Useful articles about massage. Massage is a modern science. Foot massage – combine business with pleasure

Today, many massage techniques are known that can solve various health problems and improve the client’s overall well-being. The choice of one of them depends on the goals set, the characteristics of the human body and is carried out with the help of a specialist. Segmental reflex massage is very popular, in which the effect is on individual zones connected through nerve endings to diseased organs.

  • Holistic massage: what is this method and should you trust it?

    Today we know a huge number of massage techniques, so that everyone can choose the one that suits their goals and suits the individual characteristics of the body. Such procedures help both to get rid of specific health problems and to improve health and well-being in general. Recently, holistic massage has been gaining particular popularity, which is a body-oriented therapy based not on the usual kneading technique, but on oscillatory movements.

  • Thai massage: facts and myths

    Thai massage is a comprehensive system of healing the body, including deep pressure on muscle tissue, passive exercises similar to poses taken during yoga, reflexology, activation of energy flows in the human body, etc. The procedure was based on ancient Indian healing system and Chinese medicine.

  • Does facial sculpting massage help?

    The procedure is very popular as it allows you to stop age-related changes and improve the shape of your face without resorting to plastic surgery. During a sculptural massage, the facial muscles are worked out, thereby activating blood circulation in problem areas and achieving the effect of lymphatic drainage. The duration of one session is 30-40 minutes.

  • Medical massage is an effective remedy in the fight against various diseases

    Today, massage techniques are used not only for preventive or relaxing purposes, but also to eliminate all kinds of diseases. In this case, the procedure must be performed by a qualified specialist with appropriate education.

  • Foot massage – combine business with pleasure

    Foot massage has Thai roots and is an effective healing procedure. The surface of the foot is divided into various reflex zones, the impact of which allows you to influence certain organs. The procedure makes it possible to normalize all body functions and improve internal organs.

  • Anti-cellulite massage: features and benefits

    Cellulite is a problem known to many women of all ages. The reason for its formation is slow blood circulation, which is influenced by factors such as nutrition, bad habits, and heredity.

  • Acupressure Japanese Shiatsu massage: features and benefits

    Shiatsu is a traditional Japanese hands-on therapy based on the anatomical and physiological theory of the circulation of qi energy. In Japan, this massage is recognized as an official medical procedure.

  • Holistic massage manipulations

    The practice of holistic massage is very popular today. It involves gently but gently rocking the patient's body. This type of massage is used to relieve stiffness in joints, relieve pain in muscles, and relax.

  • Reflex-segmental massage: features

    The essence of this type of massage effect is to massage specific areas of the body that are connected to specific organs and systems with the help of nerve endings. Thanks to such an effect, it is easy to normalize the functioning of the diseased organ and eliminate the pathology, stopping its development. This type of massage is also used as preventative measure various diseases.

  • The benefits of classic Thai massage

    Thai massage is very popular today. An increasing number of beauty salons and private clinics offer such services. There are classic Thai and oil massages. The classic one is carried out in clothes and without oil, and oil (from the English oil - butter) accordingly takes place using an oil composition.

  • Medical massage: types and features

    Therapeutic massage of the back and neck is something that will give you the opportunity to restore strength after a long, difficult day. Muscles are almost always involved in any process of human activity. But in order for them to function normally, they should be trained and loaded in a balanced manner.

  • Sculptural facial massage: main advantages and results

    Sculptural massage is a procedure that now has many admirers and admirers. This procedure will be useful for both women and men of almost all ages. This rejuvenating technique is essentially a passive fitness routine for the face.

  • Anti-cellulite massage: technique and features

    The effect of anti-cellulite massage on the human body is such that it helps remove unnecessary water and toxins. This in turn helps reduce or completely eliminate cellulite. This type of massage helps speed up blood circulation in certain areas, creating a condition where anti-cellulite creams have the most effective effect.

  • What is acupressure Japanese Shiatsu massage?

    Various massage techniques are increasingly used to treat various diseases, as well as to generally improve human well-being. Anyone can learn one of them and get a sought-after, well-paid profession for life.

