Peruvian maca extract. Peruvian maca for women: how to take, properties and contraindications. Peruvian Maca for Men's Health

Hi all!

Today I opened my kitchen cabinet and took out a bag of one “magic” dietary supplement powder.

And just as I wanted to add it to my breakfast, I… remembered that I still hadn’t written about it.

But it’s already been a year since I’ve been using it, and this thing is really worth telling you about!

Therefore, today I wrote a post about Peruvian poppy: what it is, what its properties are, what benefits it has for our body and how to take it.

Why does Peruvian maca deserve our attention?

From this article you will learn:

Peruvian Maca - beneficial properties and methods of use

Peruvian Maca is just one of those natural remedies, thanks to which you can solve many health problems and feeling unwell without any aggressive effect on your own body.

What else I personally like about this dietary supplement, besides the fact that it is an absolutely 100% natural drug, is the “width of scope” of its spectrum of effects on our body!

There is so much that is not included in the list of beneficial properties of Peruvian maca!

I will tell you only the most important things.

Peruvian maca - a mysterious plant with a rich history

Peruvian maca is a plant that belongs to the cruciferous family.

Another name for poppy is “bedbug” (well, that’s a name, right?).

On the other hand, it’s not about the name, but about the BENEFITS it can provide, right?

Maca grows only in the highlands Latin America, at an altitude of at least 3000 meters above sea level.

But this plant is only “super-exotic” for you and me; for the local population, this plant is an absolutely ordinary food product that simply has powerful medicinal properties.

Let's say, as for you and me - .

Peruvian maca is a root vegetable, and it is the root of this plant that is used as food.

Various drugs are made from it.

But we are not local residents of South America, and we do not have the opportunity to simply peel maca and grate this root vegetable into our salad...

But we have a great opportunity to purchase the purest natural preparations from maca, made in the safest and most gentle ways, using such modern technologies, which preserve everything valuable that is in the fresh root vegetables of this plant!

This plant is quite in demand. This is evidenced by impressive figures on the area allocated for Peruvian poppy crops in Latin America.

What beneficial components do Peruvian maca contain?

Peruvian maca has a rich composition.

Here are some of the many valuable components that contribute to the wonderful healing and healing effects of maca on our body:

  1. maca tubers contain amides fatty acids, which have a very strong effect on the health of the male reproductive system, and increase the power of sexual power in men;
  2. various alkaloids that maca is rich in have a very beneficial effect on health genitourinary system both men and women;
  3. the thiocyanates and glucosinolates contained in the composition have a pronounced antitumor effect and can even promote healing from malignant tumors;
  4. contains many minerals, among which copper, iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus are especially important;
  5. In terms of vitamins, the leaders here are vitamin E, vitamin C and B vitamins, which enhances the beneficial properties of maca;
  6. This root contains tannins, starch, alkaloids and starch, as well as carbohydrates and proteins.

This is just the most basic thing that makes Peruvian maca effective and healthy.

What are the healing properties of this exotic plant?

If you take Peruvian maca correctly and, most importantly, regularly, you can quickly get a lot of benefits for health and well-being.

In this case, this plant, which has a very large number of beneficial properties, can provide the following improvements in health and well-being:

  • 1 - For men - increasing the quality characteristics of seminal fluid. Thanks to the biologically active components contained in maca, sperm will begin to move more actively. And this, in turn, will have a significant positive impact on the existing problem of infertility.

Moreover, this plant remarkably improves not only the quality itself, but also the quantity of sperm. This feature is very important for the effective treatment of oligospermia.

  • 2 - Glucosinolates and thiocyanates present in maca have pronounced antitumor and antioxidant effects. Thanks to the presence of these substances, all toxic components that accumulate in the liver tissues are bound and removed from the body, which, in turn, is an excellent prevention and treatment of cancer.
  • 3 - Peruvian Maca is a powerful aphrodosiac. If you take maca preparations regularly, you can significantly improve your sexual performance and the functions of the reproductive system in general in a fairly short time, since many components of maca perfectly tone the reproductive cells and improve the healthy functioning of the prostate in men.

Exposure to bioactive elements increases sexual desire in women and men equally.

