Preparation and use of hemlock tincture. Hemlock tincture: instructions for using a folk remedy Hemlock infusion method of use

Spotted hemlock grows everywhere, near roads, wastelands, forest edges, ravines... It is advisable to collect in ecologically clean areas away from cities, industrial zones, boiler houses, roads at a distance of 15-20 km from these objects. In addition, the strength of the tincture depends on the weather and the state of the moon phases; it is better to prepare it in dry, windless weather for the waning moon. To prepare a good tincture, it is necessary to wait until the period of flowering and the formation of the first ovary of inflorescences in the central black earth zone and middle lane In Russia, the period is the end of June - beginning of July; the collection and procurement period is usually quite long - about a month. It is difficult to confuse spotted hemlock; it has a characteristic spotted reddish-brown stem and a specific smell (many say it is similar to the smell of mouse urine, but for this you need to know the smell of this urine.

During the preparation period, I, my clothes and the interior of the car are strongly saturated with this smell that my loved ones can hardly stand it. Stock up on medical alcohol 70% concentration in advance ( medicinal tinctures according to the pharmacopoeial prescriptions, do it with 70 degree alcohol) 95% is also suitable, but it must be brought to 70% concentration with an alcohol meter by adding purified water from a filter or bottled (personally, I take water from a holy spring). Vodka is not suitable for these purposes for two reasons: firstly, the quality of vodka is questionable, and secondly, there will be incomplete extraction of all alkaloids. I repeat, for the most complete and high-quality extraction, 70% medical alcohol is required. You can also use homemade moonshine or chacha, but double distillation and fine purification, best with coal, manganese and milk. Pour alcohol (moonshine) into about 2/3 of a 3-liter jar, prepare a sealed tight-fitting plastic lid in advance, or (which is better) use a medical jar with a ground sample, a plastic bag and rubber bands to secure it over the lid. Collect flowers and freshly set immature green seeds, placing them immediately in the field in a jar of alcohol, they contain greatest number alkaloids (up to 3.5% in seeds), after planting parts of the plant, close the jar with a lid, periodically shaking the contents, fill the entire jar completely, compact the contents if possible, ensuring that the neck is filled with solution, if necessary, add 70 degree alcohol to the top edge, Trying to ensure that there is no air left for oxidation, close the lid. Place a plastic bag on top and secure it around the lid with a tight elastic band or tie it with twine. After this, immediately put it in the trunk of the car, avoiding prolonged exposure to sunlight. Then, if necessary, you can prepare a second one in the same way; I do not recommend preparing more than two cans per day, this can affect your well-being, dizziness appears, and coordination of movements and consciousness is impaired. The containers must be delivered as quickly as possible to a dark, cool room, preferably a cellar, but a refrigerator is also possible. Under such conditions, in a completely sealed container, extraction of alkaloids occurs and their slow transition from a gaseous state to a solution. This process is very slow and takes up to 90 days or more, i.e. no earlier than 3 months can be used for treatment. Periodically, after 2-3 days, the container with hemlock must be carefully turned over for uniform mixing and more complete extraction. If I have some hemlock tincture left over for next year, I prepare it at a higher level (double concentration). In the hemlock tincture collected last year, I re-plant flowers and green seeds right in the field, filling the jar completely with fresh inflorescences and green seeds, carefully sealing it and taking it to the basement. The extraction period of the second stage of enrichment is more than 3 months. Very much is formed. high concentration of alkaloids, treatment begins with the first drop!

From this article you will learn how to prepare hemlock tincture at home for various diseases and how to take it correctly.

The effectiveness of Hemlock tincture for the treatment of various diseases, including cancer, has long been known. This herb is unique - it is poisonous, but in the right proportions it is medicinal. Tinctures, decoctions and water infusions are prepared from it. This tincture is sold ready-made in pharmacies. If you want to make the medicine yourself, then look for recipes in this article. Courses of taking the drug for various pathologies are also described here.

Hemlock grass: species, where it grows, what it looks like, popular name

The most common type of plant existing in nature and often used in medicine is the herb "Spotted hemlock". In accordance with the APG III system, this genus is included in the species and family Umbrella, which is the order Umbelliferae included in the department Tsvetikovs or Angiosperms. This is a complete “taxonomy” of such a plant.

What does it look like? This is what this poisonous green looks like:

  • Hemlock is a tall grass with small white flowers, which are collected in an inflorescence that resembles an “umbrella”.
  • This is a beautiful plant with tall ( up to 1.5 m) strong hollow stem.

  • Feathery leaves and white inflorescences (summer).
  • Fruits with light brown seeds (late summer).

  • The stem is covered with specks of a crimson-red hue, which is why the name is spotted.
  • A very annoying and persistent grass, which, according to many gardeners, is quite difficult to get rid of.
  • It is worth noting that some people are afraid of this herb, considering it poisonous, while others, on the contrary, collect it and make medicine.

Where does it grow? Loves sunny, moist areas of fertile soil, such as:

  • Forest glades
  • Abandoned vacant lots and landfills
  • Meadow pastures
  • Flood fields

Geography of plant localization very wide: from Europe, Siberia, the Caucasus, to North Africa, etc.

It is important to know: The most dangerous thing is that sometimes hemlock is confused with common parsley, and instead of just eating a delicious salad, people get severe poisoning.

What do people call it? Our ancestors came up with many nicknames for this poisonous plant:

  • Blekotinka
  • Buglave
  • Stinky
  • Puzzle
  • Gorigolova
  • Degtyarka
  • Angelica
  • Mottled
  • Mutnik
  • Omega
  • Petrushnik
  • Hollow
  • Whistler
  • Poisonous trunk and a few more

But when they learned how useful it could be, they began to call it more affectionately - almost officially - white hemlock.

Hemlock tincture: use in oncology according to Tishchenko’s method - “royal method”

Tincture "Hemlock"

Ukrainian healer Tishchenko V.V. is the founder of a unique therapeutic anti-cancer technique using the main medicinal component - hemlock. The first who made the correct tincture, which produced positive statistics in the fight against cancer, was he and his sister.

  • The prepared decoction, tincture and other recipes of this healer gave good results.
  • The most important contraindication is not to consume dairy products.

Stabilization of the patient's condition and improvement of the patient's well-being are achieved by following certain procedures. This application in oncology according to the method Tishchenko called "royal method" or "royal scheme":

  • Chop finely spotted hemlock leaves or inflorescences ( 30 grams), pour vodka or alcohol - no more than 0.5 liters.
  • Seal thoroughly and place on 2-3 weeks in a cool, dark place.
  • Then strain the resulting liquid and place it in the refrigerator.
  • Take medicinal tincture 1 time per day in the morning ( strictly at 8:00), beginning from 1st drop in half a glass of water.
  • Increase by 1 drop every day, reaching 40 drops. Then begin a gradual reduction in dose as well up to 1 drop.
  • Taking breaks is not recommended. As the dose increases, the volume of water will also increase adequately.
  • This is one of the most effective methods of traditional medicine.

