List of used sources. Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR Approximate word search

Years of publication: 1945-1968.

Released issues: 1-129, 131-144 (issue 130 not published).

Title: issue. 1-142 "Proceedings of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR"; issue 143 and 144 - "Proceedings of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR."

1) Zinevich N. A., Starikov N. V. Index to Izvestiya Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR. [Issue. 1-62]. 1945-1954. - M., 1957;

2) Starikov N. V. Index to Izvestiya Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR. [Issue. 63-109]. 1955-1959. - M., 1961.

List of releases

Izvestiya APN RSFSR. Issue. 1: Questions of educational psychology. - 1945

Issue. 1: Issues of educational psychology: tr. Scientific research Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR / Department of Psychology; under total ed. S. L. Rubinstein. - 1945. - 164 p. : tab.

Izvestiya APN RSFSR. Issue. 2: Psychological and pedagogical problems of speech restoration in case of craniocerebral injuries. - 1945.

Proceedings of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR. - M .: Publishing House of Acad. ped. Sciences of the RSFSR, 1945-1968.
Issue. 2: Psychological and pedagogical problems of speech restoration in case of craniocerebral injuries: tr. Scientific research Institute of Defectology Acad. ped. Sciences of the RSFSR / Department of Psychology; under total ed. L. V. Zankova. - 1945. - 128 p. : ill.

Izvestiya APN RSFSR. Issue. 3: Questions of educational psychology. - 1946

Issue. 3: Issues of educational psychology: tr. Scientific research Institute of Psychology / Department of Psychology; under total ed. A. A. Smirnova. - 1946. - 207 p. : ill.

Izvestiya APN RSFSR. Issue. 4: Questions of methods of mathematics, chemistry, biology. - 1946

Proceedings of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR. - M.; L .: Publishing house Acad. ped. Sciences of the RSFSR, 1945-1968.
Issue. 4: Questions of methods of mathematics, chemistry, biology: tr. Scientific research Institute of Teaching Methods of the APS of the RSFSR / Department of Teaching Methods of Basic Disciplines in Primary and Secondary Schools; under total ed. V. N. Markov. - 1946. - 203 p. : ill. - Bibliography: p. 202-203.

Izvestiya APN RSFSR. Issue. 5: Problems of the history of Russian pedagogy. - 1946

Proceedings of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR. - M.; L .: Publishing house Acad. ped. Sciences of the RSFSR, 1945-1968.
Issue. 5: Problems of the history of Russian pedagogy: tr. Scientific research Institute of Theory and History of Pedagogy / Department of Pedagogy; under total ed. E. N. Medynsky. - 1946. - 162 p.

Izvestiya APN RSFSR. Issue. 6: Questions of methodology of mathematics. - 1946

Proceedings of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR. - M.; L .: Publishing house Acad. ped. Sciences of the RSFSR, 1945-1968.
Issue. 6: Questions of methodology of mathematics: tr. Scientific research Institute of Teaching Methods / Department of Methods of Teaching Basic Disciplines in Primary and Secondary Schools; resp. ed. V. L. Goncharov. - 1946. - 167 p. : ill. - Res. English - Bibliography. at the end of Art.

Izvestiya APN RSFSR. Issue. 7: Questions of the psychology of understanding. - 1947

Proceedings of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR. - M.; L .: Publishing house Acad. ped. Sciences of the RSFSR, 1945-1968.
Issue. 7: Questions of the psychology of understanding: tr. Institute of Psychology / Department of Psychology; under total ed. A. A. Smirnova. - 1947. - 240 p. : tab. - Res. English - Bibliography. at the end of Art.

Izvestiya APN RSFSR. Issue. 8: Questions of psychophysiology. - 1947

Proceedings of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR. - M.; L .: Publishing house Acad. ped. Sciences of the RSFSR, 1945-1968.
Issue. 8: Questions of psychophysiology: tr. Scientific research Institute of Psychology / Department of Psychology; resp. ed. K. Kh. Kekcheev. - 1947. - 151, p. : ill. - Res. English - Bibliography. at the end of Art.

Izvestiya APN RSFSR. Issue. 9: The problem of speech formation in deaf and dumb children. - 1947

Proceedings of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR. - M.; L .: Publishing house Acad. ped. Sciences of the RSFSR, 1945-1968.
Issue. 9: The problem of speech formation in deaf and dumb children: tr. Institute of Defectology / Department of Psychology; resp. ed. Zankov L. V. - 1947. - 139 p. : tab. - Res. English

Izvestiya APN RSFSR. Issue. 10: Questions of methods of teaching the Russian language. - 1947

Proceedings of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR. - M.; L .: Publishing house Acad. ped. Sciences of the RSFSR, 1945-1968.
Issue. 10: Questions of methods of teaching the Russian language: tr. Institute of teaching methods / Department of teaching methods of basic disciplines at the beginning. and avg. school ; resp. ed. Melnikov M. A. - 1947. - 148 p. - Res. English - Bibliography. at the end of Art.

