How almond grows. Where do almonds come from? Types and varieties of almonds with photos



Almond oil is widely used not only in the food industry, but also in the perfume and pharmaceutical industries. It is used in the production of soap (bitter almond varieties), cosmetic ointments and medicines. The cake remaining after pressing almond oil is used to make halva or as pet food.


100 g of almonds contain:

  • Water – 4 g
  • Proteins – 18.5 g
  • Fat – 57.8 g
  • Carbohydrates – 16.2 g
  • Ash – 3.6 g


  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) – 0.25 mg


  • Potassium - 750 mg
  • Calcium - 264 mg
  • Magnesium - 235 mg
  • Sodium - 10 mg
  • Phosphorus – 470 mg


  • Iron – 3.7 mg
  • Iodine – 2 mcg
  • Manganese – 1.9 mg
  • Copper - 140 mcg
  • Fluoride - 90 mcg
  • Zinc – 2.1 mg

Calorie content

Beneficial properties of almonds


Please tell me, .

almonds Almonds
almonds low(steppe, bean), three-lobed almond

Ziborova E.Yu

Planting almonds

Almond care

Almonds are an unpredictable plant, for some
(probably this largely depends on the soil) grows well and, characteristically, bears fruit without fertilizers or a special watering regime. Others fertilize and water, but do not get a bountiful harvest.

Watering almonds

Almond fertilizer

Almond trimming

Almond diseases

Almond pests

Almond collection


For lovers of natural beauties and delicacies, almonds in Crimea are good because they give joy without such problems and disappointments as their fellow peach. Almonds look great and bear fruit in limestone soils, where apricots and cherries soon wither. Even in the ruins of ancient fortress walls, clearly middle-aged but strong almond trees often flaunt in the salty breath of the sea. Delight and eternal income for artists, sweet rapture and saving calories for vegans and raw foodists.

There is a lot of material about almonds. We offer an overview of the best in lifestyle, without unnecessary agronomy and commerce. Almonds for the soul.



Almond is the name of plants from the genus Plum and the fruits of the same name. Almonds are mistakenly considered a nut, although in fact they are a stone fruit. The homeland of almonds is considered to be the territory of Central and Asia Minor, where it was cultivated in the 4th millennium BC. e. Then almonds spread to other countries of the ancient world, in particular they were grown in Ancient Greece and Rome. Almonds are a common food crop these days, with the US, China and most of the Mediterranean countries among the largest producers.

Almonds are valuable food product. Almond kernels are eaten fresh, fried or salted; they are also used in the manufacture of confectionery, marzipans, some types of chocolate and expensive sweets, or added to liqueurs, giving them a delicate taste and aroma, and the oil obtained from almond kernels is used to season salads , rice and vegetable dishes.

Almond oil is widely used not only in the food industry, but also in the perfume and pharmaceutical industries. It is used in the production of soap (bitter almond varieties), cosmetic ointments and medicines. The cake remaining after pressing almond oil is used to make halva or as pet food.

Even the shells from almond seeds have their uses - activated carbon is made from it and used as a flavoring and coloring agent for cognacs and liqueurs.


100 g of almonds contain:

  • Water – 4 g
  • Proteins – 18.5 g
  • Fat – 57.8 g
  • Carbohydrates – 16.2 g
  • Dietary fiber (fiber) – 2.5 g
  • Ash – 3.6 g


  • Vitamin A (beta-carotene) – 0.02 mg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) – 0.25 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) – 1.0 mg
  • Niacin (vitamin B3 or vitamin PP) – 3.4 mg
  • Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) – 0.47 mg
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) – 0.14 mg
  • Folic acid (vitamin B9) – 50 mcg
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – 1.5 mg
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol) – 26.2 mg


  • Potassium - 750 mg
  • Calcium - 264 mg
  • Magnesium - 235 mg
  • Sodium - 10 mg
  • Phosphorus – 470 mg


  • Iron – 3.7 mg
  • Iodine – 2 mcg
  • Manganese – 1.9 mg
  • Copper - 140 mcg
  • Fluoride - 90 mcg
  • Zinc – 2.1 mg

Calorie content

100 g of almonds contain on average about 645 kcal.