  • Benefits and features of foot massage

    Human feet contain a large number of nerve endings and active points. Fatigue in the legs negatively affects the person’s overall condition. Experts recommend paying attention to a foot massage every day after work, which will relieve stress, help you relax and lift your mood. In the summer, during trips to nature, it is worth walking barefoot on the ground, mown grass or forest needles.

  • Many of us believe that massage is useful and simply vital. Other on the contrary, they treat it with distrust, or simply as a form of recreation. What is the truth? Let's try to figure it out! Our consultant Vladimir Kubivsky, massage and manual therapy specialist at KGZZ.

    MYTH 1.

    Massage will not cure serious illnesses.

    This is wrong. Therapeutic massage is indispensable after injuries, for restoring the body after operations. It is also a necessary element in the treatment of all diseases of the joints and musculoskeletal system. It is usually combined with elements of manual therapy, physical therapy, and physiotherapy. However, such a massage is best done in specialized medical centers.

    Other diseases are also treated with massage, although it is more often used to relieve symptoms, such as headaches. Gynecological massage reduces pain in the pelvic organs. With its help, you can increase the tone of the uterus and its contractility, eliminate adhesions, correct the incorrect position of the uterus and get rid of colpitis.

    Massage is useful for bronchitis: it helps to cleanse Airways from phlegm, relieve coughing attacks.

    Unfortunately, our doctors practically do not use these types of massage, because few of them have special training.

    MYTH 2.

    A healthy person does not need a massage.

    A restorative (or, as it is also called, hygienic) massage is useful for everyone. It is aimed at caring for the body, relieving fatigue or emotional stress, prevention of various diseases.

    Massage can be general and local, manual or hardware. It can be carried out in different places, from a bathhouse to a medical center, or combined with morning exercises or classes in the gym. It improves blood circulation, increases the tone of blood vessels and the nervous system, and provides relaxation.

    A course of general wellness massage usually lasts from 10 to 15 sessions. It must be repeated 2-3 times a year. This is enough to keep you in shape.

    MYTH 3.

    You only need to massage the sore spot.

    It happens that the patient complains about his legs, but the problem is in the lower back. Pain can move throughout the body depending on the location of pinched nerve roots or poor circulation in a particular area. The patient should know that if his foot hurts, then both it and the lower leg are massaged. If your lower leg hurts, massage your thigh as well. A professional will definitely carry out his diagnosis, even if you came to him as prescribed by a doctor. He must probe and check everything himself.

    MYTH 4.

    “I’ll go on vacation and get a massage on the beach or in the sauna.”

    Thus, it is very easy to fall into the hands of a non-professional, who not only will not help, but can also cause harm. If in a sauna or on the beach, while doing a restorative massage, they begin to bend your body using manual therapy techniques - this is a cause for alarm. Manual massage is a very complex treatment. Sometimes X-rays or computer diagnostics are needed to establish a diagnosis. First of all, you need to ask whether the massage therapist or the center where he works has the appropriate license.

    MYTH 5.

    A professional massage therapist can only be assessed after completing a course of treatment.

    The external signs of a professional can be tracked even before the start of treatment, and if something does not suit you, then after the first session you should choose another specialist. In addition to a neat appearance and well-groomed hands, a professional massage therapist must have a special massage table. Only a low-skilled person will offer you a massage in bed or on the dining table.

    An important point: during the session, the massage therapist will never expose your entire body. If the back is massaged, then the legs should be hidden, and vice versa. If some part of the body is already resting after the massage, it should be kept warm - for example, covered with a pre-heated sheet. This allows you to keep warm and feel comfortable.

    After the session, you should not have bruises on your body, even if the massage therapist’s hands are strong. A mandatory sign of a professional massage is the warmth that spreads throughout the body.

    MYTH 6.

    A massage is always a pleasure.

    This applies only to restorative massage. After the end of the session, a feeling of lightness and relaxation is normal. Some say that their body “rings,” others say that it is blurred. However, during or after a therapeutic massage, the patient may experience discomfort and sometimes pain. If the treatment method was chosen correctly, then by the 3-4th session they disappear.

    MYTH 7.

    The longer the session, the better.

