Synopsis of a lesson in social science on the topic "Man and humanity" (grade 6). Man and humanity. presentation for a lesson in social studies (grade 6) on the topic Presentation on the topic of humanity and humanism

Social studies, 6th grade

Lesson #28-29

Man and humanity

D.Z.: § 12, ?? (p.104),

assignments (p.104)

© A.I. Kolmakov

Lesson Objectives

  • Update the necessary knowledge of students from the course of social science.
  • Lead to understanding what a humane society is.
  • Continue building skills analyze additional sources, independently draw conclusions.
  • Develop research interest to social science.
  • Bring up sense of humanity.

Universal learning activities

  • Disclose on examples of the meaning of the concept of "humanity".
  • give an assessment from the position of humanism to the specific actions of people described in the media and other information sources.

Concepts, terms

  • humanism;
  • moral commandments;
  • humanity;
  • care;
  • respectable age

Learning new material

  • Humanity.
  • Humanism is respect and love for people.
  • Attention to those who need support.

Actualization of the problem

  • Remember! Who is called a person? What distinguishes man from other living beings?

Let's discuss together!

  • Why can't all human actions be called humane?

Remember! Who were called humanists?

Renaissance thinkers were called humanists for their interest in man, faith in his abilities and talents.

Respecting and appreciating each person as oneself, it is impossible to harm others.

True humanism presupposes the responsibility of man for his deeds.

1. Humanism - respect and love for people

A certain system of views, in which the responsibility for the future lies with everyone ...

The principle of behavior: respecting yourself, appreciate others.



a certain system of views, for which a person, his freedoms and rights are recognized as the highest value

a historically developing system of views that recognizes the value of a person, his right to freedom, happiness, development and manifestation of his abilities, considering the good of a person as a criterion for assessing the justice of society.

the principle of behavior that a person follows in his activity

A man lived in the world

/textbook, p. 101/

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky(real name - Nikolai Vasilievich Korneichukov), (1882-1969) - Russian Soviet poet,

publicist, literary critic, translator and literary critic, children's writer, journalist. Father of the writers Nikolai Korneevich Chukovsky and Lydia Korneevna Chukovskaya.

  • What is the humanistic nature of the author's activity and life position of K.I. Chukovsky?
  • How did the author help people to comprehend the world?
  • Why, according to the writer, did he have a happy old age?

2. Show attention to old people

/textbook, pp. 102-103/

Prosperous old age depends not only on the person himself. So that the elderly do not feel unnecessary and lonely, they need help, show signs of attention, take care of them.

Communication between old people and young people

mutual understanding and sympathy

extend the life of the elderly

support them well


Don't forget Mothers!

They mourn in separation.

And for them it is worse than boredom -

The silence of their own children.

Don't forget Mothers!

They are not to blame for anything.

As before their hearts are embraced

Anxiety for your children.

Write letters to mothers!

Give them a call!

They are so happy for you.

To any of your bows.

Don't forget Mothers!

After all, there is no reason for silence.

And deeper every day wrinkles

From the indifference of children.

Amid the bustle and idle days

Hear, Lord and Ladies:

Your mother's heart hurts.

Don't forget Mothers!

Write letters to mothers!

Give them a call!

They are so happy for you.

To any of your bows.

Picture gallery

V. M. Maksimov

"All in the past"

What would you change in the plot of the picture if it were your loved ones?

  • Why did the artist name the painting that way?
  • Can the old age of these people be called joyful, happy?

venerable age

Try to imagine:

How much have you done in your life?

our old people (worked, raised children, grandchildren, survived the war);

How much have you invested in your children?

For them to grow

educated, smart,

worthy people!

The moral activity of the individual begins with concern for others. Every person should have a need for good deeds. Then respect for the individual develops into humanity, becomes not only the norm, but also the rule of conduct.

Be a worthy citizen of Russia!

check yourself

  • What is humanity?
  • Give me your definition of humanism.
  • Why is it necessary to take care of the weak, the elderly?


  • What have you learned?
  • How?
  • What have you learned?
  • What difficulties did you experience?
  • Was the lesson interesting?

check yourself

check yourself

check yourself

Plan item 2
Plan item 3
Plan item 4
"May you have a good mind,
and the heart will be smart.
S. Marshak
Plan item 5

Lesson Objectives

1. Update the necessary knowledge
students from the course of social studies.
2. Lead to an understanding of what is
humane society.
3. Continue building skills
analyze additional
sources, do it yourself
4. Develop research interest in
social science.
5. Cultivate a sense of humanity.

