Morning flower Ipomoea perennial. Ipomoea, description, cultivation and use

Planting and caring for morning glory involves a number of activities, but caring for such a culture is not at all difficult. The main thing is to create conditions for her that are closest to the climate of her homeland - tropical America. Ipomoea belongs to the flowering plants of the bindweed family. There are both annual and perennial varieties. The name of the culture comes from the Latin word, which translates as "like a worm."

Many types of morning glory are known - more than 300. Only 20 of them are used in floriculture. There are 2 more types that are used as food. These include the following:

  1. 1. Water spinach. Also called water yam. This species has lanceolate and oval leaves up to 17 cm long. The petals have a pink tint, and the core is darker. This plant is semi-submersible. In the wild, it grows in places where rivers, ponds, rice fields are located. Such a vine can be planted for landscaping ponds. In cooking in Asian countries, young shoots are used.
  2. 2. Sweet potato. This variety is valued for underground tubers. They are orange, white, yellow, purple, red. The inflorescences are quite large, have pink petals.

As for the decorative types of morning glory, the most famous are the following:

  1. 1. Cairo. Homeland is Australia and Asia. The stems grow up to 5 m in length. This morning glory is grown as an ampelous plant. Its inflorescences have blue petals.
  2. 2. Purple. This vine is an annual crop. The stem has villi. It grows up to 8 m in length. Inflorescences are pink, white, blue, purple, red. Flowers up to 7 cm.
  3. 3. Nile. The plant is highly branched. Liana reaches a length of 3 m. Flowers in diameter up to 10 cm. Inflorescences are pink and purple.
  4. 4. Tricolor. This morning glory is also called red-blue. This perennial has a stem up to 4 m. The inflorescences are pale blue at first, but in the withered state they become purple-pink. Flowering lasts from early summer until the first frost.
  5. 5. Ivy. The stem is highly branched. It is no more than 3 m long. The diameter of the inflorescences is no more than 5 cm. Usually they are pale blue with white edging around the edges, but there are specimens with pink, burgundy, red petals.
  6. 6. Moonflowering. The stem is up to 3 m long. The foliage is heart-shaped. The inflorescences are very large (up to 10 cm) and fragrant. They open only at night, and with the first rays of the sun they collapse.

In addition to the listed species, palmate, Brazilian, Mauritanian and others are also known.

Quamoclites form a separate group. These are morning glory, which are distinguished by the presence of openwork carvings on the foliage. The inflorescences are very small, have a tubular shape. There are such popular types of quamoclites:

  1. 1. Cirrus. This morning glory is a curly type, which, with proper care, can reach a length of 5 m. The leaves are light green, openwork. The inflorescences are very small - usually 1.5-2 cm each. They have a star shape. Shades are different - red, white, pink. Flowering lasts from April to early autumn. Such a form of morning glory is not able to survive a transplant.
  2. 2. Slaughter. Also called cardinal liana. It is no more than 3 m long. The leaves are carved at the edges, they look very gentle. Inflorescences have a rich red hue. They are up to 2 cm in diameter. A feature of this species is that it reproduces only through seeds. They are planted immediately in open ground.
  3. 3. Fiery red. This plant is an annual. It has very thin stems that can grow up to 3 m in length. Inflorescences are red. Up to 2 cm in diameter. Distinctive feature is that such morning glory quickly loses its decorative properties.
  4. 4. Bladed. The plant is up to 3 m long. The leaves are three-lobed, in the form of a heart. Inflorescences up to 3 cm in diameter. A distinctive feature of this variety is that the inflorescences change shade as they open - from bright red to orange, and then light yellow.

Many varieties have now been created through breeding:

  1. 1. Black Hart. It is a plant with purple leaves that turn dark emerald over time.
  2. 2. Blacks. The young foliage is purple with a bronze sheen, but then becomes almost black.
  3. 3. Lady Fingers. The foliage is excessively dissected. It has a green tint, but the veins are purple.
  4. 4. Margarita. The foliage is lobed, green with a golden tint.
  5. 5. Terey Lime. Outwardly, it resembles the Margarita variety, but is smaller in size.
  6. 6. Tricoloro. Triangular leaves have white strokes and pink edging.
  7. 7. Ace Spades. Foliage is almost black.
  8. 8. Sweet Caroline. This is a variety series with plants that have shallow root systems. This includes Bewitched, Green Yellow, Raven, Red, Light Green, Purple, Sweetheart Red. They have bronze, golden white, green, purple, red, purple leaves.
  9. 9. Illusion. This is also a separate variety. It includes Midnight Forest, Garnith Forest, Emerald Forest. They have black-green, light bronze and pale green foliage.

Growing from seeds

Growing morning glory from seeds is considered a simple process, since the plant itself is picky - it quickly adapts and takes root. In a tropical climate in the wild, the culture propagates by self-sowing, but at home it is necessary to plant it yourself and select a suitable place before that.

