Control of knowledge in general psychology. A group of methods based on the projection phenomenon is called ... methods. Didactics is

Department of Education of the City of Moscow

State budget educational institution

Secondary vocational education

Pedagogical College No. 18 "Mitino"

Test control of knowledge in general psychology

Teaching aid for students

specialty 050144 Preschool education

Moscow, 2012

The teaching aid is addressed to students studying in the specialty 050144 Preschool education

Compiled by: teacher of psychology Valyuh M.N.

Explanatory note

This teaching aid is addressed to students of the Pedagogical College and has the goal of assisting in preparing for the test in general psychology, or used for the current control of knowledge. It is built on the principle of a programmed test of students' knowledge in all sections of the general psychology course:features of psychology as a science, the foundations of personality psychology, a person as a subject of cognition and activity.

Analysis of students' answers in tests and exams allows us to note some of the most typical mistakes. Most of them are associated with the assimilation of the conceptual apparatus, with the inability to identify the essence of the issue and use previously acquired knowledge in related disciplines. All this necessitates the search for various ways aimed at helping the student and improving the forms of control.

To this end, in this manual for all sections of the course of general psychology, special tasks have been developed, consisting of questions covering the range of knowledge and practical skills that a student must master. A feature of these tasks is that they are all given in the form of a test, they have the key to the correct solution.

The system of test self-control of knowledge in psychology will help the student not only systematize the material, but also highlight the essence of the issue, differentiate it from others. In case of an error, the student himself can find the correct solution. Thus, this manual can carry out not only a controlling, but also a teaching function.

The methodological manual consists of test tasks in 3 sections of the general psychology course, the key of correct answers, a list of references and reference materials for self-training of students.



1. Psychology as an independent science took shape:

A) in the 40s. 19th century;

B) in the 80s. 19th century;

B) in the 90s. 19th century;

D) at the beginning of the twentieth century.

2. The recognition of psychology as an independent science was associated with:

A) the publication of Aristotle's treatise "On the Soul";

B) the development of the method of introspection;

C) the creation of special research institutions;

D) the development of the method of observation.

3. Psychology as the science of the soul was defined:

A) more than 3 thousand years ago;

B) more than 2 thousand years ago;

B) in the 16th century;

D) in the 17th century

4. Psychology as a science of consciousness began to develop:

A) in the 15th century;

B) in the 16th century;

B) in the 17th century;

D) in the 18th century

5. Psychology as a science of behavior arose:

A) in the 17th century;

B) in the 18th century;

B) in the 19th century;

D) in the twentieth century.

6. Psychic Reflection:

A) is an exact copy of the surrounding reality;

B) is selective;

C) presents a photograph of the impact environment;

D) does not depend on environmental conditions.

7. According to K. Jung, that part of the human psyche, which reflects the reality external to the body, is called:

A) exopsychic;

b) endopsychic;

C) interopsychic;

D) extraversion.

8. Features of the development of the psyche in ontogenesis are studied by psychology:

a) medical;

b) general;

c) social;

d) age.

9. What is the name of the principle that requires considering (studying, researching) mental phenomena in constant motion, change:

A) the principle of determinism;

B) the principle of development;

C) the principle of objectivity;

D) the principle of comprehensiveness.

10. The active intervention of the researcher in the activities of the subject in order to create conditions for the identification and establishment of a psychological fact is called:

A) conversation

B) analysis of products of activity;

B) an experiment

D) content analysis.

11. The highest form of mental reflection, peculiar only to man, integrating all other forms of reflection, is called:

A) emotion

B) reflection;

B) consciousness

D) will.

12. Conditioned reflexes are characterized by:

A) congenital;

B) the constancy of the reaction to the influence of certain stimuli;

C) variability, development, extinction;

D) uniformity of execution.

13. A brief standardized psychological test, as a result of which an attempt is made to evaluate a particular psychological process or personality as a whole, is:

A) observation

B) experiment;

B) testing;

D) self-observation.



1. Emotions are a person's experiences of something as:

A) direct

B) indirect;

B) conscious

D) rational.

2. Feelings are called:

A) direct experience of something;

B) stable emotional relationship to someone or something;

C) persistent, strong, long-term emotional states;

D) indifferent attitude to reality.

3. Feelings associated with cognitive activity are called:

A) moral

B) aesthetic;

B) intellectual;

D) practical.

4. Comprehension of the emotional states of another person in the form of empathy and sympathy is called:

A) reflection

B) identification;

B) empathy

D) affection.

5. A strong emotional state of an explosive nature, with a short period of flow, affecting the entire personality and characterized by a temporary disorganization of consciousness, a violation of volitional control is:

A) stress

B) affect;

B) frustration;

D) passion.

6. Actions inherent in volitional regulation are:

A) unconscious

B) conscious;

B) intuitive;

D) involuntary.

7. Criteria of will are not:

A) volitional action;

B) volitional qualities of a person;

C) choice of motives and goals;

D) indicator of intellectual development.

8. The ability of a person to a long and unrelenting tension of energy, a steady movement towards the intended goal is called:

A) perseverance

B) optimism;

B) industriousness

D) awareness.

9. A certain level of human performance, the level of functioning of his psyche at a particular point in time is:

A) feelings

B) will;

C) mental states;

D) attention.

10. What mental state of a person does not belong to sthenic:

A) cheerfulness

B) inspiration;

B) apathy

D) confidence.

11. Personality is a person as:

A) an individual

B) individuality;

C) the subject of activity;

D) a, b, c.

12. A person endowed with a number of important social properties (the ability to learn, work, communicate, have spiritual interests, etc.) is:

A) the pride of the nation;

B) a voter;

B) personality

D) intellectual.

13. Human activity that has a moral meaning is called:

A) behavior

B) self-expression;

B) presentation.

14. The essence of the process of human socialization is:

A) the development of its innate properties;

B) mastering numerous relationships between people;

C) mastering the jargon of a certain stratum of society;

D) mastering the knowledge necessary for professional activity.

15. Which component in the psychological structure of the personality is superfluous:

A) motivational-target;

B) communicative;

B) strong-willed;

D) perceptual.

16. The totality of stable individual characteristics of a person, which develops and manifests itself in activity and communication, is:

A) temperament

B) character;

B) abilities;

D) personality orientation.

17. Impulsivity, initiative, flexibility of behavior, sociability,

Social adaptability is characteristic of people of the type:

A) introverted;

B) extroverted;

B) ambiverted.

18. According to the concept of G. Eysenck, an emotionally unstable introvert:

A) choleric;

B) melancholic;

B) sanguine

D) phlegmatic.

19. Considering the psychological structure of a person, Z. Freud showed that the principle of pleasure is guided by:

A) "it"

B) "I";

C) "Super-I".

20. What type of temperament has advantages in certain types of monotonous work:

A) choleric;

B) sanguine;

B) melancholic

D) phlegmatic.

21. The highest regulator of behavior is:

A) beliefs

B) worldview;

B) installations;

D) motivation.

22. Which of the following points of view should be recognized as correct:

a) the personality is formed by society; the biological characteristics of a person do not affect this process;

b) personality is determined by biological, hereditary factors and no society can change what is inherent in a person by nature;

c) personality is a phenomenon of human social development; the complex process of its development is due to the unity of the biological and social. In this process, biological factors act as natural prerequisites, and social factors act as the driving force of a person's mental development in the formation of his personality.