There are two more methods according to Tishchenko’s royal scheme. One of them is for weakened patients and young people:

Another scheme is suitable for people who are not completely weakened and have normal tests, for example, for prevention or to consolidate the result:

The royal method of taking hemlock according to Tishchenko’s scheme

Important: Regardless of which treatment regimen you choose, consult your doctor first for advice, even if you think your body is ready for such treatment.

Can hemlock be taken during chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy is a complex procedure that has a negative effect on the body. Therefore, simultaneously with this process, it is recommended to use only herbal decoctions and tinctures from medicinal raw materials. Can hemlock be consumed during chemotherapy?

  • Concomitant use of drugs with chemotherapy is possible.
  • This applies to any medicinal herbs, just not hemlock.
  • The greatest care should be taken with tinctures of this culture.

Particular attention should be paid to the concentration of the mixture. The poison is eliminated from the body within 2 weeks; internal organs do not accumulate it during this time. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you consult with a herbalist before starting treatment.

Remember: Carry out any treatment only under the supervision of your attending physician.

Hemlock: how to prepare a tincture at home?

Spotted hemlock is an active immunostimulant that activates the body's defenses. It has good analgesic, sedative, anticonvulsant and anti-inflammatory effects. But it is worth considering that this is a very poisonous plant, so it should be treated with extreme caution.

It is sold in pharmacies, but you can make it yourself. To do this, do the following:

  • Take hemlock grass and chop it.
  • Then pour in 70% alcohol ratio 1:10 or in a lower concentration, for example, 1:20 and so on.
  • Then strain and consume according to instructions.

The tincture can be made with vodka. This is another recipe if there is no alcohol. This makes an excellent cure for spasms and cramps:

  • Fill in 30 grams dry material (flowers, leaves, fruits) 0.5 l vodka.
  • Close the container with the mixture tightly.
  • Leave for a week at room temperature.

Water tincture:

  • Ratio 300 ml water and 10 g leaves.
  • Boil in a water bath or keep in a thermos ( 12h.).
  • Then strain and store refrigerated.

Hemlock seed tincture:

  • Seeds ( 30 grams) fill the jar with honey/alcohol to the top.
  • Keep at room temperature for 15 days.
  • After this, strain and store at a temperature no higher than 25 degrees Celsius.
  • Used in oncology for intensive care.

Worth knowing: All parts of hemlock contain alkaloids, which make it highly toxic. The most toxic is Coniine. It is a powerful nerve agent poison. Small doses of horse meat can increase blood pressure, stimulate heart contraction and increase rhythm.

You need to use hemlock very carefully. In case of overdose, coniine initially causes agitation, and after a short tidal period, breathing stops. It is often used in combination with other anti-tumor herbs such as saber, columbine, hellebore or Mary's root.

Hemlock solution and tincture: how to store, how long does it retain its toxic properties?

Tincture "Hemlock"

Leave the hemlock tincture or solution to stand 2-3 weeks in a cool, dark place. How to store infusions from this herb? It all depends on the manufacturing methods. Here are the main ones:

  • On vodka - stand 21 day, keep up to 2 years.
  • With alcohol - you need to cook up to 14 days, keep up to 5 years. To treat some diseases, for example, prostatitis or pancreatitis, it is recommended to make a new tincture every year, since last year’s solution loses its properties. beneficial features to treat these ailments.
  • On the water - through 12 hours the solution is ready for use. You can save no more than 10 days in a refrigerator.
  • From dry or fresh leaves, depending on what the tincture is prepared with - vodka, alcohol or water. See above.

The healing, toxic characteristics of the collection prepared in water will begin to gradually decrease if you continue to store the solution in the refrigerator more than 10 days. Vodka tincture has an average shelf life up to 2 years, and alcohol drops can be stored up to 5 years.

Hemlock tincture: instructions for use

Tincture "Hemlock"

As mentioned above, although hemlock is considered poisonous, drugs based on it are considered to be medicinal. They help prevent cancer by increasing the body's immune resistance.

Both leaves and flowers and fruits of the plant collected during flowering are suitable for tincture. Here are instructions for using different Hemlock tinctures:

Alcohol tincture:

  • The ratio is 2 parts herb and 1 part alcohol (vodka).
  • The use of medication depends on the type of disease.
  • The tincture can be taken orally before meals, or as a lubricating solution on a painful area.
  • For oncology, there is a specific treatment regimen. Read about this below in the text.
  • Contraindications: high blood pressure, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, asthma, pregnancy, breastfeeding, epilepsy, kidney and liver failure and others.

Water tincture:

  • It is used to treat asthma, as a pain reliever and reduces coughing attacks.
  • Should be stored in a cool place.

Tishchenko's tincture:

  • Used for cancer diseases.
  • The method is to increase drops of tincture daily for three days. Read more below.
  • Contraindications: hypertension, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, asthma, pregnancy, breastfeeding, epilepsy, renal and liver failure and others.

Seed tincture:

  • Contains many essential oils.
  • An excellent diuretic, antiseptic, sedative.
  • Relieves nervousness and has an antispasmodic effect.
  • Excellent for healing wounds.
  • Contraindications are the same as for taking tinctures prepared from other parts of the plant.

It is worth using hemlock-based drugs with great caution, since the medicinal properties of this poisonous plant can have the opposite effect, thereby developing immunity against drugs.

Why did cancer worsen when treated with ASD and hemlock?

Scientists, doctors, herbalists and traditional medicine specialists have long been looking for a recipe for cancer that will be effective. Recently this medicine was found and it is called “Double Strike to Cancer” - it is the simultaneous use of ASD2 and hemlock tincture.

But the treatment regimen requires compliance with all recommendations, otherwise undesirable consequences may occur. It often happens that patients’ cancer worsens during treatment with ASD and hemlock. So the question arises: why? Here is the answer:

  • Overdose - medications are taken in a strictly prescribed dose, which is prohibited from increasing.
  • The reception was carried out without control. It is necessary to take drops strictly at regular intervals 4 times a day.
  • Incorrect use of the medicine - drops must be diluted in 100 ml of water. In addition, you need to take hemlock in the morning, and then 3 times- ASD.
  • If there are contraindications, taking tinctures is prohibited. For example, individual intolerance to drugs will lead to a worsening of the condition.

