would even know where to look for them, although initially the mobile phone did not pick up the network. The women found a hill and somehow got through to 112 from there.

We lost our bearings and no longer knew where to go. We walked in circles and went deeper into the forest. Around seven or eight in the evening we pulled into the parking lot; it was already dark. We didn't even know how long we would stay here. We were found around four in the morning. When we saw the rescuers, we rushed to them. They lit a fire, gave us tea, and warmed us up. No one said a bad word, no one scolded. They took care of us as no one cares in life,” Nina Laletina says with a trembling voice.

Educational "bookmarks"

The rescuers really behave in such a way as to cheer up the lost, they do not swear at them in any way, much less shout - they undergo psychological training in which they are taught how to properly communicate with the victims. Two hours a day they learn something and master new skills.

However, rescuers are not the only ones who look for “lost people” - dogs actively help them in this. Rick and Gerda have saved dozens of lives and also learn to search for people every day, with help from a dog handler. Roman Karpich.

We conduct training sessions with the dog, people go into the forest, lie down and wait. But the dog is not looking for a person, it is looking for someone to play with. If she finds a “victim,” she begins to bark and expects to be treated or played with. This is how we train dogs to search. Therefore, always, if a dog in the forest comes across someone stranger, it indicates this by barking - it also reacts to the presence of, say, a bear.

Lost and not found

But not everyone can be found: neither dogs nor phones can save you here. According to the head of the Kemerovo regional search and rescue team Mikhail Banny, sometimes people don’t take their phone with them because they are afraid of losing it - while they themselves are not afraid of getting lost. But pensioners most often simply do not have them.

Near the village of Tayozhny, an eighty-year-old grandmother passed away, we were told the approximate direction, but you can’t comb the whole taiga. They searched for a very long time, but could not find it. The problem with dense forests is that a person can lie two meters away from you, and you won’t even notice him. So you have to be extremely careful.

There will be even more lost people, predicts Mikhail Banny. At least because the second wave of mushrooms is approaching, which promises a rich catch for mushroom pickers, but headache- rescuers.

So, if you go into the forest, then:

  • must have with you water, high-calorie foods, matches, compass and charged phone;
  • you need to tell your loved ones which specific area you are going to;
  • It is advisable to take with you a person who is well versed in the places where you are going;
  • If there is no such person, you should not go too deep into the forest.

If you are still lost, then:

  • call the rescue service at 112 and inform your loved ones about the situation;
  • if the phone does not receive the network, find some hill or climb a tree so that a signal appears;
  • after rescuers go looking for you, stay where you are;
  • If possible, light a fire to keep warm and to be better visible;
  • and don't panic under any circumstances.

A loss loved one- a real problem. Latvia, where I live, is a small country, but every year many people go missing here.

Fortunately, many are found on their own, some are found by the police, and some remain on the list of missing people. But sometimes there is a need to search for a person with the whole world - for example, when someone gets lost in the forest. There is a volunteer organization in Latvia whose volunteers carry out such searches. I filled out an application form on the organization’s website,

I was accepted as a volunteer candidate, and a few days later I was invited to a training session on finding people lost in the forest.

The training took place in the forest near Riga, at an abandoned military training ground.

Quite a lot of newcomers arrived. First, each of us had to introduce ourselves and briefly tell about ourselves.

Then the task was explained to us - there were “lost things” hidden in the forest that we had to find. Dog handlers with search dogs are the first to set out on the route. Two dogs arrived today - Akita Yule and border collie Jay.

When a search dog finds a person or object in the forest, it barks to indicate its find and lies down next to it.

Of course, the dog is not looking for a person, but for the reward that it is entitled to for finding it. For Yule this is a treat, and for Jay it is a favorite toy.
While the dogs are working, we are divided into groups and given cards, where a search square is designated for each group.

An experienced instructor is assigned to each group. First of all, we are all treated with tick repellent and reminded that it is advisable to have drinking water with us, because our main task is to return home unharmed. Then everyone is given a bright red armband and a pole with a red flag - the search participants must see each other and have an identification mark.

We are taken to the starting position and the groups are divided into sections. For searches to be effective, the forest must be combed with a chain. They line us up. You need to remember your neighbor on the left and your neighbor on the right.

And from now on, everyone must strictly adhere to their place in the line and keep their distance. Finally, the dogs have finished their work in the forest, and we are given the command to start moving. And then it turns out that walking in a chain is not so easy! You must walk slowly, carefully examining everything around you, and at the same time you must neither overtake your comrades nor lag behind them. If someone is even a few meters behind, the entire line stops and waits.

Otherwise, you might miss something important! It is necessary to record any object that should not be in the forest - be it a candy wrapper, a handkerchief or a shoe print.

