Diploma work pedagogical tact and skill of the teacher. Models of communication between the teacher and students

Pedagogical ethics Pedagogical ethics is the science of pedagogical morality. Pedagogical ethics is the science of pedagogical morality. Pedagogical ethics is a science that studies the norms of a teacher's behavior. Pedagogical ethics is a science that studies the norms of a teacher's behavior.

Some qualities of a teacher Honesty Honesty Goodwill Goodwill Deep interest in the success of their pets, respect for their personality Deep interest in the success of their pets, respect for their personality A sense of responsibility for the results of work A sense of responsibility for the results of work Observance of discipline Observance of discipline

Pedagogical ethics is a part of pedagogical skill. An important basis for the professional culture of a teacher is pedagogical ethics or deontology (from the Greek. deon - duty and logos - teaching), ethics (from the Greek. ethos - temper, custom) - the science of the norms and rules of behavior, the relationship between people. An important basis for the professional culture of a teacher is pedagogical ethics or deontology (from the Greek deon - duty and logos - teaching), ethics (from the Greek ethos - temper, custom) - the science of the norms and rules of behavior, relationships between people. Pedagogical ethics, on the basis of general ethical norms, determines the normative moral positions that a teacher must be guided by in the process of communicating with students, their parents, and colleagues. Pedagogical ethics, on the basis of general ethical norms, determines the normative moral positions that a teacher must be guided by in the process of communicating with students, their parents, and colleagues.

Ethical code of relations between a teacher and work colleagues Do not rush to criticize the traditions and forms of work that have been established in this institution over the years and offer certain innovations on the go. Do not rush to criticize the traditions and forms of work that have been established in this institution over the years and offer certain innovations on the go. When discussing an open lesson or teacher's session, start by describing the positives; this will give him moral support. When discussing an open lesson or teacher's session, start by describing the positives; this will give him moral support. If in the class where you taught your subject, the students did not cope with the task or behaved badly in the lesson, it is incorrect to blame the children, the class teacher, parents for this. We must look for the causes of failures in our own methodological miscalculations. If in the class where you taught your subject, the students did not cope with the task or behaved badly in the lesson, it is incorrect to blame the children, the class teacher, parents for this. We must look for the causes of failures in our own methodological miscalculations. If you do not agree with the opinion of a senior, respected colleague or administration, you should not take a conciliatory position, but you should not aggravate relations either. If you do not agree with the opinion of a senior, respected colleague or administration, you should not take a conciliatory position, but you should not aggravate relations either. Remember: your benevolence, contact, desire for business cooperation, readiness to take into account the best experience, support a new undertaking are the main prerequisites for a favorable atmosphere for successful work and good creative well-being in the work team. Remember: your benevolence, contact, desire for business cooperation, readiness to take into account the best experience, support a new undertaking are the main prerequisites for a favorable atmosphere for successful work and good creative well-being in the work team.

Requirements of pedagogical ethics: 1. An attitude that strengthens faith in success; 2. Establishing the right relationship between teacher and student. teacher and student; 3. Friendly attitude towards each student; 4. Favorable verbal communication with students. Students from the very first meeting; 5. The appearance of the teacher himself, the appearance, the very situation in the classroom.

Pedagogical tact Tact is a sense of proportion that creates the ability to behave in a decent, appropriate way (S.I. Ozhegov's dictionary) Tact is a sense of proportion that creates the ability to behave in a decent, appropriate way (S.I. Ozhegov's dictionary) Pedagogical tact is the principle of measure, which the teacher must observe in the process of communicating with children; is determined by the pedagogical skill, experience, level of culture and personal qualities of the teacher; expressed in the ability to find the best measures of educational influence in any situation (including conflict situations), without degrading the child and without causing him resistance to education (pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary edited by B.M. Bim-Bad) Pedagogical tact - the principle measures that the teacher must observe in the process of communicating with children; is determined by the pedagogical skill, experience, level of culture and personal qualities of the teacher; expressed in the ability to find the best measures of educational influence in any situation (including conflict situations), without humiliating the dignity of the child and without causing him resistance to education (pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary edited by B.M. Bim-Bad) Pedagogical tact involves taking into account personal characteristics of the subjects of communication, observance of the moral and ethical professional attitudes of the teacher. Pedagogical tact involves taking into account the personal characteristics of the subjects of communication, the observance of the moral and ethical professional attitudes of the teacher. Pedagogical tact is the professional quality of a teacher, part of his skill. Pedagogical tact is the professional quality of a teacher, part of his skill.