Here is a weekly schedule for taking such medications during cancer treatment:

If you feel worse, seek help from a doctor, as such symptoms may not be due to the use medicinal product, but for other various physiological reasons.

When treating hemlock it is important proper nutrition. It is forbidden to starve; food must be high in calories and healthy. It is equally important to prepare before taking hemlock. Here special diet and preparation measures before starting to use the medicine:

  • On 5-7 days switch to a vegetarian diet. At this time, do cleansing enemas - on 2 liters water, 1 tablespoon salt and apple cider vinegar.
  • To cleanse the liver you need to drink a decoction of oats or a drug Ovesol. It will also help a lot in this process. mineral water no gases.
  • Eat a lot of vegetable salads and boiled beets.
  • Patients who have undergone chemotherapy must 2-3 weeks take a decoction of flaxseeds - 1 glass seed for 3 l boiling water Steam in a water bath for 2 hours, cool and strain. Drink instead of water throughout the day.

Here Diet rules for taking hemlock:

  • It is important to eat protein foods healthy fats in the form of vegetable oils, complex carbohydrates in the form of cereals, vitamins in the form of fruits and vegetables, minerals and dietary fiber.
  • Limit or even eliminate sugar from sugar-containing foods, smoked foods, sausages, and soda.
  • Dishes should be boiled or steamed, but not fried.
  • Drink 1.5-2 liters water per day.

Watch the chair. If constipation occurs, then you need to fight it, as this is an additional poisoning of the body. You can include more cabbage, prunes and beets in your diet for good bowel function.

How to correctly interrupt and continue taking hemlock?

When taking hemlock tincture, the main criterion for assessing progress is the patient’s own well-being. This is what you should be guided by when deciding whether to increase the dose further, interrupt the course, or continue taking it after a break.

Advice: Be sure to consult your doctor before continuing use.

The therapeutic dose and duration of taking the drug is a purely individual maximum volume of a toxic drug that the body can withstand, depending on life-supporting functions: resistance to poisons, immunological resource, etc. When using the tincture, it is recommended to periodically check the condition of the blood by donating general analysis. If the indicators are normal, there is no need to interrupt the prescribed course of treatment - this will be correct.

Important: If it turns out that you interrupted the course of treatment, then you can continue taking it as soon as possible. If the break is too long, you will have to start the course over again, but this is subject to good tests and well-being.

If you are taking a long course, more than 4 months, then it is recommended to cleanse the body with herbs (lingonberries, flax seeds, agrimony, horsetail) during this period, every month. This will eliminate the cumulative effect of toxic elements from the drug.

Is it possible to use hemlock tincture and antibiotics: compatibility

Hemlock is a poisonous plant, and when taken, it has a negative effect on the liver. Antibiotics also have a bad effect on the gastrointestinal tract, disrupting the intestinal microflora, clogging the liver and destroying all beneficial microflora. Is it possible to use hemlock tincture and antibiotics? Answer:

  • Such compatibility is unacceptable.
  • When taking hemlock, there is a load on all body systems.
  • If you start taking antibiotics, the negative impact will increase several times.
  • Conversely, when taking antibacterial drugs, it is unacceptable to simultaneously use hemlock.

However, in this matter, there is one point - deviation from the rules if necessary. Hemlock tincture can be used with antibiotics if the doctor urgently requires it antibacterial drugs, and does not prohibit drinking hemlock tincture in moderate doses. You can listen to such a doctor if you completely trust him with your life and health.

Important!!! All information presented here is provided for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment with any drugs should only be carried out under the supervision of doctors!

Please note the following warnings:

  • Uncontrolled use of hemlock along with antibiotics, for most diseases, can cause a reaction in the body such as a secondary immune response.
  • Its consequences are unknown, the body can react with completely different reactions, ranging from increased blood pressure, ending with breathing problems.
  • Also, in isolated cases, antitumor and antibacterial drugs, with constant use hemlock, may completely lose their effect on malignant tumors.

Be careful: Don't experiment with your health. Use medications in doses and alternately, especially those that are strong and dangerous to the body. Before any experiments with medications, consult your doctor!

Hemlock: how to drink the tincture for gynecological diseases and uterine bleeding?

Hemlock preparations are widely used in the field of gynecology. They are used for the treatment of various diseases, as well as prevention. How to drink the tincture for gynecological diseases, uterine bleeding? Here are the answers:

  • For normalization and recovery menstrual cycle recommended to take for a month 2 drops each every day. If the result is not achieved, increase the dose gradually up to 5 drops.
  • For diseases of the ovaries and uterus (cysts, polyps, cancer, etc.), as well as for mastopathy, endometriosis, external methods, for example, tampons and syringes are indicated for greater effectiveness.
  • To prevent side effects use hemlock tincture, diluted in 100 ml water, to reduce the concentration of the extract.

The tincture should also be diluted with water if you plan to use the local treatment method. Tampons are recommended 2 times a day, gradually increasing up to 4 procedures. Douches need to be done 2 times a day, the liquid should be warm.

Hemlock for adrenal tumors: recipe for use

The adrenal glands are a component of the human hormonal system. They are needed for the functioning of the kidneys and the entire body as a whole. For neoplasms of this organ, hemlock tincture can be used. Here is the recipe:

  • Place in a liter jar 1/3 raw materials (it can be flowers, leaves with stems, hemlock has everything useful). But first you need to grind it.
  • Fill the raw material with alcohol to the top of the jar. If there is no alcohol, you can add vodka.
  • Place in a cool, dark place for 14 days.
  • Then squeeze out the resulting tincture.

Recipe for use:

  • Start your appointment from 1 drop, increasing the dosage every day for 1 drop.
  • Do this up to 40 drops in a day. Then start decreasing every day for 1 drop.
  • Eventually you will take the medicine 80 days.
  • After that 30 days break and repeat.

The tincture must be diluted before use. in 100 ml water.

Hemlock and celandine for multiple myeloma: recipe for use

Hemlock contains substances that help boost immunity, and celandine contains useful microelements that perfectly stop the development of cancer cells. Therefore, herbalists often advise using hemlock and celandine simultaneously when treating cancer, or, for example, myeloma.

Below you will find the recipe for use. First you need to drink hemlock according to this scheme:

  • First day 2 drops, then increase the dose daily for 1 drop, Bye total number there won't be any drops 30.
  • Then in the opposite direction: reduce every day for 1 drop.

After this, you need to take a break and at this time you need to drink celandine tincture:

  • Get started from 1 drop.
  • Then increase the dosage every day for 1 drop. Maximum you can drink 15 drops per day.
  • Then start reducing it one drop at a time every day.

