Ointments for neck pain. What to do when your neck is cold and you can’t turn your head? My neck hurts, what ointment should I apply?

Probably everyone has experienced pain in the neck area. To do this, it is not at all necessary to be in extreme conditions or have abnormal vertebrae. Improperly organized workplace, a sedentary lifestyle and high physical activity are the most common factors that provoke pain.

When the pain comes on suddenly, your health deteriorates greatly, and performing everyday duties turns into torture. There are many different medications for pain relief, including very effective ointments, creams and gels.


Modern domestic and foreign pharmacological industry offers several types of topical agents:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • warming;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • painkillers;
  • massage;
  • homeopathic;
  • complex action.

Ointment is the simplest and most accessible method of getting rid of unpleasant sensations in the neck, the causes of which may be:

  • long sitting in one position - at a computer, desk or in a car;
  • physical activity that exceeded the body's capabilities;
  • inflammation of soft tissues, such as myositis;
  • degenerative-dystrophic pathologies of the spine - osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, hernias;
  • cervical spine injuries;
  • infectious diseases;
  • tumor processes that have metastasized to the spine.

Ointment for neck pain can and should be used in the above cases, but you need to choose the right product.

Selection rules

To get the desired effect, you need to know the reason that caused a particular symptom. For osteochondrosis, chondroprotective or anti-inflammatory ointment can help. In case of injuries or sprains, a pain reliever is suitable, and to normalize muscle metabolism, you can use a homeopathic remedy. To speed up recovery processes during the rehabilitation period, ointments with a warming effect are used.

The doctor will tell you which ointment to use, and you should definitely contact him in case of severe pain in the cervical spine. In practice, local treatment is carried out both for injuries and complex therapy diseases of the spine and joints.

Despite the fact that ointments and creams are applied to the skin and do not pass through the stomach, the use of products in this group has a number of contraindications. Do not apply the drug to damaged skin if there are abrasions, inflammations and abscesses. In addition, you need to remember about individual intolerance to any component in the composition.


Drugs to relieve inflammation that causes pain contain various analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances. Such ointments effectively eliminate pain by suppressing the activity of prostaglandins, and also relieve swelling and muscle spasms.

Ketonal can be used in patients of any age and in the presence of most concomitant pathologies

Ointments based on NSAIDs act in several directions at once, relieving symptoms and eliminating the cause of the ailment. That is why drugs in this group are popular both among patients and among doctors.

Dikul balm is able to launch the restoration processes of damaged tissues, improving blood circulation

Hot peppers contain drugs such as Efkamol, Espol, Finalgon, Capsicam, Nicoflex and Kapsin. The main active ingredient in the Vietnamese balsam Zvezdochka, Pichtanol, and Gevkamen is camphor.

Ointments with turpentine – Skipofit and Turpentine ointment.

The complex effect of warming ointments is enhanced by auxiliary components - bear bile, mumiyo, formic acid and essential oils coniferous trees, mint, cloves, mustard, etc.

Before using any of the above ointments, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test without applying a large number of skin products. If there are no signs of an allergic reaction, then the ointment can be used.


If your neck hurts due to osteochondrosis, ointments containing chondroitin sulfate will help. Pain can be caused by pinched nerves and displacement of the intervertebral disc, and for the treatment of this condition there are special means - Chondroxide gel, Chondroart ointment, Chondroitin.

Chondroitin and glucosamine, which are part of chondroprotective ointments, help slow the progression of cervical osteochondrosis and promote the restoration of bone and cartilage tissue. Thanks to these properties, inflammation and pain are reduced.

Combination drugs

Ointments that fight pain and inflammation, while providing antithrombotic and regenerative effects, are used to treat various pathologies of the spine, including in later stages. The most popular drugs are Dolobene and Fitobene gel.

Combined ointments are indicated for use when closed injuries and their consequences - myositis, tendinitis, neuralgia, muscle and tendon strains, bruises and inflammation of soft tissues.

Dolobene gel relieves inflammation due to the presence of Dimexide in its composition


Drugs in this group are particularly well tolerated and lack side effects. In rare cases, a minor skin reaction or individual intolerance to individual components may occur.

The most common drugs are Traumeel ointment and Cel T, produced by the German company Heel in the city of Baden-Baden. These drugs are the most studied and have been used for several decades to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Traumeel ointment is used for injuries and inflammation of soft tissues, and Target T is effective in the treatment of degenerative joint pathologies. Both ointments have an analgesic effect and help relieve inflammation.

Multicomponent homeopathic medicine Traumeel docks painful sensations, increases vascular tone and reduces capillary permeability

The best ointments for neck pain

There are many different medications available to relieve pain. To get your bearings and choose the one you need, here is a list of the most popular medications:

  • Diclofenac. Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal ointment, included in the list of vital drugs, has a powerful analgesic effect. If you apply Diclofenac to the sore spot, the effect can be felt within 15 minutes. Indications for use are rheumatic diseases of soft tissues, post-traumatic inflammation of joints and muscles, arthritis and arthrosis;
  • Capsicam is an ideal remedy for rheumatism and osteochondrosis, acting by stimulating blood circulation in the affected area. The ointment is quickly absorbed, almost immediately after application the person feels a strong burning sensation and warmth. This reduces muscle tension and relieves pain. The temperature of the skin at the site of application increases noticeably and persists for several hours. Capsicam ointment is successfully used in sports medicine for massage and neuralgia;
  • Fastum gel is a drug that can be used to anoint the neck for osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome, inflammatory lesions of tendons and ligaments or soft tissues. It should be noted that during treatment with Fastum-gel it is not recommended to sunbathe or stay in the sun for a long time, since a photosensitivity reaction is possible;
  • Voltaren is made on the basis of Diclofenac, and acts as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. The gel is effective for pain of various origins - muscle and joint;
  • Finalgel based on piroxicam relieves pain in muscles and joints, swelling and inflammation, reduces the degree of platelet aggregation, without causing dry skin. Indications for use: muscle sprains and strains, sports injuries, bruises, osteochondrosis, neuralgia, etc.;
  • Finalgon is used to increase blood flow and relieve pain from muscle pain after physical activity and joint pathologies. Since the ointment has pronounced warming properties, it should be applied only with the special applicator that comes with the kit.