Since we are walking through an abandoned free range, there are many natural and artificial obstacles on our way - pits and slides, old dugouts and hangars. All this must be carefully examined - a person can be in a hole or on the roof of a barn. But everyone must follow strictly their own line. If, for example, there is a dugout on someone’s way, it is inspected by the person on whose line this dugout is located. The rest stand in their places and wait for the law. The inspection begins. Then everyone starts moving on together. And in this photo there is general joy - the neighboring group has found its “lost one”

I was worried all the time that our lost one would be on my line and I wouldn’t see him. Actually, that’s what happened. The man was sitting in a tree (there were only pine trees around, and then suddenly a maple) and was practically invisible among the leaves. He later said that I looked at him point-blank and didn’t see him! I probably would have passed by, but my neighbor, a guy who served in the army, noticed him in my peripheral vision. He said it was an army habit, he walked and looked out for the sniper.

Of course, I was upset, but during the debriefing everyone consoled me and said that at point-blank range it is really almost impossible to notice a person in the foliage; from the side you can see him better. And here’s what’s strange - people go into the forest to pick mushrooms and dress almost in camouflage, turning into an invisible man. But such clothes are good only when you need to pee in the forest unnoticed. Please wear something bright when going into the forest, especially for children and elderly relatives!

Don't lose each other!

Time and time again I return to the topic of forest search. This is probably due to the fact that searching in the forest implies a great walk, a certain wild instinct of a survivalist awakens in a person, he learns something new about himself, and when you still manage to find something or go out to people if you are lost, then emotions at this moment are simply at their peak, words cannot express it.

Imagine this picture: the wilderness, all around there is grass and trees, the trunks of some of them cannot even be grasped, from time to time there are traces of wild animals, many of which do not seem to be dangerous, but somewhere inside you still feel a certain chill. Is it true?

There are no people, you need to walk at least 5-10 kilometers to get to the first settlement of several houses, but in forest conditions, especially if the movement goes straight and not along paths, this distance increases significantly. And suddenly, the forest sounds are interrupted by a beautiful ringing color signal.

History of Lost Coins

An experienced search engine is not in a hurry to dig it up, he will “jump” around it, conduct many tests and measurements, and a beginner will immediately get to work. And so, after digging a little in the forest soil, a coin appears. The coin could be from Tsarist times, maybe from the times of the USSR, and even a modern coin.

At such moments, time stops and you begin to think how this round piece of metal got here, because there is not even a hint of human presence nearby. But once upon a time this coin served someone and passed through hundreds of hands. In general, all this is interesting. And if in field conditions such finds are a regularity and routine, then finding something in the forest is real luck and indescribable delight.

By the way, it is often in the forest that coins and other finds are preserved in such a way that just yesterday they fell out of a pocket, and this is no wonder, because the fields are fertilized every year, and fertilizers have a detrimental effect on coins and copper products. So it turns out that sometimes one forest find is worth hundreds of poops from the field.

About the method of searching in the forest

I would like to warn you right away that the method is not as simple as it will be written, it is not fast, sometimes it will take more than one season to explore a certain area, but at least you will have some confidence that your metal detector was “here”, and your soul will calm down that, most likely, you didn’t miss anything (although everyone misses finds, you just have to come to terms with it).

So, look at any map, preferably a scale of 1 cm/1 km or 1 cm/500 m. You can notice that the forest is divided into squares (quarters). Perhaps you have even met quarter pillars(). If you go out into the forest on any side of the square, you will notice that this is nothing more than a clearing. Of course, in modern conditions, many clearings are already overgrown, it is difficult to pass there, but the general direction remains the same.

Then, you need to look at the space photographs and mark the points in yours. For example, your first goal is to simply walk along the sides of the square, along the clearing. It will take more than one day, but since there were people there, people walked there, and often cutting down took place along old paths, there will be some finds.

Then, the second step is to examine the area enclosed between the sides of the square. This is a difficult task, since it is almost impossible to move straight in the forest, you will constantly turn off, in general, a straight line will not work, but if you put a number of points on the navigator, each of which will be approximately 50-200 meters from each other, then your the straight line will be as close to reality as possible.

As a result, you can enter the entire area of ​​the block into the navigator as separate points, and gradually go through all the sections. I’ll say right away that it’s better not to do this without a GPS navigator (with spare batteries) and a compass, since you can wander into such thickets..., in general, it’s not an hour to get lost.

You can divide the square into smaller ones for ease of study

Spontaneous search is that you are simply exploring a certain area of ​​the forest, perhaps there is nothing there, or maybe there is, because previously people hid treasures in two places: in the immediate vicinity of the house, and in the forests. Who knows what was in the area you chose 100-200-300 years ago?

