Who and when invented the microwave oven. Who Invented the Microwave? Who invented the microwave oven and when

Based electromagnetic waves It's not just the microwave. The same principles of physics are used in telephony and radio communications. The operation process is designed in such a way that the waves disperse water molecules, thereby allowing the products to heat up (for more details, see the article on how a microwave oven works). So who invented such an indispensable device today as a microwave oven?

Exists two versions how microwaves came into our lives. It is also interesting that they are not at all mutually exclusive, which means that both have the right to exist:

  1. In the first version, the invention of the microwave is attributed to the Nazis. During the hostilities, spending time preparing food could cost lives. To solve this problem, they came up with such a device. Later, research documents and variants of the first furnaces were received by researchers from large countries, including Russia.
  2. According to the second version, the invention of the microwave oven is attributed to the American engineer Percy Spencer, who proved the effect of the magnetron on food. Through his research, he found that waves of a certain frequency emit a large amount of heat.

Percy Spencer - inventor of the microwave oven

Spencer filed a patent for his invention on October 8, 1945. And the first oven was produced in 1947. True, it was used only by the military and only for defrosting food.

Disputes of scientists and criticism of microwave ovens

For many years, the widespread use of microwave ovens remained in question. Scientists argued that under the influence of waves, the molecular composition of products changes, which can lead to oncological diseases.

They emphasized in their evidence that a completely sealed space is needed for microwave operation, and not a tightly closed door, which can adversely affect health.

There have been many studies, the results of which were very questionable. However, negative PR is also PR, and there has been no official confirmation of the dangers of microwaves. The publications reported the following information:

  1. Microwave ovens harm children's meals, as dairy products become toxic under the influence of waves and contribute to the violation nervous system.
  2. Influencing water molecules, parts of the waves remain in them and enter the human body. In the experimental subjects, on which the experiment was carried out, hemoglobin dropped and cholesterol increased.
  3. Other studies have shown that microwaves don't just stay in food, they affect and change the composition. Some experiments have shown that such changes can affect the degeneration of the personality, as evidenced by the increase in the number of white cells in the blood and the imbalance in cholesterol levels.
  4. Cholesterol is formed in any food that is cooked in microwave devices.

Experiments confirm that dishes subjected to microwave processing not only change, but also lose beneficial features . According to Russian scientists, the nutritional value of food drops to 90%.

Let's protect our citizens!

It is known that for some time microwaves were not just criticized. I wonder why in the USSR were banned microwaves? The answer to this question lies in the research and experiments of Soviet scientists, who concluded that:

  1. Microwaves speed up the process of disintegration of substances.
  2. Microwaves promote the formation of cancerous compounds in foods. This occurs through the interaction of water molecules and modified proteins.
  3. Metabolism is disturbed, as the products that we absorb have an unusual structure.
  4. Changes in products lead to a violation of the protective functions of the body.
  5. There may be problems with the stomach, up to the formation of cancerous tumors.
  6. Cancer cells appear in the blood.
  7. The body stops absorbing many of the vitamins needed by the digestive system.
  8. The microwave creates a field that is detrimental to health.

Market Capture

Despite all the fears and publications, microwave ovens were actively produced and sold. The American inventor did not doubt the effectiveness of his product, despite the indignation and criticism of scientists.

Here are a few stages that the furnace has gone through from its inception to the present day:

  1. The first ovens were incredibly bulky and reached a height of about 1.8 meters. The devices weighed about 1.5 tons, which did not allow the device to be moved without assistance. Their cost was approximately $ 1,000, which indicated that only very wealthy citizens could afford microwaves.
  2. The stoves went on sale in 1962.
  3. In 1966, ovens began to be equipped with the usual rotating stand.
  4. By 1979, the oven was controlled by a microprocessor.
  5. And in 1999, control began to be carried out by a microcomputer. Familiar functions such as grill and convection appeared, and the oven itself began to be used not only for heating, but also for cooking.

