Priest George Blazma: Let your light shine before people... Reading and studying the Bible in a group So let your light shine before people

The Lord said to His disciples: you are the light of the world. A city standing on top of a mountain cannot hide. And having lit a candle, they do not put it under a bushel, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Do not think that I came to destroy the law or the prophets: I did not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or one tittle will pass from the law until it is all fulfilled. So, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches people to do so, he will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven; and whoever does and teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.

“You are the light of the world,” says Christ, addressing His disciples. And this applies to all Christians and, first of all, to those who are called to shepherd. Like light, they are visible to everyone, and the eyes of many are fixed on them. “A city standing on top of a mountain cannot hide.” Some admire them, rejoice at their presence, others envy them and hate them, and seek to destroy them. Therefore they must walk with all caution, keeping this in mind. As the light of the world, they are called to illuminate others and communicate light to others.

Christ did not light these candles to place them under a bushel. The light of Christ's gospel is so strong and so self-evident that it shines on everyone in the house - on everyone who comes to the Church. We hear these words during the bishop’s vestment in the middle of the church - at the beginning of the Divine Liturgy: “So let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify our Father who is in heaven.” He who is Christ's must be a light before men. Through life and the word of truth, the shepherd must be a burning and shining lamp. We must do good deeds not in order to see our light, which can always become darkness, but in order to see the presence of the light of Christ in us and in our deeds. Not in order to glorify us, but in order to glorify our Father, who is in heaven.

Just as Christ came not to destroy the law or the prophets, but to fulfill them, so those who are Christ’s, and above all His shepherds, should treasure everything that comes from God. And in obedience to everything that the Church preserves, strive towards the light of Christ. “Truly I say to you,” solemnly proclaims He who is the Amen, the faithful Witness, “until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or one tittle will pass from the law, until all is fulfilled.” The Word of the Lord endures forever - the word of the Law and the word of the Gospel. God cares so much about His Church that everything that belongs to God in it and bears the stamp of His name, no matter how insignificant it may seem, must be sacredly preserved. And Christ gives the commandment to His disciples - all Christians and, above all, pastors - to observe all church institutions, showing how dangerous it is to neglect them. “Whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches people so, he will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven; and whoever does and teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Among the commandments of God and the rules of the Church, there are some that are smaller than others. But they are only relatively minor. It is dangerous in doctrine and in spiritual life to abolish the slightest instructions of God. This is an encroachment on the shrine of God. The further the retreat goes, the more destructive it is. “Therefore, brothers,” says the great teacher of the Church, Saint John of Damascus, “let us stand on Church Tradition, as on the rock of our faith, without moving the boundaries that our holy fathers set, without giving room to those who want innovation and destruction of the building of the Holy Ecumenical Apostolic Church of God, for if everyone acts according to his own will, little by little the whole thing will be destroyed Churches". It is wicked to destroy the slightest commandment, but it is incomparably worse to teach this to others. Whoever does this will be the least in relation to the Kingdom of Heaven, to the Kingdom of glory. But there are great saints in the Church of Christ who were honored to do good and teach goodness to others. For those who do not create as they teach, build with one hand and destroy with the other. And those who speak from experienced knowledge of God, those who live according to what they preach, are truly great. They will shine like the sun in the Kingdom of Heaven.

"Let your light shine..."

“The Lord will come out like a giant, like a man of war and stir up jealousy; He will call and raise a war cry, and show Himself strong against His enemies.

I was silent for a long time, I endured, I held back; now I will scream like a woman giving birth, I will destroy and consume everything; I will lay waste the mountains and hills, and dry up all their grass; and I will make the rivers into islands, and I will dry up the lakes; And I will lead the blind by a way which they do not know, I will lead them in unknown ways; I will make darkness light before them, and the crooked ways straight: this is what I will do for them, and will not forsake them.

Then those who trust in idols, who say to the idols, “You are our gods,” will turn back and be covered with great shame.

Hear, you deaf, and look, you blind, to see. Who is as blind as My servant, and deaf as My messenger, sent by Me? Who is as blind as the beloved, as blind as the servant of the Lord? You saw a lot, but did not notice ( literal translation "did not comply"); my ears were open, but I couldn’t hear.

It pleased the Lord, for the sake of His righteousness, to magnify and glorify the law. But this is a people ruined and plundered;

they are all bound in dungeons and hidden in dungeons; they have become a prey, and there is no deliverer; robbed, and no one says: “give it back!”

How many of you have inclined your ear to this, looked into it, and listened to it for the future? Who delivered Jacob to destruction and Israel to robbers? Is it not the Lord against whom we have sinned? They did not want to walk in His ways and did not listen to His law.

And He poured out on them the fury of His anger and the ferocity of war: it surrounded them with flames on all sides, but they did not notice; and they were burning, but they did not understand it in their hearts.” (Isa.42:13-25)

To what extent does a person realize that he needs God’s guidance in order to know for sure whether this is the Lord’s way?

“Timothy, while working in God's field, always followed the advice and instructions of Paul. He did nothing under the influence of a momentary impulse, he was prudent and reasonable, asking at every step: is this the way of the Lord? And the Holy Spirit molded his character, making the young man a temple in which God dwells. Biblical lessons, when translated into practical life, have a deep and lasting impact on a person.

Those who work in the field of saving souls need to strive for a deeper, fuller and clearer knowledge of the Lord than that which is achieved by ordinary efforts. They should throw all their strength into the work of God. Having a high and holy calling to instruct souls, they must rely firmly on God and daily draw grace and strength from the Source of all good things.

“For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously and godly in this present age, looking forward to the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, to redeem us from all iniquity and to purify for himself a special people, zealous for good works” (Titus 2:11-14). (YES 205)

Most do not even question whether his ways, deeds, and words are pleasing to the Lord. And among those who ask themselves this question, they still don’t find the answer: am I on the right path, what steps to take next?

Of course, there are issues that are clearly stated in the Word of God, but there are those in which you can not be mistaken with the guidance of God.

God gave light (Ps. 119:105, Gen. 2:16,17), but man made the light darkness (Gen. 3:6). Sin has entered the world and the paths that seem right to us may actually lead to destruction (Prov. 14:12, Matt. 7:13, 14).

We hear not because we are deaf, but because we do not listen; we do not see, not because we are blind, but because we do not look.

“Hear, you deaf, and see, you blind, that you may see.” (Isaiah 42:18) “You have seen many things, but you have not noticed; my ears were open, but I couldn’t hear.” (Isa.42:20)

If we were deaf and blind, the Lord would help us (John 9:41), but since we have no need, we remain without God's guidance in hearing what He says and seeing His ways.

About Jesus it is written: “And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not overcome it.” (John 1:5)

It is also written to us: “Shall I say: “Perhaps the darkness will hide me, and the light around me [will become] night”; but the darkness will not obscure You, and the night is as bright as the day: as is the darkness, so is the light.” (Ps. 139:11,12)

The prophet Isaiah writes that those who were sent by the Lord became blind and deaf. But the Word of God says: “...if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” (Matt. 15:14) The Lord called us out of darkness into His wonderful light (1 Peter 2:9), so that His image (character is His glory) would be reflected in us and people, seeing His character in our deeds, would glorify the Father both in word and desire to follow our example. And so this light that God gave us must shine so that “...the earth was illuminated from his glory.” (Rev. 18:1)

“I must do the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night comes when no one can do anything. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” (John 9:4,5)

For Jesus, the darkness of this world could not darken His path so that He would not know what to do, where to go, what to say, how to act in a given situation. So impeccable were His words, deeds and behavior that even those who reproached Him for His earthly origin could not fail to notice the purity of His character, consistency in actions, wisdom and purity in speech.

