Redemption of the bride in police style. Bride ransom: a cool script in the style of the traffic police. Curious facts about the bride and groom

Original and interesting ransom scenarios are quite common nowadays. After all, by and large, all that is needed for success in this business is a good legend into which you can link simple contests and fill them with symbolism. We offer you the idea of ​​a police-style bride price scenario, we are sure that you will like it.


All scenario variations come down to the following background: one of the newlyweds is accused of a comic crime. For example: the bride stole the groom's heart, so she is wanted by the police (and, in fact, by the groom). Or the reverse option: the bride and groom are accused of making a love drug and the groom is offered to hand over his beloved so that they can be placed together for life.

Contests, respectively, are built from the string that you voice to the groom. Moreover, the advantage of buying a bride in the style of the police is that the scenario is very flexible, and the same contests can be logically associated with any plot.

Contests and props

There are a lot of competitions you can come up with. Compilation of an identikit-puzzle from photographs, a description of the details of acquaintance, small details. A quiz on the parameters of the bride fits perfectly into this plot: shoe size, eye color, favorite group, favorite dress, etc.

Separately, it is worth mentioning "investigative experiments". Here you can reproduce moments from the past: “we met in a club - show how you danced”, “made an offer in front of witnesses, list everyone who was present”.

As props, you can enter a variety of items. The leader, of course, must be in shape. In the end, after successfully finding the bride, handcuffs can be used. If, according to the plot, the groom releases her, then he removes the handcuffs from her. If they are arrested, then on the contrary, they are symbolically chained together with these handcuffs.

The police-style bride price scenario is one of the most versatile and unusual options. We recommend it to you.

Every bride and groom want their wedding celebration to be unforgettable not only for them, but also for the guests. This can be done with the help of a joke police-style bride price, in which everyone present can be involved.

Paying for a future wife: a tradition or not?

Hidden in the Slavic rite of matchmaking. In times of strict moral rules, it was customary to send matchmakers for a kind of collusion, followed by betrothal and wedding rites.

In those days, such a ransom of the bride, as we know it now, did not exist. With our ancestors, everything was much more serious: the groom paid for the lady of the heart with real money or property.

From the side of the bride, there was also a material contribution to the financing of the future family. And he was called "dowry".

Over time, this tradition began to be forgotten. Morals became freer and the ransom of the bride was transformed into a comic ritual that amuses and entertains guests at the wedding. And the groom makes him work a little on solving all sorts of charades and take part in competitions and tests.

Features of the ritual

A little earlier, such a ransom would have been called « ransom of the bride in the style of the police. The script has largely remained unchanged since then, and the popularity of this captivating wedding spectacle has continued unabated. In order to make it as impressive as possible, use the appropriate attributes:

  • police uniform (male or female required);
  • stationery (folder, pen, notepad);
  • voice recorder, video camera;
  • police baton.

How can a police-style bride price be held? The ransom scenario consists of several scenes that you can diversify with contests at your discretion. But there is a prerequisite: first there is a meeting of the groom. And it can be played in different ways. In police-style bride price, the groom is always stopped by someone from the Love Police Service.

Reasons for stopping the groom may be as follows:

  • exceeding the speed of the car;
  • search for the bride and suspicion of kidnapping;
  • travel / passage through the prohibition sign, previously installed on the groom's path;
  • entry by wedding car into the speeding zone;
  • operation "interception".

The ransom of the bride in the style of police officers can be played not only by "cops", but also by "traffic police officers". The purpose of the stop is the lack of rights to family life. To get them, you need to pass several tests in the form of contests and sweepstakes. Throughout the ransom, the groom can be helped by his friends.

wedding planner

If possible, invite real policemen to play the role of actors. They have worked out manners of behavior and conversation with people, so the spectacle will look more real than comic. There are times when the groom does not immediately understand that he is being played and begins to get really worried and worried that he is delaying his wedding.

Elena Sokolova


The reason for the groom's stop

The wedding cortege is stopped by a police officer, in whose hand is a “vehicle speed detector”. The role of this device can be performed by a hair dryer. The policeman starts asking questions:

Why are we exceeding?

