Human strength and weakness. What is the strength and weakness of a person? Strength is the ability to let go of what doesn't serve you.

6. Weakness of human character

“One of the meanings of the word “character” has an ethical meaning and refers to people who, thanks to their will and a certain way of thinking, possess two important qualities: absolute responsibility and consistency in their actions. This makes their behavior orderly. Self-loyalty, firmness and unwavering determination are the main characteristics, that is, ethical values ​​that we consider important in the matter of character formation and education.”

Philip Lersch

A properly formed character includes such qualities as will, responsibility and acceptable behavior. To be realistic, it must be recognized that only a few people meet these requirements, because weakness of character has become a common disease today. This problem primarily affects young people who are just beginning to search for their “I.”

Dependence on adults, insecurities inherent in their age, lack of self-discipline, doubts about the nature of good and evil, tendency to fantasies, too free or too strict upbringing, psychological complexes, excessive care, misconceptions about the roles of men and women, poor social adaptation, spirit contradictions are just some of the reasons that hinder the proper development of character.

Drug use is of particular concern because it not only weakens character and will, but also pushes young people into immoral acts and crimes.

As for adults, their weak character is due to incorrect behavior that has become a habit. They prefer idleness and easy earnings to hard work, they are characterized by a lack of physical activity, fear of new difficult tasks, shyness, fear of defending their rights, a habit from childhood of excessive care, vague ideas about the roles of men and women, and drug use.

Television, which in its essence is the entrance door to people's unconscious, colonizes their minds and instills false values ​​such as materialism, hedonism and permissiveness. In addition, the entire structure of advertising and marketing is based on the deceptive availability of goods and services offered, which unconsciously leads people to imagine life as a fantasy world where everything can be obtained without much effort.

The dissolution of the individual in the crowd creates the illusion that a person is sailing through life on a huge ship, directed somewhere by an unknown captain, and the passenger cannot influence the choice of destination. In addition, in city life there are few opportunities for heroic deeds that allow one to strengthen character if the person himself does not strive for this.

Only those who set high goals and have self-control manage to develop strong character. Self-indulgence is one of the qualities that weakens and destroys character and will. This is what happens with alcoholics and drug addicts: they usually make a lot of claims to others and demand from them what they do not want to demand from themselves. It is a mixture of inertia, self-pity and aversion to constant work, a certain form of permissiveness, the opposite of duty, moral rules and useful habits.

Dislike of any effort pushes people to look for easy ways, while they forget that the value of what they acquire is proportional to the difficulty of obtaining it. A vicious person does not need willpower to live as he does, while correct moral behavior requires constant vigilance, a tempered character, a will.

Ethical behavior does not happen on its own, we must achieve it through work and discipline. Vice, on the contrary, appears and grows like a weed that does not need any care.

Reasons that weaken character and will:

a) Obsessive desire for pleasure

Hedonism, that is, the worship of pleasure as a deity, is probably the most characteristic feature modern man. The persistent search for sensual pleasures is placed above all else, and it does not matter at what cost they are obtained. The madness of people has already gone so far that they perceive the world as a supermarket offering entertainment and pleasure, and are sure that they were born for the sake of endless pleasures, and not for the sake of moral and spiritual improvement.

Life is perceived as a circus; it is considered meaningless without numerous entertainments. We seem to be marked with the mark of Thanatos (death) and desperately strive to return to the mother's womb in order to again plunge into the boundless nirvana of womb existence. It is there that the embryo feels continuous pleasure, undisturbed by anyone's demands. He does not need to make an effort to eat, no noise disturbs him, nothing disturbs him, he is enveloped in boundless love, and the whole world belongs only to him. (this world is his mother).

In other words, he is the world, since he forms one whole with his mother. He does not feel loneliness because he has no sense of individuality as a being separate from the rest of the material world. This feeling will come to him only a few months after birth, and he will never again experience the same boundless happiness.

Hedonism is an irrational attempt by a person to somehow regain uterine nirvana. The pleasure he got from unity with mother is now sought in the outside world, in its boundless entertainment offered by advertising. Obviously, such a search is inevitably doomed to failure, since a person is looking for something that does not exist in the material world, but only in the unconscious. Thus the pleasures he can find will never satisfy him because they are always temporary. This can be compared to eating food. When is hunger finally satisfied? Experience shows that never, because as soon as the food is digested, the empty stomach again demands to be filled.

However, there is an important difference between filling the stomach and satisfying the senses. Food nourishes the body and is essential for its maintenance; it can “accumulate” due to the fact that nutrients become part of the cells. Thus, food intake satisfies the body's needs. Pleasure, on the other hand, can never satisfy sensual hunger, so it must be constantly repeated to drown out emptiness and anxiety. Plus it's a pleasure cannot accumulate it cannot be stored for the future; therefore, without giving anything to a person, it only devastates his. It is sad to see how narcissism leads to heart and soul emptiness, mental and emotional coldness. Narcissistic pleasure is like a “bottomless barrel” that, no matter how much you pour into it, can never be filled.

