What can cause itchy breasts? Why your breasts itch: causes and ways to eliminate itching. Allergies are a common cause of itching

Every woman often in her life wonders why her breasts itch. If we know the cause of such discomfort (for example, it could be an insect bite or prickly clothing), then we take appropriate measures and live in peace. But it also happens that the chest continues to itch, or even hurt, for no apparent reason.

The most common reasons for itchy breasts:

  1. The skin is irritated due to contact with an uncomfortable bra, possibly made of synthetic fabric. A smaller bra also causes itching as it puts pressure on the breast. Whether this is actually true can be easily verified by changing your underwear to something more comfortable. If after this your breasts stop itching, then the reason was in the bra.
  2. Breasts sometimes itch due to skin irritation, which can be caused by detergent particles. Try washing clothes that come into contact with the delicate skin of your chest with regular laundry soap, and then rinse. If after this the itching stops, then the reason was allergic reaction skin for chemistry. Then use a different detergent.
  3. Is the skin on your chest noticeably red, or are there visible rashes on it? Then a skin disease is possible. And if these symptoms do not go away, you should immediately consult a gynecologist.
  4. The chest also itches due to taking medication that caused an allergy.
  5. The chest is very itchy due to eczema, which occurs due to dry skin. When rashes or small calluses appear, you want to scratch, as the itching can be severe. As soon as you scratch yourself, bloody wounds have formed on the skin, and these are places where bacteria rush, causing inflammatory process. Those who suffer from allergies or asthma are more likely to suffer from this disease. Eczema can be triggered by allergens contained in detergents and products; long stay in water; stress. Therefore, try not to wash yourself with detergents that cause dry skin and flaking. Use moisturizing oils and creams, especially after water treatments. Try not to put yourself under stress. Remember that the body needs rest.
  6. Nipples may itch in girls who actively engage in sports. Skin irritation is caused by friction against clothing, especially those made of synthetic fabrics. Cream or Vaseline and careful selection of underwear will help in these cases.
  7. A rare cause is breast cancer of the nipples or Paget's disease (named after J. Paget, who discovered this disease). The symptoms of the disease are similar to eczema: a burning sensation, unbearable itching, a red rash on the skin, bloody issues. Therefore, if such signs occur, it is better to undergo an examination and see a doctor.

If you experience nipple discharge, be sure to consult a doctor.

Causes of the disease

Chest pain in women is classified into cyclical and non-cyclical.

Cyclic pain is associated with the menstrual cycle and occurs before menstruation.

An adult woman's breasts may hurt due to changes hormonal levels. After ovulation, more progesterone is produced in the blood, which indicates that in the event of pregnancy the body is ready to bear a child and, subsequently, feed him (the mammary glands swell). True, premenstrual syndrome is not observed in all women, but only in the most sensitive ones. This pain is natural, but still, if it is severe, you should definitely see a doctor to rule out pathological changes in the mammary glands.

Puberty (puberty) is accompanied by sore and itchy breasts.

At the age of 9-12, girls’ bodies undergo restructuring, the level of estrogen (female sex hormones) in the blood increases, and the mammary glands grow. The painful condition of the breast can last from several months to 1.5 years. Don't be afraid of this. And it’s good if the girl has a trusting relationship with someone close to her (mother, older sister), who will tell her about the physiological changes in the body.

To make it easier to bear the pain, you can apply any vegetable oil (burdock, sea buckthorn, rose) to your chest with light movements. In addition, the girl should know that preference should be given to bras made from natural fabrics.

Non-cyclical pain is usually experienced by women over 40 years old. This can manifest not only diseases of the mammary glands, but also ailments of bone or muscle origin.

Pain and itching in the mammary gland are also a sign of pregnancy. Naturally, in this position, the nipples itch and hurt, and the breasts increase in size. After all, milk will soon flow through the milk ducts for the baby. Each pregnant woman may experience chest pain at different times: some in the first trimester, some later, it all depends on individual characteristics. Moreover, when the breasts do not hurt during pregnancy, this is alarm signal, which may indicate a frozen pregnancy or a threat of miscarriage. Even if pregnancy is terminated, the pain will not go away immediately; the body needs some time to readjust and restore hormonal balance.


A pregnant woman's breasts may also itch due to dry skin. In this case, you need to use oil or moisturizer that contains collagen and elastin.

