What herbs help with female infertility. What herbs help women against infertility. General recommendations for the treatment of infertility using traditional medicine methods

Ecology of health. Traditional medicine: Infertility can be absolute, and this condition is associated with congenital underdevelopment or bad work genitals. However, much more common is infertility resulting from a disease - inflammation, adhesions, impaired sperm motility in men, endocrine disorders.

Infertility can be absolute, and this condition is associated with congenital underdevelopment or poor functioning of the genital organs. However, much more common is infertility resulting from a disease - inflammation, adhesions, impaired sperm motility in men, endocrine disorders. Traditional recipes will help you cope with this problem.

Ismagen (woolly panzeria)

Ismagen (Panzeria woolly) is a herbaceous perennial growing mainly in Eastern Siberia. The wealth of medicinal properties of this plant has made it popular not only among herbalists. Ismagen is popularly called vagrant weed. Its unique composition is actively used to treat women's and men's problems associated with reproductive function. The herb is useful for infertility and this is not its only advantage.

Medicinal properties and composition of izmagen

The composition of the plant has not yet been fully studied; the likelihood of discoveries is very high. But even those medicinal properties, which have already been proven and are actively used, deserve attention. Ismagen is an excellent anti-toxic, tonic, sedative and restorative.

The herb contains alkaloids, malic acid, tannins, water-soluble essential oil, flavonoids and a large number of biologically active substances. Cardiovascular nerves are treated with drugs that include Panzeria woolly. They are used for atherosclerosis, Graves' disease, blood pressure and rheumatism. And yet, this plant has gained the greatest popularity as a remedy for infertility.

Ismagen and infertility

To fulfill their dream of becoming parents, many married couples are ready to use any means and methods. Most often, infertility occurs due to various diseases. These may be endocrine disorders, inflammation of the genital organs, impaired sperm motility in men. Modern methods treatments solve these problems very effectively, but the importance and popularity of traditional medicine recipes is not lost. Medicinal plants are still actively used and help get rid of gynecological diseases. Ismagen with its unique properties is a leader among herbs that are involved in the treatment of infertility. It quite actively influences the restoration of reproductive function, since its action is aimed at restoring hormonal levels and eliminating inflammatory processes.

The only component of the herbal medicine “izmagen” is the herb Panaceria woolly. This plant has a sedative effect. Its medicinal properties help normalize menstrual cycle, preventing uterine bleeding, getting rid of uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts.

How to use?

Most often in medicinal purposes Ismagen decoction or herbal vodka tincture is used.

Decoction. Pour a glass of boiling water over the chopped herb (1 teaspoon) and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Cool, strain and take before meals, 3 times a day, 2 tablespoons.

Tincture. Grass (20 g) is poured with vodka 200 g. (proportion 1 to 10). Leave for 10 days and take 1/2 teaspoon 3 times daily. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Sage for infertility

An infusion of sage seeds helps both men and women. But in women, in addition, the “suction” reflex increases cervix, and also frigidity significantly decreases or completely disappears. All these problems go away completely if you add linden to the sage infusion. This is why sage is effective treatment infertility.

Due to the fact that sage contains many hormones, some of which are analogues of female sex hormones, it is recommended that women over 35 years of age drink sage - drink one glass of infusion every morning.

To prepare it, take one teaspoon of sage and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave until cool, about 40 minutes. Drink half an hour before meals. You can add lemon or honey for taste. This rejuvenating course for women lasts a month. There is a break of 3 months between courses.

To treat infertility, simply take one dessert spoon of sage seeds per glass of boiling water. To enhance the effect, you can add linden. Wait until it brews and you can drink. Start taking it immediately after menstruation ends, for 11 days in a row, 2 times a day, morning and evening. And so on for three months. If pregnancy does not occur, the course is repeated after a two-month break.

Attention! Do not take too much sage, as it can cause allergies and poison the body..

Plantain seeds for infertility

Seed decoction for women plantain helps well with heavy menstrual bleeding, which is accompanied by severe pain, bad mood and depression. This decoction also treats infertility - provided that it is caused by an inflammatory process in the tubes.

For men, a decoction of plantain seeds will help in treating sperm immobility. Not only traditional healers, but also Tibetan medicine recommend treatment with a decoction of plantain seeds.

