How to make cold gazpacho tomato soup. Tomato gazpacho soup - step by step recipe. How is gazpacho soup traditionally served? Ingredients for making classic gazpacho at home

The best cold soup for summer is gazpacho. It will give you not only a feeling of freshness, but also satiety with excellent taste sensations. Making gazpacho is not difficult. To prepare you will need simple and affordable ingredients.

Gazpacho soup has become extremely popular lately, but it is unlikely that everyone who enjoys eating this dish in a restaurant has thought about its history. This is a traditional Spanish “ice soup”, which was created specifically to create favorable conditions and relief for a person from heat and thirst.

Gazpacho soup is a kind of exception, as it is very easy to prepare compared to other national dishes. However, it is difficult to compete with the sophistication and richness of this recipe and it is gladly accepted by both haute cuisine and folk cooking.

There is an opinion that gazpacho was created by ordinary peasant women who, after a long and hard day at work, simply did not have the opportunity to spend long time in the kitchen and sought to feed their tired husbands as quickly and satisfyingly as possible.

gazpacho soup

Another version that explains the appearance of the soup is that it was invented by shepherds. During the day they ate only what they took with them. They rubbed the inside of an ordinary clay pot with a mixture of oil, garlic and spices, and only then laid layers of pounded vegetables in it. The pot was wrapped in a piece of wet cloth and placed in the sun; when the wet cloth became completely dry, the dish could be eaten.

In any case, gazpacho has always been considered the food of low-class people. Thanks to this dish, they were able to maintain their strength and save energy for a long working day. Gazpacho always included:

  • olive oil
  • garlic
  • crackers

And only then they began to improve it, supplementing it with various spices, herbs and various vegetables, which gave the soup more taste and calorie content. It was in progress a large number of tomatoes: red and yellow, even green, and the sweetness of the soup or sourness was easily complemented by hot peppers.

It is ripe red tomatoes that give gazpacho its incredible taste, rich red color and delicate, fresh aroma.

fresh summer soup - "Gazpacho"

There are a great many variations and methods of preparing gazpacho today. The soup takes on new flavors and colors:

  • white
  • green
  • yellow
  • red

Sometimes, not only vegetables, but also fruits are added to gazpacho and then it “plays” in a new way. Modern recipes even contain ingredients such as:

  • spices
  • spices
  • chicken and quail eggs
  • seafood

The following set of ingredients should remain unchanged in gazpacho: olive oil, bread (or white bread crumbs), garlic and vinegar.

  • It is difficult to imagine that initially the soup was far from the version that we see today and was similar to bread porridge. This soup saw vegetables only when Columbus introduced tomatoes to Europe, and since then they have been an integral component of the dish. At this stage, it is simply impossible for modern people to imagine delicious and fresh gazpacho without red tomatoes and fresh peppers.
  • Preparing gazpacho is very simple: to do this, you need to grind a selection of fresh and juicy vegetables into a paste or puree them with a brander. Either soaked bread crumbs are added to the soup, or sprinkled with toasted croutons (a more modern version). It is customary to serve the soup in a deep (preferably clay) bowl and garnish with sprigs of herbs: basil, cilantro, parsley
  • It was noticed that in different regions of Spain gazpacho was prepared differently and the recipe was often diluted with water, then with beef broth, corn flour and even cream could be added to the soup, the soup was often decorated with fresh onion rings and just as often sprinkled with nuts, grapes, cumin seeds and even sesame seeds

gazpacho - soup “for the lazy”

Gazpacho is especially popular in the summer months, so the menus of restaurants and cafes are filled with various variations of the soup. If you have never tried this dish, try it in its classic version.

To prepare the classic recipe you will need:

  • about 5-6 ripe tomatoes(depending on the size of the fruit, more will not harm)
  • garlic- no more than 4 cloves (otherwise the taste will become too strong, less is possible)
  • Bulgarian or sweet pepper - about 2 pieces
  • one fresh medium size cucumber
  • two pieces white bread(it is advisable to choose stale bread)
  • olive oil- 2-3 tbsp.
  • tomato juice
  • water
  • spices: salt, pepper mixture or any hot pepper
  • fresh herbs(to your taste)

Cooking "Gazpacho" step by step, stages of preparing the soup:

  • Choose fruits (in in this case: tomatoes and peppers) deep red color to give the soup a juicy hue
  • Wash all vegetables thoroughly and dry
  • Place the tomatoes in a bowl and pour boiling water over them. They should remain in this state for about five minutes.
  • Preheat oven to medium or high temperature(on high it will turn out faster) and send two peppers there for ten minutes
  • Remove the tomatoes from the water and use a knife to easily remove the skin
  • After 10 minutes, remove the peppers and peel them as well.
  • Thoroughly peel the cucumber
  • All vegetables are chopped with a knife and placed in a blender bowl
  • Soak the bread in water in advance and add it to the blender with the vegetables.
  • grate the garlic or chop it in a garlic press and crush it in a separate bowl with the required amount of salt and pepper
  • Add garlic, olive oil and a little vinegar to a blender
  • The desired consistency can be created by adding water or tomato juice to the mixture.
  • All components are thoroughly ground to a uniform state
  • After this, the soup is placed in the refrigerator for two hours to cool and thicken a little.
  • Before serving, you can grease the dish with oil and garlic, pour soup into it and garnish with fresh herbs on top.