The main features of pedagogical tact: Naturalness, ease of handling without familiarity; Naturalness, ease of handling without familiarity; Sincerity of tone, devoid of any falseness; Sincerity of tone, devoid of any falseness; Trust in the student without connivance; Trust in the student without connivance; Request without solicitation; Request without solicitation; Tips and tricks without being obtrusive; Tips and tricks without being obtrusive; Demands and suggestions without suppressing the independence of the pupil; Demands and suggestions without suppressing the independence of the pupil; Seriousness of tone without tension in the relationship; Seriousness of tone without tension in the relationship; Irony and humor without derogatory mockery; Irony and humor without derogatory mockery; Demanding without petty pickiness; Demanding without petty pickiness; Efficiency in relationships without irritability, coldness and dryness; Efficiency in relationships without irritability, coldness and dryness; Firmness and consistency in the implementation of educational influences without unreasonable cancellation of the requirement; Firmness and consistency in the implementation of educational influences without unreasonable cancellation of the requirement; Development of independence without petty guardianship; Development of independence without petty guardianship; The speed and timeliness of the educational impact without the haste of rash decisions; The speed and timeliness of the educational impact without the haste of rash decisions; Attentiveness to the student without emphasizing his control; calm concentration and balance in communication, excluding indifference and excessive excitability; Attentiveness to the student without emphasizing his control; calm concentration and balance in communication, excluding indifference and excessive excitability; Conducting conversations with students without didacticism and moralizing. Conducting conversations with students without didacticism and moralizing. main feature pedagogical tact - finding a measure in the relationship between the teacher and students in the process of communication.

Pedagogical conflict resolution Types of conflicts: Internal and external; Interpersonal and intergroup; Social; Interethnic and interstate; Potential and actual; Direct and indirect; Constructive (stabilizing, productive) and destructive (non-constructive); Vertical and horizontal; subject and personal; Role-playing;Motivational; Communication (based on misunderstanding).

Rules for resolving conflicts: 1. First of all, you should try to master the conflict situation, which means to defuse mutual emotional tension. How? Start with yourself: remove “extra” tension, stiffness, aimless movements. Facial expressions, gestures. Posture, as we know, not only expresses the internal state, but also influence it. So, external calmness and endurance! 2. Influence your partner (student, colleague) with your behavior. Silent consideration of the face of a participant in the conflict helps to relieve tension, which will enable the teacher to concentrate and study his condition. 3. Try to understand the motives of the interlocutor's behavior. The inclusion of mental analysis reduces emotional arousal. It is better to express my understanding of the predicament: “I don’t understand your condition”, to convey my condition: “It upsets me.” So, do not try to immediately evaluate the act, first try to express your attitude to the current situation. 4. Agree on a goal. It is necessary to realize as early as possible what unites you with the student, to see the "common starting point" of interaction, to demonstrate it, entering the position of "we" 5. To consolidate your position with confidence in the possibility of a productive solution. And finally, after resolving the conflict, mentally return to it, analyze its causes and ways to prevent it. It is always easier to avoid an acute collision than to extinguish it.

The commandments of pedagogical communication 1. The pedagogical process is based on the relationship of the teacher with the children, giving a unique personal meaning, coloring the educational process with a range of feelings, without which one can never reach the secrets of the child's soul. 2. When organizing pedagogical communication, one cannot proceed only from pedagogical goals and objectives. 3. When organizing pedagogical communication, it is important to accurately and adequately focus speech on a particular child or on the entire group of students. 4. Communication in the pedagogical process cannot be limited to only one function - information. 5. When interacting with children, do not organize communication with them “vertically”, from top to bottom. Relationships should be built in such a way that the position of the leader naturally follows from the entire logic of the pedagogical process. 6. It is important to feel the psychological atmosphere in the classroom - without this, a productive educational process is impossible. 7. Learn to see yourself as if from the outside, through the eyes of children. Analyze your own activities. 8. You must learn to listen to children. 9. When organizing communication with children, it is necessary to constantly strive to understand their mood, to catch the slightest changes in the microclimate of the class; it is necessary to develop pedagogical observation in oneself. 10. It must be remembered that the conflict can be: the result of pedagogical illiteracy; the result of a conflict of requirements. Attitudes, value orientations, habits and skills; you need to analyze the causes of the conflict. 11. Smile more often at children. A smile when the teacher enters the classroom indicates that you are pleased to meet the students. 12. Let approval, praise, encouragement sound more often from your lips. 13. Communicative memory should be developed - this will help to quickly restore the previous situation of communication with the class, reproduce the emotional atmosphere of communication. Set the right accents. 14. Do not forget about communicative preparation for the lesson. 15. Know how to analyze the process of communication. 16. Watch your own speech - remember. That it is a reflection of your personality.

