How to sober up at home. How to sober up in half an hour - proven methods: simple home remedies What you need to eat to sober up

Alcohol lift a person's spirits, make him more emotional And liberated.

But sometimes it happens that you need to quickly bounce back.

Therefore, know how quickly sober up at home After vodka or other alcoholic drink, every person should.

After about 90 minutes, the body can observe the most a large number of alcohol.

If you need to quickly remove it from the body, then without methods that quickly remove alcohol from the body, this will not be possible.

Several techniques will help you quickly sober up from alcohol for a while.

Signs signaling sobering up

  • A person's behavior changes.
  • The urge to go “small” increases.
  • How you feel changes.
  • A specific odor appears in the oral cavity.

What reasons influence sobering up?

Before bringing a person into a sober state, you need to take into account some factors, namely:

  • How much alcohol did the person drink?
  • What foods did he consume before drinking alcohol?
  • Weight category.
  • How long has a person been drinking alcohol?
  • The state of the drinker's body.

Therefore, it is quite difficult to immediately say how to quickly sober up a person. But it is quite possible to partially reduce the level of intoxication. If you are interested in the question “How to sober up in 5 minutes?”, there is unlikely to be an answer to it. In general, it is possible to revive a drunk person in at least half an hour. To do this, you will need drugs such as diuretics, citric/ascorbic acid, etc. If a drunk person is not in the hospital, then it is almost impossible to bring him to his senses in a shorter period of time.

Also great importance has the fact that alcohol continues to enter the body. Even if a person already stops drinking, alcohol continues to be absorbed into the blood for another hour and a half. Continued intoxication can be determined by the smell of alcohol on the breath. If alcohol begins to be eliminated from the body, it appears frequent urination and the smell of fumes.

For men's and female body alcohol has different effects. In this regard, it is necessary to select the optimally effective method of sobering up, taking this factor into account.

First of all, it is necessary to establish the degree of intoxication in order to understand how to quickly sober up after vodka. The differences between the degree of intoxication of a man and a woman are as follows:

  • Women- on initial stage a disturbance occurs in the motor sphere, and then in the psycho-emotional sphere.
  • Men- the psycho-emotional state is disrupted, and then motor skills.

To make the sobering up process much easier, you need to take alcohol in the following form:

  • Drink sweet alcohol. A semi-sweet wine is suitable for this. If you drink this alcoholic drink, a person becomes very drunk and can sober up much faster than after drinking semi-dry wine.
  • Drink in small portions alcohol, retaining it in the mouth. If you drink alcohol in this way (meaning wine), it is absorbed into the blood while still in the mouth. Therefore, intoxication and sobering up occur much faster.
  • Alcohol containing carbon dioxide. This could be champagne, sparkling wine, alcoholic cocktails with carbonated drinks.
  • Alcohol in a warm form. For example, warm mulled wine. This drink quickly intoxicates, but also leaves the body quickly.

But what to do if intoxication occurred from stronger drinks?

Sobering up in 30 minutes

How to sober up quickly at home worries many drinkers.

If you urgently need to be back to normal, you need to do the following procedures:

  • Massage ears, feet and tip of the nose (if the person drank a small amount of alcohol the day before). This effective method must be done with intense and forceful finger movements for at least 5 minutes.
  • Induce vomiting. The method is quite unpleasant, but works great. To do this, you need to drink a large amount of warm water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Lemon. You can use lemon at home. A drunk needs to eat a couple of lemons, and in an hour he will sober up. You can also drink lemon juice in one gulp. To do this, squeeze out a couple of these fruits. The main thing is not to snack or drink anything.
  • Rinse with cold water or wipe with snow. At home, this is the most affordable way. Moreover, you need to start sobering up with a contrast shower. This method increases blood flow, which leads to the rapid removal of alcohol from the blood, and also the person becomes cheerful, his concentration increases, and drowsiness disappears. The water should not be cool, but ice-cold.
  • Drink very strong tea or black coffee. It is advisable to use this method after cleansing the stomach.
  • Rinse oral cavity sparkling water, use toothpaste to brush your teeth, chew bay leaves or mint leaves.

After the procedures, it is not advisable to go outside for an hour.

