How to restore and strengthen the nervous system with the help of herbal remedies? Calming herbs for the nervous system Herbal teas for the nervous system

Are you familiar with causeless anxiety and irritability? Do daily worries keep you up at night? These signs indicate that you are stressed or nervous. They can end in moral exhaustion and a nervous breakdown. How to save your nerve cells?

Instead of pharmaceutical drugs causing lethargy and lethargy, try using calming herbs for nerves. They will help restore peace of mind, normalize sleep and improve overall well-being. Read the article about which herbs have a calming effect.

  • Herbs to calm nerves

    Problems in your personal life, conflicts at work, excessive mental stress? All this hits the nervous system hard. The situation is aggravated by seasonal vitamin deficiency, debilitating diets and lack of sleep. As a result, even the sweetest and most friendly woman turns into an irritable, touchy person.

    Herbal medicine can help you avoid a nervous breakdown. Herbs for nerves are used to prepare tinctures and decoctions, and are also added to relaxing baths.

    What plants will help you calm down quickly?

    In every person's life there are events that happen unexpectedly and unsettle them. The illness of a loved one, betrayal, slander and other unpleasant moments can provoke a nervous shock. The following plants will help you calm down and come to your senses:

    • - the most famous plant that calms the nerves. Root tinctures are taken in small doses.
    • have a relaxing effect. Dill decoction helps to quickly calm down and reduce high blood pressure.
    • - another effective herb for nerves. It helps to survive nervous shock and cope with insomnia.
    • has a powerful calming effect. Decoctions of the plant are recommended for people with increased nervous excitability and a tendency to hysteria.
    • used to quickly calm and treat neuroses. This herb is recommended for women to relieve premenstrual syndrome.
    • not only helps you calm down, but also relieves headache.
    • used for hysteria, increased anxiety and sleep disorders.

    Interesting fact

    What plants will relieve stress?

    Hard work, preparation for exams, family troubles drive us into stress day after day. Have you begun to sleep poorly and worry about every little thing? Is irritability and the urge to cry exactly what you are experiencing? Then you should seriously think about how to strengthen your nervous system.

    • restores mental balance when protracted depressions, relieves headaches, helps regulate sleep and wakefulness.
    • relieves tension, relieves physical and mental fatigue, eliminates headaches.
    • Chamomile has a slight sedative effect on the body. Decoctions of the leaves also help to sleep. When taken as a course, chamomile helps cope with stress.
    • contains essential oils which have a mild hypnotic effect. The herb helps cope with bouts of irritability.
    • promotes activity recovery nervous system, returns normal sleep. It is recommended to drink the herb during attacks of anxiety and panic.
    • can be used for excessive fatigue and insomnia. They help improve heart rate and blood circulation.
    • helps to get out of depression. The plant gives vigor, improves mood, increases vitality.


    Under stressful conditions, jumps are sometimes observed blood pressure. Hypertensive patients should not use Leuzea and St. John's wort as a sedative!

    Herbs for nerves: folk recipes

    Now you know which herbs calm your nerves. We will tell you how to use them correctly further.

    Tincture of cyanosis for neuroses

    Do you want to overcome stress and insomnia? Then prepare a tincture of blue cyanosis. This herb can be purchased in our online store.

    Instructions for preparing the tincture:

    • V glass jar put 3 tbsp. l. herbs;
    • pour in 150 ml of vodka;
    • put the jar in a dark place;
    • leave for 2 weeks.

    Take 2 tsp daily. healing infusion.

    Helpful advice

    It is better to take cyanosis tincture before bedtime.

    Dill decoction for insomnia

    Many housewives have it. Check to see if you still have them after the harvesting season? Dill decoction will help you calm down after a hard day at work and fall asleep faster. Write down the recipe:

    • put 1 tbsp in a ladle. l. dill seeds;
    • add hot water (500 ml);
    • cook for 10 minutes in a water bath;
    • let the broth brew for 40 minutes.

    You can take this soothing decoction for 5-7 days. Drink a glass of the drink per day, dividing the liquid into 3 doses.

    Dill seeds slightly reduce blood pressure, so it is better not to use this decoction for hypotensive people!

