For headaches when feeding. What to take for headaches during lactation. Cause-and-effect relationships of headaches

Every person on the globe knows firsthand how a headache can hurt. From time to time, each of us experiences such pain to one degree or another, and more than 60% of patients are people of working age, including mothers feeding their infants with milk.

The pain can be tolerable or unbearable, throbbing, pressing, burning, dull or bursting, with nausea and darkening of the eyes. It can last from a few minutes to 1-2 days. In rare cases, it can be tolerated, but often a person seeks to take some kind of painkiller in order to get relief faster. And this is a normal reaction. But what should a nursing mother do, since not every medicine is suitable for her? In this article we will look at which pills for headaches during breastfeeding are approved for use, and which ones should be forgotten for a while.

Why does my head hurt? Causes

There can be many reasons why a mother may develop headaches. It happens that before the birth of a child, a woman almost did not know about the existence of such a problem, but regular night awakenings, nutritional disruptions and constant worry about the baby have a detrimental effect on her health. Let's highlight the main reasons why a headache may occur:

  • tension pain - most common and associated with lack of sleep, stress, etc.;
  • vascular problems: hypertension or hypotension, vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • migraine attacks;
  • weather sensitivity;
  • osteochondrosis cervical spine spine;
  • postpartum depression;
  • reaction to weather conditions: exposure to cold wind or heat;
  • long stay in a stuffy room;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • intoxication (alcohol, household chemicals, smoking, inhalation carbon monoxide);
  • a consequence of ARVI or diseases of the ENT organs (when the paranasal sinuses become inflamed);
  • fasting (leads to a decrease in blood sugar levels and dilation of blood vessels in the brain);
  • taking certain foods or abruptly giving them up (coffee).

This is far from full list, after all, there are from 40 to 50 reasons as a result of which a woman suffers from headaches. I am glad that in most cases the same drugs approved for lactation can help.

General principles of treatment

First, let's look at what principles you need to follow if you feel pain in the head:

  • first we try to get rid of the pain without medications, if it doesn’t help, we resort to safe drugs;
  • medications used during lactation must be time-tested and have good recommendations from breastfeeding specialists;
  • always carefully read the instructions before taking the medicine, especially the “contraindications” column, as well as “pregnancy and lactation”;
  • sometimes there is harm from abstinence drug treatment much more significant than from taking a pill;
  • medications are taken immediately after feeding - this buys time to reduce the concentration of the substance in the blood and milk;
  • the advisability of taking any pill should be discussed with your doctor;
  • Be prepared that you will have to skip 1-2 feedings and express. If the baby is completely fed with mother's milk, there should be an unopened package of formula in the house “just in case”; For children older than six months, one feeding can be safely replaced with complementary foods.

Medicines allowed during lactation

If the headache is not permanent, the following remedies are suitable for one-time use:

  • paracetamol;
  • ibuprofen;
  • ketorolac;
  • naproxen;
  • no-shpa.


All of the listed drugs, with the exception of No-shpa, belong to the NSAID group, and therefore have three actions: antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Paracetamol has a weak anti-inflammatory effect, but it is excellent as an analgesic for headaches and toothaches.

In terms of safety and effectiveness, it comes first when breastfeeding. High bioavailability, minimal set side effects, a wide evidence base about non-harm to the baby (although the medicine passes into breast milk) - all this makes paracetamol the No. 1 drug during the lactation period.

Therefore, the home medicine cabinet should contain both paracetamol for the baby (in syrup or suppositories) and for the mother (capsules, tablets, suppositories with adult dosages. For headaches, you can take a 325 mg tablet, to reduce fever - 500-650 mg per 1 times. The maximum single dose should not exceed 1 g, and the daily dose should not exceed 4 g.

The most famous representatives: Efferalgan, Rapidol, Panadol, Cefekon, Tylenol, abroad it is known as Acetaminophen.

Side effects include pain in the stomach, nausea, anemic condition, and toxic liver damage when taking unacceptably high doses.


Another medicine compatible with breastfeeding. All three main effects are equally well expressed. Therefore, you can drink it not only when you have a headache, but also for joint pain. The effect will be felt within 30 minutes (this is exactly how long the substance needs to reach its maximum concentration in the blood), and within 3 hours almost all of the ibuprofen will be eliminated from the body.

One of the modern representatives of Ibuprofen

Therefore, after 3 hours, breastfeeding a baby does not pose any danger. Although, with a single use, a child can be fed at any time - the concentration of the active component in milk does not exceed 1%, and the drug is approved for use by children from 3 months of age.