Video: “Classic gazpacho”

What is the difference and how is Italian gazpacho soup prepared correctly?

“Gazpacho” is a fairly popular dish and therefore it is prepared in almost every country. Italy is no exception, which gave the dish a “new sound” and diversified it with its ingredients. It is worth noting that this dish originally belongs to Spain and in the original it is written as “ gazpacho"(in Russian “gazpacho”). If you notice the name “Gazpacho” (with two “hs”) on the menu, this indicates that the dish belongs to Italian cuisine.

It is the Italian soup recipe that involves the inclusion of fresh onions and herbs in the general set of ingredients.

Italian Gazpacho soup

To prepare the Italian variation you will need:

  • Ripe reds tomatoes– about 5 pieces depending on their size (not small)
  • bell pepper red - about 2 pieces (you can also take yellow, but the color of the dish will be orange)
  • One bulb(onion or blue onion)
  • Garlic - depending on size: two large cloves or three small ones
  • Vinegar - It is best to use wine (one or two spoons - to taste)
  • Olive oil - first pressing, add about two to three tablespoons to taste
  • Spices: sea ​​salt (any), pepper mixtures, white or black pepper, nutmeg, mixture of Italian herbs (marjoram, oregano, basil)
  • White bread - a few pieces
  • Fresh herbs: blue or green basil, oregano, rosemary (optional)

The preparation of Italian gazpacho can be divided into several stages:

  • First of all, you need to go to the market (namely the market, because unlike the supermarket, the vegetables there are riper, tastier and fresher) and choose the most aromatic fruits for the soup, as well as fresh soft bread
  • Upon arrival home, the vegetables are thoroughly washed, peeled and seeds removed.
  • all vegetables are finely chopped and placed in a blender bowl, including the onion (a few rings can be left for decoration)
  • Bread soaked in water and squeezed out of water is also added there.
  • In a blender, all components are thoroughly ground, herbs are added to them: dried basil and oregano
  • Transfer the mixture from the blender to the refrigerator for at least three hours to serve it cold.
  • After this time, the soup should be poured into a serving bowl: made of clay or glass (iron dishes can oxidize vegetables)
  • Onions for serving can be used in the form of rings, can be finely chopped
  • The soup is decorated with spices, onions and a sprig of green basil
  • An Italian variation suggests serving gazpacho with ice cubes

Video: “Italian Gazpacho”

Spanish gazpacho soup with croutons and spices

To prepare real Spanish Gazpacho soup you will need the following ingredients:

  • two large ripe and red tomatoes
  • two small cucumber
  • two sweet not spicy pepper red (large)
  • two or three cloves garlic(depending on size and spiciness)
  • one is not big bulb(not blue: onion or white)
  • vinegar(you can use any, but wine is best)
  • oil(cold pressed olive)
  • greenery(various: cilantro, parsley or basil - optional)
  • bread for croutons
  • spices: salt, pepper mixtures, spices

  • This version of the soup also involves thoroughly cleaning the vegetables and grinding them in a blender.
  • While the soup is cooling, prepare the croutons in a frying pan.
  • Pour a small amount of olive oil into the pan
  • cut the bread (preferably stale) into cubes and add a little salt
  • Place the croutons in a frying pan and fry them until golden brown, transfer to another bowl
  • When serving, the dish is decorated with herbs and sprinkled with crackers

Video: “Gazpacho - a recipe for a Spanish summer dish”

How to properly and tasty prepare hot gazpacho vegetable soup?

  • Hot soup "Gazpacho" is a unique variation of the traditional cold dish. This has become an interesting curiosity for the table not only in summer, but also in winter. The set of ingredients for hot Gazpacho remains the same, only the preparation of this dish differs slightly
  • All ingredients are thoroughly ground in a blender: tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, onions and garlic
  • Next, all the ingredients are poured into a bowl with a thick bottom and placed on low heat.
  • At this time, heat a few tablespoons of olive oil in a separate bowl and add aromatic spices to it: dried basil, oregano, rosemary, marjoram, cumin, cardamom, coriander (optional)
  • When the oil heats up and the spices give off an aroma, pour the oil into the total mass and mix thoroughly, adding salt
  • Pour hot gazpacho into plates
  • When serving, gazpacho should be decorated with croutons, herbs or onion rings

hot gazpacho - a very tasty and satisfying soup

Delicious and aromatic gazpacho soup with celery, recipe

Gazpacho soup with celery is an interesting variety for the everyday table, which will become an interesting and very tasty dish for every family member. Celery will add a herbaceous, slightly spicy flavor to a simple soup and add a spicy kick.