    The duration of the massage depends on the so-called massage units. The fatter the person, the longer this procedure takes. If the patient's weight is 65-70 kilograms, then a restorative massage of the whole body, without therapeutic elements, lasts 35-40 minutes. Certain areas during a therapeutic massage take less time: back - 15 minutes, portal area - 20 minutes, both limbs - 15-20 minutes.

    The longest duration of a classic massage is 1 hour, during which a professional will have time to do everything.

    Thai massage lasts from 2 to 2.5 hours. Its principle is work along energy lines, all kinds of yoga exercises, backbends, and stretching of the spine. During a therapeutic Thai massage, the patient wears a tracksuit, which is comfortable to bend in.

    MYTH 8.

    You can lose weight with massage.

    It is impossible to lose a 10-centimeter layer of fat from the hips or get rid of cellulite, as well as lose 10-15 kilograms with the help of massage. During massage procedures, blood circulation and oxygen supply to muscles are increased, and metabolism is improved. As a result, you can lose weight by 1-2 kilograms. If you do not use a special nutrition system, then you cannot lose weight through massage alone!

    When suddenly losing weight by other means, massage is necessary so that certain parts of the body (neck, chest or axillary region) did not sag. The skin will tighten only with constant training.

    The same applies to anti-cellulite massage. It is made using a special technique, special creams and oils. Noticeable weight loss can only be achieved in combination with diet and exercise.

    Just 20-25 years ago, an attempt to find any scientific work devoted to the mechanism of the physiological action of massage would have been doomed to failure.

    Although the beneficial effects of massage have been known since ancient times, it, along with other alternative medicine methods, was not considered something that made sense to seriously study. It was only in the late 1980s and early 1990s that the rapid development of skin science began to change the attitude of scientists towards massage.

    As science discovered more and more aspects of the relationship between the skin and the nervous, immune and endocrine systems, more and more researchers began to wonder: what happens in the skin during rhythmic pressure, stretching, rubbing, tapping, stroking, gripping and other mechanical influences produced by the hands of a massage therapist or mechanical massage devices? How do fragrances, heat and cosmetics influence these changes? Are these changes limited to purely local processes, or does massage also cause systemic effects? This has led to a sharp increase in the number of scientific studies on the effects of massage. However, for a number of reasons, the science of massage still lags somewhat behind other areas in cosmetology science.

    The most significant obstacle to the development of a scientific basis for massage therapy is the availability of multiple massage techniques. They are aimed at achieving specific goals and imply a specific impact. MASSAGE APPLIED for cellulite, for sculpting the figure, relieving stress, relieving pain, improving lymph circulation (lymphatic drainage)... Alas, the scientific literature does not reflect all this diversity. Most often, researchers take one type of intervention, such as rhythmic stretching or vigorous rubbing, and study its effect. At the same time, such aspects as the individual technique of the massage therapist, the combination of different techniques, the atmosphere of the massage session, the action and interaction of the cosmetics used, etc., remain aside, since they are very difficult to subject to quantitative analysis.

    Another obstacle is the difficulty of selecting a control group. In research medicines and cosmetics, the gold standard is a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. In such studies, firstly, neither the subjects nor those who use a particular method or agent should know what is an active drug and what is an inactive drug (placebo), and, secondly, the appearance of the placebo should be as close to the appearance of the active drug to exclude psychological effects. This is not possible with massage, so almost all studies are not convincing and reliable enough. For example, one study compared massage sessions with reading aloud sessions of equivalent duration, and another compared vigorous rubbing versus gentle stroking. Of course, there is no need to talk about a double-blind method in these cases.

    Finally, since massage is still not considered a subject worthy of study, it is not easy for Western laboratories to obtain funding for such research. Therefore, in most cases, studies are conducted on small groups, which reduces the reliability of the results.

    Despite all these limitations, the science of the physiological effects of massage has already received a number of interesting data that allow us to provide a basis for many massage techniques and techniques.

    IMPACT OF A MASSAGE SESSION, regardless of the method, can be compared to a symphony, in which the overall effect is achieved precisely by the sound of the entire set of sounds, a combination of notes and musical instruments. Unfortunately, studying such a “symphony” using scientific methods is not easy. Therefore, scientists break it down into “notes”, studying individual effects. This is similar to the method used by Salieri from Pushkin’s “Little Tragedies,” who tried to “believe harmony with algebra.” Although this approach does not allow us to know what happens during complex exposures, it can nevertheless provide valuable information.