23. The system of established views on the world around us and our place in it is called:

A) personal meaning;

B) worldview;

B) persuasion

D) the orientation of the personality.

24. Eliminate the extra word:

A) temperament

B) abilities;

B) stability;

D) character.

25. Specific cognitive activity on objects and phenomena of the surrounding world is called:

A) attraction

B) desire;

B) interest

D) propensity.

26. A developed state of natural inclinations, a favorable psychological factor for successful professional self-realization of a person is:

A) skills

B) skills;

B) knowledge;

D) ability.

27. A single person taken is:

A) an individual

B) a child;

B) a person

D) personality.

28. The biological basis for the development of abilities are:

A) genes

B) makings;

B) origin

D) kind.

29. The regular correlation of stable features of an individual, characterizing various aspects of the dynamics of mental activity, is:

A) character

B) temperament;

B) feelings

D) will.

30. Quickly converges with people, cheerful, easily switches from one type of activity to another, but does not like monotonous work:

A) sanguine

B) phlegmatic;

B) choleric;

D) melancholy.

31. Roven in behavior, does not make hasty decisions, slowly switches from one type of work to another, is inactive:

A) sanguine

B) phlegmatic;

B) choleric;

D) melancholy.

32. Too impressionable, responsive and easily hurt, slowly mastering and getting used to changes, shy, timid, indecisive:

A) sanguine

B) phlegmatic;

B) choleric;

D) melancholy.

33. In character, personality is manifested to a greater extent from the side:

B) dynamic;

B) procedural.

34. Self-criticism, modesty, pride characterize:

A) the attitude of the individual to things;

B) attitude towards other people;

C) a system of human relations with oneself;

D) features of the performance of any activity by him.

35. Temperament is understood as the characteristics of mental activity:

A) static;

B) dynamic;

D) purchased.

36. According to I.P. Pavlov, the classification of temperament types must be built taking into account:

A) the ratio of fluids in the human body;

B) features of functioning nervous system;

B) body structure;

D) the predominance of the right or left hemisphere of the brain.

37. The presence of abilities for any type of activity cannot be evidenced by:

A) a high rate of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities;

B) high energy costs for mastering the activity;

C) the presence of a propensity for this type of activity;

D) individual originality, originality of products of labor.

38. Which of the following points of view is considered the most scientifically sound:

A) human abilities are innate, genetically predetermined;

B) all abilities can be equally developed in any person,

The necessary social conditions would be created;

c) abilities develop on the basis of certain inclinations when a person is included in the appropriate activity, the creation of the necessary social and pedagogical conditions, the active work of the individual on himself.



A) relationships

B) reflections;

B) installations;

D) perception.

2. Obtaining primary images is provided by:

A) sensory-perceptual processes;

B) the process of thinking;

B) the submission process;

D) the process of imagination.

3. Unlike other cognitive processes, it has no special content:

A) feeling

B) perception;

B) attention

D) memory.

4. The anatomical and physiological apparatus, designed to receive certain stimuli from the external and internal environments and process them as a sensation, is called:

A) a receptor

B) the conductor of the department;

B) an analyzer;

D) reflex.

5. The minimum value of the stimulus, causing barely noticeable sensation is the threshold of sensations:

A) lower absolute;

B) differential;

B) temporary

D) upper absolute.

6. Changing the sensitivity to adapt to external conditions

Known as:

A) accommodation

B) adaptation;

B) synesthesia;

D) sensitization.

7. The main properties of sensations do not include:

A) quality

B) intensity;

B) duration;

D) volume.

8. Reflection in the mind of a person of objects and phenomena directly affecting his senses in general is:

A) feeling

B) perception;

B) presentation

D) imagination.

9. Perception is often called:

A) touch;

B) apperception;

B) perception;

D) observant.

10. The type of perception that arises on the basis of tactile and motor sensations is:

A) apperception;

B) illusion;

B) watchfulness

D) touch.

11. The dependence of perception on the past experience of a person, the characteristics of his personality is called:

A) insight;

B) perception;

B) apperception;

D) sensibility.

12. Mental activity aimed at creating new images,

Is called:

A) perception

B) thinking;

B) imagination

D) attention.

13. A reproduced subjective image of an object, based on past experience and arising in the absence of an impact of the object on the senses, is called:

A) feeling

B) perception;

B) presentation

D) imagination.

14. "Gluing" various qualities, properties, parts that are not connected in everyday life is called:

A) hyperbole

B) schematization;

B) typification;

D) agglutination.

15. The reflection in the human mind of the most complex causal relationships and relationships of objects and phenomena of the objective world is called:

A) perception

B) imagination;

B) thinking

D) presentation.

16. The type of thinking based on the direct perception of objects and their real transformation is called:

A) visual-figurative;

B) visual and effective;

C) verbal-logical;

D) abstract.

17. A relatively stable structure of mental abilities is:

A) thinking

B) insight;

B) intellect

D) talent.

18. The mental association of objects and phenomena according to their common and essential features is known as:

A) analysis;

B) synthesis;

C) generalization;

D) classification.

19. The logical transition in the process of thinking from the general to the particular is called:

A) by induction

B) deduction;

B) a concept

D) judgment.

20. A characteristic of the intensity of attention is its:

A) volume;

B) degree;

B) orientation;

D) concentration.

21. Concentration of consciousness on some object, phenomenon or experience provides:

A) perception

B) reflection;

B) attention

D) memory.

22. Arbitrary attention is not due to:

A) the contrast of external influences;

B) the presence of interests, motives;

C) awareness of duty and responsibility

23. The degree of concentration of consciousness on an object is such an indicator of attention as:

A) volume;

B) concentration;

B) distribution;

D) switching.

24. The ability of a person to preserve and reproduce "traces" of influences on the psyche is called:

A) perception

B) imagination;

B) thinking

D) memory.

25. The type of memory based on the establishment of semantic connections in the memorized material is called memory:

A) mechanical;

B) logical;

B) emotional

D) auditory.

26. The type of memory in which, first of all, feelings experienced by a person are stored and reproduced is known as memory:

A) visual-figurative;

B) phenomenal;

B) emotional

D) verbal-logical.

27. The basis for the division of memory into arbitrary and involuntary is:

A) the object of reflection;

B) lead analyzer;

C) activity of the subject;

D) type of activity.

28. Information is better remembered if it:

A) perceived by ear;

B) perceived visually;

C) is included in practical activities;

D) talking to himself.

29. Speech is (choose the most complete and precise wording):

A) language

B) exchange of views;

C) the process of using language for the purpose of communication;

D) discussion.

30. The functions of speech do not include:

A) designation function;

B) generalization function;

C) distribution function;

D) impact function.

31. The property of speech is not:

B) expressiveness;

B) simplicity

D) effectiveness.


