Where does the black beard appear in the aquarium? How to get rid of "black beard" in an aquarium. How to prevent the appearance of a “black beard”

Reasons for appearance

The main reason for the appearance of “flip flops” in an aquarium is the large amount of organic substances in the water. Algae accumulates mainly on the filter. This is explained by the fact that it is there that a rich source of organic substances is formed, which are so necessary for algae to grow actively.

Too strong soil siphonage leads to a large release of organic substances into the water, which as a result provokes the appearance of a black beard. If there are live plants in the aquarium, you cannot clean the soil using a siphon at all. In other cases, cleaning once a week is allowed.

Excessive aeration is also a cause of flip flop growth. The fact is that when the water is saturated with oxygen, the air flow lifts organic particles from the bottom.

In addition, too active behavior of the inhabitants of the aquarium can disturb the soil, and organic matter suspended in the water leads to the development of black algae.

Overfeeding fish is another important factor. The remaining untouched pieces of food provide a breeding ground for the “flip-flop.” You need to stick to simple rule- It is better to underfeed than to overfeed.

The growth of black algae can be triggered by an unstable supply of carbon dioxide.

Harm of a black beard

This algae does not cause any particular harm to fish. However, it causes significant damage to plants. This is especially true for slow-growing species. The weed covers the stems, penetrates their tissues, and in order to remove the “flip-flop”, you have to throw away part or even the whole plant.

Another reason why aquarium owners struggle with black algae is because of aesthetics. Few people would like to see such an unpleasant picture in the beautiful underwater world.

How to deal with black algae in an aquarium?

The question of how to get rid of “flip-flops” is solved as follows:

  1. You can remove the “beard” using these chemicals, such as brown and boric acid, as well as antibiotics.

Important! On the one hand, the first two products have an effective effect, on the other hand, they can harm fish and other plants, so they should be used with extreme caution.

  1. The second method is biological and consists of introducing such fish, which eat black algae(for example, catfish).
  2. Changing the characteristics of the water in the aquarium, namely: bringing water hardness to 8 dGh. Level acid-base balance can be made alkaline, for which you need to add soda to the aquarium (the ratio of soda and water should be 1 g per 5 l).
  3. To prevent algae from developing, eliminate excess organic matter. To do this, it is enough to keep the bottom clean, remove any remaining food and try not to give the fish too much food.
  4. Change the water as needed. Once a week it is recommended to replace up to 30% of dirty water with new water.
  5. You can destroy the “beard” in just a few days using coal dust. To do this, remove the fish from the aquarium and pour the powder into it, stirring until the dust falls to the bottom. In a few of these techniques, the “flip-flop” will completely disappear.

What to do if the above methods do not give the expected results? In this case, it is recommended to replace up to 25% of the water in the aquarium every day. Fresh water should not contain chlorine, ammonia, phosphates and nitrates. The last two provide a breeding ground for most algae.

If you cannot independently find out the content of phosphates and nitrates in the aquarium, use the services of the sanitary and epidemiological service so that they can carry out all the necessary studies and measurements.

If you exclude the last option, then installing a CO 2 supply into the aquarium will help you get rid of the “beard”. It is worth noting that plants affected by algae are quite treatable. This can be achieved using a solution of bleach in combination with water in a ratio of 1 to 20. The diseased plant should be placed in water and wait 5-7 minutes. After this procedure, the plant is washed for 20 minutes. clean water.

To cure a diseased plant, another method is suitable. Mix a solution of seven percent vinegar with water in a ratio of 1 to 2. Then immerse the affected plant (except for the root) in it for a couple of minutes. Then rinse the leaves and stems with clean water and return them to the aquarium.

Aquarium owners can also purchase a special product designed to combat black algae. Just a few days of using this product is enough for the “flip-flop” to begin to crumble. After a week, the algae will completely disappear. After a couple of weeks, it is recommended to carry out prophylaxis to consolidate the result, otherwise the “beard” will resume its growth.


Fast-growing plants will help prevent the appearance or stop the development of flip flops. To ensure their active growth, they need high-quality fertilizing without phosphate. Potash fertilizers are perfect.

Controlling black beard in an aquarium is a fairly serious problem. Many aquarists encounter it, but despite the complexity of this issue, it is still possible to overcome such an unpleasant phenomenon.

