Wintergreen herb - medicinal properties and contraindications. Wintergreen rotundifolia: use, contraindications, reviews Wintergreen roundifolia use in gynecology

Wintergreen is a perennial herb whose flowers resemble those of lily of the valley. It is widely used in alternative medicine. Herbalists highlight its anti-inflammatory, diuretic, hemostatic and sedative qualities. Wintergreen has found great use in the treatment of female diseases.

Healing characteristics

The plant has wide range healing characteristics. However great application The plant was found in gynecology. It contains many biologically active elements. The grass is saturated with iridoids, tannins, polycyclic organic acids and alcohols. The plant contains ascorbic acid and a great variety of minerals.

The plant also contains phenols and essential oils. A large amount of medicinal substances makes the plant medicinal.

The benefits of the medicinal plant are its following qualities:

  • Accelerates the process of tissue restoration.
  • Has an antimicrobial effect.
  • Eliminates heat.
  • Has a diuretic effect.
  • Relieves the inflammatory process.
  • Prevents swelling.
  • Eliminates spasms.
  • Normalizes metabolism.

Use in gynecology

Meadow lily of the valley has healing elements that can stabilize the functioning of the reproductive system and prevent the occurrence of cancer diseases. Experts say that 5 substances found in this medicinal plant are very useful for the weaker sex:

  1. Tannins and mucous substances. Helps cope with inflammation, prevent bleeding and remove toxins from the body.
  2. Plant polyphenols. They stimulate the body to resist microbes and viruses, reduce the signs of menopause, reduce pain syndrome during menstruation.
  3. Polycyclic organic acids and alcohols. Helps cope with different types infections.
  4. Organic resins. They have anti-inflammatory properties, cleanse the body of germs and relieve spasms and pain.
  5. Glycosides effectively fight inflammation in the urinary system.

For these capabilities, wintergreen is also called a herb for women. Doctors advise using its healing qualities for any abnormalities of the reproductive system.

Restrictions on use

Despite the significant list of healing properties, there are some restrictions on the use of the plant. Eating wintergreen can cause a drop in blood pressure, so people suffering from low blood pressure should take the drug with great caution.

Since the plant has the ability to stop bleeding, the restrictions for its use are:

  • Rapid blood clotting.
  • The presence of blood clots in the vessels.

Wintergreen should not be used by pregnant women or people who have a specific intolerance to the herb.

Use in alternative medicine

There are recipes for preparing universal remedies from this healing plant. They are used for effective prevention of diseases of the urinary system.

  1. Explosion. To prepare this remedy, you need to stock up on wintergreen seeds or its rhizomes. Take this infusion 2 tablespoons, 4 times a day and only after meals. 15 grams of herb are poured into 180 g of boiling water and the container is placed in a water bath for half an hour. After this, the broth is filtered.
  2. Tincture on water. To prepare the tincture, take both fresh and dried plants. You will need a mixture of inflorescences and foliage of the plant. Drink 1/3 cup of the tincture three times a day. However, a specialist may prescribe a different dosage regimen.
    2 spoons of the plant are diluted with a cup of boiling water and left for a quarter of an hour in a water bath. Then leave the composition for 60 minutes. The tincture must be cleaned and taken according to the indicated scheme.
  3. Alcohol tincture. To prepare an alcohol infusion you will need wintergreen leaves and inflorescences, but it is better to use dry raw materials. Take the infusion within 20 minutes. before meals, 30 drops. Before use, the product must be diluted with boiled, cooled water. Recipe 2. Place 50 grams of dry herb in a container and add a bottle of alcohol. The container is sealed and the composition is left for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place. The tincture must be stirred regularly. Then the composition is purified and taken orally.

The use of the plant in the treatment of female and male diseases

Therapy with this medicinal herb has a positive effect on various gynecological abnormalities. But you need to start it only after visiting a specialist and determining the appropriate dose. In addition to traditional recipes used for preventive measures, there are remedies that are used to cure serious abnormalities.

For infertility
The plant does not contain hormones, which is why it cannot directly affect ovulation or the maturation of eggs in a woman’s body. But wintergreen will be useful for infertility, which is caused by obstruction of the fallopian tubes or infection in the reproductive system. It is recommended to use the tincture in water. Drink it 1/3 cup three times a day before meals. The duration of therapy is determined by a specialist. It usually lasts 3 weeks.

