Medicinal properties of peony evasive, its preparation and use (maryin root). Maryin root: medicinal properties, photo Maryin root recipes

Marina root (Paeonia) is the root of the peony, which is called Bai Shao Yao in Chinese medicine. Use as tea, tincture or capsules. The root, flowers, leaves and seeds are used to make medicines. Gently cleanses the body. The plant is useful for people suffering from chronic diseases.

Medicinal properties of marina root

Maryin root relieves pain, cleanses and cools. Peonies came from the Far East, so it is not surprising that they strongly influence Chinese, Tibetan and Siberian folk medicine. Medicinal properties include: purifying the blood, relaxing tense muscles and cramps, regulating female hormonal problems, helping to treat fevers, as an antiseptic for wounds and “destroying disease” (epilepsy).

Popular in Chinese medicine. Works in combination with other herbs in formulas.

Medicinal properties:

1) pain reliever,

2) painkiller,

3) anti-inflammatory,

4) antispasmodic,

5) cleansing,

6) stimulating menstruation,

7) antipyretic.

Application of marina root

J. Heinerman writes: “Peony root is popular in Chinese medicine. Used to relieve pain and swelling of injuries and to clear congealed blood caused by blows or bruises. Useful for early stages abscesses, boils and carbuncles."

In European medicine, marin root is used in medicinal purposes for epilepsy, for spasms and convulsions caused by gallstones or kidney stones.

In folk medicine it is used for the following diseases: 1) joints (gout and osteoarthritis); 2) illness respiratory tract, fever and cough, whooping cough; 3) liver (viral hepatitis, cirrhosis); 4) upset stomach; 5) muscle cramps; 6) vascular atherosclerosis; 7) nerves (epilepsy, neuralgia, insomnia, depression); 8) headache, migraine; 9) autoimmune diseases(lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis); 10) syndrome chronic fatigue; 11) excessive (night) sweats; 12) creator of blood; 13) cleansing the body; 14) externally: cracks in the skin (anal fissure with hemorrhoids).

Used in folk medicine to treat cancer. 20 g of raw materials are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and left for 10 minutes. Take 100 ml 3 times a day.

Combination with other herbs

Chinese medicine indicates which herbs marin root is combined with:

  • Dizziness, blurred vision and dysmenorrhea due to blood deficiency - with angelica and rehmannia roots.
  • Abdominal pain due to disharmony between the liver and stomach. Epigastric, hypochondriacal or lateral pain. Muscle spasms, pain and numbness due to lack of blood. Regulates the connection between the Liver and Spleen and nourishes the tendons - with licorice root.
  • Sweating – with astragas and ginseng roots.
  • Dysentery – with skullcap root.

Application in gynecology

An old Chinese proverb says: “A woman who applies peony root every day will become as beautiful as a peony flower.”

Maryin root is used in gynecology: for menstrual cramps, polycystic ovary syndrome, premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Healing properties for uterine fibroids, endometriosis, normalizes the menstrual cycle and regulates hormones.

  • Eliminates infertility. In combination with vodushka and angelica, it helps to conceive a child.

Use in gynecology for menstrual irregularities

  • Violations menstrual cycle with blood stagnation (dysmenorrhea with clots, delayed onset or amenorrhea) - with licorice root, safflower flowers and peach seeds.
  • Menstrual disorders with cold symptoms (cold extremities, dark purple clots, pain aggravated by cold and delayed menstruation) – with cinnamon, wormwood.
  • Menstrual irregularities with signs of warmth (copious, fresh red blood, heat sensations or early menstruation) - with skullcap root.
  • Menstrual irregularities with liver qi stoppage (premenstrual syndrome, bloating, irritability and distended breasts) – with the root of the volumus.
  • Menstrual irregularities with symptoms of Qi deficiency (fatigue, weakness and pale, scanty menstrual blood) - with astragalus and ginseng roots.

Maryina root tincture

To prepare the tincture, take 5 g of herb and 5 g of peony root, add 90 ml of 40% alcohol. You will get 100 ml of 10% tincture of marina root. Shows medicinal properties plants. Take 30 drops 3 times a day for gynecological and nervous diseases, to cleanse the body, headaches and other conditions listed above.

  • To cleanse the body, combine with licorice root tincture.

Use the tincture for 1 month, then take a break.

Personal experience using the tincture

Peony is an energy herb. At first the taste of the tincture is sweet, and then bitter. Acts in the body as a tonic and cleansing substance. People who are tired and overloaded react to marin root. The medicine is useful for those who need to cleanse the body, but for whom a strong liver or kidney tonic is contraindicated.

A tincture of marina root is useful for gynecological diseases - inflammation of the ovaries, tubes and uterus. Regulates menstruation, speeds up puberty girls.

Use tincture - 2 ml per day, tea - 1 or 2 g of root per day for several weeks. Shows tonic and cleansing healing properties.

Peony combines:

  • with licorice root for hormone imbalance in gynecology;
  • with angelica for weak blood;
  • with ginseng and ashwagandha for anemia and fatigue.


Safe for use up to 4 weeks. Causes stomach upset; rash - on the skin sensitive people. Maryin root is contraindicated for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Maryin root slows down blood clotting, therefore increases the risk of bleeding during surgery or when used with blood thinning drugs.

Maryin root also has a second name - evasive peony. It is a perennial plant, grass, the height of which does not exceed 1 meter. In folk medicine, only the roots are used, from which various tinctures are made.

Maryin root is used to treat various diseases, namely: ulcers, gastritis, gout, gynecological problems, cough, epilepsy, asthma, impotence, diarrhea, insomnia, skin diseases, hysteria, bleeding, etc.

Peony root improves metabolism, helps fight stress and fatigue, cleanses the body of toxins, is effective in recovery after long binges, promotes recovery nervous system.

In addition, marin root promotes the production of endorphin, the so-called happiness hormone, which significantly improves mood. Side effects this folk medicine has not been identified at this time.