“Blackbeard” is a weedy algae that attacks the leaf plates of aquarium plants, stones, and decorative elements. Therefore, it is important for aquarists to know the reasons for the formation of this weed and methods of combating it.

“Blackbeard” is a specific algae that looks like an interlacing of threads of black and green flowers. Belongs to the Compsopogon family of red algae. The average height of the plant is about 5 cm. A characteristic feature is the location of the “black beard” on driftwood, leaves, and stones in the aquarium. Algae can also spread along the ground.

The plant is distinguished by its ability to grow and reproduce rapidly, which is the main danger. Without timely measures taken, the algae penetrates into the deep tissues of other plants, affecting them and negatively affecting the appearance and design of the reservoir.

For fish and other aquarium inhabitants, “black beard” does not pose a danger, but it is still necessary to fight it.

What does it come from?

The main reasons that provoke the formation of “black beard” (scientific name compsopogon) in an aquarium:

  • increased concentration of organic substances present in an artificial reservoir;
  • intensive ground siphon (read more);
  • excessive aeration of aquarium fluid;
  • remains of uneaten food in the pond;
  • supersaturation of liquid with carbonic acid;
  • too frequent use of fertilizers, especially in large quantities exceeding the recommended dosage indicated in the instructions;
  • too intense a current, leading to the removal of fish excretions and food debris into the area of ​​the correct soil layers;
  • insufficient, dim lighting.

In some cases, the development of this algae can be triggered by irregular cleaning and replacement of water in the aquarium, or the use of specialized marking lamps. Most often, the “black beard” appears in aquariums where burrowing fish live that are quite large in size, due to their ability to lift biomass residues to the soil surface.

With low filtration of a reservoir, phosphates and nitrates gradually accumulate in the water - substances that create a favorable environment for the formation of algae. Another one possible reason- this is overpopulation of the aquarium. Keeping a large number of fish, shellfish and other inhabitants in a reservoir provokes a sharp release of their metabolic products and waste, which are the main food for compogon.

It is possible that blackbeard accidentally gets into an artificial reservoir along with the planting of new aquatic and underwater plant crops. Therefore, when purchasing new green spaces, before planting them, it is recommended to conduct a small test. To do this, simply lower the plant into water and shake it a little. When infected with blackbeard, dark-colored villi and dots will immediately become noticeable on the water surface.

What is the danger

By covering the stems and leaf blades, compogon shades the crop, deprives it of the lighting necessary for full growth and development, and gradually destroys the tissues, which ultimately leads to their death.

First symptoms and signs

When infected with “blackbeard”, small fluffy shoots of a rich dark color are formed on stems, ceramic objects, snags and other uneven surfaces of objects present in the aquarium. Gradually their number increases and spreads to the leaf blades of the plant, forming a solid black carpet.

Experts note that at such an advanced stage, the fight against “blackbeard” will be quite long and labor-intensive. Therefore, it is better to carefully monitor the condition of the aquarium and take adequate appropriate measures at the first warning signs.

In order to quickly and effectively get rid of the compogon that has colonized the aquarium, it is necessary to perform a number of specific actions:

  1. Raise and . For these purposes, you should add a solution of calcium chloride to the aquarium (at the rate of 2 ml of substance per 1 liter of liquid), as well as baking soda(1 g per 5 l). Such manipulations should be carried out smoothly and gradually so as not to harm other plants, fish and shellfish.
  2. Clean the bottom of the reservoir from organic residues and carefully monitor the cleanliness of the soil. It is recommended to feed the fish in small portions so that the remaining food does not settle on the ground; otherwise, they must be removed immediately using a special siphon or a net.
  3. Use coal dust to kill algae. The powder must be added to water and stirred until it settles completely. Several such procedures will completely eliminate the “black beard”. But since coal dust can be harmful to fish, it is recommended to move them to another container during therapy.
  4. Change water in a timely manner. The best option is to replace 20-30% of the fluid 1-2 times a week. This method gives a good effect, but the results will become noticeable only after a few months.
  5. Rinse the soil thoroughly or replace it with completely new soil.
  6. Increase daylight hours, brightness and intensity of aquarium lighting.
  7. Increase the supply of carbon dioxide to the reservoir. This procedure activates the growth processes of higher plants and deprives the algae of the nutrients they need.

If the above methods of combating compogon are not sufficiently effective, it is recommended to change the water in the aquarium by 15-20% daily.

