Directed by Alexander Sokurov: it is going to the fact that a religious war will break out in Russia. “Sokurov is hung with awards like a Christmas tree. However, the mask of the eternal sufferer took root strongly in the image of Sokurov.

Intelligentsia and people. Interview with Alexander Sokurov, in which the director called for TV journalists to be tried in the Hague Court. Also in the work against the authorities. These and other topics are discussed Dmitry Kulikov And Olga Podolyan.

Podolyan : This hour we wanted to talk about reactions.

Kulikov : Yes, about reactions - adequate and inadequate. On the functions of comprehension and awareness. It seems that our intelligentsia should be doing this. But I would like to put the question in this hour: the intelligentsia and the people. But not in its abstract form, but very concretely - who, how and what understands.

To be honest, I was shocked by the interview with director Alexander Sokurov, which came out recently. There are many things, I will not analyze all this interview. In principle, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but two things from this interview should be discussed.

The first thing is that, according to Mr. Sokurov, our media, our television is kindling something there, and regarding this amazing term "kindling", Mr. Sokurov called for Russian TV journalists to be tried in The Hague. That's it, neither more nor less. This, by the way, is such a liberal democrat, as it turns out, who recently demanded. Sentsov is the head of the Ukrainian group that was preparing terrorist attacks in Crimea. He is like a director, and the fact that he is like a director, according to Sokurov (then he argued with President Putin), was sufficient reason in order to release Sentsov. Despite the fact that his guilt was proved in court, terrorist activities really took place there, they really prepared these attacks.

By the way, when the question arises, where do repressions come from in our society, such terrible mechanisms that we have encountered in history, and so they come from here - from the position of our liberals and democrats, who believe that they are against repressions and for freedom. They are against those repressions that they consider wrong. But they are very "for" correct repression. And all this coexists simultaneously in their head, which they consider to be nothing less than the "brain of the nation."

In principle, I don't like Russian television, - said Sokurov, - so let's send it to The Hague. By the way, this is also the pinnacle of justice - The Hague. For some reason Mr. Sokurov does not say about The Hague that the leaders of Yugoslavia, for example, simply died in the Hague prison. And their guilt has never been proven. This Mr. Sokurov does not care. Well, okay, about The Hague separately.

So, journalists who do not like Mr. Sokurov should be sent to The Hague. And the terrorist Sentsov, whom Sokurov likes, should be released and an "act of mercy" should be shown to him.

Listen in full on the audio version.


12.03.2020, 07:08

China defeated the coronavirus, the whole world became infected

VLADIMIR SOLOVYOV: “Crowds of people on the streets - forget it, at a concert - forget it, handshakes, kisses at a meeting - forget it. Gradually, gradually it will go away. What is extremely disturbing, extremely disturbing, is of course that it has become clear how defenseless the world is.

16.03.2020, 11:12

Super New Values ​​- Good as long as there are no problems

SERGEY MIKHEEV: “In Belgium, the authorities have announced that, most likely, there will not be enough of anything - no places, no ventilators, no medicines! Not enough in Belgium! And, moreover, there is no laughing matter at all, they said that in this situation, not everyone will be helped, do you hear? About Europe! Hello reminiscences from the 30s! Help will not be provided to the elderly, because it is pointless!”

After the speech of director Alexander Sokurov at the presentation of the Nika film award, the audience gave a standing ovation, many of those present stood up ...

At the beginning of his speech, Sokurov said that he was waiting for a decision from Putin on the issue they discussed - the fate of director Oleg Sentsov. Sokurov called the lack of dialogue with the youth who took to the streets a mistake. “The state makes a big mistake by behaving so familiarly with young people, with schoolchildren and students.<…>You can not start a civil war among schoolchildren and students. We need to hear them. None of our politicians wants to hear them, no one talks to them.<…>They are afraid to do it. Why? This is impossible. It is impossible to endure it any longer,” Sokurov said.

He drew attention to the tough actions of law enforcement agencies at mass rallies, especially against girls and women. “I want to address our deputies. To male deputies, because women will not accept such a new law. Let's pass a law that prohibits arresting and generally touching women and girls participating in protests,” suggested the director, whose speech was repeatedly interrupted by applause and shouts of “Bravo!”.