Most topical products are applied to the skin of the affected area in a thin layer and rubbed until completely absorbed. Frequency of use – from 1 to 4 times a day. It must be remembered that all ointments have contraindications and should not be used during pregnancy.

Your doctor will tell you what to apply to your neck for pain and how to get rid of it forever. To prevent complications and progression of the disease, you need to contact a specialist to receive qualified medical care.

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Names of ointments for neck pain

Today, there are a considerable number of different ointments, the main purpose of which is to relieve swelling and pain. For the purpose of familiarization, it is worth considering the most popular and effective ointments for neck pain. These include Diclofenac, Capsicam, Fastum gel, Voltaren, Finalgel, Finalgon, Chondroxide, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Nise gel, Dolobene gel.

  • Diclofenac. The drug is based on diclofenac sodium. The ointment must be used 2-3 times a day; it is applied to the affected area in a thin layer and rubbed in with light massage movements. It can only be used externally. The product should not be used by people intolerant to diclofenac, as well as by people with sensitive skin, as this may provoke an allergic reaction. The product can cause itching, burning and redness. Much depends on the duration of use and dosage.
  • Capsicam. Used in the amount of 1-2 grams up to 3 times a day. The product should be applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. There are no data on contraindications. May cause allergic reactions such as skin itching, burning and redness.
  • Fastum gel. The drug is based on the active ingredient ketoprofen. Apply the product to the affected skin 1-2 times a day. The ointment is one of the strongest of its kind, so it is not recommended to use it more than 2 times. The duration of treatment does not exceed 10 days. The drug should not be used by people with affected areas of the skin, such as eczema, skin rash, or skin trauma. The development of negative reactions is possible: allergic reactions, asthma attacks are possible. It all depends on the dose of the drug.
  • Voltaren. The main active ingredient of the drug is diclofenac, so it should not be used by people with hypersensitivity. Improper use can lead to the development allergic reactions. Systematic use of the drug in high doses can provoke the development of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system. Use the ointment several times a day, applying it in a thin layer to the affected area. The duration of treatment depends on the person's condition.
  • Finalgel. The main active ingredient is piroxicam. Apply the product 3-4 times a day by applying to the affected area. If you have eczema and other skin diseases It's not worth using. Development is possible side effects in the form of the same allergic reactions.
  • Finalgon. The product is applied topically. It is enough to squeeze a small amount of ointment onto the applicator and spread it over the affected area. The action is fast, after 20 minutes a person will feel significant relief. The gel is used no more than 3 times a day. It should not be used by people with hypersensitivity or damaged skin. Allergic reactions may develop.
  • Chondroxide. The product is applied to the skin 2-3 times a day in small quantities. It should be rubbed into the skin until completely absorbed. Use for hypersensitivity is prohibited. The ointment can cause itching, burning and redness.
  • Ibuprofen. The drug is applied to the affected area in a thin layer. Re-use of the product is possible no earlier than after 4 hours. Ultimately, it can be applied no more than 4 times a day. The duration of treatment can be several weeks. Use is prohibited in case of hypersensitivity, as well as external damage to the skin. An allergic reaction may develop.
  • Ketoprofen. The drug should not be used by people with hypersensitivity or severe skin lesions. Children under 6 years of age and pregnant girls are prohibited from using the ointment. The ointment should be applied in a thin layer, no more than 3 times a day. Side effects may develop in the form of itching, burning and redness.
  • Nise gel. The product is applied to the affected area in a thin layer and rubbed in with massage movements. You can use it no more than 3 times a day. People with intolerance and severe skin rashes should refuse the medication. Development is possible bronchial asthma, itching, burning and even burns.
  • Dolobene gel. The product is applied in a thin layer 3-4 times a day.

The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician. The ointment should not be used by people with impaired liver and kidney function, intolerance, or the presence of skin diseases. The development of allergic reactions is possible.

Warming ointments for neck pain

The effectiveness of these drugs directly depends on the active substance included in their composition. If there is an inflammatory process, you should pay attention to warming ointments for neck pain, they will eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Agents with an irritating effect promote blood flow to the affected area, thereby increasing heat transfer. This influence leads to the supply of oxygen and the removal of toxins, due to which pain is eliminated. Finalgon ointment has this effect. Data regarding its use were indicated above.

Common warming agents are: Arthrocin, Virapin and Atrevin. They contain real bee venom. Such agents as Viprotox and Viprosal are widely used. They contain snake venom. They all operate on the same principle. They should be applied 1-2 times a day to the affected area in small quantities. These drugs are dietary supplements. Therefore, they should be used with extreme caution. The development of allergic reactions on the part of the skin is possible.

People who constantly play sports and put a lot of strain on the musculoskeletal system should resort to the help of warming ointments. They can be used for preventive purposes. You should pay attention to Finalgon, Zostrix, Capsicam. They can be applied up to 3 times a day in a thin layer. For preventive measures It will be enough to use it in the period after and before training. People with severe skin lesions and hypersensitivity should not use them. Products may cause allergic reactions.

Pain relieving ointments for neck pain

In case of severe damage accompanied by pain, attention should be paid to ointments that have an analgesic effect. The drug Finalgon has proven itself well. It contains two active components at once, thanks to which rapid action is achieved. These are nonivamide and nicoboxil. Together, they cause blood vessels to dilate and promote blood flow. In addition, they improve metabolism and nourish the affected tissues. The effect of this ointment for neck pain is truly magical.

Drugs included in this group: Capsicam, Nicoflex, Analgos and Apizartron. Information regarding Capsicami was presented above, so it is worth considering other means.