Moreover, in in this case It is very important to monitor the parameters of the liquid, to ensure that it does not contain nitrates, phosphates and ammonia.

In addition, in order for the algae to stop growing and reproducing, it is necessary to deprive it of its food sources. For these purposes, filters and aerators should be temporarily removed from the aquarium. If the formation of a “black beard” is caused by overcrowding in a reservoir, then the only solution to the problem will be to relocate some of the aquarium inhabitants to another container.

Placing fish that feed on black algae in an aquarium gives good results. These include catfish, labeo, and Siamese algae eaters. It is noteworthy that these fish only clean the affected plant from the layers of compogon without causing any harm to it.

A similar effect can be achieved thanks to small ampularia snails. However, after eliminating the algae, the snails should be removed from the aquarium, since they can destroy all the green spaces present in the pond.

On average, the duration of the fight against “blackbeard” using biological methods takes about 2-3 months.

Chemical methods

One of the fastest and effective methods the fight against "blackbeard" is chemical method. In this case, antibiotic drugs, antiseptic, disinfectant solutions, and boric acid are used to destroy algae. The disadvantages of this technique include its potential danger to fish and broad-leaved plants. Therefore, it is recommended to move them to another body of water during therapy.

Preparations for getting rid of compsopogon:

  1. The most popular and numerous positive reviews have been received by a specialized ready-made solution called Sidex, which can be purchased at any pharmacy chain. It is recommended to add the product to water at the rate of 15 ml of the drug per 100 liters of liquid. The main advantage of this solution is that it is recognized as absolutely safe for other plants, shellfish and aquarium fish. It is necessary to use the treatment solution for 2 weeks. You can enhance the effect and achieve more pronounced results by combining the use of specialized preparations with a daily water change of 15-20%.
  2. AlgaeFix has a good effect, but it is not as versatile as the previous one. This drug is well tolerated by fish, but has a detrimental effect on crustaceans.
  3. Aldehyde + CO 2 is also in demand among aquarists due to its high efficiency and fast action. Using this product, you can completely clear the aquarium of “black beard” literally within a week. The solution is added to water at a concentration of 10 ml per 100 liters of water. Among the disadvantages of the drug, one can highlight only its rather high cost, compared to other analogues.

Preventive actions

By following the recommendations of experts, the appearance of “black beard” in the aquarium can be completely prevented. Moreover, this will be much faster and easier than subsequently dealing with algae. For the purpose of prevention, aquarists should:

Photo of black beard

Video about black beard

The impeccable beauty of an aquarium is often destroyed in the most prosaic way: black fringed growths on stones, large plant leaves, and design elements. Starting from small, inconspicuous islands, they quickly cover neighboring areas and nullify all efforts to aesthetically design the water kingdom.

What is a black beard?

Many aquarists believe that warm stagnant water, dim light and relatively low acidity of the water are especially conducive to its growth. But even lowering the temperature to 18 o does not always help. It continues to grow and gives the entire design an unkempt and untidy appearance. Over time, the long cobweb fringes grow so large that they seem to make all the water slippery and muddy. They sway in rhythm with the passing fish, taking away oxygen and making the water unsuitable for their normal habitat.

Occupying leaf plates, black beard leads to disruption of the vital processes of plants, preventing their shallow respiration and growth. Such sheets must be immediately and completely removed from the aquarium, even if only minor areas are affected.

It is especially unfavorable when black algae is woven into the ground. It is impossible to remove it from there by manual cleaning. To do this, you need to completely destroy all areas with its presence.

What to do in this case?

First you need to carefully analyze what led to its appearance. Blackbeard “loves”:

  1. Old, stagnant water;
  2. Poor lighting;
  3. Remains of fish food with signs of first rotting;
  4. A large number of nitrates in water - waste products of fish;
  5. Ineffective aeration.

If a black beard has grown even on snail houses (and this often happens), you can try to separate its bushes with your hands. This is real, but it doesn’t always help for long.

The soil must be replaced as much as possible, especially if it is a fine fraction of gravel, sand or other fine mixtures. Having removed the affected areas, the remainder can be boiled and sorted well, but this is only if it is of particular value.

Having placed as much of a barrier as possible to the further growth of an unwanted plant, it is necessary to choose a method of sanitizing the internal environment of the aquarium that is most suitable for each specific situation. There are several of these.