The darkness of this world was not darkness to Him, He Himself was light. And where there is light, there cannot be darkness (Gen. 1:3). Where Jesus passed, He left a light of hope for those wandering in darkness. He did not participate in the works of darkness, but on the contrary, he showed the way to salvation.

And vice versa: “...the light of the wicked will go out, and there will be no spark left from his fire. The light in his tent will be darkened, and his lamp will go out over him.” (Job 18:5,6)

As can be seen if the lamp does not shine. Jesus was light because He did the will of the Father. And only in this way, and only under this condition, being in human nature, could He emit light.

“Sweet is the light, and it is pleasant for the eyes to see the sun.” (Eccl. 11:7)

“If you turn to the Almighty..., remove iniquity from your tent... If you pray to Him, He will hear you, and you will fulfill your vows. Set an intention, and it will come true for you, and light will shine over your paths. (Job 22:23-28)

“The light of the righteous burns cheerfully, but the lamp of the wicked goes out.” (Prov.13:9)

“And the light of the moon will be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven days, in that day when the Lord binds up the wound of His people and heals the wounds that were inflicted on them.” (Isa.30:26)

“This is the judgment, that light has come into the world;

but people loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil; For everyone who does evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds be exposed, because they are evil, but he who does righteousness comes to the light, so that his deeds may be revealed, because they are done in God.” (John 3:19-21)

“As long as the light is with you, believe in the light, that you may be sons of light...” (John 12:36)
“I have come as light into the world, so that whoever believes in Me should not remain in darkness.” (John 12:46)

“He who rejects Me and does not accept My words has one who judges him: the word that I have spoken will judge him at the last day.” (John 12:48)

Evangelist Matthew, paying attention to the words of the prophet Isaiah, wrote: “That it might be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophet Isaiah, who said: ... the people sitting in darkness have seen a great light, and to those sitting in the land and shadow of death the light has dawned. From that time Jesus began to preach and say: Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” (Matt. 4:14-17)

Jesus shed light on this world through His teaching and His entire life. He set forth the principles of the Kingdom of Heaven, taught it in sermons, revealed it in parables, and demonstrated it in practice. The “Sermon on the Mount” most fully and vividly revealed to people the principles of the Kingdom of Heaven and brought Him closer to those who accepted His principles.

And to those who allowed His grace to reign, He said: “You are the light of the world. A city standing on top of a mountain cannot hide. And having lit a candle, they do not put it under a bushel, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matt. 5:14-16)

So why don’t we have guidance, don’t hear and don’t see?...

How can light be called light if it does not shine? This is darkness!

How can you see your paths if you don’t shine for others? Our light that the Lord gives us is not a spotlight that shines with a beam. This is light, similar to the light of the sun, which penetrates everywhere and fills all the space provided to it! And if he is able to reach others and show them the right path, then the one who emits such light will NEVER remain in darkness himself.

God gave us gifts and talents as a means of transmitting His light, but how are they used? How do we use: Our speech, Our strengths, Our time, Our means, Our homes, means of communication and transportation, access to information ,

Who do our children serve when they snap and disobey, when they spend most of their time idly, who will they grow up to be, will they be light if we are darkness???!!!

If we turned the light that God gave us into darkness, then what will be the darkness of a lawless life when we are completely left without God’s guidance???

Thus, King Saul, turning light into darkness, completely deprived himself of God's guidance.

“... Saul answered: It is very hard for me; The Philistines fight against me, but God has retreated from me and no longer answers me, either through the prophets or in dreams...” (1 Samuel 28:15)

"ANDb The battle against Saul became fierce, and the arrows struck him with arrows, and he was greatly wounded by the arrows.” (1 Samuel 31:3)

“And Saul said to his armourbearer, Draw your sword and kill me with it, lest these uncircumcised come and kill me and mock me. But the squire did not want to, because he was very afraid. Then Saul took his sword and fell on him.” (1 Samuel 31:4)

When we cease to be light, we should not be surprised that we will be struck "...the flaming arrows of the evil one." (Eph.6:16) and (Ps.119:3,4)

Today we need to closely intertwine our lives with our religion, because... a rope twisted three times is stronger (Eccl. 4:12).

All areas of our life, when we work, relax, go to the store, talk with people, visit public places, cooking and cleaning, buying, selling, everything should radiate His light. There is not a single moment in our lives that does not have an impact on others. Even when we are alone, we shape our future influence. How we spend our personal time will affect all our public affairs.

We need to prioritize. The Lord and His will must come first.

Jesus once told Martha (Luke 10:41,42), what you do is important, but first you need to be at the feet of Christ, all the deeds of the coming day must be sanctified by the Lord. We need His guidance for the whole day.

It is important what matters come first in importance. If the main thing is earthly and material, there will be no leadership. How can God lead if all His blessings, gifts, strength, health, means, time, EVERYTHING that He gives us will be used to please ourselves???

God did not reveal himself to Saul when his personal desire and benefit were important to Saul. God is not a genie who should fulfill all our desires. He is the Savior, Friend, Brother, Father, Helper, Protection, Witness, Way, Truth, Life, Fire, Water, Bread. But not as a means to achieve only personal, selfish goals!

Soon everyone will hear the warning and make a decision. And then the end will come. The essence of all true faith is doing the right things at the right time. God is the great Director, and through His providence He prepares the way for the completion of His work. It provides favorable opportunities, opens up spheres of influence and ways to accomplish work. If His people will follow the directions of His providence and remain willing to co-operate with Him, they will be able to see the great work completed.

The correctly directed efforts of the people will bring a result a hundred times greater than could be achieved through the same means and in the same ways, but in a different direction, where God acts not so clearly.” (SC T6 p. 25)

The light that God entrusted to us, saying: "You are the light of the world", must reach such a strength that “...the earth was illuminated from his glory.” (Rev. 18:1)

Having such light, striving for such ideals, we cannot but have such a God as our Leaders. There is no need to walk in darkness if there is such Light.

The Lord said: “For a long time I was silent, I endured, I held back; now I will scream like a woman giving birth, I will destroy and consume everything; I will lay waste the mountains and hills, and dry up all their grass; and I will make the rivers into islands, and I will dry up the lakes; And I will lead the blind by a way which they do not know, I will lead them in unknown ways; I will make darkness light before them, and the crooked ways straight: this is what I will do for them, and will not forsake them.” (Isa.42:14-16)

“You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord: walk as children of light, for the fruit of the Spirit is all goodness, righteousness and truth. Test what is pleasing to God, and do not participate in the fruitless works of darkness, but also reprove.

For what they do in secret is shameful to even talk about. Everything that is revealed is made manifest by the light, for everything that becomes manifest is light. Therefore it is said: “Awake, O sleeper, and rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”

Therefore, take heed and walk carefully, not as fools, but as wise, valuing the time, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but know what the will of God is.” (Eph.5:8-17)

“Special and rapid changes are about to take place, and therefore the people of God must be equipped with the Holy Spirit, that, having received heavenly wisdom, they may meet the difficulties of the time with dignity, and, as far as possible, resist the demoralizing influences of the world. If the church does not go into hibernation, if the followers of Christ watch and pray, they will receive light to recognize and identify the actions of the enemy.

The end is near! God calls the church to clean up everything that still dishonors God. Let the churches wake up before it is too late. Let every believer do his work and guard the name of the Lord by which he is called. Let sound faith and sincere piety take the place of sloth and unbelief.

