Birthday in the style of the pioneers scenario. Scenario birthday pioneers. Biggest Bubble Contest

  • Pioneer tie. You can try to find the old one, if you have saved it, or make a new one.
  • Cap.
  • White shirt.
  • Soviet school uniform. It is easy to find, and then it can be useful for nightly role-playing games.
  • Pants, skirts and shorts in three colors: blue, brown, black.
  • Sandals, shoes, shoes, sneakers.

Girls can braid pigtails, make two tails with bows or colored ribbons. In this sense, guys are easier - they need a neat haircut.

Pioneer party menu

If you don't know what to do at a party about the menu, then there must be faceted glasses, aluminum dishes, gray plates. The menu on the table should be the simplest and most appetizing: sandwiches with red caviar and sprats.

The pioneers did not drink alcohol, so limit yourself to juices and lemonades. For dessert, choux pastries, tubules, cinnamon buns, Eskimo ice cream, marshmallows, toffee are served. It is important to remember that when creating unusual parties in the spirit of the Soviet era, everything should be tritely simple. And if you want to organize party young with modern dishes, then contact Sushi Lover.

modern japanese style party

In warm weather, it is unrealistic to sit in stuffy rooms, especially when it comes to holidays and other events in cafes and restaurants. I want to feel a breath of fresh air, to be surrounded by nature and freedom. Many organize parties in summer cafes, sanatoriums and recreation centers.

If earlier the delivery of food and the necessary equipment, the organization and design of the premises brought discomfort, now it is in demand and even got its name - catering on the go. It includes: delivery, table decoration, room decor, cooking. If you decide to have a Japanese party with friends, our company Sushi Lover offers its services on a professional basis. Rolls and sushi are tasty and healthy food.

Sushi catering can be organized at a wedding, anniversary, bachelorette party, birthday, team building, business negotiations. The big advantage of Japanese dishes is that they are prepared at the festival, so guests will enjoy fresh dishes. What is sushi catering and what does the cost depend on?

  • The cost of services includes the delivery of products to the specified place, the price depends on the number of products and the location of the place.
  • Use of dishes and cutlery of Japanese cuisine.
  • Cooking for a holiday.
  • Room decoration.
  • Table service.
  • Guests service.

Japanese cuisine is always delicious, bright, unusual, healthy dishes that will decorate any event or themed evening, and will delight your guests. You can order sushi catering from us separately or together with other services to create a holiday, and we will be happy to make your holiday unforgettable. We also organize a sushi station - a mobile stand where the chef cooks right in front of you.

This process is presented in the form of a colorful show and will delight your guests. And if you want to surprise your guests even more, order a mosaic of sushi and rolls in the form of a portrait of your friends from us. Such a surprise will definitely not go unnoticed, it will be talked about even long after the end of the event.

What's a party without workshops?

Our company offers everyone who wants to have fun at the party - exciting workshops on creating sushi and rolls. Creative chefs will tell you about the peculiarities of cooking Japanese dishes, teach you how to choose the right ingredients and toppings, how to cook rice and season it. Group training Start and Intensive is a two-hour lesson, during which everyone will master the cooking technique, save time and gain useful skills.

We offer a simple and very fun scenario for a retro party in the style of the 80s, which includes a selection of popular and interesting contests in the spirit of the Soviet era.

To execute the script, you need a host and a couple of initiative assistants. The host should choose competitions for the holiday, based on the preferences of the company, be able to adapt to the situation and the mood of the guests.

Prepare small souvenirs and gifts in advance. As prize points, you can use chocolate medals in a golden wrapper, symbolizing the 1980 Olympics, and as prizes, Soviet champagne, Alenka chocolate, pennants and whatever your heart desires!

We start the party from the most positive moment - the solemn dedication to the pioneers.

Initiation into pioneers

An amazing journey to the most nostalgic period of adolescence, a surge of emotions and an uplift in the mood of all guests, including those who came without it! Good memories and spiritual impulses, as well as a sparkle in the eyes and the wind in the head!

Necessary attributes: pioneer ties and caps from newspapers, a recording of the pioneer anthem “Fly up the fires”, if desired, a horn and a portrait of Lenin's grandfather.

