Deputy of the Sverdlovsk Legislative Assembly Armen Karapetyan. The Sverdlovsk deputy is suspected of drunk driving. Illegal lands for dachas

The Sverdlovsk Legislative Assembly prematurely deprived its colleague Armen Karapetyan of his mandate, reports. Only Andrey Zhukovsky, a member of the Just Russia faction with Mr. Karapetyan, was against it. According to Viktor Yakimov, deputy chairman of the credentials committee, it turned out that Armen Karapetyan hired his wife as his assistant, she received a salary from the regional budget while on vacation abroad. We are talking about 64 thousand rubles, the money has not been returned at the moment. The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly added that corruption factors are seen in the actions of Mr. Karapetyan: non-return to the budget of amounts illegally paid to his wife, concealment of income received from business. As well as failure to provide information in the declaration of children. This is a serious violation, which entails the resignation of a deputy, the speaker noted.

Armen Karapetyan himself was not at the meeting - he defiantly left the building of the Legislative Assembly, explaining that he considers the decision to include his issue on the agenda illegal.

Recall that at the end of April 2018, the regional prosecutor's office issued a special statement in which it demanded to urgently correct the violations of anti-corruption legislation discovered in the actions of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the region. We are talking about incorrect data in the income and property declarations of deputies.

As DK.RU wrote, . It became known, in particular, that some of the deputies appointed assistants to their wives. Moreover, sometimes the amount of their wages was several times higher than the income of assistants with similar responsibilities. The prosecutor's office also pointed out that the spouses of the deputies, arranged by assistants, were repeatedly on vacation abroad of the Russian Federation, while receiving salaries from the regional budget. Some deputies did not indicate in their declarations the ownership of expensive property in Yekaterinburg, the Moscow and Tula regions. Some servants of the people did not provide information about participation in commercial organizations or provided false information about income and property.

Officially, the prosecutor's office does not disclose the names of the violators, however, the Kommersant-Ural publication reported: earlier the supervisory authority presented. Among them are a member of the United Russia faction, chairman of the committee on industrial policy, head of the mandate commission, as well as Vladimir Ilyinykh, Valery Savelyev, Oleg Korchagin, head of the Communist Party faction in the Legislative Assembly, head of the Just Russia faction Andrey Zhukovsky, Just Russia Armen Karapetyan, MP from the Liberal Democratic Party Pavel Myakishev. The courts on these issues have not yet passed - they should be held on June 1, 2018.

Recall that Armen Karapetyan was elected a deputy of the Sverdlovsk Legislative Assembly in the winter of 2011. He led the corporation "", and after the elections he transferred the business to his brother Rafik. According to the SPARK database, the Emma company received state contracts for the construction of roads in the amount of more than 800 million rubles. Among them, for example, a contract for the repair of the boulevard on Dzerzhinsky Avenue in Nizhny Tagil, the repair and construction of roads in Yekaterinburg, Verkhnyaya Pyshma and Polevskoy. The Ural media have repeatedly noted how much the amount of the entrepreneur's contracts increased at the very beginning of his deputy career. For example, in 2012, when Armen Karapetyan just became a deputy, the amounts were more modest - 43 million rubles. for the repair of a section of the road Perm - Yekaterinburg, 3.6 million rubles. - for the repair of roads in Verkhnyaya Pyshma, 480 thousand rubles. - installation of windows in the school.

But the deputy of the so-called "" became famous. On December 11, 2016, Armen Karapetyan's Mercedes Gelandewagen was stopped by traffic police inspectors on Chelyuskintsev Street. At the wheel, according to the employees, was Karapetyan himself, and he was drunk. The parliamentarian refused a medical examination, and the inspectors opened an administrative case on this fact. However, this completely regular incident turned out to be the reason for an informational scandal, the video of the detention of the deputy became the basis of the plot on the federal television channel Rossiya24.

A grandiose scandal erupted towards the end of the seventh meeting of the Sverdlovsk Legislative Assembly, EAN reports. After waiting for the journalists to disperse, the deputies staged a real showdown with mutual accusations and insults. The heroes were the Socialist-Revolutionary Armen Karapetyan and the head of the mandate commission, United Russia Alexei Korobeinikov.