Representatives: Ibuprom, Ibumax, Nurofen, MIG, Ibuprex, Imet. Take the medicine 200-400 mg at intervals of 6-8 hours. But this does not mean that the drug should necessarily be taken by the hour. If the pain goes away with one tablet (capsule), there is no point in further taking it.


A substance from the NSAID group, better known as Ketanov, Ketorol or Ketalgin. This medicine It is not a first-line drug of choice, since the instructions do not recommend its use for pregnant women and mothers who have breastfed children.

However, authoritative sources in the field of pediatrics, such as the electronic reference book E-LACTANCIA and the American Academy of Pediatrics, allow short-term use of ketorolac at a dose of 10 mg with an interval of at least 6 hours. If paracetamol and ibuprofen do not help with your headache, you should consult a doctor. He will decide whether the use of ketorolac is advisable.

There is no clear answer regarding its use as a pain reliever for breastfeeding women. Some doctors, based on their personal practice, recommend it for breastfeeding, while others are afraid to prescribe it due to the lack of any clinical studies on the negative impact on the baby.

It is best to avoid taking Naproxen by a nursing mother, but when there is no other option, one-time use is acceptable.

The big advantage of naproxen (synonym Nalgesin) is its long-lasting action - up to 10-12 hours. However, this means that the active substance circulates in the blood for a long time. The instructions do not recommend taking Naproxen for pregnant and lactating women.


The only drug on this list with an antispasmodic effect. Actually, the purpose of No-shpa is somewhat different. It relieves spasms of smooth muscle muscles and is effective for menstrual pain in the lower abdomen, cramps gastrointestinal tract, spastic attacks of cholelithiasis.

However, the instructions allow its use for headaches arising from vasospasm. Therefore, its use for headaches is justified only in cases where, after drinking a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, there was no relief or when a woman knows for sure that she has spastic headaches.

Prohibited drugs

What pills should you forget while your baby is breastfed? In fact, it is easier to remember that small list of permitted ones, and if the proposed drug does not contain the above-mentioned active ingredients, it most likely cannot be taken during lactation. But I would still like to mention some of my favorite products. So, a nursing mother should not take the following medications.

Such a native and such a dangerous analgin, known in the pharmaceutical world as Metamizole sodium, is not compatible with breastfeeding and here’s why. Numerous studies have shown that analgin inhibits the hematopoietic system, which leads to the development of agranulocytosis. In practice, a patient who regularly takes analgin has a weakened immune system, is susceptible to frequent illnesses, and suffers from kidney damage.

We are grateful to Analgin for the fact that it has saved us from pain more than once, but it seems that today its use is becoming irrelevant due to the discovered side effects, especially when we are talking about women who are breastfeeding

More than 70 countries around the world have phased out metamizole sodium due to its side effects, but Russia, Ukraine and Belarus still use it, even in baby suppositories. Despite the fact that a little more than 1% of the dose taken by the mother enters mother's milk, analgin poses a potential danger to the child. Therefore, you can take it only in the case when there is absolutely nothing of analgesics in the house, it is night outside, and it is not possible to survive until the morning with a headache.

Daily dose should not exceed 1 g, this is 2 tablets. Another acceptable situation for taking analgin is heat body at 40 degrees, which is not disturbed by anything. Ambulance in such cases, he gives an injection of analgin and diphenhydramine and recommends skipping one feeding (pumping).

Analgin is contained in many combination drugs such as Baralgin, Tempalgin, Spazmalgon, Pyatirichatka, Baralgetas, Pentalgin, Sedalgin neo, etc.


Another extremely undesirable combination is the composition of Citramon. It includes:

  • paracetamol;
  • acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin);
  • caffeine.

The biggest danger lies in acetylsalicylic acid. It is contraindicated for children under 15 years of age. Its use in viral infection may lead to toxic liver damage (Reye's syndrome). In addition, acetylsalicylic acid belongs to the group of salicylates that corrode the gastric mucosa and, with prolonged use, provoke the development of ulcers.

Of course, nothing like this will happen from taking one pill, but it’s better not to risk it. If you need to drink citramon, either skip feeding or find a worthy alternative.

Tension headache

It is familiar to many mothers, because with the arrival of a child in the family, tense and stressful moments become much more intense. You can try to cope with such pain traditional methods: anoint your temples with Vietnamese balm “Star”, massage your head, apply a cabbage leaf to the sore spot; but if none of the above helps, you can take paracetamol or ibuprofen.

In reality pain syndrome This kind of thing serves as a signal that the body is depleted and it’s time to do something drastic. Reconsider your attitude towards co-sleeping with your child. Not everyone likes this idea, but there are recommendations thanks to which such sleep can be made safe for the baby, and the mother will not have to get up to the baby every time.