It is advisable to put all the guests in a line and, to the anthem of the pioneers, fulfill an important mission, giving each cap and tying a tie. Each dedicated participant should solemnly and loudly pronounce the pioneer oath:

“I (name, surname of the applicant), joining the ranks of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Lenin can be replaced by the name of the birthday person or, if it is a corporate party, the name of the organization), in the face of my comrades, I solemnly promise: to love my Motherland dearly.

Drink, walk and have fun, as the great Lenin (name of the birthday man) bequeathed, as the Communist Party teaches!

Always fulfill the laws of the pioneers of the Soviet Union!”

After the initiation, the pioneer drinks a glass of Soviet champagne in one gulp and, in response to the call “Be Ready!”, loudly pronounces “Always Ready!” This motto can be used throughout the evening as a call to raise glasses.

If those initiated into the pioneers strongly enter into the image and do not want to leave it, you can walk (if the room allows) with a marching step, cheerfully singing a pioneer song.

Competitions for a party in the style of the USSR

Competition "Skilled Pioneer"

The older generation will enjoy the memories of the technique of tying ties, the young will gain invaluable experience and feel the energy of the Soviet era. The competition is held at speed, the fastest participant is awarded.

Auction "Back to the past"

Frantic passion and inexhaustible thirst for victory!

Necessary attributes: everything you will find in the store from a series of Soviet-era products: champagne, Pinocchio lemonade and tarragon, Bird's Milk and Swan Lake sweets, sprats, Alenka chocolate, condensed milk in a jar, Artek waffles and more.

The host announces a lot with an initial starting price, for example, 10 rubles. The guests are bargaining. The lot is taken by the highest bidder. All lots can be used as a treat to "refresh" the forgotten taste of childhood.

Contest "Guess the retro hit!"

Musical euphoria will plunge guests into the most unpredictable moments of the past and defuse the holiday atmosphere with popular hits!

Prepare in advance a quality selection of popular hits of the 80s. The best hits of the 80s.

Both all guests and a few avid music lovers can participate. The melody is turned on. The participant who recognizes it first loudly pronounces a pre-agreed word, such as "stop", "beep" or any other. If he names the composition correctly, he gets a ball in the form of a chocolate medal. The moderator sums up. The participant with the most points receives a symbolic prize. For example, a CD with hits from the 80s.

Competition "Retro Podium!"

An extreme runway show, a stylistic show of fashionable hairstyles, incredible compositions on the heads of the most sought-after models in the world.

Do not hesitate, the participants of the competition will greatly amuse the guests with their performance!

Suffice it to hint at the trends of that time: high bouffant hairstyles, perms and ponytails were in vogue then.

Necessary attributes: combs, bright elastic bands and hairpins, hairspray.

You can attract the most daring men to the competition. Offer them the necessary attributes, and you will be surprised by their knowledge of the fashion world.

Announce the nominations, they can be as follows: “Soviet hippie”, “freshly from the slaughter”, “member of the CPSU”, “drummer combiner”, “worker and collective farmer”, “collective farm chairman”, etc.

Contest "Where has progress come to?!"

The task is to come up with a Soviet analogue to the proposed word.

Guests will be happy to show their imagination and knowledge in the lexicon of the Soviet era.

DVD player - VCR or filmoscope

Parmesan - processed cheese "Friendship"

MP3 player - reel to reel tape recorder

Pepsi - Pinocchio or Citro lemonade

CD disc - gramophone record

Flash drive - audio cassette

Shrek - crocodile Gena

Laptop - calculator, typewriter or game "Electronic"

ATM - savings bank

Credit card - passbook

Colgate toothpaste - tooth powder

Barbie doll - baby doll

Glamor magazine - "Worker" or "Peasant"

Washing machine - washboard.

Luntik - Cheburashka

Chocolate bar "Nats" - chocolate Alenka

Nike sneakers - sneakers

Biggest Bubble Contest

Required attributes: chewing gum(better from the Soviet series: Turbo, love is...)

It's simple: participants blow bubbles, guests get sick and laugh merrily! The player who blows the biggest bubble wins!

Competition "Public catering"

No less amusing and funny competition. The scene is a Soviet-era canteen.

Required attributes: buns and kefir in faceted glasses.

The essence of the competition is in the speedy eating of buns and washing them down with kefir. The fastest catering customer wins!

