Eyebright plant. Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis). Eyebright is effective for prevention and treatment

Today it is not a problem to purchase any ophthalmological drugs at the pharmacy that will help you quickly and effectively cope with almost all eye diseases. But sometimes a pharmacy is not available, or a person does not have sufficient funds to purchase medicines. Many people don’t use it at all synthetic drugs. Herbal medicine comes to the rescue. Traditional healers have known about the benefits of eyebright herb for the eyes since ancient times.

This is interesting: researchers have found that the healing properties of the eyebright herb were known already in the 9th century. In ancient herbalists one could find many recipes containing this plant. Ancient healers, of course, did not know exactly what substances and components were contained in eyebright, but they knew how to use it to treat a wide variety of eye ailments.

Composition and properties of the plant

Eyebright is collected at the end of summer - beginning of autumn during the flowering period, dried and stored for future use for the further preparation of medicinal tinctures and decoctions

For cooking medicines leaves, stems and flowers of eyebright are used. The plant is collected away from highways, railways, and chemical plants during the flowering season, which lasts from mid-August to the end of October. First, the stems are washed and dried, then crushed and finally dried naturally in a dry place with good ventilation. Store cooked medicinal herb preferably in linen bags with drawstrings or a ceramic jar with a tight lid.

Thanks to these components, eyebright has an anti-inflammatory, sedative, astringent effect. It has been proven that a medicinal infusion from this plant can lower pressure, including intraocular pressure. There is also evidence, but so far it has not been fully confirmed, that eyebright helps fight viral infections. But still, its main property is a positive effect on blood vessels, which is important for proper nutrition and functioning of the eye structures.

Attention! Eyebright affects not only the eyes, but also other internal organs Same. In general, its properties are beneficial to the body, but in some cases the use of this plant should be abandoned. Eyebright and medicines made from it are contraindicated in cases of low stomach acidity, a tendency to low blood pressure, and while carrying and feeding a child. And also this plant is not used to treat children under three years of age.

In pharmacies it is easy to find packaged eyebright herb, completely ready for home preparation of infusions and decoctions

How eyebright is good for vision

Official medicine does not recognize eyebright as a full-fledged medicine for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases, although the extract of this plant is included in many dietary supplements and vitamin complexes to improve vision. But traditional medicine claims that lotions, compresses, ointments, infusions and decoctions of eyebright can solve a number of problems with the organs of vision. Eyebright will be useful in the following cases:

  • darkening and spots of the cornea;
  • inflammation of the eyelids, including blepharitis, stye;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye - conjunctivitis of various origins;
  • inflammation of the lacrimal gland or tear ducts;
  • mechanical damage to the eyeball;
  • increased intraocular pressure (glaucoma, cataracts);
  • decreased visual acuity for various reasons.

The recipes will be different in each case. Therefore, even if you decide to treat eye pathologies using alternative medicine, it is still recommended to first visit an ophthalmologist and undergo an examination. This is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis. Do not forget that eyebright can cause allergic reactions and worsen the patient's condition in case of individual intolerance. In this case, it would also be a good idea to consult with a qualified specialist.

What pharmaceutical preparations contain eyebright?

If it is not possible to collect and dry eyebright yourself, in herbal pharmacies you can purchase ready-made raw materials for preparing decoctions and infusions at home. Dry and crushed eyebright is packaged in plastic bags or cardboard boxes.

For ease of use, herbal teas are available in bags containing eyebright and other organic ingredients.

Herbal pharmacies offer various bagged teas containing, in addition to the main component, dried blueberries, black currant extract, cedar oil, resin and other organic additives that are beneficial for the eyes. It is worth paying attention to the products of pharmaceutical companies Horst, Evalar, Altai-Pharm.

And you can also buy inexpensive eye drops that contain eyebright without a doctor’s prescription. For example, a highly concentrated tincture of eyebright from the Nature’s Answer brand. The multicomponent drug “Flavigran eyebright” has proven itself well. In addition to eyebright herb, it contains:

  • buckwheat extract;
  • blueberry extract;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oils.

