What is Bianshi stone and how does it work? Bianshi's bracelet - deception and scam or a miracle cure? Bianshi bracelet, scientists' statement about it

All women at any age want to look attractive in the eyes of men. And if women begin to envy your beauty, it means that you have reached truly cosmic heights in working on your appearance!

They say that these stones come from quarries in China.

By the way, about space. There is one very rare type of stone, which, as many studies prove, was brought from space in ancient times and is now known as the Bianshi stone. A meteorite containing Bianshi deposits fell on our planet near the village of Shandong in China. And at the moment this is the only known place of extraction of Bianshi stone.

The deposit itself began to be seriously developed 7 years ago. And now, after such a short period of time, this place has practically exhausted its supply of stone. Therefore, it is quite problematic to find products made from Bianshi stone on the open market. But the “black market” is replete with them.

Bianshi is a special, unique and very rare type of black jade. Externally, it looks like a matte black stone. Bianshi hides in herself medicinal properties, which no stone in the world can boast of!

That is why the ancient Shaolin monks passed on the sacred stone from generation to generation, using its properties in the treatment of various ailments.

In China, for example, Bianshi was valued even more expensive than gold, since gold mining was much more affordable than the extraction of this amazing stone.

The healing properties of Bianshi stone

“Even in ancient times, people used bracelets made of black jade stone and noticed that they began to feel better, and some diseases even went away forever!”

In the modern world, any miracle drug primarily causes caution and skepticism. However, a number of scientists from Russia, the USA, China and Ukraine independently conducted a number of studies on the properties of the Bianshi stone and published the results of their work.

Scientifically proven healing power This stone affects the entire human body and improves the functioning of many organs and systems:

  1. Improves immunity, regenerates gaps in the body's protective shield.
  2. Affects blood circulation, makes its turnover moderate and stable.
  3. Removes toxic substances from the body.
  4. Restores breathing, eliminating all problems with the lungs and bronchi.
  5. Prevents headaches, muscle and joint pain.
  6. Actively prevents the occurrence of stress reactions.
  7. Has a beneficial effect on relaxing muscles and ligaments.
  8. Reduces fatigue levels.
  9. Stabilizes heart function by controlling acceptable blood pressure.
  10. Blocks the formation of cancerous tumors.
  11. Prevents the deposition of excess fat, accelerates metabolism in the body.
  12. It has a general beneficial effect on the activity of almost all organs of our body.
  13. Improves the health of nails, hair and skin.

These decorations are the remains of a meteorite that fell to Earth.

Those people who always wear this outlandish Bianshi bracelet made of black jade leave only rave reviews about it: fatigue and various ailments in the body disappear, and their appearance improves!

Who can wear a Bianshi bracelet?

Experts answer this question unequivocally - everyone!, identifying several groups of people who especially need stone protection:

  • People who are prone to frequent migraines.
  • Patients with diabetes mellitus.
  • Having excess weight, cellulite.
  • For sciatic nerve disease.
  • People with fragile bones (aged, for example).
  • For diseases internal organs.
  • When constantly near mobile devices, computers and other electromagnetic equipment.
  • If you are prone to constant colds and flu.
  • Strenuous physical work or, conversely, in the absence of stress in life.

Not all people believe in healing properties these black pebbles

“In general, wearing a Bianshi jade bracelet is useful for everyone, without exception, since the stone has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, protecting it from the invasion of viruses, infections and stress.”

Rules for wearing a Bianshi bracelet

There are no special medical indications here. You simply wear the jade bracelet on your wrist for several hours every day. You can also apply the bracelet for some time to the place where you feel pain or discomfort. Most people in their reviews on forums say that after just an hour and a half of wearing the bracelet, they notice a general increase in body tone and mood. However, we must remember that the actual therapeutic result can only appear after a while when wearing the Bianshi bracelet every day.

Where to buy a bracelet and how much it can cost

Buying a semi-precious stone bracelet is a serious matter. In addition, you are buying not only jewelry, but also a kind of medical product! It doesn't matter whether you keep it or give it as a gift. to a loved one, but you must be 100% sure that you are purchasing a truly high-quality product.