To prepare such a cold soup, you will need a certain set of ingredients:

  • large red tomatoes with a sweet, ripe taste - 4 pieces
  • ripe cucumber, peeled - 1 piece
  • fresh stalk of green celery - 1 piece (you can add just a little root)
  • bell pepper green and yellow color- 2 pieces
  • Olive oil heated with garlic in a frying pan
  • Spices to taste

celery gazpacho
  • Vegetables are washed and peeled
  • All vegetables are finely chopped and ground in a blender
  • Oil and garlic are added to vegetables
  • The mass is sent to the refrigerator to cool
  • When serving, the soup can be decorated with herbs and finely chopped celery root

Video: “Cold gazpacho with celery and cucumber”

How to make gazpacho tomato soup in an original way?

A wonderful, fresh variation on cold Gazpacho soup is to cook it with unusual ingredients—in this case, zucchini. On a hot summer day, this recipe will be especially tasty and healthy for a person; it will not only give energy, but also be able to relieve the feeling of thirst!

To make zucchini gazpacho you will need:

  • A kilogram of ripe reds tomato
  • Two ripe yellow or green pepper(Bulgarian)
  • One thing chili pepper
  • One is not large and ripe zucchini(green)
  • One cucumber
  • A few cloves garlic(taste)
  • Spoon vinegar
  • A few spoons olive oil
  • Spices taste
  • Blue or white bulb

gazpacho with zucchini
  • All vegetables are thoroughly peeled and seeded
  • Vegetables are placed in a blender bowl and chopped
  • Spices and oil, garlic are added to the mass.
  • The finished soup is cooled and decorated for serving.

Video: “Green Gazpacho”

How should you prepare gazpacho soup according to Dukan?

The Dukan diet involves eliminating harmful and high-calorie foods from the diet. That is why the variation of “Gazpacho” according to Dukan involves the inclusion of unusual ingredients in the recipe. This soup has low calorie content and contains only 25 kcal per 100 grams.

Dukan's version of gazpacho involves the inclusion of watermelon pulp in the soup instead of tomatoes.

A set of ingredients for this gazpacho:

  • Red part of watermelon without seeds - up to half a kilogram
  • About 100 grams of red currants
  • One large ripe cucumber
  • One green stalk of celery
  • Large bell pepper (you can use any pepper, but preferably red)
  • One blue onion
  • Lemon juice
  • A few mint leaves

low calorie gazpacho
  • The watermelon pulp must be separated from the peel and pitted.
  • Finely chop the pulp and place it in a blender
  • Lemon juice and currants are added to the pulp
  • These components are thoroughly mixed in a blender
  • The mass goes into the refrigerator
  • Celery, cucumber and pepper are finely chopped and placed in a bowl
  • Chopped vegetables are poured with watermelon mixture
  • The dish is decorated with mint

How is gazpacho soup traditionally served? How to decorate a dish?

Gazpacho soup is already unusual only because it has a rich color, fresh taste and delicate aroma due to the content of vegetables that have not been subject to any heat treatment. This soup requires a beautiful and original design to please not only the taste buds, but also the eyes.

There are several variations in the design of gazpacho soup:

  • The most traditional is to decorate with greenery: a sprig of cilantro or parsley, blue or green basil
  • Another decoration involves preparing croutons from white bread in advance, which should be fried in a frying pan in a small amount of olive oil and salt
  • Another way to serve is to pour gazpacho into a wide glass and insert a crouton into it
  • Some recipes involve decorating the dish with whole or ground nuts (almonds most often)
  • Even more common is the decoration of their chopped vegetables included in the soup recipe.
  • Sometimes you can find the option of decorating and serving a dish with green grapes

serving gazpacho

It is worth noting that this soup is often called a drink and is offered to be served in appropriate containers.

Calorie content of Gazpacho soup? How many calories does it have?

The calorie content of gazpacho is quite low only because it contains only natural ingredients and fresh vegetables that are not amenable to any heat treatment. In addition, vegetables are easily absorbed by the body, which allows the dish to quickly turn into energy and give a person strength.

