Orthograms in suffixes. Spelling of suffixes Adjective spellings in adjective suffixes

Working with spelling

Read the word.

· in the appendix: p (a, o) went, (a, o) t (a, o) went;

· fundamentally: ;

in suffix: ;

at the end: ;

on (d, dd) erzhal, in (b, b) rode;

at the junction of the root and suffix: axis (n, nn) ​​th, length (n, nn) ​​th.

(let's go, let's go).

· (cloud);


If the root is a vowel

Sudden doubt,

You immediately

Put it under emphasis!

(bridge - bridges)

· paired consonant -

If you hear a couple sound

Be careful my friend.

Check the consonant sound:

(mushrooms, mushroom - mushroom)

· (joy - joyful), WHAT TO DO? (to be late - late), WHAT? (beautiful - beautiful)

· separating soft sign -

· double consonants -.

Suffix after root and serves to form new words.

(no zamo chk a - lock e k, no key And ka - key And To)

Sun - cf.r., in units hours of spring her (oh), car - f.r.., in units handsome aya (ya), path - m.r.., in units duty ij (th);

think you keep it.

c) hear the sounds [tsy] at the end tongs, ends), hear the sounds [tsy] in the middle circus, event.



(autumn, long)



An adjective is a part of speech that answers the questions WHAT? WHICH? WHICH? WHICH? And denotes the attribute of the subject.

gender of adjectives


A verb is a part of speech. Verbs denote the actions of objects and answer the questions WHAT IS IT DOING? WHAT ARE THEY DOING? WHAT WILL DO?

The verb changes by number: singular and plural(think - think) . In a sentence, the verb is most often a predicate and is underlined with two lines.

The verb has an initial (indefinite) form that answers the questions WHAT TO DO? WHAT TO DO? Verbs of an indefinite form have the ending -TI, -ТЬ.

In an indefinite form, a soft sign is written after the letter H(keep, bake) . In this case, the ending is zero, and CH is included in the stem of the word.

Verbs change with tense(present, future, past).

Past tense verbs show that the action took place before the moment of speech, and answer the question WHAT DID YOU DO? (talking, looking).Past tense verbs have a constant suffix - L.

In the past tense, before the suffix -L-, the same vowel is written as before -Т, in an indefinite form(wind - blown).

Past tense verbs change by number: singular - have worked , plural- worked.

Past tense verbs in the singular change by gender Masculine gender - what did you do?have worked;feminine - what did you do?worked;neuter gender- what did it do? worked.

Plural verbs in the past tense do not change by gender.

The gender of the past tense verb is determined by the gender of the noun with which it is associated in the sentence. (A kitten was playing in the garden. The sun was shining. The grass was merrily green.)

feminine - ending -a;

masculine - zero ending;

neuter - ending -o.

The present tense verb shows that the action is happening at the moment of speaking. (WHAT DO?: say, look).

The future tense verb indicates that the action will take place after the moment of speech. (WHAT DO?: talk, see). This is a simple form of the future tense verb. Future compound tense verbs answer the question WHAT WILL THEY DO?: will play (complex form consists of two words).

Present and future verbs have their own personal endings: -U, -YU, -EM, -IM, -EAT, -SHEE, -ЁТЁ, -IGE, -ET, -IT, -UT, -UT, -AT, - YAT,

If the verb answers the question WHAT IS IT DOING? or WHAT WILL DO?, then before - XYA the letter b is not written: He WHAT IS HE DOING?; studies.

If the verb answers the question WHAT TO DO? or WHAT TO DO?, then the verb is in an indefinite form and in it the letter b is written before - СЯ: necessary(WHAT TO DO?) study.

Working with spelling

Read the word.

2. Determine which part of the word contains the spelling:

· in the appendix: p (a, o) went, (a, o) t (a, o) went;

· fundamentally: region (a, o) ko, m (a, o) sty, gri (b, p), joyful (t), bird (s) and, a (l, ll) ee;

in suffix: small (e, i) small, zamoch (e, i,) k, morning (n, n) y, collection (n, n) y;

at the end: spring (and, e) e sun, you think (s);

at the junction of the prefix and the root: on (d, dd) erzhal, in (b, b) rode;

at the junction of the root and suffix: axis (n, nn) ​​th, length (n, nn) ​​th.

