What is the dream of the ex-boyfriend not. I dreamed of an ex-boyfriend. The former looks into the eyes in a dream

Any young or old enough representative of the fair sex (except when they live in monasteries or on a deserted island) had enough admirers throughout their lives. At the same time, there was not only one with whom they had a rather personal and warm relationship. And this number includes not only intimate ones, because there are also simple tender feelings, emotional sympathy and soul affinity, in which nothing else is required, in most cases, of course, this is typical in adolescence. However, it often happens that at first the current fan turns into a former one tomorrow morning.

There are different explanations for this: too different characters, quarreled, or just simply met another, and this one turned out to be the best - everything happens on the path of life. And sometimes, it happens that the girls in a dream are their former admirers, with whom they had a relationship some time ago. What portends a dream in which a former boyfriend is present? And why exactly did he appear, what does this mean? Most of the girls have these questions.

In the case when you had a dream about a former boyfriend, then such a dream suggests that you have not forgotten your boyfriend yet and still think about him and left a place in your heart. Because you went through a lot with him and you have a lot of memories associated with him, and subconsciously you have not forgotten this guy yet, and you still have sympathy for him, there is still hope in your heart for a new attempt to get closer. For this reason, your ex-boyfriend comes to you in dreams. You keep him in your head, and for some reason you can't forget this guy.

When your ex-boyfriend appeared to you in a dream, and you are a couple again, while it is very easy and good for you, and as if nothing happened and did not change, then such a dream may mean that in reality you can continue to live without this person , you have forgotten it, and your heart is again free for new attachments. Also, the pain subsided after parting, and she ceased to be a source of pain in the heart.

When you had a dream in which you had a meeting with former employees either with the former class, the dream foreshadows the receipt of news from comrades who are currently very far away.

When you had a dream in which your ex-boyfriend is present, who some time ago was a very important and dear person to you, such a dream portends a great risk of serious misunderstanding and parting with your current boyfriend. In this case, you need to definitely come to your senses and stop making comparisons between a new and an ex-boyfriend, and even more so, you don’t need to talk about it out loud.

If you had a dream in which your ex-boyfriend is carefully watching or looking after you. This dream means that in reality this person did not have a feeling of sympathy, and you have not felt anything for him for a long time.

When you saw your ex in a dream, and with whom you had a kiss, then in reality this dream portends a fun party where you will meet your old friends.

If you had a dream in which there was a fight with your ex-boyfriend, then in reality this dream portends pleasant and unexpected meetings on the path of life.

Girls who are divorced may dream of their ex-husband. When you have a dream in which you resurrect your relationship with your ex-spouse and you feel good about it and you are joyful in your soul, then in real life you live in peace and happily, but you really completely forgot about your ex-husband, everything that happened was gone and your heart came to life again.

In cases where you have a dream in which your ex-spouse kisses and hugs you, this means that you still love him and want to be with him.

If you dreamed of a former spouse dressed in rags and has a bad appearance, that is, it gives the impression of sliding down the social ladder, and you see yourself in a beautiful way and dressed in the latest fashion, and occupy a high position, then this dream symbolizes your secret desire for revenge. If you had a dream in which you look bad and have a low social status compared to your ex-spouse, then this dream means that you have not yet recovered from your separation from your husband.

Quite often, dreams reflect the internal state of people. And when certain person comes to you in your dreams almost every night, this means that after quite a long time you still do not dare to forget this person and find your inner harmony. But such a life is unbearable. In order to try to forget a little, take time for yourself, find an exciting and favorite pastime. You can do physical exercises, after all, and with such a daily routine, you will undoubtedly have no time for sad thoughts, depressions, sad memories and other nonsense. You will have such a busy day that your sleep will be strong and your dreams will not be memorable, because you will be so exhausted during the day that your brain will simply rest in a dream, and not show you everything that has been done during the day.