To prepare this decoction, take one tablespoon of plantain seeds and pour a glass of boiling water. Boil for two to five minutes. Give it time to brew, then strain. The decoction should be taken at warm, 2 tablespoons 4 times a day. The shelf life of the decoction in the refrigerator is 2-3 days. The course of treatment is 3 months. It is also recommended to take medicinal baths.

Baths. It is also useful to take medicinal plantain baths. To prepare it, take 50 g of plantain roots and leaves and pour a liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 45 minutes, then strain. One liter of this infusion is for one water procedure. The course of treatment is 15 days every 3 months.

Shilajit for infertility

Shilajit works well for the treatment of infertility in men and women. Take 2 times a day, in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed, 0.2 grams of mumiyo, washed down with either carrot or blueberry juice, or sea buckthorn juice.

The course of treatment lasts 28 days. For a more powerful effect, you can mix mumiyo with egg yolks and the juices of some medicinal plants - for example, sage or quince. Increased sexual function is noticeably felt within a week.

Sparrow from infertility

Knotweed treats infertility, promotes conception and has therapeutic effect for the work of the ovaries and uterus. Therefore, it is very useful for women, and knotweed also has a beneficial effect on men. Moreover, knotweed has another pattern: when consumed, the chance of having a son rather than a daughter increases.

To prepare the infusion, take 3 tablespoons of dry or fresh knotweed herb and pour into a thermos. Add half a liter of boiling water and let it brew for 4 hours. Take half a glass 4 times a day half an hour before meals.

Collection of herbs for infertility

This herbal collection helps with infertility and inflammation of the ovaries. The course of treatment takes place with complete abstinence from sexual activity. To prepare a decoction, mix 50 g of coltsfoot leaves, sweet clover herb, chamomile flowers, calendula flowers and centaury herb. Take 2 tablespoons of this mixture per half liter of boiling water. Drink 1/3 glass 6 times a day half an hour before meals and between meals. The course of infertility treatment is 1–2 months.

Good to know. Many people are very surprised when they hear that they need to use laundry soap when bathing. Moreover, the higher the percentage, the more alkali it contains and the better it is for the body. Women's diseases that are inflammatory in nature respond well to tincture of boron uterus; it is also called one-sided ortilia. The same tincture restores irregularities in the menstrual cycle, cures fibroids, uterine fibroids, and infertility.

To prepare it, take 50 grams of this herb, chop it finely and pour half a liter of vodka. After 2 weeks, the infusion will be ready. Take 35–40 drops 3 times a day half an hour before meals with warm water. The course of treatment is 4 weeks. It should be noted that one-sided ortilia is often confused with wintergreen, since they are both families of pear-shaped plants and are similar to each other. But wintergreen will not help you; it is used to treat inflammation of the prostate.

Soda for infertility

Some women may have heard that douching with soda helps you get pregnant. Only not everyone believes in the old grandmother’s method, but the effectiveness of such procedures can be explained from a scientific point of view.

As you know, the vagina has an acidic environment, which has a detrimental effect on sperm. To penetrate the uterus and fertilize an egg, male reproductive cells have to travel a rather long way, during which half of them die.

When douching with soda, the pH of the vagina changes to the alkaline side, therefore creating optimal conditions for the life of ejaculate cells.

Douching is carried out at the rate of: half a teaspoon of bicarbonate per 0.5 liter of water. It is better to do the procedure before the start of sexual intercourse, about half an hour. In a slightly alkaline environment, sperm will retain their mobility and their lifespan will be extended. However, in order not to destroy the microbiological environment of the vagina, douching should be done no more than 2-3 times a month.

Black cumin oil for infertility

Black cumin oil is the most useful product, which treats many diseases. The Prophet Muhammad called it “the cure for all ailments except death.” The oil has been found to have a positive effect on the thymus gland, which is responsible for immune defense. It contains phytosterols necessary for the production of hormones in the body. The oil is used for disorders of the reproductive system in both men and women.

In Eastern medicine, the remedy has long been used to restore erection and maintain male abilities. The oil improves the number and motility of sperm and increases their ability to conceive. In the female half, it restores disrupted hormonal levels, normalizes the monthly cycle, helps in the treatment of inflammation and prevents the appearance of tumors.

Take a teaspoon of black cumin oil along with honey 2 times a day. It is good to drink this potion with tea with chamomile and thyme. It is recommended to carry out treatment for 3-4 months, then interrupt for 2 months

Wintergreen for infertility

Wintergreen - medicinal plant, which helps get rid of chronic inflammatory processes in the female genital area. Adnexitis, colpitis, obstruction fallopian tubes, uterine atony can cause infertility. Men should also take a tincture or decoction of wintergreen if they suffer from urethritis or inflammation of the prostate gland.