The building of the Kingdom of God is either slowed down or advanced according to the unfaithfulness or devotion of men. The work is made difficult by the fact that people do not cooperate with God. They can pray: “Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.", but if they do not fulfill this prayer in their lives, their petitions will remain fruitless.

He invites you to come under His Divine guidance. By uniting with Christ, you can do the works of God. " Without Me,” said Christ, “you can do nothing.”

Through the prophet Isaiah the promise was given: “Your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will follow you” (Isa. 58:8).

The righteousness of Christ goes before us, and the glory of the Lord follows us. …The absence of Divine power slows down the coming of the Kingdom of God.

This work must be done before Christ comes with great power and glory. Churches should not feel left out and forgotten because they do not have a professional minister working for them. They themselves need to quickly take on the burden and work with the greatest zeal for the people.

If we do only a third of what we can do with the talents entrusted to us, then the other two-thirds are working against Christ.

The most great work"that can be accomplished in our world is glorifying God by embodying the character of Christ in our lives." (SC p. 437)

In addition to saving people, Christ then shows another benefit that can motivate disciples to the most diligent and zealous fulfillment of their duties. If you live well, He says, you will not only convert the whole universe, but you will also contribute to the glory of the name of God; on the contrary, with a bad life you will destroy people and give rise to blasphemy of the name of God.

How, you say, will God be glorified through us if people slander us? But not all; Yes, even those who slander us will do this out of envy, but in their hearts they will honor and marvel at us, just as there are people who clearly flatter the wicked, but in their hearts accuse them. What do you order? Should we live for vanity and ambition? No, that's not what I'm saying. I did not say: try to show off your good deeds, show them off; but he only said: “ let your light shine", that is, may your virtue be great, the fire abundant, the light indescribable. When virtue is such, it is impossible to hide it, even if the one who has it tried in every possible way to hide it. So, show an impeccable life, and no one will have sufficient reason to slander you. Even if there are countless people who slander, no one, however, will be able to eclipse your glory. The word is well said: “ light" Indeed, nothing spreads the glory of a person more than the brilliance of virtue, even if that person tries by all means to hide it. It is as if surrounded by a sunbeam, and shines more clearly than the ray itself, extending its radiance not only to the earth, but also to the sky itself.

Here Christ comforts His disciples even more. Let it be sorrowful for you, He says, when you are reviled; but through you many will become true worshipers of God. In both cases, a reward is prepared for you: both when you endure slander for God, and when God is glorified through you. But so that we do not try to spread bad rumors about ourselves, knowing that there will be a reward for this, Christ did not just speak about slander, but pointed out only two types of it, namely: when they speak falsely about us, and when they slander us for God. But at the same time, Christ shows that not only such slander brings great benefit, but also good glory when the glory of God spreads through it. Here Christ strengthens the disciples with good hopes. This slander of the wicked, He says, is not so strong that it can prevent others from seeing your light. Then they will only trample on you when you darken yourself, but not when you do good. On the contrary, then many will marvel at you, and not only at you, but through you and at your Father. Further, Christ did not say: they will glorify God, but the Father, by which he lays down the beginnings of the dignity that will be bestowed upon them. Then, in order to show His equality with the Father, Christ said first: do not grieve when you hear bad things about yourself, because it is enough for you that you hear it for My sake - and here he points to the Father, revealing equality everywhere.

Conversations on the Gospel of Matthew.

St. Gregory of Nyssa

So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

But why does the Lord say: let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven? Because He commands [everyone], following the commandments of God, to do whatever he does, looking to God, and to please Him alone, without hunting for human glory. On the contrary, [such a true Christian] must avoid human praise and flaunting [his good deeds], so that, even if he becomes known for [his godly] life to everyone who sees his deeds, he will not hear [from the Lord]: “People are surprised at manifesting [such acts]"; he should hear [these words of the Lord]: “People glorify your Father in heaven.” For [the Lord] commands to bring all glory to the Father and to correlate every action with His will, since the Father has prepared a reward for virtuous deeds. This [the Lord] commands you to avoid passing praises and turn away from earthly praises. He who seeks them and directs his life towards them not only loses eternal glory, but already [here] must expect retribution. [The Lord] says: Woe to you when all people speak well of you(Luke 6:26) Therefore, avoid human honor, which ends in shame and eternal dishonor. Strive for the heavenly praises of which David says: My praise comes from You(Ps. 21, 26) and in the Lord my soul will glory(Ps. 33:3). The blessed apostle commands the one who approaches the meal to approach it not indifferently, but first to give glory to Him who gives the means of life (1 Cor. 10:31). And thus [we] are commanded to despise human glory in everything and seek glory from God alone. Whoever does this is called the faithful Lord. And He classifies the one who seeks earthly honors as an infidel, saying: How can you believe when you receive glory from each other, but do not seek the glory that is from the One God?(John 5:44).

About the purpose of life according to God and about true asceticism.

St. Gregory Palamas

So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

This is not said in the sense that He commands us to show ourselves; but He commands to live in a manner pleasing to God; but just as light, having no relationship with the outside world, nevertheless attracts the eyes of those who see it, so a godly life attracts human souls along with the eyes. And one more thing: as in the light of the sun, we praise not the air, which participates in the radiance, but the sun, which possesses the light and gives its illumination; and even if we praise the ether as luminous, how much more do we praise the sun? So in relation to a person who demonstrates virtuous deeds, the radiance of the Sun of Truth: for such a person, as soon as he becomes noticed, elevates people to praise Heavenly Father, the Sun of Truth - Christ. And not to mention the great virtues, I will say that when I stand with you before God in the sacred Church, I turn around and look at those who with understanding and contrition send up hymns and prayers to God, or I see someone standing in silence and in absorption and the one who listens, then this single sight inspires me and I am filled with contentment and glorify the Father in Heaven - Christ, without Whom no one can do anything noble and through Whom every successful action is carried out in people.

Omilia 10. In the second week of Holy Pentecost.

St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov)

The Lord taught His disciples direct, sincere behavior, based on holy wisdom, and not justified by wickedness - behavior from which pure virtue should shine and with its heavenly beauty attract the eyes and hearts of people. Thus let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

Ascetic experiences. Part I

St. Justin (Polyansky)

So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

These words, first of all, refer to the Apostles and their successors - the shepherds and teachers of the holy Church of Christ, who were previously called the salt of the earth and the light of the World. But every true Christian, illuminated and enlightened by the light of Christ and possessing a heavenly heart, must be in his midst a burning and shining lamp for everyone around him, so that everyone sees his good deeds, imitates them, and thus glorifies our heavenly Father.

Commandments of our Lord and God Jesus Christ.

St. John Climacus

So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Bad vanity teaches us to accept the image of virtue that is not in us, convincing us of this with the words of the Gospel: “ So let your light shine before men, so that they see your good deeds».

Word 22. About diverse vanity.

St. Isidore Pelusiot

So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

To the words: let your light shine, and that this does not contradict what has been said: listen to your alms etc. (6:1) .

There is nothing, venerable one, better than good glory, spreading everywhere, passing both land and sea; and no one can compare the Krezov treasures with her. And therefore the Wise Solomon said: Better is a good name than much wealth, and good grace is better than silver and gold(Prov. 22:1), and Christ commanded: let your light shine before men not so that we live for the love of fame - let that not happen! Christ eradicates it, commanding both prayer and alms to be done privately, and to conceal from one hand what is done by the other - but so that we do not give anyone a reason to be tempted.