  • Nicoflex. The gel is applied to the affected area 2-3 times a day in a small amount. The duration of treatment usually does not exceed 3 days. The drug should not be used in case of violations of the integrity of the skin, intolerance, or in children under 6 years of age. Allergic reactions may develop at the site of application.
  • Analgos. The product is applied to the affected area several times a day. The duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor. The ointment should not be used by pregnant women, children under 6 years of age and people with hypersensitivity. The product may lead to the development of allergic reactions.
  • Apizartron. The drug should be applied in a thin layer to the skin, without rubbing, leave for 2-3 minutes, then carefully spread over the surface. Apply the ointment 2-3 times a day. The product should not be used if the integrity of the skin is damaged, mental illness and acute arthritis. It is possible to develop allergic reactions at the site of application.

Directions for use and doses

Treatment begins with applying a small amount of ointment to the skin. This will allow you to determine your individual response to the drug. If no negative symptoms have been identified, you can continue to use this ointment for neck pain.

Most products are released together with a special applicator. You need to squeeze a small amount of product onto it and distribute it over the skin with light massage movements. To enhance the effect of the drug used, it is enough to apply a woolen cloth to the affected area. This will enhance heat transfer.

In some cases, frequent use of the ointment can lead to a decrease in the body's response to it. That is why the dose should be selected individually depending on the person’s condition. Apply the ointment 2-3 times a day. If you use it as a prophylactic agent, then one use 30 minutes before the start of training is enough (this applies to the drug Finalgon).

Neck pain most often appears after a person reaches thirty years of age. Pain is especially common after heavy physical exertion, or even after sleeping in an uncomfortable position. All these characteristic manifestations are signs of osteochondrosis, which is accompanied by destructive processes of the vertebral cartilage. It is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the neck, back and other parts of the spine. However, many people are simply too lazy to do basic exercises.

If neck pain has already appeared, there are many medications available to eliminate it. Among them effective means external use are various ointments and gels. Experts prescribe them both for complex use and separately. Moreover, it is much simpler and easier to anoint the source of pain with ointment and forget about the pain until next time.

The pain relief patch is also great for treating neck and back pain. This drug has become very popular in use due to the fact that it is easily attached and has an effective effect.

Types of ointments and gels

How to relieve neck pain? The answer is very simple. If your neck hurts, ointment will quickly and comfortably help you get rid of the discomfort. This is the best pain reliever. As for the classification of such funds, they are divided into several categories.

Ointments against inflammatory processes

This category of drugs includes non-steroidal microelements against inflammation. This ointment is aimed at relieving pain and acts as an anesthetic for the neck and its vertebrae. If you don’t know which remedy is best to choose, then assume that the ointment should be chosen based on pain. It is important to remember that this group of products activates the perception of blood vessels, which allow the substance to be absorbed much better; it penetrates tissue structures several times faster and relieves muscle pain.

In addition, the analgesic property is due to the fact that it reduces the level of inflammation, makes swelling less, and eliminates redness and muscle spasms. The mobility of neck vessels is significantly improved. If you don’t know which medicine to choose, remember that their effects on the body are almost the same.

  • Often used ointments such as:
  • ketonal;
  • voltaren;
  • ibuprofen ointment;
  • indomethacin ointment;


Ointments that have a complex effect

  • Pain in the neck area greatly disturbs its owners, and it is quite normal when a person wants to use the remedy that will have the greatest effect. The ointment has a complex effect because:
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • is an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • excellent antimicrobial agent;

has a restorative effect;

The components that make up these ointments are perfectly absorbed into the skin, reach the most inflamed tissues and affect all areas of the neck and cervical vertebrae, remove blood clots, and normalize blood circulation. Thanks to all these properties, the ointment, like the patch, can make treatment more productive by acting in the muscular environment. Such tissues are quickly restored, and inflammation is reduced.

Ointments with a warming and anti-inflammatory effect

It is impossible to say which remedy is better. It all depends on the causes and intensity of the disease. It is important to remember that ointments with a warming effect are best used during the day, as they tone nervous system. In addition, there is no need to apply a thick layer of the drug; it is enough to apply a small amount and rub into the skin until absorbed.

Chondroprotective ointments

This ointment has very useful property- it is able to slow down the development of negative processes in osteochondrosis and restore cartilage in the joints. The composition includes components whose action is aimed at restoring connective tissues. In addition, the drug allows you to:

  • strengthen the spine;
  • prevents inflammation;
  • activates the production of joint fluid;
  • reduces pain;
  • slows down the process of vitamin loss;
  • affects recovery bone tissue.

Homeopathic ointments

Such medications always made from natural ingredients and have complex properties: the ointment is a remedy against inflammation, pain, and has a restorative effect. Most often, this drug is prescribed for the treatment of degenerative tissue changes. In addition, the ointment activates the body's defenses, bone tissue growth, and is also able to protect cells from damage.

Ointments for massage

This category includes a huge number of ointments intended for therapeutic neck massage. All of them have a complex effect that is aimed at relieving pain, accelerating recovery and eliminating inflammation.

Types of patches

Pain in the neck area is perfectly relieved by the patch. Today there are a large number of types of this drug, but all of them are aimed at improving the general condition of a person.

  1. Pepper patch. This patch is considered to be the oldest of all varieties. A special pepper ointment is applied to its sticky base. This drug is applied to a sore spot to obtain a warming effect. However, it must be used correctly, otherwise it can severely damage the skin.
  2. NSAID patch. A patch with anti-inflammatory drugs perfectly removes the remaining effects pepper plaster. On the sticky base of such a product there is an anesthetic substance, which, when absorbed into the skin, not only relieves pain, but also relieves inflammation. The disadvantage of this medicine is the side effects on the body.
  3. Reflective patch. This type is the safest, since no medication is applied to its sticky base. The body generates heat and, due to the reflective surface of the product, warms itself. Therefore, there are no contraindications for use.