The seeds of such a vine remain viable for up to 3 years. The process of planting morning glory for seedlings is as follows:

  1. 1. Soak the seeds in clean water, the temperature of which is 20-25 0 C. You will have to wait 20 hours. Many prefer to use the scarification method instead. In other words, they slightly violate the integrity of the seed shell.
  2. 2. Select the soil depending on the variety and type of crop. It is necessary to find a substrate that is as close as possible in properties to the soil in the homeland of the selected crop. If you plant seeds of African varieties, it is recommended to choose a substrate that is intended for succulents. For American varieties, you can prepare the soil yourself by mixing 3 parts of humus, 2 parts of peat and perlite, 1 part of expanded clay.
  3. 3. Pour drainage into the pot first - expanded clay, pebbles, gravel, etc. will do. Then pour out the substrate.
  4. 4. Plant the seeds in the ground. It is better to do this in mid-May. 1 small plastic cup relies on 3 seeds.
  5. 5. Water the soil and cover the containers with plastic wrap.

Seedlings appear in 2-2.5 weeks. As the substrate dries out, it is supposed to be watered with water. Every day, open cups for 10-20 minutes for ventilation. The temperature should be 20 0 C.

When the seedlings are 13-15 cm high, it is required to make supports for them. Thin shoelaces need to be fixed at the base of the sprout, and the other ends should be fixed a little higher. On this basis, culture will continue to curl.

When the seedlings become larger, it is necessary to pick. The culture must be transplanted either into flowerpots or immediately into open ground. During transplantation, it is impossible to expose the root system, so you need to do a transshipment - move the plant along with the earthen clod. The distance in the flower bed between plants is 15-20 cm. It is better to plant a vine near walls, fences, or make supports for it. It can also be grown on a balcony with a fence.

Some varieties of morning glory propagate by cuttings. In this case, you must do the following:

  1. 1. Cut cuttings 18 cm long. They should have 2 internodes. Make cuts at an angle of 45 0 C.
  2. 2. Place the cuttings in a jar of clean water.
  3. 3. Wait until the roots appear.
  4. 4. Transplant into the ground.

Such rooting is allowed to be carried out from the beginning of spring to the beginning of summer.

Care rules

Morning glory care involves the following procedures:

  1. 1. Watering. The procedure should be regular, but a small amount of water is required for one flower. The culture is moisture-loving, but overflow should not be allowed, because if water constantly stagnates near the roots, the plant will get sick. In the summer, watering should be carried out every day, and in the fall - only as the soil dries out.
  2. 2. Loosening the soil. This procedure must also be carried out often - every time after watering the next day or after a few hours. This promotes the flow of oxygen to the roots. Loosening the soil is required only a few centimeters deep.
  3. 3. Top dressing. It should be moderate. During the growing season, it is enough to add fertilizer only 2 times a month. It is better to use products that are intended for flowering crops. When growing varieties of African origin, it is necessary to use fertilizers that are suitable for succulents. You can not add too much nitrogen, otherwise the buds will not appear.
  4. 4. Pinching. It is necessary to prune the shrub so that the side shoots develop better. Pinching a flower is necessary in order to make it more lush and bushy.
  5. 5. Cropping. It is necessary to remove wilted leaves and broken or diseased shoots. Before wintering (in September), it is necessary to carry out a complete pruning, and dispose of the root. In the spring, it will be possible to plant new plants again from seeds that have been collected since the current year.

What is Ipomoea? Planting and care, photos, plant features - let's look at all this, let's see what varieties you can choose for your garden. Some are so perfect that always, when I admire the graceful funnels of morning glory, the stone flower that Danila the master created comes to mind! The bindweed family, which includes morning glory, has about four thousand varieties. Among them are annuals, perennials (about 500 species), shrubs, lianas and even trees.

Ipomoea Gypsy

What is morning glory

Ipomoea is a decorative and unpretentious liana. Its other name is farbitis. Many call this plant bindweed, which is sure to become a bright decoration of your gazebo, hedge, arch or pergola. It can reach five meters in length. In our gardens, an annual or perennial vine is most often planted, which is also called the dawn flower. This poetic name was given to Ipomoea not in vain, its gramophone buds are among the first to bloom, in the early morning, when other flowers have not yet awakened from sleep.

Depending on the variety, Ipomoea flowers can be double or ordinary, but the colors are very diverse - blue, purple, blue, burgundy, pink, white, red, pale purple, two-tone. As mentioned above, morning glory is unpretentious, grows very quickly and braids any support offered to it. Long flowering is another advantage of this flower, from the first days of summer until the onset of cold weather, it will decorate your garden.

Every day a new flower blooms. He does not live long, sometimes until noon, sometimes until evening. And long flowering is achieved due to the huge number of flowers and buds.

Ipomoea Carnival of Venice

Growing morning glory is possible not only in open ground, but also in an apartment, especially on balconies and loggias, where it will feel great.

Growing morning glory on the balcony

This plant is very often used in landscape design. Its bright beauty, excellent survival rate and rapid growth help to quickly change into better side appearance of gazebos, verandas, fences and other garden elements.

Ipomoea windmill at the pergola

Ipomoea leaves are also remarkable and decorative - large, lobed, heart-shaped, rich dark green hue.

In landscape design, perennial morning glory is more often used, but annual varieties can be found all the time in summer cottages, in flower beds, in flower beds, in flowerpots, and also in the form of living carpets. The plant prefers sunny places, good watering (especially in summer), does not like drafts, but still grows normally even in windy places.