In this case, even against our will, the light of deeds will illuminate those who see and turn them to the praise of God. For Christ understands this in the words indicated, and this is evident from the fact that it is not said: “that you may be glorified,” but it is said: May they see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Letters. Book II.

Those who do good deeds, when these deeds are obvious, benefit them, which is why the Savior said: Let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father who is in heaven. However, since others do not mean the Master’s word, but their own glory, the Savior gave the following advice: Take heed that you do not do your alms before men; Otherwise, don’t take bribes(Matt. 6:1) .

The first words express good behavior and love for good, which cannot be hidden, even if those who do it want to; and the second is to curb the love of fame. In the former, the Lord forbids vice, and in the latter, the desire to show off. The latter does not contradict the first, but prohibits vices, as if inextricably following virtues.

Any virtue that is not performed for show can in its own sense be called virtue, and indeed is virtue. If it gets carried away into the love of glory, then it ceases to be true virtue. For I am silent about the fact that those who give alms for show do this not out of love of Philokalia, but in order to expose the misfortunes of others to shame. Delighting in being called merciful, they do not refuse to exaggerate the misfortunes of others.

And this: let your light shine- it is said not so that we may boast, but in the sense that it is impossible for a good deed to remain a secret, even if those who do it hide it. Just as a lamp, appearing on a moonless night, turns its gaze to itself, so virtue, against the will of those who possess it, usually illuminates everyone.

Letters. Book III.

St. Macarius the Great

So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

However, is it possible for those who do good not to be visible to everyone? After all, the Lord Himself says: Let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

[This question can be answered this way]: The Lord, [by saying this], means that when you perform every good deed, you should strive for the glory of God, and not for your own glory, and that you should not seek the praises of short-lived people and not rejoice in them, but they received praise and glory from God alone, as blessed David says: My praise is about You(Ps. 21, 26) and My soul will glory in the Lord(Ps. 33:3). And the Apostle commands to do everything for the glory of God, even to eat and drink: So, whether you eat, drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God(1 Cor. 10:31) And the Lord declares those who seek glory and praise from people to be unbelievers, saying: How can you believe when you receive glory from each other, but do not seek the glory that is from the One God?? (John 5:44).

Great message.

St. Isaac the Syrian

So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Keeping the commandments is even lower than spiritual love. And since there are many who keep the commandments out of fear or for the sake of reward in the future, and not out of love, the Lord urges many to keep the commandments out of love, so that they may impart light to the soul. And further: may people see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. But good deeds, as the Lord taught, cannot be visible in the soul if the commandments are not kept.

Word 55.

Right John of Kronstadt

So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

We must never forget that we are all one body and should encourage each other to love and good deeds; especially we, shepherds, must remember and do this. Yes, we must remember that if we are bright in soul, stand firm in faith and piety, then our flock becomes firmer, brighter and purer in life: if the head is bright, the limbs are bright, and if we have darkened our souls from various passions, it will be darker and the body of the Church is our flock, because there is a close connection between the head and the members, between the shepherd and the flock. That is why the Lord said: So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.. If the light that is in you is darkness, then how great is the darkness?(Matt. 6:23) ? So, do you think that your gluttony, your covetousness does not have a disastrous effect on your flock, firstly, because of your carelessness about souls, for what care for souls does one have who cares about rubles? - none; He has long been a malicious and flattering Judas: he talks about saving the soul for money and for show, so that people will praise him. Yes, if the light in the shepherd is darkened, then it is necessarily darkened in the flock due to his close spiritual connection with it - head with members. You commit sins at home, for example, you are greedy, stingy, envious, quarreling, and this is reflected outside, on the parishioners: your soul has weakened, and their souls even more so. You stand strong in your spiritual virtues - and they are firm. You stand in prayer and pray earnestly for them - and they feel it; If you strengthen spiritually, they too become stronger; if you relax, they too relax. God! Have mercy on me! (Note: as it happens in the classroom with students and with you, so here in the parish - the walls of houses mean nothing to the spirit. Or as happens when you encounter people: you feel good - and they, you feel bad - and they are bad, you are tempted - and they endure temptation.)

Diary. Volume VIII.

It is not a shiny cross on my chest, but the lightness of my face, enlightened by the grace of Christ, that I need; bright or holy life according to the commandments of Christ. So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.. If I wear a golden cross on my chest, and in my heart I seethe with the passion of dishonor, will not this cross be a denunciation of my life? If I wear a golden cross, but don’t lay down my soul for my neighbors, and don’t learn self-sacrifice - won’t the cross be a constant reproof for me?

Diary. Volume XIV. September.

Blzh. Augustine

So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Blzh. Theophylact of Bulgaria

So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

He did not say: “you show your virtue” (for this is not good), but “ let it shine"she herself so that your enemies will be surprised and glorify not you, but Your Heavenly Father. Therefore, when we do good, we should do it for the glory of God, and not for ours.

Interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew.

Evfimy Zigaben

Thus let your light shine before men, for they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father who is in Heaven.

Speaking: may it be enlightened, does not command to flaunt virtue, but to fulfill it in practice, and it usually shines on its own and spreads like fragrant peace. Therefore, let the purity of your life and teaching shine before people, not for the sake of pleasing people, but let your good deeds be seen, in actions and words, and let them imitate them. Besides, may they glorify your Father in heaven, i.e. God, to whom you have been adopted as sons through faith; and His sons are My brothers. They will praise Him as having established such a life. Of course, Christ Himself established it, but He often attributes His works to the Father, as we will see later, of course, thereby giving honor to the Father and at the same time showing that He is one with Him both in nature and in will. When you do good deeds, he says, let light shine from them, and it usually shines by itself, coming from good deeds, even if no one spreads it.

Interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew.

Ep. Mikhail (Luzin)

So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

So let it shine And so on. May your faith, virtuous life and your pure confession of faith be visible and known to everyone and everywhere: in every social position, in all positions, at home and outside, in happiness and misfortune, in wealth and poverty.

They glorified the Father And so on. The motivation for which Christians should appear to the world in this way, and not in order to be only in front of people (which would be boasting), but solely for the sake of the glory of the Heavenly Father: “I did not say: you show your virtue - this is not good, but - let it shine itself, so that your very enemies will marvel and glorify - not you, but your Heavenly Father" (Theophylact; cf. Chrysostom). The Pharisees showed their virtues to the world in order to be visible to people (cf. Matt. 6:2ff); a Christian should not care about this, but that through him people give glory to God, seeing their high life and purity of faith; not one’s own vanity, which is strictly forbidden by the Savior (Matthew 6:2ff), but the glory of God - this is the goal of a Christian’s behavior in relation to others.

The Explanatory Gospel.

Anonymous comment

So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

That is, educate and teach in such a way that people not only hear your words, but also see your good deeds; so that you, like light, enlighten them with your word, seasoning them, like salt, with the example of your deeds. For whoever teaches and acts as he teaches truly teaches; but whoever does not do what he teaches does not teach another, but condemns himself. And it is better to do and not teach than to teach and not do. Because whoever does it, although he is silent about it, will correct someone by his example, and whoever teaches and does not do it will not only correct no one, but will even lead many into temptation. And indeed, who will not be moved to sin if he sees the teachers themselves sinning against piety? Therefore, God is magnified through those teachers who both teach and do; but by those who teach but do not practice, He is blasphemed.

