Hiking tea - types of the best natural supplements. Tea recipes Campfire tea

Summer is in full swing and tired of the heat and work, people together reach out closer to nature. Someone is resting on their own suburban area, someone is on the banks of the nearest river, and someone is in a pine forest. Along with the enjoyment of fresh air comes calmness, relaxation and... a good appetite And, as you know, there is nothing more pleasant in the fresh air than to taste a dish cooked in a camping pot on a fire. And so, carefully, following the recommendation of firefighters to protect nature from fire, people make fires and cook fragrant kebabs, bake sausages with slices of bread and onion rings, or, even better, cook real fish soup from freshly caught fish. And, as usual, food requires drinks, and you don’t need to limit yourself to tea bags at all - today we bring to your attention recipes for making delicious camping drinks in a pot.

Favorite drink - how to make coffee on a campfire

How to brew coffee:
- water;
- ground coffee.
Bring the water in the pot to a boil, then pour coffee into it and immediately remove the pot from the heat. Next, bring the pot to the fire and keep it at such a distance that it does not run away and boil with gurgling bubbles (the process is similar to making coffee in a Turk). Then put the pot on a flat surface and wait a few minutes for the drink to infuse and the thick to settle. You can pre-sweeten the water before adding coffee. In order for the coffee particles to fall to the bottom of the pot faster, you can add a little cold water to the coffee (for a couple of cups - a few drops, for a large volume - 2 tsp of cold water).

Coffee "Hunter":
- 1 liter of water;
- 100 g of chocolate;
- 50 g of granulated sugar;
- 6-8 tsp coffee.
Brew coffee with chocolate and sugar directly in the pot. Do not forget to watch the drink - so that it does not run into the fire. If your cauldron has a larger volume, then the amount of ingredients should be increased.
Cocoa on the go:
- water;
- powdered milk;
- cocoa powder;
- granulated sugar to taste.
Mix cocoa powder thoroughly with granulated sugar and dilute with a small amount of water until a mushy liquid mass is obtained. Prepare milk from water and a dry mixture and add cocoa slurry to the boiling liquid. Mix everything and boil for another 5-7 minutes, then remove the drink from the heat, wait a few minutes and pour into cups.

Campfire tea

How to brew tea in a pot:
- water;
- tea brew.
Wait for the water to boil in the pot, put tea leaves in it and immediately remove the pot from the heat. Then close the pot with a lid and let the drink brew for 5 minutes. This way you can brew both black and green tea. It is preferable to use sheet.
Herbal tea
For brewing tea, all the useful herbs that you find in the nearest clearing will do - juniper, St. You can also use berries - blueberries, raspberries, strawberries. Most importantly, when collecting herbs and fruits for tea, you must be sure that these plants are not poisonous! To prepare the drink, take 1 tablespoon of herbs for 1 cup of tea. Rinse the leaves, grass and berries, put in a pot, fill with water, bring to a boil and boil for 5-10 minutes. Then remove the drink from the heat and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Honey or sugar can be added to the finished herbal tea to taste.

Caramel tea:
- 1 liter of water (for 4 cups);
- 4 caramel candies;
- a few sprigs of mint.
Pour water into the pot, add the caramels and mint and cook, stirring, until the sweets dissolve. Mint can be added not immediately, but in the middle of the cooking process.
Hot tea with condensed milk:
- 3 liters of water;
- 300 g of vodka;
- 1 can of condensed milk;
- 10-12 tsp leaf tea.
Brew tea in a pot, add condensed milk and vodka to it and boil for 5-10 minutes. The drink is drunk hot.
Chaga tea:
- water;
- birch chaga.
Just crush the chaga and boil it in a pot. The resulting drink resembles tea in appearance and taste. Do not confuse chaga with tinder fungus!

Refreshing hiking drinks

Sometimes there is no way to make a fire and then you can just enjoy clean drinking water, or you can make some delicious drink, for example, according to one of the following recipes.
Cold coffee with mineral water:
- mineral water;
- instant coffee.
Put 1-2 tablespoons of coffee in a cup, pour a little water over them and rub the powder well. Then fill the cup with water to the top and enjoy the finished cold coffee.

Strawberry drink with sugar:
- cold water;
- strawberries;
- granulated sugar. All ingredients are taken to taste. Berries need to be ground with sugar, and then mixed with water - the drink is ready!
Have a nice hike!