    Massage procedures, regardless of the type of techniques performed, have a complex effect on the body. Scientists are studying these complex effects while at the same time trying to isolate individual aspects.

    For example, in one study, scientists determined what happens to skin fibroblasts during rhythmic stretching. Something similar happens with skin fibroblasts and connective tissue with massage and exercise. It turned out that with such a mechanical effect in connective tissue fibroblasts, the secretion of growth factor (Connective Tissue Growth factor - CTGF) decreases, resulting in a decrease in the secretion of proteins - collagen and elastin. This effect is useful in case of risk of formation of adhesions and scars after surgical operations. It has long been noted that strict bed rest after surgery increases the risk of adhesions and scars, while moderate exercise and massage reduce this risk. However, in the case of anti-aging cosmetic procedures on the body, the purpose of which is precisely to enhance collagen synthesis, this effect will contradict the effect of other cosmetics.

    At the same time, it turned out that with intense massage, microtraumas are formed in the skin and muscles - microtears and sprains. It doesn’t sound very pleasant, but in response to these microtraumas there is a sharp stimulation of tissue regeneration, much like in response to peelings, which ultimately leads to accelerated healing of damage, increased collagen synthesis and skin rejuvenation.

    Vigorous rubbing of the skin leads to an increase in the level of substance P (substance P) - a neuropeptide that causes vasodilation, increases inflammation and secretion sebum. Vasodilation increases blood flow to the skin and increases its temperature, which improves metabolism and promotes release fatty acids from adipocytes. Therefore, this effect allows you to achieve a reduction in fat deposits and improve the condition of skin with signs of cellulite. However, this same effect can worsen the condition of oily, problematic skin, since both inflammation and increased sebum secretion underlie the exacerbation of acne. A gentler massage performed with gliding strokes, on the contrary, reduces the secretion of inflammatory cytokines, reducing inflammation.

    Rhythmic stretching of adipose tissue, achieved by massage or exercise, inhibits the differentiation of fat cells. It was previously thought that the number of adipocytes remained constant throughout life, but it is now known that when existing adipocytes fill with fat and stretch, the adipose tissue mobilizes stem cells from which new adipocytes form. Thus, not only the volume, but also the number of adipocytes increases, which further complicates the fight against excess weight. Regular intensive massage and physical exercise allow you to block this process.


    Massage has long been used to combat stress, reduce pain, and promote relaxation. Now these effects of massage have been scientifically confirmed. For example, according to researchers from Los Angeles (USA), just one 45-minute session of classical massage or European massage (called “Swedish” abroad) causes a significant decrease in the amount of stress hormones in the body, such as vasopressin, cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone . In addition, an immunomodulatory effect is observed: massage increases the number of circulating lymphocytes, but reduces the level of various interleukins and interferon gamma. Gentle stroking performed as a control had a significantly smaller effect.

    Another study showed that after a massage, activity in the areas of the brain responsible for feelings of pleasure increases. Interestingly, the same areas are activated by opioids. Because opioids not only produce feelings of pleasure but also help reduce pain and anxiety, these findings may help explain the analgesic and anti-stress effects of massage.

    However, it is not entirely clear whether the reduction in stress is due to the massage itself or just the general calming effect of the procedure: a cozy environment, a relaxed body position, etc. For example, in one study the effect of a 20-minute massage session was compared with the effect of 20 - a one-minute read-aloud session. Although the subjects showed a clear reduction in stress hormones such as vasopressin and cortisol, all of these effects were exactly the same in both groups. Of course, when interpreting this unexpected result, one must remember that reading can only cause psychological relaxation (and then depending on what exactly is being read), while massage affects the entire body: muscles, blood flow, lymph flow, etc. The anti-stress effect of massage makes a big contribution to its effectiveness, since stress is an important factor in the development of many aesthetic problems - for example, under stress, the barrier function of the skin deteriorates, which can lead to exacerbation of acne. Aromas such as lavender, sandalwood and jasmine, as well as the smells of fruits and berries, can enhance the anti-stress effect of a massage.