In a broader sense, material greed is the most common type of animal pleasure, which is directly related to sex, food and the use of stimulants.

Marketing exploits these appetites by offering people artificial paradise, comfort, luxury, travel and adventure. The onslaught of advertising is so strong that people begin to expect continuous pleasure from life, and when they discover that in reality this is not the case, they fall into deep depression, arguing that life has lost meaning for them. Naturally, when those who see the purpose of life in pleasure inevitably encounter a moment of collapse of happiness, they lose the desire to live. Losing the meaning of life is nothing more than the feeling that someone has deceived you, when the promised promised land in reality turned out to be not paradise at all. People expect continuous happiness, identifying it with pleasures, and when they do not achieve it, they feel disappointment and disgust.

Material pleasures devastate people, dry up their souls, making them barren, and this is the inevitable fate of everyone who is part of the worldwide army of consumers.

Often we can see how people with low incomes become depressed, envious, offended, and they unconsciously have the feeling that “something has been taken away from me.” In their minds, this was, of course, done by the rich. An envious person cannot live his life, his existence revolves around those who awaken envy in him, emotionally he is firmly “hooked” and cannot give up envy, spending all the energy of his libido on it. He found himself on the opposite pole of love. The positive pole gives birth to love, and the negative pole gives rise to anger.

Advertising causes consumerism, the number of goods and services grows endlessly, increasing our desire to possess them. This obsession imperceptibly leads to moral permissiveness, to the loss of honor and dignity. For example, a person who smokes marijuana for the first time may feel remorse, but when he overcomes this barrier, he will soon cross other moral barriers and try stronger drugs, such as cocaine. A woman can, unnoticed by herself, cross the moral boundaries that have previously held her back, become accessible and indiscriminate in assessing the moral qualities of the men with whom she comes into contact. Men who start using marijuana and cocaine can also easily move on to homosexuality, calling it “diversity in sex.”

Promiscuity means permissiveness, it leads to the fact that a person begins to treat people as useful or pleasant things and nothing more. A person who allows himself everything gradually weakens, because he does not exercise the will and does not strengthen the character necessary to fight temptations. Anyone who yields to them is simply a fool, about whom the English moralist David Hume said: “A scoundrel is the greatest fool, because for the sake of insignificant material pleasures he sacrifices the highest pleasure of becoming a fully developed person.”

A person who allows himself everything and is prone to consumerism sacrifices the opportunity for spiritual development leading to the highest good and true happiness.

Unconditional compliance weakens and atrophies the will muscle, which, as is well known, cannot develop on its own in mediocre individuals.

A person with high morality is like a strong-willed athlete or a disciplined Spartan, capable of sacrificing fleeting pleasure or temporarily abandoning it in order to later achieve a higher virtue, which, when properly managed, leads to happiness.

b) Excessive guardianship

Overprotection makes children weak and timid, and when they grow up, they are unable to show the minimum activity to make their way in life and make others respect them. As adults, they seek protection from the state, seeing it as a substitute for their parents. Their personality remains underdeveloped, and sometimes they even turn into emotional cripples who find it very difficult to adapt to life.

Excessive care from parents or relatives does not leave them sufficient personal space for normal development. Surely one of the relatives constantly solved all their problems in childhood, not giving them the opportunity to make decisions on their own. When a child whose parents are overprotective goes to school, he has big problems with peers and teachers, which is why he may even become a poor student.

However, it is not easy to determine when guardianship becomes unnecessary. In some Latin American countries, children are provided with more care than, for example, in the United States, especially for girls. It is important to understand that the guardianship mechanism prevents the harmonious development of character and will, and teaches people to achieve what they want by manipulating the emotions of others, and not through their own personal efforts and merits.

Often such people feel like victims, feel sorry and treat themselves condescendingly. Thus, they avoid hard work and do not develop the habit of struggling to achieve what they want. That is why they have neither the energy for moral struggle nor the strength to resist temptations and sacrifice momentary pleasure in order to achieve important goals. Lack of will makes them amorphous and indecisive in choosing ethical values, since they do not have deep convictions and firmness to defend them. They avoid high goals because they are afraid of them.

Weak character leads to permissiveness, since people have neither the discipline nor the will necessary to adhere to firm rules and principles. A person who allows himself everything becomes more and more immersed in pleasure, entertainment and consumerism, which takes him further and further away from the formation of positive moral skills.

Enjoying delicious food, liking sweets, drinking alcohol - all these are forms of self-indulgence that can become bad habit and lead, for example, to obesity or low self-esteem.

Self-indulgence, or, in other words, self-justification, leads to a very low level of demands on oneself, which entails moral degradation.

c) Idleness and effeminacy

Inactivity and the desire to live comfortably are serious obstacles to the normal development of character. From idleness, stupid things come to mind, and if a person is not busy with anything serious, he begins to have fun so as not to get bored and depressed, sleeps a lot, gets up late, has no family responsibilities and does not set big goals for himself, so he has there are no opportunities for character formation.

