Insomnia: what to do? Insomnia and a detailed method of how to quickly fall asleep What to do if you suffer from insomnia

Do you spend hours trying to force yourself to fall asleep, even if you are very tired during the day? Or do you wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall asleep for several hours, anxiously glancing at the clock? If yes, then you have insomnia, which is by far the most common sleep problem.

Insomnia takes away our energy and negatively affects our mood and work performance during the day. Chronic insomnia may even contribute to the development of heart disease. vascular system, increased blood pressure, and diabetes mellitus. But you don't have to put up with insomnia. Simple changes in your lifestyle and daily habits can put an end to sleepless nights.

What is insomnia?
Insomnia is the inability of the body to obtain, for one reason or another, the required amount of sleep that is required for the body to rest. Since everyone is different, the amount of sleep everyone needs will vary. Insomnia is characterized by the quality of your sleep and how you feel afterwards, not by the number of hours you sleep or how quickly you fall asleep.

Although insomnia is the most common complaint among patients, it may not in all cases be due to sleep disturbances. Insomnia may be caused by a large number of coffee drunk during the day, overexertion during the day, etc. Despite the many factors that contribute to the development of insomnia, in most cases it is treatable.

Symptoms of insomnia:

  • Difficulty falling asleep despite being tired.
  • Frequent awakenings at night.
  • Trouble falling asleep after waking up at night.
  • Superficial sleep.
  • Using sleeping pills or alcohol to help you fall asleep.
  • Daytime sleepiness, fatigue, irritability.
  • Difficulty concentrating during the day.
Causes of insomnia:
In order to properly treat and cure insomnia, it is necessary to understand its cause. Emotional problems such as stress, anxiety and depression are the cause of insomnia in more than half of cases. But your habits and physical state also play an important role in the development of insomnia. It is necessary to try to consider all possible causes of insomnia. Once you find out the cause, appropriate treatment can be given.

Common mental and physical causes of insomnia.
Sometimes insomnia lasts only a few days and goes away on its own, this is especially true in cases of jet lag, stress on the eve of an upcoming presentation, or a painful breakup. Chronic insomnia is usually associated with a mental or physical problem.

Psychological problems that can cause insomnia include depression, anxiety, chronic stress, bipolar disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Another problem of insomnia may be medications that you accept. These include antidepressants contained in alcohol, painkillers that contain caffeine, diuretics, corticosteroids, and thyroid hormones.

The development of insomnia can also be caused by various diseases, such as asthma, allergies, Parkinson's disease, hyperthyroidism (increased thyroid function), acid reflux (reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus), kidney disease, and cancer.

Sleep disturbances or disorders that can cause insomnia: sleep apnea (cessation of pulmonary ventilation during sleep), narcolepsy (attacks of irresistible drowsiness), restless legs syndrome, characterized by unpleasant sensations in the lower extremities that appear at rest and force the patient to make movements that relieve them , which often leads to disruption.

Anxiety and depression are the most common causes of chronic insomnia. Most people suffering from anxiety disorders or depression have trouble sleeping. Moreover, lack of sleep can worsen these symptoms. If your insomnia is caused by constant feelings of anxiety or depression, then treatment will have a psychological focus.

The first step towards curing insomnia is its treatment, taking into account the physical and psychological problems of the patient. In addition, the patient's daily habits should be taken into account, which in most cases only aggravate the problem (for example, drinking alcohol or sleeping pills, increased coffee consumption). Often, changing habits that make insomnia worse is enough to resolve the insomnia problem altogether.

Habits that make insomnia worse.

  • consuming large amounts of caffeine;
  • alcohol and cigarettes before bedtime;
  • sleep during the day;
  • irregular sleep patterns.
Some of our habits have become so deeply ingrained in our lives that we don’t even consider them as possible factors contributing to the development of insomnia (watching TV or the Internet at night). In order to determine the impact of your sleep habits, you need to keep a diary in which you record your behavior and daily habits that contribute to your insomnia. For example, this could include when you go to bed, when you wake up, what you eat and drink, and any stressful events that happen during the day.

What will help you fall asleep?

  • The bedroom should be quiet, dark and cool. Noise, light and heat interfere with sleep.
  • You should maintain a regular sleep schedule. It is necessary to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, even on weekends and despite being tired. This will help restore a regular sleep rhythm.
  • Don't sleep during the day. Napping during the day can make it difficult to fall asleep in the evening. If you feel that you need sleep, you can limit it to thirty minutes and no later than three o'clock in the afternoon.
    Avoid stimulating activities and stressful situations before bed. These include vigorous exercise, emotional discussions, television, computer, video games.
  • Limit or avoid the use of nicotine, alcohol and caffeine. If life without coffee is unthinkable for you, then the last cup should be drunk no later than eight hours before bedtime. Alcohol can help you fall asleep, but the quality of your sleep worsens. You should also not smoke at night, since nicotine has a stimulating effect on the body.
Preparing the brain for sleep.
In order to regulate the circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle), our brain produces the hormone melatonin. For example, when there is insufficient light during the day, our brain, under the influence of melatonin, gives a signal that we want to sleep, and conversely, a large amount of artificial light at night suppresses the production of melatonin, as a result of which we experience difficulty falling asleep.

To help naturally regulate your sleep-wake cycle and prepare your brain for sleep, you should:

  • Provide adequate lighting during the day.
  • Do not overuse artificial light at night. To increase melatonin production, you can use low-wattage lamps, and also avoid turning on the TV and computer at least an hour before bed. If you can't keep your bedroom dark, you can use an eye mask.
Insomnia: medications and treatment methods.
The more problems you have with sleep, the more you think about them. You deliberately don't go to bed at a certain time because you know that you won't be able to fall asleep right away and will toss and turn. Your thoughts are busy with how you will look tomorrow at an important meeting without getting enough sleep. Anticipation of insomnia, as studies have shown, only makes it worse. Thoughts about insomnia prevent you from relaxing at night. Here are some behavioral strategies that will prepare your body for sleep and your brain will associate your bed with a place to sleep.
  • Use the bedroom only for sleep and sex. You cannot read, watch TV, or work on the computer while in bed. Your brain should associate your bed with a place to sleep, signaling to your body that it's time to sleep when you get into bed.
  • If you cannot sleep, you should not be in bed at this moment. Don't try to force yourself to sleep. Tossing and turning in bed only contributes to the development of anxiety. In this case, you need to leave the bedroom and do something relaxing, for example, take a warm, relaxing bath, drink a warm cup of caffeine-free tea, you can even read or listen to calm, quiet music. After you begin to feel sleepy, you should return to the bedroom.
  • You should not display a clock in your bedroom. When we are unable to sleep, we anxiously look at the clock, knowing that the alarm will ring soon. Anxiety increases over time, causing insomnia to worsen. You can use an alarm clock, but it must be out of your line of sight.
To combat insomnia, you should turn your negative thoughts about insomnia into a positive one.
  • The thought “I must sleep every night to be in good shape” is replaced with “Many people effectively struggle with insomnia, I can do it too.”
  • The thought “Every night I suffer from insomnia” is replaced with “not every night I suffer from insomnia, some nights I sleep better.”
  • We replace the thought “If I don’t get enough sleep, then tomorrow an important event at work will be in jeopardy” with “despite my fatigue, everything will be fine at work.” Even if I can’t sleep, in the evening I can relax and unwind.”
  • We replace the thought “I will never be able to sleep properly” with “Insomnia can be treated. If I stop worrying so much and focus on the positive, I can beat her."
  • The thought “It will be at least an hour before I can fall asleep” is replaced with “I don’t know what will happen tonight. Maybe I can sleep.”
Of course, the ability to replace negative thoughts that prevent you from falling asleep with positive ones is not easy and will take time and practice. You can create your own list, taking into account the negative thoughts you have and their positive counterparts.

If you feel unable to release stress at the end of the day, you can use various relaxation techniques to help relieve tension throughout your body. Relaxation techniques can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep when you wake up at night. The benefits are obvious. There is no need to use medications.

Various relaxation techniques will help you achieve relaxation:

  • deep breathing;
  • progressive muscle relaxation;
  • meditation;
  • visualization;
  • yoga;
  • tai chi;
It takes regular practice to use these techniques to relieve tension.

Relaxation techniques to make falling asleep easier:

  • Relaxation before bed. To get a good night's rest, you need to do something calm and relaxing in the evening. For example, read, listen to quiet music, knit. Make the lights dim.
  • Abdominal breathing. Most of us don't breathe as deeply as we should. When we breathe deeply and fully, involving not only the chest, but also the abdomen, lower back, chest, this helps our parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the relaxation process. Close your eyes and try to take a deep and slow breath, each subsequent one should be deeper than the previous one. You should inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Try to make each exhalation longer than your inhalation.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation. Take a comfortable lying position. Starting with your leg, tighten the muscles as hard as you can. Count to ten and then relax. Continue doing this exercise with each muscle group, starting from your legs to the top of your head.
Dietary supplements for insomnia.
As a rule, those who have difficulty sleeping at night begin to independently use various medications to help with insomnia. Before you drink them, you should know that there are many dietary and herbal supplements that have sleep-inducing effects. Despite the fact that their natural origin may be indicated on the packaging, they may have a lot of side effects and have a negative effect when combined with other medications or vitamins you are taking. For more information, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

To date, two remedies have proven effective against insomnia - melatonin and valerian. Melatonin is a natural hormone that the body produces at night. Melatonin is also available as a dietary supplement. While melatonin doesn't work for everyone, it can be an effective treatment for insomnia if you're a night owl with a natural tendency to go to bed and wake up much later than others. Valerian has a mild sedative effect that will make the process of falling asleep easier.

Sleeping pill for insomnia.
Although sleeping pills can help you fall asleep, it is important to understand that they are not a cure for insomnia. Constant use of sleeping pills and large doses lead to aggravation of the problem of insomnia in the future. It is best to use sleeping pills in exceptional cases and for a short period of time, when no other method helps (changing sleep patterns, daily routine, attitude towards sleep). Experience shows that changes in lifestyle and behavior improve sleep and make it easier to fall asleep.

If none of the methods listed above helps you, you should contact a specialist.