According to the instructions for use from the manufacturer, this drug is effective as a means of enhancing the effect of other medications for cataracts and glaucoma; it is also recommended to be included in complex treatment for corneal ulcers, retinal detachment, complex kerato-conjunctivitis.

A special alcohol-free tincture, Herbs for Kids, containing extracts of eyebright and echinacea is produced for children.

In online stores you can find a dietary supplement for the eyes of the brand Now Foods. This medicine contains pure eyebright extract in capsules.

How to use the herb at home

So, in folk medicine eyebright is used both internally and externally, in pure form, in combination with an alcohol component or as part of multi-component herbal preparations. Below are some of the most popular recipes that are suitable for home preparation and use.

Alcohol tincture

To prepare, you will need 100 g of dried and crushed leaves, stems and flowers of eyebright and 500 ml of purified medical alcohol (70%). The cooking method is as follows:

  • Place the chopped herbs in a bottle with a sealed cap;
  • pour out the alcohol, close the bottle and shake well;
  • place the container in a dark, warm place for two weeks;
  • Shake the tincture every day;
  • After 14 days, strain the medicine, pour it into a clean bottle with a stopper and start using it.

Traditional medicine claims that such a remedy can reduce intraocular pressure, stop the development of glaucoma, and also eliminate chronic dry eyes. To get results, take alcohol tincture You need two teaspoons in the morning on an empty stomach. The duration of treatment lasts at least three weeks.

For obvious reasons, this remedy is not suitable for small children, pregnant and lactating women. It can be given to adolescents over 12 years of age, but must first be diluted in clean water. Dosage – 20 drops at a time.

For compresses, lotions and washing sore eyes, a decoction of eyebright, often supplemented with other medicinal plants, is useful.

Mixed infusion with eyebright for lotions and compresses

With irritation in the eyes, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, the mucous membrane and eyelids become red, swollen, and very itchy. You can relieve discomfort and inflammation with warm compresses and lotions. First you should prepare an infusion. For this you will need:

  • dried eyebright - a tablespoon;
  • dry chamomile – a tablespoon;
  • purified water – 300 ml.

The cooking method is as follows:

  1. Mix the herbs and place in a fireproof container.
  2. To boil water.
  3. Pour in the herbs, cover and leave for two hours.
  4. Strain the resulting infusion.
  5. Transfer the remaining mass to previously prepared gauze sections and place on the eyes for a quarter of an hour.

The remaining infusion can be taken orally throughout the day as tea or used for compresses. The medicine should be used within 24 hours after preparation, otherwise it loses its effectiveness.

To enhance the effect of local procedures, alternative medicine recommends taking a decoction of eyebright orally in the form of tea

Eyebright decoction

Traditional healers claim that this remedy will be useful for any ophthalmological diseases; it can also be used if you are prone to eye pathologies or severe eye fatigue for preventive purposes.

Brew the herb to get the most effective and useful decoction, it should be like this:

  1. Place two tablespoons of dry, crushed eyebright into a dry, fireproof container.
  2. Separately, boil 500 ml of purified water.
  3. Pour boiling water over the herb and place on low heat.
  4. Cook for ten minutes.
  5. Remove from heat, cover and let cool to room temperature.
  6. Strain and use as directed.

The resulting medicine can be used in several ways: for instillation (1 drop three times a day), for preparing compresses (done morning and evening, procedure lasts 10 minutes), for oral use (take 100 ml of warm decoction three times a day half an hour before taking food).

Wine tincture with honey

This is a complex recipe that uses several different organic ingredients. This drug is recommended for use in weak eyes and a tendency to myopia. So, to prepare a healing tincture, you will need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 200 g of pulp from aloe leaves - you need the most fleshy leaves, which are first kept in the refrigerator for several days and then cut with a knife;
  • 500 ml of natural, fresh honey, it is better to take herbs or flower varieties;
  • 500 ml of high-quality red wine, table or dry;
  • 50 g each of dried cornflower and eyebright flowers.