Ipomoea has an interesting feature: the buds open in the morning, and close in the afternoon - this factor is due to the sensitivity of the plant to lighting. If there are cloudy days, then the flowers may not close at all, but remain open until dusk.

Favorite varieties of morning glory

Of the entire huge number of varieties of morning glory, about 25 species are used in culture. Let's look at some of them.

Ipomoea purple (Ipomoea purpurea)

This is one of the most famous varieties. In favorable conditions, the length of the shoots can reach 8 meters. The flowers are large, 5-7 cm long, can be red, white, pink, blue, maroon, purple. The variety has both regular and terry varieties. The most common varieties: Star of Yalta, Milky Way, Scarlett O`Hara.

Of particular interest is the Ipomoea purple Paradise Stars variety - this is a profusely flowering plant, reaching a height of three meters, with buds of different colors, heat-loving, light-loving, characterized by long flowering.

Purple morning glory, photo:

Ivy morning glory (Ipomoea hederacea)

Liana in length can grow up to 3 meters. The shape of the leaves is three-lobed, reminiscent of ivy, hence the name. The flowers are medium in size (about 5 cm in diameter), mostly blue, light blue, but also red, pink. It blooms in mid-summer (July) and continues to bloom until October.

Ipomoea ivy, photo:

Ipomoea Nile (Ipomoea nil)

It also reaches three meters in length. Blooms from July to mid-autumn.

The flowers of this cultivar are distinguished by their amazing decorative effect: contrasting two-tone, with a border of different shades, with an unusual color (pink-brown, bright orange, creamy pink, golden variegated). The shape of the bud can be star-shaped, with terry edges, with rounded petals.

Ipomoea Nile, photo:

Ipomoea flower diameter 13.5 cm
Ipomoea terry Serenade

Ipomoea kvamoklit (Ipomoea pennata) or cypress liana

This Ipomoea is an unusual variety with openwork, finely dissected foliage and small star-shaped flowers. Quamoclite branches reach five meters in length, flowering begins in July and continues until September. This is a very showy plant, with rich green foliage and bright red multiple flowers. Kvamoklit is unpretentious, quickly growing.

Kvamoklit, photo:

Blue Ipomoea (Ipomoea heavenly blue)

Sometimes this variety of morning glory is also called "Glorious Morning". It pleases the eye with sky-blue flowers from mid-summer until the first frost. The flowers are large, in diameter can reach 10 cm, shoots grow up to 2 meters. This heat-loving plant, which prefers sunlit areas, loves watering, but it does not like waterlogging of the soil.

Ipomoea blue, photo:

Moonflowering Ipomoea (Ipomoea noctiflora)

An amazing night flower that blooms at night and closes its buds with the onset of morning. The shoots of this plant reach three meters in length, the flower itself is about 10 cm in diameter. It begins to bloom in mid-July and continues until October. Delicate almond aroma is another plus of this snow-white flower.

Ipomoea moonflowering, photo:

Of course, there are a lot of ipomoea varieties, they are all beautiful in their own way, each of them has its own fans. Through the efforts of breeders, more and more new hybrids appear, striking in their beauty and individuality.

Ipomoea Harlequin
Ipomoea Mauro
Ipomoea orange Ipomoea Neil Kaikyo-zaki
Ipomoea blue bliss

Today, on sale, you can freely purchase a variety of varieties of morning glory in seeds, and on the relevant forums - cuttings or seedlings of the species you are interested in.

Ipomoea - planting and care in the open field

The most common method of propagation of this plant is self-sowing, in which morning glory sheds seeds after they mature. With the onset of spring, the sprouts of young morning glory hatch and reach for the sun. You can also buy seeds of the desired variety, and then, according to the sowing rules, germinate them and sow them in the ground. You can even just sow the seeds immediately into the soil, deepening into a hole by about 2-3 cm - positive result will be. The distance between the pits should be approximately 20 cm, 2 or 3 morning glory seeds are placed in each recess. You can safely start this process already in the second half of April (in the Kuban) or May ( middle lane Russia).

Ipomoea seeds of different varieties, photo:

You can go a more complicated way and germinate seeds for seedlings. To do this, they are germinated and planted in peat tablets or in containers with suitable soil.

When to plant morning glory for seedlings?

In March, pre-soak the seed in warm water (for 24 hours), and then place it in tablets or in separate cups with earth. If some seeds are not swollen after such a daily bath, then you can use a needle and pierce them, and then place them in water again for a similar period of time.

The seedling method is more suitable for cold regions, as it planted full-fledged young plants in the soil, rather than tender seeds. Seedling care is simple, seedlings can be observed already on the 10th day, watering is carried out as the soil dries up (slightly warm water). In the room where the seedlings are located, the air temperature should not be lower than + 19 ° C.

In the last days of May or in the first week of June, already grown morning glory can be transferred to open ground.

How to plant morning glory?

Try to carefully remove plants from containers with a large clod of earth, as this culture does not respond well to transplanting. The distance between the holes should also be about 20 cm. After planting, pour the flowers with warm water, when they actively grow, install a support near each plant (if you did not initially plant morning glory near the support element).