What does the dream portend when the ex-boyfriend dreamed of Wangi's dream book

As Vanga's dream book says, a former boyfriend who comes in a dream means sadness and torment without the person who left you, and you yearn for him. You think that the resurrection of your relationship is inevitable, for this reason you see a dream in which your former boyfriend is present, you believe that everything will be fine, and you just can’t come to terms and forget about him, and delete him from your life. Agree that you miss this person very much, that this guy is still dear to you and you believe that everything can be returned. However, on the other hand, such a dream can mean a quarrel with the current guy, so try not to escalate.

What does a dream portend when an ex-boyfriend had a dream, according to Freud's teachings

Everyone knows the creator of the theory of psychotherapy as a person who explained everything with the help of the theory of sexuality. Here, for example, as his teaching says, if you saw your former boyfriend in a dream, then this portends a quarrel with the current guy. The psychotherapist Freud argued that quarrels and misunderstandings would occur over an attempt to compare the former and current lovers. Under the influence of this dream, you will want to talk about your fears with your current boyfriend, thoughtlessly start scandals with him because of nonsense, and, in the end, this will lead to an inevitable separation. In this case, it is best to advise not to remember your dream, and not to focus on the interpretation of Freud's dream, and it is better to live in the present than to constantly return to the past.

What does a dream portend when an ex-boyfriend had a dream, according to Loff's dream book

As the interpreter of Loff's dreams assures, if you had a dream about a former lover, then this portends misfortune. If you dreamed that you were marrying your ex-boyfriend, then this is a harbinger of big problems in your life. In the case when in a dream your ex-lover tells you about his love, this means unpleasant surprises in reality. But when in a dream your ex-boyfriend is going to get married or says words of love not to you, but to a completely different girl, then in reality you will make new good friends or make peace with someone after a quarrel. When you dreamed that your ex-boyfriend died, then in reality, most likely, you will soon play a wedding and you will have a child.

What does a dream portend when an ex-boyfriend had a dream, according to Miller

According to Miller, a dream in which there is your ex-boyfriend means always upcoming changes. Such changes in your destiny can be both positive and negative. In the case when you saw in a dream, your reunion with a former lover, in reality, this portends a situation in which your ex will be present. Kisses with a former lover in a dream portend some pleasant and unexpected surprise, and making love with him means quarrels.

What does a dream portend when a former boyfriend had a dream, according to the Wanderer's dream book

The so-called Wanderer explains the dreams in which the former is present, that in reality you will have a new lover. This symbolizes that you have absolutely recovered from the past love failure, comprehended your choice and are now ready for life and love with another guy. If you had a dream in which your ex smiles, then this portends the appearance of health problems or with the current guy (in such a situation, you just need to be careful about your health).

What does a dream portend when an ex-boyfriend had a dream on Thursday: Interpretation according to the days of the week

If you dreamed about your ex-boyfriend on Tuesday night, then this means that the young man, despite the fact that you broke up, good opinion about you, wants everything to be fine with you and does not weave intrigues behind your back.

If you had such a dream on Wednesday night, then your ex-lover remembers you and the time when you were together, regrets that you broke up and wants to start all over again.

If you had a dream about your ex on Thursday night, this means that your ex-young man remembers you, but tries to forget with the help of other companions.

When you saw a dream about an ex-boyfriend on Friday night, this dream suggests that the ex-boyfriend still has feelings for you, it’s probably love, and therefore he feels very bad and he cannot forget in the company of another girl.

Most young girls firmly believe that if a former lover came in a dream, it means that he never had feelings, and he wants to wait as soon as possible when you meet in order to start all over again. In reality, dreams are the embodiment of our hidden desires, fears or worries, therefore it is necessary to understand ourselves, and not to amuse ourselves with the received predictions. In most cases, former boyfriends appear in a dream to those young girls who still cannot recover after a breakup and very often remember the time when they met. For the ex-boyfriend to stop dreaming about you, you just need to humble yourself and re-open your heart to a new feeling, and then you will forget about the former, and he will stop dreaming about you.

