What do the veins protruding on the arms indicate? Why are the veins visible on the guy’s arms? Large veins on the arms of men

The condition in which the veins protrude on the arms is one of the most common problems, in most cases diagnosed in the fair sex. Enlarged veins that appear through the skin can also be found in men who engage in strenuous sports.

How veins appear on the hands

First of all, the blood vessels swell on the hands. This is explained by their closest location to the skin and the constant presence of the limbs in a lowered state, which contributes to the accumulation of blood fluid in them.

As the pathological process progresses, if the cause of bulging veins is the development of any disease, the condition affects the elbow area and forearm.


Most often, swollen veins in the arms appear as a result of exposure to provoking physiological factors. However, there are cases when dilated venous vessels may indicate serious vascular pathologies.

TO physiological reasons relate:

  • Hereditary predisposition. This problem is mainly diagnosed in people whose relatives have protruding blood vessels on their hands.
  • Lack of fatty tissue in the skin. If it is in small quantities, it can cause the veins to become noticeable.
  • Age. As a person ages, blood vessels become less elastic and weakened. As a result, stagnation of blood fluid and dilation of veins occurs. In addition, aging leads to thinning of the skin, against which the blood vessels become more visible.
  • Hot weather. Too much heat air can provoke vascular dilatation and disrupt the functioning of venous valves. It is for this reason that blood vessels protrude strongly on the surface of the epidermis in the hot season.
  • Hormonal imbalances. Often occurs during pregnancy or at the onset of menopause in women in adulthood.
  • Intense physical activity. Protruding veins on upper limbs- A fairly common phenomenon among people involved in hard work or sports. Such types of activities contribute to an increase in blood flow, increased hardness of muscle tissue, which can provoke an expansion of the venous lumen.

Pathological causes include:

  1. Phlebeurysm. This is a pathological condition that leads to stretching of blood vessels as a result high blood pressure in them. The development of the disease can be facilitated by genetic predisposition and lifting heavy objects.
  2. Thrombosis. It is characterized by blockage of the veins of the upper extremities by a formed blood clot. This disease may not manifest clinical symptoms for a long time. When a critical condition occurs, paralysis develops.
  3. Thrombophlebitis. This is a disease characterized by inflammation of the vascular walls. Occurs as a result of partial or complete blockage of blood flow.
  4. Postphlebitic syndrome. This is a consequence of complicated thrombosis. Characterized by damage to the vascular walls, which leads to inflammation of the veins.
  5. Dermatitis and eczema. They refer to skin pathologies that are accompanied not only by rashes and peeling of the skin, but also by painful sensations in the veins of the upper extremities.

Timely identification of the factor that caused the veins to pop out allows you to get rid of the problem in the shortest possible period.

In guys, veins can bulge due to the development of various abnormalities in the health of the circulatory system. In addition, this problem also arises as a result of physiological factors, among which are:

  • thin build;
  • regular exercise;
  • carrying and lifting heavy objects.

In girls, this condition develops for the same reasons as in representatives of the stronger sex.

You can also add here hormonal background, which can be disrupted during the period of bearing a child, as well as with the onset of menopause at a more mature age.


Additional diagnostic studies are carried out when there is reasonable suspicion of the development of vascular pathologies in which the veins in the arms stand out.

First of all, the patient is prescribed an ultrasound examination, which makes it possible to visualize superficial and deep vessels, blood clots and other problems that cause blood flow disturbances.

Venography may also be done. Its essence lies in the introduction of a contrast agent into a vein and subsequent X-ray examination.

When to see a doctor

Swollen veins in the arms cause a lot of discomfort. As the problem progresses, if it is caused by various pathological factors, the condition worsens. The vessels begin to bulge strongly, the patient is concerned about increased pain and swelling of the limbs in the evening.

If the veins are visible, the following symptoms will be observed:

  • heaviness and pain in the hands;
  • numbness of fingers;
  • frequent desire to throw the head back.

When a lesion appears against the background of thrombophlebitis or other vascular diseases, additional signs appear:

  • redness of the epidermis;
  • skin thickening;
  • temperature increase;
  • swelling.

If you identify one or more of the listed symptoms, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. This condition can cause heart disease.


If the pathology is diagnosed in a timely manner, then in order to remove bulging veins, it will be enough to use drug therapy.

In this case, the following drugs may be prescribed:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Ketonal, Ibuprofen. Allows you to eliminate pain and stop inflammatory process.
  2. Improving blood circulation - Vasoket, Actovegin, Trental. Minimize the likelihood of developing blood stagnation.
  3. Anticoagulants such as Aspirin. Helps thin the blood and reduce the risk of blood clots.
  4. Fibrinolytic enzymes – Fibrinolysin, Urokinase. Their action is aimed at thinning the blood.
  5. Antiplatelet – Dipyridamole.
  6. Local action - Dolgit, Troxevasin. Relieves pain syndrome.

Each drug has a different composition and mechanism of action. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe medications based on general condition sick.


At an early stage of development of the inflammatory process affecting the veins in the arms, it is also possible to use folk remedies.

It is worth using one or more of the most effective recipes:

  1. Concentrated apple cider vinegar. Before use, it must be diluted with the same volume of tincture prepared from birch buds. This composition is used to lubricate hands in the morning and evening.
  2. Grate a few heads of garlic, mix with butter in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the resulting mixture to a bandage and apply to the affected skin of your hands. Secure the bandage with adhesive tape. The course of treatment with this method lasts from three to five months.
  3. Mix crushed wormwood flowers and yogurt in equal quantities. The product is applied to the skin for about a third of an hour. Residues of the medicine are removed under running water. Next, you need to apply high-fat sour cream to your hands for a couple of minutes.

It is important to remember that, no matter how effective this or that method of therapy is, especially for unconventional methods, it can only be used after consultation with a specialist.


Certain exercises can help get rid of protruding veins:

  • straighten your fingers back, first one by one, then together;
  • tilt with a slight movement thumb back and forth;
  • spread your fingers out to the sides as much as possible,
  • walk your fingers across the table.

Such exercises help improve blood flow and restore joint function.