Conclusion “Happiness is when you are understood” “Understand the student” is a professional commandment of a teacher. To understand means to penetrate into the inner state of mind, to understand the motives of actions, deeds, experiences. Communication between the teacher and the student sometimes becomes crucial. The ability, while listening, to hear your interlocutor is the skill of a teacher and, of course, the art of communication.

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Norms of pedagogical ethics: 1. In any circumstances, the teacher must respect the self-esteem of each of his pupils, see in each of them a creative, developing personality and support his desire for self-improvement. 2. Only deep respect and trust, sincere love for children, respect for their inner world can create an atmosphere of mutual understanding. 3. Fairness in assessing the knowledge and actions of students is one of the most important regulators of moral relations. The teacher must be demanding of students, but in his requirements remain friendly and objective. 4. Spiritual sensitivity, warmth, concern for children's joy - these moral qualities of a teacher determine the norms of his relationship with children. 5. A teacher should not divide his pupils into loved ones and unloved ones. Anger at their ignoble deeds should not develop into antipathy towards them. 6. The irreconcilable attitude of the teacher to evil, injustice, dishonesty, moral uncleanliness is reinforced by his work activity, pedagogical ethics, and the whole way of life.
Test: "Tolerance of the teacher." Choose 1 of the 3 proposed options for solving each situational problem The student is distracted: I immediately make a remark, I immediately stop indiscipline. I use indirect influence. I do not react immediately, in order to have serious grounds for punishment. The student is poorly prepared: I put the mark he deserves. I'll give you a chance to answer next time. I leave to work after class. The student deceives me: I pretend not to believe. I'm not in a hurry to react, I try to understand the student. 3. Exposing lies in front of the class
Test: "Tact of the teacher" You come to class and find an unusual situation: The students gathered around one of their ringleaders. His story is interrupted by bursts of laughter. Choose 1 of the 5 proposed options for pedagogical reactions. I knock on the table and express indignation and disrespect for myself. I imperceptibly approach the students, listen to what is being said, and when I understand what it is, I also laugh out loud. I punish. I say: "Guys, take your seats!". I promise that today's lesson will also be interesting. I say hello loudly, announce the topic, not paying attention to what I have found.
Test: "Teacher's Conflict". Choose one solution for each problem situation. The student does not attend classes well. A. I contact the class teacher or parents to find out the reason. B. I study the motivation of the student's teaching. S. In serious cases, I raise the issue of passes to the school administration. 2. The student does not study well: A. I try to understand the world of the student's interests. B. I often control.3. The student asks tricky questions: A. I put him in his place so that others would be disrespectful. B. I answer any question if I know immediately, if I do not know in the next lesson. C. If the questions are far from the topic under study, I do not consider it necessary to answer. 4. A student misbehaves in class: A. Immediately stop the violation of order, make a verbal remark. B. I switch attention with the help of questions and tasks, I involve in the work. S. Critically analyze the organization of classes, make the necessary adjustments.
"How Children See Us"
Recommendations: Never bring up in bad mood. Clearly define what you want from the child (and explain it to him), and also find out what he thinks about this. Give the child independence. Evaluate the act, not the person. The essence of a person and his individual actions are not the same thing. Let the child feel (with a look, smile, touch) that you sympathize with him, believe in him, despite his oversight. The teacher should be firm, but kind.

Pedagogical tact Teacher's moral code
Remember adult...
Try not to advance, but to yield.
r Do not capture, but give.

Do not show a fist, but stretch out a palm.

Don't shout, but listen.

Do not tear, but glue.
Try it and you will see how warm, joyful, calm your relationship with the people around you will become, what an amazing feeling will warm you. Try not to harm another person for your own sake!!!