Izvestiya APN RSFSR. Issue. 13: Questions of the psychology of perception and thinking. - 1948

Proceedings of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR. - M.; L .: Publishing house Acad. ped. Sciences of the RSFSR, 1945-1968.
Issue. 13: Questions of the psychology of perception and thinking: tr. Institute of Psychology / Department of Psychology; resp. ed. B. M. Teplov. - 1948. - 203 p. : ill., tab.

Izvestiya APN RSFSR. Issue. 14: Questions of child psychology. - 1948

Proceedings of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR. - M.; L .: Publishing house Acad. ped. Sciences of the RSFSR, 1945-1968.
Issue. 14: Questions of child psychology: doshk. age: tr. Institute of Psychology / Department of Psychology; resp. ed. A. N. Leontiev. - 1948. - 215 p. : ill., tab.

Izvestiya APN RSFSR. Issue. 15: Speech disorders in traumatic brain injuries and its recovery. - 1948

Proceedings of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR. - M.; L .: Publishing house Acad. ped. Sciences of the RSFSR, 1945-1968.
Issue. 15: Speech disorders in traumatic brain injuries and its recovery: tr. Institute of Defectology / Department of Psychology; resp. ed. L. V. Zankov. - 1948. - 191 p. : ill., tab.

Izvestiya APN RSFSR. Issue. 16: Education in kindergarten (senior group). - 1948

Proceedings of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR. - M.; L .: Publishing house Acad. ped. Sciences of the RSFSR, 1945-1968.
Issue. 16: Education in kindergarten (senior group): tr. Institute of Theory and History of Pedagogy / Department of Pedagogy; resp. ed. A. P. Usova. - 1948. - 224 p. : ill., tab.

Izvestiya APN RSFSR. Issue. 17: Questions of child psychology. - 1948

Proceedings of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR. - M.; L .: Publishing house Acad. ped. Sciences of the RSFSR, 1945-1968.
Issue. 17: Questions of child psychology: tr. Department of Psychology Leningrad. Phil. APN, part 1 / Department of psychology; resp. ed. B. G. Ananiev. - 1948. - 151 p.

Izvestiya APN RSFSR. Issue. 18: Questions of child psychology. - 1948

Proceedings of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR. - M.; L .: Publishing house Acad. ped. Sciences of the RSFSR, 1945-1968.
Issue. 18: Questions of child psychology: tr. Department of Psychology Leningrad. Phil. APN, part 2 / Department of psychology; resp. ed. B. G. Ananiev. - 1948. - 124 p.

Issue. 19. The problem of special pedagogy and psychology. - 1948.

Issue. 20. Issues of didactics. - 1949.

Issue. 21. Issues of formation and development of spatial representations and spatial perception students. - 1949.

Issue. 22. Ravkin Z. I. Soviet school in the years of transition to peaceful work to restore the national economy (1921-1925). - 1949.

Issue. 23: Questions of physical education. - 1949.

Issue. 24. Questions of geography in high school. - 1950.

Issue. 25. Questions of the psychology of labor and art. - 1950.

Issue. 26. Questions of the psychology of training and education. - 1950.

Issue. 27. Korenevsky E. I. Explanatory reading in the Russian elementary school (1860-1917). - 1950.

Issue. 28. Questions of the psychology of learning. - 1950.

Issue. 29. Works of the Laboratory of Plant Physiology of the P. F. Lesgaft State Institute of Natural Science. - 1950.

Issue. 30. Proceedings of the Session of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR June 27 - July 1, 1949. Book. 1. - 1950.

Issue. 31. Proceedings of the Session of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR June 27 - July 1, 1949. Book. 2. - 1951.

Issue. 32. Proceedings of the Session of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR June 27 - July 1, 1949. Book. 3. - 1950.

Issue. 33. Questions of the history of Russian pedagogy. - 1951.

Issue. 34. Questions of education in the Soviet kindergarten. - 1951.

Issue. 35. Some questions of functional and age morphology of man and animals. - 1951.

Issue. 36. Questions of the psychology of the student. - 1951.

Issue. 37. Psychological features elementary school students of the auxiliary school 1951.

Issue. 38. About the pedagogical activity of A. S. Makarenko. - 1952.

Issue. 39. Joint scientific session of the Department of Literature and Language of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, dedicated to the works of I. V. Stalin on linguistics and the teaching of languages ​​in the Soviet school. Verbatim report. - 1951.

Issue. 40. Questions of methods of teaching Russian and native languages ​​in the national school. - 1952.

Issue. 41. Questions of methodology of mathematics in the auxiliary school. - 1952.

Issue. 42. Questions of the psychology of teaching reading and writing. - 1952.

Issue. 43. Questions of methodology for studying the learning process at school. - 1952.

Issue. 44. Materials of the Scientific session of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences and the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, dedicated to the discussion of pedagogical requirements for Soviet children's literature on February 4-6, 1952. - 1952.

Issue. 45. Materials of the Conference on psychology. - 1953.

Issue. 46. Volkov V. I. The struggle of the Bolsheviks for a revolutionary way of transforming public education in Russia. - 1953.

Issue. 47. Questions of age morphology and physiology. Issue. 1. - 1953. (Issue 2 see below, according to the general numbering of issue 60.)