The plant is used for infertility in the form of infusion and alcohol tincture. The infusion is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. spoons of dried herbs are poured with boiling water in an amount of 300-400 ml. Infuse and apply 100 ml along with honey three times a day, about an hour before meals. Treatment is continued for six months.

Wintergreen tincture is prepared in the ratio: 1 part herb to 5 parts vodka. Leave in a dark place for 20 days. Take 40 drops before meals three times a day. You can also use fresh grass, but this will require half a glass of chopped raw material per 200 ml of vodka. Infuse and take 35 drops.

Geranium oil for infertility

The essential oil of the plant improves mood, fights depression, has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps get rid of painful periods and sexual disorders. Every woman who dreams of motherhood should have geranium in her home and periodically inhale the aroma of the plant.

You can use geranium essential oil to scent a room: this puts a woman in a loving mood. If you add a few drops of aroma oil to any base oil(avocado, olive), then this product can be used for massage. This increases sexual desire, relaxes, and increases vitality.

For infertility, add a few drops of aromatic oil, about 3-4 drops, to 100 ml of heated water. Add a teaspoon of honey here. Apply the product 3 times during the day, before meals.

At bacterial vaginitis 3-4 drops of aromatic oil are added to a glass of water, and 1 tsp is also added here. baking soda. The solution is used for douching. published

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The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, seek advice regarding the use of any medicines and treatment options, consult your doctor.

Ortilia unilateral, or hog uterus, is used for menstrual irregularities associated with high levels of estradiol. A course of use of the herb for infertility effectively copes with inflammation of the appendages, ovarian cysts, and normalizes liver function, which in turn indirectly helps restore normal level hormones.

Sage is used to accelerate the growth of the endometrial follicle and to normalize the functioning of the ovaries. Herbalists often recommend taking sage decoctions if you cannot cope with infertility using classical methods.

Elecampane recommended. The decoction is prescribed in the second phase of the cycle to maintain the function of the corpus luteum. When pregnancy occurs, the embryo successfully attaches to the walls of the uterus if a course of herbal medicine with elecampane was previously carried out.

The red brush helps in the complex treatment of endometriosis, endocrine pathologies, and diseases of the adrenal glands. At elevated level Androgens make it almost impossible to get pregnant. Taking red brush tincture for three months normalizes hormonal levels and the long-awaited pregnancy occurs.

Knotweed is used for inflammatory processes that last a long time in the genitals and urinary tract. The most effective is taking knotweed decoction in the first phase of the cycle.

Wintergreen rotundifolia is used to treat infertility if the cause of lack of pregnancy is inflammatory diseases of the appendages, endometritis.

Plantain seeds restore the menstrual cycle, help cope with inflammation in the tubes and infertility, but only when used in decoctions as part of complex treatment.

Hemlock is a poisonous plant. It is often used to treat infertility associated with adhesions in the tubes. It is recommended to use protection when using a poisonous plant. And after completing the course of herbal medicine, you can try to get pregnant again.

Comprehensive infertility treatment

If a woman cannot become pregnant, the first step is to undergo a thorough medical examination. The use of any herbal medicines for the treatment of infertility must be agreed with a doctor and used only in the composition complex therapy. Self-medication can lead to disastrous results. The woman will hope for miraculous healing and the help of herbs to treat infertility. And at this time, perhaps, more radical methods are already required.

Infertility problem in last years a lot more pops up than before. Moreover, this applies to absolutely everyone. Even though it is very terrible disease, there are not so many methods to overcome it. It happens that for some couples the usual help from doctors cannot help. Then herbs for infertility for women come to the rescue, that is, traditional therapy, which in this particular case turns out to be more effective and efficient.

The percentage of women and men suffering from this diagnosis shows that the figure is clearly not in favor of women (women - 60%). And this is a cruel consequence of complex illnesses suffered by women and incorrect treatment, a consequence of abortions, miscarriages... But, whatever the reason, the main thing is to first figure out what caused this disease in order to understand how and how to treat it.