The following measures are helpful in treating bulging veins:

  1. Sclerotherapy. The impact on the affected area is carried out by introducing a special liquid that glues the vessel, which helps to completely stop blood circulation.
  2. Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches. It will only take a few sessions to normalize blood flow and improve blood vessels.
  3. Ultrasound. Under the influence of waves, formed blood clots are destroyed.
  4. Laser therapy. It is one of the most painless and safe methods. The vessels are irradiated with a special laser and glued together.

Your doctor will tell you which method to choose.

When is surgery necessary?

Surgical intervention is used in rare cases when the process is neglected. Its essence lies in the complete excision of the damaged vessel.

After the operation, a long rehabilitation period is required.


To prevent veins from bloating, you need to follow some simple recommendations:

  • control body weight;
  • do not wear tight clothing;
  • avoid lifting heavy objects;
  • minimize physical activity;
  • eat a balanced diet, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • lead healthy image life.

Due to the fact that the veins in the arms can protrude various reasons, you should not self-medicate.

At the first signs of deviations, it is better to consult a specialist. He will help identify the provoking factor that caused the problem and select the most optimal treatment option.

It is useful to know what to do when the veins on your arms are very visible. This condition of the vessels can occur for various reasons, some of which require surgical intervention. Often the vessels on the upper extremities are very visible due to the physiological characteristics of the body.

Features of the structure of veins on the hands

Often, prominent veins in the arms are not a pathological problem.

Compared to the veins in the legs, the blood vessels of the upper extremities have certain distinctive features.

Main general characteristics:

  • Placement at several depth levels. There are deep and superficial circulatory systems.
  • The presence of a valve system that helps control the outflow of blood.
  • Anastomoses are present between the two levels of vessels.
  • The impact of the innervation process on the size of blood vessels, local or general loss of connecting components with nerve tissues contributes to the deterioration of tone.

Main distinctive characteristics:

  1. The vessels of the upper extremities have less strong walls, their tissues do not contain as much muscle and collagen, so their elasticity will decrease at a faster rate.
  2. From the arms, blood is better pumped to the heart, due to the relatively short length of the limbs.
  3. The inner walls of veins and arteries have fewer valves, so blood flows in the opposite direction of hydrostatic pressure.
  4. Because there's not much on hand muscle mass, the patency of blood in the vessels can be restrained to a large extent by external influencing factors.

What is the reason for the dilation of blood vessels in the hands?

As many people age, the vessels on their hands become more distinct. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the body. For what reason do blood vessels often dilate in young girls?

Features of physiology

Veins are clearly visible on the arms of thin people and during regular physical activity.

The formation of distinct vessels on the hands is often caused by physiological features:

  • With age, the skin becomes less elastic, and the fatty tissues in which the veins are located also thin out over the years. Thus, the vessels protrude outward.
  • The process of formation of convex vessels may also depend on inherited genes. For example, veins are clearly visible on the hands of thin men and women.
  • In the summer heat, blood vessels on the hands often become more visible. Vessels gradually expand from the heat due to accelerated blood circulation. During the winter frost season, veins are not so clearly visible.

Varicose veins

Everyone knows that venous blood is directed upward to the heart, and the upper limbs are constantly lowered down. The low strength of vascular tissue can cause blood stagnation with the subsequent formation of blockage and the development of varicose veins. At this point, the circulation is not so intense, the vessels gradually expand and become more visible.

If pain occurs at the site of the bulging veins, you will have to visit a qualified medical specialist.

Physiological stress

The appearance of blood vessels on the hands is often the result of prolonged physical activity. The fat layer under the skin decreases due to regular intensive work of muscle tissue.

Present on the hands a large number of folds They are formed as a result of regular squeezing of the hand. A large number of similar folds form on the upper limbs. They constantly intersect with one another in such a way that a large number of cobwebs appear. Similar processes occur on the surface of blood vessels.

As the load continues on the upper limbs, the folds begin to deepen and over time put pressure on muscle tissue. As a result, the muscles become twisted, and the supply of essential substances to the fat layer is stopped.

Often, too noticeable vessels on the upper extremities in women are a kind of cosmetic effect that has nothing to do with diseases.

Pathological causes

Veins in the arms may be very visible due to thrombosis

Very rarely, problems arise in women due to vascular diseases. Such pathologies include:

Such conditions are characterized by impaired blood flow and poor functionality of the veins and arteries.

Vascular diseases that cause their dilation often occur for the following reasons:

  • Injuries
  • Age problems
  • Other types of pathologies
  • Some disorders are passed on through genes
  • Nicotine use

Impaired blood flow often leads to deformation of the vessels under the collarbone, through which blood circulates from the entire limb.


Additional diagnostic methods are used only if there is suspicion of various diseases vessels, and not in the presence of pronounced physiological factors. In such situations, physiological studies are carried out, which make it possible to assess the condition of blood vessels at all levels.

The venography technique is considered additional in terms of examination; it consists of the intravenous administration of a contrast agent, the location of which is determined by X-ray examination.

Treatment options

The veins in your arms may become less noticeable if you raise your arms up more often.

You will not be able to eliminate such formations on your hands on your own. However, there are methods to alleviate a complex condition:

  • First of all, you need to raise your hands up more often
  • It is also recommended to take painkillers
  • Ice must be applied to the problem area
  • Doctors often advise using an elastic bandage

At the primary stage of vascular disease of the upper extremities, hirudotherapy is often used. The examination must be carried out by a vascular surgeon or phlebologist.

Treatment in the hospital is carried out using the following methods:

  • Use of medications
  • Scleropathy
  • Ultrasound procedures
  • Miniphlebectomy
  • Application of special optical devices for laser therapy
  • Carrying out surgical operations

Laser therapy is considered the most effective and safe way to treat varicose veins of the upper extremities. The technique involves gluing a blood vessel together. Once the blood flow through the vessel stops, it will disappear after some time.

A similar gluing effect can be achieved using scleropathy. In this case, it is necessary to use a special adhesive composition that can be introduced into the cavity of the vessel.

Certain surgical procedures are carried out only in exceptional situations, if no other options for eliminating the disease are foreseeable. Often, doctors prescribe various medications.