Despite the fact that most of the population now lives in cities, nature still calls. And those who give in to this call sometimes or regularly go on hiking trips, to festivals of bards or re-enactors, or just to go fishing or have a picnic. When leaving or leaving for a vacation that will last more than five hours, you need to stock up on the necessary minimum - for example, brakes, since the appetite in the fresh air is played out seriously.

Ideally, of course, it is better to take with you cauldron for kulesh and pot for tea because - ask any tourist - the most delicious tea you can taste is not prepared in expensive restaurants, but on a fire in a tin or cast-iron pot. The scope for imagination is not limited here, because you can quite easily do without tea leaves in its usual sense, and using wild herbs, leaves, fruits and berries is both healthy, tasty and varied.

You can talk a lot about forest and camp cuisine, but today we will focus on drinks. Tea in a pot is, one might say, a symbol of tourist romance. And in order to cook it correctly and tasty, you need to remember and follow a few rules and know the stages of boiling water. This is an important point, which we, city dwellers, rarely pay attention to, but in vain. The Chinese, the inventors and largest suppliers of tea, distinguish as many as 12 boiling stages, and you need to closely monitor this process so as not to miss the moment at which you need to lay tea leaves or herbs so that the finished drink is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Boiling water stages

If you have ever watched boiling water, you probably noticed that the closer to boiling, the more active the water behaves. But they hardly thought about the fact that the movement of water and bubbles are stages emanating from one another. So, let's consider what happens to water in a pot (mug, teapot, bucket) when we put it on fire, preparing tea in nature or at home:

As it heats up, still water, increasing in volume, swells and expands - first stage.

From the bottom, heat flows begin to rise, visible to the naked eye, which become more even and continuous - this second stage leading to the third.

Fourth stage characterized by the fact that air bubbles appear at the bottom - they are still motionless, "sleepy".

At the fifth stage bubbles grow, begin to move, but crawl only along the bottom.

At the sixth stage from large bubbles, small ones begin to stand out, which float to the surface.

At the seventh stage small bubbles form a silver chain that connects the bottom and the surface.

At the eighth stage"parents" - large bubbles - begin to break away from the bottom and float to the surface.

At the ninth stage large bubbles attack the surface with might and main, as if they want to jump out of the pot, but they fail, so the edge of the water does not even move.

At the tenth stage the bubbles begin to accelerate so that, swimming up to the very top, they fly out, burst, splashing moisture around them and making a resounding click.

eleventh stage characterized by an increase in the number of such "kamikaze" - there are a lot of bubbles, louder clicks, the surface of the water is more voluminous.

Twelfth and final stage- large bubbles rise to the surface of the water, which swells and boils with might and main. After that, if the water is not removed from the fire, it will only evaporate.

Method for brewing tea

with the most correct tea brewing tool considered Asian, that is, used in Japan, India and China. With this method, the water is heated to the sixth stage, that is, until the moment when smaller bubbles appear from large bubbles and rise to the surface of the water. At this stage, you need to pour tea leaves or put herbs, berries, fruits and leave until the eighth stage, that is, until the moment when large bubbles begin to float to the surface of the water. After that, remove the pot and leave to infuse for at least 20 minutes.

What will such preparation give?

What will such preparation give? First, rich taste and pronounced aroma. Secondly, the preservation of all useful substances, since water is not brought to a boil and the properties of plants are not sterilized. However, you need to understand that only exceptionally pure water from a spring or a flowing lake is suitable for making tea in this way. If you are not sure about the purity of the source, it is better to play it safe and boil the water, sacrificing flavors, but preserving health.

Having studied the mechanism of proper brewing of tea, we did not consider what tea can be made from on a hike, and other conditions remote from civilization. Everything is simple here. The last thing you need to take with you is tea bags. No matter how you brew it, nothing good will come of it. Regular black, green and other types of loose tea will do. But why do you need it if you go to the forest or to the river, where there are a lot of all kinds of herbs nearby - the main thing is to have at least basic knowledge about useful plants, for example, what they look like.

What can you make herbal tea in a pot

What can you make herbal tea in a pot: thyme, St. John's wort, mint in all configurations, incl. wild sage linden any berries - strawberries, blackberries, cranberries, sea buckthorn rose hips fruits and dried fruits leaves of currants, raspberries and other berry bushes and fruit trees

In general, as you can see, there are many options for cooking - the main thing is to be sure that the selected herbs for tea are suitable for consumption, and the water is completely safe. By following these simple safety rules, you can get not only a pleasant drink, but also a real forest balm, which, combined with fresh air and positive emotions, works wonders for health.