When you finish drinking celandine, start drinking hemlock tincture again and then another course of celandine. These two tinctures are one complex.

Treatment of external tumors with hemlock: recipes

External tumors can be treated with hemlock in several ways:

  • Lubricate the affected areas with ointment or hemlock oil.
  • Make poultices from fresh herbs - to do this, you need to steam it in boiling water or boil it in milk 3-5 minutes.
  • Wrap the warm herb in gauze and apply to sore spots.

You can also use hemlock tinctures internally, which are more effective. This medicine helps to heal and cleanse the body of inflammation. It is only important to follow the dosage exactly as described in the recipes above:

  • IN 1st day accept 1 drop tinctures, in 2nd day2 drops and so on for 40 days.
  • Then comes the countdown: from 40 to 1 drop.

It is recommended to repeat this course 2-3 times immediately, without stopping. This is the most gentle method of taking hemlock tincture; there are other methods that are more aggressive. You can make compresses from alcohol tincture of hemlock, but only for non-wetting tumors, and in consultation with a doctor.

Brain tumors: putting hemlock oil in the nose

Hemlock tincture in the treatment of brain tumors is the most powerful remedy, and at the same time it is also the most dangerous drug, the dosage of which must not be violated.

  • A safer remedy is hemlock oil.
  • External use of the drug helps the active substances penetrate through the skin tissue into the blood and then to the diseased organ.
  • The effect of hemlock is more effective and less safe.
  • Lubricate a swab or napkin with oil and apply the lotion to the sore spot, fixing it well.
  • Change the tampon every 2 hours, or do such gadgets 2-3 times in a day.

Hemlock oil can also be dropped into the nose:

  • Dosage: 2-3 times in a day 1-2 drops.

If no side effects are observed and there are no unpleasant sensations, the dosage can be gradually increased, but no more than 5 drops for the reception.

How to drink hemlock tincture to prevent cancer?

Tincture "Hemlock"

Warning: It is strictly forbidden to take hemlock-based drugs together with chemotherapy. An oral course of this herb can only be taken in a stable state.

  • The most common regimen for taking the tincture is called "1-40-1", which means:
    accept 1 per day.
  • Increase the dosage every day by 1 drop, having reached 40 drops, you also begin to gradually reduce the number of drops ( 1, 2, 3, 4…40, 39, 38, 37…1 ).

Important: Monitor your health carefully; if you experience any discomfort, consult a doctor immediately and stop taking the drops.

Hemlock poisoning: symptoms

Since hemlock tincture is very poisonous, it is not surprising to get poisoned if it ends up in the wrong hands with the wrong dosage. Death is also possible without proper supervision by a specialist, and with self-medication. Keep this in mind if you want to undergo treatment with this drug.

Poisoning affects the nervous system, internal organs such as the kidneys, liver and cardiovascular system. Main symptoms of intoxication:

  • Sudden urges of nausea and vomiting
  • Painful cramps and abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Itching of the oral mucosa
  • Headache and dizziness
  • Hypersalivation
  • Deterioration of vision and hearing
  • Pale skin
  • Tachycardia, shortness of breath
  • Muscle twitching

Hallucinations, loss of consciousness, and disturbances in spatial sensations may also occur.

Hemlock for cancer: reviews

Tincture "Hemlock"

If you are in doubt about taking hemlock tincture or not. Read reviews of other people who, with its help, were completely cured of a serious illness or felt significantly better. Here are reviews of hemlock for cancer:

Miron Dmitrievich, 65 years old:

It became difficult to breathe, I was taken to the hospital, and an examination was prescribed. The diagnosis of lung cancer sounded like a death sentence for me. They recommended surgery. I almost agreed, but my wife took me to another hospital at the Oncology Institute. They prescribed me chemotherapy, my liver began to seriously worry, my temperature was elevated. I didn't really feel any effect.We started looking for all sorts of options. We accidentally saw information about hemlock tincture. My wife studied everything and made this medicine. For 2 months I drank according to Tishchenko’s method and then I felt relief. I started walking more, I’ll do the examination again soon. I don’t stop drinking the infusion.

Valentina Ivanovna, 57 years old:

I believe in Tishchenko's method. Chemotherapy did not help me, I did it 3 times. The hemlock tincture worked quickly. I feel great, I almost never have a fever anymore. I even gained 5 kg. I won’t finish this treatment yet; I decided to take another course.

Konstantin Nikolaevich, 60 years old:

The father-in-law was told at the hospital that he had been diagnosed with cancer. prostate gland. Here all the examinations and procedures began: tumor markers, puncture - everything that was necessary according to the doctor’s orders. On surgery We disagreed and found out about the hemlock tincture with vodka. He took 4 full courses. Now my father-in-law is 83 years old. Hey, everything's fine. Tishchenko's method saved him.

Read the articles

Medicine still does not have a clear opinion on how justified the use of hemlock tincture is. Is this tincture necessary for humans? Spotted hemlock is one of the controversial medicinal plants.

Are you having any problem? Enter “Symptom” or “Name of the disease” into the form, press Enter and you will find out all the treatment for this problem or disease.

The site provides reference information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious doctor. Any drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required, as well as detailed study of the instructions! .

It contains prohibitive doses of lethal substances and leads to fatal intoxication. But it also copes effectively with malignant tumors, thanks to the ability to “stimulate” the human immune system.

Hemlock tinctures - methods of use

Due to the fact that hemlock is a plant that requires treatment, the use of tinctures based on it occurs according to already proven methods. They differ markedly in course duration and dosage intensity, so each patient can start with the gentlest one, and then, carefully monitoring their well-being, move on to stronger options.

Method No. 1 (the most gentle)

A classic alcohol tincture of the plant is used. The course begins with taking one drop of tincture diluted in 50 ml of water.

If the patient feels dizzy or has an overwhelming aversion to the drug, you can begin to reduce the dosage one drop at a time until the condition returns to normal.

“Tsar’s” technique (according to Tishchenko)

Refers to those who are gentle. The course begins with drinking 1 drop of tincture diluted in 100 ml of water.

Every day one drop is added up to forty, then everything is repeated, but in the reverse order - from 40 drops to 1.

The advantage of this technique is that it starts with minimal doses, and the dosage increases slowly and evenly.

During this time, the body has time to adapt to the action of the drug, so peak dosages are perceived normally. As you increase the dosage of the tincture, you need to increase the amount of liquid (50 ml for every 10 drops of tincture).

Method No. 3 (intensive)

This technique is used if malignant tumors are progressing rapidly and it is necessary to achieve a therapeutic effect faster.