Recipe: a spoonful of dried plant is diluted with a cup of boiling water. The vessel is placed in a water bath and simmered for 45 minutes. The mixture is then filtered and topped up with cool water to obtain a full mug.

Mammary cancer
The plant helps in the fight against various tumors, in particular breast cancer. But such therapy is possible only under the supervision of a specialist; it is forbidden to exclude traditional treatment, because positive result is possible only by combining all the techniques in the fight against oncology. Drink ¼ cup three times a day, best before meals. The duration of treatment is 1-3 months.

Recipe: 4 tablespoons of finely chopped herbs pour 0.5 l hot water. The container is tightly sealed and allowed to brew for 2 hours. Then the composition is cleaned and drunk according to the indicated scheme.

For endometriosis
The medicinal plant will help with endometriosis and adenomyosis, as it fights inflammation. To increase the healing effect, it is recommended to use a mixture made from several medicinal plants. The resulting infusion is drunk three times a day, 30 drops each, for 1-2 months. Then they pause for 2 weeks and continue treatment again.

Recipe: Take three medicinal herbs in equal proportions: 2 tablespoons of meadow lily of the valley, boron uterus and wintergreen, mix well. 50 grams of the resulting composition is poured with a bottle of alcohol. The product is left for 14 days, stirring regularly. Then filtered.

From a cyst on the ovaries
Every change in the functioning of the testes is a signal and a good reason to visit a specialist. However, it must be remembered that only those brushes that can dissolve can be treated with unconventional techniques or medications.

For normal functioning of the testis, it is recommended to use the tincture in water. Drink the broth three times a day, 50 g.

Recipe: 12 spoons medicinal herb diluted with a liter of boiling water. The vessel is put under a blanket and allowed to brew for 3 hours. Then the infusion is filtered and consumed internally.

When the uterus moves downwards
To cure this ailment and strengthen muscle tissue, it is recommended to take a tincture prepared from medicinal plants. Drink the infusion for 2 months, 1/3 of a cup three times a day.

To prepare the medicinal mixture you need to take: 3 spoons of wintergreen and St. John's wort, 2 spoons of oregano, royal cloves and coltsfoot. The collection is mixed well. A spoonful of the mixture is ground into powder and diluted with a cup of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes. and filtered.

In case of inflammation in the testes and fallopian tubes
Place 40 grams of the plant in a container and pour a glass of alcohol. The mixture is stirred regularly and allowed to stand for three weeks. Then the infusion is cleaned and taken orally according to the indicated scheme. They drink it three times a day, a small spoon.

For the treatment of prostate adenoma
The medicinal plant will help cope with inflammation in the prostate gland. For the treatment of prostatitis, it is necessary to consume an infusion of wintergreen, 50 g twice a day. The duration of treatment is one month.

Add a spoonful of raw materials to boiling water (250 ml). Then the container is closed and allowed to brew for 4 hours. After this, the composition is filtered.

The healing qualities of the plant are widely used in Tibet. Infusions, infusions, and balms are used to treat serious abnormalities such as bone tuberculosis and osteomyelitis. In many cases, therapy is effective.

The plant world is not only food, beauty, clean air, but also a natural pharmacy. Quantity medicinal plants huge. Many of them are used in both folk and official medicine.

Wintergreen roundifolia (wild frankincense) is a perennial plant, a close relative of heather. Habitat: Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia, Siberia. The herb gets its name from the resemblance of its flowers to pear flowers.

Wintergreen in medicine

Why is this herb valued in medicine? The plant is rich in such biologically active substances as:

  • flavonoids;
  • rhodotoxin;
  • arbutin and various phenols, quinones;
  • tannins and mucous substances;
  • organic acids and resins;
  • microelements.

These chemical compounds give wintergreen the following properties:

  • bactericidal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory;
  • antihistamine effect;
  • diuretic effect;
  • astringent and hemostatic effect;
  • detoxifying effect;
  • there are references to the antitumor qualities of the plant;
  • has a calming effect on nervous system.

