Khashlama - recipes for a delicious, hearty dish of Caucasian cuisine. Recipe for lamb khashlama, as well as beef, pork and chicken with a photo of pork khashlama recipe

If you are planning a solemn holiday, and you want to surprise your guests, we offer khashlama pork recipe.When cooking khashlama Only fresh meat, not frozen, should be used. The dishes should be with a thick bottom and walls, as the dish is cooked on a very small fire.


Pork: 700 g
Tomato: 4-5 pcs
Bulgarian pepper: 4-5 pcs
Onion: 4-5 pcs
Garlic: 2 pcs
Red semi-dry wine: 100 ml
Broth or water: 100 ml
Carrots: 2 pcs
Salt, coriander and pepper: to taste

Wash the pork well and cut into medium pieces. We send chopped meat to the cauldron, add a little water, close the lid and simmer over very low heat for about an hour.

Cut the onion into half rings. We take out the meat from the cauldron and line the bottom with chopped onions. We send the meat back on top of the onion and sprinkle with onions again.

Cut bell pepper, garlic, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcarrots are placed on top of the meat. Salt and pepper, add spices and dried herbs. Lay out several layers in this order.

Place a layer of sliced ​​tomatoes on top. Add the whole garlic, peeled from the top peel, lovers of spicy, can add a pod of hot pepper. Pour a glass of dry wine, which will only emphasize the sophistication of this dish.

Khashlama is always very, very tasty and satisfying! What I especially like about making khashlama is the simplicity from the first to the last step. At the same time, you can cook khashlama - a liquid hot dish with vegetables and meat - from almost any meat. Of course, according to the canons of the Caucasus, the classic khashlama is made from lamb, but it turns out no less tasty from beef or from less noble meat - pork. So if you have vegetables and a heavy piece of meat, then do not hesitate and cook khashlama by all means. Believe me, this dish deserves the highest praise, and your family will rightfully appreciate your efforts. So, I tell a simple and delicious recipe khashlama.


(4-6 servings)

  • 800 gr. lamb or beef
  • 2 pcs. large onion
  • 4 things. green salad pepper
  • 500 gr. ripe tomatoes
  • 800 gr. potatoes
  • salt to taste
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 1 tsp hops-suneli
  • 1 glass of white wine (optional)
  • parsley or cilantro
  • fat tail fat or vegetable oil
  • So, for khashlama, we need about a kilogram of lamb or beef, it can be on the bone, for example, lamb ribs, in this case we buy 1 kg. You can take one pulp, in this case, 800 gr is enough. And another important point - we choose meat with streaks of fat.
  • We cut the meat into portions, rather large pieces.
  • For the preparation of khashlama, a large cauldron or a pan with a thick bottom is usually used. At the bottom of the cauldron we put a little tail fat of vegetable oil. We heat the fat on the fire.
  • We put pieces of meat in a red-hot cauldron, fry the meat on a fairly strong fire. If you do not have a very large cauldron or pan, then you can fry the meat in a pan.
  • It is not necessary to fry the meat until cooked, literally 10 minutes over high heat to form a crust. We remove the meat from the fire.
  • We take two large onions, maybe even three - as they say, you can’t spoil the hashlama with vegetables))) We clean the onion, cut it into feathers.
  • Immediately clean and coarsely cut lettuce peppers, peel and cut potatoes, also coarsely.
  • And yet - what kind of khashlama without tomatoes! We choose medium-sized, but ripe and sweet tomatoes, wash, cut in half or into quarters. Grinding, cutting tomatoes into slices is extra work, and it is not customary in the Caucasus to finely chop vegetables. Therefore, we chop everything large!
  • Now you can proceed directly to the sacrament of cooking khashlama. So, at the bottom of a cauldron or pan we put the fried meat, salt and pepper.
  • Then comes the onion layer.
  • Place the lettuce on top of the onion.
  • Lay tomatoes on top.
  • And the last layer put coarsely chopped potatoes. By the way, quite often lamb khashlama is cooked only with vegetables, without potatoes. Potatoes are already a more practical modification of the classic recipe.
  • Be sure to put suneli hops - 1 tsp. without a slide, as well as 1 tsp. paprika with a slide. Be sure to try paprika so as not to accidentally put hot ground pepper, which looks like paprika in appearance. Salt.
  • Pour white wine, but this is optional.
  • Pour water up to the level of the potatoes. No need to pour so that the water completely covers the potatoes, because we are preparing khashlama, not soup. Ideally, the meat should be stewed in vegetable juice, so less water, let the vegetables secrete the juice.
  • Bring the contents of the cauldron to a boil, cover with a lid and cook over low heat until the meat is cooked. An hour or more depends on the type and quality of the meat.
  • During cooking, we try not to interfere with the khashlama so that the potatoes and vegetables, if possible, retain their integrity, and do not break into pieces. Be sure to try the gravy to adjust the salt and spices to your liking.
  • That's all, homemade hashlama is ready! Serve hot, generously seasoned with chopped parsley or cilantro.

