Adaptogens (drugs): list and description. Adaptogens: Can they be mixed? Video: vitamins, pharmacology, adaptogens

Some athletes mix several adaptogenic drugs, hoping to get a combined effect. Does this make sense?

This question was answered a long time ago and in great detail by the classic of “adaptogenology” Professor Roshen Jafarovich Seifulla. It was under his leadership that, back in Soviet times, combined biologically active preparations were developed for elite athletes, which included bee products, vitamins and adaptogens of plant origin. These combinations had no analogues in the world. A great many experiments were carried out.

For example, athletes (from category I to international masters of sports) received Elton, Leveton, Adapton and Phyton for 20 days, 2 tablets 3 times a day. Liquid extracts of Eleutherococcus (60 drops 3 times a day), Leuzea (60 drops 3 times a day), Rhodiola rosea (20 drops 3 times a day) and Chinese Schisandra tincture (60 drops 3 times a day) were used taking into account the metabolic rate in athletes and their relative resistance to the effects of drugs during physical activity.
Next, I will provide excerpts from research reports of a group of scientists led by Roshen Jafarovich.

The performance of athletes (athletes, middle and long-distance runners, speed skaters, cyclists, swimmers and others) was tested on a bicycle ergometer or treadmill with a load that was gradually increasing every minute until they stopped working. There were at least 6 athletes in each group, and the same number were in the control group, which received a placebo. The influence of combined adaptogenic drugs on the processes of lipid peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids during physical activity in athletes of various qualifications was studied by chemiluminescence using the intensity of ultra-weak luminescence of urine on chemiluminometers of various systems. The state of humoral immunity was studied by laser nephelometry using a helium-neon laser. The functional state of the hemocoagulation system was studied using the kinetic method of thromboelastography.

Taking into account the literature data that adaptogens that affect human performance, in most cases increase the sexual activity of men and women, and also that general, special and sexual performance is directly proportional to the physical status of the body, a survey was conducted. The athletes were given questionnaires developed at the Research Institute of Psychiatry, which formulated questions characterizing the sexual status of the subjects under the influence of pharmacological drugs.

Experiments were carried out simultaneously on mice and athletes. As a result, the following results were obtained.

In the control group, in the “running on a treadmill” test on the 20th day of training, the duration of work of mice increased to 156%. When animals are given orally Elton, Leveton, Phytotone and Adapton, as well as extracts of Leuzea, Rhodiola rosea and Chinese Schisandra tincture, the performance of animals statistically significantly increases already by the 10th day of administration of these drugs. Adaptone turned out to be more active, then phytotone and leveton. By the 20th day of taking the drugs, the running time of white mice increased by 2-3 times compared to the control group. Extracts of Chinese Schisandra, Rhodiola and Chinese Schisandra tincture also significantly increased (up to 130-160%) the performance of mice. 5 days after stopping the course of drug administration, the duration of running on the treadmill still remained statistically significant with the introduction of all combined adaptogens and Chinese Schisandra tincture. In the swimming test to failure, an increase in the performance of white rats (up to 213-168%) was found to a greater extent from adaptone, phytotone, leveton and elton (in descending order). Tincture of Chinese lemongrass, extracts of Rhodiola rosea and Leuzea also extended swimming time to 159-135% compared to control animals.

A comparative study of the influence of physical activity showed that adapton, phytoton, leveton, elton, pollen, tincture of Chinese lemongrass, extracts of Rhodiola rosea and Leuzea statistically significantly increase the physical performance of highly qualified athletes. Combined adaptogens were more active, of which adapton was the most effective.

When studying the effect of combined adaptogens on the process of urinary lipid peroxidation in vitro, a clear antioxidant effect of adaptone, phytotone, levetone and elton was established. The administration of the same drugs for 20 days caused a statistically significant increase in their performance (in the bicycle ergometry test) and inhibition of the ultra-weak luminescence of urine. The more active of them was adapton, less effective was elton. The increase in performance was 27 and 9%, respectively, and the inhibition of ultra-weak luminescence was 52 and 72%. A significant increase in performance after 20-day administration was also caused by Schisandra tincture and Leuzea extract. They, as well as vitamin E and Rhodiola rosea extract, inhibited the process of chemiluminescence. The effect of pollen, vitamin C and eleutherococcus extract was unidirectional, but statistically unreliable in relation to both the performance and the processes of lipid peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids.

