Why the master and margarita are the main characters of the novel. Characteristics of the main characters of the work Master and Margarita, Bulgakov. Their images and description. Stepan Bogdanovich Likhodeev

The novel by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" is one of the most mysterious works in the whole world.

The Master is an amazing character that is hard to understand. His age is about thirty-eight. Surprisingly, his name and surname remain a mystery throughout the story. Naturally, "Master" is a kind of pseudonym for the hero. That is how Margarita called him for his writing talent and creative abilities.

The author describes him as a dark-haired man with a sharp nose and an anxious look. A gray thread at the temples and a lonely falling strand on his forehead indicated his constant employment and far from youthful age.

The master was very simple and poor. He is alone in Moscow, without relatives and friends. By education, he was a historian, who several years ago worked in a museum, knew five languages ​​perfectly and was engaged in translations. Like any writer, he did not like noise and turmoil. At home he kept many books.

The reader learns that the Master was married earlier, but does not even remember her name. So he probably didn't love her at all. Or maybe it's his creative nature.

The master quits his job and starts writing a novel about Pontius Pilate, he suffers a lot because of his novel. There is an opinion that Bulgakov's novel is autobiographical. The master is unhappy, and his fate is as tragic as the fate of the writer.

Only Margarita admired the Master and his novel to the last. The destruction of the dream associated with the novel had a catastrophic effect on the Master's condition.

Only real love was a gift for a lonely writer. But even the love ties that bound him to Margot could not give him the strength to fight on. He gives up. Once in a psychiatric hospital, he lives with longing and despondency. For humility and humility, the Universe will give him another priceless gift - eternal peace, shared with his beloved. I would like to believe that the example of the Master shows that someday every work will be rewarded. After all, if you remember - the novel "The Master and Margarita" itself did not immediately appear in sight either.

This is how the famous story about the true love of the Master and Margarita ends. As you know, true love is rewarded with eternal peace.

Essay about the Master

Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" is distinguished by the original characterization of its characters, but one of the most important and striking characters is the Master.

The author does not give either the name or the surname of the author, but Margarita calls him the Master all the time, justifying this by the fact that he has extraordinary writing abilities. Its description is given in the 13th chapter. It is known about him that he is about 38 years old, he has dark hair, a sharp nose and perpetually anxious eyes. At the time of the acquaintance of the Master and Homeless, he was wearing a black cap with an embroidered letter “M”, he was pale, with a sick look, in a hospital gown.

Unlike Margarita, the Master was a poor man. Living in Moscow, he had almost no acquaintances, had no relatives at all, and was completely alone in this city. It was difficult for him to communicate and find an approach to people. Despite his poverty, the Master is enough educated person, he is a historian by education, he knows five foreign languages: English, French, German, Latin and Greek, and previously also worked as a translator. Because of his illness, he turned into a nervous and restless, suspicious person. A master writer, he keeps many books and writes his own, the novel “On Pontius Pilate”.

He begins work on his work after winning a large amount, 100 thousand rubles, in the lottery. He moves into another apartment and starts writing, leaving his job at the museum. At the end of his work, he tries to print the novel, but it does not work out for him, and the Master thinks to give up, but Margarita insisted on printing. After the release of the work, the Master was subjected to a huge flurry of criticism, which broke him. He gradually began to go crazy, he began to hallucinate, there is a fear of many simple everyday things. For all that the novel has caused him, the Master decides to burn him. As a result, he ends up in the psychiatric clinic of Professor Stravinsky, where he lies for 4 months before meeting with Woland and Margarita. As a result, Satan restores the burnt manuscript of the novel “On Pontius Pilate” and transfers the souls of lovers to another world, where they will find peace and be alone with each other.

Before readers, the Master appears as a powerless, purposeless and weak character, but at the same time kind, honest, loving and loved. For all this, he is destined for a reward: eternal peace and eternal love.

Option 3

In the novel by M. Bulgakov, the two main characters, judging by the title, are the Master and Margarita. Nevertheless, in the first chapters of the novel there is not a word about either the Master or his beloved. For the first time, the Master appears before the reader only at the very end of Chapter 11, and in Chapter 13, almost in a monologue, he presents his entire story to Ivan Bezdomny at once.