The dosage is as follows:

  1. On the first day, drink 1 drop in the morning, 2 at lunch and 3 in the evening.
  2. The next day, the morning dose is already 4 drops, the lean dose is 5, and the evening dose is 6.

At this pace, the dosage is increased until it reaches 40 drops per day, then a 3-5 day break is taken, and the course is repeated.

Method No. 4 (for the treatment of aggressive tumors)

In general, it almost repeats the “royal” method, but differs from it in that it does not have an upper dose limit. The build-up occurs until the side effects of the tincture on the body begin to appear.

During this time, the increase in dosage stops until the condition normalizes, then resumes again. Each patient needs to reach his or her own limit and take the drug in this mode for up to 10 days at an even background, then gradually follow in the reverse order.

Using the tincture according to method No. 4 carries a large share risk, therefore it is better if the patient is under the supervision of a doctor while taking the medicine.

Although the body is able to withstand dosages of up to 90 drops, without harming itself.

Useful and harmful properties

The benefits of this plant can hardly be overestimated. His medicinal properties were discovered by man back in ancient times. Domestic herbalists have used hemlock as a universal medicine since the 10th century.

Treated with tincture:

  • Benign and malignant tumors;
  • Venereal diseases;
  • Ulcers;
  • Various inflammatory processes.

The high effectiveness of tinctures is explained by the fact that the alkaloids that make up the plant are natural immunomodulators. By irritating the human immune system, they reboot it, after which it begins to work 7-10 times more efficiently.

Hemlock preparations also have another important feature - they stimulate the hematopoietic system, helping it renew cells faster.

The harm of the hemlock drug lies in its toxicity and its constituent alkaloids:

  • Coniceine;
  • Propylpiperidine;
  • Methylkoniine;
  • Pseudoconiine;
  • Konyin.

In case of overdose, it has a completely opposite effect, suppressing the immune system and causing acute poisoning. WHO has banned official medical institutions from using hemlock to treat patients, despite all its unique properties.

Although cases of poisoning with tinctures are rare. The main thing is to follow the dosage and carefully monitor your health in order to adjust the course in time.

Indications and contraindications

What does this tincture treat, besides cancer:

  • Constipation and diarrhea, accompanied by severe intestinal pain;
  • Morbid obesity, leading to the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum;
  • Severe pain due to inflammation;
  • Migraine;
  • Hypertension;
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • Mastopathy;
  • Gout;
  • Arthritis;
  • Gynecological diseases (delayed menstruation, uterine fibroids).

Many healers claim that anyone can take hemlock at any time. But there is a clear list of contraindications for which the use of hemlock is prohibited.

  • Allergic reaction to the plant;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Serious problems with heart rate and blood pressure;
  • Kidney and liver diseases.


Side effects from use

Anyone planning treatment with hemlock should familiarize themselves with the list of side effects and preferably memorize it. If any of them appears, it is necessary to immediately stop treatment or reduce dosages, otherwise, instead of healing, quick and inevitable death may occur.

The list of typical side effects that occur when taking the tincture is:

  • Pupil dilation;
  • Dizziness;
  • Excessive salivation;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Deterioration of vision;
  • Nausea;
  • Dulling of consciousness.

If the first signs were ignored and “ascending” paralysis occurred (starts with numbness in the feet, which gradually rises higher), it is necessary to immediately take the person to the hospital and explain to the doctors the nature of the poisoning.

Preparation of hemlock tincture

There are many different recipes. The classic tincture is made only on an alcohol basis with a strength of at least 60 degrees, and all parts of the plant are suitable for its preparation, except for the roots.

From dry leaves

To prepare it you need to take:

  • 0.5 l of alcohol base;
  • 30 g of thoroughly crushed dry hemlock leaves.

The mixture is infused in a glass container for 2 weeks.

The container with the tincture must be shaken daily to speed up the release of alkaloids.

From fresh raw materials

You can use hemlock inflorescences or leaves. The plant mass is not crushed, but simply carefully placed in a container (without compacting) to 2/3 of its volume and filled with alcohol to the brim.

After 3 weeks the tincture will be ready.

From the seeds of a plant

The recipe generally repeats the previous one; the strength of the alcohol base for the tincture on the seeds should be at least 70 degrees.

Once the tincture is ready, it needs to be cleaned using a coffee filter (can be replaced with gauze folded several times) and stored in the refrigerator or a cool, dark basement.

Efficiency in cancer

Hemlock will help defeat cancer; it hits the most vulnerable spot of cancer cells - their uncontrolled metabolism.

Cancer cells constantly reproduce and accumulate and consume a lot of nutrients to maintain this process. Hemlock poison, entering the body, is absorbed by cancer cells and, concentrating, gradually kills them.

Treatment with hemlock is similar to traditional chemotherapy, but differs in a more localized effect. The only difference is that hemlock can kill already formed cancer cells.

It cannot eliminate the pathogenic process entirely, but “freezes” it or greatly slows it down. The use of hemlock tincture for cancer should be combined with traditional treatment.

How to properly harvest a hemlock plant

In the official pharmacology of a number of countries, in the production of painkillers, a herbaceous plant of the Apiaceae family, Hemlock spotted, is used. From all parts of the plant medicinal purposes The grass itself, inflorescences and unripe seeds are used in umbrellas. To use the healing properties, you should know when and how raw materials for medicines are prepared.

Under the grass include flowering and leafy shoots. In hemlock, these parts are collected at the beginning of flowering.

The basic rules for collecting plant materials must be followed:

  • Harvesting is carried out only in dry weather, preferably in the morning, when the dew has disappeared;
  • Green shoots, leaves and inflorescences must be intact;
  • Cut the shoots at the level of the bottom leaf using pruners, scissors or a sharp knife.

Woody parts of the plant are not harvested; they have a different biochemical composition. It is important to take this into account when harvesting hemlock - the plant is poisonous. Umbrellas with seeds are collected at the immature stage. Selectively take healthy parts of the plant.

Sometimes the collected raw materials are used fresh. Bulk workpieces must be dried. This must be done in a shaded (but well-ventilated) room; hemlock contains essential oils and emits unpleasant odors. To speed up the drying process, the herbal parts need to be crushed.

Chemical composition

Hemlock has a number of healing properties. In addition to the mentioned analgesic effect, preparations based on this plant also have a stimulating effect on the hematopoietic organs. IN folk medicine the herb is used for hypertension, neuralgia, menstrual irregularities and uncontrollable cough.

This is due to the chemical composition of the plant:

  • The leaves contain essential oils (up to 0.08%), alkaloids (0.1%) and caffeic acid;
  • The flowers contain kaempferol and quercetin;
  • The seeds are saturated - they contain alkaloids (about 2%), tannins, fatty oils, beta-carotene, vitamins and microelements.