Compared to the initial level, the concentration of malondialdehyde increases on the 20th day of training and testing, and with the introduction of adaptone, phytotone and levetone it statistically significantly decreases, which confirms the data on antioxidant effect drugs.

During 20 days of physical activity, there is a significant decrease in the concentrations of IgA, IgG and complement component C3 in the blood of athletes, while IgM and complement component C4 practically do not change throughout the study. After 5 days of recovery, the concentrations of IgA and C3 are further reduced, while IgA returns to normal.

All combination drugs adaptogenic action reduces the degree of immunosuppressive effect of 20 days of physical activity. Less active immunomodulators than adapton, phytoton, leveton and Elton were extracts of Rhodiola rosea, Leuzea, Schisandra tincture, pollen, vitamins E and C.

With a 20-day intensive training and performance testing, already by the 10th day and further there is a statistically significant acceleration of the kinetics of hemocoagulation, an increase in the activity of blood coagulation factors II, VII, XIII, the concentration of factor I, a decrease in the total activity of antithrombins and a sharp increase in fibrinolysis in the blood of athletes . Physical activity accelerates the formation of active thromboplastin, thrombin from prothrombin and fibrin from fibrinogen (the fibrin-S-fibrin reaction proceeds better). Fibrinolytic enzymes are activated. The magnitude of these shifts is proportional to the duration of training and its intensity.

With a 20-day administration of combined adaptogens (leveton, adapton, phytoton and elton), a decrease in the values ​​of indicators characterizing increased blood clotting (g, K and E-thromboelastograms), the activity of the prothrombin complex according to Quick, blood tolerance to heparin and sharply manifested itself to varying degrees. activated fibrinolysis (by the percentage of fibrin clot lysis according to Bidwell, Mitchell, determination of resistance to the fibrinolysis activator - streptokinase). Vitamins C and E, Leuzea extracts, Rhodiola rosea, Schisandra and Eleutherococcus tinctures had a less pronounced effect.

The mechanisms of influence of combined adaptogens include a decrease in the degree of activation of hemocoagulation factors II, VII and XIII, a decrease in the concentration of factor I. Factors V and X were not exposed to physical activity and combined adaptogens. The more active drug is Leveton, followed by Adapton, Phytoton and Elton.

Judging by the questionnaire data, compared with the initial state on the 20th day of physical activity and testing, there was a decrease in the tone of the desire to train, the subjective one increased, while with the introduction of adaptone, phytoton, leveton and elton (in descending order of effects), the number of athletes with increased tone, those who want to exercise and the number of tired people has decreased.

An assessment of the subjects showed (based on questionnaire data) that, in comparison with persons who received combined adaptogens during physical activity, those who did not receive them experienced a decrease in some sexual functions: the need for coitus, self-confidence, sexual activity, frequency of coitus, full erection of the penis and successful sexual life.

1. Combined adaptogens: Elton, Leveton, Phytoton, Adapton, Chinese Schisandra tincture, liquid extracts of Rhodiola rosea, Leuzea, Eleutherococcus, pollen, vitamins E and C - are not means of artificially increasing the performance of highly qualified athletes, and practically do not cause side effects.
2. They are a means of restoring weakened (immunosuppression) and inadequately increased (initiation of free radical processes, hemocoagulation and fibrinolysis) body functions, which creates conditions for the implementation of optimal performance of athletes.
3. When training endurance (running, swimming), the most effective (in order of decreasing effect): adaptone, then phytotone and leveton.
4. The effect of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant effect is most pronounced in adaptone, as well as in tincture of lemongrass and Leuzea extract.
5. The immunosuppressive effect of physical activity is most effectively stopped by adapton, followed by phytoton, leveton and elton.
6. The desire to exercise and sexual desire are enhanced by: adapton, phytoton, leveton and elton (in descending order of effects)
In general, combination drugs were more effective than individual adaptogens. The most active drug in all respects is Leveton, followed by Adapton, Phytoton and Elton.