Traditional Caucasian khashlama is cooked with lamb. Various interpretations of the dish involve the use of other types of meat. A very fragrant and hearty version of the thick soup is made from pork on beer. Vegetable juice, combined with beer, gives a broth that is amazing in saturation of flavors. The meat in such a bouquet of ingredients comes out tender, with subtle notes of spices and herbs. There are wine and water options.

We advise you to cook the classics of Caucasian cuisine also because the cooking process is simple, even a novice hostess can handle it. Minimal processing of products, familiar ingredients, a lot of opportunities for creativity - with such advantages, it is difficult to refuse a dish in its presence on your table. And in the summer, when vegetables are in abundance, you can change the ingredients, delighting loved ones with original combinations.

Product set

So, to cook the most delicious pork khashlama, we need:

  • pork - about 1.5 kg;
  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • onions - 1 kg;
  • bell pepper - 1 kg;
  • eggplant - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • dry red wine - 150 ml;
  • dill and parsley - 1 bunch of each green;
  • salt and black ground pepper - to taste.

Tip: add 5-6 potatoes to our recipe, and the dish will sparkle with new colors.

Preparing the components of the dish

Having collected the necessary products, we put them on the cutting table and pre-process them.

We do the following:
  1. We wash all vegetables and herbs.
  2. We clean the onion and remove the seeds and core from the bell pepper.
  3. We clean the garlic.

From the dishes we need a pan with a thick bottom and walls. In the Caucasus, meat and vegetables are stewed in a cauldron. In our conditions, when not every family has a cauldron, just such a pan is suitable.

Cooked khashlama is enough for 5 standard servings. Cooking time - 2 hours.

Let's start cooking

Whatever set of vegetables we take for khashlama, it is impossible to cook it tasteless. Especially from pork. So that we are not embarrassed by the fat content of meat, let's take lean pork - ribs or tenderloin.

Let's move on to cooking

  1. Cut onion heads into large rings. Place half of the rings on the bottom of the pan.
  2. We cut the meat into large pieces or separate the ribs, spread on the first layer of the onion.
  3. Sprinkle pork with spices.
  4. Cut the garlic cloves into large cloves and sprinkle over the meat.
  5. The next layer is made from tomatoes, cut into large pieces.
  6. Cut eggplant into circles. Put in a saucepan.
  7. We cut the sweet pepper into wide strips, close the eggplant layer with it.
  8. We finish laying the ingredients with a layer of the remaining onion.
  9. Finely chop the greens and sprinkle onions.
  10. Pour in the wine and put the pan on the stove. Simmer the dish over low heat for 1.5 hours.
  11. Turn off the burner, give the food a little, 10-15 minutes, brew, lay out on plates.

Juicy shish kebab, from which a dizzying smell emanates, khorovats - baked vegetables that have managed to soak in the smell of smoke, the most tender dolma in the world, which was prepared without the use of fat ... Only from these descriptions, saliva begins to flow. What about khashlama? This is another yummy that deserves eloquent words.

History reference

Before we talk about how to cook khashlama, let's talk a little about the formation of the Armenian She is as ancient as the country itself. The culinary traditions of Armenia are no less than two thousand years old. From the very beginning of the existence of this people, its representatives were engaged in cattle breeding. Therefore, the abundance and diversity of poultry and livestock could only be envied. Thus, on the tables of the Armenians there was always an incredible amount of meat. Cattle breeding was also reflected in the composition of various dairy dishes. Basically, these are pickled wineskin and jug cheeses. Fermented milk products are no less popular. They are often used to make drinks and dishes of traditional Armenian cuisine.

Farming in Armenia is the same ancient craft as cattle breeding. Hence the wide range of cereals in the kitchen business. Also, many Armenian dishes contain legumes. A lot of greens and vegetables are another feature of the dishes of this country.