  • 4 - In women, Peruvian maca preparations improve the functioning of the entire reproductive system, the hormonal system, improve the functioning of the menstrual cycle and make it healthier, which, at a minimum, is expressed in the weakening of the unpleasant symptoms of PMS, and at a maximum, relieves infertility and heals tumor formations (cysts and etc.).
  • 5 - With regular use of maca, the skin of the face and body rejuvenates, all aging processes begin to proceed more slowly, and significant regeneration of cells and tissues of the body occurs, which is expressed in visual rejuvenation: the skin becomes firmer, more elastic, wrinkles disappear. Many people note a refreshed appearance and complexion.
  • 6 — Peruvian maca has a powerful tonic and restorative effect on the entire body as a whole.

It can increase concentration, memory, overall endurance of the body, increase energy and significantly strengthen resistance to any stressful situations.

Those who use maca for quite a long time notice (me included!) that the restoration of energy and strength after any emotional shock occurs many times faster.

Agree, friends, all of the above is quite relevant for our modern life at “high speeds”, right?

  • 7 – For those who train in the gym for the purpose of building up muscle mass, Peruvian maca is the number one remedy.

Despite its 100% naturalness, it is absolutely not inferior in anabolic effect to identical pharmacological drugs! The components of this plant powerfully activate the processes of concentration in muscle fibers myoglobin, and this contributes to a significant increase in endurance and muscle strength during even very long and exhausting workouts.

Therefore, people who use so-called “natural bodybuilding” to build strength and muscle mass know this supplement and willingly use it.

It is also popular among those who engage in other types of physical activity(running, swimming, cycling, etc.) and leads Healthy Image Life.

Use preparations based on this plant if you have the following needs:

  • deterioration (withering) of the condition of the skin, hair and nails,
  • decreased sex drive;
  • if you have been diagnosed with infertility or are preparing to conceive;
  • if you need to cure problems in the genitourinary system;
  • if in recent times you are often tired, exhausted and realize that your recovery is not happening as quickly as you would like;
  • if you have a need to increase your endurance and strength when performing regular workouts; if there is a goal to strengthen the immune system and improve the health of the body,

How long does a course of taking maca last?

In order to feel any positive effect of maca on your body, you need to take it for at least 21 days. That's the minimum.

Just to evaluate the progress that has begun in your well-being.

Peruvian maca preparations are absolutely safe. Therefore, they can be safely used on an ongoing basis.

In what form are Peruvian maca preparations produced?

All maca preparations are usually available in powder, extract and capsule form.

  • Peruvian maca powder - how to use

The technology of the powder production process allows you to save almost everything healing properties of this plant, and get a drug that can be equated in its strength to medicinal products!

Maca powder can be added to food (juices, cereals, etc.), or you can take it simply with water, or pre-mix it in a small amount of water.

Dosage instructions are always written on the packaging. I use this one maca powder.

  • Features of Peruvian maca extract

The peculiarity of the extract is that all the beneficial substances are contained there in greater concentration. This is why we can say that the effectiveness of the extract is stronger than that of the powder.

But you need to know that the extract, in its pure form, has a rather specific aroma and taste.

  • Peruvian maca capsules

Capsules are the most commonly used variation of Peruvian maca preparations, especially in fast modern life, when everything is “on the go” and everything is needed “quickly, quickly,” but, again, everything is individual.

See a large selection of preparations from Peruvian maca Here

So, pay attention to these important points:

  • Despite the fact that maca is a completely natural natural remedy, which can be attributed, rather, to such “superfoods” as spirulina, goji berries, etc., taking these drugs should be started gradually, little by little at first, then Over time, you can increase the dosage.

Why is this being done?

In order to avoid any unpleasant phenomena from the body, which can begin in any person, because the body starts the process of healing and healing existing problems.

  • Do not exceed the dosage of the drugs used!

At the same time, you should carefully monitor your body’s reaction and, if the body begins to cleanse and heal, while causing you some discomfort, you can take short breaks so that the body can calmly adapt and cope with the temporary difficulties that have arisen.

  • If you use maca powder by adding it to food, then a necessary condition for this will be that the temperature of your dish should in no case exceed 40-43 degrees! Otherwise, all the “usefulness” of the poppies will be nullified.
  • Do not take Peruvian maca preparations at night, and best of all, do not use it even in the afternoon, best of all - in the morning. It has a strong tonic effect, so you simply won’t be able to fall asleep. And even if you do fall asleep, your sleep will be restless and intermittent.

See you again, Alena!

  • Vitamins!
  • Sexual sphere.
  • Energy!
  • Benefits for the skin.