Issue. 48. Boschis R. M. Features of speech development in violation of the auditory analyzer. - 1953.

Issue. 49. Issues of improving the quality of teaching and educational work of the school. - 1953.

Issue. 50. Rotkovich Ya. A. Essays on the history of teaching literature in the Russian school. - 1953.

Issue. 51. Questions of school hygiene. - 1953.

Issue. 52. Questions of the formation of the personality of the child and adolescent. - 1954.

Issue. 53. Materials for the study of conditioned reflex bases of human mental activity. - 1954.

Issue. 54. Questions of the psychology of speech and thinking. - 1954.

Issue. 55. Joint scientific session on the teaching of natural science in secondary schools, June 25-27, 1953. Verbatim report. - 1954.

Issue. 56. Questions of teaching methods in high school. - 1954.

Issue. 57. Questions of psychology of pupils of auxiliary schools. - 1954.

Issue. 58. Practical work of students as one of the means of polytechnic education. - 1954.

Issue. 59. Questions of consciousness of the assimilation of knowledge by students. - 1954.

Issue. 60. Questions of age morphology and physiology. Issue. 2. - 1954.

Issue. 61. Psychology of knowledge acquisition. - 1954.

Issue. 62. Issues of speech formation and compensation of hearing defects in deaf-mute and hard-of-hearing schoolchildren. - 1954.

Issue. 63. Methodological, psychological and hygienic requirements for a textbook for high school. - 1955.

Issue. 64. Questions of the development of the psyche of preschool children. - 1955.

Issue. 65. Proceedings of the Scientific Conference of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR and Research Pedagogical Institutes of the Ukrainian SSR, dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia on May 6-7, 1954. - 1955.

Issue. 66. Questions of school hygiene. - 1955.

Issue. 67. Serdyuchenko G. P. Abaza language. - 1955.

Issue. 68. Features of teaching students of auxiliary schools. - 1955.

Issue. 69. Visibility and word in the artistic education of a preschooler. - 1955.

Issue. 70. Teaching and educational work in the first grade of school and the development of children. - 1955.

Issue. 71. Questions of psychology of teaching arithmetic. - 1955.

Issue. 72. Continuity of teaching and educational work in grades IV-V. - 1955.

Issue. 73. Cognitive interests and conditions for their formation in childhood. - 1955.

Issue. 74. Issues of teacher training in pedagogical institutes. - 1955.

Issue. 75. Questions of the age physiology of the child. - 1955.

Issue. 76. Psychological studies of ideas and imagination. - 1956.

Issue. 77. The problem of speech as a means of communication in the school of the deaf and dumb. - 1956.

Issue. 78. Psychology of mastering grammar, spelling and development of written speech. - 1956.

Issue. 79. Issues of formation of pronunciation and development hearing aid perception in deaf and dumb students. - 1956.

Issue. 80. Research in the psychology of intellectual skills and abilities. - 1957.

Issue. 81. Questions of the psychology of thinking and speech. - 1956.

Issue. 82. Development biological concepts in grades V-VI. - 1956.

Issue. 83. Issues of physical education. - 1956.

Issue. 84. Materials on functional and age morphology. - 1957.

Issue. 85. Experiments and observations in natural science in secondary school and higher education. - 1958.

Issue. 86. Formation of perception of space and spatial representations in children. - 1956.

Issue. 87. System and development of methods of teaching biology in grades V-IX. - 1957.

Issue. 88. Issues of teaching mathematics in special schools. - 1957.

Issue. 89. From the history of Russian pedagogy. - 1957.

Issue. 90. Features of perception in the blind and compensation for missing vision with the help of typhlotechnics. - 1957.

Issue. 91. Questions of labor psychology. - 1958.

Issue. 92. Questions of the general methodology of mathematics. - 1958.

Issue. 93. Pedagogical, hygienic and physiological research at school sports days. - 1958.

Issue. 94. Questions of educational work at school. - 1957.

Issue. 95. Company P. A. Some questions of the school course of mathematics. - 1958.

Issue. 96. Tiflopedagogical research. - 1959.

Issue. 97. Anatomical and physiological features of children and adolescents. - 1958.

Issue. 98. The role of reproduction in memorization. - 1958.

Issue. 99. Some questions of the methodology of history as a science. - 1958.

Issue. 100. Development of artistic abilities. - 1959.

Issue. 101. Questions of school hygiene. - 1959.

Issue. 102. From the history of the Soviet school and pedagogy. - 1959.

Issue. 103. Drawing from nature. - 1959.

Issue. 104. The problem of speech as a means of communication in the school of the deaf and dumb. - 1959.

Issue. 105. From the history of foreign schools and pedagogy. - 1959.

Issue. 106. Questions of methods of teaching physics in high school. - 1959.

Issue. 107. Questions of methods of teaching children in grade 1. - 1959.

Issue. 108. Experience in teaching children of six years of age. - 1960.

Issue. 109. Questions of methodology of literature. - 1959.

Issue. 110. Questions of the singing teaching system in grades I-VI. - 1960.

Issue. 111. Questions of methods of teaching the native and Russian languages ​​in the national school. - 1960.