Many people have heard that some plants have healing properties. They are able to increase tone and restore lost strength. About these useful properties oh, our ancestors knew. In ancient times, hunters ate the fruits and roots of plants; they gave them strength and allowed them to withstand any weather changes. This knowledge was passed on from generation to generation.

What are adaptogens?

Later, scientists confirmed that some plants may have truly healing properties, and gave them the name “adaptogens.” The preparations, the list of which will be presented below, are made on the basis of these plants and provide invaluable benefits to the body, helping it adapt to poor environmental conditions and overcome any physical stress.

The components that are included in adaptogens increase the physical work of the body and also have a great impact on the immune system, preserving it. They are used to a greater extent in medicine, and, of course, one cannot do without them in big sports, where a person is exposed to great physical activity. It is also important for every athlete to maintain immunity so as not to be exposed to various colds. Each plant has beneficial properties.

What properties do drugs belonging to the group of “adaptogens” have?

The list (herbal adaptogens are the most popular) of such drugs is known to many. We will voice it further, but for now let’s talk about their positive qualities.

Firstly, they have a general strengthening effect on the body. The plants that make up these products have the ability to increase immunity. Such drugs affect the body without the help of special medications. They do not allow the disease to develop and begin to fight it instantly. Very often they are used not for treatment, but for preventive purposes by people who do not suffer from any diseases. It is especially good to use them during exacerbations of ARVI, which undermine general state person.

Secondly, drugs included in the “adaptogen” group also have a neuroregulatory effect.

The list of the best will be discussed in this article. These substances, depending on the dosage, can have different effects on our body. They can both slow down and speed up processes in the body. If you overdo it with adaptogens, you can provoke overexcitation of the nervous system. However, there is no need to worry, as all this goes away if you just stop using them. It’s better not to let things get to this point, as insomnia may appear and everything around you will start to irritate you. And this, of course, will not bring any benefit, so carefully follow the dosage.

Thirdly, such drugs improve metabolism. The work of cell membranes is accelerated due to the fact that they improve metabolic processes.

Adaptogens, having the above properties, help the body overcome increased physical activity and also instantly restore the body after overload. They can also reduce the risk of diseases that beset people everywhere. Scientists also noted that adaptogens reduce the risk of cancer.

Let's look at the most well-known drugs included in the "adaptogen" group.


Herbal adaptogens can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, these include:

  • Ginseng.
  • Golden root.
  • Schisandra chinensis.
  • Eleutherococcus.
  • Aralia Manchurian.
  • Maral root.

Let's take a closer look at the beneficial properties of each adaptogen. In addition to the fact that they have common properties, each of them has individual unique qualities.


One of the most popular representatives of this class is ginseng. Its main advantage is that it is capable of destroying cancer cells. It also helps improve digestion. For people who suffer from lack of appetite, it is irreplaceable. For diabetics it will be a good addition to complex treatment, as it reduces blood sugar levels. It can also be used to prevent vision. That is why drugs belonging to the group of “herbal adaptogens” are so popular.

Pharmaceutical companies offer a wide range medicines, which contain ginseng. They, in turn, are aimed at treating cancer, diabetes mellitus and diseases associated with the digestive system.

It is important to note that ginseng has the highest performance among adaptogens. But he gained fame and love among the people thanks to the stories of monks from Tibet. They are considered the discoverers of the beneficial properties of ginseng.

This plant is best used in autumn-winter, when its properties are most pronounced. An alcohol tincture is made from ginseng, which should be drunk on an empty stomach (it is first diluted in a small amount of water, about 50 ml).

There are different dosages, it depends on what effect the patient wants to get. The dose that will soothe is about 20 drops, and the one that increases tone is 40 drops. Note that the dosage also depends on other physiological characteristics of each person. It is necessary to take into account the gender, weight, and age of the patient, so it should be individual for everyone.

You can determine your dose yourself, for example, drink a glass of water with 30 drops of tincture in the morning, and then observe changes in the body throughout the day. With the correct dosage, you should feel good, sleep occurs in a timely manner, and activity should be increased. In this condition, we can conclude that the dosage was chosen correctly. And if a person feels unwell, has become more irritable, and has trouble falling asleep, then the dose chosen is completely inappropriate. It is necessary to reduce it by 5 drops and then observe again. Determining the correct dosage will help to obtain the therapeutic effect that is expected from this medicine.