Treatment of infertility with herbs can contribute to a speedy conception, provided that it is taken correctly and consistently. Traditional medicine supports the idea that Mother Nature can provide everything necessary for human health. And indeed, in many cases, when women almost despaired of giving birth to a long-awaited baby, it was herbs for infertility that helped them. You just need to learn two simple truths: before starting treatment, you need to consult a doctor; Use herbs as agreed with your doctor, observing all dosages indicated in each specific recipe. In most cases, to properly prepare a decoction you will need only 10 grams of herb per glass of boiling water.

Causes of infertility

If the spouses live together for a year without taking contraceptives, and the stork's expectations do not bring any results, they should undergo a full diagnostic examination to determine the causes of their problem.

There are several types of situations in which it is not possible to give birth to a baby:

  • primary - if conception has never occurred yet or miscarriages occur all the time;
  • secondary - the potential mother already has one child, but cannot become a mother again;
  • absolute - a woman does not have a reproductive organ or doctors diagnose her with a pathological anomaly;
  • relative - there is no deviation with pathology, but “inviting the stork” still fails.

So, we can identify several reasons why two loving people They just can’t give birth to their own blood. In many cases, this can happen due to adhesions that have formed in the fallopian tubes after abortions, due to a very poorly done diagnostic curettage, or permanent use intrauterine device.

In addition, the inability to get pregnant and give birth to a child is also affected by inflammation that occurs in the pelvic organs and various infections. Similar problems also occur due to violations in hormonal background, and diseases in the field of gynecology that the woman did not cure or simply did not complete treatment.

When it becomes clear why everything is not going as planned, the necessary treatment must immediately begin. In addition to the usual drug therapy, it is quite acceptable to use medicine that came to us from the people.

Effects of herbs

Herbal remedies, as a rule, have a fairly beneficial effect on a woman’s body without causing any harm to it. Nature has given people a lot of plants that will help restore the functioning of organs and systems in both the female and male bodies (it’s no secret that male infertility is also present). Based on the reason that prevents the long-awaited pregnancy from occurring, you can choose a prescription for this disease. It is important that you use it correctly. For this to happen, you should not choose yourself, on the advice of girlfriends or by rumors. It is imperative to undergo an examination and consult a doctor. In this case, unnecessary consequences will be minimized. After all, everyone female body It is strictly individual, and if you choose incorrectly, an allergic reaction may occur.

We have already become familiar with the reasons for the difficulty of getting pregnant. Let us dwell on the fact that the collection of herbs for infertility should be used solely depending on what pathology exists.

A woman must undergo a full diagnosis, after which specialists will be able to determine what the cause of reproductive dysfunction is and recommend traditional medicine as a primary medicine or as a useful addition to standard treatment.

If inflammation is detected in the pelvic organs, anti-inflammatory herbal teas prepared from coltsfoot and calendula plants will help.

If there are hormonal imbalances, chamomile, lemon balm and calendula are suitable. Collecting herbs for infertility in women will help restore metabolism and strengthen the immune system throughout the body. You should drink the prepared decoction on the fifth day of the menstrual cycle, for two weeks, three times a day, just one hundred grams.

If during the diagnostic process it was shown that the fallopian tubes are obstructed, a boron uterus can be taken. It is suitable for making medicinal decoctions and even alcohol infusions. There is another way - balls made from simple ingredients: raspberries, rose hips and plantain seeds. Mix all this with honey, make small balls weighing twenty grams and eat them three times a day.

Peony root tincture will have a positive effect on the genitals. You should drink it before meals, one teaspoon.

So, collecting herbs for infertility for women can provide truly invaluable help, but only if used in a timely and correct manner.

Even a person inexperienced in medicine understands that traditional medicine will not help if a woman has complete obstruction of the fallopian tubes. This will require surgical intervention.

If the obstruction is partial, then another problem arises: the woman may have an ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, if you have such a pathology, you need to be seriously examined by doctors. And drink herbal infusions only after a thorough conversation with a specialist.

List of herbs for treating infertility

Let's take a look at some of the herbs that are most often used to get rid of the problem in question. It is impossible to say in advance which herb for infertility is best. After all, every woman is individual. And what can help one will be completely useless for another.