The recipe for making the tincture is as follows:

  1. Heat the wine in a saucepan, but do not bring to a boil.
  2. Add honey, stir until the two components are completely dissolved and combined.
  3. Pour the herb mixture into a glass bottle.
  4. Pour in a hot mixture of wine and honey.
  5. Seal and shake vigorously until all ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  6. Leave the bottle in a dark place for three days.
  7. After three days, pour the mixture into a saucepan, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 45 minutes.
  8. Cool, strain, take one tablespoon on an empty stomach.

The course of treatment lasts until vision is completely restored and unpleasant symptoms are eliminated.

The most popular among patients are various dietary supplements, which are eyebright extract in capsules

Eyebright is a weed that grows everywhere in the steppes of the CIS countries. It got its name among the people due to its ability to effectively cure eye diseases and restore lost vision.

However, these are not the only healing properties eyebright, so the herb is actively used in folk medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. Using herbal teas For self-treatment, it is important to remember that each plant has its own contraindications and side effects.

Eyebright is a source of rare elements

A universal herb that can affect various internal systems and organs. The diversity of eyebright is due to its amazing rare composition:

  • essential oils;
  • fixed oils;
  • coumarins;
  • resins;
  • bitterness;
  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids (apigenin, quercetin and others);
  • saponins;
  • anthocyanins;
  • organic acids (ferulic, caffeic and others);
  • tanning components;
  • macro- and microelements (copper, manganese, chromium, magnesium, silicon, etc.).

Tannins have astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, making a decoction of the herb effective for diseases of the oro- and nasopharynx, upper respiratory tract, colds.

Flavonoids tone the heart muscle, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and increase their elasticity. Regular consumption of eyebright reduces the risk of sclerotic lesions, the formation of cholesterol and atherosclerotic plaques.

Organic acids stimulate the immune system, helping the body more effectively fight pathogenic microflora. They also reduce inflammation, bind and remove carcinogens, radionuclides, heavy metal salts and toxins from the body.

Rare microelements such as silicon, chromium and copper accelerate recovery processes, regeneration and cell renewal. They also affect the synthesis of various hormones and enzymes.

Cardiac glycosides quickly lower blood pressure and calm the pulse. Eyebright extract constricts blood vessels and stabilizes the functioning of the heart muscle.

Medicinal properties

Medical treatises have accumulated the following information about the properties of eyebright:

  1. Anti-inflammatory (reduces the lesion, redness, itching and painful sensations, hyperemia, edema).
  2. Antispasmodic (effectively fights pain of a spasmodic nature, for example, intestinal colic, menstrual pain and headaches).
  3. Enveloping (creates a thin protective film on the mucous membrane and skin, preventing the penetration of harmful microorganisms and infections, reducing the negative effects of an acidic environment).
  4. Antihypertensive (effectively reduces arterial pressure, producing the prevention of hypertension).
  5. Sedative (calms and relaxes nervous system, sets the body up to fall asleep quickly and have a long, deep sleep).
  6. Immunomodulatory (vitamins, antioxidants and organic acids stimulate the production of leukocytes - white blood cells responsible for the immune response).
  7. Decongestant (a decoction of eyebright allows you to remove excess fluid from the body, due to which generalized edema disappears).

Also, a decoction of eyebright, taken internally, produces the following effects:

  • regulates blood flow and quality of blood;
  • reduces pressure in the eyeballs;
  • treats respiratory diseases (pneumonia, asthma, sore throat, tonsillitis, etc.);
  • stimulates appetite;
  • treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (enterocolitis, jaundice, gastroenteritis, hepatitis, cirrhosis and others);
  • helps fight rheumatism;
  • alleviates the condition of an allergic reaction;
  • improves memory and concentration;
  • reduces the frequency and severity of seizures in epilepsy;
  • effectively fights gout.

Restores the functioning of the stomach and intestines, fights constipation and diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, reduces stomach acidity.

Reduces the symptoms of colds (for example, cough, runny nose, inflammation of the nasopharynx, sore throat, etc.).