What promises when a former lover continues to dream of a girl in a dream, the decoding from the most common sources will tell.

I dreamed of a former boyfriend, which means a dream

2. Modern dream book claims that he sees a prosperous relationship portends surprise, sometimes unpleasant.

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3. Desire to kill him, signals a readiness to change the course of your life for the better.

Also, a dream can be interpreted depending on the actions of a man:

  • dreamed fight with him, expect a quarrel with the current gentleman-lover;
  • death- promises an early marriage or replenishment of the family with a child;
  • passion on his part may be the result of witchcraft spells, which the girl should beware of.

What is the dream of an ex-boyfriend with whom you broke up a long time ago

1. When former boyfriend dreamed of being dead, you should be afraid of danger, but if at the same time the boyfriend tries to help, then all the troubles in reality will be overcome.

2. Dreamed of a married man happily in a dream on a sleeping girl, the former is an indicator of anxiety and future problems.

3. Former the betrothed dreamed of her husband another girl, promises forgiveness of a long-standing resentment.

4. Dream - break up with him, promises the beginning of a new joyful milestone in life.

The interpretation of dreams largely depends on the days on which they dream.

What does it mean if the ex-boyfriend from Thursday to Friday

On this night, dreams are prophetic and tend to come true, so you should remember the details of what is happening as thoughtfully as possible and carefully analyze them.

Why dream from Friday to Saturday?

Sleep from Friday to Saturday does not guarantee prophetic visions, but there are cases of great importance, therefore, a girl, having seen her ex in a dream, should listen to her feelings and remember the dream details.

If the ex-boyfriend dreams of Saturday on Sunday

Such a night sends important signals that should not be voiced. Keep the meaning you see and discover secret, waiting for the prediction to come true soon.

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

Dreams from Sunday to Monday very rarely come true.

You need to listen to dreams from tuesday to wednesday night, such a dream is not prophetic and often gives a hint of a solution to an urgent problem. These days you can get worthwhile and practical advice that will help you cope with the current situation.

A from Wednesday to Thursday night you can not listen to the signs, they are false. And if on Wednesday a share of reasonable advice is possible, then on Thursday it is phantom and, for the most part, has no connection with reality.

Kiss with an ex-boyfriend in a dream what is it for

Seeing a sleeping girl a young man is one thing, but if you dreamed of having any relationship with him, it’s worth deciphering in a completely different way.

Kiss regardless of the sensations that it provokes, it means surprise or emotional shock.

Experienced experiences responsible for its emotional coloring in fact. At the moment of the kiss, it was joyful and pleasant, which means surprise will happen to pleasure, and if on the contrary, then expect unpleasant emotions.

Dreaming of an ex-boyfriend whom you still love

A girl who has not lowered her love can continue to see her lover in this way. People believe that a person who dreams uninvited thinks about you at night.

  • Dreamed of looking bad beloved, someone close will soon fall ill.
  • dreaming breakup repeat, expect an unexpected meeting or date.

Why dream of kissing a guy

Modern dream interpreters interpret in different ways what a past loved one is dreaming of. How to react to kisses and sex happening with an ex-boyfriend, seen by a girl in sleepy dreams?

  1. If guy kissing expect shock soon.
  2. Seeing sex in a dream- exacerbate long-standing contradictions.

Reconciliation with an ex-boyfriend

Folk signs and interpretations claim that the one who dreamed in night dreams is thinking about the dreamer.

If you dream of reconciliation, the dream book claims that the man / guy regrets the breakup and wants to return romantic ties again.

A girl who sees her ex-boyfriend, do not be afraid of such manifestations of the past. If love is still glimmering in a girl, it is worth acting actively, and if she is happy in a new status, then you can listen to the meanings of events and advice from your dream.

Dreams are an absolutely mysterious and uncontrollable sphere of life, since our subconscious mind continues to operate even while we are sleeping. You should not dismiss your dreams, because they can carry significant or even fateful information.