According to the agenda of the meeting, in the “Miscellaneous” section, the parliamentarians had to decide the issue of punishing Armen Karapetyan, who was deprived of his license for driving while intoxicated. He was detained last year, and the police footage got on federal channels. Subsequently, the court fined the deputy for 30 thousand rubles and deprived him of his rights for 1 year and 7 months. It would seem that the incident is over. But the Zakso mandate commission received applications from two residents of Yekaterinburg and Verkhnyaya Salda, who demanded that the leadership of the parliament punish Karapetyan.

A civilized discussion did not work out, since Karapetyan started a squabble with Korobeinikov right in the meeting room.

“On March 14, I was invited to the credentials committee to decide my fate. Two young people - one from Salda, the other from Yekaterinburg - wrote complaints as if they were carbon copies, ”Karapetyan said emotionally. And then he stressed: he is not a party deputy. “Consequently, the leader of A Just Russia, Sergei Mironov (they also wrote to him, - approx. EAN) has nothing to do with this and should not read this nonsense,” he added.

And on the move he attacked Korobeinikov, believing that he was settling some sort of score with him.

“I want to tell Deputy Korobeinikov so that it becomes clear who can educate whom. He successfully lost the elections, ran like a gopher through the parties. But they took pity on him, took him by the hand, by the leg. Why such a circus? - asked Karapetyan. - Whom did he decide to teach? I have five children, I take care of 137 children from the orphanage. Korobeinikov, if you have problems, then this is to United Russia for help and Lyudmila Valentinovna (Lyudmila Babushkina, speaker of Zakso, - approx. EAN). The presidential election is coming soon - you won't get far with these freaks."

After that, an unimaginable uproar arose in the hall. All this was broadcast in the press room and on the monitors in the lobby. Thus, there were quite a few witnesses to the scandal - several employees of the apparatus and four journalists.

“Did any of you see me driving? It was a cheap setup. I said everything, whom I offended - sorry, ”Karapetyan finished.

After that, Babushkina told the "hero of the occasion" that he could file an appeal. "But you didn't," she remarked.

United Russia Vladimir Nikitin looked at what was happening with sadness. He only said that Zaxo's walls had never seen anything like it. He was supported by Viktor Shepty: “Please do not attack the party, do not mention United Russia.

LDPR deputy Alexander Korkin recalled that Karapetyan had already been summoned to the commission, but he sent his representative, and now he is throwing mud at everyone at the mandate commission.

“Yes, the complaints against you are the same, perhaps someone has something against you. But I’ll ask you a question: do you admit your guilt?” Korkin said. But Karapetyan ignored this question.

Then Andrei Zhukovsky, the leader of the “SR” faction, stood up for him: “As the leader of the faction, I would like to support Karapetyan. He is not a member of the faction, why did they write to Mironov? It was possible to write to Burkov, he is a responsible person. Why did they write this letter at all, did they want to make everything public? What is happening now, it seems to me, is a planned action. We cannot ask him if he admits his guilt - we are not a court. We believe that this is an action to discredit a member of our faction, we support him.”

Karapetyan also felt sorry for his colleague, the communist Vyacheslav Wegner. “He has already been punished twice - he was fined and his license was taken away. What else can we do, put him on peas on his knees?

However, Armen Karapetyan did not let up and threatened his obvious and unknown opponents with terrible punishments. Listening to this, United Russia Viktor Yakimov proposed to convene another mandate commission - but this time for this discussion. Or rather, in the form in which it passed.

After that, Armen Karapetyan finally lost his temper and shouted: “Did you get the ax of war? Okay, then 20,000 of my voters will come here.”

There was an uproar, and a counter-proposal was heard: "Let's smoke a pipe of peace?"

In the end, that is what happened. Finally calling Babushkin "his talisman", Karapetyan moved to the exit, the others followed him. So the parliamentarians closed today's meeting. And they explained to the journalists: nothing will happen to Karapetyan, the conflict has been settled. Alexander Rodionov.

“Kozitsyn was my spiritual brother”

The success story of the Sverdlovsk deputy Armen Karapetyan

Armen Karapetyan, deputy of the Sverdlovsk Legislative Assembly from A Just Russia, is becoming a prominent figure in the politics of the region. He accompanies Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev on business trips as Andrey Kozitsyn's informal representative of the UMMC, and Karapetyan's brother's company receives more and more new multimillion-dollar government contracts for road construction. How the deputy became close to the Kozitsyn family, what business projects he will lobby for and why he does not have relations with the mayor's office of Yekaterinburg - in the material of the site.