Depending on how the gazpacho was prepared and what ingredients are included in it, you can determine that:

  • gazpacho, prepared only from vegetables, has a calorie content of only 16 kcal per 100 grams of dish
  • gazpacho cooked with olive oil - 47 kcal per 100 grams of dish
  • gazpacho cooked with bread - about 115 kcal per 100 grams of dish

Video: “Gazpacho Soup”

To prepare gazpacho, the Spaniards use white wheat bread (homemade bread tastes best). I had delicious malt bread made from wheat and rye flour. The bread is delicious, so I made gazpacho with it. The bread must be stale, so it’s better to let the pieces of bread dry out a day or two before. It's delicious if you dry the bread in the oven.

When we were children, my mother often made us such a quick and tasty dish: stale white bread, a few cloves of garlic, a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and a few tablespoons of water. Garlic was ground with salt in a makitra (a deep clay pot with a wide neck), broken bread, butter and water were added there. Everything was mixed and after 5 minutes the children were eating delicious “shulyki” (that’s what their mother called them).

I don’t think that the residents of the Ukrainian village knew about Spanish gazpacho, but this was precisely the original version of this dish, and this is how the preparation of modern cold Spanish soup begins.


Break the bread into small pieces, crush the garlic in a garlic press or grind with salt in a mortar. Mix bread, garlic, 3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil and 5 tbsp. spoons of water. Leave for 15 minutes.

Peel the cucumber (optional). Cut some cucumber and peppers into small cubes to decorate the gazpacho.

Cut the cucumber and pepper into small pieces.

Grind in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. You can also finely chop and crush in a mortar.

Grind the onion and soaked bread with garlic in a blender. If the onion is very bitter, you can first place it (chopped) in boiling water for 5 minutes, or mix the chopped onion with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice, a pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar and leave for 20 minutes.

Grind the tomatoes in a blender, first removing the skin. If the tomatoes have thick skin, make small cuts on them and place them in boiling water for 5 minutes. The skin will come off easily.

Mix all ingredients, add salt and wine vinegar (in the absence of such, I use lemon juice). The amount of acid depends on the degree of acidity of the tomatoes and your taste. If it turns out very sour, you need to add sugar. I also add a slightly cut red pepper pod. The larger the pod and the longer it is in the soup, the spicier the dish will be.

You can add cumin. Place in the refrigerator to steep for at least 2 hours. If the soup turns out thick, you can dilute it with cold water or add a little crushed ice.

Serve the soup with parsley and basil, as well as white bread croutons.

Well, no one will forbid you to connect your imagination to this basic recipe and add Tabasco sauce, sour cream, egg, white wine, celery, soy sauce, ham to gazpacho...


Hi all! Vika Leping is with you, of course, and today I’ll talk about how to make Gazpacho tomato soup, the most delicious cream soup for me at the moment, and I’ve tried an incredible amount of them. I'll tell you classic recipe Spanish cuisine. This was my first time cooking it, but it turned out incredibly tasty, simply amazing! This is definitely the most delicious refreshing cold soup in the world (may Okroshka forgive me!) :)

By the way, last time I talked about using my mother’s recipe. It turned out perfect, just like it was in my childhood, so it took me to the world of nostalgia and miracles! Seriously! Everyone who is still thinking about whether to make Okroshka, everyone who doesn’t know how or doesn’t know how, we prepare it according to my mother’s recipe, because Okroshka doesn’t get any tastier. You can also see other recipes with photos of which I have already written and published.

But let's return to Gazpacho - this is a soup with tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, garlic and stale bread. Initially, it appeared, like many classic dishes, on the tables of the poor. Its main ingredients were garlic, stale bread, olive oil and water, that is, all sorts of cheap leftovers. For example, was invented in exactly the same way. Just like 🙂 And if you haven’t tried my ideal one yet, I highly recommend taking a look at its recipe!

A little later, tomatoes, with which it is now always associated, and other ingredients began to be added to the Spanish Gazpacho soup. Cold Gazpacho Soup is a classic recipe and an example of how poor man's food becomes national dish country, known throughout the world and beloved by thousands of people. And yesterday there were two more fans of this soup in the world, I hope, by bringing it to the masses, I will increase the number of gaspachoeders by at least a hundred :)

So, tomato soup Gazpacho, step-by-step recipe with photos, or how to cook Gazpacho at home.


  • - 15 pcs (juicy, ripe and meaty)
  • - 4 large pieces
  • - 3 pcs (red)
  • - 4 large cloves (preferably young)
  • - 3 large pieces (white or with bran, stale)
  • - Crimean - 1 piece or shallot - 5 small pieces
  • - olive - 125 ml
  • - balsamic or red wine - 4 tbsp
  • - 1 tbsp (no slide!)
  • - parsley - 1 bunch
  • - hot sauce - a few drops optional
  • to choose from
  • - taste
  • - taste
  • - red dry - to taste

Cooking method

To begin with, I will present to your attention a video recipe from my YouTube channel , which has a lot of other recipes, so subscribe, it’s interesting!