For a teacher must be adorned with all virtues. He must be poor in order to freely denounce greed. He must constantly sigh and cry about his own or others’ sins in order to shame those who sin without thinking, and those who, having sinned, do not grieve over their sins. And therefore let him sigh and weep, to show by this that for the faithful this world is difficult and full of dangers. He must be hungry and thirsty for righteousness in order to have the power and confidence to compel the lazy by the word of God or the scourge of reproach to do good or read [the Scriptures], and to compel them more by example than by words. He must be meek when ruling the Church, forgiving more often than punishing, so as to evoke not fear, but love. He must be merciful to others, but harsh towards himself, so that he can place the heavy burden of truth on himself and the light burden on others. One must be pure in heart, so as not only not to interfere in worldly affairs, but also not to think about the world at all.

Lopukhin A.P.

So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

The greeting takes on a strongly pathetic tone and the speech is distinguished by great beauty, especially in Greek and, probably, in all languages. The salt of the earth, a city set on a mountain and visible to everyone, “you are the light”, “lampets” that no one puts under a bushel - and then again “the light that should shine on all people, all these poetic images are mixed here and represent itself the flickering shine of diamonds, turning first one way and then the other. The light comes as much from the faces as from their “good deeds” that are characteristic of them. Let people see these deeds and glorify the Heavenly Father for them. The word καλός (= Latin pulcher) (in the expression τα καλά έργα) indicates more the external beauty of deeds, “the manifestation of goodness in praiseworthy actions,” than just the thought of them or their moral and theoretical merit. The difference between αγαθός and καλός is difficult to express in Russian. Both words mean: kind. But the first means kind in itself, regardless of external manifestations, and the second, first of all, means beautiful, likeable, pleasant. The Savior speaks here of deeds that are not only good, good in themselves, but also beautiful, pleasant to look at, the light from which is as pleasant and necessary as the light of the sun or a lamp in a dark room.

Trinity leaves

So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

The Lord did not say: show your virtue, for this is not good, only vain Pharisees did this, but he said: So let your light shine before people- let them glow by themselves; your faith, your good life - let them be so great that it would be impossible to hide them, even if you tried in every possible way to hide them from human eyes. Every good deed in itself is light; do it secretly; its light itself will shine when it pleases God, the Giver of Light. And in happiness, and in misfortune, and in wealth, and in poverty, in every rank and condition, let your right faith, your holy life shine. If you live well, you will contribute to the glory of the name of God, so that they can see your good deeds(your very enemies) AND, surprised by them, glorified- not yourself, but Your Heavenly Father, glorified for the fact that He commanded people to live so well. And with a bad life you will destroy people, and give an opportunity to blaspheme the name of God. “The Lord did not say: they glorified God,” notes St. John Chrysostom, “but the Father, pointing to the advantage that will be granted to them.” He who himself lives virtuously teaches better than words even without words. But the words of Christ do not apply to only the apostles: the Savior teaches all His followers: the higher you stand, the more beware of tempting others with your bad example. But even if you do not stand high, even if you are ignorant, and poor, and poor: do the good that you can, and the light of your goodness will shine and warm the people close to you; and they will glorify the Heavenly Father for you. The evangelical widow contributed only two mites to the church treasury, but this small good deed of hers became known to the whole world, and will forever shine like a bright star in that Divine sky, where even a small spark is brighter than the local sun.

Trinity leaves. No. 801-1050.

. So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven:

...Christ commanded: "Let your light shine before men..." not so that we live for the sake of curiosity (let that not happen!). Christ eradicates it, commanding both prayer and alms to do (do good. - Ed.) it is not public to conceal from one hand what has been done by the other, but so that we do not give anyone a fair reason to be tempted. In this case, even against our will, the light of deeds will illuminate those who see and turn them to the praise of God. For that Christ understands this is evident from what is not said: that you may be glorified, but that your “do good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (2, 187).

...Since others do not mean the Lord’s word, but their own glory, the Savior gave the following advice: “See that you do not do your alms before people... otherwise you will have no reward”(). The first words () express good behavior and love for good, which cannot be hidden even if those who do it wanted to, and the second () curb the love of fame. In the former, the Lord forbids vice, and in the latter, the desire to show off. The latter does not contradict the first, but prohibits vices, as if inextricably following virtues. Only virtue that is not performed for show can in its own sense be called virtue and really is; if he is carried away into the love of glory, then he ceases to be true virtue. For I am silent about the fact that those who give alms for show do not do it out of love for goodness, but in order to expose the misfortunes of others to shame. Delighting in being called merciful, they do not refuse to exaggerate the misfortunes of others. And this: "let your light shine"- it was said not so that we might boast, but in the sense that it is impossible for a good deed to be kept silent, even if those who do it hide it. Just as a lamp, appearing on a moonless night, turns its gaze to itself, so virtue, against the will of those who possess it, usually illuminates everyone (3, 72–73).

. Whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches people to do so will be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven, and whoever does and teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven:

…A teacher who does not do what he should will be considered unworthy of faith. Said: "Who will create and teach..." But if only “will create” meant and “teach,” then the second would not have been added (2:23).

... Both a word that cannot be carried out and a deed that cannot be expressed are useless. For in word and deed (even if it were not pleasing to those who unjustifiably consider good wisdom to be something of little value and contempt) the right and wrong is outlined. bright life of mentors. “Whoever does and teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.”. If a comparison must be made between one and the other, then it is better to do without speaking than to speak without doing (2, 359).

. If your righteousness does not exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, then you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven

... That is, if you do not surpass those who were found to be skillful in the Old Testament (for now I am not talking about those who will be punished) as far as the heavens are from the earth, "You will not enter the kingdom of heaven". For deeds are rightly followed by rewards. The Old Testament people, for living a life commensurate with their strength, received land and long life as a reward. For it is said: “Honor your father and your mother, that it may go well with you and that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your Lord is giving you.”(). And for us, who are passing through the special fields of the Gospel, Heaven and Heavenly blessings are prepared for us (3, 115).

...Because, perhaps, thinking that there was some kind of contradiction in the sacred Gospels, you wrote: The Savior said to the Pharisees as deprived; virtues: "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites"(), and to the apostles: “If your righteousness does not exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees...”, then in response to this I write: it must be understood that it is said: “will surpass” the truth that... the scribes should have had. For to reign justly was not superior only to people worthy of pity and tears, but in great abundance superior to those who deserved approval according to the Law and led a lifestyle befitting Heaven (3, 130-131).

. But I tell you that whoever is angry with his brother without cause will be subject to judgment.

...Often pondering to myself why human fear is stronger than the fear of God... I condemned unspeakably negligence. Even if the strongest are insulted, we tolerate them with great modesty, because fear serves as a rein and does not allow us to go further. And we show enmity to the weakest, even if they have not upset us, although Christ commanded: do not be angry "against your brother in vain"- which is much easier for you than to endure the unnecessary insults of another. For there is a lot of food for the fire, but here, although there is no combustible substance, we kindle the flame ourselves. It is not the same thing: when someone else sets fire, not to get burned, and when no one disturbs, to remain silent and at peace. Whoever prevailed over someone who wanted to set fire showed in himself signs of the highest wisdom, but in whom we see the latter, he does not deserve surprise. Therefore, when, doing more out of fear of man, we do not want to do less for the fear of God, then will we be left with any excuse? (3, 300–301).

