What kind of cocoa is healthy? The benefits of cocoa for the body. What are the health benefits and harms?

In this article we will talk about harms and benefits of cocoa for good health. It should be noted that cocoa and the products that contain it occupy one of the first places in popularity.

Chocolate, chocolate cakes and other confectionery products, all kinds of chocolate bars, sweets, desserts - both adults and children love them.

The products listed above, in addition to cocoa, contain many other substances, not least of which are harmful food additives. "Thanks to" food additives, chocolate is on the list of the most harmful foods! Therefore, read the information on the packaging and choose quality products with minimum quantity additives, or better yet, without them at all. For example, when it comes to chocolate, you should give preference to dark chocolate with a high cocoa content and without flavorings, stabilizers, thickeners, emulsifiers and preservatives.

But let's talk about the properties of cocoa itself, as well as the harms and health benefits of cocoa:

Properties of cocoa.

Cocoa beans contain about 300 substances that have different actions on the human body. Cocoa is known for its ability to improve mood (thanks to the production of serotonin - the “happiness hormone”) and increase performance (thanks to caffeine).

Due to the large number of active substances contained in cocoa, we can talk about both its harm and health benefits. It is worth considering the arguments for and against cocoa.

Harm from cocoa.

Cocoa is harmful due to caffeine content.

The caffeine content in cocoa is small (about 0.2%), but still cannot be ignored, especially when it comes to children consuming cocoa. Caffeine is one of the most controversial products, with many opinions and conflicting studies about its dangers and benefits. You can read about the effects of caffeine on health in the article “The harms and benefits of coffee.”

Harm to cocoa due to unsanitary conditions.

In countries where cocoa beans grow, sanitary conditions are very poor. As a result, products containing cocoa are also far from sanitary.

Damage to cocoa due to cockroaches.

Cockroaches live in cocoa beans, and it is very difficult to get rid of them.

Harm to cocoa due to chemicals.

Cocoa is cultivated in tropical countries around the world on large plantations using large quantities of fertilizers and pesticides. Cocoa is the most heavily pesticide-treated crop in the world!

In addition, industrially produced cocoa beans are subjected to radiological treatment to destroy excessive numbers of pests under plantation cultivation conditions. This cocoa is used to make 99% of all the chocolate in the world!

The harm of chemicals and radiation to health cannot be overestimated.

Harm from cocoa due to allergies.

There is not a single substance in cocoa seeds themselves that could cause allergies. So why are almost all food products containing cocoa allergenic? There are several causes of allergies:

  • Chitin, which is part of the shell of cockroaches. It is this substance that promotes the development of numerous allergic reactions.
  • Chemicals used in cocoa cultivation and processing also cause allergies.

The benefits of cocoa.

The benefits of cocoa for the cardiovascular system.

  • Bioactive compounds in chocolate with a cocoa content of more than 70% reduce platelet aggregation.
  • Cocoa has antioxidant properties that significantly exceed those of orange juice or apples, for example.
  • Cocoa flavanols affect certain metabolic functions, preventing deposits in blood vessels and their damage.
  • According to one long-term study, frequent consumption of cocoa can reduce mortality from cardiovascular disease by 50%.

The benefits of cocoa for the brain.

Cocoa improves blood supply to the brain and reduces arterial pressure.

Benefits of cocoa for skin.

  • Regular consumption of cocoa contributes to the normal functioning of the skin and thereby significantly preserves its youth.
  • Cocoa powder contains melanin, which can protect the skin from ultraviolet and infrared radiation. That is, melanin protects our skin from sunburn and helps avoid overheating.

The benefits of cocoa are due to the high content of beneficial microelements.

  • Cocoa contains vegetable protein, fats, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, organic acids, starch, sugars, and saturated fatty acids.
  • Cocoa contains vitamins (A, E, PP, group B, beta-carotene).
  • Cocoa contains minerals: like calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, fluorine, molybdenum.
  • Cocoa contains more important elements for health than other products. For example, iron and zinc. To fully provide your body with zinc, you can drink a couple of cups of cocoa a week, and eat 2-3 slices of high-quality dark chocolate a day.

The benefits of cocoa for muscle recovery.