Medicinal properties of marina root

  • Peony root is most widely used as a medicine used for gynecological diseases (infertility, erosion, mastopathy, fibroids and others).
  • Tinctures also help very well with gout. Maryin root is recommended to be taken for any headaches or problems related to the head: stroke, hypertension, concussion, epilepsy, etc. It is also considered effective means for cancer, especially those related to women's health.
  • Maryin root is used as an analgesic, tonic, anti-inflammatory and sedative.
  • Peony tincture is often recommended for use in cases of poisoning; it helps eliminate toxins and has bactericidal properties. Maryin root was widely used in Mongolian medicine, where it was used to treat liver, hysteria, urinary tract, kidneys, malaria, colds, lungs, and other diseases.
  • Peony infusion or decoction is used as a fixative for diarrhea and stomach upsets. And since the use of such a remedy increases the acidity in the stomach, it is effectively used in the treatment of gastritis, ulcers, and stomach cramps. Medical research only confirms the effectiveness of treating such diseases with marina root. Dysentery can also be perfectly cured with an infusion of marina root due to its strong bactericidal properties.
  • For colds, prepare a decoction of marina root, adding to it linden flowers, elderberry and chamomile, as well as willow bark and licorice root.
  • A mixture of herbs from peony and violet roots, sundew, thyme and coltsfoot leaves helps well with asthma.
  • Maryin root will help reduce severe excitability, convulsions, nervousness, hysteria, and will also help very well with insomnia and obsessive phobias. This ability of this plant has been studied for quite a long time by doctors, who have confirmed that it indeed has a calming property. That is why peony tinctures can be bought at the pharmacy and are freely available.
  • By taking marina root tincture you can get rid of excessive excitability, fatigue, anxiety, constant feeling fear and sleep peacefully at night and get enough sleep. The tincture has a calming effect immediately after administration, literally for a few hours, after which it begins to act as a stimulant. Doctors who studied the effect of the drug on the human body did not find a significant effect on breathing or changes in pressure.
  • Peony flowers along with juniper berries, calendula, cornflower, elderberry, horsetail, birch leaves, buckthorn and willow bark help remove excess salt from the body.
  • Traditional medicine often uses tinctures of marina root to treat skin diseases, ulcers, and erosions. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, peony extract perfectly kills skin infections and helps the skin recover faster.
  • In addition to folk and traditional medicine Maryin root is used in veterinary medicine, cooking and cosmetology.
  • In cosmetology, a decoction of peony root is used to make lotions that cleanse the skin of blackheads and pimples and remove oily sheen.
  • In cooking, the root is used as a seasoning for meat dishes in Siberia. It can also be used as the main ingredient for making porridge, tea and the Baikal soft drink.

Application of marina root in gynecology

In gynecology healing properties Marina root is used to restore women's health. In obstetrics, tincture is given as a medicine that accelerates the separation of the placenta after childbirth.
Concentrated tinctures of peony root help restore the body after cancer, and also prevent the development of new ones. cancer cells. Tincture improves general state patients, their pain is reduced, and they begin to feel healthy faster.

For mastopathy

For breast disease, mastopathy, a balm made from an extract of marina root and vodka or alcohol, with the addition of an extract of Ural licorice and kopeck tea root, will be very effective. Thanks to the action of peony root, the tincture has an antitumor and anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the heart muscle, improves immunity, and restores hormonal balance in the body. Tea penny root cleanses lymphatic system and blood, improves blood circulation in general, has an immunomodulatory effect. Licorice also acts on the immune system, increasing its ability to resist the formation of tumors and cysts, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and improves and normalizes the functioning of the body's metabolic processes. Thanks to the glycyrrhizic acid content, licorice acts on estrogen, converting it into a form that will not cause cancer or cysts in the breast.

The complex of herbal extracts is used not only in the treatment of mastopathy. It will be effective in treating others women's diseases: cycle disorders, fibroids, PMS, polycystic disease, infertility, cancer and heart disease.

The balm should be prepared as follows:

Take 50 g of marina root, 25 g of tea root and 15 g of licorice root. The ingredients are thoroughly washed and dried. Cut and pour 0.5 liters of alcohol or vodka. The resulting mixture is infused for about two weeks; the container should not be exposed to direct rays of light. After this, the mixture is filtered and poured into a container convenient for daily use. The remaining roots can be reused; they are filled with 0.35 liters of alcohol and infused for a month, and when consumed, the dosage is doubled. Proportions can be changed depending on the individual characteristics of a particular person.

How to take the balm

Taking the medicine should be divided into three times. Add 5 to 15 ml of balm to a cup of green tea and stir. The course of treatment should begin only on the 4th day after the start of menstruation or from the new moon. The balm must be taken for two months, after which a break of 28-30 days is required, depending on the woman’s cycle. The course should be repeated as needed.

For fibroids

One of the unpleasant female diseases is uterine fibroids, but this disease can be well cured with tincture of peony, made according to certain recipes. And not only fibroids can be cured with marina root, it helps against cancer of the uterus and appendages, relieves inflammatory processes and improves blood flow to the pelvic organs.

To treat fibroids, an infusion is used, the preparation of which requires 100 g of marina root and 500 ml of alcohol, vodka or cognac. The roots are crushed and filled with an alcohol-containing product, infused for 14-16 days in a dark place. This tincture should be taken at least three times a day for a month. After which you should take a break for a week and, if necessary, repeat the course of treatment.

For infertility

For many women, a diagnosis of infertility is a death sentence. Having heard this from the attending physician, many give up, immediately losing hope of having their own children. However, before you really stop all attempts to get pregnant, you should try traditional medicine, which has more than once worked wonders despite doctors’ diagnoses.

Marina root balm can even cure infertility if taken correctly and in the correct tincture.

For infertility, the tincture should be prepared as follows: 100 g of chopped marina root should be poured into 1 liter of vodka and left for 2 weeks in a place where there is no access to light. Take 10-15 ml three times a day. The appointment time should preferably be the same every day.

In order for the tincture to have an effect, during treatment with it you should abstain from alcohol and cigarettes, taking any medicines and injections. Usually, 2 bottles of 0.5 liter tincture are enough for treatment.

Maryina root tincture

The roots of the evasive peony help cure many diseases. Therefore, for each disease there is its own recipe for preparing a tincture, as well as methods and doses of taking such a folk drug. Often, marin root is combined with other herbs or plants, which help enhance a certain healing effect of peony or consolidate it.

You can prepare a tincture of marina root yourself or purchase it in pharmacies or online stores. Ready tinctures are sold for the treatment of a specific disease, which makes the course of treatment much easier.

When preparing yourself, you should know that the key to proper treatment First of all, it becomes the correct collection, storage and processing of peony root. They gather in early August, less often at the end of July. To treat purely female diseases, roots are taken only from the female bush. For all other ailments this is not so important. The roots are thoroughly washed and dried, crushed and filled with vodka or an alcohol-containing product in the amount required by the recipe. The main thing is that the alcohol is no more than 40°, this will help preserve all the healing properties of the root. And at least 30°, otherwise the tincture will not have the desired effect.

  • For colds, marin root is used in combination with other herbs. This helps clear mucus and cures cough faster. You need to take 10 g of peony flowers, 10 g of licorice root, 10 g of chamomile flowers, 30 g of willow bark, 20 g of linden flowers, 20 g of elderberry flowers. All ingredients must be thoroughly chopped. They are poured with 500 - 600 ml of boiling water and allowed to brew for 10-20 minutes. After this, the infusion is filtered, it must be drunk warm to obtain the desired effect and half a glass several times a day. Maryin root is usually used as a sedative, infusing 40 g of whole root per 400 g of vodka for 14 days. It should be taken three times a day, 30-35 drops for a month.
  • For diseases of the stomach or intestines, a decoction helps well. Take 10 g of carefully crushed marina root and pour 800 ml of boiling water over it. The mixture is boiled over low heat for 4-7 minutes. Cool and strain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. This decoction should be taken three times a day, 100 ml, shortly before meals.
  • When salts are deposited in the body, use the following infusion: 10 g of peony flowers, 10 g of juniper berries, 10 g of calendula flowers, 10 g of cornflower flowers, 10 g of crushed buckthorn bark, 20 g of elderberry flowers, 40 g of crushed willow bark. 40 g horsetail and 40 g birch leaves. All ingredients are crushed and mixed. When cooking with 1 tbsp. Take 250 ml of boiling water. The mixture is infused for half an hour and filtered. You should drink a whole glass at a time, and take the infusion every 2 hours throughout the day.
  • For skin diseases (eczema, acne, ulcers, pimples, etc.), lotions are made from peony roots, which are applied to the affected skin and secured with a bandage for several hours. For lotions, you need to pour 20g of roots into 0.4 liters of boiling water. Heat the mixture in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Cool in the room for at least 45 minutes, filter.