Interestingly, despite all the intimidation of the press and scientists, by 1975 the level of microwave sales exceeded that of gas stoves. And in 1976, the popularity of microwave ovens eclipsed dishwashers.


It remains only to thank Percy Spencer for creating such a miracle of electronics. After all, a modern kitchen is unthinkable without a microwave. Rumors about its harmful effects are greatly exaggerated: everything new and unknown in any case faces negative criticism. It is important that today's ovens are safe (subject to the rules of operation) and are simply irreplaceable in any kitchen.

It is believed that the microwave oven was created for heating ready-made food and defrosting food. On the one hand, it is: the very first microwave was used for defrosting. But if you look from a different angle, we will see a universal device that can completely replace the oven and help prepare unique dishes.

In the article, we will find out who and when invented the microwave oven, we will destroy several myths about the dangers of using it.

Who invented the first microwave oven

Now we know two options for creating a microwave oven. The first version comes from the Second World War. To speed up the cooking process, which is dangerous at the front, the first microwave oven was invented in Germany. Later, developments and research fell into the hands of other large countries, which included the USSR. But there is no direct evidence of the German origin of technology, this is nothing more than a theory.

A more popular and plausible version is the creation of the device by the famous American engineer Percy Spencer. During research, the inventor noticed that waves at a certain frequency are capable of generating heat. After that, Spencer proved the effect of the magnetron on products. On October 8, 1945, the creator officially patented his invention.

However, the first microwave oven was released only 2 years after the patent was received and was used exclusively by the military for defrosting food.

Myths and disputes of scientists

The microwave has been the subject of controversy for many years. Scientists divided into two camps: some argued that exposure to microwaves on food can cause allergies and even cancer. Others refuted the statements of their colleagues and assured: microwaves are completely safe for the human body.


Even the most inexpensive equipment does not threaten health if you do not stand nearby for 8 hours a day at a distance of one meter. In other cases, you will not receive any effect on the body.

For example, let's compare a microwave with a regular Wi-Fi router. The radiation of a working microwave oven during operation is less than that of a conventional router during data transfer. If you are concerned about your health, we do not recommend that you sleep next to the modem.

Microwaves change the structure of food

The work of microwaves is to accelerate the molecules of products for self-heating and there is no harm or change in the structure at the molecular level. The maximum that can happen is burning food if you forget to turn off the stove in time. To avoid this, modern models are equipped with timers and an automatic shutdown function.

Cheap microwaves are dangerous

Another myth that is created to redirect customers to branded products. Of course, more expensive models will differ in functionality and quality, but the principle of operation is the same everywhere. Branded appliances are more energy efficient and have an additional warranty. Little-known brands often neglect safety and receive quality certificates from illegal or semi-legal firms.

Note that the service life of expensive and budget equipment is almost the same - from 3 to 5 years.

Microwave ovens affect the signal level of the router

And it is true. It is not surprising, because the technique operates at the same frequency as the modem. In the operating mode, the magnetic field of the oven can greatly distort the signal, while the computer or smartphone will not detect errors and simply notify you that there is no network. This rule only applies if your device is within a meter of the device.

How has the microwave changed?

Most buyers did not pay attention to the frightening publications and actively bought sensational equipment. But at the time of their "birth" ovens did not look like we can imagine. Consider several stages through which the microwave has passed to the level of modern analogues.

  1. The first models weighed more than 1.5 tons, it was not possible to move them without assistance. In addition, they were as high as modern refrigerators - 180 cm. Such a microwave oven cost $ 1,000, only very wealthy people could afford to buy it.
  2. The first model rolled off the assembly line in 1947, but the large-scale sale of household stoves did not begin until 1962.
  3. In 1962, the well-known rotating saucer appeared.
  4. In 1979 the first microprocessor oven was developed and produced.
  5. In the late 90s, the microwave was controlled by a microcomputer, and the functions familiar to us appeared: convection and grill.

Fact! The world famous company Sharp became the first mass-produced manufacturer of microwaves.