Baths, applications and poultices based on eyebright extract promote healing and tissue regeneration in skin diseases. This local therapy allows you to get rid of the following pathologies:

  • pustular lesions, furunculosis;
  • lesions of the oral mucosa (stomatitis, herpes, candidiasis, glossitis, abscess, periodontal disease);
  • diathesis of an allergic nature;
  • eczema;
  • scrofula;
  • abscess;
  • warts;
  • dermatoses, neurodermatitis and acne;
  • skin tuberculosis and others.

You can also wash your hair with a decoction of the plant to strengthen hair follicles, stimulate hair growth and reduce hair loss. Since ancient times, applications based on eyebright extract have helped with focal baldness, seborrhea, dandruff and fungal infection scalp.

Since ancient times, decoction and extract of the herb have been used to reduce inflammation of the eyes and eyelids. Eyebright quickly neutralized the manifestations of conjunctivitis and stye, relieved eye fatigue and reduced intraocular pressure.

Modern pharmacology uses the medicinal properties of the plant to combat the following eye diseases:

  • inflammation of the lacrimal sacs and glands;
  • spots on the cornea, cataracts;
  • blepharitis;
  • dacryocystitis;
  • glaucoma;
  • trachoma;
  • decreased visual acuity (including age-related);
  • restoration of the eyeball after mechanical injuries and operations.

Eyebright is used comprehensively to treat eye diseases. It is necessary to take powders, teas and infusions from the plant internally. External use involves applying compresses and applications from a decoction of eyebright.

Some plants (chamomile, calendula, fennel) reveal and enhance the ophthalmological properties of eyebright. Together they are used to restore visual acuity in myopia and farsightedness.

Features of use and contraindications

In order to preserve the medicinal properties of eyebright, it must be collected during the flowering period (summer - early autumn). They dig up the whole plant, since in folk medicine not only flowers are used, but also stems, leaves, and roots.

After collection, the raw materials are sorted and dried (protected from sunlight). Dry collection must be stored in a cardboard box or paper away from sources of moisture and heat.

Dried leaves, stems and flowers are used to prepare a decoction, and are also ground into powder, on the basis of which infusions, applications and compresses are made.

As for contraindications, eyebright contains extractives and esters that can cause serious harm to health. The herb is not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 3 years;
  • low pressure;
  • exacerbation of systemic diseases;
  • diseases of the kidneys and excretory system;
  • rehabilitation after major surgery;
  • acute food poisoning, toxicosis;
  • allergy to eyebright or other medicinal herbs;
  • low stomach acidity.

If eyebright is used carefully and does not exceed the permissible dosage, then it will reveal its beneficial features without harming the body. In any case, before starting home herbal medicine, you should consult with your doctor.

Video: eyebright

In this article we talk about eyebright, its chemical composition and beneficial properties. You will learn what ailments this herb is used to treat, and what diseases it should not be used for. We will give advice on the proper preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials, and tell you how to grow eyebright in your own garden.

Eyebright (Latin - Euphrásia officinális) is a herbaceous annual plant of the Eyebright genus of the Broomrapaceae family.

For its healing properties, the plant has received many names: fireweed, eye grass, eye socket, crow's tears, magpie's tears, face-to-face help, fireweed, twelve-footed grass, gourd, toad grass, meadow heather, earworm, zezulka, serpentine, kashka.

What does it look like

Appearance (photo) of eyebright medicinal eyebright grows from 5 to 15 centimeters, in rare cases reaching half a meter. The stem is straight, branched from the middle, reddish-brown in color, all covered with short hairs.

The leaves are small, ovoid, with teeth along the edges. The lower part of the stem of an adult eyebright is almost bare, as the foliage falls off as the plant grows.

Pale purple or white flowers develop in the axils of the leaves. Their size is 6-10 millimeters. A distinctive feature of eyebright flowers is a round yellow spot on one of the petals. The upper “lip” of the flower is curved upward, the lower one is divided into 3 lobes and lowered to the ground. The flowering period is from mid-summer until September.

