Is it easy to switch to electronic cigarettes. Switching to electronic cigarettes. Pros and cons. The terrible consequences of nicotine

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  • Sore throat, dryness. By inhaling propylene glycol, which is a humectant, the moisture that wets the oral mucosa is evaporated. At times, after sleeping, you may experience an unpleasant sore throat for the same reasons. Remedy: drink plenty of fluids, gargle with a special liquid, drink a glass and more water before going to bed. Drinking a liquid with honey helps well, it keeps moisture in the throat and mouth.
  • The appearance of acne. There is a category of people who are literally “sprinkled” after giving up tobacco in favor of electronic cigarettes. This suggests that the body is tuned to new mode work and thus removes toxins. This often happens when you stop smoking altogether.
  • lethargy, headache, nausea. Such annoyances are nothing more than symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. In the case when you sharply reduce the dose of nicotine, there are so-called symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. Fortunately, they usually pass after a few days, a maximum of a week.
  • Cramps, muscle pain. It happens that when switching to e-Sigs there are unpleasant pains in the muscles. This is due to an excess of lactic acid, into which propylene glycol is converted. There is no need to be afraid, this substance is produced in the human body and naturally, for example, during training in the gym. An increase in fluid intake will help solve the problem. By the way, those who use liquids based on glycerin do not suffer from such a problem.
  • Diarrhea. The problem is exclusively those who develop intolerance to propylene glycol. To eliminate this trouble, you should switch to e-liquid, which is based on glycerin.
  • Excessive sweating at night. This is another symptom in people who are allergic to pylene glycol. Most often, in order to rule out problems associated with propylene glycol intolerance, these people prepare the liquid themselves.
  • Cough. This is perhaps the most common problem among smokers. Whether you are switching to vaping or quitting altogether, coughing clears the body of toxins such as tar. In people who have switched to vaping, a cough can occur both the next day and a week or more later. The duration of the cough is also individual: for someone it goes away in the first week, for someone - after a month.
  • Heartburn. Another symptom of the restructuring of the body. Disappears on its own in about a few weeks.
  • Hiccup. Common among smokers and those who otherwise use tobacco (chewing tobacco). The cause of this phenomenon when smoking is believed to be the ingress of smoke from cigarettes into the stomach. As you know, part of it enters the lungs, the other part into the stomach. The last one causes hiccups.
  • Ulcers in the mouth. Many people go through this. On average, two out of five people develop ulcers in oral cavity. It's all about nicotine, which remains in the mouth and affects healthy tissues, causing pain. Get into the habit of rinsing your mouth with plain water every time you smoke an e-cigarette. It will wash away excess nicotine.
  • Dizziness, rapid pulse, slurred speech. Such symptoms occur in case of nicotine overdose. Often novice vapers, overestimating the nicotine content in conventional cigarettes, underestimate its content in e-liquids. This usually happens at the beginning. The most common symptoms are palpitations and dizziness. However, there are times when a person's speech deteriorates and becomes slurred. Solution: reduce the nicotine content in the cartridges or smoke less often. It happens that these measures do not help. Then the replacement of PG with VG saves.

But not all the moments that arise after the transition to electronic smoking are negative. Let us give examples of what changes in health occur in a person for the better.

  • Breathing becomes clear and deep. The body, being cleansed of toxins, begins to breathe much deeper. Sometimes the influx of oxygen affects a person in such a way that he even begins to feel dizzy. Fortunately, it passes quickly.
  • The sinuses are cleared - it's great! The annoying shortness of breath disappears, the sense of smell is aggravated. The world appears on the other side - you again feel the smells to the fullest!
  • Goodbye morning cough! Cough in the morning just disappears, and it gets much better.
  • No tobacco smell. suffocating smell tobacco smoke will no longer touch your hands, hair and clothes. Your home will no longer smell bad.

Avid fans of electronic cigarettes are convinced that there is nothing hazardous to health in their hobby. This belief is also held by former heavy smokers who switched to vaping in order to part with a cigarette. Vapers explain this confidence by the fact that when using ES, human lungs are protected from the ingress of carcinogenic resins and pure nicotine, overflowing with the poisons of tobacco smoke.

But many vape fans in the process of using a smoking gadget begin to complain of pain in the throat. Some vapers do not pay attention to such alarm signals that the body sends them. And they don’t even suspect that the consequences of smoking electronic cigarettes can sometimes visit a person in an extremely negative way.

There are quite a few reasons why a sore throat after vaping and you should know them.

Modern doctors cannot give a definite answer whether the use of electronic cigarettes is harmful to the human body. This hobby is still quite young to understand its potential harm.

The first devices for vaping saw the light in 2003 thanks to the efforts of a Chinese pharmacist - the creator of a smoking gadget.

But the fact that a sore throat from an electronic cigarette already indicates that fashion is not one hundred percent safe. Although it is worth dwelling on the clear advantages of ES in comparison with a regular cigarette:

  1. The body of a vaper does not receive as many toxic carcinogens and poisons when vaping as a regular smoker.
  2. Nor will there be the infamous smoker's cough. Moreover, vaping after using cigarettes restores lost taste sensations and revives the sense of smell.
  3. Vaping is much safer than inhaling carcinogenic tobacco smoke. Also, the bather will not encounter an unpleasant cigarette smell from hair, clothes, yellow teeth and skin.
  4. The nicotine found in e-liquid is safer than that found in cigarettes. The fact is that the nicotine additive included in the liquid is not pure nicotine, but is a chemical compound that does not contain harmful additives.