Universal learning activities

Explain meaning with examples
concept of "humanity".
Evaluate from a humanist standpoint
specific actions of people
described in the media and other
information sources.
On examples of specific situations
assess attention to
those in need of it.

Concepts, terms

moral commandments;
respectable age

Learning new material

1. Humanity.
2. Humanism - respect and
love for people.
3. Attention to those who
needs support.

Actualization of the problem

Who is called a person?
What distinguishes a person from
other living beings?
Let's discuss together!
Why not all actions
a person can be called

Item of the plan
Explanatory Dictionary of D. N. Ushakov
Item of the plan
- humanity,
to those around you."

"Humanity -
Item of the plan
Item of the plan
it is a system of moral and social attitudes, involving
need to show empathy for people
help, non-infliction

Remember! Who were called humanists?
called humanists
thinkers of the era
Renaissance for them
interest in a person
faith in him
opportunities and
Respecting and appreciating everyone
man as himself
yourself, impossible
do evil
True humanism
a responsibility
person for their

1. Humanism - respect and love for people
Defined system
views in which
responsibility for
the future lies with
behavior: respectful
yourself, appreciate others.
belief system,
for which
man, his
freedoms and rights
principle of conduct
man follows in his
developing system
outlook, recognizing
value of a person
the right to freedom, happiness,
development and manifestation
their abilities,
considering the good of man
evaluation criterion
justice of society.

to whom the person
follows in its
Item of the plan
Item of the plan
belief system,
person, his
life, freedom and

A man lived in the world
/textbook, p. 101/
Korney Ivanovich
Chukovsky (real name -
Nikolay Vasilievich
Korneichukov), (1882-1969) Russian Soviet poet,
publicist, literary
critic, translator and
literary critic, children's
writer, journalist. Father
writers Nicholas
Korneevich Chukovsky and
Lydia Korneevna
What is the humanistic nature of the author's activity and
life position of K.I. Chukovsky?
How did the author help people to comprehend the world?
Why, according to the writer, did he get lucky
old age?

What periods is divided into
human life?

2. Show attention to old people
/textbook, pp. 102-103/
Prosperous old age
depends not only on
the person himself.
So that old people don't
unnecessary and
lonely, they need
help, show
attention signs,
to care about them.
Communication with old people
mutual understanding and
extend the old people
life and
support them

Don't forget Mothers!
They mourn in separation.
And for them it is worse than boredom -
The silence of their own children.
Don't forget Mothers!
They are not to blame for anything.
As before their hearts are embraced
Anxiety for your children.
Write letters to mothers!
Give them a call!
They are so happy for you.
To any of your bows.
Don't forget Mothers!
After all, there is no reason for silence.
And deeper every day wrinkles
From the indifference of children.
Amid the bustle and idle days
Hear, Lord and Ladies:
Your mother's heart hurts.
Don't forget Mothers!
Write letters to mothers!
Give them a call!
They are so happy for you.
To any of your bows.

Picture gallery
V. M. Maksimov
"All in the past"
What would you
changed to
pictures, if
would it be
your loved ones?
Why did the artist name the painting that way?
Can the old age of these people be called
joyful, happy?

Plan item 2
Plan item 3
Plan item 4
Plan item 5
1.How do you
help your
2. What about them
are you talking?
3. What did you learn about and why
learned from them?
4. What kind of experience would you like
to adopt?

venerable age
Try to imagine:
How much have you done in your life?
our old people (worked, raised
children, grandchildren, survived the war);
How much have you invested in your children?
For them to grow
educated, smart,
worthy people!
They took care of you
share your attention and
care for them!
Starts with caring for others
moral activity
personality. Every person
there must be a need for
good deeds. Then
respect for the individual
man develops into
humanity becomes
only the norm, but also the rule
Be a worthy citizen

With this lesson, we complete the course "Social Studies" of the 6th grade. During the lesson, we will talk about what humanism is, what values ​​are humanistic. We will also consider the question of what kind of society can be considered humane, what is accepted in this society. On specific historical examples, we will consider how you can use humanistic ideals in your life.

Theme: Virtues

Word "humanism" has in its composition the root homo, which in Latin means "man". The word is not of Russian origin, but at the same time, we are well aware that if we are talking about humanity This means that we assume some set of feelings, qualities and reactions of a person to a particular situation. You are human when you treat this situation from the point of view of goodness, justice and do not succumb to feelings of the opposite. A humane person does not try to offend anyone or infringe on his or someone else's human dignity, because if the situation develops in such a way that you offended someone, then you acted inhumanely.

