How to drink alcohol correctly: cool tips before the weekend. Five rules on how to drink alcohol so that there are no problems What is better to drink for the first time

In general, doctors recommend drinking no more than a glass (about 175 ml) per day. As you understand, the combination of the words "doctors" and "wine" is used only in the context of "dry red". Any other wine already falls into the category of conditionally harmful alcohol. But dry red can be drunk even during pregnancy. I mean, not for you, but for your pregnant girlfriend. (You'll probably find something stronger when you find out she's pregnant.) Two glasses of wine a day on a regular basis can potentially threaten your heart and also lead to hypertension.

Also, as you prepare to drain your glass of wine, pay attention to its color. More precisely, the shade of color. It is clear that wine can be of different quality and different biography, but you should be wary and move your glass to the side in disgust if:

  • red wine has a dark brown or even black tint. This means that the wine is so old that the very place for it is not on the table, but at the bottom of the shell;
  • white with a brownish tint, most likely sour, which means that its use will lead to a variety of consequences - from mild poisoning to mild hallucinations. Theoretically, the brown tint of white wine could mean that it is made from slightly dried grapes and is harmless. But this is a rare case, it is better not to count on it;
  • orange rosé wine. Agree, if it was orange wine, you would not have made a peep (in a good way). But the orange shade of rosé wine signals only one thing: this liquid has turned sour and is categorically unsuitable for consumption.

And since wine often appears in our lives in the company of food and snacks, we feel obligated to give you this table that tells which food goes with which wine. So that you never again have doubts with what to combine with which wine.

How to drink whiskey

If you have taken to drink whiskey, try not to mix it with other alcohol. The fact is that whiskey contains the maximum, in comparison with other high-grade nectars, the amount of fusel spirits, which are extremely harmful to the liver. Only those who strongly dislike their liver and want to effectively take revenge on it can interfere with whiskey with other alcohol. No wonder the most classic whiskey cocktail - Old Fashioned, under which even a glass was invented - contains a minimum content of other alcohol. Only whiskey, crushed sugar, 2-3 drops of bitters and soda - and go!

How to drink vodka

The fact that vodka should be ice cold, you, like any Russian, know without us, and from birth. Alcohol and water - namely, these harsh ingredients make up vodka - as if they were created not only for each other, but also to be mixed with something. Still, the two of them are boring. So remember: vodka is best diversified with vermouth and liquors Kahlua and Cointreau.

How to drink brandy

Hold on, now you will learn about the betrayal of a close friend. Cognac, due to the huge dose of alcohol fractions, is extremely harmful to nervous system. It, of course, dilates blood vessels and in small doses can remove, for example, headache. But only selfless fanatics can get involved in it. If you are just one of those (it’s not for us to judge you, we ourselves are one of them), drink cognac wisely.

First, you need to leave a fingerprint on the wall of the glass and look at the light. If the imprint is visible through the drink, then the cognac is good.

Secondly, you need to chat a glass and, with the air of a connoisseur, follow the “legs” - cognac streaks on the walls. Ideally, they should be distinguishable for 5-7 seconds.

Thirdly, cognac must be smelled three times: from a distance of 5 cm from the edge of the glass, above the edge and during tasting, a moment before your tongue burns. Everything, now you can drink. Yes, not in one gulp, God bless you! Well, you ruined everything...

How to drink liquor

To be honest, liquor is predominantly female entertainment. Mainly because it's sweet. By the way, this is his main weakness. Due to the abundance of sugar, alcohol is intensively absorbed into the blood, and intoxication sets in so quickly that you do not have time to either enjoy the liquor or find your way to the karaoke room. But if you fundamentally decide to drink liquor, drink it as part of the Black Russian cocktail: 7/10 - vodka and 3/10 - coffee liqueur. Plus crushed ice.

How to drink absinthe

Paul's favorite drink (that of Gauguin) is extremely rare in our latitudes, mostly under its guise they sell dubious greenish horror. But, if you come across a bottle of real absinthe, do not miss the opportunity to drink it in the so-called "gypsy" or "dry" way. Do it.

Pour some absinthe into a large, thick-walled glass and set it on fire. While rotating the glass (so that centrifugal forces prevent the burning drink from spilling out), tilt it so that the glass is misted from the fumes.

Then pour the absinthe into the second, pre-chilled glass, and turn the first one over and put it on a napkin.

Now the matter is small: drink absinthe through a straw ...

And then stick it under a warm glass and forcefully draw in the vapors accumulated there. No pleasure, but there is a risk: a) get burned; b) lose a glass that burst from a temperature difference; c) pour burning absinthe on the table.