From this story of a neighbor in a lunatic asylum, the poet learns about the circumstances that led him to a hospital bed. The master refuses to give his name and immediately says that he no longer expects anything from life: after that, his confession receives a special tragic sound.

The master refers to people whose interests are far from material life. He came to writing the novel after having already gone through a rather solid life path - at the time of the story, he looks 38 years old, according to Ivan Bezdomny. And before that, he was also engaged in work of an intellectual nature - he worked in a museum. The Master speaks reluctantly about the past life. Having won a hundred thousand on the bond, the Master began new life. A historian by education, as well as a translator, thanks to a happy, as it seemed to him then, chance, he got the opportunity to leave the service and give all his strength and time to writing a novel about Pontius Pilate. The main value for the Master was creativity: the days spent writing a novel became the happiest days of his life.

Despite the fact that the Master looks like a man not of this world, from his story it becomes clear that nothing human is alien to him: he mentions both the “beautiful gray suit” in which he went for a walk, and the restaurant where he dined, and a cozy atmosphere that he created in his basement. The master was not closed in on himself, although he lived alone before meeting Margarita, having no relatives anywhere and almost no acquaintances in Moscow. Communication was replaced by books and the world around him, which he perceived in all sounds, smells and colors: he loved roses, the unusual smell of lilacs and the greenery of its bushes, linden and maple near the house.

The sense of beauty, which was characteristic of him, gave him the opportunity to receive a lot of joy and pleasant moments from life. And this feeling did not allow Margarita to pass by, although, as he admits, he was struck not so much by her beauty as by the extraordinary, unseen loneliness in her eyes. The meeting with Margarita was a gift of fate for the Master: it changed his life and, one might say, his death. It was thanks to Margarita that the Master received peace in eternity, which his soul, tormented by earthly sufferings of the last months of his life, longed for so much. The secret wife of the Master avenged him and the critics, who began to persecute him for the "pilatch" after the publication of the chapters of the novel: turning into a witch, she smashed the apartment of the critic Latunsky.

The Master himself is not very well versed in people. In the world of literature, he does not expect a dirty trick and, having written a novel, goes into life without expecting anything bad. He does not even realize that Aloisy Mogarych, with whom he became friends shortly before his arrest, caused him to be removed from the basement. He also does not believe in the power of Margarita's love for him: he confesses to Ivan that he hopes that she has forgotten him. As a man of genius, the Master is simple-hearted and trusting, it is easy to frighten him, to unbalance him. He is unable to fight for his rights.

The history of the Master is largely autobiographical: Bulgakov was also persecuted by Soviet critics, forcing him to write on the table and destroy his works. The catchphrase “Manuscripts do not burn”, which Woland said when returning the novel to the Master, which he burned in the stove in a fit of despair, can also be attributed to the fate of “The Master and Margarita”. The novel, unpublished during Bulgakov's lifetime, came to the reader after his death and became one of the most books read modernity.

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  • Synopsis of the coupled lesson

    Literature in 11th grade.

    Collegium teacher No. 98 Kotik A.A.

    Subject. Who main character novel by M.A. Bulgakov

    "Master and Margarita"?

    Target. During the analysis by images form an understandingmain philosophical and moral issues raised by the author in the novel. Identify the core idea of ​​the novel. Continue working off analytical skills, systematization of materials To performance; teach the ethics of discussion and the culture of communication.


    computer, multimedia installation, novel text.

    During the classes

    The boundary between light and shadow is you.

    Stanislav Jerzy Lec

    1. Teacher

    Everyone chooses for himself
    Woman, religion, road.
    Serve the devil or the prophet -
    Everyone chooses for himself.

    Everyone chooses for themselves
    A word for love and for prayer.
    A sword for a duel, a sword for battle -
    Everyone chooses for themselves.

    Everyone chooses for himself:
    Shield and armor. Staff and patches.
    The measure of final retribution
    Everyone chooses for themselves.

    This is an excerpt from a poem by Yuri Levitansky -the first page of our last lesson about Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. In previous lessons, we talked about the problems that the author touches on.in his project, about the actions of the heroes, each of whom, in one way or another,faced a choice and took his step, which determined not only his present, but also his future.