“If something happens, 240 families will go for me at once”

In the office of deputy Armen Karapetyan in the Sverdlovsk Legislative Assembly, there are several icons and a candle is lit. “I am a believer, I often pray. I don't pray because I'm asking for something, I just thank God for what I have. And no matter what they say about me, I am clean before God. By the way, you will probably be interested to know that my mother gave birth to me in a temple near Lake Sevan in Armenia. The contractions began during the service, she was embarrassed to say so, and then it was too late - she had to give birth right in the temple, ”says the parliamentarian.

Karapetyan is 44 years old, he has been living in Verkhnyaya Pyshma for the last 25 years, during which time many of his relatives moved to the Sverdlovsk region, forming a strong diaspora. “The surname Karapetyan is generally known both in Armenia and in Russia. In Armenia, my grandfather led the Sevan province, the second grandfather was the first secretary of the district committee. Now, if something happens, 240 families will go for me in the Sverdlovsk region at once, ”says the deputy. In 2012, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan offered Karapetyan the post of honorary consul of Armenia in Yekaterinburg, but he refused, choosing to work in parliament.

“In the 90s, I didn’t even know where the Urals and Verkhnyaya Pyshma were. I served in the army in Krasnoyarsk, and my commander, General Alexander Popov, who worked at the headquarters of the Volga-Urals Military District, invited me to visit, and I ended up staying,” says Karapetyan. The commander suggested that he take up construction. “I didn’t understand anything about it then, but he taught me, introduced me to specialists,” he recalls. While in the Sverdlovsk region, Karapetyan graduated in absentia from the Yerevan State Institute of National Economy with a degree in Finance and Credit.

The famous Yulia Mikhalkova from the Ural dumplings is now Armen Karapetyan's assistant, but in the future she hopes to become a deputy herself

In 1991, Armen Karapetyan met Alexander Kozitsyn, the brother of Andrey Kozitsyn, the future general director of UMMC. “We met in Moscow, in one of the institutions. When we started talking, it turned out that we were both from Verkhnyaya Pyshma, so a friendship began,” says Karapetyan, without specifying the details. According to the official biography, in 1991, Alexander Kozitsyn worked after the army at the Likhachev Moscow Automobile Plant, and then returned to Pyshma - to Uralelectromed (later he headed this enterprise).

In 2009, Alexander Kozitsyn died in a car accident, but Karapetyan still maintains a close relationship with his family. Dmitry Kozitsyn's son is seen at almost every deputy's birthday party. “I can say with great pride that Alexander Kozitsyn has always been a spiritual brother for me, a friend, a person very close to me. He played a big role in my life. He taught me to be intelligent, to be decent, to be the master of my word. The family of Alexander Anatolyevich is sacred for me, ”says Karapetyan.

“In 10 minutes I returned 970 million to the regional budget”

Armen Karapetyan was elected a deputy of the Sverdlovsk Legislative Assembly in the winter of 2011. As a candidate, his documents indicated that he was the director of Dorstroy LLC, although in fact he was in charge of the Emma corporation, which includes this company. After the elections, he handed over the business to his brother Rafik Karapetyan. According to the SPARK database, Emma LLC received state contracts for the construction of roads in the amount of more than 800 million rubles. Among them, for example, a contract for the repair of the boulevard on Dzerzhinsky Avenue in Nizhny Tagil, the repair and construction of roads in Yekaterinburg, Verkhnyaya Pyshma and Polevskoy. It is noteworthy that in 2012, when Armen Karapetyan only became a deputy, the amounts were more modest - 43 million rubles for the repair of the Perm-Yekaterinburg road section, 3.6 million rubles for the repair of roads in Verkhnyaya Pyshma, 480 thousand rubles for the installation of windows at school.

In Yekaterinburg, the Emma Corporation is infamous for the construction of a road on Stepan Razin Street (a contract worth about 140 million rubles). Emma's specialists have been building this road for three years, the Yekaterinburg mayor's office has repeatedly reproached the contractor for delaying the commissioning of the facility. In Nizhny Tagil, the reconstruction of Glory Square was stalled for a long time, and Emma was also involved in the work there.

“I am not ashamed of my brother. When "Emma" went to the object on Stepan Razin, it turned out that the mayor's office had not carried out any coordination with the owners of the networks. In fact, without this, the contract could not be concluded. “Emma” lost a lot of time at this facility,” notes Karapetyan. In his opinion, the mayor's office simply set up a contractor who was not affiliated with city officials in any way.