When to seek professional help for insomnia:

  • If your insomnia does not respond to self-help strategies.
  • If your insomnia is causing serious problems at home, work or school.
  • If you have serious symptoms such as chest pain or difficulty breathing.
  • If insomnia has become a daily problem for you and the trend is only getting worse.

Violation of the duration and quality of sleep has a negative impact on human health and interferes with planning work and rest schedules. Insomnia is not selective - it can affect both adults and children of different sexes, regardless of region of residence and standard of living. However, according to statistics, women are more often susceptible to it (increased emotionality), as well as older people (hormonal and other age-related changes).

Of course, it does not arise for no reason and always has consequences. Therefore, if you are unable to fall asleep quickly or your sleep becomes restless, it is necessary to determine the causes of the nervous system disorder and begin effective treatment.

Causes of insomnia

A violation is considered to be a lack of adequate sleep more than 2 times a week, which is observed for a month or longer.
Insomnia can occur for a variety of reasons, both endogenous (disturbances in the body) and exogenous (external factors).

Among the exogenous factors, the most common are the following:

  1. Bad habits. It is known that smoking, alcoholism, and taking narcotic drugs depresses the nervous system. Long-term use sedatives, tranquilizers and sleeping pills suppress the ability of the central nervous system to independently regulate wakefulness and rest. So, as a result of long-term treatment, the brain gets used to help “from the outside” and cannot independently slow down the work of internal systems, as a result of which the body is in a state of excitement.
  2. Schedule violations. The biological clock predetermines effective falling asleep in the period from 22:00 to 00:00, no later. Fans of nightlife disrupt biorhythms, as a result of which sleep can only come in the morning and at completely different hours. At the same time, there is a tendency to shift the upper limit, and the person falls asleep later and later each time.
  3. Diet. Oddly enough, the quality and duration of sleep is affected by the type of food and drinks consumed, as well as the time of dinner and the size of the dishes. To fall asleep comfortably, you should eliminate the habit of tightly filling your stomach, because instead of resting, the body begins to actively and for a long time digest food, especially when it comes to long-digesting foods (meat, offal, dairy and fermented milk dishes, slow carbohydrates). Nutritionists do not recommend consuming spicy, fatty and sweet foods before bed. It is strictly forbidden to drink caffeine-containing drinks, energy drinks and strong tea shortly before rest.
  4. Physical inactivity. Lack of sufficient stress (sports, walking, active work, etc.) causes overwork of the central nervous system, as a result of which it takes longer to fall asleep, and sleep becomes nervous and sensitive.
  5. Lack of fresh air. Staying at home or in an unventilated room for a long time causes oxygen starvation of the brain, which leads to disruption of its functioning.
  6. Physical discomfort. Sometimes the environment in which you fall asleep interferes with restful sleep. Many people are completely unable to fall asleep while visiting or in transport. An uncomfortable bed or bedding, unusual smells, sounds or lighting in the room, too high or low temperature, etc. can unsettle you.

Endogenous causes can be mental or physiological:

Mental disorders (panic and anxious thoughts, chronic stress, depression, mental stress, etc.) lead to overstimulation of the nervous system, making it more difficult for the brain to calm it down just when it’s time to go to bed. If falling asleep does occur, the person complains of sudden awakenings, restless sleep with nightmares, a feeling of exhaustion the next day, etc.

Physiological reasons can be associated with various diseases, pathologies and hidden processes in the body. Frequent insomnia primarily indicates:

  • neurological disorders;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases endocrine system(in frequency, thyroid gland);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which affects the speed and quality of food absorption;
  • traumatic brain injury or recent surgery;
  • chronic pain;
  • hidden forms of various diseases.

Separately, we should consider the causes of illness in expectant mothers, as they are associated with a complete restructuring of work internal organs and systems.

  1. Hormonal changes. First of all, sleep disturbances are associated with increased production of the pregnancy hormone progesterone. It produces an antidepressant effect, as a result of which the expectant mother constantly becomes sleepy. However, already in the second trimester, the placenta and ovaries begin to produce large amounts of the hormone, resulting in insomnia and other sleep disorders. In the third trimester (35-39 weeks) before childbirth, there is a sharp decrease in progesterone production, which again causes insomnia in the expectant mother.
  2. Physiological factors. It is known that on early stages growth of the uterus and other changes in the body lead to a number of unpleasant symptoms: heartburn, nausea and vomiting, indigestion, frequent urge to urination, stopping breathing during sleep (apnea), chronic pain, etc. Fetal movement, uncomfortable posture, etc. can prevent you from falling asleep in the second trimester. aching pain in the back, big belly, etc. On later These symptoms include swelling and cramps of the limbs, stretching of the skin, which is accompanied by itching. A couple of weeks before giving birth, “training contractions” may also occur, which are characterized by uterine tone (the abdomen turns to stone). All these symptoms interfere with timely and quality sleep for a pregnant woman.
  3. Psychological reasons. The longer the pregnancy becomes, the more anxious thoughts overcome the woman. She worries about the physical development and health of the baby, because of her unstable hormonal levels, she takes everyday troubles to heart, worries about the upcoming birth and a radical change in lifestyle. That is why in the first and third trimester, the expectant mother often suffers from insomnia.

Complications and consequences

Long-term disruption of sleep onset, duration and quality causes a number of serious consequences for human health.

  1. On the part of the nervous system, convulsions, numbness of the extremities, tremors, psychosis, depression, increased aggressiveness and irritability, and panic attacks are noted. Labor productivity and concentration drop, memory is impaired, it is noted severe weakness and fatigue. Also, an unrested person is more likely to suffer from headaches and migraines.
  2. Physical indicators deteriorate: the area of ​​muscle tissue, strength characteristics, etc. decrease.
  3. There is a risk of cardiovascular abnormalities: infarction of internal organs, stroke, failure, thrombosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertensive conditions. Many people complain of rapid heartbeat and changes in rhythm.
  4. Digestion is disrupted. Lack of proper rest leads to chronic constipation or diarrhea, heartburn, increased stomach acidity, impaired bile production, etc. Insomnia also leads to morning sickness and lack of appetite, as a result of which a person misses breakfast, which is important for the body.
  5. General and local immunity decreases, against the background of which chronic diseases and allergic reactions worsen, and viral and infectious diseases occur more often.

The somnologist, first of all, will offer the patient to independently improve his sleep without the involvement of medical procedures and chemicals.

To fall asleep well and quickly, 2 hours before bedtime you need to:

  1. Limit physical activity, avoid exertion, heavy lifting, and moving.
  2. Avoid watching films that cause nervous excitability (for example, horror and action films).
  3. Postpone decisions on important work issues and everyday issues.
  4. Do not eat heavy foods (fried, fatty, sweet, spicy, as well as meat dishes and canned food).
  5. Do not drink coffee, strong tea, energy drinks, tonic herbal infusions (ginseng, ginger, etc.).
  6. Do not drink large amounts of liquid (overfilled bladder and frequent urge to defecate does not contribute to comfortable falling asleep and prolonged sleep).

For complex treatment insomnia with a permanent effect, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Stick to your wake and sleep schedule. Try to go to bed at the same time every day (preferably no later than 11 pm). This habit may take several weeks to develop. Sleep should be complete, deep, at least 8-9 hours. It is also advisable to give up daytime sleep.
  2. Adjust your nutrition. Dinner should always be easily digestible and taken 3-4 hours before bedtime. The menu may include low-fat sea fish and seafood, rice or buckwheat, low-fat fermented milk products, vegetables in any form, and fruits.
  3. Before going to bed, do not drink strong teas (especially green tea), give up coffee, hot chocolate, and cocoa. It is also undesirable to consume chocolates and other sweets.
  4. Start taking vitamins. Microelements (for example, magnesium) and B vitamins reduce anxiety and excitability of the central nervous system, facilitating rapid sleep. If, due to sleep disturbances, you experience weakness, loss of strength and frequent colds, then start taking ascorbic and folic acid for a month.
  5. Sign up for a sport. Adequate physical activity will help strengthen the immune system, relieve stress on the nervous system, improve digestion and lose weight, which in combination will contribute to good sleep. It is important that classes are regular (at least 2-3 times a week). It is very good to do gymnastics daily for 20-30 minutes. Yoga is ideal for relaxation and general strengthening.
  6. For chronic heartburn, sleep on a high pillow.
  7. Provide optimal conditions for sleep in the bedroom: comfortable temperature and humidity, silence, darkness. Choose an orthopedic mattress and pillow, comfortable bedding (preferably made from natural materials). Remove irritations like your phone flashing while charging, ticking clock, dripping faucet, etc.
  8. Before going to bed, it is advisable to ventilate the room for 10-15 minutes. Oxygen normalizes metabolism, provides respiratory function cells.
  9. Find the best ways to relax. Insomnia is often associated with anxiety, solving problems, anxiety before events, etc. There are various ways to help calm the nervous system and relieve physical stress. An evening yoga routine and special breathing exercises demonstrate a good effect. A hot bath with sea salt and essential oils will relieve general tension. Place a bag of dry lavender herb in the pillow area. Also, before going to bed, you can watch a good movie or a children's cartoon, read a book, knit, or engage in a quiet hobby while listening to classical music. The most important thing is not to start exciting conversations and not finish work projects.

Traditional recipes for insomnia

Many centuries ago, ancestors began to use natural ingredients to improve the quality and duration of sleep. Over the course of many years of experiments, the most effective and absolutely safe for health recipes for insomnia were created.

Honey mixtures
It is known that bee products such as honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis, etc. calm the nervous system and produce a mild sedative effect.

A quick recipe - combine a glass of warm water or milk with a tablespoon of honey and drink in one gulp half an hour before bed.

You can also mix chopped lemon with zest (1 piece), 2 large spoons of real honey and crushed walnuts. The resulting mixture should be taken in a volume of 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before bedtime.

A combination of honey and apple cider vinegar is effective. To do this, 100 g of bee product is ground with 3 teaspoons of vinegar, after which the mixture is sent into the cold for several days. Infused honey paste is taken in a volume of 1-2 teaspoons 30 minutes before bedtime.

