Perch in the oven with cheese. Sea bass dishes in the oven. How to cook in garlic cream sauce

Perch in foil in the oven is an incredibly tasty, healthy dish that is easy to prepare and quickly eaten. I know several ways to bake perch in the oven in foil quickly and easily, without wasting a lot of strength and energy. Read the article below and memorize the recipes for cooking river perch in the oven.

Perch is a very tasty and nutritious fish that has a lot of positive taste properties. The meat of this representative of aquatic fauna is very healthy, containing a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. It is easily absorbed by the body, therefore it is recommended as a main product of the daily diet for everyone suffering from diseases of the stomach and intestines. Perch is rich in iodine, therefore it is vital for the proper functioning of the human thyroid gland. From this fish you can prepare many delicious culinary creations, which will be an excellent base for a quiet family dinner and a stormy ceremonial feast. Perch in foil in the oven is an incredibly tasty, healthy dish that is easy to prepare and quickly eaten. I know several ways to bake perch in the oven in foil quickly and easily, without wasting a lot of strength and energy. Read the article below and memorize the recipes for cooking river perch in the oven.

Perch in foil with vegetables in the oven

So, let's take a closer look at how to bake perch in foil in the oven with vegetables. To achieve our goal we will need the following products:

  • River perch – 1 pc. weighing 1-1.5 kg;
  • Potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • Carrot – 1 pc.;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Butter – 50 grams;
  • Lemon – 1 pc.;
  • Sunflower or olive oil – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Cheese – 200 grams;
  • Salt, ground black pepper, coriander, curry.

To properly and tasty bake perch in the oven in foil, you first need to prepare it. Therefore, we clean the fish from scales, gut it, wash it thoroughly under running water, cut off the head, fins and tail. All cut off parts of the fish’s body, except for the entrails, can be put in the freezer to later cook excellent fish soup. Next, salt and pepper the peeled perch, sprinkle with ground coriander and curry. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and pour it over our fish. Leave for 20-30 minutes so that the meat marinates and acquires a piquant, aromatic taste.

While the fish is marinating, let's prepare the vegetables for this dish. So, take the potatoes, peel them, wash them and cut them into slices. Next, peel the carrots and cut them into thin strips. Cut the onion into half rings.

Place a frying pan on the fire and pour in a few tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil. When it has warmed up well, add the onion. Lightly fry until golden brown. Remove from heat and leave to cool slightly.

Take a baking sheet and line it with foil. We place our products on it in the following sequence: first, potatoes, previously salted and peppered, then carrots on top, which also need to be salted a little to obtain a richer taste. Next, place the marinated perch on the vegetables. To make the perch baked in foil in the oven tender and soft, place the perch on it, cut into thin slices. butter. Wrap the foil, push it carefully on all sides and place the baking sheet with the contents in the oven for 30 minutes. The oven temperature should be 200-220C 0. After the required time has passed, pull out the baking sheet, unfold the foil and generously sprinkle the fish with cheese grated on a coarse grater. Place in the oven for another 10-15 minutes until a tender, golden brown crust forms. We take out our culinary masterpiece, put it on a beautiful dish, garnish with lemon slices and fresh herbs. Vegetables will serve as a side dish for this dish; you can only chop them fresh salad with cucumbers and tomatoes. There is absolutely no need to invite your family to the table; river perch in the oven in foil with vegetables will do it for you! The stunning aroma of this dish will attract absolutely everyone to the kitchen without exception.

Perch in the oven in foil - a simple, quick recipe

You can also quickly and easily cook perch in the oven in foil for a very simple recipe. Creating this dish will not require a huge expenditure of strength and energy, and will also save your time, allowing you to spend it on yourself.

So, we prepare river perch baked in the oven in foil. To implement our plan we will need the following components:

  • River perch – 1 piece;
  • Lemon – 1 pc.;
  • Salt;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Seasoning for fish dishes;
  • Onion – 1 pc.

We take our river friend and clear him of scales. We cut off the head, tail, and don’t forget about the fins. Rinse thoroughly under water and dry with a kitchen towel. Then sprinkle it with salt, ground black pepper and fish seasoning. Carefully and scrupulously rub the spicy mixture into the body of the perch. Sprinkle with the juice of freshly squeezed half a lemon and leave for 10-15 minutes - let it marinate a little.

Meanwhile, peel the onion and cut into rings. We scald it with boiling water so that it becomes softer and the bitterness goes away. Season it lightly and leave. Place a sheet of foil on a baking sheet and grease with a little sunflower or olive oil. Next we put our perch. Stuff the onion and sliced ​​lemon into the belly. You can add a couple more slices of butter, but this is individual to everyone’s taste. Wrap the foil carefully and place the baking sheet with the perch in the foil in the oven for 40-50 minutes.