How to sober up for a long time

If alcohol still continues to be absorbed into the body, you can use using the following methods:

  • Walk or sit in the fresh air to increase your oxygen intake.
  • Do an enema and rinse the stomach.
  • Provided there are no problems with heart disease, increased heart rate and blood pressure, take a steam bath in a sauna/bath.
  • Take ascorbic acid at the rate of 70 kg of body weight per 2.5 g.
  • After 15 minutes, take vitamin B1 (at least 10 ml). It can be purchased at a pharmacy. Ideally, vitamin B1 should be taken in conjunction with a 20% glucose solution.
  • Sniff the ammonia. Take diuretics (green tea paired with ginger, veroshpiron, watermelon, drinking plenty of fluids ( mineral water, for example) etc.). Dandelion also has a diuretic effect, oatmeal broth, garden strawberries, zucchini and strawberries.
  • Make it intense, but not long-lasting physical activity so that the pulse doubles and profuse sweating begins. First, perform exercises to strengthen the work of the heart, and then switch to strength training. After drinking alcohol, a person sobers up faster if he begins to sweat heavily. But don't be overzealous. Everything should be done in moderation.

It is forbidden to take furosemide with alcohol, otherwise complications may occur.

Problems for the brain

Alcohol affects the brain. Therefore, the degree of intoxication also depends on the meaningful activity of mental processes. This means that it is possible to bring a very drunk person to his senses with the help of a fairly intense mental load. To do this, you need to find him an interlocutor who is capable of reasoning intelligently, and ask the drunk all sorts of arithmetic operations, solve mental problems, and recall various little things from life situations, solve crosswords, charades and other activities on brain activity.

After sobering up

When you can quickly bring a drunk person back to normal at home, he should not continue to drink alcohol. Instead, you need to sleep for at least 3-6 hours. If a person wants to continue drinking, this should be done after a fairly long sleep, i.e. the next day.

What not to do to sober up quickly

In addition to sobering methods, it is advisable to know what not to do in order to sober up.

You should not use drugs that can dramatically eliminate the effects of drinking. Such drugs are ineffective, because breakdown products are completely eliminated from the body within several hours. For example, 100 g of vodka is eliminated from the body within 5 hours.

You should also not drink ammonia (even in small quantities) or other aggressive substances. If you drink ammonia, the condition will worsen sharply. This applies primarily to people with liver dysfunction.

Preventive measures

  • Drink more fluids. After each glass, it is recommended to drink plain water. This will also help avoid a severe hangover.
  • To be normal the next day, don’t interfere different types alcohol. It is better to drink one drink and not mix, for example, beer with vodka. If you still have to drink different types of alcohol, it is better to start with a weak drink and end with a stronger one.
  • Before drinking, you need to eat well at home. Rapid intoxication does not occur on a full stomach.

In any case, no matter what method is used to sober up a person, it is necessary to take into account his individual capabilities, as well as observe preventive measures before the feast.

For those who are looking for how to quickly sober up at home, 10 will help simple ways, tested by time and experience. The information will be especially useful for those who do not have hangover pills, store-bought drugs, etc. at home. medicinal herbs. However, you need to remember that advice on how to sober up faster and relieve hangover symptoms is not suitable for everyone. The effect will depend on gender, age, body weight, amount of alcohol consumed and health status.

So, here are 10 simple ways to sober up quickly:

  1. The easiest option is to take special drugs to neutralize alcohol in the blood and its speedy withdrawal. Such medications include: Enterosgel, Dehydratin, Thiamine, Diacarb, Polysorb, Activated carbon(in the amount of 7-10 tablets at a time). Hangover syndrome Such products as Zorex, succinic acid tablets, Alka-Seltzer are good for removing.
  2. A proven method is to sniff ammonia. If you have a headache, you need to drink Analgin or No-Shpu.
  3. If there is nothing at hand, induce vomiting by drinking a large amount of warm, slightly salted liquid, possibly with the addition of potassium permanganate. Then take a contrast shower, turning on cold water first. This will excite nervous system, will allow the body to “shake itself up”.
  4. If you have time, go in for sports - run a couple of kilometers, do push-ups, squats. Along with sweat, alcohol will also come out through the pores of the skin. The procedure should be completed with a contrast shower with rubbing.
  5. Use ascorbic or ascorbic acid diluted in water to sober up. citric acid, if available - freshly squeezed lemon juice. You can simply chew a few sour lemon slices.
  6. Dissolve 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. If the taste is unpleasant, add honey or sugar. This drink neutralizes alcohol in the blood and helps you recover after heavy libations.
  7. A tonic cocktail is recommended for reviving after drinking alcohol. Ingredients for mixing: ground red and black pepper - a pinch each, tomato paste - 2 tablespoons, vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon, egg yolk. Everything is whisked with a fork and drunk in one gulp.
  8. Alcohol intoxication syndromes are well relieved by the following foods, drunk or eaten at a time: beaten raw egg, lemon, any other citrus fruits, parsley, garlic, mint tea, honey, ginger. The effect will be complemented by drinking 2-3 glasses of cold water or mineral water without gas.
  9. Glycerin gives good results in sobering up. Mix the product with saline in a ratio of 1:2, take 20-30 mg 2 times a day. You can replace glycerin with succinic acid.
  10. Proven recipe from narcologists: stir in 1.3 liters hot water 1 glass of honey, pour in 1.5 liters of milk. Add 20 ascorbic acid tablets crushed into powder there. The drink is made in a three-liter jar. You need to drink 2 glasses at once, the rest as needed throughout the day.

Remember - strong tea, coffee, green tea in large quantities, massage of the nose, feet and palms will not help remove the breakdown products of alcohol.

Advice for those who don’t want to quickly get drunk during a feast:

  • don't mix degrees alcoholic drinks, drink only vodka or wine during the party;
  • do not drink mixed cocktails from vodka, beer and champagne, carbonated drinks, tonic;
  • do not drink in long, slow sips, retaining the liquid in your mouth - this increases intoxication;
  • pour chilled drinks into glasses, avoid heated mulled wine, wine at room temperature;
  • Eat more and more often sandwiches, cheese, meat, fish;
  • get enough sleep and rest before the holiday.

In the morning after a stormy evening, a person, as a rule, feels various unpleasant consequences of drinking: headache, nausea, vomiting, weakness, general deterioration well-being.

It happens that someone decided to have a good time relaxing with friends over the weekend and has already taken a considerable dose of alcohol, and he is suddenly called to work due to an urgent need. Also, a drunk person can be caught off guard by a variety of circumstances. In such a situation, one question arises: how to get sober faster?

There are several ways to quickly cope with a state of intoxication, and below we will talk about them.

How long does it take to remove alcohol from the body?

Experts say that the blood is completely cleared of alcohol within 24 hours. However, what is of great importance here is how much and what kind of alcohol was drunk.

It’s difficult to say exactly how much time you need to sleep to recover from intoxication and wake up sober. However, there are some observations based on the amount of alcohol consumed the day before. So, someone who drinks a large amount of alcohol needs to sleep for 8-9 hours. When it comes to drinks with low content alcohol, then 4-5 hours is enough for sleep.

How to eliminate fumes

Any person who has consumed a lot of alcohol the day before can hear bad smell. To get rid of fumes, you need to:

  • Take a shower and brush your teeth.
  • Eat porridge generously seasoned with sunflower oil for breakfast.
  • When getting ready for work, eat a spoonful of flaxseed oil or a walnut (after these products get into the stomach mucosa, the bad smell will disappear).
  • 10 minutes before communicating with colleagues, chew fruit-flavored gum. Please note: mint chewing gum It is not suitable for these purposes, as it only enhances the smell of fumes.
  • 5 minutes before an important meeting, chew parsley, coffee beans or bay leaves.

How to quickly sober up at home

If you have already consumed enough, and you urgently need to bring yourself back to normal, then you should do a few physical exercise. Then you need to take a cold shower and walk in the fresh air. The time during which, with the help of such manipulations, you can recover from drinking, ranges from ten minutes to several hours, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

Strong coffee will help you sober up quickly after vodka. Having taken a cold shower after a fragrant hot drink, you will notice that the smell of alcohol has disappeared and your thoughts are no longer confused.

To become sober within an hour, you can do light exercises, stand in a cold shower for ten minutes and drink a few drops of rose oil.

To help you get rid of alcohol intoxication at home:

  1. thorough cleaning of the oral cavity with a toothbrush;
  2. drinking several glasses of carbonated mineral water;
  3. strong sweet tea or coffee with a pinch of ginger;
  4. inducing vomiting to remove alcohol toxins from the stomach.