The fruit is a dry capsule that ripens in August - September.

Inside the box, the seeds are light gray sticks 1.5 millimeters long. They ripen unevenly, in August - September. When the boxes open, the seeds will fall to the ground.

Where does it grow?

The habitat where eyebright grows in the wild is the entire territory of Europe. In Russia it is distributed everywhere, with the exception of the Far North.

Eyebright's own root system is weak, so it does not tolerate transplants well. She immediately needs to choose a permanent place. The main advantage that all gardeners will appreciate is that the plant does not need weeding. Remove only large weeds (dandelion or thistle). There is also no need to fertilize.

Eyebright is sown before winter or early spring. Seed grooves are made to a maximum of 0.5 centimeters. In just a week you will see seedlings if the seeds were planted in the spring. The plant begins to bloom towards the end of June and continues until autumn frosts.


Eyebright herb is used for medicinal purposes. The plant is used exclusively for medicinal purposes . No culinary properties have been identified.

Official medicine does not recognize the beneficial properties of eyebright herb. However, in pharmacies you can find the plant in filter bags or in bulk. Eyebright is included in some dietary supplements.

Chemical composition

The herb contains the following beneficial substances:

  • iridoid glycosides;
  • lignans;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • bitterness;
  • essential and fatty oils;
  • resins;
  • gallotannins;
  • tannins;
  • aromatic acids;
  • coumarins;
  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • silicon;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • chromium;
  • manganese;
  • magnesium.

Medicinal properties

Eyebright - medicinal properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • enveloping;
  • astringent;
  • hypotensive;
  • sedative.

The herb is used in folk medicine. It got its name because it can be used to treat eye diseases.

The plant has a good effect on blood supply to the brain and lowers eye pressure. Eyebright is credited with the ability to relieve nicotine addiction.

Eyebright is used to treat cough, acute respiratory diseases, bronchitis and sore throat. Indicated to strengthen the immune system.

The effectiveness of the herb has been proven for problems with gastrointestinal tract : for gastric catarrh, enterocolitis, gastritis with high acidity. Eyebright is also used for rheumatism and gout.

It is used in cosmetology. It has a positive effect on hair growth, which is why it is included in nourishing masks.

How to collect

Collection is carried out during the flowering period. Eyebright is pulled out by the roots, since the healing qualities are inherent in all its parts.

The shoots are cut and dried in the open air, in well-ventilated areas or in special dryers. Climate control is required: drying occurs at temperatures up to 40 degrees.

After drying, the herb is crushed and stored in paper bags or glass containers in a dry place. Due to high humidity, eyebright may lose its healing properties. The maximum shelf life is 2 years.

How to use

Eyebright is used to treat ophthalmological diseases: conjunctivitis, blepharitis, corneal opacities.

Eyebright for the eyes is used in the form of powders, infusions, and decoctions of crushed dried leaves. They are used internally and externally. Eyebright herb is useful for the eyes in the form of baths, lotions, compresses and drops.

Eye tincture

To treat eye diseases, prepare a wine tincture.


  1. Aloe (pulp) - 200 g.
  2. Eyebright - 50 g.
  3. Meadow cornflower - 50 g.
  4. Honey - 600 g.
  5. Dry red wine - 600 ml.

How to cook: Mix wine with honey. Pour the resulting mixture over aloe, eyebright and cornflower. Leave for 3 days, shaking occasionally. Then boil the tincture for 1 hour over low heat and strain.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, shortly before meals.

Result: Restores visual functions.

Infusion for skin

Eyebright extract is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Relieves redness on the skin, reduces itching. The herb is indicated for any external manifestations of allergies. The plant is widely used for pustular skin diseases, childhood diathesis and eczema, and skin tuberculosis in children.


  1. Eyebright (crushed) - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Water - 400 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the grass. Leave for 2 hours. Then strain.

How to use: For children from 3 to 5 years old, give 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Older children and adults drink 50 ml.