Vapors of essential oils have a complex effect on the body: relieve tension in the central nervous system, relax muscles, eliminate headaches, and produce mild sedation. However, not all oils are beneficial for treating insomnia. Essential oils of mint, rosemary, sandalwood, lavender, jasmine, valerian, basil, cedar and rosewood reduce the excitability of the nervous system.

For treatment, it is enough to drop 4-5 drops into the aroma lamp bowl and smoke the oil in the sleeping room for 30 minutes. You can also moisten a corner of the bed linen or a napkin with ethers, and then place it on the head.

Warm evening baths with these oils demonstrate a good effect. At least 10-15 drops are added to the water, after which the procedure lasts about 15 minutes.

You can massage with essential oils, which will also make it easier to fall asleep. It is necessary to massage the area of ​​the temples, palms, feet, and neck-shoulder area.

Traditional medicine encourages the use of herbal remedies to treat insomnia at home. There are a significant number of recipes - everyone is sure to find an effective combination of herbs for themselves.

For example, the following herbal infusions produce a good effect:

  • a tablespoon of oregano, a teaspoon of ground valerian root and 120 ml of boiling water;
  • a tablespoon of motherwort, the same amount of valerian root, a teaspoon of lemon balm and a glass of boiling water;
  • a small spoonful of calendula, motherwort, thyme and half a liter of boiling water;
  • a tablespoon of sleep herb and a glass of boiling water;
  • a teaspoon of sage, lavender, mint and half a liter of boiling water;
  • peony tincture (30 drops three times a day for a couple of weeks).

The listed dry preparations are prepared in the form of a decoction. You can boil the mixture in a water bath for about 15 minutes, then strain and drink before bed (no more than a glass). You can also steam it in a thermos and dilute it with water 1 to 1 (drink at night in the volume of a glass).

All of the above methods must be used in combination. If treatment does not make it easier to fall asleep for 10 days or more, then make an appointment with a sleep specialist who specializes in insomnia and jet lag. The specialist will identify the reasons for slow falling asleep and prescribe an individual course of therapy. If there is no such highly specialized doctor in your region, then a neurologist will help you cope with the problem of falling asleep.

Video: 13 ways to fall asleep quickly

A huge number of people suffer from insomnia. And this is not surprising, because the quality and duration of sleep directly depends on the environment and the rhythm of life. In most cases, people tend to first try to solve their problems on their own, without resorting to the help of specialists. Therefore, a person suffering from sleep problems sooner or later begins to wonder how to get rid of insomnia at home.

Sometimes sleep disturbances can be experienced and completely healthy people. A scientific study found that poor sleep also reduces a person’s quality of life. Sleep is very important for every person, since it is in sleep that physical and mental strength is restored, immunity is strengthened, and information received during the day is processed. In addition to insomnia, there are other sleep disorders, such as snoring, sleepwalking, sleepy muttering, etc., which can cause severe discomfort and prevent a person from getting a good night's sleep.

An unstable, sharply changing rhythm of life, constant stress, long and overly busy working days without proper rest can lead a person to disorders of the psychophysical state, and chronic fatigue can also develop.

All this can negatively affect sleep, which may be accompanied by the following disorders:

  • Long and difficult process of falling asleep;
  • Constant awakenings;
  • Insufficient sleep duration;
  • Chronic lack of sleep.

In a person with high nervous excitability, sleep disturbances can be caused by even the most insignificant events. Insomnia can be a cause or a consequence of any diseases that can manifest as disorders of the nervous system, blood circulation, or attacks of shortness of breath.

There are many scientific stories in history when, for example, some scientist found answers to the questions that oppressed him directly in his sleep. A striking example of this is the case with the table of chemical elements with Dmitry Mendeleev. Such phenomena can be explained by the fact that the brain continues its activity even in a state of sleep, but perhaps in a slightly different rhythm.

Therefore, in most cases, insomnia affects those people whose activities involve mental work.

People can get so carried away and completely immersed in their work that they end up overexerting themselves. Therefore, during the working day they practically cannot do without strong tea and coffee. However, the effect of vigor is only an illusion and does not last long. The tension itself and fatigue do not go away and, on the contrary, continue to grow.

Therefore, in order not to one day encounter nervous insomnia, it is recommended to learn to control the switch in the evening from mental activities to easier options for spending time.


The answer to why women suffer from insomnia during pregnancy is very simple. At this time, global hormonal and psychological changes occur in their body. Sleep disturbances especially often begin in women in the early stages and in the last trimester. When there is about a week left before giving birth, the expectant mother may be overcome by strong feelings of anxiety and worry, as a result of which she may again experience sleep disturbances and suffer from sleep deprivation for some time.

But in fact, feelings of anxiety and some sleep problems are considered normal before childbirth, and therefore should not cause any concern.

Since babies and newborns have not yet fully developed their routine, they may often be bothered by some sleep disorders.

Children of preschool age and adolescence may have problems with sleep simply due to an overly busy lifestyle. This applies to the school year as a whole and the mastery of school materials. And during the holidays, children often lose all their established routines, since at this time they like to take longer walks and stay up late. Plus, you need to take into account various kinds of additional sections that most children now attend after school.

Long-term depression is another major reason why a person may have serious sleep problems. And most often, in this state, a person tends to drink excessive amounts of alcohol or become addicted to antidepressants or smoking, which is why their sleep patterns eventually begin to suffer.

Therefore, we can conclude that, as many people as there are, there are as many causes and types of insomnia. Each person is unique by nature and therefore requires an individual approach and course of treatment in this matter. And the choice of treatment will be based primarily on the patient’s complaints and symptoms.

Very often, not only therapists, but also cardiologists, neurologists and, in some cases, even psychiatrists have to understand the complaints that patients make.

So, the frequent and main complaints of patients:

  • Insomnia;
  • Difficulty and long time falling asleep;
  • Intermittent sleep;
  • Very vivid, intense dreams, often of painful perception;
  • Feelings of restlessness and anxiety after waking up;
  • Difficulty trying to get back to sleep;
  • Frequent irritability after waking up;
  • There is no feeling of rest after sleep.

Of course, prevention will involve gradually starting to eliminate the causes of insomnia. However, the first steps towards healing the patient himself must be based on completely changing his lifestyle.

Therefore, the first thing to start with is to try to take evening walks in the fresh air before going to bed.

It calms you down and distracts you from the everyday hustle and bustle. A couple of hours before bedtime, it is not recommended to engage in physical and mental labor. You need to relax as much as possible and devote your free time to your favorite activities or hobbies.

In order to have a restful sleep, it is necessary to create all favorable conditions for this. Before going to bed, it is recommended to leave the room to ventilate. The bed should be comfortable and the bedding should always be fresh and clean.

What to do if you suffer from insomnia?

  • The most important rule for healthy sleep is to sleep in a calm and cozy atmosphere.
  • It is advisable to go to bed no later than 11 pm, after which try to get used to getting ready for bed at the same time.
  • For dinner there should be only light foods that do not harm the functioning of the nervous system (coffee, alcohol or strong tea are prohibited). If you want to drink, then before going to bed it is better to limit yourself to warm milk with honey or water.

To diagnose insomnia, different techniques are used. For example, the Epworth Sleepiness Rating Scale is often used. Does drowsiness occur in in public places, while reading or watching TV, lying down after eating, in a car while stopped at a red light? Evaluation of answers in points on a 4-point scale. A zero indicator means the absence of drowsiness and any sleep disturbances.

The patient needs a thorough examination and examination just to make sure that there are no serious pathologies in which sleep problems are only a symptom.

As usual, with insomnia there are difficulties falling asleep, too short sleep time, constant awakenings, including early ones. Depending on the severity of the situation, you can understand whether the patient has a mild form or already severe chronic insomnia.

Treatment of insomnia is limited not only to basic methods using various types of herbal decoctions. The pharmaceutical industry has its own direction in the creation and development of a variety of drugs that help with sleep disorders. Despite the fact that a great variety of these drugs can be found in pharmacies, people still tend to prefer folk remedies. They have a milder effect on insomnia, and besides, they attract with their natural ingredients.

However, before embarking on this method of treatment, it is necessary to consult with a doctor, who, naturally, will take into account the patient’s wishes to be treated in more gentle ways. So, how to deal with insomnia at home?

Not everyone is a supporter of treatment with medications, and the question again arises about what to do if you suffer from insomnia, as well as how to treat insomnia at home. For such people, salvation often comes from some decoctions based on special herbs that have a hypnotic and calming effect on the human body without harming it.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that medicinal herbs are the best remedy for insomnia at home.

Some effective recipes:

  • Take one mint leaf (30 g), motherwort (30 g), valerian root (20 g), hop cones (20 g). Pour a glass of boiling water over all components, then leave to steam in a water bath for about fifteen minutes. After the infusion has cooled, strain it, then bring it to the initial volume level with boiled water.
  • Take peppermint(20 g), three-leaf watch, valerian, hop cones. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the ingredients, then leave for half an hour. It is necessary to take the infusion at least three times a day, preferably after waking up, during the day and before bedtime.
  • Take the following ingredients, 10 g each: valerian rhizome, motherwort, hawthorn, peppermint, mistletoe. Pour 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for about thirty minutes. This infusion should be drunk before bed and the next day after waking up until the symptoms of insomnia subside.
  • 10 g of oregano and 5 g of valerian root. Pour 100 ml of water and then boil for 15 minutes. The infusion should sit for about an hour, then drink before bed.
  • Boil 5 g of thyme, motherwort and calendula in 200 ml of water for about 15 minutes. Leave to brew for about an hour, then drink 100 ml before bed.

Of course, in addition to medicinal infusions, additional preventive procedures will be included, such as taking baths, following a special diet, and psychotherapy sessions. However, the cause of insomnia can also be the presence of a disease, and in this case the doctor will schedule a visit to other specialists, whose treatment will already be carried out on the basis of this disease.

How to “outsmart” insomnia?