Any product, ointment or patch, must be used carefully and in certain doses so as not to harm the body.

In this article we will talk about various gels and ointments for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine - how effective they are for this disease, we will share the names the best means, let's talk about drug treatment this disease at different stages of its development.

What is osteochondrosis

What is osteochondrosis? In medicine, it is believed that these are degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine, which primarily affect cartilage tissue, and with further development of the disease can also spread to the bone structure of the vertebrae and ligaments.

Medical statistics say that approximately 80% of cases when pain occurs in various parts of the back are associated with manifestations of osteochondrosis. This disease has, in fact, become a kind of “scourge” of modern humanity, because these days it is very common.

A very unpleasant fact is that cartilage tissue is very difficult and takes a long time to recover, so without active timely measures there is practically no chance of reversing the disease, and a disc affected by osteochondrosis will be doomed to gradual destruction. That is why it is so important to start treatment on time, which will stop the destruction in the spine at the first stage, and then start using restorative medications.

What symptoms may indicate osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

We promised to talk about ointments for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, but first we want to describe the most characteristic symptoms that appear in this condition. Here they are:

1. Pain is the most common symptom that is difficult to ignore. The pain can be localized both in the neck and can spread to the neck muscles or shoulders. Headache– also a fairly common phenomenon with osteochondrosis in the cervical region. Modern painkillers and ointments for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine help to reduce or even completely remove pain, but this does not mean that the disease has passed, it can quietly develop further, so after relieving the pain, you must definitely see a doctor.

2. Nausea. This may occur due to disturbances in blood flow in the vessels of the brain. Sometimes the patient may experience not only nausea, but even severe vomiting, which can be provoked by a sharp tilt of the head or turn of the head.

3. Feeling of lack of air. When osteochondrosis affects the cervical spine, the phrenic nerve, which is involved in regulating the frequency and depth of breathing, may be irritated. Therefore, the patient begins to experience difficulty in inhaling and feels shortness of breath.

4. Tinnitus and ringing. The vertebral arteries supply blood to the vestibular apparatus; Osteochondrosis in the neck can contribute to dysfunction of the inner ear.

5. Pharyngeal symptoms. Manifestations in the form of a sore throat: sometimes a person feels as if something has gotten into the larynx foreign body, swallowing may be difficult. All this is associated with disorders in the neurovascular trunks of the spinal cord.

6. Visual impairment. This symptom is quite rare, but still occurs.

7. Sudden fainting. Loss of consciousness in a patient with cervical osteochondrosis can occur due to interruptions in the passage of blood through the arteries of the brain.

8. Blood pressure surges.

9. Impaired neck mobility.

Why is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine dangerous?

When something really hurts, we often immediately run to the pharmacy and ask for some effective medicine. With severe neck pain, a person is ready to buy everything that the pharmacist recommends - both inexpensive Ibuprofen and Voltaren, an ointment that is quite expensive. “Maybe it will help,” we think. Meanwhile, the first thing to do is go to the doctor. It is the specialist who must prescribe treatment.

After all, changes in the cervical spine can cause a lot of trouble later, especially if the disease starts. If osteochondrosis is not treated, it threatens disc protrusion, and then the appearance of intervertebral hernias. Even a slight protrusion of the disc in the cervical spine results in mechanical pressure on the spinal cord and the vertebral artery. If left untreated, cervical osteochondrosis can lead to a life-threatening condition such as ischemic stroke.

Treatment options

Ointments for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are one of the parts complex treatment, which, as prescribed by a doctor, may include injections, ingestion of tablets, physiotherapy, therapeutic massage and physical education, manual therapy. In some cases it can be applied surgery, but, fortunately, with osteochondrosis this does not happen so often.

What drugs and medications are used to treat exacerbation of osteochondrosis?

In the acute period, the dominant symptom is sharp pain. Therefore, the first thing to do is to try to relieve the pain syndrome and quickly alleviate the person’s condition. Applying an external agent to the sore spot that has an analgesic and at the same time anti-inflammatory effect is the shortest way to obtain results.

  • "Piroxicam".
  • Rofecoxib.
  • "Diclofenac".
  • “Ibuprofen.”
  • “Celecoxib.”
  • "Nimesulide".
  • Indomethacin ointment.

The price of one ointment may differ significantly from another - perhaps this is the only fundamental difference between the listed external agents. And all these drugs are very effective modern non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They not only relieve pain, but also directly relieve swelling that compresses nerve roots and blood vessels.

There are also muscle relaxant ointments that relieve muscle spasms, blocking vertebrae and pinching blood vessels and nerve endings, these are:

  • “Mydocalm.”
  • “Sirdalud”.
  • “Baclofen.”

In addition to the ointment, the doctor may prescribe any anticonvulsant drug (if there is pronounced compression of the nerve roots). One of these medicines is “Carbamazepine”.

Drug treatment of cervical osteochondrosis during remission

When the acute period of the disease has passed, drug therapy should be aimed at stimulating blood circulation in the vessels, improving metabolic processes and at the same time relieving tension in the cervical spine. The following external remedies are useful here:

  • Gels and ointments with an anti-inflammatory effect, containing analgesics and steroids (“Fastum Gel”, “Nise”, “Nurofen”, “Diclofenac”, “Ketonal”, “Voltaren Gel”).
  • Warming ointments that increase blood flow to diseased areas and improve their nutrition (“Capsicam”, “Nicoflux”, “Finalgon”).
  • Chondroprotective ointments that restore cartilage tissue.
  • Massage creams and ointments containing bee venom and with the addition of various plant extracts.

Often, seeing an abundance of external medications in a pharmacy, people get lost and buy the first thing the pharmacist offers. As a rule, the choice of pharmacists leans towards the most expensive medicine. There is no need to rush, read the package inserts carefully. For example, “Voltaren” is an ointment. The price of this drug is usually above 300 rubles. And all because the product is imported, made in Germany. But, next to Voltaren, our domestic and inexpensive Diclofenac with an absolutely similar effect is sold.