Result: Redness and itching disappear.

Due to its high antiseptic and fat-burning abilities, it is used in the fight against cellulite.

Decoction for the stomach

German physiotherapist Sebastian Kneipp discovered eyebright to the world as a remedy for treating stomach diseases.


  1. Eyebright (crushed) - 2 teaspoons.
  2. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour the herb into cold water and bring to a boil. Leave for 3 minutes, then strain.

How to use: Drink 0.5 glasses 4 times a day, regardless of meals.

Result: Restores gastrointestinal functions.


In order for the treatment to bring only benefit, you need to take into account contraindications:

  • low acidity of gastric juice and anacid gastritis;
  • low or high blood pressure;
  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance.

If you have chronic diseases Please consult your doctor before taking the herb.


Taxonomic position:

  • Type - Eyebright.
  • Genus - Eyebright.
  • Family - Broomrapaceae.
  • Order - Lamiaceae.
  • Class - Dicotyledons.
  • Department - Flowers.
  • Kingdom - Plants.
  • Overkingdom - Eukaryotes.


There are from 170 to 350 species of this herb. Here are some of them:

  • Eyebright;
  • Eyebright small-flowered;
  • Eyebright comb;
  • Eyebright is straight;
  • Eyebright glandular;
  • Altai eyebright;
  • Eyebright Amur;
  • Eyebright Caucasian.

For more information about eyebright, watch the video:

Eyebright medicinal infographics

Photo of eyebright, its beneficial properties and uses:
Eyebright infographic

What to remember

  1. Eyebright, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are described in this article, should be taken under the strict supervision of a doctor for chronic ailments. Only a specialist can determine the required dose of a folk remedy.
  2. Eyebright, use - a therapeutic agent in the treatment of ophthalmic diseases. Glaucoma, cataracts, eyesores, myopia - this is not the entire list of diseases that the plant can relieve.
  3. The herb is effective in the fight against cellulite.

A beautiful plant that stands out brightly in its habitat has been wearing a lot since ancient times. interesting names: eye socket, eye grass, eye grass, crow's tears, meadow heather, toad grass, gourd, snakeweed, fireweed and many others. But most often you can find its other name - eyebright. It has a large number of useful elements, the composition of which has not yet been fully studied. As you might guess from some of the names, the main area of ​​activity of eyebright is the treatment of the eyes, but its action is not limited to this. So what can eyebright offer us? In what folk recipes can it be used? Let's look at these questions in more detail.

Appearance and habitat

Eyebright is a small annual plant reaching 10-25 centimeters in height; there are also specimens with a 50-centimeter stem. The root is long, branched at the end. The straight but branched stem is dark red in color, all covered with small hairs. The oval-shaped leaves are small, opposite, sessile, and pointed at the edges. They are also covered with fluff. The flowers are often white and have a purple pattern on the petals and a light yellow spot on the “lower lip.” They grow in the axils of leaves and reach 1 centimeter in length. The oval-shaped fruit is covered with hairs and contains brown seeds. The plant has no odor, but has a bitter-salty taste.

Chemical composition

Eyebright will help replenish all the vitamins and macroelements the body needs. It includes:
Provitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B group
Magnesium, manganese, iron, silicon, copper, zinc, boron, chromium, etc.
Fatty and essential oils
Organic acids
Blue dye
And that’s not all, because so far the full composition of the plant has not been studied.

Eyebright properties

As mentioned above, eyebright is used mainly for treatment various diseases eye:

  • Inflammation of the eyes, eyelids and tear sacs;
  • Cloudiness and spots on the cornea;
  • Abscesses and tumors;
  • Barley, conjunctivitis, rhinitis;
  • Glaucoma, trachoma.
  • The plant improves vision, helps cope with age-related changes vision and eye fatigue. Helps after surgery or injury.