Even if you are not completely sure what is preventing you from falling asleep or causing you to wake up at night, you need to take action. Naturally, these tips must be followed in conjunction with the main treatment:

  • You can't starve yourself. It is precisely because a person may not eat enough that he may have difficulty sleeping. Before going to bed, you can eat an apple or a couple of crackers, and for drinks, drink warm milk. Meals should generally be light. Otherwise, there is a risk of not falling asleep due to a simply full stomach.
  • We need to get rid of the clock. Most people wake up in the middle of the night and look at the time. At the same time, you can look at the clock until the morning and end up tormenting yourself with the thought that there is very little time left for sleep. To solve this problem, you need to get rid of the time reminder itself. If you are afraid of oversleeping, you can ask someone close to you to wake you up. Or set an alarm clock, but put it in the drawer of the dressing table itself. Thus, the signal can be heard, but the time cannot be seen.
  • There is no need to force yourself to sleep. If sleep still doesn’t come, then before going to bed you can read a magazine and play light soothing music in the background. You can do all this lying down or sitting on the couch. You need to try both options.
  • You should always try to observe moderation in absolutely everything. If you overindulge in food, alcoholic drinks or coffee, the first symptoms of insomnia will not take long to appear. The most important thing is to avoid drinks containing caffeine in the evening and before bed.
  • You need to move more. As evening approaches, you can begin to do some light exercise. This could be walking, jogging, or something like aerobics and yoga. After such loads, the body will receive a signal about the necessary rest, including sleep. But it is also necessary to remember that physical activity is contraindicated two or three hours before bedtime.
  • It is not recommended to sleep before lunch. But a light nap of fifteen minutes to half an hour is quite acceptable. If this time is extended, it can result in a sleepless night.

With insomnia, the first thing the specialist is interested in is whether the patient likes to sleep during the day. If it turns out that he doesn’t mind taking a nap a couple of times a day, then this could be main reason sleep disorders.

Is sleeping during the day harmful? Actually no, it is even good for health, especially in adulthood. It’s not for nothing that many people over forty years old say that as soon as they lie down during the day and close their eyes for a couple of minutes, after some time they wake up rested and with a full sense of vigor. In such cases, sleep is even beneficial for many.

Short naps during the day are a very limited component of sleep patterns. For example, animals regularly take naps during the day, as does the elderly and young children. In countries with hot climates, this is a fairly common phenomenon, since the climate directly affects the body.

However, if a person suffers from insomnia at night, then a light nap during the day is an excellent way to make up for lost hours at night, thereby restoring strength. But it is also worth knowing about several recommendations regarding daytime sleep:

  • Don't drag it out too long nap. In fact, a maximum of half an hour is enough for the body to regain its strength. And if sleep drags on for several more hours, then a person often feels the opposite effect after waking up. The beauty of a nap is that although it is short, it is beneficial.
  • It is very important to be in a comfortable position. Be sure to take off your shoes or at least loosen the laces. If a person is sitting in a car and at some point he realizes that he cannot do without a couple of minutes of sleep, then it is recommended not to ignore the feeling. You need to stop on the side of the road, close the doors and windows, recline the seat, and if the weather is too sunny, you can lower the sun shields. As a rule, the more comfortable and cozy the environment, the faster sleep comes.
  • There is no need to take on several things at once. After a short break to sleep, under no circumstances should you get up suddenly and take on some work. After a nap, you need to set aside a couple of minutes to overcome the inertia of sleep. As soon as a person feels that he has fully awakened and his vigor has returned, he can get to work again.


Conclusion and conclusions

Insomnia not only lengthens the night, but also deteriorates the very quality of life. After all, if a person was unable to get a full night’s sleep, then he will have no strength, no vigor, which leads to a significant decrease in overall productivity. This is why it is so important to urgently begin treatment and restore your sleep. But you need to approach this wisely and it is advisable to consult with a specialist.

It is known that about 15% of people who have sleep problems prefer to treat insomnia at home and cope with the disease with the help of sleeping pills. However, it is strictly forbidden to use them without a doctor’s prescription, especially for nursing mothers, pregnant women, and people who have problems with the respiratory system. In addition, if you simply start limiting yourself to sleeping pills, then you can ultimately develop a psychological and, at the same time, physical dependence on them, and the cause of insomnia will not be eliminated.

Surely, sleep problems arise in every person’s life. And they appear for various reasons. The quality of sleep can be affected by stress, anxiety, moving, disruption of the digestive tract, or anxiety before an important upcoming event. If insomnia rarely bothers you, then you can overcome it on your own.

However, if a person has systematic problems with sleep, which lead to fatigue and drowsiness throughout the day, as well as decreased ability to work, then in this case it is better to consult a somnologist. He will understand the causes of insomnia, conduct the necessary examination and select effective treatment methods that will help you fall asleep quickly and feel alert in the morning.

So, we will learn further about what insomnia (insomnia) is, why it occurs and how to deal with it.

Insomnia itself is not a disease. Insomnia is a symptom that accompanies many diseases and is the main sign of a malfunction of the nervous system. A person suffering from a sleep disorder tosses and turns in bed for a very long time before falling asleep, often wakes up at night, and is tormented by constant weakness during the day, weakness, bad mood, etc.

Insomnia is a disruption of the biological clock, which is responsible for alternating wakefulness and sleep. Normally, the functioning of the biological clock is stable. At certain times of the day they prepare the body for sleep.

In this case, the speed of reactions weakens, mental and physical performance decreases, blood pressure and temperature decrease, and adrenaline hormones, which are responsible for activity, are produced more slowly.

If insomnia occurs, then the biological clock malfunctions. A person suffers from problems falling asleep. As a rule, the process of going to sleep begins not in the evening, but in the morning, when it is time to wake up.

It is worth noting that insomnia occurs more often in girls than in men. Sleep disturbances are common in children and the elderly. According to medical statistics, it is the elderly who most often complain to the doctor that they suffer from insomnia and ask what to do in this situation.

Types of insomnia:

  1. Transient (transient, rare).
  2. Short-term.
  3. In the chronic stage.

If night awakenings and other sleep disturbances last less than a week, then in this case we talk about transient insomnia. The inability to fall asleep is usually associated with stressful situations, worries, and emotional stress.

Important! According to medical statistics, every third person on our planet suffers from the transient type.

The consequences of transient insomnia lie in the systematic manifestation of sleep disturbances. To learn how to fall asleep easily, it is enough to master several relaxation techniques.

The second type of insomnia is short-term. It lasts more than a week and can last up to 1 month. This sign already indicates serious disorders. Treatment is carried out only by taking medications prescribed by the attending doctor. The sooner you start fighting such disorders, the less likely it is that insomnia will go into the last stage - the most severe and dangerous.

Chronic, or long-term, is called insomnia that lasts more than 1 month. No home remedies or folk methods can help in this case - only the help of a qualified doctor. As a rule, this type is accompanied by severe fatigue, the inability to perform usual activities, decreased performance and other health problems. The consequences of insomnia in the chronic stage can be very dangerous for a person.

Chronic insomnia, in turn, is divided into:

  • idiopathic (sleep disorders are observed throughout life);
  • paradoxical (in this case, a person complains of prolonged sleep disturbances, but in fact the duration of sleep exceeds all norms);
  • psychophysiological (appears due to worries before the upcoming event);
  • poor sleep hygiene (daytime sleep, bad habits, physical and mental stress);
  • insomnia in diseases of internal organs;
  • insomnia in mental disorders;
  • childhood behavioral insomnia (characterized by the fact that the child cannot fall asleep without certain conditions - rocking, feeding, reading a fairy tale, etc.);
  • insomnia when taking medications.

In addition, there are also primary and secondary insomnia. Primary has nothing to do with mental, neurological, somatic, or medicinal causes. Its main source is the psychophysiological characteristics of the individual. Secondary insomnia is caused by some disease.

Among the main signs of insomnia are the following:

  • the process of falling asleep takes a long time;
  • sensitive (superficial) sleep;
  • frequent awakenings at night;
  • waking up earlier than necessary.

With insomnia, the symptoms of which are pronounced, during the daytime a person feels overwhelmed, irritable, and restless. During the day, you feel severe weakness, malaise, drowsiness, decreased concentration and energy, and memory deteriorates.

Doctors have an answer to the question of why insomnia plagues us. Before starting treatment, the cause of its occurrence should be identified. Unfortunately, in most cases this is quite difficult to do, but it is very important.

So, here are the main causes of insomnia:

  1. Uncomfortable sleeping place, high and too soft pillow, stuffy and dry room, etc.
  2. Anxiety, worries, unreasonable fears, stress, emotional stress.
  3. For diseases of the nervous system - depression, neurosis, psychosis.
  4. Binge eating. There are people who really like to eat too much before going to bed. This is the reason sleepless nights.
  5. Sleep disturbances are directly related to many diseases - stomach ulcers, hypertension, infectious diseases, dermatoses, arthrosis, thyrotoxicosis, angina pectoris, chronic cardiac diseases, etc.
  6. Flying to a different time zone, moving to a new place, working at night, getting up too early.
  7. Shift work.
  8. Enuresis is urinary incontinence at night.
  9. Apnea - involuntary holding of breath during sleep and snoring can also lead to insomnia.
  10. Systematic intake of drugs that stimulate the activity of the central nervous system.
  11. Coffee and strong tea make sleep interrupted.
  12. Age-related changes.
  13. Alcohol abuse.

In addition, sleep disorders may be associated with a hereditary factor.

Important! If you suffer from insomnia, the reasons may be different. Therefore, before self-medicating and taking sleeping pills, you must first consult a doctor. Perhaps the source lies in some serious illness.

Insomnia, the causes and treatment of which should only be determined by a qualified doctor, most often affects the following category of people:

  • elderly people over 60 years of age;
  • women after menopause, before menstruation;
  • with chronic pain syndromes;
  • suffering from a mental disorder;
  • often experiencing stress and emotional stress;
  • people with night work schedules;
  • frequently changing time zones.

In addition, overly suspicious people who take everything to heart are susceptible to sleep disturbances.