  • Sage. This herb contains a completely unique set of substances that are very similar to estrogens - female hormones - in their own way. chemical composition. What are the properties of sage? Thanks to a decoction of this wonderful herb, a woman can stimulate the ovaries to work and calm her nervous system. Since sage can supplement the lack of female hormones, by gradually toning the ovaries, it “invigorates” the entire reproductive system of a woman. Typically the duration of treatment is a quarter. The herb should be brewed with boiling water and this infusion should be drunk three times a day. Begin with last day menses. After the three months are over, you need to take a two-month break and then resume treatment.
  • The herb is used to accelerate the growth of the endometrial follicle in order to normalize the functioning of the ovaries. Quite often, it is herbalists who recommend taking a decoction of this herb in cases where it is impossible to overcome infertility in the classical way.
  • Plantain. Its seeds can restore the menstrual cycle, help cope with inflammation in the tubes and even help a woman recover from infertility. But this is only possible if the prepared decoction is used as part of a complex treatment.
  • Knotweed. This herb is useful if there is some inflammatory process, which lasts for quite a long time in the urinary tract and genitals. The greatest effect is achieved when knotweed decoction is taken in the first phase of the cycle.
  • Borovaya uterus. Plants are suitable for different women's diseases, which relate to the female reproductive system. These infertility herbs for women can stop the development of endometriosis, can relieve inflammation and even stop swelling. Borovaya uterus is used both independently and in tandem with other anti-inflammatory herbs - calendula, chamomile, knotweed, plantain, fireweed and others. If a woman’s problem is ovarian dysfunction or hormonal imbalance, then sage, wintergreen and wintergreen can be brewed with boron uterus. They make both alcohol infusions and decoctions. It should be used starting only after menstruation has ended, approximately on the 4-5th day of the cycle. Treatment should be carried out in courses - six months, breaks - only during menstruation. And a decoction of boron uterus helps to cope with inflammation and erosion of the cervix through douching.
  • Wintergreen. It can stop bleeding and relieve inflammation. It has disinfecting and diuretic effects. Wintergreen is applicable as a therapy for infertility, which happened due to various infections, inflammation, decreased tone of the uterus, and decreased efficiency of the ovaries. It will provide invaluable help if a woman is diagnosed with obstruction of the fallopian tubes, has purulent discharge or has adhesions formed. The use of herbal infusions or decoctions will definitely help if you drink them correctly - one glass four times a day for three months.

The following collection of herbs for infertility is quite strong and provides really good help, which will also help if a serious inflammatory process has begun in the ovaries. Only this method of treatment must be completed by completely abstaining from sexual activity. To prepare such a decoction, you need to mix 50 g of sweet clover herb, chamomile flowers, calendula, coltsfoot leaves and centaury herb. For a half-liter mug of boiling water, two tablespoons of this mixture will be enough. You need to drink a third of a glass six times a day. Time - about thirty minutes before meals and between meals. The duration of such treatment is one to two months.

Phyto-candles - another helper for women

The composition of such miracle candles includes healing herbs, essential oils, cocoa butter, propolis infusion.

Before using the candle, you need to wash your genitals with chamomile decoction. Use these candles at night. During the time when you plan to be treated with candles, you should wear underwear only made from natural materials, and for the whole night you can put a pad on so that part of the candle does not stain your clothes.

A significant part of gynecological diseases that prevent the desired pregnancy from occurring are usually treated with ordinary aloe. Injections with this extract can be prescribed to women to treat tubes, any inflammation, or ovarian cysts. When a menstrual cycle disorder occurs, aloe should be dripped onto sugar - refined sugar or regular sand.

And do not forget to consult with the doctor who is caring for the patient before using the chosen recipe!

What conclusion can be drawn from all this? Firstly, if there is already a problem, then first of all, undergo a medical examination. Self-medication, especially with herbal medicines, is highly discouraged, because only a qualified doctor can advise and select the right treatment option that will lead to the long-awaited result.

Doctors include defects in sexual development, severe intoxication and ailments of the body, and, in general, a different range of disorders in the functioning of the genital organs, as the main causes of this disease. Neurological and mental disorders also affect.

Infertility itself is not an independent disease; in all cases, the disease is provoked by various other ailments. Very often, infertility occurs against the background of various inflammatory diseases.

Possible causes of infertility

Experts list three main reasons:

1., a fairly common disease among women of reproductive age.
2. Problems with ovulation.
3. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

When a patient is diagnosed with infertility, doctors prescribe treatment. This can be prescribed and medications, surgical intervention, facilities traditional medicine.

Video: Herbs for infertility

Since ancient times, people have been using and healing themselves with the gifts of nature. Over the years, folk recipes for various decoctions and tinctures have been perfected to help with a variety of diseases. Collection for infertility also has its position in folk methods treatment and below is a list of the most significant herbs for this disease.