- Where we go?

It turns out that the groom is going to the bride, but has no rights to family life. If a police officer is presented with a real driver's license, he replies: “Everyone has such a license now. Where are your rights to family life?” And he offers to go to the "Police Department".

Contests for rights

Next to the makeshift department, a sale of "rights" was organized. But in order to receive them, the groom must pass various tests. The leitmotif of the competitions: we must understand why you are getting married and whether you are suitable for the role of a husband.

"Eliminating competitors"

There are several options.

1st option

The groom is brought to the wall, on which several targets for throwing darts are fixed. There are two photos on each target: one of the bride, the second of some wealthy and famous person. The groom must throw darts and hit the "competitors". If he accidentally hits a bride, he pays a fine.

2nd option

The groom is brought to the wall, on which there is one target. Nearby is a dart vendor. Each sector of the target is paper and signed on the reverse side. The inscriptions tell the reason why the groom is getting married. There are different options:

  • ran out of clean socks;
  • I want cutlets and borscht;
  • it happened;
  • friends advised, etc.

In the central part of the target there is a circle, on the reverse side of which is written: because I love. The groom must fall into this circle. For each dart, you need to pay a ransom in the form of a banknote.

"Body check"

Since no right is given without a certificate of passing a medical commission, the groom will have to undergo a medical examination in the "nurse's office".

"For sobriety and coordination"

The nurse invites the groom to walk along a path of footprints drawn on sheets of paper that can lie on the ground and be glued to the wall. In the latter case, the groom's friends help him hit the trail with his foot, lifting his comrade in their arms.


The groom is offered to blow into the pipe. Her role can be a children's pipe, a bugle or a real musical instrument.

"On the strength of the vocal cords"

In this test, the groom must shout as loudly as possible that he loves his bride. And screams until she looks out of the window or balcony.

"Stress Resilience"

The nurse notes the time and invites the groom to name 10 affectionate names of his wife in 10 seconds. Help from friends is allowed. The groom can also ask for "help from the hall".

Upon completion of all tests, the nurse issues a certificate to the groom with the diagnosis: “In love”.

"Exams passage"

The groom must pass two exams: on the knowledge of important numbers and dates and on the rules of family life.

1st exam: knowledge of significant dates for newlyweds

The exam can be done in two ways. In the first, the groom is brought to the wall, on which sheets of paper with numbers are fixed. The groom must guess what each of the dates means, what event it refers to. For each wrong answer there is a penalty. In guessing the dates, the groom can help friends. The exam ends after all dates have been guessed.

In the second option - on the contrary. The facilitator asks the groom questions, and he must accurately indicate the date that corresponds to the answer. Question options:

  • the waist of the bride;
  • mother-in-law's birthday;
  • how much does his young wife weigh in grams;
  • how many guests are invited to the wedding;
  • bride's height in millimeters;
  • how many seconds have passed since the day we met.

2nd exam: "road" signs of family life

The ransom organizer attaches several signs to the wall, which use the symbols of ordinary road signs. But there is a completely different meaning. Sign options:

  • crossed out turn to the left - should not "go left";
  • drawn spoon with a fork - should wash the dishes;
  • running children - strive to have children and create a large family.

"Wrap the Baby"

The groom is invited to show his skill in swaddling babies. The role of the child is a witness or a friend of the groom. After swaddling, the "baby" needs to be given a pacifier, bottle-fed and rocked.

This test can be complicated: offer to put the "child" on an impromptu changing table and then swaddle him. You can also suggest putting an adult diaper on the “baby”.

Assignment of rights to family life

After completing all the tests and exams, the presenter reports that the newlywed is ready for the start of family life and he can be given the appropriate rights. But to get them you need a photo of the groom. To this end, he is invited to the "photo studio" for a photo shoot.

And he gives the groom a photo taken in advance in Photoshop, on which the groom's face with some additions: donkey ears, thick cheeks, a long beard.

When the groom refuses to take such a photo, he pays for the next one. And so several times in a row. Having chosen the photo he likes, he passes it to the “police officer”. Next comes the process of registration of rights and their solemn presentation.