Not everyone has the happiness of feeding their child. Sometimes, for various reasons, a woman does not produce milk. But for breastfeeding mothers, immediately after the birth of the child, the breasts may hurt due to the fact that the child does not suck out all the milk.

Why do they hurt mammary glands in a nursing mother:

Due to the flow of milk, stretching the lobules of the mammary gland and lactostasis. This is a dull pain, localized mostly on the sides of the mammary glands, where the lobules empty less easily during feeding. After feeding or expressing milk, relief occurs, but the painful condition may not go away. With lactostasis, milk stagnates in the ducts of the mammary glands due to insufficient emptying of the breast. Over time, the feeding process will be regulated and the pain will go away.

Due to mastitis - inflammation of the breast tissue. Symptoms: the skin turns red in the sore spot, a lump in the mammary gland does not go away after feeding, fever. In this case, medical help is definitely needed.

Determining the diagnosis

May be felt in the chest area infectious diseases, diseases of the heart, lungs, spine. To determine the diagnosis, you need to find out the nature of the pain.

When there is pain under the right breast, there is a possibility that hepatitis, pancreatitis, and renal colic are making themselves felt in this way. In the upper part of the chest (on the right side) lung diseases are felt. Most often, chest pain on the left side can be associated with heart disease, intercostal neuralgia, and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

If pain in the mammary glands is accompanied by enlargement lymph nodes in the armpit area and lumps, and there is also discharge from the nipples, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor. A complete diagnosis, mammography, ultrasound of the mammary glands, biopsy and tests for tumor markers will be required.

Serious reasons for examination are mastopathy, in which lumps and cysts appear. The examination is necessary in order to avoid progression of the disease and prevent cancer. With mastopathy, pain can be felt from time to time or be prolonged during menstruation. You should immediately go to the doctor, as pain may indicate complications.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. This insidious disease is dangerous because it does not have any specific symptoms. If you have the slightest doubt about the health of your mammary glands, you should consult a doctor. The sooner the disease is detected and treatment is started, the greater the chances of defeating the disease and avoiding surgery and chemotherapy.

Signs of breast cancer:

  • pain in some areas of the mammary gland;
  • redness and peeling of the skin;
  • inverted nipple;
  • discharge with blood.

It is important to find out the cause of any chest pain, and for this you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination. You should not decide on your own which treatment methods to use.

Prevention of breast cancer includes:

  1. Healthy lifestyle.
  2. Physical activity without overexertion.
  3. Complete balanced nutrition. Too fatty, canned and salty foods do not add health, but on the contrary, they are harmful. There should be more vegetables and fruits on your table, especially cereals and citrus fruits. Give preference to fish (mackerel, for example), the consumption of which prevents the development of cancer.
  4. Eliminate tight bras and synthetic underwear from your wardrobe, and give preference to natural fabrics. Remember: you should not wear bras for more than 12 hours, and you should wear loose clothing to bed.
  5. Physical education and sports will help you stay healthy, but within reasonable limits, without fanaticism.
  6. Take a sedative if your doctor has prescribed it for you.
  7. Get rid of bad habits(if they are). Smoking and alcohol are harmful to beauty and health.
  8. Avoid sunbathing during hours when the sun is active. It will be more beneficial if you bask in the sun in the morning (before 12 o'clock) and in the evening (after 5 o'clock).
  9. Be attentive to your health. Keep in mind that a chest injury is a reason to consult a specialist. After an injury, a cavity may form in the mammary gland, which is filled with fluid that turns into a tumor. Every six months, a woman needs to undergo a mammogram and an ultrasound of the breast.

Examination at home

To protect yourself from breast cancer, learn how to perform a breast exam yourself at home. It is done on the 8th day after menstruation (at this time the mammary glands remain more soft) in daylight.

Rules for examining your breasts:

  1. You need to lie on your back, placing your right hand under the back of your head.
  2. We palpate using the index, middle and ring fingers of the left hand. Feel your breasts using slow circular movements (the diameter of the circles is no more than 2 cm). You need to start from the armpit, moving down. The entire chest is felt this way.
  3. In the same way, examine the left breast, switching hands.
  4. Lumps in the lower part of the chest are not a deviation from the norm. If they are present in other places, consult a doctor.
  5. After this you need to go to the mirror. Place your hands on your hips. Examine your breasts carefully, paying attention to changes in their shape, size, and skin condition (whether there is a rash or peeling).