Organic cocoa, which has not been subjected to heat treatment, promotes rapid muscle recovery after sports or heavy physical work, due to its diverse composition and high content of various vitamins, minerals and other trace elements.

Is cocoa good or bad?

The harm to cocoa is mainly associated not with the plant itself, but with various impurities contained in cocoa, chocolate and other products, due to poor sanitary conditions when growing cocoa, the presence of cockroaches, chemicals, etc.

The lowest quality variety of cocoa is cocoa from China. Cocoa does not grow in China, but Chinese firms buy substandard rotten cocoa beans all over the world for subsequent deep processing and production of cocoa butter and cocoa powder.

Organic cocoa, grown without the use of pesticides, is very different in better side from plain cocoa.

Only high-quality cocoa beans and products made from them, which do not contain any harmful additives, can be beneficial. And in order for cocoa to retain its beneficial properties to the fullest, it makes sense to abandon its heat treatment.

A drink made from cocoa powder is one of the most popular hot treats. The product became famous for its taste and healing qualities. Cocoa beans are used to produce not only powder, but also chocolate. When consuming the bulk composition, you need to be careful; it is not recommended to abuse the drink. Otherwise, the drug may provoke an allergic reaction.

Process of making cocoa powder

  1. The production of cocoa powder is not particularly difficult. To obtain a bulk composition, the beans are passed through a press, maintaining high temperatures.
  2. After the manipulation, the output is cocoa butter. Next, take the cake and re-grind it into powder. After carrying out simple steps, a complete bulk cocoa composition is obtained.
  3. To make chocolate, cocoa butter, granulated sugar, vanilla powder and many other ingredients are mixed in a common container. The sweet mass is packaged in molds, then the mixture hardens.

The effect of cocoa on the human body

  • reduces the percentage of bad cholesterol;
  • helps cope with chronic fatigue;
  • treats asthma and bronchitis;
  • suppresses the formation of cancer cells;
  • normalizes blood sugar;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • heals brain and heart cells;
  • burns fat layers.

The benefits of cocoa for the body

  1. The beans contain the substance theobromine; the enzyme is considered an analogue of caffeine. Element promotes arousal nervous system, dilates coronary vessels and bronchi. Cocoa powder is also rich in minerals and tannins, proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins.
  2. Since cocoa is the main ingredient for chocolate production, the powder contains happiness hormones (endorphins). Many people know that this particular component helps improve well-being, performance and elevate mood. Endorphins also enhance mental processes.
  3. When consuming cocoa, blood pressure decreases in people suffering from a similar problem. Polyphenols help cope with the disease. For this simple reason, experts strongly recommend that hypertensive patients add cocoa to their daily diet.
  4. Epicachetin contained in cocoa helps prevent heart attacks and strokes. Also, with systematic consumption of the drink, the risk of cancer formation is reduced. Cocoa helps prolong human life.
  5. The aromatic drink suppresses depression. Flavonoids and antioxidants remove harmful enzymes from the body and protect cells from aging and wear. The product is recommended for use by women who have problems with the menstrual cycle.
  6. A drink made from cocoa powder helps in rapid weight loss. The only condition is that it is prohibited to add sugar to the composition. Due to the low calorie content and usefulness of the product, losing extra pounds occurs as comfortably as possible for the body.
  7. Cocoa is recommended for elderly people. Instead of sugar, you need to add fructose to the drink. The composition is often prepared using homemade milk. In this case, the drink will have in its arsenal not only iron and magnesium, but also a high calcium content.
  8. As described earlier, cocoa normalizes blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on brain activity. Taken together, all the usefulness of the product leads to improved memory and mental clarity. In addition, with regular consumption of cocoa, enzymes help protect the skin from exposure to UV rays.