Guidelines for Preparing a Submission

It is necessary to warn the witness about the upcoming ransom and agree with him all the details of this action. Money will be needed to pay the fines, and the witness must prepare a sufficient number of banknotes in advance.

The bride will also need help. She must inform the organizer of significant dates for the newlyweds, provide photographs of the groom, give his shoes in order to make prints of footprints. The bride must be warned that the groom will scream her name and confess his love. And he will do this until she appears in a place convenient for this competition: in a window, on a balcony, on a terrace.

Useful video: an example of conducting

In this video, a police-style bride ransom is filmed from beginning to end. The video script can serve as the basis for creating your own script to act out at the wedding. And you can make a more original version: the ransom of the bride in the style of the police in verse!

As a rule, the ransom attracts the attention of children and passers-by. A crowd gathers around the characters and there is noise. The leader has to speak very loudly, or even shout, in order to be heard. Especially a lot of trouble is caused by children who begin to beg for money, run around, and make noise.

The problem can be solved in two ways:

  • use a megaphone (which is not always convenient);
  • instruct 2-3 guests to keep order and take away overly active children.

The ransom of the bride is always an interesting and cheerful performance. But no less exciting and, especially if it is a police-style bride ransom. The video of this wedding performance will remind the spouses of one of the happiest and most interesting days in their life together.

If one of the newlyweds is in law enforcement or loves action movies, or you just want to make it extra special, then a police-style ransom scenario is for you.

A little preparation

Before starting an action, you need to stick a police orientation for the bride and groom near the entrance. Previously, lovers need to be photographed on a white background, lined with black stripes with growth marks, as is done when detaining criminals. They must keep a sign with the date of the wedding in front of them. Orientation text can be made something like this: “Attention! Wanted especially dangerous criminals (hereinafter we indicate their names) for the production, use and distribution of the most powerful drug that clouds the mind, pushes people to crazy deeds and turns life upside down. The DEA urges anyone with information on the whereabouts of these individuals to report it to us immediately."

When the groom arrives at the house, he is met by witnesses in police caps. Caps can be rented, bought at any fancy dress store, or asked from friends who serve in law enforcement.

In the same way, you can get handcuffs.

You have the right to love!

The witness addresses the groom by his last name, first name and patronymic and says to him: “ You are arrested for the production, use and distribution of drugs. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be used against you in court. You have the right to a lawyer. But even without it, I can tell you that you and your partner are guaranteed life sentences for your crime. You can make a deal with us and give us your accomplice. In this case, we promise to make your joint conclusion as pleasant as possible. Do you agree to cooperate with the investigation?

History of the crime - in evidence

The groom agrees, and after that his first task begins. The main advantage of this particular scenario is that the test of the groom is built on memories about the bright moments in the history of his relationship with the bride. This will make the redemption process more touching, romantic and enjoyable than traditional tasks. The witness says: “Since you agreed to cooperate with the investigation, you must tell us details of your crime. We have evidence of the crime, but you must explain to us all its details.” She opens a large box labeled "Case No. (in the room we put the date of either the wedding or the acquaintance). Evidence". The box can be taken the simplest, no frills. It can be like a cardboard box from under the TV or microwave oven, and a packing box from any nearest store.

In it, in advance, you need to add items that are associated with memorable things for the newlyweds and are associated with bright moments in the relationship of the couple.

For example, these could be the following items:

  1. If they fell in love with each other at school, it could be some kind of note or notebook from those times.
  2. If they were walking on one of their dates in the rain, it could be an umbrella.
  3. If he brings her breakfast in bed, it might be a coffee cup.

And so on - we choose any cute options that are close and understandable to both newlyweds.
The witness must take these things out of the box in turn in the chronological sequence of events with which they are associated. The groom must explain the meaning of these things and thus tell the story of his relationship with the bride. If he does not know the meaning of any thing, he will have to pay a fine for obstructing the investigation.