Spend enough time outdoors

Analyze how you eat, whether you get enough microelements. How much water do you drink? After all, its deficiency can also provoke a painful condition. The mother, like the child, needs to receive enough oxygen, so long walks in the fresh air and regular ventilation of the room are recommended.

If your blood pressure has increased

If the mother suffered from hypertension before pregnancy, and after giving birth, high blood pressure numbers do not allow her to live in peace, the best thing to do would be to give up breastfeeding and begin your own treatment. After all, to stabilize blood pressure, you will have to take medications for a month or more, and all of them are contraindicated during breastfeeding. In any case, transferring the baby to artificial formula will not be such a significant loss compared to the possible development of a heart attack or stroke in the mother.

But with an episodic increase in pressure that is not associated with a pathological change in vascular tone, the doctor may recommend a single dose of dibazole, papazole, enalapril, or in case of rapid heartbeat, bisoprolol. It is advised to temporarily suspend lactation.

Remedies for low blood pressure

While there are a lot of medications from different groups to lower blood pressure, hypotension is much more difficult to treat from a medical point of view. All adaptogens and biostimulants such as Ginseng and Eleutherococcus tinctures are on the prohibited list. They should only be taken if your doctor thinks the benefits outweigh the risks.

No matter which way it changes arterial pressure, you need to consult a doctor about treatment

Caffeine, penetrating into milk, also has a negative effect on the child, making him excited and restless. The safest recommendations for mothers who have breastfed children are walks in the fresh air and special gymnastics to raise and strengthen tone, as well as taking a contrast shower.

Migraine attack

The good news is that a woman who has suffered from migraine attacks feels much better after giving birth as hormonal changes occur in the body. But still, migraine sometimes makes itself felt. What to do?

Migraines are difficult to endure. The pain is long-lasting (from 2-3 hours to 2 days), pronounced, affects one side of the head and is accompanied by severe throbbing and nausea. It is imperative to deal with such pain.

However, despite the many pharmaceutical products developed for this pathology, nursing mothers can only do one thing: Sumatriptan. Today it is the “gold standard” in the treatment of migraine. Although minor studies have shown that there is a small dose of the substance in breast milk after taking the pill, it is recommended to pump for 12 hours after taking the pill. Synonyms: Sumamigren, Imigran. With prolonged migraines, the question arises of stopping lactation and appropriate treatment.

So, it is possible and necessary to treat a headache, because both the baby and the father have a need for a healthy and calm mother. There are many ways to get rid of pain, and it is better to know about them in advance so as not to be caught off guard.

Breastfeeding is often overshadowed by situations when a woman has to resort to taking medications. But not all medications are allowed during lactation. Some of the existing drugs, penetrating into the baby’s natural food and then into his body, produce a negative effect on him and on his development. internal organs, cause allergies. Head pain cannot always be tolerated, and you have to take medication. What can you do for headaches while breastfeeding, or is there an alternative to medications?

Why does mom have a headache?

How to treat headaches while breastfeeding?

Increasing throbbing pain is not recommended to be tolerated. If you have a headache during breastfeeding, it is first important to determine the cause, and then choose what to treat. A list of remedies for headaches during breastfeeding was developed by breastfeeding consultants.

Headache Treatment Methods

What can a mother do for headaches while breastfeeding? It is common to use several methods, including:

  1. Medications.

Important! It is better to find out what to drink for headaches during breastfeeding from a specialist: he will be the one who will select the approved drug and its dosage.

  1. Massage treatments. You can do it yourself, using aromatic oils. The neck area, temporal part, and forehead are massaged. For regular headaches, seek the help of a massage specialist.
  2. Acupuncture is the impact on special points with thin needles, under the influence of which the body begins to release endorphins.
  3. Aromatherapy. The oils of rosemary, lavender, basil, mint, marjoram, rosewood, ginger, and citronella are especially soothing.
  4. Herbal decoctions help improve the condition, but the use of herbs must be coordinated with GV specialists. Often consumption reduces lactation.

Massage for headaches

Painkillers for breastfeeding

Taking a pill for headaches while breastfeeding is a quick solution, although not always the right one. If alternative methods do not help, they resort to taking medications.

Important! It is necessary to correctly determine the cause of pain and what types of medications are acceptable. Some medications contain ingredients that are incompatible with lactation. Getting them into the baby's body will lead to serious consequences.