If you have doubts whether you have found a tumor or not, you need to seek advice from a specialist. Both pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as young girls, need to have their breasts examined.


Indications for mammography

Mammography is an X-ray examination of the breast using a special device, which makes it possible to detect breast cancer in initial stage. It is done if there are indications:

  1. The presence of a lump that was identified during a routine examination or was discovered by the woman herself.
  2. Palpable chest pain.
  3. Redness of the skin, changes in breast contour and nipple shape.
  4. In the presence of heredity, when close relatives have breast disease. Such an examination is prescribed more often than once a year.
  5. When hormonal levels change during the cycle.
  6. Control examination to check the results of treatment.
  7. In addition, as a preventative measure, mammography is performed on all older women without any symptoms.

A condition in which the chest itches and hurts is not that rare. Any hormonal changes in a woman’s body affect the condition of the mammary glands. This should alert you and make a decision to consult a doctor.

The mammary glands can itch and hurt for a variety of reasons. From the most common allergic reactions to serious cancer ones, everything can cause itching and pain. In order not to miss dangerous illnesses, but at the same time not to panic over trifles, read the tips below.

Intolerance to powder components is one of the causes of itching

All laundry detergents and fabric softeners (both liquid and powder) can cause very strong reactions. There is no guarantee that using the same powder for many years will help you avoid allergies.

Particular attention should be paid to powders with strong fragrances; as a rule, allergies develop most often from such powders. If you have determined that your breasts react to clean, powder-smelling underwear, then this may be the reason. Try changing your detergent. It is best to use baby powders, which are usually made hypoallergenic, their quality is subject to special control and they are safe.

Allergies come in different forms

The very first thing to consider with such symptoms is allergic reactions. There are a huge number of allergens that cause discomfort, but in the case of the mammary glands, you can consider the following:

  • Reactions to the fabric of a bra, blouse, dress. Now almost all materials are made almost entirely on a synthetic basis. This is especially true for underwear. The trouble is that these synthetics are of very low quality and very often cause itching, scratching and allergies.
  • Various cosmetical tools , primarily deodorants and body milk that do not wash off the skin. Dubious cheap perfumes from unknown manufacturers are especially harmful (and the cheaper, the greater the likelihood of allergies).
  • Decorations. Unfortunately, even silver has begun to cause allergic reactions. What can we say about metal products of dubious composition.
  • Water with a lot of chlorine. Especially in spring, when due to rising groundwater, more chlorine is added to the water than usual.
  • Medicines. Every new unknown drug is a potential allergen.
  • New food products in nutrition.
  • Insect bites. Unfortunately, even mosquito bites can cause an allergic reaction.

Allergic reactions can appear either within a few hours (or minutes in the case of medications) or several days after contact with the allergen. In this case, the skin itches, turns red, and itches. There may be swelling and blisters.

In case of acute allergies, you should not self-medicate, but it is better to immediately see a therapist and/or an allergist. The doctor will prescribe suitable medications and do tests to determine the allergen.

Poor hygiene

This reason is usually characteristic of the hot season and is associated with sweating. With tight underwear, chafing occurs faster, and the skin itches and itches.

Another problem is when, in the heat, a woman, instead of taking an extra shower, uses a deodorant with long-term protection against sweat (for 48 hours). In such products, the active ingredient is aluminum, which blocks the pores (sweat comes out of them). As a result, you can get severe swelling and itching in the armpits and chest area.

PMS (premenstrual syndrome)

Swelling and pain are quite common accompanying premenstrual syndrome. The chest becomes heavy and painful. At the same time, the nipples of the breast become sensitive, and itching may also occur in them. With the onset of menstruation, these phenomena disappear and, as a rule, do not bother the woman until the next cycle. Hormones are to blame for this, or rather the level of estrogen and progesterone. If the symptoms are too pronounced and painful, then you should contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist and he will prescribe suitable medications.

Diabetes as a source of itching

At diabetes mellitus(or blood sugar surges) the skin often suffers. Blood flow deteriorates, blood vessels become brittle, dry skin and itching appear. As a rule, itching spreads not only to the chest area, but also to the genitals and scalp. Small wounds on the skin do not heal for a long time, since protein synthesis is difficult. In suspicious cases, you should definitely contact an endocrinologist (or therapist). Unfortunately, this problem cannot be solved by simple external means. It is necessary to treat the underlying disease.

