What is known about the gala wife of Salvador Dali. The dissolute muse of genius: Gala Dali and her love polygons. Russian and Spanish soul

Dali and Gala met in 1929 when she was married. Three years later she became the wife of Salvador

She went down in history under the name of Gala - a brilliant muse, companion, adored and beloved woman. Almost a goddess. Her biographers are still perplexed: what was special about her, how could she, possessing neither beauty nor talent, drive creative husbands crazy? Gala's union with Salvador Dali lasted half a century, and it is safe to say that it was thanks to his wife that the artist was able to show all the strength and power of his gift.

Some consider her a prudent predator who cynically used Dali, who was naive and inexperienced in everyday affairs, others - the embodiment of love and femininity. The history of Gala, who appeared in this world under the name of Elena Dyakonova, began in Kazan, in 1894. Her father, official Ivan Dyakonov, passed away early. Mother soon remarried lawyer Dmitry Gomberg. Elena considered him her father and took her middle name after his name. Soon the family moved to Moscow. Here Elena studied at the same gymnasium with Anastasia Tsvetaeva, who left her verbal portrait. Even then, our heroine knew how to impress people: “In a half-empty classroom, a thin, long-legged girl in a short dress sits on a desk. This is Elena Dyakonova. Narrow face, blond braid with a curl at the end. Unusual eyes: brown, narrow, slightly set in Chinese. Dark thick eyelashes of such length that, as their friends later claimed, you could put two matches next to them. In the face of stubbornness and that degree of shyness, which makes the movements abrupt.

Elena herself was sure that her destiny was to inspire and charm men. She wrote in her diary. “I will never be just a housewife. I will read a lot, a lot. I will do whatever I want, but at the same time maintain the attractiveness of a woman who does not overwork herself. I will shine like a cocotte, smell of perfume and always have well-groomed hands with manicured nails. And the first chance to try out her charms soon presented itself to her.

holiday girl

In 1912, in poor health, Elena was sent to the Clavadel Sanatorium in Switzerland to be treated for tuberculosis. There she met the young French poet Eugene Emile Paul Grandel, whose father, a wealthy real estate dealer, hoped that the healing air would knock poetic whim out of his offspring. However, the young man also acquired a love ailment: he lost his head because of this unusual, mysterious girl from distant Russia. She introduced herself as Galina, but he began to call her Gala with an emphasis on the last syllable, from the French "festive, lively." Relatives did not encourage his hobbies for poetry, and in the face of his beloved, he found a grateful listener. She also invented for him that sonorous pseudonym under which he would become famous - Paul Eluard. The father of the young man did not share his admiration: “I don’t understand why you need this girl from Russia? Are there really few Parisians? And he ordered the newly minted Field to immediately return to his homeland. The lovers parted, but their feelings for each other only grew stronger. For almost five years (!) This romance continued at a distance. “My dear lover, my darling, my dear boy! Gala wrote to Eluard. “I miss you as something indispensable.”

She addressed him as a boy - even then in young Elena there was a strong maternal beginning. She felt a desire to instruct, protect, patronize. And it is no coincidence that subsequently she chose lovers younger than herself. Realizing that nothing can be achieved from the indecisive Paul, and a novel in the epistolary genre cannot last forever, Elena decided to take fate into her own hands and went to Paris. In February 1917, when the revolution shook her homeland, the enterprising girl married a young Frenchman. By that time, Paul's parents had already come to terms with his choice and, as a sign of blessing, they even presented the newlyweds with a huge bed made of bog oak. “We will live on it and we will die on it,” said Eluard. And I was wrong.

Amour de trois

At first, life in Paris made Gala very happy. From a shy girl, she turned into a real l'etoile - bright, brilliant, alluring. She took pleasure in bohemian amusements. But household chores bored me. The family, being sure that Gala had fragile health, did not particularly bother her. She did whatever she wanted. Sometimes, referring to a migraine or abdominal pain, she lay in bed, then she read, then altered outfits or wandered around the shops in search of another original little thing. In 1918, the couple had a daughter, Cecile. But the appearance of the baby did not particularly affect the mood of Gala. She happily entrusted the care of the child to her mother-in-law. Paul watched with dismay as his wife descended into melancholy. "I'm dying of boredom!" She said and didn't lie. So the acquaintance with the artist Max Ernst added fresh colors to the disgusting family life. According to contemporaries, Gala, although she was not a beauty, had a special charm, magnetism and sensuality that worked flawlessly on men. Max didn't resist either. Gala's romance with the artist developed with the tacit approval of her husband. Soon, the love couple stopped hiding altogether, and Paul himself joined their sexual pleasures, who was very excited by the presence of another man. The relationship "de trois" so captivated the spouses that even later, after the break with Max, they sometimes looked after themselves some kind of victim - an artist or a poet who admired them both. In the meantime, Ernst moved to the Eluards and began to live with them under the same roof, "in the torment caused by love and friendship." Paul called him brother, Gala posed for him and shared her family bed with him. The piquant union turned out to be very fruitful for inspiration. During the relationship "de trois" Eluard with Max released a collection of jointly written strange poems "The Misfortunes of the Immortals." But then the idyll came to an end. Feeling that in the heart of his wife he was gradually fading into the background, Paul put the question squarely: he or I. Gala did not dare to leave her husband. But she could not finally break with Max. For a couple of years they corresponded and sometimes met. The final break occurred only in 1927, when the artist married Marie-Berthe Orange. However, as before, the Eluards financially supported their former lover by buying his paintings.

Serving the Body of the Muses

Gala and Dali met in 1929 when the Eluards paid a visit to the artist in Cadaqués. He claimed that he saw his goddess, his muse much earlier, as a child, when he was presented with a fountain pen with a portrait of a black-eyed girl wrapped in furs. In an effort to seem original, the owner decided to meet the guests in an unusual way. He ripped off his silk shirt, shaved his armpits and dyed them blue, rubbed his body with a mixture of fish glue, goat droppings and lavender, and inserted a geranium flower behind his ear. But when he saw his guest through the window, he immediately ran to wash off this magnificence. So before the couple Eluard Dali appeared almost a normal person. Almost - because in the presence of Gala, who so shocked his imagination, he could not carry on a conversation and periodically began to laugh hysterically. The future muse looked at him with curiosity, the artist's eccentric behavior did not scare her away, on the contrary, spurred her imagination. “I immediately realized that he was a genius,” Gala later wrote.

It was lightning that struck both of them. “Her body was tender, like that of a child. The line of the shoulders was almost perfectly rounded, and the muscles of the waist, outwardly fragile, were athletically tense, like those of a teenager. But the curve of the lower back was truly feminine. The graceful combination of a slender, energetic torso, aspen waist and tender hips made her even more desirable. This is how Dali described the object of his adoration. I must say that before meeting the Eluard couple, the 25-year-old artist had no bright novels. The admirer of Nietzsche avoided and was even slightly afraid of women. At a young age, Salvador lost his mother and, to some extent, found her in Gal. She was ten years older and took her beloved under her tender guardianship. “I love Gala more than my mother, more than my father, more than Picasso and even more than money,” the artist admitted. This time, Paul did not interfere with someone else's happiness, packed his bags and left home. He took with him his own portrait painted by Dali. The painter decided in such a strange way to thank the guest from whom he took his wife. Dali and Gala officially registered their marriage in 1932, and the religious ceremony took place only in 1958, out of respect for the feelings of Eluard. Although he got a mistress, dancer Maria Benz, he still wrote tender letters to his ex-wife and hoped for a reunion. “My beautiful, sacred girl, be sensible and cheerful. As long as I love you—and I will love you forever—you have nothing to fear. You are my life. I kiss you wholeheartedly. I want to be with you - naked and tender. The so-called Paul. P.S. Hello baby Dali.