For example, women often dream of men who were previously in close relationships with them. Perhaps this is just a coincidence, but I want to understand and understand the reason for such dreams. To do this, you need to open the dream book and understand what the dream is about. ex-husband.

If your ex-husband constantly comes to you in a dream, sometimes you can not even open the dream book, but turn to psychologists for an opinion. Experts are sure that in this case the woman herself regularly thinks about him, wonders if our separation was too hasty. What to do?

After waking up, you may think a little about whether you are ready to start over with your ex-spouse, or is it better not to return to the past.

In addition, there are several reasons for night dreams in which the former spouse appears. Let's take a look at the most popular ones.

  1. Perhaps the reason for this was an incomplete relationship - not alimony, not paperwork, but resentment and numerous claims against each other. Sometimes just talking to your ex-husband is enough, and disturbing dreams will no longer cause you inconvenience.
  2. Another one probable cause- a kind of psychological "anchor". For example, during the day you felt the familiar scent of cologne, heard your ex-spouse's favorite musical composition. Let's say you didn't even notice it, but the subconscious retains such information and at night, when you are relaxed, it works through these memories.

Is there a way out of this situation? There is, but the most banal - give yourself a little time. Try to work through accumulated grievances or let them go. In addition, over time, the “anchors” will also be forgotten, and new, associative connections and memories will take their place.

If you want to figure out what the ex-husband is dreaming of, a dream book will come to the rescue. There is such a book in the house of almost every woman, since there will be many reasons for guessing various signs. However, the explanation of a dream depends on the type of interpreter of the dream, so they should be considered in more detail.

Freud's dream book

Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud was extremely attentive to dreams, considering them the result of the work of the subconscious. Each interpretation of sleep in this dream book has a sexual connotation, and dreams with an ex-spouse were no exception to the rule.

  1. Seeing a former lover in a dream is a clear sign that there has been a discord in the relationship with a new partner.
  2. Sex or kissing with a former spouse means sexual dissatisfaction in a relationship with a real sexual partner, a lack of harmony and intimacy.
  3. Communicating with a former lover in a dream means that you need help, advice and psychological support.
  4. If you quarreled with your ex-spouse, you will have a resumption of this relationship.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The appearance of an ex-husband in a dream in this dream interpreter is presented in a negative light. It is believed that this person carries a negative charge, so there is no need to talk about something positive. Even if you do not remember the details of the dream, get ready for various problems.

  1. Accidentally met with a former missus - worries and various troubles await you.
  2. Quarreled with the ex-spouse - beware of hasty and reckless actions.
  3. They saw their former lover after a long separation - not far off the problems of the material plane and the illness of children.
  4. Flirted with him - you will have problems with a new partner, you will question the current relationship.
  5. To mock your ex-spouse - you will fall under the scope of gossip and various ill-wishers.

In addition, this dream book describes another situation - the ex-husband returned home. Expect trouble in this case, especially if in reality the relationship with him did not work out. As a result, a woman who constantly dreams of her ex-husband is waiting for a black streak in life.

Dream Interpretation Longo

Do you often dream of your ex-husband? Longo's dream interpretation interprets such dreams quite specifically: you live in memories, in the past, although the time has long come to build new relationships. According to this dream interpreter, the regularity of such dreams only emphasizes the need to discard the past and move on.

  1. A drunken ex-spouse means a meeting that can turn your whole life upside down. In this case, we are not talking about a new love, perhaps you are waiting for a change in your career.
  2. If a former faithful invites you on a date, real life prepares only solitude and oblivion.
  3. The ex-husband returned home and is trying to renew the relationship? Dream Interpretation Longo warns that there is a high probability of losing barely born new relationships and feelings.
  4. If in a dream the ex-husband marries another woman, then you are most likely resigned to the loss and mentally wished him happiness and good luck.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

This interpreter of dreams looks deep into the past and often makes a forecast not for tomorrow, but for the distant future. A similar feature of the dream book should be taken into account when answering the question of what the ex-husband is dreaming of.