  1. Cocoa can be harmful if consumed in large quantities. Such aspects are determined by the fact that caffeine is present in the bulk composition. It is not recommended to give the product above the prescribed norm to small children and pregnant girls.
  2. Consider such factors before drinking the drink. If you have contraindications for caffeine-containing products, you should limit yourself to such components. Consult a specialist, and only after that decide whether you can consume cocoa.
  3. An important aspect remains that cocoa beans are grown in disadvantaged countries. As a result, the product is kept and processed in unsanitary conditions. These factors have a detrimental effect on beans. It is not uncommon for cockroaches to infest a product during storage.
  4. Getting rid of pests is a labor-intensive process. Bean plantations are also heavily sprayed with pesticides. This plant culture is treated with a large number of chemicals, manipulations are carried out due to the fastidiousness of the plant.
  5. After the beans are harvested, the product is re-processed radiologically. In this way, manufacturers rid the composition of insects and pests. As a result, such processes can have a detrimental effect on human health when consuming cocoa.
  6. Many manufacturers claim that their product undergoes careful and safe processing of beans, which in the future only bring benefits to humans. Unfortunately, not all components are tested. Some entrepreneurs are able to evade such transactions.

Choosing quality cocoa powder

  1. There are 2 types of products on supermarket shelves. The first one needs to be fully brewed, like natural coffee, the second one can be dissolved in hot liquid.
  2. If you want the drink to bring clear benefits to the body, you need to choose an insoluble powder. Also, the product must have a rich Brown color, chocolate aroma.
  3. The mass fraction of cocoa fat should exceed 14-16%. An expired product may have uneven color and lack the classic smell.

Contraindications for drinking cocoa

  1. Cocoa is not recommended for use by young children under three years of age. Also, people suffering from cocoa should use cocoa with caution. diabetes mellitus, diarrhea, atherosclerosis and nervous system problems.
  2. It is not recommended to consume cocoa for people who have kidney disease and gout. Due to the presence of purine compounds in the product, the substance has an adverse effect on some individuals.
  3. Otherwise, the accumulation of uric acid in the body and excess salts in the body will add to kidney disease. bone tissue. It is forbidden to drink a cocoa-based drink for those individuals who have high acidity in the stomach.
  4. Otherwise, you can only aggravate the situation, since the product contributes to the excessive production of stomach secretions. It is also not recommended to drink cocoa for those people who have problems with constipation.
  5. It is forbidden to consume cocoa if a person has any heart disease. The drink has an stimulating effect, which has a detrimental effect on health in case of such ailments. The product is also considered a strong allergen.
  6. Cocoa powder is a product that contains excess caffeine. Drinking the drink in large quantities can lead to frequent urination, irregular heart rhythm and insomnia.
  7. The product has a detrimental effect on the health of people suffering from anxiety disorders and incontinence. Also, if you consume cocoa during breastfeeding, the baby will experience discomfort in the abdominal area.

  1. Cocoa is used quite often in medicine. The product copes with a large number of ailments. Basically, cocoa has proven itself excellent in the treatment of colds.
  2. Cocoa powder eliminates severe cough and phlegm. The product has an expectorant effect. Bronchitis, sore throat, pneumonia and flu are treated with cocoa butter. It is enough to combine the last component with hot milk.
  3. Cocoa butter can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. The composition is recommended for use for a sore throat. As a preventive measure against various viruses, oil is applied to the nasal mucosa. Cocoa powder has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing its functioning.
  4. The product is especially effective if you suffer from cholecystitis or stomach diseases. The drink also cleanses the blood, removing cholesterol. Suppositories based on cocoa butter and propolis are widely used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
  5. You can make the product yourself; the ratio of products is 10:1 (cocoa butter, propolis). Combine the components and distribute into containers of suitable shape. Send the composition to a cool place until it hardens completely.
  6. The course of treatment is about 1 month. The product also copes well with hemorrhoidal cones. Cocoa, together with honey, butter and chicken yolks, can cure stomach ulcers.
  7. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, the course lasts about half a month. The product should be taken in 10-12 g doses. daily 6 times a day. If you have tuberculosis, the disease can be cured in the initial stages.
  8. To prepare the medicine you will need to combine 15 ml. aloe juice (stems must be freshly picked, aged from 3 years) with 100 gr. cocoa powder and 110 gr. butter home production. The components are diluted with 250 ml. whole milk. Take 30-35 ml. means every day 4 times.

If you really intend to improve your health with cocoa, choose a high quality product. The beans must be grown without the use of pesticides or similar chemicals. It is known that low-quality cocoa powder comes from China.