. If you bring your gift to the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift:

…The reconciliation of us with each other is most important to God the Word. For He who reconciled the Heavenly with the earthly also puts an end to our enmities, not allowing them to arise, and uproots those that have arisen. He says: Don't be angry "against your brother in vain"(). Since he knew the creepiness of human weakness, he destroys the roots of the enmity that has occurred and suffers so that the gift assigned to Him remains unbrought until we are reconciled with each other. Therefore, in what has been said there is extreme philanthropy, but not devoid of justice. “You seek,” He says, “philanthropy, but the offended seeks revenge. You call Me merciful, but he calls Me truthful. You ask for leniency, but he cries out that no help was provided to him. Calm him, who rightly cries out, and you will not be deprived of My favor. Make peace with the offended one and then beg for My reconciliation with you. I do not sell for a gift the vengeance justly demanded by others, I do not humiliate the incorruptible court of justice, I do not show favor to the offender while the offended one complains. Not a small, but an extremely high and great gift I give you: I postpone the investigation of the matter, I do not immediately pronounce a decisive verdict, I give you time to satisfy the offended” (3, 13-14).

. Make peace with your opponent quickly, while you are still on the way with him, so that your opponent does not hand you over to the judge

The Lord... by “rival” he divinely meant the desire of the body, which is contrary to the spirit, and “the path” he called life, which our race does not pass firmly, and “conference” between our body and the body he called the consciousness of its confrontation, which should be seen by us sooner, so that otherwise, obeying his commands and doing something unworthy "high rank"(), we were not handed over to them as a Judge, when He comes to gather our deeds and words together and reward "to each according to his works" () (1, 57–58).

. ...Everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart:

...If the desecration concerned only the vestibule, not the sanctuary itself, then perhaps the disease would be easily healed. If it concerns the soul itself, then let no one deceive himself. But if anyone, to deceive people, says: no one “he will not be crowned if he strives illegally”(), and at the same time he will think that vision is a legitimate struggle; if a person refrains from the matter itself, then let him know that the Ascetic and Judge of such struggles said: “Whoever looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Therefore, that struggle is legal, which is not established due to the laziness and prejudice of each, but is laid down by law by an incorruptible Judge (3:27).

Since love is born from sight, Christ said that he who delights the eyes without satiety is an adulterer, thereby warning not only the deed, but also the thought. [In the same way] the law punishes a murderer, and Christ even punishes an angry one, because He gives a rule to the soul, but the law only to the hand, and by the very fact that He does not allow the root to grow, He also prevents the branches. Therefore, curb both the eye and irritability: the former, so that it does not lead you to adultery, and the latter, so that it does not lead you to murder (2, 280).

...General laws are given for both sexes... (2, 84) ...Since both the commandments in the Law and the Gospel sayings, in which sins are forbidden and Beatitudes are depicted, are spoken to both husbands and wives, let the wives also be careful and bridle their eyes so that for intemperate eyesight they would not suffer punishment like adulteresses (2:86)…

...It is not the same thing to see suddenly and be wounded and to suffer the same for someone who is carefully chasing someone else's beauty... He who sees suddenly and is wounded can both remove the arrow with a chaste thought and heal the wound. And whoever watches constantly and carefully, even if he does not commit a sin with his body, has already committed it with his soul and, serving passion with his sight, brings the crime itself to completion by consenting to it. Therefore, the Word of God called those who not only saw and were hurt (for it often happens that this happens unintentionally), but look and impute it to themselves, adulterers, saying: “Whoever looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (2, 58–59).

. If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away from you... And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away from you, for it is better for you that one of your members perishes, rather than your whole body being cast into hell :

...Right eye and right hand The all-merciful Christ named closeness to us as friends and those devoted to us because of their goodwill... Therefore, as soon as one of them becomes the culprit of temptation, wallows in some kind of sin, which also exposes us to reproach, and brings dishonor to him, he must be cut off. Otherwise, you, like him, becoming harmful, will lose your bodily purity, communicating your illness to those who are not yet infected with similar passions (1, 59–60).

...To take precedence over lust is recognized as great, and indeed is a great thing, but it is much more important to be prudent so that this disease does not overcome... Prudence is better than bold curiosity, and preferring Divine sayings to one’s own reasoning is a holy and most just thing. One must bridle one's eyes with all one's strength, avoid inquisitive and intemperate contemplation, as it stings mortally, because vice invades the soul, taking possession of its essential parts, and, having driven out reason, makes it entirely the prey of passion (2, 121-124).

. But I tell you: do not swear at all

...Not swearing means not demanding an oath. For if you do not want to swear yourself, then you will not require an oath from others for the following two reasons: the person being questioned either stands in the truth, or, on the contrary, lies. If a person usually stands in the truth, then, without a doubt, even before he swears, he speaks the truth. And if he is a liar, then he swears and lies. So, for one reason or another, one should not require an oath (1, 105-106).

. You have heard that it was said: an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I tell you: do not resist evil. But whoever strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also:

...The legislator of both Testaments (Old and New - Ed.) is One; but the Law forbade the Jews only actions, and the Gospel, teaching us the doctrine as wise, and the very thoughts from which actions are born, blocks them as sources of evil, not only strictly punishing sins committed, but also putting reliable barriers to their commission... The Law is a measure punishment posits the equality of suffering, allowing the offended to do as much evil as they themselves suffered, in order to prevent the evil deed by fear of suffering the same thing. And Evdngelie, by the meekness of the sufferer, prevents vice from extending into the worse. Since the limit was justly set; avenging injustice, and the law was given, so that nothing bad should be done, then like would be rewarded for like. Everyone did the same thing that he accused the offended of... But this was not the cessation of previous bad deeds, but the challenge of new, more terrible ones, when one became irritated and did evil again, and the other intensified to take revenge for the old and knew no limit to evil. Vengeance served not as the end, but as the beginning of great troubles, when the offender and the avenger fell into irreconcilable discord, and what was wise in the law, what the legislator established to prevent the fall of sin, was forced to become the path to sin... So, since so many evils were born, the Gospel, like fire, having extinguished the beginning, it stopped the striving of evil forward (3, 124–125).

"An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth"() was legalized... not so that they would be merciless and cruel to those who offend... but so that, out of fear of suffering the same thing that they themselves do, they would refrain from venturing into offense. Although this legalization is fair and strictly in accordance with reason, yet Divine silence, observing meekness and goodness and encouraging people to it... prevented falls with the fear of punishment, because if there is no one who offends, then there will be no one who takes revenge... Said in the Gospel: “Whoever strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him.”() is not the opposite of this, but only higher and better and constitutes the rule of the highest wisdom. There it is legal not to do evil at all, but people (under the Law) ... could not even hear about willingly enduring evil, but here the wise teaching is set forth about voluntary tolerance of evil... The moon is good, but more beautiful is the sun. Therefore, just like the moon... and the sun... There is only one Creator. Of the Old and New Testaments there is one Lawgiver, who legitimized everything wisely, usefully and according to the times (1, 395–397).

…If you are wounded and moved to uncontrollable anger by words, then how can you become a worker of the Lord’s grapes? (). For He recognizes as such a worker only the one who, having been hit on one cheek, can convert the other, who suffered "heaviness of the day and heat"(), as having fulfilled all the work of the Lord’s commandment. Therefore, if you want these great rewards (for the worker of the Master’s grapes. - Ed.), then do not be indignant at small labors, but learn to love great labors, so that you will not receive a penalty (bribe) otherwise than by witnessing the perfection of your labors. (1, 68).