Migraine medicine for nursing mothers

It has been noticed that pregnancy and feeding, the period during which, under the influence hormonal changes the frequency of migraine attacks is reduced. If an attack occurs, it can last from 2 hours to several days. Severe throbbing attacks of pain are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and aversion to loud noise. To prevent a severe attack, the medicine is taken at initial stage. When the attack is not intense, Paracetamol, Naproxen, Ibuprofen are suitable. In case of a severe attack, medications containing sumatriptan (Sumatriptan, Sumamigren) are taken. The withdrawal period from the body is long, about half a day. During this period, the child is transferred to formula feeding, and feeding is stopped for a while.

Medicine for blood pressure

This is an extremely dangerous condition as it increases the likelihood of a stroke. What to do if you experience a headache during breastfeeding due to pressure changes. Taking medications that lower blood pressure is carried out directly under the supervision of a therapist, since their components penetrate into the milk and uncontrolled use will harm the baby. Acceptable drugs include Methyldopa. When the recommended drugs do not produce the desired effect, the use is stopped and others are prescribed. In case of incompatibility with feeding, it is stopped for a while.

Approved medications

It is important to approach the use of medications for headaches while breastfeeding with extreme caution. There is a list of approved medications. They meet the following parameters:

  • absorbed into milk in a small volume;
  • low toxicity level;
  • does not cause harm to the baby, even if it enters the body at large quantities, is not capable of producing a negative reaction to the baby;
  • soon begins to act;
  • quickly leaves the body;
  • the presence of side effects is minimized and there are no contraindications;
  • consequences of exceeding the dosage.
  1. Do not reduce the dose. Some people think that if you take half a tablet, it will not have any effect on the baby. The risk that the drug will not bring the desired effect increases and you will have to take it again.
  2. Do not increase the dose. Some drugs work faster, some take longer. After taking the recommended dose, you must wait for the result. If there is no effect of pain relief, it is necessary to obtain qualified advice.
  3. Use immediately after feeding; if the medication leaves the body quickly, then after 3-4 hours its amount in the baby’s natural food will be minimal.


No-shpu is often used for headaches during lactation. Although this drug is more used to relieve antispasmodic sensations in the stomach and intestines. When compared with other antispasmodics, it is less dangerous.

Worth considering! This medicine is not used for colds, migraines, or changes in blood pressure. It will not eliminate the headache that appears. During long-term use, lactation stops, but methods of preserving it are used.


These tablets for headaches during breastfeeding are recommended for use.

Important! This remedy should be taken after professional consultation to determine the correct dosage.

Its components penetrate into milk in small volumes and are not able to have a negative effect on the baby. But if used frequently, feeding should be stopped. The milk is expressed in order to return to lactation later.

In addition to pain relief, the medication has an anti-inflammatory effect. Penetrates quickly; within half an hour its specific gravity reaches its maximum. After 3 hours, 1% of the active substance remains in the blood. You can feed the baby accordingly. Safety is also proven by the fact that it is recommended for children. The varieties are: MIG, Advil, Brufen, Ibuprom. Exceeding the dosage (300 mg) will result in a negative reaction.


When breastfeeding, these tablets are suitable for headaches. This medication is safe for babies. Although it is intended to eliminate the symptoms of the disease (fever, muscle pain). It is an effective remedy for fever accompanied by headaches. The components are quickly absorbed and eliminated within 5 hours; after the specified period of time, the baby can be fed. There are a number of medicines based on paracetamol: Panadol, Calpol, Efferalgan. A single dose is 350 mg, this dose is not capable of harming the baby. As the dosage increases, side effects may occur: attacks of nausea, abdominal cramps, allergic manifestations.


This medicine is an anti-inflammatory drug, effective for all types of headaches. A one-time dose provides long-term relief from acute pain. Take 250 mg no more than 2 times a day.

Prohibited drugs

Taking medications is carried out after consultation with a doctor, since some of them are prohibited during breastfeeding. Combination drugs are not recommended for use, since they have several active ingredients.

Is it possible to use citramon while breastfeeding?

A common remedy because it is truly an effective remedy. It is not recommended for nursing mothers to use. The instructions for the drug contain information that it is not used during breastfeeding. It contains harmful components:

  1. Caffeine gets into the baby's natural food, has a stimulating effect on him, does not leave the body well, can lead to regurgitation, and puts a strain on the baby's kidneys and liver.
  2. Aspirin is recognized as a dangerous component and can cause disruptions in the functioning of the liver and brain. Experts say: a one-time dose will not cause significant harm, but continuous use of this drug is prohibited. Citramon analogues: Citropak, Askofen.

Analgin for hepatitis B

This medication effectively relieves headaches without affecting the psyche. But when breastfeeding it is prohibited. In some countries, analgin is excluded from medical practice. The active ingredients cause inhibition of hematopoietic function, interruptions in kidney function, and can cause anaphylactic shock. Medicines ending in “-gin” should not be used while breastfeeding. They contain phenobarbital, codeine phosphate, caffeine - incompatible with lactation.