The point on the map where love hides

After that, the witness says: “We found out the details of your crime, now we you need to find out where your accomplice is hiding". A map of the world, country, region or city is laid out in front of the groom (at the discretion of the witnesses), and a small heart cut out of paper is given in his hands. Then they blindfold him, spin him in different directions, and after that, with his eyes closed, he must place the heart on the place on the map where his beloved is supposedly located. The further the heart is from its real location, the greater the fine he will have to pay for perjury.

Uncovering the technology of love production

The next stage of testing is way to the apartment. The witness says: “Now tell us the production technology of your drug. As far as we know, it uses components true love. Explain to us their content and principle of operation. At every step taken towards the apartment (or on every step), the groom must name something for which he loves his chosen one. If he has nothing to say, he will have to give the police a bribe so that they miss these details of the case.

Finding out the motives of criminals

When everyone comes to the door of the apartment, the witness says: “Now we need to find out the motives that guided you in committing your crime.” There is a dart hanging on the door to the apartment, which the groom needs to hit with a dart. Darts fields are marked with inscriptions:

  1. Run out of clean socks.
  2. I want borscht and meatballs.
  3. Mother-in-law forces.
  4. Just.
  5. I want to be in a nice suit.
  6. Trying is not torture.
  7. By calculation.
  8. Foolishly.
  9. They took it to "weak".
  10. By love.

We carry out an examination

In the next test, the groom needs to identify his "accomplice" by handprint.

The witness shows him the following prints in turn:

  1. Paws of a cat, dog, parrot, toad and other animals.
  2. Hands with very thick fingers.
  3. Hands with incredibly long and thin fingers.

You can also use imprints of any fictional characters, such as:

  1. Snowman.
  2. The Dragon.
  3. Alien.
  4. Any other creatures, on the prints of which there is only enough imagination.

After all these images, the witness shows the handprint of the bride. After the groom guesses, you can say: “It was this hand that she gave you along with her heart.” All prints can be drawn with a black felt-tip pen or paints.

And again about technology: depicting love

The next test - guests must play show with the groom. The witness says: “Now we need to find out what kind of drug you and your partner were producing. Now we will show you its action, and you will say what it is called. All those present must at the same time, each in their own way, portray love.:

The main essence of this action is to create complete chaos on the landing, and it was difficult to understand: whether everyone is really depicting love, or just gone crazy.

Infiltrating the hideout of criminals

After the groom called "Love", the witness offers him the following test: "During the investigation, we found out that go to a secret hideout where your accomplice is hiding is not so simple. Not every person can do this. But since you have been here many times, it will not be difficult for you. Only you can open this door by choosing the right key to do so." She shows her fiance several keys frozen in ice cubes and lying on a tray. You can, of course, put them in a box, but the cubes can melt ahead of time and delaminate its bottom. The groom must choose among these keys the one that fits the lock of the apartment. Then he needs to melt the ice with his hands and open the door. If he chose the wrong key, he would have to pay a fine for obstructing the investigation and giving false evidence.

So where is our accomplice?

When the door opens and everyone goes inside, the witness says to the groom: “Show me your accomplice. That's her? And this? And this? and at the same time points to different people present in the apartment. And when they finally find the bride, the witness addresses her by her last name, first name and patronymic and says: “ You are under arrest for manufacturing, taking and distributing the world's most powerful drug - love.. Your accomplice confessed to everything and handed you over to us. You have the right to a lawyer, but he will not help you in any way. Because now you are doomed to a life sentence. It means endless hours of pleasure, joy, care and bliss in the company of your accomplice. You have the right to kiss him and do so until the end of your imprisonment.”

A happy ending

The witness chains the bride and groom to each other with handcuffs. Romantic music is turned on (preferably one of the songs that are associated with their relationship - for example, they danced to it on a first date). The couple kisses, everyone applauds. So, in order to beat the bride price in the style of the police, you need to apply as much as possible to the tasks police terminology and style. But at the same time, it is quite possible to make the redemption process not only fun, but also sweet and romantic in some moments. The main thing at the same time is not to forget to use some touching memories, things associated with them. If possible, this process can be organized theme songs, which will illustrate and enliven the action even more. Prop costs can be kept to a minimum., since this version of the script is focused not so much on the pomposity of the ransom, but on its emotionality, dynamism and originality. As an option - another alternative ending of the ransom of the bride in the style of the police in the form of "reading the guilty verdict" to the groom. Watch the video:

This thematic scenario well suited for people in any way connected with the tax office.