“We have said many times, for many years: “Where are you? Where are you students? Where are you students? Do you notice that you are inside the country, do you notice what is happening in this country?” There was silence, they were not. So they appeared, ”the director stated. “You and I must do everything so that the humanitarian development of our society, our young people, takes place. Because everything that is connected with the replacement of enlightenment, education with some kind of religious dogmas, everything that is connected with the introduction of religious institutions into the civil and political space leads to the collapse of the country,” Sokurov said.

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"... The flywheel of the destruction of the country will start"

Directed by Alexander Sokurov: goes to what will break out in Russia religious war

The world-famous director Alexander Sokurov never hides his civil and political views, even if they ask for it. Because of this, I lost many useful contacts and made enemies. We talked about Putin and Ramzan Kadyrov, Orthodoxy and Islam, art and censorship.

“Putin has his own cinematic biographer - Nikita”

- At the festival "Days of Sokurov" in the Yeltsin Center, your film about Boris Yeltsin "An Example of Intonation" was shown. Can you express Yeltsin's intonation in a few words? After all, you communicated, you were connected by friendly relations.

- If I could put it in a few words, I probably would not have made the film. I have many intonations associated with Boris Nikolaevich. And what I have shown is clearly not enough. I've only scratched the surface of this topic. Besides, I wasn't the only one filming it. In Moscow, he actively made contact with other directors and journalists, who seemed to him and Naina Iosifovna more simple and accessible. I was too abstruse for him. However, with me he always had an intonation of understanding, patience, nobility, respect, and even some gentleness. But this is my personal, private feeling, because he was not quite like that, because he was engaged in hard work.

- You have repeatedly and quite frankly, by your own admission, talked face to face with the current president. After these meetings, did you have an understanding of what kind of “intonation” Putin has? Would you be interested in making a film about him?

Vladimir Putin has his own cinematic biographer - Nikita. He has already made films about him. In general, thank God, this place is occupied. Although I know many directors who would like to join this line, the president himself simply does not need it.

- You said that in private conversations he appears different than in public space ...

- I assure you that even Zhirinovsky in the public space appears in one form, but in personal communication he is completely different. And Boris Nikolayevich was different. Sometimes I was surprised to see him on TV. I didn't recognize him, he was so different. In general, any large-scale personality in chamber communication looks different: arrogance, the desire to win a special place in the historical or cultural space is gone. In one-on-one communication, it is always other people. Much to our regret.

- Don't you think that modern world leaders are shrinking right before your eyes? It is enough to compare the leaders of the leading European states and the United States with those who stood at the helm half a century ago, the comparison will clearly not be in favor of the current ones. What do you think is the reason for the crisis of political elites?

How director Alexander Sokurov talked to people about Boris Yeltsin

Indeed, degradation is evident. And this is due to the fact that they are not witnesses of large historical processes. Our life, of course, remains difficult, but the current leaders are not in a position to see or anticipate this. The fact that the war with Ukraine is inevitable, I said ten years ago. Many then twisted their fingers at the temple, but for me it was quite obvious. And I wonder why this was not obvious to the Russian and Ukrainian leaders. This suggests that the current political elite are myopic people. That the level of culture, intelligence, and indeed the scale of the individual today is leveled. Look at the current Chancellor of Germany. Well, what is it? Just a sad sight. And the Italian prime minister or the last presidents of France ...

- Since you predicted the Ukrainian events, let me ask you: do you think a peaceful exit is still possible? And then, if you listen to our political observers, the point of no return has already been passed ...

“I hope that someday these political observers will appear before the Hague Tribunal as provocateurs who have caused enormous damage to the humanitarian space of Russia and the entire Russian people. These radio and television announcers are busy throwing matches around during a fire. If I were in power, I would pay special attention to these people who create the prerequisites for international conflicts. They must be punished. These are just criminals who work for both public and private channels. And there, and there is no responsibility for such behavior. If the political vector changes, all these commentators will instantly rebuild. We saw this well in the example of the conflict with Turkey. They shouted the loudest about the killers of Russian pilots, but as soon as they were told that Turkey had ceased to be enemy No. 1, they immediately changed their rhetoric to the opposite. It's so vulgar and vulgar. They are worse than women who sell themselves.

- Women with reduced social responsibility, as they say now.

Yes, I mean prostitutes. But when a woman gives herself to a man, there is at least some naturalness in this, and there is nothing natural and organic in the behavior of these commentators.

- Russia had an open military conflict with Georgia. However, Russian tourists visit Georgia with pleasure and do not face aggression against them. How long should it take to be able to plan a vacation in Kyiv?