Correct use of warming ointments

Warming ointments are very effective for cervical osteochondrosis. They relieve muscle spasms, increase blood circulation in them, and improve nutrition of inflamed tissues. When used, the healing process is noticeably accelerated. But sometimes, due to improper use, patients become very unhappy with some of the side effects of these drugs.

Let's take, for example, such a popular warming ointment as “Finalgon”. “It burns the skin so much that I can’t stand it!” - many exclaim. This is because the drug must be applied to the skin in very small quantities. It has a strong irritating effect. The skin at the site of application of the ointment turns red, the temperature there rises, due to which metabolic processes are activated in painful areas - this is what helps to obtain a good therapeutic effect.

If you were careless and applied too much ointment, then you should not try to wash it off with water; the burning sensation may intensify. It is best to remove the product with a cotton swab lubricated with vegetable oil. Another rule: warming ointments are best used during the daytime, as they tone the nervous system and can cause insomnia.

About chondroprotectors

Today, there is ongoing debate among doctors about the need to prescribe chondroprotective drugs. Treatment with them requires considerable financial investments from patients, and yet there is an opinion that they are ineffective. Nevertheless, manufacturers claim that the effect of these drugs is manifested in slowing down the destructive processes in cartilage and, moreover, in their gradual restoration.

As you yourself understand, the best ointment for osteochondrosis is the one that can not only relieve painful symptoms, but also cure it. Long-term use of chondroprotectors gives such hope. Today the following chondroprotective ointments are available in pharmacies:

  • "Chondroart".
  • “Chondroitin.”
  • "Chondroxide".
  • "Chondrolone".

Homeopathic ointments

How else can you treat osteochondrosis? Homeopathic ointments and gels, made on the basis of natural ingredients, are also very successfully used for this disease. These medications stimulate and strengthen the body's defenses, activate the restoration of cartilage tissue, etc. Here is a list of such ointments:

  • "Bishofite".
  • "Target T"
  • “Larksucker.”
  • “Traumeel S.”
  • "Golden mustache".

Ointments for complex effects

We have mentioned many names of excellent drugs that help with cervical osteochondrosis. These include chondroprotectors (expensive “Chondroitin” and other ointments), various NSAIDs, for example, “Indomethacin” ointment, the price of which is low (30-50 rubles). In general, the choice is very wide - there is something to treat!

There is another group of drugs - these are complex action ointments. They are at the same time

  • Pain relief.
  • Kill germs.
  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Regenerate tissue.
  • Improve blood circulation, etc.

Similar drugs include external agents “Fitobene” and “Dolobene”.


Which ointment is best for osteochondrosis must be decided together with your doctor. Often external remedies alone are not enough; injections, physical treatment, and special exercises may be required. We urge you not to experiment with your own health! Contact the clinic on time, follow all doctor’s instructions; let them choose the best one for you effective ointment from osteochondrosis - this will help you recover faster.

Chondrosis is a dystrophic disease of cartilage tissue. The lesion can affect all joints of the body, but most often the spine. The intervertebral cartilage becomes inelastic and changes shape. When deformed, it compresses the roots of the intervertebral nerves, causing clinical symptoms such as pain in the neck, back, paresthesia and impaired sensitivity of the limbs.

How to recognize and treat the disease

The cervical and lumbar spine are the most mobile. And a large load on the cartilage is the first risk factor for the development of chondrosis.

Back pain is the leading symptom. As a rule, it indicates the localization of chondrosis. When the cervical spine is affected, it is combined with headaches, pain in upper limbs, their numbness. Chondrosis lumbar region characterized by the addition of numbness and pain lower limbs, unpleasant sensations in the pelvic area are not uncommon.

Treatment of chondrosis is always complex.

  1. Lifestyle changes:
    • increased physical activity;
    • weight loss;
    • a diet rich in calcium, phosphorus, and B vitamins.
  2. Physiotherapy.
  3. Manual therapy, massage. Along with therapeutic exercises, these methods act directly on the cause of the disease.
  4. Pathogenetic therapy:
    • anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • chondroprotectors.
  5. Symptomatic therapy:
    • painkillers;
    • distractions;
    • acupuncture.

Before starting treatment, be sure to consult your doctor.

Effective ointments

Creams and ointments are the most popular remedies for neck and lower back pain. They are usually dispensed by pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

Anti-inflammatory creams

The anti-inflammatory effect is due to the blockade of the cyclooxygenase enzyme involved in inflammation. Local rubbing of ointment, cream, gel gives a local effect. The pain goes away in 0.5-1 hour, and a course of 1-2 weeks is needed to relieve inflammation.

Indomethacin has the most powerful analgesic effect among non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Used for rubbing in the form of ointment or gel. The total amount of ointment used per day should not be more than 12-14 cm.

Diclofenac (ortofen, voltaren) is used in the form of ointment and gel. Has a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. A 2-3 cm strip of ointment is gently rubbed into the skin up to four times a day.

Ketoprofen (ketonal, artrum, bystrumgel, fastum gel) is also used in the form of ointment and gel. The method of administration is similar to diclofenac.

The main side effect of anti-inflammatory drugs is a negative impact on gastrointestinal tract. They are not used for exacerbation of ulcers, gastric and intestinal bleeding. Treatment of chondrosis is best carried out under the protection of proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, esomeprazole, pantoprazole, etc.).


The distracting effect is carried out due to local irritation nerve fibers(usually skin). The main source of income nerve impulses becomes the place of application of the drug. The new source suppresses the old one, masking the pain.

Menovazin is an alcohol solution used for rubbing. Procaine and benzocaine, indicated in the composition, are local anesthetics, and menthol has a distracting effect. By using cotton swab, moistened with menovazine, rub the skin. Allergic reactions are possible.