Strongly active alkaloids (nitrogen-containing substances) included in hemlock:

  • Coniine is a powerful toxin with a nerve paralytic effect;
  • Conhydrine is a secondary alkaloid and is a derivative of coniine;
  • Pseudoconhydrin is an isomer of the previous alkaloid.

These components make the composition of the plant chemically complex and quite poisonous. There is no need to engage in uncontrolled self-medication, which leads to severe poisoning.

The value of other components included in the chemical composition:

  1. Kaempferol is a flavonoid that has a wide spectrum of biological activity, from a common antiviral agent to an antitumor effect.
  2. Quercetin is another flavonoid. It is characterized by antioxidant properties that resist free radicals, which helps keep cells healthy.
  3. Caffeic acid helps inhibit carcinogenesis and is a good immunomodulator.
  4. Essential oils give the plant a smell (mousy) and have medicinal properties that are useful for many diseases.

Using tincture in cosmetology for face and body

Alcohol tinctures of hemlock can be bought at a pharmacy and taken for treatment, both internally and externally. If desired, you can prepare the product yourself, using extreme caution.

It is better to use already dried chopped grass.

  1. Pour 2 tbsp into a half-liter bottle of vodka. Add the dry component, cover with a lid and shake well.
  2. The composition is infused for 3 weeks in a dark place (somewhere in a closet). The temperature should be room temperature.
  3. The bottle needs to be shaken once every 2-3 days.
  4. The tincture must be filtered, only then can it be used following the instructions.

In addition to the therapeutic effect, hemlock also gives a good cosmetic result if you use the tincture externally:

  • As compresses on rough skin of the feet and when spurs form there;
  • Apply napkins moistened with diluted tincture to sore spots with varicose veins;
  • The ability to suppress hair growth, used in hair removal.

Using alcohol tincture, you can get rid of unwanted hair on the body and face. After each depilation session (it is better to use wax), it is enough to wipe the treated areas with a cotton swab moistened with this preparation. This must be done with extreme caution on the face.

The course of such “therapy” should be carried out for one and a half months. Hair on your legs, armpits, deep bikini area and face stops growing. But for greater reliability, these places should be treated with tincture for another month at intervals of 2-3 days.

For compresses, use a composition diluted with water in the proportion of 1 part hemlock and 10 parts water. The compress should be kept for no more than 2 hours. The course of treatment should be agreed with your doctor (especially with varicose veins).

The general opinion of those who took this tincture for cancer

The composition of hemlock is a potent pain reliever. It can suppress cell growth. You can increasingly hear how effective the tincture is in the treatment of oncology.

Hemlock has long been known both as a powerful poison and as effective medicine. Back in the centuries of Paracelsus and Hippocrates, preparations based on this herb were used in the treatment of tumors.

In the 17th century The Austrian doctor Sterk spoke enthusiastically about the results he obtained in the treatment of cancer patients: “The most glorious of all medicines for cancer is Hemlock.” This herb was also valued ancient Rus'.

Russian oncology cannot do without this drug in the treatment and prevention of cancer development. It doesn’t matter where the tumor is located - in the chest, internal organs or head.

Those people who have already undergone hemlock therapy say that the technique developed by oncologist Yu.V. Tishchenko. It lives up to its name “royal”. The entire treatment cycle takes 80 days, during which the person may become worse. But as a result, a positive trend still appears if you are under the supervision of the attending physician.

Patients realize how serious cancer is, and this tincture alone is not a panacea for cancer. The medicine does not kill harmful cells, but stops their growth in combination with other components. It is important to use tincture as a pain reliever, which will be a good alternative narcotic drugs based on morphine.

Doubts expressed by some ordinary people about the effectiveness of hemlock in the treatment of cancer are not justified. It is enough to look at the chemical composition to make sure that the plant contains the components necessary for this.

4.4 / 5 ( 16 votes)

I became acquainted with the plant 16 years ago, when I was looking for salvation from cancer for my mother. Alas, I didn’t have time to find it!

This is a two-year-old grass (they sent seeds), we had to wait for it to grow. I want to tell you how to prepare hemlock tincture, use and store.

Where does poisonous grass grow and what does it look like?

In the first year, a rosette of leaves grows; the leaves are used to prepare medicine for tumors (benign or not).

Hemlock gains its main strength in the second year, and the largest amount of active substance is contained in the green seeds. These are alkaloids coniine and methylkoniine, which have antitumor activity, making the grass poisonous. In addition to seeds, inflorescences and twigs are collected. The least poisonous is the small tap root.

I do not recommend growing hemlocks in gardens, only when absolutely necessary. It is clear that even a child can pick it there. It is better to search on forest edges, ravines, prepare a tincture, or purchase it from herbalists.

Several years ago he grew up near the barn of my village house. I was surprised, and then I discovered that hemlock grass grows not far from the pond along the edge of the ravine, fortunately now I know what it looks like.

It is a tall, erect biennial with white umbel flowers, reaching two meters. During flowering, it emits a suffocating odor reminiscent of mouse droppings. A distinctive sign that this is really him is the dark red specks starting from the base of the stem to almost 1.5 meters in height. That is why it is called speckled or spotted.

By two characteristics, and not by any one, hemlocks can be distinguished from similar grasses. It’s a pity that many people don’t know this; they prepare it and try to be treated with unknown means. At tumor diseases! Time is running out!

Hemlock can be used for prevention, because there are always tumor cells in the human body. You just need to prepare it correctly and apply the appropriate method of administration so as not to “overdo it.”

Preparing the tincture

I want to tell you about how I prepare the tincture. You need to come to the plant in the morning in dry weather with a glass jar, pruning shears, and rubber gloves. You also need vodka or alcohol, diluted to 40-60 degrees. We put on gloves and cut into pieces the twigs with hemlock inflorescences and unripe seeds.

Filling the jar with grass, gradually add vodka; Each time we make rotational movements, slowly wetting the grass. So up to the neck. Close the lid and place in a dark place. After 18 days we filter. Store the tincture in a dark container for 3 years.

Tishchenko's technique for prevention and treatment

In our country, spotted hemlock is used only in homeopathy. In other countries. for example, Germany, registered as a medicine, used in official medicine.

The mechanism of action of the components of this plant poison on the human body is questionable, but it has been used to treat tumors since ancient times.

Instructions for use of hemlock tincture.

The most correct decision is to take a course of prevention once a year, but no more three years contract. If you take the tincture for longer, the body may get used to the poison and not react.