The following procedures have proven to be highly effective:

  • Cryogenic wrap
  • Limb massage using lymphatic drainage devices

Often, medications are made on the basis of natural ingredients with analgesic and antipyretic properties.

Surgical techniques for treating protruding vessels

Hirudotherapy can help with highly visible veins on the arms

The doctor consults the patient and determines the appropriate technique surgical treatment if necessary. If vascular disease is at an early stage, certain preventive procedures are sufficient.

In more difficult situations complex medical procedures are required.

Before this, you need to determine the main factor that stimulates the process of vascular bloating.

For varicose veins or phlebitis, the following treatment methods are used:

  1. Hirudotherapy. A method that has been proven over the years is the use of leeches, the saliva of which contains a special enzyme that allows you to bring blood vessels to a normal state. Just a couple of procedures are often enough for the patient to feel obvious relief.
  2. Laser optical therapy. The main effect of such procedures is that the blood vessels become less distinct because blood stops circulating through them.
  3. Medicines. Numerous medications are available on the domestic market for swollen veins on the hands in the form of tablets, ointments, drops, etc. In addition to their direct function, they can have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. A qualified healthcare professional should determine the type of medications used for each patient individually.
  4. Surgical intervention is performed in a situation where the use of other possible methods will not give the desired result.
  5. Sclerotherapy. The essence of this technique is partially reminiscent of laser therapy. Dilated vessels are also glued together using special compounds, rather than optical devices.

Exercises and hand massage for varicose veins

Hand massage will help reduce the visibility of veins on the hands

No exercise can take place without warming up. We must not forget about the upcoming stage of the classes. For all individual problems, certain physical activities are considered, aimed at stabilizing the health status of a particular patient.

To restore the tone of the circulatory system in your hands, you need to perform a few simple exercises regularly:

  1. You need to stand up straight, spread your legs slightly, lower your arms down and perform circular movements with your shoulders, first forward and then back.
  2. Your arms can be bent at the elbows so that your fingers touch your shoulders. In this position, you need to swing your arms first forward and then back.
  3. A more complex exercise is also suitable for strengthening blood vessels, in which both arms are directed back, but one of them is at the top and the other at the bottom.
  4. It must be remembered that serious physical activity on the arms, such as push-ups or lifting dumbbells, will only contribute to the dilation of blood vessels.

When performing a qualified massage, you will be able to achieve the following results:

  • Blood circulation in the vessels will improve
  • The supply of soft tissues with nutrients is stimulated
  • Strengthening muscle mass
  • Increases the tone of blood vessels
  • Relieves tension and fatigue from hands

When performing self-massage, it is advisable to follow all instructions from a specialist in this field. In addition, all actions will be performed with only one hand, so certain difficulties may arise.

To make the effect of such self-massage greater, you can use specially made devices. It is advisable that the procedure be performed on clean skin without the use of any gels or other massage products.


In most cases, there is no danger if veins are clearly visible on your arms

In most patients, protruding vessels on the arms appear only for physiological reasons and do not pose any danger to the body. Thrombosis of deep blood vessels in the arms is considered one of the most dangerous diseases.

  1. 2-9% of examples. The condition is getting worse pulmonary artery, and thromboembolism occurs.
  2. 2-4% of examples. Thrombosis appears again within a year.
  3. 7-47% of examples. Postthrombophlenic syndrome occurs.

These figures are based on the latest statistics.

For more information about why the veins on your arms are very visible, watch this video:

The problem of clearly visible blood vessels on the hands requires prior consultation with a medical specialist. The doctor determines why this phenomenon occurs. If vasodilation is due to health problems, treatment is prescribed.

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It's no secret that the appearance of a woman's hands often “gives away” her true age. Over time, the fair sex not only develops facial wrinkles and age spots, which can be hidden using various cosmetics.

Also, with age, the structure of blood vessels changes, which is most noticeably manifested in the form of swollen veins in the arms. However, in medicine, this feature indicates not only the woman’s age, but also the quality of life, ability to work, and the presence of various diseases.

Veins are subject to many medical manipulations: blood is collected from them for laboratory tests, through them medications are introduced into the body. In cases where the patient is in critical condition and needs assistance emergency assistance, the rate of drug administration depends on the possibility of access to the veins.

Usually a tourniquet is applied to the person in the shoulder area or below. Thus, the vessels overflow and expand. This causes the veins to bulge, making it easier to insert the needle. Next, the tourniquet is removed, and then the patient is given the necessary injection.

Thus, under the influence of the above factors, the veins may ultimately remain permanently more visible, in particular, swollen. Let us consider in more detail each reason for the appearance of such changes.

Possible reasons


Over the years, the skin loses its former elasticity. It is difficult not to notice that in older people the veins in the arms protrude more prominently. The reason for this physiological phenomenon is the absence of sebaceous glands and the thinning of tissues that occurs in humans with age.

The fatty layer of the skin hides the veins, but over the course of a person’s life it decreases, causing the veins to protrude outward. This type of varicose veins is not dangerous, as it reflects the natural aging process of the body.


Bloating veins are almost always inherited. If the mother’s veins began to “rise” early, then the daughter, most likely, due to her genetic disposition, will also soon encounter an unpleasant defect. This feature is especially pronounced in people of thin build.


Even weather conditions can have an impact on a person's veins. In summer, blood circulation is much faster than in winter, so you may notice small protrusions of veins due to vasodilation in hot weather.

Varicose veins

The above reasons for varicose veins are not accompanied by pain. They do not pose a danger to the body, which cannot be said about varicose veins, which occur due to impaired blood circulation in the vessels. There may be a blockage in any part of the veins, which leads to the accumulation of venous blood, and as a result, to their swelling.

Most often this pathology affects the lower extremities (legs), but varicose veins on the arms are also quite common. If there are a combination of signs of swelling and pain, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Physical exercise

Lifting weights, constantly carrying heavy bags, intense work in the garden - this and similar long-term physical activity affects the subcutaneous fat layer, and, accordingly, can contribute to bloating of the veins in the arms.