Biological method

It is recommended to stock the aquarium with fish that are able to use black algae in the aquarium as a specific food. An example is catfish, and. These species are biologically adapted to this diet. However, it is not a delicacy for them and they will eat such a “beard” only in the most as a last resort, when there is no other food for several days, including in “bottom sediments”. Advice: before moving into the aquarium, you need to keep such “healers” on a starvation diet for several days.

If the grass growth is significant, one or two catfish are unlikely to cope, so it is worth thinking about increasing their numbers.

Chemical method

The aquarium industry today offers wide range drugs that have a detrimental effect on unwanted vegetation. A beard in an aquarium can be destroyed with the help of antiseptics that block the vital activity of its cellular elements and thus stop its growth. The simplest and most accessible are furacillin and furazolidone, which, soluble in water, lead to its improvement and sanitation.

However, like anyone chemical drug, such means cannot remain indifferent to fish. Their toxic effect can manifest itself in loss of appetite, especially in an excited or, on the contrary, depressed state and even death.

Having chosen this processing method, the fish must be moved into another container with water before adding the composition.

The duration of chemical exposure to water is determined depending on the degree of its unhealthiness. A single treatment must be carried out for at least 12 hours.

Attention. As a result of using furacillin, the color of the water may change to yellow. This is not scary and will gradually pass.

Instead of these drugs, pet stores may offer other substances with a similar mechanism of action. The choice is made based on their specific characteristics (water hardness, degree of infestation, species of inhabiting fish).

Herbal method

There are also plants - orderlies of the underwater environment. These are mainly tall grasses that grow quickly and displace harmful plants with their assertiveness. In addition, the mechanism of their action is explained by the release of special substances into the water that have a mild disinfectant effect and a healing effect on the water. These are hornwort, valisneria, Indian rotala. They know how to get rid of such an unwanted guest.


Indian Rotala

Planting them in the ground is quite effective and safe. But sanitizing water using this method takes time for new plants to take root and begin to grow. Therefore, this method can more be called preventive.

Electrical method

Minor beard growths can be removed using low frequency electric current. A battery with two wires connecting its poles and the water in the aquarium will help. After holding such a homemade device for some time, electric currents, circulating inside the water, kill viable bushes, which greatly facilitates its sanitation. Many people choose this method because it is harmless to fish and other plants. But it is unlikely to help for large-capacity aquariums and high water levels. The black growth may be so viable that it will not respond to electrical treatment.

“How to get rid of a black beard?” - a question often asked by novice aquarists. There is no definite answer, but there is a rule: you should not allow it to appear, because all the means of prevention are in our hands!

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In any body of water you can see a huge variety of algae. However, when they begin to grow rapidly in the aquarium, this indicates some unfavorable changes in the aquatic environment. The development of algae depends on the balance of light, carbon dioxide and organic matter. Plants are placed in the aquarium to maintain balance, but this natural filtration is often not enough.

What harm does a black beard cause to an aquarium?

A large amount of algae does not look very nice in an aquarium. An overgrown underwater garden tells you that water quality is deteriorating, and this poses a danger to many plants. Underwater plants reproduce quickly, so start fighting them as soon as they are discovered. Methods of combating green death depend on their type. There are almost 30 known species of algae that can quickly clog an aquarium. The most common unwanted guest among them is the “black beard”.

Harmful algae grows to sizes of 15 mm or more. It affects the stems and cuttings of plants in the container. In addition, they cling to the walls of the aquarium and the equipment located there. To get rid of a black beard, you need to make a lot of effort. This type of plant feeds on the remains organic compounds, which are driven by the flow of water.

Algae can cover other plants so abundantly that entire bushes of plants, often even expensive ones, have to be thrown away. Purple fish are becoming a huge problem for home aquarium enthusiasts. They cannot grow rare and beautiful plants, or create an interesting composition of the underwater world due to the invasion of black beard.

This plant does not cause any harm to the fish living in this aquarium. However, many plants, especially those that do not grow quickly, suffer greatly from an uninvited guest. The algae itself is unpretentious and can take root and develop even in the presence of a small amount of light. Therefore, it will not be possible to quickly restore order in the underwater world of your aquarium. In order to get rid of a black beard, you need patience, time and an integrated approach.