  1. If a former spouse constantly comes to you in a dream, beware of magicians and sorcerers.
  2. Sexual contacts in a dream with an ex-spouse warn that soon you will have to answer for past mistakes and actions.
  3. A dream in which you meet a deceased ex-husband is a kind of warning - big trouble awaits you in the future.

What day of the week did you have this dream?

Everyone knows that dreams can come true if a person sees them from Thursday to Friday. Such "Friday" dreams were considered prophetic and were analyzed in every possible way with the help of various dream books. However, these are not the only time references. The dream in which the ex-husband had a dream can carry a semantic load on any other day of the week.

  1. On Tuesday night, dreams warn and indicate what may happen soon. A joyful plot involving a former spouse means no barriers in the future; gloomy pictures, on the contrary, do not bode well. Also, Tuesday dreams speak of the nature of the former and current partner.
  2. Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday usually come true, especially not the most pleasant dreams. However, you can minimize negativity simply by changing your behavior. If the ex-husband had a dream at this time, you had the opportunity to work with your negative attitude towards him in a dream.
  3. The “Thursday” dream about the former missus shows that subconsciously you are not yet ready to let go of the man. If your plans include his return, the dream will tell you how to realize the plan in the best possible way.
  4. It is believed that fateful dreams are dreamed on Saturday. However, one cannot be sure that each storyline can come true with jewelry accuracy. Try to find symbolic signs in a dream in order to understand how to continue to behave with your ex-spouse.
  5. "Sunday" sleep is considered a reflection of human emotions and experiences. If the plot with your ex-husband is gloomy or fuzzy, you may be emotionally depressed or have not yet decided on the relationship with your ex-spouse.
  6. Dreams dreamed on a Monday night do not carry a semantic load. Also, they are not able to predict the future or help to understand the past. Take such a dream as a reflection of the actual state of affairs with your former spouse.

Dreams in which the ex-husband appears are rarely empty and meaningless.

Most likely, past relationships have not yet let you go, and emotions prevail over reason. If you trust dream books, then you can find an interpretation of such a plot in them. But choose a publication that has faithfully covered your night visions many times.

One of the most complex and multifaceted dreams, especially for interpretation. On the one hand, the ex-boyfriend in a dream symbolizes the compensation of his love and good attitude, the desire for tenderness or the subconscious desire to establish relations with him, on the other hand, his appearance can predict a new turn in love, even the return of the chosen one, with whom they once broke up.

It is very difficult to interpret such a dream if the former is dreaming. Dream Interpretation gives different meanings, however, which one suits your situation will help determine not only the interpretation, but also your own intuition. Much depends on when you broke up, who first decided to end the relationship and why, how long and important it was.

Subconscious parting

You can say parting words once, turn around and leave. However, deep down, the girl begins to be drawn to old meetings, especially if the ex-boyfriend himself decided to end the relationship that was important to her. Therefore, the continuation of relationships is often dreamed of after parting. As a rule, in them a person in love begins to miss him, the guy becomes, as before, affectionate and gentle, hugs her, kisses her, or she herself begins to drive him away, but he cannot approach her.

The dream book does not interpret such dreams, since they are simply considered unreacted emotions for separation. In the real world, they do not portend changes, on the contrary, longing, pain about loss and regret begin in the morning. To distinguish such a dream from a real prediction, pay attention to the actions in a dream. If you really wanted affection and that he kissed you and this is a dream, this is just compensation for desire. But if a former boyfriend dreamed of being affectionate when you don’t want it, this is already a dream with meaning. Sometimes a girl dreams that she yells at him, quarrels with him and drives him away herself.

If you dreamed of an ex-boyfriend from time to time after a breakup, your soul misses him. Such dreams will cease to be dreamed when the feeling fades away or the young man finally disappears from your horizon. This will be an indicator that everything has passed and you have already moved to a new stage.