    Soothing herbal bath

    At the beginning of the article, we mentioned that medicinal plants can be used to prepare herbal baths. They will help relieve not only emotional, but also physical stress. Do you want to calm down and relax? Then use our tips:

    • To prepare a bath, use valerian root, watch leaves and chamomile flowers.
    • Take all medicinal herbs in equal quantities (15 g each) and place in a pan.
    • For 60 g of herbal mixture you will need 2 liters of water: pour in the dried herbs and slowly bring to a boil, then turn off the heating.
    • Infuse the liquid for 90 minutes, covering the pan with a lid.
    • Add the strained infusion to the bath and adjust the water temperature (37±2C).
    • Take a bath for 15 minutes.

    If you take these baths for a week, the symptoms of stress will ease.

    Medicinal plants will help you cope with increased nervous excitability, get rid of insomnia and even depression, so in most cases there is no need to take medications. We wish you health and peace of mind!

  • Today people often suffer from various mental disorders. There are many reasons for this condition: polluted environment, overtime work, rhythm of life, eating on the go. The body simply cannot withstand such a load, as a result of which a person becomes restless, tired, irritated, and sleep disturbance occurs. Sometimes it is very difficult to get out of this state on your own and requires the help of a specialist.

    To combat stress, you need to change your lifestyle. Pay more attention to rest, sports, walks in the fresh air, establish proper nutrition. Calming herbs can be of great help in treatment. Tinctures are prepared from them and released medications, used for water procedures.

    It is known that any pharmaceutical product, even those based on plants, contain other elements that can negatively affect the body.

    Therefore, it is worth considering the use of sedative herbs that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, normalize sleep, and relieve feelings of fatigue and irritability.


    Science has not yet sufficiently studied the mechanism of action of drugs based on medicinal herbs. However, it has been proven that sedatives can restore the functioning of the central nervous system and reduce its excitability. Compared to chemical drugs, these drugs do not affect skeletal muscles and do not cause ataxia. In addition, sedative medications, even when used for a long time, do not cause dependence on them.

    Most often, sedatives based on medicinal herbs are used to treat nervous disorders: motherwort, valerian, passionflower, peony, etc. pharmacological actions quite extensive. For example, valerian has not only a calming effect, but also an antispasmodic and choleretic effect. This plant also improves heart function, normalizes its rhythm and blood circulation.

    Peony is used as an anticonvulsant, and lemon balm is endowed with properties such as antipruritic, antiarrhythmic, and antispasmodic. List useful actions lemon balm wide It has a choleretic effect, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, lowers temperature, improves the functioning of the gonads, and relieves toxicosis of pregnant women.

    Indications for use

    Herbal sedatives are used for a wide variety of indications related to mental disorders.

    The most serious indications include the following factors:

    • Severe irritability.
    • Anger and aggression directed at other people.
    • Inability to relax due to frequent pain and itching.
    • Loss of sleep over a long period of time.
    • Loss of complete control over emotions.

    Some nervous disorders are accompanied by a specific skin rash. Sedatives are often used in the treatment of eczema caused by strong emotions and stress. The use of sedatives in this case helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system and remove dermatosis.

    Admission rules

    In order for medications to bring maximum benefit to the patient, it is necessary to follow certain rules for taking them. Medicines must be taken in a minimum dose. If you consume them in the evening 2-3 hours before going to bed, they will bring the greatest benefit to the body. In case of advanced disease, the doctor prescribes sedatives several times a day.

    The doctor also prescribes a special course of treatment with sedative medications. For them to be most effective, they must be taken for 3 weeks. Then the patient should rest for 2 weeks, after which treatment is resumed.

    It is better to take sedatives to eliminate mental problems on the recommendation of a specialist. Otherwise, the drug may be harmful to health, as it has some contraindications. Therefore, you need to be very careful when using sedatives on your own, which can also cause allergic reactions.

    Soothing herbs: list of healing herbs

    Herbs with sedative effects are the safest to use. Such tinctures have a much gentler effect on the body than pharmaceutical ones. chemicals. In addition, sedative herbs are not addictive. And their therapeutic effects They are not inferior even to strong drugs. It is worth noting that the rapid effect of using sedatives with natural ingredients no need to wait. At correct intake medications, improvement will come after a while.