As with other superfoods (eg, and even ) for the greatest benefit, wisely combine bioactive Inca Gold with plant-based meals containing fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, grains, seeds and other whole foods.

The main condition for maintaining all useful properties


100% Organic Peruvian Maca (powder)


Peruvian maca root (Lepidium meyenii, English Peruvian Maca, Peruvian ginseng, “gold of the Incas”) is an exotic South American root vegetable from the Cruciferous family, a relative of the turnip. It is a unique natural supplement for promoting health and restoring vitality during excessive physical and mental stress.

Peruvian maca is a natural energy booster, immunomodulator, adaptogen and aphrodisiac.(a substance that stimulates or enhances sexual desire or sexual activity - based on Wikipedia).

Seven main beneficial properties of Peruvian maca root powder:

  • Vitamins! Maca is rich in vitamins B, C and E. Contains a large number of calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium phosphorus and amino acids.
  • Sexual sphere. Peruvian maca has been used since ancient times to support sexual function in both men and women. It is believed to increase libido and physical stamina, as well as aid proper hormonal balance. Unlike chemicals, Peruvian maca root does not have side effects. Studies have been conducted in which women with sexual dysfunction after taking chemical antidepressants regained healthy sex drive and sensuality by taking 3 grams of maca powder per day.
  • Women Health and mood. Regular consumption of maca root helps female body It is easier to bear the symptoms of menopause.
  • Energy! Some people have a level vital energy significantly increases within a few days after starting to take Peruvian maca extract. It is known that to increase endurance, many athletes take maca root - this can improve performance. If you feel tired most of the time, try adding maca root powder to your diet to see how it works. It is important to remember that even a small amount of root vegetables is enough! Many people have reported an increase in mental energy and ability to focus by taking Peruvian ginseng.
  • Healing and strengthening the body. Peruvian maca helps your health in a number of ways. It supplies iron and helps restore red blood cells, prevents anemia and cardiovascular diseases. The nutrients in poppy seeds help keep bones and teeth healthy and speed up wound healing. When used in conjunction with a good workout regimen, maca consumption can help increase muscle mass.
  • Benefits for the skin. Many people take maca to get rid of acne and blemishes on their skin. It also helps the body better adapt to environmental conditions - in cold or hot weather it helps the skin withstand extreme temperatures.
  • Balance of psychological state. Despite the lack of “scientific” evidence, many people have found that regular consumption of maca root vegetables helps cope with anxiety, stress, depression and mood swings.

Contraindications and precautions

Experts have found the use of Peruvian maca powder safe. Use dosages based on your own sensations and body reactions, without exceeding the maximum permissible dose.

If you have cancer associated with the genital area, as well as liver disease and high blood pressure, consult your doctor before taking maca.

As with other superfoods (eg, and even ) for the greatest benefit, wisely combine bioactive Inca Gold with plant-based meals containing fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, grains, seeds and other whole foods.

Peruvian maca powder can be consumed in a variety of ways:

  • Mix it with drinks, the easiest way is with water and, or.
  • Add to fruit juices green smoothies, herbal tea, yoghurts, smoothies - for example, use a blender to mix 2 bananas, 2 tsp. maca powder, 2 cups water, honey, agave nectar or other natural sugar substitute - to taste.
  • Add to homemade energy bars, salad or porridge.
  • It is possible to include maca in baking recipes.

The main condition for maintaining all useful properties superfood is the low temperature of the food with which it is mixed (no higher than 45 degrees).

The instructions for using Peruvian maca powder are simple - it is recommended to start with 0.5 teaspoons per day, gradually increasing the dosage to 2-3 teaspoons per day.

Syn.: Meyenne bug, Andean poppy, Peruvian ginseng.

The Meyena bug or Peruvian poppy is a type of biennial herbaceous plant with an edible pear-shaped rhizome, thick pinnately divided leaves and small flowers collected in a racemose inflorescence. The plant stimulates sexual function, increases sperm motility, normalizes hormonal imbalance.

Ask the experts a question

In medicine

Bedbug Meyena, better known as Peruvian maca, is not a pharmacopoeial plant and is not listed in the Register of Medicines of the Russian Federation, but is approved for sale as a biologically active additive (BAA). The plant is an aphrodisiac, helps normalize hormonal balance, and increases sperm motility.

Contraindications and side effects

Peruvian maca root has a number of contraindications. It should not be taken during pregnancy, breastfeeding or during childhood. Maca can worsen the condition of patients with hormone-sensitive diseases such as fibroids and uterine cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer and the like.