Issue. 112. Korovkin F. P.. Issues of scientific and methodological substantiation of the textbook of the history of the ancient world in secondary school. - 1960.

Issue. 113. Thinking and speech. - 1960.

Issue. 114. The study of the cognitive activity of secondary school students. - 1960.

Issue. 115. Independent work of students in the learning process. - 1961.

Issue. 116. Petrova E. N., Morozova M. Ya. Elements of morphology in elementary grades. - 1961.

Issue. 117. Study and education of children with hearing impairments. - 1961.

Issue. 118. Usova A. P. Education in kindergarten. - 1961.

Issue. 119. Psychology of industrial work. - 1962.

Issue. 120. Perception and thinking. - 1962.

Issue. 121. Education and upbringing of deaf-blind-mutes. - 1962.

Issue. 122. Questions of teaching chemistry in high school. - 1962.

Issue. 123. Questions of psychology of moral development of schoolchildren. - 1962.

Issue. 124. Baranov M. T., Mamushin V. V.. Questions of studying the vocabulary of the Russian language in an eight-year school. - 1962.

Issue. 125. Ladyzhenskaya T. A. Analysis of the oral speech of students in grades V-VII. - 1963.

Issue. 126. Issues of polytechnic education. - 1963.

Issue. 127. Age morphology and physiology. - 1963.

Issue. 128. Use of technical means in the educational process. - 1963.

Issue. 129. New research in pedagogical sciences. Part 1. - 1963. (Ch. 2 see below, issue 133.)

[Issue. 130 not out of print].

Issue. 131. From the history of the school of Belarus and Lithuania. - 1964.

Issue. 132. Research on the methodology of the Russian language (in grades V-VIII). - 1964.

Issue. 133. New research in pedagogical sciences. Part 2. - 1964. (Ch. 3 see below, issue 138.)

Issue. 134. Questions of teaching chemistry in high school. - 1964.

Issue. 135. Methods of researching children in the selection to auxiliary schools. - 1964.

Issue. 136. Experimental studies of some problems of learning the Russian language at school. - 1964.

Issue. 137. Questions of labor training in the auxiliary school. - 1965.

Issue. 138. New research in pedagogical sciences. Part 3. - 1965.

Issue. 139. Issues of special education for hearing impaired children. - 1965.

Issue. 140. Oral speech of the deaf and hard of hearing. - 1965.

Issue. 141. Reflection of the achievements of science in the course of physics in high school. - 1965.

Issue. 142. Age morphology and physiology. - 1966. - 1967.

Issue. 143. Polytechnical knowledge of secondary school students. - 1968.

Issue. 144. Questions of the psychology of teaching work at school. - 1968.

To narrow the search results, you can refine the query by specifying the fields to search on. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

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logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all the elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the way in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search based on morphology, without morphology, search for a prefix, search for a phrase.
By default, the search is based on morphology.
To search without morphology, it is enough to put the "dollar" sign before the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, put a hash mark " # " before a word or before an expression in brackets.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthesized expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one was found.
Not compatible with no-morphology, prefix, or phrase searches.

# study


Parentheses are used to group search phrases. This allows you to control the boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For an approximate search, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word in a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

The search will find words such as "bromine", "rum", "prom", etc.
You can optionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1, or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

The default is 2 edits.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Expression relevance

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the sign " ^ " at the end of an expression, and then indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the given expression.
For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To specify the interval in which the value of some field should be, you should specify the boundary values ​​in brackets, separated by the operator TO.
A lexicographic sort will be performed.

Such a query will return results with the author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in an interval, use square brackets. Use curly braces to escape a value.

] For middle and older age. Artistic design by S.M. Pozharsky. Screensavers and endings K.K. Sokolov. Drawings for the content I.A. Lechersky and A.K. Vechkanova. Chief artist A.I. Gangalyuk. The illustrations in the text were made by artists: I.D. Bogachev, A.K. Vechkanov, N.K. Vechkanov, L.M. Goldberg, N.I. Grishin, A.A. Lurie, Moreno Antonio Miche, I.A. Pechersky, A.A. Popov, I.A. Pyatkin, M.I. Savchenko, N.K. Skalova, O.M. Sperantova, V.G. Talkovsky, O.M. Turkus, I.N. Shalito. The maps were compiled by A.S. Amalrik. Map editor A.I. Agafonov. Drawings on the maps of I.A. Pechersky.
(Moscow: Publishing House of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, 1961. - Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR)
Scan: AAW, OCR, processing, Djv, Pdf format: slava_kry, 2017