These qualities make it possible to use wintergreen infusions and decoctions in gynecology.

For what diseases can wintergreen be used?

In gynecological practice, the plant is used for the following diseases:

  • infertility of unknown origin;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • inflammatory diseases – colpitis, vaginitis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • uterine prolapse;
  • postpartum bleeding.

Uses of wintergreen

Various medicines are prepared from herbs. But most often, decoctions or tinctures are used.

Remember! Application of any medicines or plants must be agreed with your doctor.

Wintergreen round-leaved. Contraindications

There are no medicines without contraindications for use and herbs are no exception.

Wintergreen is not used for the following conditions:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • varicose veins;
  • the presence of blood clots;
  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • increased hemoglobin level;
  • increased blood clotting (thickness)

Any illnesses should be reported to your doctor. If the potential benefits of using wintergreen are greater than the harm, then you should discuss with your doctor the use of additional medications that neutralize side effects from the grass. An overdose of wintergreen can lead to blood in the urine. Treatment consists of discontinuing the drug and consulting with your doctor.

There were no side effects from wintergreen. But if new alarming symptoms appear during treatment, it is better to stop taking the drug.

Wintergreen rotundifolia - patient reviews

There are very few reviews online about wild incense treatment. Or rather, there are more than enough opinions and thoughts, but there are no reliable reviews that an infusion or decoction of wintergreen helped to get pregnant or completely cured infertility.

Women are prescribed various medications to treat infertility. And herbal decoctions are usually taken in combination with other medications, and not on their own. Therefore, it is difficult to say for sure whether wintergreen helps with infertility or not.

It is important to understand that treatment with herbal medicine is quite long - from 3 months to six months. Most often, it makes sense not to experiment on yourself, taking herbs according to grandmother’s advice, but to trust your doctor. Moreover, modern medicines can completely cure inflammatory diseases in 7–10 days. And infertility requires integrated approach and more radical methods than herbal medicine.

The use of any medications requires responsibility. And it is carried by the doctor who prescribed the treatment, and not by a friend, grandmother or pharmacist at the pharmacy or reviews on the Internet. Be healthy and make the right decision!

Among the huge number of medicinal plants donated by nature, the medicinal herb round-leaved wintergreen, or small wintergreen, is known, which is highly valued by herbalists. The herb is called differently: wild incense, living grass.

Among the huge number of medicinal plants donated by nature, the medicinal herb wintergreen rotundifolia is known

Small wintergreen loves moist soil. And therefore it can be found in mixed forests and meadows, among blueberries and lingonberries. In Russia, the plant can be found in the Urals, Far East or Siberia.

In official medicine, it is used only in dentistry, and in homeopathy and herbal medicine it is widely used as part of dietary supplements and herbal teas. Wild frankincense can be found in many oral care products. It has a detrimental effect on the bacteria that settle in it.

The medicinal plant is useful for the following properties:

  • diuretic;
  • sweatshop;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • astringent.

Patients are interested in how wintergreen is used, its medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of the herb. Chinese and Tibetan doctors have recognized wintergreen as a natural antibiotic and use it to treat liver disease, bone diseases and fever. The essential oil that the plant is rich in is used by the Chinese in medicinal ointments for sore joints.

Gallery: wintergreen (25 photos)

How is wintergreen used?

The plant is used in gynecology and urology. Live herbs treat infertility, in particular ovarian dysfunction, disruption of the ovulation process, failures menstrual cycle, obstruction of the fallopian tubes. The plant helps with inflammation of the appendages, colpitis, vaginitis, uterine prolapse, bleeding after childbirth, and genital infections. It helps men with prostatitis and adenoma prostate gland, returns masculine strength.

The herb is also used in endocrinology. Wintergreen rotundifolia is used for diabetes mellitus, as it lowers blood glucose levels. The plant eliminates skin problems (boils, ulcers), heals bones and joints.

Since wintergreen promotes profuse urination, a significant amount of salts have been observed in urine when taken. Salt deposits are cleansed, which improves the condition of the joints and reduces gout.