Some experts say that the vaping device contains only one substance that is dangerous for the body - nicotine. While the cigarette has a poisonous "reserve" in more than 4,000 items. But is this true?

The principle of operation of an electronic cigarette

"Safety" of e-liquid

Confidence in the complete harmlessness of a smoking device is a rather serious delusion. The e-liquid used for vaping contains compounds that, upon closer examination, cannot be called 100% safe.

According to doctors, the consequences of an electronic cigarette can be quite sad. Why are well-known manufacturers of smoking gadgets silent about the fact that:

  1. A long period of passion for vaping can provoke various cell mutations at the gene level. By the way, these cellular changes tend to progress and are passed on to the next generations.
  2. Vaping does not relieve the smoker of cravings for cigarettes. Vapersvto is the same addiction, but for a different occupation. And switching to a smoking gadget is just a substitution of one addiction for another.
  3. Nicotine in any form is a narcotic toxic substance. And the admonition of many EC manufacturers that their nicotine and flavored supplements are specially filtered can be compared to the praise that their poison is especially pure and filtered.

So what kind of troubles should be expected as a result of long-term use of the vape? The most common complaint of bathers is problems related to the condition of the larynx. Many ES lovers talk about various unpleasant sensations: pain, itching, throat irritation. The explanation for such a nuisance can be searched for in the composition of e-liquid.

Nicotine Supplement

Many inexperienced beginners who decide to give up smoking with the help of ES choose a vaping supplement for themselves based on the usual strength of their favorite cigarettes. And they make a mistake, which provokes unpleasant, and sometimes painful manifestations in the throat.

Nicotine additive is considered the most dangerous in the composition of e-liquid

The strength characteristics of e-liquid and those of conventional cigarettes are not the same. In order to correctly select a suitable liquid for your strength, you should know some rules.

In the event that a person was a smoker before using ES, the ideal option for such persons would be to use a nicotine-free batch. In other cases, the following conditions must be met:

  1. If the main task of the vaper is based on the complete cessation of smoking, it is better to take a batch with a strength of 6-8 mg / ml.
  2. If ex-smokers prefer light cigarettes, a mixture with 11-12 mg/mL of nicotine is suitable for them.
  3. In the case of using medium-strength cigarettes, it is better to choose a batch with a strength of 16-18 mg / ml.
  4. If you smoked regularly and more than a pack per day, then the batch should be selected with a nicotine supplement of 22-24 mg / ml.

By the way, the highest level of nicotine content in e-liquid for vapers is about 36 mg/ml. But, of course, such strong batches are not used in their pure form. They are designed to dilute weak formulations with them.

propylene glycol and glycerin

These additives are important ingredients in e-liquid for good vaping. They are considered safe for human health and, in theory, should not provoke discomfort. But still, unpleasant symptoms occur. Sometimes vapers notice how acne appears from electronic cigarettes; for health, this can be dangerous for the development of persistent allergies.

Propylene glycol and glycerin can also be harmful to health, especially in those prone to allergies.

According to doctors, propylene glycol can cause allergic reactions. It is a dihydric alcohol compound with a characteristic, sweet aftertaste.

By the way, in people prone to allergic reactions, propylene glycol can also cause unpleasant symptoms in the throat. In addition to acne and perspiration, allergy from kneading is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • prolonged hiccups;
  • soreness in the muscles;
  • severe dry cough;
  • trembling (tremor) of the limbs;
  • indigestion (diarrhea);
  • redness on the skin (urticaria);
  • increased sweating, especially during sleep;
  • aphthous stomatitis (a pathology that passes with the formation of ulcers and erosive manifestations on the oral mucosa).

An important sign of an allergic reaction to glycerin and propylene glycol is a feeling of dryness of the oral mucosa. If this happens, you will have to abandon the "soaring" hobby and find yourself a more worthy hobby.

Aromatic additives

It is worth clarifying here that such additives, even if the manufacturers claim that they are natural and of good quality, can provoke a number of unpleasant symptoms. Flavoring additives used in electronic cigarettes are of the following types:

  1. With tobacco aroma. Such batches are as close as possible to the sensations during ordinary smoking. By the way, premium liquids have the most pronounced taste and aroma sensations. They are also the strongest in terms of nicotine concentration.
  2. Fruit. These batches are preferred by more women. Fragrant, bright taste, sweet or sour, the fair sex really likes it. In some high-quality batches, several flavor inclusions can be intertwined at once.
  3. Refreshing. The main flavors used here are vanilla, coconut, mint and lime. Some of these liquids produce a rich and highly aromatic vapor.
  4. Sweet. Created specifically for vapers who cannot imagine their lives without chocolate, caramel, honey, marshmallows, cream, vanilla and other sweet culinary delights.
  5. Unusual. Vaping knead manufacturers delight vapers with various unusual flavors. How do you like the taste of dill, fresh cucumber, herbs and even citrus absinthe?