But its benefits are not limited to this. Eyebright can cope with:

  • Bronchitis, colds, sore throat, fever, asthma;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Gout, hernia;
  • Swelling of the glands in the neck;
  • Diseases of the digestive system, gastric catarrh, excess acidity of gastric juice;
  • Gastritis, colitis, catarrh of the colon, constipation;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Hypertension, heart disease, headache, hysteria;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Jaundice, cancer, tumors;
  • Sclerosis and other memory impairments, absent-mindedness and slow thinking;
  • Diathesis and eczema in children, skin tuberculosis;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Diseases of the prostate gland.

Eyebright acts as a strengthening and tonic and promotes better blood supply to the brain. Improves appetite, relieves inflammation and pain and soothes, eliminates abscesses, pimples and panaritiums. It has astringent, enveloping, sedative, antispasmodic and hypotensive properties. In addition, eyebright stimulates hair growth.

Medicinal recipes

For cooking folk remedies They use the ground part of eyebright - leaves and flowers.

Infusion of eyebright. Pour 3 tablespoons of chopped herbs into a liter of boiling water. Leave for an hour. Strain. Use as follows:
Adults and children 5-12 years old: 3 times a day, ½ cup
Children under 5 years: 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.
This infusion can be used as a compress for the eyes and washed your hair with it 2 times a week to enhance hair growth.

Eyebright tea. Pour 1-2 teaspoons of chopped leaves into 200 ml of boiling water. Bring to a boil over low heat. Leave for 2-3 minutes and strain.
Put some in tea table salt and wash your eyes with it for blepharitis and conjunctivitis.

A decoction for conjunctivitis, barley, purulent wounds and skin diseases . Pour 3 teaspoons of eyebright into 400 ml of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes over low heat. Leave for an hour and strain. Use in the form of baths, warming up a little beforehand.

Infusion for fatigue, glaucoma, cataracts. Pour 50 grams of dried leaves into a glass container with 220 ml of 70% alcohol and leave for 10 days in the dark and cool, shaking once every 2 days. Apply to a cloth and wipe your eyes. This infusion can also be used for children. It disinfects and relieves pain. It can be stored in the refrigerator for 5 years.

Infusion for diathesis, eczema and skin tuberculosis in children. Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed eyebright into 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Strain. Give your child 3 times a day:
Children 3-5 years old – 1 tablespoon
Children 10 years old – 50 ml
Children over 10 years old – 1/3 cup.

Decoction for glaucoma. Pour 2 teaspoons of finely chopped herbs into ¼ glass of water and bring to a boil. Leave for 5 minutes. Strain. Use the decoction as drops: 3 times a day, drop 1 drop into each eye. You can also do lotions for 30 minutes. If you add a little table salt to the broth, you can use it as a rub.

Infusion for getting rid of tobacco addiction. Pour 50 grams of crushed eyebright with a liter of boiling water and let cool, strain. Rinse with infusion 3 times a day oral cavity.

Infusion for poor digestion, lack of appetite and eye diseases:
Pour 10 grams of dried crushed eyebright into 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Strain. Drink 3 times a day, ½ cup.
Pour 2 teaspoons of chopped herbs into a glass of water, bring to a boil, leave to steep for 2-3 minutes. Drink 4 times a day, ½ cup.

Infusion for angina pectoris. Pour 2 tablespoons of finely chopped eyebright into 2 cups of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours and strain. Drink 4 times a day, ½ cup.

Infusion for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Pour 3 teaspoons of crushed herbs into 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours, strain. Drink 4 times a day, ½ cup.
For oncology, stomach and liver diseases, you should take 3 grams of eyebright powder. You can drink it with a small amount of milk.

For cataracts, you should make lotions from eyebright infusion 2 times a day for 40 minutes to 1 hour.

Eyebright contraindications

There are very few contraindications to the use of eyebright, but they do exist.

  • Eyebright is not recommended for low acidity of gastric juice and anacid gastritis.
  • If you have low blood pressure, you should not use alcohol tincture. At high blood pressure You can’t drink the water extract.
  • It is also necessary to exclude eyebright from the diet during pregnancy and in case of individual intolerance.

Before use, consult your doctor and follow the dosage exactly.