    List of medicinal herbs

    Medicinal herbs should be collected from environmentally friendly places or grown in your garden. In any case, you can always buy ready-made raw materials at the pharmacy. The list of herbs that have a sedative effect is huge.

    But there are plants that are most often used for nervous system disorders:

    • St. John's wort. Useful to relieve anxiety.
    • Chamomile. Calms the nervous system and relieves muscle tension.
    • Motherwort. Has strong sedative properties. It is not recommended to use the herb if you have low blood pressure.
    • Sagebrush. With the help of this herb you can get rid of insomnia, as well as a hysterical state.
    • Valerian. Able to relieve nervousness and eliminate anxiety. A high dose of the drug can have a stimulating effect on a person.
    • creeping thyme. Used to calm nerves and for better sleep.
    • Adonis. A herb with a sedative effect can increase tone and normalize the patient’s emotional background.

    What are possible during pregnancy

    During pregnancy, a woman is often in a state of nervous imbalance. Her mood swings can change constantly. The reason for this phenomenon is hormonal changes in the body. At this moment, not only the woman feels bad, but also the baby in the womb, which depends on her mood.

    To mental development the child’s progress was correct and to maintain his health, it is necessary to take sedatives. Most the best option in this case, it's herbal teas. However, they should be consumed only after the advice of a doctor.

    For the expectant mother and her child, you can use teas from the following herbs: chamomile, motherwort, lemon balm, jasmine. During pregnancy, you can also prepare a drink from valerian. However, it should be used in small doses and not for a long time.

    Herbal alcohol infusions with a sedative effect should not be taken during pregnancy. It is better to prepare your own infusion of water or herbal tea. Such teas will calm the nervous system of the expectant mother, as well as relieve unnecessary worry, anxiety and improve the quality of sleep.

    For small children

    Young children especially need peace and quality sleep. Every day their brain perceives a lot of impressions and knowledge, which their growing body has difficulty coping with. As a result, the child sleeps poorly, refuses to eat, and is often capricious.

    In this case, sedative herbs will help. To do this, you can brew light teas or use a bath with herbs. In this case, it is necessary to prepare a herbal infusion in advance. Sometimes scented candles based on medicinal plants are used. The doctor may also advise using these methods in combination.

    For children, you can use the following herbs with a calming effect: chamomile, calendula, thyme, mint, motherwort. Most often, a series is used to bathe a baby. This plant not only perfectly relaxes, but also helps against diathesis and diaper rash. All of the herbs described above are able to calm the nervous system, fight harmful bacteria on the skin, and reduce inflammatory processes. Calming herbs are used both for bathing and for oral administration.

    Pharmacy products

    Herbal medicines versus chemical analogues, have safe properties. They have virtually no side effects, and also do not affect the liver and digestive organs. Some herbal tinctures are prepared with alcohol, due to which the medicine is absorbed by the body much faster. Basically, plants such as valerian, motherwort, and hawthorn are used for this.

    In many of the modern sedatives herbal based may include: mint, chamomile, peony. Each plant has a powerful calming effect. Today manufacturers produce many medicines for the treatment of nervous disorders. There are herbal medicines that contain chemical elements. These include: combination drugs: Novo-passit, Persen.

    Sedative herbs: recipes and preparation methods

    The human nervous system is often overloaded with stress and anxiety, and therefore malfunctions.

    Over time, nervous exhaustion and a number of diseases develop. Experts recommend paying attention to this problem in a timely manner. On initial stage cheerfulness can be restored with the help of medicinal plants. They have a beneficial effect on the body and do not harm it.

    In this, sedative herbs have a significant advantage over pharmaceutical chemicals.

    Recipes and cooking methods

    There are quite a lot various recipes preparing infusions and teas from herbs. Vegetable world medicinal herbs large, so they can be changed every week. For serious mental disorders, a collection of 3-5 medicinal plants is used. Each of them performs its own functions and also complements each other perfectly.

    The most popular sedative is mint or lemon balm tea. To prepare this drink, 1 tsp. raw materials are poured with 1 cup of boiling water and left for several minutes. The tea turns out aromatic and calms the nerves well.