Confused by such an abundance of various taste sensations, a vaper novice can make mistakes. Experienced vapers recommend using tobacco compositions of an acceptable strength at the beginning of mastering the mod. Such batches are more familiar and the chances that they will provoke unpleasant symptoms are minimal.

For beginner vapers, it is better to use tobacco additives at first.

But it is better to switch to other types of liquid when the art of soaring has already become familiar. By the way, you should never save on aroma fluids. In pursuit of cheapness, there is a high risk of acquiring low-quality aromas filled with harmful chemicals. Such liquids will cause not only severe allergic reactions and sore throats, but also a number of more dangerous complications.

Difficult adaptation period

It is always very difficult for a smoker with many years of experience to adjust and safely switch from smoking to vaping. It takes some time for the body to master the new hobby of the owner. Therefore, at the beginning of using the mod, a person may feel some not entirely pleasant adaptation symptoms.

All negative manifestations indicate that the smoker's body began to cleanse itself and fight the consequences of smoking. The longer the cigarette experience, the brighter these signs will appear.

sore throat

And not just painful sensations when swallowing. In the initial stages of vaping, a former cigarette lover will sometimes have to deal with:

  • dry cough;
  • strong perspiration;
  • sensation of a lump in the throat.

You don't have to worry or worry too much about it. These symptoms are just a sign of cleansing the body of the remnants of tobacco addiction. They usually go away on their own after 2-3 weeks.

According to many experts, electronic cigarettes are not so harmless to health.

Somatic problems

Such manifestations can haunt a former smoker for 2-3 days after switching to vaping. These are the following manifestations:

  • severe dizziness;
  • migraines of varying intensity;
  • nausea, and sometimes even vomiting;
  • daytime sleepiness and nocturnal insomnia.

Allergy Signs

This symptomatology is also evidence of ongoing cleansing of the body.. After all, the internal systems of an experienced smoker are literally crammed with various harmful substances. Therefore, at the beginning of soaring, a person may encounter:

  • heartburn;
  • diarrhea
  • acne rashes;
  • skin itching and redness.

These symptoms will disappear without a trace after 1.5-2 weeks, and the vaper will feel a significant improvement in his condition. But, if the negative symptoms continue for too long, you will have to give up vaping and undergo a full course of medical examination.

Ideally, it is better not to use electronic cigarettes at all. After all, these devices can even cripple their owner. They explode too often in human hands. And the consequences of the explosion of an electronic cigarette are simply terrible - from lacerated facial wounds and severe burns to concussion and damage to the cervical vertebrae.

Consequences of an electronic cigarette explosion

You should use a smoking gadget very skillfully, know how to properly charge the ES, care for and clean it. Well, in order to prevent severe sore throat, arm yourself with some useful tips:

  1. Find the perfect e-liquid that's right for you. Try different mix combinations. If glycerin or propylene glycol becomes an irritant, buy liquids where they are not.
  2. By the way, aroma additives from different manufacturers differ significantly from each other, even having the same tastes. Emphasis should be placed on this when choosing "your" slurry.
  3. Pay attention if during the soaring process, in addition to unpleasant sensations, the steamer will experience unexpected bitterness of steam or unusual aftertastes. This can happen when the gadget is contaminated and bad job battery. Don't forget to check the fluid level in the cartridge.
  4. In the process of getting used to vaping, gargle with a soft chamomile decoction, consume more liquid and preferably fortified.

And always carefully listen to the signals of your own body. Perhaps vaping is not what you need in the hobby. Remember that health can be easily lost, but sometimes it can be very difficult to restore.

The most important positive points from switching to e-cigarettes:

  • First, most often the symptoms disappear after about a week. Headaches go away on their own, and it is very easy to deal with pain and dryness in the throat;
  • Secondly, the sinuses are cleared, which helps to improve the sense of smell and the disappearance of shortness of breath. You will begin to notice subtle odors that you weren't able to smell when you smoked. But there is also a drawback, because you will begin to notice those smells that it would be better not to notice;
  • Thirdly, the "morning cough" simply disappears. Naturally, this will take some time;
  • Fourth, your breathing will be clear and deep as your body is ridding itself of toxins. Dizziness is often noted due to increased oxygen consumption. This is especially true if you have been smoking for a very long time. Therefore, even positive changes can cause discomfort;
  • Fifth, when using an electronic cigarette, the suffocating smell of smoke disappears from hair and clothes, in the car and at home.