Diseases internal organs are treated with this healing herb. A decoction of the medicinal plant wintergreen is useful when the disease takes chronic form. It alleviates the condition of a person with kidney diseases, Bladder, inflammation gastrointestinal tract. The plant contains mucus, which, once in the body, envelops the entire mucous membrane of the digestive tract, thereby reducing inflammation.

The plant is used in gynecology and urology

Diseases of the mouth and throat can be treated with this herb. It is useful to rinse the mouth and throat with an infusion of leaves. bacterial infection. Using this solution helps get rid of unpleasant odor from mouth.

Wintergreen rotundifolia and its beneficial properties (video)

Contraindications to the use of the plant

  • Contraindications include increased blood clotting and a tendency to vascular diseases (varicose veins, blood clots, etc.).
  • Considering that the plant has a pronounced diuretic effect, hypotensive patients should not use it, as the decoction lowers blood pressure.
  • Carry out treatment when increased hemoglobin contraindicated.
  • Breastfeeding and pregnant women are also contraindicated to be treated with this drug.

Remember that herbs, like medications, can cause serious harm to the body, so before starting treatment, familiarize yourself with possible side effects in order to prevent complications in time.

Typically, the herbal preparation is well tolerated by the body, but uncontrolled use can lead to an overdose and the appearance of blood during urination. In this case, treatment should be stopped and consult a doctor.

How is round-leaved wintergreen prepared, what is its use in folk medicine, interests many. The most suitable period for collecting is summer; the plant actively blooms at this time. IN medicinal purposes you need to collect the above-ground part. Dry the grass in a room where there are drafts and no direct sunlight. Lay out the leaves in one layer.

Wintergreen rotundifolia (video)

Recipes for preparing folk remedies

There are no complicated recipes for preparing medicines from wintergreen. A decoction or alcohol tincture is prepared according to the classic recipe. You can use either fresh or dried leaves of the plant.

The decoction is prepared as follows: pour 10 g of medicinal herb with a glass of boiling water, you can infuse it in a thermos or simply wrap it in a towel. After 2 hours, strain. You should consume 2 tbsp. spoons. Three times a day will be enough.

For alcohol tincture you need 70% alcohol or vodka. 4 tbsp. l. wintergreens pour 0.5 liters of alcohol. Keep in a dark place for 1 month, shaking the container periodically. Take the prepared and strained tincture 20-30 drops 3 times a day.

For infertility, as well as to relieve inflammation in the pelvis, douching is done. In the morning and evening, douching should be done with the following solution: brew 1 des. l. medicinal herbs 1 liter of boiled water. Leave for 2 hours and strain through several layers of gauze.
For infertility, you should take the decoction 3 times a day, 2 large sips before meals. You can take a tincture instead of a decoction.

Treatment folk remedies requires patience, as their effect on the body occurs gradually. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the body, body weight, age, lifestyle and other factors.

There are no special complicated recipes for preparing medicines from wintergreen. A decoction or alcohol tincture is prepared according to the classic recipe

Indians living in North America used wintergreen to make drinks. They noticed its healing properties. And in Ancient Rus' people made wine from the plant, brewed the leaves and consumed them as tea.

The flowers of the plant are very similar in shape to pear flowers, but their size is quite small. That is why the grass was nicknamed wintergreen.

To prepare a drink based on wintergreen you will need:

  • wintergreen (plant leaves);
  • cranberry;
  • cowberry;
  • Red Ribes.

Boil like a compote, cool and consume chilled. The drink is considered a tonic, so you should drink it in small portions.

In the pine forest you can find entire lawns of amazingly slender flowers, which at a quick glance are very reminiscent of lilies of the valley. But as you get closer, you notice striking differences, one of which is the absence of lily of the valley aroma. If you come across such a plant, then be sure that this is one of the medicinal herbs, called wintergreen, and popularly often called meadow lily of the valley. The medicinal properties of wintergreen are in demand in the treatment of ailments. genitourinary system and skin diseases, but we should not forget that there are also contraindications for wintergreen.

Botanical description

The herbaceous perennial is distinguished by delicate miniature inflorescences and bright, juicy greenery. This plant can be found among meadows and clearings. But most of all he “likes” pine or spruce forests. Due to its sophistication, this delicate plant enjoys a special favor among designers. Wintergreen is often an indispensable plant component of alpine slides, rock gardens, and even complements rose gardens. And this is not surprising, because the plant really has a special beauty.