Video: 20 medicinal properties of cocoa

Many people have loved an invigorating brown drink with delicate foam since childhood. Its aroma and sweet taste bring back pleasant memories. Not only children, but also adults enjoy drinking cocoa. This drink appeared in Europe in the 16th century and already became popular then. After all, Europeans liked the invigorating properties of cocoa beans, and by adding sugar and cream to the drink, they made it tasty. It was only in the 19th century that the harm of this product appeared and is still being studied, and many doctors argue whether it can be given to children.

For many years, cocoa was the main drink in all kindergartens and schools. Indeed, it has not only a pleasant taste, but also many other advantages. Cocoa powder is now used to prepare the drink. Its benefits and harms for children are still being studied. But this drink is still very popular.

Benefits of cocoa

Already when cocoa beans appeared in Europe, people noticed their invigorating effect. This product improves body tone, performance and accelerates recovery from illnesses and severe physical activity. The content of biologically active substances in cocoa that stimulates the production of endorphins leads to the fact that it improves mood and is a strong antidepressant. In addition, it not only helps fight stress, but also increases concentration and activates thinking.

The composition of cocoa powder can say a lot about the benefits of this drink. Except

content of proteins, fats, vitamins and microelements in it, scientists have discovered many other useful substances. For example, tryptophan helps in the treatment of depression, theobromine reduces cough and relieves caffeine, improves tone, and antioxidants help rejuvenate the body. Polyphenols normalize blood pressure and reduce it, which helps in the treatment of hypertension.

And that's not all the benefits that cocoa powder brings. Its properties in wound healing, tissue regeneration and increasing skin elasticity contribute to the widespread use of this product in cosmetology. Particularly important is the ability of this drink to protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

But not everyone can consume this product and are being seriously studied. And despite many advantages, an invigorating aromatic drink can cause big problems.

Harm from cocoa

Due to the caffeine content, you should not drink more than two cups of the drink per day, as this can cause overstimulation, anxiety and even addiction. Cocoa powder contains many purines, so it is undesirable to use it if you have kidney disease. In addition, this product often causes allergic reactions. This is due to the fact that during its production, insects are processed together with cocoa beans, which cause allergies in people.

Instant cocoa powder is the most harmful, as it contains many emulsifiers, flavors and other artificial additives. Therefore, you need to buy only natural products from well-known manufacturers.

Cocoa powder is used to prepare many dishes. Its benefits and harms are still known to few, but almost every housewife has this product in her kitchen. It is added to baked goods or porridges. In addition, it is so nice to have a cup of aromatic hot cocoa in the morning.

No confectionery production can do without cocoa powder; every housewife who loves to prepare cakes, muffins and other pastries has it. Beloved by many children, cocoa and hot chocolate are delicious and healthy drinks, for the preparation of which this brown powder is also needed.

In fact, cocoa powder is waste from the production of grated cocoa and butter, which are used to make good varieties and other confectionery products. The cake remaining after pressing the oil is dried and crushed.

Several hundred years ago, cocoa powder was highly valued all over the world and was more expensive than butter. But when Europe learned to make real dark chocolate and appreciated its taste, the situation changed radically. Prices for this product from different manufacturers can vary greatly, this is primarily due to the quality of the raw materials.

This product is an excellent source of vegetable protein; one tablespoon contains 10% of the total protein that the body should receive daily.

Despite previous processing, cocoa powder is not completely devoid of oil; 100 g of product contains an average of 15-18 g of cocoa butter. Ratio of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids it's about the same. The former are a source of energy for the body, and the latter perform a number of functions that ensure normal fat (including cholesterol) metabolism. 100 g of cocoa powder contains approximately 285 kcal.

There are very few carbohydrates in it, which cannot be said about. As a result of processing, all the fiber that is in cocoa beans remains almost completely in powder.

Beneficial features

If you go deeper into chemical composition this product, you can find out that it contains much more microelements than cocoa butter and many other products.

A drink based on cocoa powder is a real find for those who care about the condition of their of cardio-vascular system. In a couple of tablespoons of powder there will be such an amount and that can provide a quarter daily requirement adult.

This product is no less useful for the musculoskeletal system; it is rich in phosphorus and “builders” of bone and joint tissue. Perhaps this is why cocoa is one of the drinks that has “settled” on the menu of kindergartens and schools since Soviet times.