    • What could the Master choose? (fight) Did you choose?
    • What choice did Pontius Pilate and Yeshua face?
    • What is Margarita's move was the most decisive?
    • And everyone who gets into the cycle"acts" of a cheerful trinity,in fact, he also chooses the road to tomorrow. Another thing is that Woland,grinning sadly, he already knows exactly what choice they will make.

    The choice we make speaks volumes: about our character and its strength, about the worldview and about the depth of the soul, about the search for truth and awareness the meaning of life. But the whole choice can be reduced to one question, the answer to which will be the essence of man - Why am I doing this?

    Each of the heroes of the novel, answering it, exposed the idea that was invested in it by the author. Hence the polyphony of heroes and the interweaving of thoughts. Whose voice most loud, who is the main character of the novel?Whose idea is the most important and what is the most important idea in general - the core idea of ​​the novel? - this is what our lesson will be today - reflection.

    1. In previous lessons wetalked about "three worlds" in the novel. (The world of the present - Moscow of the 30s; World biblical and World of Eternity)Who personifies these worlds?(The Master and Margarita; Pontius Pilate and Yeshua; Woland). Here they are, the most important characters, about whom will be discussed today.

    Before we give the floor to our speakers, let's preparetable in a notebook we will contribute the result of our reflections on each hero.



    Pontius Pilate



    1. Our search the main character we will start withthe name that comes first in the title of the novel.

    (slide 4) Master. He didn't deserve light, he deserved peace.

    • student performancewith a story about the Master as one of the main characters of the novel. (basic questions -who is the Master? What distinguishes him from other residents of Moscow and other writers? What kind of novel is he writing, why was the choice of topic already wrong? Whycritics so attacked his novel? Why is the manuscript burned?What is the most important thing in life for him? Can he be called the main character, because his name is in the title of the book?)

    What is the tragedy of the Master?

    - What is Bulgakov's idea in naming hero Master,

    without giving him a name?

    Why The master "did not deserve the light", but he was granted peace?

    - Why, despite the fact that the Master leaves the human world, the finale of the novel

    about him sounds optimistic?

    What is hero idea?

    • (make entries in the table)
    1. Love is above the law, above the truth and above justice, becausethe foundation of mercy and forgiveness lieslove, on her and her thesevirtues endure. (Patriarch Alexy II)

    (Slide 5) Margarita. … we loved each other, of course, a long time ago, not knowing each other, never seeing ...

    (supporting questions - How did the Master and Margarita meet? What were her eyes full of? Who was Margarita before meeting the Master? Musefor the Master. Margarita and Woland)

    (questions for discussion - slide)

    • What is the strength of Margarita?
    • What's the point Margarita's "collisions" with evil spirits?

    5. In the ninth grade, you wrote an essay-reasoning about which of the human vices you consider the most important, because it is fraught with the beginning of allbetrayals and crimes. Do you remember which of the vices were named then?And I promised that we would return to this topic - the main vice - in the 11th grade, whenLet's read The Master and Margarita. And here he is this main vice, the progenitor of all sins according to Bulgakov-

    (slide 6) "Cowardice is the worst vice" and its personification - Pontius Pilate .

    (supporting questions - who is Pontius Pilate? What is he like? How does he treat people? What surprised him Yeshua? Whatforced to stir in your soul? Why is he sending Yeshua to execution?How is the procurator punished?)

    (questions for discussion - slide)

    • What separates fear from cowardice?
    • What choice is Bulgakov talking about when he tells the story of Pontius Pilate? What does he warn against?
    • As through the image of the procurator Pontius PilateBulgakov touchesthe question of the perniciousness of unlimited power?

    6. Reading the novel "The Master and Margarita", everyone understands thatthe man standing in front of Pontius Pilate,a prototype of Jesus himself. ButM. Bulgakov, portraying Yeshua, nowhere shows a single hint that this is the Son of God. Yeshua is everywhere represented by a Man, a philosopher, a sage, a healer, but a Man. And still…

    (slide 7) Yeshua Ha-Notzri.Immortality... Immortality has come...