Thus, the most common causes of swollen veins do not cause the development of their disease. Therefore, in order to get rid of this kind of manifestation, it is not necessary to resort to radical measures. Surgical intervention is only relevant in as a last resort when the unpleasant appearance of the hands is accompanied by severe pain. That is, only if the cause is varicose veins, the doctor can prescribe removal of the bulge.

Manifestations and diagnosis of bloating of veins

Recognizing varicose veins is usually not difficult. A specialist can accurately determine the presence of pathology even simply by the appearance of the patient’s hands. A positive diagnosis will be made if the following signs of the disease are present:

  • The vessels in the hands increase in size and protrude greatly;
  • Swelling of the upper extremities is observed;
  • It becomes difficult for the patient to move his fingers intensively and quickly;
  • The patient complains of a feeling of heaviness and pain in the area of ​​swelling;
  • Fingers often go numb;
  • During sleep, the patient experiences increased discomfort, which is caused by disruptions in blood flow and blockage of blood vessels in the upper extremities. This gives rise to the desire to “raise your hands up,” as it were.

When vasodilation occurs against the background of certain chronic diseases (dental problems, diseases of the reproductive system, etc.), additional symptoms are observed, which include:

  • Skin thickening;
  • Severe pain;
  • Swollen hand skin;
  • Temperature increase.

Along with the above, a form of inflammation such as the formation of a blood clot under a vein is also possible. This disease is dangerous for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases (those who have previously had them are no exception). Pregnant women are also at risk - the pathology can lead to complications during childbirth.

The general characteristic of having a blood clot is that it becomes more difficult for a person to endure many illnesses and injuries, and the overall flow of blood may be disrupted.

Another disease associated with varicose veins is migrating thrombophlebitis, in which, in addition to swelling of the veins, spots appear, mainly Brown. It occurs mainly in men.

This pathology consists in the fact that blood does not flow to the necessary tissues, and the structure of the blood circulation as a whole is disrupted. The following signs are typical for diagnosing this disease:

  • When you raise your arms, the condition of the veins on them does not improve (the vessels still remain compacted);
  • The arm susceptible to pathology is slightly longer than the other;
  • Possible formation of ulcers on the skin of the affected limbs;
  • In areas where the disease is localized, tissue vibration is observed.

We should also not forget that only a phlebologist can conduct the most complete and detailed examination of the patient. Then, if he has such signs, make a final diagnosis and prescribe therapy.

There are several methods to get rid of varicose veins. Let's consider the most relevant of them. So, the most common methods of treating varicose veins are:

1. Drug treatment. With the help of various drugs, you can improve the condition of the veins, give them elasticity and get rid of the unaesthetic disease. The following medications are considered effective:

  • Aescusan, Varicobooster - creams and ointments for external use (rubbing the affected areas of the hands with varicose veins);
  • Phlebodia is a drug for oral administration;
  • Along with medicines, agents are also widely used traditional medicine. This includes preparations containing mumiyo, as well as those made from lily of the valley, chestnut and other medicinal plants.

However, you should choose medications based on the doctor’s prescription, and not treat yourself: varicose veins are characterized by individual manifestations, so medications and dosage are selected specifically for each patient.

2. Surgical intervention. Protruding veins can sometimes become a big problem. This happens, for example, in cases where the vessels are so visible that standard treatment methods do not help to at least reduce such manifestations to a minimum.

And, accordingly, to give the skin of their hands a more aesthetic appearance, many patients decide to undergo surgical intervention. The following operations to remove bulging veins are commonly used:

Scleropathy. This method is chosen quite rarely. This is due to the fact that sclerotherapy requires compliance with many nuances and very delicate and painstaking work on the patient’s hands. And if an inexperienced specialist undertakes treatment, the pathology will not only not go away, but will also lead to the spread of severe pain throughout the entire limb.

The mechanism of sclerotherapy consists of removing the vein from the circulatory system and subsequent gluing of the vessels using a special foam or liquid. This type of intervention is more in demand if the veins are swollen not only in the arms, but also in other parts of the body.

Phlebectomy. A surgical procedure such as phlebectomy helps to completely remove the bulging vein in the arm using special instruments. However, you need to remember that after the operation you can no longer use the veins in your arms to give injections.

Laser therapy. Along with surgery, there is a less invasive method of treating varicose veins - laser. It is also used for more serious forms venous disorders. The essence of this therapy differs from surgical intervention in that the walls of the vessels are glued together due to the action of the laser. Thus, proper blood flow is restored, and as a result, the swelling in the arm goes away.

Hirudotherapy. This is a method of treatment using leeches. They produce a special enzyme that has a positive effect on the circulatory system and increases the elasticity of tissue in the affected area. Despite its somewhat unconventional nature, this method helps even with severe swelling of the veins in the arms.

As we can see, there are many ways to treat swollen veins in the arms. However, to choose specific method, including surgical intervention, it is necessary to find out the original causes of the pathology, which are often physiological changes.

Often it is enough to simply reduce the load on your hands and also stick to preventive measures, and pathology, which is in in this case nothing more than a cosmetic defect, it will pass.

Therefore, it is not always necessary to resort to surgical intervention. Moreover, the operation can only be prescribed by a medical specialist.

Prevention of the disease

The best way to deal with protruding veins is to prevent them from appearing. This is very simple to do: from the age of 30, it is enough to actively care for the skin of your hands, moisturize it and follow several preventive recommendations.

An important role is played by exercises that should be performed in combination:

  • Simple stretching of the fingers, bending the palm into a fist and extension;
  • Arm movements like “swinging” (raising your arms up and down to improve blood circulation);
  • Spreading fingers;
  • “Walking” with fingers on a hard surface.

When performing exercises, try to stretch your fingers and arms as much as possible, but at the same time avoid discomfort. Also, for the prevention of varicose veins, massage of the fingers and hands is useful, which should be given at least a small amount of time every day.

In addition to exercise and massage, nutrition and a healthy lifestyle also play a role in bathing. If you want to keep your hands in beautiful condition for many years, wake up with a smile, do exercises in the morning, take a contrast shower. Diversify your diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits.

Thus, the appearance of excessively protruding veins can be easily prevented by using simple rules. However, if the disease still persists, consult a doctor who will give recommendations for treatment. If the disease does not cause pain and severe discomfort, as well as other additional symptoms, then there is no cause for concern and bloating will not harm your health.