Contraindications to the use of marina root

Maryin root is a poisonous plant, so the dosage must be strictly observed. Decoctions and tinctures from this plant are not recommended for people who have gastritis with high acidity, as well as for hypotensive people.

Contraindicated for use in children under 12 years of age and pregnant women.

Maryin root is a perennial herb. Its other name is evasive peony. According to legend, it received its name in honor of the ancient physician Peon. Out of envy of his student, he wanted to poison him, but the gods turned him into a healing flower for this. In China, he is considered the most beautiful of all. The plant is listed in the Red Book, as it is massively collected everywhere for medicinal purposes. It is considered poisonous and is not afraid of frost or pests. The flower grows in Siberia, Mongolia and China. It can also be found in the Urals.

In addition to traditional healers, peony is also used by culinary specialists, as well as cosmetologists and even veterinarians. For decoctions of tinctures, both herbs and flowers and peony root are used. In Siberia, they season meat with it, and also make tea and porridge. This plant is even one of the components of the Baikal drink. In cosmetology, a decoction is used to cleanse the skin.

In folk medicine they are used in the treatment of the most various diseases. Due to its irreplaceable properties, people grow it in their garden plots.

How to properly prepare raw materials

Herbalists collect both the root and rhizome and the above-ground part of the plant. Both need to be collected during flowering. Since the peony is listed in the Red Book, it should be collected very carefully. Under no circumstances should you dig up the entire root; only part of it is cut off. Dry the plant parts separately. You need to spread them in a thin layer and dry them in natural conditions. If stored properly, the raw materials will be suitable for 3 years.

What beneficial components are present in the plant?

Marina root contains essential oils, ascorbic acid, and alkaloids. The plant is also rich in flavonoids and tannins.

In addition, the root is rich in such necessary for a person microelements such as copper, iron, as well as chromium, magnesium and calcium.

Important! Due to the fact that the composition contains poisons, it is necessary to use drugs with peony with extreme caution.

What ailments can peony-based products help with?

Traditional healers recommend peony for a wide variety of diseases. This is such a common disease as gastritis, and cramps, and insomnia, as well as severe cough, asthma and stomach ulcers. But this is not the entire list of ailments for which the plant will help. It is also capable of ridding the body of toxins and speeding up metabolism. In addition, it is indispensable for depression and shock. By removing toxins from the body, decoctions and tinctures of this plant will help people suffering from alcoholism get rid of this terrible disease.

Scientists have found that those who take marin root release more of the happiness hormone endorphin, improve their mood and get rid of depression. In this case, no side effects.

Treatment of ailments with remedies based on peony roots

  1. This medicinal plant women use it to combat mastopathy and fibroids, as well as cervical erosion. It helps many people get rid of infertility.
  2. Peony relieves headaches well, especially with problems such as hypertension and gout. In addition, it is capable of fighting cancer and helping in the rehabilitation of a person after a stroke.
  3. Taking root-based preparations will relieve inflammation, tone and soothe. In case of poisoning, the drug has a bactericidal effect. In case of nervous disorders, it supports the nervous system well, and in cases of malaria it relieves unpleasant symptoms. Also able to fight cold symptoms.
  4. Decoctions and tinctures help fix diarrhea. Due to the ability to increase the acidity of the stomach, constant use of such drugs will promote the healing of stomach ulcers and also relieve spasms.
  5. In Mongolia, peony is used to treat the liver, as well as the kidneys and the genitourinary system.
  6. For colds, healers advise adding linden flowers, as well as elderberry or chamomile to potions made from marina root. Adding willow bark will also help promote recovery. The addition of licorice root will have a good effect on the quality of the product.
  7. For asthma, it is necessary to add violet root and thyme to products based on peony.
  8. When the nervous system is disturbed, this herb will help reduce excitability, cure sleep problems, forget about fears and phobias, as well as seizures. Science for a long time did not want to recognize such a healing effect of the plant on the nervous system, but long studies forced scientists to recognize such benefits. Now this herb can be bought in every pharmacy and many people use its healing properties.
  9. Peony flowers will help get rid of excess salt in the body when adding cornflower flowers, elderberries, birch leaves, horsetail, juniper berries, and calendula.
  10. Cosmetologists use marin root for oily skin, as well as for acne.

Doctors recognized that taking such drugs does not have a negative effect on a person’s blood pressure and breathing. It is also recognized by doctors that the help from taking them is noticeable immediately after the start of the course.

  1. On women Health the plant has a beneficial effect. In particular, after the birth of a child, women drink the tincture to speed up the release of the placenta.
  2. A more saturated product is taken during rehabilitation after cancer. It not only helps to recover and improve the patient’s well-being, but also prevents the formation of cancer cells.
  3. For mastopathy, an alcohol-based balm is prepared from the root of the plant. Licorice extract is added to this drink. This tool It not only has an anti-inflammatory effect, but also reduces tumors. In addition, the heart muscle becomes stronger, immunity increases, and hormonal background normalizes.
  4. To heal from polycystic disease, fibroids and restore the cycle, the balm will also be indispensable. It is prepared according to the following recipe. For 50 g of peony root you need to take 25 g of tea root, you also need to add 15 g of licorice root. All ingredients are washed and dried well, after which they must be crushed and poured with 500 ml of alcohol. Infuse the medicine for 2 weeks, protecting it from sunlight. When the balm is infused, it is filtered. Store in glass containers. The remaining raw materials are recyclable. Fill them with 350 ml of alcohol, but the infusion time and dose are doubled. Be careful with the dosage when taking the medicine. Dissolve 5-15 ml in a glass of tea, preferably green. Wait until the fourth day after the start of the cycle. Then take this amount of the product every day for a course lasting 2 months. If necessary, after a month's break the course can be repeated.
  5. For uterine fibroids, 50 g of peony root is crushed and poured with vodka in an amount of 50 ml. The tincture will be ready in 14 days. It should be infused in a cool place, protected from sunlight. Drink 5 ml three times a day for a course of 30 days. Then take a week's break and extend the course if necessary. The drug relieves inflammation and promotes blood flow to the organs.
  6. This recipe will help with infertility. 100 g of raw material is poured with a liter of alcohol. You need to insist for two weeks, after which you take a tablespoon three times a day. During the course of treatment, stop smoking, drinking alcohol and taking pills. This remedy helps many women.
  7. Treatment of nervous system disorders. Peony root is infused in water. In this case, half a liter of water is taken per 50 g of root. Infusion time is two weeks. It is recommended to take three times a day, 30 drops of infusion at a time. The course of treatment lasts a month.
  8. Treatment of digestive system disorders. The root in the amount of 10 g is cut. Pour 800 ml of boiling water, then boil for about 7 minutes. When the broth has cooled, it must be strained. Take half a glass of decoction each time before meals.
  9. For sore skin. With such an illness, a lotion will help, which will need to be applied to the affected area. To prepare, you will need 20 g of herb and 40 ml of boiling water, which are heated for 15 minutes in a water bath. After cooling, the product is filtered.
  10. How to get rid of excess salt? For this you will need not only peony flowers, but also calendula and cornflower. In addition, you need juniper berries and buckthorn bark. These components take 10 g of each. You also need to add 20 g of elderberries and willow bark. Birch and horsetail leaves need 40 g each. All ingredients are mixed well. Then a tablespoon of this mixture is boiled in water in the amount of 1 cup. Infuse the broth for half an hour and strain. Every two hours you should drink a glass of the product.