Openwork and seductive lingerie

The original purpose of wearing a bra is to support the breasts. But over time, it turned from an object of support into an object of decoration and seduction. Bras began to be decorated with a large number of different laces and inserts. And the fabric of the linen is often not of the best quality. As a result, seams, fabrics, laces rub the skin and nipples of the breast.

In addition, girls often wear bras that do not suit their breast shape, or even the wrong size. All this causes chafing and itching.

A good bra should contain a large percentage of natural materials (cotton), the seams should be flat and soft, and it is better to exclude lace and flowers for everyday wear. Such bras (made of high-quality fabric and good shape) of course cost more, but health is in in this case should come first.

When breasts get bigger

During puberty, the hormonal levels in a girl's body change. The breasts are growing and enlarging. As a rule, this is accompanied by itching and mild pain. Sometimes one breast hurts, then the other. This phenomenon is normal. If chest pain does not cause severe discomfort and is not accompanied by an increase in temperature, then there is no reason to worry. Over time, all symptoms will disappear.

Skin diseases

A lack of B vitamins, combined with nervous overload, can adversely affect the skin and cause various rashes, dryness, and peeling.

But there may be skin diseases not only in itchy form, but also in the form of blisters and purulent plaques. The danger is that once they appear in the chest area, they can spread throughout the body. Most often, such diseases are associated with poor hygiene. The result can be chafing and prickly heat.

Infectious diseases can be contagious and dangerous to others. They can be infected in in public places(baths, locker rooms).

In any case, you should urgently contact a dermatologist, who will take a scraping for tests and prescribe necessary treatment. Infections may result in hospitalization.

Breast diseases

Women who have various diseases cancer among close relatives (mothers, sisters, grandmothers, aunts). There can be both benign and malignant diseases.

Perhaps my mother suffered from mastopathy at a certain age, or my sister had a cyst removed.

You should be especially wary if the diseases were malignant. Such as nipple cancer (Paget's disease). Unfortunately, very often such ailments are hereditary. In such cases, visiting a gynecologist, therapist, or mammologist is vital.

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes in the female body necessarily affect the mammary glands. Such changes are especially pronounced during pregnancy. One of the first signs of pregnancy is It's a dull pain in the chest. As a rule, such pain is not very pronounced and may be partially accompanied by itching. It may appear even before the delay is determined.

As the fetus enlarges and the belly grows, breast enlargement occurs. This growth is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and some soreness. Stretch marks may appear on the chest (because of them, the chest may itch), and a venous network may protrude. These phenomena are normal and usually do not cause concern for women. It is worth consulting a mammologist once again only if the breasts are very aching, hard areas have appeared or have become very swollen.

Hormonal changes in the body also occur at the end of the female reproductive system during menopause. Breast pain, lumps, discharge, flaking and itching may occur. In such cases, consultation with an endocrinologist and mammologist is required.

What to do if your chest itches?

The very first actions. If the pain is severe, accompanied by weakness, fever, severe swelling and extensive rashes, then you should immediately contact ambulance. You should not delay such visits, as this can greatly harm your health.

If the pain does not bother you so much (there is no temperature), then you still need to visit a therapist.

Before visiting, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not sunbathe (either in a solarium or in the open sun).
  2. Avoid contact with water (if you suspect skin diseases).
  3. Do not use any cosmetics (including deodorants).
  4. If the skin of your breasts is very itchy, then, if possible, do without a bra at all.
  5. Wear soft cotton underwear (T-shirts).
  6. If the itching is not of obvious skin origin, then the breast skin can be moisturized with hypoallergenic (preferably purchased at a pharmacy) products.
  7. If you suspect a food allergy, exclude from your diet all spicy, salty and new foods that may cause a reaction.
  8. Do not scratch itchy areas.
  9. Follow a daily routine and rest schedule - get enough sleep and don’t be nervous. Until an accurate diagnosis has been established, you shouldn’t wrap yourself up in various horror stories.
  10. If you suspect an allergy, you can take antihistamines (it is better to consult with a pharmacy about the choice).
  11. In the same pharmacy you can ask for ointments that will help relieve allergic itching. If itching of unknown origin requires consultation with a dermatologist.

Whatever the cause of pain and itching in the chest, you should not ignore it. If the pain is of unknown origin, it is better to immediately visit a specialist. It is better that your worries and fears turn out to be far-fetched and frivolous than that a serious serious illness develops due to a careless attitude towards health.