1 section

2 section



Ananiev B. G. Man as a subject of knowledge - St. Petersburg, 2001

Gamezo M. V., Domashenko I. A. Atlas of Psychology - M., 2000

Dubrovina I.V., Danilova E.E., Parishioners A.M. Psychology - M., 2002

Ilyin E.P. Psychology of will - St. Petersburg, 2000

Maklakov A. G. General psychology- St. Petersburg, 2002

Martsinkovskaya T. D. History of psychology - M., 2001

Nemov R. S. Psychology: in 3 books. - M., 1995

General psychology / ed. B. S. Bratusya - M., 2005

Pershina L. A. General psychology - M., 2004

Petrovsky A. V. Introduction to psychology - M., 1995

Petrovsky A.V., Yaroshevsky M.G. Psychology - M., 1995

Rogov E. I. General psychology: a course of lectures - M., 1995

Rogov E. I. Emotions and will - M., 1999

Rogov E.I. Psychology of knowledge-M., 2001

Stolyarenko L. D. Fundamentals of psychology - Rostov-on-Don, 2005

Tikhomirov O. K. Psychology of thinking - M .. 2005

Khoziev V. B. Workshop on General Psychology - M., 2003

1) cognitive psychology
2) gestalt psychology
3) behaviorism
4) domestic psychology

2. The main task of psychology is:

1) correction of social norms of behavior
2) study of the laws of mental activity
3) development of problems in the history of psychology
4) improvement of research methods

3. Mental processes include:

1) temperament
2) character
3) feeling
4) ability

4. One of the principles of domestic psychology is the principle:

1) taking into account the age characteristics of a person
2) unity of thinking and intuition
3) unity of consciousness and activity
4) learning

5. The specific characteristic of testing is:

1) individual approach in the selection of tasks
2) the depth of the results of the procedure
3) subjectivity of the obtained results
4) standardization of the procedure

6. The sign that characterizes the concept of "test" is:

1) validity
2) conformity
3) attractiveness
4) associativity

7. A person's observation of the inner plan of his own mental life is:

1) interaction
2) interference
3) introspection
4) intuition

8. A group of methods based on the projection phenomenon is called ... methods:

1) survey
2) test
3) projective
4) empirical

9. One of the reasons for changing the subject of psychology from consciousness to behavior was:

1) an increase in the number of marriages
2) urbanization and manufacturing boom
3) reducing the number of divorces
4) population explosion

10. The methods by which the subject of science is studied are called:

1) processes
2) goals
3) methods
4) goals

11. Psychology deals with the study of individual differences between people:

1) integral
2) integrative
3) personality
4) differential

12. The study of the psyche through communication is called:

1) conversation method
2) tests
3) observations
4) questionnaires

13. Psychology becomes an independent and experimental field of scientific knowledge:

1) in the XIX century.
2) in the XX century.
3) in the XVIII century.
4) in the XVI century.

14. The foundations of the reflex theory of the psyche were laid by the works:

1) R. Descartes, I.M. Sechenov
2) L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein
3) Aristotle, Hippocrates, Plato
4) Z. Freud, A. Maslow¸ K. Jung

15. The psychological direction, which considers that the subject of psychology is behavior as a set of body reactions to environmental stimuli, is:

1) psychoanalysis
2) humanistic psychology
3) psychology of consciousness
4) behaviorism

16. Psychological system for the analysis of mental life, proposed by Z. Freud:

1) humanistic psychology
2) depth psychology (psychoanalysis)
3) associative psychology
4) cognitive psychology

17. Domestic psychologist L.S. Vygotsky is the author of:

1) stratometric concept
2) cultural and historical concept of mental development
3) activity concept
4) the concept of the phased formation of mental actions

18. Actively engaged in the psychology of activity:

1) E. Kretschmer
2) Z. Freud
3) V.M. Bekhterev
4) A.N. Leontiev 1) R.S. Nemov
2) L.S. Vygotsky
3) A.V. Petrovsky
4) I.M. Sechenov

20. W. Wund is the first who created:

1) psycho-correction center
2) the concept of the unconscious
3) psychological laboratory
4) reflex theory

21. The founder of the direction of psychology, who considers unconscious drives and instincts to be the source of personality activity:

1) Z. Freud
2) K. Levin
3) J. Watson
4) I.M. Sechenov

22. A direction in psychology that denies consciousness and reduces the psyche to various forms of behavior is called:

1) psychoanalysis
2) gestalt psychology
3) structuralism
4) behaviorism

23. The content of the psyche, which under no circumstances can enter the sphere of consciousness, Z. Freud called:

1) repressed
2) unconscious
3) resistant
4) preconscious

24. What does the CNS include:

1) dorsal
2) Head

25. Structural and functional element of the nervous system is:

1) ganglion
2) neuron
3) synapse
4) axon

26. The perception of environmental signals is carried out by the nervous system with the help of:

1) detectors
2) receptors
3) analyzers
4) acceptors

27. The system of brain structures and sensory organs that provides perception, processing and storage of information is called:

1) neuron
2) impulse
3) analyzer
4) reflex

28. I.P. Pavlov, based on the degree of predominance of the second signaling system over the first, divided the higher nervous activity of a person into:

1) artistic type
2) synthetic
3) thinking type
4) analytical-synthetic

29. An increase in sensitivity as a result of the interaction of analyzers and exercises is called:

1) synesthesia
2) adaptation
3) the interaction of sensations
4) sensitization

30. The executive phase of the animal's behavior is different, first of all:

1) situational, lack of experience
2) non-directional activity
3) stereotypical
4) rigidity

31. Stages of the evolutionary development of the psyche - 1) perceptual; 2) elementary sensory; 3) intelligence - have the following order of their sequence:

1) 1,2,3
2) 2,1,3
3) 3,2,1
4) 2,3,1

32. The concept of "strength of the nervous system" means:

1) a property of the nervous system, characterized by the predominance of excitatory processes over inhibition processes
2) a property of the nervous system, characterized by the predominance of inhibition processes over excitation processes
3) a property of the nervous system that determines the performance of cortical cells, their endurance
4) a property of the nervous system that determines the speed at which one nervous process is replaced by another

33. A specific type of human activity is called:

1) activities
2) reflex
3) reaction
4) consciousness

34. Activity as a general characteristic of living things has received the name in human society:

1) reflex
2) reaction
3) consciousness
4) activity

35. Activities include:

1) the presence of a goal
2) the presence of the unconscious
3) the presence of claims
4) the presence of self-esteem

36. The psychological structure of activity does not include the concept of:

1) operation
2) action
3) act
4) motive

37. The method of performing an action, which has become automated as a result of exercises, is:

1) reception
2) skill
3) habit
4) skill

38. A research method based on the transition from particular judgments to a general conclusion is called:

1) registration
2) inductive
3) ranking
4) observation

39. The vision of the future desired outcome is:

1) purpose
2) symbol
3) icon
4) meaning

40. According to A.N. Leontiev, the human personality is something other than a hierarchy:

1) values
2) needs
3) motives
4) activities

41. Higher mental functions, according to L.S. Vygotsky:

1) unmediated
2) mediated
3) do not have a morphological basis
4) local

42. The ratio of the purpose of the action to the motive is determined by:

1) quasi-need
2) need
3) meaning
4) operation

43. The way to perform actions is called:

1) quasi-action
2) under the action
3) operation
4) activity

44. The author of the theory of the evolution of the psyche in phylogenesis adopted in Russian psychology is:

1) M.Ya. bass
2) L.I. Bozovic
3) A.N. Leontiev
4) P.F. Kapterev

45. According to A.N. Leontiev, there is no stage in the evolutionary development of the psyche:

1) perceptual psyche
2) mediated psyche
3) intelligence
4) elementary sensory psyche

46. ​​Protozoa are characterized by ... a nervous system.