Innovation and new technologies

In the early 2000s, Panasonic launched the production of inverter ovens. The difference between the models was that the power was set randomly. In addition, the food warmed up quickly and evenly. Panasonic, as well as other manufacturers, began to pay more attention to design, new models in retro and high-tech style appeared on the shelves.

Microwaves in the USSR - truth or fiction

In the USSR, there really were microwave ovens, which began to be produced in the late 70s. It is difficult to say in what year mass production began. But there is evidence that already in 1978, the furnaces transmitted an ultra-high-frequency "hello" from the Moscow plant "Pluton". On the South machine-building plant actively produced models "Dnepryanka" and "Mriya". As for the design, it is worth noting the usual Soviet conciseness.

It is not surprising that it was difficult to buy such equipment, the high price and modest volume interfered - only a couple of thousand a year for the entire USSR.

Reliable or not

The microwave has long been the first assistant in the kitchen, it will serve faithfully, if you follow a few simple rules. No radiation threatens you, the stove will not bring harm to health. Careful care will allow you to save the equipment that came from the distant past and has been transformed into a powerful, stylish and modern device.

  1. Switch on the oven if the door is open.
  2. Run the device "idle", otherwise it may fail.
  3. Use metal, thin glass and porcelain dishes.
  4. Use cooking oil.
  5. Reheat and boil eggs if you don't want a spectacular explosion.
  6. Warm food in jars and bottles (canned food, baby food).
  7. Use a dryer.

The history of the origin and production of the first microwave ovens has never been a secret. Facts and news were published in newspapers as early as the 1940s. Some of the information was lost, we have not even heard of many models, and the design and functionality of the equipment have changed a long time ago. But one thing remains the same - the same principle of operation that gave microwaves great popularity.

If you are wondering how the first microwave appeared and who its brilliant inventor is, welcome to the world of history right now.

The emergence of microwaves: basic theories

There are two main versions of how the microwave oven appeared. They are both different, and each deserves due attention:

  1. Some historians believe that the invention is the work of the Nazis. Military realities did not allow spending a lot of time on cooking, so the microwave oven was invented. Later, according to historical reports, the documentation on research and development of the first models reached the researchers of large states, including the Russian Federation.

  1. According to the second scenario, the microwave was invented by the American engineer Percy Spencer, who proved and substantiated the effect of the magnetron on food. During his research, Spencer determined that at a certain frequency, waves are capable of generating heat in a large volume.

In fact, Spencer did not develop in the field of household appliances, he worked on radars and components for them. Testing another magnetron, he noticed the heating of the sandwich, which he left on the device. There is also a version that while working with his devices, Spencer received a burn from a melted chocolate bar in his pocket.

Why did the government support the scientist's idea? It's simple: World War II was drawing to a close, military orders were declining, and the "cooking" of the magnetron promised big profits, so the accidental invention is most likely fiction, and systematic work is more like the truth. But people love interesting stories and legends, which is why they were put into the press to stir up public interest.

In 1945, the inventor patented his "brainchild", and after 2 years the first microwave came off the assembly line. At that time, it was used exclusively for defrosting.

Crazy Version: Aliens and SHF

From the rubric "Not proven, but true." There is a version about the alien origin of the device. Allegedly, the Americans borrowed technology from an alien civilization during the Roswell incident. In 1947, a UFO was shot down or crashed (there is no official confirmation from the US Air Force), on board of which a microwave oven or technological solutions for its creation were found. The controversy over the incident, which became a highlight of American pop culture, continues today.

Controversial discovery

For many years, the mass use of this technique caused active controversy among scientists. Many of them believed that waves change the molecular composition of food, which in turn provokes oncology.

The evidence was based on the version that in order for the radiation not to spread, the space of the chamber must be completely sealed, and loose oven doors are capable of releasing waves that have a detrimental effect on the human body.