In cooking and food industry

Rhizome of Peruvian maca - food product. In appearance, the root vegetable resembles a turnip or rutabaga and can be either buttery yellow or purple, almost black. From fresh roots prepare soups, jams, add them to curries and vegetable casseroles. A popular dish in Peru is baked maca root, from which a viscous puree is obtained. The puree is dried, resulting in something similar to cereals. They are eaten for breakfast, doused with milk. Fermented Peruvian maca roots are the basis of a weak beer called chicha de maqui. The black roots of the plant are used to produce liquor. The leaves of the plant are also edible and suitable for making salads. Fresh maca roots are not stored for long, so you can only enjoy them in the places where the plant grows. From the dried roots of poppies, flour is obtained, suitable for baking pancakes, cakes, and bread. Peruvian maca tastes both slightly sweet and bitter.

On the farm

The roots and tops of Peruvian maca serve as good food for artiodactyl animals.


Meyen's bug (Lepidium meyenii) is a species of biennial herbaceous plants from the genus Lepidium. The plant is also known as Peruvian Maca. According to various sources, the genus contains from 175 to 220 species. In addition to Peruvian maca, Lepidium sativum, better known as edible watercress, has found widespread use as a medicinal plant. The genus Klopovnik is part of the large family of Cabbage, or Cruciferous (Brassicaceae).

Botanical description

Peruvian maca has a fleshy, spherical or cylindrical root whose color varies from pale yellow to purple and black. The root reaches a weight of up to 1 kg. Thick green, pinnately divided leaves are collected in a rosette; they are continuously renewed - the outer ones die off, and new ones grow from the center, directly from the above-ground part of the root. They reach 20 cm in length. Small white Peruvian poppy flowers are collected in a racemose inflorescence. Their diameter reaches 5 mm. The seeds of the plant are tiny, ovoid, red-gray.


The plant can be found in Peru, Bolivia and Brazil. The natural environment for the Peruvian maca is at an altitude of 3,800 to 4,400 meters above sea level, where the average monthly minimum and maximum temperatures during the growing season vary from -2 to +13°C.

Procurement of raw materials

Medicinal raw materials is a powder extracted from the roots of the Peruvian maca. Since the plant is too high temperatures loses part medicinal properties, it is processed in a gentle manner. The poppy roots are removed from the ground, cleaned of adhering dirt, washed and cut into pieces. These pieces are dried at a temperature not exceeding 45°C. Recently, for therapeutic use, the roots have been gelatinized and extruded to make the raw material more delicate, bioavailable and easier to digest. Another new technology is maceration of Peruvian maca roots and subsequent extraction of juice from them. This juice is freeze-dried to produce a highly digestible, nutrient-rich powder, often called Peruvian maca extract. Store Peruvian maca powder in a cool, dry place for up to 12 months, in an airtight container (glass, plastic or paper).

Chemical composition

Chemical composition Peruvian maca root has been well studied. The nutritional value root crop is comparable to cereals such as wheat and rice. It contains about 60-75% carbohydrates, up to 15% protein and 2% fat, as well as 8.5% fiber. The root contains calcium, potassium, iodine, iron, zinc, manganese, fatty acids - linolenic, palmitic, oleic, malic, 19 amino acids, as well as macamides - fatty acid amides, their derivatives amine thiocyanates, two imidazole alkaloids and lepidins A and B , glucosinolates, alkaloids, 7 alkamides and beta-sitosterol. The most valuable biologically active substance is the alkaloid macaridine, found only in maca root.

Pharmacological properties

In a number of scientific experiments, Peruvian poppy has shown itself to be an aphrodisiac. The plant improves function prostate gland, helps reduce the refractory pause, improves hormonal metabolism. Peruvian maca is recommended for asthenosospermia and oligospermia, as it increases sperm activity. Red varieties of root vegetables can reduce dysuric symptoms of prostatitis in men, this has been proven in experiments on rats. The antitumor effect of the plant is comparable to the effect of related species from the same family. All cabbage vegetables contain thiocyanates and glycosinolates, which help prevent prostate adenoma. Doctors speak of Peruvian black poppy as a product rich in iodine, capable of combating the deficiency of this element in the body. Studies have shown that long-term (at least 6 weeks) use of Peruvian maca extract slightly improves arterial pressure and certain aspects of mood, including relieving depression and anxiety in postmenopausal women. But the benefits of taking the plant are considered insignificant by scientists. The tonic effect of the plant has not been proven.