At first, the Dali couple lived in poverty, earning by hard work. The Parisian socialite turned into a nanny, secretary, manager of her brilliant husband. When there was no inspiration to paint, she forced him to develop models of hats, ashtrays, decorate shop windows, and advertise goods. “We never gave up before failures,” Dali noted. - We got out thanks to the strategic dexterity of Gal. We didn't go anywhere. Gala sewed her own dresses, and I worked a hundred times more than any mediocre artist.

Gala took matters into her own hands. Their day was built according to the scheme, which she described as follows: "In the morning, El Salvador makes mistakes, and in the afternoon I correct them, tearing up the treaties he signed frivolously." She became his only female model and the main subject of inspiration, admired the work of Dali, tirelessly insisted that he was a genius, used all her connections to promote his talent. The couple led a public life, often appeared on the pages of magazines. Gradually things got better. Dali's house began to besieged by crowds of wealthy collectors who were eager to acquire paintings consecrated by a genius. In 1934, Gala took the next step to popularize Dali's talent. They went to America. The country, in love with everything new and unusual, enthusiastically accepted the extravagant artist. Art connoisseurs responded to Dali's most incredible ideas and were ready to pay huge sums of money for them. Journalist Frank Whitford wrote in the Sunday Times: “The Gala-Dali couple was somewhat reminiscent of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Helpless in everyday life, an extremely sensual artist was captivated by a tough, prudent and desperately upward predator, which the surrealists dubbed the Gala Plague. It was also said of her that her gaze penetrates the walls of bank vaults. However, in order to find out the state of Dali's account, she did not need x-ray abilities: the account was common. She just took the defenseless and undoubtedly gifted Dali and turned him into a multimillionaire and a world-famous star.

The journalists did not see the main thing: Gala's touching affection, almost maternal tenderness towards her impractical spouse. Gala's sister, Lydia, who visited them, wrote that she had never seen such a reverent attitude of a woman towards a man: “Gala fiddles with Dali like a child, reads to him at night, makes him drink some necessary pills, takes him nightmares and with infinite patience dispels his suspiciousness.

Everyone found in this union what they were looking for. No wonder they lived together for half a century soul to soul, until the death of Gal. Although their union was not a model of loyalty to each other. The aging diva changed young lovers like gloves. Her latest passion was singer Jeff Fenholt, who starred in the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar. Gala took an active part in his life, helped him start his career and donated a luxurious house on Long Island. Dali looked through his fingers at his wife's intrigues. “I let Gala have as many lovers as she wants. I even encourage her because it turns me on.”

IN last years Life Gala wanted solitude. At her request, the artist gave her the medieval castle of Pubol in the province of Girona. He could visit his wife only with her prior written permission. “The day of death will be the happiest day of my life,” she said, eaten by senile infirmity. He surrounded himself with young favorites, but none of them managed to touch his heart.

In 1982, at the age of eighty-eight, Gala died in a local hospital. The Spanish law, adopted during the plague, forbade the transportation of the bodies of the dead, but Dali fulfilled the last will of his beloved. Wrapping his wife's body in a white sheet, he placed it in the back seat of the Cadillac and took it to Pubol, where she bequeathed herself to be buried. The artist was not present at the funeral. He entered the crypt only a few hours later, when the crowd had dispersed. And, gathering the remnants of courage, he said: "Look, I'm not crying ...".

An ugly Russian, a brilliant art manager, a desperate nymphomaniac, a prudent predator - this is how contemporaries spoke about Gala Dali. Many still do not understand how a Russian girl managed to conquer France and create one of the main miracles of the 20th century - Salvador Dali.

Elena Dyakonova

In the circumstances of the birth of Elena Dyakonova, there was not a hint of a legendary fate. The daughter of a Kazan official who died early. At the age of 17, Lena's family moved to Moscow, where the girl entered the gymnasium. She studied with Anastasia Tsvetaeva, Marina's sister, who would later write about Dyakonova like this:

In a half-empty classroom, a thin, long-legged girl in a short dress sits on a desk. This is Elena Dyakonova. Narrow face, blond braid with a curl at the end. Unusual eyes: brown, narrow, slightly set in Chinese. Dark thick eyelashes of such length that, as their friends later claimed, you could put two matches next to them. In the face of stubbornness and that degree of shyness, which makes the movements abrupt.

At the age of 18, Elena fell ill with tuberculosis, which was common for that time. The family collects all the savings and sends the girl to a sanatorium in Switzerland.
There she changes the hated simple name Elena to Gala with an emphasis on the second syllable. This is how she appears to the young French poet Eugene-Emile-Paul Grandel.

The first attempt to create a genius

Gala's meeting with Eugene leads to a passionate romance. The son of a wealthy real estate dealer was supposed to be cured of his poetry in a sanatorium, but instead he discovered in himself an even greater poetic talent. The Russian muse comes up with a new name for him - Paul Eluard, under which he will become famous.

Returning to Russia, Gala immediately decides that this is not for long. This is not the fate she wants for herself.

I will never be just a housewife. I will read a lot, a lot. I will do whatever I want, but at the same time maintain the attractiveness of a woman who does not overwork herself. I will shine like a cocotte, smell of perfume and always have well-groomed hands with manicured nails.

From this moment on, all life will develop only as Gala wishes. In the spring of 1916, she goes to Paris and marries Eluard - despite the protests of his father. They planned to die together, but this marriage lasted 12 years. During this time, a daughter was born, to whom Gala never showed much interest. Life was spent in chic taverns and elite resorts. Both spouses were famous for their erotic adventures, and their love triangle with the artist Max Ernst was known to everyone.

Gala and Dali

In August 1929, Paul and Gala went to the Spanish fishing village of Cadaqués to visit the young artist. In this wilderness, 35-year-old Gala meets the main love of her life - Salvador Dali. Absurd, full of oddities, at the sight of her, he rolled into hysterical laughter from excitement. She didn't like his lacquered hair and a woman's necklace of fake pearls on a silk shirt.

Gala immediately saw genius in Dali. She broke up with Eluard to link her life with El Salvador forever.

My little boy, we will never leave each other.

As always, everything happened the way Gala wanted. Many later saw in her choice a clear calculation. This Russian had an amazing talent for inspiring and, at the same time, an iron grip and a pragmatic mind.

At the time of the meeting, Dali was more than 10 years younger than Gala and had almost no relationships with women. He was always absolutely not adapted for life - he was afraid to ride in an elevator, conclude contracts, frighten those around him with his eccentric manners.

Gala breaks up with Paul and begins a modest life with an artist in a Spanish village, where she sews her own clothes and runs around galleries with Dali's works, looking for rich sponsors, selling his paintings.

She constantly controlled Dali, forced to do anything - making hats, advertising, decorating shop windows. She brought the artist new paints and materials, persuaded him to try them. For this indefatigable ardor, she was called a tyrant and a predator.

This is what journalist Frank Whitford wrote about their union:

Helpless in everyday life, an extremely sensual artist was captivated by a tough, prudent and desperately upward predator, which the surrealists dubbed the Gala Plague. It was also said of her that her gaze penetrates the walls of bank vaults. However, in order to find out the state of Dali's account, she did not need x-ray abilities - the account was general. She simply took the defenseless and undoubtedly gifted Dali and turned him into a multimillionaire and a world-class "star". Even before the marriage in 1934, Gale managed to ensure that crowds of wealthy collectors began to besiege their house, eager to acquire relics consecrated by the genius of Dali.


The energy of Gala, multiplied by the genius of the artist, brings generous results. Everyone talks about them, this is the most shocking couple, each of their appearance in public is a scandal.

In 1934, she decides what they need in the USA. Any businessman could envy such intuition. America is delighted with the surrealist, where the couple spends the war and post-war years. Dali illustrates books, composes scripts, costumes for ballet and opera productions, paints portraits of wealthy Americans, collaborates with Hitchcock and Disney - all under the strict supervision of the Russian muse.

Gala and Dali return to France even richer and more famous.