Indeed, I recently visited Georgia and met nothing but cordiality and hospitality there. And in the case of Ukraine, this will not happen soon. Mutual contradictions and resentment are too strong. The fact is that the Russians are somehow sure that they are one people with the Ukrainians, and this is the deepest delusion. Ukrainians have long dreamed of breaking away from Russian influence and living away from us, to stop being a shadow of Russia. Soviet practice brought our peoples closer together, but still we are just neighbors. We don't live in the same apartment.

Imagine that you have neighbors and you suddenly start declaring them to be your brother and sister. “For what reason? they say. We're just neighbors! - "No! We live on the same landing, we are already relatives!” But neighborhood does not imply that we should change husbands, wives or children.

The Ukrainian people have their own historical path - extremely difficult, sometimes even humiliating. Their history is always the subject of outside interference, when someone constantly divides your country, forcibly accustoms you to your culture. The hard life of the Ukrainian people, hard. And here also the mind of Ukrainian politics is clearly not enough. At a difficult historical moment, the people did not put forward large-scale politicians who could delicately get out of difficult confrontational circumstances. Carefully separate the "Siamese twins", which have become Russia and Ukraine, fused economies and national characteristics. But there were no politicians who, even taking into account the accumulated irritation towards the Russians and the pressure of the nationalists, would steadily and delicately carry out all the processes. This means that these institutions of power have not matured. Indeed, in order to build relationships with such a large and complex neighbor as Russia, a wise political elite is needed. Unfortunately, it is not yet available in Ukraine. Because, unlike Georgia, Ukrainians have no experience of statehood and public administration.

And besides, we are still very different from the Georgians - we have a different alphabet, a completely different culture, traditions, language, temperament, and everything is different with us. And with Ukraine, of course, there is a dangerous appearance of commonality. But this is only an appearance, and when I was often in Ukraine, I saw a powerful energy of rejection and a desire for independence from Russia. The closer the nations, the harder their relationship. You know yourself: the most painful conflicts occur precisely between relatives.

- Is that why you proposed at the constitutional level to fix the impossibility of hostilities with neighboring countries?

- We must have a categorical condition: not to fight with neighbors. This applies to the Baltic States, and Ukraine, and Kazakhstan. I would introduce into the Constitution the principle of mandatory peaceful coexistence with all countries with which we have common borders. Even if we are attacked, we must find the strength not to use the army, not to invade foreign territory. You can quarrel with your neighbors, but you cannot fight.

- But after all, countries all over the world, if they fought with someone, then more often it was with their neighbors. Germany repeatedly fought with France, and in the history of relations between France and England, there was even a hundred-year war. And nothing, somehow find a common language.

- Let's not forget that Germany was never part of France, and France was part of England, although they fought all the time on a territorial basis. Of course, territorial claims always exist. The same Italy really dreamed of getting part of the French lands from Hitler. But no one has ever been part of each other, as in the Soviet Union. In Europe, there is only one exception in this regard - the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

"We are dealing with a bomb that could explode at any moment"

- Alexander Nikolaevich, you have always been aloof from political life. They said that not a single party even once approached you with a proposal to enter its election list. And suddenly, in the parliamentary elections in September last year, you headed the list of the Yabloko party in St. Petersburg, while remaining non-partisan. Why did this happen right now?

“I've lost my patience. Of all the parties or groups professionally involved in politics, only Yabloko is engaged in city protection activities in St. Petersburg. It was thanks to Yabloko that I myself understood a lot in city protection work (“Sokurov’s group is engaged in the protection of historical St. Petersburg. — Approx. ed.). They have always used professional tools. For example, they organized big lawsuits against Gazprom, which the St. Petersburg city protection movement did not dare to do. They helped us, and as a result, almost all the courts were won. And then, there are people to whom I treat with respect. Although, of course, I had no illusions. I understood that this was not an option. But my position was: stop sitting in the kitchen - you need to show your position and support those who think the same way. Of course, I made my life difficult, but I do not regret it. You have to pay for everything. Including for such political behavior.

“Chechnya is a region of Russia that is not subordinate to Russia. They have their own army, and only a signal is needed to move these armed people in some direction. And I'm sure a collision is inevitable."