1) tubular
2) reticulate
3) nodal
4) mixed

47. The emergence of the ability to perceive and learn by object is a sign of ... the stage of development of the psyche.

1) direct
2) mediated
3) perceptual
4) elementary sensory

48. The process of development of the psyche from irritability in protozoa to human consciousness is called:

1) anthropogenesis
2) ontogeny
3) phylogenesis
4) sociogenesis

49. Ontogeny includes the period of a person's life from birth to death, i.e. not only progressive, but also ... changes.

1) backward
2) degradation
3) evolutionary
4) regressive

50. The pace and nature of individual mental development:

1) uniquely original and do not depend on the social environment, communication, learning
2) uneven and due to the maturation of the body and changes in the social situation of development
3) with appropriate training and education, they can be accelerated indefinitely
4) are the same in time and content for all healthy individuals and are due to the growth of the brain and nervous system

51. The main condition for the development and formation of personality in domestic psychology is (are):

1) activity
2) punishment and prohibitions
3) organizational control
4) adequate self-esteem

52. The age from 0 to 2 years in the concept of J. Piaget corresponds to ... the stage of intellectual development:

1) sensory-motor
2) preoperative
3) concrete-operational
4) formal-operational

53. The fundamental difference between the human psyche and animals is:

1) the presence of consciousness and self-consciousness
2) using special signals for communication
3) intellectual activity
4) the use of objects of the surrounding world as a means to achieve the goal

54. The highest form of reflection, which is inherent in a person, is denoted by the concept:

1) "consciousness"
2) "soul"
3) "reaction"
4) "reflex"

55. Sensual tissue of consciousness contains:

1) values
2) meanings
3) images and representations
4) abstract reasoning

56. The concept of “consciousness” is disclosed by such definitions as:

1) the highest level of mental activity of a person as a social being
2) a form of reflection of objective reality in the human psyche
3) the highest level of mental reflection and self-regulation, inherent only to man
4) a set of mental processes, operations and states that are not realized by the subject
5) everything that does not become the subject of special actions for awareness

57. Consciousness happens:

1) religious
2) superficial
3) procedural
4) long-term

58. The manifestation of the unconscious does NOT include:

1) errors, reservations
2) forgetting
3) reflection
4) dream, dreams

59. Consciousness:

1) only humans have
2) there is in humans and animals
3) not in humans and animals
4) only animals have

60. One of the components of consciousness is:

1) instinct
2) installation
3) attraction
4) self-awareness

61. The initial source of all our knowledge about the outside world and our own body is:

1) need
2) thinking
3) feeling
4) imagination

62. Mental reflection in the cerebral cortex of individual properties, objects and phenomena that directly affect the senses is called:

1) perception
2) feeling
3) activities
4) reflex

63. Auditory and visual sensations are ... sensations.

1) tactile
2) distant
3) contact
4) interoceptive

64. The magnitude of the stimulus that allows a person to first feel the impact, and then realize it, is called:

1) contrast of sensations
2) adaptation
3) sensitivity threshold
4) upper threshold of sensitivity

65. Sensation is a mental process consisting of:

1) a holistic reflection of the objects of the surrounding world
2) a generalized reflection of objects and phenomena of the material world
3) reflection of individual properties of objects and phenomena of the material world
4) indirect reflection of individual properties of the physical world

66. The ability to sense is present:

1) in all living beings with a central nervous system
2) all living beings
3) only in humans
4) in all living beings with a nervous system

67. The minimum strength of the stimulus that causes a barely noticeable sensation is called the threshold:

1) lower absolute
2) top absolute
3) difference
4) differential

68. A holistic reflection of objects, situations and events that occurs with a direct impact on the senses is called:

1) feeling
2) thinking
3) imagination
4) perception

69. The profession of a teacher refers to the system:

1) man-technique
2) man-man
3) man-nature
4) man-sign system

70. The type of labor activity of a person, the subject of his permanent employment is called:

1) profession
2) creativity
3) specialization
4) skill

71. The group of general pedagogical skills includes skills such as:

1) constructive
2) organizational
3) communicative
4) motor

72. The dependence of perception on the content of a person’s mental life, on the characteristics of his personality is called:

1) imagination
2) attention
3) apperception
4) perception

73. The perception of a person by a person has a special name:

1) attraction
2) reflection
3) empathy
4) social perception

74. The relation of a visual image of perception to certain objects of the external world is called:

1) selectivity
2) objectivity
3) adequacy
4) meaningfulness

75. The illusory apparent movement of an actually motionless object is called:

1) Consistent image
2) phi-phenonema
3) dynamic effect
4) autokinetic effect

76. To perceive an object consciously means:

1) to perceive an object or phenomenon while being conscious, i.e. aware of the fact of his perception of this subject
2) attribute the perceived object to a specific group, class of objects, generalize it in a word
3) perceive the subject from the point of view of needs
4) calculate possible consequences interactions of these items

77. Perception is a mental process, the essence of which is:

1) reflection in the mind of a person of objects or a phenomenon in the aggregate of its properties
2) indirect reflection of individual properties of physical objects
3) reflection of individual properties of objects and phenomena of the material world
4) abstract reflection of objects and phenomena of the material world

78. According to the nature of the goals of activity, memory is divided into:

1) active and passive
2) figurative and logical
3) mechanical and dynamic
4) arbitrary and involuntary

79. The professional orientation of the teacher's personality includes:

1) professional intentions and inclinations
2) communication opportunities
3) teaching vocation
4) interest in the teaching profession

80. Memory processes do not include:

1) defrag
2) save
3) playback
4) memorization

81. The grounds for differentiation of specialties of the pedagogical profile are:

4) subject areas knowledge

82. Memorization with a special mindset "to remember" and requiring certain volitional efforts is ... memory.

1) emotional
2) involuntary
3) arbitrary
4) figurative

83. Short-term memory is a type of memory that consists of:

1) memory for individual events
2) instant imprinting of information
3) operational retention and transformation of information for certain purposes of activity
4) retention of information in memory for a very short time

84. Education acts as a mechanism in relation to socialization:

1) acceleration
2) braking
3) identifications
4) suppression

85. Nonsense syllables as material for studying the "pure laws of memory" were proposed by:

1) G. Ebbinghaus
2) B.F. Zeigarnik
3) J. Watson
4) W. Neisser

86. Amnesia occurs: 1) with local lesions of the cerebral cortex; 2) as a consequence of traumatic events; 3) as a result of the influence of hypnosis.

1) 2
2) 1,2,3
3) 1,2
4) 1

87. In short-term memory at the same time is on average:

1) 7 elements
2) 11 elements
3) 5 elements
4) 9 elements

88. The mental process of a generalized and indirect reflection of reality is called:

1) memory
2) thinking
3) attention
4) perception

89. The forms of thinking include:

1) judgment
2) analysis
3) presentation
4) concept

90. Schools where children, of their own free will or at the behest of their parents, learn the basics of a particular creed are called:

1) communes
2) labor
3) Sunday
4) boarding school

91. The operations of thinking include:

1) agglutination
2) fantasy
3) analysis
4) generalization

92. Thinking, which is carried out with the help of logical operations with concepts, is called ... thinking.

1) verbal-logical
2) visual-effective
3) visual-figurative
4) autistic

93. Every act of thinking includes imagination, thanks to which it becomes possible:

1) abstraction
2) concentration of consciousness
3) extrapolation and interpolation
4) selectivity and orientation of consciousness

94. The appearance of ... situations becomes the motive, the beginning of the movement of thinking:

1) perfect
2) problematic
3) real
4) stressful

95. Intelligence means:

1) the system of all cognitive abilities
2) focus and concentration of consciousness on a particular subject
3) general ability to learn and solve problematic problems, ensuring the success of any activity
4) vocabulary

96. Association is a connection between mental phenomena on the basis of: 1) similarities; 2) contrast; 3) space-time relations; 4) causal relationships.