When the microwave oven was invented, the world was immediately shaken by the results of research that caused a lot of doubts among other scientists. But "black" PR is also useful, especially since there was no official confirmation of the harm of microwaves. The press of those years broadcast about the "terrible" consequences of using know-how:

  • Microwaves are not suitable for preparing baby food, as radiation makes dairy products toxic, which disrupts the nervous system of children.
  • Water retains part of the radiation that enters the body. Analyzes of the vital signs of the subjects indicated a jump in cholesterol and a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Radiation changes the composition of products - such food can contribute to the degeneration of the personality, which was also evidenced by a change in the composition of the blood and a jump in cholesterol.
  • Microwaved food is full of cholesterol.

Soviet scientists believed that the nutritional value of products after processing with a newfangled electrical appliance was reduced by 90%.

Soviet scientists came to the following conclusions:

  1. Under the action of microwaves, the decay processes last faster.
  2. Radiation causes cancer compounds in products due to the interaction of H 2 O molecules and changes in the structure of proteins.
  3. Metabolic processes are disturbed due to changes in the usual structure of products.
  4. The capacity of the human immune system is reduced.
  5. Food under the influence of waves can adversely affect the digestive system, affecting the stomach, up to oncology.
  6. The risk of blood cancer.
  7. The assimilation of biologically active substances - vitamins is deteriorating.
  8. A field is formed around the device that is harmful to living beings.

Microwave masters the market

Despite the fears listed above, it was impossible to cancel the creation of the device: the world leaders in the household appliances industry were actively "stamping" electrical appliances, and buyers purchased them with great enthusiasm. The inventor from the States was confident in the effectiveness of his invention and believed that criticism of his product was groundless.

From the moment Spencer amazed the world with his discovery, and until today, the microwave has undergone a lot of changes and improvements:

  • The height of the first Radarange microwave reached 1.8 m and weighed over 300 kg. The devices also cost a lot - in the region of $ 5,000, so only wealthy users bought the equipment.

  • In what year did the stoves go on mass sale? In 1962. After 4 years, a turntable appeared in the cells.
  • In the late 70s, the microprocessor was responsible for controlling the device.
  • In the late 1990s, the microcomputer became the control element. The technique was supplemented with a grill and convection, so its functionality from simple heating and defrosting has expanded to the possibility of preparing all kinds of dishes.

On a note! Media intimidation did not work: as early as 1975, sales of microwave ovens broke the record for gas ovens.

Now you know who invented and created the microwave oven - Percy Spencer, it is he who should be thanked for the fact that each of us has the ability to quickly heat and defrost food. And even if the creator did not see all the changes that his invention underwent, they clearly benefited the technique. And as for fears - remember Giordano Bruno, whose fate ended tragically for the development of undeniable dogmas of Copernicus about the infinity of the Universe, which no one questions today. Most importantly, a modern microwave is a safe and indispensable technique in every kitchen.


Microwave oven

Microwave- a household electrical appliance designed for quick cooking or quick heating of food, as well as for defrosting food. Operates at a frequency of 2450 MHz. Unlike other devices (for example, an oven or a Russian oven), food in a microwave oven is heated not from the surface, as in a classic oven, but for the most part of the volume, since radio waves penetrate deep enough into almost everything. food products. This significantly reduces the cooking time.

Precautionary measures

If the furnace is running without load, the radiation is not absorbed in the chamber, it has to be absorbed inside the source, which leads to its overheating and damage to the furnace. If the furnace has too little load, it is recommended to put an additional glass of water in the chamber to absorb excess radiation.

Microwave radiation cannot penetrate metal objects, so you cannot cook food in metal utensils. If the metal utensils are closed, then the radiation is not absorbed at all and the oven may fail. In an open metal dish, cooking is in principle possible, but its efficiency is less (because the radiation does not penetrate from all sides). In addition, sparks may occur near sharp edges of metal objects.