Many believe that such jewelry is made from jade

The price of a Bianshi bracelet made of rare black jade is growing every year, this is due to the fact that the deposit of the stone has almost been depleted, and it is simply impossible to get it anywhere else! On the website of the official distributor for the sale of Bianshi bracelets, the cost is 2900 rubles for one product. Only by ordering a Bianshi bracelet from a reliable seller can you be sure that you will receive a real space stone! Therefore, if you decide to buy a Bianshi bracelet, then you should do it only on the official website.

It is made of semi-precious black jade stone. It is used to improve health and rejuvenate the body. In addition to the improvement of health, those who wear it are guaranteed good mood. This bracelet is a talisman and brings its owner good luck in all matters.

With daily wear already in a short time The appearance of the owner of this miracle bracelet noticeably improves. Skin, hair and nails look healthy. Internal improvements also occur in the body. He is filled with vitality, an excellent mood becomes a permanent state of a person. The bracelet looks beautiful, so it also serves as a stylish accessory. It is comfortable and easy to wear.

What is the secret of such miraculous properties of the Bianshi bracelet? The origin of black jade is associated with the fall of a meteorite in the mountains of Tibet many millions of years ago. This explains the fact that there are no other deposits of this stone. Under its influence, rocks acquired unique properties, and black jade was formed from them. The unusual origin explains the concentration of healing and magical properties in this stone.

The wavelength of infrared radiation emanating from the stone is close to the wavelength of the same radiation emanating from the human body. Therefore, upon contact, resonance phenomena occur. They increase the potential energy of the body's cells, increasing their activity and vitality. Biochemical reactions occurring in the body contribute to its rejuvenation.

While wearing the bracelet, the stone rubs against the skin, resulting in accelerated blood flow. That's why everyone leaves chronic diseases associated with blood stagnation: ischemic disease, high cholesterol, arthritis and many others. Also, friction generates ultrasound at a frequency that can cure many diseases. Under its action, fat deposits are burned, skin sagging is prevented, and wrinkles disappear. In addition, a complete set of minerals and trace elements beneficial to humans was found in Bianshi black jade. Therefore, it is able to improve the functioning of all internal organs, strengthen the circulatory system and bones.

Recently, you can often hear in the media about the healthy Bianshi bracelet.

But some people have suspicions about whether this is another scam - people decide to refuse the purchase, especially after learning how much it costs.

Indeed, there is a subtlety here. Having bought a bracelet for a considerable price, you can run into deception.

From the article you will learn what a dark stone Bianshi jade bracelet is, which website sells it in Russia, how to order it, how much it costs in rubles, and also read the instructions for its use and be able to decide whether you need to buy it.

The famous bracelet is made from the rarest stone - black jade. There is only one deposit of this mineral, it is located in China.

Experts say that the age of the stone is at least 63 million years. They believe that the jade stone is of extraterrestrial origin, that is, it could have flown to the planet from space in the form of a huge meteorite.

This statement of scientists has a basis, since it is impossible to explain in any other way the fact that there is only one deposit of it on the entire planet.

Black jade began to be mined in the 21st century, but experts say that the reserves of the stone have already been exhausted - this is not a scam, but a statement of fact.

The huge demand for Bianshi bracelets has led to the fact that, despite their high cost, the supply of stone has almost dried up.

Now the Bianshi jade bracelet can be bought on the secondary market or by going to the official partner website.

Bianshi's jade healing bracelet looks unusual and attractive.

It has not only jewelry, but also healing and healing properties - it is for this combination that black jade is valued in Russia and all over the world.

The stone is widely used in Eastern medicine, especially in China and Tibet.

In the Middle Ages in China, the price of this stone exceeded the cost of gold - this is the conclusion of historians who studied the history of the now world-famous black mineral.

Confucius also spoke about Bianshi, so all the talk about the mineral being synthesized in Chinese underground laboratories is a typical scam.