How to avoid a hangover


Don't drink on an empty stomach. Drink on a stomach full of rice, durum wheat spaghetti, or bran bread. All of the above complex carbohydrates will take 3-4 hours to digest and provide your brain with a regular supply of glucose. And you need it, because alcohol treacherously flushes glucose out of the body. In addition, with a full stomach, alcohol is more slowly absorbed into the blood, and it is easier for the liver to level the harm from alcohol.


Refrain from eating sweets before drinking. Simple carbohydrates are the last thing you need right now: they dissolve quickly and do not fill the stomach. So postpone the ritual eating of your collection of potato cakes for a day when you do not plan to drink alcohol.


Alternate a glass or a stack of alcohol (or the contents of a stack poured into a glass for some reason) with a glass of mineral water without gas. Not only does alcohol cause severe dehydration, but it also helps to remove valuable potassium and sodium ions from the body. Stock up in advance with a bottle or two of mineral water and place them in those places of the apartment where you used to fall asleep (that is, by the bed and by the dressing table). Drinking a couple of glasses of water at night will save you from the morning state, called the apt non-literary word "dry".


A couple of hours before drinking alcohol, eat an olive with a stone. And in this case, you will be more interested not in the pulp of the olive, but in the bone. The fact is that it works as an absorbent, making life easier for you, and your liver - work.


And after the party is over, visit the night pharmacy and shout theatrically: “Activated charcoal for me!” Take two ten-tablet packs at once and enjoy an invisible but tangible effect: the coal will absorb the remnants of alcohol frolicking in your stomach, while the liver, meanwhile, will throw all its strength into the war with aldehyde.

How to deal with a hangover

If you still ignored our advice on how to drink properly.


Headache (most likely this is increased intracranial pressure) is best treated again with mineral water or Ringer's saline solution.


Alcohol and aldehyde tend to settle in body fluids and leave the long-suffering body with it. So get in the shower and wash off the sweat with warm water. We suspect we don't need to teach you how to evict urine and semen from your body. If you trust your cardiovascular system, you can take a quick peek into the sauna.


Be sure to eat. And not just anything, but quite specific things. For starters, vegetable soup is, in fact, the same liquid that you need so much right now. Then an omelet - the N-acetylcysteine ​​contained in the eggs will support the liver in this difficult hour for it. For dessert, swallow at least a piece of watermelon - there is a lot of pectin in red plant products, which also will not be superfluous now.

Bear in mind!

Your own desire to get drunk should be a wake-up call for you. The fact is that alcohol poisoning, like any other, causes only one desire - never to meet the cause of this poisoning again. So, having suffered from, a person frowns for several more days at the mention of a chicken or at the sight of a person in a chicken costume (although this is a strange sight without poisoning). The same reaction should be in a person who overdoes it with alcohol: he does not want to talk about alcohol, or see him, much less drink. Accordingly, the desire to re-intersect with the poisoner after a recent encounter may be the main symptom of alcoholism.

Keep in mind more!

The healthiest alcoholic drink is rum. After all, it contains potassium, phosphorus and zinc. In honorable second place is tequila, which regulates the acidity of the stomach and helps with ulcerative colitis. Plus, it is customary to drink it from the navel of a girl.

What holiday do we have without a feast? Everyone likes delicious, lush dishes, and even with a glass of wine or something stronger. But alcohol is a delicate thing, not always everything goes as we would like. Is not it? Let's figure out together how to drink alcohol correctly!

  • Drink, if you are a woman, no more than 0.3 liters of beer or 0.1 liters of wine / champagne or about 30 ml of spirits (vodka, liquor, vermouth, etc.) per day. The maximum allowable daily dose of alcohol for women is 16 g.
  • Drink, if you are a man, no more than 0.5 liters of beer or 0.3 liters of wine / champagne or about 50 ml of spirits (vodka, liquor, vermouth, etc.) per day. The maximum allowable daily dose of alcohol for men is 24 grams.

These quantities of different alcoholic drinks may look ridiculous. However, in total, they contain about 16 or 24 grams of pure alcohol. Drinking so much alcohol is not harmful to health, for adult women and men, it is unlikely to be harmed by such an amount of alcohol (not counting the diseases that we will discuss below).

If you drink alcohol above these limits, then the risk of developing various health disorders and serious diseases, including alcoholism, increases significantly.

Everything should be in moderation

Why are restrictions different for men and women? These differences have a scientific basis behind them: with the same body weight and the same amount of alcohol consumed about 20 percent more alcohol remains in a woman's body than in men. In addition, the female liver breaks down alcohol more slowly because it contains fewer of the enzymes needed for this purpose. It is important not to drink alcohol poisoning.