A very easy and pampered life leads to weakness of will. However, hard work that does not receive due recognition can also lead to this. If a person does not have incentives and opportunities or does not see them, this leads to apathy and loss of interest. The mediocrity of the world around us can also cause a person to lose initiative for creativity and personal aspirations. Life's difficulties help strengthen character, and when they are absent or a person avoids them, his will weakens.

Let's not forget that ethical behavior is possible only through strong will and determination, the ability to resist vice and temptation. A strong will is rare and not the norm. A person who believes that he has not achieved success in life is prone to despondency and depression, and these feelings exhaust him and push him to a destructive rebellion against everything in the world.

Life in big cities is associated with convenience and comfort. People do not walk to work, and they rarely have to perform heavy physical effort. They are surrounded by machines: buses, subways, cars, elevators, household appliances, ATMs, fax, computer, telephone. The huge world of material things makes people’s daily lives easier, not to mention luxury and various excesses.

Everything indicates that our life is becoming easier, it is increasingly filled with idleness and convenience and requires less and less effort from us. Man’s dependence on machines is increasing more and more, and if he does not grow internally, then the 21st century may become an era when the tyranny of the crowd will be replaced by the tyranny of machines.

Science and technology are constantly developing, but man remains at the same stage of spiritual evolution. He is no more human than he was two or three thousand years ago. With the acceleration of progress, man becomes smaller; everyone applauds new technological advances, while people's moral values ​​remain a thing of the past.

The cult of luxury, pleasure and comfort quickly destroys the spiritual world of man, as a result of which materialism and violence grow. Careerism and consumerism completely capture his soul, that is, they do what has always been considered the work and task of the devil. Oddly enough, there is an opinion in society that the level of our civilization is growing rapidly, everything is going well and there is no reason to worry. The belief that man is the crown of creation, as well as the general consumer madness, force us to hush up some facts and not ask unnecessary questions.

For example, do not ask why spiritual progress does not keep pace with material progress, but, on the contrary, its decline occurs in the sense that the external side of life is valued higher than the internal. Sometimes it seems that these two sides are inversely proportional and the strengthening of one inevitably leads to the weakening of the other.

d) Sexual ambiguity

Until recently, men and women were at clearly defined opposite sexual poles, but now men want to have children.

Many films show men dressed as women, and I have even seen a pregnant man in commercials. Trousers have ceased to be an exclusively male attribute, and long hair, earrings, beads and bracelets are no longer a female attribute. Men do makeup, visit beauty salons, and women practice boxing and smoke cigars. Sexual ambiguity has flooded TV advertising. The video clips are filled with strange asexual creatures, and the viewer is at his discretion to classify them as women or men.

Many modern pop stars wear women's clothing and become role models for young people who have not yet found themselves. On the other hand, women, feeling neglected by men, try to compete with them on equal terms, wanting to demonstrate their superiority in order to gain respect, and therefore imitate men's manners.

Many people like unisex clothing, which makes men and women look alike. She feels less discriminated against, and he overcomes his unconscious fear of castration.

However, this uncertainty in gender is not only manifested in appearance, it is based on information of a subliminal nature that penetrates the brains of people from their cultural environment and imposes a certain style of behavior.

Typically, sexual uncertainty is more characteristic of people who have a weak self and have little idea of ​​who they are and what they want. Unisex clothing and behavior make them feel more confident.

A man with long hair becomes the center of attention and feels more defined, more clearly and clearly senses who he is (that is, he feels more strongly that he is part of society).

Finding your “I” may take too long, and a person will never solve this problem throughout his life. Constant internal uncertainty disrupts the normal development of a person, and he ceases to be interested in anything other than this psychological conflict.

It is difficult to imagine that such an ambivalent and uncertain person will be able to strengthen his character and will, since all his time is absorbed in resolving the exciting problem of creating his image. His goal is to arouse admiration in the eyes of people and thereby feel more significant. If he succeeds, then every day he will focus more and more on the outside world and, most likely, will not analyze himself, his character and behavior. Due to superficial perception, a person cannot see and appreciate the deep and important aspects of life.

Unfortunately, focusing on the external is fruitless, and those who try to increase their own importance in this way will pay for it with a feeling of unbearable inner emptiness.

e) Sedentary lifestyle

People who lead a sedentary lifestyle are weaker and prone to pessimism, sadness and melancholy, and therefore have a negative approach to life. Athletes, on the contrary, are usually optimistic and balanced, and have good physical and mental health. After a ten-kilometer run, a person is unlikely to have the desire to commit a crime or immoral act, offend someone, or become depressed.