If a person does not have allergies, then correct application will do no harm. Treatment with tinctures, the main component of which is this herb, is prohibited for children under the age of 14 years. It is not recommended for pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding to take it. With low blood pressure and high acidity of the stomach, taking medications can also have an adverse effect.

The most important thing when taking folk remedies based on peony - do not exceed the recommended dosage. Do not forget that it contains a certain amount of poisons, the excessive consumption of which can lead to adverse side effects. With the correct dosage, poisons will not cause any harm to the body.

Video: healing properties of peony evasive

- herbaceous perennial up to 100 cm high with a short multi-headed rhizome. And on the roots there are spindle-shaped root tubers.

Leaves are alternate, twice trifoliate. The flowers are solitary, five-membered with many stamens. The fruits are multi-leafed. Blooms in late May - June.

The underground organs contain about 1.5% essential oil, traces of alkaloids, salicin glycoside, which apparently determines the medicinal effect of the plant. Grass, rhizomes and roots are collected as medicinal raw materials.

Grass and rhizomes with roots are harvested during flowering. Rhizomes can also be harvested in the fall.

Has a sedative effect.

Medicinal properties of marina root

First of all, peony root is used for the following gynecological diseases

  • infertility,
  • erosion,
  • mastopathy,
  • myoma

Tinctures also help very well with . In addition, marin root is recommended to be taken for any . Or several problems related to the head: , concussion, etc. It is also considered an effective remedy for cancer, especially those related to women's health.

Marin root is also used as an analgesic, tonic, anti-inflammatory and sedative.

It is also often recommended to use peony tincture for. Since it helps eliminate toxins and has bactericidal properties. And the marin root found wide use in Mongolian medicine. There it was used to treat liver, hysteria, urinary tract, kidney, malaria, , lungs, other diseases.

Peony infusion or decoction is used as a fixative for stomach disorders. So, when using such a drug, the acidity in the stomach increases. Therefore, it is effectively used in the treatment of gastritis, ulcers, and stomach cramps.

Meanwhile, medical research confirms the effectiveness of treating such diseases with marin root. Dysentery can also be perfectly cured with an infusion of marina root due to its strong bactericidal properties.

Peony flowers along with juniper berries, calendula, cornflower, elderberry, horsetail, birch leaves, buckthorn and willow bark help remove excess salt from the body.

Traditional medicine also often uses tinctures of marina root. Primarily for the treatment of skin diseases, ulcers, erosions. And thanks to its bactericidal properties, peony extract perfectly kills skin infections. In addition, it helps the skin recover faster.

Maryin root is also used in veterinary medicine, cooking and cosmetology.

Even in cosmetology, lotions are made from a decoction of peony root. As a result, they clear the skin of blackheads and pimples. Also removes oily shine.

In cooking, the root is used as a seasoning for meat dishes in Siberia. It can also be used as the main ingredient for making porridge, tea and the Baikal soft drink.

Indications for use

Tincture of peony evasive roots is effective for the following pathologies of the nervous system:

  • insomnia,
  • vegetative vascular dystonia,
  • increased anxiety,
  • exposure to stress,
  • traumatic encephalopathy,
  • phobias
  • headache.

It is also included in complex therapy epilepsy, neuroses and psychoses of various origins.

In addition, it is recommended to use marina root tincture in the treatment of vascular diseases. For example, in case of cerebrovascular accident, diabetic angiopathy. Also post-stroke, pre- and post-infarction states.

Another beneficial effect of marina root on the immune system. Primarily used in the treatment of various immunodeficiency conditions and rheumatic diseases. And chronic fatigue syndrome and asthenia. Also in the recovery period after antitumor therapy.

In addition, peony evasive has a positive effect on metabolism. Therefore, it is recommended to be used for gout, thyroid diseases, and urolithiasis.

Maryin root is also widely used in gastroenterology. The following is a list of diseases in which its positive effect is noted:

  • hypoacid gastritis,
  • stomach ulcer and duodenum,
  • diarrhea of ​​various origins,
  • intestinal colic,
  • stomach and intestinal bleeding,
  • anal fissures,
  • haemorrhoids.
  • poisoning

Maryin root is also useful in the treatment of acute respiratory infections, bronchitis and tracheitis. There is also evidence that a tincture of it relieves coughing due to whooping cough.

Maryin root medicinal properties for men

The beneficial substances of marina root certainly affect the male nervous system. First, they reduce the hormone testosterone. Since its excess leads to aggression and abnormal sexual activity.

Secondly, the use of evasive peony has proven itself in the progression. But the tincture of flowers will give positive result after long-term and regular use. However, contraindications for males include hypotension and increased acetone.

Maryin root: benefits and harms of seeds

Meanwhile, in practice there have been no cases where marina grass seeds caused harm. But there are great benefits from them. So the seeds are still in ancient india treated postpartum conditions. The description says that they contain a lot of fatty oils, from which various products are made. And these funds will be used to treat sore throat and pulmonary diseases. Also, the seed tincture fights gastritis and uterine bleeding. And the seeds have contraindications corresponding to the tincture.

Maryin root use in folk medicine

An alcoholic and aqueous tincture is prepared from marina root. In addition, decoction, tea and ointment are made. ethnoscience also found use for the petals, seeds, leaves, tubers and roots of the flower. Another evasive peony relieves headaches, improves sleep and general condition.

Application in gynecology – treatment of infertility, endometriosis, fibroids

Maryin root is of course irreplaceable in gynecology. And it will be used to treat any disease. Maryin root works real miracles for infertility, where doctors completely stop treatment.

To cure infertility, use this recipe with vodka. First of all, pour 100 g of crushed root with a liter of vodka, leave for 14 days in the dark.

Subsequently, drink 15 ml 3 times. in a day. Reception is carried out strictly at the same time.

For better healing properties, give up cigarettes and alcohol. Also pharmacological drugs and injections.

Maryin root is also used in the form of a tincture for fibroids.. First of all, 50 gr. Grind the rhizomes and pour in 0.5 liters of 40% alcohol. Then leave for 2 weeks.