3. If the spelling is in the prefix, remember what prefixes are in Russian: y, in (in), with (co), you, from (iso), for, on, over, o, about (both), from (oto), to, to, under, about, pre, re, with (let's go, let's go).A prefix is ​​a part of a word that serves to form new words.

4. If the spelling is at the root, determine which one:

· unchecked unstressed vowel (dictionary words)- remember how this word is spelled, or look it up in a dictionary(cloud);

· checked unstressed vowel -

If the root is a vowel

Sudden doubt,

You immediately

Put it under emphasis!

(bridge - bridges)

· paired consonant -

If you hear a couple sound

Be careful my friend.

Check the consonant sound:

Substitute a vowel next! (or sound H)

(mushrooms, mushroom - mushroom)

· unpronounceable consonant soundchange the word by asking the question WHAT? (joy - joyful), WHAT TO DO? (to be late - late), WHAT? (beautiful - beautiful)

· separating soft sign -if after a consonant before a vowel (e, e, i, u, u) the sound [Y] is heard, then the dividing b is written here([pt "ich" y "and] - bird, [ruch" y "and] - streams, [in "y" ug] - blizzard)

· double consonants -if the consonant is long, write a double letter(Saturday, alley, Russia, class, tennis, bath, column, sum, kilogram, appetite, flu, Philip, collection, hockey, buzzing, yeast, group, Anna, highway, profession, cash desk, mass, cross, crossword, sneakers , Cyril, metal, millimeter, program, spelling, appetite, neat, suffix).

If the spelling is in the suffix, remember what suffixes are in Russian.

Suffix is the significant part of the word, which is worth after root and serves to form new words.

(small, morning, collection)

Suffixes -ik, -ek are checked like this: change the word on the question NO WHAT? If the vowel before K has disappeared, then we write E, if it remains in place, then we write And (no zamo chk a - lock e k, no key And ka - key And To)

6. If the spelling is at the end, remember the spelling rule:

a) generic endings of adjectives -Sun - cf.r., in units hours of spring her (oh), car - f.r.., in units handsome aya (ya), path - m.r.., in units duty ij (th);

b) personal endings of present and future tense verbs -think you keep it.

c) hear the sounds [tsy] at the end words - write the letter Y after C (tongs, ends), hear the sounds [tsy] in the middle words - write the letter I after C (circus, event). Remember the words - exceptions:chick, tiptoe, chick, gypsy, chick.

7. Remember, at the junction of the prefix and the root there can be a spelling of a double consonant(supported)when the prefix ends and the root starts with the same letter!

After a prefix on a consonant, before the letters e, u, ё, i, a separating b is written(entered, entrance, announcement).

8. Be careful with double consonants at the junction of the root and suffix, when the root ends and the suffix begins with the same letter! (autumn, long)


A noun is a part of speech that answers the question WHO? (animated) WHAT? (inanimate) and denotes an object. There are masculine - (whose?) He is mine, feminine - (whose?) She is mine, neuter - (whose?) It is mine.

Nouns change in numbers and cases. In a sentence there are subject, object, circumstance.

Add the endings of adjectives

A chain of fresh ... traces, took a morning ... walk, in the blue ... sky, under the burning ... sun, at evening ... dawn, near high ... trees, spring ... frosts, under last year ... foliage, bird ... hubbub, with a light ... breeze.

We come to a (small) clearing. Around her crowd (young) birches. From the (nearest) bushes the (desperate) chirping of thrushes is heard. The (tawny) jay quickly flies across the clearing and hides in the (dark) forest. A (warm evening) dawn spread across the sky. Above the tops of the birches I saw a (white-tailed) bird. (…)

Complete the sentences by opening the brackets and putting the adjectives in the correct case form.

Before I had time to walk two versts, it was already pouring all around me along the (wide wet) meadow and in front, along the (green) hills, and behind, along the (long dusty) road, along the (crimson) bushes, along the (winding) river (scarlet ) streams of (golden) light. Everything stirred, woke up, sang, rustled, spoke. (By)

Adjective suffixes

Insert the missing letters in the suffixes and endings of adjectives, indicate the conditions for choosing the spelling “Vowels o / e after adjectives hissing in suffixes”, “Vowels o / e after adjectives hissing in endings”

A penny ... a thing, a crimson ... a dawn, cumulus ... clouds, a watchman ... a tower, a hedgehog ... mittens, a tiled ... stove, a pear ... juice, a fox ... a collar, lily of the valley ... drops, glossy ... paper, food ... soda.