It is still impossible to say unequivocally whether the world would have known about Dali's talent if the "cruel" Gala had not been next to him. She replaced the artist's mother, whom he lost early, family and the whole world. Without her, he could not create, parting even for a day, Dali was not able to draw. Here is what the genius himself wrote in his diary:

Like a mother to an anorexic child, she patiently repeated: “Look, baby Dali, what a rare thing I got. You just try it, it's liquid ambergris, and besides unburnt. They say that Vermeer himself painted it.

Gala's sister, Lydia, wrote that she had never seen a more reverent attitude of a woman to a man:

Gala fiddles with Dali, like with a child, reads to him at night, makes him drink some necessary pills, sorts out his nightmares with him and dispels his suspiciousness with endless patience. Dali threw hours at another visitor - Gala rushes to him with sedative drops - God forbid, he will have a seizure.

It is not known what Gala loved more - money or Dali. At the end of her life, she became very petty, counted every dollar, and after her death, a suitcase with money was found under the bed. For El Salvador, she has always been a deity, without which it did not exist.


The fact that Gala is ugly was recognized by everyone except Dali. However, men seemed to fall into a trance from her natural magnetism. Chanel suits fit perfectly on her beautiful chiseled figure. Smartly dressed, she entered the salon with a deck of cards and began to predict the future of people.

After returning from the USA, the glory of Gala and Dali becomes global. It would seem that life is just beginning, but Gala is getting old. At 70, she dyes her hair, puts on a wig and thinks about plastic surgery. However, surprisingly, the sexual desire in her only grew every year. She was always incredibly loving, pursued all Dali's sitters, seduced many of them. She surrounded herself with young boys, arranged orgies, gave her lovers money and insanely expensive gifts.

Dali also starts novels, but only Gala always remains his love. On her 74th birthday, she receives a medieval castle of Pubol as a gift from the artist. Dali could visit him only with the written permission of Gala.

After her death at the age of 88, Dali will live only another seven - during this time he will only take up a brush once and almost completely lose his mind. Gala will live on in his countless paintings: "The first portrait of Gala", "Galarina", "Just a portrait of Gala", "Dali's hand pulls the golden fleece to show Gala naked Aurora far ahead behind the sun", "Portrait of Gala with two mutton chops on Shoulder", "Three faces of Gala on the rocks", "Dali from the back, writing Gala from the back", "Gala and Millet's Evening Prayer before the inevitable advent of conical anamorphoses", "Gala, looking at the Mediterranean Sea, turns at a distance of twenty meters in a portrait of Abraham Lincoln", "Dali lifting the surface of the Mediterranean Sea to show Gala the birth of Venus", "Portrait of Gala with rhinoceros signs", " daytime sleep Gala”, “Three glorious mysteries of Gala”, finally “Christ Gala”.

Salvador Dali and Gala

More than one exciting novel can be written about the love story of the great Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dali and his wife Elena Dyakonova, better known as Gala. However, within the framework of this book, we will try to describe it briefly.

Salvador Dali

Nobody would call Elena Dyakonova a written beauty, but there was something in this woman that made artists, poets and, in general, people of that circle that is commonly called bohemian rush to her feet.

Lenochka was born in Kazan in 1894. Widowed early, the girl's mother soon remarried, and the whole family moved to Moscow. Here Lena Dyakonova studied at the same gymnasium with the sister of the future famous Russian poetess Marina Tsvetaeva, Anastasia. Anastasia herself also did not shy away from the literary field; here is a verbal portrait of Gala that she compiled at that time: “In a half-empty classroom, a thin, long-legged girl in a short dress sits on a desk. This is Elena Dyakonova. Narrow face, blond braid with a curl at the end. Unusual eyes: brown, narrow, slightly set in Chinese. Dark thick eyelashes of such length that, as their friends later claimed, you could put two matches next to them. In the face of stubbornness and that degree of shyness, which makes the movements abrupt.

The painful fragility of Lenochka Dyakonova, who looked like a small songbird, came from weak lungs. In 1912, she was sent to Switzerland for treatment - the then Mecca of tuberculosis patients. It was there, in the Clavadel sanatorium, that the “Russian bird” met his first lover, the young French poet Eugene-Emile-Paul Grendel.

Only Elena had sick lungs, but his father, a wealthy real estate dealer, sent Paul to the Swiss Alps so that his son could be cured of ... poetry! Oh, that was a serious illness, completely incompatible with Grendel Sr.'s ideas about a decent life! Unfortunately for the rich dad, the alpine air had an effect on Paul in a miraculous, but most unpredictable way: the son not only did not recover, but became a real poet, who became famous under the pseudonym Paul Eluard.

Lenochka said goodbye to her illness forever, but she picked up another, no less dangerous illness - she fell in love. The love turned out to be mutual. Paul doted on his new girlfriend. It was at that time that she acquired her middle name - Gala, with an emphasis on the last syllable. In French, Gala meant "lively, cheerful" - and so it was. Gala had an easy character, and the lovers were well together. So good that they decided to end their relationship with marriage. But first, the bride and groom had to part - Paul went to France, and Gala returned to Russia. Letters full of declarations of love and that wonderful lightness that so well characterized the coming age of cars, the rejection of corsets and long dresses, and at the same time the petty-bourgeois morality that had bothered the world, rushed from country to country swiftly, like carrier pigeons.

“My dear lover, my darling, my dear boy! Gala wrote to Eluard. “I miss you like something irreplaceable.” She, who was only a little older, referred to Paul as a little boy. It was always the maternal principle that was strong in her, the desire to protect, instruct, hold the hand ... to be, first of all, a mother, and only then - a lover.

In 1916, Gala, unable to bear the separation any longer, went to Paris. She was already twenty-two, but the groom still had not put on her wedding ring. However, he had serious reasons for this: Paul served in the army. A Russian girl with a French-sounding name achieved her goal - the wedding still took place. In early February 1917, the lovers got married.

Paul Eluard turned a modest Russian girl who sat at the window with books by Tolstoy and Dostoevsky into a real vamp, a heartbreaker and a muse, a fatal, self-aware daughter of Parisian bohemia.

Despite the fact that a year later the couple had a daughter, Cecile, adored by both parents, Eluard and Gala eventually broke up. Perhaps the point was that, despite all the poetry of nature, Paul demanded that his wife run the household? Gala herself bluntly admitted: “I will never be just a housewife. I will read a lot, a lot. I will do whatever I want, but at the same time maintain the attractiveness of a woman who does not overwork herself. I will shine like a cocotte, smell of perfume and always have well-groomed hands with manicured nails!

The field could not sit still, and constant moving tired his wife. Gala wanted to be an equivalent unit, and not just a muse and wife of the poet. To top it off, Paul had acquired the habit of showing everyone and everyone nude pictures of his wife. The results were not long in coming: they began to consider Gala accessible, and the fact that poets, like artists, look at the world with completely different eyes, was simply discounted by the townsfolk.

Paul and Gala constantly quarreled and violently sorted out the relationship, often bringing their scandals to people. And if Eluard found consolation and relaxation in poetry, then his wife soon needed a friendly shoulder for this. A love triangle formed: Paul Eluard - Gala - artist Max Ernst. Free love was then in vogue, and Gala did not feel guilty. Moreover, she already felt on her lips the taste of that free life, to which she had always aspired.

In the summer of 1935, Eluard and his thirty-five-year-old wife and eleven-year-old daughter went on vacation to Spain, to the small village of Cadaqués. There they were impatiently awaited by the young Spanish artist Salvador Dali, whom Paul had met in a Parisian nightclub. The family went to the Spanish wilderness to take a break from the noise of the capital, and all the way Paul enthusiastically told his wife about the work of the young Spaniard, breaking the classical canons of painting, about his outrageous film "Andalusian Dog", about the strangeness of character and beauty ... Gala, tired of the trip, listened with half an ear. Later, in a conversation with friends, she remarked: “He did not stop admiring his dear Salvador, as if on purpose he pushed me into his arms, although I did not even see him!”