But in fairness, it is worth noting that when switching to the use of electronic cigarettes (RARE!) The following consequences are also possible:

  • Sore throat and dryness. Some e-liquids contain propylene glycol (PG) as a humectant. When inhaled, it settles on the back of the throat, contributing to the active evaporation of moisture, which wets the mucous membrane. For this reason, after sleep, pain in the throat may be felt. In this case, the following may help: drink a glass of water before bed and drink more fluids throughout the day, use mouthwashes, suck on hard candies, and drink fluids with honey. All this contributes to the retention of moisture in the throat and mouth;
  • The appearance of acne. Many note that when switching to electronic cigarettes, acne appears on the face. Thus, the body gets rid of toxins. If you simply give up cigarettes, the symptoms will be similar;
  • hiccup. This phenomenon is very common among smokers and lovers of chewing tobacco. It is due to the absorption of nicotine by the gastric mucosa. Hiccups are rare among pipe and cigar drinkers, as the smoke is not inhaled or swallowed by them. When smoke is inhaled, part of it enters the stomach. And the nicotine in smoke is what causes hiccups;
  • Lethargy, nausea, headaches. These are classic symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. When using electronic cigarettes, a smaller dose of nicotine enters the body, which causes these symptoms. Nicotine withdrawal lasts an average of a week;
  • Muscle cramps and pain. These symptoms may not occur in everyone. They are due to the presence of propylene glycol, which is a component of most liquids and cartridges for electronic cigarettes. When broken down in the body, it turns into lactic acid. The same process can be observed after intensive training. Lactic acid needs to be removed from the body, for which sometimes it is enough to increase the daily intake of fluid consumed. An alternative is to use liquids based on glycerin (VG);
  • night sweats. Rarely, but still, some people who have switched to electronic cigarettes complain of profuse night sweats. In most cases, this is caused by an individual intolerance or allergy to propylene glycol. The way out is to use commercial liquids based on glycerol. You can also cook them yourself;
  • Diarrhea. This symptom is also common among those who have an individual intolerance to propylene glycol. The way out of this situation is similar - the transition to the use of liquids based on glycerin;
  • Cough. This problem is typical for those who quit smoking or switch to the use of electronic cigarettes. The intensity of the cough and its duration will depend on how many cigarettes per day you smoked and smoke even when switching to vaping. Even if you don't plan to use e-cigarettes, you will still have a cough. In this way, the body cleanses the body of toxic substances that you consumed with regular cigarettes, such as tar. Cough may appear some time after switching to electronic cigarettes, and in some cases immediately. The duration of the cough varies, but in most cases the morning cough disappears within about a week. In some cases, it can last up to a month;
  • Ulcers that occur in the mouth. This phenomenon very often occurs in those who have quit smoking. According to statistics, it affects two out of five. The situation can be aggravated by nicotine consumed through the mouth. For example, those who chew nicotine gum complain of pain in the mouth. Therefore, after smoking an electronic cigarette, rinse your mouth. Water will wash away the remnants of nicotine from the mucous membrane, which will prevent tissue damage and pain;
  • Slurred speech, dizziness and rapid heart rate. These are all symptoms of a nicotine overdose. This is due to the fact that many people overestimate the amount of nicotine in a regular cigarette and underestimate the amount of nicotine in e-liquids. The phenomenon in which the pulse quickens, slurred speech is less common is more common. But all this is a consequence of an overdose of nicotine. Therefore, try to reduce the amount of nicotine in the liquid or simply reduce the frequency of use of electronic cigarettes. In some cases, the onset of symptoms has been noted with the consumption of low doses of nicotine. It is worth noting that replacing the propylene glycol fluid with glycerin fluid can solve this problem;
  • Heartburn. In some cases, heartburn may occur. Why this happens is not completely known. Heartburn appears a few weeks after the start of smoking electronic cigarettes and disappears after about a month. Most likely, heartburn is a consequence of the restructuring of the body after quitting smoking.

However, the absence of tars and carcinogens, despite all the risks, clearly outweighs in favor of electronic smoking! It's definitely worth a try.

First of all, it should be noted that the symptoms of tobacco cessation are very different, and sometimes they are observed for a long time, or appear for the first time a month or even more after quitting smoking. Almost all of these symptoms are well studied and analyzed in the scientific literature. Their appearance is associated precisely with the rejection of tobacco, and not with the start of using an electronic cigarette - they are also experienced by those who have never tried ES. With the exception of dry mouth and throat, almost all of the symptoms mistakenly attributed to e-cigarette use are actually caused by tobacco—quit smoking, to be exact. A small number of e-cigarette users may be allergic to the substances contained in the e-liquids from the cartridge - more on this below.

1. Pimples and blackheads:
A very common symptom associated with quitting tobacco use. Skin rashes (pimples, blackheads, etc.) happen even to those who never suffered from them in adolescence. This symptom has nothing to do with the use of ES.
2. Ulcers in the mouth:
Mouth ulcers appear very often in those who quit smoking. From time to time, this symptom can be quite painful - in this case, we advise you to use one of the gels or ointments available in the pharmacy local application. Increased vitamin intake may also help.

There is an opinion that nicotine, when absorbed through the mucous membranes of the mouth, can exacerbate this symptom - at least studies on users of nicotine gums clearly show this. At the same time, surprisingly, people using nicotine patches suffer from mouth ulcers much less often.

In case you have this symptom, we recommend rinsing out your mouth every time you use e-cigarettes. Due to this, you get rid of nicotine (+ flavors and other substances), and do not let them affect the mucous membranes of the oral cavity - including sores.

Note that propylene glycol (PG) is a germicidal agent and was even used at one time to decontaminate the air in hospitals. Therefore, in this case, rather, it will lead to symptom relief, and not to its aggravation. Thus, it can be argued that ES in this case will help rather than harm.