Tomato soup Gazpacho: video recipe

Step-by-step recipe with photos

So, how to cook Gazpacho soup? The recipe for tomato soup is simple, but contains many processes. First, peel the garlic and place it in a mortar or blender. I have an excellent guide, I highly recommend checking it out, it will save a lot of time in the future 😉 Add garlic sea ​​salt and pound in a mortar or grind in a blender chopper.

Add pieces of stale bread, broken into small pieces. I didn’t have stale bread, so I quickly made crackers: I put the pieces of bread in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes and cooled. Grind the breadcrumbs with garlic and salt, and then add olive oil and thoroughly grind or grind again. Cover with a napkin and leave the preparation to infuse for 1.5 hours. Gazpacho is a tomato soup, and garlic will add spice and zest to it, and bread will add thickness and richness.

While the bread and garlic mixture is infusing, we continue to prepare other ingredients for Gazpacho. The recipe includes baked peppers, so let's start with them. Turn on the oven at 200 degrees to warm up, wash the peppers and place them on a baking sheet.

Let the paprika bake for 10-20-30 minutes, until the pepper begins to turn black around the edges. The time depends on your oven, everyone is different! Remove from the oven and immediately cover with a lid or towel and leave for 10 minutes. This will make it easier to peel the bell peppers. At this moment, the aroma of baked bell pepper will fill your apartment, and it is simply magical! There are recipes without roasting the peppers, but trust me, baking is worth it! If you don’t know how to cook Gazpacho soup, you won’t find a better recipe, honestly!

After 10 minutes, we begin to remove the skin from the peppers and clear them of cuttings and seeds. This will be quite easy to do, the main thing is not to get burned, because the fruits are still hot. The Gazpacho recipe includes this peeled Paprika pulp:

We continue to prepare tomato soup. Peel the onion and chop it very finely. Place in a bowl and add balsamic or wine vinegar, stir and leave aside. You can do this before baking the peppers.

Now peel the cucumbers and cut them into large pieces. Tomato soup Gazpacho will be filled with freshness and lightness thanks to cucumbers.

The next step in preparing Gazpacho will finally be tomatoes, it is a tomato soup after all. You need to peel them and cut out the seeds from half of them. I told you how to do all this quickly and simply in the manual, so I won’t repeat myself, read, look at the photos and come back.

The last ingredient is parsley. Chop the leaves coarsely. Place the prepared cucumbers, the pulp of peppers and tomatoes into a 3-liter saucepan and grind everything with a submersible blender. If you don’t have a submersible one, of course, put everything in a blender glass. Grind thoroughly; Gazpacho tomato soup should be homogeneous. Then add parsley and grind everything again.

We put the soaked onion together with vinegar, grind it, add the bread and garlic mixture, grind it, add a few drops of Tabasco hot sauce as desired and to taste, and grind everything again.

And put the Gazpacho tomato soup in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours!

Now you know how to make Gazpacho soup from tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers! When serving, pour into plates and dilute a little with water, tomato juice or dry red wine. I highly recommend diluting it with water, it tastes much better! Decorate with parsley leaves.

That’s all, now you know what Gazpacho is, how to cook it, what and how to eat it with, and generally everything, everything, everything :)

The extended Gazpacho soup recipe has come to an end, so I'll quickly summarize.

Tomato soup Gazpacho: a short recipe

  1. Peel the garlic, put it in a mortar or blender, add salt and grind thoroughly.
  2. Add pieces of stale bread or crackers and grind thoroughly again.
  3. Pour olive oil over everything, grind again, cover with a lid or napkin and leave for 1.5 hours.
  4. In the meantime, preheat the oven to 200 degrees, place the whole bell peppers on a baking sheet, place in the oven and bake for 10 to 30 minutes (time depends on your oven!) until the fruits are lightly black around the edges.
  5. Remove the peppers from the oven, immediately cover with a lid or towel and leave for 10 minutes.
  6. After 10 minutes, we easily peel the Paprika fruits from the skin, pistils and seeds, leaving only the pulp.
  7. Peel the onion, chop finely, put in a bowl and pour in balsamic or wine vinegar, set aside.
  8. We peel the tomatoes by pouring boiling water over them and freeing half of them from the seeds (I described how to do all this).
  9. We chop the parsley leaves coarsely, peel the cucumbers and also chop them coarsely.
  10. Place cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers with their juice and parsley in a blender bowl and grind thoroughly.
  11. We put the onion there along with the vinegar, grind it, then add the soaked crackers, grind it again.
  12. At the end, if desired and to taste, add a few drops of spicy Tabasco and grind.
  13. Pour the Gazpacho tomato soup into a three-liter saucepan, cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours.
  14. When serving, dilute the thick soup with water, tomato juice or dry red wine (preferably water!) and garnish with parsley.
  15. Now you know how to cook Gazpacho tomato soup!