It is undesirable to place dishes with metal coating (“golden border”) in the microwave oven - a thin layer of metal is strongly heated by eddy currents, this can destroy the dishes in the area of ​​​​metal coating. At the same time, metal objects without sharp edges, made of thick metal, are relatively safe in the microwave.

Do not cook in the microwave liquid in hermetically sealed containers and whole bird eggs - due to the strong evaporation of water inside them, they explode.

It is dangerous to heat water in the microwave, because it is capable of overheating, i.e. heating above the boiling point. Superheated liquid can then boil very abruptly and at an unexpected moment. This applies not only to distilled water, but also to any water that contains little suspended solids. The smoother and more uniform the inside surface of the water container, the higher the risk. If the vessel has a narrow neck, then there is a high probability that at the moment the boiling begins, superheated water will pour out and burn your hands.


The main components of a microwave oven:

  • microwave source
    • magnetron high-voltage power supply
    • control circuit
  • waveguide for transmitting microwaves from the magnetron to the chamber
  • a metal chamber in which microwave radiation is concentrated and where food is placed, with a metallized door
  • auxiliary elements
    • rotating table in the chamber
    • security schemes (“lockouts”)
    • a fan that cools the magnetron and blows through the chamber to remove gases generated during cooking.


The microwave oven is currently one of the most popular household electrical appliances.

Myths about microwave ovens

  • Claims are stubbornly held that an iron plate can allegedly provoke a large explosion (in fact, in the worst case, it will cause damage to the magnetron due to sparking).
  • They say that it is allegedly dangerous to approach a working microwave oven, since the body's own cells and tissues "feel" the radiation from this device (in fact, the standards for radiation from a working oven are limited to 5 mW per cm² at a distance of 5 cm from its surface - this is significantly less than the radiation level considered unhealthy).
  • Microwaves change the molecular structure of foods, which can damage your genes or give you cancer. If you eat food from the microwave every day, then according to this erroneous opinion, "freak children" can be born (early experiments with the separation of substances by microwave radiation ended in failure - it only led to heating, since this radiation is not ionizing).
  • If you keep the microwave oven turned on for a long time at high power, it can damage all electrical appliances within a radius of several meters with its powerful electromagnetic radiation. In fact, its electromagnetic radiation is no more than from the back wall of the computer system unit, although close to it it can still interfere with the reception of a signal by a cell phone at a close frequency. The oven also interferes with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

Federal Sanitary Rules, Norms and Hygiene Standards



Hygienic requirements for the placement and operation of transmitting radio facilities

SanPiN 2.1.8/

Maximum permissible levels of energy flux density in the frequency range of 300 MHz - 300 GHz, depending on the duration of exposure

When exposed to radiation for 8 hours or more, the remote control is 0.025 mW per square centimeter, when exposed to 2 hours, the remote control is 0.1 mW per square centimeter, and when exposed to 10 minutes or less, Remote control - 1 mW per square centimeter.

see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


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Every conscientious historian who is interested in the development of technological progress knows very well that the theory of using microwaves to heat food appeared in the mid-1920s. Nevertheless, Percy Spencer, an American from Massachusetts, was the first to receive a patent for a microwave oven for defrosting and heating food on October 8, 1945. This date is considered the birthday of the microwave oven. According to a popular legend, the idea of ​​this useful invention came to the scientist at the moment when a bar of chocolate suddenly melted in his pocket. The surprised Spencer began to look for the cause of the unpleasant state of emergency and soon realized that the reason for such incorrect behavior of the chocolate bar was the magnetron, near which he was standing. As you know, it is this device that generates microwave electromagnetic radiation. A worthy legend for a useful invention in the household, which was quickly mastered by canteens for the military and large restaurants. It should be noted that the first microwave ovens were large and heavy. With a height of about two meters, their weight reached about 340 kg. Those microwave ovens that we are used to began to appear in the West only in the 1960s, and in the USSR from the second half of the 1970s. Nevertheless, the modern historiography of the appearance of the first microwave ovens is unreliable. In fact, they were invented in the USSR on the eve of the start of World War II.