    A soothing decoction of mint and St. John's wort with the addition of fireweed. This combination of herbs is suitable for people who are constantly under stress. The decoction calms and helps not to react to conflicts. To prepare the drink, take 1 tsp of herbs. each and mix in a bowl. Now add 1 liter of hot boiled water. You need to leave until it cools completely. This infusion should be drunk daily for one week.

    Herbal infusion: mint, lemon balm, chamomile, fireweed, and hop cones. Mix all ingredients 1 tsp. The drink can be infused in a thermos: per serving of the mixture - 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for about 2 hours, and then strain the liquid. Take 50 ml infusion before meals up to 5 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.

    If it is not possible to collect medicinal herbs yourself, you can always purchase them at the pharmacy. They are sold individually or ready fees. Each sedative comes with instructions on how to prepare the drug.

    Sedative herbs are often used for water treatments. To calm the nervous system, it is useful to add 2-3 drops of mint, rosemary or lemongrass oil to a bath of warm water. The procedure should last 15-20 minutes. An olive-citrus bath is very soothing. 1 lemon and 1 tbsp are enough. olive oil. Cut the citrus and add warm water to infuse. Then pour the infusion into the bath along with the oil.

    Tea, tincture

    In nature, there are many plants that can stop the inflammatory processes of the nervous system. Experts recommend preparing teas and tinctures from them. To do this, you can use the following herbs: chamomile, lavender, mint, motherwort, linden, fireweed, etc. Such sedative teas affect the body only after some time with constant use.

    All herbs that are recommended for making drinks have a powerful sedative effect. Before taking them, you should visit your doctor for consultation. The fact is that even such useful medicinal herbs have their contraindications. In addition, incorrect dosage can lead to side effects.


    Sedatives in the form of syrup for adults and children can be bought at the pharmacy. This form of medication is available without a prescription. In addition to active ingredients from medicinal herbs, they contain vitamins C and B6 and flavored additives. Mostly soothing syrups are intended for children. The product is used 2 tsp. after meals 4 times a day. The course of treatment is from 15 to 30 days.

    The modern world is not conducive to good functioning of the nervous system. Constant stress and lack of sleep negatively affect your emotional background. Soothing herbal infusions will help you avoid nervous tension and stay in a good mood.

    It is impossible to underestimate the influence of medicinal herbs on our body. Research and observations carried out over many centuries have proven the positive effects of plants on our body. Their action has properties that are not as harmful to the body as drugs. Recipes traditional medicine will help everyone who wants to put their nervous system in order and get rid of insomnia, panic attacks and apathy.

    Before using the recipes proposed by the site team, make sure there are no allergic reactions on your body. Remember that the raw materials for infusions must be fresh and properly prepared. If you have not prepared herbs during the summer season, use pharmacy collections.

    Herbal sedatives

    An excellent soothing tea is made with mint, valerian roots, oregano stems, sweet clover, hawthorn and rose hip flowers. Pour equal amounts of plants (a tablespoon) into two liters of boiling water and let steep for ten minutes. You need to take the decoction an hour before meals, half a glass. If you are facing tasks related to nervous tension, increase the dosage to a whole glass. The course of treatment is one week.

    Pour equal parts (a tablespoon) of tansy, calendula and oregano into 500 milliliters of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes. Strain the broth and distribute the doses evenly throughout the day. Within three days you will stop feeling severe anxiety, regain your good mood and normalize the functioning of your nervous system.

    Baths using medicinal herbs will help relieve daytime stress and nervousness. To do this, take equal parts (4 tablespoons each) of wormwood, linden and rosemary. Pour boiling water over the herbs and let it brew for half an hour. Strain the resulting broth, take a bath with it added for 20 to 30 minutes. These baths should be used before bedtime. Once a week is enough for you to feel the beneficial effects medicinal plants on your own body. In addition, wormwood serves as an excellent remedy for protecting the biofield, and linden helps to attract love into life.

    A great effect for combating frayed nerves is achieved with the help of dry hawthorn fruits. They also have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system who suffers from frequent stressful situations. Place a tablespoon of berries in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. After 2 hours, the infusion will be ready for use. You need to take the decoction a couple of teaspoons three times, starting with lunch. A week will be enough to see dramatic changes for the better.