This thematic scenario is well suited for people in any way connected with the tax office.

Meets a witness:

Hello dear guests!
Hello and you (groom's name)! Why are you so dressy? Have you thought about getting married? Have you already chosen your bride? We decided not to test you, since you have already made your choice. Let's just pay us a ransom, and we'll take your betrothed for it.

(groom pays ransom)

Well, according to tradition, let's wash this deal successfully!
(Verka Serduchka enters)

Verka Serdiuchka (with Ukrainian accent):
And where is my fiancé? I agree to all terms! (referring to the groom) Get me married soon!

(throws on the neck, the groom, he refuses)

How is it not? I marvel at you! I beat you so many times in my sleep! In the NE, while I was riding, I was only thinking about you! ….

Do you want me to cook borscht for you?! Or dumplings? Gorilki vmazhem with you! And then …. (looks meaningfully at the groom).
Yes, just look at me, what a garna girl I am! (points to the bust).
I've been married 10 times already! (whispers) Nobody has complained yet!

(groom disagrees)

Ah well! ( indignantly) you will not see my beauty as your ears! No discounts on train tickets! You will walk everywhere! And I'll choose a boy from foreign tourists!!! And I'll sue you for moral damages!

(the witness offers the groom and guests to pay off the obsessive "bride" with vodka and money, Serduchka gets angry, but from time to time inserts phrases like "Pay in green! I still want a valuable gift!" etc.)

So tell us, what kind of bride do you want? What girl are you dreaming about?

(groom lists virtues)

There is one, but it costs more!

(groom pays)

You can't get away with money and gifts here! Feelings are needed here! Sing a song about love, and if you like your serenade, the bride will come to you herself!

(groom sings)

("emerges" Elena the Beautiful)

Elena the beautiful:
Who sings so wonderful?! What kind of nightingale is flooded? Where is this falcon? I want my betrothed to sing to me from morning to evening!!! Whose wife am I destined to be?

(approaches all the guests in turn, affectionately taking the young people by the hand and looking into their eyes)

(the groom again does not agree, pays off the "bride", offering financial assistance for the purchase of a music center and CDs, for example, "Sokolik-Detsel")

What, however, you capricious! We have NZ! The girl is not only beautiful, but also smart!

(Vassilisa the Wise comes out, in a kokoshnik, glasses, with a book under her arm)

Vasilisa the Wise:
I returned yesterday from a business trip. The Tsar-father sent. He is our part-time tax inspectorate manages. I flew on a magic carpet to the thirtieth kingdom, to the far away state for refresher courses. Learned a lot of new and interesting things! But, unfortunately, not everything is clear to me. I see you are very smart! Answer me this question:

What is a TIN?
- What is your TIN? There is no such TIN!!! Pay me a tax for ignorance!
- Here's a smart book for you, sit down and read!

(holds out to the groom, but in last minute takes back)

What are you?! ( resenting) She's worth 300 bucks!
Plus VAT! Plus 5% sales tax.

(gives book back)

I wanted to marry you, and since you don’t know your TIN, you are unreliable! I'll go to the Academy of Civil Service to look for a fiance!

We liked you very much (groom's name) that he is faithful to his betrothed, you do not stare at other beauties. Okay, take the keys to the apartment where (name of the bride) lives!

Your last task:
Shout the phrase: "I love you" so that it can be heard through the closed doors!

(the groom is given the key).

A police-style ransom scenario can take several forms. It all depends on who plays the role of the police - the groom's friends, bridesmaids, or the groom is trying to bail out the bride on bail from strict guardians of the law.