Ways to get rid of a black beard

To prevent green death from appearing in your aquarium, you need to regularly change the water in the tank and clean it thoroughly. If the aquarium is neglected and too clogged, do not be lazy to change the water every day. At the same time, the water must be fresh and purified from harmful elements, which are removed using a special ion exchange filter. Be sure to ensure that the water in your decorative aquarium is hard and alkaline.

Always clean the bottom of the container from fish waste products and old food. Remove dying plants immediately.

Try to sprinkle enough food so that the fish have time to eat it in 5 minutes.

Lighting should be increased enough to avoid the risk of green algae developing.

To grow beautiful aquarium plants, you need special fertilizers, as well as a sufficient amount of carbon dioxide. Excess oxygen can be removed by placing a bottle of yeast at the bottom of the aquarium. Fertilizers that do not contain harmful substances can be purchased at a specialty store. In addition, such fertilizers contain various useful microelements.

During the period of combating harmful algae, it is better to turn off aeration. It has been noticed that the scarlet grass does not tolerate muddy water.

Experienced aquarists advise for more effective treatment In an underwater garden, be sure to plant fast-growing grass. At the same time, do not forget to trim it on time.

During quarantine, it is better to place the inhabitants of the aquarium in another container. It is necessary to disinfect not only the main aquarium, but also all the devices located there.

To get rid of a black beard, you can use chemicals such as potassium permanganate, boric acid, etc.

Some pet fish lovers believe that the aquarium can be cleaned of black beard using the fish themselves. Thus, catfish that feed on this algae are able to perfectly clean the aquarium in which they live. For more effective action, artificial twilight is created for the fish for 40 minutes a day. During this time, catfish can clear a large area of ​​the container from harmful grass. To treat underwater gardening, mollies and Chinese algae eaters are also added to the aquarium.

When purchasing new plants, check them carefully to ensure they are free of harmful algae. To do this, lower the plant into water and stir it. If it is infested with blackbeard, hairs of the harmful algae will be visible when it sways. Do not buy such plants under any circumstances.

In pet stores you can purchase special preparations intended for harmful aquarium plants. Such methods of control do not destroy the scarlet for long. After some time, she appears in the aquarium again. Algecides and antibiotics are not able to stop the growth of all algae. So, these drugs cannot defeat black beard. In addition, antibiotics can destroy the presence of beneficial microflora in the aquarium, as well as lead expensive plants and fish to serious diseases.

When the fight against black beard comes to a successful conclusion, the plant begins to acquire a light shade. After a few days, the scarlet will simply fall off from the place to which it has grown. Sometimes, after the death of black algae, green algae appear, but they soon disappear.

If the fight against black beard using the methods described above does not help, take other measures to combat it, more radical ones.

  • Move the fish and plants to another container. Drain all the water, and the aquarium should be thoroughly cleaned and treated with potassium permanganate. After this, rinse the dishes with clean water.
  • Rinse the sand thoroughly and calcine using a temperature of 300°C,
  • Plants need to be thoroughly inspected and cleared of harmful algae. A few leaves of rare plants can be replanted. It is better to throw away the remaining problem plants.
  • After all the procedures have been completed, you can put the treated aquarium into action.

Getting rid of Blackbeard (drastic measures)

The appearance of a harmful algae called “blackbeard” is one of the most unpleasant and serious problems for aquarium owners. Dark plaque and fine hairs dot all surfaces: from walls and soil to decor and algae and significantly spoil the appearance of the entire ecosystem. How to get rid of black beard in an aquarium?

What is a black beard

Blackbeard is a weedy algae that covers the leaves and trunks of underwater plants, rocks and other objects in the aquarium. Blackbeard grows in aquariums where the water is rarely changed; this plant even covers the walls of the tank. A black beard is a thin plexus of black and dark green fibers that envelop everything around like fluff.


A characteristic feature of compsopogon is the formation of low tufts (5-10 mm) of black color from non-branching threads. Black beard in an aquarium It amazes absolutely everything: decorations, stones, driftwood, glass, soil, equipment and, of course, aquarium plants. She especially loves the filter elements.

First, single black bushes form, which can be scattered throughout the aquarium or concentrated in a certain place. Interestingly, the algae does not just cling to the substrate, but grows into it with the help of rhizoids. As a result of this ingrowth, the cells of aquarium plants are damaged. That's why get rid of black beard hard enough.