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Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Pedagogical Council "Pedagogical tact is one of the main indicators of a teacher's pedagogical maturity." Prepared by the Deputy Director for Educational Work Allyanova Svetlana Sergeevna State Institution "School School No. 11, Temirtau" March 2009

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“Just as no one can give to another what he himself does not have, so he cannot develop, educate and educate others who himself is not developed, educated and educated.” (A. Diesterweg)

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The image of each school is determined by the image of the teachers working in it. The profession of a teacher is special, since teachers are those people who are always in sight. The specifics of the teacher's work is such that success depends not only on the knowledge of the subject and methods of work, but also on the personality of the teacher: his culture, erudition, charm, kindness and patience, as well as the ability to manage his emotional and psychological state, to show creative activity, desire develop, move forward. Pedagogical skills need to be learned, as one learns the art of a musician, surgeon, pilot, even if you have talent. Indicators of a teacher's professional maturity are competence, pedagogical skills, professionalism, a constant desire to learn, to be a researcher, and the ability to captivate with one's ideas.

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Remember the words of “that same Munchausen”: “A serious face is not yet a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All stupid things on Earth are done with this expression. You smile, gentlemen, smile!” What can be added to it? A modern teacher is a person who is able to smile and be interested in everything that surrounds him, because the school is alive as long as the teacher in it is interesting to the child.

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Justification for the choice of the topic of the teachers' council In order to work on creating conditions for the professional growth of teachers, it is necessary to adhere to the main criteria for the success of pedagogical activity. The success of educational work directly depends on the education and pedagogical skills of the teacher, which is based on the concept of pedagogical tact. Certain requirements and conditions for mastering the pedagogical tact, identified at the pedagogical council, will enable the teacher to develop a democratic style of communication with children, to achieve a genuine culture of communication with students. Knowledge of the requirements and conditions for mastering the pedagogical tact will allow the teacher to establish and maintain psychological contact with students and parents, as well as improve personal qualities, creating their own image.

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Determination of the basic requirements and conditions for mastering the pedagogical tact, manifested in various forms of teacher interaction: in the teaching staff, with students and their parents. Form of conducting: projective-business game Tasks: Based on the analysis of psychological and methodological literature, consider the specifics of teacher communication in a wide variety of areas the right approach to the student and parents. Determine a number of requirements for the communicative culture of the teacher, which affects the success of the teacher. Contribute to the improvement of the psychological competence of the teacher on the issues of prevention and adequate resolution of conflict situations. Purpose of the council:

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Plan of the teachers' council 1. Introductory speech. Allyanova S.S. (deputy director for VR) 2. Theoretical speeches on the definition of requirements and conditions for mastering the pedagogical tact, in various areas of the teacher's activity: 3. Work in creative groups. 4. Presentation of each group of the results of the discussion. 5. Summing up the results of the teachers' council, development and decision-making.

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Theoretical presentations Tact. Pedagogical tact. Conditions for mastering the pedagogical tact. Allyanova S.S. (deputy director for BP) 2. Micro-research. Identification of the level of formation of the pedagogical tact, communicative control. Study of the characteristics of the teacher's response in a conflict situation. Sheina N.A. (psychologist) 3. Pedagogical styles of communication and their types. Allyanova S.S. (deputy director for VR) 4. Peculiarities of communication with "difficult children". Mnatsakanyan N.V. (teacher of English language, class teacher 6B.) 5. Pedagogical conflicts. Prevention methods. Allyanova S.S. (deputy director for BP)

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Tact literally means "touch". This is a moral category that helps regulate human relationships. Based on the principle of humanism, tactful behavior requires respect for the person in the most difficult and contradictory situations. Being tactful is a moral requirement for every person, especially for a teacher who communicates with a developing personality.

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Pedagogical tact is the professional quality of a teacher, part of his skill. Pedagogical tact differs from general concept tact by the fact that it denotes not only the personality traits of the teacher (respect, love for children, politeness), but also the ability to choose the right approach to students, that is, this is an educative, effective means of influencing children.

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Pedagogical tact is manifested in the balance of the teacher's behavior (restraint, self-control, combined with immediacy in communication). Tactless is the teacher who pessimistically assesses the abilities of students and emphasizes this at every opportunity. Pedagogical tact is manifested in various forms of interaction between the teacher within the team, with parents and students: in the classroom, in extracurricular activities, at leisure.