  • Stem. A bare, erect shoot can reach 15-30 cm. It has a light green, smooth surface with brownish-brown streaks.
  • Leaves. The petiolate leaves have a bright, juicy green color. They are collected at the bottom of the stem in a rosette. For the round shape of the leaves, the crop was nicknamed round-leaved wintergreen.
  • Flowers.
  • They bloom at the top of the stem. The flowers are racemose inflorescences drooping downwards. One stem can have 10-15 corollas. The inflorescences are a bit reminiscent of pear flowers. That's why the plant got the name wintergreen. The color of the flowers can range from pure white to bright pink.
  • Fruit. They appear in August. In place of the flowers, spherical boxes are formed, slightly flattened. Each capsule contains many small seeds.

Root. It nourishes the plant. Wintergreen's rhizome is long and creeping.

Wintergreen is collected in places far from industrial zones and roads. The grass is then dried away from sunlight, but with good air circulation. Dry raw materials can be stored for one year. If you don’t want to collect wintergreen yourself, you can use pharmaceutical herbs.

Medicinal properties of wintergreen The herb has a wide spectrum useful properties . But the most popular use of wintergreen roundifolia is in gynecology. Wintergreen contains many biologically active components. The plant is rich in iridoids, tannins, and triterpenoids. The herb contains ascorbic acid and a large amount of minerals. Meadow lily of the valley contains phenols and essential oils. It is the many beneficial substances that give the wintergreen herb healing properties . Benefit medicinal herb

  • consists in the following properties:
  • accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • reduces high temperature;
  • provides a diuretic effect;
  • suppresses inflammation;
  • reduces swelling;
  • relieves spasms;

Indications for the use of this herb are mainly based on the anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antiseptic properties of the plant.

  • pathologies of the urinary system and edema;
  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • diseases of the spine, joints and muscles;
  • purulent wounds;
  • scurvy.

Doctors who practice Ayurveda appreciate the healing properties of meadow lily of the valley. One of the well-proven Ayurvedic preparations is a balm based on wintergreen oil “Zandu Balm”. This product is intended for external use. It is recommended for joint diseases, gout, lower back pain, sprains, and bruises. The balm eliminates the effects of insect bites and helps with headaches and migraines.

Application in gynecology

How is wintergreen beneficial for women? The plant has medicinal components that can normalize the functioning of the reproductive system and even prevent the development of oncology.

Scientists have concluded that five substances contained in wintergreen are especially beneficial for a woman’s body.

An antiseptic that effectively helps with inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. For such abilities the plant was nicknamed “ female grass

" Healers recommend using

medicinal products

from wintergreen for any pathologies of the genital area.

  • The herb is useful not only for women, but also for men. The plant will help the stronger sex cure pathologies of the genitourinary system of an inflammatory or infectious nature.
  • Contraindications
  • individual intolerance;
  • Therapy with wintergreen must be coordinated with a doctor. The plant can cause harm if the correct dosages are not followed or contraindications are not taken into account:
  • hypotension;

thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;

  • high blood clotting;
  • the occurrence of confusion;
  • feeling of intoxication;
  • lack of coordination.

In these cases, it is necessary to stop the herbal therapy completely. The feeling of intoxication is dictated by entering the body large quantity andromedoxin alkaloid, found in all parts of wintergreen. This component is often added to wines to enhance their boozing characteristics. Pregnant women and nursing mothers are prohibited from taking wintergreen medications.

Classic remedies

There are recipes for universal preparations from wintergreen. Such products can be used as an effective prevention of genitourinary diseases.


Peculiarities. To prepare this preparation, you need to stock up on meadow lily of the valley grains or plant roots. Drink this decoction two tablespoons four times a day exclusively after meals.


  • root (or grains) - 15 g;
  • water - 180 ml.


  1. Wintergreen in this recipe must be brewed with boiling water, so the raw material is poured with boiling liquid.
  2. The mixture is sent to a water bath and kept on low heat for about half an hour.
  3. Then the drug is infused for 15 minutes and filtered.