Karapetyan has tense relations with the mayor's office of Yekaterinburg. “As a deputy chairman of the budget committee, I, along with other specialists, control the spending of budget funds. In 2013, Yekaterinburg, as part of the Capital program, on behalf of the governor, was allocated about 5 billion rubles for the construction of roads. City officials announce competitions for several objects worth about 4 billion rubles, we analyze and see that the figures are very much inflated. As a result, at the auction in 10 minutes, I returned 970 million rubles to the regional budget, simply by canceling some of the competitions or by achieving a reduction in cost,” the deputy noted. According to him, he is already preparing to work with auctions for construction projects for the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Another controversial project linked to Karapetyan's brother, who runs Emma, ​​is located in Karapetyan's native Verkhnyaya Pyshma. There, the Logistics company (headed by Rafik Karapetyan) received a site for the construction of a large logistics center. However, not all residents supported this project: rallies were held several times in the city against the construction of the center, since about 60 hectares of forest would have to be cut down because of it.

“We have all the necessary conclusions of supervisory authorities, the mayor's office had every right to allocate this site. For three years, entrepreneurs plan to invest about 15 billion rubles in the project. We are talking about the development of the territory, the creation of new jobs. This is what we need now - the development of our economy. Or do we have to wait until new sanctions are imposed against us?!” – says Karapetyan.

In addition to Verkhnyaya Pyshma, the Karapetyan family will also work in Nizhny Tagil. StroyDor LLC, which is headed by Rafik Karapetyan, won a tender for 500 million rubles for the reconstruction of the bridge, which is now in disrepair. It was planned to allocate money from the regional budget this year, but due to the difficult economic situation, the plans had to be adjusted and the reconstruction timeline could be shifted. However, the mayor of Tagil Sergey Nosov, according to the site, intends to lobby the issue of reconstruction at the level of the regional government.

On the contrary, Armen Karapetyan has developed fruitful relations with the regional authorities, which often conflict with the mayor's office. Last week, Karapetyan participated in the trip of Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev to Verkhoturye as an informal representative of the UMMC, dipped into the hole with the governor in honor of the Orthodox holiday of Epiphany. The government says that Karapetyan is respected. With regional ministers, he meets in his office in the Legislative Assembly, and not in the government, and sometimes members of the Cabinet have to wait in the waiting room.

“I can honestly say that Kuyvashev is the only Sverdlovsk governor who himself seeks to find a common language with everyone. But we don't have any special relationship with him. I believe that today every deputy can call the governor and arrange a tête-à-tête meeting to discuss issues related to the region and voters,” says Karapetyan. He clarified that his tasks in the Legislative Assembly do not include lobbying the interests of the UMMC. “Why lobby for the interests of such a company? You need to pray for her! It is registered in the Sverdlovsk region, the budget is regularly deducted, 70 thousand people are employed. In addition, the company is building sports facilities, organized an educational center, and invests in the development of schools and kindergartens,” Karapetyan notes. When asked about Andrey Kozitsyn's gubernatorial ambitions, Karapetyan answers in monosyllables. “I think Andrei Anatolyevich is now in his place, then life will show,” he said.

Karapetyan's main plans for the near future are to attract investment projects to the region. “I think an intelligent deputy is one who brought at least two rubles of private funds to the region,” he says. According to him, we are not talking about supporting a particular business: “There are blueprints, but I would not share them yet.” However, on the sidelines of the government, there is discussion that the Emma company is likely to gain momentum in terms of construction orders in the Sverdlovsk region. Karapetyan himself in 2016 plans to again participate in the elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly.

Karapetyan being expelled from "home"?

The authorities of Verkhnyaya Pyshma are trying to achieve the demolition of the checkpoint, erected by a company close to the family of the scandalous deputy Armen Karapetyan. Is the career and business of a parliamentarian going downhill?

The structures associated with the deputy of the Sverdlovsk Regional Legislative Assembly Armen Karapetyan may have problems in Verkhnyaya Pyshma.

The administration of Verkhnyaya Pyshma came to the conclusion that LLC "Corporation" Emma "illegally erected a checkpoint near Uspensky Avenue, 2/47. Officials, together with the Rosreestr of the Sverdlovsk Region, intend to seek recognition of the building as illegal and, accordingly, a decision on its demolition.

Emma, ​​according to the Sbis database, is 90% owned by Nune Karapetyan. It is likely that the owner really is a relative of a Sverdlovsk deputy with a similar surname.