An important point: juice, compote, water and other similar liquids only speed up the absorption of previously consumed alcohol, so you should avoid drinking them heavily.

Today there are enough medications, designed to quickly sober up a person. They can be easily found and purchased at every pharmacy.

What will help you sober up quickly after beer?

Intoxication from beer comes unexpectedly, but is very strong and leads to serious consequences. In this case, it may take several hours to sober up. The following will help speed up the process:

  1. strong green tea or infusion of horseradish roots;
  2. chewing mint leaves;
  3. rinsing the mouth with a solution of mint and lettuce leaves.

Helps you sober up from beer:

  • Intense exercise, during which alcohol is eliminated from the body through sweat.
  • Mental activity: solving crossword puzzles, solving various intellectual problems. This helps organize your thoughts and make your mind clear.
  • Massaging the tip of the nose to accelerate blood microcirculation.
  • Taking aspirin. The tablet can be replaced with lemon juice or effervescent vitamins.

How to speed up the sobering up process

What can you do to quickly sober up the next morning after drinking alcohol? To do this you need to do the following:

  • go for a run in the fresh air;
  • take 3-4 tablets of activated carbon.

You can become sober in half an hour by eating three pieces of refined sugar or drinking a glass of hot chocolate.

It happens that a person has been drinking, but he urgently needs to get behind the wheel of a car. In this case, you should do a double or triple enema, after which:

  • eat a few pieces of melon or watermelon and drink sweet green tea;
  • take a cold bath;
  • walk outside for half an hour.

What to drink to sober up

There are many remedies that effectively help you recover from intoxication in a short time, even in an hour. For example, a solution of ammonia helps you become sober in 40-50 minutes. To prepare it, you need to add 3-4 drops of ammonia to a glass of water. You can also soak cotton wool in ammonia and give it to a drunk person to sniff. However, you should not abuse this remedy, otherwise you can provoke diarrhea or frequent vomiting.

Most people don't have much faith in the ability folk remedies take off alcohol intoxication. Therefore, they prefer to cleanse themselves from alcohol with the help of:

  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Activated carbon;

To help a person sober up faster, you can also do the following:

  1. rub the ears of a drunk person for ten minutes to activate blood flow;
  2. give the person warm cranberry juice.

  • People with severe pain sensitivity should not be sobered by physical manipulation.
  • Don't try to get sober in about 30 minutes. To get behind the wheel, it is better to call a taxi.
  • A severe deterioration in health after drinking alcohol may indicate alcohol poisoning, so a person with such complaints should call an ambulance as quickly as possible.

So, now you know what you need to do to speed up the sobering up process. Alcohol can be eliminated from the body on its own or with the help of certain means. However The best way To avoid a hangover, fumes and other unpleasant consequences of drinking alcohol - do not drink.

People who drank too much wondered how to sober up quickly. Some people need this in order to drive or go to work. There is no one perfect method. Some people benefit from traditional medicine, others pharmaceutical drugs or hospital treatment. It’s quite difficult to say exactly how long it takes for a person to become sober. It depends on many factors - how much was drunk, the person’s health status and others. Therefore, it is better not to use it at all before important events.

What are the stages of intoxication?

In the morning after a feast with alcohol, a person may feel unwell. A hangover sets in, which is accompanied by painful symptoms. The intensity of their manifestation depends on the amount of alcohol consumed and the individual characteristics of the body.

Alcohol intoxication manifests itself differently for everyone. Someone becomes too talkative, aggressive or uninhibited. Alcohol makes a person relaxed, revealing what is usually hidden from others.

Before you immediately try to bring a person into a sober state, it is necessary to identify at what stage of intoxication he is. There are two such stages:

  1. Resorption. Ethanol is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Elimination. The process of removing alcohol from the body.

In a person who drinks for a long time, both processes occur simultaneously. The first doses are already beginning to be eliminated when subsequent doses are only absorbed through the gastrointestinal mucosa.

The amount of ethanol in the blood is calculated in ppm (‰). The stage of intoxication depends on their quantity at the moment:

  • light – 0.5–1.5 ‰;
  • average – 1.5–2.5 ‰;
  • heavy – 2.5–4 ‰.

In mild to moderate stages, treatment can be done at home. There is a sufficient number effective recipes traditional medicine in order to quickly sober up.