Cinnamon can lead to irritation and exacerbate this symptom.

3. Headaches, nausea, trembling– see also item 4:
In addition, irritability, inability to concentrate, sleep disturbances, depression, etc. are the well-known symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. If you use an e-cigarette with a liquid that contains too little nicotine, then you will not get enough of this substance, and some of the symptoms described above may appear. They will continue, in any case, a maximum of one week. The solution to the problem can be the use of a liquid with a higher concentration of nicotine - over time it can be reduced.
4. Cough:
Apparently the most common smoking cessation syndrome, coupled with increased sputum/mucus production. The severity and duration of the symptom depends on how long and how much you smoked conventional cigarettes before, and whether you were able to completely stop using them.
5. Phlegm / Mucus:
The body, after you have given it a break and quit smoking tobacco cigarettes (replacing them with electronic ones, or simply quitting them), begins to intensively get rid of all the dirt that has accumulated in the lungs - tar, and other substances. All this comes out with cough / phlegm / mucus.
Some begin to cough violently after a week or two - others sooner. The duration of the symptom can vary greatly. For some, a few days is enough, for others, a month. The symptom is very common.
6. Heartburn, acid reflex:
The symptom is quite common, including among those who do not use electronic cigarettes after quitting smoking. Over time, this will pass. If the symptom bothers you a lot, then you can buy any of those offered for such cases. pharmaceutical products They are usually sold without a doctor's prescription. Many of our visitors are advised to use a drug called Gaviscon for this.
An overdose of nicotine can also appear to cause heartburn - according to some studies, the muscles in the upper abdomen can relax as a result, which can lead to heartburn.
7. Muscle cramps and pain:
The symptom is quite common. There is reason to believe that propylene glycol, often found in e-liquid, breaks down into lactic acid, which then needs to be excreted from the body, resulting in such pain.
Usually, increased fluid intake helps to solve the problem - regardless of the cause of its occurrence. Muscle pain is less common with the use of vegetable glycerin (VG) liquid - but at the moment it is not clear whether this is due to objective reasons, or a simple statistical error, since only a small number of users of ES use pure VG liquid.

According to the latest data, the possibility of aggravation of the symptom in connection with the use of ES is not only unproven, but also extremely unlikely. The lactic acid that causes spasms and pains in the muscles is formed in them themselves - that is, you use some kind of muscle, and it is in this muscle that lactic acid accumulates. Muscles get rid of lactic acid independently and separately from each other - that is, lactic acid cannot pass from one muscle to another, and cannot get there from the outside. Thus, this symptom is most likely associated exclusively with the rejection of tobacco.
8. Excessive sweating at night:
The symptom is quite common, while it remains unclear whether it is associated with quitting tobacco, or with the use of electronic cigarettes.

9. Diarrhea:
There is an assumption that the development of this symptom may be influenced by the use of PG. More reports are needed from volunteers who suffered from it while using PG but (presumably) stopped suffering when they switched to VG.
10. Hiccup:
Hiccups can develop as a result of an overdose of nicotine - at least in some people. Apparently, this is because a small part of this substance enters the digestive tract through the mouth.
Hiccups are often experienced by those who smoke cigarettes or use other tobacco products, especially chewing tobacco, snus, or dissolvable tobacco products (eg, tobacco lozenges). Presumably, swallowing even a small amount of ESD fluid, which contains a lot of nicotine, can cause hiccups. Rarely the symptom is seen in those who smoke cigars and pipes, because they do not inhale or swallow the smoke; rarely it is observed in those who inhale tobacco.
11. Bleeding gums:
The symptom is sometimes observed in people who have recently given up smoking tobacco. Apparently, dentists confirm this statement. Bleeding gums can also indicate a lack of vitamin C - this is not uncommon for today's city dweller. We advise you to start consuming more of this vitamin just in case.
The use of aspirin remains very popular today. Many people take this medicine every day. If you are one of those people, then ask your doctor if this could be related to gum problems in some way. Very often, it is the combination of occasional aspirin and tobacco cessation that appears in reports of bleeding gums. This symptom disappears quickly enough.
12. Thyroid problems
At the moment, the medical community continues the discussion about the possibility of problems with the thyroid gland, as a direct consequence of quitting smoking. It remains unclear how serious and widespread this symptom is. Statistics show that the occurrence of such problems immediately after quitting is observed more often than the norm - while it remains unclear whether smoking suppresses these symptoms, or whether they arise as a result of quitting (or caused by smoking itself). The symptom is rare, so do not rush to worry. Apparently, in some cases, weight loss or weight gain can be associated with the work of the thyroid gland. Until now, all the mechanisms for the occurrence of the symptom remain incomprehensible. If you have any questions, please consult your physician.