    A wonderful way to reduce internal tension is beetroot juice and honey. An infusion mixed in proportions of 1 part juice and half a part honey will have a mild sedative and anti-inflammatory effect. It is worth taking it for ten days, a quarter glass three times a day, starting with lunch.

    Ivan tea serves as an excellent stress prevention, improves immunity, helps fight insomnia and reduces headaches. Brew two tablespoons of dry herb in half a liter of boiling water. It is better to infuse the broth in a thermos for three hours. It is necessary to use the prepared infusion for at least 5 days, two tablespoons 4 times a day, half an hour before meals.

    Peppermint and lemon balm can be used as an independent infusion or added to black and green teas. A couple of leaves per cup will be enough to lift your spirits, improve your body tone and relieve internal stress. As a separate drink, mint (1 tablespoon) is infused in 250 milliliters of boiling water for 15 minutes, and then drunk 3 times a day, a quarter glass, 15 minutes before meals.

    Heather tea helps normalize the activity of the nervous system. A week-long course of taking the infusion will restore your self-confidence. To prepare the drink, use 1 tablespoon of the herb infused in a glass of boiling water for three minutes. You can drink the infusion with added sugar three times a day, 250-300 milliliters.

    The following herbal mixture will help relieve the fatigue of an uneven system: oregano, thyme, motherwort, sweet clover, valerian in the proportions 3:3:3:1:2 (a tablespoon of each medicinal raw material) are brewed with a glass of boiling water. After 15 minutes, the strained infusion will be ready for use. A quarter glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals will return you to a good mood and strength for active activities. You need to take this collection for 10 days, then take a break for a week, and then repeat the intake for another 10 days.

    With the help of medicinal herbs you can not only improve your physical and emotional health. Since ancient times, herbs have served to protect against the evil eye and damage, and helped attract love and prosperity. We wish you health and daily Have a good mood.Be calm and don't forget to press the buttons and

    People want to do everything, which makes them vulnerable to a variety of stressful conditions. Calming herbs help to cope with this problem: to calm the nervous system, good night You can drink herbal teas, tinctures or syrup.

    Fireweed soothes headaches and treats insomnia

    Herbs to calm the nervous system

    An effective means of preventing nervous breakdowns and the development of depression are calming herbs. The use of herbs is not addictive, so they are also used in pediatric therapy.

    The most popular herbs that have a calming effect are:

    • chamomile has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, reduces muscle blocks;
    • St. John's wort has a calming effect, reduces the feeling of fear and prevents anxiety;
    • valerian helps cope with nervousness;
    • wormwood allows you to control attacks of hysteria, as well as get rid of insomnia;
    • Linden flowers in combination with lemon balm will help overcome irritability;
    • mint regulates tension, restores sleep patterns;
    • thyme calms the nerves and has a mild hypnotic effect;
    • fireweed treats headaches, migraines and insomnia;
    • yarrow is used for complex treatment stress and nervous breakdowns;
    • Adonis optimizes vitality and restores calm.

    Herbs with sedative effects should be used with caution in children and pregnant women. It is recommended to consult a doctor and find out which herbs can be brewed into tea and made into tinctures. Blue cyanosis has the most powerful calming effect. In terms of its effect, this plant is ten times superior to valerian. Second place goes to motherwort, which is four times more effective than valerian.

    Herbs for bathing

    Calming herbs can also be used to prepare baths. They effectively affect the functioning of the nervous system of both adults and children. This procedure will help you get rid of stress and fall asleep faster. The effect of various herbs for taking medicinal baths:

    • valerian roots extinguish emotional overexcitation and help calm nerves;
    • a collection of crushed hawthorn and hops will protect against the development of heart neurosis;
    • branches of coniferous trees will help relieve fatigue and reduce irritability;
    • horsetail restores vitality;
    • celandine calms and relaxes;
    • sycamore leaves are used to treat neurotic conditions;
    • wormwood calms the nerves.

    In case of urgent need or in stressful situations, it is allowed to take medicinal water procedures every other day.

    Horsetail restores strength

    Recipes for herbal decoctions

    You need to know how to properly prepare decoctions. Only by following a certain recipe can you achieve a good result.