Those who paid attention to the hands of singer Madonna, film actress Angelina Jolie and TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya must have noticed how visible the veins in their hands are! Is it really not possible to remove them somehow? After all, celebrities have a lot of opportunities to look perfect!

Is it necessary to do this? We’ll talk about this on the women’s website “Beautiful and Successful”.

Why are veins visible on my arms?

As many women age, the veins in their arms are clearly visible, and this is due to physiological changes in the body. But why do veins sometimes appear on the arms of young women? What is this connected with?

Let's look at the main reasons why some women have very visible veins on their arms.

Physiological features

The appearance of noticeable blue veins on the hands may be associated with physiological characteristics of the body.

  • As you know, with age, the skin becomes thinner and loses its elasticity. This is due to the fact that there are no sebaceous glands on the hands. Over the years, thinning of the subcutaneous adipose tissue is observed. That is, the fat layer in which the veins were previously hidden becomes thinner, and the veins protrude outward. If the veins become visible on the hands with age and do not hurt, you should not be afraid of this - This is a natural process of skin aging.
  • Also, the appearance of bulging veins may depend on the hereditary characteristics of the skin structure. Thus, veins can be noticeable on the hands of thin people with thin skin. They shine through the thin top layer and become visible on the surface of the brush. This is often due to genetic features of the structure of the skin: if your mother has noticeable veins on her arms, then you will most likely have this feature.
  • Veins are also very visible on the hands of “wiry” people. While this is not so scary for men, women often suffer from visible veins on their arms, and they don’t know what to do about it.
  • Veins may appear on the skin in hot weather. From the heat, blood vessels begin to dilate, blood circulates faster, and veins begin to swell. In cold weather, veins may not appear as clearly on the skin.

Varicose veins

As we know, venous blood circulates upward. Our hands are almost always down. If the walls of blood vessels are weak, blood circulation is disrupted and stagnation may occur. At the site of stagnation, a blockage forms, blood circulates poorly in this place, and the veins begin to appear under the skin and swell.

If bulging veins begin to hurt, you should definitely see a doctor.

Although varicose veins on the hands are much less common than varicose veins, there are still known cases of this disease on the hands.

Therefore, if, in addition to the unfavorable appearance, the veins in the hands cause pain, the site advises showing your hands to a phlebologist to rule out varicose veins.

Physiological stress

Veins in the arms can appear in women from physical activity: from lifting weights, carrying heavy bags, working in the garden, cleaning the house, caring for pets, etc. Physical activity on the arms worsens the nutrition of the subcutaneous fat layer, causing This causes the veins to swell and become visible on the arms.

There are many folds on our hands. They appear from systematic compression of the hand. The hand is constantly working - the fold deepens, becomes deeper and forms its own mark.

More than one such folds form on the hands. They necessarily intersect with each other, forming many “webs”. Such “webs” on the hands also cross the joints and veins that permeate our hands.

We keep grabbing, squeezing, carrying, lifting... the folds become deeper and begin to compress the muscles. The muscle becomes twisted, the nutrition of the subcutaneous fat layer is disrupted, the skin on the hands becomes damaged, and the outflow and inflow of blood is disrupted. The result is hands dotted with intertwined veins.

As you can see, most often bulging veins on the arms of women are - a cosmetic defect, not some kind of disease. Therefore, it is not necessary to undergo arm surgery to remove veins on the arms that are very visible.

Experts advise resorting to extreme measures only if the bulging veins in the arms are caused by the problem of varicose veins.

How to remove bulging veins on the arms?

The best way to remove veins on the arms that are very visible is to prevent them from appearing. Therefore, starting from the age of 30, it is important not only to systematically care for your hands, not forgetting about their hydration and nutrition, but also to perform simple preventive measures.

These exercises should help remove small veins that have already appeared on the arms without resorting to surgery.

Set of exercises

So, the set of exercises is aimed primarily at preventing deep folds from appearing on the arms, which can tighten the vein. To do this, you need to very often perform any exercises (do finger exercises) that will stretch the space between the fingers. The great thing is that you can do these exercises anywhere - on public transport, in queues, just walking down the street, etc.

  • Swing all phalanges of your fingers. Something like how we do “Magpie-Crow” for little children.
  • Bend and swing all the creases in your arms and hands.
  • Spread your fingers out to the sides.
  • Walk your fingers along the surface of the table.
  • It is also necessary to perform exercises with raised arms daily to improve blood circulation.

That is, try to do all the exercises that will force your fingers and hands to move to prevent the formation of deep folds and folds.

Sometimes, when performing these exercises, pain may occur, but then the pain recedes into the background and the condition of the hands improves - they become smooth, and the veins on the hands are not so visible.

Hand massage

Don't forget about hand massage. Massaging your hands will help remove muscle creases and remove folds on your hands - you will make room for the formation of subcutaneous tissue. Work with your hands a little every day.


Very good feedback about the treatment of bulging veins you can find about hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches. The enzyme contained in leeches has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels and helps improve the elasticity of blood vessels.

Therefore, several sessions of hirudotherapy can be effective method for those who have very visible veins on their arms.

Surgical methods for treating bulging veins in the arms

Often the veins on women's arms are so visible that exercises and massages alone are not enough to improve their condition. Patients who seek help from specialists complain that their arms with bulging veins look old and unkempt, so they want to remove the bulging veins.

Experts today practice several methods on how to remove bulging veins on the arms... This can be done in several ways.

Laser treatment

The laser beam glues the walls of blood vessels, and blood stops moving through the veins. Naturally, the vein disappears and is not visible on the arm.


The essence of this method is identical to the treatment of veins with a laser - to turn off the bulging vein from the blood circulation. To do this, special preparations in the form of foam or liquid are injected into the vein, which glue the walls of the vessels, and the vein fails.

By the way, we rarely perform sclerotherapy on our hands. Everything is connected with the peculiarities of this operation in the area of ​​the hand. If you perform this operation incorrectly, you will only get a nagging pain throughout your entire arm, and will not remove the bulge.