Alternative Treatments

For headaches during lactation, you do not need to take medication right away. If the cause is lack of sleep or lack of proper rest, it is first recommended to establish a daily routine, walks, massage, and use methods of self-soothing (aromatherapy, relaxing baths).

Folk remedies

Treatment of headaches during breastfeeding can be carried out using traditional methods:

  1. High-strength sweet tea helps. This drink is not consumed during lactation, but in the current situation it is necessary to choose a method that causes less harm. It is better to drink this tea than to wait for the condition to worsen and take medications. One-time use does not lead to a negative reaction.
  2. Use of herbs: oregano, mint, wild rosemary, rose hips, lemon balm, chamomile.
  3. Lemon. If the baby is not allergic, suck the lemon and rub the lemon peel onto the temples.
  4. Homeopathy for breastfeeding

    Homeopathic medications help get rid of headaches during breastfeeding. They contain natural ingredients that are practically incapable of causing side effects.

    Important! No matter how safe the drug is, the duration of use and dosage are agreed upon with the therapist.

    Medications are taken if alternative means have not brought results. In case of prolonged pain, it is advisable to seek professional advice. Breastfeeding is not the time for experimentation. Uncontrolled use leads to negative effects on the woman and the baby, so self-medication during lactation is not recommended.

Headache worries even the healthiest people, there are many reasons for this: more than 40 diseases, stress, bad weather, change of environment. When it comes to young mothers, in most cases we can talk about one phenomenon that triggered the attack: chronic fatigue. The baby requires a lot of attention and care, there is not enough time for oneself, you have to forget about healthy and sound sleep, which is why your head hurts.

After childbirth, a woman has a lot of responsibilities, she may feel tired and exhausted. Often this is accompanied by a headache, which you want to get rid of with the help of medications.

Safe medications

Tolerating a painful condition means subjecting your body to even greater stress, which leads to depression and psychological disorders. It is better to find products for breastfeeding headaches that will not harm your baby, because a nursing mother should take care of not only herself. Doctors have already helped us with this: they found out which drugs are safe and effective if we need to get rid of pain.


The only proven remedy for lactation is this product. The European Research Center conducted large-scale trials in which 12 thousand women and their children took part. The results turned out to be excellent: the tablets do not have any effect on the body, they can be used without fear.

The study allowed the World Health Organization to recommend the product as a primary treatment for headaches. Young mothers successfully buy it and its analogues, such as Panadol, Calpol and Efferalgan. Efficiency and safety are the main selection criteria. The active substance, of course, passes into milk during breastfeeding, but the dosage is insignificant - about 20%, especially since this does not have any effect on the child.

To ensure that the headache goes away and the intake does not affect the baby in any way, it is recommended to drink the medicine immediately after feeding. Paracetamol retains its maximum concentration only for a couple of hours. After this time, the content will constantly decrease. The dose is taken once if an attack occurs.

A regular course of up to 3 days is allowed. You can use up to 2 tablets at a time, repeat the procedure every 6 hours.


This modern product is suitable if you are worried about headaches during breastfeeding. The medicine has a quick effect and copes well even with sharp pains paroxysmal in nature. It is fully compatible with the lactation period, according to the authoritative publication Medicine and Mother's Milk by scientist Thomas Hale. The book was published in 2010.

Less than 0.7% of the dosage enters milk during breastfeeding, which is completely safe for the baby. If you do not want to expose your baby to even this risk, use the tablets immediately after feeding. Drink no more than 400 milligrams every 7 hours until the therapeutic effect is achieved.

Ibuprofen is a modern remedy that is fully compatible with breastfeeding. It is often prescribed to nursing mothers


This painkiller can treat any type of headache for a nursing mother; the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is what doctors often prescribe as a proven and effective product. A single use allows you to forget about acute attacks for a long time.

However, the situation is not so rosy: the reference book “Medicines and Mother’s Milk” by Hale is a clear confirmation of this. A single case of a side effect has been reported worldwide: bleeding followed by anemia.

If you want to prevent your baby from being harmed by this medicine, try to use the medicine immediately after breastfeeding. Even better - find a good analogue, for example, Ibuprofen. You can safely take about 200-500 mg twice a day.


Citramon also saves from headaches during breastfeeding, but only a single dose is considered safe (we recommend reading:). Doctors are unanimous: the drug can be taken in combination with feeding, but the composition is far from the most attractive. So, it contains aspirin, paracetamol, caffeine, which leads to regurgitation, increased excitability, insomnia, and the risk of bleeding.