    (basic questions -wandering philosopherYeshua Ha-Notsri - a type of Jesus; what does he preach? What is the tragedy of the hero?

    (questions for discussion - slide)

    • Yeshua came into this worldwith moral truth - every person is good. Do you agree with this philosophical conclusion of the hero?
    • What does it representYeshua? What is the author's main idea in this image?
    • How do you understand the epigraph (- Immortality... Immortality has come...-)to our thoughts about Yeshua Ha-Nozri?
    • Is it possible to draw a parallel between the images of the Master and Yeshua?
    1. From the moment when the concept of Good and Evil enters into the worldview of a person, and the forces that personifythem, the image of the ruler of darkness - the Devil, Satan, Mephistopheles - is presentedformidable and terrible, destroying and bringing death. And in literatureIn the 20th century, a novel appears where the protagonist - the prince of darkness - is, if not charming, then attractive; if not noble, then just.Woland Bulgakova blurs the boundaries between good and evil, leaving the reader to think:"... what would your good do if evil did not exist, and what would the earth look like if shadows disappeared from it?"

    (slide 8) Woland. I am part of that force that always wants evil and always does good. Goethe. "Faust"

    (supporting questions - How and whyWoland appears in Moscow? What is Woland's retinue doing in the city? Can these actions be unambiguously divided intogood and evil? What is unusual about Bulgakov's image of Satan?)

    (questions for discussion - slide)

    • How is the theme of the inevitability of retribution revealed in the novel?
    • Woland - the arbiter of justice or Satan having fun?
    • Why is justice the “department” of Woland, and mercy is another “department”?
    • Compare the images of Woland Bulgakovand Mephistopheles Goethe
    1. So, the five main characters of the novel, five ideas embodied in their images. Who is on youris the eye dominant? What layer of the novel bears the main ideological load? What is the main the thought of Bulgakov, who created the novel-testament?

    (listen to student answers)

    (slide 9) The struggle between Good and Evil is eternal. And only the right choice, born in search of truth, will keep the Man in man, rewarding him with freedom.and light. May be, in that the main idea of ​​the novel?Or, reading The Master and Margarita,just to hear each hero, just not to be scared andlook into the mirrorBulgakov, and, seeing himself there, do not break the glass, butstop and think. Because not only manuscripts do not burn, but the mirrors of eternity do not break.

    Roman Bulgakova eternal, because the theme is eternalThe person he touched and imperishablethe will he left us

    Whatever happens, in the end "everything will be right, the world is built on this"

    Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov is a Russian writer.
    Mikhail Bulgakov was born on May 15 (May 3, according to the old style), 1891, in Kyiv, in the family of Afanasy Ivanovich Bulgakov, a professor at the Department of Western Religions of the Kyiv Theological Academy. The family was large (Mikhail is the eldest son, he had four more sisters and two brothers) and friendly. Later, M. Bulgakov will more than once remember his “sadness-free” youth in a beautiful city on the steep slopes of the Dnieper, the comfort of a noisy and warm native nest on Andreevsky Descent, the shining prospects of a future free and wonderful life.

    The Master and Margarita are the heroes of the novel


    writer who wrote a novel about Pontius Pilate, in which the events described in the Gospel are interpreted. This is a person who was not adapted to live in the time in which he was born. Later, driven to despair by literary critics, the master ends up in a psychiatric hospital.


    beautiful woman who lives with unloved husband. Margarita suffers from her good, wealthy, but empty life. By chance, on the streets of the capital, she meets the Master, and falls in love with him. It was she who first told the Master that he had written a brilliant work that would be successful. After the Master goes missing, Margarita accepts Satan's invitation to be the prom queen in order to be able to get him back.


    the devil, who ends up in Moscow and introduces himself as a professor of black magic and a historian.

    Bassoon (Koroviev)

    member of Woland's retinue. A knight who must constantly be in the retinue of Satan as punishment for the fact that he once made an unfortunate joke about light and darkness. Researchers testify that Bulgakov was inspired to create this character by the story of F.M. Dostoevsky's "The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants", where one of the characters is a certain Korovkin, very similar in characteristics to Koroviev.


    also participates in the retinue. This is a demon with an ugly appearance. Its prototype is the fallen angel Azazel.