We have heard over and over again that alcohol has positive influence on the body. Yes, it does! But only very low alcohol consumption, such as a small glass of beer or wine every other day, can reduce middle-aged and older people's risk of certain heart diseases, especially heart attacks. A much more reliable reduction in the risk of a heart attack is sports or exercise of a sports nature, as well as foods with low content fats.

Alcohol intoxication

There is a very thin line between fun and alcohol intoxication, but we must try to catch it. Avoid alcohol intoxication! Drunk people are a danger to themselves and others:

  1. With each intoxication (overuse), millions of brain cells die.
  2. The occurrence of stroke and heart rhythm disorders can be caused directly by severe intoxication.
  3. Alcohol often leads to aggression and violence against others. Assault, murder and rape, child abuse and domestic violence are considered typical crimes of alcoholics.
  4. Intoxicated men and women often become victims of crime.
  5. The occurrence of injuries, burns and frostbite are often the result of drunkenness.
  6. The risk of "accidents" in all spheres of life increases, drunk, many times over.

Non-alcoholic days

Take breaks: two or more non-alcoholic days a week. Daily consumption - no matter how much you drink - is always a habit. Such games with alcohol can even lead to addiction, which limits your personal freedom.

When not to drink alcohol

Do not drink alcohol when performance, concentration and quick reaction are required of you. This means: no alcohol at work, when you drive or play sports. Completely normal performance of mental and physical activity only possible at 0.0 ppm.

And even a small amount of alcohol, as statistics show, increases the risk of accidents and problems in all areas of life.

Alcohol and children

How to drink alcohol for children? No way! Children are much more sensitive to alcohol than adults. Even small amounts, such as two tablespoons, can cause serious poisoning. Even at the level of 0.5 ppm of alcohol in the blood, a child can pass out without experiencing the typical signs of alcohol intoxication.

No alcohol for children!

How to drink alcohol young

Drinking alcohol from a young age increases the risk of developing alcoholism.

Alcohol consumption by young people should be significantly lower than for adults. It is normal for young people to want to learn more about alcoholic beverages. But the earlier children and young people start drinking alcohol, the more they are at risk of becoming addicted. Intoxication at a young age becomes one of the main health risks. Alcohol in young people can cause permanent damage to organs, especially the brain, and may also disrupt the maturation process.

Frequent drinking is a warning sign that parents and other adults should be alert to.

Alcohol in old age

How to drink alcohol for the elderly? Be especially careful with alcohol! The body's ability to metabolize alcohol decreases with each passing year. Often, medications that are so necessary in old age can interact with alcohol, which leads to fatal consequences.

Alcohol and pregnancy

How to drink alcohol while pregnant? No way! Let me explain briefly: a pregnant woman drinks alcohol - it passes through the placenta to the fetus and attacks the nerves and organs of the child directly. This attack results in severe physical and mental disabilities (such as heart disease or brain developmental disorders).

Any dose of alcohol can harm a child. Therefore, alcohol during pregnancy is contraindicated!

Almost the same thing happens during lactation: alcohol enters breast milk - then milk to the baby, which has a toxic effect on your baby.

Alcohol and medicines

How to properly take alcohol with various drugs can tell you only your doctor in specific cases. I can give a vivid example: taking drugs and drinking alcohol is deadly:

  • First, because alcohol can impair the desired effect of the drug or even prevent it.
  • Secondly, this combination can cause life-threatening interactions.

A particular problem is the combination of alcohol and psychologically active drugs such as sleeping pills and sedatives or psychostimulants (stimulants).

It is necessary to check with your doctor whether you can drink alcohol with a particular drug.

Alcohol and chronic diseases

The use of alcohol in some chronic diseases, even in a small amount, can significantly increase its negative impact on the body. The list of these diseases includes, for example:

  • Diabetes (diabetes mellitus)
  • Liver disease, especially hepatitis C.
  • Depression and other mental disorders.

Problems with alcohol addiction a close relative is also a reason for restriction or abstinence. Since heredity plays an important role in these matters.

Forget about traditional tumblers (wide glasses with a thick bottom). The disadvantage of these glasses is the large diameter, which "disperses" and "impoverishes" the rich aroma of whiskey. And if the toggle switch is also made of faceted glass, you will not be able to appreciate the appearance of the drink. Therefore, from these simple devices they drink only inexpensive whiskey, mixing it with ice or soda.

True connoisseurs of whiskey use small tulip-shaped glasses. Due to the small diameter of the “neck” and rounded walls, the aromas of the drink seem to “concentrate” inside the glass. It is believed that a true connoisseur only needs to "smell" whiskey to enjoy it.

To make the aroma manifest itself brighter, you need to rotate the whiskey in the glass. And you can dilute it with a few drops of ice water: it instantly “reveals” the aroma of the drink, and also somewhat smoothes the sharpness of the taste. This is especially true for cask-strength whiskey ( cask strength, more than 50% alcohol content), the consumption of which in its pure form causes a slight numbness of the taste buds.