His suffering and regret

Such dreams occur quite often if you broke up on your initiative and he constantly remembers you and wants to improve relations. Usually a girl, if she herself decided to end the relationship with him without regrets, stops seeing him in a dream. However, dreams can indicate to her cruelty and a mistake that she can make out of stupidity or inexperience, without having the experience of a proper break in relations, without tears and resentment.

Why is the ex-boyfriend dreaming if the girl herself left him knowing that he is in love with her? This means that he has a strong hope to restore relations and is trying to do this with the help of magic, calls for pity, or simply various destructive actions. If you often dream of an ex-boyfriend who is unworthy of a relationship, such a dream always means that he remembers you.

If in a dream he asks for forgiveness, cries, gets sick or tries to cut his veins - such a dream means his tears, repentance and the fact that he did not accept the refusal. Seeing him drunk or hanged in a dream is very bad. This means that because of unhappy love, he not only suffers, but can also lay hands on himself. To see how he asks for mercy among the poor and the homeless - to his inability to improve relations, constant self-pity and drunkenness.

It is possible that he is psychologically broken, mentally ill and drinks, does other destructive actions. Sometimes such a dream means the girl's regret about parting with him, but the inability to build a serious relationship with him. But in rare cases, higher powers urge you to return to a relationship, as this person sincerely loves you and in time will be able to do a lot for personal happiness.

What is the dream of an ex-boyfriend who haunts you, does not allow you to meet a new person and is constantly jealous? This dream means that his feelings have not cooled down and he will interfere with your personal life.

What does it mean if he constantly pursues you with a knife or threatens you, blackmails you? This dream means revenge for an insult or spreading defamatory rumors about you in retaliation. The dream interpretation calls for caution and the fact that you have to quarrel with him and try to finally break off relations with him so as not to harm yourself.

When sleep matters

Usually in such dreams, the ex-boyfriend dreams unexpectedly and in an unusual form for himself. Sometimes such coincidences can be very bright and surprising, sometimes even frightening. What is the dream of a former young man when you have already stopped remembering him? The dream book writes that such a dream always reminds of the past and almost all the time predicts news from him or about him.

What is the dream of a drunk ex-boyfriend at a time when he didn’t even take drops in his mouth in his life? Such a dream often means that he is currently feeling bad and he mentally asks for forgiveness, but is afraid to say so. Sometimes such a dream means suffering for him because of a cold and selfish girl that he cannot achieve in any way. Usually, a dream book interprets an ex-boyfriend simply as a symbol of the past, which will remind of itself again. Remember what was connected with him when you met this person.

Why does an ex-boyfriend dream with another girl or with his bride in a wedding dress? Subconsciously, you are ready to accept his choice and are keenly interested in who is now his chosen one. Pay attention to her appearance, as it shows what kind of girl he really wants. Sometimes such dreams come to the news that he is getting married or dating another person.

Seeing in a dream an ex-boyfriend affectionate, as before, hugging and kissing him? There are several interpretations of what exactly this means. In the first case, such dreams mean that your personal life will not develop in the best way, and you will remember your ex and begin to strive to improve relations with him.

Whether this is possible or not depends on the plot of the dream. Another version of the dream book, what the ex-boyfriend or even husband dreams of, is related to the fact that very soon you will learn about his loneliness and vulnerability in feelings. He will suffer or start drinking.

What does it mean if an ex-boyfriend constantly dreams in the same situation? Most often, this is an encrypted message that requires execution.

Or the demand of fate, in which you will be together again, though not immediately. Hearing the same words from him, what does it mean in a dream? Pay attention to what they mean. They sometimes contain a call to literal action. What is said must be done. In the end, the result can already be controlled. After the fulfillment of fate is accomplished, he will cease to constantly appear in a dream.

What is the dream of the former instead of your current fiancé or even husband? Very often this means disappointment in your chosen one or reunion with a past love. To see him instead of your fiancé means that you will be together again or your chosen one will be like him.