Eskimos, who live by hunting and fishing, walk long distances every day and have to constantly exert physical effort. As a result, their blood cholesterol levels are the lowest, despite the fact that their food consists almost entirely of animal fat. They almost never commit crimes. Apparently, intense physical activity cleanses people of passions and base impulses.

For the same reason, in ancient Sparta, young men were forced to perform heavy physical exercise, to strengthen their character and will, and only if they withstood these tests, then by the age of thirty they received full civil rights.

Joy and optimism usually accompany those who keep their bodies in good physical shape. Most likely, with physical effort, anger and tension disappear with sweat. A sedentary person is self-indulgent because he renounces any prolonged or intense effort and does not try to strengthen his will. This lifestyle weakens people, as can be seen in those who sleep too much or are forced to remain in bed for long periods of time.

Weak-willed people, disgusted by any effort, are seized by base passions, they do not understand that without difficulties there is no development or self-realization. A modest and active life is a good basis for the development of morality.

f) A person’s inability to value himself

As Max Scheler wrote, true morality is impossible if a person does not value himself, because in this case he begins to depend on the opinions of others. Most people value themselves as much as others value them, and therefore try to inflate their image, arouse admiration and respect - only this brings them satisfaction. Here lies the reason for the desperate search for power and social recognition.

People live by the expression “the more you have, the more you matter”, so everyone strives to have luxury cars, jewelry, furs. How more people inflates his image, the weaker his true self becomes, the more difficult it is for him to make serious efforts and the less capable he is of achieving higher values. Such a person transfers the center of his psychological life to others, but he does this not out of generosity or kindness, but because of enormous egoism. He lives through others because he uses them as a mirror for his image and a means to feed his ego.

People who are incapable of self-esteem usually lack morality. For example, those who are hurt and unsuccessful are so caught up in their passions that there is no room in their lives for the pursuit of anything higher. Neither in their minds nor in their hearts can they imagine the existence of higher forms of perfect, noble behavior. Their suffering is caused by the fact that they constantly feel some kind of injustice. They do not realize that morality is the highest form of justice.

The saying “Give, and it will be given to you” expresses in simple form the hidden mechanism of action of Nature, the universal energy that always returns to man what it receives from him. It's funny to see how people try to improve their self-esteem (raise your price) receiving approval from others and projecting one's self outward onto the crowd. This is how they devalue their essence, which simply disappears if, for the sake of others, it has to put on various false masks. Moreover, the opinion of the crowd depends on fashion, and when fashion passes, what was previously welcomed is rejected, and a person is forced to constantly seek new forms of public approval.

Finding and asserting one's self through the approval of others is the most quick way merging with the crowd, loss of individuality and essence. Those who do not dare to make an effort to live on tend to renounce their individuality. at a higher level.

The approval of others increases a person's self-esteem, but this always comes at the expense of his essence, the value of which will decrease every day. You need to realize how crazy it is to seek other people's approval for anything, because some will agree with you, while others will not: it is impossible to please everyone.

Self-esteem should be increased in a healthy and sensible way, based on moral values ​​and transcendental spiritual rules that are, were and always will be in the memory of Nature and therefore in our spirit, which is an emanation of God.

We must please God, not the crowd, and understand that by following the path indicated by the Creator, we will achieve full human realization. It does not matter whether a person believes in God or not, since skepticism cannot invalidate God and his laws. Often, skeptics and atheists do not value or believe in themselves - this is how they try to gain “self” or simply attract attention to increase their self-esteem.

Materialism is the way of thinking of people who have never experienced a special state of consciousness in which a person really feels the value of his essence (you can call it mystical experience) when he is confident in the existence of God, because he finds it reflected in his own soul.

Materialism is a manifestation low level a consciousness limited by knowledge of the body and physical matter, which could not rise to the world of spirit. Materialists are convinced that only matter exists. They exclude that there could be anything else, while the goal of the evolution of consciousness is to achieve complete knowledge.

True morality is not just rules of behavior accepted in some group, which may differ from the rules of behavior of other social groups.

True morality is respect for the cosmic order established by the Logos, the Divine emanation that maintains the order and structure of the Universe. Since nothing exists outside the Logos, we are also part of it and therefore must respect its code, which is the same for all forms of life, both animate and inanimate.

This is about cosmic law, one of the most important postulates of which was perfectly expressed by Greek philosophers in the concept equivalent equality, meaning the constant striving of the intelligent Universe towards a point of equilibrium.

We are accustomed to consider ourselves beings separated from the Universe, sort of inhabitants of a cosmic island. But, as the holographic concept of Dr. Karl Pribram says: “The part exists in the whole, and the whole exists in each of the parts.” Pribram's research into the brain and memory led him to the conclusion that the brain is much like a hologram.

A hologram is a special type of optical storage of information, which can be explained using the following example: if you take a hologram of a person and cut off, for example, a head from it, and then enlarge it to the original size of the hologram, you will get an image of not just one large head, but the entire person. Each individual part of the hologram contains a compressed image of the entire object. Thus the part is connected to the whole.