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Pedagogical tact is manifested in relationships and forms of address, in the ability to speak without hurting one's self-esteem, in the ability to keep oneself and in the ability to demand, in the ability to notice (or not notice) the pupil. Pedagogical tact is manifested in remarks, in value judgments, in intonation, in the ability to encourage and punish. He tells the teacher a place to communicate with the student: in the presence of classmates, one on one, in the classroom or on the way home, it allows you to determine the time of communication: immediately or give the student the opportunity to think over, experience, determine the desired tone of the conversation; helps to manage your condition, restrain yourself, be attentive, patient. And every deviation from the measure can act as a faux pas.

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By the nature of his activity, the teacher is forced to systematically evaluate the knowledge, skills, and actions of students. Therefore, it is important that the teacher be fair with everyone and, above all, demanding of himself, because you cannot demand from others if you do not own it yourself. Everything is fine as long as we look at the teacher and his work with "adult" eyes, the eyes of a colleague. We try to understand each other. We are even ready to forgive each other. We just don't pay attention to small mistakes. What about children? How do they see us as teachers?

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The results of the survey of students in grades 5-11 SSS No. 11 1. Are you satisfied with the communication with teachers working in your class? number of students % fully satisfied 85 36% rather yes than no; 105 44% rather no than yes 19 8% no 28 12%

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2. Which teacher do you like to communicate with? number of students % with one who directly subordinates students to his authority, but gives good knowledge 49 21% who clearly shows that he is indifferent to communication with students 8 3.5% who understands schoolchildren well and has an active positive attitude towards them 164 69% who is always busy and has no time to talk 1 0.5% who is always ready to talk, but does not give knowledge 15 6%

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3. What makes it difficult for you to communicate with teachers? number of students % my unwillingness to communicate with them 15 6% unwillingness of teachers to communicate with me 13 5% we have no common topics for communication 118 50% age difference interferes 53 22% teachers do not understand me 24 11% I do not understand teachers 14 6%

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4. What professional and personal qualities do you value in teachers? number of students % erudition 25 11% self-control, endurance, patience 50 22% pedagogical tact 25 11% ability to empathize 20 8% need for communication with students 8 3% sense of humor 67 28% sociability 11 4.5% diligence , ability to work 20 8% exactingness to oneself, constant work on oneself. 11 4.5%

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5. When is it easier for you to communicate with teachers? number of students % during the lesson 60 25% during the gala evening 20 8% during class hour 67 29% after school 60 25% when meeting on the street 8 3% never 22 10%

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6. How would you like your teacher to evaluate your learning activities? number of students % assessment must be accompanied by an explanation for what the assessment was made 147 62% assessment should be encouraged for my achievements 40 17% assessment should punish me for negligence 18 8% I need to evaluate my work in the lesson myself 27 11% prefer so that my classmates can evaluate my work in class 5 2%

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7. How do you prefer the teacher to discipline the class? number of students % called for help with a sense of humor 120 50% wrote a note in a diary 39 16% was interested in my problems 23 10% kicked me out of the class 22 10% raised my voice 9 4% gave “two” for behavior 4 2% resorted to class 20 assistance 8%

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A teacher must be, first of all, a person. Serve as an example for students. Only a person respected by them is able to have a huge impact on students. The teacher is constantly in the field of view of the students. Beloved teacher begins to imitate, copy the manner of dressing, his behavior, gestures, facial expressions. An analysis of the drawings "Portrait of an ideal teacher through the eyes of a child" by students in grades 2-4 showed the following results: the choice of colors in the drawings endows the "ideal teacher" with such qualities as activity, attentiveness, friendliness. A good teacher should be joyful, sincere, kind, able to respect and sympathize.

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Questionnaire results (opinion of teachers and students) QUESTIONNAIRE For the preparation of the pedagogical council, we ask you to rank the quality of the personality of a good, in our opinion, teacher, if necessary, you can add some qualities or remove existing ones. With a cheerful character, has a sense of humor. Self-demanding. Doesn't complain to parents. Kind, fair. Principled, demanding of students. Interesting and explains from the heart. When explaining, he sees who does not understand, and hurries to help. Knowledge of the subject, erudition. Conscientious attitude to their duties. Sensitivity, attention, tact towards students.