Creative work.

Replace these phrases with the phrases "adjective + noun", indicate the conditions for choosing the spelling in the suffixes of adjectives.

Cotton dress, walrus tusks, water from a spring, watchman's booth, circus program, shower stall, pear jam, plush hat, lead ore, facial nerve, reeds

Form adjectives with suffixes –an (-yan), -in-, -onn-, -enn-, -n- from these nouns, highlight the suffixes.

Sand, clay, earth, silver, snake, swan, eagle, nightingale, rooster, ant, mosquito, lion, elk, ice, leather, bone, canvas, society, art, state, economy, fog, pocket, price, virgin lands, old.

Insert the missing letters, indicate the conditions for choosing н and нн in adjective suffixes

Wool ... oh, straw ... th, wood ... th, mysterious ... th, crane ... th, courage ... th, tin ... th, clay ... th, letter ... th, station ... th, operation ... th, majestic ... th, falcon ... th.

Karma (n, nn) ​​th, tower (n, nn) ​​th, ante (n, nn) ​​th, long (n, nn) ​​th, slower (n, nn) ​​th, true (n, nn) ​​th, glass ( n, nn) ​​th, horses (n, nn) ​​th, countless (n, nn) ​​th, revolutionary (n, nn) ​​th, foliage (n, nn) ​​th, moderate (n, nn) ​​th, diva (n, nn) th, thought (n, nn) ​​th, wood (n, nn) ​​oh, mice (n, nn) ​​th, machine (n, nn) ​​th.

Form adjectives from these nouns using suffixes - k-, - sk-, indicate the conditions for choosing a spelling

Caucasus, Tibet, Slovakia, Canada, Czech Republic, Egypt, Scotland, Iceland, Volga, German, Frenchman, sailor, Belarusian, Circassian, Kazakh, Cossack, Eskimo, well done, blacksmith, weaver, tourist, university, young naturalist, fisherman, children, soldier brother.

K - or - SK - ?

Rez (k, sk) y, elm (k, sk) y, Kyrgyz (k, sk) y, Kazakh (k, sk) y, Ukrainian (k, sk) y, Odessa (k, sk) y, Turkish ( k, sk) y, brest (k, sk) y, weaving (k, sk) y, daring (k, sk) y, near (k, sk) y, slip (k, sk) y, sailor (k, sk) uy.

Form adjectives from these nouns. In which of them is written b before the suffix -CK-?

April, June, September, December, November, July, January, village, animal, secretary, hero, Kuban, Siberia, Kazan, Tver, Barnaul, Tula, Suzdal, Ural, ambassador, monastery, Latvian, king.

Spelling compound adjectives

Merged or separate?

(Dark) brown, (pale) blue, (bright) yellow, (silver) blue, (white) pink, (black) white, (quad) eyed, (black) haired, (blue) eyed, (black) browed, (chess) checkerboard, (Russian) French, (water) wired, (south) western, (north) eastern, (, (rail) road, (ancient) Russian, (factory) factory.

Creative work. Form complex adjectives from the highlighted phrases. Specify the conditions for choosing a spelling.

Three-storey house, products of factories and factories, sanitary and hygienic standards, collected works in six volumes, Russian and English dictionary, triangle with equal sides, fruit and berry crops, history of the Middle Ages, product of Ancient Rus', two-meter tree, depot for locomotive repair.

Form a short form from these adjectives

Good, hot, flying, crackling, powerful, dense, clear, bright, rare, cunning, kind, sonorous, sharp, wise, evil, interesting, cheerful, useful, mysterious, soft, smart, soft, timid, slow, strong, majestic.

Continuous and separate spelling NOT with adjectives

(Not) scruffy appearance, (not) careless handwriting, (not) eye-catching, (not) happy, (not) educated, (not) , (not) neat, (not) visual, (not) plain, (not) merciful , (not) brave, (not) kind, (not) necessary, (not) clumsy, (not) happy, (not) avoidable, (not) conscientious, (not) friendly, (not) neat, (not) rude .

(Un)expected decision, (un)successful answer, (not) steep, but gently sloping coast, not at all (not) strict look, not at all (not) interesting story, by no means (not) the only solution, not at all (not) convenient road, not at all (not) comforting results, (not) a tall, but a low tree, a person (not) cheerful, the weather is (not) rainy, the gait is (not) clumsy, (not) brave, but cowardly.