    Why do we need the science of history - S.D. Skazkin (13).
    At the dawn of human society - S.I. Uspensky (19).
    Beliefs of primitive man - A.S. Amalrik (24).
    What is the ancient East - F.P. Korovkin (27).
    Laws and Judgment in Ancient Babylon - D.G. Raeder (29).
    Library of King Ashurbanipal - M.A. Dandamaev (31).
    City of Babylon - D.G. Raeder (34).
    How the mystery of Egyptian hieroglyphs was solved - D.G. Raeder (37).
    Great Pyramids - D.G. Raeder (39).
    The first uprising of the poor and slaves - D.G. Raeder (42).
    Road to the ocean - A.I. Nemirovsky (44).
    The first alphabet is M.A. Dandamaev (47).
    What the excavations in Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro tell about - G.M. Bongard-Levin (48).
    Ancient India in its heyday - G.F. Ilyin (50).
    One of the oldest cultures in the world - F.S. Bykov (53).
    Builders of the Great Wall - L.V. Simonovskaya (56).
    In the ancient kingdom of Urartu - K.M. Moiseeva (59).
    In ancient Khorezm - Yu.A. Rapoport (61).
    Ancient Olbia - A.K. Korovin (65).
    Scythian mounds - A.I. Melyukov (68).
    What is the ancient world - A.G. Bokshchanin (71).
    Talking tablets - S.Ya. Lurie (73).
    In the mines of Lavrion - A.K. Berger (77).
    In the Athenian People's Assembly - N.N. Picus (79).
    Athens in its heyday - O.A. Rothberg (82).
    The religion of the ancient Greeks - N.N. Picus (84).
    Alexander the Great - A.G. Bokschanin (87).
    Library of Alexandria - A.K. Berger (90).
    Dying and Rising Gods - D.G. Raeder (92).
    What is the bible - G.M. Lifshitz (94).
    One of the unsolved mysteries of world history is S.L. Utchenko (97).
    The emergence and early years of Rome - A.G. Bokshchanin (98).
    Campaign of Hannibal - S.L. Utchenko (101).
    Struggle for land in ancient Rome - A.I. Nemirovsky (104).
    The Great Slave Revolt in Rome - P.O. Karyshkovsky (108).
    Beginning of an empire - A.G. Bokschanin (111).
    How Christianity arose - A.G. Bokschanin (114).
    Hypatia - K.M. Moiseev (118).
    The fall of the "Eternal City" - A.G. Bokschanin (119).
    What is the Middle Ages - S.D. Skazkin (125).
    Ancient Germans - A.D. Epstein (127).
    Village and castle - N.I. Zaporozhets (130).
    In the school of the early Middle Ages - I.Yu. Persian (134).
    How Islam arose - E.A. Belyaev (136).
    The Great Silk Road - A.M. Filippov (139).
    Feudal City and Craft - V.I. Rutenburg (142).
    Children's Crusades - M.A. Fences (146).
    Inquisition - G.I. Trainina (149).
    Estate monarchy - S.D. Skazkin (153).
    Peasant uprisings in medieval Europe - S.D. Skazkin (154).
    Joan of Arc - the heroine of the French people - N.I. Zaporozhets (158).
    Battle of the Kosovo field - V.G. Karasev (161).
    George Kastriot Skanderbeg - J.S. Dostyan (162).
    Jan Hus and Jan Zizka - B.T. Rubtsov (164).
    Battle of Grunwald - A.E. Steckli (167).
    People and ideas of the Renaissance - S.D. Skazkin (169).
    Florence - V.I. Rutenburg (171).
    Manufactory of Jack of Newbury - K.D. Avdeeva (173).
    The first printed books in Europe - S.S. Schukin (174).
    The Reformation and the Peasants' War in Germany - A.D. Epstein (176).
    Utopia of Thomas More - I.Yu. Persian (185).
    Tommaso Campanella - A.E. Steckli (187).
    The first newspapers - S.S. Schukin (189).
    Jesuits - G.I. Trainina (190).
    Geza - M.M. Gromyko (191).
    Folk hero Li Zi-cheng - L.V. Simonovskaya (195).
    Peasants and samurai in feudal Japan - G.I. Podpalova (198).
    Naval commander Lee Sun Sin - hero of the Korean people - I.I. Hwang (200).
    Ancient and medieval states of Africa - V.M. Misyugin (202).
    The ancient states of America and the Spanish conquerors - A.M. Zorina (206).
    Ancient Slavs - P.N. Tretyakov (213).
    In ancient Kyiv - Ya.N. Shchapov (217).
    What does Russkaya Pravda tell about - M.N. Tikhomirov (220).
    Kievan Rus and Byzantium - A.P. Kazhdan (223).
    Chroniclers of ancient Rus' - B.A. Rybakov (225).
    "Mr. Veliky Novgorod" - M.N. Tikhomirov (229).
    Birch bark letters - V.L. Yanin (232).
    The heyday of feudal Georgia in the 12th century - A.P. Novoseltsev. (233).
    Tatar-Mongol conquerors - L.N. Pushkarev (236).