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Communication based on enthusiasm for joint activities: is formed on the basis of high professional and ethical attitudes of the teacher, on the basis of his attitude to pedagogical activity in general. The general activity of pupils together with educators and under their guidance. Communication based on friendly disposition: a productive style of pedagogical communication. But friendliness cannot be turned into familiarity with students, which has a negative effect on the educational process. Communication-dialogue: involves cooperation on mutual respect.

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Communication-distance: a common style of pedagogical communication, in which there is a distance in all areas of communication, leads to the formalization of the system of socio-psychological interaction and does not contribute to the creation of a creative atmosphere. Communication-intimidation: a negative form of communication, most often novice teachers resort to it, which is explained by their inability to organize productive joint activities. There is a complete destruction of creative activity. Communication-flirting: plays an equally negative role in working with children. Emphasizes the desire to win cheap false authority, which is contrary to the requirements of pedagogical ethics.

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The results of a survey of teachers of SSS No. 11 on the topic "What style of pedagogical communication do teachers prefer?" From this we can conclude what style of pedagogical communication is now preferred by teachers. The following results were obtained:

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To optimize the communication of the teacher with the children, a kind of guidance is recommended, which can be guided by: 1. The appearance in the class is cheerful, confident, energetic, etc. 2. The presence of a communicative mood: a pronounced readiness to communicate, the desire to convey this state to the class. 3. Creating the necessary emotional mood in the lesson. 4. Managing your own well-being during the lesson and communicating with children (the ability to manage well-being, despite the prevailing circumstances, mood swings). 5. Productivity of communication. 6. Communication management: efficiency, flexibility, a sense of one's own style of communication, the ability to organize the unity of communication. 7. Speech (bright, figurative, emotionally rich, cultural). 8. Mimicry (energetic, bright, pedagogically expedient). 9. Pantomime (expressive, adequate gestures, plastic imagery, emotional richness of gestures).

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Micro-study of the factors influencing the success of a teacher

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“The conflict between the teacher and the child, between the teacher and parents, the teacher and the team is a big problem for the school. The ability to avoid conflict is one of the components of the teacher's pedagogical wisdom. Preventing conflict, the teacher not only preserves, but also creates the educational force of the team. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

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Types of conflicts and ways out of them Conflict (from Latin - collision) is a collision of oppositely directed goals, interests, positions, opinions, points of view, views.

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Peculiarities of pedagogical conflicts: The professional responsibility of the teacher for the correct solution of the way out of the conflict situation, since the educational institution in which the child studies is a model of society where students learn the existing social norms. Participants in conflicts have different social status (teacher, student), which determines their different behavior in the conflict. The difference in age and life experience of the participants generates varying degrees responsibility for errors in their resolution. Different understanding of events and their causes by the participants (the conflict “through the eyes of the teacher” and “the eyes of the student” is seen differently), so it is not always easy for the teacher or educator to understand the depth of the student’s experiences, and for the student to cope with his emotions.

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Causes of conflicts at school B last years students have changed a lot, while some teachers see them as students were ten or fifteen years ago, so relations with students are tense. Lack of mutual understanding between teachers and students, caused, first of all, by ignorance of the age-related psychological characteristics of pupils. Thus, the increased criticality inherent in adolescence is perceived by teachers as a negative attitude towards their personality. Conservatism and stereotype in the choice of educational methods and means. The teacher, as a rule, evaluates not a separate act of the student, but his personality. Such an assessment often determines the attitude of other teachers towards the student.

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Causes of conflicts at school Evaluation of a student is often based on the subjective perception of his act and little awareness of his motives, personality traits, living conditions in the family. The teacher finds it difficult to analyze the situation that has arisen, and is in a hurry to severely punish the student. Of no small importance is the nature of the relationship that has developed between the teacher and individual students; personal qualities and non-standard behavior of these students are the cause of constant conflicts with them. Personal qualities of the teacher (irritability, rudeness, vindictiveness, complacency, helplessness); the mood of the teacher; the life of the teacher. General climate and organization of work in the teaching staff.