Competition "Abbreviations"

This intellectual game is played right at the table. The host distributes paper sheets with Soviet abbreviations to the guests. Guests need to decipher them, and then come up with a new decryption so that it is certainly associated with the hero of the day. The winner can be chosen by voting, determining the coolest decoding of the Soviet abbreviation in a new way:

CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union)

GTO (ready for work and defense)

DOSAAF (Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy)

VLKSM (All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union)

BAM (Baikal-Amur Mainline)

TASS (telegraph agency of the Soviet Union)

HPP (hydroelectric power plant)

GOELRO (state commission for electrification of Russia)

MTS (machine and tractor station)

PGT (urban-type settlement)

ASSR (autonomous Soviet socialist republic)

Research Institute (research institute)

An example of a new decryption:

The name of the hero of the day is Konstantin. Deciphering the abbreviation of the CPSU: "Kostya is the strongest guy!". Or research institutes - "our birthday boy is perfect !!!"

Next, you can hold a mini competition for the best toast, which would resemble, in style and content of speech, the leaders of that time. Do not hesitate, among the guests there will definitely be a talent.

Blitz-poll "What could you buy in the 80s if you have 3 rubles in your pocket?"

for 1 kopeck - A glass of gas water without syrup, matches

2 kopecks - call from the machine

3 kopecks - sparkling water with syrup, notebook

4 kopecks - condom

5 kopecks - a bun, travel by public transport

10 kopecks - creamy ice cream

22 kopecks - cake, popsicle in chocolate

30 kopecks - lottery ticket

56 - kopecks cost a dollar

1 rub. 50 kopecks - application to the registry office

2 p. 82 kopecks - a bottle of vodka

120 rub. - salary engineer

5000 - Zhiguli

80s Party Fantas

Forfeits can be fun and exciting entertainment. The facilitator collects one item from each guest and puts them in a bag. Then he announces a phantom and pulls out the first thing that comes across from the bag. Accordingly, the owner of the thing fulfills the declared phantom.


portray Leontiev

make a high bouffant and walk along the catwalk

dance lambada

drink a glass of Soviet champagne without holding hands

blow a huge bubble gum

portray a Soviet pioneer. Marching, sing the anthem!


A song contest with words in reverse is going on very rapidly. You need to guess the intended song by turning the words.

What are you dreaming about, locomotive Potemkin? (What are you dreaming of, cruiser Aurora?)

Grandpa hated the wolf a little (Grandmother loved the goat very much)

Above the floor of his hut (Under the roof of my house)

Let's put out the gray days with water (Fly bonfires, blue nights)

You have changed unrecognizably, river crucian, slender intellectual (What you were, you remained the same, dashing Cossack, steppe eagle)

Than enemies sit in a gloomy dungeon (Than friends wander around the wide world)

What a pity that none of them dispersed yesterday (it's great that we all gathered here today)

Rested tools of production do not sleep (Tired toys sleep)

Competition "The best fashion designer from the USSR"

Creative, exciting and very fun competition.

Required attributes: old audio and video cassettes, vinyl records, adhesive tape, scissors, wigs and anything that can be used for a costume. At the end - a show of models on the catwalk.

You will need to record the selected melodies.

What movie is this tune from?

"Three white horses" (Wizards)

"Your Honor, Lady Separation" (White Sun of the Desert)

"Alexandra, Alexandra ..." (Moscow does not believe in tears)

"Somewhere in the world" (Prisoner of the Caucasus)

"In the dark blue forest where the aspens tremble" (Diamond Hand)

“Happiness suddenly knocked on the door in silence” (Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession)

Who sings this song?

You will need to record the selected hits.

“Music connected us (Mirage)

"Strange Dances" (Technology)

"Lavender" (S. Rotaru)

"Bouquet" (A. Barykin)

"White Night" (Forum)

"Disco Bar" (Carolina)

"Don't worry, aunt" (Funny guys), etc.

What movie is this line from?

“Don’t teach me how to live, better help financially!” (Moscow does not believe in tears)

“The ruble is a thing! Three rubles - a bunch! There are three things in a pile!” (Sportloto - 82)

"Salt is a white poison, sugar is a sweet poison!" (Love and pigeons)

“To live well, and to live well is even better!” (Caucasian captive)

“Be with us in Kolyma, you are welcome” (Diamond Hand)

“Stole, drank - in jail! Romance! " (Gentlemen of Fortune)

"I demand the continuation of the banquet!" (Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession)

"Announce the entire list please" (Operation Y and Shurik's other adventures)

“It’s always like this: you work, you work, and then – bam! - second shift ”(Big break)

"Down with prejudice! A woman is a human too! (White sun of desert)

"Hey citizen! You don't go there, you go here! The snow will fall on the head ... ”(Gentlemen of Fortune)

"Everybody is dancing!" (Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession.)