Beneficial properties of almonds

Avicenna also wrote about many beneficial properties ah almonds, in particular noted its benefits for the liver, spleen and kidneys. In addition, eating almonds helps improve vision, it is recommended for anemia, diabetes mellitus, asthma, pleurisy, ulcers and gastritis with high acidity, insomnia, headaches, cramps, various injuries and bruises.

It has been noticed that regular consumption of almonds has a calming effect on a person, stimulates brain function and

Almond oil helps cleanse the kidneys and Bladder, reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol and increases appetite. It is also recommended for the treatment of diseases of cardio-vascular system, breast cancer, pneumonia and throat diseases, flatulence and sprains.

IN folk medicine almonds are used for insomnia, anemia and as a cough remedy. Almond oil is used to treat ulcers, herpes and lichen. It helps against freckles and tan spots, and in combination with wine is used to wash your hair to get rid of dandruff.


Almonds are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance. Overweight people also need to be careful, as it is a high-calorie product.

Unripe almonds contain some cyanide, so if consumed in large quantities there is a risk of poisoning. Some varieties of almonds (bitter) contain hydrocyanic acid, which is an extremely toxic substance. Therefore, they can be consumed fried and only in small quantities.

Please tell me, how to germinate almonds from seeds and how to care for young plants .

Almonds (Amygdalus) are deciduous shrubs or small trees, characterized by abundant and very spectacular flowering: single large (pink or white) flowers bloom in the spring and last for about two weeks. The almond fruit is a drupe with a dry, pubescent pericarp and an easily separated stone (“almond”).
Almonds are light-loving, undemanding to soils (but cannot tolerate acidic and highly moist soils), salt- and drought-resistant; grow well when the soil is limed. However, they develop better on loose, rich, humus-rich soils with sufficient moisture.
In cultivated plantings in warm regions, varieties are cultivated almonds, the nut kernels of which are a valuable food product. Almonds native to Eastern Siberia and Mongolia, very cold-resistant; small-fruited, but high-yielding.
Decorative types of almonds deserve special attention: almonds low(steppe, bean), three-lobed almond and especially its double form (it has deep pink miniature “roses” that give the flowering bush a fabulous look). Almonds are winter-hardy, give annual growth in height, their shoots become lignified completely. Sometimes in a harsh winter, almond shoots may freeze a little, but are easily restored. Ornamental almonds are valued for their early, exceptionally spectacular flowering (the flowers completely cover the bush), decorating the garden.
Almonds are classified as plants in which aging stems die off completely, being gradually replaced by rhizomatous shoots that appear in the third year of the plant’s life; They bloom in the 3-5th year. Gradually the bottom and middle of the crown become bare. Around the 7th year of life of the offspring, the entire stem begins to die off - therefore, aging plants, if there is good growth, are completely removed.

For vegetative propagation, almonds are propagated by green and root cuttings, suckers and layering, and grafting. Almonds are also propagated by seeds, sown freshly harvested in open ground in the fall; in the spring they are sown after a mandatory three to four month stratification.
For spring planting, almond seeds are stratified in moist coarse sand at a temperature of 1-5 degrees (not higher than 10 degrees); Usually the volume of sand taken is three times the volume of nuts. To provide the nuts with access to oxygen during stratification, it is recommended to stir them once every ten days (pour them out of the container, mix and loosely pour them back into the container); moisten the drying sand. When sowing in autumn, the depth of planting almond seeds is 7-8 cm, when sowing in spring - 5-6 cm; seed sowing rate - 60-80 pcs. Almond seedlings grow quickly. During the growing season, the soil is loosened 4-5 times and weeds are regularly pulled out and watered as necessary.

Ziborova E.Yu ., source

Almonds: planting, growing, care. Our experience

When there is still snow on the banks of the Neva and Moscow Rivers, almond trees bloom in Crimea. And inhaling its aroma, once again I think that we are almost living in paradise. Almonds are good not only for their delicious spring aroma, but also for their tasty, healthy fruits and nuts, which have medicinal properties. However, if you want to plant this wonderful plant, keep in mind that almonds are quite heat-loving. If there are varieties for your climate, great!

We planted our “almonds” when we were planning our first pregnancy, stocking up on our “medicines” for the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding ahead of time. Almonds increase the level of lactation (in other words, the amount of breast milk) in a nursing mother.
Almonds are dried and eaten, and added as a spice to various dishes. In addition to the fruit, almonds are valued for their aesthetic appearance and very pleasant aroma during the flowering period.