This coincides with the statements of ancient philosophers that the microcosm is similar to the macrocosm (man is similar to the Universe and potentially contains it within himself). All our actions have an impact on the most distant corners of space, and what we emit is returned to us. Thus, the saying “what goes around comes around” suddenly takes on a cosmic dimension.

Physicists, of course, will say that this idea is incorrect, since human actions cannot propagate through the Universe at speeds exceeding the speed of light. However, the teachings of the ancients, such as the Egyptians, claim that “thought can instantly reach any part of the Universe.” It is not the Creator who punishes us for bad deeds, but we ourselves - because we violate his laws.

Thus, true morality and justice absolutely superior sapiens and are completely independent of moral rules invented by man. According to the laws of Nature the guilty, sooner or later, will definitely be punished, and the innocent and just will be rewarded.

Human justice does not reach the level of Divine justice, the manifestation of which, apparently, we are not able to understand and therefore easily deny its existence. The fact is that the method of punishment carried out by Nature is beyond human understanding, and people sometimes even confuse it with reward. This punishment is invisible, it occurs in the inner life of the perpetrator.

This text is an introductory fragment.

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A. BIOLOGICAL WEAKNESS OF HUMAN The first element that distinguishes human existence from animals is a negative element: a person’s relative lack of instinctive regulation in the process of adaptation to the world around him. The way animals adapt to their world

The Weakness of the West And yet, until I myself came to the West and looked around here for two years, I could not imagine to what extreme extent the West wants to be blind to the world situation, to what extreme extent the West has already turned into a world of lost will, numb before

ASHAKTI (WEAKNESS), TWENTY-EIGHT XV. What is called asakti, twenty-eight weakness? Errors of the eleven senses and seventeen errors of the mind. The first, related to the sense organs: deafness of the ear, tongue-tiedness, leprosy of the skin, blindness of the eyes, loss of smell, deafness

Weakness and strength Only the weak rely on differences; Moreover, they reinforce these differences because they have no other way to assert themselves. A strong person, one who has strong convictions and modesty in external manifestations, does not lose a drop of confidence,

A. Biological weakness of man The first thing that distinguishes man from the animal kingdom is a negative element: the relative lack of instinctive regulation of the process of adaptation to the surrounding world. The way an animal adapts to its world remains the same

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The essay was written by a secondary school student. There may be errors.

Text by Boris Mikhailovich Bim-Bada:

(1) Only weak people, constantly in need of compensation for their
insufficiency, they usually weave intrigues, build intrigues, and secretly deliver blows.
(2) Great power is always generous.
(3) I knew a super-strong man who, throughout his long heroic life, never laid a finger on anyone, wishing no harm to anyone. (4) Mental strength and nobility go hand in hand, and this explains why in our time nobility has again become in demand, valued and so widely practiced that it sometimes turns almost into a mass profession.
(5) In salvation armies, smart risk and true nobility are inseparable.
(6) The craft of salvation naturally filters people according to their spiritual qualities. (7) As a result, only strong people who are able to protect the weak who are in trouble stay for a long time in rescue teams. (8) Thus, for those who want to get a job in the Centrospas detachment, it is not enough to have an impeccable military or sports background and master the necessary set of specialties.
(9) “Good” from the medical board is not the key to success. (10) Almost a thousand correctly selected psychological testing answers also do not guarantee a candidate a place on the staff of an elite unit. (I) The newcomer needs to prove to future colleagues during the internship that he can be relied upon in any situation, that he shows the kindness and tolerance necessary in their daily missions.
(12) To cope with his responsibilities, a person must have a noble soul full of the best qualities. (13) But why, even having virtuous qualities, does a person commit immoral acts? (14) To a similar question, Confucius answered: “All people are close to each other by nature, but diverge from each other during their upbringing. (15) A person can lose noble qualities under the influence of bad communication. (16) Therefore, so that all members of society fulfill their civic and human responsibilities
norms, it is necessary to educate a person in the spirit of virtue.”
(17) Cultivation of culture, getting rid of bad manners and inclinations is aimed against arrogance, arrogance, self-will, malice, envy, feelings of inferiority, indiscipline, excessive suspicion, treachery, hypocrisy, duplicity, deceit, meanness and self-interest. (18) Only by getting rid of bad manners and inclinations, purifying your own soul, expelling
everything is bad from it, you can count on rapid progress and achieving perfection in skill. (19) None of the narrow-minded, selfish, cruel, cunning and secretive people due to mental defects have ever managed to achieve any significant success, and if they did, their triumph did not last long. (20) In the end, everything ended badly for both
themselves and for those around them.
(21) Will a noble man perish surrounded by competition and anger? (22) No! (23) It is he who will win. (24) Since nobility is based on strength of spirit. (25) To win in life, to win beautifully and lastingly, firmly, thoroughly, you must have a high soul. (26) Good character. (27) The most reliable thing in our world is nobility of spirit. (28) Not by birth, not by blood, but by intelligence and honor.