Since ancient times, it has been a revered sacred herb that has healing powers and relieves people from numerous diseases. Sage is used and considered the most effective for female infertility. In women, when consuming an infusion of linden, a suction effect appears on the cervix, frigidity decreases or disappears altogether. This herb contains a high content of hormones similar to female hormones.

  • Sage tincture - take 1 tbsp. spoon of sage, then pour in the herb hot water and leave for half an hour. It is recommended to drink sage infusion 30 minutes before meals for women under 35 years of age. To improve the taste, you can add honey and lemon.
  • In case of infertility, you should start drinking this solution when menstruation has ended for at least 10 days, 2 times a day (morning and evening, respectively). The course of taking sage infusion lasts 3 months. If a woman still does not conceive, then she needs to take a break for about two months and then repeat the course again.

An overdose of sage causes poisoning or allergic reaction body.

Maryin root.

Another very useful and, according to legend, effective herbal tea for infertility, which is used for infertility, as well as in the treatment of cysts and uterine erosion in women.

Photo: Maryin root (steering peony)

  • So, for the recipe we take 50g of the root, the Maryin root should be dug up in May, then it should be thoroughly washed, dried and scraped a little. It is important not to clean, but to scrape the root. Then we grind the prepared material. Fill Maryin root with 500 ml vodka, then leave in a cold place for 2 weeks.
  • Take tincture from the herb Maryin root, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for a course of 28 days. Then it is recommended to take a break of 10 days and start the course again.


For many years, the seeds have proven their effectiveness in treating people from infertility. They eliminate obstruction of the fallopian tubes, cure low sperm motility in men, relieve inflammation of the appendages and eliminate adhesions.

Features of collecting plantain seeds: you need to wait until the plantain shoots an arrow with seeds, they must ripen and dry. That’s when you need to start collecting for infertility.

  • 1 tbsp. l. Prepared plantain seeds are poured with a glass of water, brought to a boil and removed from heat after 5 minutes. Infuse the broth a little and then strain it. Take a healing warm decoction four times a day, 2 tbsp. spoons. The decoction should be stored in a cool place. Store the decoction in the refrigerator for no longer than three days. The course of treatment is 3 months.

Borovaya uterus.

For medicinal purposes, only the entire part of the plant is used, except for the root: flowers, leaves and stems. The collection of herbs for infertility should be carried out during flowering, in June and early July. Then you should thoroughly dry the collected plant in the shade.

  • To prepare alcohol healing tincture you need to take 50g of dried herb, then pour 500 ml. Vodka and let it brew for a month. Instead of vodka, you can use 40–50% alcohol. When used internally, add 35–40 drops of healing tincture to warm water. The course of treatment lasts 1 month, take the tincture 3 times a day before meals.


The second name of this herb, knotweed, is used to treat quite wide range diseases, among which is infertility.

The grass should be collected during flowering, when the knotweed stems have not yet hardened. In medicinal infusions, only the above-ground part of the plant is used. It is recommended to collect herbs for infertility during the period when the plant blooms throughout almost the entire summer in dry, sunny weather.

  • To prepare an effective medicinal infusion, add 3 tbsp of hot water. l. knotweed, and leave for about 4 hours. Take the healing infusion half a glass. Recommended 4 times a day before meals.


A particularly valuable plant according to folk beliefs in alternative medicine. The herb relieves a wide range of diseases; together with other herbs, it also helps fight infertility.

The collection of Coltsfoot is carried out in several stages. In early spring, when flowers appear, they need to be collected in the first half of the day. The second stage occurs only in mid-July; the green leaves of the plant are collected in the morning. In late autumn, herbalists collect the root of the plant - this will be the last third stage.

  • To prepare a healing tincture, we mix a collection of herbs for infertility: coltsfoot, calendula, sweet clover, chamomile flowers and centaury with a total weight of 50 grams. Pour boiling water over the herbs and leave for about an hour, then strain the healing potion. Drink 1/3 of a glass before each meal. Take a course of 1-2 months, six times a day.

During the course of treatment, you should abstain from sexual activity.

General recommendations for the treatment of infertility using traditional medicine methods

For infertility treatment with alternative medicine to be effective, you should bring your life into complete harmony. You should get rid of bad habits, exercise, and eat right. And then the right one folk remedy Infertility treatment will bear fruit.