Planting almonds

There are two main methods of planting: either a seed or a seedling is planted in the ground. I’ll say right away that the second method is much simpler - I had a chance to observe neighbors who really wanted to grow almonds from seeds.

If you still want to grow an almond tree from seed, plant them in the spring. Because if you put the seeds in the ground in the fall, as, by the way, our neighbors did, they run the risk of not surviving until spring - the field rodents will thank you very much and will happily eat the sown seeds.

As for planting seedlings, it also has a number of its own characteristics. If you want almonds to bear fruit, you need to plant at least 2, and preferably 3 plants. The characteristics of pollination affect.

We didn’t have any special problems with planting - the seedlings were sold with a lump of earth near the roots (they seem to be sold like that almost all of them). We were recommended to plant seedlings in the sunniest place protected from the wind. This is what we did somewhere, we dug small holes (25-30 cm deep) at a distance of about 3 m from each other, where we lowered the seedlings along with a lump of earth.

They tied it to a reed support (we sell such long sticks in supermarkets to support plants) and watered it every time the soil dried out.

Now, having talked with many almond lovers, I know that traditionally the bottom of the planting hole is covered with crushed stone and sand, and lime is added to the soil. But when we planted almonds (and this was almost 9 years ago), I didn’t know about it, and accordingly, we planted them directly into the soil without any special wisdom, since ours is already too sandy.

Almond care

Almonds are an unpredictable plant; for some (probably it depends more on the soil) they grow well and, characteristically, bear fruit without fertilizers or a special watering regime. Others fertilize and water, but do not get a bountiful harvest.

Watering almonds

With the watering regime, everything is relatively simple: when the soil under the plant has dried, you need to pour a bucket of water under it. Moreover, it is important not to overdo it - this can harm the root system of the plant. If the almonds are not watered enough, the flowering period will be shortened, and as a result, the volume of the harvest will be shortened.

Almond fertilizer

In the spring, almonds are fertilized with manure, and in the fall with superphosphates and potassium sulphide.

Almond trimming

Almonds must be pruned regularly, removing dry and diseased branches. Decorative pruning also does not harm the plant. It is usually carried out after flowering, cutting off annual shoots in order to form the crown of the tree.

Almond diseases

One of the most common almond diseases is gray rot. There are no specialized means of protection against this disease. (If anyone knows, I would be grateful if you could share it in the comments.) Pruning infected branches helps a lot. But it is important to trim on time (before the spore pads appear). We saved one plant this way, but didn’t manage to save two more.

There are other diseases that are dangerous for almonds, for example, moniliosis. To save the plant from it, it is necessary to spray with Bordeaux water.

Almond pests

The main pests for our plant were the neighbor's goats. Luckily, all the leaves weren't eaten.
But in general, most often almonds suffer from aphids, leaf rollers and plum moths. Fortunately, I didn’t have a chance to encounter the last two. But the aphids, it happened, got there - we washed the leaves with laundry soap (a solution, of course), we did the same with the rose leaves, and the voracious insects retreated.

Almond collection

Almond trees bloom in April, filling the surrounding area with the maddening scent of their flowers.

Then these marvelous flowers form fruits, which, depending on the type of almond, ripen in June-July.

They usually occur when the outer shell of the fruit cracks. Then the nuts are separated from the inedible outer shell (we are not talking about the nut shell, but about the outer green skin) and dried for several days.

Choosing an almond variety

The choice of one or another almond variety largely depends on the climate zone (and, accordingly, the method of planting it). For southern regions where almonds are planted directly into the soil, large almond varieties are well suited. Residents of the northern regions who grow almonds in tubs prefer dwarf varieties. This is understandable - growing a three-meter plant in a tub is a dubious pleasure. A species such as steppe almonds is well suited for growing in a tub. This is a low shrub with very beautiful flowers, but don’t count on the fruit: steppe almonds are poisonous!