Ipomoea seedlings, photo:

Ipomoea propagation by cuttings

For certain varieties of morning glory, propagation by cuttings is recommended. In this case, the shoots are cut, fragments with two internodes are selected, cuttings are cut so that the lower cut point is located 1.5-2 cm below the nodule. After selection, the cuttings are placed in water. After 5-7 days after the appearance of the roots, they can be planted for permanent residence in open ground. Within a week, the stalk will be completely rooted in the ground.

How to care for morning glory?

As for care, it is quite simple and does not include any special requirements. Ipomoea annual, as well as perennial, grows well on any soil. The main thing is to provide it with regular, but not too abundant watering (so that the roots do not rot). This plant does not need additional feeding. However, if you really want to, then a complex mineral supplement can be added along with water during irrigation, during the period when morning glory is actively growing. To make everything look aesthetically pleasing, remove damaged or dried shoots. Periodically loosen the ground, remove weeds. The most important thing for morning glory is a reliable and strong support for growth and further weaving.

Ipomoea photo:

Such a different morning glory

In the open field, as well as at home (on a balcony or loggia), there are no particular differences between the requirements for growing this flower. All actions are similar, water the plant and provide it with support, then morning glory on the balcony will feel just as great as her relative in the summer cottage.

Pest control

Ipomoea in winter

With the onset of winter, the perennial morning glory should be carefully dug up and moved into a large pot, which should be brought indoors or into the basement. In this case, the ground part of the plant, of course, is cut off. If your region does not have too severe winters, it may well overwinter in the open field.

Here, in principle, are all the nuances regarding this plant. With minimal labor costs, you can create unprecedented beauty in your summer cottage. You will definitely love Ipomoea! Planting and care, a photo of this flower and all the above information, I hope, will help you to get stronger in choosing an option for decorating a summer cottage, gazebo, fence or other garden element.

Ipomoea Ruby Lights

Ipomoea or farbitis is the largest genus of the bindweed family. It is a climbing plant in the form of a bush or liana, widespread in tropical and subtropical regions. Among flower growers, morning glory is actively used to decorate plots, terraces and balconies.

The plant is extremely unpretentious, and with simple care, gentle and abundant flowering can last almost all summer. Today, about 500 species and varieties are known, each of which has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Ipomoea is an annual or perennial plant in the form of a vine, herb, shrub or tree. The ability to curl is reflected in the name of the flower, translated from Greek as "like a worm."

The plant is used everywhere for decorative purposes, and some varieties (trampoline and water trampoline) are food crops. All decorative varieties of morning glory in European countries are called "morning star".

Most varieties have heart-shaped leaves, as well as long shoots that can curl around a support. From June until the start of frost, beautiful funnel-shaped flowers are formed on them, resembling small gramophones.

With the right pruning and cultivation method, planting a perennial ipomoea variety turns into a real flowering and fragrant green carpet, which is so often depicted in pictures.

The best varieties and types of morning glory

In total, about 500 varieties of the plant are known, among which there are cultural and ornamental crops. Below we look at the most the best views for growing in the country, decorating walls, flower beds and fences.

Ipomoea Nile

It is represented by a highly branched liana, on the surface of which grassy shoots up to 2.5-3 meters in length are formed. It is covered with thick, wide-oval foliage, painted in dark green. The flowers are funnel-shaped, depending on the variety, they can be red, pink, blue or blue.

The average bud diameter is 10 cm. Abundant flowering continues almost all summer. This variety of morning glory is especially popular in Japan, where it is often used to decorate gardens. The most famous varieties are Serenade, Picoti, Morning Call, Chocolate.


It grows wild in the tropical regions of South America. From a botanical point of view, to nocturnal varieties of vines. Under natural conditions, this is a perennial plant, but for the design of personal plots it is used as an annual. It grows up to 3 m in length, some shoots can stretch up to 6 m.

Depending on the variety, the leaves can be heart-shaped or three-fingered, create a dense cover that does not let light and water through. The flowers are large, up to 15 cm in diameter, usually white or pink (see photo). In favorable conditions, they exude a pleasant almond aroma. Flowering continues from July to the first frost.


One of the most common types of morning glory. It is widely used for vertical gardening of sites. External features depend on the subspecies, there are several varieties of morning glory Kvamoklit.


An annual climbing vine that, with proper care, can grow up to 5 m in length. The leaf blade is strongly dissected, light green in color. The flowers are small, only up to 3 cm in diameter, painted in pink, white or red. Blooms from mid-summer to early September.

Quamoclit Slaughter

In Europe, this variety is better known as the "cardinal liana", shoots reach a length of up to 3 meters. The leaves are carved, delicate green color. The flowers are bright red, up to 2 cm in diameter. This subspecies reproduces only by seeds, which is important to consider when planting.

Quamoclite fiery red

In the Russian regions, the plant is grown as an annual liana, which can grow to a height of up to 3 meters. Flowering continues until the end of August, after which the vegetative parts begin to turn black. The flowers are small, painted in a rich red hue. When planting, it is important to consider that after flowering, the plant quickly loses its decorative effect.