A young and really extremely talented Spaniard, who at that time was only twenty-five, was worried before meeting with the poet, and especially with that very famous Gala. He had heard so much about her that he decided to appear before a stranger who had arrived from Paris in the most extravagant form. El Salvador shaved his armpits and dyed them in Blue colour and loosened his silk shirt into long stripes. To impress not only sight, but also smell, he rubbed his body with a mixture of fish glue, lavender and goat droppings. The hero of the day stuck a red geranium behind his ear, the flowers of which grew in abundance near his small house, and, looking with satisfaction in the mirror, was already about to go out to the guests. Needless to say, the effect of such an appearance would exceed all expectations!

However, looking out the window, he suddenly noticed Gala. The elegant Parisian seemed to him the height of perfection: her face was as if carved by a sculptor's chisel, and her thin body was not the body of an adult woman - it belonged to a young girl ... No wonder Eluard wrote to him about his wife's buttocks: "They lie comfortably in my hands!" Looking at his own hands, stained with goat droppings, Dali rushed to the bathroom. Washing off the fish glue, and especially the blue paint, was not an easy task, but now he could go out to the guests with clean and shiny hair - and with a storm in his soul ...

As soon as he took Gala’s narrow, cool palm in his hands, Dali realized that here she was - the only love of his life, the woman he was looking for and who might not exist at all ... However, she existed: she breathed, smiled and looked at him with all her eyes . Because from the shock, Salvador was attacked by an attack of hysterical laughter!

Gala immediately realized that Dali was not just talented - he was a genius. Next to this giant, who, when he was expelled from the group of surrealists, declared: “Surrealism is me!”, Her own husband seemed just a boy, and not a worldly-wise Parisian, a famous poet ... Love struck on the spot not only Salvador - she shot right through both of them. And so Elena-Gala almost immediately and unconditionally left the Fields. The love fever with which she fell ill was so strong that she left not only her husband, but even her daughter!

Eluard, who was obviously superfluous here, where these two are his former friend and it's already ex-wife- did not take their eyes off each other, it only remained to pack their bags and leave. Dali was by no means a monster, which he so often liked to expose himself to and which biographers often paint him with, he was also not devoid of concepts of honor, dignity and friendship. Maybe that's why, in parting, he gave Eluard his own portrait? Dali himself will say about it this way: "I felt that I was entrusted with the duty to capture the face of the poet, from whose Olympus I stole one of the muses."

Despite the external outrageousness, Gala probably felt embarrassed in front of her ex-husband and in front of her daughter, who by no means could become an “ex” for her. Therefore, they married Salvador only after the death of Eluard, twenty-nine years after their first meeting. Prior to this, Gala and Salvador, although they registered a secular marriage, led a fairly free lifestyle. Rather, only Gala led a bohemian life, whom her second husband even encouraged to do so. She had no lovers, as a rule, much younger than her - in short, it was a strange marriage in every respect. But in fact, it was not even a marriage - it was a creative union!

They were good together - both in bed and out of it. Oddly enough, in everyday life these people, so dissimilar in everything, also turned out to be a harmonious couple. Gala became everything for the impractical Dali: a mother, a nanny, a secretary, a psychoanalyst ... Dali's oddities manifested themselves not only in painting or extravagant antics - he really could not stand and was afraid of many things: riding in elevators, the presence of children, animals, especially various insects. Grasshoppers and enclosed spaces gave him panic attacks.

Dali was a great artist, but not a very successful businessman. It was Gala who persuaded him to paint pictures that were more understandable to the viewer, she was looking for buyers for them and carefully reviewed the contracts before her husband put his signature on them. Gala herself recalled this as follows: “In the morning, El Salvador makes mistakes, and in the afternoon I correct them, tearing up the agreements he signed frivolously.”

Later, when Dali's name was already booming, Gala would also become a talented manager with her husband, turning his name into a hot commodity. When the sale of paintings stalled, she forced her husband to appear in commercials, come up with company logos, decorate shop windows, and design household items such as ashtrays or cups. Some say that Gala put pressure on Dali, but perhaps she, constantly offering her husband to engage in new types of creativity, forced him to grow.

This celebrity couple was very fond of filming. A huge photo archive of portraits of Dali and his wife has been preserved. They lived extremely friendly, despite the fact that Gala constantly had lovers. However, entering into marriage, they stipulated this detail. The wife of a genius was not forbidden to have her own personal life - and she was always hungry for carnal pleasures. And if in her younger years she took something from her lovers as a keepsake: jewelry, paintings, books, then, having grown old, she herself paid them extra ...

In 1964, Dali's wife turned seventy, she was already wearing a wig and was thinking about plastic surgery - because at that age she wanted love more than ever! Gala tried to seduce literally everyone who appeared on her way. “El Salvador doesn’t care, each of us has our own life,” she convinced her husband’s friends or his fans, dragging them into bed.

Among the many lovers of Gala was Jeff Fenholt - the performer of one of the main roles in the rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar". This connection broke the singer's marriage, and his wife, who had just given birth to a child, left him. Gala must have felt guilty: she gave the singer a luxurious house on Long Island and further helped him advance. This was the last speakerphone of Gala - the years went on, overshadowed by senile diseases, decrepitude, the inevitable decay of the body ...

The muse of the great artist died at the age of eighty-eight. Dali himself did not go to her funeral, he did not attend to a monument for his beloved, because his numerous canvases, where her face and body met more often than others, remained a real monument to the history of their love and creative union.

This text is an introductory piece. From the book by A. S. Ter-Oganyan: Life, Fate and Contemporary Art author Nemirov Miroslav Maratovich

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Salvador Dali Foreskin with breadcrumbs Salvador?r Dali? (Salvador Domènek Felip Jasi?nt Dali and Domének, Marquis de Pubol) (1904–1989) – Spanish painter, graphic artist, sculptor, director, writer. One of the most famous representatives of surrealism. According to Javier

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Great love stories: Salvador Dali and Gala

Analysis of the compatibility of horoscopes (synastry)

Anatoly Mukhtiyarov

Looking through famous couples, I saw that many great love stories can serve as clear examples of the practical implementation of so many types of energy relationships between horoscopes. As a result, I decided to describe the most interesting and significant, from my point of view, elements of famous couples and show how the relationships between horoscopes at the energy level can manifest themselves in the lives of people (in this case, world famous and famous).

The personalities of Salvador Dali and Gala (Elena Dyakonova) and their relationship are so non-standard that many will consider this love story not so great to classify it as such, but given the fact that Salvador Dali was a great and world-famous artist and he became one of them only thanks to Gala, I think this love story is really great (although this couple was quite eccentric and unusual). Behind every great man was a great woman. For Salvador Dali, this was Gala, whom he idolized, and for whom she was at the same time mother, lover, friend, muse and producer, who made Salvador Dali a world star of fine arts. Gala and Salvador Dali are one of the most famous, constant, strange, eccentric, devoted, original and unforgettable couples of world bohemia. Salvador is a genius, Gala is his constant muse...

In the dedication to the book "The Diary of a Genius" Salvador Dali writes: "I dedicate this book to MY GENIUS, my victorious goddess GALA GRADIVA, my ELENA OF TROJAN, my HOLY ELENA, my brilliant, like the smooth surface of the sea, GALA GALATEA PEACEFUL."

Salvador Dali's birth data is taken from Rodin's database.

Salvador Dali


The time of birth of Elena Dyakonova (Gala) is unknown.

I looked at the horoscope with a birth time of 11 o'clock, because. this version of the horoscope seems to me to fully describe the personality and character of Elena Dyakonova (Ascendant in Scorpio in conjunction with Uranus, Sun-Mercury conjunction in Virgo in the 10th house, Moon in the 2nd house, horoscope ruler Pluto and Neptune in the 8th house ). In addition, this time is close to noon (for which cosmograms are usually considered at an unknown time of birth).