Water infusion

Peculiarities. To prepare an aqueous infusion at home, you can take both fresh and dry herbs. You will need a mixture of wintergreen flowers and leaves. Take the infusion, unless the doctor recommends a different treatment regimen, a third of a glass three times a day.


  • vegetable raw materials - two teaspoons;
  • water - one glass.


  1. Wintergreen is poured with boiling water.
  2. To speed up the infusion process, it is recommended to heat the solution in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  3. Then the drug is removed from the heat and left for 50-60 minutes.
  4. The medicine is filtered.

Alcohol tincture

Peculiarities. To prepare a tincture of wintergreen with alcohol, you will need the leaves and flowers of the plant, but preferably dried, not fresh. Use this remedy 20 minutes before meals, 30 drops. The medicine can be diluted in water before taking.


  • grass - 50 g;
  • vodka - 0.5 l.


  1. Dry raw materials are placed in a bottle and filled with vodka.
  2. Shake the mixture and seal tightly with a lid.
  3. Infuse the drug for 14 days in the dark. In this case, the bottle must be shaken every three days.
  4. After two weeks, the medicine is filtered.

Recipes for the treatment of female and male diseases

Reviews show that treatment with wintergreen provides a positive effect for various gynecological pathologies. However, you can start treatment only after consulting a doctor and agreeing on dosages with him. Except classic recipes, which are most often used for prevention, there are a number of drugs designed to treat already developing pathologies.

For infertility

Peculiarities. Wintergreen does not contain hormones. Therefore, the herb is not able to directly influence the process of ovulation or egg maturation in female body. However, it will be beneficial for infertility caused by tubal obstruction or infectious and inflammatory processes in the reproductive system. A water infusion is recommended. Take the medicine one third of a glass three times a day, before meals. The duration of treatment must be discussed with the doctor. Typically therapy lasts 21 days.


  • dry grass - one tablespoon;
  • water - 200 ml.


  1. Wintergreen is poured with hot water. The liquid temperature should not exceed 80°C, otherwise useful material for the woman’s body will be lost.
  2. The solution is placed in a water bath and heated for 45 minutes, preventing the drug from boiling.
  3. The drug is filtered.
  4. The lost volume of medicine is replenished with chilled boiled water until the glass is full.

For breast cancer

Peculiarities. Wintergreen helps fight various tumors and is especially useful for breast cancer. Clinicians claim that there are known cases of complete healing from breast cancer. However, such therapy is possible only under the supervision of a doctor. And it is strictly forbidden to refuse drug treatment. After all, positive dynamics are possible only with a combination of all methods of fighting cancer. Take the medicine a quarter glass three times a day and preferably before meals. Therapy is continued for one to three months.


  • grass (chopped) - four teaspoons;
  • water - 0.5 l.


  1. The chopped raw materials are poured with boiling water.
  2. Cover the container with a lid and leave for two hours.
  3. The medicine is filtered.

This remedy also helps in the treatment of mastopathy. It can enhance drug therapy. The causes of mastopathy are most often associated with dysfunction important organs(endocrine glands, ovaries, liver, large intestine). Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to start therapy without consulting a mammologist.

For endometriosis

Peculiarities. Grushenka rotundifolia can help with endometriosis and adenomyosis. It eliminates inflammatory processes. But to enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to take a collection of three medicinal herbs. The prepared tincture is consumed three times a day, 30 drops, for one to two months. After a ten-day break, the course can be resumed.


  • wintergreen - two tablespoons;
  • boron uterus - two tablespoons;
  • wintergreen - two tablespoons;
  • vodka - 0.5 l.


  1. All herbs are thoroughly mixed.
  2. 50 g of the collection is poured with vodka.
  3. Infuse the medicine for two weeks, stirring the mixture periodically.
  4. The product is filtered.

From an ovarian cyst

Peculiarities. Any disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries are a reason for mandatory consultation with a doctor. Initially, you should remember that to fight with folk or medications It is possible only with those cysts that are capable of resolving (for example, follicular, luteal). To normalize the functioning of the ovary, a water infusion is recommended. Take the medicine three times a day, 50 ml.


  • wintergreen - 12 tablespoons;
  • water - one liter.