Kvamoklit lobed

It is found throughout the tropical regions of South America. As an ornamental plant, Ipomoea of ​​this variety is cultivated only as an annual. The height of the vine can reach 3 m, the leaves are heart-shaped, three-lobed. Flowers are small, up to 3 cm in diameter.

A characteristic feature is that the protruding stamens are collected in long inflorescences, which can reach a length of up to 40 cm. In the process of flowering, they change color from red to light yellow (see photo).


An extremely decorative variety of morning glory in Russia, it is grown only as an annual. Liana reaches a height of up to 5 m. The leaves are quite voluminous, heart-shaped, and there is also a slight wrinkling of the leaf plate.

Flowers are collected in inflorescences of 3-4 pieces, the diameter of each can reach up to 9 cm. Usually the petals are painted in Blue colour, but sometimes there is a pink or white core. It is represented by a large vine, which, due to numerous side shoots, resembles a sprawling bush.

Flowering continues from July to October. Popular varieties are Summer Sky, Rainbow Flash, Pearly Gates, Blue Star, Wedding Bells, Flying Saucer.


This variety of morning glory got its name from the special leaves, similar to traditional ivy. Liana in optimal conditions reaches a height of up to 3 m, medium-sized flowers - up to 5 cm in diameter.

They are collected in inflorescences of 2-3 jokes, usually painted white, depending on the variety, blue, pink or red shades of petals may occur (see photo). Among domestic gardeners, the Roman Candy variety, which has increased endurance to adverse climates, is very popular.


One of the largest varieties of morning glory for growing on a personal plot. Liana can grow up to 8 meters. The leaves are three-lobed or heart-shaped, depending on the variety.

The flowers are large, under optimal conditions reach up to 5-7 cm in diameter (see photo). They are painted in various shades (purple, blue, red, pink, yellow and others), and a characteristic feature of this species is the presence of a white corolla. Flowers are collected in inflorescences of 2-5 pieces.

In favorable conditions, they grow strongly, pruning is required. This is the most frost-resistant variety of the plant; even in cold regions, flowering can continue until frost. Flowers open early in the morning and close in the afternoon.

This is the oldest ornamental variety of morning glory, so today you can find many varieties on sale with different textures and colors of petals. The most interesting of them are Scarlett O'Hara, Grandpa Otts, Caprice, Milky Way.

Sweet potato

This is a cultivated variety of morning glory, which some gardeners also use as an ornamental plant. It is represented by a herbaceous shrub with long shoots, reaching a length of up to 5 cm.

A characteristic feature is the formation of nutritious rhizomes that can be used for food. The mass of one tuber is from 0.4 to 3 kg. Heart-shaped leaves are formed on the bush, in the axils of which there are flowers painted in white, pink or lilac.

The most decorative variety is Sweet Georgia, which is an ampelous plant with beautiful purple wedge-shaped leaves. The length of each leaf plate can reach 15 cm, small pink-purple flowers form in their axils.

Ipomoea is one of the most common ornamental plants in Russia. It is often used to decorate personal plots, fences or create hedges.

Ipomoea gained great popularity for its long flowering, unpretentiousness and ease of care. When choosing a species or variety, it is important to take into account not only the appearance of the leaves, the color of the petals, but also the length of the vine, as well as frost resistance.

Wanting to decorate their summer cottage, or maybe just a balcony, many owners prefer bindweed plants. This is not surprising. After all, such plants very beautifully frame objects located on the territory of the site, dissolving Ipomoea has been familiar to mankind for a long time. It is considered one of the most delicate varieties of plants that you can choose to decorate your summer cottage.

Many poems are dedicated to this indescribably beautiful plant. And this is not surprising. Anyone who has ever seen the freshness of her delicate buds will fall in love with this miracle of nature forever. Different species are distinguished by bright colors of flowers. Every year, breeders create new varieties of this plant. Because of this, the coloring of the buds takes on a wide variety of options.

general characteristics

Leaves and flowers look indescribably gentle on the stem. Ipomoea (photo below) can outshine many garden plants with its beauty.

The name of the plant comes from the merger of two Greek words, which in translation sound like the phrase "like a worm." This is due to the appearance of the underground part of the flower.

However, not all nations have the name of the plant sound so prosaic. Its beauty reflects the English name, which in translation into Russian means "glorifying the morning." In Japan, Ipomoea is called "morning face". This is no coincidence. The flowers of this family are distinguished by the peculiarity of blooming with the first rays of the rising sun and closing at noon. If the day is cloudy, the plant does not close its buds until the evening.

This group includes a variety of flowers. Ipomoea is the largest genus of the bindweed family. They include about 500 varieties of herbs. It even includes some types of shrubs and trees. The plant in the wild lives in the temperate and tropical latitudes of Eurasia, Africa and America.

The root of the plant is taproot, rarely tuberous. The stem of almost all species is curly (creeping). This is the one that loves abundant watering. The plant blooms in summer and even in autumn. Ipomoea has a lot of buds, but the duration of the existence of each of them is no more than a day. Therefore, she throws out all the new flowers.

The fruit looks like a spherical box. It contains from 4 to 6 seeds of a rather large form.

plant nature

Bright flowers look very beautiful on various objects of the site. Ipomoea (photo below) is distinguished by certain features of agricultural technology.