— You lead a public group of urban activists, leading a dialogue with the authorities about protecting old St. Petersburg from destruction. Last year, you wrote a letter to St. Petersburg Governor Poltavchenko asking him not to name the bridge over the Duderhof Canal after Akhmat Kadyrov, but they didn't listen to you.

- The point in this question, unfortunately, is put. And I consider the decision taken only as terrorist activity on the territory of Russia. This threat comes from the Chechen sector. We are dealing with a bomb that could explode at any moment. In my opinion, this is a real military threat. Chechnya is a region of Russia that is not subject to Russia. They have their own army, and only a signal is needed to move these armed people in some direction. It is obvious to me that this is outside the Constitution of my country. And I am sure that a collision is inevitable for a number of reasons.

Of course, I hope that the president understands who Ramzan Kadyrov is, and the limits of his capabilities are probably defined. But at the same time, I have no doubt that if he gives instructions to the armed people, then in a number of Russian cities there will be great casualties.

- At one time you wrote a letter to Alexander Khloponin, who was the presidential representative in the North Caucasus District, where you proposed to convene a serious conference of Orthodox and Muslim clergy under the auspices of the state with the raising of political issues ...

And, of course, received no response. Nobody paid any attention to it. In the meantime, we see what is happening. Young people who escaped from the Caucasian cities behave outside of any norms, not only of Russian life, but in general, outside of any moral norms. And law enforcement officers in Moscow are paralyzed by fear of Grozny, because it is there that death sentences are passed. And if a person is sentenced to death in Grozny, no one will be able to defend him.

“For some reason, as soon as our beautiful women break into the political elite, they behave there more aggressively than men. The most hard-hearted parliamentarians in Europe are precisely our women deputies.”

- Few people dare to speak about it aloud. And it's understandable why. Did you feel this danger?

- Certainly. But let me not be specific. I understand what I do and say and that I will have to answer for it. And the federal government needs to answer itself the question: is the Constitution Russian Federation law in force on the territory of the entire Russian state? If so, then appropriate action must be taken. However, we see that this document no longer works. Maybe a new constitution is being prepared? There is even an assumption who is ready to head the Constitutional Commission - this is one of the most odious and aggressive women in Russian politics.

— Irina Yarovaya?

- Yes. Women generally have no luck in Russian politics. I guess they shouldn't be allowed in? For some reason, as soon as our beautiful women break into the political elite, they behave there more aggressively than men. The most hard-hearted parliamentarians in Europe are precisely our women deputies.

— How do you explain it?

“You can't explain it in one word. The fact is that the role of men in Russia has long been leveled. This can be seen both in the role of fathers in families, and because of how our boys develop in schools. I think it's time to return to separate education - separately for boys and girls.

- And the whole XX century was spent in the struggle for the emancipation of women.

“But if women want equal rights, then let them be taken with equal responsibility. And then after all, in our case, until now, in court proceedings, the child always remains with the mother, the fathers in this struggle do not have a single chance. Then the husband must also leave housing, and let him live as he knows. If we are equal on paper, then so be it in everyday practice.

However, all these are details, and most importantly, the psychophysical surrender of positions by the entire male part of the population. And it starts from school. And if you ask what part of the male population in Russia is the weakest, without hesitation, I will answer - our military. This is the most pampered category of men. Even intelligence officers have great difficulty psychologically adapting to new living conditions - the military is so accustomed to comfort.

- A rather unexpected statement from the son of a military man who spent all his childhood in military camps. Did they already start noticing something like that?

- My father was still a front-line soldier, but that generation had a different problem - everyone drank. It was the scourge of military camps. They drank at home, and drunk people often appeared at work. Of course, there were garrisons that did not cross certain borders, but to a large extent this concerned everyone ... Drunkenness in general is a huge problem for our country. I was struck by the scope of this phenomenon when I was still a student in Gorky, and when I was already studying in Moscow, entire faculties there were in a semi-alcoholic state. In VGIK, they drank simply unbelievably, sometimes the forms acquired just some kind of wild proportions.

It is with alcoholism that I associate the degradation of the Russian male population. After all, there is no such problem in Muslim regions. Religion there helps to preserve the national way of life. And since the Russians have long been a non-religious people, and our national way of life, closely connected with the rural way of life, was destroyed by the Bolsheviks, now we seem to have no support that would stop this fall into the abyss.

“A gigantic mistake is to give part of the power to the Orthodox Church”

Alexander Nikolayevich, on Ekho Moskvy you once said: “Our vast country is torn apart. There is no common energy. The idea of ​​federalism has largely outlived itself. We need to change the federal principle.” Which one?