    Behemoth cat

    the spirit that follows Woland as part of his retinue. Usually takes the form of an octa, or complete man who looks very much like him. This character was created based on the description of the demon Behemoth, who was known for debauchery, gluttony and the ability to take the form of large beasts.


    a vampire witch who walked around naked. She was very beautiful, but had an ugly scar on her neck.

    Berlioz, Mikhail Alexandrovich

    MASSOLIT member, writer. Quite an educated and skeptical person. He lived in a bad apartment on Sadovaya Street. When meeting with Woland, he did not believe in the prediction of his own death, which, nevertheless, happened.

    Bezdomny, Ivan Nikolaevich

    a poet who is busy writing an anti-religious poem. It was her discussion with Berlioz in the park that attracted the attention of Satan. He witnessed the death of Berlioz and tried to pursue Woland, but ended up in an insane asylum.

    Likhodeev Stepan Bogdanovich

    director of the Variety Show, in which Woland, calling himself a professor of magic, is planning a "performance". Likhodeev is known as a drunkard, loafer and lover of women.

    Bosoy Nikanor Ivanovich

    a person who held the position of chairman of a housing association on Sadovaya Street. A greedy thief, who on the eve appropriated part of the money from the cash desk of the partnership. Koroviev invites him to conclude an agreement on the delivery of a "bad" apartment to the guest performer Woland and gives a bribe. After that, the received banknotes turn out to be foreign currency. On a call from Koroviev, the bribe-taker is taken to the NKVD, from where he ends up in a lunatic asylum.

    Aloisy Mogarych

    an acquaintance of the Master who wrote a false denunciation against him in order to appropriate his apartment. Woland's retinue kicked him out of the apartment, and after the trial of Satan, he left Moscow, finding himself at Vyatka. Later he returned to the capital and took the position of financial director of Variety.


    speculator. It was she who broke the container with the purchased sunflower oil at the crossing of the tram rails, which caused the death of Berlioz.


    a sinner who was invited to a ball with Satan. She killed the unwanted child by strangling it with a handkerchief and buried it. Since then, this handkerchief has been brought to her every morning.

    Pontius Pilate

    The fifth procurator of Judea in Jerusalem, cruel and powerful, but he became sympathetic to the wandering philosopher, brought in for interrogation. He made attempts to stop the execution, but did not finish the job, which he regretted for the rest of his life.

    Yeshua Ha-Nozri

    a character who spends time wandering and philosophizing. It does not look like the gospel image of Jesus Christ. He denies resistance to evil by violence and does not know what goal he pursues in life.

    Following the books you read.

    When I finished school, the study of "The Master and Margarita" by M. Bulgakov was already included in school curriculum in Russian literature.

    The book was still hard to come by. I remember that we had one volume for five hooligan girlfriends.

    I have read. Attentively and with sincere interest. But when it came time to write an essay on this novel, for the first time I wrote not a lot of words for five or six pages, but one short phrase: “I read it, I can answer all the questions about the text, but I can’t formulate my attitude to the work.” And got a well-deserved two. The only deuce in composition for the entire time of study.

    Then I re-read the novel, having matured, but the feeling of confusion remained. I did not experience the admiration that others spoke with aspiration.

    Confusion- that's exactly the word. Four storylines, each of which has a special tone and meaning, and could exist on its own. Mixture of many literary genres. A very original twist in the display of usually clearly predictable "evil - good" characters. Unconventional coverage of biblical events. And sorry for the phrase blurry brightness personalities in the novel. Who is really the central figure in the novel?

    And this is what is surprising: all four lines of the plot flow in intersecting streams for a long time, and at the end they suddenly rapidly and furiously intertwine into a whirlpool and fall like a waterfall into the sea. If the “ball at Woland’s” was the peak, then the epilogue relaxes, fills with calmness and some kind of peace. As if everything ended, and ended well ....

    And the aftertaste and a lot of questions remain ...