Citramon is a popular remedy, but it should not be abused either. The drug is suitable only for a single dose, you should not drink it again

When the headache is unbearable, and there is no choice about what products to take, citramon is quite suitable. If constant treatment is required, analogues should be found. It is preferable to purchase Paracetamol and Ibuprofen, and replace the traditional medicine with Citramon Extra or Forte - tablets without aspirin.

Prohibited drugs

Doctors with extensive experience and decent education will tell you exactly which remedies for headaches during lactation cannot be used. These include all products containing analgesics or other highly active active ingredients - Pentalgin, Tempalgin, Sedalgin, Baralgin, Spazmalgon, Benalgin, Baralgetas, any other modern drugs with a similar composition.

Their use by a nursing mother is prohibited for a number of reasons:

  • These tablets allow the active substance to pass into milk during breastfeeding at a dose of up to 1.2%. It might seem like a small amount, but the baby may start bleeding and kidney function will be suppressed.
  • Such drugs are combined, they contain excipients with high degree harmful substances, such as caffeine and phenobarbital, which cause depression nervous system, excessive activity, vomiting.
  • Analgin for headaches is a product that is harmful even to a healthy person; it is not for nothing that it was banned in 70 developed countries with high-level professional medicine. Violation of blood composition and subsequent diseases is what the substance causes. CIS countries continue to sell it, and the Russian reference book even allows you to drink the drug during lactation with caution. Analgesics cannot be taken while breastfeeding; they should be replaced with other equally effective medications.

Pentalgin – combination drug, which contains several active substances in its composition. Some of them are completely unsuitable for a nursing mother, so it is better to refrain from taking the drug

A headache can occur for a variety of reasons; traditionally, taking a painkiller will help solve the problem. If you love your baby and care about his well-being and future, choose only research-proven medications. Prohibited foods for headaches can cause severe damage to internal organs.

How to deal with a headache

A nursing mother who is constantly bothered by a headache should not only take medications, but also change her lifestyle so that the consequences do not become even more severe. Just follow these tips:

  • Get as much rest as possible, because healthy sleep contributes to excellent health and good lactation. Your loved ones will help you with raising and caring for your child.
  • Think about what could have caused it. For example, if before pregnancy you were worried about osteochondrosis and hypertension, fight the source to alleviate suffering and avoid relapses.
  • Traditional medicine for headaches only at first glance seems tempting and completely safe for treatment. Such drugs have not been subjected to research; doctors are of the opinion that taking them can cause even greater deterioration. It is difficult to say how herbs and tinctures will work during breastfeeding and whether there will be any deviations in the baby’s health. Thus, sage and aloe have a negative effect (we recommend reading:). It is better to give preference to what has been tested by doctors of science - an anesthetic that will help relieve headaches.
  • There is no point in enduring pain - you will only suffer waiting for it to stop. Start taking pills immediately, just choose safe ones.
  • Before purchasing and using tablets, you should read the instructions for them, paying attention to contraindications and composition. A separate section indicates whether you can drink them during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Read medical references, information about taking during feeding, decide whether the product is really suitable for you, whether it is safe.

The most important thing for a nursing mother is not to self-medicate with little-known and prohibited medications. It is recommended to consult a doctor, otherwise you greatly risk the health of your child. It is better to monitor your health and well-being so that your head does not bother you in the future and your mood is excellent.

Perhaps, chronic fatigue and lack of sleep are the main headache attacks in nursing mothers. At 4 months of age, babies behave very restlessly. So sleepless nights are not uncommon for young mothers.

Very often, women during the feeding period are bothered by severe migraine attacks. Then, in addition to the headache, nausea and weakness appear. Migraines can be triggered by lack of sleep and constant stress. Often, headaches may occur due to high blood pressure. Hypertension requires serious and long-term treatment.

What medications can I take?

If a headache seriously bothers you, you will have to take medication. But not all medications can be taken during lactation. Headaches with Citramon are strictly prohibited. This medicine contains caffeine and acetylsalicylic acid, which have a negative effect on the baby's health.

Paracetamol is considered a safe remedy for headaches during lactation. On its basis, drugs such as Panadol, Efferalgan and others have been created. By the way, these medications will work more effectively if, after taking them, you immediately lie down on the sofa, relax and listen to your favorite music.

Against headaches while feeding the baby, it is allowed to take medications based on ibuprofen (Nurofen, Mig). But such a popular analgin is contraindicated for nursing mothers. It negatively affects the kidneys and other hematopoietic organs.

How to deal with migraines during lactation

If you are experiencing a painful migraine attack, do not rush and buy a product based on ergotamine. This substance should not be taken under any circumstances. Your baby may begin to vomit violently.