It's hard to say what was here 300 years ago

This type of search is complex, but interesting; in addition to the search itself, you are guaranteed to see so many interesting things that this is the topic of a separate review. Well, such outlets are good for health, since it is a constant exercise stress, fresh air, walking.

Walking through an oak grove is always pleasant

I repeat once again that this type of search requires that you have a navigator and compass, maps, and skills to provide medical care, behavioral skills when encountering wild animals. (mosquitoes, midges, ticks, etc.), which can become a real problem. Also be aware that the forest can be “kind”, “welcoming” and “friendly”, but it can also present problems of various kinds.

Your Alexander Maksimchuk!
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On August 18, volunteers of the “Sova” detachment and everyone who is not indifferent to the problem of finding missing people was trained. This event took place in the forests of the village of Savvatyevo, Kalininsky district, Tver region.
During the event program, senior comrades of the squad talked about how:
– interact with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, police, and other units.
– how to prepare an orientation.
– organizing a visit to the search site.
– how to create a map based on satellite images.
– training in initial on-air skills (communication procedures, frequencies, call signs).
The resulting theoretical part was “reinforced” in practical training, in conditions as close as possible to real searches.
Also, during the rest, a fascinating excursion around the territory of the Savvatyeva Hermitage was held for everyone. And Archpriest Andrei Egorov told the children about religion, hermits and the history of the Tver Monastery of Savvatyev Hermitage.
The guys from Sova were warmly welcomed by local residents, because... In this territory, it was no longer her rescue operation in which they took part together.

Everything is as always... theory is sacred and goes nowhere without it.

Who knows.. maybe these same girls will come to your aid next time..

On August 18, 2012, volunteers of the Tver search and rescue team “Sova” were trained in the village of Savvatyevo.

The theory program included:
– training in interaction with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, police, and other units
– preparation of orientations
– organization of departure
– creation of maps based on satellite images
– training in initial on-air skills (communication procedures, frequencies, call signs)

I also “joined” the learning process.. and by the way, I learned a lot about how to properly search for people and navigate the area using modern technologies..

And you! signed up as a volunteer, helping people... or are you still making shitty comments in the forums))

Well, after the theory has been completed, we proceed to practice..

Coordinated and teamwork is one of the reasons for success! and there is no place for disputes and disagreements..

Finding a person in the forest is not so easy, even taking into account the fact that we had to “comb” a small square; it took a lot of time and effort..

sometimes I wanted to give up everything and leave.. but the search must continue.. no matter what

We are going into the swamps and swamps...

to search in the forest you need to go in special clothes... otherwise, like my neighbor on the right, after half an hour of such a walk you will be squelching with wet boots)) By the way, I didn’t know this either)) thanks to the kind person who gave me this before this trip such charming rubber boots.. and my feet, unlike others, were dry and comfortable..

Our efforts were not in vain... We found him!

But then a new task arrives... not far from us another mushroom picker disappeared

The search continues...it's getting hot...

And here is the second lost one!

Mission accomplished! and we return to base.

Yeah.. as it turned out, everything is not as simple and simple as it seems on TV.. this is a forest baby and it’s very big and it’s not for you to tap buttons on your computer in forums and give advice on the Internet, if you want to help.. COME and HELP!

Well, what about in such matters without faith?

With faith in goodness, justice and good people!

And the shish kebab was very well digested after such walks in the forest))

These are such wonderful guys! And I am very glad that I now recognize them and make friends with them!

Well, after we returned to Tver, one of the participants of this event and the “Sova” detachment, Olechka Shilkina, shared her impressions about this trip and about the Tver Volunteer Search and Rescue Team (VPSO) “Owl” -

The “Owl” detachment (VPSO) is a detachment of people who are not indifferent to the grief of others, people who want to spend at least a small part of their life, heart and soul on volunteer activities. Our squad appeared in the fall of 2011, when Seryozha Golosov disappeared in Tver. It is very sad that the reason for our formation as a detachment was grief, which united the most different ages and social status. Since then, we have been committed to helping find missing children and adults. Collaborating with law enforcement agencies and other search teams, we set ourselves such tasks as: information support (calling hospitals, printing and posting orientations, collecting and distributing information) and local search (both urban and forest).

The squad completed training today. We learned how to use navigators and a map, and practiced working in the forest and field. Also, I conducted a very interesting excursion around the Savvatyeva Hermitage.

The owls were warmly welcomed by local residents, as... In this territory, it was no longer her rescue operation in which they took part together.

But the learning didn't end there. After discussing the search for Klavdiya Ivanovna Rumyantseva (who disappeared on May 17, 2012 in the village of Zaborovye) and talking with local residents on the way back, we decided to check the area near the road.