- And what do you think about this?

- In the Urals, there has already been an attempt to change the federal principle by creating the Ural Republic in the first half of the 1990s ...

- I remember Yeltsin's reaction very well, he spoke on the phone with Rossel several times about this only in my presence. AND?..

— Nevertheless, this idea had enough supporters.

— Both in Ufa and Irkutsk, I also met supporters of such federalism. And even today this idea is alive. For example, in Kazan they are about to make a decision to change the Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin alphabet, which will finally tear us apart. This is happening all over the country. I see it.

“The state absolutely criminally manages relations with religious cults. The Orthodox Church is, to put it mildly, strange and politically imprudent people.”

“It is important that the government sees it. And they thought, looked for ways to hold the country together, until it was too late. citizens Russian Empire, and then the Soviet Union felt like a single whole, although there was no Internet or television ...

How would you answer this question yourself?

Well, I can only answer for what I personally remember. I think that people were held together by the idea of ​​universal equality, certain social guarantees, the idea of ​​internationalism, a common cultural space, affordable free education ...

- I would even say equally accessible quality education, which a person could receive in the capital, and in a small town, and in a remote aul, and in a Ryazan village. In principle, it was close to implementation. And today's education is class-based. So we will never have any Shukshin: in modern conditions, he could not get an education. All my attempts to resist paying for higher education led to the fact that I ruined relations with a large number of officials and rectors ... In general, you answered your own question, formulating everything quite accurately.

- But if these "clamps" do not work today, will Russia stand with the current "clamps"?

- Where I agree with the communists is that the church should be separated from the state. The current state, however, absolutely criminally disposes of relations with religious cults. We are making a gigantic mistake by giving some of the power to the Orthodox Church. They are people, to put it mildly, strange and politically imprudent.

As soon as a decision is made to create an Orthodox party, which will become one of the official state parties, the flywheel of the destruction of the country will start. Everything goes to that, and the Russian Orthodox Church collects property so that this party will be rich. But after all, large Muslim parties will appear next, and then the question of the existence of the Russian Federation will be removed from the agenda.

It is not difficult to foresee this: if in a certain territory an Orthodox religious force receives a part of political power as a gift from the state, then, accordingly, in other places the Muslim population will quite rightly demand a part of political power for their religious organizations. Believe me, Muslims will not yield in anything in this matter. And when the interests of Orthodoxy and Islam enter into a political contradiction between themselves, an inter-religious war will begin - the worst thing that can ever happen. IN civil war you can still agree, but in the religious fight to the death. Nobody will give in. And everyone will be right in their own way.

- In one interview you said: “We are strangers in the European space. Aliens, because they are big - in terms of the size of the country, in terms of the scale and unpredictability of ideas. And in another you exclaim: “Aren't Russians Europeans? Didn't Europe raise us?"

- There is no contradiction here. In one case I spoke about culture, in the other about ways of behaving. But, of course, Russia is civilizationally more connected with Europe.

- And how then to perceive the current turn to the East?

“It's just stupid, that's all. How many stupid things have been done by the Russian state, which still cannot really be created? We are changing the social system, we are at war with our neighbors, we are ignited by some crazy ideas ... And the state is, first of all, a tradition, an experience that has been tested by time and confirmed by national consensus. We can't find agreement even in small things.

Here in Yekaterinburg, they are going to build a temple on the city pond, although part of the society is against it. But it would be nice to see how such issues are resolved in Germany. There, if even a small part of the population is against it, the decision is postponed. Thus, they protect themselves from hasty steps. The Russian state has always lacked rationality and balance, and it still lacks it today.

“Our Muslims are silent and waiting for where it will break out and which side to take”

— Alexander Nikolayevich, you say that it is necessary to establish strict boundaries in relations between power and religion, but, on the other hand, you liked Iran, although this state can hardly be called secular…

- Iranians are Shiites, and this is a very special branch of Islam. In my experience, it is much softer. And everything we are told about the Iranian regime is not entirely true. I talked there with different people and will go there again soon. I think that it is necessary to study the Iranian experience. They found themselves in complete isolation, but did not degrade, but, on the contrary, proved that everything is possible to develop within the framework of one self-sufficient nation - the economy, military and chemical industry, agriculture, hydrocarbon production and scientific research... They even make several times more films than Russia. And very good ones.