The contents of the glass should not be drunk in one gulp, only in small sips, as if “holding” the whiskey on the tongue. This is the only way you can feel the whole gamut of taste - sweet, sour, tart and slightly bitter at the same time.


Cognac, like whiskey, is not meant to be drunk in one fell swoop. They do not even drink it, but sip it slowly, reveling in its aroma. That is why for cognac there is a "snifter" (from the English sniff- to sniff; it is also called “brandy glass” and “cognac bottle”), a pot-bellied glass on a leg, sharply tapering upwards. Cognac is poured to the very bottom - only to the level of the widest part of the snifter. Snifters are both small, with a capacity of 70 grams, and larger - 250-400 grams. By the way, professional cognac tasters use a very small snifter, narrower and more elongated than usual.

When serving cognac should have a temperature above room temperature. Usually a glass of cognac is warmed only in the palm of your hand: holding cognac over a fire is a bad form.

Rotate the glass around its own axis and look at the "oily" marks from the flowing cognac on its inner walls. “Legs” (as the French call these streaks) are formed due to glycerin - there is quite a lot of it in aged alcoholic beverages. The longer the “legs” are visible, the more “old” the cognac is in front of you (from 5 seconds for five-year-olds to 17-18 seconds for fifty-year-olds).

Now is the time to sniff the contents of the glass: a good aged cognac, like whiskey, has a bright, rich, complex taste. And only after that the cognac is tasted. They try it in small sips: it is in this case that the “peacock tail” effect occurs (queen de paon)- as if the cognac is gradually "opening" in the mouth.

The French do not eat cognac: you cannot feel the taste and bouquet of cognac if you drink it with food. The manner of eating cognac with lemon took root only in Russia. Moreover, it is believed that the author of this strange innovation is Tsar Nicholas II.

The best time to serve cognac is after the main course. In France, there is even an idea of ​​" rule of three WITH": cafe, cognac, cigare- first you drink coffee, then cognac and after that you smoke a cigar. A good end to lunch.


Young Calvados is an excellent aperitif. In the homeland of Calvados - in Normandy - they drink it before dinner just with ice or in combination with tonic, 1:3. Drink Calvados and as a digestif, and even during a meal.

It is not customary to offer Calvados with appetizers and especially main dishes. An exception should be made only for Normandy soft cheeses: the spicy taste of Camembert, pon l "evek, livaro goes well with the fruity taste of young Calvados.

The inhabitants of Normandy have such a concept - trou normand, "Norman hole". It is customary to tip a glass of Calvados between meals. Normandy dinner, you see, is traditionally not dietary: appetizers (often at least two servings), two hot dishes (fish and meat), right there cream sauce, then an obligatory dessert... In a word, you can't do without Calvados - to speed up digestion. And before knocking over another glass, the Normans sing a simple song about this very "hole", so pleasant and at the same time necessary.

If all the food has already been destroyed, and there is more than enough free time, one glass of Calvados can be enjoyed for about forty minutes, in scanty sips, savoring that special feeling when the heat slowly spreads through the body. As an accompaniment - as in the case of cognac - a cigar is suitable. This way of using Calvados applies, first of all, to aged varieties.

Calvados is often served in a cognac "snifter". There is, however, an opinion that a glass tapering upward enhances the feeling of strength and somewhat “thickens”, coarsens the aroma of the drink. That is why connoisseurs suggest using a traditional grappa glass for Calvados - it reveals the taste and aroma of Calvados best.


The most famous way in Europe to drink tequila is with salt and lime (not lemon!): lick a pinch of salt poured on the back of the palm between the thumb and forefinger, drink tequila in one gulp and eat a slice of lime. This ritual causes only a smile among the Mexicans.

Residents of Mexico drink tequila in one gulp. And often the cheapest (most natives are not ready to pay more than four dollars per liter), often in its pure form - and this is with a fusel flavor characteristic of tequila!

And Mexicans also drink tequila with beer (especially popular corona And Sol) or prepare a burning cocktail sangrita with tomato and lemon juice, tabasco and spices. Some Mexicans eat all this splendor fried in butter and wrapped in tortillas Gusanos de maguey - caterpillars living on agave (from which, in fact, tequila is made).

If this seems too exotic to you, drink the European way - with salt and lime from small glasses or "stacks".


The way in which rum is consumed indirectly depends on the rum itself. For example, the taste of light white rums is not too bright, so it is best to drink them in cocktails.