Subsequently, drink 1 tsp. three times a day. Recovery lasts a month, after which you need to take a week's break and you can start treatment again.

For endometriosis, marin root is best combined with shiksha herb. First of all, mix 50 g of shiksha and 20 g of peony. Next, pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into a liter of boiling water and leave overnight. Then express and drink a glass 3 times a day within 30 minutes. before meals.

Hair Recipes

Maryin root for hair is also very effective. Rub first alcohol tincture into the scalp for a couple of minutes immediately before washing. Subsequently, carry out the procedure 2-3 times. in Week. The medicinal properties of the herb will also strengthen hair follicles and improve hair structure.

Medicinal plant in the fight against alcoholism

Meanwhile, Maryin root was used against alcoholism during Russian times. And the description of many recipes indicates the greatest effectiveness of the tincture. First of all, keep an eye on when the peony blooms. And after a few days, dig up the root and chop it. Next 50 gr. raw materials, pour 500 ml of alcohol and leave for 14 days in the refrigerator, shaking daily. Subsequently, strain and pour into dark glass.

Maryin root tincture for oncology

During treatment terrible disease Our grass will also help the 21st century. It is acceptable to use homemade tincture and pharmacy one. At malignant tumors Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals with water. The therapy system can be changed by the doctor depending on the stage of the disease.

Maryina root tincture

First of all, you should know that the key to proper treatment is the correct collection, storage and processing of the material. They gather in early August, less often at the end of July. To treat purely female diseases, roots are taken only from the female bush. For all other ailments this is not so important.

First of all, the roots are thoroughly washed and dried. Next, they are crushed and filled with vodka or an alcohol-containing product in the amount required by the recipe. But the main thing is that the alcohol is no more than 40°, this will help preserve all the healing properties of the root. And at least 30°, otherwise the tincture will not have the desired effect.

For a cold

For colds, marin root is used in combination with other herbs. This helps clear mucus and cures cough faster. First of all, take 10 g of peony flowers, 10 g of licorice root, 10 g of chamomile flowers, 30 g of willow bark, 20 g of linden flowers, 20 g of elderberry flowers. Next, all ingredients must be thoroughly crushed. Then they are poured with 500 - 600 ml of boiling water and allowed to brew for 10-20 minutes. After this, the infusion is filtered. Subsequently, you must drink it warm and half a glass several times a day.


As a sedative. First of all, infuse 40 g of whole root per 400 g of vodka for 14 days. Subsequently, it should be taken three times a day, 30-35 drops for a month.

Stomach diseases

For diseases of the stomach or intestines, a decoction helps. First of all, take 10 g of carefully crushed marina root and pour 800 ml of boiling water over it. Next, the mixture is boiled over low heat for 4-7 minutes. Then cool and strain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Subsequently, this decoction should be taken three times a day, 100 ml, shortly before meals.

Skin diseases

For skin diseases (eczema, acne, ulcers, pimples, etc.), lotions are made from peony roots. Which are then applied to the affected skin and secured with a bandage for several hours. For lotions, first of all, you need to pour 20 g of roots into 0.4 liters of boiling water. Next, heat the mixture in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Then cool in the room for at least 45 minutes and filter.

Contraindications for use

Peony evasive cures diseases such as ulcers, gastritis, gout, cough, asthma and epilepsy. In addition, they effective treatment diarrhea, insomnia, skin diseases and nervous breakdowns. And the benefits of the plant do not end there. But do not forget about contraindications.

However, this flower is poisonous. And the most common contraindication is pregnancy and children under 12 years of age. You cannot yet use the medicine for gastritis with high acetone and hypotension.

Maryin root- herbaceous perennial up to 100 cm high with a short multi-headed rhizome. The roots have spindle-shaped root tubers. Leaves are alternate, twice trifoliate. The flowers are solitary, five-membered with many stamens. The fruits are multi-leafed. Blooms in late May-June.

The underground organs contain about 1.5% essential oil, traces of alkaloids, and the glycoside salicin, which apparently determines the healing effect of the plant. Grass, rhizomes and roots are collected as medicinal raw materials.

Grass and rhizomes with roots are harvested during flowering. Rhizomes can also be harvested in the fall.

Has a sedative effect.

Peony root is most widely used as a medicine used for gynecological diseases (infertility, erosion, mastopathy, fibroids and others).

Tinctures also help very well with gout. Maryin root is recommended to be taken for any headaches or problems related to the head: stroke, hypertension, concussion, epilepsy, etc. It is also considered an effective remedy for cancer, especially those associated with women's health.

Maryin root is used as an analgesic, tonic, anti-inflammatory and sedative.

Peony tincture is often recommended for use in cases of poisoning; it helps eliminate toxins and has bactericidal properties. Maryin root was widely used in Mongolian medicine, where it was used to treat the liver, hysteria, urinary tract, kidneys, malaria, colds, lungs, and other diseases. Peony infusion or decoction is used as a fixative for diarrhea and stomach upsets. And since the use of such a remedy increases the acidity in the stomach, it is effectively used in the treatment of gastritis, ulcers, and stomach cramps. Medical research only confirms the effectiveness of treating such diseases with marin root. Dysentery can also be perfectly cured with an infusion of marina root due to its strong bactericidal properties.

Peony flowers along with juniper berries, calendula, cornflower, elderberry, horsetail, birch leaves, buckthorn and willow bark help remove excess salt from the body.

Traditional medicine often uses tinctures of marina root to treat skin diseases, ulcers, and erosions. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, peony extract perfectly kills skin infections and helps the skin recover faster.

In addition to folk and traditional medicine, marin root is used in veterinary medicine, cooking and cosmetology.

In cosmetology, a decoction of peony root is used to make lotions that cleanse the skin of blackheads and pimples and remove oily sheen.

In cooking, the root is used as a seasoning for meat dishes in Siberia. It can also be used as the main ingredient for making porridge, tea and the Baikal soft drink.

Maryin root. Indications for use

A tincture of the roots of the evasive peony is effective for various pathologies of the nervous system: insomnia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, increased anxiety, exposure to stress, traumatic encephalopathy, phobias, persistent headaches. It is included in the complex therapy of epilepsy, neuroses and psychoses of various origins.

The use of marina root tincture is also recommended in the treatment of vascular diseases, for example, in cases of cerebrovascular accident, diabetic angiopathy, post-stroke, pre- and post-infarction conditions.

The beneficial effect of marina root on the immune system is used in the treatment of various immunodeficiency conditions, rheumatic diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome and asthenia, as well as in the recovery period after antitumor therapy.

Peony evasive has a positive effect on metabolism, and therefore it is recommended for use in cases of gout, thyroid diseases, and urolithiasis.

Maryin root is widely used in gastroenterology, the list of diseases in which its positive effect has been noted is quite large: hypoacid gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, diarrhea of ​​various origins, intestinal colic, gastric and intestinal bleeding, anal fissures, hemorrhoids and poisoning.

Maryin root is also useful in the treatment of acute respiratory infections, bronchitis and tracheitis; there is evidence that a tincture of it relieves cough due to whooping cough.