Finalgon is a cream with a characteristic scent of lemon oil. A small amount of ointment (up to 0.5 cm) is squeezed onto a special applicator. Using the applicator, carefully distribute the ointment over the surface of the skin above the painful area. Cover with woolen cloth. The maximum effect appears after 20-30 minutes. Possible intolerance to the drug.

Efkamon is a derivative of salicylic acid. Improves local blood circulation, distracts, relieves pain. Camphor, menthol, mustard oil, tincture of capsicum enhance the effect. 2-3 g of ointment is rubbed into the painful area and covered with a warm bandage.

Viprosal is a combined distracting drug that also improves local tissue trophism. Contains: viper venom, camphor, salicylic acid, turpentine. Apply 5-10 g of ointment to painful areas. Contraindicated in case of intolerance snake venom.


Drugs in this series help protect and restore cartilage tissue. Obtained from hyaline cartilage of cattle. Contain chondroitinsulfuric acid, which, together with hyaluronic acid make up the bulk of the building material connective tissue, are responsible for the strength and elasticity of bones and cartilage.

Chondroitin gel. Along with enhancing the renewal and restoration of cartilage tissue, it reduces inflammation and pain (the ibuprofen contained in the composition is responsible for this). Rub into the skin of the neck and lower back for 2-3 minutes until the gel is completely absorbed. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Chondroxide, honsuride, chondrolone - ointment or gel. Preparations containing chondroitinsulfuric acid. They are used in the same way as chondroitin gel. Side effects are rare.

What to do if ointments don't help?

All ointments, with the exception of chondroprotectors, have only a symptomatic effect. They can relieve pain in the neck and back, but treatment of chondrosis must be comprehensive. In advanced cases, the effect of their use is short-term or absent.

A detailed examination using x-rays, computed tomography and other diagnostic methods is necessary. The doctor is considering the possibility of prescribing manual therapy or surgical treatment.

It can be provoked by a number of factors: from sedentary office work to oncology in the spinal column.

You can fight the pain different ways, but the most effective thing is to eliminate the root cause of its occurrence. In the meantime, while you are taking measures to treat your ailments or change your lifestyle, you can use ointment for neck pain.

Causes of pain

Pain can have a variety of causes, and before treatment it is necessary to establish them:

  • spasmed muscles, sprains - occurs as a result of incorrect posture, sleeping on high pillows or in a chair, long sitting position with a bowed head (working at a computer, driving a car); strong physical activity and constant tension also affect muscle contraction;
  • muscle diseases;
  • diseases of the spine: lordosis, arthritis, arthrosis, periarthritis, ;
  • immune diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • injuries;
  • oncology;
  • postoperative pain.

Based on the extensive list of possible nature of pain, it does not always help for the neck.

How to get rid of pain?

Let's consider the important nuances:

  1. Proper sleep. Buy a hard mattress, preferably. Do not sleep on high places, in a chair or in a car. And if the latter cannot be avoided, use special pillows for travelers.
  2. Warming up and resumption of blood flow. After a hard day at work, experienced stress, an uncomfortable position in which the neck muscles are simply “stiff”, it is very good to warm them up. To do this, use a hot shower or a heating pad (a plastic bottle with warm water). Do not use too high temperatures and do not delay warming procedures over time. Some diseases may worsen due to warming up (for example,).
  3. . Spasmed and overworked muscles that pull on the vertebra and can cause pinched neurons need to be relaxed. Massage or self-massage is great for this. A particularly noticeable effect occurs when combining massage with warming up the muscles.
  4. Using ointments for neck pain and... The products can warm, restoring blood flow and tissue nutrition. Gels, balms and ointments can have an analgesic or cooling effect and relieve inflammation. As a rule, they are sold freely in pharmacies, without prescriptions. However, it is better to check with your doctor first than to apply the anointing to your neck when it hurts. After all, again, you need to at least roughly know the cause of the pain.
  5. Cool your neck. In some cases, pain can be “frozen.” To do this, pieces of ice are poured into a thick plastic bag, wrapped in a clean kitchen (thin) towel and applied to the sore spot for 15 minutes. You can't get too cold for a long time.
  6. . If you have unbearable shoulder pain, you can seek help from freely available anesthetics. But, again, it is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe something effective that relieves inflammation. For severe pain injections are prescribed and...
  7. Do it. Pain occurs not only in overworked muscles, but also in weakened, flabby ones. Do daily exercises, which will allow your body to always be, if not in perfect condition, then in good shape.
  8. Follow along. Obesity, diabetes, calcium leaching from sugary drinks, tea and coffee, lack of fiber and vitamins - all this destroys bones and cartilage bodies, lowers immunity, and has a detrimental effect on health in general.
  9. Watch your posture. Curvature even sacral region spine will affect the position of the head and shoulders. A healthy spine is healthy along its entire length. And if there are any problems, you need to seek help from specialists.
  10. Set up your workplace. Raise your computer monitor to eye level and do not tilt the screen into the table. Adjust the height and inclination of the chair/chair. If you drive for a long time or sit at a desk, use supportive corsets and auto pillows.

We hope you understand that for neck pain, ointment is not a panacea.

This is just a means to temporarily relieve the symptom. And the reason needs to be looked for much more constructively and carefully.

Analyze your lifestyle, everyday life and general state health. Maybe the problem lies in the inconvenient location of the PC on the desktop, or advanced scoliosis. Or maybe you’re just cold or it’s time to change your mattress?

Love yourself and take care. Be healthy!

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or medicinal purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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When a person experiences neck pain, it becomes difficult to carry out daily activities. The right ointment for neck pain will help quickly eliminate negative symptoms and restore performance. The main thing is to determine the cause of pain and select a drug with the desired pharmacological effect.

Possible causes of discomfort

There are many causes of neck pain, and not all of them are associated with inflammatory or degenerative diseases of the vertebrae and ligaments in the cervical region. Painful manifestations may be the result of muscle strain or strain, for example, when sitting for a long time in a forced position, high physical activity or due to poor posture during sleep.