    I was looking for Bulgakov himself in the heroes. It seemed to me that the author must display himself in someone. I read an opinion that Bulgakov portrayed himself as a Master. And then I did what I do very rarely (on the basis of one novel): I became interested in his biography and other works. "Notes of a young doctor" allowed me at least a little closer to understanding the secret of Mikhail Afanasyevich's personality. I read other works with interest, and could not agree that Bulgakov is a weak, rather weak-willed, albeit talented Master.

    In general, it seemed to me a background against which the story of Pontius Pilate and Yeshua Ha-Nozri and Margarita, “written” by Bulgakov with special love and care, shone more brightly.

    Regarding the image of Margarita, I have repeatedly entered into heated discussions on the topic: can it be considered that very delightful ideal of sacrificial love, for the sake of which even to the stake, even to the Devil.

    I repeatedly expressed bewilderment: why did she sit with her dried mimosa next to her unloved husband when her Master disappeared ??? I can't imagine how one can not dig the earth with one's nose, not go crazy with worry and anxiety, not look for Him without fear of anything in the world. Just from one thought that suddenly he needs me, and I'm not around at that moment, would not allow me to drink, sleep, or eat until I find, make sure that his life is in order.

    The surge of anger with which she destroyed the apartments of offenders is not clear either. Well, it certainly would not be up to me if I knew (or even simply hoped) that I would have a meeting with my long-awaited loved one. And then, when they were given peace, I again tried it on myself and yearned: is peace needed in eternity? Master - perhaps. He lives in the world of his novels and he will not be bored. And Marguerite?

    And here I recall a poem by Nezhdana Yuryeva from the cycle “Basement, lilacs, cigarettes ...” with the lines “I love you so much, my Master ... why .. do I dream of Woland more often at night?”.:)

    In any work, we often look for ourselves in the characters - we recognize our features, or admire, noticing in the image what we would like to have in ourselves. I did not find my image in The Master and Margarita. At all. I returned to this novel several times at different periods of my life, and kept looking for “my” clothes both among comical Muscovites and among mythical characters born of the author’s fantasy.

    By now, I know that more than anything in the world I would like to "live" in a novel... Pontius Pilate's dog. The one that helped him forget a little about the debilitating headache ...

    Woland's phrase, which has become an aphorism, that "one should never ask anything from the powers that be" also seemed to me somewhat controversial.

    Although one can expect such support and justification of the sin of Pride from the Devil. But the question is simpler: if you never ask for anything, HOW will this “someone” even know that you exist in the world?

    Those. Roughly speaking, how does Putin know that Vasya Pupkin from the village of Toporishche needs anything in this life?

    Perhaps my words suggest that I don’t like the novel as a whole, but in fact I don’t.

    In fact, the novel gave me a lot. Starting from the desire to walk around “Bulgakovskaya” Moscow, from the bench of the Patriarchs, repeating the path of Ivan Bezdomny, trying to guess where exactly that basement could be located ...

    And ending with the first understanding of the integrity of the universe, in which Evil exists within the whole, and not "on the other side." Perhaps this is my subjective perception, in which all sorts of shreds of world teachings and religions later “settled down” ...

    About the adaptation of V. Bortko.

    It happens that the film adaptation is disappointing, crossing out both the plot and the images. So it was, for example, with the English series about Sherlock Holmes, where Watson, contrary to all my ideas, turned out to be an elderly man with an absurd character. "In the Master and Margarita" only Koroviev performed by A. Abdulov slightly did not match, but he charmed me so that when I last read the book, I already saw Koroviev-Abdulov in my imagination. It seems to me that everything worked out.

    I will be happy to hear any opinions on the subject of "The Master and Margarita", I will be grateful for competent information about the history of its creation, and points of view up to diametrically opposed ones. Thank you.

    The "fantastic novel", which Bulgakov created in the last twelve years of his life, is recognized as the best work of the writer, in which, as if "to sum up what he lived", he managed to comprehend with amazing depth and with deep artistic persuasiveness to embody his understanding of the fundamental issues existence: faith and unbelief, God and the Devil, man and his place in the universe, the soul of man and its responsibility before the Supreme Judge, death, immortality and the meaning of human existence, love, good and evil, the course of history and the place of man in it. that Bulgakov left readers a novel-testament, which not only "gives surprises", but also constantly raises questions, the answers to which each of the readers must find in correlating the work with their own ideas about what these "eternal problems" mean to him personally .