    1. Peppermint decoction. Grind 25 g of peppermint leaves and add to 200 ml of boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes. It is recommended to use the decoction in a dosage of 100 ml after meals. Mint calms the nervous system and helps you fall asleep faster.
    2. A decoction of motherwort leaves. 5 g of motherwort pour into 100 ml hot water. This decoction should be taken in small portions 1-2 times a day. Despite the bitter taste, this remedy allows you to restore the functioning of the nervous system in a short period of time.
    3. Oregano infusion. It is necessary to pour 10 g of crushed oregano leaves into 50 ml of boiling water. The drink made from oregano has a pleasant taste and aroma. It is recommended to take the decoction in small sips throughout the day. This will help you regain your strength after severe stress. The calming properties of the plant will help you sleep better.
    4. 10 g of chamomile flowers with 1 tsp. natural honey, pour 200 ml of boiling water. This decoction also calms the nerves and can be drunk every day instead of regular tea.

    Preparation of healing infusions

    To achieve maximum effect, herbs can be combined with each other. It is important to adhere to certain rules for preparing preparations and to know which plants can be combined in one decoction.

    1. A soothing herbal mixture can be prepared in the following ways: You can take two parts of crushed peppermint leaves and shamrock leaves, one part of valerian roots and hop cones. Combine all ingredients and 2 tbsp. l. pour the resulting mixture with warm boiled water
    2. . The collection is infused for 30 minutes and then filtered. This decoction reduces attacks of irritability and helps you sleep well.
    3. Mix in equal proportions crushed leaves of catnip, valerian and Baikal skullcap. Pour two tablespoons of the resulting herbal mixture with boiling water and leave for half an hour. Then the resulting herbal collection should be filtered several times and taken every day before bed in small portions. This collection will help cope with insomnia.
    4. Take three parts of chopped valerian rhizomes and crushed mint leaves, as well as four parts of crushed trefoil leaves. Mix all ingredients and take 2 tbsp. l. herbal mixture and pour 400 ml. boiling water Leave for half an hour and strain. This herbal decoction has a calming effect on the body and helps cope with irritability and anxiety. Mix equal amounts of valerian rhizome, motherwort leaves, crushed fennel seeds, and thyme. 2 tbsp. l. collection pour 400 ml. boiling water When cooled, the broth changes its color to a darker one. It needs to be strained. The decoction will help cope with increased level
    5. irritability and dampen nervous tension.

    Mix two parts of valerian, three parts of chamomile and five parts of thyme seeds until the structure is homogeneous. Pour two tablespoons of the resulting mixture into 400 ml. boiling water Leave for half an hour, strain. If you add Icelandic moss to such a decoction, then, in addition to the calming effect, the decoction will acquire expectorant properties. Calming herbs are a universal and effective method in the fight against stress. have a beneficial effect not only on the human nervous system, but also on general state health, help strengthen the immune system and cope with bad mood and depression.

    Peppermint is popular as a base for soothing infusions.

    Herbs for children and pregnant women

    Doctors recommend that women during pregnancy and children take herbal remedies. You can buy ready-made herbal teas at the pharmacy in the form of crushed powder or tablets. The remedy in tablets must be taken in a course, and medicinal herbs can be brewed and drunk as a sedative.

    According to the recommendations of doctors, it is better for pregnant women and children to prepare teas from motherwort and valerian. For one serving of tea you should take 0.5 tsp. crushed motherwort leaves and the same amount of crushed valerian roots. Children do not really like the bitter taste of this tea, so you can add these herbs to green or black tea. Honey will help make tea drinking even tastier.

    Herbal sedatives include teas based on mint, lemon balm, and medicinal chamomile. Fragrant mint or lemon balm tea will appeal to both the child and his parents.

    A special product based on medicinal herbs is prepared for bathing children. The pharmacy sells ready-made bathing mixtures, which include the following components:

    • medicinal chamomile;
    • peppermint;
    • pharmaceutical valerian;
    • thyme.

    Need to prepare medicinal plant before the bathing procedure. For this, 3-4 tbsp. l. herbs or collection pour 1 liter. boiling water and leave for 1 hour, then strain and mix with warm bath water.

    Nerves, nerves... Someone was answered too harshly, they shouted at a child for no reason, they raised their voice in vain at a loved one...