What other drugs are known to belong to the group of “adaptogens”? The list goes on.

Chinese lemongrass

If you suffer from depression, then Chinese lemongrass can help you. It has a very strong effect on the central nervous system. Doctors often recommend it over medications because it is more effective in treatment. Dosage: minimum - about 10 drops, and maximum - no higher than 15 drops.

Let us continue to consider drugs belonging to the group of “adaptogens”. A list for athletes is also available.

Maral root

Maral root has an anabolic effect. For athletes, it can be used as a herbal steroid. Builds muscle and gives strength. If you use a tincture from this plant for a month, the number of red blood cells in the circulatory system will increase, therefore, hemoglobin will become higher, and the heartbeat will increase. Acceptable dosage: minimum - 7-10 drops, and maximum - 20-30 drops.

Golden root

The most effective adaptogen is called golden root. Its use is aimed at increasing contractions of the cardiac system. Note that even after drinking a tincture from this plant once, you can already get an excellent effect. You will have more strength, your muscles will become stronger. Experts recommend the following dosage: low - 2-5 drops, and high - 6-10 drops. Based on all these plants, preparations belonging to the group of “adaptogens” are created. Let's continue the list.


Eleutherococcus senticosus has a stimulating effect on the oxidation of glucose and fats. Thanks to this, temperature regulation inside the body increases. Doctors prescribe it for preventive purposes against ARVI. But for athletes it is good to use this plant before traveling to training camps or during the training itself, where increased stress on the body occurs. Recommended dosage: the minimum is about 10 drops, and the maximum is one teaspoon.

Aralia Manchurian

What other adaptogen drugs are used? To reduce sugar in the body, a plant called Aralia Manchurian is used. It is found in many medications used to treat diabetes.
Recommended dosage: 5 drops - minimum, 15 drops - maximum dose.

Adaptogens in tablets

Can adaptogens (preparations) only be plant-based? The list of tablets of synthetic origin is not so impressive:

  • "Metaprot".
  • "Tomerzol".
  • "Trekrezan."
  • "Rantarin."

Before taking it, it is better to consult a specialist. Appointed when increased fatigue, neurasthenia, neuroses, drowsiness, apathy.


Although these drugs are aimed at improving well-being, there are restrictions on their use:

  • insomnia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • myocardial infarction and other heart diseases;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • fever;
  • acute infectious diseases.

Specifics of using adaptogens

Please note that adaptogens should only be purchased at a pharmacy. Tinctures prepared at home do not have the same characteristics as described above. All tinctures must be prepared in accordance with established drug production requirements. Drink the tincture in pure form This is not possible; it must be diluted with a small amount of liquid.

You can use the medicine only in the morning and before meals. This is necessary so as not to cause imbalance in the body. It is unacceptable to use these medications several times a day, especially in the afternoon. This can have the opposite effect on the body. Do not ignore the dosage, as the result of the effect depends on it.

Let us consider in detail each effect produced by adaptogens:

  • inhibitory - necessary to calm the central nervous system;
  • tonic - for preventive purposes, to avoid various colds;
  • mobilizing - for this purpose, drugs are used mainly in sports to quickly increase physical activity. Also used by athletes before important competitions.

The main thing is to monitor the body’s reaction to use. medicinal product.

What else are good for herbal preparations included in the group of “adaptogens”? Let's name one factor that suggests that adaptogens are truly the best medicine. They can be combined with absolutely any product. But it is important to remember that under no circumstances should these products be used with drugs that are intended to treat insomnia.


Drugs belonging to the group of “adaptogens” (we have reviewed the list, but you can check it with your doctor) have proven their effectiveness. They have been used for a long time to increase immunity and protect the body from harmful environmental influences.

Of course, adaptogens are indispensable during the cold season, when weather conditions affect the body and weaken the immune system. Therefore, before the start of the disease season, start using herbal medicines. We looked at the drugs included in the “adaptogens” group. The names were given. Now you know what will strengthen your body without any harmful effects.