The "golden" rum, aged in oak barrels, has a richer taste (acquired as a result of the "communication" of spirits with wood). It is pleasant to drink such rum with ice or simply chilled from wide glasses - "tumblers". As a snack, you can choose various fruits - orange, pineapple, papaya, cherry, melon. Interestingly, in the Caribbean, where the wine culture is almost undeveloped, golden rum is diluted with water 1: 1 and drunk instead of wine at lunch or dinner.

It is customary to drink dark rums of many years of aging only in its pure form, without ice. Cognac "snifter" is great for serving dark rum. It is believed that the rich rich bouquet and taste of this drink goes well with cigars.


Ordinary gin varieties are most often a distillate (grain or malt at best, cane at worst) infused with juniper berries.

This is a rather low quality gin, which is used mainly in cocktails, mixed with tonic, vermouth or bitters.

Elite brands of gin are obtained by a different method: high-quality grain alcohol is enriched with natural vegetable flavors (the most important of which are juniper and coriander), and then sent for secondary distillation. This gin is best consumed neat. It is drunk from wide glasses with thick walls, which are most often filled 1/3 with ice. In order for the juniper aroma to be fully revealed, it is worth chatting a little gin in a glass.


Sake, of course, is not vodka or whiskey: its strength is akin to fortified wine or liquor.

Sake is poured from a small ceramic jug (tokkuri) into small cups (choko) designed for only two or three sips. According to the rules, sake is added to the choko immediately before each toast. Moreover, filling the cup yourself is a bad form, you have to wait until your neighbor on the table pours you. And, in turn, show consideration for the choko of your neighbors. And do not forget to say “kampai” before each toast, which means “to the bottom”.

Sake is drunk both warm and chilled. Sake serving temperature - from 15 to 55 ° C - depends on the weather and season. To cool the sake, a piece of ice is usually placed in the choko, and it is believed that in this case the taste of the drink is revealed better. And if sake is drunk hot (this method is called “kan-zake”), then it is heated in a specially designed ceramic vessel in a water bath. The main thing is not to boil, in this case the sake loses its aroma.

Sake is versatile: it goes great not only with sashimi, sushi, maki-zushi (this is what Americans call “rolls”), but also with chips, cheese, nuts and light snacks.


Russian vodka is a drink for a feast. In ancient times, they often drank it from the "endova" - a large copper charm, which was passed around in a circle like a pipe of peace. Over time, the shape of the devices has changed (now they drink vodka from small "stacks" or small elegant glasses), but the tradition of "sharing" has remained.

Vodka is served chilled to a temperature of 6-8º. Some drinkers even chill vodka shots and shots in the refrigerator. The main thing is not to overdo it: excessively chilled vodka will not bring any pleasure to the participants in the feast.

They drink each glass of vodka to the bottom - and they definitely have a snack, mainly fatty and salty dishes - pickles, sauerkraut, herring, lard. And in order to neutralize the alcohol vapors that “hit the nose”, vodka is “sniffed” - usually with bread or pickled cucumber. If after a couple of shots your perception of vodka has dulled, you should take a break (after a while it returns).

They say that there is never too much vodka - maybe it is. However, a sense of proportion never hurt anyone. If you already feel good from drinking, do not strive to make it even better. It doesn't get better, it only gets worse.


Any home-made distillate is called moonshine. They “drive” him from almost anything - from potatoes, grains, malt, beets, grapes, apricot, apples, plums And, of course, sugar. Ostap Bender offered for sale two hundred moonshine recipes, among which moonshine from a stool appeared. By the way, in our time, such hydrolytic wood alcohol is quite commonplace. You can't drink it. Although they drink.

Moonshine is an unpredictable thing. Sometimes it is a disgusting drink, which, out of habit, is impossible to drink, sometimes it is a completely soulful thing, almost indistinguishable in taste from good vodka or gin. So in the right environment, with the right mindset, in good company... why not? Moreover, the ban on home-brewing in Russia was officially lifted back in 2002.

Moonshine of the first distillation, drop by drop flowing from the coil into specially prepared vessels, is called " primary". It is "tasted" still hot. And they have a bite only symbolically - "raw material": for example, moonshine from sugar - a small piece of refined sugar.

The moonshine that survived this “tasting” is drunk chilled. Cutlery (faceted glasses or stacks) and a container with moonshine (a bottle or a jar - it doesn’t matter) are placed on the table. The first time pour to the top. And they drink to the bottom - to "accelerate". Then pour a little (drink, again, to the bottom). And be sure to sniff (just like vodka) and have a snack - bacon, onions, bread, sauerkraut, homemade pickles. Since moonshine is drunk to the end (it is usually still small), after drinking, most likely, it will be bad. But without snacks it will be even worse, that's for sure.

At almost any important event, you have to drink alcohol.

Therefore, many people need to be able to properly consume alcohol in order to avoid undesirable health consequences. The problem is that there are certain features of the use of different products that you should definitely take into account.