1) 1,2,3,4
2) 1,2
3) 1,2,3
4) 3,4

98. The mental process of creating images, including the prediction of the final result of objective activity, is called:

1) meditation
2) feeling
3) imagination
4) abstraction

99. The property of consciousness that allows a person to create new images in the process of thinking based on past perception and cognition is:

1) feeling
2) imagination
3) intelligence
4) memory

100. Active imagination can be:

1) creative and creative
2) visual-figurative
3) recreative and creative
4) visual and auditory

101. The construction of an image of a situation on the basis of a story is realized with ... imagination.

1) anticipatory
2) reproductive
3) productive
4) anticipating

102. The method of creating images of the imagination by highlighting any part, detail of the whole, is called:

1) typing
2) accent
3) dream
4) schematization

103. When mastering such subjects as physics, chemistry, astronomy, the realization of ... the function of imagination is of great importance.

1) regulatory
2) educational
3) cognitive
4) emotional

104. The following can be distinguished as types of imagination:

1) ideas, plans, thoughts
2) dreams, dreams, fantasy
3) typification, schematization, agglutination
4) creativity, insight

105. Typification as a mechanism of imagination is:

1) highlighting the essential, repeating in homogeneous images
2) separate merging ideas, in which differences are smoothed out, and similarities stand out clearly
3) an increase or decrease in an object, as well as a change in its individual parts
4) "gluing" various incompatible qualities in everyday life

106. Emphasis in the imagination is:

1) a combination of individual elements of various images of objects in new, more or less unusual combinations
2) creation of new images based on "gluing" representations
3) an increase or decrease in an object, as well as a change in its individual parts
4) emphasizing certain features

107. Attention is associated with:

1) reconstruction of the image of reality
2) likening yourself to others
3) focusing on the object of the greatest analytical and synthetic efforts
4) selection of objects essential for the activity

108. The annotation plan consists of:

1) a concise statement of the position of the author of the source
2) conclusions
3) source content analysis
4) output data source

109. The following forms of manifestation of attention are distinguished - these are:

1) sensitive
2) interactive
3) sensory (visual, auditory, gustatory, etc.)
4) intelligent

110. The level of education and readiness to perform a certain type of activity in the received area of ​​training or specialty is called:

1) specialty
2) profession
3) qualification
4) competitiveness

111. The ability of a person to keep in the center of attention a certain number of heterogeneous objects at the same time is called ... attention.

1) resistant
2) distribution
3) concentration
4) mobility

112. The property of attention, which is associated with the possibility of the simultaneous successful completion of two or more different types of activities, is called:

1) switching
2) skill
3) distribution
4) abilities

113. The simplest and initial form of involuntary attention is:

1) unconditioned reflex
2) conditioned reflex
3) orienting reflex
4) motor reflex

114. The property of attention, manifested in the speed of its transfer from one object to another, is:

1) stability
2) switchability
3) concentration
4) distribution

115. The term "personality" in psychology is defined as:

1) a strong, strong-willed person who has achieved public recognition
2) a person who has reached a high level of maturity
3) mentally healthy man engaged in community service
4) social quality acquired by an individual in objective activity and communication

116. The systemic social quality acquired by an individual in activity and communication is denoted by the concept:

1) personality
2) temperament
3) makings
4) motivation

117. A holistic psychological structure that is formed in the process of a person's life on the basis of his assimilation of social norms of consciousness and behavior is:

1) individuality
2) individual
3) personality
4) "I-concept" of personality

118. A person as a subject of activity is characterized by:

1) activity
2) interhemispheric asymmetry
3) gender, age
4) constitution

119. A person as an individual is characterized by:

1) sense of duty
2) creativity
3) tolerance
4) average height

120. The peculiarity of the psyche and personality of the individual, its uniqueness, originality, manifested in the properties of temperament, character traits, emotional and intellectual spheres, needs and abilities, is called:

1) human
2) personality
3) individuality
4) subject of activity

121. Of the following: 1) individuality of a person; 2) representation of the personality in the system of interpersonal relations; 3) anatomical and physiological features; 4) imprinting the personality in other people - the personality structure includes:

1) 3,4
2) 2,4
3) 1,2,4
4) 1,3

122. The cognitive component of the image of "I" is:

1) what a person would have to become in order to meet their own internal criteria for success
2) assessment by the individual of himself, his capabilities, qualities and place among other people
3) self-respect, self-criticism, selfishness, etc.
4) idea of ​​their abilities, appearance, social significance, etc.

123. Extreme variants of the norm of character are called:

1) psychopathy
2) pathologies
3) accentuations
4) neuroses

124. Emotions are most closely related to (with):

1) abilities
2) imagination
3) motives
4) memories

125. The state of a person caused by insurmountable difficulties that arise on the way to achieving a goal is defined as:

1) euphoria
2) sadness
3) passion
4) frustration

126. A special form of experience that arises in an extreme life situation that requires a person to mobilize neuropsychological forces is called:

1) passion
2) surprise
3) affect
4) stress

127. Humanism, responsiveness, justice, dignity, shame are manifestations of ... feelings.

1) ethical
2) practical
3) intelligent
4) aesthetic

128. The ability to empathize with another person is called:

1) sympathy
2) sincerity
3) rationality
4) empathy

129. The function of the will is:

1) personal development
2) regulation of behavior and activities
3) psychotherapeutic
4) knowledge of the surrounding reality

130. A secondary volitional quality, which consists in the ability to control the sensual side of one's psyche and subordinate one's behavior to the solution of consciously set tasks, is:

1) self-control
2) courage
3) responsibility
4) decisiveness

131. Volitional action is not characterized by:

1) overcoming subjective obstacles
2) the presence of a well-thought-out plan for the implementation of a behavioral act
3) the application of conscious effort
4) direct pleasure received in the process of its execution

132. A stable long-term emotional state with great strength of feelings is:

1) frustration
2) mood
3) stress
4) passion

133. The totality of stable individual characteristics is:

1) character
2) temperament
3) quality
4) ability

134. The main forms of personality orientation (according to K.K. Platonov) do not include:

1) beliefs
2) inclinations
3) interests
4) frustration

135. Individually unique properties of the psyche that determine the dynamics of a person's mental activity are called:

1) abilities
2) temperament
3) feelings
4) character

136. The totality of individual characteristics that characterize the dynamic and emotional aspects of a person's behavior, his activities and communication is:

1) temperament
2) impressionability
3) rigidity
4) activity

137. Temperament, being ..., is the basis of most personality traits.

1) social
2) congenital
3) changeable
4) acquired

138. The scientist who developed the physiological basis of the doctrine of the types of temperament is:

1) Confucius
2) Ibn Sina
3) I.P. Pavlov
4) F. Gall

139. The character of a person is manifested in:

1) introversion, extraversion, anxiety, impulsivity
2) his attitude towards himself, people, activities, things
3) excessive severity of individual personality traits, bordering on psychopathy
4) plasticity, rigidity, reactivity, tempo of mental reactions