    The composition of the novel "The Master and Margarita", which is rightly called a "double novel", is very interesting - after all, the "Romance of Pontius Pilate", created by the Master, is "inscribed" with jewelry in the novel itself, becoming an integral part of it, making this work unique in terms of genre: the opposition and unity of the two "novels" form a kind of fusion of outwardly incompatible methods of creating a narrative, which can be called "Bulgakov's style". Here, the image of the author acquires special significance, which occupies a significant place in each of the novels, but manifests itself in different ways. In the "Master's novel" about Yeshua and Pilate, the author deliberately withdraws himself, as if he is not in this almost chronologically accurate presentation of events, his "presence" is expressed in the author's view of the depicted, inherent in the epic, the expression of his moral position, as it were, "dissolves" in the artistic fabric works. In the "novel" itself, the author openly proclaims his presence ("Follow me, my reader!"), He is emphatically biased in depicting events and characters, but at the same time his author's position cannot be easily understood, it is in a special way "hidden" in buffoonery, mockery, irony, deliberate credulity and other artistic devices.

    The philosophical basis of the moral position of the writer are the ideas of "good will" and "categorical imperative" as obligatory conditions for the existence of the human person and a rationally arranged society, and they serve as a "touchstone" for assessing each of the characters and historical events depicted in both novels, which unites the common moral situation: the era of Yeshua and the era of the Master is a time of choice that each of the heroes and society as a whole has to make. In this regard, the opposition of these central images is obvious.

    "Yeshua, nicknamed Ha-Nozri"in the novel" The Master and Margarita "is a person who initially carries goodness and light in himself, and his attitude to the world is based on the moral strength that is inherent in this weak, defenseless person, who is in the power of the procurator Pilate, but stands immeasurably higher They argue a lot about how close the image of Yeshua is to the gospel Christ, but, with their undoubted similarities, they are distinguished by the fact that Bulgakov’s heroes do not initially perceive themselves as the Messiah, he is primarily a man However, this happens only because, in fact, he is the highest force that determines everything that happens - and it is he who "decides the fate" of the heroes, it is with him that Woland argues in a special way, according to - restoring the justice trampled in the world of "Massolites" in his own way, in the end, it is to him that all the thoughts of the heroes of the novel are turned, whether they realize it or not. We can say that the image of Yeshua in the novel "The Master and Margarita" is the spiritual center of the work, it is that moral principle, which ensures the possibility of the existence of the world.

    Image of the Master in the novel "The Master and Margarita" - this is a tragic image of a person who was given the "gift of the Word" from above, who managed to feel it, to fulfill the mission entrusted to him - but then he was unable to maintain himself at the moral height to which he was raised with his creativity. Unlike Yeshua, the bearer and embodiment of "good will", the Master is only temporarily imbued with the idea of ​​serving goodness as the basis of life, but a real collision with this very "life" (denunciation of Aloisy Magarych, Professor Stravinsky's clinic) makes him betray himself, then the best thing in him was to renounce not only his novel, but, in fact, everything that was connected with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200btransforming life. As a human being, one can understand a person who has been “well-finished” (to use Woland’s expression) and who admits his defeat: “I hated this novel and I’m afraid .. Now I’m nobody .. I don’t want anything else in life ... I have there are no more dreams and inspirations" However, each of the people in life has its own path, God's Providence determines the place of each of us in this world, and therefore the Master, who renounced his novel (and therefore, from himself), it turns out, "did not deserve light, he deserved peace", which, probably, can heal his tormented soul in order to ... but then where can he get away from the memories of his surrender to the world of everyday life and lack of spirituality? ..

    The bearer of the highest justice in Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" is Woland, Satan, who arrived with his retinue in Moscow in order to "see Muscovites", in order to understand how much the "new system" has changed people who, as he knows very well, are not inclined to become better. And indeed, the "session" at which Muscovites are completely "unmasked" (and not only in the literal sense of the word), Styopa Likhodeev and other satirically depicted images seem to convince him that "these townspeople" "internally" have not changed, therefore he has every reason to draw his little optimistic conclusion: "... people are like people, ... ordinary people ...". However, the story of the Master and Margarita shows Satan that in this world of "ordinary" people there is something that goes back to completely different moral categories - there is selfless, devoted love, when "He who loves must share the fate of the one he loves."