Competition "Incendiary Disco Dancer"

The competition for the best dancer is relevant in the midst of the evening, when each of the guests will be happy to show their hidden talents.

It is very fun to dance on the newspapers. You need to do this in pairs to incendiary retro music. Each time it is necessary to complicate the task by folding the newspaper first in half, then several more times. Participants must stand on at least one leg. The best dancer, at least a medal!

We wish you the most incendiary retro party in the style of the USSR!


95th anniversary of the pioneer organization

"Vivat, pioneer!"


(horn calls sound)

(leaders in red ties come out)

Olya: You heard the horns now sounded,

In this solemn, festive hall,

Danya: And the horns are different, as if from afar

They echoed back.

Margarita: Let it be fervently in a spacious, wide

For all of you sounds in this hall high

Olya: Our fiery,

Danya: Our pioneer,

Margo: Our warmest hello!

Olya: Listen! Listen! Listen!

Listen carefully to us!

Today is a solemn hour:

Our anniversary is today!

Margo: naughty, funny, bold,

How to sculpt your image differently
My dear Pioneer,

I will never forget you.

Danya: On the roads, at construction sites, by the square

I am familiar with this feeling.

Just meet you, Pioneer,

The heart will tremble with fire again!

Olya: Good afternoon, dear guests and all participants of today's anniversary. We are very glad to see you in this festive hall. Today a large friendly family has gathered here. We are celebrating the 95th anniversary of the Pioneer Organization! Today, without changing the pioneer traditions, we will hold a solemn event, then we will move on to the sports and game quest “Pioneer means the first!”

Danya: There is one country on earth

She is the best of all, she is the sweetest of all.

The sun is brighter in it, laughter is louder

She is one, one for all!

Margo: After all, it exists - an interesting country,

in which we live with you

And we call Pioneer!

Danya: Pioneer is such a country

Where the game rules and children live.

There is no place for boredom here.

Here everyone will be able to find friends.

Margo: In that country there is no place for laziness,
There is no sadness there.

Our motto, badge and tie

They help us with this.

Olya: Every adult in childhood had his own real pioneer organization. Warm childhood memories of a friendly pioneer life are a good spiritual reserve for many years.

Danya: Dear Guys! We present our guests! They were all once pioneers, and now they are leaders of their organizations: Deputy Head of Administration of the city of ZheleznogorskAndreev Igor Nikolaevich;

Olya: Chairman of the City Duma of the city of ZheleznogorskVoronin Alexander Viktorovich;

Danya: Director of the city methodological center of the education department of the administration of ZheleznogorskSokolova Elena Sergeevna

Olya: Senior methodologist of education departmentSinyugina Alla Nikolaevna;

Margo: Director of the Center for Children's CreativityKosharova Irina Petrovna

Danya: Principal of secondary school No. 7Myznikova Maria Alekseevna

Olya: The floor for congratulations is given to the Deputy Head of Administration of the city of ZheleznogorskAndreev Igor Nikolaevich.

Danya: Igor Nikolayevich, please tell us about your pioneer childhood. What do you remember the most?

Olya: Anniversary certificate of honor of the Committee for Youth Affairs and Tourism of the Kursk Region For contribution to the development of the children's movement in the Kursk Region and in connection with the 95th anniversary of the pioneer organization are awarded to:

Senior counselor of school No. 8 Zaitseva Elena Leonidovna,Senior counselor of school No. 11with an in-depth study of individual subjects Rodionova Olga Yurievna,Deputy Director for Educational Work of School No. 6 Gapeeva Natalia Valerievna,teacher-organizer of the Center for Children's Creativity Pigareva Svetlana Valentinovna, teacher-organizer of the Center for Children's Creativity Putilina Olga Mikhailovna.

Olya: For all those present in our hall, this wonderful musical giftdonated by Sofia Dulepova

An exemplary team Variety Theater "Bureau X", director Olga Shiryaeva, Center for Children's Creativity.

Margo: You can even go around the universe on foot!

There is only one in the world -

Country of dreamers, country of pathfinders,

Dreamers of the young country!

Danya: Truly a country of visionaries and dreamers is in every school. We call them children's public associations that are friends with war and labor veterans, help kids, improve the world around them and generally try to make school life more interesting.