Somnologists, as well as neurologists, psychotherapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists deal with the problem of insomnia. First, the doctor conducts a detailed interview with the patient. If, after an oral conversation, the doctor fails to find out why he is suffering from insomnia and what to do in this situation, then additional diagnostic methods will be required. The following are considered the most effective:

  1. Physician's clinical judgment. When forming a clinical judgment, the doctor usually relies on the following questions: how long have sleep problems lasted, whether they are associated with somatic symptoms and mental disorders, whether experiences could be the source of insomnia, etc. Then, based on the patient’s answers, he draws conclusions.
  2. Sleep diary. In this case, the patient records his impressions of the night spent.
  3. Actigraphy. The patient is given a device for the whole day, which will record activity during the day and night, the number of awakenings during the night, and sleep time. Using this method, the doctor will determine whether the patient observes sleep hygiene and what is his level of activity.
  4. Polysomnography. It is characterized by the recording of physiological parameters during sleep - the activity of muscles and eyeballs. Sensors are attached to the patient's head. The device operates throughout the night. The next morning he goes home. This method is quite expensive and inaccessible in Russia.

As mentioned earlier, if night insomnia bothers you occasionally, or for less than a week, then you can work on ways to get rid of it yourself. To make the process of falling asleep easier, you can use the following methods of dealing with it:

  1. Go to bed at the same time every night.
  2. Sports must be done before 17-00.
  3. Make your bedroom comfortable. Remove all foreign objects from the room. Don't spend your free time there and don't eat there. Change bed linen more often, ventilate the room, and ensure optimal humidity. Buy yourself a mattress and pillow of medium firmness. Keep light out of the bedroom at night.
  4. Eat food 3 hours before bedtime.
  5. If you are having problems sleeping, then try to stop watching mentally traumatic films and computer games.
  6. Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks at night.
  7. To escape insomnia, do not try to resort to drinking alcohol. Yes, this will indeed make the process of falling asleep easier, but it will contribute to frequent awakenings during the night.
  8. There is one good answer to the question of how to treat insomnia. Try making the air in the room cool. This helps a lot. A suitable temperature is 18 ͦ C. This recommendation will help you forget about morning insomnia and frequent awakenings at night.
  9. One more useful advice Regarding how to cope with insomnia, is to increase body temperature. This will increase the feeling of sleepiness and sleep through the night without waking up. To do this, you should teach yourself to take a hot bath every day before bed. It’s great if you add a decoction of lemon balm, valerian, calendula, oregano. And if, after taking a bath, you lie down under a warm blanket and inhale cool air throughout the night, this will eliminate difficulties with sleep for a long time.
  10. One more in a good way One of the best ways to overcome insomnia is to take a walk before bed.
  11. Aromatherapy will also make it easier to treat insomnia. Place a few sprigs of lavender, lemon balm leaves, and valerian in a bag and place it under your pillow or next to your sleeping area.

Important! One of them effective methods The fight against sleepless nights is to use herbal decoctions.

To the question of how to get rid of insomnia at night, there is an answer: “A few help. effective ways». Here are the main and most effective ones:

  1. Don't look at your watch.
  2. Get rid of insomnia following method. Close your eyes. When you see colored spots - phosphines, try to focus your attention on them. This simple exercise will help you fall asleep faster.
  3. If you suffer from insomnia, try doing breathing exercises. Close your eyes, relax. Take a deep breath for the count of “4”, hold your breath for the count of “6”. Exhale, gritting your teeth to the count of “8.” It helps a lot if you do this several times.
  4. Try to relax all your muscles. To do this, you should strain them one by one. This exercise is the answer to the question of how to deal with insomnia caused by anxiety and worries.

The scouts' method helps you fall asleep quickly. To do this, close your eyes and roll your pupils up. For insomnia, an exercise called “reverse blinking” can help. Open your eyes, count to “5”, close your eyelids and count to “5” again. And so on until drowsiness sets in.

Insomnia in children can occur due to many reasons. The most basic ones are:

  • emotional, physical, mental stress;
  • teething;
  • in infants – dysbacteriosis (colic);
  • adaptation to new conditions;
  • stressful situations;
  • childhood fears;
  • uncomfortable sleeping place, dry, stuffy room;
  • disturbance of sleep and rest patterns.

Sleep disorders in children can manifest themselves in different ways. Some babies are restless, capricious all night and require parental attention throughout the night. The next morning the irritability does not subside. The child is whiny, in a bad mood, refuses to play and eat.

Important! To improve your child's sleep, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps sleep disturbances are associated with some disease.

To help him learn to fall asleep faster, follow these recommendations. Under no circumstances allow him to play computer games or watch TV at night, do not force him to do his homework in the evening, send him out more often to walk with friends, regularly praise him, do not conflict or scold him for every little thing.

The main cause of insomnia during pregnancy is hormonal changes. The pathology is observed mainly in the third trimester. The source is fear of childbirth, lower back pain, heartburn, heaviness in the legs, fatigue, etc.

Important! Under no circumstances should you resort to taking strong sleeping pills or sedatives. If necessary, pregnant women are allowed to take only herbal-based medications - valerian, lemon balm, motherwort.

Evening walks, positive emotions, a calm environment, a warm shower, etc. will help relieve tension. Only if you do these useful recommendations a pregnant woman will get rid of sleep disturbances. The advice from our detailed article will help.

The causes of insomnia at this age are mainly stressful situations, insufficient exercise stress, late eating, anxiety, depression, loss loved one, retirement, taking medications, etc. It is worth noting that it is at this age that insomnia occurs much more often than in other people.

Many elderly people claim: “I cured insomnia with sleeping pills.” Drug correction of sleep disorders in older people is excluded, since the metabolism of drugs in this case is reduced, which can lead to undesirable consequences.

Therefore, before taking any medications, you should establish a sleep and rest schedule, take more walks in the fresh air, go to bed at the same time and not overeat at night. Read more about how we talk in the article at the link.

Morning insomnia

Morning insomnia is a condition where a person wakes up too early and is unable to fall back to sleep. For this reason, by the middle of the day you may experience:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • apathy.

Waking up early worries people for a number of reasons, which most often lie in their own heads. Thus, accumulated thoughts during the day, unresolved problems, and vigorous thinking about them before bed can cause morning insomnia.

How to avoid waking up “never the light of day”

To sleep well and not jump out of bed at 4 am when the alarm clock is set for 7, the following simple tricks before going to bed will help:

  • taking a hot bath;
  • reading a light book or movie to take your mind off the obsessive thoughts in your head;
  • an evening walk, preferably in a park or forest area in the fresh air;
  • drink a glass of warm milk or a soothing drink, such as a decoction of mint or lemon balm.

For more serious problems, when the above methods do not help, a person should consult a doctor - a sleep specialist, a psychologist or psychiatrist, a neurologist - to find the true reasons for early awakening. May be required drug treatment insomnia.

Insomnia during menopause

During menopause, the level of hormones such as progesterone and estrogen in a woman’s body decreases significantly. It is for this reason that beautiful ladies experience insomnia during menopause. So, this is due to the following factors:

  1. The lack of these hormones leads to changes in the nervous system. The content of magnesium in the body, an element that is responsible for muscle relaxation and calmness, decreases significantly.
  2. A small amount of estrogen leads to sweating and unpleasant hot flashes at night.
  3. The lack of progesterone, as a natural sleep aid, is decisive in matters of insomnia during menopause.

The following accompanying factors can be added to this list:

  • overweight;
  • high blood pressure;
  • drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, coffee;
  • smoking, taking drugs;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • heavy night work, etc.

How to cope

There are publicly available ways to get rid of sleep disorders in this condition of a woman:

  • normalization of nutrition;
  • sufficient physical activity;
  • giving up bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol;
  • taking medications specifically designed for such cases.

You can find out more about the causes of insomnia during menopause.

Insomnia during fasting

In the struggle for slimness and thinness, people begin to starve themselves on various diets. In most cases, they do not always choose the right nutritional system and simply begin to starve, without thinking about the consequences. One of these is insomnia during fasting.

Usually, poor health occurs on the 4th day of an incorrect diet. You need to immediately think about how to solve this problem.

Causes of insomnia

If a person fasts for a long time, then his body shows a lack of glucose - “fuel” for the body. As a result:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • slowing down of brain activity;
  • loss of concentration;
  • the occurrence of insomnia.

At the same time, lack of sleep increases the negative effect of all these factors. The person becomes weakened, passive, and there is apathy towards the world around him. Also, exhaustion.

Normalization of condition

If all the negative signs of fasting begin to manifest themselves, then you must immediately stop depleting the body and abandon the diet. It’s worth starting to eat right: in smaller portions and in small portions up to 5-6 times a day, so that the stomach can have time to digest food. 3-4 hours before bedtime, you should refuse to eat, so that the gastrointestinal tract rests at night and does not work on processing food in the body.

If the measures taken do not lead to the elimination of insomnia, then you should consult a doctor immediately.

The effect of alcohol on sleep

There is a belief that alcohol helps you fall asleep and sleep soundly at night. With a small amount of alcohol, indeed, a person can easily fall asleep. However, alcohol abuse, on the contrary, can lead to insomnia and cause poor health in the morning and throughout the next day.

The harm of alcohol

There is a lot of talk about the dangers of alcohol. This product destroys the body and leads to various diseases, including death.

It also has a huge impact on your sleep state. Thus, it has already been proven that alcoholic drinks relax the muscles of the larynx and lead to snoring during sleep. In addition, the body takes a long time to digest alcohol. Therefore, a drunk sleeping person does not rest at all. It has been noticed that in the morning after drinking alcohol one feels tired, lethargic, and has body aches along with headaches and nausea.

You can read more about what other alcohol-related causes of insomnia and how to deal with it.

You should take medications that help with insomnia only after you have been examined and interviewed by your doctor. If visiting a doctor in the near future is impossible, then we offer you a list of safe medications that are available without a prescription.

Important! Before taking a product that effectively copes with insomnia, even if it is commercially available, you should read the instructions for use in detail.

The fight against insomnia is carried out using the following over-the-counter drugs:


This drug is a good help in the fight against periodic insomnia. It contains components that replace natural melatonin, helping to normalize circadian rhythms.

Pros: after taking the drug, night sleep improves, sudden awakenings practically decrease, dreams become calmer, and circadian biorhythms are restored.

Minuses: can cause lethargy and fatigue during the day, cause worsening of chronic diseases, impair concentration

Price: from 480 to 650 rub.

Reviews: Many people note that if insomnia occurs infrequently, it is better to do without medications, including Melaxen, the need for which must be confirmed by a doctor.