    Massage is one of the key tools in body shaping and the fight against cellulite. What do scientists say about its effectiveness? A recent study conducted in Turkey compared the effects of classical massage, manual lymphatic drainage and connective tissue massage. As a result, the maximum reduction in the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer on the thighs - by 3 millimeters - was achieved in the connective tissue massage group, followed by manual lymphatic drainage (2.2 mm), while classical massage reduced the thickness of the fat layer by 1.7 mm. However, the thickness of the fat layer on the abdomen after connective tissue massage decreased by only 0.64 mm, and classical massage reduced the thickness of the fat layer by 2 mm. On average, all groups showed a decrease in hip volume by 0.5 centimeters and waist volume by 0.1 centimeters for all types of massage.

    The fact that different parts of the body react differently to the same influences has been confirmed by other tests. For example, a study conducted in Brazil on the effects of complex anti-cellulite therapy, including radiofrequency, infrared radiation, as well as vacuum and manual massage, showed that this therapy significantly reduces the appearance of cellulite on the buttocks, but has no effect on the thighs.

    The most well-studied effects of massage are its lymphatic drainage and anti-stress effects. Since poor circulation in adipose tissue is one of the reasons for the development of cellulite and the appearance of excess fat deposits, and stress often leads to overeating, these types of massage have a beneficial effect in the fight against cellulite and excess weight.

    Massage and oxytocin

    It has been found that massage also increases the production of the hormone oxytocin. This hormone is best known for causing uterine contractions, but it also plays a significant role in social behavior - stimulating mother-child bonding, reducing aggression and increasing trust. Therefore, a massage before any cosmetic procedures will help increase confidence in the specialist performing the procedure, as well as reduce nervousness.

    Does massage affect genes?

    Research recent years made it possible to identify another interesting effect of massage - the effect on the level of gene activity and their expression. It is now known that genes have their own “switches” and “volume controls,” that is, in different cells at different times, the same gene can work at full capacity, or it can be muted or even turned off. With age, more and more genes in more and more cells remain in a “turned off” state, which leads to various negative consequences, such as decreased collagen synthesis and the appearance of wrinkles, the development of age-related diseases, decreased levels of antioxidants, slower skin regeneration, etc. However, Modern research has shown that gene activity can be influenced. For example, many plant components, such as resveratrol from grapes or the biologically active peptide GHK, used in cosmetology, can “turn on” genes that are turned off during aging. It turns out that physical exercise and massage have a similar effect.

    In particular, according to French scientists, 12 sessions of mechanical massage lead to significant changes in the gene expression profile of adipose tissue, activating genes responsible for the mobilization of fat from adipose tissue. If, after a massage session, a lipolytic agent is passed through adipose tissue and the same is done with adipose tissue that has not previously received a massage, then the activation of lipolysis after the massage will be much higher.

    According to Japanese scientists, a 40-minute traditional Japanese massage activates up to one thousand genes associated with the functioning of the immune system.

    The most interesting data were obtained from studies related to the effect of infant massage on the body of premature infants. It turned out that massage given to such children stimulates the expression of the interleukin-1 gene in the brain, which, in turn, accelerates brain maturation and the development of visual function.

    Research into the effect of massage on genes is just beginning, but based on the results obtained, one can judge the great potential of massage therapy.

    Information about the effect of massage on nervous system, immunity, gene expression, growth factor secretion, adipose tissue and circulation, obtained from a review of modern scientific works, undoubtedly do not yet reflect the full richness of the physiological effects of massage, but they already make it possible to provide a solid basis for existing techniques. Massage has antifibrotic, decongestant, anti-stress, immunomodulatory effects, it also stimulates blood circulation and lipolysis, which allows you to confidently use massage to solve a variety of aesthetic problems. A promising new direction is the study of the effects of massage on gene expression. We need to wait for new results in this area. But the greatest opportunities open up in the development of synergistic procedures, including the complex effects of massage and cosmetics.