Almond varieties such as Foros, Yalta and others are grown in the ground. Most varieties are zoned for the appropriate climate type. So, before choosing one or another variety, based on the size and taste of the fruit, the height and density of the crown and other important factors, ask how it will live in your latitudes. Even in our relatively warm regions (Simferopol), only specially zoned varieties, seedlings of which are sold in nurseries, take root well.
You can describe for a long time the indescribable aroma of almond flowers and the pleasant taste of almonds. But all this will not give the necessary idea of ​​the true beauty and usefulness of the plant. Many who once inhaled the fabulous spring aroma remember it all their lives. If the climate allows you to plant this wonderful plant, plant it without hesitation, you will not regret it.

More details on the website

Many people would be interested to know how almonds grow.

Almost all people love this nut, but not everyone knows where this delicacy in multi-colored bags comes to us from and where it grows.

This deciduous tree, 6-8 m tall, is native to Central Asia (western Turkey - Iran), where it forms forests, withstanding drought and poor, gravelly soils. One of the oldest garden crops in dry, warm areas.

Where and how do almonds grow? The nut grows on crushed stone, rocky and mountain slopes. It is widespread in the Caucasus, Central Asia and Crimea. In the latter, the fruit was cultivated as a nut-bearing plant by Greek settlers even before our era. He runs wild easily. Where do almonds grow in Crimea? This plant is common in gardens, city and roadside plantings.

The common almond is also valued as a stable ornamental species for its abundant and long flowering in the leafless state (in February-March). Sharp cold snaps during this period partially damage the flowers, but the latter are replaced by new ones. Decorative garden forms are known - large-flowered, terry, in different shades.

The flowers are abundant, white or pinkish, with a reddish center and a gray-green calyx, slightly fragrant. The leaves are narrow oval, dull, and develop at the end of flowering (March). The crown is ovoid, the trunk and branches are gray.

Almonds can be of two types - bitter and sweet. Almond nuts are consumed both separately and added to various dishes. Extremely healthy almond oil is made from the kernels, which is very popular in cosmetology.

There are also trees that bear sweet almond fruits.

You should know that eating bitter almonds is unsafe, as they contain hydrocyanic acid. After eating just one handful of these nuts, a person can die. However, the industry has learned to remove the toxin from bitter fruits and make them suitable for consumption.

Almond cultivation

Growing an almond tree can be a very difficult task for many. Without a suitable climate and the necessary care products, it will be difficult for the tree to survive, let alone bear fruit.

Where do almonds grow?

The best soil for growing almonds is a mixture that contains a large number of humus.

In clay soil the tree will die very quickly. When planting almond trees, it is necessary to maintain a distance of at least 6-9 m between them.

Rules for caring for an almond tree:

  1. After planting, water the almonds generously.
    The tree really needs moisture, so be sure to follow the irrigation schedule. If there has been no rain, then you need to water the plant 1-2 times a week. Once the almonds have established roots, you can take longer breaks between waterings. If many almond trees are planted, it makes sense to install a drip irrigation system.
  2. Fertilizers must be applied every spring during the growth period.
    Nitrogen compounds are used to feed young trees; mature plants are fertilized with compost (13-15 kg per each). After fertilizing, be sure to water the tree well, otherwise the fertilizer may damage the roots, as it has a burning effect.
  3. Nuts should be collected in the fall.
    During the growing season, the fruiting almond tree produces small green fruits. They have a rather sour taste, but are nevertheless often used in cooking in the West and Middle East. In autumn, the fruits harden, turn brown, crack and open. The nut is ready for harvesting when its shell is completely dry and brown on the outside.
  4. At the beginning of winter, you should be sure to trim off dried branches.
    It is during this period that pruning will be safest for almonds. However, you should know that dead and diseased branches must be removed immediately, regardless of what time of year it is. Caring for a tree promotes beautiful crown formation and healthy growth. Thanks to proper pruning, almonds gain the ability to resist many diseases.
  5. You should always make sure that the tree is pollinated if you have a non-self-pollinating almond variety.
    When there are several almond trees, there is no need to worry - the bees, flying from one to another, will pollinate. If there is only one tree, then you will need to pollinate it manually. You should take a flowering branch of one tree and rub it against the flowers of another. However, this method is not always effective, so it is better to be prepared for this and plant several almond trees nearby.

To get the first harvest, you should wait at least 5 years. The plant takes some time to start bearing fruit. Some almond varieties bear fruit only in the 12th year of life.

Therefore, you should be patient. It will definitely be rewarded: a healthy tree produces more than 20 kg of nuts per harvest! And it bears fruit for at least 50 years.