Perch baked in the oven in foil will thus turn out soft, tender, as if melting in your mouth. Lemon and onion will add a specific taste to fish meat, and spices and butter will leave a delicate aftertaste. In addition, this dish is very beneficial for our health. After all, a dish prepared in this way is a low-calorie product that does not add excess fat to the waist and hips. Perch is perfectly digestible, nourishing the human body useful vitamins, microelements. With this processing, the dish retains its mass useful substances, which people lack so much in the modern world, given our ecological situation. There is an opinion that fish contains special substances, so-called antidepressants, which help fight stress and negative emotions, having a calming effect on the body as a whole. Therefore, today almost everyone should know how to cook perch in foil! Cook with pleasure, eat healthy and live healthy!

Sea bass It is one of the most delicious fish, contains few bones and this makes it very popular among fish lovers. And you can prepare it very simply, just bake it in the oven, adding a small amount of spices.


To prepare sea bass baked in the oven, you will need:

sea ​​bass - 1 pc.;

salt, spices - to taste;

pepper - lemon (preferably) - to taste;

vegetable oil and water (for 1 glass of water, 3 tablespoons of oil) - pour a little into the baking dish;

vegetables (any) - for garnish.

Cooking steps

Sprinkle with your favorite spices, salt and lemon pepper. Lemon pepper goes very well with fish; you can replace it with ground black pepper, but then be sure to sprinkle the fish with lemon juice.

Place the sea bass in a baking dish, add vegetable oil and cold water in such an amount that the bottom of the dish is covered, no more than 1 cup. Add cut lemon.

Place the pan with sea bass in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake the fish for 30 minutes.

While the sea bass is baking, you can prepare vegetables for a side dish. Any vegetables will do, choose according to your taste, or those that are in stock at the moment. Fry the vegetables quickly enough in vegetable oil, no more than 10 minutes, let them remain crispy.

Salt the vegetables and add spices as desired. Fry, stirring all the time, so as not to burn.

Let's prepare all the necessary ingredients. Wash the vegetables thoroughly under running water. Peel the potatoes, onions, and carrots. Let's cut the greens. Let's defrost the perch at room temperature. Cut off the head and, holding the fish by the tail, remove the scales. We take out the insides of the perch. We thoroughly wash the internal cavity of the fish and use a knife to remove the black film (!).

Rub the perch with a mixture of salt, pepper and seasonings. Leave the fish for 30 minutes. At this time, let's take care of the vegetables. Cut the onion into half rings, sprinkle with salt and pour over vinegar. Then fry the pickled onions in a frying pan, covered, in olive oil for about 10 minutes (over low heat). Set aside. Potatoes, carrots and bell pepper You need to bake it in advance, as the perch cooks very quickly. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices.

Grease the baking dish with olive oil, lay out the vegetables and perch. Sprinkle with seasonings.

Place tomato slices evenly around the perch (as in the photo). Then carefully and evenly, without missing a single centimeter, pour olive oil over the dish. Pour 100 ml into the baking dish. water. And we send our dish to the oven preheated to 220 degrees for 45 minutes.

There are advantages: a dish in the oven is healthier than fried, there are no splashes from oil, the fish does not need to be turned over and monitor the cooking process. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s sea bass or river bass, it will turn out equally tasty and juicy.

sea ​​bass baked in the oven

If you bake perch with mayonnaise, the dish will take on a piquant hue. But if you follow the recipe and use cream, the fish will turn out surprisingly tender.


  • sea ​​bass – 3 carcasses;
  • onions 3-4 pieces;
  • cream (can be replaced with sour cream or mayonnaise) – 150 grams;
  • cherry tomatoes – 5 pieces;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • salt and fish spices - to taste.

Cooking process:

When starting to cook a whole perch, the first thing you need to do is clean the fish. This is not the most pleasant process, given that you can get hurt on the sharp fins. It would be more correct to cut off the fins with special kitchen scissors, and then proceed to cleaning. Trim the tails (and the head, if the carcass of sea fish has a head).

To speed up the baking process, you can make an oblong cut in the fleshy part of the back. Although perch cooks quite quickly anyway. Alternatively, you can use only the fillet, removing it from the backbone. Set the fish aside and start preparing other ingredients.

Press the peeled garlic cloves into the cream. Add spices there too. Mix thoroughly.

Peeled onion heads should be cut into thin “feathers”. Line the bottom of the pan in which the fish will be baked with an onion pillow, do not forget to add salt.

Rub the fish with salt and spices.

Lubricate the fish carcasses with one half of the sauce, and mix the rest with the onions directly in the baking dish.

Then place the fish and a few cherry tomatoes in it.

Place the dish with the fish in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 30-35 minutes.


If you use fish fillet, it will take less time. But in this case, the onion will not have time to cook. Therefore, it is better to simmer the onions in a frying pan first.

That's all. After the specified time, the baked perch is ready!