In general, this trip prompted me to think a lot about the development and strength of the Muslim world. It needs serious attention. He is energetic and no longer ready to stay within his space. We must understand that it will cross borders and expand.

- This is already happening. And you are sounding the alarm, saying that in no case should a mixture of cultures be allowed. But this thesis contradicts the current official European values ​​aimed at multiculturalism, open borders, political correctness.

“Europe today is being destroyed by the fear of admitting that the national is superior to the international. I call it an infection. Just got an infection in the body, and he fell ill. In order for the Christian and Muslim worlds to exist in accord and harmony, it is necessary to draw a clear boundary through which neither side can cross. We must not allow the mixing of cultures. This cannot happen without conflict, because culture is a code, a worldview. And the second rule is not to violate the norms of the root people. There should be modesty of the guest, but as a rule, it is not. It cannot be said that Europe will disappear if mosques appear everywhere. But culture, without any doubt, will perish.

Europeans forget that civilization must be protected, this combination of national and Christian norms must be preserved. The European world has accumulated a vast experience of socialization, various political compromises and political practices. And the ability of people to quality work. After all, the main thing that attracts Arabs and Africans in Europe is that you can come to the ready. For some reason, they do not want to fight for the creation of their quality states. They will not do this, but they want to go where something has already been done. But since they do not have the skills of assimilation, there is no habit of respecting other cultural and religious principles, then, naturally, the current situation in Europe will lead to major conflicts and wars on the territory of European countries.

In general, we need a distance, a noble distance between peoples. Or under the European culture, you can draw a line and prepare for a decisive modification of the entire European way of life. Either we must resist, or we must agree that we will lose.

- And how to resist if you yourself say that you are increasingly confronted with censorship in the West?

- Unfortunately it's true. Today in the West people are much more dependent on the government than 5-7 years ago. More than once, European journalists have confessed to me that editors do not always allow what they have written to be published. My interviews there are now censored, and the TV channels have often turned down topics that I would like to discuss. In Europe, there is a degradation of democratic traditions.

“It is time for Europe to understand that there is a much more dangerous adversary than Russia - this is the Muslim revolution. Like once Bolshevism"

- In one interview you said: “Napoleon was considered a murderer, not shaking hands, and now he is almost a French national hero. Even the brand - cognac, cologne ... And the same thing will happen with Hitler - rationality will win over morality. Will humanity forget everything that Hitler did?

- Within the boundaries of 15-20 years, everything will begin to change dramatically in assessments. But if you ask what my conviction is based on, I will not answer. I just intuitively feel. This is my perception of the pace at which modern evaluation categories are changing. Well, who of the representatives of my generation could imagine 30 years ago that Nazi youth organizations would exist in St. Petersburg? It seemed to us unrealistic under any circumstances. Especially in Leningrad, where witnesses of the Blockade, participants in the Great Patriotic War. Nevertheless, they are. And not the heirs of Russian nationalism, but the followers of German fascism, who accept its entire system and ideology.

- But our society still considers them marginal ...

- So far this is true, but, unfortunately, the boundaries between concepts are very quickly erased, and the ground has been prepared for this.

- In the same Europe, the topic of the Russian threat is popular today. Does this hurt you as a Russian citizen? Or do you think that the West's fears are justified?

- Recently I staged a performance in Italy and, of course, I talked a lot with the local intelligentsia. Among them there is a certain fear of the invasion of the Russian army into the territory of Europe. I encounter these fears even more often in the Baltics. I tell the Balts all the time: don't be afraid, it won't happen. It's just that the Baltics and Poland need to form an association of neutral states - this is an ideal way out for them. After all, when you do not have NATO bases on your territory, then Russia will not need to send missiles in your direction. Be smart: don't plant raspberries near a bear's den.

Historian Boris Sokolov: there are no reasons for the revolution, but they can appear unexpectedly and quickly

In general, it is time for Europe to understand that there is a much more dangerous adversary than Russia - this is the Muslim revolution. After all, why is it so difficult to deal with ISIS - because it is not just a terrorist organization, but a revolutionary ideological movement of the Muslim world. It can arise anywhere, like Bolshevism. After all, no matter how Europe pressed, it could not suppress the Bolshevik rebellion in Russia. And after all, there was also an ideology - to spread Bolshevism throughout the world: Lenin and his followers dreamed of organizing revolutions in Europe. ISIS is guided by similar principles: Christianity has outlived itself, decayed, let's send Christian civilization to the dustbin of history and replace it with a new order - Muslim-political. And since the idea cannot be defeated by missiles, fighting ISIS without entering into negotiations with them as a system means dooming yourself to defeat.