To harvest, simply shake the tree when the fruits are fully ripe. The nut harvest usually begins at the end of July and ends in the last days of October. Be sure to throw away fruits that have begun to rot: they are inedible.

The almond tree is a universal plant for arranging a hedge. It pleases the owner in the spring with colorful and abundant flowers. Amateur gardeners prefer to grow oddities, but almonds have obvious advantages.

Almond tree is very decorative

What it looks like during flowering: covered with delicate pink flowers. In double forms, these flowers resemble miniature roses.

A plant from the subgenus Almond (Amygdalus), belongs to the genus Plum. Some people mistakenly classify the plant as a nut. Almonds have stone fruits identical to peach fruits, although they are shaped like hazelnuts.

How it grows in nature: prefers rocky and gravelly slopes up to one and a half thousand meters high, rich in calcium.

Plants are grouped in groups of several individuals, located at a distance of several meters (5–7 m) from each other. It is very photophilous and resistant to drought, as it has a developed root system.

It blooms in early spring, in some places even at the end of winter. The fruits ripen in mid-summer, the plant begins to bear fruit in its fifth year and lives for more than a hundred years. It reproduces in various ways, is frost-resistant, but during the growing season it is afraid of spring frosts. A bouquet of almonds in early spring pleases the eye with its tenderness and lightness. Flowering shoots are cut off at a time when the flowers in the lower part have fully bloomed, and in the upper part the buds have turned pink. It is necessary to cut at the base of the branch.

Almond fruit looks like a peach

Types of almonds

  1. Almond is a beautiful low tree or shrub that grows in southern Russia, the Caucasus, Western Siberia and Central Asia. Scientists identify the following types: Common almonds. It is grown specifically for
  2. Steppe almond (bean) is a low tree up to 1.5 m with pink flowers. During flowering, the plant is light and airy, like a cloud. It is not afraid of drought, hardy, blooms in May. The fruits of this type of almond are not eaten; they are grown only for decorative purposes.
  3. Three-lobed almond. Grows up to a height of two meters. A very beautiful shrub, whose homeland is China, from where it came to Europe. Gardeners prefer to grow a double form of shrub with pink flowers that resemble small roses. The triloba almond blooms for two to three weeks, after which leaves begin to grow. The shrub is extremely beautiful and looks impressive in standard form. Gardeners graft it onto other plants (plums, sloe). It is best to protect the seedling from the north side, then the flowers will bloom first on branches protected from northern winds and cold. The plant is winter hardy and hardy.

These types differ significantly in appearance and taste.

Types of almonds based on amygdalin content

Some scientists classify almonds based on their amygdalin content. This determines the area in which the almonds will be used. This component adds a specific almond flavor to the fruit. There are 3 varieties of the plant:

  • bitter, it has a high concentration of amygdalin but it quickly breaks down into sugar, benzaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide, which are poisonous and dangerous to health; It is undesirable to eat fruits without prior preparation, especially for children; eating ten fruits can cause death in children, fifty – in adults; heat treatment and piercing of fruits lead to the evaporation of hydrogen cyanide, the fruits become safe;
  • sweet almonds have spicy-tasting fruits and low levels of amygdalin; used for frying fish, especially suitable for cooking trout;
  • brittle almonds - seeds with a thin, fragile shell, sweet in taste.

The most popular among confectioners and culinary experts is sweet almond, which is why it is grown for the food industry.

Almonds of the brittle and sweet variety can be eaten

Features of growing almonds

Growing an almond bush is not difficult, but you will have to be patient. Most plant species require moderately fertile, light soil with drainage. The land area should be sufficiently illuminated by the sun. It is recommended to replant the plant after it loses its leaves - in early autumn, but no later than mid-October. Manure (2–3 buckets) and mineral fertilizer (no more than a glass) are added to the prepared pits. The plant is not deepened and is tightly tied to stakes so that it does not break.

It is necessary to weed, loosen the soil in a timely manner, and fight pests and diseases.

In spring, dry branches are removed from the plant, and shoots with faded flowers are trimmed. This will guarantee abundant flowering next spring. Gardeners not only remove dry and damaged branches, but also thin out and shape the crown.

Fertilizer must be applied no more than once a year. It is best to do this in July. Superphosphate is used for feeding; 30 g of fertilizer per plant is enough. As a result, the wood matures faster and more buds with flowers are formed.