Use in folk medicine

Medicinal properties Peruvian poppies are used in folk medicine. The plant is recommended to be taken for male infertility as an aphrodisiac, a product that increases sexual desire and has a beneficial effect on potency. Peruvian poppy is suggested to be drunk during, to cope with hormonal imbalances, problems with menstrual cycle, for anemia and leukemia, for the syndrome chronic fatigue. Healers suggest taking maca for depression, to improve memory, and as an immunostimulant.

Historical reference

The beneficial properties of Peruvian maca have been known for centuries. Until the end of the 20th century, the plant was grown only in a limited region around Lake Judin in Peru. The Indians living there exchanged the maca they grew for other products. This exchange was very successful, since the locals believed in the extraordinary effect of Peruvian maca on men and their potency. There is a legend that famous Inca warriors ate the plant before battle to become incredibly strong. Having won the battle, they pounced on the conquered women with unprecedented fervor, so influenced by the maca.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the popularity of maca as a food additives has increased sharply. Market prices for the plant have reached unprecedented heights. Attracted by the plant's commercial potential, Chinese businessmen began growing maca in the southwestern province of Yunnan. Since the area under cultivation is many times larger than the available land in Peru and Bolivia, “Chinese” maca is grown in greater quantities and is cheaper. Peruvian authorities accuse the Chinese of biopiracy. A separate issue for international organizations dealing with such scandals is how the Chinese obtained the seed, since unprocessed poppy is prohibited for export by the authorities of all countries where the plant was previously grown.


  1. Leon, J. (1964) - The "Maca" (Lepidium meyenii), a little known food plant in Peru. - Econ. Bot. 18: 122-127 (English)
  2. Tello, J., M. Hermann & A. Calderón (1992) - La maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.): cultivo alimenticio potencial para las zonas altoandinas. - Bol. Lima 81: 59-66 (Spanish)

Peruvian maca is an inconspicuous plant, similar in appearance to rutabaga, radish, and turnip. For many centuries it has been food and medicine for the indigenous populations of Peru, Bolivia and Argentina. It gave endurance to warriors on campaigns, restored strength after battle, and helped them survive in harsh conditions.

Since ancient times, it was noticed that the roots of Peruvian maca not only increased the physical and mental activity of men, but also had a positive effect on their sexual stamina and fertility.

Later scientists proved that maca fruits actually contain substances that are adaptogens and aphrodisiacs.

Thanks to these studies, the drug Peruvian Maca appeared, the use of which for men increases sperm motility, enhances the sexual desire of sexual partners, and improves the quality of sexual intercourse.

Of course, all of the above is true only for the real drug. Recently, the popularity of Peruvian maca has been growing, so high-quality fakes are appearing here and there like mushrooms after rain.

Due to the fact that the fake remedy does not give the desired effect, people are in Peruvian poppy. Real powder or capsules can only be bought on the official website, but not in sex shops.

Peruvian Maca is a superfood, a natural product, which is made from the fruits of the Lepidium Meyenii plant, a plant of the cruciferous family.

Superfoods are not medicines or dietary supplements (dietary supplements).

Superfoods are an independent group of plant products that have a high concentration of useful substances, which are not found in such a composition in any other plant.

Main component Peruvian Maca- a unique plant root powder. To make it, the fruits are dried and ground to a powdery state.

The uniqueness of the powder in its composition:

  1. Glycolysates, thiocyanates– block inflammatory processes, affecting neoplasms, reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors.
  2. Fatty acid amides– supply the body with energy, participate in the process of hormone synthesis and testosterone production, and promote the body’s absorption of vitamins and microelements.
  3. Alkaloid derivatives– stabilize the functioning of the genitourinary system, prevent the development of adenoma and prostatitis.
  4. Complex of vitamins, micro and macro elements– increase immunity, physical activity, and sexual stamina.

Release form

The method of using Peruvian Maca depends on the form of the drug. And it is available in the form of capsules and powder.