You can add to them pharmaceutical products in the form of sorbents or headache medications. But this is subject to normal health. If a person experiences serious symptoms such as heart pain or blood pressure surges, they should go to the hospital immediately. Negligence in this regard leads to disastrous consequences.

Signs of the process of neutralization and removal of ethanol from the body:

  • bad breath due to partial decomposition of alcohol;
  • constant urge to urinate;
  • some time that has passed since drinking alcohol.

If a hangover has already begun, sobering up is much easier. The body is already beginning to remove ethanol breakdown products.

Who gets drunk and sober up faster, men or women?

The head functions worse in men than in women after drinking alcohol. But the weaker sex loses coordination of movements faster. Women in almost all cases get drunk more intensely than men. This is due to physiological characteristics. Male body strong, so it will take a significant dose of alcohol to get drunk.

Women who have had too much to drink take a long time to come to their senses. They usually experience a severe hangover, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the body, not related to belonging to one gender or another.

It is impossible to sober up in a short period of time, even if you use the best drugs. The body needs time to cleanse itself of ethanol breakdown products. Techniques that help remove alcohol can only speed up this process.

If there are no serious symptoms, you can sober up at home. There are many effective methods for this. You won’t be able to remove ethanol quickly, but your health will improve.

How long does it take to sober up is a delicate question, an exact answer that is difficult to give. You can make rough calculations, but it’s better not to take risks, especially if you need to drive.

Method 1 – Stop drinking alcohol

The most effective way to help is to simply stop drinking. When a person begins to lose control, this is a signal that he has stopped drinking alcohol. The more alcohol you drink, the longer it will take to eliminate it. This means that you won’t be able to sober up quickly.

With each dose of strong drinks, the concentration of ethanol in the blood increases. The higher its content, the longer a person will sober up. To shorten this process, at a certain point you need to tell yourself that you will stop drinking. This effective method, but in most cases only some people can stop in time.

Method 2 – induce vomiting

Alcohol enters the body through the mouth. Then it ends up in the stomach, where it is absorbed by its mucous membrane. Some of the ethanol penetrates the intestines and is distributed through the blood. In this way, all organs are affected.

To partially cleanse the body of alcohol, you can artificially induce vomiting. The alcohol that is still in the stomach is expelled. A partial cleansing of the body occurs, which will serve to sober up more quickly. The process is unpleasant, not everyone can induce vomiting.

Method 3 – nutritious meals

Before drinking alcohol, you should eat a hearty meal. While drinking alcohol, you need to have a good snack. Thanks to this, ethanol will be absorbed into the stomach walls more slowly. Food slows down the process of intoxication. A sobering brine cocktail helps you quickly get back to normal, especially with a hangover.

Method 4 – stomach cleansing

Removing the remaining alcohol from the stomach is an effective way to sober up quickly. There is the following method for this:

  • drink one or two glasses clean water, can be boiled;
  • vomiting is caused;
  • the procedure is repeated several times.

This method is unpleasant, but effective. It helps to quickly clear the stomach of alcohol residues.

Method 5 – mental and physical activity

In the absence of serious symptoms, to quickly return to normal, you can engage in mental activity or take a walk in the fresh air.

How to quickly sober up at home:

  • ventilate the room;
  • do something around the house to unwind yourself;
  • read a book or solve a puzzle.

Fresh air is good for the brain. Thanks to oxygen, the process of removing alcohol from the body is enhanced.

Sex or yoga has a good effect on health. The main thing is not to overexert yourself; excessive stress, especially after drinking alcohol, is fraught with negative consequences.

Things that require strong brain and physical activity are best postponed until later. Otherwise, the end result may be of poor quality.

Method 6 - using ammonia

A quick way to come to your senses is regular ammonia. There are two methods to use it. Apply a small amount of ammonia to a cotton pad and let the drunkard inhale its vapor. This aroma will make everyone sober up.

A method that will help you sober up in half an hour:

  • Place 250 ml of drinking water in a mug or glass;
  • add 3-10 drops of ammonia to the liquid;
  • Give the drinker the prepared solution.

How more people drank alcohol, the higher the dose of ammonia is needed, but only up to 10 drops.

There is a certain danger in improving your health with such a sobering drink. If the dose is too high, burns of the mucous membranes and other dangerous consequences which can lead to death.