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Strategies of behavior in conflict: Competition, rivalry ("shark") - the desire to achieve the satisfaction of one's interests to the detriment of another. Cooperation ("owl") - the choice of an alternative that best meets the interests of both parties. Compromise ("fox") - a choice in which each side wins something, but loses something. Avoidance, evasion ("turtle") - avoiding conflict situations, the absence of both the desire for cooperation and attempts to achieve one's own goals. Adaptation ("bear cub") - sacrificing one's own interests for the sake of the interests of another.

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The results of the study of the characteristics of the response of teachers of secondary school No. 11 in conflict situations Competition, rivalry Adaptation Avoidance, evasion Compromise Collaboration 0% 19% 45.2% 21.4% 14.3% 0 pers. 8 people 19 people 9 people 6 people

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Work in creative groups Task (different for all groups) Participants are offered conflict situations that need to be analyzed and identified the cause of the conflict, identify the participants in the conflict, and offer a specific way out of the current situation.

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Questions for the analysis of the conflict situation: What are the main causes of the conflict? What are the real goals of the teacher in the situation that has arisen (what does he want: help, get rid of, be indifferent, etc.). Determine the moment in the situation when the teacher could prevent the transition of this situation into a conflict. What prevented him from doing this (emotional state, the presence of witnesses, confusion, surprise.) The meaning of the conflict for each of its participants. 5. Options for further relations between the participants in the conflict. 6. What actions, techniques, styles of interaction in a conflict are acceptable for this situation: rivalry, cooperation, compromise, evasion, adaptation?

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Situation 1. “At a mathematics lesson, the teacher made a remark several times to a student who was not studying. He did not react to the teacher's remarks, continuing to interfere with others. The teacher stopped the lesson. The class was noisy, and the culprit continued to sit in his place. The teacher sat down at the table and began to write in a journal. The students went about their business. So 20 minutes passed. The bell rang, the teacher stood up and said that she was leaving the whole class after the lessons, and whoever did not stay would receive a deuce. Everyone was noisy. »

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Situation 2. The history teacher began the lesson by checking the completion of written homework. Sorokina Marina did not have homework and a notebook on the subject. The teacher, without revealing the reasons for not completing the task, began to scold the student, saying that she was a loafer. In response, Marina bluntly replied that she was not going to start a notebook on this subject at all. Then the teacher ordered Marina to leave the office, to which she replied: “I won’t think about it.” “If that’s the case, I’ll leave myself,” the teacher said and left. In an excited state, the teacher came to the director of the school, told everything and said that until the student leaves the office, she will not conduct the lesson. Then the director found a free office and asked all students to go into it to continue the lesson,

"Skill of pedagogical communication" - Communication. Robot. The skill of pedagogical communication. Removal from students. Chinese Wall. Pedagogical communication and its functions. Locator. Relationship styles. Boomerang. Hamlet. Grouse. The role of the teacher in professional activity. Work styles. unproductive style. The formula of the style of pedagogical communication.

"Forms of pedagogical interaction" - Levels and types of pedagogical interaction. The psychological climate of the lesson. Teaching introspection. Health saving. The main ideas of the pedagogy of cooperation. The theme of the teachers' council. Types of individual style of activity. Teacher. Individual style of activity. Pedagogical interaction. Secondary school.

"Pedagogical interaction" - Communication. Learning objectives. Analysis of the interaction "teacher - student" (students). The student acts in direct interaction. Analysis of the interaction "teacher - student" (teachers). Types of interaction. Diagnosis "Tree of relationships". Characteristics for determining the types of pedagogical interaction.

"Styles of pedagogical communication" - Active-positive attitude towards students. Autonomy and initiative. The position of the teacher. Communication style and teacher. The clarity of the social and professional position of the teacher. authoritarian style. Democratic educators. Styles of pedagogical communication. Democratic style. Permissive style.

"Technology of pedagogical communication" - Levels of communication between teachers and students. Social roles. Communication and attitude. The content of professional and pedagogical communication. Characteristic features of some manipulators. The structure of professional and pedagogical communication. Types of communication. Manipulations in communication between teachers and students. Professional and pedagogical communication.

"Fundamentals of pedagogical communication" - TOPIC 2. Role positions in pedagogical communication in%. Psychological foundations of pedagogical communication. Leadership Styles by Kurt Lewin (1938). Initial. Social science. Topic 1. "Psychological foundations of pedagogical communication." Natural-mathematical. Aspects of pedagogical communication. Behavior in the present is influenced by feelings from childhood.

There are 16 presentations in total in the topic