140. A description of the system of features that characterize a particular profession, a list of norms and requirements for an employee is called:

1) job description
2) state educational standard
3) technology
4) professiogram

141. Professional readiness for pedagogical activity is divided into ... readiness.

1) cultural
2) practical
3) socio-economic
4) scientific and theoretical

142. Congenital anatomical and physiological features that make up the natural basis for the development of human abilities are called:

1) accentuations
2) makings
3) habits
4) skills

143. The doctrine of the types of higher nervous activity belongs to:

1) I.P. Pavlov
2) K. Jung
3) G. Eysenck
4) K. Leonhard

144. The physiological feature of temperament is:

1) type of higher nervous activity
2) reflex arc
3) reflex
4) analyzer

145. A multifaceted process of developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities, is called:

1) communication
2) affection
3) society
4) relationships

146. The actual pedagogical research methods include:

1) summarizing
2) analysis of products of activity
3) observation
4) sociometry

147. The process of perception and cognition of each other by communication partners and the establishment of mutual understanding on this basis is the content of ... side of communication.

1) interactive
2) affective
3) integrative
4) perceptual

148. The perception of a person by a person has a special name:

1) reflection
2) attraction
3) social perception
4) empathy

149. Attracting the attention of listeners to the material being presented with the help of a rhetorical question refers to ... method.

1) non-verbal
2) verbal
3) motion-sign
4) mixed

150. Non-verbal communication is the process of communication through:

1) language
2) letters
3) distance
4) facial expressions and gestures

151. The initial conceptual scheme, the leading idea, the model for setting and solving problems, which prevails over a certain period, is:

1) law
2) concept
3) paradigm
4) doctrine

152. The development of pedagogy is due to:

1) the progress of science and technology
2) parents' concern for the happiness of children
3) the objective need to prepare a person for life and work
4) increasing the role of education in public life

153. A holistic model of the educational process that systematically determines the structure and content of the activities of both sides of this process (teacher and student), with the goal of achieving the planned results, adjusted for the individual characteristics of its participants, is:

1) technology
2) plan
3) educational technology
4) project

154. The taxonomy of learning goals according to B. Bloom includes:

1) knowledge and awareness
2) understanding and application
3) assessment and self-assessment
4) knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation

155. The theory and practice of cognition, regulation and implementation by educational environments of the process of socialization or resocialization of a person, the result of which is the acquisition by an individual of an orientation and a standard of behavior (beliefs, values, corresponding feelings and actions) is:

1) correctional pedagogy
2) social pedagogy
3) pedagogy
4) ethnopedagogy

156. The method of education is:

1) a set of means of educational influence
2) a set of homogeneous methods of educational influence
3) the way to achieve the goal of education
4) an option for organizing an educational event

157. Class hour is:

1) form of education
2) method of education
3) means of education
4) training session

158. What educational institutions in Russia do not train teaching staff?

1) pedagogical colleges
2) pedagogical universities

159. Deviations in development caused by unfavorable forms of family education and not associated with disorders of the analyzer systems or the central nervous system can lead to:

1) socio-pedagogical neglect
2) mental retardation
3) underdevelopment of intelligence
4) somatic weakness

160. A complex of personality traits that ensures a high level of self-organization of professional activity is:

1) professional skill
2) pedagogical abilities
3) professional development
4) professional competence

161. Paradigm is:

1) the doctrine of the scientific method of cognition
2) the original conceptual scheme, the leading idea, the model for posing and solving the problem
3) the doctrine of the principles, methods, forms, procedures for cognition and transformation of pedagogical reality
4) a collective concept that summarizes all the methods used, their tools, procedures and techniques

162. Highlight the objectives of the lesson, focused on the development of the information culture of students:

1) Promote the development of children's communication skills
2) to ensure the development of schoolchildren's ability to highlight the key moments of their own or someone else's activities as a whole
3) create conditions for the development of schoolchildren's ability to structure information
4) to provide schoolchildren with the development of skills to draw up simple and complex plans

163. In the list below, classify organizational forms of education by the number of students (according to I.M. Cheredov):

1) frontal
2) group
3) individual
4) self

164. The methods of formation of knowledge include:

1) story
2) dispute
3) example
4) competition

165. Modern approaches in the theory and practice of education:

1) systemic
2) synergistic
3) activity
4) personality-oriented

166. The principles of education are:

1) methods of work on the organization of the learning process
2) theses of the theory and practice of teaching and education, reflecting the key points in the disclosure of processes, phenomena, events
3) the main provisions of the theory of learning
4) means of folk pedagogy and the modern pedagogical process

167. Pedagogical process:

1) ruler
2) whole
3) esoteric
4) asocial

168. Learning objectives:

4) internal and external

169.Education should be of ... character.

1) creative, personal
2) cyclo-flow
3) customized
4) polysubjective

170.Education is:

1) the result of the upbringing process
2) the result of the processes of socialization and adaptation
3) the mechanism of the socio-cultural environment for familiarization with universal values
4) the result of obtaining a system of knowledge, skills and rational ways of mental actions

171.Modern models of organization of training include:

1) only models of forms of organization of learning
2) models of systems of principles, systems of methods, forms, types of organization of training
3) models of forms and methods of organizing training
4) models of types and forms of organization of training

172. The principles of education were first formulated by:

1) Pestalozzi I.G.
2) Comenius Ya.A.
3) Montaigne M.
4) Ushinsky K.D.

173. Didactics is:

1) the science of training and education, their goals, content, methods, means, organization, results achieved
2) art "children's skill"
3) the ordered activity of the teacher to achieve the goal of learning
4) a system of ZUN acquired in the learning process and ways of thinking

174. Training is:

1) streamlining the didactic process according to certain criteria, giving it the necessary form in order to best achieve the goal
2) the science of getting an education
3) orderly interaction of the teacher with students, aimed at achieving the goal
4) the category of philosophy, psychology and pedagogy

175. The form of organization of training is:

1) how the learning process is organized
2) where the learning process is organized
3) why the learning process is organized
4) for whom the learning process is organized

176. Duration of a standard lesson:

1) 40–45 minutes
2) 30 minutes
3) 90 minutes
4) 60 minutes

177. Teaching and learning are:

1) categories of training
2) teaching methods
B. forms of education
G. teaching aids

178. Pedagogical technologies are divided into:

1) general subject, subject and modular
2) general subject, subject, modular and particular methodological
3) general subject and subject
4) subject and modular

179. Education is:

1) the way to achieve the goal and objectives of training
2) a system of ZUN acquired in the learning process and ways of thinking
3) what the learning process comes to, the end results of the learning process

180. The purpose of training is divided into components - tasks, which are divided into:

1) educational, educational and developmental
2) correctional, organizational and general didactic
3) organizational-methodical and epistemological-semantic
4) internal and external

181. Which of the lessons is not a lesson in the control of knowledge of skills and abilities?

1) computer
2) suggestive
3) essay
4) laboratory work

182. Teaching aids may be:

1) material (technical, informational) and ideal
2) ideal and real
3) material and ideological
4) technical and aesthetic

183. Pedagogical technology is:

1) a set of operations for the design, formation and control of knowledge, skills and attitudes in accordance with the goals
2) tools for achieving the learning goal
3) a set of provisions that reveal the content of any theory, concept or category in the system of science
4) the stability of the results obtained during repeated control, as well as close results when it is carried out by different teachers

184. Teaching methods are:

1) ways of joint activity of the teacher and students aimed at solving learning problems
2) monologue form of presentation, designed to relay the system of social experience
3) a means of self-learning and mutual learning
4) ways of cognition of objective reality in the conditions of multidimensional consideration of epistemological mechanisms and cognitive activity of students

185. Pedagogical technologies according to the leading development factor are divided into:

1) biogenic and sociogenic
2) biogenic, sociogenic, psychogenic
3) suggestive, neurolinguistic
4) secular and religious

186. The educational process is determined by the categories:

1) training and education
2) a set of categories of pedagogical science
3) a set of categories of didactics
4) a set of categories of psychological and pedagogical anthropology

187. ... learning is a kind of learning based on an algorithm in its original sense.