Problems associated with the use of electronic cigarettes

item 1. Dryness and irritation of the throat:
Quitting tobacco can also cause this symptom. It remains unknown whether this symptom is due to the fact that cigarette smoke has an anesthetic or preventive effect that protects the throat from irritation during smoking - smoke, of course, also irritates the throat.
Some EC users suffer from dryness and irritation of the throat, due to the "drying" effect of propylene glycol.
If you suffer from dryness and irritation of the throat as a result of quitting tobacco, and at the same time you start using ES, which additionally dries it, then the symptom can become very noticeable and unpleasant as a result.
Propylene glycol is a humectant (it "sucks out" water), while using an electronic cigarette, a small amount of this substance remains at the back of the throat. If you then went to bed, for example, you may wake up a few hours later with a sore throat. A glass of water before going to bed, or even a regular gargle, effectively eliminates this symptom. Your goal is to remove the thin layer of PG at the back of the throat. Try drinking more, sucking on lollipops, eating honey - to keep your mouth and throat moist, this should help.
If that doesn't help, try using a vegetable glycerin based liquid (40% VG / 60% PG should suffice).
item 2. Xerostomia:
Very severe dry mouth, or xerostomia, occurs in only a small number of users. The solution to this problem is increased consumption of fluids, especially those that help repair damaged cells in the oral mucosa - for example, juice from black currant(or sour juices of some other fruits and berries). This symptom is especially unpleasant during travel and trips, in this case lozenges for resorption can help. If you use a PG-based fluid, try changing to another VG, in some cases this can reduce the severity of this symptom. Less dry throat and PG/PEG/VG liquid.
item 3. Sputum:
AT mild degree the symptom is observed among users of electronic cigarettes who managed to give up tobacco quite often, and within a few months. Sputum loss occurs during or immediately after the use of ES. The symptom is worse with the use of a VG-based fluid. There is no need to be afraid of this - along with phlegm, resins and other substances that have accumulated there over the years of using tobacco come out of your lungs.
item 4. Headaches, increased heart rate, dizziness, slurred speech:
These symptoms are associated with an overdose of nicotine. Sometimes e-cigarette users misestimate the amount of nicotine they need (they overestimate the amount they get when they smoke and underestimate when they use e-cigarettes), this is especially true for beginners. Very often, there is an increase in heart rate, a little less often - slurred speech. Headaches can be very severe. Try reducing your nicotine intake, or smoke less. The amount of nicotine in the liquid can be reduced by adding a little pure vegetable glycerin (sold in a pharmacy) to the liquid - but this will also affect the taste of the vapor (it will become less pronounced).
For some reason, some people experiencing these symptoms may be relieved by switching to a VG-based liquid. At the same time, this effect cannot be associated with intolerance to propylene glycol (this is a separate article, and a debatable one). Most likely, this is not due to PG / VG, but to the change in flavors, which usually consist of several components - see the notes below for more details.
item 5. Intolerance to e-liquid components:
A small number of people may suffer from intolerance to certain components of e-liquid.
a) This is most often the case with propylene glycol, the most popular base fluid used on e-cigarettes. A large number of different symptoms are reported - unfortunately, we do not have research data, so it will not be possible to state something definite here. If you notice any symptoms appearing, try switching to a VG-based liquid first - this may help.
b) Even fewer people suffer from VG intolerance. It should be understood that not every vegetable glycerin is suitable for use in electronic cigarettes. In particular, a lot of people report problems when using a cheap VG. Make sure the VG you are using is either pharmacy-bought or meets quality and purity standards. food additives. Cheap VG produced for the needs of the industry, you can not use this on electronic cigarettes. If you're seeing backlash against VG, try PG, or VG bought from another store.
c) Some people have intolerances to other ingredients in e-liquid, most commonly colors and flavors. Just change the e-liquid / shop - the problem will be solved.
d) If suddenly any new liquid causes painful symptoms in you, stop using it immediately and change the store. Different people react differently to different smells. Cinnamon, for example, even causes an allergic reaction in many. Don't be alarmed if a certain fragrance causes these symptoms - in this case, just change it.
item 6. "Menthol Mouth"
According to reports we have, chronic and prolonged use of liquids containing menthol can lead to a temporary loss of taste. Other liquids (except menthol) will become almost tasteless for a while. The same, but to a lesser extent, applies to cinnamon.
Not only menthol may be the cause, some e-liquids simply lose their taste over time. Another factor is a change in the functioning of taste buds. As you know, smoking tobacco interferes with their work, so those who have just quit smoking will find it difficult to fully appreciate the taste of a particular flavor. There are cases when taste and smell were restored only a few months after giving up tobacco - even if menthol was not used.

Let's not focus our attention only on the negative, and try to understand what are the positive aspects of quitting tobacco (besides the obvious health benefits).
Most manage to come to terms with the symptoms very quickly. Dryness in the mouth and throat is relieved by increased fluid intake, and most other symptoms disappear very quickly.
The sinuses are cleared. Feelings are unforgettable. The sense of smell returns, the sensation of "cloggedness" of the nasal sinuses disappears, etc. You start to smell bad smells from other smokers, food smells, street smells, and so on. The disadvantage is that you also begin to distinguish unpleasant odors better.
Eliminates cough in the morning. Smokers are well aware of this symptom, it will quickly disappear. How fast depends on how long, and how much, you smoked before.
Deeper and cleaner breathing. Your body will begin to rid itself of harmful pollutants and you will begin to breathe deeper and clearer. Some even say that this amount of oxygen intoxicates them at first. You don't receive anymore carbon monoxide– just clean air. Many smokers have very shallow breathing - especially heavy smokers. You will feel the difference right away.
The unpleasant tobacco smell disappears. More from you, your home, your cat, your hair and wallpaper will not smell like stagnant tobacco. After a couple of weeks, you will most likely have to do a spring cleaning - because you will start to notice this smell.