You can find out how this drug also manifests itself and what indications it has.

The medicine is intended not only to eliminate insomnia, but also for irritability, hysteria, angina pectoris, intestinal colic and angina pectoris.

Pros:wide range action of the drug, which affects different areas of the body to ensure calm and good dream.

Minuses: possible manifestations of lethargy, drowsiness during the day, allergic reactions.

Price: from 75 rub.

Reviews: a good sedative for stressful conditions, so that you can easily fall asleep when things get in your head intrusive thoughts interfering with sleep.


These are drops for oral administration that have a specific odor. Corvalol has a complex effect - calming, relieving spasms, helping to sleep.

Pros: calms well in stressful situations, is affordable, known to many generations of people, tested by practice.

Minuses: Since the composition contains bromine, taking the drug for too long can cause poisoning with this substance, which leads to rhinitis, diathesis, as well as apathy and impaired coordination of movements.

Price: from 15 to 120 rub.

Reviews: not everyone likes the smell of Corvalol and its taste, but its direct effect is noted on the positive side.

If you have questions about the use of these drops, then everything you need can be found.

Donormil is a tablet intended for the treatment of transient sleep disorders.

Pros: the drug acts gently. The effect of the sleeping pill occurs after the time specified in the instructions.

Minuses: after waking up and during many people there is a lack of performance.

Price: from 126 rub.

Reviews: Among the reviews there are positive and negative. For some, Donormil is completely suitable and does not cause negative consequences. Some people note addiction to the drug, narrowing of consciousness, drowsiness and lethargy while awake.

You can find out even more interesting things about the drug.

Drug based natural ingredients with chemical additives. Serves to provide a calming effect on the nervous system. Also used for insomnia and various neuroses.

Pros: clear natural composition, harmless chemical elements.

Minuses: cannot be used in children under 12 years of age; there are contraindications for various diseases, for example, epilepsy, alcoholism, and central nervous system disorders.

Price: from 160 rub.

Reviews: good remedy for stress and anxiety, insomnia, no addiction, pleasant smell and neutral taste.


Medicine based on natural ingredients. It has both a sedative and antispasmodic effect. The main direction is the effect on the central nervous system, reducing spasms of smooth muscles.

Pros: It helps well with neuroses, excitability, anxiety, fears and, as a result, insomnia.

Minuses: there is an age limit of up to 12 years and for some diseases, for example, stones in gallbladder Persen cannot be used.

Price: from 190 rub.

Reviews: quickly calms down and normalizes general condition. However, in relation to the price and dosing method, it is quite expensive.

It's better to get to know the drug.

It is a soothing herbal mixture for normalizing sleep and eliminating insomnia. Suitable for those who do not want to buy drugs containing chemical elements.

Pros: It eliminates strong excitability and insomnia well. Suitable for people with hypertension.

Minuses: should not be used by children under 12 years of age, pregnant or lactating women

Price: from 60 to 100 rub.

Reviews: effective and inexpensive remedy for easy falling asleep. They can replace evening tea.

Drops are well suited for getting rid of insomnia, as a prevention of VSD, and neuroses.

Pros: affordable, easy to use, works as stated in the instructions for use.

Minuses: One of the disadvantages is the manifestation of allergic reactions in some cases.

Price: from 11 to 55 rub.

Reviews: has long been helping to fight insomnia; the reasonable price and clear composition do not cause any concerns when used.

The tincture is described in more detail.

Valerian in the form of infusion, tablets

Valerian in the form of infusion and tablets, which can be bought at any pharmacy, has an excellent calming effect, depresses the nervous system, and reduces the heart rate.

Pros: a completely natural product, time-tested. Valerian has established itself as a medicine in the effective fight against insomnia.

Minuses: the drug should not be used by people with allergic reactions to valerian components; it is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age, as well as in the first trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Price: from 50 rubles.

Reviews: if the use of sleeping pills of synthetic origin does not inspire confidence, and there is an urgent need for calm, valerian is an excellent affordable option.

Afobazole helps a lot with anxiety disorders that make it difficult to fall asleep. It has a complex effect on arrhythmia and bronchial asthma.

Pros: One of the advantages of the drug is its spectrum of action, aimed not only at normalizing sleep, but also for other syndromes, for example, alcohol poisoning, poor health when quitting smoking.

Minuses: The downside is the rare headaches that go away on their own. The drug is not discontinued.

Price: from 390 rub.

Reviews: It is not very cheap compared to similar medications, but it helps perfectly with the diseases and syndromes that are noted in the instructions.


The drug is good for insomnia, calms the nervous system, and fights stress and depression.

Pros: positive points can be noted positive influence the drug on the functions of other organs.

Minuses: The negative thing is that counterfeits have appeared on the medicine market, so you need to be careful when purchasing from dubious pharmacies.

Price: from 900 rub.

Reviews: after use of this medicine You can forget for a long time not only about insomnia, but also stress and depression.

More information about the drug is provided.


With this drug you can forget about chronic lack of sleep for a long time. Sonilyux is considered a new generation of medicines. It makes it easy to fall asleep and not feel lethargic and tired the next day.

Pros: The positive thing is that the drug can be used for a long time without harm to health.

Minuses: Sonylux is not given to children under 2 years of age. After this age and until adulthood, prior consultation with a doctor is required.

Price: from 990 rub.

Reviews: Taking the medicine for a long time every day is not addictive. Sleep comes quickly without consequences in the morning.

This drug is used in the fight against stress, as one of the sources of insomnia. It lifts your mood and relieves anxiety.

Pros: It is positive that this medicine is of natural origin. it helps to cope with both headaches and spasms.

Minuses: One of the disadvantages is the high cost.

Price: from 900 rub.

Reviews: if stressful conditions appear quite often and you experience a bad mood for a long time, then Relaxis will help get rid of these problems and give you a healthy and restful sleep.

After using these products, many people fall asleep faster. The medications should be taken at night 30 minutes before bedtime.

The following prescription medications can also help treat insomnia:

  1. Benzodiazepine tranquilizers. Midazolam, Phenazepam, Gidazepam, Triazolam.
  2. Barbiturates. Hexobarbital, Barbital, Phenobarbital.
  3. Imidazopyridines. Zolpidem.
  4. Cyclopyrrolones. Zopiclone, Imovan, Somnol.
  5. Antidepressants. Doxepin.

In rare cases, when insomnia is caused by anxiety, unreasonable fears, and worries, antidepressants and tranquilizers are prescribed.

Methods to combat insomnia do not stop there. There are also non-drug treatments. Here are the main and most effective of them:

  1. Acupuncture. Thanks to this procedure, stress resistance and emotional stability are increased, the balance of the nervous system is restored, chronic fatigue is eliminated, the immune system is strengthened, and sleep is improved.
  2. Phototherapy. It is characterized by the impact on a person of bright white light obtained using artificial lighting sources having a certain wave frequency. It is carried out in a hospital after a forced awakening. Allows you to get a good night's sleep.
  3. Psychotherapy. Conducted by a psychotherapist. Together with the patient, methods are developed to eliminate the causes that impair sleep.
  4. Phytotherapy. It is based on the use of herbal infusions and essential oils that calm the nervous system, improve sleep, and restore mental and physical balance.
  5. Autotrainings. Self-training to sleep using suggestion. Anyone can master the technique. With its help you can relax your muscles, eliminate anxiety and fears.
  6. Encephalophonia. Based on the patient listening to music (a five-minute encephalography of the patient converted into sound).
  7. Sleep restriction. It is carried out with the aim of reducing the actual stay of a person in bed. This is done in order to achieve longer and deeper sleep.
  8. Use of dietary supplements(Sleep Formula, Relaxozan, Phytohypnosis, Valerian P). If used as a course, you can restore the functioning of the nervous system, improve your well-being, quality of sleep, overcome anxiety, and get rid of stress. However, it should be remembered that dietary supplements are not a medicine, but only an addition to the main treatment.
  9. Magnetotherapy. With the help of magnets, the functioning of capillaries and blood vessels is improved. If you use devices on the neck area, you can get rid of insomnia without drug intervention. The procedure involves several sessions (10-20). Each of them lasts from 15 minutes to half an hour. Thus, magnetic therapy has a cumulative effect.
  10. Darsonvalization of the head and collar area. Current treatment helps to get rid of insomnia. The procedure can be performed independently using the Darsonval apparatus. This procedure is performed at a distance of 2-4 mm from the skin using a glass electrode. It only takes 5-7 minutes per session. However, such procedures need to be carried out from 15 to 20 in order to forget about sleep disorders.
  11. Galvanotherapy. Galvanic collar according to Shcherbakov is a method of treating insomnia using high voltage currents. This method of influencing the human body leads to a positive change in the functioning of blood vessels. Thus, the general condition of a person is normalized, and insomnia goes away. It will take 10 to 15 half-hour sessions.
  12. Electrosleep. The painless procedure involves placing electrodes on the eyelids and sending electrical impulses through the eye sockets into the brain. The nervous system begins to relax, the person plunges into a state close to sleep. Such procedures help get rid of insomnia without the use of medications.
  13. Therapeutic baths or balneotherapy. Soothing baths have long been known for their positive effects on the human body. They help you relax and set yourself up for a peaceful sleep. They are made at a water temperature of 37-38 degrees. A decoction of mint, lemon balm, lavender, chamomile, pine needles, sea salt, and mustard is used as a base. Pearl baths are also used to improve blood circulation and the functioning of the vascular system of the human body.
  14. Massage. Massage is not only a pleasant procedure, but also useful. Mechanical impact on the neck area (collar area) helps to overcome insomnia and relax muscles before bed. Several sessions of 30 minutes are needed to consolidate the positive effect. More about massage is described in.
  15. Electrophoresis. Electrophoresis in the fight against insomnia is associated with the introduction of sedatives into the human body using electric currents. A special cloth impregnated with a drug is placed on the person’s back. Next, electrodes are connected to the tissue and the current is gradually increased. Thus, blood flow increases and improves, sleep and general well-being are normalized.
  16. Hypnosis. The hypnosis procedure for treating insomnia is absolutely safe for adults and children. There is no drug intervention or the use of devices, devices and tools. Only special words and phrases. In a state of hypnotic sleep, consciousness narrows, brain function slows down, but there is no effect on the human nervous system. This method It is quite effective if you undergo several sessions with a competent specialist. .
  17. Lyapko applicator. The Lyapko applicator for healthy sleep is used in the neck and back area. The plates help you unnoticeably relax and fall asleep well. In addition, this invention perfectly relieves stress and gives a comfortable state to the muscles. The applicators, which bear the name of their creator, are plates with small spikes that act externally on the human body. In addition to insomnia, they also help get rid of other ailments, such as radiculitis, headaches and muscle pain.
  18. Kuznetsov applicator. Kuznetsov's applicator is a plate with a large number of needles arranged in a certain way in order to correctly influence individual parts of the human body and organs from the outside. This device removes factors that contribute to insomnia, such as: headache, stress, muscle strain, etc. After 2-3 sessions of half an hour each, you can feel the beneficial effect of the Kuznetsov applicator and begin to fall asleep well and see positive dreams.
  19. Aromatherapy. With the help of a special aroma lamp and essential oils, you can try to get rid of insomnia. In this case, it is important to choose the right components. If you just need to relax and calm down, then rose, hop, lemon balm, sandalwood, and lavender oils are suitable. Juniper, cypress, cedar, tangerine and others will help you fall into deep sleep. If indigestion prevents you from sleeping, then the essential composition of marjoram is simply ideal. Oils are well combined with each other, and you can read more about aromatherapy.
  20. Music. The effect of relaxing music for sleep has been known for many years. Musical compositions are composed in such a way that a person can easily overcome a stressful state, calm down and forget about his problems that prevent him from falling asleep. This procedure is often used for babies who have difficulty going to sleep. And if you add the sound of a waterfall, which is white noise, to pleasant melodies, you can fall asleep even faster. You can learn about what other positive aspects there are from music therapy from.
  21. Gymnastics, yoga. There is a special set of physical exercises that helps reduce muscle tension, reduce headaches, relax and relieve stress. And yoga, as an ancient teaching, is also aimed at normalizing the emotional state and improving the functioning of the nervous system. If you practice such exercises every day, you can forget about insomnia. You can learn about other wonderful things about yoga and relaxing gymnastics.
  22. Products. Sleep experts have identified some foods that can help combat insomnia. For example, bananas are called “sleeping pills in the peel,” which I advise you to eat no later than 30 minutes before bed. Eggs, which contain a large amount of protein, are also good for falling asleep. This list can include almonds, milk and fish. Find out what other products can relieve insomnia in.
  23. Acupressure. Acupressure is acupressure. By influencing certain points on the human body nervous system reacts to this, sends certain signals to the brain. If you use acupressure correctly, you can cure insomnia and fall asleep well. Of course, before starting to use this therapy, it is better to study well how to find the right points on the body with the help of a specialist. Read more about relaxing the body with acupressure.
  24. Chinese medicine. In Chinese medicine, there are several methods to combat insomnia. So, with the help of herbal medicine (herbal infusions, elixirs), you can calm down and fall asleep easily. Mainly well-known Chinese plants are used, for example, ginger, ginseng. In addition to herbal medicine, acupuncture is used by applying needles to energy channels. Chinese medicine also includes acupressure. One of its varieties is warming, when the massage is done not with hands, but with moxa. You can read about how extensive and interesting Chinese medicine is here.
  25. Meditation before bed. Meditation can help clear your mind before bed so you can fall asleep easily. There is no special preparation for these practices. Meditation is suitable for everyone without exception, including children. It is necessary to take the correct posture and mentally turn off your consciousness. You can turn on relaxing music. In addition to relaxation, these exercises will help improve performance after waking up, as well as give you a great mood. Meditation is not a one-time practice. It must be used in the system and constantly. What else beneficial features this practice can be found here.
  26. Ayurveda. Indian Ayurveda can help you get rid of insomnia without sleeping pills. It is very important during the kafa time from 6 to 10 pm according to Ayurveda to perform certain rituals in order to sleep well. It is recommended to drink a drink made from warm milk with honey and spices (nutmeg, ginger, cardamom, saffron and cinnamon) during this period of time. Thus, the level of melatonin reaches a certain level and the person falls asleep calmly. There are other Ayurvedic methods to combat insomnia that you can learn about.
  27. Gadgets for sleep (mask, earplugs). A sleep mask, if we look at it from a technical point of view, does not allow the eyes to open, even if you really want to. During insomnia, a person may lie in the dark for hours with his eyes closed. The mask will not allow you to do this. It is often used on planes, trains, or when sleeping during the daytime is expected.
  28. Earplugs. These are devices that are inserted into the ears to block out external sounds and set the mood for sleep. They are good for those who live near major roads, railways or airports. However, earplugs cannot drown out anxious thoughts. Thus, ear gadgets are good specifically for eliminating external factors of insomnia. Read more about and in these articles.

If you have trouble falling asleep, then consuming herbal infusions helps a lot. Here are the recipes that are most effective if you have lost sleep:

  1. Take motherwort herb, valerian root and heather herb (3:4:1). Mix. 4 tbsp. l. pour the mixture into a saucepan and pour a liter of boiling water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, simmer for another 1 hour. The medicine is infused for 2-3 hours. Then it is filtered. You need to take 2 tbsp. l. before sleep. If you have severe insomnia, then 2-3 tbsp. l. each hour.
  2. Many people ask how to overcome insomnia caused by anxiety? Take valerian root, hop cones, mint leaves (1:1:2). 2 tbsp. l. pour 2 cups of boiling water over the mixture. Cover with a lid and let the infusion sit for half an hour. Take half a glass of medicine at night.
  3. To ensure that the question of how to overcome insomnia no longer arises, try drinking a glass of warm milk with honey or boiled pumpkin pulp every night at night.
  4. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon balm, mint, motherwort, and valerian root to a glass of boiling water. Let the drink sit with the lid closed for 10 minutes. Filter, cool and drink half an hour before bedtime. This method will eliminate morning awakenings and allow you to forget about other symptoms of insomnia.
  5. Take hawthorn flowers - 40 g, pour a glass of boiling water. Let it sit for 45 minutes. Take 1 tbsp before bed. l. Treating insomnia with this method is very effective.
  6. Take 5 g. wormwood and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Strain. Take ¼ cup at night.

When resorting to this method of treatment, do not forget to first consult a doctor, since many are allergic to healing herbs. May also help:

  • Honey. Since ancient times, honey has been known as an excellent remedy for insomnia. In combination with other products, such as warm milk, the effect can be enhanced. It is better to use fireweed or lemon balm honey for insomnia, as these plants are also known as an excellent sedative. Honey is added to the bath before bed. And red wine is also used as an ingredient for the drink in certain proportions. You can learn more about how honey helps with insomnia.
  • Milk. Warm milk is used quite often for insomnia. But not everyone wonders why this particular drink helps you fall asleep easily. The fact is that milk contains substances such as amino acids, proteins, tryptophan, calcium and B vitamins. It is this composition that promotes the formation of melatonin in the human body, which is responsible for good sleep and falling asleep quickly.
  • Salt. Table and sea salt help in the fight against insomnia. This product is used both internally and externally. The ancient sages claimed that a mixture of salt and sugar is an excellent antidepressant. It is necessary to mix everything in the correct proportion and put the mixture under the tongue, wait for complete resorption. Sea salt for insomnia is a good ingredient for a warm bath before bed. You can find out how else to use salt in.
  • Onion. Medications are not always suitable for people to sleep well. Even if you manage to fall asleep, the next morning you may feel drowsiness and decreased performance. Therefore, people are looking for other ways to heal. Onions are a good remedy for insomnia. Mixtures are prepared from it with other ingredients, such as sage, honey and milk, to enhance the effect. What else is onion good for insomnia and how you can use it.
  • Nutmeg. This is a natural sedative. It helps release enzymes that cause stress. The nut is used quite sparingly, as it has a specific smell and taste. Just one pinch is enough to get the desired effect. The simplest thing is to mix the nut with water. You can add a little honey.


  • It helps quite effectively. In pharmacies, this herb is presented in the form of tablets or tinctures. So other components are added to it in order to preserve its properties for a long time. So valerian is drops for oral administration. They have a sedative effect. Thus, the nervous system is depressed and the heart rate slows down. In addition, valerian relaxes the smooth muscles of internal organs and relieves spasms. Read more about how valerian helps with insomnia.
  • Peony tincture. This natural preparation, produced in drops. It has a relaxing effect, calms the central nervous system, relieves spasms, fights cramps, itching in dermatitis. As you can see, this drug has a wide range of effects on the human body. It even helps in preventing internal bleeding and improves mood. Read more about peony tincture for insomnia.
  • Thyme. The use of thyme for insomnia has been known since ancient times. This herb contains a large amount of microelements, vitamins B and C. Infusions and teas from thyme perfectly soothe and reduce emotional stress, helping you fall asleep quickly. In addition, this herb also relieves other ailments, that is, it has a complex effect. Not only infusions and teas are made from thyme, but also oil, which relieves inflammation and disinfects. Read more about how thyme is useful for insomnia and how to prepare it correctly.
  • Mint. This is perhaps the most famous natural medicine. Pepper is best suited for these purposes. This herb is a natural sedative, pleasant to the taste and has an amazing, memorable aroma. You can make infusions and decoctions from mint. Oil is also used for aroma lamps. In any form, this herb does not lose its properties to effectively combat insomnia. About this unpleasant disease and how mint helps with insomnia.
  • Motherwort. Motherwort is listed in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation as a sedative and hypnotic. It is available in pharmacies in various forms: tablets, tinctures and dried raw materials. Everyone will be able to choose a drug that is convenient for them to take. This herb perfectly relieves tension and spasms, perfectly calms the nervous system, and slows down the heart rate. About how else motherwort helps with insomnia.
  • Chamomile. This is a great option for those who love a pleasant taste and aroma. Tea from this plant has a calming effect and improves the nervous system. It contains the component apigenin, which is a natural antioxidant. Thus, with the help of chamomile, you can not only get rid of problems with falling asleep, but also improve your health by removing toxins from the body. How chamomile saves you from insomnia in more detail.