“That’s how the principle sounds: “do not enter into negotiations with terrorists.”

So he's outdated. Now we need to learn how to deal with them. And this requires wisdom. Can you see why our Muslims are watching all this with such restraint? They are silent and waiting for where it will flare up and which side to take.

"Don't think that cinema is harmless, it's a delusion"

- Back in 2002, you told the Izvestia newspaper: “American cinema aggression is killing the feeling and thinking viewer. Russia is defeated in this sense.” Has anything changed in 15 years? How do you evaluate the completed Year of Russian Cinema?

- Nothing changed. If the Year of Culture ended with the closure of libraries, then in the Year of Cinema we will lose all documentary film studios in Siberia, the Urals, the Far East, the northern regions and the North Caucasus. The state, of course, allocated a little more money for debuts, but this is not serious. In order to develop fully, our cinema needs 80-100 debuts a year, and now we have allocated funds for 16.

Nothing has been done for the mechanism of existence of cinema. I'm not talking about banning the distribution of Western films or selling more expensive tickets for foreign films, as they do in France. I am talking about legal and economic measures that can contribute to the development of national cinema as an industrial direction, when there is a technical base, reasonable budgets, cinemas, access to television ... This is the kind of systematic work that the Ministry of Culture should be engaged in, but it does not do it at all.

Unfortunately, this is a feature of government in our time. When everything seems to be in place, but in reality no one is doing anything. We regularly see how the president asks them: why hasn't this been done, and why hasn't it been completed? They answer him something, sometimes he even catches someone in a lie, but nothing changes. If it's like that everywhere, then why should it be different in our cinema?

- Now an active fight against Internet piracy has begun, but after all, many of your films can be watched only thanks to torrents. And in general, for people living outside of large cities, torrents, in fact, are a window to the big world.

“So it seems to me unnatural when an artist is opposed to his work being seen as more people. Of course, I am not making a producer film, which strictly requires the return of invested funds, and I myself have never received money for the rental of my films, but still I don’t understand why we deprive, in this way, a whole layer of our compatriots of the opportunity to choose. I do not think that there should be any restrictions in the artistic space. The audience today is very poor, so it seems wrong to me to ban the reprint of books, restrict access to music and movies.

We are creating a state so that it performs its functions. And one of its main functions is to maintain society in a civilized state with the help of culture. The state should have resources to compensate for possible losses to right holders when opening free access to films or books. In general, I believe that an international agreement is needed within the framework of UNESCO or the UN on the universal accessibility of works of world culture. But again they will say that I, like a city madman, offer something unrealizable.

— Is this how your call to the organizers of class “A” festivals to refuse films with scenes of violence was perceived in approximately the same way? But then a whole layer of genres will disappear. How to film, say, "War and Peace"?

- I do not urge not to shoot about the war at all. I proposed to abandon violence on the screen as a professional, dramatic tool, to abandon plots and images associated with the glorification or aestheticization of violence. I have been talking about this for many years and calling for this, but they do not hear me, neither here nor in Europe. Unfortunately, I am sure that this may be one of the few cases where I am absolutely right. The glorification and aestheticization of violence cause much more damage than, for example, any environmental problem.

Propaganda of evil is when on the screen you are shown a method of killing, torturing a person. Such a movie causes irreparable harm to the human psyche, because for a modern young person, death is not sacred. It seems to him that killing is worth nothing. Cinema convinces him that a person can be killed different ways: tear out the intestines, tear off the head, gouge out the eyes ... Do not think that the movie is harmless. It's a delusion.

- But for this, the age categories "12 plus", "18 plus" were introduced.

- However, they do not solve the problem - today, thanks to the Internet, any child can watch anything. Although this can be dealt with, I assure you, there would be a desire. The electronic world is such a manageable and vulnerable segment that 3-4 buttons are enough to remove all this from public access, but, apparently, no one needs it.

- And what about your appeal to your peers-directors to stop cinematography for at least a year and give all the funds allocated by the state to young directors? Has anyone reacted?

- Of course not. I am already used to the fact that any of my initiatives do not cause any reaction in my homeland. Journalists are still asking about this, and my colleagues, obviously, are completely uninterested in my point of view on topical issues.