Margot: 95 years ago, these restless boys and girls were called pioneers. The younger generation will tell us about them.

Drum outlet.

Reader 1:

The morning woke us all before,

Thousands of rays played

And the buglers loudly proclaimed:

"Hello Pioneer Anniversary"!

Reader 2:

Let the buglers trumpet louder

The drums are beating louder.

To the guests gathered in this hall,

ALL: Our pioneer salute!

Reader 3:

Exactly 95 years ago, in 1922, the first pioneers appeared in the Soviet Union. They lived by the interests of their country and their people, shared with her all the joys and hardships of life.

Reader 4:

"Always be ready!" - all the boys and girls knew the words of the most famous pioneer song in the Soviet Union. Perhaps there was no one among them who would not want to bear this proud title of "pioneer".

Reader 5:

A Pioneer is a reliable friend who respects the elders, takes care of the younger ones, and always acts according to conscience and honor.

Reader 6:

Pioneer! Pioneer!

Just hear your friendly step,

I open windows and doors,

For the wind to ring in your ears

To make the heart flutter

And rushed through the threshold ...

Pioneer! You are the beginning

Our most distant roads!

Reader 7:

Pioneer - there is no more honorary title.

We bring peace and happiness around the world,

We take a pioneering step

We open new routes.

Reader 1:

We grow up healthy and strong

And ready to be always in the ranks.

Friendly, joyful work

And to defend their Fatherland.

Care under the drum.

Olya: The first pioneer detachments, uniting the children of workers and peasants, worked at factories, factories, and institutions; participated in subbotniks, helped in the fight against child homelessness, in the eradication of illiteracy, in various campaigns, for the environment, for peace. During the war, the pioneers wrote letters to soldiers, helped the families of veterans, and organized concerts for the wounded.

Danya: After the war, young pioneers helped the families of veterans, collected medicinal herbs, scrap metal, were on duty in hospitals, worked at the harvest. For courage and heroism shown in the fight against the Nazi invaders, pioneers Lenya Golikov, Marat Kazei, Valya Kotik, Zina Portnova, Sasha Chekalin were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, thousands of pioneers were awarded orders and medals.

Reader 1:

Glory to you brave

Glory to the immortals

Eternal glory to you

Death crushers

Fallen in valor

Your memory will never die!

Reader 2:

Remember through the centuries, through the years,

Remember those who will never come again,


Reader 3:

Do not cry, hold back moans in your throat,

Bitter moans!

Be worthy of the memory of the fallen

Forever worthy.

Olga: Attention! THERE IS A MINUTE OF SILENCE. I ask everyone to stand up. Please sit down.

Olya: Hope cannot be taken away from the soul

And the flame from the heart cannot be taken away.

And we believe that our union is as before

We can't change for anything!

Danya: On the stage Alexandra Hoffman, vocal ensemble "Rainbow", leader Marina Nagieva, Center for Children's Creativity.

Olya: In all the events experienced by our country, the pioneers took an active part.

Margo: Years, decades pass. Generations change. Today we, living in the new century, continue the traditions of the pioneers of the past.

Olya: Pioneer enthusiasm, pioneer courage, pioneer courage, pioneer devotion, pioneer creativity still accompany the life and work of the young generation of our country.

Block "reward 1"

Olya: We are proud to note that among our Rodnichkovites there are many talented and bright personalities.

Please go up to the stage to reward the Chairman of the City Duma of the city of ZheleznogorskVoronin Alexander Viktorovich;

Margo: Alexander Viktorovich, please tell us what games you played in your pioneer childhood?


For participating in intellectual and educational game "Green Planet - 2017",dedicated to the traditions of the children's pioneer organization for the protection and protection of the environment are awarded:

The team of the children's public association "Rodnik" "Gymnasium No. 1";

The team of the children's public association "Rodnik" "School No. 3";

The team of the pioneer squad named after Arkady Petrovich Gaidar, "School No. 4";

The team of the children's public association "Rodnik" "School No. 6";

The team of the children's public association "Rodnichok" "School No. 7";

The team of the children's public association "Rainbow" "School No. 9 named after K.K. Rokossovsky";

The team of the children's public association "Rodnik" "School No. 11 with in-depth study of individual subjects";

The team of the children's public association "Chance" "Lyceum No. 12";

The team of the children's public association "Pioneers" "School No. 13".