The stone was used before and is still used by the monks of the legendary Shaolin Monastery. So, thanks to what properties has the Bianshi jade stone become so famous?

It has a very rich chemical composition. Jade contains health-promoting elements such as calcium and iron.

Chinese doctors say that the stone has an unusual energy of cosmic origin, which makes it especially healing.

When rubbed against skin and clothing, the stone emits radiation that can be used to treat certain ailments.

The price of dark jade is still high. This is not surprising, given that Chinese doctors promise that the Bianshi stone will solve health problems, normalize energy levels and prolong life - and this justifies its cost.

Instructions for use

The instructions for the bracelet say that it is correct to wear the product on your hand for several hours a day, but if the owner’s goal is to lose weight, then the jewelry can even be used around the clock.

The Bianshi healing bracelet can be applied to the painful area until the symptoms of the disease disappear. Smooth jade stones are massaged onto the face and neck - they say it helps get rid of wrinkles.

When Bianshi falls into a person’s hands for the first time, the question arises: on which hand is it correct to wear it? It is believed that this depends on the purpose.

Worn on the left side of the body helps strengthen intuition, on the right - memory and ability to logic. Whether it is a scam or not - everyone can check for themselves.

To do this, you need to decide on which hand to wear the Bianshi bracelet, and then undergo the necessary tests before and after wearing the bracelet.

The instructions on the official website of the bracelet manufacturer indicate that this product has the following medicinal properties:

  • anti-aging;
  • fat burning;
  • anti-cellulite;
  • immunoregulatory;
  • painkillers.

In addition, the Bianshi bracelet is said to eliminate toxins and poisons, strengthen hair and nails, increase blood circulation, heal the heart, digestive tract and nervous system, relieves headaches.

And in general, he is like a “universal soldier”: he fights all illnesses and illnesses at once. Whether it’s a scam or not, you can check it yourself by purchasing the product on the official distributor’s website or from your own hands.

But sometimes it’s right to simply rely on the reviews of those who have experienced how many unusual properties are hidden in this miracle bracelet.

Olga, 32. Samara: “I wore the bracelet on my left hand several hours a day for two months. My tachycardia stopped (I have had a heart problem since childhood). Now, no matter how nervous I am, my heart behaves correctly, calmly.”

Nobody knows how many specific diseases a Chinese bracelet can cure, but it can be used to perform about a hundred medical procedures.

It is believed that its magical energy brings happy changes in life, and this is not a hoax.

Clinical studies were conducted, during which they found that the bracelet inhibits cell aging and the body rejuvenates. Aren't these happy changes?

Not only bracelets are made from dark jade, but also massage scrapers that can be used to treat the skin to normalize blood flow and lymphatic drainage.

In China, lymphatic drainage massage is used with this tool for facial swelling.

Anatoly, 56. Moscow: “My daughter bought me a bracelet after she learned that I had problems with my pancreas and might have to undergo surgery. Since I started wearing it correctly (without taking it off), there have never been any more attacks of pancreatitis.”

On the official website you can order and buy another excellent device - a jade massager.

Its surface becomes rough after contact with water. This tool will properly massage the entire body at once.

That's how many wonderful properties jade products have. All that remains is to find out how much it costs in rubles and where to buy it.

Where to buy a bracelet?

Many people do not know where in Russia they can correctly order and buy this magical miracle bracelet. A genuine Bianshi bracelet is not sold in pharmacies.

It can only be purchased on the official website of the manufacturer and its partners, where dark jade items are sold wholesale and retail.

It happens that there are promotions on the site. Yes, this is not a hoax - despite the fact that there are only a few tons of the mineral left on Earth, there are often sales on bracelets on the website.

The manufacturer believes that in this way it gives the opportunity to buy a bracelet for those who really need it, but do not have enough money. All you need to do is just visit the official website regularly so as not to miss the promotion.

Since products made from rare stones are very popular, there are many fakes on the market that do not have any healing properties.

It is the existence of such fake bracelets that explains the rumors that the stone does not help or heal.

In general, the price in rubles is quite affordable for the average resident of our country. But no matter how much this bracelet costs, its benefits are still greater.