Breast scratching during pregnancy is the least dangerous symptom among the sensations disturbing a woman during this period. However, in the absence of toxicosis and other pathological conditions, unpleasant itching in the mammary glands comes to the forefront among concerns. It is important to know what itching in the chest indicates and how to get rid of it so that your pregnancy goes without problems.

Why do breasts itch during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, hormonal fluctuations cause a lot of changes in a woman’s body, which also affect the breasts. The mammary gland preparing for lactation actively grows all 9 months, but most of all - in the first trimester. During this period, the number of lobules of glandular tissue increases, the vascular network grows, and the process of cell reproduction and maturation occurs.

These processes lead to a sharp enlargement of the mammary gland, which does not have time to follow nerve fibers and connective tissue elements of the skin. Because of this, torn and stretched nerve endings are additionally irritated, itching and sometimes painful sensations appear in the mammary glands. Other factors, including pathological ones, can also cause breast itching.

Natural causes of breast itching

You should not immediately look for pathology in breast scratching. In most cases, this symptom is a consequence of natural processes and the effect on the mammary gland of the following factors:

  1. Immediately sharp breast growth.
  2. Tight bra and hard elements in it.
  3. Rough fabric of underwear.
  4. Increased sweating (hyperhidrosis).
  5. Colostrum production.

During pregnancy, underwear should be made from natural fabrics. It is undesirable to use a bra with rigid elements and foam inserts, because synthetic fibers irritate nerve endings and increase itching.

Sweating on the breasts in pregnant women is usually increased due to two factors:

  • increasing total load on the muscles due to increased body weight;
  • active growth of the vascular network in the mammary glands.

Increased sweating, along with the use of synthetic materials, leads to the accumulation of sweat on the skin and irritation of nerve endings. This environment is also favorable for the appearance of diaper rash and dermatitis, so you need to carefully monitor the hygiene of the skin on the chest during pregnancy.

Natural discharge from the breasts of pregnant women - colostrum - usually begins to be released by 19-20 weeks. Its movement along the ducts can lead to itching in the nipple area. And if you do not use liquid-absorbing pads, the discharge itself can cause superficial irritation of the skin around the areola.

Good afternoon Term 29 weeks. For two months now, both my left breast and my right have been hurting and itching. Is it normal during pregnancy to have such signs or not? This didn’t happen in the early stages, so I’m very worried. Ilona, ​​20 years old.

Good afternoon, Ilona! Your symptoms usually occur early in pregnancy, but may occur later. It all depends on the individual timing of active breast growth in a pregnant woman. If the pain is sharp, not synchronous, or the breasts are red, then it is better to see a mammologist once again.

Itching of the skin of the chest can also appear after the appearance of stretch marks, due to which the nerve endings become closer to the surface. As a result, they are more exposed to the irritating effects of sweat and mechanical friction.

Pathological causes of breast itching

Itchy breast skin in pregnant women can also be a consequence of various pathologies that require prompt diagnosis and treatment. Such diseases include:

  1. Fungal diseases. They can occur only locally on the chest or be transferred from already affected areas of nails, hair and other parts of the body. Fungal infections accompanied by rashes, uneven redness and peeling of the skin.
  2. Allergy to synthetic fabrics, sweat or cosmetic creams. The thinned skin of the mammary glands becomes sensitive to foreign substances that come into contact with the breast. They can cause allergies with accompanying itching and rashes.
  3. Cholestasis. On later an ascending uterus can lead to a deterioration in the outflow of bile and an increase in the level of its components in the blood. The increased amount of bile acids in the dermis irritates nerve receptors and leads to itchy skin throughout the body.
  4. Dermatitis. Inflammation of the skin of the mammary glands can occur due to a wide variety of factors, which only a doctor can diagnose.

If during pregnancy the chest itches and there are no other local and general symptoms, then you don’t have to worry about itching. But if it is accompanied by rashes, redness, peeling of the skin of the chest, and also bothers you with itching in other parts of the body, then you need to consult a gynecologist and dermatologist.

Hello! It’s already the 14th week of pregnancy, and my breasts itch throughout the first trimester and don’t stop, my nipples are generally painful. There are two small red spots on the left breast near the nipple. What is this? Is this a disease or normal? Anya, 28 years old.

Good afternoon, Anya! Scratching your breasts may be normal in your case, but red spots should definitely be shown to a mammologist or dermatologist. This could be a sign of dermatitis caused by scratching or other problems.