Armenians have always cooked food on fire. Tonir is a traditional clay oven, which is actively used in the modern culinary of the country. All kinds of cereals, soups are cooked in it, bread is baked, vegetables are baked, poultry and fish are smoked, and various other dishes are prepared.

Well, no meat

Armenian meat dishes are a kind of cult. Among the oldest and simplest dishes are shepherds, of course, shish kebab, dishes from whole carcasses of poultry, meat kchuchi. They are still prepared today in accordance with the technologies that were used one and a half thousand years ago. Khashlama is also very popular.

Every Armenian knows how to cook khashlama, although today it is quite difficult to determine exactly which one national cuisine she applies. All Caucasian peoples consider this dish to be their traditional dish. But in all countries, khashlama is prepared in different ways.

Some features of khashlama

This is one that takes a long time to prepare. The young carcass must be simmered over low heat for about three to four hours. If the meat is older, then it will take twice as long. Khashlama has one feature. To create it, you will have to purchase three times more meat than all other ingredients. The broth needs to be taken quite a bit.

How to cook khashlama? It all depends on the recipe of which people you will do it. For example, in Georgia they put a lot of vegetables and herbs in it. Cooks from other countries use different spices and beer in their recipes. There are a huge number of ways to prepare khashlama, and it is rather difficult to point out the most correct one.

The most important rules

In order to cook khashlama, you can buy any meat. It doesn't always have to be fillet or tenderloin. Suitable beef, lamb, veal, and pork is used extremely rarely. The meat may or may not have a bone. Intending to make a dish with vegetables, the cook must cut them into large pieces. Then lay in the already cooked meat. First of all, they put onions, followed by potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, and so on. There is no need to salt the dish in the process of languishing. This spice is put either five minutes before the end of the stew, or in an already cooked dish. Plates are not used to serve khashlama. It is served in clay bowls.

Khashlama from chicken

Although the most common meat for this dish is lamb, chicken can also be used. In principle, poultry khashlama is just as tasty as lamb khashlama. For the dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • One kilogram of chicken meat.
  • One hundred grams of frozen green beans.
  • Five potatoes.
  • One bulb.
  • Two bell peppers.
  • One large carrot.
  • Three tomatoes.
  • Three cloves of garlic.
  • Salt and spices.

First you need to boil the bird. Cut the onion and carrot and fry in a cauldron. Now add finely chopped bell pepper and keep it on the stove for about five minutes, but do not forget to stir the vegetables occasionally. While all this is languishing, remove the peel from the tomatoes and chop them. We also put the tomatoes in a cauldron and let the products stew for another five minutes. After that, fill them and boil the resulting soup. Cut the potatoes into slices, put it in a container with vegetables and bring to a boil. We cut the bird into small pieces, add them to the broth, then put the beans. Salt, sprinkle with spices and continue to cook the dish until the potatoes are cooked. Chicken khashlama is not only delicious, but also incredibly fragrant. Having tried such a delicacy once, you will no longer be able to deny yourself the pleasure of cooking it again and again.

What about lamb?

To prepare traditional khashlama based on sheep meat, you will need almost the same products as for a chicken dish, but with some changes. Next, we will talk in detail about what components are included in the dish, how to cook. Khashlama from lamb is a traditional dish, the recipe of which is known, perhaps, to every inhabitant of Armenia.

So, we take two kilograms of meat, tomatoes and bell peppers, one and a half kilograms of onions, a large bunch of parsley and dill. You should also prepare one and a half glasses of light beer, one kilogram of young potatoes and ground black pepper, peppercorns, basil, salt, a mixture of spices for lamb to taste. It is best to buy ribs, then the Armenian khashlama will turn out the way it is cooked in the country of origin. First you need to cut across the lamb side. After that, cut the layer into separate parts with a knife and put them in a bowl.

And now vegetables

Vegetables are cut in the following way: tomatoes and peppers in circles, onions in large half rings, greens in large pieces. The food is being prepared in a large, approximately eight-liter cauldron. We begin to lay half of all products in it in layers: first onions, then meat, then peppers and tomatoes. Sprinkle a lot of greens on top, salt and add half of the seasonings. Now you can lay out the remaining products on top in layers in the same order. When everything is laid, fill the khashlama with beer. We close the cauldron tightly with a lid and put it on the stove. On low heat, simmer the dish for one hour. During this time, we prepare a side dish of young potatoes. When all the dishes are cooked, we proceed to the meal. Enjoy your meal!