Maryin root medicinal properties for men

The beneficial substances of marina root have a good effect on the male nervous system. They reduce the hormone testosterone, an excess of which leads to aggression and abnormal sexual activity.

The use of evasive peony has proven itself well in the progression of impotence. Flower tincture will give positive results after long-term and regular use. Contraindications for males include hypotension and increased acetone.

Maryin root: benefits and harms of seeds

In practice, there have been no recorded cases where marina grass seeds caused harm. But the benefits from them are great. This is how seeds were used to treat postpartum conditions back in ancient India. The description says that they contain a lot of fatty oils, from which various products are made. And these funds will be used to treat sore throat and pulmonary diseases. Seed tincture fights gastritis and uterine bleeding. Contraindications for seeds corresponding to the tincture.

Alcohol and water tinctures, as well as decoction, tea and ointment are prepared from marina root. Traditional medicine has found use for the petals, seeds, leaves, tubers and roots of the flower. Evading peony relieves headaches, improves sleep and general well-being.

Application in gynecology – treatment of infertility, endometriosis, fibroids

Maryin root is indispensable in gynecology. It will be used to treat any disease. Maryin root works real miracles for infertility, where doctors completely stop treatment.

To cure infertility, use this recipe with vodka: pour 100 g of crushed root with a liter of vodka, leave for 14 days in the dark.

Drink 15 ml 3 times. in a day. Reception is carried out strictly at the same time.

For the healing properties to work better, give up cigarettes and alcohol, pharmacological drugs and injections.

Maryin root is also used in the form of a tincture for fibroids. Recipe description: 50 gr. Grind the rhizomes and pour in 0.5 liters of 40% alcohol, leave for 2 weeks.

Drink 1 tsp. three times a day. Recovery lasts a month, after which you need to take a week's break and you can start treatment again.

For endometriosis, marin root is best combined with shiksha herb. Mix 50 g of shiksha and 20 g of peony, 1 tbsp. l. Pour the mixture with a liter of boiling water and leave overnight. Afterwards, express and drink a glass 3 times a day in 30 minutes. before the meal.

Hair Recipes

Maryin root for hair is also very effective. Rub the alcohol tincture into your scalp for a couple of minutes immediately before washing. Carry out the procedure 2-3 times. in Week. The medicinal properties of the herb will strengthen the hair follicles and improve the hair structure.

Medicinal plant in the fight against alcoholism

Maryin root against alcoholism was used in Russian times. The descriptions of many recipes indicate the greatest effectiveness of the tincture. Keep an eye on when the peony blooms. After a few days, dig up the root and chop it. 50 gr. raw materials, pour 500 ml of alcohol and leave for 14 days in the refrigerator, shaking daily. Then strain and pour into dark glass.

Maryin root tincture for oncology

Our herb will also cure the terrible disease of the 21st century. It is acceptable to use homemade tincture and pharmacy one. For malignant tumors, take 1 tsp. 3 r. before meals, with water. The therapy system can be changed by the doctor depending on the stage of the disease.

Maryina root tincture

When preparing it yourself, you should know that the key to proper treatment, first of all, is the correct collection, storage and processing of peony root. They gather in early August, less often at the end of July. To treat purely female diseases, roots are taken only from the female bush. For all other ailments this is not so important. The roots are thoroughly washed and dried, crushed and filled with vodka or an alcohol-containing product in the amount required by the recipe. The main thing is that the alcohol is no more than 40°, this will help preserve all the healing properties of the root. And at least 30°, otherwise the tincture will not have the desired effect.

For colds, marin root is used in combination with other herbs. This helps clear mucus and cures cough faster. You need to take 10 g of peony flowers, 10 g of licorice root, 10 g of chamomile flowers, 30 g of willow bark, 20 g of linden flowers, 20 g of elderberry flowers. All ingredients must be thoroughly chopped. They are poured with 500 - 600 ml of boiling water and allowed to brew for 10-20 minutes. After this, the infusion is filtered; it must be drunk warm to obtain the desired effect and several times a day, half a glass.

It is customary to use marin root as a sedative, infusing 40 g of whole root per 400 g of vodka for 14 days. It should be taken three times a day, 30-35 drops for a month.

For diseases of the stomach or intestines, a decoction helps well. Take 10 g of carefully crushed marina root and pour 800 ml of boiling water over it. The mixture is boiled over low heat for 4-7 minutes. Cool and strain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. This decoction should be taken three times a day, 100 ml, shortly before meals.

For skin diseases (eczema, acne, ulcers, pimples, etc.), lotions are made from peony roots, which are applied to the affected skin and secured with a bandage for several hours. For lotions, you need to pour 20g of roots into 0.4 liters of boiling water. Heat the mixture in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Cool in the room for at least 45 minutes, filter.

Maryin root. Contraindications for use

Peony evasive cures diseases such as ulcers, gastritis, gout, cough, asthma and epilepsy. They are effective in treating diarrhea, insomnia, skin diseases and nervous breakdowns. The benefits of the plant do not end there, but do not forget about contraindications.

This flower is poisonous. The most common contraindication is pregnancy and children under 12 years of age. You cannot yet use the medicine for gastritis with high acetone and hypotension.

The plant marin root is widely known in folk medicine.

Fans of folk remedies turn to it in order to be cured of a variety of diseases.

The roots and flowers of the plant are used for this. Infusions are prepared from the roots and taken orally.

Short description

The variety of ailments that grass can fight is quite large:

  • gastritis, which occurs in half the population;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • sleep problems;
  • nosebleeds;
  • running cough due to a cold;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • chronic asthma.

And this is not a complete list of diseases subject to the power of marina root.

Thanks to therapeutic effect, the metabolic process accelerates, a person tolerates depression or nervous shock more easily, and harmful substances are released from the slagged body.

Tinctures and decoctions bring tangible benefits to people suffering from alcoholism, as they help to get out of the binge faster and easier.

Interestingly, consuming marina root provokes the release of the hormone of happiness, or endorphin. And this improves your mood. So far, no side effects associated with the use of the product have been identified.

How and what it treats

Often, the roots are used in the treatment of gynecological diseases, which will be discussed in more detail below.

What do you know about marjoram, what is it - a seasoning or a medicine, is written in a useful article.

The properties of oregano oil are described on this page.

These include:

  • mastopathy,
  • cervical erosion,
  • myoma.

With the help of the plant you can fight the problem of infertility.

Maryin root acts as a pain reliever, especially when it comes to the head. It treats:

  • gout,
  • high blood pressure,
  • copes with the consequences of a stroke,
  • resists cancer lesions and actively fights them.

The roots of the plant are used as sedative, anti-inflammatory and tonic.

Remedies help with food poisoning, at the same time providing a bactericidal effect.

The population of Mongolia has been using this plant for many years to treat diseases of the liver, kidneys, and organs. genitourinary system, lungs.

Maryin root restores the nervous system, relieves hysteria, extinguishes the symptoms of malaria and any colds.

If there is a problem associated with the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to use a decoction or tincture as a fixative.