In this way, humanism- this is a worldview, in the center of which is the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bman as the highest value. Humanism affirms the value of a person as a person, his right to freedom, happiness, development, manifestation of his abilities. Everything that guarantees our freedom, our rights, can be considered humane or humanistic. It is clear that in this case it is difficult to give a clear and rigid definition, because human values ​​are constantly changing. What was normal and accepted 200-300 years ago may now be an anachronism, which can sometimes interfere with a person and be inhumane. But if some values ​​correspond to the current views of a person on the world around him, if these values ​​help human life, help to maintain social organization and an individual approach to each person, then, of course, these are humanistic values.

Humanism is somewhat similar to the concepts of morality and ethics, they are partially combined with each other, because the golden rule of morality meets the standards of a humane society. Humane Society It is a society that values ​​the individual. This is a society that cares about those people who need help, and cares sincerely, and not as a handout. Help in our society is needed, first of all, by the elderly, as they have lived most of their lives, physically and morally tired. Such people need care and attention from others. If you smile at older people, if you treat them with care and understanding, help them with elementary things, then you simply prolong their life. You make them healthier, including physically. This is humane treatment of people.

Rice. 3. Elderly people need our care ()

Also, our help is needed by people with poor health, including sometimes our humane attitude can be manifested in not treating people with disabilities as disabled. In general, the word "disabled" has a negative connotation and can greatly injure others, as if we are declaring in this way that this person is flawed. Most people with disabilities struggle against the public's perception that they are handicapped. They, too, can live, albeit partially, a normal human life, and this is what you need to concentrate on.

Humanism, of course, has not appeared now, it is not an invention of the 20th or 21st century. People have long thought about the nature of humanity, the human relationship to oneself and others. Many philosophers and scientists have created their own advice and concepts of how a person should behave. The great Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy put forward the whole concept of non-resistance to evil by violence. This is a kind of symbol of humanism, because if a person does not respond to evil with evil, then perhaps the next manifestation of evil simply will not happen. It is impossible to endlessly offend a person who does not resist you, who does not want to harm you. This seeming weakness is actually an outstanding strength, the strength of man.

Of course, you may object that this cannot be the case. After all, if I am beaten, offended, insulted, I must defend myself, and not silently endure violence. After all, this is biblical truth: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. But it doesn't always turn out absolute truth. To convince you, it is enough to give an example of such a person as Mahatma Gandhi. This is the leader of the movement of non-cooperation with the British colonial troops and the British administration in India. Mahatma Gandhi was able, without any armed uprising, without blood and carnage, in fact, to squeeze the British out of India. After that, India became a sovereign state. He was the greatest humanist of the 20th century, who proved with his life that non-resistance to evil by violence works.

It is also impossible not to mention in our conversation the name of such a great English humanist as Thomas More. In 1515-1516, Thomas More wrote his most famous work, Utopia. Over time, the very word “utopia” became a household word and turned into a designation for something beautiful, but completely unreal. Thomas More really described an ideal unique state, all citizens of which are free. The inhabitants of Utopia chose their own rulers and officials. There were no taxes, no money, no private property, not even hard physical labor. All the citizens of Utopia worked only a few hours a day and then enjoyed learning the sciences and arts. Mor did not just preach humanism, he really was a highly humane moral person, ready to defend his convictions to the end.

Humanism is the greatest concept. Our human relationship to each other is an inevitable consequence of the development of civilization. If we want to remain human, we must become human. We must treat others the way we would like them to treat us.

Surely now you know the United States as a democratic country with a developed social system that fights for human rights. In this country there is a place for independent public opinion. The current President of the United States is African-American Barack Obama.

But even some 60 years ago, the United States of America was completely different. Yes, the same Constitution of 1787, which guaranteed the rights and freedoms of Americans, was in force on the territory of the United States. But at the same time, in the United States, there was such a phenomenon as segregation, or racial division. In the middle of the 19th century after civil war slavery was abolished in the USA, and Americans were very proud that they themselves were able to overcome such a shameful relic of the past. But they did not get rid of the fact that the attitude of white people towards African Americans was derogatory. White people - the Yankees - were the backbone of American society; all those who were people of a different skin color, primarily African Americans, were left out of public life. There were special black quarters for them. African Americans were not allowed to enter bars or any public places for white people, even public transport that transported whites. In no case could Negroes study in those educational institutions where white children and youths studied. In higher educational institutions, access to blacks was practically closed.