Gala (Elena Dyakonova)

Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia (55n49 49e08)

The basis of the horoscope of Salvador Dali is the T-square as part of the ruler of the horoscope of the Moon in Aries (in conjunction with the MS), Uranus and Neptune. It was the influence of this configuration that made Salvador Dali an impractical, non-standard, sensitive, half-mad person, constantly confusing reality and fantasy. And it was this configuration that made him a genius of surrealism and a world outrageous star (the connection of the ruler of the horoscope of the Moon with the MS). The fact that this genius manifested itself primarily in the field of painting is due to the fact that in Taurus Salvador Dali had a powerful stellium (Sun, Venus, Mercury, Mars) in a tense aspect square with Saturn. Uncertainty in life and strong fears, as well as a large number of sexual complexes of Salvador Dali, are largely caused by the square of Saturn to its Sun, Mercury and Mars. Of course, I am not an expert in painting, but the strong influence of Saturn in his works is very noticeable and clearly highlighted in his painting technique as clarity and accuracy in drawing details and lines.

"From fragments of documents and memories of childhood, Dali appears as a very suggestible, dreamy, timid and hopelessly impractical child, inexplicably confusing fantasy and reality. Salvador Dali, in principle, remained like that all his life. Dali's relationship with his own sexuality was not easy all his life. A young man suffered from a full range of sexual complexes - from anxiety about the size of his penis to fear of having a relationship with a woman (an illustrated book on venereal diseases, which his father left open on the piano for educational purposes, played an important role here) and fears that he was impotent and a latent homosexual. In his youth, Dali was dazzlingly handsome: taller than average, blue-eyed, stylishly dressed. He liked to make an impact on the public, and he grew his hair and sideburns, and casually wore a raincoat over his shoulder. Girls liked Dali, but because of his hypersensitivity and timidity remained a virgin until the age of 25, i.e. before meeting with Gala Salvador's talent for painting manifested itself in early childhood. By the end of school, he had already successfully exhibited his paintings several times in Figueres and Barcelona. The father, proud of his achievements, decided that his son would study in Madrid. In September 1922, Salvador settled in the Madrid Residence of Students, Spain's foremost "student town". In the first weeks, he had little contact with the other inhabitants of the Residence due to terrible shyness. But soon he made friends. Among them is the future director Luis Bunuel from Aragon, who tried to study alternately at several faculties, an amateur athlete and a born rebel. Together they explored the nooks and crannies of Madrid at night and visited intellectual companies in numerous cafes. From the first days of his stay at the Dali Residence, he heard stories about its brightest resident, who at that time was at home in Andalusia. Federico Garcia Lorca, 6 years older than Dali, was born in a village near Granada. By the time they met, he had already published his first book. Lorca played the piano beautifully, sang, was an excellent storyteller, drew ... At first sight, he could charm the interlocutor. However, the poet was shunned by those who knew about his "flaw": Lorca was a homosexual - a fact that even now his few surviving friends refuse to accept.

At the beginning of 1923, Lorca arrived at the Residence. They had much in common with Dali: a love of poetry and France (both were Germanophobes), of Spanish folk songs that they had been sung to since childhood; concern about the injustice of the world; problems with their own sexuality. It was a "great friendship", as Dali wrote, which gradually grew into something more. Dali resisted as best he could the idea that he was like Lorca in his sexual addictions, and feared that he might succumb to his secret desires. Since the beginning of the 20s, the image of Lorca has appeared in all Dali's paintings, displacing his first "nature" - his sister. Their heads touch as if in a kiss...

In May 1926, after the publication of "Ode to Salvador Dali", which shocked the artist, Lorca tried to seduce him. However, Dali was adamant. "I was very excited. And somewhere in the depths of my soul I told myself that he was a great poet and that I should give him a little of the divine Dali. But this did not happen. Later, Lorca once again tried to make Dali his lover. And then he wrote: “I behaved like an indecent donkey, with you - the best that I have. Every minute I understand this more and more clearly and I regret everything very much. Buñuel was dismayed by the growing intimacy of Lorca and Dalí's relationship. He wrote to his friend Pepin Bello: “Dishonest Garcia! We must free El Salvador from his influence. Because Dali is a real man and very talented.” External intervention was not required, circumstances separated the two geniuses. However, they continued to correspond and met whenever possible. Until his death, Lorca remained for Dali the main person of his life - after Gala. "

(from the book by J. Gibson "The life of Salvador Dali, full of shame")

The basis of the horoscope of Gala (Elena Dyakonova) is the T-square of the Sun and Mercury in Virgo, the Moon in Sagittarius and Neptune, Pluto in Gemini. The time of Gala's birth is unknown, but already on the basis of this T-square alone, it can be argued that she should have been a very practical, mercantile and domineering woman, but at the same time, not without abilities and strong flair in art (strong influence of Neptune through intense aspectation with the luminaries and Mercury). In fact, all her life, Gala was engaged in finding talent or genius in art, becoming his wife and muse and making him famous and rich (at the same time living comfortably herself). So it was with her first husband, the French poet Paul Eluard, so it was with the semi-mad artist Salvador Dali, whom she inspired and masterfully made the world famous star of surrealism. In fact, the character of Gala was in many ways an alloy of maiden prudence and practicality and Neptunian sacrifice, sensitivity and the desire to live with lofty illusions. In addition, from my point of view, in the character of Gala, the influence of Uranus (in this version of the horoscope through the conjunction with the Ascendant) and Pluto (Scorpio) through the rigid aspect of Pluto with the Sun, Moon and Mercury and the position of the Ascendant in Scorpio (in this version horoscope). Gala was clearly a very freedom-loving and non-standard woman with strong sexual needs. I looked at the horoscope with a birth time of 11 o'clock, because. this version of the horoscope seems to me to fully describe the personality and character of Gala (Ascendant in Scorpio in conjunction with Uranus, Sun-Mercury conjunction in Virgo in the 10th house, Moon in the 2nd house, horoscope ruler Pluto and Neptune in the 8th house) . In addition, this time is close to noon (for which cosmograms are usually considered at an unknown time of birth).

"Gala was the wife of Paul Eluard, a French poet. Dali and Gala saw each other - and after the first meeting they did not part for 53 years: they were separated by Gala's death in 1982.

Gala means "holiday" in French. She really became a holiday of inspiration for Salvador Dali. The main model for the painter.

The life of Elena Ivanovna Dyakonova, who went down in world art history as a Gala, is an exciting novel.

Elena Dyakonova was born in Kazan in 1894, therefore, she was older than Salvador Dali not by 12, as some claimed, but by exactly 10 years. His father died early, he was a modest official. Mother remarried a lawyer, and when Elena was 17 years old, the family moved to Moscow.

In her youth, Gala was a sickly teenager, and in 1912 she was sent to Switzerland to be treated for tuberculosis. In the Clavadel sanatorium, the Russian girl met the young French poet Eugene-Emile-Paul Grandel. His father, a wealthy real estate dealer, sent his son to a sanatorium to be cured... of poetry. Grandel (later he took a different name - Eluard) did not recover from poetry, but Gala got rid of tuberculosis, but both were overcome by another ailment, much more dangerous - they fell in love with each other. It was then that she would call herself Gala - with an emphasis on the last syllable. Perhaps from the French word for "cheerful, lively"?

It was a real passionate romance that ended in marriage. But first, the lovers had to part, Eluard went to France, Gala to Russia, but they continued their love in the epistolary genre, through an exchange of letters. “My dear lover, my darling, my dear boy!” Gala wrote to Eluard. “I miss you as something indispensable.” She addressed him as a "boy", and sometimes even as a child - this Freudian appeal indicated that Elena had a strong maternal beginning, and she always loved men younger than herself, she wanted to be not only a lover, but also a mother . To patronize, instruct, groom ...

Paul Eluard had a great influence on the Gala. He turned a modest Russian admirer of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky into a real woman, almost a fatal “vamp” (she had all the makings for this), and she, in turn, becoming his muse, constantly inspired him to create more and more new poems.