This presentation is an addition to the lesson on the topic "Systematization and generalization of the studied spelling in adjectives." At the end of the presentation, photographs are shown depicting the views of Donetsk and Makeevka - our native cities. From these photographs, you can invite children to make sentences using adjectives with learned spellings. If you wish, you can replace the photos of our cities with your own, relatives ...

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"Presentation "Spelling in Adjectives""

Spelling in adjectives




  • systematize and generalize the studied spellings in adjectives;
  • to consolidate the skills of correct spelling of adjectives with studied spelling;
  • learn to see and hear spelling;
  • to cultivate respect for the native land and the Russian word.

  • H HH
  • SK K b

spelling Examples

spelling Examples

  • Continuous and separate spelling with NOT Ignorant,

NOT far, NOT far, but close; not far at all

  • H and HH sparrow, public
  • No b after spike. in cr. f. lean, hot
  • Letters O and E in suff. and ending Hedgehog, clothing, alien,

after hissing good

  • Suffixes K and SK urban, close
  • Merged and hyphenated spelling

compound adjectives Black-haired, black-and-white

  • Walrus..vy, canvas..vay, shoulders..howl.
  • Flammable (?), raincoat (?), knowledgeable (?).
  • Wind..th, government..th, triumph..th.

  • White (?) snowy, white (?) pink, white (?) face.
  • Kazakh (sk, k) ij, weaver (sk, k) ij, Cossack (sk, k) ij.
  • (Not) deep, but shallow; (not) cheerful; quite (not) sad.

  • For example: skinny .. goose - E ,
  • viscous honey(?) No b ,
  • lu .. th track - HH ,
  • Dark red HYPHEN ,
  • (unhappy + ( ONE) ,
  • uz (sk, k) iy- TO -,
  • (not) bad / ( DIV.)

  • 1. b 6. HH

2. HH 7 . SC

3. ABOUT 8. I(SEC.)

4. + 9. E

5. - 10. TO

Game "Correctors"

  • Brilliant, dull.
  • Public, goose, sandy.
  • Northeastern, mine-building.
  • Incomprehensible, not easy at all.
  • Mercy, narrow.
  • Good, alien, wide-shoulder, good, fizzy.
  • Foggy, painting, green, linen.
  • Wooden, windy, not stucco, but sweet.
  • Bratsky, well done.

Game "Yes-NO"

  • 1. Big..y - with O?
  • 2. Labor (?) loving - through a hyphen?
  • 3. Prickly(?) - with b?
  • 4. Not at all (not) cozy - NOT separately?
  • 5. Donets..aya - suffix SK?
  • 6. (Un)beautiful - NOT separate?
  • 7. Komari..y - with one H?
  • 8. Light (?) blond - through a hyphen?
  • 9. Pumpkin..aya - with one H?
  • 10. German..y - suffix K?

  • 1. Big - with O? (Yes)
  • 2. Hardworking - through a hyphen? (No)
  • 3. Prickly - with b? (No)
  • 4. Not cozy at all - separately? (Yes)
  • 5. Donetsk - suffix SK? (No)
  • 6. ugly - NOT separate? (No)
  • 7. Mosquito - with one H? (Yes)
  • 8. Light blond - hyphenated? (Yes)
  • 9. Pumpkin - with one H? (No)
  • 10. German - suffix K? (Yes)

In this article:

A17 does not include spellings with n - nn(a separate task A13 is devoted to this topic).
But even without them, the volume of material is large, because Russian is a language with a developed suffix system: there are many suffixes. A literate person needs to know the spelling of the suffixes of nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs. However, not all suffixes are found in KIMs. Task formulations involve searching for words either with a letter e, or with a letter And. This allows you to significantly narrow the circle of "necessary" suffixes. Moreover, in the vast majority of the training options prepared by the FIPI, the tasks actually contain mostly verbs in an indefinite form, participles, participles, adjectives. Can there be questions about the spelling of noun suffixes? Yes, because, firstly, this is provided for by the "Generalized plan for the examination work of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language" and, secondly, noun suffixes with a diminutive meaning are found in assignments.