It is clear that democracy could not exist within the framework of such a society, this is absurd. If one part of the population of the state is in fact oppressed, there can be no talk of democracy. At this time, an absolutely amazing person appeared in the USA, a humanist, who also proved with his life that one cannot resist evil with violence, but one must fight evil according to human principles. This man's name was Dr. Martin Luther King. King was a Baptist minister, a very popular religious sect in the US, especially among African Americans. First of all, this man was a public figure. He fought to ensure that the rights of African Americans were equated with the rights of the white population. The most famous speech of Martin Luther King, which he read to a huge audience (about 300 thousand Americans listened to him at that moment). This speech was called “I have a dream”, Martin Luther King said that people should live in peace and harmony. People should solve all their conflicts with the help of words, not physical force. But the most important thing that King dreamed about was the absence of differences between Americans in terms of skin color, eye shape, language, and other racial and national characteristics.

Dr. Martin Luther King received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. The world appreciated the activity of a person who tried to change a country that was not the most favorable for life at that time. Ultimately, in 1968, King was killed, shot dead by one of the people who were ardent fans of segregation. But his death was not in vain, it was a symbol of the abolition of segregation. Indeed, the United States soon got rid of this shameful social system. Now in America it is a shame to call a person a Negro. This is considered an insult, the word "African American" is considered polite. All people, regardless of skin color, are equal, and this is the highest essence of humanism.

1. Vinogradova N.F., Gorodetskaya N.I., Ivanova L.F. and others / Ed. Bogolyubova L.N., Ivanova L.F. Social science grade 6. - Enlightenment, 2004.

2. Kravchenko A.I., Pevtsova E.A., Social science: A textbook for the 6th grade of educational institutions. - 12th ed. - M .: LLC "TID "Russian Word - RS", 2009. - 184 p.

3. Barabanov V.V., Nasonova I.P. / Ed. Bordovsky G.A. Social science grade 6, 2007.

4. Nikitin A.F., Nikitina T.I. Social science. 6th grade. - Bustard, 2013.

1. Russian humanistic society ().

2. Morality and society. Social ethics ().

3. Racial segregation in America. The history of one victory ().

1. Complete the task “Test yourself” on page 212. Textbook: Vinogradova N.F., Gorodetskaya N.I., Ivanova L.F. and others / Ed. Bogolyubova L.N., Ivanova L.F. Social science grade 6. - Enlightenment, 2004.

2. How do you understand the expression "humane society"? What principles does it follow?

3.* Surely you have met humane, admirable people in your life. Write an essay on the topic "My Hero".

Slides captions:

To do good and evil is always in the power of all people. But evil is done without difficulty, It is more difficult to do good.
What is a person? How does a person differ from other living beings? And how does a person relate to what surrounds him?
Human qualitiesPositiveNegative
The origin of the concept of "humanism" Is it easy to be humane Humane society
(from the Latin homo - man) - philanthropy, respect for man
Erasmus of Rotterdam
Thomas More
Francois Rabelais
William Shakespeare
Rafael Santi
Leonardo da Vinci
V. Dahl, D. London, Schweitzer, Carneil, Solzhenitsyn, Dostoevsky, Pascal, Gorky, Ozhegov, Kon
responsibility of a person for his deeds and actions
Being kind is not at all easy, Kindness does not depend on growth, Kindness does not depend on color, Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.
this is a fair society, in which the main thing is a person, his good
What is "humanism"? What does it mean to be a humane person? What kind of society is called humane?
A humane society is a fair society in which the main thing is a person, his benevolent humanism is the responsibility of a person for his deeds and actions.
Be able to overcome obstacles And pain, and illusory success. Live without demanding a reward For your deed for the sake of everyone. The world is still saddened by a cold, Subtly, misfortune strikes, You must be needed by someone - Always - like bread or water ...
tolerance (French) - an attitude in which it is allowed that others may think or act differently from yourself; tolerance (English) - willingness to be tolerant, condescension; tolerance (Russian) - the ability to tolerate something or someone, to be self-possessed, hardy, persistent, be able to put up with the existence of something, someone, reckon with the opinions of others, be indulgent.
What is tolerance?
Tolerance is friendship.
Tolerance is mercy.
Tolerance is compassion.
Tolerance is respect.
Tolerance is the kindness of the soul.
Tolerance is patience.
Flower of Tolerance
"Say a kind word to me"

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