Healthy vitamin taiga teas can be prepared from the ingredients found on the hike.


Taiga tea has a good effect on nervous system. It can be consumed daily.

Tea composition:

☀ Oregano herb

☀ Dried leaves of fireweed, raspberry, lingonberry

Tea preparation method:

Rinse the needles in running water, chop with scissors. Put all the ingredients in the kettle. Fill with boiling water, close the kettle, leave for 5-7 minutes. Strain, if desired, sweeten with honey. Serve hot tea.


Fragrant and refreshing drink. It has tonic, anti-inflammatory and metabolism-regulating properties. You can drink regularly.

Tea composition:

☀ Cloudberry and black currant leaves

☀ Oregano herb

☀ Finely chopped cedar needles (pine, spruce)

☀ Rose hips

Tea preparation method:


Great vitamin supplement. It is recommended both for diseases and as a prophylactic, especially for beriberi, scurvy; inflammatory and catarrhal diseases; after a serious illness, operations; exhaustion, loss of strength, anemia. The drink is recommended to be taken in short courses (4-5 days), one glass (250 ml) per day. Between courses should take breaks for at least 2-3 days.

Tea composition:

☀ 4 cups (1 liter) finely chopped pine needles (pine, spruce)

☀ 2.5 cups (620 ml) cold water

☀ 2 teaspoons of lemon juice

Tea preparation method:

Rinse the needles in running water, chop with scissors. Pour 4 cups of finely chopped pine needles into 2.5 cups of cold water, add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice to taste to acidify. Leave in a dark place for 3 days. Strain the infused drink.

A vitamin drink from needles can be prepared in another way:

Grind 200 g of needles and grind thoroughly in the same amount of water, add to taste citric acid, boil for 30 minutes in an enamel saucepan under the lid, leave to brew for 3 hours. Strain the cooled broth. Drink 0.5-1 glass a day. To make the drink tastier, they drink it with honey, jam.


Tea activates the work internal organs and endocrine glands, has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects.

Tea composition:

☀ Blueberry leaves

☀ Lingonberry leaves

☀ Finely chopped cedar needles (pine, spruce)

☀ 3-4 juniper berries

Tea preparation method:

Rinse the needles in running water, chop with scissors. Put all the ingredients in the kettle. Fill with boiling water, close the kettle, leave for 5-7 minutes. Strain and, if desired, sweeten with honey. Serve hot tea.

☕ JUNIPER TEA "Magic of the Russian Forest"

Tea stimulates and regulates metabolism, has an anti-inflammatory, weak diuretic effect. It is a good vitamin drink.

Tea composition:

☀ Rose hips

☀ Leaves of blackberry, strawberry, currant

☀ Juniper berries

Tea preparation method:

Put all the ingredients in the kettle. Fill with boiling water, close the kettle, leave for 5-7 minutes. Strain, if desired, sweeten with honey. Serve hot tea.

The leaders of tourist groups going on a multi-day hike entrust the purchase of tea to the most responsible or even take this function upon themselves, because tea on a hiking trip is a drink without which the whole enterprise will not be complete.

Utensils for brewing tea in field conditions are most often also selected separately and used only for this necessary, one might say ritual, procedure. It can be an ordinary kettle or a special tourist kettle. The volume of the vessel is chosen in such a way that at a halt everyone gets a mug of this life-giving, fragrant, delicious, tonic drink.

natural supplements

The forest is not only birches, pines, fir-trees and other trees. Lower your eyes and you will see so much of the most diverse vegetation, which not only can, but must also be used to brew tea, that all the store's multi-storey racks will bashfully turn away. So, from what to brew tea on a camping trip, so that it is not only tasty, but also healthy.


Not only berries are used, but all parts of the plant, including roots. In addition to an indescribable taste, it has such wonderful properties as fixing the stomach in case of diarrhea and relieving irritation in the throat.

Blackberry and raspberry

Fine blackberry sourness is complemented by the sweetness of raspberries. But here you have to be careful. Both berries have a pronounced antipyretic effect and, as a rule, for healthy person may work in the opposite direction. So don't get too carried away with this drink.

Rose hip

The amount of vitamins in this berry literally rolls over. But before brewing wild rosehip tea, the berries should be cleaned of hairs and chopped. And most importantly, do not overcook. Long boiling will significantly reduce the content of vitamin C in the drink.