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If in a dream you saw your ex-lover, then in real life, you are overly passionate about the past. In other words, your previous relationships are preventing you from fulfilling yourself and starting new life, develop as individuals and change priorities.

As the classic dream book explains, if you kiss in a dream with an ex-boyfriend, then in reality you will have to be very surprised at something.

I dreamed of a sexual act - a long-standing conflict escalated, parted in a dream - to a new meeting, quarreled - to successful changes on the personal front.

They saw in a dream a fight with their ex, in reality, the current young man will have a sense of possessiveness.

In Tsvetkov's dream book, to see an ex-boyfriend in a dream is a sign that you will commit some kind of frivolous act that will lead you to disastrous consequences.

According to the modern dream book - if in your dream you saw how a former boyfriend feels love and reverence for you, in reality be prepared for surprises, including not very good ones.

The death of the former in a dream means that soon you will get married or give birth to a child.

Most often, the dream in which you saw a former lover is associated with a subconscious comparison of him and the current young man, therefore, after such a dream, you should try to control your actions and words so as not to provoke quarrels from scratch.

In the dream book of Sigmund Freud, the ex-boyfriend symbolizes the subconscious fears of a woman about his possible betrayal or betrayal. If in a dream the ex-boyfriend is angry and reproaches you for infidelity, in reality you will earn his respect and trust.

In a dream, the ex-boyfriend looks exhausted, this is an omen of a serious illness, perhaps even someone from your family will be bedridden for a long time.

Why do ex-boyfriends and lovers appear in our dreams?

The appearance of a former lover in a dream often causes anxiety and indignation, especially among girls and women who at this point in time have not found their soul mate.

The most disturbing dreams about a former loved one are those in which he, without explaining the reasons, leaves or talks about breaking up with you. In part, such a dream symbolizes the psychological fear of losing the most valuable and dear.

If your ex-boyfriend dreams about you often enough different situations, you should think about the fact that perhaps your feelings are still alive and his character takes up most of your thoughts.

However, it is important to correctly interpret your dream, since small nuances and details are very important. If trust folk omens, any person who appears to you in a dream will certainly think about you. And if this person is your ex-lover, this cannot please. The fact that a man who was once close to you remembers and thinks about you is the most pleasant interpretation of sleep.

It should be noted that among the interpretations of such a dream, there are very funny ones, for example, in the English dream book, such a dream warns against witchcraft and sorcerers. You need to be especially careful if in a dream your ex-young man flared up with passion for you.

What do dreams about ex-boyfriends mean in popular and modern dream books?

Dreaming about an ex-boyfriend when you are in a new relationship symbolizes a lack of romance and passion, so it’s worth taking a fresh look at sexual relations with your current boyfriend.

What is the dream of an ex-boyfriend married to another girl - in real life, you will forgive someone for previous grievances.

A dream in which you did not finish the conversation is a sign that you have not brought your relationship to its logical conclusion and you have more to talk about in real life. Such dreams are especially relevant if the separation was your fault, and subconsciously you are aware of your guilt. In this case, a frank conversation will not hurt, and then the question of such dreams will be resolved by itself.

A dream in which the ex-boyfriend is not alive warns of danger. A dream in which the deceased boyfriend helps you in some way, on the contrary, says that you will overcome all troubles and defeat your rivals.

Why dream of an ex-boyfriend married to you - to anxieties and troubles.

A dream in which you do not recognize a once beloved man, a harbinger of global changes, both in yours and in his life. Also, such a dream can symbolize your imminent meeting in real life.

The dream in which the ex-boyfriend presented you with a gift can be regarded as an omen of a possible betrayal.

The dream in which you see your first love means that in reality you lack simple and easy relationships, such as you once had in your youth.

A dream in which you take the life of a man you once loved symbolizes great luck in all endeavors, so if you do not dare, feel free to change something in your life!