Fake bracelets are also made in China. They are made from black jade-like minerals that do not have medicinal properties.

You need to understand that dark jade belongs to the group of the rarest stones on Earth and you won’t be able to buy a bracelet made from it cheaply, for example, on Ali Express.

There is a strict monopoly on the extraction of stone and the production of products from it, so Velcome is a partner for everyone who wants to purchase original, real, medicinal Bianshi - this way you will protect yourself from fakes.

It is possible to distinguish black jade from other stones without crystallographic examination. Jade is warm and smooth to the touch, a little “soapy”.

If you pass it over the skin, a red mark will remain on it, since the stone activates blood circulation in the tissues.

But the easiest way to spot a fake bracelet is by its low cost. A Bianshi bracelet cannot cost less than what is indicated on the official website.

An exception is if the product is sold on the secondary market. But when buying a medical accessory second-hand, there is a high chance of getting scammed and deceived.

Important: the price of a real Bianshi is only growing every year, so you cannot postpone the purchase in the expectation that the cost will decrease over time.

On the contrary, many buyers consider Bianshi bracelets as a good investment, because the product can be resold over time at a much higher price.

Even stars wear Bianshi bracelets

Surely you will be interested to know that Bianshi bracelets are popular among show business stars.

Here are some of the Russian celebrities who appeared in front of the cameras wearing this bracelet:

  1. Alsou admits that he considers the most important property of his dark jade bracelet to be its ability to smooth out wrinkles and help maintain slimness;
  2. Ekaterina Andreeva considers jade a miracle of nature and claims that its decoration helps her look younger;
  3. Dmitry Nagiyev is often shown on television with one or even several Bianshi bracelets on both hands;
  4. In one of her programs, the topic of Bianshi bracelets was raised by the famous presenter Elena Malysheva. She said that the jewelry helped her recover from joint pain and back pain;
  5. Vladimir Solovyov, a TV presenter, admitted that with the help of a bracelet he got rid of inflammation prostate gland, and this disease is very difficult to cure. Surgery is usually required to cure prostatitis.

Negative reviews about Bianshi bracelets also exist. You can look at photos of the mineral and the products themselves, and read about the unique healing properties of jade.

There are also detailed instructions for use. So is this true or is the site deceiving customers? If the healing properties of the bracelet are not a scam, then where do the negative reviews come from?

You can be convinced of the healing effect of the Bianshi bracelet only by wearing it for some time.

After this, you will confidently say that your bracelet helps you cope with ailments and makes you feel good and look young.

You will not be alone in this opinion, because there are a huge number of positive reviews of Bianshi bracelets on the Internet.

If you look closely at the negative reviews, you can be sure that these people either bought a fake by going to the wrong site, or did not wear anything at all, and are writing a review from hearsay.

It is naive to expect magic when you buy a miracle Bianshi bracelet made of black jade on Ali Express for 400 rubles, supposedly made from the rarest mineral on Earth, but in fact from plastic. Bianshi is not sold on any corner, you will not find it in Russian pharmacies. You only need to buy it from the manufacturer.

The original Bianshi bracelet looks stylish and attractive and has an elegant shape. It’s enough to pick it up once and you won’t want to part with it. A fake can be seen literally with the naked eye.

No matter how much people are warned about the dangers of shopping in unknown places, there will always be those who want to save money.

So, having learned everything you need about the Chinese Bianshi bracelet, you can safely go to the official website for a wonderful purchase.

You can pay for the bracelet different ways: by card, electronic money, transfer, cash on delivery.

Having received the treasured decoration, hold it a little in your palms. Surely you will immediately make friends with the stone - it will become the best medicine in the world for you.

This is the story of a young girl who suffered from diabetes and excess weight, and the Bianshi jade Chinese bracelet helped her get rid of it. The negative reviews that the forum of deceived people were “buzzing about”, as it turned out, were “buzzing” about the fake. Find out from this story everything about the Bianshi bracelet: reviews from doctors; how to wear and how to properly use a stone product; for what other reasons do people write real negative reviews; deception, scam or is it true what people say about .