Itchy chest and stomach during pregnancy - differences in causes

The causes of itchy breasts can sometimes lead to itching of the skin of the abdomen. Starting from 5-6 months, the uterus, like the mammary glands at the beginning of pregnancy, increases in size, and the skin of the abdomen stretches. Its duration lasts throughout the third trimester. The result is similar to breast enlargement: stretch marks, peeling, itching appear, and allergic rashes may appear.

The list of causes of belly itching during pregnancy includes:

  1. A sharp increase in abdominal volume and growth that cannot keep up with it connective tissue and nerve fibers.
  2. Dry skin.
  3. Epidermal tears (stretch marks).
  4. Clothing that pinches the stomach, tight belts.
  5. Allergy.
  6. Cholestasis.
  7. Dermatitis.

The features of the appearance and progression of abdominal itching with stretch marks, allergies, cholestasis and dermatitis are similar to those with scratching the chest. Additional reason Scratching can cause dry skin. It occurs mainly in the warm season, when the stomach is minimally covered by clothing.

This problem can be aggravated by reducing fluid intake during swelling and washing the skin daily with gel or soap. Detergents remove the surface layer of fat and further increase the dryness of the skin, so it is better to wash with just warm water. If your stomach is already itchy and flaky, then it is advisable to lubricate it with a moisturizer for a while after water procedures.

What to do when your breasts are very itchy during pregnancy?

When natural breast itching begins to cause discomfort, you can use a number of recommendations to minimize the itching and eliminate its causes.

  1. Use creams to moisturize the skin and products for stretch marks. It is advisable to use hypoallergenic cosmetics or check that you are not allergic to the cream by applying it to your wrist for a few minutes.
  2. Avoid hot showers - it irritates the nerve endings and washes away the fat layer.
  3. Do not wear synthetic, tight, rough or chafing clothing. The best option would be to buy special breathable clothing in maternity stores. By the way, the belly does not like tight-fitting sweaters and dresses during long periods of time.
  4. Drink enough fluids, ventilate the rooms in the morning and evening, especially during the heating season. At night, you can turn on a humidifier or spray clean water on your curtains and walls.
  5. Do not expose your décolleté and abdomen to the scorching summer sun for a long time, because tanning dries out the skin very much.
  6. Maintain moderation in eating spicy and fried foods.
  7. Take a warm or contrast shower twice a day.
  8. If there is discharge from the chest, you can do a light circular massage without squeezing out the liquid.
  9. Lubricate itchy skin with decoctions of sage, chamomile or calendula.
  10. Provide yourself with psychological peace, because experiences can increase both the irritation itself and indirectly stimulate it through increased sweating.

All of the listed methods to soothe breast itching can be used simultaneously, the main thing is that excessive moisturizing of the skin does not lead to diaper rash. Instead of creams, you can use regular olive oil, but keep in mind that it will be problematic to wash off excess amounts.

You should not skimp on maternity underwear, because it is designed for a certain degree of stretch, and you can wear the same bra throughout the entire breastfeeding period.

How to eliminate pathological causes of breast itching during pregnancy

Pathological causes of itching during pregnancy can be eliminated only after a doctor has diagnosed the relevant diseases.

To eliminate allergic manifestations on the skin, contact with the allergen should be avoided. These could even be cosmetics, gels and shampoos to which there was no hypersensitivity before pregnancy. Excessively sweating skin can also cause an allergic reaction to products made from natural animal hair.

Cholestasis in the later stages is quite easily diagnosed by a doctor at the next visit to the antenatal clinic. This disease is confirmed by generalized skin itching and the results of biochemical tests. It is impossible to cure it, therefore, for cholestasis, special exercises and diet are indicated until 35-38 weeks, and then stimulation of delivery is recommended.

Dermatitis and fungal diseases cannot be treated independently, because inappropriate medications can provoke allergies without providing a therapeutic effect. Only a dermatologist, after examination, should prescribe appropriate treatment.

Any scratching of the chest and abdomen in pregnant women requires alertness and more careful attention to the hygiene of the problem area. For any rashes, pain, redness and other suspicious symptoms at the site of itching, you should consult a gynecologist. There is nothing wrong with timely additional examination, but it can prevent the development of serious pathologies.

You can ask your question to our author:

Painful and itchy breasts in women are quite common. This pathological condition causes great concern among the fairer sex. Itching and pain in the mammary glands usually occur under the influence of external factors: poor-quality clothing made from synthetic fabrics, uncomfortable underwear, insect bites.