And yet the romantic role of the poet's wife is not in the spirit of Gala. She openly admitted: “I will never be just a housewife. I will read a lot, a lot. I will do whatever I want, but at the same time maintain the attractiveness of a woman who does not overdo herself. have well-groomed hands with manicured nails."

A year after the marriage, a daughter, Cecile, was born. Gala and Paul adored their daughter, but still a normal family did not work out. Paul Eluard could not sit still, separations and trips for her husband did not contribute to domestic happiness. There was mutual dissatisfaction with each other. Stormy quarrels were replaced by no less violent declarations of love. “We have grown into each other,” Elena thought so. But the ingrowth still turned out to be not so strong. At the same time, we must not forget that Paul Eluard was a poet, and, therefore, looked at the world with different eyes than ordinary people. Let's just say : he looked with crazy eyes at a crazy world. And accordingly, he built relationships with his wife like that. He loved, for example, to show photographs of naked Elena to his friends, and she gradually entered the role of the poet’s muse, not as pure as the sinful one. It is no coincidence, on the initiative Helena, a love triangle soon formed: Helena - Paul Eluard - artist Max Ernst.

The future Gala quickly learned what the freedom of love means, and immediately took advantage of its fruits. So before meeting with Salvador Dali, Gala was already quite a woman who knew what she needed.

Gala was not a beauty, but she had great charm, female magnetism, vibes emanated from her that bewitched men. It is no coincidence that the French publisher, art collector Pierre Argille, answering journalists' questions, said: "This woman had an extraordinary attraction. Her first husband Eluard wrote her tender love letters until his death. And only after he died in 1942, Dali and Gala officially got married. Salvador painted her endlessly. To be honest, she was not so young for a model, but artists, you know, are not easy people. Since she inspired him..." "

In August 1929, Paul Eluard with his wife Elena (she is 35 years old) and daughter Cecile (she is 11 years old) went from Paris by car to Spain, to the fishing village of Cadaques, to visit the young Spanish artist Salvador Dali (he is 25 years old). The poet met Dali in the Parisian nightclub "Bal Gabarin" and received an invitation to relax in the outback, away from the noise.On the way to Spain, Eluard enthusiastically told his wife about Dali's unusual work and about his shocking film "Andalusian Dog".

“He never ceased to admire his dear Salvador, as if on purpose he pushed me into his arms, although I didn’t even see him,” Gala later recalled. The artist's house was located outside the village, on the shore of a crescent-shaped bay. It was painted white, with eucalyptus and flaming geraniums growing in front of it, standing out brightly against the black gravel. Gala was not a beauty, but she had great charm, female magnetism, vibes emanated from her that bewitched men. It is no coincidence that the French publisher, art collector Pierre Argille, answering journalists' questions, said: "This woman had an extraordinary attraction. Her first husband Eluard wrote her tender love letters until his death. And only after he died in 1942, Dali and Gala officially got married. Salvador painted her endlessly. To be honest, she was not so young for a model, but artists, you know, are not easy people. Since she inspired him ... "

In his book The Secret Life, Dali writes:

“She admitted that she took me for a nasty and unbearable type because of my varnished hair, which gave me the appearance of a professional Argentine tango dancer ... In my room I always went naked, but if I had to go to the village, for an hour I dressed myself in immaculate white trousers, fantastic sandals, silk shirts, a necklace of fake pearls and a bracelet on my wrist."

“She began to consider me as a genius,” Dali further admitted. “Half-mad, but with great spiritual power. And she was waiting for something - the embodiment of her own myths. She thought that I might be able to become this incarnation.”

Gal's version: "I immediately realized that he was a genius." Eluard was talented, and Dali was a genius, and Elena Dyakonova-Eluard immediately identified this. She had an innate artistic flair.

And what happened next? And then Gala allegedly told Salvador Dali a "historical phrase": "My little boy, we will never leave each other." She firmly decided to connect her life with the artist Dali and leave the poet Eluard. In fact, she left not only her husband, but also her daughter. What turned out to be more in this decision? Adventurism or deep calculation? It's hard to answer. What was Paul Eluard to do? He packed his bags and left the refuge of Salvador Dali, having received a kind of compensation for the loss of his wife in the form of his own portrait (Portrait of Paul Eluard). Dali explained the idea of ​​its creation in this way: "I felt that I had the duty to capture the face of the poet, from whose Olympus I stole one of the muses."

At first, Gala and Salvador lived together unofficially, and only after the death of Eluard did they officially get married. They got married on August 8, 1958, 29 years after they first met. The ceremony was private, almost secret. It was, of course, a strange marriage in all worldly senses, but not in a creative one. Sensual Gala, who even at the time of Dali did not want to remain a faithful wife, and a virgin artist who was terribly afraid of intimacy with a woman. How did they get along with each other? Obviously, Dali turned his sexual energy into creative energy, and Gala realized her sensuality on the side. As the Spanish journalist Antonio D. Olano testifies: "She really was insatiable. Gala tirelessly pursued the young men who posed for Dali, and often got her way. Dali was also insatiable, but only in his imagination."

In everyday life, they turned out to be an almost perfect couple, as often happens with completely different people. Salvador Dali is an absolutely impractical, timid, notorious person who was afraid of everything - from riding elevators to concluding contracts. Regarding the latter, Gala once said: "In the morning, El Salvador makes mistakes, and in the afternoon I correct them, tearing up the agreements he signed lightly."

This surrealistic Madonna in everyday affairs was a cold and rather rational woman, so with Dali they represented two different spheres: ice and fire.

“Gala pierced me like a sword directed by Providence itself,” wrote Salvador Dali. “It was a ray of Jupiter, as a sign from above, indicating that we should never part.” Before meeting with Gala, the artist was only on the threshold of his own glory. This woman helped him step over the threshold and enjoy the sparkling halls of worldwide popularity. Gal's appearance coincided with a break with the Surrealist group. In fact, it was the Gala that took Salvador Dali away from the aesthetic control of Breton and his entire company. But it didn't happen right away. “Soon you will be the way I want to see you,” she announced to him, and the artist believed her. “I blindly believed everything that she predicted to me.”

But Gala not only predicted, she selflessly and selflessly helped him, looked for rich sponsors, organized exhibitions, and sold his paintings. “We never gave up before failures,” Dali noted. “We got out thanks to the strategic dexterity of Gala. We didn’t go anywhere. Gala sewed dresses for herself, and I worked a hundred times more than any mediocre artist.”

In 1934, the Dali couple went to the USA - it was an exceptionally correct move, dictated by Gal's amazing intuition, she definitely felt that it was the Americans who would like and afford Dali's talent. And she was not mistaken: in the USA, Salvador Dali was waiting for a sensational success - the country was seized by a "surreal fever". In honor of Dali, surrealistic balls with masquerades were held, at which guests appeared in costumes, as if inspired by the artist’s fantasy, extravagant, provocative and funny. The couple returned home rich and very famous: America transferred Dali's talent to the highest level - to genius. A second trip to the US in 1939 further strengthened the initial success.

Two circumstances contributed to the rapid growth of Dali's popularity across the ocean - an unsurpassed ability to arrange public scandals and a partial revision of artistic principles, which made the works of the Spanish surrealist more accessible to the general public.

In America, spouses live all the war and the first post-war years. With the help of Dali, of course, Gala arranges exhibitions, gives lectures, paints portraits of wealthy Americans, illustrates books, writes scripts, librettos and costumes for ballet and opera productions, decorates the windows of luxury stores on Fifth Avenue in New York and the pavilions of international fairs, collaborates with Alfred Hitchcock and Walt Disney, tries his hand at photography and arranges surrealistic balls. In short, gushing with might and main! ..

In the late 1940s, the couple returned to Europe in triumph. Fame, money - everything is in abundance. Everything is fine, except for one thing: Gala is getting old. However, she does not give up and is still a model for numerous Dali paintings.