    Dedication margaritas, ready to cross the line separating Good from Evil for the sake of saving a loved one, is obvious, but here Bulgakov shows us not just love, but love that opposes generally accepted norms, elevating people who seem to violate these norms. After all, Margarita's relationship with the Master is a violation of her marital fidelity, she is married, and her husband treats her wonderfully. But this "marriage without love", which turned into torment, turns out to be untenable when the heroine finds herself in the grip of a real feeling that sweeps aside everything that prevents people from being happy.

    Probably, Margarita's readiness to save her beloved at any cost is also due to the fact that she feels guilty for having delayed leaving her husband for too long, the punishment for which was the loss of the Master. But, having agreed to become the queen of Satan's ball, having gone through everything that was destined for her, at the very last moment the heroine is unable to do what she went to such trials for - she asks Woland not to return her beloved, but about the unfortunate Frida, who was promised help ... Probably, here we can talk about the complete triumph of "good will", and it is with this act of hers that Margarita proves that, in spite of everything, she is a truly moral person, because the words "cherished and cooked in the soul, "she could not pronounce ... And no matter how much she convinced herself that she was a "frivolous person," Woland was right after all: she was a "highly moral person." It's just not her fault that she lives in a world where true moral values ​​are inaccessible to most people.

    Of great importance in the novel "The Master and Margarita" is the image of the poet Ivan Bezdomny, who later became Professor Ivan Nikolaevich Ponyrev. This person, a gifted poet ("pictorial ... power ... of talent"), after meeting with the Master, understands his moral unpreparedness to be a servant of the Word, he is, as it were, a disciple of the Master, who consciously deviates from the chosen path, thereby repeating the fate of his teachers.

    The satirical "layer" of the analyzed Bulgakov's novel is very convincing, here the writer uses a wide palette of visual means - from humor to farce and grotesque, he draws a society of people busy with their petty affairs, settling in life at any cost, from flattery to denunciations and betrayal. Against the background of the truly moral relations of the protagonists, such a "life" cannot but cause condemnation, but the writer pities most of his heroes rather than condemns them, although, of course, such images as Berlioz and the critic Latunsky are written out very clearly.

    Back to the image of Woland. His "activities" in Moscow became a special form of restoring justice - in any case, he punished those who could not be punished, and helped those who had the right to count on the help of higher powers. Bulgakov shows that Woland fulfills the will of Yeshua, being, as it were, his messenger in this world. Of course, from the point of view of Christian ethics, this is unacceptable. God and Satan are antipodes, but what if everything in this world is so messed up that it’s hard to understand how you can make people remember that they are, after all, God’s creations? .. In this regard, the role of in the novel Pontius Pilate, the purpose of which was the condemnation to death of Yeshua, who tried to save him and then suffered from what he had done - after all, in fact, the procurator of Judea plays the same role on earth that Woland is assigned to in the universe (according to Bulgakov): to be a judge. Pilate internally feels the impossibility of sending the "wandering philosopher" to his death, but he does it. Woland, it seems, does not experience inner feelings and hesitation, but why then does he react so emotionally to Margarita's request? ..

    The obvious inconsistency of the image of Woland, his strange relationship with Yeshua and Pilate make this image tragic in many respects: his seeming omnipotence in fact cannot change anything in this world, because it is not in his power to hasten the onset of the "kingdom of truth" - it is not from him depends... "Forever wanting evil" - and "forever doing good" - this is Woland's destiny, because this path is determined for him by the One who "hung the thread of life"...

    The novel "The Master and Margarita", which we analyzed, belongs to those works in the history of mankind that have become an integral part of his spiritual life. "Eternal problems" and momentary "truths" disappearing with the sunset, high pathos and tragedy and obvious satire and grotesque, love and betrayal, faith and its loss, Good and Evil as a state of a person's soul - that's what this novel is about. Each appeal to him is a new introduction to the world of enduring moral values ​​and true culture.