    Sometimes all this can be avoided by brewing a cup of warm aromatic herbal tea. It will calm our long-suffering nerves and make them strong, restore strength, and relieve anxiety.

    Tea with jasmine, bergamot, and lime gives a similar effect.

    However, prolonged or excessive consumption of such a drink leads to a strong decrease in blood pressure, so it is necessary to control the number of doses.

    3. Valerian

    Herbal tea with valerian helps with insomnia and anxiety. Irritability and anxiety will disappear.

    In addition to its calming properties, it also has other positive effects: relieves sore throat, normalizes blood pressure and heart rate.

    Valerian also has side effects. Large doses lead to drowsiness, confusion, vision and memory deterioration. To avoid complications, drink valerian tea no more than twice a day, and do not drink it at all before surgery using anesthesia.

    Even the ancient Romans knew an infusion of valerian as a powerful sleeping pill.

    4. Motherwort

    To relieve nervous tension in teas, you can use only motherwort leaf. It is an antioxidant with a pronounced sedative effect.

    It relieves spasms, calms the central nervous system, reduces susceptibility to external irritants and acts as an anti-stress.

    At the same time, there is evidence that motherwort .

    However, pregnant and lactating women should refrain from using it.

    5. Chamomile

    Chamomile flowers contain a lot of apigenin, which also has benefits for the nervous system.

    It helps relieve stress and calm nerves, relax and restore sleep, reduce panic and relieve muscle tension.

    The calming effect is not the only benefit of chamomile tea. This drink, harmless to almost everyone, relieves menstrual pain and fights sore throats, colds, and flu. Its use is recommended for those who constantly suffer from migraines and headaches.

    Other options

    There are many other beneficial herbal teas. They are not addictive, have a pleasant taste and aroma, and are often on hand. To enhance the effect, you can add a spice such as anise.

    1. St. John's wort. Valued for its relaxing and anti-inflammatory effects. Combats anxiety and fears.
    2. Mint. Banishes insomnia, relieves internal tension.
    3. Thyme. Suitable if you need a mild sleeping pill and sedative effect.
    4. Adonis. It not only calms the nervous system, but also increases interest in life.
    5. Sagebrush. Relieves nervous attacks and insomnia.

    Also check out the information in the infographic:

    If you add a little honey to the herbal mixture, the healing effect will increase.

    Chronic fatigue, constant irritability and insomnia are a common phenomenon of our time. We have to use all available means to normalize the nervous system. Medicinal tea, which can also be purchased at the pharmacy, can be combined with other products.

    1. Yoga, auto-training, psychotherapy courses. Taking care of your body and soul is a great way to calm your nerves. Relaxation exercises and breathing techniques, self-confidence and the ability to control yourself are a good help in the fight against irritability.
    2. Music. It has long been proven that music has a therapeutic effect. To do this, turn on the sounds of nature (the sound of the sea and rain, birdsong) or works of classics (Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata”, Schubert’s “Ave Maria”, Bach’s “Italian Concerto”, etc.) for half an hour.
    3. Normalization of the daily routine. About it to modern man, it seems, one can only dream. But try to go to bed at the same time, eat on time, ventilate the rooms, don’t forget about walks in the fresh air - and anxiety and irritability will quietly leave you.
    4. Walks. A leisurely walk will nourish the brain with oxygen. The main thing is to try to walk slowly through places that please the eye. Breathe slowly and deeply, relax. It is on such walks that nerves calm down and vital decisions can be made.
    5. Dream. A good night's sleep with a previously taken relaxing bath, fresh air in the room where you will sleep, mint tea or warm milk with a little honey are good treatments for nervous tension - and in the morning you can work at a fast pace again.
    6. Drugs. Increased excitability and nervousness are relieved by such pharmacological preparations containing tinctures of peony, valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, Corvalol, novopassit. They act faster than teas, but you should not abuse them.

    Useful video

    We suggest watching the following videos:


    Healing infusions, music, fresh air and other ways to calm the nerves are becoming more and more relevant in our time. It is much worse to accumulate irritation and stress within yourself, to constantly experience irritation and anxiety. Gradually these problems develop into serious diseases.

    By brewing a cup of tea with a soothing blend, you will feel rested, gain confidence in your abilities and relieve irritation.