Drinks and dishes with cocoa powder can be recommended as it is very rich in iron. This product is also one of the record holders for the content of copper, manganese, molybdenum and some other valuable microelements. Cocoa powder contains almost all B vitamins, which ensure the functioning of the nervous system. Due to its high dietary fiber content, cocoa powder can also be classified as a product that improves digestion.

Benefits for bronchial asthma

Due to the high content of theobromine, cocoa drink is useful for other diseases respiratory system. This substance has a number of effects necessary to improve the condition of diseases: dilates the bronchi, thins sputum, prevents the development of allergic reactions, improves the contractility of the pectoral muscles and stimulates the respiratory center in the brain.

Benefits for athletes

A drink made from cocoa with milk is good for health.

Cocoa is one of the favorite drinks of athletes not only due to its high protein content. This product helps replenish vitamins, minerals and increase the body's endurance. Particular attention in bodybuilding is paid to such a substance as, which is quite abundant in cocoa powder. This microelement is necessary for the production of male sex hormones, which are responsible for the set muscle mass. The powder is not only diluted in milk, but also added to protein shakes.

Cocoa – natural energy drink

Drink hot chocolate or cocoa better in the morning or during the day, since it contains caffeine and theobromine, and cocoa powder contains even more of these than dark chocolate. These substances are very similar in properties and have a stimulating effect on the body.

Cocoa powder stimulates the nervous system, enhances cardiac activity, has a vasodilating effect and reduces blood viscosity, enhances the removal of fluid from the body. That's why a cup of cocoa will be useful for headaches, for relieving fatigue and drowsiness, increasing efficiency and brain activity. From this point of view, drinking any drinks with cocoa powder at night is not advisable.

The harm of cocoa powder

Allergies to cocoa products are quite common, so not everyone can enjoy hot chocolate and cocoa drinks.

Abuse of this product can lead to digestive disorders, cause excess weight gain and other disorders of fat metabolism.

Channel One, program “Examination of Things. OTK" on the topic "Cocoa powder":

TV channel “TV 6”, program “Household Economics”, episode on the topic “Cocoa”:

Probably each of us is very familiar with the taste of cocoa from childhood. But the benefits of cocoa, as well as the harm, are not known to everyone. Today, cocoa is found in many products: chocolate, candies, baked goods. It is not only used as a drink. Cocoa grains came to us from the territory of modern Mexico. Today, grains are grown in other countries. We are used to seeing cocoa in powder form. And it is very important to choose a quality product to truly get the maximum benefit. And in order to understand the benefits and harms of the product, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of natural high-quality cocoa beans.

Healthful composition of cocoa

As soon as you familiarize yourself with the composition of the product, its benefits will immediately become clear. The grains are rich in many vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The product contains a lot of natural plant protein. Also, the composition contains healthy fats and carbohydrates necessary for the human body. But cocoa is of particular importance due to its high level of dietary fiber, organic and saturated fatty acids. The latter are very difficult to find among our usual diet.

Speaking about vitamins and minerals, it is important to note the following substances:

  • Vitamins B, A, E, PP;
  • Beta-carotene;
  • Magnesium;
  • Sodium;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Zinc;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Iron;
  • Copper;
  • Manganese.

Also, the product contains starch, sugar, sulfur, molybdenum, and chlorine. It is important to remember that whole or chopped fruits are very high in calories. So, 100 grams of cocoa contains up to 300 kcal. And if you cook milk-based powder, the calorie content automatically increases. But, such a unique composition allows the body to quickly get enough and feel full for a long time. Therefore, it is recommended to drink a cup of cocoa for an afternoon snack, but with less sugar. Otherwise, you can harm your figure.

There is much more zinc and iron in cocoa than in other common products. The body needs iron for blood and blood vessels. And zinc is very important in the formation of the reproductive system of young men during puberty. Also, experts say that the drink boasts a sufficient level of melanin, which protects our skin from various types of radiation. In general, looking at all the richness of microelements, we can confidently speak about the undeniable benefits of cocoa.