Sumamigren will help get rid of migraines during breastfeeding. It contains the active component sumatriptan, which is excreted from the body after 12 hours and does not linger in breast milk.

Medicines for hypertension

If the cause of a severe headache is hypertension, you should take Dibazol. Its use is completely compatible with breastfeeding. But it is better not to take “Reserpine” and “Cordaflex”. These medications can cause your blood sugar levels to rise significantly.

In general, when using the above drugs, it is better to use the technique of expressing milk to cause minimal harm to the baby.

Other means

A light massage of the temporal area of ​​the head can help breastfeeding mothers relieve pain. Also good option will be the use of a “needle” Lyapko applicator. You can put it under the back of your head and lie there for about thirty minutes.
Sometimes headache attacks are relieved by a simple warm shower, which has a relaxing effect on the body.

Headache is more common in the female population. As a rule, this happens due to hormonal changes that occur during menstruation, pregnancy, lactation and menopause.

Based on global scientific and clinical observations, women who suffer from headaches of various etiologies and migraines notice a noticeable improvement in the course of the disease during pregnancy and lactation. Cephalgia and migraine practically cease to bother you in the third and second trimesters, which is explained by the stabilization that has occurred hormonal levels and in particular the synthesis of estrogens.


Any assigned medicine during pregnancy and lactation, in addition to folic acid and drugs that contain iron carry a potential risk for the mother, fetus, and newborn. During breastfeeding and pregnancy, some emphasis is needed on resolving headaches using non-medicinal means.

Drug treatment

For the first trimester, relatively safe tablets are: paracetamol and ibuprofen. Aspirin may be used.

For the second trimester, relatively safe tablets are: paracetamol, verapamil, aspirin, ibuprofen, metoclopramide.

For the third trimester, relatively safe tablets are: verapamil, propranolol, domperidone.

During lactation, for a breastfeeding mother, tablets are allowed to take ibuprofen, verapamil, propranolol and metoclopramide.

If a course of treatment is prescribed by a gynecologist or therapist during lactation or breastfeeding, it is necessary to stop breast-feeding and temporarily switch to artificial feeding. After completing the therapeutic course of treatment, the mother returns to her normal breastfeeding regimen. In addition, you should follow diet therapy, which consists of diversifying your daily diet and including all food groups. At the same time, everything should be in moderation; you should not overeat or undereat. The daily diet of a breastfeeding mother must meet the standards developed by pediatricians and gynecologists and ensure the safety of milk, which is so necessary for the proper development of the child. A mother should be aware that the foods that end up in her diet also end up in the milk that her child drinks. To avoid allergic reactions, you must stop consuming: chocolate, honey, herbs and spices, citrus fruits, sausages and sausages, as well as smoked and dried meats. Instead of chocolate, you can drink cocoa or sweet tea. Exclude foods that cause fermentation: grapes, confectionery, curd and cheese masses, sweets and confectionery. The taste of milk can be worsened by: garlic, asparagus, cabbage and onions.

If a breastfeeding mother experiences headaches, you can try using non-drug treatment methods. A great way to reduce headaches is to massage your head. The head massage technique is that you alternately massage the temporal region, then the back of the head, and then the parietal region for 5 minutes each, 3-5 times.

There is also a rule of three “T”: warm, quiet, dark. You need to lie down in a warm, comfortable and cozy place for you; the important point is the absence of excessive light and noise. This will help you relax and possibly fall asleep. Before doing this, try making a calming tea with peppermint or chamomile.

Breathing alternative exercises for headaches

Sit in a position that is comfortable for you. Right hand apply to the left side of your head and tilt your head to the right. Hold this position for several breaths. Do not put too much pressure on your head with your hand, gently and carefully stretch the cervical vertebrae, while breathing calmly.

Lie on your back. Bend your legs in knee joints, clasp your feet on the outside with your hands. Try rocking from one side to the other to increase the stretch in your lower back.

Sit in a comfortable position, keep your back straight, and close your eyes. Touch the inner corner of the eye with your ring fingers, and place your index and middle fingers above the eyeball. Lean against the table and take a deep breath. While inhaling, press on the points where your fingertips are located. Do not press hard; the touch should be noticeable, but not painful. Do the exercise about 8-10 times or until the pain intensity decreases.

Sit in a position that is comfortable for you with a straight back, tilt your head forward, and clasp your hand on top of it. Using your middle finger, try to find the pain point between the base of the skull and the first vertebra. Massage the found point for about two minutes, repeat this exercise 5-8 times or until the intensity of the pain decreases.