Adaptogens are a highly effective pharmacological group of drugs that allow the body to adapt to the negative effects of various external factors and minimize their negative consequences for humans. These drugs are both natural in nature, that is, made from parts of animals or plants, and artificial.

The main active components of adaptogens are biologically active substances, such as polysaccharides, plant polyphenols, peptides and their derivatives, and others.

Adaptogens are a wide group of drugs, different in their structure and set of biologically active substances. These drugs affect each negative process in the body with a specific structure and form of the active principle of the substance.

Adaptogenic agents actively affect metabolic functions, endocrine system, central nervous system, creating a tonic and restorative effect on the human body under the influence of various stress factors.

The uniqueness of adaptogens is that they can counteract all possible negative stimuli, both chemical and biological, and psychological, while increasing the performance of the entire organism in general and the brain in particular.

Under the influence of drugs of this group, stabilization occurs nervous processes, which cause a nonspecific reaction of the immune system, allowing the body under stress to adapt.

Adaptogenic agents have the widest spectrum pharmacological dynamics, which include:

Despite the solid list of positive effects of adaptogens, these are not all of the listed positive qualities of these drugs. It is logical that adaptogenic drugs are widely used in medicine, in the army, in sports, in schools and preschool institutions, not only as medicinal products, but also as prophylactic and highly specialized drugs.

Bodybuilding, as a physically demanding sport, involves a broad stressful effect on the human body, as well as taking various steroids or medications that have certain negative effects. side effects, has become one of the most common areas of use of adaptogenic drugs.

Adaptogens in bodybuilding are widely used as drugs that can effectively restore the body during post-cycle therapy. In this case, the athlete’s body requires comprehensive cleansing and restoration after the destructive side effects caused by anabolic steroids and other hormonal drugs.

A distinctive feature of taking androgenic drugs in athletes is the logical refusal of alcohol solutions, the most common dosage form of these pharmacological agents.

In bodybuilding, these drugs are used at all training stages, both preparatory and competitive. Absolutely legal, officially approved drugs are an indispensable sports aid. dosage form, allowing for comprehensive stimulation, restoration and balance of the body and its functions.

Dosage and rules of administration

Adaptogens in bodybuilding require a special regimen and dosage. Since taking the drug does not require consulting a doctor, the athlete individually develops a dosing system based on the indications for use attached to the medicine. Based on them, the dosage should be increased by a variation of 20 to 40 percent.

For the drug to be effective, it must be taken in equal doses twice a day. On average, the course of use of adaptogenic agents is 10-14 days, with the exception of certain drugs that are characterized by a high content of active substances.

Most drugs containing adaptogens involve combined use, which can effectively accelerate the processes of catabolism or anabolism, depending on the dosage and medicinal substances.

In the case of plastic metabolism, the dose of the drug should be minimal, and in relation to energy metabolism, correspondingly high. Despite the form of the drug, its use must be inextricably linked with sufficient water intake.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite their practical harmlessness, adaptogens in bodybuilding can bring a number of negative negative consequences for the body.

The main reasons for such an effect are personal intolerance to certain biologically active substances or a violation of the dosage of the drug combined with the use of other medications or other drugs.

As a rule, for an athlete, negative consequences manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions of the body, insomnia, lack of appetite, and headaches.

Video: vitamins, pharmacology, adaptogens

When it comes to questions about whether to accompany exercise with pharmacological agents, people usually have diametrically opposed attitudes. Some are categorically against “chemistry” in any form, others believe that without “pharma” training will not be as effective.

As is often the case, the truth apparently lies somewhere in the middle. Pharmacology (allowed, of course) and sports is a completely limitless and voluminous topic, and we will return to it periodically. The funds are taken to support and accelerate the recovery process after suffering stress. The faster you recover, the faster your body will get used to the load you receive and the better work you will be able to do subsequently.

In order not to collect nonsense all over the Internet, I based the article on the materials of Oleg Kulinenkov, a sports doctor, author of 8 monographs and more than 40 scientific and methodological articles on the problems of sports medicine (sports pharmacology), as well as co-author of the book “Triathlon. Olympic distance" with Igor Sysoev.

What are adaptogens

  • Adaptogens are a special class of harmless biologically active substances that optimize metabolic processes in the body and have a universal restorative effect without causing changes in the normal functioning of the body.