This cold tomato soup is such a beauty, the recipe for which is absolutely complete! I really hope that you liked everything and you will go cook it immediately, because everyone should try the taste of this colorful miracle in a plate! So I’ll probably eat a little more right after publication :)

And here in Kyiv, a hot summer has already begun for a couple of weeks. It’s not raining anymore, the coolness has also receded, so Seryozha and I were already basking in the sun near the pool last weekend. And a week ago we traveled to Lviv again, now walking there has become even more interesting, many areas have opened where you can wonderfully spend warm evenings. Who is also going to Lviv, here is mine and all the attractions!

And I will tell you another cold soup recipe very soon! So stay tuned so you don't miss out. , it's free! In addition, when you subscribe, you will receive as a gift a whole collection of complete recipes of 20 dishes that can be prepared very quickly, from 5 to 30 minutes, which will save a lot of your time! Eating quickly and tasty is real, as is bringing the recipe for cold soups to life.

Vika Leping was with you! Prepare Gazpacho tomato soup, tell your friends the recipe, like it, leave comments, rate it, tell us what you did and remember that everyone can cook deliciously, that you are more talented than you can imagine and, of course, enjoy your food! I love you, be happy!

5 stars - based on 3 review(s)

The menu in June, July and August becomes more monotonous, and the prolonged alternation of okroshka and cold borscht completely deprives the pleasure of eating. It's time to look beyond the horizons of Slavic cuisine and discover one hundred and one recipes for how to make cold gazpacho soup: red tomato, white nut and cucumber green. The range of summer Spanish soup dishes is incredibly extensive, and today we would like to offer three versions of the national Spanish stew for every taste.

Cold gazpacho soups are the main and most profitable dishes for the summer. They not only cope well with hunger with their fairly low calorie content, but also very effectively quench thirst and cool a heated body. In addition, such dinners are prepared from fresh vegetables without boiling, frying, but using a blender, which allows us to eat vitamins in their pure form.

The original recipe for cold gazpacho soup is incredibly simple and you can remember its components the first time, because the list includes only the most popular fresh, juicy, refreshing vegetables all over the world: cucumbers, peppers, onions and always ripe, not juicy, but fleshy tomatoes.

Classic tomato cold gazpacho


  • - 1 head + -
  • - 1 large fruit + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • — 60 ml + -
  • Tomato juice – 750 ml + -
  • Fresh cilantro - 1 bunch + -
  • Sauce - 4-6 drops + -
  • - 1/3 cup + -

How to make cold tomato gazpacho soup

When we cook at home, we make sure to make minor adjustments to our own taste, even to the most strict recipes of the most complex dishes. In this case, we decided to prepare gazpacho with tomato juice.

No, don’t worry, the basic base of fresh tomatoes remains unchanged, and we use the juice to dilute the vegetable puree. This way the texture of the soup turns out to be more delicate, not watery (as if using water), and the taste takes on a light and very pleasant hint of marinity.

  1. For the soup base, we should grind half the tomatoes and cucumbers in a blender until puree, after peeling them and cutting them into medium pieces.
  2. We also put half of the onion and the whole bell pepper, seeded, into a blender and grind it into a puree.
  3. Mix the two creamy masses and grind through a fine sieve. Season the resulting tender mass with vinegar, olive oil, Tabasco sauce, dilute with tomato juice, salt to taste and mix everything well.
  4. Chop the remaining half of the tomatoes, onions and cucumbers into small cubes (we also cut off the skins from the tomatoes and cucumbers), mix with very finely chopped cilantro and add the entire salad base to the tomato cream broth.

Ready gazpacho should be refrigerated for about two hours before serving.

Cold white gazpacho soup

This recipe for a traditional Spanish soup is not as famous as the classic version of tomato gazpacho. However, it is this version of the soup that is the progenitor of cream soups in Spanish culinary history, because its recipe appeared long before tomatoes were discovered.

This dish is more satisfying, because it contains ingredients such as bread, nuts and grapes, but otherwise here we will find the same fresh cucumber, olive oil and garlic. But first things first.