They must be taken into account by everyone who is going to grow a plant in their own area. This is an annual liana. It grows very quickly, letting out a mustache and clinging to the vertical supports it encounters. If there are fences, trees, threads, wire or nets pulled up on the site, hedges, morning glory will cling to them. With proper care, the vine blooms very profusely. Some species may even collect buds in paniculate groups.

In the wild, morning glory flowers can range in size from 5 to 15 cm. But artificially bred varieties have buds up to 20 cm. This enhances the decorative qualities of the plant.

If the weather turned out to be rainy, the bud remains closed throughout the day. Pollination occurs in corollas closed with petals. But on a sunny day, the plant is pollinated by insects. In the wild, even birds (hummingbirds) or small animals (bats) can participate in this process.

Depending on the variety, today there are morning glory intended for the conditions of the backyard, as well as indoor plants. Therefore, when purchasing seeds, it is necessary to clarify in what conditions this species should exist.


There are a huge number of plants belonging to the genus Ipomoea. Even individual families stand out among them. These include various flowers. Ipomoea kvamoklit, koloniktion, farbitis are the most common.

Farbitis flowers are very popular today. One of the most common varieties is Havently Blue. Its flowers are blue in color. In their center, yellow-blue colors predominate. These are very beautiful flowers.

Coloniction (also called moonflower) is distinguished by white flowers. They exude a subtle sweet aroma. Most morning glory can not boast of this. A feature of the moonflower is the ability of the buds to bloom only for one night. But the flowering period can continue until the frost.

Ipomoea kvamoklit looks quite elegant.

The foliage of plants of this variety is similar to openwork feathers. Against this background, flowers stand out with bright red stars. Ipomoea quamoclit Slaughter looks like a feathery plant with fiery red buds. The dense curtains they form will decorate any area.

Popular varieties of morning glory

Ipomoea is famous for its variety of species. A photo of flowers in the garden is presented below. There are several of the most popular plant varieties that are worth considering in more detail. This will allow you to choose the right variety of vines.

Ipomoea Cairo is characterized by very abundant flowering and high density of leaves. If you want to decorate the objects on the site with the most beautiful natural carpet of flowers, you should give preference to this particular variety.

The sky-blue ipomoea opens its buds. Flowers have a long stem and are able to turn towards the sun. The buds are azure. And ipomoea purpurea is characterized by a rich expressive shade. Its stems are very long. They can reach 8 m. The buds are pink, red, purple, lilac.

Ipomoea Nile is characterized by very fast stem growth. The buds of this plant can be of various colors. These are pink, and blue, and lilac shades. There are also buds of dark, saturated flowers.

Many artificially bred varieties are now used everywhere for decorative purposes. The variety of shapes and shades is difficult to retell. Everyone can choose a plant to their liking.

Ipomoea reproduction

Flowers which is a simple and exciting activity, most often grown from seeds. In warm climates, they can be sown directly into the ground. But in the middle latitude, it is still better to resort to the seedling method. Otherwise, the plant may simply not bloom.

Seeds should be soaked for a day in a small amount of water before planting. During this time, they should swell. If this does not happen, the seeds can be pricked with a needle. This process is called scarifying. After that, the seeds are again soaked for a day.

It will not be difficult to organize a small greenhouse. Soil is simply poured into a small container. Pre-swollen seeds are planted in it. Then they are covered with glass or polyethylene. The container is regularly ventilated. As the soil dries out, it is watered.

The first shoots appear 1-2 weeks after planting. As soon as the first leaves appear from the ground, the film or glass is removed. When the plant has about 4 full leaves, it can be transplanted into the ground. This is done together with a clod of earth at the root system. It should be large enough, as Ipomoea does not like transplants.

Then for seedlings it is necessary to provide support. Otherwise, the stems will become intertwined with each other. It will be almost impossible to unravel them later.

When can you board?

Many owners tend to have these flowers on their site. Ipomoea, which is planted in open ground on the site, involves breeding seedlings. The whole process should start from March-April. The plant grows very fast. Therefore, after 3 weeks it will be completely ready for transplantation. It makes no sense to breed seedlings in advance.

Before planting seeds in greenhouse soil, it is necessary to calculate what ambient temperature can be in 3 weeks. If it should not (according to forecasts) fall below +10 degrees, then you can get to work.

The plant does not tolerate frost. Its normal climate is warm, humid weather. A line of +10 degrees is critical for most types of morning glory. In exceptional cases, the vine can withstand extreme temperatures for it up to +2 degrees. But this happens quite rarely.

It is best to plant seeds in open ground at a time when the night temperature does not fall below +10 degrees. This is most often typical for April-May.

How is planting in the ground?

You can plant flower seeds directly into the ground. Ipomoea sprouts well, but before that, the seeds must be soaked for a day in water. If the weather was appropriate, seedlings will appear in a week.

After the first shoots have broken through the thickness of the earth, there is a rapid growth of morning glory. Near each creeper it is necessary to put a support. Ipomoea is regularly pinched. This is done when the stem has about 4 full leaves. This contributes to the rapid emergence of new shoots from the sinuses, which make the flower voluminous. Ipomoea, planted and cared for properly, blooms faster and grows thicker.