    For example, preparations containing GHK and decorinil peptides increase the effectiveness of cosmetic massage aimed at stimulating blood circulation and increasing skin elasticity, since these substances not only stimulate collagen synthesis, but also reduce the risk of scar formation by reducing the level of the TGF-beta cytokine, while at the same time promoting the proper organization of collagen fibers. At the same time, massage ensures better penetration of these drugs into the skin.

    Preparations containing lipolysis activators, such as caffeine, theophylline and theobromine, seaweed extract, coffee, guarana, etc., work in synergy with sculpting massage. Preparations with a decongestant effect, such as extracts of ivy, horsetail, mallow, butcher's broom, horse chestnut and arnica, go well with lymphatic drainage and anti-cellulite massage. And the warming effect of the massage can be further enhanced by means that cause local vasodilation and an increase in skin temperature. Finally, the anti-stress effect of massage can be enhanced by essential oils, which have a relaxing and anti-stress effect.

    As an example, consider two drugs that work in synergy with anti-cellulite procedures. The first preparation is a soft, pleasant-smelling cream containing caffeine, extracts of red pepper, chestnut and papaya. The product has a noticeable warming effect that lasts up to 1.5-2 hours. Papaya extract contains proteolytic enzymes that break down the ligaments between the horny scales, which facilitates the penetration of other active components into the skin. Chestnut extract has an anti-edematous effect, and caffeine stimulates the breakdown of fat. The second preparation is a gentle soufflé that has a cooling effect. The composition includes kiwi and papaya extracts, rich in proteolytic enzymes, horse chestnut extract and caffeine. After using these drugs, the effect of smooth and elastic skin is created, signs of cellulite are reduced, fat breakdown and blood circulation are stimulated. The use of such products after a massage can significantly increase both the effectiveness of the procedure and the effect of the drugs themselves.


    Because the Scientific research The effects of massage are just beginning; not all of the declared effects of massage can be scientifically confirmed. However, the data already obtained is impressive. It can be seen that massage affects skin fibroblasts, fat cells, gene expression, hormone secretion, as well as the central nervous system. In addition, massage can both reduce pain and inflammation and lead to the formation of microtraumas, against which inflammation can develop. All this imposes great responsibility on the massage specialist. By constantly improving techniques and techniques, as well as supplementing massage with synergistically acting drugs, you can reduce the risk of unwanted effects of massage and enhance, as well as direct its positive effects in the right direction, successfully solving the problems of combating age-related skin changes, cellulite and excess weight.

    First you need to massage, and only then give medicine

    Ancient doctors paid important attention to the connection between the body and our thoughts. Avicenna argued that every thought we have, even an unconscious impulse, is accompanied by a certain muscular reaction. The thought may disappear - but the muscle tension remains and from time to time it can remind itself of pain.

    Pain is the body’s attempt to talk to us, to reach our consciousness, to declare that something is wrong in the body. Back pain is one of the most common situations, which about 90% of the inhabitants of our planet are familiar with firsthand. Migraines, neuralgia, osteochondrosis, decreased vitality, depression, lethargy, diseases internal organs– is not a complete list of back pain companions. Constant pain in the back limits our movement and prevents us from living a full life.

    – unique method complex therapy diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which affect the area of ​​the spine and nearby muscles. indispensable for injuries, spinal osteochondrosis, muscle spasms, scoliosis, neuralgia and even hypertension. Physiotherapists really appreciate back massage for its ability to increase blood circulation, improve skin respiration, relieve stagnation in muscle tissue, restore damaged tissue, relieve swelling, stabilize the function of internal organs.

    Under the influence of massage movements, the concentration of red blood cells in the blood increases, as a result of which the tissues receive more oxygen and nutrients. Restoring normal lymph flow has a general detoxifying effect, improving the access of nutrients to the intervertebral discs. Very noticeable effect back massage– reduction or elimination of back pain, restoration of conductivity nerve fibers, elimination of muscle atrophy and contractures.

    - an excellent tool for improving general condition, preventive control against the effects on the body harmful factors environment. increases the body's resistance to various infections and stress, normalizes the functions of the sebaceous and sweat glands, improves the condition of subcutaneous fat, resulting in the skin becoming smooth, dense, and elastic.