Adaptogenic drugs are usually obtained from medicinal plants, less often animal organs, and each of these natural raw materials has its own history. Often centuries and millennia old, when herbs and extracts were used in folk medicine and whose properties have long been studied.

A single morning dose of adaptogens easily fits into a person’s biorhythm and increases his performance; during increased physical activity, it helps to urgently mobilize the body’s functional reserves.

The mechanisms of action of adaptogens are diverse. They especially highlight:

  • increased functionality
  • increasing the body's adaptability to increased loads
  • increasing resistance to heat, cold, thirst, hunger, infections, stress
  • reduction of adaptation time to sudden climate change
  • elimination of loss of strength and immunity disorders
  • restoration of nonspecific resistance of the body

It is important to understand that sports results do not depend on taking miracle pills and drops, but they are directly related to modern training methods and taking pharmaceuticals at different stages of preparation - from preparing the body to the perception of intense physical activity in the preparatory mesocycle (also for maintaining health of an athlete who exercises to maintain health, and not for the purpose of improving results in competitions) until the overall performance reaches a maximum level, reducing the impact of adverse training factors on organs, providing energy muscle activity, accelerating recovery processes, removing final metabolites from the body, stabilization, etc.

Adaptogens are recommended to be consumed in the first half of the day, as their stimulating effect can interfere with night sleep. They enhance the effect of caffeine, guarana, and weaken the effect of sedatives. Combined with all medications and vitamins.

It is especially effective to use a combination of plant adaptogens with bee products - not only honey, but also pollen.

Who is who

The use of adaptogens is most often used during the preparation stages for competitions and especially during competitions. This helps the athlete maintain health and improve sports result. The most common adaptogens are taken in the form of alcohol casts (10-30 drops per glass of water) during competitions alcohol tinctures replaced with tablets and powders.


Has an anti-inflammatory effect, has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism, cardiovascular system, stimulates tissue respiration, reduces heart rate, stimulates secretory function, eliminates sensations of thirst, improves lung function. In terms of the strength of its tonic effect, ginseng is also close to ginseng.


Used during climate change, to improve thermoregulation, in complex treatment overtraining. Eleutherococcus has the ability to increase the permeability of cell membranes to glucose.


To the greatest extent of all adaptogens, it enhances excitation processes in the central nervous system. Its effect is often compared to some doping drugs from the group of psychomotor stimulants. Used during the competitive period.


Causes a distinct activation of cell bioenergetics and has a strong effect on the striated skeletal muscle tissue, as well as on the heart muscle - muscle strength and endurance increase even after a single dose. With intake, the glycogen content in the liver increases, the size of mitochondria increases, and therefore the ability to utilize carbohydrates increases, fatty acid and lactic acid.


It exhibits pronounced anabolic activity, enhances protein synthesis, and with long-term use the blood composition improves: the number of leukocytes, red blood cells, and hemoglobin increases.

Adaptogens also include aralia, sterculia, aloe juice, propolis, raponticum, and rose hips.

Phytoadaptogens are an alternative to doping (Russian-Swedish line - phytoadaptogens).

M.O. Vizirisvili.

“Adaptogens get their name because they help the body adapt to new situations, new challenges. They do this by helping the body's own regulatory systems cope with new demands." G.Wickman

IN last years More and more attention is being paid to adaptogens, namely phytoadaptogens - agents that optimize achievements high results of human activity, accelerating recovery processes.

Many authors groundlessly attribute a whole range of biologically active natural substances to the concept of adaptogen. To limit the “classical” phytoadaptogens (rhodiola, schisandra, eleutherococcus, ginseng, aralia, etc.), it is proposed to classify them as “polyphenolic adaptogens”.

Chemical composition of Rhodiola rosea

There are several types of Rhodiola. The most studied and frequently used is Rhodiola roseal. The biological activity of Rhodiola is related to its composition.

Organic acids (oxalic, citric, malic, succinic) were found in the rhizomes of Rhodiola rosea. essential oil, tannins of the pyrogallol group, phenolic compounds, phenylpropanoids, flavonoids, flavolignans, monoterpenes, sterols. A total of 25 compounds have been isolated from the plant. Among the simple phenolic compounds of Rhodiola rosea, salidroside occupies a special place, by which raw materials are standardized.