Previously, it was not clear to me what was found in Bianshi’s bracelets, but when I tried it on myself, I’m ready to say: it not only helps you lose weight, gets rid of diabetes, but also generally maintains your health. The results are real, and the price is so attractive that I couldn’t help but buy Bianshi. A flat stomach and great health are not a lie!

What girl doesn’t dream of losing weight by the age of twenty-five? Criticism about my weight came from all sides until I found my secret to losing weight, which a friend helped me discover.

My name is Bondareva Anastasia Nikolaevna, I’m 24, and I’ve been working at the school for the second year. In our beautiful city of Minsk, few people are interested in alternative methods for losing weight, because they believe that it is a hoax. A friend told me about a miracle bracelet made from Bianshi stone, and for a long time I did not believe in its effect, but the doctor confirmed its benefits.

I learned about how to wear and use the bracelet correctly on the official website. Unfortunately, the Ministry of Health does not disclose its secret, but experts have confirmed that the information about it is not fraud!

I decided to find out which of the stars wears Bianshi and was pleasantly surprised: Alsou, Ksenia Borodina, Polina Gagarina, Dmitry Nagiyev and even Mikhail Boyarsky. A friend told me where to buy a bracelet, and I placed an order online. I soon became convinced that the stone acts not only on the stars, but also on me! He really helped!

Bianshi black jade bracelet

Many celebrities have been following innovations in the field of beauty and health for a long time. This Chinese black jade product has unique functions. It is useful for diabetes, ovarian cancer, and also treats vasoconstriction.

Of course, of all the above, I am interested in weight loss, fatigue and frequent colds, but for my mother I ordered a second one so that she could continue to remain young and beautiful in her 50s. Today I am ready to tell you what its benefits are.

Bianshi jade bracelet from China: deception (scam) or truth

So, I come to the most important part of my confession story: Bianshi really works! Of course, reviews may be different, since many people probably skimped and purchased a fake. Natural jade, considering that there is very little of it left in the whole world, is not so cheap if you take it without a discount. But I was luckier - I just found out about it during the event. The official website is the most authoritative, and only there you can buy a truly healing stone.

Due to the increased demand for jade bracelets, many scammers have appeared who not only sell fakes, but also try to lure customers from official websites to theirs. Those who bought the fake Bianshi now believe that this whole story is like a scam. I would like to urge buyers who could not recognize a fake stone from a real one to stop slandering and stop writing negative reviews and give money for a real product.

Beware of fakes: forum of those deceived

Before finding out how to purchase a bracelet, I read reviews that were contradictory. The forum of those deceived is a gathering of those who opened the package and discovered a fake - hence all the bad rumors that the real Bianshi does not exist in nature at all. Negative reviews began to appear more and more often due to large quantity scammers on the Internet. Potential buyers are too lazy to appreciate the advantages of a real stone, so they write negative reviews.

Negative reviews about the bracelet were most often not to the point. People were unable to determine the authenticity of the bracelet and unsuccessfully used a fake, which does not closely resemble the real Bianshi. The photo of a real stone from China, of course, differs from what embittered buyers most often send.

Anyone who has tried a fake can confirm that the stone was purchased at a very low cost - it should be understood that you cannot buy the rarest mineral on earth for the price of two hamburgers. People who were expecting one effect - for example, teeth whitening - say that Bianshi is a lie, but do not take into account that the stone, despite its versatility, still does not have whitening properties. Before purchasing, please read, and only then place your order.

How to distinguish and recognize a fake from the original

The most useful part of my review is detailed instructions about how to distinguish a fake and what the original should look like. Any consumer may be in danger, since Bianshi is replaced by scammers.

A real stone has some features that cannot be faked. The original is small in size, round and smooth. It weighs little, and the most important difference is that it is always warm, due to which it has a warming effect.