(According to B. Bim-Bad*)

* Boris Mikhailovich Bim-Bad (born in 1941) - candidate pedagogical sciences, senior researcher at the Research Institute of General Pedagogy.

Essay based on the text:

B Oris Mikhailovich Bim-Bad is a teacher, member of the Russian Academy of Education, as well as a Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences and professor. He talks about the problem of human strength and weakness.
A the author writes that nobility goes along with spiritual strength, which is why it has become in demand in the modern world. A grateful person will never die surrounded by competition and anger. He says that he knew a strong man who never offended anyone, who did not wish harm on anyone.
B Oris Mikhailovich believes that human weakness is manifested in the desire for destruction, that is, in aggression, and strength in nobility and generosity.
I I cannot but agree with the author and I believe that this problem is relevant in our time. People cease to understand the concept of nobility. Someone is capable of offending a smaller person to show his strength, and someone actually wants to do a good, noble deed, but he doesn’t succeed and everything turns out the other way around, since he does not do it from the heart and understanding of reality, but for the sake of gaining status a noble man.
ABOUT Let’s take a look at N. S. Leskov’s work “The Enchanted Wanderer.” Main character, Ivan Flyagin, takes the name of a young peasant and joins the army for him, freeing him from hard military service.
I I have seen more than once how people, in order to look stronger, humiliate their own kind, but we understand that in reality they are very weak. Those who do the right, kind and noble deeds are rightfully considered strong.
IN In conclusion, I want to say that you should not do noble deeds so that everyone knows that you are noble, they should be done sincerely, and not for your own glory.

True POWER, what is its manifestation? This is not physical strength, but something more, perhaps even unexpected for you.

What is real, true power? In the usual understanding, the manifestation of strength is control, firmness and even obstinacy. Some personify strength with arrogance, the ability to go ahead, regardless of the desires and needs of those who are nearby. They believe that strength is the ability to stand your ground and not retreat under any circumstances, to hold on as best you can.

True strength - 9 signs of its manifestation

This concept justified itself for a long time, many generations, when it was necessary to survive in harsh conditions. And if you don’t have these qualities, then you are simply not a tenant, sometimes in the literal sense of the word.

Now the concept of power has greatly transformed and the factors that determined it have also changed. Let us consider what the manifestation of power means in the new age.

Until recently, our planet was dominated by the male energy of activity, competition, and aggression. This is a manifestation of iron will and perseverance. Based on this paradigm, many books have been written on planning, on achieving goals, and success.

Currently, female energy rules on Earth, or rather, the process of balancing male and female energy is taking place. Therefore, only “male ways” do not work, or they work, but not as much as before. Now, in order to achieve the goal, it is necessary to use the synthesized energy of these two polarities.

1. Strength is the ability to let go of what doesn't serve you.

I often hear from people: “I’m tired of being strong, I’m tired of carrying everything on myself.” In fact the habit of taking on an unbearable burden is a position of sacrifice. A person sacrifices himself, his time, his desires for the sake of other people's interests. Believing that they are not able to cope or because of their inability to refuse.

But strength does not mean burdening yourself with obligations and dragging them along. True strength lies in saying “no” to what is unnecessary in your life, to what prevents you from living the way you want, doing what is necessary and important to you.

If this is your topic, reflect, think about what of what you carry you can leave, give to those whose rightful it is.

2. Showing strength is surrendering to higher powers.

When you knock on all doors in search of a solution to a serious issue, you think about it constantly - this is not a manifestation of strength. You take active steps, don’t sit still, but for some reason this doesn’t help. But often it is by letting the situation go to higher powers that this is the only true way out, which, by the way, requires determination and strength.

Many people confuse this with weakness: why, I take responsibility for everything that happens, but here I have to give it? But that’s the point: to reconcile, to capitulate to circumstances. Since you (your human part, your mind) have not found a way out, then it is worth giving this situation to your higher aspects for resolution, which see the situation not only from one angle, but completely from all sides, every facet of it. And who else but them can see the most best way exit from it. The main thing is to trust. This is why we show strength.

3. Strength is the ability to be flexible

The modern spiritual concept of strength includes the ability to adapt to circumstances and be ready for change, to be flexible. This is radically different from the usual understanding of strength as hardness and obstinacy. Now stubbornness, the position where you stand your ground no matter what, only does harm.

Circumstances are so changeable; look, for example, at your goals from 5-10 years ago, and you will see that many of them are no longer relevant for you.

4. Strength is the ability to be honest with yourself

Being honest with yourself takes a lot of strength. Not everyone can face the truth, admit to themselves their imperfections, some unpleasant moments, actions, even simply that they were wrong in an ordinary dispute. People prefer to be mistaken about something for many years, to be deceived, just not to change anything in their lives.