According to, at the trial, Emma's representatives stated that the site where the checkpoint is located was once leased. The company was going to rebuild an administrative building on it, having received the appropriate permission for this in 2013.

However, how permits were obtained at all, it seems, will remain a mystery, since the land belongs to the Zh-2 zone - a low-rise residential building.

In order to initiate the procedure of public hearings, as a result of which the category of land can be changed, it was allegedly necessary to start direct construction. The arguments put forward by Emma at first glance look unconvincing: the company refers to the fact that they have not previously had problems with the construction of similar administrative buildings on a neighboring site, which was also leased by Emma.

It is worth noting that Armen Karapetyan himself has long been living in Verkhnyaya Pyshma. There is an opinion that the deputy managed to establish more than friendly relations with the local administration. This opinion is indirectly confirmed by the fact that it was local officials who at one time allocated forests to the structures controlled by Karapetyan for the construction of a logistics park. Prosecutors later ruled that the decision was illegal.

The Politprosvet news agency quotes the regional prosecutor's office: "The indicated plots are urban forests, they are located within the boundaries of sanitary protection zones, and, therefore, their use for construction is impossible. At the same time, these land plots are leased by the administration of the Verkhnyaya Pyshma urban district various legal entities, including dacha non-profit partnership "ERANOS", LLC "Corporation "EMMA", LLC "Constant Plus", LLC "ElitStroy", LLC "StroyDor". At the time of the conclusion of land lease agreements, Armen Karapetyan, as well as his relatives, were directors and participants in these legal entities.

Karapetyan losing patrons?

So what has changed in Verkhnyaya Pyshma, and why did the local authorities suddenly "revolt" against Karapetyan?

Andrey Kozitsyn, the owner of the UMMC, has long been considered the true "owner" of Verkhnyaya Pyshma. And in the political lobby of the administration of the Sverdlovsk region, they began to say that if before Karapetyan was considered a man of Kozitsyn, now neither the businessman nor the Sverdlovsk authorities need a parliamentarian anymore.

Andrey Kozitsyn

To be more precise, earlier Karapetyan was considered a political ally of the governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev. Only recently the head of the region, as the evil tongues say, is dissatisfied with Karapetyan's antics.

If there are rumors that Karapetyan has lost the patronage of a number of well-known personalities of the Sverdlovsk region, the scandal with the allocation of forest for a logistics park may well lead to a criminal case. Indeed, according to the City Information Site of Verkhnyaya Pyshma and Sredneuralsk, it was the regional budget that previously allocated 127 million rubles for the construction of a transport interchange, which, as it turned out, was actually needed as an entrance to the logistics park.

According to another version, structures close to MP Karapetyan could not build anything at all on the forest plots they received, but simply sell them, earning many millions of rubles on this. According to Moskovsky Komsomolets, the plots in question could be sold for cottage construction for 600-700 million rubles!

However, after repeated rallies held by local residents, as well as the attention of the media and law enforcement to the story of the allocation of forest, the likelihood that companies associated with Armen Karapetyan will be able to keep the land for themselves has sharply decreased.

Disenfranchised MP

At the end of last year, Armen Karapetyan fell under the scope of not only the press, but also the traffic police. Traffic police officers "slowed down" in Yekaterinburg a car driven by Mr. Karapetyan, Kommersant writes. Law enforcers suggested that the deputy was in a state of intoxication.

However, Karapetyan refused a medical examination. Moreover, the parliamentarian began to "poke" the traffic police with his "crusts", behaved aggressively and attempted to take away the camera from a passerby who was filming what was happening on video, the Kommersant article says.

In January of this year, the court found the deputy guilty of drunk driving and deprived him of his license for a year and seven months. In March, Karapetyan's colleagues reacted to this story. The Sverdlovsk Regional Legislative Assembly announced the decision of the Credentials Commission, which condemned the "unworthy behavior" of Armen Karapetyan.

Evil tongues say that Karapetyan's political career is declining. And along with it, the family budget of the deputy will also stop replenishing road government orders, which were regularly received by companies associated with the parliamentarian.

"Off-road" Karapetyan

In 2011-2012 alone, the Emma corporation, according to, received contracts worth 800 million rubles. At that time, "Emma" was run by Armen Karapetyan's brother Rafik, who last year was put on the federal wanted list as part of a criminal case of kidnapping.