Rhodiola rosea has long been successfully used in official medicine, in food additives, V Food Industry etc.

Rhodiola rosea is a good adaptogen in sports

“An adaptogen does not give the athlete extra strength, it gives him access to his own strength, access that was previously to some extent closed.”

G. Wickman

A person’s adaptive capabilities to physical activity can be increased mainly in two ways: training and the use of biologically active substances that optimize adaptive processes and reactions.

Science-based training is the primary method for improving an athlete's physical performance, but training has known limits. In this regard, there is a constant search for additional means that increase the athlete’s potential reserves, optimize the achievement of high fitness, and accelerate recovery processes. Such means must meet at least the following requirements: not have side effects, not addictive. Polyphenolic compounds of plant adaptogens meet these requirements. Polyphenolic adaptogens do not belong to the group of drugs (dopings) prohibited by the IOC medical commission. The use of phytoadaptogens in sports has been substantiated by numerous studies; their main use is associated with two points:

  • increasing the body’s reserve capabilities to perform increased loads (both physical and mental);
  • full recovery of the body after suffering stress.

“The widespread use of adaptogens is hampered by insufficient familiarity of coaches, athletes and sports doctors with the peculiarities of their mechanism of action, as well as a too narrow understanding of the phenomenon of fitness, which is a special case of a general biological phenomenon - long-term adaptation, which is realized in the form of the formation of a systemic structural trace of adaptation, i.e. morpho-functional restructuring of organs and systems, ensuring optimal functioning of the body under certain environmental conditions.”

A.V. Lupandin.

Perennial research showed an increase in muscle strength, speed qualities and other positive effects caused by the use of polyphenolic adaptogens. Certain patterns in the use of adaptogens in sports have been identified:

  • polyphenolic adaptogens clearly optimize the formation of urgent adaptation in untrained people. In trained people, this effect is less pronounced: the optimum effect is achieved only after a sufficiently long (from 2 to 5 weeks) period of repeated doses of adaptogens. The first intake of polyphenolic adaptogens can cause deterioration in motor coordination and a number of other indicators in untrained athletes. This phenomenon is observed during the first 2-4 days of repeated appointments, after which there is an improvement in all indicators and an increase in performance (performance). After stopping taking adaptogens, in some cases, a decrease in a number of indicators for 2-3 days may also be observed, after which these indicators and results return to the level achieved while taking the adaptogen. This phenomenon is associated with adaptive restructuring of the functions of regulatory systems.
  • The selection of an individual dose for an athlete is very important. It has been shown that unnecessarily large doses may not produce the desired results.

In general terms, phytoadaptogens refer to “energizers,” i.e. These drugs do not eliminate the signaling role of fatigue, but delay its onset by expanding the biochemical and functional reserves of the body.

And the use of multicomponent mixtures ( vitamins, micro and macronutrients, plant components) are not always justified. The synergistic relationships of the collection remain unclear; It is difficult to select an individual dosage; it is not always clear which component is responsible for the positive or negative effect, etc.

Rhodiola rosea in sports is recommended to increase effectiveness, fight against overwork, which occurs when performing intense muscular and mental activity, as well as for recovery processes under intense training loads.

In the work performed with the participation of athletes, large and intense maximum loads of various types were used (submariner athletes engaged in high-speed swimming; highly qualified skiers – masters of sports and first-class athletes: training athletes on electric bicycles, etc.). Shown reliable positive influence Rhodiola for all studied indicators. The work carried out made it possible to recommend Rhodiola to combat fatigue that occurs when performing strenuous work, as well as to accelerate recovery processes during intense training loads in some sports.

Recently, a connection has been shown between intense physical activity and peroxidation processes. The formation of an increased amount of free radical elements significantly limits the performance of athletes.

Rhodiola phenolic compounds are able to inhibit lipid peroxidation, increasing the body's resistance to extreme stress.

Thus, Rhodiola can be considered as an alternative to doping, and its use will help maintain the health of athletes, increase the period of their “sports” life and, as a result, increase sportsmanship and sports results.


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