During treatment and prevention, they use Tishchenko’s simplified technique. Take in the morning an hour before meals from 1 drop to 40, increasing by drop daily. Then they also return to one. Take from 100 ml to 200 ml of water, increasing by 50 milliliters for every 13 drops. Store the bottle of tincture in a dark bottle and a cool place.

For tumors, three courses of treatment are carried out in a row according to the instructions. One is enough for prevention.

There are more complex methods of taking tinctures, it all depends on the human body and the disease. I have these methods, I also have a little tincture, I’ve been preparing it myself for many years. If you don’t know where to buy it, you can contact me.

Before starting treatment, do a general blood test, then do it monthly. A decrease in leukocytes below normal indicates an overdose of tincture, but if there are a lot of leukocytes, the dose is increased.

At oncological diseases Oil and ointment prepared from fresh herbs are used to treat external tumors.

The tincture should not be used for milder illnesses. than tumors. It is necessary to take into account toxicity; for non-tumor diseases, use other drugs.

In case of accidental poisoning, take 30 tablets activated carbon, rinse the stomach, brew strong tea. Never use potassium permanganate for this purpose.

And of course, a person should consult a doctor about how best to treat himself; hemlock will always help him.

You may be interested in the following information:

It is said that the ancient Greeks executed the atheist philosopher Socrates “humanely” by forcing him to drink hemlock tincture. They say that some criminals still use it, sending their victims to another world. They also say that with the help of this poisonous potion you can be cured of cancer without any harm to the body. Moreover, hemlock helps even when official medicine is helpless. Who is telling the truth?

Hemlock (Conium), also known as omeg, stinking grass, poisonous stemgrass, headweed, stinkgrass, stinkgrass, hollow, muttnik, buglav, bugela, blekota, blekotina, whistle, whistler, tar, parsley, dog parsley, wild parsley, angelica dog , pig louse, hogweed, hogweed - a ubiquitous, highly poisonous plant.

For a long time, hemlock was used for two directly opposite purposes: with the help of a poisonous tincture, death sentences were carried out and it was also used as a cure for a fatal disease - cancer.

In addition, the healers of ancient Rus' used a dangerous drug to treat pain of various origins, dizziness, migraines, epilepsy, hypertension, stomach and intestinal ulcers, constipation, tuberculosis, hearing loss, syphilis, erysipelas, loss of strength and a number of other types of ailments.

Modern folk healers cite as an example to their patients who have lost hope of recovery, cases of miraculous healing from cancer of hopeless cancer patients who took hemlock tincture at various stages of the disease. However, they are silent about how many unfortunate people the “pain killer” hemlock sent to the next world - both in ancient times and in the current enlightened age. And also about how many seriously ill people the course of “treatment” with hemlock became another difficult test that did not live up to their hopes.

The most important point: you will not find a doctor in Russia who treats hemlock patients legally. In our country and in the vast majority of developed countries, poisonous tincture is not among the approved medications.

"Tincture" of hemlock

Attention! You can't buy a bottle like this at a pharmacy. Read the text on the label carefully - it contains grammar mistake, which the doctor will NEVER allow. You will also not find information about the manufacturer on the label, because... the producers of the “medicine” prefer to remain in the shadows. There is a lot for this good reasons: when poisoned with hemlock tincture, without specific emergency care, a person dies - quite slowly, almost painlessly... and inevitably.

However, neither official prohibitions nor simple common sense become an obstacle for desperate people clutching at any straw in the hope of prolonging their lives.

  • Is it worth it for a cancer patient to take a known risk if the capabilities of official medicine have been exhausted or are insufficient?
  • Where does hemlock grow and is it possible to harvest it yourself?
  • How does the tincture work?
  • What are the signs of hemlock poisoning?
  • What is more effective and safer: a decoction of dry herbs or an alcohol extract?
  • How justified is the “preventive” use of hemlock?
  • And finally, does hemlock actually cure cancer?

The answers to these and other questions are below.

Meet Hemlock

One of the 4 types of hemlock – Conium maculatum – is widespread in the Russian Federation. The stem of the plant in the first year of life rarely exceeds half a meter; in the second year it can reach 2 meters.

The word maculatum is translated from Latin as “spotted, speckled”: red-brown spots are clearly visible on the hollow light green stem of hogweed.

You can find a poisonous weed everywhere, almost under any fence.

or on the side of the roads. Anyone who has at least once tried to rub a fading hemlock “umbrella” in their hands will never forget the unpleasant “mouse” smell. And those who did not wash their hands with soap after that (preferably several times!) and, God forbid, rubbed their eyes or lips with these hands, will never forget the consequences of their rash actions.

Attention! It is categorically not recommended to independently collect and dry hemlock without protective equipment, as well as special knowledge and conditions for drying the grass, which releases toxic substances along with the evaporating liquid!

By the way, hemlocks are not always picked only by herbalists, self-medicating sick people or curious children. The biennial plant is easily confused with parsley or carrots in the first year, and with dill in the second year. Therefore, you can be poisoned by hemlock in your own garden.

How does hemlock work?

It is not by chance that hemlock is called hemlock: when inhaling the smell of the plant, a person gets a headache. The signs of hemlock poisoning upon ingestion are different (see below), and they are caused primarily by the properties of the neurotoxic poison it contains - the free alkaloid coniine.

It is coniine that is the “impact force” of hemlock tincture. Once in the blood, this substance has a detrimental effect on the cells of the peripheral and central nervous system.

Here's what they write about it on Wikipedia: “Coniine is quickly absorbed into the blood from the digestive tract. Once absorbed, it causes paralysis of the endings of the sensory and motor nerves, and also affects the central nervous system, first stimulating and then paralyzing it.”

When poison enters the human body, the defense system reacts - the immune system, which “hurries to the aid” of the suffering nervous system, at the same time working in all other areas. This “stimulation” of self-defense mechanisms explains the “miraculous” anti-cancer properties of hemlock tincture, an extremely dangerous stimulator of natural immunity.

Another mechanism also comes into play in the fight against cancer: malignant cells, due to greatly enhanced metabolism, accumulate poisons several times more intensely than healthy cells. Therefore, hemlock tincture can really help a cancer patient for some, usually very short, period of time.

Thus, hemlock works:

  • approximately the same as official chemotherapy, in which the destructive effect of poison on the tumor is accompanied by negative consequences for the whole organism,
  • and approximately the same as non-toxic immunostimulants, which also know how to “stimulate” the immune system.

As for the proven ability of hemlock to relieve pain, everything is explained even more simply: by blocking the endings nerve cells, coniine leads to the elimination of pain, but not to the elimination of its cause.