. May you be sons of your Father in Heaven

...Chad Old Testament had the dignity of adoption, for it is written: “I raised and raised up sons, but they rebelled against Me.”(), and further: “and did not remember God who created you”()... In the evidence given I find honor, not at all unconditional and pure, but coupled with accusation, so that if God had not wanted to accuse them, he would not have proclaimed that honor. If they had not sinned, then perhaps they would not have received this name, but as a basis for a greater accusation, he combined honor with reproach... With this honor he showed that the guilt is unforgivable, For those who are under grace, the son of Gromov cries out: “And to those who received Him, to those who believed on His name, He gave power to become children of God.”(). Here is honor without accusation! That's the virtue of adoption! Constantly repeating, the Savior says: “Be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect” (); “Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.”(Matt. 6, 8). Therefore, the Author of adoption Himself proclaims everywhere this dignity. But, showing that this honor was confirmed by the deed itself, [the apostle] said: “ did not receive the spirit of slavery to live in fear again, but you received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry: “Abba, Father!” This very Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. And if children, then heirs, heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ.”(). What an honor! How high he raised the prostrate to the ground! For the apostle shows the greatness of Christians, which we must preserve with all our might, so that, having lost our dignity, we are not more severely punished, as having not become the best even with such a high honor (3, 269-270).

. Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect:

...God gave man the right to possess [the land. – Ed.], so that he proves his virtue and preserves his likeness [to God]. You have accepted honor, he was told, but prove your virtue, so that one thing can be assimilated by the creature, and the other by the will of the created thing. And the following is possible. In the beginning it says: ...created “man in Our image [and] according to Our likeness”(), and subsequently it says: I “He created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him”(), without adding: “in the likeness”. It was said this way either because the expression means the same thing, or because virtue depends on the will, so that what is said will have the following meaning: “Let us make man in our image”, so that he would acquire this also according to his own will: according to his likeness. Why did he say one or the other before creation, but after creation - one of the two? The Only Begotten God, coming to earth, says: be like your Heavenly Father; So one thing – “in the image” – is preserved by creation, and the other – “in the likeness” – by choice. But they will say: if man received the right to possess everything that is on earth, then why is he afraid of animals?.. In the beginning, when the image [of God] shone in man, everything was subject to him, and therefore he gave names to the animals. But when he violated the commandment, in all fairness his right of possession was reduced. And although a person is not deprived of all rights, so that mercy does not turn out to be completely cold... [but] he is limited in him, because justice demanded not to crown the vanquished, but to discipline the fear of beasts... when Noah renewed the image in himself by loving righteousness, all the beasts came to him, recognizing his initial slavery and, as it were, reproaching the person who sinned at the beginning and lost part of his right to possession. And Daniel was honored by the lions, and the fire did not burn the three youths, and the viper did no harm to Paul, since they renewed their ancestral right of possession. From this it follows that the progenitor accepted it completely, but lost it partially (2, 151-152).

. Be careful not to do your alms in front of people so that they will see you: otherwise you will have no reward from your Heavenly Father.

…The Lord, as Creator and Creator, knew well that the seeds of ambition were initially planted in people not without purpose and not in vain, but so that people, being ardent lovers of honor, would succeed in the best. But having this wonderful protection from slavery to low passions (that is, love of honor), people gave this innate gift the opposite direction and turned it towards earthly honor, forgetting about Heavenly. Therefore, the Lord, taking care of the soul, cuts off the shoots that serve evil and stops the intense desire for human glory. But that which in this love of honor contributes to the acquisition of the highest honors, not only leaves, but excites and makes it most fruitful: it uproots the desire to do something for show, and the desire for human glory and allows the honors of the One God, (2, 103) .

...In the proper sense, he is merciful who provides benefits, but does not disclose the misfortunes of the afflicted. He who does good for its own sake deserves a greater reward than he who does it for the sake of reward. And whoever works for the sake of the Divine reward will be placed in the second rank. But whoever does not do what is due, not for the sake of the good itself, not for the sake of God’s reward, not for the sake of human praise, does not fulfill the duty of a person...

Just as much as one who maintains chastity for the sake of human glory is superior to one who does not remain in chastity even for the sake of glory, so much the one who does it out of love for glory is better than one who does not do it at all, because the former is ashamed of people, and the latter is not ashamed of either people or God (2, 428 - 429).

...Is it possible for someone who gives alms not to be visible? Christ tests the intention of the giver. He who wants to please receives praise from those whom he wants to please. Therefore, someone who intends to please God wants to receive praise from him - this is what Christ said. Not everyone who is visible does (a good deed) in order to be seen, but only the one who wants to be visible and for this purpose divulges the secret. Although a good deed cannot be hidden, the one who gives alms should not worry about it, for he who does so also receives disgraces, and proclaims reward and praise to himself (3, 141–142).

. When you give alms, let left hand yours doesn't know what the right one is doing:

Because following good deed If we have vanity and a desire to show ourselves off, then the Lord says: let not a single good deed be done by you passionately, and let your success not be accompanied by an arrogant thought, but if you do something good, do not put yourself on display, do not boast, do not pursue for the local applause, but look forward to future crowns.

. For if you forgive people their sins, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you:

I know well that if you had money, you would give it to those in need, and I am amazed that you become indignant when those who insulted you ask you for forgiveness. Meanwhile, this cost-free help usually brings us no less benefit than helping us with a lot of money; because our salvation depends on our forbearance and on whether we forgive those who offend us. “Let go, and it will be released to you,” this is how the Divine Word cries.

. If your eye is bad, then your whole body will be dark

...The eye rules the whole body, makes it bright and adorns the face, serves as a lamp for all members... As the sun is in the universe, so is the eye in the body... The Teacher is the eye in the body of the Church. Therefore, if he is bright, that is, shining with the rays of virtues, then the whole body over which he rules and about which he takes proper care will also be bright. And if he is dark, that is, he does something worthy of darkness, then the whole body will be darkened. “So if the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness?” (). (1, 373 – 374).

. And why do you look at the mote in your brother's eye, but do not feel the beam in your own eye?

... This is a common illness - to be not only blind to one’s own sins, and vigilant to the misdeeds of one’s neighbor, but to seek forced justification for oneself, while for others to be strict and unforgiving judges. Those who are truly freed from self-love... sin, pronounce the same sentence on themselves as they would pronounce on their neighbors, and correct themselves by repentance. Subjecting us to this strict test, Christ said: “Why are you looking at the speck in your brother’s eye?”.. One who is inattentive to his own shortcomings should not be a strict judge of others (2, 414).

. Do not give what is holy to dogs and do not throw your pearls before swine...:

...Beware of those who do not accept secrecy and those who are unworthy to hear the Divine word. Some of them often even laugh at what is beyond all praise. And to whom it is permissible, speak to them, because, according to the Divine saying, holy things should not be given to dogs or humanoid pigs, but to those who lead a gospel life (2:1).

Is it not permissible for the unsanctified to hear the sacred, and for the profaned to gaze into the sanctuary? the law does not allow this, it is better to point out that the Divine word prohibits this:.. "Don't give sacred things to dogs"() (2, 39). ...The Divine saying is worthy of surprise: “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces.”() - the word of God is holy and truly the most precious beads; dogs and pigs are sinners not only in dogmas, but also in active life; and trampling - discord and competition about this of those attempting to pervert the correctness of dogmas and insulting valiant life; and torn to pieces is neglect and desecration of those who live wrongly... They claim that the Lord commanded not to give the priesthood to the indecent and unclean, so that they would not desecrate it and attack those who ordained them... And if they say that he forbids performing Divine Baptism on those who pretend to faith, but do not give up their studies - also do not argue (3, 97-98).