  1. Powder light in color, packaged in foil bags that have a special zipper. Some manufacturers add vitamins or extracts to the powder medicinal herbs and plants. The price of one package (250 gr.) is from 1400 rubles, 100 gr. The drug can be bought for one thousand rubles.
  2. Capsules have different names - “Peruvian Maca gold of the Incas”, “Organic Peruvian Maca in vegetable capsules”, “Maca capsules” and differ in composition. Some capsules contain extracts of different varieties of maca, others add ginseng root, seafood extracts, and medicinal plant concentrates. Capsules are produced in solid form, in a shell made of vegetable cellulose. The price of one package (60 pcs.) is from 1800 to 4000 rubles.

Indications for use

Peruvian Maca is rightfully considered one of the best means to improve potency in men. Taking Peruvian Maca is recommended in the following cases::

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • low sperm activity;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • decreased sensitivity of the penis;
  • weak erection;
  • infertility;
  • impotence.

Also, in addition to sexual wellness, Peruvian Maca can be used to recover from stress and overwork. The product improves memory and concentration. Has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland.

Peruvian maca: instructions for use (powder and capsules)

Below we will look at how to take Peruvian Maca correctly.

How to use Peruvian Maca: the powder can be dissolved in liquid (water, juice) or sprinkled on warm cereals, salads, and breakfast cereals.

Do not mix the powder with hot foods, as at elevated temperatures it loses its properties. It is not recommended to mix with coffee and alcohol.

At active activities sports or fitness, you can mix the powder with protein shakes.

A positive result occurs after 2-3 doses.


Since Peruvian Maca is a herbal, natural product, no special contraindications for use have been identified, except for age restrictions under 18 years and individual intolerance.

The body of European men is not adapted to taking maca, and may react differently to an unfamiliar product.

Do not start treatment immediately with a large dosage. You should use the drug according to the instructions for use, and also carefully monitor your well-being. When allergic reactions, stomach upset - stop taking it and consult a doctor.

High-quality, regular sex is not a man’s whim.

It helps to be self-confident and achieve certain successes in various areas (career, position in society, achievements in sports, self-esteem).

It prolongs not only sexual activity, but also life expectancy.

Well, have you decided to try it? Finally! We'll give you a 50% discount on your first order!

Peruvian Maca is not a panacea, but just one of many means to improve potency. So that the money is not wasted, and the result remains constantly positive, you should use Peruvian Maca correctly, and you also need to get rid of bad habits and take care of your health.

Now you know what Peruvian Maca is and how to take the powder and capsules. If you still have questions, welcome to, which is entirely dedicated to this tool.

Peruvian Maca: instructions for use in powder form:

Can Peruvian maca bring benefits to men and solve problems related to potency? It is no secret that recently a significant number of representatives of the stronger sex have complained of decreased potency. Not only age indicators are the cause of decreased libido. It was noticed that problems of a sexual nature have become significantly younger, and an increasing number of young men began to experience problems in the sexual sphere. Today we will look at a number of reasons that led to potency problems, and whether Peruvian maca can solve them. Is its effect on the male body exaggerated or plausible?

The geographical homeland of the maca plant is in the mountains of Peru. As the historical local chronicle tells, the plant has become popular for a long time. The Inca tribes noticed how eating the plant affected strength and endurance. And men, in order to impress the lady of their heart, used the plant before intercourse.

Modern science has become interested in this plant, which was hidden from the eyes of the scientific world, and has recently recognized it as a powerful aphrodisiac that restores potency and increases sexual desire. Peruvian maca is not only able to have a one-time effect on sexual intercourse, like Viagra, but also treat impotence, as they say, from the inside.

Useful substances of the plant:

Glucosinolates are natural antimicrobial components designed to fight carcinogens, poisons and fungal infections. Often used as an anti-cancer agent.

Amino acids – activate the protective properties of the immune system. They have the qualities of a natural energy drink. Strengthen nervous system. Increases strength indicators.

Alkaloids – stimulate the heart muscle, regenerate the functioning of the irregular and genitourinary system. They are an excellent energy drink that increases endurance and strength.

Zinc is one of the most important elements for men. Increases stress resistance, participates in the production of the hormone testosterone, improves overall well-being, resists the harmful effects of free radicals, and improves sperm quality.

Selenium – has a direct effect in the production of red blood cells, improves mood and sexual stamina.

Copper is responsible for hematopoietic processes, supplies the body with energy, and actively influences metabolic and oxidative processes.

Be carefull!

A lot of fakes have appeared, made in good packaging, but in reality they do not give the corresponding effect. In addition, resellers who grasped the essence of the matter began to inflate prices exorbitantly. A representative of the company, in order to insure his product, decided to distribute it exclusively through the official website.