I propose the order of presentation of reference material for preparation not in accordance with tradition (from nouns to other parts of speech), but according to the frequency with which words are found in KIMs. So, the order is as follows: verb forms (including participles and gerunds), adjectives, and only then nouns (there were no more than 10% of them). Anyone who claims the highest possible score must follow us to the very end.

I advise everyone to carefully consider the examples. A consciously learned example will serve as a model for reasoning by analogy.

Verb suffixes

1). Suffixes --ova-, -eva-, -yva-, -iva-: draw, grieve - be late, evaluate

Check! Determine the form of the 1st person singular of the present or future tense!
If in the form of the 1st person singular of the present or future tense there are combinations

  • wow, wow, then write the suffixes -ova- (-eva-): advise - advise, command - command
  • ivy, ivy, then write the suffixes -yva- (-iva-): late - late, consider - consider


The phonetic variants of suffixes given in brackets occur after soft consonants.

2). Suffix Discrimination-e- + -va- and -yva- (-iva-): overcome, get sick - justify, calm down

Attention to the accent!

The suffix -va- is always stressed: overcoming, falling ill.
Before the suffix -va- write the suffix -e-.

Suffixes -yva-, -iva- unstressed: write down, glue, aim.

Do not confuse:

In words like pour, sing letters And And e fundamentally.

3). Suffixes in the indefinite form of the verb:
see, paint
The suffixes of the verbs of the 1st conjugation are different. The suffix of the verbal stem of the 2nd conjugation -i-.


Exception verbs for this task are of no interest: after all, you need to find out the letter not in the ending, but in the suffix. Therefore, if you define a letter in the suffix of an indefinite form of a verb, feel free to write -e- in exception verbs on et with an unstressed letter in the suffix: offend, see, hate, depend on and derivatives from them: see, envy, be offended, and others like that. In other exception words, the suffix is ​​in stressed position.

4). Suffixes in participles and participles.


In A17, no one checks whether you know the suffixes of participles and participles. In participles and gerunds, vowel stems are missing, from which the data in the form assignments are formed.
Examples from KIMs:
gluing ... waving, pulling out ... wailing, aiming ... aiming, relying ... cherishing ... waving, squealing ... wailing

Therefore, you should not be distracted by the form of participle and gerund, remember their suffixes. You need to do something else: learn to accurately determine from which verb participles and gerunds are formed.

gluing ... from: to glue
pulled out ... wai - from pulling out
aiming ... aiming - from aiming
hoped ... hoped - from hoping
having wormed ... who - from worming
squealing ... wai - from squealing

Therefore, the rules above apply.

Make no mistake:

A typical mistake is mixing verbs of different types when restoring the original form. For example, it is a mistake to believe that the sacrament gluing derived from the verb glue, taking aim- from take aim and so on. In many cases, such a mistake will lead to an incorrect definition of a vowel.
Right: Gluing derived from stick together, taking aim- from aim.

Adjective suffixes

Here only suffixes of denominative adjectives are considered, because it is this material that relates to the topic (verbal adjectives are words in the suffixes of which there is a spelling n-nn). The list of adjective suffixes formed from nouns is not reduced to the two rules given below, but the training variants of KIMs include words for these rules.

1). Suffixes-iv-, -ev-, -liv-, -chiv-: beautiful - fighting, happy, trusting

Attention to the accent!
In adjectives formed from nouns:
- under stress, write the suffix -iv-: beautiful
- without stress - suffix -ev-: combat.
Write the suffixes -liv-, -chiv- and under stress: happy and without stress: trustful.

2). Suffixes-ov-, -ovat-, -ovit- - -ev-, -evat-, -evit-: business, grayish, poisonous - speech, bluish, militant

Attention to the last consonant of the root!
After solid consonants, write the suffixes -ov-, -ovat-, -ovit-: business, grayish, poisonous.
After soft consonants, hissing, h And c write suffixes -ev-, -evat-, -evit-: speech, bluish, militant.

Noun suffixes

1. Suffixes with the meaning of the person (producer of the action).

There are many suffixes with the meaning of person, but, fortunately, not all of them cause errors when writing words. Rarely someone makes a mistake in suffixes:

East: handball player, tractor driver
-nickname-: road builder, railway worker
-navt-: astronaut
-ets-: messenger
-yor-: combine operator

Mistaken suffixes: -tel-, as well as -chik-, -schik-. They are worth repeating.

1). Suffix-tel-: teacher
Remember this suffix and always write it the same way, with the letter e!
Write the suffix -tel- in words denoting persons by occupation: teacher, writer, driver.