. So if you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him?

Great is the goodness of God and human cruelty... The Gospel word, comparing human kindness with God's goodness, rightly called it wickedness... not accusing nature of wickedness, for it is written: “O Lord, do good to the good and upright in their hearts”(), and further: « a kind person out of a good treasure he brings forth good things.”(), but, comparing only human goodness with God’s, he called it wickedness (2, 169).

. In everything that you want people to do to you, do the same to them.

...Human nature itself has an accurate and incorruptible judgment of virtues... but since our nature has fallen and darkened the traits of virtue, a written law was given. And since it was also violated, the correction was entrusted to the face of the prophets. When did they begin to deny, saying: “We healed Babylon, but was not healed”(), comes to earth the One who planted the seeds of virtue in nature, and taught by the law, and preached through the prophets. Therefore, with the coming of the Heavenly King, it became necessary that dogmas befitting Heaven be legitimized; and in the sacred Gospels a way of life was prescribed that was appropriate and more pleasing to angels than to people (2, 438).

...If you have the rule of virtue within yourself, then do not look for it from others, but use your home treasure (2, 439).

. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit

“Can an Ethiopian change his skin, or a leopard his spots? So can you do good when you are accustomed to doing evil?”()... If you have learned, then there is an opportunity to wean yourself... it’s not the same thing - not being able to and not being able to in the future; but one points to the present time, in which the lazy is lazy, and the other - to the future time, in which the previously unfit for anything can become worthy of respect, this is evidenced by daily changing events; The Scriptures clearly confirm this... If someone, under the guidance of a higher power, wants to work and set everything in motion, then he will learn, and bear fruit, and will be saved (1, 336).

...The devotee of virtue in the very feat learns virtue and learns that it is most useful, most decent, most protects us and is legalized for benefit... What is said: “A bad tree cannot bear good fruit”() Does not destroy the power of repentance, but ridicules inertia in doing evil. What remains evil cannot bear good fruits, but having changed into virtue, it will bear fruit (2, 471-472).

. Offer the other to the one who slaps you on the cheek:

...The King of all things worldly and earthly came down from heaven and brought us signs of heavenly life, which he proposed for a struggle opposite to the Olympic struggles. For there he who strikes blows and overcomes is crowned, but here he who receives and suffers blows is honored with proclamation, because it is not vengeance that is recognized as victory, but wisdom. This is a new law of crowns, because there is a new way of fighting (2, 175). …If to suffer a blow and insult meant to suffer defeat, then Christ and [the Apostle] Paul would not have said anything contrary to this. For this is a new law of warfare, because the method of rewards is even newer; for what is given is not an olive branch, not bronze images shining with gold, not pitiful and worthless rewards, but the Kingdom of Heaven and life that knows no end. Therefore, if you give in and behave wisely, then do not think that you are conceding victory over yourself, but strive for that victory that is hidden in apparent defeat... let us not enter into competition with those who beat and offend us, but let us yield to them. For such is the law of heavenly warfare (3, 91).

. Everyone who comes to Me and hears My words and does them...

...The Son of the Father, to whom we worship, is rightly called the Word, not because He is only the word and interpreter of the Father, but because He creates rather than pronounce the word, and is born dispassionately. Being the Word, He is hypostatic and has its own personal property... And that He is not non-hypostatic follows from the fact that the Word itself has words, as it says about Himself: “He who hears My words and does them...”(). Therefore, if the Word has words, then It is not non-hypostatic: on the contrary, being hypostatic, by dispassionate procession it is called the Word (2, 186).

The Holy Church reads the Gospel of Matthew. Chapter 5, art. 14 - 19.

14. You are the light of the world. A city standing on top of a mountain cannot hide.

15. And having lit a candle, they do not put it under a bushel, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.

16. Let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

17. Do not think that I came to destroy the law or the prophets: I did not come to destroy, but to fulfill.

18. For verily I say unto you, Until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or one tittle shall pass from the law, until all is fulfilled.

19. So whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches people so, he will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven; and whoever does and teaches will be called greatin the Kingdom of Heaven.

(Matthew 5:14-19)

The lines of today's Gospel reading, dear brothers and sisters, remind us of what our Christian vocation is and what should be at the center of our Christian life.

The Lord delivers His Sermon on the Mount, in which he says to the disciples and the assembled people: You are the light of the world(Matt. 5:14). And these are great words that are addressed to everyone who chooses the gospel path. The source of light is the Lord Jesus Christ, but since those who believe in Him perceive this light and reflect it into the world, they are also called “the light of the world.” These are the apostles, disciples of Christ and true Christians.

The 12th-century Byzantine theologian Euthymius Zigaben explains: “He again called the people living in the world the world, while they are covered in the darkness of error. You, he says, have been chosen to be a light for them, and to illuminate their spiritual eyes with the light of teaching and knowledge, and to guide them along the straight path of worship of God.”

Calling his followers to perfection and purity of life, the Savior adds: A city on top of a mountain cannot hide(Matt. 5:14). Indeed, many cities of Judea, as well as other countries, were located on the tops of mountains or hills so that they could be visible from afar. With such a comparison, the Lord shows that the purpose of His followers is to shine with the light of Christ, to live in such a way that, seeing their good deeds, people glorify God.

And How Having lit a candle, they do not put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick, and it gives light to everyone in the house(Matthew 5:15), so he who has accepted the grace of Christ must be a burning candle, trying to lead a good and righteous life, so that this light shines before people. Houses in Palestine at that time usually had only one small window and were therefore dark. The lamps looked like bowls filled with oil, in which a wick floated. In those days when there were no matches, it was not so easy to light a lamp. Usually it stood on a stand. And just as the light of a lamp should have been visible to everyone, so a person’s life in the world should clearly show everyone that he is a Christian.

Intending to show the relationship of His new law to the old, the Lord first calms the zeal of the Jews according to the law, saying: I did not come to destroy, but to fulfill(Matt. 5:17). The Savior speaks of the law with such reverence and respect that no other rabbi had: until it passesheaven and earth, not one jot or one tittle will pass from the law until all is fulfilled(Matt. 5:18).

The smallest letter named in the Bible iota, is the sign of the Hebrew alphabet "yod". The shape of this letter is similar to an apostrophe (superscript). With this comparison, the Savior affirms the holiness of the law: the least in the law of God will not remain unfulfilled. Archbishop Averky (Taushev) notes: “Christ, indeed, came to earth so that in Him all the Old Testament Word of God would be fulfilled, in order to reveal, implement and establish all the power of the law and the prophets, to show the true spirit and meaning of the Old Testament. He gave a complete and deep understanding of all the Old Testament commandments, preaching about the insufficiency of only external, formal obedience to the law.”

It must be said that the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees was usually expressed in the ostentatious fulfillment of petty demands and regulations of the law. They arose as additions to the established rules described in the Pentateuch of Moses, and were often unjustifiably cruel to people. The Lord in the Sermon on the Mount reveals the very spirit of the law of God, forbidding anyone to distort it: So whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches people to do so, he will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven.(Matthew 5:19), which means he will be rejected and will not enter the Kingdom of God.

But whoever creates and teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven(Matt. 5:19). To create and teach means to become a guiding light for people by an example of one’s own life, an example of fulfilling God’s commandments.

Our Christian vocation, dear brothers and sisters, is to become the light of this world, reflecting Divine love, which should be expressed in doing good deeds following the example of Christ, Who is the center of our lives. Help us in this, Lord!

Hieromonk Pimen (Shevchenko)