    Indications for back massage

    • Osteochondrosis (destruction, deformation of intervertebral discs) of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar regions spine.
    • Radiculitis (inflammation of the roots spinal cord) cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral regions spine.
    • Scoliosis (persistent lateral deviation of the spine from the normal straightened position).
    • Spinal hernias.
    • Poor posture.
    • Injuries to the spine, shoulder blades, pelvic bones, posterior surface of the ribs.
    • Cosmetic skin defects (post-burn, post-traumatic, post-operative scars).

    Contraindications to back massage

    • Acute febrile conditions.
    • Acute inflammatory processes.
    • Blood diseases, bleeding and tendency to them.
    • Purulent processes of any localization.
    • Diseases of the skin and nails of infectious, fungal and unknown etiology, damage and irritation of the skin.
    • Thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels of the extremities.
    • Obliterating endarteritis with trophic disorders.
    • Thrombangiitis.
    • Gangrene.
    • Vascular aneurysm.
    • Inflammation of the lymphatic vessels.
    • Active form tuberculosis.
    • Venereal diseases.
    • Chronic osteomyelitis.
    • Benign or malignant tumors backs.
    • Mental illness accompanied by excessive agitation or significant mental changes.

    Back massage at GUTA CLINIC

    Any massage, being essentially a medical procedure, even a cosmetic facial massage, or a relaxing massage, must be performed by a specialist! AT GUTA CLINIC back massage carried out from the VII cervical to the first lumbar vertebra and from the left to the right axillary line, in children - including the lumbosacral region. in our clinic it is performed by highly qualified specialists with significant experience in this field.

    A massage specialist must have not only general anatomical knowledge, but also have information about the state of the patient’s peripheral nervous system and musculoskeletal system, previous cardiovascular diseases, gender, weight, age and other points. Of course, the massage therapist must be certified in this type of treatment and have extensive practical experience, which will allow him to conduct a session for you back massage at the highest level.

    Any massage course, including back massage, is prescribed strictly individually, depending on the diagnosis and indications of the patient. – a very popular procedure nowadays. After all, it is the back and spine that experience significant loads and tension, which need to be relieved from time to time.

    Back massage is an excellent preventive remedy, in combination with drug treatment, as well as with other physiotherapeutic methods (swimming, balneotherapy, physical therapy) that can truly work wonders!

    From the history of massage

    Since ancient times, massage has been considered the most common method of restoration and relaxation of the human body. Today it is actively used as a means of healing the body, preserving elegance and youth. Many methods of performing it have been developed, from hundreds of varieties of manual massage to procedures using various cosmetics (creams, oils) and medicinal preparations.

    Who invented massage?

    In China, there were schools of medical practice for training doctors, where one of the main disciplines was the art of massage. In the East, massage procedures were used to treat diseases back in the 3rd century. BC e. In Greece, it was used to prepare athletes for performances at the Olympic Games and marathon races. In Ancient Rome, it was even part of the physical and spiritual education of future gladiators.

    Hippocrates may have given massage treatments a therapeutic direction. They were used to relax the body and maintain its beauty. They were often combined with a steam room, ablution and rubbing into the body essential oils. The eastern philosopher Avicenna agreed with his colleague from Greece on the benefits of massage. In India, such procedures even became part of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian health system. The treatises included a description of more than 100 diseases that can be treated directly by performing one type of massage or another. Some eastern techniques are still practiced today.

    Benefits of massage treatments

    Massage has a deep complex effect on the body. Initially this concerns the skin. It is the skin that has greatest number receptors, the correct impact on which immediately leads to improved blood and lymph circulation, metabolism, and also helps eliminate congestion. The skin on the face and body becomes healthy and elastic.

    It is impossible to do without massage when treating the spine. It helps to improve its mobility, as well as eliminate compression of nerves and blood vessels.

    An experienced massage therapist can have a positive effect even on the human nervous system. In just 1 massage session, it can relieve tension, stabilize the patient’s emotional state, resulting in normalization arterial pressure and heart rate.