Abroad, a special type of banding is performed to prevent thrombosis.


This is an operation to remove a bulging vein in the arms. Protruding veins are removed through special punctures with an instrument.

It is very important to remember that with any surgical intervention the veins become unsuitable for intravenous injections. They are simply removed from the blood supply.

Drug treatment

There are many drugs known that have impact on the walls of veins. They are taken to improve their elasticity and permeability. Here are some reviews we found about how to treat very noticeable veins on the arms.

  • I strengthen the walls of blood vessels with chestnut preparations (escusan), and also drink mumiyo. I rub my veins with it. Don't forget about the contrast shower for your hands. Hope.
  • Mommy took Phlebodia 600. It became much better. Olya.
  • I drink nutmeg tincture. Pauline.
  • Heparin ointment helps me. I apply it to my hands to prevent the veins from swelling. Julia.
  • Having tried all the folk crap, including Birch buds, I bought Varicobooster cream. The veins became almost invisible already on the 5th day. Ksyusha.
  • For prevention, preparations with lily of the valley, horse chestnut, mistletoe, and vitamin R are suitable. Gennady.

Do not forget that doctors categorically do not recommend prescribing medications for bulging veins on your arms.

Before you start removing swollen veins on your arms, you need to find out why the veins have become very visible on your arms. Perhaps it will be enough to reduce physical activity on your hands, limit lifting weights and do a set of special exercises.

Is it necessary to remove bulging veins on the arms? operational methods, only a doctor should decide! If bulging veins on the arms threatened human health, then our celebrities would have gotten rid of this problem long ago. Therefore, most often the veins that are visible on the hands cause only aesthetic inconvenience, but do not threaten a woman’s health.

Why veins are visible even in young women is a question many girls ask phlebologists. And for good reason! Sometimes, protruding blood vessels are not a sign of aging at all; their appearance is due to other reasons.

In addition to natural changes in beauty female hands Many external factors also have a negative impact, such as weather conditions: wind and sun, dust, household products used in the household, and much more.

If we talk about aging, then with age the hands lose their attractiveness, the skin ceases to be soft and smooth. The thing is that there are no sebaceous glands on the hands, which means that the skin becomes thinner over the years and becomes dry. Visible veins appear on the arms where the skin has lost its elasticity.

In addition, the arms are almost always directed downward, and venous blood, as you know, goes upward. If the walls of blood vessels are weakened, blood cannot move through the veins with the required consistency. There is stagnation of blood and excess pressure on the walls of blood vessels, which bring pain and spoil the beauty of women's hands. You should definitely consult a doctor the first time pronounced blood vessels appear on your hands. Enlarged veins may be initial sign development

Protruding blue “paths” appear in everyone, both women and men. Most often this occurs for reasons related to daily physical activity, such as work involving heavy lifting or strength sports.

Another factor that provokes the appearance of unsightly veins on the arms is constant physical activity - carrying heavy objects. As a result, over time, the veins inflate and expand, which in itself is a consequence of increased blood flow. Blood stagnates in the vessels, changing their shape, awakening various inflammatory processes. Regular strength training causes tension in the veins along the entire length of the arms (and not just on the hands), but the distortion of the shape of the vessels is not so significant.

People who have a wiry build tend to have more visible swollen veins in their arms. Men do not pay much attention to the appearance of their hands, but women, on the contrary, pay attention and wonder: what are the reasons for the enlargement of veins on the hands? Next question– how to prevent the appearance of protruding blood vessels, how to restore the natural attractiveness of your hands?

Unsightly, pronounced veins on the arms are often found in people of fragile build. This fact does not indicate any health problems, but is a consequence of the absence of a subcutaneous fat layer, as well as thin skin through which the vein tracks are visible. Perhaps enlarged blood vessels in a thin person indicate an insufficient amount of collagen in the body.

Vessels on the hands - causes of varicose veins

One of the signs of varicose veins is pain in the vessels. However, this pathology does not appear on its own. It is worth understanding a little about the causes of unsightly dilated veins.

Varicose veins are usually the main culprit behind bloated veins. With varicose veins, the walls of blood vessels become thinner, the diameter of the lumen expands, nodes and local deformations appear. This disease negatively affects the activity of valves in blood vessels, which means it prevents blood flow to the heart in the required amount. Impaired blood circulation in the vessels leads to increased pressure in the veins, which means loss of natural shape and twisting.

The process of changing the size and shape of blood vessels occurs quickly and is accompanied by severe pain. That is why you should not let the disease take its course. It develops very quickly, and it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist and begin therapy in order to avoid complications and the possible appearance of thrombophlebitis. Swollen veins can also indicate other diseases, atherosclerosis, aneurysm and others. In addition, varicose veins over time can cause irreversible changes in blood vessels, which can only be eliminated through surgery.

If your veins hurt: treatment methods

It is extremely important for women to have attractive hands that do not have protruding, unsightly veins. Let's talk a little about how to preserve their natural beauty.

As mentioned above, bloating of the veins is accompanied by painful sensations, often very strong. This is the result of changes in the functioning of vascular valves. Blood circulation to the heart is disrupted, pressure in the vessels increases, and veins twist, accompanied by pain. Of course, phlebologists do not recommend allowing such a development of events. At the first signs, you need to act so as not to bring the development of the disease to a more severe stage.

Today, experts offer several methods for treating varicose veins. Enlarged blood vessels in the arms can be removed using ultrasound therapy, surgery, laser treatment, sclerotherapy, and also by taking a course of medications.

Hirudotherapy against varicose veins

Incipient vein disease can be stopped with the help of hirudotherapy. The healing effect of leech saliva has long been known. It contains an enzyme that restores health and natural shape to blood vessels. After about five hirudotherapy procedures, the result is already noticeable.

Vein treatment with laser

Laser therapy is considered the most painless method of treating varicose veins. Its essence is that, using a special device - a laser, a specialist glues the walls of blood vessels, as a result, the movement of blood stops, and soon the vein returns to its natural shape and size. Sclerotherapy is similar in effect. Only the result is achieved with the help of a special substance - sclerosant, which is injected into a vein.

Vein surgery

Veins that protrude too much are removed surgically. However, today, phlebologists do not often turn to this method.