For redemption, you always need a lot of related items. At a minimum, balloons and posters to decorate the entrance and porch, and nothing to say about props for competitions. For the first ransom option, you will need the following set of items: a gun that shoots suckers, pictures printed on photographic paper (so that the suckers from the gun stick). One picture should be of the bride, the other of the male celebrities. A radio-controlled typewriter, pens, drawing paper, a marker, a sheet of questions for the groom - the so-called dossier of the bride. Questions from the series: eye color, height in millimeters, foot size, heel height, etc. In addition, you will need a printed and cut photo of the couple - for the puzzle. Before the photo is cut into pieces, a plan is drawn on the back of the photo, according to which it will be necessary to find the key to the handcuffs. The puzzle is paired with adhesive tape so that you can fix the pieces and turn it over.

For those who play the role of policemen, you need to get a cap, a baton and handcuffs. From full form it is better to refuse, in order to avoid incidents and questions from real police officers and just vigilant citizens. The bride needs to be handcuffed, preferably fake ones.

Buyout Scenario - Part One

This scenario assumes that the groom wants to get the bride out of the precinct. At the same time, she is accused of stealing the heart of the groom, who is the victim. However, he wants to withdraw his application, and file a completely different one!

Guests are greeted by bridesmaids, representing law enforcement officers. The groom appears, accompanied by policemen, and an explanation takes place:

Friends of the groom: We have a victim here, he wants to withdraw his statement about the kidnapping of the heart ...

Girlfriends: What, there was no crime?

Groom: The heart is stolen, but another statement must be given a go, in another place!

Girlfriends: Young man, we don’t have a market here - I wanted it, I returned it, I wanted it, I took it! Everything must be according to the law!

Groom: Everything will be according to the law!

Girlfriends: Okay, but you understand that you provided yourself with bureaucratic moments?

Groom: I'm ready for anything!

Girlfriends: Okay. Then we'll start by compiling a dossier on the suspect. Keep in mind who you describe in the dossier, you will get it!

The groom is given a printed form, where he must enter the data. After that, the girlfriends read out the completed dossier. According to the dossier, he is offered to make an identikit.

Girlfriends: Well, it's all clear, get your suspect

A girl is taken out of the entrance, matching the description, but not the bride. The groom disowns the proposed lady, the competition continues. Next is the turn of the examination of the groom himself.

Girlfriends: Now you need to check how ready you are for such a responsible event. Here is a form to fill out.

The questionnaire may contain funny encrypted questions. For example: How often will you agree to WMMP (taking out the trash and washing dishes). How often can you satisfy a suspect in a shopping mall? What will be the monthly payments to the suspect's support fund?

Girlfriends, having checked and read out the questionnaire: Well, everything is clear. Here is your certificate of professional suitability, it is already possible to negotiate something with it. Dear, how are you driving? Are there rights? What about responsibilities? Now let's check. The key to the temporary isolation room is in the car, you need to guide the car through the obstacle course so that the key is not lost!

The groom is given a car on the control panel, the groom's friends are lined up so that a maze of legs is obtained. Friends help with advice. After receiving the key to the entrance, the whole company continues to redeem the bride already inside.

If desired, the machine can be replaced with a helicopter on the remote control, but it is better to control it inside the entrance, since a small device can easily be blown away by the wind.

The ransom continues - part two

Girlfriends: Do you understand that your suspect is completely safe in our detention center? And none of your competitors will be able to get close to her, whose hearts she stole and broke (but this is not certain)

The groom assures that he is reliable, like a Swiss bank, which is guarded by the Terminator.

Girlfriends: You'll have to prove what you're capable of.

A printout of photos of the bride and celebrities is attached to the wall in the entrance, and the groom is given a pneumatic pistol. He must hit the competitors, and not get into the photo of the bride.

If desired, the gun with suction cups can be replaced with darts and a dart board, or you can combine both options. This can be argued by the fact that the groom must be able to handle any weapon.

Girlfriends: Yes, now it’s clear why she coveted your heart. Get used to getting the best! Now the last test, for ingenuity. Here is a puzzle, with the image of your beloved, you need to collect it. The puzzle will hide the information where the key to the handcuffs is hidden. Timed task!

A puzzle and scotch tape are issued, the groom must collect the photo in a minute, glue it with scotch tape, and use the map on the back to find the key and free the bride.

Video materials for clarity