- In the West, many famous directors have gone to television. A recent example: Paolo Sorrentino, who directed the best film of 2015 according to the European Film Academy - "Youth", recently released a television series "The Young Pope" about the Pope. Would you be interested in filming a series?

Well, I've been making big documentaries for television. For example, "Spiritual voices" or "duty", which lasts five hours. These are great works, dramaturgically arranged for the TV format. But I do not want to work in the conditions in which Russian serial cinema exists today. I am not interested in these topics, they have nothing to do with me.

- And abroad?

- I was offered, but a number of circumstances did not allow me to do this.

- Alexander Nikolaevich, you are one of the most titled Russian directors, while among your colleagues you are considered a "black sheep", and many of your works have not been seen by the domestic audience. Do you consider your professional career successful?

“It seems to me that I chose the wrong profession.

- This is a confession!

- It's just that at the time of the choice I was too young to realize the full responsibility of this step. And for several years now, I clearly understand that the choice turned out to be wrong. There are other areas in which I would be more in demand, could do more. Because in the cinema I did not fully realize myself. What to say now...


Alexander Sokurov was born in 1951 in the Irkutsk region. He graduated from the history department of Gorky State University, then the directing department of VGIK, where he became friends with the main co-author - screenwriter Yuri Arabov. From his student years, he was subjected to censorship persecution, was supported by Andrei Tarkovsky, who discerned the “hand of a genius” in The Lonely Voice of a Man. Several times he refused to emigrate.

All-Union and world recognition received during Perestroika, in the late 1980s. To date, Alexander Sokurov is the author of more than fifty feature and documentary films, is the owner of dozens of film awards, including the Moscow, Berlin, Cannes, Venice festivals, the Andrei Tarkovsky Prize, the Nika Prize, the Vatican Prize (handed personally by Pope John Paul II ). Repeated winner of the State Prize of Russia, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, holder of the Japanese Order of the Rising Sun with Golden Rays (for the film "The Sun").

Russian news


In New York, due to COVID-19, prisoners were released; in Russia, PMC members are not allowed into pre-trial detention

He drew attention to the tough actions of law enforcement agencies at mass rallies, especially against girls and women. “I want to address our deputies. To male deputies, because women will not accept such a new law. Let's pass a law that prohibits arresting and generally touching women and girls participating in protests,” suggested the director, whose speech was repeatedly interrupted by applause and shouts of “Bravo!”.

Photo: Vyacheslav Prokofiev / TASS

“We have said many times, for many years: “Where are you? Where are you students? Where are you students? Do you notice that you are inside the country, do you notice what is happening in this country?” There was silence, they were not. So they appeared, ”the director stated. “You and I must do everything so that the humanitarian development of our society, our young people takes place, because everything that is connected with the replacement of enlightenment, education, with some kind of religious dogma, everything that is connected with the introduction of religious dogmas into the civil and political space institutions, leads to the collapse of the country,” Sokurov said.

Director Aleksey Krasovsky, who received the Discovery of the Year award for the film Collector, called on filmmakers to speak out in defense of those who were detained on March 26. He called on the film community to somehow influence the fate of the detained protesters. “I want to ask you to use your power to change something in their fate,” TASS quotes the director. His performance was supported by the artistic director of the Lenkom Theater Mark Zakharov.

Vitaly Mansky, receiving "Nika" for his documentary "In the Rays of the Sun", which won the "Best Non-Fiction Film" nomination, said that we "have not yet North Korea", but "we have ***ed the country, therefore we are worse than North Korea,” Kommersant writes.

The theme of political prisoners was also heard in the speech of Elena Koreneva, who received a prize in the Best Supporting Actress nomination for the film Her Name Was Mumu.

The 30th Nika Film Awards Ceremony was held on March 28. In the main nomination - "Best Film" - directed by Andrei Konchalovsky. He also won the award for Best Director.

"Nika" for the best acting work went to Timofey Tribuntsev, who played in the film "The Monk and the Demon" by Nikolai Dostal, and Yulia Vysotskaya for her work in the film "Paradise".

The best screenwriter was Yuri Arabov (“The Monk and the Demon”). Eduard Artemyev was awarded for the best music (the film "Hero").

Director and screenwriter Alexei Krasovsky, who made the film "The Collector" with Konstantin Khabensky, was named "Discovery of the Year".