Regardless of whether seedlings or only seeds are planted in the ground, the distance between each individual plant should be at least 20 cm. This will provide the required space for the plant's root system, allowing it to receive the necessary nutrients from the soil.

Breeding on the balcony

These flowers decorate the balcony very beautifully. Ipomoea can be planted in a pot. If there is not enough light, the plant will produce extra leaves, and flowering will be poor. Therefore, it is necessary to properly consider its location.

The balcony should also be glazed. On its open varieties, the wind can easily damage the stem and leaves of the plant. It is necessary to ensure proper protection of morning glory. Under such conditions, the plant can be planted in large pots, as well as long boxes. When planting, it is necessary to calculate the density so that each morning glory has at least 2.5 liters of soil.

Under such conditions, proper care is extremely important. Full watering, bait and careful handling will allow you to grow a plant of indescribable beauty even on the balcony.

Plant diseases

It happens that the plant does not throw flowers. Ipomoea curly is susceptible to various diseases. To prevent this, it is necessary to ensure proper care of the plant. The most common pathogens are aphids and spider mites.

To keep your plant alive and good health, it is necessary at the first sign of the appearance of aphids to treat the leaves with an appropriate insecticide. The sooner this is done, the sooner morning glory will be able to restore its strength.

The second dangerous pest for the presented plant is the spider mite. He makes himself felt with a thin cobweb. It appears on the leaves of the flower. You can also see small dots. Here pest control is quite simple. Just spray the leaves daily with cold water.

plant care

Ipomoea is considered a rather picky plant. A flower, the care of which does not require much effort and time, will be grateful to its owners for the right actions. Ipomoea will thank them with its wonderful flowering.

Initially, it is necessary to provide proper support for the vine. You can install a vertical grid or wire for these purposes.

The soil should always be slightly damp. Too strong or, conversely, poor watering is equally dangerous for the plant. In order for morning glory to please the eye with an abundance of buds, it should be regularly fed with a frequency of 1 time in 5 days. Fertilizers should contain little nitrogen and a lot of phosphorus. This stimulates its flowering.

Due to improper care, the plant can quickly wither. It can hurt, which will affect flowering. The immunity of the plant after suffering hardships becomes very fragile. Therefore, it is better to take care of it correctly and in a timely manner.

Many people tend to have presented flowers on their site or balcony. Ipomoea produces unusually beautiful buds. They will delight the owners for a long time. Not requiring special care, morning glory is a picky plant. This is a great solution for decorating any backyard or even a balcony. The rapid growth rate will allow you to hide even the shortcomings of the surrounding objects and fill the world around with harmony and indescribable beauty.

Ipomoea is the largest genus in the bindweed family. It is common in tropical and subtropical forests throughout the world. Flexible creepers, shrubs and small trees covered with heart-shaped leaves and large bright flowers are very decorative, so they are often used to decorate the garden, terrace and balcony. In culture, curly forms are more often used. Delicate and unpretentious morning glory is very much in demand among gardeners. Fast-growing vines create a long-awaited shade at the beginning of summer, and fragrant flowers contribute to relaxation and joyful mood.

plant description

Ipomoea is an annual and perennial climbing vine, herb, shrub, and dwarf tree with an inflated caudex. The name of the genus is translated as "like a worm." This refers to the structure of the rhizome. Thickened smooth sprouts spread in all directions far from the point of growth. Nutrient-rich nodules often form on the rhizome. They can be eaten.

The shoots are covered with long-leaved regular foliage of bright green color. The leaflets are heart-shaped or rounded with radial veins on the surface. The edges of the leaves are entire, and the end is often elongated and pointed.

The first flowers appear in mid-July. Replacing each other, they delight the eye until frost. In its natural environment, Ipomoea blooms all year round. On young flexible shoots, in the axils of the leaves and at the ends of the sprouts, racemose inflorescences with large funnel-shaped flowers bloom. The diameter of the corolla reaches 12 cm. The buds open early in the morning, in clear weather. They roll up at night and on cloudy days. Petals can be white, red, pink or blue in color, be monophonic, two- or three-colored. Filiform stamens with large anthers and an ovary column peep out from the central tube.

Pollination occurs with the help of insects and wind. After that, large black seeds ripen in closed seed pods. They have a triangular shape and a rough surface.

Species diversity

The genus Ipomoea is considered the largest in the family. It includes more than 1000 plant species. More than half of them are used in landscape design. In addition to the main (specific) morning glory, there are breeding varieties. Almost all garden morning glory are perennials, but they do not respond well to the slightest cold snap, so they are grown in gardens as annuals.

Branched along the entire length of the vine with soft grassy shoots grows up to 3 m in length. It is covered with large broad oval foliage growing oppositely on long petioles. The leaves are colored dark green. Between them bloom funnel-shaped flowers of red, pink, blue and blue. The diameter of an open bud reaches 10 cm. Varieties:

  • Serenade - terry morning glory with dark red corrugated flowers with a diameter of 8 cm;
  • Pikoti - blooms blue and red semi-double flowers with a white border.

Flexible grassy shoots grow 3-6 m in length. They are covered with heart-shaped leaves and bloom large snow-white flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. The buds open at night or on cloudy days. They exude a strong fragrance.