  • Stale white bread crumb – 200 g;
  • Broth (chicken or vegetable) – 0.5 l;
  • Almonds – 1 tbsp.;
  • Grapes “Kishmish” - 200 g;
  • Fresh cucumber – 2 pcs.;
  • Garlic cloves – 2 pcs.;
  • Olive oil – 50-60 ml;
  • Salt – 7 g;
  • Apple vinegar – 2.5 tbsp;

How to make white cold gazpacho soup

  1. Soak the bread crumb in warm broth until the sides of the bun become soft and well saturated with liquid.
  2. We also soak the almonds in boiling water for a few minutes, peel them and, together with garlic and a pinch of salt, blend them in a blender or food processor to form a paste.
  3. Then we transfer the soaked bread along with the broth into the nut mixture, add grapes and cucumbers cut into large pieces. It is necessary to cut the skin off the cucumbers, and also remove the edges of the vegetable.
  4. Grind all the ingredients until smooth, then add vinegar, olive oil and salt to taste. Mix everything well and cool.

White gazpacho should be served in soup bowls or large soup plates, garnished with a basil leaf.

Green cold gazpacho soup

Cucumber puree soup is a real salvation on hot days, when the appetite and desire to hang around the stove simply disappear, but the feeling of hunger does not! It's for moments like these that this one comes in handy. step by step recipe with a photo of the best cooling and nutritious dish from Spanish chefs.

You can make a Mediterranean prototype of our okroshka with your own hands at home in a matter of minutes. AND quick recipe This is not all the advantages of this lunch. Great benefits, great taste of fresh vegetables and herbs, and most importantly, green gazpacho is the most a budget option cream soup.


  • Fresh short cucumbers – ½ kg;
  • Fresh dill – 1 bunch;
  • White onion – 1 head;
  • Green bell pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • Yellow bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • Olive oil – 30 ml;,
  • Red wine vinegar – 25-30 ml;
  • Filtered water – 250 ml;
  • Salt - to taste;

How to make cold green gazpacho soup

  1. Place peeled and chopped vegetables (cucumber, yellow and green peppers, onions and dill) into a blender bowl and puree all the ingredients. Leave a slice of yellow and green pepper for decoration.
  2. Then grind the vegetable cream through a strainer, season with vinegar, olive oil, salt to taste and dilute with water. Using a mixer, beat the puree soup for 5 minutes until all ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  3. Pour green gazpacho into serving glasses and sprinkle finely chopped yellow and green peppers on top.

Do you want to diversify your summer menu, but don’t know what to cook?

Summer is coming, and with it hot days, when you don’t want to eat hot food at all. These days, cold soups come in handy, as they refresh on a hot day and at the same time saturate the body. useful substances. After all, cold soups are prepared mainly from various vegetables.

The homeland of Gazpacho is the south of Spain, Andalusia. And this soup was prepared back in the Middle Ages, when Spain was still part of the Islamic State. At that time it was called Ajo blanco and consisted of bread, water, garlic, olive oil, almonds, wine vinegar and salt. This dish acquired its red color thanks to Columbus, who brought tomatoes and peppers to Spain from South America.

These days, such a refreshing dish has become popular, especially during the hot season. It is incredibly quick and easy to prepare, and everyone, without exception, enjoys it.

The basis of the classic recipe is made up of only three products - tomatoes, sweet peppers and cucumbers, and the rest of the improvisations depend on our imagination. This recipe is the simplest and without bread. Although many chefs claim that white bread is a must, I beg to differ. I like this lightweight option.


  • tomatoes – 500 gr.
  • cucumbers – 300 gr.
  • sweet red pepper – 300 gr.
  • onions – 150 gr.
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic
  • ½ lemon
  • salt - to taste
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • parsley and basil

You can add white bread to Gazpacho soup, then it will be a real classic recipe, but I deliberately prepared a lighter version.

Select tomatoes for Gazpacho that are ripe, fleshy, and red in color. Then the soup will turn out beautiful and rich.

The most convenient way is to use a blender. To do this, chop all the vegetables randomly and quickly chop the tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers and onions.

Mix all the vegetables, add salt, black pepper, pressed garlic and olive oil.

Squeeze the juice from ½ lemon and pour into the vegetable mixture. You can add a little cold water (1/2 cup), although I prefer to make the soup thicker.

Everything is ready, pour into portioned plates and decorate with parsley and a sprig of basil.

The prepared soup should be cooled for 10-15 minutes in the refrigerator. If desired, during this time you can fry the crackers and serve separately.

Delicious cold tomato soup

The peculiarity of this soup is that the sweet peppers are pre-baked in the oven. This results in an original and richer taste. Although many may argue with this. To all the objections, I can say one thing - cooking allows improvisation, it is thanks to it that so many recipes were born.


  • red ripe tomatoes – 8-10 pcs.
  • sweet red pepper – 2 pcs.
  • cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • onions – 1-2 pcs.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • whole grain bread - 2 slices
  • balsamic vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • olive oil (can be replaced with sunflower oil) – 80 ml
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • parsley or dill

We start cooking by roasting the peppers. Place them in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes. The peppers should darken slightly and become soft.