Salvador Dali, who lost his mother early and did not receive her love, subconsciously searched for his mother and found her ideal expression in Gala, but she, in turn, found a son in him (she loved her daughter Cecile less, and it was no coincidence that she was raised by Paul's grandmother Eluard).

Sister Gala Lydia, who once visited the spouses, noted that she had never seen a more tender and touching attitude of a woman to a man in her life: “Gala fiddles with Dali like a child, reads to him at night, makes him drink some necessary pills, sorts out with him his nightmares and with infinite patience dispels his suspiciousness. Dali threw hours at another visitor - Gala rushes to him with soothing drops - God forbid, he will have a seizure. " Could the "woman - the embodiment of evil", the "greedy Valkyrie", as the journalists called her, hold on like that?

The intimate life of the spouses forever remained a secret. In all likelihood, there was no such thing as loyalty in it. For Gala, it was a free marriage, and she was free to choose her lovers. “Not free, my dear, not free!” But this refers to her young and mature years. Later, she had to pay herself.

When in 1964 Galya turned seventy years old. She dyed her hair, sometimes already put on a wig and thought about plastic surgery. But the older she got, the more she wanted love. She tried to seduce anyone who got in her way. “El Salvador doesn’t care, each of us has our own life,” she convinced her husband’s friends, dragging them into bed.

And yet Gala remains a mystery. In numerous interviews that she gave over half a century, she stubbornly did not talk about her relationship with Dali. All her letters to Eluard ex-husband destroyed, asking her to do the same with her own, in order to "deprive curious descendants of a glimpse into their intimate life." True, Gala, according to the artist, left an autobiography on which she worked for 4 years. Gala kept a diary in Russian. Where these priceless documents are now is unknown. Perhaps the art world is waiting for new finds and new discoveries.

The medieval castle of Pubol (near Porta Lligata) became a manifestation of Dali's passionate love. Gala received such a gift at the age of 74, when their marital relationship became more complicated. Dali increasingly rested in the company of fashion model Amanda Lear. However, he tried not to move away from Gala, who wanted peace and monastic peace. Dali was able to visit her only with her written permission.

The last years of Gala were poisoned by illnesses and rapidly impending senile infirmity. "The day of death," she said, "will be the happiest day of my life." It came on June 10, 1982. Gala lived for 88 years. Stormy and unique.

Salvador Dali survived the Gala for 7 years, although it was difficult to call it life. It was already the semi-mad agony of genius."

(information from the Mir Dali website)

This synastry, from my point of view, is primarily based on three powerful synastric elements. This is the connection of the North Lunar Node of the Gala horoscope with the ruler of the horoscope, the Moon and MS of Salvador Dali, the exact connection of Mars Gala with Venus of Salvador Dali and the exact connection of Jupiter Gala with Neptune of Salvador Dali (Jupiter Gala was energetically connected with all elements of the T-square of Salvador Dali: the Moon, Neptune, Uranus). Perhaps in the synastry there are also powerful relationships that are tied to the rulers of the Ascendant and the Descendant and the axes of the ASC-DSC themselves, but since. the time of Gal's birth is unknown, then we will analyze only those elements that are in the synastry at any time of Gal's birth.

The exact connection of the North Lunar Node of the Gala horoscope with the ruler of the horoscope, the Moon and the MS of Salvador Dali, is a very powerful karmic synastric aspect. Such a connection in the synastry was clearly supposed to hold the couple very tightly together and is a very strong indication that the goal of Gala in this incarnation should have been precisely that she actually made an undeniably brilliant artist and an extraordinary personality a world famous star of surrealism and a multimillionaire. From a Parisian who found pleasure in the entertainment of the bohemia, Gala turned into a nanny, secretary, manager of a genius artist, and then into the mistress of a huge empire, whose name is Dali. She kept Dali under constant financial and creative pressure. And it was precisely this treatment that was needed for a weak-willed and poorly organized person, such as Salvador Dali was. Of course, this did not go unnoticed, and the press often represented Gala as the embodiment of evil, reproached her for being cruel, greedy and immoral. Journalist Frank Whitford in The Sunday Times simply called Dali's muse a predator. He wrote in a newspaper in the summer of 1994: "The Gala-Dali couple was to some extent reminiscent of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Helpless in everyday life, an extremely sensual artist was captivated by a tough, prudent and desperately upward predator, which the surrealists dubbed the Gala Plague She simply took the defenseless and undoubtedly gifted Dali and turned him into a multimillionaire and a "star" of world magnitude.Even before the marriage in 1934, Gala managed to ensure that crowds of wealthy collectors began to besiege their house, passionately desiring to acquire relics consecrated by a genius Dali."

For love and sexual relationships, the Venus-Mars aspect is one of the most powerful and classic planetary interactions in a synastric chart. both planets are classical sex planets. With exact aspects between Venus and Mars partners (it is better if Mars is feminine and Venus is masculine), a strong sexual attraction arises between people (with tense aspects, it is difficult to control passion), which most often determines their relationship in the first few years. In this synastry, this aspect of Mars-Venus is double. Mars Gala is in exact conjunction (up to a few minutes) with Salvador Dali's Venus, and Dali's Mars is in fairly exact square with Venus Gala (orb less than 2 degrees). Thus, both partners ideally met the requirements for choosing a partner of their sexual planets (Venus for a man and Mars for a woman). It was these aspects of the strongest sexual attraction that were the basis for the fact that the rapprochement between Dali and Gala happened very quickly and irresistibly, and Gala actually became the only woman, which existed for Dali on the physical sexual plane and which was able to neutralize many of the many sexual complexes and fears of close sexual contact with women that Salvador Dali had from his youth (associated either with the tense aspect of Saturn to the Sun, Mercury and Mars or with the tense aspects of Uranus and Neptune to the ruler of the horoscope, the Moon, and maybe with both at once).

From the moment when Dali first saw Gala, he lost his peace - he fell in love to the point of madness. “Her body was as tender as that of a child,” he would write many years later in his book The Secret Life. - The line of the shoulders was almost perfectly rounded, and the muscles of the waist, outwardly fragile, were athletically tense, like those of a teenager. But the curve of the lower back was truly feminine. The graceful combination of a slender energetic cable, wasp waist and tender hips made her even more desirable. From the time of the first youthful love, before meeting with Gala, not a single girl attracted Dali's attention. He seemed to have gone crazy when he met Gala. Luis Bunuel said the following about this: "Dali changed overnight."

Another powerful element of the synastry, which undoubtedly largely determined the relationship in this pair, is that Jupiter Gala was in very exact aspects with the planets of the T-square of Salvador Dali, the Moon, Neptune, Uranus. In fact, it was these aspects of Jupiter Gala with elements of the T-square of Dali's horoscope that caused Gala to feel the genius of Salvador Dali, who at that time was only a novice artist, and the reason that for Salvador Dali Gala became exactly the real a muse that inspired him to creativity and constant work. After all, it was the T-square of the Moon-Neptune-Uranus that was the creative base for the artist, which made him a brilliant half-crazy artist with unbridled imagination and one of the leaders of surrealism, and Jupiter Gala filled this already tense configuration with additional powerful energy. Yes, and in ordinary everyday life, this synastric element made the relationship in this pair exceptionally tender and subtle. In addition, Salvador Dali's Jupiter was in trine with the Moon Gala and sextile with her Neptune and Pluto, i.e. unloaded the tension of the T-square in the Gala horoscope as part of the Sun-Mercury-Pluto-Neptune-Moon and was also an element of the synastry, which increased the tenderness for each other and the ardent love of partners in these relationships. It was these synastric aspects of Jupiter that made the relationship in this pair passionate, sincere and filled with very strong idealism. Gala was a real muse for Salvador Dali, whom he literally idolized and whose face he reproduced in many of his paintings.