Almond pruning: shortening annual shoots, molding pruning of the crown along a given contour and sanitary pruning

Almond propagation rules

Plants are propagated in the following ways:

  • dividing the bush;
  • root shoots;
  • bending branches (layering);
  • cuttings;
  • budding.

Each of the listed methods has its own advantage and is used by gardeners to propagate ornamental shrubs.

Reproduction by root shoots

After pruning the plant, root shoots actively develop. It is best to propagate the bush by shoots a year after its appearance, when the roots become strong. Weak roots may not take root, so it is best to plant them after a year.

Reproduction by layering

For this purpose, flexible branches are used: they are bent to the ground and secured. The appearance of roots on these branches is a long process; it can last more than twelve months. The emerging seedling is very weak at first, so it is not recommended to dig it up immediately after emergence.

It must be left in the ground and allowed to grow stronger; this will take a year. Only after this time has passed, the grown plant is dug up, which will make it possible to obtain a healthy young bush.

Propagation by cuttings

Propagation by green cuttings occurs in July. First they are prepared, then one is left on the surface. The soil should consist of peat and sand (3:2). After rooting, the young plants are transplanted into the schoolhouse so that they grow and become stronger there. Some gardeners cover them with several layers of lutrasil. You can use straw and dry leaves (layer thickness should not exceed 20 cm).

Almond cuttings are harvested in summer


Every gardener knows what budding is. Reproduction by budding is carried out in the second half of summer (July - early August). The highest decorative effect is achieved when grafting into a standard from 140 to 170 cm, and into a half-standard - from 60 to 70 cm. The forcing is budded at a height of half a meter from the base of the rootstock. A young plum (3-4 years old) is universally suitable for a rootstock; gardeners prefer to use its yellow variety for this purpose. The occulant is pruned in the first year of life, which promotes rapid growth of branches. In the second year, the strongest shoots are left, the length of which reaches up to half a meter.

Composition of almonds

The proportion of almond fruit without shell is about fifty percent.

The shell reliably protects the nuts, which are a storehouse of the following substances:

  • carotene;
  • lycopene;
  • carotenoids;
  • calcium.

These vitamins and useful material provide almond seeds with high nutritional value.

Almonds are very nutritious

Application of fruits

The fruits of sweet almonds are used in cooking. Dishes for which almonds are used:

  • macaroons;
  • cream;
  • marzipan;
  • praline;
  • nougat;
  • macarons;
  • chocolate, candy;
  • mineral water, liqueur;
  • almond paste.

Almonds give these products a subtle taste. Amaretto liqueur, made in Italy, is the most famous and widespread drink with a typical almond flavor. Almond shells are used to flavor and improve the color qualities of alcoholic beverages.

Milk made from the fruits of the plant is one of the best substitutes for cow's milk. Vegetarians and believers widely use it as food during fasting, like any other fruit. Almonds are most popular in Indonesian and Chinese cuisine. It is added to a large number of dishes.

Marzipan is prepared using almonds

Benefits of almonds

The high concentration of calcium and vitamins in the fruits of the plant makes them an invaluable medicine for vision problems, low hemoglobin, myalgia, gastritis with high acidity, and stomach ulcers. You need to take 10–15 almonds three times a day for a month.

There are many more known beneficial properties of the fruits of this ornamental shrub:

  • doctors recommend giving seeds to children with delayed physical development;
  • Regular consumption of seeds improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and prevents the development of myocardial infarction;
  • nuts prevent the occurrence of dementia in old age;
  • vitamin E protects blood vessels and prevents the development of cholesterol plaques;
  • the fruits of the plant promote weight loss, because they are able to remove some fats from the human body without allowing them to break down;
  • almond seeds prevent the development cancer cells, because they contain antioxidants;
  • Regular consumption of seeds helps improve sleep;
  • the fruits have a sedative effect;
  • promote the removal of sand and stones in kidney diseases;
  • improve human mental activity;
  • enhance sperm production in males.

10-15 almonds a day will help solve many health problems

Properties of almond oil

Shrub oil is taken for the following diseases:

  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • persistent cough;
  • otitis.

A few drops of almond oil help relieve attacks of tachycardia, relieve inflammation during stomatitis and regulate intestinal function.