1) Software
2) Programmed
3) Computer
4) Modular

188. What concept (term) is not a concept of learning theory?

1) ways of mental activity
2) the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions
3) quality of education
4) training

189. The principles of education are:

1) pedagogical conditions for cooperation, co-creation
2) mechanisms for the implementation of student-centered learning
3) the main provisions of any theory or concept
4) the main provisions that determine the content, organizational forms and methods of the educational process in accordance with the general goals and patterns

190. In Russia, for the first time formulated (a) the principles of education:

1) Krupskaya N.K.
2) Ushinsky K.D.
3) Babansky Yu.K.
4) Makarenko A.S.

191. Learning as a co-creation of a teacher and a student was considered:

1) Comenius Ya.A.
2) Shatalov V.F.
3) Bolnov O.
4) Krupskaya N.K.

192. A creative lesson and a non-standard lesson are the concepts:

1) identical
2) symmetrical
3) having a common basis (intersecting)
4) similar

193. What does not apply to written control?

1) test
2) message
3) essay
4) presentation

194. Control methods do not include:

1) oral control
2) written control
3) mutual evaluation
4) computer control

195. Learning functions and learning objectives can be divided into:

1) internal and external
2) correctional, organizational and general didactic
3) organizational-methodical and epistemological-semantic
4) educational, educational and developmental

196. Training has the following categories:

1) teaching and learning
2) teaching and education
3) teaching and learning
4) socialization and adaptation

197. Institutions of secondary vocational education do not include:

1) technical schools
2) lyceums
3) schools
4) colleges

198. Education is:

1) the ordered activity of the teacher to achieve the goal of learning
2) subject support of the educational process
3) a system of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the learning process
4) the way the teacher and students cooperate

199. A learning tool is:

1) a set of ideal and material objects that allow solving the goals and objectives set in the learning process
2) techniques and methods for obtaining, generalizing and systematizing knowledge
3) a set of pedagogical tools for solving cognitive problems
4) all objects of the material world that are used to organize classes

200. Pedagogical technology is:

1) a form of mental activity of the individual, aimed at understanding and transforming the world and the person himself
2) a set of means and methods for reproducing theoretically substantiated training and education processes that make it possible to successfully achieve the set goals
3) active interaction with the surrounding reality, during which a living being acts as a subject, purposefully influencing an object and thus satisfying its needs
4) a practical method for achieving moral self-improvement through the regulation by a person of his bodily needs

201. Pedagogical technologies on a philosophical basis can be:

1) authoritarian and democratic
2) materialistic, idealistic and dualistic
3) reproductive and developmental
4) classroom and alternative

202. What concept (term) is not a concept of learning theory?

1) knowledge
2) skills
3) skills
4) motivation

203. The following types of education are distinguished:

1) incomplete secondary, secondary, incomplete higher, higher
2) daytime, part-time, evening, remote
3) incomplete secondary, secondary, incomplete secondary vocational, secondary vocational, incomplete higher, higher, academic
4) incomplete secondary, secondary, incomplete secondary vocational, secondary vocational, incomplete higher professional, higher professional

204. ... is a process in which ready-made knowledge is presented to students, followed by a process of consolidation, generalization, systematization and control.

1) Suggestive learning
2) Problem based learning
3) Reproductive learning
4) Level training

205. The pedagogical process reveals the features of teaching:

1) lined
2) concentrates
3) stepwise
4) systemically

206. Definition of the concept of "education":

1) the concept of learning theory
2) the category of not only didactics, but also the system of pedagogical science as a whole
3) the result of development and adaptation
4) the mechanism of socialization and education

207. The system of higher pedagogical education includes the following blocks:

1) general cultural block, psychological and pedagogical block, subject block.
2) general cultural block and subject block.
3) philosophical, psychological and pedagogical, general cultural blocks
4) undergraduate and graduate programs.

208. Teaching methods are:

1) a means of controlling the cognitive activity of students and pupils, an element of culture and morality
2) ways, methods of creating favorable conditions for the organization of the educational, educational process
3) mechanisms of socialization and education
4) the category of psychological and pedagogical sciences, which ensures continuity in obtaining education.

209. Control is:

1) checking the results of self-learning
2) this is the feedback of the teacher with the student in the teaching-learning process, which provides an analysis of the assimilation of knowledge, skills, and stimulating the activity of both parties (both the teacher and the student) to optimize all parts of the educational process
3) a system of assessment and assessment activities aimed at forming an adequate idea of ​​the objectively occurring processes in the social continuum
4) a mechanism for testing knowledge, skills, abilities of students

210. Higher education institutions are:

1) colleges, institutes, universities
2) colleges, institutes, universities, academies
3) institutes, universities, academies
4) lyceums, colleges, institutes, universities, academies

211. New information training tools do not include:

1) computer
2) overhead projector
3) printer
4) modem

212. The system of principles of developmental education was first proposed by:

1) Vygotsky L.S.
2) Ivanov I.P.
3) Yakimanskaya I.S.
4) Zankov L.S.

213. Training is:

1) a system of ZUN acquired in the learning process and ways of thinking
2) what the learning process comes to, the end results of the learning process
3) the way to achieve the goal and objectives of training
4) orderly interaction of the teacher with students, aimed at achieving the goal

214. “Brainring” lessons are based on ... training.