    Types of massage

    There are a huge number of types of massage today. True, some techniques, for example, “classical” and “Swedish” differ only in their names. In general, any massage can be called “therapeutic”. There is no single classification, so let's look at the most popular varieties:

    1. Classical. 4 main techniques are used - stroking, lightly rubbing individual areas, vibration, kneading. This massage is not aimed at a reflex effect; it is performed next to the sore spot or, in some cases, directly on it, depending on the diagnosis.
    2. Medicinal. This procedure is used to restore the functions of individual organs or systems of the body. The most common Chinese methods are point, tuina and meridian. Therapeutic massage is carried out in courses, it can be general or local.
    3. Anti-cellulite. Aimed at structural changes in fatty tissue located in the deep layers of the skin. Most often it is performed in the area of ​​the buttocks, thighs, and abdomen. Stimulates the destruction of adipose tissue and gives an excellent effect when combined with sports training.
    4. Oriental. It has significant differences from European massage techniques. Includes techniques performed not only with hands, but also with feet. Performed without the use of lubricants.
    5. Cosmetic. Used to improve the appearance of exposed parts of the body - neck, face, décolleté. Helps tighten the skin, making it more elastic and eliminate some cosmetic defects.

    Tips for massage therapists

    In order to open a massage parlor that will be successful with clients, it is not enough just to have the skills of a good massage therapist. It is very important to choose the right equipment and accessories necessary for work, as well as take care of the interior of your establishment. The comfort of your visitors will depend on this, and they will come back to you again and again.

    How to choose a room?

    If you are just starting your business providing massage services, you can rent part of the premises from a beauty salon. This will ensure a steady flow of visitors. Many of your potential clients can also be found in the fitness club and swimming pool.

    The room does not have to be large, but you should not rent a room that is too small. 12-18 sq.m. will be sufficient. m. Comfortable air temperature in your office, humidity, lighting and ventilation are very important. The client should feel relaxed throughout the procedure, and this is not possible in a cold or stuffy room.

    It is important to understand that people consider a massage parlor to be something similar to a medical one. They want to see impeccable sanitary conditions. Therefore, it is good if the floor in the room is laid with ceramic tiles and there is washable wallpaper on the walls. It is necessary to have a bathroom, which is necessary not only for clients, but also for staff.

    How to choose a massage table?

    A massage table should be practical and comfortable. It needs to be able to withstand a load of up to 200 kg and have a coating made of high-quality material. Tables covered with artificial leather have proven themselves well. It is easy to clean and disinfect, and is not subject to mechanical damage or abrasion.

    Headrests, legs and armrests should be smoothly adjustable and securely fixed. This will be convenient for both the client and the massage therapist.

    Additional equipment and accessories

    Stock up on snow-white terry towels. There should be one for each client who has an appointment that day, plus 5-7 spare ones. Disposable sheets are required; it is wrong if the client brings them with him to the massage session.

    Very often, special aromatic oils are used during massage. But not everyone knows that it is best to use them in combination with olive oil. Just add a couple of drops of aromatic mixture to 20 ml of olive oil and you will get a wonderful cosmetic product, bringing exceptional benefits to the skin. But some massage therapists prefer to use only professional massage oils; they are also easy to buy in a specialized store; here the choice is up to you individually.

    How to behave with a client?

    The psychological mood of the client is also very important. A massage therapist should adhere to several important rules:

    • Only the area of ​​the body that you are currently massaging should remain open, this will help the client get rid of the feeling of discomfort and cold;
    • after completing the session, leave the client on the couch for a few minutes, then offer him a cup of aromatic tea;
    • be polite and try to thoroughly study the theoretical part of your profession in order to have answers to all possible questions regarding the types and effectiveness of massage procedures;
    • offer clients a large selection of procedures; in addition to general massage, therapeutic or relaxing, your price list should include local types of massages - for the neck, back, legs or arms.

    Useful tips

    Many massage therapists attract additional clients due to the unusual design of their office. For example, if you specialize in oriental massage, then why not decorate your office in an Asian style? For this you will need tatami, scented candles and Japanese curtains.

    It is better to conduct therapeutic massage courses in a bright room where white color predominates. This is what people associate with medicine. We recommend installing modern lamps, beautiful furniture and trying to create a special atmosphere. This will make the premises “recognizable” and clients will recommend you to their friends.