But the main factors still remain degenerative-dystrophic pathologies of the spine:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • polyarthritis.

Other causes: myositis (inflammation of soft tissues), infectious diseases, etc.

List of creams by method of exposure

According to the method of exposure, ointments and creams are divided into the following groups:

  1. Anti-inflammatory: Ketonal, Nurofen, Voltaren, Nise gel, Dolgit. The basis of such drugs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances. They suppress the activity of prostaglandins, relieve muscle spasms and swelling, activate the perception of blood vessels and thereby eliminate pain. Anti-inflammatory drugs include ointments based on ketoprofen, ibuprofen, diclofenac, nimesulide, indomethacin and other NSAIDs.
  2. Warming: Viprosal, Finalgon, Arthrocin, Capsicam. Ointments based on bee and snake venom, red hot pepper, turpentine and camphor. By irritating blood vessels and nerve cells at the site of application, creams increase blood flow to this area. As a result, blood circulation is activated, muscles relax and metabolism improves.
  3. Chondroprotectors: Chondroxide, Chondrogard, Toad stone. Their active ingredients are chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine. Used for pain caused by displaced spinal discs and pinched nerves. Chondroprotectors slow progression cervical osteochondrosis, participate in the restoration of bone and cartilage tissue, thereby stopping inflammation and relieving pain in the neck.
  4. Homeopathic: Traumeel, Tsel T, Larkspur, Sabelnik. The mineral and herbal composition of the preparations has analgesic, regenerating and immunostimulating effects. Promotes the restoration of cartilage tissue.
  5. Massage. They are used for therapeutic massage procedures, creating an analgesic effect. The most popular in this group is Dikul ointment. Massage and active ingredients of the ointment stimulate metabolism and production synovial fluid, restore blood circulation and increase microcirculation.
  6. Complex action: Dolobene, Fitobene. Such drugs not only relieve pain, but also have antithrombotic and regenerative effects. They are prescribed for various pathologies of the spine, closed injuries, sprains, bruises, inflammation of soft tissues and neuralgia.

How to choose the right product?

To obtain a positive effect, you need to establish the cause that caused the pain. If your neck is very painful from an injury or muscle strain, local combination remedy. It is quickly absorbed and begins to act instantly.

In case of exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis and neuralgia, the area of ​​the collar zone can be anointed with anti-inflammatory ointment or chondroprotector. If your neck is also cold, homeopathic ointment will help to quickly relieve pain and restore mobility. You can cope with muscle pain due to myositis, as well as speed up recovery processes during the rehabilitation period, with the help of warming agents.

Besides pharmacological action drug, you need to pay attention to contraindications for use. Any medicinal ointment has restrictions on its use. Therefore, the choice of medication must be approved by a doctor, especially if the pain is severe. It is possible that combination therapy will be needed, in which case drugs with local action should be used in conjunction with other drugs.

The effectiveness of the treatment method

Anesthetic ointments in many cases help relieve pain. When applying them, you must strictly follow the instructions so as not to provoke an overdose and the occurrence of side effects. However, if neck pain occurs over several days and is accompanied by headache, nausea, numbness, radiating to the shoulder joint and other negative manifestations - this is a reason to seek professional medical help as soon as possible.

Any anesthetic ointment can aggravate the situation if it is used to treat damaged skin (presence of abrasions, abscesses and inflammation).

Before starting use, you need to do a sensitivity test: apply a small amount of the drug to the skin and wait a few minutes. If no adverse reactions did not arise, it can be used. The exception is warming ointments: they can cause redness of the skin, this is due to the irritating effect of the components included in the composition.

A disease such as cervical myositis, which is popularly referred to as “a cold neck,” manifests itself quite suddenly. And the cause of this disease is drafts, sudden changes in weather, uncomfortable head position during sleep, prolonged tension in the neck muscles during work, and stress. Myositis often becomes a complication after suffering from acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, or influenza.

Unfortunately, you will feel unwell only after some time. You felt fine the day before, but in the morning you began to feel pain syndromes in the neck area. If such a situation arises, you can say goodbye to walks and nightlife for the next few days, since all your time should be taken up by treatment.

Today we will look at what to do when you have a blown neck, and what is the best way to treat myositis at home - folk remedies or traditional drugs?

Symptoms and causes of cervical myositis

Hypothermia and drafts are common causes of myositis. The first signs appear especially clearly in the morning. Swelling of the inflamed muscles occurs, a spasm occurs, which provokes pain. It is localized in certain areas of the neck, covering the temples, ears, and frontal part.

When moving, the pain intensifies and its intensity increases. Symptoms include:

  • swelling;
  • muscle tension in the neck;
  • local increase in temperature;
  • tingling sensation;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • lethargy.

Myositis always comes unexpectedly and is typical for people of any age group. However, the most susceptible to “draft disease” are elderly people, athletes, and builders. In general, those who work in drafts or under conditions of increased physical stress.

Where to go with a sore neck?

It is customary to consult a neurologist with such a problem. A visit to the doctor is mandatory if a child has a cold neck. Children are very sensitive to various diseases, since illnesses can significantly affect the process of physical and mental development.

If an adult has a cold neck, then it is not necessary to consult a doctor, but the problem should not be left untreated either. What to do to quickly get rid of pain in the cervical spine? You can take traditional and non-traditional healing measures. Let's start with the traditional most effective treatment.