In addition to coniine, the plant contains 4 more poisonous alkaloids: methylkoniine, coniceine, conhydrin, pseudoconhydrin, as well as tannins. Present in fruits essential oil, caffeic acid, carotene (provitamin A), vitamin C, in leaves and flowers - flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol, in stems - essential oil, caffeic acid.

Why can’t taking hemlock tincture cure cancer forever?

Because the poisonous “medicine” only leads to the elimination of already formed tumor cells, without in any way affecting the mechanisms that contribute to their formation and growth. In addition, “smart” tumors are able to adapt to the action of any poison, so treating cancer relapses is much more difficult. Knowing this, herbalists advise their patients to take preventive courses of hemlock tincture after the main treatment. Some “traditional healers” go further, declaring that preventative use of hemlock is necessary for absolutely everyone. healthy people just to never get cancer. Unfortunately, they manage to find such people who want it...

Attention! A poisonous tincture can not only cause severe poisoning, including death, even after taking 1-2 drops, but also has the most deplorable effect on the cells of the liver and kidneys, hematopoietic, nervous and cardiovascular systems. In addition, the constant harsh “stimulation” of the immune system leads to the depletion of the body’s protective functions, as a result of which cancer tumors and other dangerous diseases have unlimited freedom of action. And they successfully use this freedom!

Important! If you still decide to be treated with hemlock, study it carefully side effects and contact a professional emergency care at the first sign of coniine poisoning!

Side effects when taking hemlock tincture

The first symptoms of coniine poisoning include drowsiness, blurred vision and hearing, salivation, dullness of touch, dizziness, nausea, and dilated pupils. If any of these signs appear, herbalists advise gradually reducing the dose to the minimum, cleansing the intestines with a weak solution of potassium permanganate in milk for 3 days and gradually returning to the previous dose. Is it worth doing this - think for yourself, because by already starting treatment with hemlock, you have taken full responsibility for your life and health. Your right to decide: continue the experiment or look for other ways out of a “no-win situation” that are no less effective and safe.

If the poisoning progresses, the patient develops “ascending” paralysis, accompanied by a complete loss of sensitivity and mobility of the parts of the body affected by it. Paralysis begins from the feet and spreads from bottom to top, reaching the diaphragm, a muscle that is actively involved in the act of breathing. It is due to paralysis of the diaphragm that death from suffocation occurs.

Important point! Pathologists cannot accurately diagnose the cause of death in coniine poisoning only by changes in the organs and tissues of the deceased. To clarify the cause, it is necessary to study vomit and sputum, witness statements and physical evidence.

Another important point! There is no specific treatment (antidote) for coniine poisoning: help is aimed only at eliminating the symptoms. In severe cases (if breathing stops), artificial ventilation may be required. The prognosis for severe hemlock poisoning with a long period of oxygen starvation due to lack of breathing cannot be called optimistic: even if the heart and lungs can be started, it is impossible to restore the dead cells of the cerebral cortex.

Although modern methods auxiliary oncology therapy allows one to completely abandon the use of particularly dangerous plant poisons; faith in hemlock continues to push desperate people to take the tincture.

Unfortunately, some patients perceive hemlock treatment as the only way to prolong life, albeit not for long, and not at the same quality when every new day brings joy, not torment... The information below is for those who are among them.

Can I treat myself with hemlock?

The thing is that this is exactly what you are in for if you are determined to try the effect of the tincture on yourself. Herbal healers will only sell you the potion and tell you about dosage regimens, which can easily be found on the Internet. In the future, as a rule, you are left alone with the poison and conduct experiments on your body yourself.

Here is an example of one of the techniques:

“Spotted hemlock. Fill the container to the top with finely crushed raw materials (inflorescences or, in extreme cases, leaves), and also top up with vodka, close tightly and place in a cool, dark place for 2-3 weeks. Pour some into a bowl and place in the refrigerator. Take once a day at 8.00 am an hour before meals with 0.5 glasses of water, starting with one drop, and so on up to forty, increasing one drop daily (1-2-3-4-, etc.). Having reached forty drops, start reducing one drop per day (40-39-38, etc.) to 1 drop. Without a break, repeat the course of treatment 2-3 times.
As the number of drops increases, increase the amount of water accordingly to one glass.
If side effects occur (weakness in the legs, dizziness, nausea, vomiting), the dose should be reduced by 3 drops and the increase should be continued only after 3-4 days. If these phenomena appear again, do not increase the dose any further and start decreasing from this dose.
ATTENTION! When using douching or microenemas with hemlock, reduce the upper limit of hemlock tincture accordingly (increase not to 40, but to 25-30 drops).

Only for cancer of the female genital organs:
On the 5th day of treatment with hemlock tincture, start using vaginal douching: 50 g. water 5 drops of hemlock tincture, douche at night from Esmarch's mug at a rate of 15 drops per minute. Every 5 days, increase the dose by 5 drops, bringing it to 15 drops.
At the same time, douche the vagina with a solution of copper sulfate: take 0.4 grams per 1 liter of water. (about the size of a pea) of copper sulfate.”

What is better to use: dry raw materials or ready-made alcohol tincture of hemlock?

There is no big difference: both act equally and can cause severe allergic reaction(including with fatal) and is fatal in case of overdose.

Is it better to cook hemlock yourself or buy it from herbalists?

If you do not trust the “traditional healer” and you manage to stay alive after collecting raw materials, it is better to prepare the poison yourself. Recommendations for collecting, processing and storing hemlock are available in large quantities on the Internet.

Here is one of them:

“The collected parts of the plant are leaves, flowers, fruits (seeds). Collection time is May-September. Leaves and flowers are harvested at the beginning of flowering and dried in the usual way in the shade in the fresh air, separately from other plants. The seeds are collected from the umbels and dried in the same way as leaves and flowers. When the umbrellas dry, the seeds fall out easily.
Dried raw materials are stored in hermetically sealed containers ( glass jars with nylon covers) separately from other plants. Shelf life: 2 years.”

How do doctors feel about hemlock?

In the vast majority of cases - negative. At the same time, some oncologists and practicing oncophytotherapists are experimenting with a poisonous tincture, prescribing courses of treatment to their volunteer patients. Their interest in the anti-cancer effect of hemlock and other herbs should not be considered a manifestation of cruelty: the destructive effect of official chemotherapy drugs on the body of a cancer patient forces oncologists to look for alternative methods cancer treatment.

Can you cure cancer by taking hemlock?

You will not be able to completely recover from cancer with the help of hemlock tincture, but it is likely that you will achieve some success and slow down the development of the disease for some time if you can complete the treatment. Official chemotherapy works in approximately the same way, only faster and more targeted. Unfortunately, the quality of life after poison therapy most often worsens.