5. Strength is allowing yourself to be yourself.

For a long time we were taught to be comfortable, obedient, somewhere the same (not to stick out). And to this day, in our actions, decisions, and manifestations there are still echoes of that upbringing.

Therefore, when you finally allow yourself to be yourself, or at least begin to understand, realize who you are, what you like, what you want, and then begin to broadcast it, this is a big breakthrough in finding happiness and inner strength.

6. Being strong means allowing yourself to be vulnerable.

Being vulnerable has always been considered a weakness. If people saw your tears, your true feelings, for some reason this is considered something shameful. When a person accepts himself, his sensitivity, opens his feelings to another person, yes, he is vulnerable at that moment. But how much strength is needed to decide on this, especially if this is not a random manifestation of feelings, but a conscious one.

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And this kind of allowing yourself to be vulnerable removes from you the masks of indifference, the iron man and much more. This is allowing yourself to be sincere not only with yourself, but also with others. It costs a lot. And this is precisely the strength, not the weakness.

7. Strength is the ability to let go

Strength is also the ability to let go. And not to control, manipulate, keep on a short leash.

When a person is constantly controlling someone or something, afraid of losing sight, a lot of energy and strength are lost. The person is exhausted, de-energized. Then the question is: is control a manifestation of power?

Strength is non-attachment to people, places, results, anything. This is the ability to accept circumstances, the decisions of other people, if they go against your interests.

But this is freedom. You are not attached to anything, you know that if circumstances have developed this way, then the universe has prepared something better for you.

8. Power is the choice to act from a place of love.

True strength is freedom, choosing love over fear. These are actions out of love. When a person is in a state of fear, he can be manipulated, he is vulnerable, dependent on external circumstances. When you choose to act out of love, you tap into your power.

Because living with love requires a lot of strength: it means being tolerant of what doesn’t resonate with you and you can’t change it, it means accepting all circumstances and trusting the process.

9. Showing strength means being able to give in and forgive.

Many people believe that strength is standing your ground. You are arguing with a person and you must prove that you are right. To give in means to show weakness and lack of will.

But in reality, to give in, if it is not permanent compliance, means to show strength and generosity. This means stopping this endless, meaningless process of finding out who is right and who is wrong. It may look like accepting defeat from the outside, but in reality you are taking on the responsibility to stop it. You show wisdom and thus break this horizontal connection, stop playing energy ping-pong.

Strength is also the ability to forgive. After all, this is not easy and requires a lot of mental resources. By forgiving, you free yourself, return your energy to yourself, and the offender - his. published .

Natalia Prokofieva

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

In search of truth. Dynamic 3d transcript.

In this book everyone will find something valuable and useful for themselves. Brevity is the soul of wit. Concentration of thought. Just add water. Books of "Different Thoughts" allow you to buy time. "Different Thoughts" is a guide for the confused. The truth is somewhere near. Truth makes us stronger.

The book is a LEGO construction set “DNA of Thought”. You have a problem or question, as you read, adding up the details, you will find the answer and realize what to do.

A few random texts from the book.

I believe that philosophy and ethics are a matter of survival for our children. Stupidity and weakness make us vulnerable to our enemies, this must be fought.

Lies are fear, a product of weakness and ignorance.

Courage is overcoming, weakness is something that is insurmountable.

Weakness is energy efficient, it generates intelligence as the desire to achieve freedom by spending the least amount of energy. Weakness gave rise to lies and stupidity - the basis of reason. By cultivating mental strength, a person gained access to energy and strength.

The basis of various kinds of phobias - such as nationalism, anti-Semitism, chauvinism, etc. - this is fear and weakness. Strong people We are not inclined to fear, demonize, or cult anyone.

Strong people look for the basis of their problems within themselves, and not in the people or phenomena around them. No matter how strong and hostile the external factors are, you can always train and generate wisdom and strength within yourself to overcome any circumstances.

A woman's weakness makes a man feel strong. In a world where there is almost no room for heroism, this is practically the only reason to be a man.

1796. Weakness cannot have nobility. Nobility is a sign of strength.1901.

If you are carried away by strength, you can easily die from weakness. Now your weaknesses have grown along with your strength. Now your weaknesses have acquired terrifying strength. Now they will easily destroy you.

A strong and proud man is his own judge. The desire to see a judge in everyone you meet is a sign of vain weakness.

Conceited weakness hates and despises people, but turns into pliable plasticine with just one drop of flattery. Vain weakness sees a judge in everyone and before everyone she kneels and prays for justice in her favor. She despises and hates the judges who refused her; she turns the judges who said “Yes” into idols.

A good person can be forgiven for his weaknesses. But no one will forgive anything to someone who is not so useful. The fruits of this person’s labor are not so valuable that life and other people can forgive this bee its sins and shortcomings, loving it selflessly and joyfully.

Laziness is a weakness of desire.

Hope is associated with weakness, strength is associated with faith.

Neurosis is when emotions take over the mind, and the mind is so weak that it cannot control them. The weakness of the mind is due to its ignorance and lack of solid principles and philosophy.