The leaves of slow-growing plants are especially susceptible to fouling with compsopogon: anubias, ferns, cryptocorynes. Black tufts appear along the edge of the leaf blade, which then spread to the entire leaf.

In a neglected state, the concentration of tufts increases, and the algae forms a solid black fleecy carpet. Even fast-growing species are inhibited by compsopogon. The aquarium turns black. Everything seems to be overgrown with dark fur. In this case, it will be very difficult to get rid of the black beard. It is better to take action in the early stages.

Why does a black beard appear in an aquarium?

Blackbeard can appear in any aquarium, but there are a number of factors that increase the risk of its occurrence and development. Let's talk about these factors in more detail.

  1. Overpopulation of the aquarium. Fish are a source of phosphates and nitrates, so beloved by blackbeards. Therefore, this algae feels more comfortable in overcrowded aquariums.
  2. Burrowing fish. Large catfish and other burrowing fish often raise mud from the surface of the ground. It becomes a favorable environment for the development of the pest.
  3. Overfeeding the fish. If fish are regularly overfed, a high concentration of organic matter is formed in the aquarium, which is a nutrient medium for growth.
  4. New plants. Along with new plants, unexpected guests may also enter the aquarium. To prevent this from happening, newcomers should be quarantined and only then moved to an artificial reservoir.
  5. Rare water changes. The less often the water in the aquarium is changed, the higher the likelihood of a black beard appearing.
  6. Weak filtration. With weak filtration, the water is not sufficiently purified from organic residues and turbidity, which are a favorable environment for the appearance of algae.
  7. Physical wear of lamps. Old fluorescent lamps gradually lose their former brightness. In dim lighting, algae develop especially intensively.
  8. Hard and acidic water. In water with high hardness and acidity, the bearded pest feels better than in water with normal levels.

There is a great way to reduce the volume of organic matter in an aquarium - Activated carbon in the external filter. Just put it inside and you will notice the results in a couple of days.

What harm does a black beard cause to an aquarium?

This algae does not cause any particular harm to fish living in the aquarium. However, black beard harms plants, especially slow-growing ones. This weed envelops the grass, and in order to remove the algae, you have to throw out the entire plant or most of it.

The main reason many aquarists struggle with blackbeards is the aesthetic side of the issue. After all, who wants to see unpleasant growths like mold in a well-groomed underwater world?

Global solution to the problem - ways to combat it

Control the amount of feed you pour in. There is no need to pour more than they can eat within 5 minutes. To get positive results in the fight against black beard, it is advised to plant fast-growing plants that absorb nutrients well, and to stimulate this process, it is also advisable to trim them, since young shoots cope with this task much faster.

But before planting plants, they must be disinfected; by the way, scrapers, nets and other devices that you use in the aquarium should also be subject to this procedure.

For good plant development, they must be provided with fertilizers and an optimal level of carbon dioxide. Using a special container or a regular jar of yeast, it is necessary to remove excess oxygen, which hinders development.

Fertilizers are best purchased in the form of ready-made mixtures; they are rich in various microelements and do not have phosphates and nitrates. Still, we should not forget that a small level of nitrates must be present in the water, otherwise the plants will begin to die without consuming phosphates.

You can notice a lack of nitrates by observing plants; their leaves will begin to turn yellow and die. The nitrate content in the water can drop to zero if there are too few fish and too many plants in the aquarium. On average, the norm of nitrates in water is 2-5 milligrams per liter of water.

After some time you can see positive result in the destruction of black beard. A clear sign will be a change in the color of the algae; it will begin to gradually lighten and then fall off from the affected areas.

Plant repopulation

Adding higher plants like hygrophila, lemongrass, and elodea will help fight black beard. Hornwort, Indian rotala, nayas and vallisneria are especially good for beard removal. The fact is that black beard attacks primarily the simplest plants. During vigorous growth, higher plants absorb nutrients. But for this you need to buy quite a lot of seedlings and provide them with suitable conditions (you can purchase special fertilizers, in which manganese and iron predominate). During growth, it is advisable to prune the plants, since young cuttings absorb nutrients more actively. If the hairs of a black beard turn white, it means that they will soon be completely removed.