Less commonly, the pathological condition is provoked by internal factors. Itchy breasts can signal development in the body serious illnesses requiring immediate treatment.

Article outline:

Why do my breasts itch and hurt?

A woman experiences unpleasant and disturbing emotions when her chest hurts and itches. The pathological process is observed in many women of different ages. Both the right and left breasts can hurt and itch equally. Below are the causes of discomfort in the mammary glands.

  1. Poor quality and uncomfortable underwear. The skin on the chest becomes irritated when wearing an uncomfortable bra made of dyed synthetic materials. Often the mammary glands begin to ache and itch if a woman wears a tight bra with cups of the wrong size and cutting underwires.
  2. Allergy. Some women experience severe itching in their breasts due to an allergic reaction to the powder used to wash their underwear. Detergent particles remain on the fabric of T-shirts and bras, causing skin irritation. In this situation, you can replace the usual powder with a delicate washing gel. Women prone to allergies are advised to wash their clothes with simple laundry soap.
  3. Drug allergies. Itching of the mammary gland can be a manifestation of an allergic reaction to certain pharmaceutical drugs.
  4. Dermatological diseases. If the skin on the chest does not just itch, but rashes appear on it, then the woman most likely develops a dermatological disease. In this situation, you need to go to an appointment with a dermatologist. The doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe the optimal therapy.
  5. Eczema. This disease often causes itching of the skin of the mammary glands. When sick, the skin dries out and begins to itch intensely. When eczema is advanced, cracks form on the mammary glands. If pathogenic bacteria enter these cracks, an inflammatory reaction breaks out. Women whose skin is prone to dryness are recommended to use moisturizing cosmetics.
  6. Breast cancer. Malignant tumor, developing in the mammary gland, causes severe itching. A sick woman feels a burning sensation in her chest, blood is released from her nipples, and a deep red rash appears on her skin. If the above symptoms occur, you should immediately go to the doctor and begin treatment.
  7. . A cyst is a benign bubble formation filled with fluid. Doctors believe that all women develop a cystic bladder at least once in their lives. Most often, the occurrence of cysts is associated with hormonal changes during the change of the menstrual cycle. If the cystic formation in the mammary gland is large, it often causes discomfort. With a growing cyst, the breast itches intensely and even hurts. Doctors usually do not touch a small bubble; it often resolves on its own. But a large cyst that causes discomfort must be surgically removed.
  8. Fibroadenoma. So called benign tumor in the mammary gland, consisting of glandular and connective tissues. Fibroadenoma usually has a round shape and is not accompanied by pain. But as the tumor grows, itching and sharp pain. Tumor formation develops due to hormonal imbalances. Fibroadenoma is removed surgically.
  9. . This is an inflammatory process in the mammary gland. The disease is detected mainly in breastfeeding mothers. An inflammatory reaction occurs when milk stagnates and cracks appear in the nipples. With mastitis, chest pain, redness of the skin are observed, and sometimes the body temperature jumps to 40°C. Therapy is carried out with antibiotics. Breastfeeding a baby with inflammation is prohibited.
  10. Consequences of plastic surgery. Often the mammary glands itch and hurt after silicone implants are inserted into them. The breasts simply have to adapt to their new size and the presence of the foreign object. But if after plastic surgery you experience unbearable pain and inflammation, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  11. Hematomas. Chest pain can be caused by abrasions, scratches, hematomas caused by a fall, blow, or accident.
  12. Sports lifestyle. Women who are actively involved in sports sweat frequently and intensely. Their skin, under the influence of sweat and wet clothes, becomes irritated and begins to itch. Athletes are advised to choose sportswear made from natural materials and treat the skin with emollient cream or Vaseline.

Why do breasts hurt and itch in pregnant women and nursing mothers?

Young mothers undergo a powerful transformation of hormonal levels, so they often experience pain and itching in the mammary glands. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, discomfort in the chest is provoked by the following factors.

Before treating a pregnant woman's breasts, the doctor must find out the exact cause of the pathological condition. It happens that itching and pain in the mammary glands cause stressful situations, emotional outbursts, mental disorders, overwork.

How to get rid of itching and pain in the mammary glands?

The choice of therapy depends on the cause of the pathological condition. If painful sensations appear in the chest, you need to go to an appointment with a mammologist. The doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe optimal therapy. Breast treatment is carried out using the following methods.