Many are strong only through the weakness of others, so if you have strength, do not be afraid of them.

We live in eternal fear and anxiety, and all because our faith is weak. Weakness of faith breeds fear. Fear is the absence of faith.

7.245. Strength of spirit and willpower are one and the same.

Fear is a consequence of weakness of spirit; in order to get rid of unnecessary fears, you need to train your strength of spirit.

Pride is what prevents people from working as a team, preventing them from uniting to become stronger. Thus, pride is a source of weakness that prevents a person from joining strength.

Weakness is the basis of strength, the weaker you are, the potentially stronger you are, and vice versa.

The weakness of individual people, when combined, creates the foundation of the strength of civilization and society. The combined weaknesses of each individual generate the strength of society.

A good person can be forgiven for many of his weaknesses...

I would like to defeat the super stupidity and weakness of people, because I don't like super strong people. Superpower feeds on weakness, turning everyone around it into slaves and pumping energy out of all living things... This situation gives rise to unhealthy competition from the superpowered and destroys the balance of power.

9.129. Blessed are the poor in spirit.

People who are weak in spirit are deceitful, greedy and stupid, but it is in their weakness that their strength lies. In the struggle with their shortcomings, they are able to achieve greatness of strength of mind and spirit.

It is our weakness that makes us stronger. Our powerlessness is like being vaccinated with a weakened virus. It doesn't kill us, but it trains our immune system to fight real diseases.

The problem with silicon life is that the bonds that silicon forms are too strong. They are too stable and too strong, while the basis of life and intelligence is weakness.

To cultivate fortitude and rise above your weaknesses, do what you don’t want, what is inconvenient, and what is lazy or uninteresting to do.

Only weak people, constantly in need of compensation for their insufficiency, usually weave intrigues, build intrigues, and secretly strike. Great power is always generous.


Human personality is multifaceted, and, of course, limiting people to two categories is difficult and strange, but sometimes such a limitation justifies itself and introduces a motive for some kind of confrontation. In this text B.M. Bim-Bad invites us to think about the question: “What is the manifestation of a person’s strength and weakness?”

Turning to the topic, the author brings us to the idea of ​​what qualities a strong person has and what qualities a weak person has - and gives the example of a “super strongman”, a person who is strong not only physically, but also morally and spiritually. He never harmed anyone in his entire life, although he had the opportunity to do so. This “hero” impresses B.M. Bim-Badu, because it is precisely such individuals who are capable of selflessly doing good and helping people, using their power with honor and dignity. And in contrast to him, the author gives a collective image of a person against whom education and culture as such are aimed. Weak people, due to their “narrow-mindedness,” selfishness, cruelty, and “spiritual defectiveness,” will never think of doing noble deeds - but it is on nobility that strength of spirit is based, and vice versa. The author emphasizes that this is why weak people rarely achieve success - to create something, different moral guidelines are needed, it is easier for strong people to stay afloat - “nobility of spirit” helps them in this - “in intelligence and honor.”

B.M. Bim-Bad believes that human weakness is manifested in aggression, in the desire for destruction, and strength is in generosity and nobility.

I completely agree with the author’s opinion and also believe that it is much more difficult to create something good, to help people, to maintain honor and dignity under any circumstances - this, undoubtedly, is the privilege of strong individuals. Everything else aimed at destruction and negativity is a sign of spiritually inferior, weak people.

Roman F.M. Dostoevsky's “Crime and Punishment” clearly and accurately shows how strength and weakness are reflected in the human condition. Sonya Marmeladova is truly strong - she was ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of her family, to take the “yellow ticket” - and even after that the girl retained her nobility of spirit. The heroine was able to sacrifice herself for the sake of others and instill in people strength, faith and hope - it was she who saved Rodion Raskolnikov from complete spiritual death and led him to enlightenment. In contrast to the girl, Svidrigailov is presented: he mocks morality, proudly admits his sins and, in general, is a low, vile, selfish and cynical person. This hero is truly weak: he is incapable of virtue and even rejects it; in Svidrigailov’s interests there is only constant idleness and complacency.

The problem of human strength and weakness is also presented in M. Gorky’s story “Old Woman Izergil”. Danko is a strong and courageous altruist, whose goal and purpose is selfless, sincere help to people. He killed himself, tearing out a flaming heart from his chest in order to light the way for other people through the entire forest. Unfortunately, the crowd of people themselves mostly consisted of weak, insignificant individuals. Due to their cowardice and spiritual poverty, they were not capable of banal gratitude - at first these people accused Danko of not being able to lead them out of the forest, and later, having got out with his help to freedom, they trampled on the hero’s heart, being afraid of him power and nobility.

Thus, we can conclude that a person’s strength is manifested in the wealth of his soul, and weakness - in his moral poverty. Of course, throughout your life it is important to strive to be strong personality– otherwise life turns into an insignificant existence.