In this recipe we use whole grain bread or wholemeal bread, although this is not at all important. Cut the bread into pieces and dry it a little in the oven. Grind several cloves of garlic and bread in a blender. There should be crumbs.

Finely chop the red onion and pour in balsamic vinegar, leave the onion to marinate.

Let's start preparing the vegetables. Remove the skin from the cucumbers with a knife. But in order to remove it from the tomatoes, we scald them with boiling water. After this, the skin comes off very easily.

The peppers are already baked, let them cool a little and remove the core with the seeds.

We chop the vegetables a little with a knife, and then chop them with a blender. Add salt and pepper to taste.

In this mass we put chopped parsley or dill, or both, and grind it again with a blender.

Our onion is pickled, add it to the soup and chop it.

Pour the bread mass along with the garlic into the base for Gazpacho, mix everything again with a blender.

This is such a tasty and aromatic soup. The original recipe suggests placing this mixture in the refrigerator for 8 hours. I admit, I didn't wait that long. Added a little cold water when serving and garnished with a sprig of herbs.

To make the dish truly refreshing, I added a few ice cubes directly to the plate.

All that remains is to wish you bon appetit!

Video from Yulia Vysotskaya on how to prepare real Spanish Gazpacho

I love watching Yulia cook, quickly and with inspiration. She is a true connoisseur of Mediterranean cuisine, so I recommend watching this video for recipe inspiration.

Refreshing soup with tomato juice

The classic Gazpacho recipe involves using only fresh vegetables. But often the vegetable mass for soup turns out to be thick and should be diluted with liquid. Water is quite suitable for this, but tastier soup made with tomato juice. I know that sometimes they even dilute it with dry red or white wine.


  • sweet red pepper – 2 pcs.
  • cucumbers - 3 - 4 pcs.
  • onions – 1-2 pcs.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • olive oil (can be replaced with sunflower oil) – 100 ml
  • tomato juice - 1 liter
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • hot chili pepper - to taste

As usual, we begin to chop our vegetables one by one using a blender.

First, throw garlic, onions and hot pepper to taste into a blender bowl, grind them to a paste.

Then cut the cucumbers randomly (in this recipe we do not remove the skin). We also add pieces of red sweet pepper to the blender with the cucumbers and chop everything. I try not to grind the vegetables into a complete porridge, but leave the pieces, I think it tastes better.

Finally, chop the tomatoes. They give the most juice, but still the soup turns out quite thick.

Dilute it with tomato juice. You will need approximately 1 liter of juice, but adjust the amount yourself.

Now add salt, pepper, wine vinegar and olive oil. Stir and place in the refrigerator to cool.

When serving, chop a finely chopped cucumber into each plate and add herbs if desired.

Raw food recipe for first course with tomatoes

All proposed Gazpacho recipes are lean, because we prepare them exclusively from fresh vegetables. Raw foodists can safely take note of this recipe; the dish is prepared without heat treatment.


  • red ripe tomatoes – 0.5 kg
  • sweet red pepper – 1 pc.
  • cucumbers - 1-2 pcs.
  • basil - a hefty bunch
  • spicy adjika - to taste
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • sunflower seeds - 100 gr.
  • thyme - a pinch
  • green onions - a couple of feathers
  • fresh herbs
  • salt, pepper - to taste

The ingredients are similar, only instead of olive oil we will use sunflower seeds, and adjika instead of garlic.

When serving, the soup is supposed to be garnished with chopped vegetables. Therefore, before cooking, cut some sweet peppers, tomatoes and cucumber into small cubes. I don’t indicate the quantity, take it arbitrarily, but a little.

Also pre-soak the sunflower seeds with water.

Grind the remaining vegetables in a blender. Add basil, onion and parsley or dill.

From my own experience, I do not recommend using purple basil - the soup takes on an unattractive brown color. It’s better to decorate the dish with this basil when serving.

Adjika will add piquancy to this dish, add 1 tablespoon. And add a pinch of thyme for flavor.

We drain the water in which the sunflower seeds were soaked and also place them in a blender. Please note that they give a different color to this soup, yellowish. But taste is important to us.

Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon, add salt and pepper. Ready!

Cooking Spanish summer soup with Gordon Ramsay

I couldn’t miss Gordon Ramsay’s virtuoso performance of a wonderful dish. The ingredients for Gazpacho are the same as in other recipes, but the taste and color are different. Give it a try.

I hope that I was able to interest you in this delicious, light and simple soup, which will be in great demand in the summer. Try to cook not only okroshka, but also a dish with a beautiful name - Gazpacho. And don't forget to stock up on ice cubes for hot days.

I hope we all have time to enjoy the hot summer days.