How to treat itchy mammary glands?

If the mammary gland is very itchy, then certain medications can be used to eliminate the unpleasant symptom. It is necessary to consult with a medical specialist, he will help you choose the optimal medication. Most often, the following drugs are prescribed to relieve itching.

What to do if your breasts itch before menstruation?

Many women experience discomfort in the mammary glands on the eve of menstruation. Often, teenage girls have breasts that hurt and itch quite badly before menstruation. To get rid of painful sensations in the mammary glands, it is best to use pharmaceutical medicines recommended by a doctor. But it is also useful to wash your breasts with warm herbal infusions.

To prepare decoctions, you can combine the following plants:

  • Chamomile and St. John's wort;
  • Peppermint and oak bark;
  • Celandine and sage.

Prevention of breast diseases

To never suffer from pain and itching in the mammary glands, you must adhere to the following medical recommendations:

  • Carefully follow hygiene rules;
  • Use moisturizing body creams;
  • Do not delay treatment of breast diseases.

If you experience any discomfort in your breasts, you should immediately go to a mammologist. You cannot self-medicate. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Unpleasant conditions can be caused by multiple factors.

If your breasts itch during pregnancy: what does it mean?

During pregnancy, a woman experiences natural hormonal changes, so the following provoking factors can be identified:

  • Hormonal changes. Fluctuations in hormonal levels occur during pregnancy, the postpartum period, menopause and adolescence. Endocrinological diseases of various origins can also provoke unbearable scabies in the mammary glands. The breasts often itch during pregnancy in the second trimester, when the body begins active preparation for the birth of a child.
  • Surgical intervention. Surgical manipulation of the mammary gland can lead to temporary scabies in the mammary gland area. Operations are performed for mastitis, mastopathy, and for correcting the size or volume of the mammary glands.
  • Drug treatment. Antibiotics, as well as other groups medicines often provoke unpleasant sensations. Prolonged discomfort requires changing the drug and consulting your doctor.

Important! Before starting treatment for the condition in pregnant women, it is necessary to find out why the breasts itch during pregnancy and during breastfeeding (breastfeeding). The desire to scratch the mammary glands can be unbearable, and the itching sometimes does not go away even after this desire is fulfilled. Reasons may be mental illness, emotional stress and overexertion.

Itchy and sore breasts: diagnostic methods

Frequent symptoms of many diseases include constantly itchy and sore breasts. Before starting treatment, it is important to establish the reason why it hurts and itches between the breasts, becomes hard and hurts. Almost always itching is accompanied by rashes, redness, and burning in the causal area. The doctor assesses the general clinical status of the patient, examines the mammary glands, palpates the mammary glands for the presence of lumps (tumors, nodules). Pain and itching when it started breast-feeding, may indicate blockage of the milk ducts, suppuration (acute purulent mastitis).

Against the background of pregnancy, this is often a signal about the body’s preparation for future lactation. Additionally, the woman is asked to undergo urine and blood tests, and if there is discharge from the mammary glands, then the exudate is collected for laboratory testing.

Itching and itching under the breasts: treatment tactics

With diaper rash, the itching under the breasts is unbearable. Women with large, heavy breasts are prone to diaper rash. You can soothe irritated skin with various local pharmaceutical preparations or herbal decoctions. The nature of the occurrence of unpleasant sensations determines further treatment. When infectious agents enter the body, antibacterial therapy. If the nature of the disease is allergic, then antihistamines, in case of liver dysfunction - hypoprotectors, antioxidants, absorbents. If the cause is thrush or other fungal infections of the skin, then antifungal therapy is prescribed. If scabies is caused by household factors, for example, household chemicals, cosmetics, then to eliminate the discomfort it is enough to replace the products or stop using them.

If your breasts itch before your period: what to do?

Many women may experience discomfort in the mammary glands before menstruation. Often before menstruation, the breasts of teenage girls itch and pain occurs. Treatment of a psychosomatic condition eliminates painful itching in the area of ​​the breast areolas. To improve the condition, they practice washing with warm decoctions of the following herbs:

  • St. John's wort, chamomile;
  • oak bark, peppermint;
  • sage, celandine decoction.

Important! During pregnancy or lactation, it is better to resort to pharmaceutical drugs on the recommendation of doctors. A professional approach to solving any problem will increase the chances of quickly eliminating any pathology.