Sister Gala Lydia, who once visited the spouses, noted that she had never seen a more tender and touching attitude of a woman to a man in her life: “Gala fiddles with Dali like a child, reads to him at night, makes him drink some necessary pills, sorts out with him his nightmares and with infinite patience dispels his suspiciousness. Dali threw hours at another visitor - Gala rushes to him with soothing drops - God forbid, he will have a seizure. "

Salvador Dali constantly painted Gala in the form of a mythical woman and even with the face of Christ. In the famous painting "The Last Supper" you can recognize the features of Gala. And all because the artist did not get tired of idolizing his muse. Gala, Gradiva, Galatea, my talisman, my treasure, my gold - this is only a small part of the names that the painter gave to his muse and wife. High-sounding titles and sophisticatedly sensual nicknames were, as it were, part of the "surreality" in which the spouses lived. In one of the artist's paintings, Christopher Columbus, having stepped onto the shores of the New World, carries a banner with the image of Gal and the inscription: "I love Gal more than my mother, more than my father, more than Picasso and even more money." Salvador Dali, who lost his mother early and did not receive her love, subconsciously searched for his mother and found her ideal expression in Gala, but she, in turn, found her son in him.

Of the other elements of the synastry, it can be distinguished that both suns of partners are in the earth element, and the moons are in the fiery element, which indicates their high compatibility at the level of temperaments, ego and emotional level. Also noteworthy is the presence of the exact aspect of the quadrature from Saturn Gala to the Ascendant and Descendant of Salvador Dali (perhaps from here comes her complete control over Dali), as well as aspects from Saturn Dali to Venus (opposition), Saturn (trine) and the Moon (sextile) Gala . Such a large number of aspects of Saturns in the synastry is a serious additional indication of strong karmicity in these relationships (in addition to the connection of the North Lunar Node Gala with the Moon and Salvador Dali's MC).

If in the Gala horoscope the Ascendant, as I assume, is indeed in Scorpio with Uranus in the Ascendant (Uranus in the 1st house or a few degrees from the Ascendant in the 12th), then the Sun (and possibly Venus) of Salvador Dali falls in the 7th th house of the horoscope Gala. In addition, an additional strong connection between the two horoscopes arises from the aspect between the rulers of the partners' descendents (opposition between Venus Gala and Saturn Dali).

Without Gala, there would not have been that Salvador Dali, the world-famous genius of surrealism, whom everyone knew, and without Dali, no one would even have heard anything about Gala. Both of them fully realized in these partnerships, and, in fact, met in this life precisely for this - he became a great, famous and universally recognized genius of painting and surrealism, and she became the wife of a rich and famous husband, bathed in the rays of his world glory.

Salvador Dali or his wife Gala could give odds to each other in extravagances and eccentricities.

Salvador Dali and Elena Dyakonova (Gala Dali), 1957.

83 years ago, on January 30, 1934, an ordinary event took place - two adults got married. Perhaps their names will seem unusual. Groom - Salvador Domenech Felip Jacinte Dali. Bride - Elena Ivanovna Dyakonova, in future - Gala Dali. But, despite the stardom of the heroes, this marriage cannot be called either unique or epoch-making. Because they got married about 50 times.

The characters in all ceremonies will remain the same. Only cities and countries will change. A matter of taste - when visiting a foreign country, someone goes to a museum, someone goes shopping, and this couple was heading to church. Not because of such piety, but to confirm their marital status. Or to give yourself an extra honeymoon? Or to create an atmosphere of ongoing scandal? You can choose any version, and even add your own.

In creating myths about their lives, this couple can give odds to anyone. Both together and separately. For example, Elena Ivanovna easily called herself Elena Dmitrievna. Well, just for curiosity. Her mother remarried - that's the new patronymic. And in addition, speculation about who is the real father - Kazan official Ivan Dyakonov or still a Moscow lawyer Dmitry Gomberg, who fell ill from experiences when Lenochka was diagnosed with consumption.

Little El Salvador is not far behind, seriously considering himself the reincarnation of his older brother, who died of meningitis in infancy. And starting bloody fights at school - most often for no reason. At a more mature age, he declared that he "spits on his mother." And in a very mature one, he gave out: “I love Gala more than my mother, more than my father, more Picasso and even more money.
But then came 1929 Cadeques, Spain, Catalonia. Meeting. Evening. Olives and moon. Elena is 11 years older than Salvador. And her words: "My baby, I will never leave you." Since then, even the most notorious anarchists and art fighters have declared: “Dali and Gala are not husband and wife. And certainly not an artist and his muse. They are two hemispheres of the same brain. From now on, the two hemispheres acted synchronously. And together.

So synchronously that it is just right to believe in the metaphysical kinship of Russian and Spanish souls. No, in fact - both we and they once resisted the onslaught of an alien world - the Horde and the Caliphate. Both we and they succeeded as nations in this monstrous, cruel struggle.
And here is the result. The still little-known Salvador Dali, together with director Luis Buñuel, in 1929 shoots the later famous film “Andalusian Dog”. The apotheosis of cruelty - in this movie, the eye of a sleeping girl is cut with a razor. And we see how it flows. And many years later, when Gala and Salvador were already married and rich, good fluffy rabbits were brought into their house, in which Dali doted on. But the brilliant husband accidentally dropped a bold word to his wife. And then, at the insistence of the Russian wife, these rabbits were killed, skinned, fried and served at the family table.
Compared to this, all their many scandalous orgies, all their changes of lovers and mistresses seem to be something insignificant. Insignificant. But there were many such cases. No wonder Salvador said: "I allow my Gala to have as many lovers as she wants."

Pubol Castle, given by Dali to his wife.

Elena Dyakonova-Gala with Tobolsk roots was born in Kazan, studied in Moscow.
The first husband was Paul Eluard.
A year after the wedding, daughter Cecile was born.
Eluard said: -Children are the death of love.
Then Gala became the wife of Salvator Dali.
And in old age he fell ill with Parkinson's disease and she hired young artists to write "under Dali"

Scandalous lying in bed John Lennon And Yoko Ono naked against this background seem like children's games in the sandbox. As well as the “free love” proclaimed by the hippie generation. Already tired of numerous orgies with Dali and her first husband, a poet Paul Eluard, and also four, with the artist Max Ernst invited to a warm company, Gala said: “It is a pity that my anatomy does not allow me to make love with five men at once!”
Compared to this, even the frenzy of punks can be considered a pale repetition of the past - Dali's painting "The Great Masturbator" is evidence of this.

Painting by Salvador Dali "The Great Masturbator", 1929.

Gala Dali was called "the greedy Valkyrie", "the greedy Russian slut". And she, when Dali's painting fell in price, personally ran around the shops and galleries: “Buy our inventions! In less than a year, and you will rise thanks to this genius!”

She was sent away for a long time with her genius husband. But the inventions were not bad. Transparent mannequins on showcases. Fake nails. Artificial breasts. Streamlined car body...
In the same years, something similar was offered by the bogeyman of the current civilization - Adolf Schicklgruber, later known as Hitler. In the new, modern forms of Mercedes and Volkswagen, there are ideas from two crazy artists - a Spaniard and an Austrian. Dali and Hitler. Only now Salvador was lucky - he got the same crazy Russian wife as he did. And the other - no.
Dali, unlike Adolf, had a different fate. He did not kill children. Instead, he gave them the famous caramel logo on a stick, which was designed in a few seconds by the author of Atomic Crucifixion. Yes, the lollipop wrapper was invented by Salvador Dali. By the way, he received a very curious reward for this. Every day a bucket of sweets was sent to him from the factory. The genius went to the playground, unwrapped the caramel, licked it and threw it into the sand. In front of the drooling children. And so - until the stock runs out.

Salvador Dali in 1959.

And what about his Gala? She died. But a year before her death, a heartbreaking family scene occurred. In February 1981, Dalí's secretary heard cries for help. Dali's bloody wife was found in the artist's office. It turned out that the couple quarreled. And the genius "beat her a little with his cane."
Involuntarily, the words of Salvador himself are recalled: “Loving a woman with all your heart is not worth it. And it’s impossible not to love.” Amendment - only a Russian woman.