Method 7 – unsweetened tea or coffee

Tea and coffee contain caffeine, which gives energy. Such drinks stimulate the nervous system. It is better to give preference to natural coffee or black tea. To sober up in an hour, you should drink drinks without sugar, as it inhibits the process of removing alcohol from the body. This effect is not long-term.

Method 8 – bathing or drying

This method helps you come to your senses faster. Any water procedures invigorate and allow you to sober up in a shorter period of time. Types of water procedures:

  • cold shower;
  • bath with cool water;
  • wiping with a damp towel or snow;
  • rinsing your face with cool water.

Within 10 minutes, relief will come, consciousness will become clear, and the person will become less drunk.

The main thing is not to freeze yourself during the cold season. This may lead to a cold or other complications.

Method 9 – Medicines

Medications are an effective method to quickly sober up and get rid of unpleasant symptoms. The most popular medications:

  • sorbents (Sorbex, activated carbon, Polysorb);
  • painkillers (Aspirin, Analgin);
  • mixtures that restore water balance (Regidron, Orasan);
  • to cleanse the body of alcohol (Zenalk, Drink OFF);
  • pills with a diuretic effect.

Paracetamol should not be combined with alcohol. Sorbents must be taken separately from other medications, at intervals of several hours.

How to freshen your breath to get rid of fumes

A specific aroma from the mouth after drinking alcohol is normal. This smell indicates the process of alcohol processing. Mints or gum can mask it for a while.

Effective products for fresh breath:

  • coffee beans;
  • fresh parsley;
  • slice of lemon;
  • sage herb;
  • cinnamon.

Even if you get rid of the smell of fumes, ethanol will not disappear from the blood. Therefore, if you need to get behind the wheel, you will have to wait. Most quick way urgently sober up - a special dropper that removes ethanol from the body.

It’s worth warning right away: it’s simply unrealistic to sober up instantly. But if there is a need (for example, you were called to work urgently, and you are having a party, or you need to drive), it is possible to become a little more sober. But in order not to be puzzled by the question of how to sober up quickly, it is better to simply not drink intoxicating drinks to the point where you urgently need to sober up.

What is sobering up

Sobering up can be considered the time when all the ethanol has completely left your blood. The speed depends on the weight, the amount of alcohol, its strength, and the characteristics of your metabolism. The process of sobering up is called elimination. In order to get rid of alcohol that enters the bloodstream, the body uses a natural blood purification system and certain enzymes. The kidneys and lungs may also be involved in sobering up (in this case, fumes may occur). That is why the most reliable way to sober up is to simply wait a few hours. But we don’t always have them...

How to sober up quickly

Since drunkenness has been around for thousands of years, many ways to quickly sober up have been invented.

Method 1: Just stop drinking immediately

This is not so much a method as it is a preparation for all our other actions. It's better to do this early in the evening, so you have enough time to sober up. Stopping drinking does not mean that you need to drink beer instead of cognac. Don't drink anything else: nothing for the road! We immediately start drinking water, but not carbonated water, it will make everything worse!

Method 2: Induce vomiting

Don't be surprised, but you need to induce vomiting correctly. It is better to do this by sticking your index finger down your throat. Be sure to wash your hands after this. To prevent suffocation, keep your head low. After everything comes out, eat a cracker and drink water. But not during the vomiting itself, but after. Before you quickly sober up in this way, think about whether you really need such violence on your stomach: if you feel drunk, but normal, you shouldn’t do it.

Method 3. Eat a hearty meal

Dense - this is not squid with chips, but food rich in starch. Potatoes and meat are beyond competition. Fructose would also be good, namely oranges and other citrus fruits, apples, grapes or bananas. It will help remove ethanol and honey quickly. Well, don’t forget about fatty foods. Milk will also be appropriate, as it will create a film on the mucous membrane in the stomach, and it will prevent ethanol from being absorbed.

Method 4. Flush the stomach

It’s good if during the feast there is someone who will help with this. First you need to do an enema. Do it three times, and add at least two liters of water. Now we rinse the stomach, and about 700 ml should be administered. water. During the entire procedure, about 5-7 liters of water are introduced. To consolidate the effect of washing, you need to give ammonia (sniff) and ascorbic acid (orally and a couple of grams per 5 kg of weight). You can also drink vitamin B1 and glucose.