If this does not help relieve pain, then try a different kind of massage.

To relax, reduce pain and improve milk flow during lactation, mothers can try breast massage. The best option is to perform daily massage movements for 5-10 minutes. You can use coconut oil for massage, but provided that it does not get on the nipple and areola of the mammary gland. Massage movements can be chaotic, or they can be lymphatic drainage. The massage is done in spiral lines around the breast towards the nipple and areola. Make stroking movements from above towards the nipple, stroke over the entire breast. It is better to avoid touching the nipple. Stroking should be without excessive pressure, smooth, sliding. The palmar surface of the hand in relation to the mammary gland moves in a circular motion and clockwise. You can also apply rubbing, which is carried out with the fingertips, active and zigzag movements. The nursing mother should finish the massage with a warm shower. During lactation, such a massage will have a positive effect on both the well-being of the nursing mother and the feeding process itself.

Headaches in women who breastfeed can also be treated with physiotherapeutic procedures. In addition to the positive dynamics regarding headaches and improved lactation, the risks for the child, the condition of the milk and the mother as a whole are minimized. In addition to the factors mentioned above, physiotherapy can also be used for infertility, chronic inflammation of the appendages, rehabilitation after childbirth, and lactostasis. Widely used: phototherapy using ultraviolet rays, ultrasound therapy, electrotherapy, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis with drugs or herbal infusions. Such procedures have a positive effect on the frequency and intensity of the mother’s headaches, on the quality of feeding, on the absorption of drugs if necessary, general condition mother.

Prevention of headaches is aimed at:

  1. Maintain a sleep-wake schedule, sleep at least 8-9 hours;
  2. Following a diet and proper diet, excluding provocateurs and allergens;
  3. Regular walking, frequent walks in the fresh air at a slow pace;
  4. Dosed physical exercise, vestibular gymnastics, gymnastics for pregnant and nursing mothers, physiotherapeutic procedures, general massages, visiting the pool, yoga for pregnant women;
  5. Compliance drinking regime(about 2 liters per day) or 40 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight;
  6. Frequent ventilation of the room in which you are staying for a long time;
  7. Taking care of the emotional component, avoiding stress factors, excessive tension and concentration;
  8. Taking vitamin-mineral complexes and dietary supplements, folic acid and preparations containing iron, dosage adjustments are agreed upon with a gynecologist in the antenatal clinic, a neurologist or a therapist;
  9. Refusal bad habits(alcohol, smoking, excessive consumption of coffee and caffeinated drinks).

A pharmacological medicine can only be used if the expected benefit is higher than the possible risk. It is necessary to weigh the potential benefit against the potential risk. We must remember that a healthy and happy mother is needed by the child more than breast milk. You should not postpone your treatment because of your status as a “nursing mother” just because you are currently still breastfeeding. In the twenty-first century, there are many milk formulas and their varieties that can be used as artificial feeding, without worrying about the health and development of your child. To do this, it is necessary to differentiate which headaches can be tolerated or treated with non-medicinal drugs and methods, and which headaches are dangerous to endure and treated with various homeopathic tablets and infusions does not make sense. The problem of choosing a medicine during pregnancy and breastfeeding is that the chosen medicine can have a teratogenic effect on the fetus, worsen the condition of the mother and especially the newborn. The most dangerous trimesters for using medications are the first and third. The second trimester carries minimal risk, but the risk still exists. No one medicinal product not studied in pregnant and lactating women. At the moment, the population has minimal information about the effects on a woman’s body of drugs that are more than 15 years old. Such statistics are formed due to mistakes made by pregnant or lactating women and doctors. As stated above, the drug should be used only if the expected benefit is higher than the possible risk. You should not self-medicate; if alarming symptoms occur, you should consult a general practitioner, neurologist or gynecologist. It is imperative that you tell your doctor that you are pregnant or breastfeeding. To avoid negative consequences. It is worth noting the fact that drugs allowed for self-medication belong to groups “A” and “B”. Medicines belonging to groups “C”, “D” and “X” are not allowed for use on their own. Group “A” includes drugs that do not have a negative effect on the fetus. Group "B" includes medicines, which during animal experiments showed questionable results, but there is no information about harm to humans. Group “C” includes medications that are used only in cases where the positive effect of the drug significantly outweighs the risk of a negative effect. In turn, drugs in group “D” include drugs that are approved for use in life-threatening situations, provided that safer drugs do not have a positive effect in this situation. Drugs of group “X”, in turn, are toxic to the fetus and child and are not used for therapeutic purposes; drugs of this group are prohibited for pregnant women, breastfeeding women, as well as women who are planning to become pregnant soon.