  1. The grass is poured with boiling water.
  2. Wrap the container with a warm towel and leave this solution to infuse for two to three hours.
  3. The drug is well filtered.

From uterine prolapse

Peculiarities. This problem can occur after carrying excessive weights or very late childbirth. But sometimes infectious and inflammatory processes occurring in the pelvis lead to prolapse of the uterus. And it is in these situations that the wintergreen herb comes to the rescue. To provide effective anti-inflammatory and anti-infective effects, as well as strengthen muscle tissue, an infusion of herbs is recommended. Take this medicine when the uterus prolapses for two months, a third of a glass three times a day.


  • wintergreen - three teaspoons;
  • oregano - two teaspoons;
  • royal cloves - two teaspoons;
  • St. John's wort - three teaspoons;
  • coltsfoot - two teaspoons;
  • boiling water - a glass.


  1. The herbs are crushed and mixed well.
  2. A tablespoon of the resulting plant powder is poured with boiling water.
  3. Infuse the drug for half an hour and filter.

Instead of the remedy described above, you can take the classic alcohol tincture on wintergreen. This medicine is taken one teaspoon four times a day.

From adnexitis

Peculiarities. For inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes, it is useful to use vodka tincture of wintergreen. For adnexitis, salpingitis take medicine three times a teaspoon.


  • grass - 40 g;
  • vodka - glass.


  1. Raw materials are placed in glass jar and pour vodka.
  2. Infuse the mixture, shaking occasionally, for three weeks.
  3. Then the tincture is filtered.

This treatment helps eliminate inflammation in the ovaries, fallopian tubes and the uterus. It is often recommended for conceiving a baby if difficulties with pregnancy are dictated specifically by inflammatory processes.

For prostatitis

Peculiarities. Wintergreen helps get rid of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. To treat prostatitis, it is recommended to take 50 ml infusion of meadow lily of the valley twice a day. Typically the course of therapy is one month.


  • wintergreen - a tablespoon;
  • water - one glass.


  1. Chopped herbs are placed in boiling water.
  2. The container is closed and left for four hours.
  3. Then the solution is filtered.

Essential oil

Much appreciated essential oil wintergreens. This remedy is made from young shoots and foliage of the plant. The substances contained in the oil easily penetrate the skin and provide the following effects:

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain reliever;
  • vasodilator.

The oil is recommended for skin diseases(boils, purulent wounds). In addition, it is in demand in cosmetology. It is used to get rid of acne and skin irritations. Based on wintergreen ester, a lotion is made that provides high-quality moisturizing of the skin.

The medicinal properties of wintergreen herb are very popular in Tibet. Tinctures, decoctions, and balms are in demand for the treatment of such severe pathologies as bone tuberculosis and osteomyelitis. And in most cases, the treatment is successful.

Wintergreen round-leaved, or otherwise living herb, like many plants, is a natural healer. It is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Heather family of the Wintergreen genus. The grass has a long, strongly branching rhizome with thin roots, located parallel to the soil surface. The stem of the plant is ribbed, up to 30 centimeters high, simple, erect. Its base is surrounded by a rosette of leaves. Wintergreen leaf blades are leathery, round or round-oval in shape, with a slight glossy sheen. The leaf length is about 5 centimeters and the width is 4-5 centimeters. The leaf petioles have a considerable length, which can reach up to 15 centimeters. Flowers of living grass are rejected, in rare cases drooping. They are white in color, have a pleasant smell and are collected in an inflorescence raceme containing up to 15 flowers. The length of the brush is from 7 to 17 centimeters. The fruit of wintergreen is a flattened spherical capsule, about 5 milliliters long and about 8 milliliters wide.

Wintergreen roundleaf grows in Europe, Central Asia and Greenland. In Russia, living grass is found in the European part and in Eastern Siberia. The plant prefers forest soils.

Chemical composition of the plant

The chemical composition of the plant is well known. Repeated studies revealed: kaempferol, comiferol, avicularin, quercetin, hyperoside, acetylandromedol, tannins, ericolin, resins, phenols, methylarbutin, arbutin, isohomoarbutin, hydroquinone, homoarbutin, quinic acid, ascorbic acid, gallic acid, mucus, renifolin and Himaphilin. In addition, zinc, copper and magnesium are present in high concentrations in the plant.