The bracelet is incredibly pleasant to use and you hardly feel it on your hand. Of course, it can be wetted and cannot be demagnetized, since the stone is semi-precious and has a cosmic origin, and everything natural is not afraid of the threat of water. Look at the light, holding up your hand with the bracelet - it will begin to shine, but will not change its shade.

If you found the phone numbers of the selling companies, ordered the product, opened it and discovered that it was a fake, ask how to make a return so that the cost will be returned to you. By the way, I even heard that people are starting uprisings and there are cases of litigation! Before you start using a fake bracelet, you need to check it and find out how dangerous it can be. Expose the deceivers and once again order Bianshi only on the official website.

How to use a bracelet: which hand should it be worn on?

In order for medicinal jade to have a beneficial effect, you need to know how to use it. It’s up to you to decide which hand to wear it on, but the main thing is to put it not on the shoulder, not closer to the elbow, but on the wrist. In addition, healing jade can be applied to any sore spot. How many hours a day you wear it is up to you, but there is no need to be with it 24 hours a day.

A real Bianshi looks like a round magnet. To keep it looking good, you need to take care of the bracelet and take it off at night. Whether Bianshi is useful during pregnancy is undoubtedly an important question, to which the manufacturer answers positively.

Chinese healing bracelet (photo)

So what is this miracle bracelet that has become famous in the last few years? He cures diabetes mellitus, from blood pressure, from hypertension, from arrhythmia, from alcohol - and most importantly, what bothered me so much - from excess weight.

Chinese black jade mineral is truly unique of its kind. Chemical composition so unique that there are simply no analogues of Bianshi in the world. The secret of the Chinese was revealed not so long ago, but over these few years hundreds of women and men have experienced positive changes in their health.

How to check the authenticity of a bracelet - this is a question asked by potential buyers who do not yet know what shape the original should be. It has a round shape, emits heat, and you do not risk harming your health.

Bianshi can be purchased not only on the Chinese website, but also on the Russian one, where the method of use is written, the telephone number and the necessary certification are indicated. You can write down the doctor’s truthful comments for yourself to once again remember why the bracelet is useful.

One day, once again, I came across the program “About the Most Important Thing,” where Bianshi’s bracelet was not deprived of attention. Surely for many consumers this is an advanced program that shows only the truth.

The product made from real jade has a certificate of conformity. Despite the fact that there is no ban on the sale of Bianshi as such, it can be found in few places, and very soon it will only be available from Chinese sellers. Life is great when such a simple way to maintain health is found!

I have been overweight since I was 18, and when I started working I became very tired. I was banned from exercising because of my heart condition, so I needed a weight loss program. Initially, I doubted whether there was any benefit from jade, and whether the manufacturer was so honest with the buyer.

When I studied its use, I did not believe that this could happen: diseased heart It began to bother me less, fatigue disappeared, and most importantly, I began to lose weight. They say that there were only seven miracles in the world, but Bianshi looks like the eighth miracle!

Real reviews from doctors prove that this bracelet is a truly healthy product. The opinions of experts here do not differ - both an ordinary doctor and an academician confirm that the Bianshi effect is not a myth, but a reality. It is extremely pleasant to realize that the remedy for almost all ailments that I discovered for myself turned out to be useful for others, and this is the honest truth.

Each opinion can be confirmed or refuted, it all depends on how interested you are in the subject of the dispute. The Bianshi bracelet, judging by the latest information, is precisely the object of mass controversy. On the one hand, there is reasonable, authoritative evidence of benefit, on the other hand, conflicting conclusions, positive or negative reviews.

What are they saying?

Scientists and doctors, according to the Internet press, have been studying the Bianshi stone, which is a rare type of black jade, for several years in a row. According to the above-mentioned great minds, it has supernatural powers that have beneficial effects on human health.

Does he really have such a unique ability? Many sales sites write that clinical trial conditions were created specifically for its study. European countries, as well as the USA, India, China and Russia, have been and are studying Bianshi. The colossal results shock the world: the therapeutic power of the stone has been proven to have a healing effect on the body. Isn't this a hoax?