    The struggle of the Russian people against foreign knights - V.T. Pashuto (240).
    Beginning of Moscow - P.I. Lopatin (243).
    How the history of the Battle of Kulikovo was studied - L.N. Pushkarev (246).
    Defense of Moscow in 1382 - A.M. Sakharov (248).
    From the history of medieval Samarkand - I.I. Umnyakov (249).
    Moscow in the XV-XVI centuries - M.G. Rabinovich (251).
    From the history of post in Russia - A.I. Gukovsky (254).
    Pioneer Ivan Fedorov - M.N. Tikhomirov (256).
    The history of the petitions of Ivan Peresvetov - L.N. Pushkarev (258).
    Russian peasants in the 16th century - V.I. Koretsky (261).
    Ivan Isaevich Bolotnikov - V.I. Koretsky (263).
    People's militia at the beginning of the 17th century - L.A. Derbov (266).
    Buffoons - A.M. Yanovsky (266).
    Zemsky Sobor of 1642 - A.M. Sakharov (270).
    Moscow uprising of 1648 - E.I. Koreneva (271).
    Reunification of Ukraine with Russia - V.E. Jester (274).
    Peasant leader Stepan Razin - Yu.S. Aksenov (279).
    What is the new time - A.V. Efimov (285).
    From the history of the English Revolution - A.Ya. Gurevich (289).
    "The Sun King" and the unfortunate people of France - A.E. Roginskaya (295).
    English colonialists in India - A.Ya. Shevelenko (297).
    Vietnam on the eve of the arrival of the colonialists - S.A. Arutyunov (300).
    International Slave Trade in the 16th-19th Centuries - A.S. Zavadie (302).
    The Industrial Revolution in England - V.A. Classen (305).
    Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776 - A.V. Efimov (309).
    Jean Mellier and his "Testament" - V.P. Volgin (312).
    Great Encyclopedia - N.M. Landa (315).
    How the Bastille fell - A.E. Roginskaya (318).
    "Incorruptible" and his associates - A.Z. Manfred (320).
    Friend of the people - Jean-Paul Marat - Z.L. Serebryansky (324).
    Revolutionary Army - V.A. Divin (326).
    Marseillaise - A.S. Zavadie (329).
    Babeuf and the movement "in the name of equality" - V.M. Dalin (329).
    Napoleon Bonaparte - based on the book by E.V. Tarle "Napoleon" (331).
    Spanish Revolution of 1820-1823 - I.M. Maisky (336).
    Greek War of Independence (1821-1830) - G.L. Arsh (338).
    The War of Independence of the Spanish Colonies in America (1810-1826) - A.M. Zorina (341).
    Javanese rebellion led by Diponegara - E.I. Gnevusheva (345).
    Child labor in factories in England - A.S. Zavadie (348).
    For the People's Charter - Z.L. Serebryansky (350).
    Charles Fourier - N.M. Landa (353).
    The beginning of the revolutionary activity of Marx and Engels - R.A. Stable (355).
    "Manifesto of the Communist Party" - the doctrine of scientific communism - R.P. Stable (358).
    Great and touching friendship - L.N. Vidgop and Ya.L. Sukhotin (360).
    Paris in the June days of 1848 - A.I. Milk (364).
    Revolution and national liberation war in Hungary in 1848-1849 - E.I. Yakhnin and M.N. Aleinikov (367).
    People's liberation uprising in India in 1857-1859 - A.M. Osipov (371).
    Taiping - V.P. Ilyushechkin (374).
    "Uncle Tom's Cabin" - A.S. Zavadie (377).
    John Brown - V.P. Murat (377).
    Frederick Douglas - A.S. Zavadie (379).
    War in the USA between North and South - R.F. Ivanov (382).
    Abraham Lincoln - Great US Citizen - D.B. Petrov (385).
    I International - A.S. Zavadie (388).
    "Thousand" Garibaldi - A.S. Zavadie (392).
    "Iron and blood" - I.I. Vasin (396).
    Peter I and his time - V.A. Prokofiev (401).
    Poltava victory - L.G. Bloodless (404).
    "Tears of the Virgin" - L.S. Livshits (405).
    Creation of the Navy - T.K. Krylova (408).
    Foundation of St. Petersburg - T.K. Krylov (411).
    Manufactories of Petrovsky time - N.I. Pavlenko (413).
    Schools of the early 18th century - N.A. Baklanova (416).
    The first Russian printed newspaper - A.I. Strazhev (418).
    Foundation of Moscow University - M.T. Belyavsky (419).
    In the landowner's estate of the second half of the 18th century - S.Ya. Borovoy (422).
    What did Pugachev and the Pugachevites want - L.A. Derbov (425).
    Hero of the Bashkir people Salavat Yulaev - M.D. Kurmichev (429).
    "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow" - L.I. Nasonkin (431).
    Military art A.V. Suvorov - A.V. Fadeev (434).
    Patriotic War 1812 - B.I. Krasnobaev (438).