Medicine for enlarged veins

Modern medications make it possible to restore the health of blood vessels without surgical intervention. Medicine offers a wide range of products: ointments, tablets, capsules, drops, which act externally and internally on blood vessels, bringing them to their natural state. Majority medicines basically have horse chestnut, vitamin P, oleander, mistletoe, lily of the valley extract. All of them are characterized by antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects.

Methods for preventing swollen veins

A comprehensive, serious approach to preventing the appearance of dilated veins will prevent the development of the disease and keep your hands healthy and beautiful. It is important, at the first signs of changes in the veins, to begin to monitor the stress that your hands experience during the day.

You must immediately give up heavy bags, lifting and rearranging weighty objects. During the day, you should perform exercises to improve blood flow in the vessels of the hands - any tasks in which the hands are at the top.

You should pay attention to the daily menu. The diet should contain a lot of fruits and vegetables. Useful material, contained in them, help thin the blood, improve its quality, and also establish normal microcirculation and increase vascular tone.

Summarizing all of the above, I would like to note that careful attention to your health, timely preventive and treatment measures will not allow a serious disease to develop, which means beauty and health will remain for many years.

Protruding veins on the arms in most cases are only an aesthetic problem. As a rule, they are noticeable on the hands (especially on the middle, ring and index fingers), wrists and forearms, sometimes on the shoulders, and this phenomenon is observed more often in men than in women.

But the absence of physical discomfort does not always indicate the norm of such a symptom. If the veins in your arms protrude, this happens often, they are very visible, and even more so if they hurt, ache or pull, you need to consult a doctor to find out exactly the reasons for what is happening.

It is important to be able to distinguish in which case this symptom is a variant of the norm, a physiological condition, and in which it is pathological, requiring diagnosis and treatment.

This is what it looks like in the photo:

In ordinary healthy people

As a normal option, large swollen veins in the arms may appear in the following situations:

  1. A person regularly performs strength physical activity on his arms. In this case, the pressure on the vessels increases, expanding their lumen, and at the same time, the arm muscles become hard - they also help push the veins out.
  2. From the blow. The site of the bruise usually swells, the vessel becomes more noticeable and pronounced. If a person hits his hand right in the place where the vein runs, then it may swell, turn blue or purple, sometimes even turn black and a bruise will form around it.
  3. Thin, translucent skin (especially in girls, teenage boys and children), with a small layer of subcutaneous fat that could hide blood vessels. Normally, this problem should not cause cosmetic defects in a child.
  4. A hereditary feature is the superficial location of the veins. Most often, enlarged veins appear after too much physical exertion or when a person holds for a long time and then quickly lowers his hands. It occurs less frequently in boys than in girls.
  5. Hot weather, significant increase in air temperature. This factor sometimes provokes increased blood pumping in the extremities, due to which the vessels and capillaries increase in size, inflate and become convex (on the legs this manifests itself as varicose veins and swelling in the evenings).
  6. In older people, as a result of the aging of the body. With age, the elasticity of blood vessels begins to be lost, the walls of the veins are unable to maintain their shape, and the tortuous pattern on the hands becomes more noticeable.
  7. Pregnancy, postpartum period. In this condition, bulging veins in women is a physiological process associated with hormonal changes in the body.
  8. Blood collection, IV placement, anesthesia administration. In some people, the veins may swell after a blood donation procedure, or after a catheter is removed. In this case, the injection site often ache, itch, and there is redness and burning. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon that is associated with anatomy, there is no need to worry. But if there is also pain, you should consult a doctor, this may be a sign of post-injection phlebitis.
  9. When you lower your hands. A similar phenomenon is usually observed in people with problems with blood pressure, with increased blood density. When the arms are lowered, especially if they had been raised for a long time or were tense, the blood does not have time to circulate normally and the veins become more visible.

If the veins swell and then disappear, this may indicate a temporary circulatory disorder. In this situation, there is no point in trying to reduce them; they must hide on their own.

In athletes

In people who are actively involved in sports, veins appear much more often than in others. For example, in bodybuilders and bodybuilders, increased venousness and pulsation is due to the fact that during training the athlete’s arms bear a huge load - the vessels from the inside bulge from the muscles, which grow rapidly.

Another option is if the vessels of the upper or lower limbs swollen immediately after training. This happens because physical activity increased blood flow and expanded the lumen of the vessels, which then come to the surface.

Due to illness

Pathological reasons for swollen veins in the arms are less common than physiological ones, but they should not be ignored. It is important to exclude in time a possible disease that will cause not only aesthetic inconvenience, but also possible serious complications in the future.

Most often, diseases that provoke such a symptom are:

  1. Varicose veins. It occurs when the walls of blood vessels weaken, causing congestion to clog them, causing them to swell and bulge under the skin.
  2. Thrombosis. With this disease, blockages (one or more) appear in the deep veins, which form a blood clot. The pathology is quite difficult to detect early stages, while the superficial vessels have not yet emerged, it is practically not accompanied by symptoms. From time to time a person may feel heaviness in the limbs and pain when palpated.
  3. Thrombophlebitis. This is an inflammatory process of the walls of superficial blood vessels. They become dark blue, in advanced cases they turn black and are very painful.
  4. Postphlebitic syndrome. A pathology characterized by a complication of deep vessel thrombosis.

All these diseases require timely treatment. If neglected, they threaten serious damage to the arteries, atrophy of part of the bloodstream and paralysis of the limbs.

Associated symptoms

In the case of pathological provoking factors, pronounced veins usually cause not only aesthetic, but also physical discomfort.

This mainly manifests itself:

  • heaviness and pain in the hands;
  • swelling of the hands.

One of the common symptoms is a constant desire to fix the arms above the level of the head (in this position, the outflow of stagnant blood improves).

In difficult cases, when vein pathology is caused by serious circulatory disorders, as well as thrombophlebitis, the following is observed:

  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • hyperemia of the skin of the hands;
  • lump, lump, lump, swelling or ball at the site of the lesion;
  • swelling, blueness;
  • change in skin color;
  • muscle weakness;
  • the appearance of ulcers on the skin.