But hawthorn berries should be thoroughly boiled for at least 10 minutes. In this case, you will get a wonderful drink that normalizes cardiac activity and lowers blood pressure.

Melissa leaves

There is an opinion that mint does not have a very positive effect on male strength. First, this opinion is not confirmed by anything. And secondly, lemon balm, although it tastes very similar to mint, is a slightly different plant. It has a calming effect, relieves nervousness and irritability, normalizes blood pressure. It is enough to pour fresh leaves with boiling water and let it brew for 5-8 minutes.


It has long been well known that this simple cute flower is suitable not only for divination, but is also a medicinal plant. Dried raw materials are poured with boiling water and placed on a fire. After 8-10 minutes, the drink, which has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, sedative, analgesic, choleretic, diaphoretic and antiseptic effects, is ready.

Blooming Sally

The scientific name of this plant is different, but the people christened it more accurately and informatively. Ivan tea, and everything becomes clear. Brewing Ivan tea also does not involve boiling. It is enough to insist the leaves of the plant for a few minutes and the drink is ready to drink. Useful properties it has less than, for example, chamomile, but it has general strengthening properties, and this is important in a multi-day tourist trip.

Tea on the go- a thing, as for me, obligatory and irreplaceable, from what point of view you don’t look at it. Although, why look something - you need to drink! As a rule, it is either black or green tea, while we somehow forget that we are in the forest, where the range of this drink is more than wide. Let's talk about this today.After all, the forest is a bottomless storeroom in which you can find a lot of useful things, including, berries and other plants. Below we have prepared for you a couple of proven and delicious recipes, additions in the comments are highly welcome!

A little clarification: below are recipes for making vitamin forest teas from only one ingredient. However, the possibilities of Mother Nature are not limited to this, because no one forbids you to brew "assorted teas" from various herbs and plants: wild rose, strawberry, black currant, mountain ash, elderberry, St. John's wort, heather, thyme, etc.

Wild strawberry: tea, taste from childhood

Wild strawberry, tea from which it is brewed from fruits, and from rhizomes, and from leaves, is not only tasty, but also rich in tannins. Gargle with their decoction (tea) and oral cavity with inflammation of the mucous membranes, and also used for disorders of the stomach and intestines, especially with diarrhea. Tea on a hike (and not only) is prepared as follows:dried and crushed strawberry leaves (1 tablespoon per 300 ml) are poured with boiling water and infused for 5-8 minutes.

Camp tea: wild berries and raspberry leaves

It has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antiemetic effects. And yes, it's damn delicious.Brewed very easily, dried leaves or dried berries (1 tablespoon per 300 ml) brew with boiling water and infuse for 1 hour.

Forest tea: rosehip plant

Rosehip is a natural remedy that helps fight colds. To prepare tea, first clean the berries (6-8 pieces per 300 ml) from hairs, mash fresh or chop dry rose hips. This is done in order to expose the seeds, which, in fact, contain most of the vitamins that will fall into tea. Berries wild rose, not processed in this way, vitamins will give much less.Then pour everything with cold water, bring to a boil and insist, covered with a lid, for 15-20 minutes.

It is impossible to boil rose hips for a long time - at the same time they lose their main value - vitamin C, which in itself is very "fragile". With prolonged heating, it is destroyed.forest teawill noticeably improve its taste if you add dried rosehip flowers to it.

Forest tea from hawthorn fruit

It has the ability to reduce blood pressure and normalize the work of the heart.To prepare tea, grind dried hawthorn fruits (2 tablespoons per 300 ml), pour cold water and boil for 10 minutes after boiling.

Chai tea from lemon balm leaves

It reduces pressure and soothes, it is useful to take it for colds, relieves irritability, nervousness, improves sleep.

To make tea, dry or fresh lemon balm leaves (1 teaspoon per 300 ml) brew with boiling water and infuse for 5-10 minutes

Chamomile flower tea

It has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antiseptic, analgesic, sedative, anticonvulsant, diaphoretic and choleretic effects.

Dried chamomile flowers (6 pieces or 2 tablespoons per 300 ml) pour hot boiled water and then boil for 10-15 minutes.

Linden flower tea

A good anti-inflammatory and tonic. To prepare tea, dried and crushed willow-tea leaves (1 tablespoon per 300 ml) brew with boiling water and infuse for 10-15 minutes