The annual variety has an unusual foliage structure. Openwork dissected leaves make swirling reddish shoots more airy, like lace. Between the leaves, small tubular flowers bloom up to 2 cm in diameter. As they bloom, each bud turns from red to creamy white.

A large perennial vine, thanks to lateral processes, resembles a spreading bush with a diameter of up to 5 m. Flowering begins in a few years. On an adult plant, large (up to 10 cm) flowers bloom between oval bright green leaves. They are collected in groups of 3-4 buds. Varieties:

  • Sky blue - characterized by a bright blue color with thin purple streaks closer to the center;
  • Flying saucer - flowers up to 15 cm in diameter are covered with radial blue-white stripes.

A plant with flexible grassy shoots grows up to 5 m long. Large oblong tubers grow on its rhizome. Their nutritious flesh is purple. The mass of the tuber varies greatly and is 0.2-3 kg. Heart-shaped or palmate-lobed leaves grow along the entire length of the vine. In the axils are large flowers of pink, white or lilac color.

The variety looks very interesting. This ampelous morning glory grows green-purple leaves that are wedge-shaped or heart-shaped. The leaf length reaches 15 cm. Pink-purple funnel-shaped flowers form at the nodes.

A flexible annual plant with shoots 1-3 m long. The stems are covered with beautiful wrinkled foliage of bright green color. Three-lobed leaves grow on long soft petioles. In their axils in the middle of summer, small flowers of an unusual shape appear. A bud with a narrow tube does not open and looks like miniature bananas on the outside. The petals change color from red to orange to yellow.

Ipomoea reproduction

The easiest and most convenient way to propagate morning glory is seed. Since plants are grown as annuals in temperate climates, the seeds are first planted on seedlings. If sown in March, flowering will begin in mid-summer. Two days before sowing, they are soaked in warm (25-30 ° C), clean water. If the shell is not wrinkled, it is damaged with a file or a needle (scarified).

For planting, use a mixture of garden soil with expanded clay and peat. The soil is poured into shallow boxes or peat cups. The seeds are deepened by 1-1.5 cm. The soil is watered and the containers are covered with a film. The greenhouse is ventilated daily and sprayed on the ground. At a temperature of + 18 ... + 20 ° C, shoots appear after 2 weeks. Seedlings 15 cm long begin to tie up so that the vine stretches more. To get a lush bush at this age, you should pinch the top.

Perennial morning glory can be propagated by cuttings. To do this, shoots 15-20 cm long are cut in the spring. Each should contain 2-3 knots. The lower cut is made at a distance of 1.5 cm from the node, at an angle of 45 °. The bottom leaves are removed. Rooting is carried out in water at a temperature of + 20 ... + 25 ° C. With the advent of the first roots, the plants are transplanted into sandy-peat soil. After a week, they will fully adapt and begin to develop faster.

Landing and care

Garden varieties of morning glory are fast-growing and unpretentious. They can be planted outdoors or grown on a balcony in containers. Seedlings are moved to a flower bed in late May or early June. The soil should warm up well, and frosts should completely pass.

For the plant, you need to choose a sunny, open place without strong drafts. Gusts of wind can tear the vine off the support. The seedlings are distributed in shallow pits with a distance of about 20 cm. In order not to damage the roots, it is necessary to keep the old clod of earth or plant the plants together with peat pots.

Immediately after planting, a support is formed in the form of a trellis, twigs or fishing line. To make the vine branch better, pinch the top of the main shoot. The soil for planting morning glory should be loose and fertile. Suitable soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. If necessary, peat, sand and leafy humus are added to the ground.

Ipomoea loves moisture. It needs regular and plentiful watering. In the absence of natural precipitation, it is watered every other day. The surface of the soil should always be slightly damp, but stagnant water is unacceptable. From the beginning of September, watering is carried out less often, allowing the topsoil to dry out.

Twice a month, plants are fed with a universal mineral complex for flowering plants. It is better to choose compositions with low content nitrogen. Plants should be inspected periodically, dry and broken branches, as well as wilted inflorescences, should be cut off.

In autumn, the garden morning glory begins to dry. She will not be able to survive the frosty winter, so the vegetation is cut and destroyed, and the site is dug up. Ipomoea can overwinter on a warm balcony. To do this, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of about + 15 ... + 18 ° C and good lighting.

Ipomoea is distinguished by strong immunity. Only with prolonged flooding of the soil, dampness and low temperatures does a fungus appear. The main pests of the plant are spider mites and aphids. They settle on the leaves and drink all the juices. When small punctures and cobwebs appear along the edge of the leaf, it is necessary to carefully examine the entire plant and treat it with an insecticide (Aktellik, Aktara, Fitoverm).

Use in landscape design

Ipomoea is an excellent decoration for vertical surfaces. With its help, it is possible to mask problem areas, decorate the gazebo and create a screen from prying eyes. Some varieties are grown as ampelous plants, placing them on a balcony, veranda or terrace.

Ipomoea can be combined with wild grapes, ivy, hops, or other climbing plants. Liana can be safely let through tree trunks, fences and walls. It behaves non-aggressively and will not leave damage on surfaces.