You can serve the dish with ready-made fish sauce, or use onions and cream on which the perches were baked. If desired, such onions can be chopped in a blender.

Rice or potatoes in any form are perfect as a side dish.

A glass of wine will be a great addition to dinner. The wine will only emphasize the exquisite taste of the fish.

Bon appetit and good recipes!

For any “continental” fisherman, well, who fishes in rivers like the Dnieper, perch is a prickly, striped and malicious monster, and clad in real armor made of small scales, which can only be cleaned by a court verdict. The swearing “so that you catch perches” sounds, if you know what it’s about, worse than “that you didn’t see the bite.”

Sea bass - sea bass (Sebastes), although also fish, are called perches more out of habit, because their body shape is similar to river minke whales. But according to anatomy and external signs sea ​​perches are so different from river perches that they even belong to different orders and families of fish. Sea bass are often quite dangerous sea creatures due to their sharp and sometimes poisonous fin spines. But peeling the scales of sea bass is very easy.

About a hundred species of sea bass live throughout the world - from cold waters to the equator. The size and weight of perch vary, a lot of them are caught, and you can buy them almost anywhere, frozen.

For us, the most popular sea bass is Sebastes pinniger, the so-called orange (canary) grouper. Also called - Canary (Orange) Rockfish. It is the carcasses of such perch that are most often sold in stores.

The meat of this perch is very tasty, suitable for almost any type of culinary processing: boiling, frying, stewing, smoking, etc. Sea bass in the oven goes well with almost any side dishes. The most important thing is to clean the carcasses carefully, because... The fins of perches are very spiny.

I know many recipes for sea bass, but the most delicious dishes- These are fried or baked whole carcasses. For example, sea bass baked in the oven.

Sea bass in the oven with tomatoes and onions is a great dish for dinner, especially if you don’t have to go to work. A whole roasted carcass is generally always good to prepare.

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Sea bass 2 pcs
  • Tomato 3-4 pcs
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves
  • Onion 2 pcs
  • Flour, Olive oil, Lemon, White wine taste
  • Spices: salt, black and allspice, ginger, nutmeg, bay leaf, coriander seeds taste

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Sea bass in the oven. Recipe

  1. Sea fish in the oven is prepared from frozen perch. First you need to defrost the sea bass carcasses. It is best not to do it in the open air, but simply transfer the fish from the freezer to the refrigerator overnight, to a high-cooling zone; it is found in every modern refrigerator.

    Ingredients: sea bass, tomato, onion, garlic, dill and parsley, olive oil, flour, white wine, lemon, spices

  2. Clean the perches in the morning. The very first thing to do is to trim the dorsal and anal fins with sharp scissors, right down to the carcass, so that not a single spine remains. By the way, sometimes this can only be done with the help of wire cutters, because... cutting through the first (thickest) thorns with scissors is simply unrealistic! The tail fin can be left.
  3. Use a knife to peel the scales and wash the carcasses. Using scissors, cut the belly and gut it. If the perch has a head, cut off the head and throw it away. Carefully remove the black film that covers the internal cavity of the sea bass.
  4. Place in a mortar sea ​​salt(or any), a few black peppercorns, allspice, coriander hay, nutmeg and ginger. Grind the spices with a pestle to form a powder. The amount of mixture is approximately 1 tsp. Proportions - to taste.
  5. Gently sprinkle the carcasses with a mixture of spices, especially the inner cavity. Place the fish in a bowl. Add 2-3 bay leaves, pour 1-2 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Pour a glass of dry white wine. And leave for an hour to marinate. After an hour, turn the fish over in the marinade and leave it for an hour.
  6. Prepare vegetables.
  7. Peel the onion and cut into thin rings. Fry onion for 2 tbsp. l. olive oil until soft. When the onion is browned, transfer it to a separate bowl.
  8. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skins. Cut the pulp into very thin slices.
  9. Remove all leaves from dill and parsley and finely chop the greens.
  10. Remove the fish from the marinade and dry the carcasses lightly with a paper towel. Do not pour out the marinade.
  11. Dip the fish in flour and place in a well-heated frying pan, into which first pour about a third of a glass of olive oil. Fry the fish over high heat on both sides until golden brown.
  12. Then reduce the heat and fry for 5 minutes on each side, you can simmer under the lid on the lowest heat.
  13. Divide all prepared vegetables: tomato, fried onion, greens in half.
  14. Grease a baking dish with olive oil. Place half of the prepared tomatoes, distributing them evenly along the bottom of the pan.
  15. Sprinkle with parsley and dill.
  16. Sprinkle tomatoes with grated garlic.
  17. Then add half of the fried onion. Salt one with a pinch of coarse salt, you can use sea salt. You can add additional pepper if you wish. Add bay leaves from marinade.
  18. Place the fried sea bass carcasses into a mold.
  19. Place all the remaining fried onions on top of the fish.
  20. Sprinkle with remaining herbs.