Basic Rules

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to follow certain rules:

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How to Avoid Nausea After Drinking Alcohol

People who are forced to drink alcohol want to not feel sick. The following recommendations will help to avoid the occurrence of this unpleasant symptom:

  1. First of all, strong alcohol should be excluded - do not drink vodka, tequila, gin, etc. It is these drinks that most often provoke gag reflexes. In order not to feel sick, it is better to choose wine or champagne.
  2. Even weak alcohol should be drunk slowly. While other people are drinking shot after shot of vodka, you can stay sober until the end of the party.
  3. Be sure to choose dense foods for snacks. It is important to consider that fruits contain many acids that can cause nausea.

It is also important to consider the rules for mixing different products. So, you can combine wine and cognac, as well as whiskey and beer. Other types are forbidden to be combined, since they are made from different raw materials.
Alcohol must not be mixed with the following products:

  • lemonade and other carbonated drinks;
  • energy and medicinal substances.

How to drink alcoholic drinks

In general, it is not recommended to drink such products, since additional liquid can only accelerate intoxication. If there are no other options, it is permissible to use juices or compotes as a drink. It is strictly forbidden to take vodka or other alcohol after taking medications.

The fact is that medications can react, which will lead to disruption of the brain and important body systems. In severe cases, even death is possible.

How to drink different types of alcohol

To prevent undesirable health effects, it is necessary to take into account certain features of the use of various types of such a product:

    1. Whiskey. This product is quite simple to use - it is not recommended to eat it. Also at this moment you should not drink other strong drinks - vodka or tequila. It is acceptable to combine whiskey with cola or soda - this is the option Americans choose. In Scotland and Ireland, nothing but pure water or ice is added to this product.
      Most often, whiskey is consumed from low glasses. Glasses are suitable for especially expensive varieties.
    2. Absinthe. In its pure form, it is served extremely rarely - usually it is done as an aperitif. In this case, absinthe is poured into small glasses.
      The most common way of consumption is associated with the use of fire. A spoon with a large number of holes is placed in the vessel, after which a piece of sugar is placed in it and set on fire. The bottom line is that drops of syrup flow into a glass. For this type of use of absinthe, vessels are used that expand at the top.
    3. Tequila. Most often, tequila is drunk on the principle of "lick, drink, eat." To do this, pour a little salt on your hand, which must be licked off. Then you need to drink tequila in one gulp and kill the aftertaste with a slice of lime.
      However, Mexicans approach the process of tasting tequila differently. They prefer to drink it in one gulp without preparation and snacks. In Germany, an orange is used for a snack, and cinnamon is sprinkled on the hand.
  1. Baileys. This popular cream liqueur could well play the role of a wonderful dessert. It is customary to serve it as a digestif with ice cream, chocolate and fruit. Baileys is a great addition to coffee as it is a great substitute for cream. It is important to consider that it is better to refuse sugar in this case, since the liquor has a rich sweet taste.
    It is important to bear in mind that it should not be mixed with fruit juices or sparkling water. The fact is that the acid that is present in them will lead to curdling of the liquor.
  2. Gin. It is not recommended to drink this product in its pure form. Most often it is served in the form of a cocktail, in which there is a gin and tonic. Also, be sure to add a lot of ice to the glass.
    Classic cocktail includes 2 parts non-alcoholic base and 1 part gin. To decorate the drink, use a slice of lime or lemon. The cocktail is served in glasses with a thick bottom.

Cheese, smoked meats, fish dishes are used as snacks. However, in this case, this alcohol should be drunk undiluted.
Also, many people are interested in how to drink vodka. To prevent unwanted consequences, it is important to follow certain rules. First of all, you should prepare. To do this, before the feast, you should drink vodka - about 50 g. This should be done a couple of hours before the intended party. It is recommended to drink vodka chilled in one gulp. As a snack, quite dense and hearty dishes are suitable.

Vodka is not only a tradition. This is both a ritual, and a special, incomparable effect, and a whole host of classic snacks, many of which would never occur to anyone to eat “dry”. As my colleague said: “I love vodka more than sex. Sex - what? A few minutes of pleasure. And you can drink vodka all day!”

The theme, it would seem, is nowhere simpler - pour and drink. For some time, I was firmly convinced that absolutely any person “born in the USSR” can taste vodka. But, from year to year, looking closely at my drinking companions, I made a disappointing conclusion - only a few people really know how to use this noble drink, all the rest choke on it in the absence of an alternative or, at best, choose vodka because of its neutral taste, combined with almost any food.