1. Medical reports on incidence:
Despite the fact that electronic cigarettes have been on the market for quite a long time, so far there has not been a single case of death or illness associated with the use of these devices. Today, ECs are already being used by millions - if they caused disease, then a certain percentage of these people would report them. Even regular pills like aspirin sometimes cause side effects. In the case of e-cigarettes, they do not appear to outweigh the side effects of other safe food products– for example, coffee.

2. The trend to hang all dogs on electronic cigarettes
Many people who quit smoking have no idea what the consequences of this can entail. In 99.9% of the symptoms associated with the use of ES are actually caused by quitting smoking. Moreover, ES suppress some of these symptoms because they contain nicotine. It is really quite easy to get confused here, since some of these symptoms appear only after a few months (up to six months). If you have any doubts, we advise you to consult with your doctor.

3. Small problems with e-liquid
In some cases, a user may suffer from an intolerance to one or more e-liquids from a particular store. Try just changing the magazine and type of liquid.
It must be taken into account that it is very unlikely that all liquids sold in all stores are absolutely safe for the health of the consumer. You will definitely suffer intolerance to any substance contained in one of these liquids. In order to identify what is causing the problem, we advise you to follow the following procedure:
1. Reduce the concentration of nicotine in your e-liquid - this will eliminate the possibility that the problem is caused by an overdose of this substance.
2. Stop using "suspicious" flavors - cinnamon, vanillin, chili extract, diacetyl, some food flavors cause an allergic reaction in some consumers. This list is far from complete.
3. Do not use liquids containing too many different substances. The simpler they are, the better.
4. Start using only liquids that definitely do not cause any problems - for example, based on VG, with low content nicotine bought in a good store, with good quality control. For example, the Ecopure brand with 12mg/ml of nicotine would be a good choice. Flavorings in this case will be soft, and their content in the final liquid is low.
5. Try another cartridge (filler) or cartomizer - make sure the problem is not caused by burning of the filler.
6. Try using Swedish snus (temporarily instead of smoking) - see what effect it has.
One or more of the measures above should help you get rid of the problems associated with the use of electronic cigarettes. Your job is to find out what is causing the problem. In 95% of cases, the symptoms will be related to quitting tobacco or other health problems, and not to the use of electronic cigarettes. In other cases, the fault will be intolerance to the individual components of the liquid for electronic cigarettes.
4. Allergic reactions to e-liquid ingredients
There are a small number of reports with symptoms resembling point 4., as well as the following symptoms: chest pains, dizziness, severe tingling of the skin, including on the head, headaches, general weakness. These symptoms may or may not be associated with ES use.
If you think that allergic reaction was provoked by this or that liquid for electronic cigarettes, then just stop using it. That is why beginners are advised to first buy review kits containing small amounts of different liquids.

Interesting reports
Some rare symptoms:
1. Mood Swings When Using Cleaning Agents
There are several reports that indicate that after quitting tobacco, the use of large amounts of strong cleaning agents (floor, tile, etc.) that create steam in the room can lead to very dramatic mood swings - aside deterioration (including hostility towards others and depression). According to one version, ammonia fumes are the culprit - this is somehow connected with the fact that after giving up tobacco, you stop regularly inhaling this substance along with cigarette smoke. This symptom has not yet been widely discussed in the press, and was identified as a result of the analysis of reports submitted by the user in one of the largest forums dedicated to smoking cessation and electronic cigarettes.

Quite often, smokers ask themselves the question of how to switch to electronic cigarettes in order to less harm their own health, because it's no secret that classic cigarettes cause tremendous harm to the smoker's body. Well, this is a fairly relevant question, to which we will give an exhaustive answer today.


Many smokers engage in sincere self-deception by telling themselves that classic cigarettes are not that bad after all. Of course, this is not true. Increased arterial pressure, persistent shortness of breath, bad breath, the likelihood of cancer of the larynx and lungs - all these are the detrimental effects of smoking tobacco. Awareness of these issues and risks is the first step towards switching to e-cigarettes.

Unlike classic cigarettes, electronic cigarettes do not harm the human body, because of the main circumstance - you inhale not the smoke that is formed during the combustion process, but steam. What does this mean? Everything is quite simple, the main thing is to understand. Inhalation of steam, this process is also called "soaring", can be compared with inhalation. In addition to steam and nicotine, nothing enters your body. Moreover, if you choose nicotine-free e-liquids for vaping, then this process can be safely called 100% harmless.

Now consider ordinary cigarettes, why are they harmful to humans? This is facilitated by one single factor - the presence of the combustion process when smoking. In the process, a mass of substances toxic to the body of the smoker is formed, which he inhales along with the smoke:

Believe me, this list can be continued indefinitely. Switching from regular cigarettes to electronic cigarettes will change the situation dramatically. By quitting tobacco smoking, you stop delivering to your body countless toxic substances that shorten life.