    "Russian Truth" by the Decembrist P.I. Pestel - M.V. Nechkin (446).
    Accession of Eastern Armenia to Russia - A.P. Novoseltsev (449).
    "Proud sons of the Caucasus" - A.V. Fadeev (452).
    Defense of Sevastopol - A.V. Fadeev (454).
    A.I. Herzen and his "Bell" - Z.P. Bazilev (457).
    Herzen about Nicholas I - N.M. Pirumov (460).
    "Contemporary". N.G. Chernyshevsky and N.A. Dobrolyubov. - S.A. Racer (460).
    "Whistle" - S.A. Racer (463).
    The Paris Commune and Its Heroes - E.I. Yakhnina (465).
    The first Czech socialists - B.M. Rucol (472).
    The history of the May Day holiday - Z.L. Serebryansky (474).
    The Internationale and its authors - Z.L. Serebryansky (477).
    What is imperialism - A.I. Foteeva (478).
    The power of monopolies in the USA - A.N. Yakovlev (482).
    How the Panama Canal was built - M.A. Okunev (486).
    The struggle of the African peoples against the colonizers - S.R. Smirnov (488).
    Congo under the rule of the colonialists - N.I. Vysotskaya (491).
    Filipino Freedom Struggle - Manuel Cruz (494).
    Jose Marti - National Hero of Cuba - B.M. Gelding (497).
    Big stick politics - B.M. Gelding (497).
    Peasant uprising of 1907 in Romania - V.N. Vinogradov (500).
    Tilak Trial and Bombay Strike in July 1908 - A.I. Chicherov (503).
    Sun Yat-sen - I.I. Vasin (504).
    OUR HOMELAND FROM THE FALL OF serfdom to the First World War
    "Regulations on February 19" 1861 - E.A. Pavlyuchenko (507).
    Uprising in the village of Kandeevka - V.S. Antonov (510).
    The uprising of 1863-1864 in Poland, Belarus and Lithuania - I.S. Miller (513).
    In the post-reform village - K.V. Gusev (516).
    From the history of Donbass - I.S. Peshkin (520).
    "Walking to the people" - N.M. Pirumov (523).
    Execution of the People's Will - E.A. Pavlyuchenko (525).
    Petr Alekseev - L.I. Islander (527).
    Striker Kids - T.G. Snytko (530).
    Russians and Bulgarians in the war of 1877-1878 - N.N. Yakovlev (530).
    Karl Marx and Russian revolutionaries - V.A. Prokofiev (533).
    Morozov strike - I.V. Kuznetsov (534).
    Emancipation of Labor Group - E.A. Pavlyuchenko (538).
    The beginning of the revolutionary activity of V.I. Lenin - Z.A. Levin (540).
    Lenin's "Union of Struggle" - G.A. Konyukhov (542).
    Lenin's Iskra - M.I. Kuznetsov (545).
    Khodynka disaster - A.I. Gukovsky (548).
    The peoples of Russia against tsarism - I.P. Verkhovtsev (548).
    II Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party - R.I. Markov (552).
    “Proud “Varyag” - P.Ya. Bukspan (555).
    Baku strike of 1904 - S.M. Aliyev (555).
    REVOLUTION OF 1905-1907
    "Bloody Sunday" - V.P. Naumov (557).
    Bolsheviks in the Revolution - V.P. Naumov (560).
    First Soviets - V.P. Naumov (563).
    All-Russian October political strike - V.P. Naumov (565).
    The revolutionary movement in the fleet - V.P. Naumov (568).
    Peasant movement - V.P. Naumov (572).
    December armed uprising in Moscow - M.I. Kuznetsov (574).
    The peoples of the Baltic in the revolution - Ya.P. Krastyn (577).
    Church against the revolution - A.M. Mikhailov (579).
    The historical significance of the revolution - V.P. Naumov (581).
    During the years of reaction - M.Ya. Gefter (581).
    The collapse of the landowner's law - M.Ya. Gefter (584).
    Bolshevik "Pravda" - Yu.N. Shebaldin (587).
    On the podium of the "Black Thought" - Yu.N. Shebaldin (590).
    How was the first World War(July crisis of 1914) - A.S. Zavadie (591).
    Four years of carnage - L.M. Minaev (595).
    II International and its collapse - B.M. Gelding (600).
    The feat of Karl Liebknecht - Z.L. Serebryansky (604).
    The struggle of the Bolsheviks against the war - Yu.N. Shebaldin (607).
    The uprising of 1916 in Central Asia and Kazakhstan - N.V. Mansvetov (611).
    The overthrow of tsarism in Russia - A.Ya. Ground (613).
    At the turn of two eras - N.V. Mansvetov (617).
    How archaeologists work - A.L. Mongait (621).
    What our archives keep - T.G. Snytko (625).
    Chronology, chronology and calendars - A.S. Amalric (627).
    Brief chronology of world history - I.Yu. Persian (632).
    What to read on history - R.G. Lipkin (655).
    Index of names and objects - V.A. Galician (665).

USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (APN USSR)

the highest scientific institution, uniting the most prominent scientists in the field of pedagogical sciences, as well as prominent figures in public education. Created in August 1966 as a result of the transformation of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, which existed in 1943 - 66. Located in Moscow. Member of the Ministry of Education of the USSR. The APS of the USSR (1968) has 48 full members (academicians) and 80 corresponding members. President - V. M. Khvostov (since 1967). The Academy may elect foreign members to its membership.

The supreme governing body of the Academy is the General Meeting of its members, convened at least 2 times a year, and in the period between sessions of the General Meeting - the Presidium headed by the President.

The APS of the USSR has as its goal the development and implementation of research in the leading areas of pedagogy, psychology, developmental physiology, and other sciences that develop questions of the upbringing and education of the younger generations; identification of new opportunities in improving education, upbringing and training, preparation of scientific and practical recommendations for their use in the system of public education; development of problems of improving the system of training and advanced training of teaching staff; coordination of research being carried out in the USSR in the field of pedagogical sciences and assistance in the development of pedagogical sciences in all Union republics; promoting the dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among the people.

The system of the academy includes (1969) 3 departments: theory and history of pedagogy; didactics and private methods; psychology and developmental physiology, 12 research institutes: general pedagogy; general and pedagogical psychology; physiology of children and adolescents; preschool education; general problems of education; content and teaching methods; school equipment and teaching aids; artistic education; labor training and vocational guidance; teaching the Russian language in a national school; general adult education; defectology, 10 experimental schools, a library (see the K. D. Ushinsky Library for Public Education), a scientific archive, and other institutions. since 1955), "Family and School" (since 1946), "Russian Language in the National School" (since 1957), "Defectology" (since 1969).

V. M. Khvostov.

Big soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what the "Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR" is in other dictionaries:

    - (APN of the USSR), the highest pedagogical scientific institution of the USSR, founded in 1943 in Moscow (until 1966 APS of the RSFSR). In 1992, the Russian Academy of Education was established on its basis (see RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF EDUCATION (RAO)) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (APN of the USSR) the highest pedagogical scientific institution of the USSR, founded in 1943 in Moscow (until 1966 APS of the RSFSR). In 1992, the Russian Academy of Education was established on its basis ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    ACADEMY OF PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES OF THE USSR- (APN of the USSR), scientific. an institution that united scientists in the field of pedagogy, psychology, and other sciences, as well as leaders of the Nar. education. Created by post. Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of 6 Oct. 1943 in Moscow as the Academy of Ped. Sciences of the RSFSR. In order to combine scientific ped. strength ... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

    Academy of Pedagogical Sciences(USSR)- see Russian Academy of Education (RAO) ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    - ... Wikipedia

    - (APN RSFSR) was founded by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR in October 1943 in Moscow under the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR. In 1966, the APN of the RSFSR included 34 full members and 66 corresponding members. Presidents: V. P. Potemkin (1943 46), I. A. ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR- ACADEMY OF PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES OF THE RSFSR (APN RSFSR), created. in Moscow on 6 Oct. 1943 under the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR on post. SNK SSSravni in 1966 was transformed into the APN of the USSR. In the organization of the APN, the concern of the Sov. pr va about the further development of Nar. education and... ... Great Patriotic War 1941-1945: Encyclopedia

    This term has other meanings, see Academy of Sciences. History of the Russian Academy of Sciences Petersburg Academy of Sciences 1724 1917 Russian Academy of Sciences 1917 1925 USSR Academy of Sciences 1925 1991 ... Wikipedia

    - (NAAN) The original name is Ukrainian ... Wikipedia

    - (Greek academia, from own name). 1) a garden near Athens, given to Plato by the Athenian citizen Akademos, for his conversations with his students. 2) an educational institution of the highest category with some special teaching. 3) a society of scientists or artists with ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language


  • Family and School, . Family and School is a monthly magazine for parents. Published in Moscow since 1946. The magazine covers a wide range of topics that may be of interest to parents: choosing an educational institution for ...

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Nikolaev, V. I. System engineering: Methods and applications / V. I. Nikolaev, V. M. Bruk. - M.: Mashinostroenie, 1985. - 199 p.

Bespalko, V. P. Elements of the theory of management of the learning process V. P. Bespalko. - M.: Knowledge, 1971. - 72 p.

Likhachev, B. T. Pedagogy: Course of lectures: Proc. Allowance / B. T. Likhachev. - M.: Prometheus, 1993. - 528 p.

Babansky, Yu. K. Optimization of the educational process / Yu. K. Babansky. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986. - 182 p.

Dyachenko, M. I. Brief psychological dictionary / M. I. Dyachenko, L. A. Kandybovich. -- Mn: Nar. Asveta, 1996. - 400 p.

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Sukhomlinsky, V. A. A conversation with a young director / V. A. Sukhomlinsky. - M.: Enlightenment, 1982. - 208 p.

Konarzhevsky, Yu. A. Lesson analysis / Yu. A. Konarzhevsky. - M .: OTs "Pedagogical search", 1999. - 336 p.

Kukharev, N.V. Application of scientific and practical methods in the process of formation and diagnosis of cognitive interests and mental independence of students: method. recommendations / N. V. Kukharev; Gomel. region Institute of Improvement of Teachers. - Gomel, 1991. - 72 p.

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Bagaeva, I. D. To the teacher about the professionalism of pedagogical activity and the ways of its formation: method. recommendations / I. D. Bagaeva; Gomel. region Institute of Improvement of Teachers. - Gomel, 1989. - 89 p.

Kuzmina, N.V. The teacher as an organizer of pedagogical influence // Fundamentals of high school pedagogy / Ed. N. V. Kuzmina, I. A. Urkina. -- L.: Leningrad Publishing House. state un-ta, 1972. - 311 p.

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Sukhobskaya, G.S. Application of pedagogical knowledge in the process of solving pedagogical problems // Modeling of pedagogical situations / Ed. Yu. N. Kulyutkina, G. S. Sukhobskaya. - M.: Pedagogy, 1981. - S. 41-55.

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