Differential diagnosis

The main direction of diagnosis is the study of blood vessels, excluding severe diseases. For this, the patient is referred for venography or ultrasound.

To complete the diagnostic picture, the patient will need to undergo blood and urine tests. Only based on the results of the research will the doctor be able to prescribe adequate treatment.

If the examinations did not reveal any pathologies, then the specialist may recommend simply changing your lifestyle.

Treatment tactics

Treatment of any pathology depends on the cause that provoked it. Therapeutic measures for pronounced veins can be medicinal and surgical.

The latter option is resorted to in two cases: either if the disease progresses and there is a risk of a large blood clot, or if the patient simply wants to eliminate an aesthetic defect.

To enhance the effect of drug or surgical therapy, you need to help the body remove (hide) visible veins.

For this:

  • Drink enough clean, non-carbonated water. This will improve the structure of the skin of your hands, it will become smoother and more elastic.
  • Avoid coffee and alcohol. This will make the skin color uniform, without a “gray” tint.
  • Use hand creams. This can be either a simple moisturizer or a special anti-varicose cream. The latter will improve the tone of blood vessels, and, if the problem has not gone far, will hide them.

Hand exercises

There is a whole list of exercises (pictured below) that will help eliminate large veins.

Here are the most effective:

  1. Clasp your hands into fists, lower and raise them “all the way”, bending your hands – 10 times.
  2. Alternately extend your fingers to the back, then together.
  3. Gather the fingers of the right and left hands into a bun, lower them together downwards, bending the hand, return to the starting position - 10 times.
  4. Work your thumbs: pull them back and forth and to the sides.
  5. Clenching your hands into fists, twist them, bending your wrist.
  6. Forcefully bend and straighten your fingers into fists – 10 times.
  7. Place your palms in front of your chest, bending your arms elbow joints, raise your elbows up, lowering your hands to the navel.
  8. Walk along any surface with your fingers, imitating playing the piano.
  9. Straighten your arms, point them in different directions, swing them in a circle - forward and backward.
  10. In the same position, bend your elbows and make circular movements of your limbs, first to the right, then to the left.

Such exercises, performed daily, can really improve the aesthetic appearance of the hands by restoring the tone of the blood vessels.

Drug therapy

Conservative treatment is aimed not only at eliminating the visible defect, but also at stopping the cause that caused it.

Basically, doctors prescribe:

Remember that you should never prescribe medications and treatment for yourself! This label is provided for informational purposes only.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Among the physiotherapeutic procedures that can help are taking a contrast shower twice a day for at least 10 minutes, and massage. It can even be done independently, at home, either with your hands or with the help of various massage devices. For dry skin, you should use cosmetic oil.

Hand baths (used in nail salons) are also used. Modern models are equipped with an infrared emitter; it is possible to conduct a session of magnetic therapy and vibration massage. Such comprehensive care will definitely improve the appearance of the hand area, relieve fatigue and relax them.

When is surgery required?

In the event that as a result of the course of diseases the veins are strongly visible, and drug treatment did not produce an effect, the patient will definitely be scheduled for surgery. If there are no pathologies, but bloating is observed for some non-serious reasons, for example, as a result of heredity, then everything depends only on the desire of the patient himself.

There are several surgical options:

  1. . This is the complete removal of a vein affected by varicose veins using special instruments.
  2. . This type of surgical intervention involves turning off the vein from the bloodstream (its functions are assigned to other vessels) and filling it with a special sclerotic fluid.
  3. Laser therapy. Veins that are swollen disappear under the influence of a laser, which glues them together from the inside. This is the most painless and gentle operation.
  4. Ultrasound thrombolysis. It is used if a blood clot has formed in the bloodstream. Then, with the help of a certain wavelength, it is destroyed.

Depending on the chosen surgical procedure, the rehabilitation period will vary. The shortest is with laser therapy, the longest is with phlebectomy. In the latter case, hands should not be subjected to heavy physical effort for a month.

Alternative Therapies

If the veins become very enlarged and protrude, but there are no blood clots or a threat to health, alternative medicine can come to the rescue. This is a whole vault folk recipes, leech treatment, acupuncture.

Important: Before deciding on unconventional methods of treatment, you need to consult a doctor and make sure that the chosen method will not harm or aggravate the situation. Poor patient tests will be the first contraindication for use alternative methods medicine.

Quite a large number of people notice swollen veins on their arms and legs. The appearance of this symptom in the female half of humanity brings significant aesthetic inconvenience. Men also suffer from a similar disease. Along with the loss of attractiveness of the hands, patients note the presence pain in the area of ​​veins. To effectively treat the pathological process, you must know the exact diagnosis and begin recovery therapy.

The main causes of bloating of blood vessels in the hands

Among the common reasons why the veins in the arms swell are the following factors:

To get started effective treatment it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of the disease. Timely therapy will avoid severe forms of the disease, as well as complications.

Associated symptoms

Among the accompanying signs of the disease are the following symptoms:

If the above symptoms are detected, you need to contact a specialist and undergo diagnostics. It should be remembered that varicose veins are a serious disease that requires an integrated approach.

Treatment methods

Treatment directly depends on the cause of swollen veins. Along with treatment of the underlying disease, it is necessary to include treatment of symptoms. During recovery, it is imperative to avoid heavy physical activity on your arms. Daily exercises for the limbs have a positive effect. During gymnastic movements, greater emphasis should be placed on working with the hands. Blood will flow to the fingertips, providing good nutrition to the entire limb. It is important to review your diet. It is necessary to exclude fatty and fried foods, increase the amount of drinking clean water(not including tea). A positive effect is observed from a contrast shower. To do this, douse yourself first with hot, then with cold water. A daily procedure will increase blood flow to the hands, providing nutrition and oxygen supply.

If varicose veins have been diagnosed, then it is prescribed complex treatment. Various methods are used. Among them is hirudotherapy, treatment with leeches. The procedure is very effective, especially at the initial stage of the disease. Standard tablet treatment and laser therapy are also used. In severe cases, the doctor prescribes surgery.

Swelling and swelling that appears on the hands should not be ignored. The sooner treatment is started, the easier it is to eliminate it.