Treatment at home using traditional methods

Traditional methods of treating cervical myositis consist of following these recommendations:

  1. Carry out light self-massage: lightly knead the muscles of the neck and back with light movements after applying the ointment. If the lymph nodes are inflamed, massage cannot be performed.
  2. To eliminate muscle inflammation, take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nurofen, Dicloberl, Ketonal) orally.
  3. If the temperature rises, take antipyretics (Paracetamol, Nurofen).
  4. Apply warming ointments (Finalgon, Apizatron, Nayatox, Ketonal, Nicoflex, etc.) and after application, wrap your neck with a warm scarf.
  5. In the absence of warming ointments, you can apply a warming vodka compress.
  6. Provide maximum rest to the neck muscles and relax more often.
  7. Sleep on a comfortable pillow.
  8. Avoid drafts and sudden temperature changes.
  9. If the pain is unbearable, consult a doctor for a novocaine blockade.
  10. If a lymph node is inflamed, you should immediately consult a doctor, as self-medication at home is fraught with complications.
  11. Such traditional methods treatments will quickly relieve you from the unpleasant consequences of hypothermia in the neck. If the treatment does not have an effect after 2-3 days, then I strongly recommend visiting a neurologist, since complications can develop suddenly and very quickly.

A cold neck can be treated not only with traditional, but also with non-traditional or folk remedies. Let's get to them.

Effective folk remedies

Cervical inflammatory myositis can be treated with folk remedies only under one condition: if it is not particularly serious and proceeds without complications. How does alternative medicine offer us to treat the problem described above at home? Below is a list of easy to prepare and use folk remedies:

  1. Vodka compress. Regular vodka can replace warming ointments. To prepare a compress, you will need a piece of gauze or a wide bandage, folded in several layers. It must be soaked generously with vodka and applied to the sore spot, covered with any film on top. It is recommended to use a scarf or shawl to secure the compress and provide additional warmth. This compress can be used during the day, if possible, or before bed.
  2. Potato compress perfectly warms the neck and significantly reduces swelling muscle fibers, allowing you to relieve pain. To prepare it, you need to boil 4 large potatoes in their skins (using peeled potatoes is useless) until very soft. After this, you should prepare a puree from them by grinding them together with the peel. Next, the mass is wrapped in cotton cloth and applied to the neck. The compress is insulated on top with a woolen scarf in several turns. Leave this vegetable medicine until it cools completely. After removing the compress, rub the neck with vodka and wrap it again with a scarf. Treatment lasts until complete recovery. The procedure should be carried out before bedtime, since after such deep warming the body needs rest.
  3. Burdock compress. For a compress, use burdock leaves, well washed and scalded with boiling water. They are applied to the sore spot and fixed with a warm cloth, usually wool. The compress should be worn for 3-5 hours for the greatest effect.
  4. Horseradish compress– an excellent warming agent that allows you to relieve all unpleasant manifestations of the disease in the shortest possible time. To do this, 200 g of grated horseradish root is wrapped in two layers of gauze and applied to the neck. After this, the compress is fixed with cotton cloth and left for as long as possible, but no more than 12 hours. Depending on individual sensitivity, each patient can tolerate the burning sensation for a different period of time: one cannot stand it for more than 30 minutes, while another will warm up for 12 hours without much discomfort. As soon as the burning becomes unbearable, remove the compress and wipe the neck with vegetable oil or rich cream. Treatment continues until pain and stiffness disappear completely.
  5. Lilac flower tincture– an effective remedy against any muscle inflammation. To obtain it, 100 g of fresh white lilac flowers are poured with 500 ml of medical alcohol and left to infuse in a dark, cool place for at least 10 days. There is no need to strain the drug, since the more it is infused, the stronger it becomes. They rub the sore spot up to 10 times a day until the pain completely disappears.

To always be fully prepared, it is important to know what to do if you have a sprained neck, and how to properly treat such a condition. The use of folk remedies has proven to be highly effective. Many people are saved from pain without resorting to using ointments or taking pills. If after a few days of self-treatment with natural remedies If there is no improvement, you should consult a doctor to avoid any complications of cervical myositis.

Comprehensive treatment of myositis includes the following points:

  1. Provide maximum muscle rest.
  2. For the first 3 days it is recommended to adhere to bed rest.
  3. For the first few days, stick to a diet, that is, exclude all fatty, fried, smoked and salty foods from your diet.
  4. Drink enough water, that is, at least 2 liters.
  5. Give a light massage, but only in case of mild pain.
  6. Follow all recommendations of your attending physician.
  7. Do exercise therapy (periodic head rotations help accelerate blood circulation, which leads to a speedy recovery), but only in the absence of severe pain and inflammation.
  8. In case of severe pain, consult a doctor again for a possible novocaine blockade.
  9. Do not use painkillers unnecessarily, unless the pain does not stop or prevents you from falling asleep.
  10. Prevent further hypothermia of the inflamed area, that is, exclude all kinds of drafts, wear a scarf or sweaters with a high neck, and wear a hood in autumn and spring.
  11. Colds must be treated to the end (you should not go to work or study until the end of your sick leave, it is better to completely get rid of the disease).
  12. When sleeping, use an anatomically shaped pillow to prevent repeated muscle spasms.

You can supplement the treatment with heating using an infrared lamp, but this procedure must also be prescribed by a doctor.


If myositis is not treated promptly, serious consequences may occur: purulent form of myositis, subluxation of intervertebral joints in the cervical region, intervertebral hernia. They also include inflammation of the muscles in the larynx, pharynx and even the esophagus. Sometimes shortness of breath and cough appear.


After an illness or with frequent exacerbations:

  1. When going to bed, make sure that you lie down comfortably; your head should not lie too high.
  2. You should not go outside with a hot body (for example, immediately after a bath, physical training, etc.).
  3. Do not overcool your neck, always cover it from the wind with a scarf and, if possible, wear a hood.
  4. During long work, stretch your neck with the exercises described above.
  5. Choose the right orthopedic pillow that is right for you.
  6. In a state of remission, a contrast shower is indicated.

You need to carefully take care of your health so that you don’t suffer from severe pain later and don’t waste money on expensive medications. It’s not for nothing that parents and grandparents teach their children to dress warmly from childhood. To prevent your neck from getting cold, don’t forget to do daily exercises, dress appropriately for the weather, and avoid drafts. In cold and windy weather, you should definitely wear a scarf. Take care of yourself!