Method 5. “Load” the mind or body

If you are physically developed, just do some physical exercise. This way you will get a lot of oxygen, and some ethanol will come out along with sweat and breathing. A dozen push-ups and squats are enough. But a marathon of several kilometers is no longer relevant. Mental stress will also be appropriate: solve intellectual problems, remember the entire multiplication table. You can also think about a plan of action for tomorrow.

Method 6. Sniff ammonia

Ammonia. The method is classic, but you need to smell it correctly. First, we grab the tip of our nose and pull it, then we smell it, because this way you will improve your sense of smell.

Method 7. Drink coffee or tea

Coffee won't help you sober up, but it does reduce the sedative effect of ethanol. Coffee dehydrates no worse than alcohol, by the way, so don’t forget about water too. By the way, coffee will not improve your motor skills and cognitive function when drunk. It’s better to drink strong tea with ginger. And where there is ginger, there is also honey with lemon: glucose and fructose with vitamin C. But ordinary water or coffee will also help remove the fumes.

Method 8. Water procedures

Only with cold water. Cold splashes will definitely invigorate you. This will not work if you are poisoned or feel sick. Usually in this state the temperature is low, and a shower will only make it worse. Among water procedures, a sauna or bathhouse is no less good for a drunken person: a lot of ethanol will come out with sweat. The sauna is only relevant for those who like to drink and do not have heart problems. If there is no sauna and is not expected, you need to rely only on fresh air: perhaps half an hour in it will do a good deed for the drinker.

Method 9. Medicines

Accept succinic acid. By the way, activated carbon, eubicor, or polysorb are also appropriate. A diuretic will also play a positive role. Only if it is not dangerous furosemide, of course. Diuretic herbs or rosehip infusion (diuretic and with vitamin C) are a great option. But all sorts of anti-hangovers don’t really work, and they won’t help remove the fumes. Any of those who do not breathe very smoothly when drinking alcohol must find their own way to sober up quickly. At home, some people benefit from fruits or ascorbic acid, some only need a shower, and some only need sleep.

How long does it take to get sober?

Special calculators will help you calculate how long it will take you to sober up, taking into account the snack (or lack thereof), weight, amount of ethanol, type of drink, etc. But you can calculate this yourself. If you do this while drunk, such calculations will help you sober up: one way or another, work with your head.

So, the first thing to take into account is the fact that alcohol breaks down at approximately the same rate: one milliliter per ten kilograms of your weight and in one hour.

Thus, if you weigh an insignificant 60 kg and take 100 grams of vodka (which is 40 g of pure alcohol, by the way), all the ethanol will come out of you at 6 milliliters per hour. Thus, you will be sober for about six hours and forty minutes.

If you have a centner of weight, the alcohol will disintegrate by ten milliliters in one hour, so after four hours there will be no alcohol left in you. And in order to calculate how long it takes to sober up, determine the exact time when alcohol entered your body and its exact amount. Alcohol begins to break down literally immediately, so it is enough to divide your body weight (your own or the weight of the “victim”) by ten, and divide the amount of pure alcohol consumed by the speed of sobering up. Now we add this number of hours to the time when the binge or party began.
The date and hour of sobering determined in this way will be as accurate as possible.

  1. If it even just seems that one of your drinking buddies has alcohol poisoning, seek a doctor immediately!
  2. You cannot sober up a person whose pain sensitivity decreases in this state. This way you can put him into an alcoholic coma;
  3. You don't have to sober yourself up to drive a car. It won’t work, so call a taxi, wait for public transport (if it’s not too late) or stay overnight where you were walking.
  4. Chew coffee, in this form it also sobers up! But not the one in the granules, namely the grains. If you have problems with blood pressure even without ethanol, do not use this product in any way, just like tea, by the way. Your friend is mineral water without a hint of gas.
  5. There are also many ways to restore adequacy after a feast for a very short time. But all this magic will only help for about five minutes and only if 90 minutes have already passed since your last drop of ethanol. This will help, for example, massage the ears or legs (especially the feet), coffee (or tea), as well as wiping with snow or dipping in cold water. All this simply stimulates the nervous system and you cannot continue drinking after this. It’s better to drink some water and ibuprofen and go to sleep right away. Water and ibuprofen are needed to prevent painful headaches from ruining your morning. If you don’t have the opportunity to sleep, you can even take a nap in the subway or minibus on which you are traveling to the meeting point.