Useful properties of cocoa

IN beneficial properties ah of the product is worth understanding in more detail. Moreover, there are quite a lot of them. First of all, the benefits of cocoa are observed for people suffering from frequent colds. By consuming cocoa as a drink, you can very quickly restore strength and the entire body as a whole. The drink has an expectorant effect, which means it is useful for severe coughs. So, doctors recommend this product for the following diseases:

  • Flu;
  • ARVI;
  • Angina;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Pneumonia.

To get a truly therapeutic effect in this case, you need to properly prepare the drink. A glass of milk should be heated no more than 40 degrees. Add a couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder and mix thoroughly. It is very useful to use cocoa butter instead of powder. The taste will be unusual, oily, but the positive effect will be obtained much faster.

Cocoa is very useful for the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Due to the high level of potassium content, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. They become more elastic, which means their cross-country ability becomes better. So, people can get rid of hypertension. It is worth noting that cocoa has certain components that prevent platelets from sticking together. This significantly reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Thanks to iron, which is considered a natural antioxidant, blood is cleansed and restored. The benefits of cocoa for the central nervous system deserve special attention. It’s amazing how such a delicious warm drink can quickly lift your mood by increasing your endorphin levels. Regular use of the product can improve brain function, memory, and concentration.

We definitely need to talk about the benefits for the gastrointestinal tract. The same potassium promotes excretion bad cholesterol from the blood, which improves general state person. Along with cholesterol, toxins and waste are also removed. Thus, the functioning of the liver and intestines is completely restored. In case of cirrhosis or chronic hepatitis, the value of cocoa is especially noticeable. High-quality fruits help normalize portal pressure. The product contains substances such as elicatechins. They significantly reduce the risk of the following diseases:

  • Diabetes;
  • Stroke;
  • Heart attack;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Malignant and benign neoplasms.

Benefits of the drink for women

When talking about the benefits of cocoa for women, the first thing that comes to mind is beauty. And cocoa grains have long been used to improve the condition of hair, skin and nails. By regularly consuming cocoa, the skin receives protection from the effects of ultraviolet and infrared radiation. With full functioning of the skin, youth and beauty are preserved. Also, procyanidin is responsible for good skin elasticity. This element is present in cocoa in sufficient quantity.

You should also drink cocoa to improve the quality of your hair. Can stimulate active hair growth a nicotinic acid. Therefore, you can achieve excellent volume of hair in a short period of time. At the same time, cocoa can be used both internally and externally in the form of a conditioner or mask. When used externally, nicotinic acid will also improve blood circulation in the scalp.

What are the benefits of cocoa for men?

For male body High-quality dark chocolate is very healthy. This product is made from cocoa beans. Useful composition allows you to protect a man from strokes and heart attacks, maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system. After all, poor vascular condition leads to erectile dysfunction. Blood simply does not flow to the genitals, which makes it impossible to have full sexual intercourse.

And zinc, which is very abundant in cocoa, has a direct positive effect on potency. The fact is that zinc helps increase sexual desire and libido. In addition, zinc is the main building material of testosterone. Also, the mineral has a beneficial effect on the condition of sperm. Thus, you can significantly increase the number of active motile sperm. Therefore, cocoa can be called an excellent prevention of male infertility.

Is there any harm from cocoa?

Despite such a variety of beneficial properties, there is a group of people for whom cocoa in any form is strictly contraindicated for consumption. So, first of all, it is worth noting allergy sufferers. It is known that cocoa is an allergenic product. And in many cases it is banned throughout life. Otherwise, the patient may experience the following unwanted allergic reactions:

  • Allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis;
  • Attacks of coughing and suffocation;
  • Hives;
  • Itching and burning of the skin;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • Anaphylactic shock.

In this case, the harm of cocoa is obvious. It is very important to remember that in case of allergies, even cosmetic preparations for external use containing cocoa extract are prohibited. Under incorrect storage and growing conditions, cocoa can cause severe food poisoning. It has been established that the poorest quality products come to our supermarkets from China.

  • Sclerosis;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Obesity.

The grains contain a large number of purines. Excess permissible level These components provoke salt deposits on the surface of the joints. Also, under their influence, the accumulation of uric acid can occur. If you follow all the rules and regulations for cocoa consumption, only the benefits and not the harm of cocoa to the body will be observed.