The origin of jade and its powers

Also, readers of the “info-press” were told about the possibilities of jade itself, which was valued in ancient Egypt, considering the stone not just healing, but sacred, influencing the fate of the pharaohs themselves. He protected them from the wrath of the gods, as well as brought them health and good luck.

Most likely, the color plays a role; the more rare it is, the more sacred, if not magical, powers the stone was endowed with. Black jade is less common than white, yellow and green, and the Bianshi variety is a rarity, which is where the legends about its power originate.

The origin of jade has become legendary over the long years of history: it is believed that the black, semi-precious one was found in China, exactly in the place where a meteorite fell many years ago. In fact, jade is a durable monomineral, the color of which depends on the content of various substances in it. Although its main location is in China, it is also found in Russia, Kazakhstan, Canada and even Brazil.

Price issue

The Internet space is buzzing with offers: today you can come across advertisements that lead to Bianshi sales sites hundreds of times a day. And forum after forum is discussing it magical power. Where does all the excitement come from, since the price of the bracelet is far from small?

It’s hard not to agree that the basis of its magic is commerce, which is why the owners spare no time or money on powerful advertising. The price of the product is about 3 thousand rubles. For comparison, rings in jewelry stores, in gold or silver frames, cost from 3 to 100 thousand rubles. But you shouldn’t immediately close the page without understanding it. Moreover, there is far more than one official website for the magical jewelry, and everyone calls themselves the “real” ones.

Reviews of the Bianshi bracelet

The more mysterious the item for sale, the more reviews - this is natural. Opinions about Bianshi and its beneficial properties vary radically, so on the Internet you can find not only photos of the product, but also a variety of reviews.

It’s no secret that they are bought and sold; there are entire platforms dedicated to writing reviews to order. But not everything is so hopeless: there are people who actually purchased a bracelet and it even helped them cope with one or another ailment. Why does this happen and what do experts say?

The power of Bianshi, myth or reality?

  1. Firstly, the natural origin and composition is a number of complex minerals, such as iron, zinc, manganese, sodium, magnesium, potassium. They are the ones who can actually influence a person. This is natural physiotherapy, because in the offices of medical institutions, technical achievements are used along with natural “finds”; you just need to remember the properties of a magnet. That is why jade and its known variety can have a positive effect on the body due to its chemical, natural composition. Wearing some elements of the periodic table calms, wearing others heals.
  2. Secondly, the bracelet is worn on the wrist, where the pulse is located, directly related to cardiac cycles. And the pulse is a biomarker that tells us about the state of health in general. Therefore, the positive effect on this area affects the entire human body.
  3. Thirdly, the great power of self-hypnosis. Even placebos have limitless influence on a person's mind. You can wear nothing, but every time you imagine the opposite picture and the result will begin to appear. The main thing is faith and an attitude towards a positive outcome.

By combining all three factors, a person gets a certain positive result, which can be tied to what Bianshi's black jade bracelet affects.

What's the use?

Why is Bianshi so useful and what can be healed thanks to this lovely little thing? Reviews from doctors confirm that decoration has an impact on various health problems. The only suspicious thing is that a few years ago no one knew about this. Many people claim that it works like . But this has also not been proven by anyone.

The owner can:

  • Normalize the functioning of the circulatory system.
  • Remove various toxic substances from the body.
  • Normalize the functioning of the immune system.
  • Restore the body's protective functions, stimulate the immune system, thereby making the body resistant to colds.
  • Neutralize pain.
  • Helps adapt to stressful situations.
  • Normalizes metabolism, resulting in weight loss.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Improves the external condition of the skin.

This is not the entire list that awaits those who decide to buy jewelry.


What else can you add to the above? The only thing is that the bracelet is very beautiful in appearance and fits with any type of clothing, from everyday wear to evening wear. To the question: “how much does such a useful thing cost”, the answer can be found quickly. But the answer to the question: is it a scam? Each potential buyer will have to think about it personally.

The stones in the bracelet are most likely real, but how healing it is is difficult to answer. But, if a person can easily spend that amount on an experiment, why not choose a Bianshi bracelet and check it out yourself?