Restarting the aquarium

A more radical method. It is necessary to move all the fish into a suitable container and rid the aquarium of water. It is advisable to throw away the plants or tear off the blackened leaves, and treat the bushes themselves with a special disinfecting solution and place them in quarantine. The soil must be steamed in boiling water or calcined in the oven. Stones, driftwood, and jewelry must be cleaned of plaque and disinfected (using hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, chlorine or boiling water). Remove chlorine from the walls and bottom of the aquarium; they can be cleaned with boiling water. After this, you can restart the aquarium. Fighting a black beard may not be so easy, so if no other method has helped, this method will be the most effective.

Battery use

One of the “cunning methods” that aquarium fish lovers use is to use a battery. For this method, you do not need to resettle anyone. It's simple: you need to draw copper wires from the contacts, lower them into the aquarium and leave them for several days. Fish and plants will not be affected, but algae will not be able to survive due to the effects of microcurrents.

Use acetic acid

We dilute a 3% vinegar solution, take out the damaged plant and lower it there (without immersing the plant’s root system in it!). Acetic acid will destroy the villi, after which you need to rinse the plants in aquarium water, thanks to which they are cleaned, and plant them back. The procedure itself is completely safe for fish and plants. This method is recommended to be used to clean beards on initial stages, you can also use apple cider vinegar.

Sidex against black beard.

We should separately highlight the chemical method of control, which today is used most often and in most cases shows excellent results without damage to the aquarium. In the fight against black beard, the drug “Sidex” (glutaraldehyde) is used - in addition to suppressing black beard, as a result of the use of this drug in water, a chemical reaction occurs with the release of carbon dioxide, which has a beneficial effect on plants.

Increasing water hardness and alkaline mode

Water hardness can be adjusted to 8°dGH. This is done with 10% potassium chloride (2 ml per 1 liter) and 7% magnesium sulfate (2 ml per 1 liter). We ensure an alkaline regime by using baking soda (0.2 grams per 1 liter of water). Conditions need to be changed gradually so that the inhabitants of the aquarium are not harmed or resettled.

Special antiseptics

Furacilin or furazolidone should be dissolved in aquarium water and left for several days. The water may turn yellow for a while, but there is nothing to worry about. And also one of the common ways to get rid of a beard is to dissolve boric acid or borax. All residents need to be evicted and only allowed back in after a few days have passed. If this is not done, then fish, snails, shrimp or plants may simply die.

Harmless antiseptics

Such solutions can be purchased at pet stores. One of the advantages is the speed of getting rid of the disease. You can use Sidex, it is absolutely safe for aquarium inhabitants. According to reviews, he can’t always overcome it so well, so many people use AlgaeFix. But its disadvantage is that crustaceans are not friendly with it, and they die when used. More expensive, but more in a fast way Aldehyde + CO 2 may be used; prophylaxis lasts no more than a week. But remember: before using any drug, be sure to read its instructions and contraindications!

Prevention of black beard

Keeping your aquarium clean

To prevent the appearance of pests, maintaining cleanliness is especially important. This algae absorbs the remains of organic matter that settle on its villi. To prevent the growth of black beard, you need to regularly remove oranic sediment.

The water needs to be changed once a week, updating 25–30% of the total volume each time. In a very neglected and clogged aquarium, the water is changed every day, after first purifying it using an ion exchange filter. This method does not work immediately, but after 2-3 months the amount of beard is significantly reduced.

Dying plants provide fertile ground for bearded algae to grow. They must be removed from the aquarium immediately.

Cleaner fish and snails

There is another option. It is recognized as the most environmentally friendly of all, however, to implement it, you will need to invest money and your own time in searching for inhabitants who would eat the black beard. The only fish that feed on this type of algae are the Siamese algae eater and the ancitrus. They are able to cope with all existing volumes in about a couple of weeks.

However, there is another side to this method. Blackbeard is not the most tasty plant for fish. In order for algae eaters or ancitrus to get to them, they cannot be fed. This cannot be done while there are other inhabitants there. And they won’t start fighting harmful algae right away; while there are younger, greener and juicier plants in the aquarium, these fish will gobble them up.

Another species of aquarium inhabitants that can cope with trouble is ampularia snails. You will need a lot of them, about a hundred of the smallest individuals. The smaller they are, the more effectively they fight the beard. Ideally, they will not exceed the size of a match head. After they have cleaned everything in the aquarium, they must be selected and removed. If this is not done, the babies will begin to grow and completely eat everything green that is in the pond.