Vodka is not only a tradition. This is both a ritual, and a special, incomparable effect, and a whole host of classic snacks, many of which would never occur to anyone to eat “dry”. As my colleague said: I love vodka more than sex. Sex - what? A few minutes of pleasure. And you can drink vodka all day

And in order to understand the secrets and principles of tasting this drink, let's figure out what vodka is in general, how to choose it correctly, how to prepare for a feast, and also how and with what it is better to drink vodka.

And Columbus is not to blame for anything!

“Drugs, no! What are drugs? Is it pleasure? Chaos is one. And who invented them? Hippies are uncivilized. What about vodka? Mendeleev himself!”

"Down House"

No matter what anyone says, vodka is a relatively modern drink. The traditions of its use have a maximum of 150-200 years - before, distilleries simply could not produce first-class food alcohol in industrial quantities.

At the word "vodka" two professors come to mind - Mendeleev and Preobrazhensky. Let us say right away that alcoholic drink the second has a much closer relationship. Mendeleev, although he may have been drinking, nevertheless defended his dissertation on a different topic - “mixing ethyl alcohol with water”, this work is more on metrology than on physiology. But Preobrazhensky, the famous hero of Bulgakov, spoke a lot about vodka, confidently and to the point.

And vodka should be at 40 degrees, not 30, this is, firstly, - and secondly, God knows what they splashed there. Can you tell what comes to their mind?

"Dog's heart"

Where did these notorious 40 degrees come from? Everything is very simple - even in the "finishing" times, when there were no alcohol meters, the strength of moonshine was measured using the "half-gar" method. Alcohol was set on fire for testing - if exactly half burned, it means that there were 38.3% in the original potion. Later, for the convenience of calculations, the number "40 °" appeared in the standards.

Vinokur checks the strength of the expelled pervak ​​using the "polugar" method 😉

The modern understanding of the drink took shape only in the 1920s, after the abolition of . Then "table wine" was finally renamed vodka, which meant pure mixtures of water and edible alcohol. In the 1950s, the word "vodka" entered the world stage, becoming one of the symbols of Russia and an invariable component of many cocktails.

What is vodka?

It would seem that the question is rhetorical - this is alcohol with water. But everything is not so simple. Try mixing even good 96% alcohol with normal H2O - what do you get? Turbid, sweetish, scalding solution, which, moreover, heats up when mixed, if you pour water into alcohol, and not vice versa (see). The place of this substance is in the chemist's retort, and not in the gourmet's misted gourmet glass!

Real vodka is not drunkenness, but the key to your conscience! This is where true wisdom begins.

"Down House"

Good vodka is, if you like, a symphony of taste! I tried it myself and I know that making it at home is problematic - this requires experience, a full hand and a lot of patience. Roughly, this drink can be called an alcohol tincture of glucose and citric acid diluted with specially corrected water. Achieving a characteristic "neutral" taste is not easy: a little too much glucose - and the drink will turn out sweet, acid generally needs a drop, its excess will hopelessly spoil the product. The liquid is filtered three or even four times - mechanically and with the help of coal after mixing and settling water with alcohol, and again - after adding the rest of the ingredients and 1-2 days of rest.

Does vodka have a taste? Of course have! It is not as bright as that of distilled drinks (brandy, whiskey, tequila), but it is in this unobtrusiveness that all the charm lies. Some people love vodka solely for its "neutrality" - they say, you can mix with anything. Some are disgusted by its taste, and, grimacing and grimacing, they bulge stopar after stopar “for effect”, trying to quickly have a bite or drink. I am guided by a somewhat paraphrased saying: “ either drink what you like or love what you drink! and sincerely enjoy the taste of every glass I drink.

How to choose vodka?

Living in Ukraine, I practically do not encounter such a problem. All vodka, which is sold in our markets, has the most worthy quality, I haven’t seen a frank “stick” for more than 10 years. In terms of taste nuances, I am more impressed by Pervak, Medoff, Nemiroff, Khlebny Dar, Khortytsya. Of the Russians, I probably tried only the Green Mark and Russian Standard - also completely and completely. Hang in there, I can't figure out why "Absolut" or "Finlandia" are so strikingly different from our counterparts.

When choosing a domestic drink, you can use a proven formula - the newer the brand, the higher the quality. The calculation is simple - a new product, just launched on the market, is made first-class, then gradually its quality is reduced to the average market level.

How to drink vodka correctly?

Everything here must be done "according to science." Firstly, you need to prepare both vodka and yourself. Personally, for dear, but unexpected guests, I keep several stacks in the freezer - so that after the arrival of visitors, I can immediately knock over “50 each”. You do not need to supercool the bottle, 10-12 degrees will be enough. One of my comrades once in a fierce winter put the “half” to cool in a snowdrift and forgot about it for a while. After tasting with friends, instead of the long-awaited mild “arrival”, the whole company got a serious sore throat.