Contemporary influence

Thanks to current technologies, khashlama (photo above) cooks much faster. You can make it in a slow cooker, which many housewives have at their disposal. Take these products:

  • 800 grams of any meat.
  • Two carrots.
  • Two eggplants.
  • Two tomatoes.
  • One bulb.
  • Three sweet peppers.
  • 300 grams of champignons.
  • Salt and spices to taste.

The biggest work that needs to be done is to put all the products one by one into the multicooker cup. The first layer is onion, chopped in half rings, the second is carrots (rings), the third is coarsely chopped meat. Now salt and add pepper, eggplant (half rings). Next, salt and lay out the mushrooms. The very last tier is tomatoes. Sprinkle with spices. We select the "Extinguishing" mode and leave the hashlama for three hours.

Now the reader knows different ways how to cook khashlama.

Khashlama is a dish in which there is a lot of meat and a lot of different vegetables. All ingredients are laid out in layers and languish for a long time over low heat. No one really knows where it came from. Until now, there is a dispute between Georgians and Armenians, whose dish is this. Every nation has its own cooking secret. The main distinguishing component is wine and beer. Georgians use wine and tkemale in the recipe, while Armenians use beer and tomatoes.

Khashlama has been cooked since very, very ancient times, the first time it was cooked more than a thousand years ago, but no one knows the exact date.

In general, if you want to pleasantly surprise your guests with delicious food, then be sure to cook khashlama. So I decided to surprise mine.

Recipe for pork khashlama with beer and potatoes

When I go on vacation with my relatives, I don’t have a question what to cook, there will definitely be khashlama. Why am I making this choice? Everything is simple, firstly it is very tasty, satisfying and nutritious, and secondly it is very simple, you just need to prepare the necessary ingredients, put them in a saucepan, put on fire and wait. Be patient, the smells will be "divine".

Different vegetables are used in khashlama, the main thing is to have a lot of them, so take a large pot or cauldron. Be sure to have a lot of onions and greens. They take their favorite meat, but the peoples of the Caucasus use lamb. I like to cook with pork ribs, with potatoes and beer.

I take the number of products for khashlama by eye, the main thing, as I said, is that there are a lot of them.

For a 12 liter cauldron I use:

  • Pork ribs - 2 kg.
  • Tomatoes - 2 kg.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 4 pcs.
  • Potato - 2 kg.
  • Onion - 2 kg.
  • Light beer - 1.5 liters
  • Greens - take a lot
  • Spices (chili pepper, ground black pepper, paprika, dried garlic)

As I said, the recipe is very simple, you just need to prepare the products, namely:

  1. ribs cut into pieces
  2. tomatoes cut into rings or half rings
  3. chopped peppers
  4. onions as well as tomatoes - rings or half rings
  5. potatoes if large, divided into several parts, and if small, then you can leave it like that.

Now we take a large saucepan (in my case, a cauldron) and lay the products in layers.

The first layer is meat or ribs. Be sure to salt and sprinkle them with spices.

The second layer is the bow. Take a lot of onions, do not regret. In the end, he will boil down, give his juice and flavor to the dish. You will not see it in the finished dish.

The third layer is a coarsely chopped potato.

Now salt again and add spices.

The fourth and fifth layers are bell peppers and tomatoes.

I advise you to take a tomato, just as much. After all, the juice that they give will soak every product in the cauldron, and the more juice the better. Also, for the same reason, tomatoes are laid out on top so that when the juice drains, it envelops all the products.

At this stage, you also need to salt and sprinkle with spices.

The final layer is a lot of chopped greens.

Take your favorite greens: dill, parsley, cilantro, green onion, basil.

Now I fill everything with beer. For a 12 liter cauldron, I take 1.5 liters of light beer.

I love when there is a lot of broth in khashlama, so I add more water. You need enough water so that the ingredients are not completely hidden.

It remains to light the stove and install the cauldron.

At first, the fire in the oven must be strong so that the khashlama boils faster. Then it is necessary to maintain only a small fire so that the dish languishes.

You can forget about it for 2 hours.

After 2 hours the dish is ready! Mix it up and serve on plates.

Video how to cook Khashlama

The first time I tried this dish in an Armenian cafe and it did not leave me indifferent. I became interested in it and studied how it is prepared. I stopped, so to speak, in the golden mean. Now I will show you everything on the video.

He traveled with his family to the Altai Mountains and naturally cooked Khashlama. I decided to capture the whole process on camera. I will show you every step of preparing this dish with the addition of potatoes and beer. After watching the video, you can also easily cook it.