2). Suffixes
-chik-, -schik-: pilot, bricklayer, paver

Attention to the last consonant of the stem!

  • consonants t, e, s, h, g write the suffix -chik-: translator, pilot, peddler, carrier, defector
  • write the remaining consonants with the suffix -shchik-: ferryman, glazier, bricklayer, lamplighter


Before the suffix -chik- letters k, c, h are replaced by T: distribute+-chik- ← distribution.
Write a soft sign only after l: roofer, glazier.

2. Suffixes with a diminutive meaning.

In Russian, there are many suffixes with a diminutive meaning. What are these suffixes and how to write them, you have to figure it out. Let's limit ourselves, however, to suffixes in which letters are written e And And, to which we are guided by KIMs.

1). Suffixes-ik-, -ek-: ball - handkerchief.
Watch out for the fluent vowel e when you change the word!
If, when changing a word, in it

  • the vowel sound [and] is preserved, write the suffix -ik-: ball - balls
  • the vowel sound disappears, write the suffix -ek-: handkerchief - handkerchief

2). Suffixes-ets-, -its-: brother - clever, coat - dress
Find out the gender of the noun!
In nouns

  • masculine write the suffix -ets-: brother, finger
  • feminine - -its-: beauty, clever
  • the middle gender can be both -ets- and -its-:
    • in the pre-stressed syllable (before the stress) write -ets-: paltetso´, letter´
    • in a stressed syllable (after stress) write-its-: dress, cross

3). Suffixes-echk-, -ichk-: daughter, place, Vanechka - onion

For feminine words, define a derived word!
In nouns, write the suffix -echk-: insect, daughter, place, time, Vanechka, Sashechka

Do not confuse:

In feminine nouns formed from nouns with the suffix -its-, write the suffixes -ich- and -k-:
tit ← tit, button ← button, onion ← onion.

4). Suffixes-onk-(-enk-): apple tree - daughter

Determine what sound is before the suffix!
In nouns after

  • hard consonants write the suffix -onk-: kitchenette, kitty, paw
  • vowels, hissing and soft consonants - suffix -enk-: Zoenka, darling, daughter, grandmother

5). Suffix-To- in combinations ink, enk: center, cherry

Looking for a producing base!

If in feminine nouns with the suffix -к- the generating stem

  • on in, write suffixes -in- and -k-: middle + ka ← middle
  • on n write a combination of letters enk: cherries + cabbage ← cherry.

3. Suffix -en- in dissimilar nouns: tenses, names


10 nouns per me :
burden, tribe, time,
seed, crown, stirrup,
flag, flame,
udder, name

Write the suffixes -en-(-yon-) in all plural forms, as well as in the genitive, dative, instrumental and prepositional forms in the singular.

In contact with

E.A. Makovey, teacher of the Russian language, secondary school No. 1 in Adygeysk,
A.I. Arkhipova, Professor of the Kuban State University

§ 3. Spelling of suffixes

Suffix - lat. suffixus - "attached"; literally: "substituted to the root" - a significant part of the word, which usually serves to form words.

3.1. Spelling n-nn in suffixes of different parts of speech
3.1.1. Н and НН in adjectives formed from nouns

Choice H or HH in adjectives formed from nouns, it is determined by which word and with the help of which suffix the given adjective was formed.
Rat..th poison; living room; remarkable .. th nature.

Find out what noun the word is derived from

Write HH

Write N

If one H is in the stem of a noun, and the second H is an adjective suffix:
true - true + new

If you have a suffix -IN-:
animal - animal

If you have suffixes in front of you -ENN- / -ONN-:
foliage(s) - deciduous
station(s) - station
but without windy
under windy

If you have suffixes in front of you -AN- / -YAN-:
silver) - silver
leather) - leather

The rule also applies to short adjectives (the road ShowPicture("image011.gif"); is deserted).

3.1.2. Н and НН in full verbal adjectives and participles

Dried linen; frenzied ..th speed; sold..th product.

In full verbal adjectives and participles HH is spelled under any of the conditions below.
Terms of writing HH:

Exceptions hammered, chewed and wounded can be written with two H when they have dependent words (see condition 2)) or prefixes (see condition 1)).
TO A sword shaped by a gunsmith (a gunsmith is a dependent word).
A fighter wounded in the shoulder (in the shoulder is a dependent word).
Shackled hands (prefix C-).
Injured finger (prefix PO-).