The Kompromat-Ural publication writes that the administration of Yekaterinburg decided to blacklist the performers to the Emma company, and local residents were, to put it mildly, outraged by the quality of the roads that Emma had repaired.

"The construction company Emma LLC, headed by Rafik Karapetyan, has finally thwarted all the deadlines for the reconstruction of Stepan Razin Street in Yekaterinburg and has firmly secured a place for itself in the all-Russian register of unscrupulous suppliers," the city hall's website said.

Approximately with the same success, the company of the Karapetyan family "repaired" the road on Belinsky Street in Sukhoi Log. The competition was won by the same "Emma", offering a price of 32.7 million rubles. According to the terms of the contract, the work was to be completed by the end of October last year.

The publication claims that two days before the end of the work period, "two men with shovels and a car with cooled asphalt" were sent to the site. The next day it snowed, but it was no longer so important, because Karapetyan's structure was paid 100% for the work anyway!

True, it is not clear why the contract was won by the Emma company, and the payment orders were issued in the name of another office of the Karapetyans - Su-196.

According to the same publication, the prosecutor's check of the contract and the quality of its execution showed that the work was not completed in full, but the money was received into the account of the performers, moreover, in full.

It is likely that as a result of this check, a criminal case will be initiated, the defendants of which may be not only specific officials who paid for unfinished work, but also the management of the executing company. After all, it is hard to imagine that officials did not receive any gratitude for such condescension ...

Apparently, Karapetyan managed to lose supporters who had at least some weight. Now, even the authorities of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, who previously unquestioningly allocated land to the structures of the parliamentarian, "revolted" against the deputy. Perhaps this is a sign that Armen Karapetyan does not have long to be a deputy and "businessman", feeding on state orders.

The Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region on Tuesday at a meeting terminated the powers of the deputy from the Just Russia party Armen Karapetyan. The reason was the claims of the prosecutor's office, which pointed out that he filled out the income declaration with errors. Mr. Karapetyan defiantly left the meeting during the voting, calling it "illegal".

The issue of termination of parliamentary powers was the twentieth on the agenda, but Armen Karapetyan persistently tried to take the floor at the beginning of the meeting. Speaker Lyudmila Babushkina reminded him that there is a time limit: "You will make your statement before considering your issue."

Armen Karapetyan sat down for a while and then left the hall. “Where there is no law, there is no me. If my constituents come here and say: “We do not trust you,” then I will write a statement without any problems. own will. And what is happening here is chaos,” he told reporters in the hall, promising to go to court if a decision is made to deprive him of his mandate.

It should be reminded that the Legislative Assembly considered the issue of depriving MP Armen Karapetyan of his powers for the second time on the proposal of the mandate commission. In early April, this issue was already put to a vote due to inaccuracies in the income statement for 2016 filed by Mr. Karapetyan: he did not indicate two of the six children and their property. However, for the first time, out of 46 parliamentarians present, 23 voted in favor of revoking their mandate. Nine voted against. The rest did not vote or abstained. After that, the prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region filed a lawsuit against the regional parliament, accusing it of inaction (the court will consider the lawsuit on June 1). In addition, the supervisory authority filed claims against nine more deputies, accusing them of various violations of anti-corruption legislation. Soon the credentials committee again raised the issue of depriving Armen Karapetyan of his mandate.

Deputy Chairman of the Credentials Commission Viktor Yakimov spoke about the new circumstances in the case of Mr. Karapetyan. In addition to the fact that he did not indicate the property of two minor children for 2016, the deputy paid 64 thousand rubles. his wife, who was employed by him as an assistant, during the period when she was on unpaid leave. In addition, according to the credentials committee, he hid that he had a stake in Elite-windows LLC. “The commission decided to consider that the violations committed by MP Karapetyan Armen Eminovich are sufficient for early termination of powers. It was recommended to the Legislative Assembly to terminate the powers of the deputy ahead of schedule,” Mr. Yakimov said. 42 deputies voted for the removal of the mandate, one against. They abstained and did not vote for one deputy. Alexander Yulanov, who was next after Armen Karapetyan in the list of "A Just Russia" in the elections, can get a vacant seat.

Political scientist Mikhail Korobelnikov believes that the prosecutor's office got what it wanted, and claims against the rest of the deputies can be removed. “The prosecutor's office has shown that it has leverage over the Legislative Assembly, and Lyudmila Babushkina has demonstrated that it controls the Legislative Assembly,” he said.