We are very grateful to everyone who takes an active part in the life of the squad. We really need your help and support.

Thanks to those who help people! no matter what!

Well, if you want to join this group of search engines, undergo training, look for people, or at least repost news about missing people, here is a link to their VKontakte group -

Searching and finding lost people using a mobile phone. Determining the location, methods of finding a lost person.
How to determine a person's location by phone number?

Searching for and finding people lost in the forest using a mobile phone

  • A type of search and rescue work is the removal of a person from the forest by using his mobile phone.

    The emergency number for connecting with rescuers on a mobile phone is “112”.
    (if there is no cellular connection with your operator in the forest, you need to remove the SIM card from your mobile phone and dial “112” again, it will provide communication if there is already any cellular operator in this area)

    When you receive a call asking for help, first of all, make sure that it is really a call from someone lost in the forest, and not someone’s malicious joke.

    After making the decision to lead a lost person out by phone, as a rule, one dispatcher communicates with him, it is best if he himself has good experience in the forest. The dispatcher, first of all, finds out the cell phone number, full name, gender, age of the lost person, his state of health, time spent in the forest, availability of equipment (compass, map, matches, knife, clothes) and knowledge of the area.

    Then the exact location of the person is determined, if possible (the place where he entered the forest, the name of linear landmarks, lakes, streams along the way, natural formations, etc.)

  • The applicant explains that
    - you need to sharply limit other calls to save battery power.
    - the mobile phone must be kept as close to the body as possible (the battery discharges faster at low temperatures).
    - if the battery runs out, keep the phone turned off and turn it on only to contact the dispatcher at the time agreed with him.
    - immediately inform the dispatcher about all local landmarks encountered along the way.
    - and further, you cannot cross linear landmarks without the permission of the leading dispatcher.

    The method of leading a lost person out of the forest requires the dispatcher to have, first of all, a topographic map of the area and a compass. Key point: the point or approximate area where the person is located is determined. By the way, existing linear landmarks are very clearly visible on satellite images in the free Internet program “Google Earth” (Google Earth). Photographs of some regions here have unprecedented high resolution.

  • After this, you must select a suitable linear landmark to which the lost person will go. You need to know for sure that this landmark is clearly visible on the ground and a lost person will recognize it, best if it is the object from which he entered the forest.

    Next, using the induction technique, the dispatcher directs the lost person to a linear landmark, if possible, then along the shortest path.
    (Based on materials from the Arkhangelsk Regional Rescue Service)

Techniques for leading out a lost person

  • 1. Finding a lost person using a compass (if he has a compass).

    2. Finding a lost person by orientation to the Sun (if the person does not have a compass with him).

    3. Finding a lost person using the Moon and stars (if the night is clear). In the absence of the Moon, the applicant is oriented by the Polar Star, which is always located in the North in the constellation Ursa Minor.

    4. Finding a lost person based on the movement of clouds (this guide is used if the dispatcher is within 150 km of the applicant).

    5. Finding a lost person in the direction of the wind (the method is not used if the wind direction changes).

    6. Finding a lost person using natural objects (for example, anthills are located on the southern side of the nearest tree; moss and lichen cover stumps, trunks, stones on the northern side, etc.)

    7. If possible, lift the lost person to a high vantage point and transfer the data seen to the dispatcher.

    8. Leading a lost person along a linear landmark (power lines, forest clearings, quarter posts, paths).

Determining a person's location using data provided by mobile operators

How to find a person by phone number

  • How to determine a person's location by phone number?
    It is clear that a person is interested in everything, he wants to know more about everyone. Previously, if the neighbors were in close relations, and the low fence allowed them to keep abreast of things, now everything is much more complicated. Still, having a mobile phone at hand, you can accurately determine the location of the subscriber using only his phone number.

    What is needed for this?
    Initially, find the “Contacts” section in the menu of your phone, or “Phone Book”.

    Activate the selection key, find the subscriber service - this is your cellular operator. Make a call to the help desk, ask for a request to determine the location of the required subscriber, saying his phone number. Sometimes you need to show off your initials. Now all that remains is to wait for the operator’s response and remember the area that the specialists indicate in their response.

    You must understand that the location that the operator will mark on the monitor is not always the exact address of the subscriber being sought. As a rule, this is the area where it is located. You can go to the specified location and try to find the subscriber. You can also find a map of this area and guess approximately where this person might be. It happens that at the marked place there are two objects - a tall building, which is intended for public events, and a cafe. Apparently, the wanted subscriber is sitting in a cafe, while the high walls of the building next door simply do not allow a clearer signal to be detected. It must be remembered that the majority of programs used on the Internet are paid. If they ask you to send a code to a specified number, and only then receive the exact coordinates, then you should not believe it. It's more likely a scam.