Pay special attention to words with several roots like raw smoked and quick-frozen. By itself, the presence of two roots is not a condition for double N.
Fresh frozen.
Seriously wounded.

In order for two Hs to appear in the suffix of such words, one of the conditions noted in the rule must appear.
Freshly cut (prefix C- before the root -KOSH-).

It often happens that in a word there are several conditions for writing NN at once.
Tiled bathroom - prefix OB-, suffix -OVA-, dependent word tiled.

3.1.3. Н and НН in short verbal adjectives and short participles

She is modest and well-mannered..a; she was brought up .. at a boarding school; she is always collected..a and organized..a.

3.1.4. Н and НН in adverbs in -О / -Е and in nouns formed from adjectives and participles

Neftyan..ik; captivity..ik; confused .. about talking; excited..o listened.

All such words are formed from forms ending in -Ы / -OY (from participles or adjectives). The same number of H is written in them as H was in the corresponding form on -NY / -OY.

Hryvnia (from the adjective hryvnia);
He spoke with concern (concerned from the sacrament).

3.2. Spelling of noun suffixes
Most noun suffixes should be memorized. Some suffixes have special spelling rules.

3.2.1. The spelling of these suffixes should be memorized.

3.2.2. Choice -CHIK- / -SHIK-

3.2.3. Choice of suffixes -EK- / -IK-

The choice is made according to the form of the genitive case (there is no WHO? WHAT?).

3.2.4. Choice -EC- / -IC-

3.2.5. Choice -УШК- / -УШК-

3.3. Spelling of adjective suffixes

Most adjective suffixes should be memorized.
Some suffixes have special spelling rules.

3.3.1. The spelling of these adjective suffixes should be memorized.





3.3.2. Choice of suffixes -K- and -SK-

3.3.3. Choice of suffixes -iv-, -ev-

3.4. Spelling of verb suffixes

3.4.1. In the indefinite form of the verb and in the past tense forms, the same verbal suffix is ​​usually written:
hope - hoped;
measure - measured.

When this suffix is ​​in an unstressed position, it should be memorized.

Distinguish between verbs to weaken(become powerless yourself) and enervate(someone, something) and others, starting with the prefixes O- + -WITHOUT-/-WITH- ( deforest, deforest; depopulate, depopulate, etc.).


Wed forms of the future tense (spelling depends on the conjugation):
to weaken - to weaken, to weaken
to weaken - to weaken, to weaken

For example: The travelers will soon be exhausted. Illness will debilitate anyone.

3.4.2. Choice of -EVA- / -OVA- and -YVA- / -IVA- in verbs

Research..to, advice..to, postpone..to.

According to a special rule, verbs are written with stress -VA-. The root vowel is usually written before the stressed -BA-,
sing - sing; give - give.

3.5. Spelling participle suffixes

3.5.1. Spelling of suffixes of real participles of the present tense

Slumbering nature; believing in himself; creeping shrub.

3.5.2. Spelling of suffixes of passive participles of the present tense

Inaudible .. my; opening..my; drawing..my.

3.5.3. Spelling of the vowel before -В- / -ВШ- in suffixes of real past participles

Rasta..gone; believed .. who; sowed..

3.5.4. Spelling of the vowel before Н/НН in passive past participle suffixes

Exhausted..ny; dyed; crowned..ny.

3.6. Spelling of suffixes of participles
Zate..in; believe..in; outposts..in.

In perfective gerunds, the same vowel is written as in the suffix of the indefinite form of the corresponding verb.
See - seeing;
Listen - listening.

3.7. Spelling of suffixes -A and -O in adverbs formed from short adjectives
Came bright ..; packed tight..; standing on the left..

The suffix in adverbs formed by the prefix-suffix method from short adjectives can be determined by substituting the word “window” under the appropriate preposition:
long time ago (from the window);
on the right (from the window).

This rule should not be applied to adverbs formed in a suffixal way from full adjectives: trusting (from trusting), soulless (from soulless), hidden (from hidden). In such adverbs, the adverbial suffix -O is written at the end.
dry - formed from the short adjective dry with the prefix DO- and the suffix -A (to the window).
Intelligibly - formed from the full adjective intelligible with the help of the adverbial suffix -О.