Many people are interested in what insomnia leads to? Here are the most common complications from long-term sleep disorders:

  1. Irritability, impaired communication with loved ones and friends.
  2. Memory impairment.
  3. Heart diseases.
  4. Diseases of the nervous system – depression, neurosis, psychosis.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Decreased ability to work.
  7. Weight gain.
  8. Malfunctions of the immune system.

In addition, insomnia at night can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases.

  1. A person spends a third of his life sleeping.
  2. In the second phase of sleep - the rapid eye movement phase - paralysis of the muscles occurs so that the person does not repeat movements in sleep.
  3. During sleep, a person restores physical, mental and mental reserves expended during the day.
  4. During night rest, the hormone melanin is produced, which is responsible for falling asleep.
  5. During sleep, children produce a hormone responsible for growth. Therefore, they actually grow in their sleep.

At a doctor’s appointment, you can often hear the complaint: “I suffer from insomnia, how can I overcome it?” It is not possible to immediately answer this question. Several additional studies are needed to determine the nature of the disturbances and the cause of these concerns.

It should be noted that in most cases, with insomnia, it is enough to restore the sleep-wake pattern, introduce healthy foods into the diet and start playing sports.

Almost every second inhabitant of the globe, tired of counting mythical sheep at night, asks himself the question - what to do if he suffers from insomnia and how to cope with it at home? From time to time, everyone has problems with sleep, but today we’ll talk about the pathological variant, when insomnia becomes chronic, interfering with proper rest and causing fatigue, drowsiness and nervous tension during the day.

I suffer from insomnia - when does it become dangerous?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that often develops into chronic form and causes depletion of the nervous system. This is a dangerous and debilitating condition that can lead to a psycho-emotional breakdown or cause constant drowsiness and decreased performance during the day. And this already creates a certain threat to a person’s life and health if he is engaged in work that requires extreme concentration and speed of reactions. In addition, constant lack of sleep has the most negative impact on a person’s health and well-being and can cause serious illnesses associated with disruption of the heart, brain, and endocrine system.

Insomnia has many faces - it manifests itself in different forms. Some wake up from any rustle, others cannot fall asleep until dawn or sleep in fits and starts, as sleep is interrupted several times during the night. The result is the same - in the morning a person feels exhausted and so tired, as if he had never gone to bed at all. What to do if insomnia does not go away for a week and how to get back sound and healthy sleep? It is best to contact a specialist with your problem who will help you find out the reasons for this condition, because sleep disturbances can indicate serious health problems that manifest themselves in a similar way.

You will be diagnosed with insomnia if sleep disturbances occur three times a week and this condition continues for at least a month. At the same time, experts distinguish between short-term (when difficulties with sleep appear periodically) and chronic insomnia (when the problem occurs every night for a long time). What signs indicate the development of insomnia?

  • inability to fall asleep quickly even with severe physical fatigue;
  • superficial nature of sleep, a person can wake up from any rustle or faint noise;
  • sleep is interrupted several times during the night, a person sleeps in fits and starts and can wake up long before dawn, unable to fall asleep again;
  • Insomnia torments you all night and only goes away in the morning, when you need to get up for work or school.

If you have any of the above symptoms, then you are faced with a persistent sleep disorder. To understand how to deal with the problem, try to find out the reason that provokes this condition.

Why does insomnia occur: the main reasons

The most common factors causing sleep disturbances are:

  • Wrong lifestyle. The habit of eating a heavy meal at night, watching a new movie with a chase and shootouts, playing a computer game, brainstorming while doing homework or preparing for an exam - all this excites the nervous system and contributes to sleep disturbances.
  • Physical inactivity, sedentary work, lack of movement or, on the contrary, active evening life with visiting bars, clubs, dancing and new acquaintances, which evoke strong emotions and do not allow you to relax and fall asleep.
  • Nervous strain or chronic stress associated with problems at work and scrolling through certain negative situations in the head.
  • Change of habitual way of life. Sleep problems often arise when spending the night in unfamiliar place(on a tourist trip, on a visit or on a business trip);
  • Poor sleeping conditions (heavy, stale indoor air, uncomfortable bed, heat in the summer, lantern light outside the window);
  • Bad habits. Abuse of stimulating drinks (strong tea, coffee, tonics), smoking, alcohol consumption. Another negative factor is overeating, eating fatty, spicy, high-calorie foods before bed.
  • Health problems. Chronic insomnia often accompanies various diseases and can signal neurological disorders, pathologies of the cardiovascular, digestive, and endocrine systems.
  • Pregnancy. While carrying a child, “hormonal storms” rage in a woman’s body, which can cause sleep problems. In the later stages of pregnancy, a large belly, pressure of the uterus and the movement of the baby interfere with sleep.

As you can see, there are many reasons that cause sleep disorders. What to do if insomnia at night affects your health and reduces your quality of life? First you need to understand the mechanism and adjust your rhythm and lifestyle accordingly.

How do we fall asleep and what are the consequences of insomnia?

Somnologists say that a state is considered normal when falling asleep is preceded by a process of internal inhibition. It is expressed in the fact that at the level of the subcortex in the human brain the intensity nerve impulses decreases, the activity of almost all subcortical cells slows down and after a short time a state of drowsiness occurs. At the same time, the person feels very drowsy and wants to lie down and rest.

Those cells that remain in an uninhibited state are called “sentinel” cells and their ratio to inhibited neurons determines the depth of sleep. Accordingly, the more cells are involved in the inhibition process, the deeper our sleep. Gradually, from a state of drowsiness, we move into the second and third stages of sleep, when body temperature decreases slightly, muscles relax, breathing slows down and the sleep hormone melatonin is produced. At the fourth stage, a person falls into deep sleep, and at the fifth stage, he begins to dream. These are the stages of healthy sleep, which our body needs for normal functioning.

But when these processes are disrupted, a failure occurs at the physiological level and night insomnia occurs. As a result, the nervous system practically does not rest and the person becomes overly irritable, feels constant fatigue, drowsiness, problems with memory and concentration. The unpleasant consequences of poor sleep include decreased performance, physical and psychological discomfort, and an increased risk of diseases of the brain, heart and blood vessels. What to do with chronic insomnia and how to deal with sleep disorders?

Ways to combat insomnia

To cope with the problem yourself, first of all you need to reconsider your lifestyle and adjust your daily routine so that you fall asleep and wake up at the same time. It is believed that the optimal night's rest time should be at least 8 hours. Therefore, you need to follow this norm and not relax even on weekends, trying to get enough sleep for the whole week. Firstly, you will not be able to compensate for the lack of sleep that has been accumulating for a week in two days, and secondly, a violation of the regime will result in the fact that on the night from Sunday to Monday you will not be able to fall asleep at the usual time.

All physical activity, training, jogging and other sporting events must end before 7 pm. After this time, you should have a calm dinner (but not overeat) in a calm home environment, take a warm bath, to which you can add herbal decoctions with a sedative effect, ventilate the room and slowly get ready for bed. For some people, quiet music or reading a book before bed has a soporific effect; others use psychological methods, discard anxious thoughts, meditate and tune in to relaxation. You can drink a cup of warm milk or tea after brewing the mixture medicinal herbs with a sedative effect.

You should absolutely not drink alcohol, smoke, drink coffee, or eat heavy, fatty foods before bed. You should not watch TV, play computer games, or replay negative situations that happened during the day in your head. Create a pleasant, calming environment in the bedroom, prepare a comfortable bed, choose a suitable pillow, provide a flow of fresh air at a comfortable temperature, in short, create all the conditions for a restful sleep.

What to do if insomnia during pregnancy exhausts a woman and complicates this difficult period for her? All the tips apply in this case, the main thing is to learn to relax and forget about the worries of the day before going to bed. Relaxation methods, breathing exercises, and yoga help with this. Using them, a woman can achieve the desired effect without the use of medicinal methods, which are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Insomnia medications

If you have tried all available means, but still cannot cope with the problem, there is only one way out - seek help from a specialist. Sleep disorders are dealt with by a somnologist; if there is no such specialist in your clinic, you can contact a therapist or neurologist. In most cases, sleeping pills or drugs with a strong sedative (calming) effect are used to combat insomnia. But the fact is that most medicines for insomnia, it has a toxic effect, causes a lot of side effects, and their improper use can provoke life-threatening situations. In addition, almost all strong sleeping pills provoke addiction, and a person can no longer fall asleep without a pill.

Therefore, sleeping pills should be taken only in severe cases and on the recommendation of a doctor, for a short time. Such medications can be purchased at a pharmacy only with a prescription. However, there are a number of herbal products that are available freely. They have a mild sedative effect, make it easier to fall asleep and are completely safe for life and health. These include the following drugs:

  1. Novo-Passit;
  2. Persen;
  3. Tenoten;
  4. Calm down;
  5. Valerian extract;
  6. Dormiplant.

In combination with the correct daily routine, compliance with the work and rest regime, as well as all of the above recommendations, such remedies have a positive effect and help normalize sleep.


If you don’t know what to do, folk remedies for insomnia, which our ancestors have long successfully used, will help.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs. If you take a cup of decoction of oregano, valerian, peony, motherwort, lemon balm or thyme at night, it is not difficult to normalize the condition and return healthy and sound sleep. You can brew herbs with a calming effect separately or prepare infusions by mixing plant materials in equal proportions. The classic recipe for preparing a decoction is as follows: take 2 tbsp. l. herbs in 200 ml of boiling water, brew, cover the dish with a lid and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. The finished decoction is filtered and drunk warm before bed.

Relaxing massage with natural oils. It gives a very good effect and makes it easier to fall asleep. You need to massage the neck-shoulder area, temples, hands and feet. Olive, sunflower or any vegetable oil is slightly heated and 2-3 drops of lavender, mint, valerian, lemon balm, rose or rosemary ether are added to it. The body is massaged for 10-15 minutes, this helps to relax and relieve daytime stress.

Soothing bath. Before bed, a warm bath will help prepare you for sleep, and the calming and relaxing effect of the procedure will be enhanced if you add herbal decoctions or a few drops of essential oils that have a sedative effect to the water. You can simply make a foot bath with the same composition and take it for 15 minutes.