The product promotes hair regeneration and growth, therefore it is widely used in cosmetology. The cream, which contains almond oil, makes the skin elastic and healthy.

The plant oil is used in massage rooms; it nourishes the skin and enriches it with vitamins and microelements. Ideal for dry, aging skin, promoting cell regeneration.

Almond is a deciduous tree or shrub belonging to the genus Plum and the Rosaceae family. The shape of a plant depends on its habitat.

Cultivated seedlings usually grow in the form of shrubs, not exceeding a height of 6 m; in the wild, almonds are more often found in the form of trees reaching 10 meters.

The root system of the plant is quite powerful; individual roots are able to penetrate deep into the soil to receive the necessary moisture that protects it from drying out.

Nut or drupe?

The first fruits appear 4-5 years after planting; in general, the tree can bear fruit for up to 50 years.

Many people believe that almonds are a nut, but this is completely wrong.

Ripe almonds resemble a dried plum, only the pericarp is not edible; the contents of the stone are eaten, that is, the edible fruit is a drupe.

Where do almonds grow?

Since the plant is heat-loving, it is grown only in regions with warm and hot climates.

Where does it grow in the world

In the world, a tree or bush can be found in Asia, Iran, Israel, China, Afghanistan, the Himalayas, Turkey and Indonesia. In these countries, almonds are grown on an industrial scale for export.

The plant is also widespread on the Mediterranean coast: Italy, Greece, France, Spain. The tree grows in smaller quantities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Where does it grow in Russia

In Russia, there are large plantations in the Crimea, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, and Transcaucasia.

Despite the fact that the tree is not classified as exotic, middle lane In Russia, the plant is grown more as an ornamental plant than as a fruit-bearing plant.

Under what conditions

The tree grows well and produces abundant harvests on soils enriched with calcium; in the wild it is found on hills, rocky slopes, and ravines.

Almonds grow either in organized plantations or in small plantings. Some varieties of the plant are pollinated only by the wind, and for the ovary to appear, two or more pollinating seedlings must grow next to it.

There are varieties that are pollinated by bees, then beekeeping apiaries are needed nearby. In any case, a plant planted in a single copy will not produce fruit.

How almond blossoms

During the flowering process, the plant looks very elegant and exudes a stunning, slightly sweet aroma.

Depending on the region of growth, flowering times vary.

In the south of Russia, in Asia and Crimea in February-March, in warmer countries - at the end of January.

The flowers look like cherry or plum; the color of the inflorescences depends on the plant variety and can vary from white to bright pink. An interesting fact is that the flowers bloom long before the first leaves emerge from the buds.

In recent decades, breeders have developed several frost-resistant varieties; they practically do not produce fruit, because flowers and inflorescences die due to late spring frosts.

What is the product used for?

Almonds come in three varieties:


They are used directly for food consumption, in the confectionery industry and in folk medicine for the preparation of medicines.


(it got its name from a very fragile bone that is very easy to split) is also used in the preparation of confectionery products.

Bitter almonds

Bitter almonds are used in most cases in the production of perfumes. This type of drupe is not safe to eat because it contains hydrocyanic acid derivatives. As few as 50 nucleoli can lead to fatal outcome adult, healthy person.

Almond nuts are used as raw materials in production mineral water, almond butter and milk, creams and shampoos, some cosmetic products.

From crushed shells, high-quality natural exfoliating scrubs and peeling products are obtained, which are widely used in cosmetology.

In the pharmaceutical industry, shells are used in production activated carbon and other absorbents.

What are the benefits of almonds?

Many people value the nut not only for its exquisite taste and unique aroma; they also prefer it because it can have a beneficial effect on the entire human body.

Thanks to its unique composition, the fruit is used:

  1. as a natural and safe remedy against various cancer diseases;
  2. for quick recovery after prolonged illnesses and surgical interventions;
  3. as a product that slows down the aging process and improves the condition of hair, nails and skin;
  4. as a means to help speed up metabolic processes and get rid of excess weight;
  5. to normalize intestinal function;
  6. at chronic fatigue, depression, insomnia;
  7. for cardiovascular and pulmonary pathologies;
  8. For women, almonds are a fertility booster.

Try these wonderful nuts, you can buy them here.

A very useful nut about which you will soon learn a lot of interesting things from my future articles.