All these components have a pronounced medicinal effect on the body and help cope with a wide variety of diseases.

What does wintergreen round-leaved cure for?

Living grass has well-defined: anti-inflammatory, diuretic, hemostatic, astringent, antibacterial, antitumor, sedative, antioxidant, antiallergenic and antiseptic effects, which have been used by traditional healers since ancient times.

Wintergreen rotundifolia is used for various inflammatory processes in the intestines. It not only quickly restores damaged mucous membranes, but already with the first use relieves pain. It's possible to use this medicinal plant and in inflammatory processes in the liver and gallbladder. If there are polyps in the intestines, taking live herbs allows you to cope with this problem and prevent the tumors from degenerating into a cancerous tumor.

For cystitis and other inflammations of the urinary system, as well as kidney diseases, wintergreen roundifolia is an excellent medicine. By destroying pathogenic bacteria and thereby relieving inflammation, it also removes sand and small fractions from the body, which, in the absence of timely treatment, can lead to surgery.

The plant also helps to cope with edema of cardiac and renal origin. By removing excess fluid and normalizing its metabolism, living grass solves the problem more than once. It can completely heal the patient if used correctly.

For the sick diabetes mellitus the plant can also become a medicine. Live grass has a positive effect on metabolism, which helps reduce sugar levels. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the pancreas, maintaining its health and preventing the patient’s condition from worsening.

Due to its pronounced antitumor effects, the plant is indicated for use by cancer patients and people with benign neoplasms. Providing good antioxidant effect, wintergreen roundifolia inhibits cell proliferation and gradually slows down the process of formation of pathological cells, leading to their aging and death, due to which a decrease in tumor size is observed. In the presence of precancerous diseases, preparations based on wintergreen can be taken as a means of preventing the development of a terrible disease.

As a sedative, living herbs are indicated to combat neuroses, hysteria, as well as insomnia and seizures. It has a positive effect on the nervous system: it strengthens it and normalizes the passage of impulses through nerve fibers, which significantly improves the condition of patients. During menopause, wintergreen can prevent nervous breakdowns in a woman and help overcome this difficult state of adjustment for the body.

In addition, the plant also has good wound healing properties. With the help of living grass, you can heal both fresh and old wounds, as well as trophic ulcers for diabetes and varicose veins.

The use of wintergreen rotundifolia in gynecology

It is worth highlighting the merits of the plant in the field of gynecology. Thus, with the help of preparations from living herbs, some sexually transmitted diseases and inflammation of the uterus and its appendages are cured. In addition, wintergreen roundifolia helps with infertility caused by obstruction of the fallopian tubes and high acidity.

Along with this, the herb is also used to prevent postpartum hemorrhage and uterine abscess. With proper use of the plant, the organ, which after childbirth is a single wound surface, recovers much faster.

When there are neoplasms in the uterus, wintergreen stops their growth, eliminates bleeding and often preserves the possibility of childbearing.

Contraindications to treatment with wintergreen roundifolia

There are not many contraindications to the use of plant-based medicines, but they cannot be neglected. Other treatment will be required if:

  • pregnancy;
  • excessive blood clotting;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • allergic reaction to the plant;
  • hypotension.

In addition, if you have severe chronic diseases, you should definitely consult your doctor before treatment.

Recipes for wintergreen preparations

Fertility remedy

To prepare this feminine medicine, you need to take 1 large spoon of dried herb and brew it with 250 milliliters of just boiled water. Next, the composition is placed in a water bath and cooked in this way for exactly 45 minutes. The preparation is left until it cools completely and then filtered. After this, the medicine is added to the initial volume with cold boiled water. Drink this remedy one third of a glass 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. The duration of treatment can be up to 6 months.

Infusion for neoplasms and for washing wounds

40 grams of dried raw materials are brewed with 400 milliliters of boiling water and left to brew for 30 minutes. After the composition is adjusted, it is filtered through gauze folded several times. You should drink the resulting medicine 120 milliliters 4 times a day 35 minutes before meals or 2 hours after meals. The course of treatment is selected individually depending on the patient’s condition and the type of tumor. To wash wounds, the composition is used until the damage is completely healed.