3rd place was taken by the team of the children's public association "Young Russia" "Lyceum No. 5"; hands Hoffman Anastasia Igorevna.

2nd place was taken by the team of the children's public association "Pioneer Arrow" "Gymnasium No. 10"; hands Reznichenko Alena Nikolaevna

The winner was the Team of the children's public association "Vertical" "School No. 8"; hands Zaitseva Elena Leonidovna

Olya: To win, you need courage, willpower and fortitude, patience and great diligence.This is sung in a song that he will perform Savenkov Ivan , an exemplary team Variety Theater "Bureau - X", director Olga Shiryaeva, Center for Children's Creativity.

Block "rewarding 2"

Danya: Get going, pioneers!

Get closer!

The country is watching

On your sons!

Margo: Songs sound loudly on the planet -

We want children not to cry

So that miracles come true for us.

Olya: We are moving on to awards.the most active members of the children's public organization "Spring" of the city of Zheleznogorsk.

For the award, please go up to the stage of the Deputy Head of the Department of Education of the Administration of ZheleznogorskLyubimova Irina Ivanovna;


(The list is attached)

Olya: For all those present, the musical congratulations are given by the vocal ensemble "Rainbow", leader Marina Nagieva, Center for Children's Creativity.

Olya: Guys! Pioneer means first! Pioneer means the best! And you will prove it to us with your studies, deeds, deeds, behavior and strong friendship!

Danya: Dear friends! We congratulate all of you, activists of children's public associations on the holiday! Happy Pioneer Day!

Margo: We wish you successful work, incredible ups, fulfillment of desires, discoveries, dreams!

Happy Holidays! Happy anniversary! Until we meet again!!!

Script prepared by:

Pigareva Svetlana Valentinovna, Putilina Olga Mikhailovna - teachers and organizers of the MKUDO "Center for Children's Creativity"

(Zheleznogorsk, Kursk region)

No matter how disdainful today's youth would be in an attempt to equalize everyone and everything, but in Soviet times, teenagers lived really fun! It is not for nothing that the pioneer party, the scenarios “A Day in Artek”, “Rally of Pioneers” and recreation in the style of the USSR are so attractive even today, in times of free morals and general permissiveness. Retro music, Soviet menu, active games and a bright, festive atmosphere - there are no impossible tasks, pioneers are power!

For decoration, choose traditional red, white, yellow and deep blue colors. Of course, the emphasis is on the scarlet color of the banner, but do not overdo it - the atmosphere can become oppressive. Decorate the walls and ceiling with paper flags, balloons, pennants, garlands of labels from the times of the USSR (popsicle, lemonade, sprat in tomato, processed cheese).

Forward, in search of "treasures" - country sheds, mezzanines and pantries, grandmother's buffet. Banners, drum, busts and portraits of leaders, record player, bugle. You may even find old newspapers and posters perfect for decorating a pioneer party. Not? No problem! Posters, postcards and labels can be printed from the web or drawn on. Do not forget about the traditional banner with the slogan at the entrance to the room: "Create, invent, try!" or “With the letter O - strength, with the letter I - the grave!” (about sports / alcohol).

Draw a playful wall newspaper. Let your friends be the heroes of fictional stories (Petrov handed over the most waste paper, Ivanov was seen smoking - shame, comrades!). In a conspicuous place - a board of honor with photographs of friends (it is possible for children, and arrange a competition - guess who is where?). One of the fun of the pioneers on a beach holiday was tantamaresques (a stand with an image and a hole for the head) - give guests a photo hugging Lenin or Gagarin!

In the decorated hall of the restaurant:

A real delight and complete immersion in the atmosphere of the USSR - cones with juices, a soda machine, an Ice Cream or Cotton Candy cart, a barrel of kvass or beer on tap. It’s a pity that these party attributes are not cheap, but pioneer ingenuity will not let you down! Can't rent? Print out the photo and arrange a retro exhibition "Born in the USSR".


Real pioneers pleased the old ladies with impeccably white shirts, modest blue knee-length skirts, white golfs and closed white shoes (sandals were allowed only in the heat). On ordinary days, pigtails were decorated with bows, on holidays a cap is required. Pioneers proudly walked the streets in white shirts with gilded buttons and blue trousers, a “golden” buckle on a brown belt. In cool weather - a jacket, in hot weather - shorts instead of trousers.