1) problematic
2) productive
3) gaming
4) modular

215. Teaching methods in Greek means:

1) learning mechanisms
2) means of achieving the goal of learning
3) ways, ways to achieve the goal of learning
4) learning techniques

216. The form of organization of education in secondary school is:

1) occupation
2) lesson
3) Classroom hour
4) an hour of communication

217. A non-standard lesson differs from a standard one:

1) duration
2) shape
3) purpose
4) developed model

218. Institutions of secondary education do not include:

1) evening shift school
2) lyceum
3) gymnasium
4) university

219. Teaching and learning processes should be:

1) interconnected
2) mutually exclusive
3) discretely built
4) continuous and polymorphic

220. Training in the education system can be:

1) secondary, secondary vocational, higher vocational
2) full-time daytime, full-time evening, correspondence
3) self-learning and mutual learning
4) state and additional

221. What concept is not a concept of learning theory?

1) knowledge
2) skills
3) skills
4) good manners

222. The principles of education are:

1) ways of joint activity of the teacher and students aimed at achieving their goals, the process of pedagogical interaction
2) guidance for managing the process of psychological and pedagogical interaction
3) guiding ideas, regulatory requirements for the organization and implementation of the educational process
4) conditions for successful social interaction of various subjects of the socio-educational space

223. Learning as a co-creation of a teacher (S1) and a student (S2) is characterized by the following model:

1) S1<=>S2
2) S1< S2
3) S1 > S2
4) S1= S2

224. What does not apply to the lessons:

1) workshops
2) laboratory work
3) homework
4) independent work

225. Pedagogical technology is:

1) conditions for optimizing the educational process
2) the project of a specific pedagogical system, implemented in practice
3) the main position of the theory of learning
4) the result of the interaction between the teacher and the student

226. Recognition of the self-worth of the individual, the realization of internal and external freedom is the principle:

1) humanism
2) continuity
3) democratization
4) integrity

227. The group of organizational and structural pedagogical functions includes ... function.

1) information
2) gnostic
3) constructive
4) mobilizing

228. Pedagogical creativity is not:

1) introduction of qualitatively new elements into the educational process
2) anticipation of desired and prevention of undesirable results in personality development
3) the art of educating the younger generation
4) solving educational problems in changing circumstances

229. The grounds for differentiation of pedagogical specialties are:

1) types of pedagogical activity
2) age periods of child development
3) psychophysical and social factors in the development of the child's personality
4) subject areas of knowledge

230. The main methods of speed taking notes are:

1) hyperabbreviation
2) hieroglyphics
3) exclusion of words
4) rubrication

231. Knowledge of the provisions of pedagogical theory, the ability to analyze one's own scientific activity are part of:

1) the basic culture of the individual
2) methodological culture of the teacher
3) pedagogical culture
4) personality culture

232. The teaching profession refers to ... a type of professional activity.

1) artonomic
2) bionomic
3) technical
4) socionomic

233. There are such types of plans as:

1) artistic
2) blueprint
3) complex
4) combined

234. Career guidance is a system of such interrelated components as:

1) professional diagnostics
2) self-education
3) professional education
4) professional selection

235. If a teacher adapts his communication to the characteristics of the audience, then his activity can be attributed to ... level.

1) adaptive
2) locally modeling
3) productive
4) creative

236. A form of vocational guidance that provides assistance to students in choosing a profession is called:

1) interview
2) consultation
3) education
4) diagnostics

237. In accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education, such types of pedagogical activity are distinguished as:

1) analytical and diagnostic
2) educational
3) socio-pedagogical
4) scientific and methodological

238. There are such types of theses as:

1) deep
2) complex
3) theses-citations
4) simple

General psychology. Tests. Aysmontas B.B.

Moscow: Vlados-Press, 2003 - 192 p.

The collection includes more than 1100 test tasks in all major sections and topics of the course `General psychology`. They can be used both for self-testing the level of competence by each psychologist, and in compiling a program for checking students' mastery of this course.

Test tasks are addressed to students, teachers, graduate students, and will also be useful to everyone who is interested in psychology.

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Preface 4
I. Introduction to General Psychology 5
1. The subject and tasks of psychology as a science 5
2. Methodology and methods of psychology 11
2.1. Methodology of psychology 11
2.2. Research methods 15
3. Psychological analysis of activity 26
4. The origin and evolution of the psyche 31
5. Learning 36
6. mental development 46
7. Consciousness and self-consciousness 54
8. Historical aspects of the development of psychology as a science 60
II. Mental processes 66
1. cognitive processes 66
1.1 The structure of cognitive activity 66
1.2. Feeling 72
1.3. Perception 82
1.4. Memory 89
1.5. Attention 104
1.6. Thinking 112
1.7. Imagination 122
2. Emotional-volitional processes 126
2.1. Emotions 126
2.2. Will 135
III. Psychology of personality 137
1. Introduction to personality psychology 137
2. Foreign theories of personality 145
3. Orientation of personality 155
3.1. Needs 155
3.2. Motives 158
3.3. The main forms of personality orientation 162
4.Temperament 167
5. Character 173
6. Ability 178
7. Communication 180
Correct answers to test items 186

1. The branch of psychology that studies the phylogenetic forms of mental life:

+ — comparative psychology;

- pedagogical psychology;

— pathopsychology;

- social Psychology.

2. A branch of psychology that studies mental phenomena that arise in the process of interaction between people in various organized and unorganized social groups:

— comparative psychology;

- pedagogical psychology;

— labor psychology;

+ - social psychology.

3. He defended the dependence of the mental composition of the personality on the physique (constitution) of a person:

+ - E. Kretschmer;

- I. Pavlov;

— Hippocrates;

— L.S. Vygotsky.

4. Temperament, which is characterized by a high level of neuropsychic activity and energy of action, sharpness and impetuousness of movements, strong impulsiveness and brightness of emotional experiences:

- sanguine;

+ - choleric;

- phlegmatic;

- melancholy.

5. Considers the environment as a source of development of higher mental functions person. At the same time, depending on the age of a person, the role of the environment in the development of personality changes:

+ - L.S. Vygotsky;

- D.B. Elkonin;

- R.H. Kilman;

- A.N. Leontiev.

6. The mental process of reflecting individual elementary properties of reality that directly affect our senses:

- thinking;

+ - feeling;

- perception;

7. Sensations that arise when external stimuli influence receptors located on the surface of the body are called:

- interoreceptive e;

+ - exteroceptive;

- proprioceptive.

8. Psychosomatic organization of the personality, making him a representative of the human race:

- personality;

+ - individual;

- individuality;

- humanity;

9. The exchange of mental or physiological states in the process of communication is:

— cognitive communication;

- active communication;

+ — conditional communication;

— motivational communication.

10. Cognitive mental processes of a person do not include:

- Attention;

- sensation;

+ - feelings;

- perception;

- imagination;

- memory;

11. Mental formations of a person do not include:

- knowledge;

+ - memory;

- skills;

- skills;

- habits;

- views.

12. The most important directions in the development of ideas about the soul are associated with the teachings:

+ - Aristotle;

- Hippocrates;

- Dam;

— Aurelius Augustine.

13. How many main levels of development of the psyche of living organisms:

+ - four;

14. The structure of the personality, which includes four substructures (orientation of the personality, experience, individual characteristics of mental processes, biological conditioning), as well as a system of general and special abilities of the personality, has been developed:

+ - K.K. Platonov;

— L.S. Vygotsky;

- D.B. Elkonin;

- A.N. Leontiev.

15. Four temperaments compared with the four elements: fire, earth, water, air:

— Aristotle;

- Plotinus;

— Plato;

+ - Hippocrates

16. The degree of impact on the personality of various circumstances, the time they are stored in memory and the strength of the reaction to them is:

- emotionality;

- impulsiveness;

+ - impressionability b;

- anxiety.

17. Does not apply to the properties of sensations:

- quality;

+ - volume;

- intensity;

- duration;

spatial localization irritant.

18. Forms of thought do not include:

- concept;

+ — reproduction;

- judgment;

- inference.

19. Socially-oriented communication does not include:

— lecture;

- report;

- public speaking;

+ - personal relationship.

20. Studies the external manifestations of human feelings and emotions:

+ - kinestics;

- pantomime;

- taxi;

- proxemics.