Of course, we do not claim that the electronic cigarette is completely harmless. Indeed, in the process of vaping, you inhale nicotine with steam, provided that you have chosen a nicotine-containing vaping station, and this is undoubtedly poison.

However, do not forget that the greatest harm to health is caused not by nicotine at all, but by toxic substances formed when tobacco is burned.

The above information partially answers the question of whether it is worth switching to electronic cigarettes, however, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The main advantages of electronic vaping

Switching to an electronic cigarette is a fairly harmless way of smoking, eliminating the ingress of harmful elements, substances and resins into the body.

To be honest, until now, there have been no laboratory clinical studies in the world that would confirm the safety of the composition of vaping refills. However, it is worth emphasizing that Western companies that produce vape liquids assure that only the following substances are present in their fillings:

These substances, except for nicotine, are harmless to the vapers. Also, if you are not addicted to nicotine, you can use nicotine-free vape liquids with different smells and tastes. This process will bring only pleasure without health consequences.

The transition from conventional classic cigarettes to electronic will provide additional benefits, in addition to the above. Consider the most important of them:

  1. No effect of passive smoking. After all, everyone knows that in addition to puffing with smoke, a smoker also engages in passive smoking which is even more detrimental to health. In addition, when a person smokes tobacco, those around him are forced to inhale the toxic smoke.
  2. Smoke effect. Surely, many people do not like that after smoking their hands, clothes and hair smell unpleasantly of smoke. This can be avoided by using electronic vaping devices.
  3. It's incredibly convenient. Forget matches and lighters. Now this is not needed. To start “soaring”, it is enough to bring the vape to your lips and puff on a pleasant and rich vapor.

Vapers around the world have realized all the advantages of electronic cigarettes - this is an excellent replacement for the usual tobacco.

It does not matter at all why this or that smoker switched to electronic vaping, the main thing is that he finally did it, and realized the beauty of this process.


To date, the variety of electronic cigarettes can shock a novice vaper. Many are lost in such abundance, and cannot understand what device they need. Well, this is a solvable problem, which is not as scary as it seems at first glance.

The first thing to understand is that the principle of operation of various devices for electronic smoking is the same - the liquid, falling on the heated coil, turns into saturated steam, which the vaper then inhales.

Distinctive features of various vapes is their design feature. You can choose both a “fancy” model, with a control unit and additional settings, and a simple mechanical mod.

The main thing you need to pay attention to when choosing is the evaporation system that is convenient for you personally and the battery capacity. It is also worth paying special attention to vape filling liquids.

If you have chosen a nicotine-containing refill, in this case, pay attention to the strength parameter. It is necessary to choose a liquid only from a trusted and high-quality supplier.

Get ready for change

Those who switched to electronic evaporators are waiting for pleasant changes, of course, for the better.

First of all, the ritual of smoking will change. Now there will be no need to leave the enclosed space every time you want to take a puff. You can vape at home, at work or in public place. After all, as you know, steam does not leave an unpleasant odor.

Every time you want to relax and enjoy a thick smoke, there will be no need to “flash” a lighter in front of your face in order to set fire to tobacco. The very manner of smoking will change, and your image will become more attractive.

Be prepared to change the nature of the puff. It must be done smoothly and slowly. Leave nervous and quick puffs in the past, now it's useless.

In addition, it is worth talking about the external changes that will occur after quitting tobacco:

  • the skin will acquire a natural shade, as carbon dioxide will no longer enter the blood;
  • yellow teeth will significantly lighten, the smile will become more expressive;
  • shortness of breath will disappear, a surge of additional strength will appear;
  • over time, the choking cough that torments smokers throughout the day will disappear.

Fight stereotypes

Get ready for the fact that in the company of smokers you will become a real white crow. Most likely, friends and acquaintances will start to let out sharp witticisms at you: they say, a real man and vape are incompatible things, smoke a real cigarette with us.

There is only one way out of this situation - it is necessary to remind “real men” that it is not yellow teeth, not tobacco stink from the mouth and not a cigarette in their hands that make them beautiful, but the right decisions that relate to their health and longevity.

Always be smarter than your surroundings, do not follow the crowd, be guided by your own, correctly made decisions, and point out to others their delusions and wrongness.

Aversion to cigarettes is inevitable

Many sociological studies have confirmed that 98% of vapers, after giving up tobacco, eventually begin to experience an undisguised disgust for the process of smoking. This is due to one single factor. Over time, the body of the steamer is cleared of harmful substances with which, with the help of smoke, he rewarded himself for many years. As a result, at the subconscious level, an irresistible incentive appears to give up classic cigarettes.

Experimenting is great

Be sure that electronic vaping will not bore you even with time. After all, you can constantly experiment, changing the taste of steam and its saturation. You can also start using other devices used by professional vapers to achieve a more concentrated and rich taste.

In addition, even if you have tried all commercially available vape refill liquids, you can do it differently, as experienced vapers do - invent new flavors by mixing different refills. It's incredibly interesting. For example, by mixing the taste of tobacco and coffee, you will get a unique taste of steam.

We hope you have realized all the advantages of electronic cigarettes, in comparison with classic ones. We can definitely say that it has never been so easy to stop smoking tobacco. Take care of your health and the people around you.

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