Taking the product helps get rid of diarrhea. And due to the property of increasing acidity, marin root, when constant use, heals ulcers and eliminates stomach cramps.

To recover from a cold, the root must be boiled together with other herbs, namely flowers:

  • elderberries,
  • common chamomile,
  • linden trees

It would be a good idea to add palm bark and two tablespoons of licorice root.

What do you know about medicinal hyssop? A useful article is written about the medicinal properties of the plant.

The medicinal properties of cherries for the human body are written here.

On the page: read about the benefits and harms of rosehip oil.

It can defeat asthma in interaction with orris root, coltsfoot leaves, as well as thyme and sundew roots.

For patients with disorders of the nervous system, the herb helps:

  • reduce excessive excitability,
  • drive away insomnia,
  • cope with fears and phobias,
  • relieve painful cramps.

Scientists did not immediately prove that marin root really has the property of calming, but after long and careful research they confirmed their guesses.

Now the plant is sold in pharmacies, and it can be purchased without a doctor’s prescription.

The positive properties of the infusion appear immediately after the start of use. Studies have shown that the product does not have a negative effect on blood pressure and breathing. This is evidenced by the reviews of many doctors.

Excess salts can be removed by brewing marina root flowers in combination with:

  • calendula,
  • birch leaves,
  • juniper berries,
  • elderberry,
  • buckthorn bark,
  • cornflower flowers,
  • willow and horsetail.

The herb also cures dermatological diseases well.

In cosmetology, the plant is used to eliminate oily skin, freeing the skin from pimples, acne and blackheads.

Siberian cooks collect marin root to season meat dishes.

It is also added to porridges, tea is brewed based on it, and the drink “Baikal”, famous in Siberia, is made.

Solving gynecological problems

To restore lost women's health, they often turn to the help of marina root.

The tincture is used, in particular, for faster release of the placenta when the child is already born.

Rich tincture helps in the process of rehabilitation after suffering from cancer and prevents the appearance of new malignant cells.

The well-being of patients improves significantly, they feel better, and severe pain goes away.

Fight mastopathy– breast tumor – a balm prepared from the root extract helps.

The basis for it can be vodka or alcohol. An extract of Ural licorice and tea kopeck root is added to the product.

The finished balm relieves inflammation, reduces tumors in size, and makes the heart muscles stronger.

At the same time, immunity grows, hormonal levels return to normal.

This drug is also used to solve problems with other diseases of women:

  • fibroids,
  • disruptions in menstruation,
  • polycystic disease.

The recipe for making the balm is simple. You will need:

  • marin root (50 grams);
  • kopeck root (25 grams);
  • licorice root (15 grams).

Rinse and dry everything. Then finely chop and pour half a liter of vodka/alcohol.

The product is left to infuse for 14 days, and it should be placed in a darkened room so that sunlight does not fall on the mixture.

After the expiration date, the balm is passed through cheesecloth and placed in a bottle or jar.

The parts of the roots that remain can be used again.

To do this, they need to be filled with alcohol in a volume of 0.35 liters, left for a month, and taken in double portions.

The dosage can be determined based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

You need to take the medicine correctly.
Dissolve the first 5-15 milliliters of balm in a glass of green tea.

Reception begins on the fourth day after the start of menstruation or from the new moon.
You need to drink it for 2 months, every day.

Then the course is stopped for a month (28-30 days, depending on the cycle), after which it can be repeated if necessary.

Uterine fibroids are a common disease.
To get rid of it, it is recommended to make a tincture according to the following recipe:

  • cut the root (50 grams) and add alcohol or 40% vodka (500 milliliters),
  • leave for two weeks in a dark, cool room,
  • drink three times a day, a teaspoon.
  • After a month, stop the course for 7 days, continue only if necessary.

The recipe is effective in treating not only fibroids, but also cancer of the uterus and appendages.

The infusion has an anti-inflammatory effect and activates the process of blood flow to the pelvic organs.

A woman who hears a diagnosis of infertility from a doctor falls into despair.

However, this should not be done, but it is better to prepare a tincture of marina root according to the recipe and see from your own experience that it works wonders.

For the tincture you will need:

  • marin root (100 grams), vodka (1 liter),
  • chop and add vodka.

Store in a dark place for two weeks, then take it out and drink 3 times a day, in a volume of 10-15 milliliters at a time.

It’s good if the reception is carried out at the same time.

The course involves a complete cessation of tobacco and alcohol, taking medications, and injections. Two bottles of tincture, half a liter each, guarantee a positive result.

Collection and storage rules

If you want to make an infusion of marina root at home, rather than purchasing it at the pharmacy, you should take into account several rules.

It is best to collect the root in summer (late July-early August).

It is important to be able to determine where the bush is male and where it is female.

Precisely, the root of the feminine is capable of fighting with gynecological diseases. Regarding other diseases, this does not matter.

The collected roots must be washed and dried, cut, and filled with alcohol-containing liquid as indicated in the recipe.

The remedy can help remove phlegm during a cold in combination with other fragrant herbs.

If you chop finely and mix according to:

  • 10 grams of marina root flowers,
  • chamomile and licorice root,
  • add willow bark, 30 grams and 20 grams each of elderberry and linden flowers,
  • pour boiling water over it all (600 milliliters),
  • leave for about twenty minutes, you will get a medicinal mixture for coughs and colds.

Before use, strain the tincture and drink only when warm 100 grams several times a day.

To get my nerves in order, you need to follow this recipe:

  • Infuse the root (40 grams) in water (400 grams) for two weeks.

Drink 30 drops 3 times a day. Whole month.

But a decoction for treating the gastrointestinal tract Prepared a little differently:

  • for 10 grams of chopped root - 800 milliliters of boiling water;
  • The broth should boil over medium heat for 7 minutes.

After the broth has cooled, filter it and drink it three times a day, half a glass before meals.

Remove salts You can use grass if you combine flowers:

  • peony,
  • calendula (about beneficial properties read here)
  • cornflower,
  • juniper berries (how to use is described in this article),
  • buckthorn bark (10 grams each),
  • elderberry 20 grams (medicinal properties of berries),
  • willow bark,
  • birch leaves (medicinal properties) and horsetail (about the medicinal properties of the herb are written here) all 40 grams,
  • boil (calculating 250 ml of boiling water per large spoon of the mixture),
  • leave for 30 minutes,
  • strain and drink a glass every two hours.

To treat diseased skin Maryin root is used as a lotion, tied to the affected area. To make it, you need:

  • pour 40 milliliters of boiling water over 20 grams of the plant,
  • heat in a water bath for a quarter of an hour,
  • cool and pass through cheesecloth.

Could it be dangerous?

Maryin root is a poisonous herb; dosages during preparation should not be violated.

This plant is contraindicated for people suffering from hypotension and gastritis with a high level of acidity. It is dangerous for children under 12 years of age and women expecting a child.

Watch the video for the recipe and instructions on how to make a tincture of marina root.

Maryin root, also known as evasive peony, is a plant that is both an ornament and a medicine. Due to its numerous properties, it is used in the treatment of various diseases.
It contains substances that have a calming and disinfecting effect. The main areas where marin root is used in the form of tinctures, decoctions and infusions are neurology, diseases gastrointestinal tract, treatment of colds.