But the method of "launching the liver" or "vaccination" - taking 1-2 shots 2-3 hours before a libation - I personally do not approve. After all, the most delicious is exactly that, the first glass, chilled, with a dripping “tear” of perspiration. How can this pleasure be transferred to the plane of practicality or even, so to speak, medicine? But this is purely an amateur.

The ideal dose is also different for everyone. I prefer to knock over 2-3 full 50-gram shots at the beginning of the feast, with a break of 2-3 minutes, and then reduce the single dose to 20-30 milliliters. There is one rule of good manners for the pourer - do not fill everyone “under the ruler”, let the person himself say how much he wants to drink. Some people are embarrassed not to finish their shot, which is why they take more alcohol than they want, and some (I know at least 2 such people) simply physically cannot help emptying the container clean.

“- How cleverly you overturn it, Viktor Viktorovich.

“Achieved by exercise!”

"White Guard"

  1. Alcohol is poured immediately before the toast and drunk immediately, without heating or sniffing.
  2. Vodka is a noble, difficult to prepare, though not aged drink. Therefore, before tasting, it does not hurt to at least enjoy the view of a misted stack.
  3. Before a sip, a spectacular exhalation is made to the side, during a slow breath through the mouth.
  4. Do not try to feverishly swallow the liquid immediately after entering the oral cavity. Vodka is slowly passed through the tongue, from the tip to the roots, from sweet taste to bitter.
  5. After a sip, you should feel how a pleasant chill rolls down the esophagus, and only after that - exhale.
  6. The next breath is sniffing a piece of rye bread. I vouch, its aroma is never so fragrant as after the overturned first glass!
  7. And only after that you can finally have a bite!

Snacks: the final chord in the vodka symphony!

« Cold appetizers and soup are eaten only by the landowners who were not cut to pieces by the Bolsheviks. A slightly self-respecting person operates with hot appetizers»

"Dog's heart"

The list of traditional vodka snacks is as famous as it is perfect. Salted, pickled, lightly salted cucumbers, sauerkraut, which contains a huge amount of vitamin C, salted or smoked lard, cut into thin “skibochki”, Borodino bread - what can be added here?

Personally, like many others, I am a big fan of herring. Only I ask you - do not take preserves, unless you drink in nature! If it is possible to clean the fish, buy a whole, fat, oozing juice, straight from the brine. This video details a great way how to clean a pitted herring in one motion- it won't take long

In gratitude for your efforts, you may receive a bonus - herring caviar, which can be eaten no worse than red caviar. Don't know how to determine that there is caviar in a herring? Just bend the fish - the "caviar" individual is tight, it will immediately straighten up, and the "milk" one is softer, it will straighten up gradually.

“Excuse me, I don’t drink either. But one drink. How will you eat herring without vodka? I don't understand at all"

Again, Mikhail Afanasich

By the way, in between “approaches” you should definitely drink soft drinks. Best of all - natural tonics, like Schweppes. They contain quinine, a substance that stimulates the liver. Green and black tea, mate, apple, grape and other juices, plain mineral water will also help to assimilate vodka. For obvious reasons, drinks “with bulbs” should be abandoned.

And finally - a small list of unusual, but very successful snacks!

  • Cottage cheese.

Not in its pure form, of course, but in the form of a spread on bread - it's cheap, tasty, fast and healthy! To prepare, throw any greens into the blender (the more - the better!), A couple of cloves of garlic, a pinch of salt and grind the whole thing with fresh curd. If the cottage cheese is too dry, add a little mayonnaise or vegetable oil. Cottage cheese in combination with herbs removes toxins from the body, has a diuretic effect and helps to restore many vitamins. You won't believe how delicious it is until you try it! The recipe for a curd-garlic snack is described in detail.

  • Watermelon.

Crimean classics - vodka from plastic cups and two halves of watermelon, devastated from the juicy pulp with large aluminum spoons. Surprisingly harmonious combination! Watermelon, due to its diuretic effect, helps to quickly remove harmful substances, and thanks to its bright taste, it effectively interrupts the taste of warm Crimean vodka!

  • Tangerines.

New Year's option, when, apart from vodka and tangerines, nothing simply climbs. Citrus fruits contain special acids of the Krebs cycle, which speed up metabolism - your body will break down alcohol faster. It is even better to choose grapefruit - it is a metabolic booster in itself, and thanks to its bitterness, it goes well with vodka.

  • Ice cream!

What can I say? Suum cuique - to each his own. If you find yourself in a situation where you need a drink, but there is nothing to eat - just know that you can use the "food of the gods." Believe me - the effect is very interesting!

In general, remember - properly drunk, properly eaten “on the hunt” and in good company, vodka sometimes “delivers” no less than foreign elite swill!