Widespread use does not contribute to a large number of contraindications and absence of side effects.

Maryin root - description of where it grows

Peonies have been known for many centuries as ornamental plants. Despite the large number of varieties of peonies, in modern medicine only one variety is used - marin root. You can find another name for the evading peony - Maryina grass. This herbaceous plant, belonging to the buttercup family, is a perennial.

In Russia, marin root is distributed in Eastern Siberia, as well as in Altai, the Komi Republic and the Perm Territory. In nature, in the wild, it can be found in sparse forests, tall taiga meadows - mainly in the forest zone. Listed in the Red Book in Kazakhstan and the Autonomous Republic of Komi.

Thanks to simple care, domestication occurred and they began to grow it in gardens. An evasive peony bush can grow in one place for decades. It reaches a height of up to one meter.

Reproduction occurs both by seeds and vegetatively.

The root of this plant is short and thick, brown-brown in color. The stem is straight, the leaves are divided into narrow lanceolate lobes. The flowers are quite large, reaching 10 cm in diameter. The petals are a beautiful purple color. The flowering period begins at the end of May and lasts throughout June.

The larger it is, the more medicinal raw materials can be obtained, because all parts of the plant are medicinal: leaves, stems, flowers, seeds, and most importantly, the root of the plant.

The evasive peony begins to bloom much earlier than the garden peony. First, it has large beautifully shaped leaves, and then purple flowers. It is the flower of the marina root that determines the decorative properties.

Maryin root chemical composition

IN chemical composition Maryina roots include:

Essential oils;



Salicylic, benzoic, ascorbic acids;



It contains many microelements, such as copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, chromium.

Due to some toxic substances contained in the composition, it is recommended to use it in moderation.

Maryin root medicinal properties

The root of the plant is of greatest interest from the point of view of medicinal properties. Its use for treatment goes back hundreds of years and has not lost its relevance to this day.

The main medicinal properties of the evasive peony include the following:

Has a calming effect;

Counteracts depression of the nervous system;

Removes inflammatory processes on the gums;

Fights stomatitis in adults and children;

Improves digestion;

Relieves rheumatic and gouty pain.

Can be used as food supplement when eating fatty and hard-to-digest foods. The effect of marina root as a sedative is 4-5 times stronger than valerian root.

Salicylic and benzoic acid help fight tumors. Root tincture thins the blood and is also a good antiseptic.

Medicines based on the use of marina root have a positive effect on the body:



Pain reliever;



It may serve as an antidote.

The use of marina root helps treat many diseases and solve problems, both external and internal. But it should be remembered that for each disease there is its own recipe and recommended doses. Sometimes it makes sense to combine peony with other herbal remedies, which helps enhance the healing effect.

Maryin root indications for use

In pharmacies medicines They mainly use the roots of the plant, which contain a larger amount of essential substances.
The reason for its frequent use is to take advantage of the calming effect of Peony evaginata. You can use it for this purpose for several months, taking short breaks. Taking it does not affect the heartbeat, normalizes blood pressure, and has a positive effect on vascular tone.

Maryin root can be called a universal remedy that helps with various diseases:

Improves poor appetite;

Widely used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

To improve digestion;

With increased nervous excitability;

Included complex treatment epilepsy;


Diseases of the liver and spleen;

Kidney disease and bladder problems.

The herb marina root has antitumor properties. Improves metabolism, cleanses the body of toxins. It should be taken into account that a peculiarity of use is an increase in the acidity of gastric juice.

A pleasant property is the ability to produce endorphins - hormones of joy. Thus, not only disappears Bad mood, but also a feeling of happiness arises.

Treatment with the use of this plant plays a significant role in gynecological problems. In this case, external application is used. The objects of treatment are erosions, uterine fibroids, and mastopathy.

The herb infused with alcohol or vodka helps with gout, a disease accompanied by long-term severe pain, for which there are a limited number of drugs available. The use of the tincture also reduces constant headaches.

Since the root has the ability to remove toxins, it is recommended for use in case of poisoning. An infusion of evasive peony is recommended for diarrhea and indigestion. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, the decoction helps cure dysentery.

The use of this plant for colds has proven itself. When treating asthma, in addition to marina root, leaves of plants such as coltsfoot, thyme and sundew should be added to the decoction.

In medicine, peony tincture is used to treat skin diseases. The bactericidal properties of the evasive peony help kill the bacteria that caused the infection and promote faster recovery.

The ability of this medicinal herb to help with severe excitability, nervousness and insomnia has been well studied by doctors. Therefore, plant preparations are purchased in the over-the-counter department of the pharmacy. No side effects were identified when using medicines based on marina root.

In addition to treating people, such products are used in veterinary medicine, cosmetology and even cooking.

Maryin root use in folk medicine

Traditional medicine has long used marin root for medicinal purposes. Forms of preparations can be decoctions, tinctures and infusions.
Popular use is as a sedative. Having a minimum of contraindications, an infusion of the dried root can be used for a long time not only to relieve stress, but also to combat such serious illness like epilepsy.

Maryina root tincture

Maryin root is an excellent sedative. It is used as a light tonic for excessive nervousness, increased excitability, stressful situations and mental disorders. nervous soil. Its use is justified for nervous spasms and convulsions. Long-term use, while having a positive effect, does not cause any harm to the body.

To prepare a soothing tincture from marina root, use:

400 grams of vodka;

40 grams of rhizome.

The root must first be crushed. It should be left for 14 days. You should drink three times a day, approximately 30 drops. The product relieves nervous tension and normalizes sleep within the first four weeks.

Infusion of marina root

An infusion of marina root is successfully used for colds accompanied by cough and sputum production. To prepare the infusion, make healing collection, which includes peony evasive. In addition, the medicinal collection includes linden, elderberry and chamomile flowers - 10 grams of each plant. Then add licorice root and willow bark.

The original ingredients, crushed in a blender, are poured into 500 ml of boiling water and, after leaving for a quarter of an hour, filtered. Take half a glass of it, after slightly heating it.

Maryina root decoction

A decoction of marina root is used to treat stomach problems. It has an antiseptic effect in case of poisoning. The use of such a tincture has a beneficial effect on the well-being of patients with peptic ulcer and chronic gastritis.

The decoction must be prepared as follows:

In 800 ml hot water add 10 grams of marina root;

Boil for 5 minutes;


Drink 100 ml of decoction three times a day before meals.

You can take it until the stomach pain disappears. When treating, it is necessary to observe proportions, otherwise you can harm yourself.

Maryin root is used in the fight against alcoholism problems. Action in this area is based on reducing cravings for alcohol, leading to a gradual reduction in consumption alcoholic drinks. For this, a decoction of the plant is prepared, which should be added to a person with alcohol addiction in liquid foods and drinks.

The decoction should be prepared as follows:

30 mg of dry roots pour 400 ml of boiling water;

Boil over low heat until the liquid has evaporated by half;


Store in a cool place.

You should take 2 tablespoons of decoction three times a day.